- 4 years ago
- 31
- 0
Chapter 1
Because I had been under so much pressure in the city I used the death of my favourite aunt as an excuse to take a sudden, but well earned holiday and decided to spend a couple of weeks in the country town where she had lived for over half her life and I had spent many happy times with her as a young boy. Driving into town and seeing horses grazing in almost every paddock reminded me that she’d always said that the place had more of them than it did people.
Having left as soon as I’d heard she had died I had two or three days to fill between my arrival and the funeral and I spent them driving around the surrounding countryside, both reviving my own childhood memories and making several obligatory visits to other, less well known relatives.
The motel I had booked into was on the edge of town, right next to a small stable with a training yard for show horses where every morning and evening two or three would be put through their routines. Because the river at that end of town was subject to occasional flooding most buildings, including the motel were built up on stilts and as the veranda running along the front of my wing gave me an excellent view, I got into the habit of spending half an hour or so out there with a drink before going down to the restaurant for dinner.
One particular team of horse and rider had caught my eye the first evening and although I really know nothing about horse flesh even I could tell that this one had real potential. He was quite magnificent, a big, strongly built animal, yet with perfectly controlled, very precise movements. What made him look even bigger was the small size of rider, who could have been barely eighteen, yet she handled him with ease, her upright, slender body guiding him through the complex manoeuvres and jumps with assured confidence.
Although I watched her riding skills with growing admiration the red-blooded male inside me couldn’t help noticing and reacting to other things about her. The way her youthful breasts bounced beneath the tight sweater, the rhythmic rise and fall of her tautly rounded bottom, and the firm grip she kept of him with her long, obviously leanly muscled legs and thighs.
I admit that after watching them for a while I don’t know which of the two I was really watching, the horse or the rider. Maybe my subconscious had picked-up on the contrast between the power of the animal and the vulnerability of the girl. Or perhaps there was something about her obvious mastery, her gentle dominance of the brute strength of the animal that stirred me. Whatever it was, after the first evening I found myself waiting anxiously for her to appear, and it would have taken fire or flood to have got me off the veranda while they were working together below me.
The motel was nothing flash, they liked to call themselves a family motel, but it was very comfortable and all the staff were friendly, none more so than the buxom waitress who seemed to run the restaurant. I got the distinct impression she had taken a fancy to me, and although the unspectacular uniform she was wearing couldn’t disguise the rich curves of her figure, perhaps because she knew the reason for my visit, our brief conversations remained limited to my aunt and the respect the town had held her in.
As funeral’s go, it went well. After the service I spent a couple of hours at the house of a cousin who had taken charge of all the arrangements, meeting and making small-talk with my aunt’s friends and some of my other distant relatives.
So it was late afternoon before I could finally make my escape and as I walked back to the motel via a track beside the river I recalled memories of my aunt and the things that had happened to me when visiting her all those years before. In fact I was so deep in thought that I completely failed to notice the figure coming down another path and so her cautious – ‘Hello’ – took me by surprise and brought me back to reality with a start.
If it hadn’t been for her riding outfit I wouldn’t have recognised her, she was carrying her hat and the honey-blonde hair it normally hid cascaded down around her shoulders, completely altering her appearance.
‘Now I know who you are, you’re Mrs Yates’ nephew, Robert, aren’t you. You’ve just come from the funeral.’
‘That’s right.’
‘I’m Amanda, everyone calls me Mandy. I’m sorry about Mrs Yates, she was a wonderful lady. We all loved her you know. We’ll miss her.’
‘Thank you, I’ll miss her too, I’d lost contact a bit in recent years, but I used to spend quite a lot of time here when I was a boy.’
‘I’ve seen you watching Champ and I working and couldn’t help wondering who you were.’
‘He’s a magnificent horse, and although I don’t know much about the technicalities, you handle him superbly.’
My unprompted compliment brought a slight flush to her cheeks as she smiled. ‘Thanks, he’s a great horse, very intelligent, he learns quickly.’
‘Maybe so, but it’s the rider that brings all that out, and it’s obvious that you’re very good at it, and that you love it.’
‘Oh I do! When everything’s going well, it’s as though we’re no longer horse and rider, we become, well, it’s actually hard to explain, but there’s nothing quite like it!’
