- 4 years ago
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"What happens in this apartment, stays in this apartment," my sister said, not meaning what I wish she had meant.
"What I mean is ... I'm not going to change my lifestyle for you, okay?" Her tone softened slightly as she adjusted to my reaction. "If I want to bring someone into my bedroom, I will." She paused as if waiting for my agreement. I nodded so she went on. "If I want to parade around in my nothingness, I will. This was my apartment first." I didn't really expect her to parade around with nothing on but I wouldn't stop her if she wanted to. My sister is gorgeous.
"It was different when Meghan was my roommate," my sister explained. "Her and I would go out on Friday nights, bring guys back here, sometimes the same one." She smiled when I raised my eyebrows at her last comment. "Anyway, Sport, it all stays here, understand?"
"Absolutely," I nodded my head as I pictured Meghan and my sister doing a threesome with some lucky asshole.
"Good." She stood up and gave me a full body hug. "I'm glad you're here. Her well-developed breasts pressed against my chest and I broke the hug before my hard-on became noticeable.
"Don't worry, Sis. I'm going to be the best roommate you've ever had," I said, holding her shoulders and looking her in the eyes.
"I know you will, Luke," she smiled. "Now, off to bed, you've got a big day tomorrow. You don't want to be tired on your first day of classes."
"Good night, Jessie." I kissed my sister's cheek and headed into the bedroom that she had helped me set up earlier in the day.
Plopping down on my bed, I couldn't get the image of my sister and Meghan out of my head. Was she kidding? Did they really have a threesome?
I love my sister. I mean, really love her. She's three years older than me and I would marry her if it weren't illegal. That's the kind of love I'm talking about ... the wrong kind. She's smart, sexy, funny, and beautiful with near supermodel body. Did I mention sexy?
Of course, she didn't know any of this or she might have thought differently about us sharing an apartment. I was overjoyed at the end of last semester when Meghan moved in with her boyfriend just before I graduated. My parents, who are paying all of our expenses, told her not to bother finding another roommate since I would be attending the same college in the fall.
And there I was, living with the love of my life. Not that I expected anything to happen between us. We're brother and sister. But just being around my sexy sister every day was enough for me. I finally fell asleep while trying to imagine what it would be like if my incestuous feelings were reciprocated.
I was up early the next morning, showered and dressed before Jessie emerged from her bedroom. My jaw dropped. She wasn't kidding about parading around. My sister was rubbing sleep from her eyes as she walked towards the bathroom. And she was completely naked! Fuck!
My cock responded instantly and I stared dumbfounded as she pulled her hands away from her eyes and smiled at me. Her body ought to be on a men's magazine cover and my eyes bounced between her luscious breasts and her hairless pussy.
"What?" my sister asked when she saw my reaction. She must have thought I saw beautiful naked women everyday. "Oh, this?" She ran her hand over her smooth mound and shrugged. "Guys like it," she said sheepishly. "Don't tell mom, okay? She'd think I was some kind of slut or something."
"N-no, I won't tell," I stammered, wondering when I would ever be talking to my mother about my sister's pussy hair, or lack thereof.
"You're up early," she said. "Anxious about your classes?" she asked, moving closer to me and stirring up such lustful feelings that I could barely talk.
"Yeah," I blurted out. "I ... um..." Damn, she was just standing there naked, and completely oblivious to my reaction. "I thought I'd scope out the classrooms and lecture halls ahead of time." I managed to complete a sentence while my sexy sister was standing less than a foot from me.
"You'll be fine," she assured me as she leaned up and planted a kiss on my cheek. Her left boob brushed my arm and the electrical charge went straight to my cock. "Good luck," she said as she turned around and walked into the bathroom. I adjusted my stiff cock as I watched her firm ass cheeks undulate seductively.
Fuck! I thought she was kidding about parading around. This was going to be a hundred times better than I thought.
I made it through my first week of class without any problems, greeting my naked sister every morning and jacking off every night. Jessie was great in the kitchen and we ate dinner together each night, discussing our various classes, professors, homework and classmates.
I loved it! It was like I had died and gone to heaven until that Friday night brought my idyllic world to an abrupt halt.
"I'm going out tonight, Sport," Jessie yelled from her bedroom. "Don't wait up." I could see her through the open bedroom door as she stripped down to her matching bra and thong while she looked for something to wear.
"Where are you going?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant while I watched her pick a coral blue dress from the closet and hold it up for scrutiny.
"Going clubbing with a couple of friends," she answered as she shimmied into the short dress. "I'd invite you, but it's over 21 only," she added as she walked into the living room, holding her shoes.