‘You mean the team-work?’
‘Yes, partly that, but there’s more to it.’
‘I guess there has to be an understanding between you, you must develop a real team spirit.’
‘Oh yes you do, and although that’s true with most horses, with some it’s more pronounced, and with Champ that’s especially true. At least that’s what he’s like with me.’
‘You mean there’s a kind of relationship that develops between you?’
‘Mmm, yes.’
‘In that case he’s a very lucky stallion. And that might account for what I’ve sensed when watching you.’ I said, semi-jokingly, expecting her to either ignore, or laugh at the flirtatious innuendo. But she did neither, I saw her face flush a little then she replied by saying.
‘You mean you’ve sensed something, well, something sexy about it Robert?’ she asked in a much quieter voice.
It was as though she’d read my mind and for a moment or two I didn’t know how to answer. ‘Well perhaps I would have used the word erotic, but I suppose it’s much the same thing. Anyway, yes, that’s sort of what I meant.’
‘You got those feelings from just watching?’
‘I have done, at least from watching you two.’ I admitted.
‘That’s nice to know, and although I always get them, in the last few days they’ve been stronger than usual, I mean since I’ve seen you watching from the veranda.’
Just then we came to where the path split into two, one leading to the motel, the other to the stable and we stood there for a few moments, then, just as I was about to walk away, she said. ‘Are you going to watch us this evening?’
‘Of course I am.’
‘Would you like to meet Champ, after we’ve finished our work I mean?’
‘I’d like to very much Mandy.’
‘Will you do something for me then?’
‘Don’t change. I mean keep your suit on.’
‘You look nice in it. People here don’t often wear suits, and certainly not the way you do. It makes you look different, important, powerful. And, sexy too.’ she added with a hesitant grin, then colour returning to her cheeks when my eyes drifted down over the slender curves of her body before replying.
‘In that case I’ll certainly keep it on.’
Twenty minutes later I was on the veranda, drink in hand, waiting for them to appear from the stabling sheds beside the training yard. There were no other riders there that evening and the emptiness of the yard, the tense under-current to our brief conversation and the look I’d thought I’d seen in her eye all combined to make me feel nervously excited. But I didn’t have long to wait before they appeared, she looked up, gave me a wave and then took the horse into his training routi
The tension I’d been feeling increased as I watched them working together and although most of the time she concentrated all her attention on their performance, from time to time I saw her head turn slightly and felt sure she was staring up at where I stood, and of course couldn’t help wondering just what was going through her mind.
My own thoughts were mixed-up, at one level appreciating the skills demonstrated by both horse and rider as they worked together. At another, watching the way she deftly controlled him with commands from her hands and legs, finding myself becoming almost jealous of the horse as I imagined her controlling me with similar, strong yet subtle movements.
Then after a while I noticed that she seemed to be having difficulties with the horse, he started to become skittish, tossing his head, snorting and balking at simple manoeuvres. Mandy persevered with him for a while then looked up at me, threw her hands up in despair, indicated she was going to take him back to the stable and beckoned me down to join them.
By the time I got down there she’d got the saddle and bridle off and had started to give him a rub down.
‘What happened Mandy? What made him suddenly start misbehaving like that?’
‘Give me a hand first please, then I’ll explain.’ she answered, passing me a piece of towelling. ‘Follow the grain of the coat, rub hard.’
Having taken off my jacket and tie I set too, I wasn’t used to being that close to a horse and as he was still snorting and stamping his feet from time to time, I was a bit nervous, but after a little while he became less restive and before we completely finished he was standing quietly.
Not wanting to be caught by one of the stamping hooves, I had initially kept a close watch on the horse, but as he gradually calmed down I was able to risk occasional glances at Mandy. Like mine, her face was beaded with perspiration, down her back there was a dark line of sweat and when she turned I saw how the thin, body-hugging jumper stuck to her. From the way it clearly outlined the tempting curves of her breasts I realised that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and when I saw how sharply her nipples jutted, I realised that something had started to turn her on.
Seeing her like that rekindled and intensified the feelings I had experienced while watching them working together and I felt my cock responding even more strongly when I began imagining licking and sucking those tenderly lush breasts.
When we’d finished Mandy spoke reassuringly to Champ as she stroked his head before leading him off to his stall, and having put out some fresh hay, left him to eat. ‘Well that wasn’t such a good idea after all.’ she said as she walked back to where I was standing.
‘What wasn’t? What happened?’
‘I’m afraid you’re to blame Robert.’ she answered with a shy grin.
‘Well me really, but you’re the cause.’
‘I haven’t the faintest idea what you mean Mandy.’
‘Stallions, like Champ, can be very difficult to handle, that’s why so many are gelded, it makes them calmer. People swear that many can even sense when a woman is, well you know, having her period.’
‘Oh, is that it, you’re…’
‘No, it’s not that. But, well, I told you that the suit makes you look, well, sexy. Having you up there, watching us, it sort of got to me. You know, got me a bit worked-up. I’m sure Champ became aware of that, their sense of smell is very acute.’
We were both breathing heavily from the exertion of rubbing the horse down and I’d become mesmerised by the way the tight jumper accentuated her breasts as they rhythmically rose and fell – then by the sight of stiffened nipples, which seemed to be trying to force their way through it. But somehow dragging my eyes away from that delightful sight I saw that the flush on her cheeks had deepened.
‘Maybe he smelt me too.’ I said.
‘You’re not the only one that got a bit worked-up.’
‘You did too, from watching us?’
‘Uhuh. Well, more from watching you than Champ.’ I added, letting my eyes drift back down to the tempting display.
Under normal circumstances I would never have done what I did next, and would certainly have never got away with it even if I had. I have no idea what got into me, but somehow I just couldn’t resist the sight of her provocative breasts any longer, I found myself reaching out and letting the tips of my fingers of one hand drift down the outer curve of the nearest one.
Any other girl would have pulled back, probably given me a slap, but not Mandy, she sighed and actually leaned towards me, as though offering herself up to my caresses. So, encouraged by her movement I began making slow circles around the peaking tip, then, as I gently closed my hand around the firm globe, I reached around her with my other hand and pulled her towards me.
I kissed her, full on the lips. They were soft, moist – and immediately responsive.
Holding her close as I ran one hand up and down her back, I continued squeezing her breast with the other and felt her pressing herself forward in response. Then as her thigh felt the hardening length of my cock her tongue slid into my mouth, twining with mine as she pressed herself even more tightly against me.
When we finally broke for air she slid one hand down between us, her fingers tightening around the rigid bulge and as she looked up with an expression of excited anticipation she whispered. ‘It feels as though I’ve got myself a second stallion!’
I maintained my hold of the heavy curve of her breast, cupping and gently fondling it, thrilling at its firm fullness. ‘And your breasts feel beautiful Mandy. I can’t wait to see them – and then kiss them too. But I’m surprised you’re not wearing a bra, I would have thought it would have been uncomfortable riding without one, I mean, having them bouncing up and down.’
‘Oh I usually do. But I wanted you to like me, so in the hope that you’d notice, I took it off.’
‘I noticed, and I like, that and everything else about you.’ I answered as I slid my hands down and hooked my fingers under the bottom of the jumper.
It was such a tight fit it proved to be a bit of a struggle to get it off, but it was worth it, her breasts were even more beautiful than I had imagined. Arcing up and out from her body in full, sweeping curves, curves tipped with pale pink, already stiffened nipples. I stared, wide-eyed and probably open-mouthed for a few seconds then, bending low and fitting one hand to the curve of her arse to hold her, I cupped the weight of one and lowered my mouth to it.
The feel of the warm silkiness of her skin against my face was unbelievable and while my fingers fondled and caressed the incredible firmness of her and my lips closed over the tip, sucking and nibbling it, I felt my body responding, felt my fully engorged cock straining against the tight confines of my trousers.
I could feel Mandy’s response too, her breathing had become heavier and her hands held me firmly against herself as I kissed and sucked one, then the other, then returned again to each in turn until both breasts were sensitively swollen, their tips even harder. ‘Oh Robert that feels so good!’ she said in a hoarse whisper as the rest of her body began squirming about. ‘Just wonderful!’
‘I could make it even better for you, kiss the rest of you, if you’d like me to.’ I risked saying in reply.
‘Would you? Would you do that for me?’ she responded with a tone of excited amazement.