"What do you think?" she asked. I was about to tell her she looked gorgeous when she added, "bra or no bra?"
While I was still trying to process the question, she slipped the dress off her arms and unfastened her bra. My cock sprang to life as she removed her bra and tossed it on the counter. I had seen her flawless tits every day this week but I didn't think I could ever tire of the sight. She leaned slightly forward as she tucked her generous breasts inside the top of her cross-front dress.
"So?" she asked, standing with her hands on her hips. "Do my nipples show?"
"Um..." I caught my breath and accepted her invitation to stare at her breasts. "No ... I can't see your nipples." This was so fucking unexpected. It was like she didn't even think of me as a guy. Parading around was one thing, but damn.
"Great! I'd rather not wear the bra," she said, putting it back in her room. I watched as she slipped into her shoes and grabbed her purse. "There's spaghetti left from the other night," she said as she kissed my cheek. "Don't be surprised if there's a third for breakfast. If I get lucky," she laughed and headed out the door.
There was a third for breakfast both Saturday and Sunday morning. Different guys each night but a similar scenario played out. Stumbling in at about 2 a.m., giggling and shushing each other as they left a trail of clothes from the front door to her bedroom. A little while later, I was treated to the sound of my sister yelling heat-of-passion obscenities.
"Fuck! Fuck! Harder! Harder! Fuck me harder!" and so on. I covered my head, trying to block out what my sister was doing in the next room but my cock betrayed me, hardening at the sound of her orgasmic outbursts. It seemed to go on nearly half the night.
This became the pattern of our lives over the next few weeks. We would engage in normal brother and sister activity, except for the naked parading, during the week with wonderful dinner conversations and study sessions. Then, Friday and Saturday night my sister would transform into the world's most insatiable sex goddess, bringing home a succession of one-night stands. And it was always just one night, I never saw the same guy twice.
After the first couple of weeks, I stopped trying to block it out. I know it's pathetic but I started jacking off to the soundtrack of my sister's sexual exploits. I started leaving my door open a bit so I could hear her better. I was inexperienced but it seemed like she took a long time to reach an orgasm. I practiced holding off until I heard her unmistakable cries of release and then I'd shoot a huge load of cum into a tissue.
The guys usually left mid-morning and my sister would sleep half the day away before dragging herself into the bathroom to soak in a hot bath. Occasionally, she'd call me to bring her something for her hangover and I would sit on the toilet handing her headache medicine and ice water.
I constantly marveled at the contrast between this naked, well-fucked woman in the bathtub and the fresh-faced college student who I had dinner with on weekdays. They were two sides of a single coin but my involvement was relegated to one side only.
Jessie still walked around naked all week, oblivious to my perpetual hard-on, and she still asked for my advice on her sexy weekend outfits but one Saturday afternoon she took her asexual approach with me a lot farther.
She had been especially vocal the night before and slept even later than usual. Her orgasm had taken forever and I almost came before she did. It was the middle of the afternoon and Jessie was soaking in the bath when she called for me. I figured she wanted headache medicine so I got that and a glass of water before I went into the bathroom.
"That fucker bit me!" Jessie greeted me when I walked into the bathroom. "Look at these teeth marks around my nipple!" Jessie was cupping her left tit and holding it up for my inspection. I sat down the pills and the water glass before kneeling next to the tub.
Never one to let an opportunity slide by, I ran my finger over the marks on her otherwise perfect breast. It's the first time I had touched my sister's breast and my cock was straining against my jeans as I touched her smooth, soft skin. Fuck!
"I don't know, Sis," I said, leaning closer until my face was only inches from her breast. "Turn it towards the light," I said, palming her tit and moving it slightly to the side. Okay, I admit it was a chicken shit way to cop a feel, but I was touching my sister's breast!
"It does look a bit like teeth marks," I admitted, moving to the other breast before she realized what I was doing. "Did he bite this one, too?" I asked, hefting her right breast and brushing my thumb across her nipple.
"No, but look at this," she cried, unmindful of my hands on her breasts as she leaned back in the tub and raised her right leg. "I think he bit my thigh," she said, spreading her legs as she pulled her right thigh up. "See this?" she asked, pointing to a spot on her thigh about two inches from her pussy.
Fuck! I leaned closer, breathing in my sister's aroma as I stared at her crinkled pussy lips. Since it had worked for her breasts, I ran my hand over the spot on her thigh but stopped short of touching her pussy lips. My heart was beating like crazy as I studied my sister's exquisite pussy. It was the most erotic sight I had ever seen.
"Yeah, he was rough," I said, as Jessie settled back into the tub.