‘Of course, I’d love to. If that’s what you would like me to do.’
‘Oh Robert, yes! Yes please!’
‘You’ll have to help me get your other things off Mandy.’
‘Well actually you’ll have to help me, with the boots anyway.’ she answered as she pushed herself up, then got up and pulled a rug down from a shelf. Then, having spread it over a nearby bale of hay she sat down and lifted one leg towards me.
The boots ca
me off with a couple of strong pulls and I watched as she undid the belt and zip on her jodhpurs then helped her pull those down too, leaving her wearing just a pair of plain white, cotton panties.
But innocuous though they may have actually been, at that moment, and on her, I thought they looked like the most erotic item of underwear I’d ever seen.
Apart from her lushly swollen breasts her body was slimly built, still curvy in all the right places but without a trace of surplus flesh anywhere to be seen. Her stomach was flat, and her thighs lightly muscled from her regular horse riding. But in spite of all those other delights it was the way the crotch of her panties bulged that really held my attention. If the prominence of her pubic mound was anything to go by I had one very over-sexed girl on my hands.
As I reached forward to ease her panties down I glanced up, her mouth was open as she panted for breath, and her eyes were staring down at me with a look of almost feverish excitement. That look, the way her breasts were heaving, the expanse of smoothly unblemished skin, and the taut firmness of her young body all served to further fan the flames that were already burning fiercely inside me.
But doing my best to ignore those, I slipped her panties off and eased her forward so her legs hung over the edge of the bale, then shifted them a little further apart.
In that position I could not only see the lightly furred mound but also the start of the pouting slit below it, and there was just enough light filtering into the stable to turn the drops of moisture already clinging to its outer lips into glistening sparkles. Everything that had happened indicated that I was going to find she had the most adorably responsive pussy and I just couldn’t wait any longer.
Having eased her thighs just a little further apart I bent low, then lifted her legs and rested them on my shoulders. I took another quick look at the tender pinkness of her pussy, seeing just how puffy and wet it actually was, then slipped my head down between the warm softness of her thighs, and began to slowly kiss and lick my way upwards.
Although I could tell from the sounds of her rapid gasping that what I was doing was increasing her excitement for some time she lay quite still, as though for some reason she was simply afraid to abandon control of her body’s responses. But when, after spending a lot of time kissing and licking everywhere else, I finally slid my tongue down between the pouting lips of her pussy she reacted.
The sudden sound of her hoarse moaning and the rippling muscular spasms I felt starting to course through her body confirmed just how much pleasure she was experiencing. Then, as I probed deeper and began to dart my stiffened tongue in and out of her, she began to arch her hips upwards and I felt her hands reach down for my head, trying to draw me even harder up against herself.
I finally slid my tongue up over the swollen ridge of sensitive flesh above her pussy, steadily increasing the speed of its flickering as I felt her hips bucking to a more urgent rhythm. Then, waiting until I could tell from the pattern of her reactions that she was building towards her climax before, while keeping that stimulation going, pressing my mouth tightly against her and sucking hard.
As I tasted the sweetly acrid juices she gave a loud shriek of delight, and as the rest of her body began to convulse she grabbed my head even more tightly, pulling it hard up against her pulsating sex as her orgasm kicked-in.
I continued sucking her pussy and flicking her clit through a second, perhaps even stronger peak, then although I detected a reluctance to do so, she pushed me back a little. ‘Oh Robert! That’s just too fantastic! I never knew it could be anything like that. But you must be desperate by now.’ she said while still gasping for breath as she tried to sit up.
‘Well yes, but are you sure you want me to?’ I said for some obscure reason.
‘Oh yes, of course I do!’ she replied, her eyes still blazing with the feverish light I had seen earlier. ‘I’m no prick-tease, well anyway not with you.’
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Palace Ruins AFTER LEAVING SHUMERIA ASH LEADS his companions to a place full of old looking columns, structures and bridges with pools of crystal clear water flowing throughout. ‘This was the palace of the Ashah Dynasty,’ Ash informs the other two. ‘Fifteen years ago Arris’ army arrived here,’ Clint continues the history lesson. ‘This magnificent palace was burned to the ground. Even now, when it grows dark, the spirits of the dead haunt this place.’ ‘Hey cut it out,’ Diego says as a chill...