"That's the last time that fucker is touching me!" she announced as if any guy ever got a second chance. "He wasn't even that good." I just nodded, not knowing what to say. I figured he wasn't very good based on how long it took her to climax.
"Jess," I said, sitting down on the toilet seat. "You don't seem to see the same guy more than once anyway."
"I know," she sighed, leaning back and putting a washcloth over her face. "I keep thinking one day I'll find the right one."
"I'm sure you will, Sis," I answered agreeably.
I sat there for a few minutes watching her breasts rise and fall with her breathing, remembering the feel of her skin against my fingers. This was the first chance I had to really check out my sister's body without her seeing what I was doing.
Her rose-colored, half-dollar size areolas contrasted erotically with her pale breasts and her thick nipples stood out impressively even in their unaroused state. Damn, I wanted so badly to lean down and suck on them. How could she not know what she was doing to me?
I didn't want to leave the bathroom but couldn't think of a good reason to explain why I was still there. I was tempted to take out my phone and snap a few shots but I couldn't betray her trust like that so I stood up and took one last look before making my exit. Fuck!
A couple of weeks after the biter, Jessie brought home an aggressive lover who never even let her get to her bedroom. This was a first for me as I watched them get naked as soon as the door closed. There were no giggles or shushing, just urgent kissing and panting as they tore at each other's clothes. Jessie pulled him over to the couch and sat down with her legs splayed open. I backed into my dark bedroom enough so that I knew she couldn't see me and watched her push his head between her legs.
"Come on, Lover," Jessie panted. "Eat my pussy. Eat it good." He didn't need any more invitation than that. I was stroking my cock and watching Jessie's face as wet, slurping sounds filled the room. She ensnarled his dark hair with her fingers and I watched her face, wishing it was me sucking out her delicious pussy juice.
He must have been hitting the right spots because Jessie was moaning loudly and humping her pussy against his face. Just when I thought she would start to climax, he pulled his head back and wiped his face.
"What the... ?" Jessie screamed as he sat down next to her.
"Let's fuck," he said pulling her on top of him.
"I was just about to cum," Jessie pouted as she straddled his legs and settled her pussy down around his hard cock.
"Don't worry," he said, lifting her slightly and then pushing her back down. "We're not done by a long shot."
I watched Jessie as she grabbed his shoulders and started to ride him. My cock was ready to explode but I wanted to wait and cum with Jessie. I had never seen anything like this. Listening was one thing but watching my sister get fucked was a dual-edged sword. I was jealous as hell but my cock was in seventh heaven.
It seemed to go on forever and I had to stop stroking myself to keep from finishing before her. I was panting and would have worried about them hearing me if they weren't making so much noise of their own. Jessie was ranting and shouting encouragement while he was grunting and bucking his hips off the couch. He had his hands on her hips and was yanking her down hard each time he plunged into her.
Just when it looked like Jessie was getting close and I had started up my own efforts again, lover boy climaxed.
"Oh fuck!" he yelled, yanking Jessie down and holding her there as he jerked his cum into her.
"Oh fuck, is right," Jessie panted, jumping off his cock and kneeling on the floor in front of him. "You're not getting off that easy," she said without any thought to the unintended pun. I watched her gently massage his spent cock while she licked it all over. Fuck, my sister was slurping her own juices off of lover boy's flaccid cock.
I've seen lots of erotic videos but nothing prepared me for watching my sister give this guy a blowjob. She was out of control with lust as she licked, stroked and sucked him back to life. It was incredible how quickly he recovered under Jessie's machinations. Damn! Damn! Damn! I wanted a blowjob like that. Fuck!
As soon as he was hard, Jessie was on him again.
"My turn," she breathed as she rode him with a wild fervency that I would never be able to reconcile with my docile weekday sister. She was bouncing so high that I thought she'd bounce right off his fully recovered cock. I was pumping my shaft right along with her, stretching it out until I heard her screaming her intentions.
"Oh fuck! Yes! I'm cumming!" Jessie cried and I watched her slam her pussy down on his cock just as I exploded onto the tissue I was holding. Lover boy must have cum too because I saw him jerking under Jessie just before she collapsed against his chest. Fuck! I came so hard watching them that I staggered back into my bedroom and dropped onto my bed, exhausted.
I would be lying if I didn't tell you I was getting quite concerned about my sister's promiscuousness. I even tried to talk to her once about the health risks but she dismissed me with a wave of her hand.
"I'm on the pill," she sighed. "And it's not like I'm picking up total strangers. These guys are all either in my classes or friends of friends."
"But Jess, you know what they say about multiple sex partners," I argued feebly.