It all started with a kiss. We, (my husband and myself) were at the bar where this 19 year old woman worked. As I mentiond in the first, brief story, she was a friend of my husband's from school. So, there we were, getting a buzz and she was all flirty. We were all alone, and he dared her to walk around the bar and kiss me. We both declined for at least the first half hour. Some people walked in and out, then he dared and begged again. Finally she walked around the bar and we awkwardly kissed....
“I’ve reviewed the case and consulted with our current rules and regulations,” Almatters said quietly. Octavia and Calix were both sitting in chairs across her desk and Almatters was alternating looking at each of them. “This has never come up before – at least, not officially – so we really have nothing to address it. The CAP tests should have weeded this out but ... the scores are mostly holistic in nature and aberrations can crop up. From what I gather, the four paternal children are well...
My first experience of sharing my wife was without me knowing it.After 16 years of OK sex with neither of us sharing our deepest fantasies, something was bound to happen.What I know now is both of us are perverts. For the 1st 16 years of our marriage, we would both be searching porn behind each others backs. I would be hiding porn magazines, fantasizing about all kinds of stuff while jerking off any chance I could. In the shower, car, work bathroom. If I thought I could get away with it, I...
Being a young spotty youth, with his hormones ranging, I wanted sex, sex and more sex. The facts were I wasn't getting any at all. I dreamed of young girls under my control doing all sorts of sexy and disgusting things for me. I saw this film once where the butler hypnotises all the staff of the big house for his sexual pleasure. I wanked over that thought for weeks. Then I thought, perhaps I could learn to do that. I spent a fruitless week in the local library looking for a good book. Then I...
Cathy was struggling to act “normal” as her husband came home from a long workday. Hers had been amazing but she couldn’t share it with him or even have him be suspicious. It was the very first time anything like that had occurred in their twenty-four-year marriage or any other time in her almost forty-year life. It was about sex, something she had never before been overly concerned about. There had been a stereotype wedding night first time, basic honeymoon fun, tapering frequency with two...
The Life and Love of Sut the Jen by SuppositionLife An unemotional good guy finds a magic lamp on a beach and gets in trouble for wishing the Jen free. ( Thanks you Nikie77, nitewatchman, and CJ for your advice. It really helped me start this second story) In the dark misty limitless confines of the of his prison the Jin was roused by someone in third dimension touching his lamp. As energy flowed from the hands of the mortal to the lamp, Sut came back from a deep dreamless sleep...
Just like every other kid I knew, I took my CAP test on the day I turned fourteen. I hadn't had any idea of how well I'd do on it, and I was very curious to see my results. I scored a 5.8. It looked like I'd be staying on Earth, to provide a snack or two for the 'dickheads' who were expected to arrive here within a few short years. I was disappointed with my score. Who wouldn't be? The next morning, at school, I'd been forced, mostly thru peer pressure, to show my CAP card to everyone...
This One Is Compliments of David M YOU KNOW YOU LIVE IN ARIZONA WHEN: You’ve signed so many petitions to recall governors that you can’t remember the name of the incumbent. You notice your car overheating before you drive it. You can say Hohokam and people don’t think you’re laughing funny. You no longer associate bridges (or rivers) with water. You see more irrigation water on the street than there is in the Salt River. You know a swamp cooler is not a happy hour drink. You can say...
It’s Sunday, six o’clock in the evening, and my husband John has just left for the airport. This week he’ll be working in Lucknow, India.As always, I’m feeling that illicit thrill that I always feel the moment he’s gone. I feel guilty too, because I’m already thinking of this evening, and how my secret admirer, Mark, will be here to watch me record the first of the week’s videos for John.I don’t know if he’ll be here, of course, but I feel sure he will. I take out my secret mobile phone, the...
Wife LoversSo I followed Steve through to our front room. He was still fully dressed as was Pete who followed happily behind, 2 beers in hand. I was lead to Petes arm chair and told to sit. I leant back into the comfortable recliner and as I settled Steve knelt at my feet and parted my legs for me, resting my knees over the arms so i was relaxed and as open as I could be. This was exactly what I had plotted but now I was nervous and feeling completely out of my depth. Steve began to massage my inner...
It had been a few weeks since my visit to the sauna. I often find myself thinking back to that life changing night where I met Adam and Dave.We were outside the sauna when Dave asked me if I still wanted to join them for some more fun. I said "Yes" of course, so we found my car and with instructions from Adam we drove to their house.When we got inside Adam asked if I wanted a drink, I replied only a coffee as I was driving, he smiled and said fine. "Dave show him to the sitting room and Ill...
CHAPTER THIRTEEN Maya didn’t know where Tyler was and she didn’t know where she stood with him. He had emailed her on Monday to tell her that he couldn’t look after Nicholas on Wednesday, but that had been the extent of their communications. It didn’t bode well. She tried to go about her life without thinking about him, but it was futile. She could almost smell him her memories were so vivid. She could see his smile, feel his hair between her fingers, his body pressed against hers. She could...
Watching Anne sleep, Thomas wondered what he got himself into. The idea of having company delighted him, but the fear of someone finding out scared him. Thomas knew that he still had to conduct business in the city, and people finding out he was sleeping with his maid would only ostracize him. When Thomas woke up, he was alone. The sun was shining through the window, on a typical humid day in the city. When he walked down stair he heard Anne call out for him. Telling him to sit and wait...
Johanna had long gone and imagined what it would be to be fucked by several men. Although she just turned 22 so she loved the idea that more men would take her, one by one, hard and long. She often fantasized about being a little sex slave who did everything she was told.And now she stood there, naked on his knees with his hands locked behind his back with handcuffs. Before her stood eight men who were all in their 50s and shaking their dicks. She was first a bit hesitant, wondering what to do...
You need to read our last 2 adventures which were posted two months ago, to know what has happened in the past and to keep up to date. Carol just had the biggest grin on her face as she looking at me standing in the door way, I was in a sort of a suspended trance, she just said, well are you going to invite me in and tell me all about it as she stepped passed me. I wanted to say something but my mind couldn’t concoct words to come out of my mouth.She just sat on the suite, made herself...
This second edition or part 2 has taken way to long and for those that read the first story, I hope I've not lost you. If you've not read the first edition I'd recommend a quick read off my profile page. We stayed in touch between our massage session with our private email accounts. She was married and didn't want to get caught playing, and since we were playing at her work it was a nice safe place for us to meet since massage sessions are private and generally in the nude anyway. The only risk...
Hi people, this is cum drainer, your favorite writer and buddy. I’m going to start a new story with this part. Thank you so much for your feedback on the previous series. I appreciate that. The names changed as I don’t want to disclose them. Let’s start the story. ‘Clash of clans.’ A game with a lot of memories. There was a time when most of us were addicted to this game, and so was I. So I joined the game when it was at its peak and started exploring the game. Soon I joined a clan and got...
Hi Readers. This time I really got very lucky and was fucked by 6 women at a time. It was a Wednesday morning and also a holiday. I woke up as usual but could not find Pooja aunty by my side. My day used to start by kissing her and sometimes even having sex with her. I went out of my room to search for Pooja aunty. I finally found her sitting on the sofa discussing something with my mother. I went near Pooja aunty and wished her good morning. She immediately stood up. She removed her pony tail...
Alyson’s desperate urge for a big black cockAlyson had been happily married to Graham for many years and had a twenty something daughter. Their sex life had always been very satisfying but recently her mind had been fantasising more than usual. She regularly pleasured herself, most of the time she used a black dildo and it was this had had been occupying her mind most recently.She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Graham had to get to work, a fuck was out of the...
When Cindy and I were first married in our early 20’s we did all the usual stuff as far as clubbing, hanging at parties and being part of our group of friends. We were always very erotic and open with our sexuality as well and had a small group of friends we occasionally would swing with from time to time, but never ventured into swing clubs or random hook ups with strangers. Cindy always had a fantasy about being fucked by a stranger and either finding out who they were later or never knowing...
“And I believe that’s checkmate, Don,” said Charles with quiet satisfaction, casting a charming smile at his father-in-law. Don rested his glass of red wine on the table and passed his fingers through his long, dark blonde hair, casting a final glance at the chess board in a futile attempt to spot some avenue of escape. Charles really was devilishly handsome and charming, thought Don to himself as he finally looked up and their eyes met briefly. But more importantly, he knew that he was a...
IncestHalle Hayes gives Manuel a taste of the Darkside as she lets him have his way with all her holes. Ebony beauty Halle is looking hella hot in her fishnets with a skimpy blue dress underneath as she teases us with her stunning curves. She wastes no time as she slides off her fishnets and pulls down her top while heading upstairs to the bedroom. Halle stops on the landing to show off her amazing rack and qtr take off her panties so she can play with her pretty little pussy. Once in the bedroom,...
xmoviesforyou"What happens in this apartment, stays in this apartment," my sister said, not meaning what I wish she had meant. "What I mean is ... I'm not going to change my lifestyle for you, okay?" Her tone softened slightly as she adjusted to my reaction. "If I want to bring someone into my bedroom, I will." She paused as if waiting for my agreement. I nodded so she went on. "If I want to parade around in my nothingness, I will. This was my apartment first." I didn't really expect her to...
I love taking long, baths. The feeling of warm soapy water embracing my young body, floating weightless and care free. This time was no different, I allowed myself to space out, submerged my head under water for a few seconds, holding my breath as I let my mind wander off. Pleasent flashbacks from last night began to surface and sent tingling sensations all over my body, concentrating between my legs. I reached down and slowly massaged my tender clit. I was sitting in my boyfriend's car...
Over time I found many girlfriends in the gay/lesbian scene. One of them was Maria. She was a little smaller than me and very thin, with a long, thin face and big dark eyes behind black-rimmed glasses. She was of some middle-eastern heritage and had the blackest hair and the palest skin I've ever seen. She grew up in a religious family, which would not accept her as a lesbian, and was filled with conflicts about that. Despite that, or maybe because of it, she was horny as all hell.She helped to...
Sarai Minx was trying to do some pull ups at the park. Upon filing at she, she encountered someone exercising and doing proper pull ups, Peter Green. She asked for help, so he spotted her and helped her with proper form. From there, things escalated a little more. Peter asked Sarai if she wanted to head over to his crib so he could make her a proper protein shake. Once at his house, they had other things in mind. They started fucking right outside his house’s door. Sarai’s pussy got stretched...
xmoviesforyouOut Of Afrika, Chapter 30A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr and WunderboiThe journey back to Hawksville of the Professor Steeves Research Group was a subdued one. Each and every one of them was completely fatigued from the sexual exertions of the past few days and the flight back over the Atlantic in the company Gulfstream was mainly spent sleeping. In their waking moments, the events of the farewell celebrations they had enjoyed in Lerotica loomed large in...
Pu-Pu-Pu (Cough). Rattle. Hisssssss. Bang! Robynn’s car gurgled and grumbled, slowly crawling along until finally coming to a complete halt. ‘Uggg . . . Not again!!’ Robynn teared up in frustration. ‘Not now!’ With all of the burdens she was currently carrying this was like the straw that broke the camel’s back. As would be expected with most Sissies, Robynn wasn’t mechanically inclined and had no idea what was wrong with her car. All she knew was that she was stranded in the middle of...
Copyright 2002 by The Wraith Robert Henderson was patrolling the outlying countryside. He loved the solitude of the rustic scenery. No one bothered him, and he could do whatever he wanted. He was the only police in a fifty-mile radius. He patrolled until the houses were now almost a half-mile apart, and went out further into the pasturelands. Houses out this far were over a mile apart, and here no one could see what he was planning. He turned off the main road onto the secondary, and then...
“Hey, hows it going Molly?” Ryan’s friend asked her to which she just gave a nod and a smile and went back to concentrating on her music. “See you tomorrow then Ryan.” The friend said as he walked down the street to his house. Ryan walked up onto the porch and walked past his sister trying to ignore her but already knew something was going to happen. As he walked passed her she put her foot under one of his causing him to miss a step and stumble to the ground which she found quite...
Mark had been awake for hours, had made coffee, and had spent sometime pondering the events of the last few weeks. Susan had opened herself up to new and exciting things he had never imagined she would be up for. Before he left their sex life had been good and he certainly had no cause for complaint, but since his return they were like young exploring teenagers. Mark couldn’t keep his hands off of Susan and vice versa. Any free moment they had was taken up by lovemaking fueled by sheer...
Oral Sex