"Yeah, well. What's the alternative?" she asked. I knew it was rhetorical or I would have suggested a very safe alternative. We were having dinner and I used my chewing as an excuse not to speak. "You know how it is if you go too long without sex," she said matter-of-factly. It must have been something in my expression that gave me away.
"No! Really!" she asked. "You've never been laid?" I dropped my eyes to my dinner plate and she softened her tone. "Well, we'll have to do something about that, won't we?" she asked, making me jerk my head up with real anticipation.
"I know lots of girls," she said dismissively. "What about Meghan? I bet I can get her to do it or maybe one of the girls I hang out with on Friday night." I was vigorously shaking my head.
"No thanks," I answered, flustered by her offer. It was intriguing but not at all what I was hoping for. "I'll be fine. I'd feel funny if you set me up with someone just for sex."
It was late in August when I officially began to look for a roommate. The end of first year university was over, and while most of the people I knew had already signed housing agreements as early as February, I left dealing with housing until the end of the summer. While I had met great friends in my dorm during first year, I didn't really desire to room with any of them for various reasons. Most of them were simply too loud and went partying every weekend, whereas I was a relatively quiet...
It was a very slow night for a Sunday at the pizza joint that I waited tables at. So slow my jerk of a boss let me go early so he wasn’t paying me for sitting there. Probably a good thing since I had 8 am class the next day and could use the extra sleep. Well, I thought I was gonna get some much needed, but my roommate had a surprise for me when I came home unannounced. As I opened the front door my eyes were treated to seeing my her on the couch with some guy I’ve never seen before. It was...
It was a very slow night for a Sunday at the pizza joint that I waited tables at. So slow my jerk of a boss let me go early so he wasn't paying me for sitting there. Probably a good thing since I had 8 am class the next day and could use the extra sleep. Well, I thought I was gonna get some much needed, but my roommate had a surprise for me when I came home unannounced. As I opened the front door my eyes were treated to seeing my her on the couch with some guy I've never seen before. It was...
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Roommates By RogerGirl "So, that's pretty much it," Marcus said after showing him around the apartment, "what do you think?" "Wow, it's great," Reggie said surprised at how much bigger, cleaner, and well furnished the apartment was compared to the other apartments he'd been visiting, "when can I move in?" "Whenever you'd like," Marcus said, "but there's something you should know about me before you make your decision." "What is it?" Reggie...
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Author's note: there is a chapter "Author's notes" at the end of this one, I believe it's worth a read. I hope you enjoy this (long) story, and if you have feedback and/or ideas, please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think! **Caution: The story contains strong language and is sexually explicit. Mature audiences only.** Introduction Thursday, July 2nd. The last week of school is ending and the graduates of UvH, the University of Hoorn, are awaking from their drunken stupors as the...
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by samslam"What happens in this apartment, stays in this apartment," my s!ster said, not meaning what I wish she had meant."What I mean is... I'm not going to change my lifestyle for you, okay?" Her tone softened slightly as she adjusted to my reaction. "If I want to bring someone into my bedroom, I will." She paused as if waiting for my agreement. I nodded so she went on. "If I want to parade around in my nothingness, I will. This was my apartment first." I didn't really expect her to parade...
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I have known Brianna forever it seems and we were both just little k**s when her real father took off. At the time we lived just a few streets down from them and my parents, when they were together, ended up becoming good friends with Brianna's mom and her new boyfriend, Mr. Watson, who later became Brianna's stepdad after he married Brianna's mom. Brianna and I both knew that we would be best friends forever and that we would always be a part of each other's lives. When Brianna's mom had to...
sleep over takes a bad turn for brotherIt was a Friday afternoon and David had just finished school and was walking home when he remembered that his younger sister Sally was having a sleep over with her girl friends and he always hated it when they came over as they were always trying to do things with him. He took his time to get home and when he walked through the front door he could he the girls shouting and playing in the front room and he sneaked past and went upstairs to his room and...
The New YorkerBy, U. Will Lovett So, I decided I needed a new car… well, not a new, but a better car than my current ride, I remembered that a trannie friend of mine had told me that she had purchased a new used vehicle from the nicest salesman… a really cute Latino guy named Johnny. So, I decided to give Johnny and Sunnyside a try. Little did I know; it would be Johnny who would end up “trying me on for size.” When I got to the lot at Sunnyside Motors, I asked the receptionist, Phyllis for a...
Ms. Sturm walked Danni to the front door and when it was opened, stripped her of the trench coat, pushed her inside gently but firmly before leaving. It was a woman who caught her, Danni could tell but she realized that it was not Mrs. Beaker as she had hoped; she quickly forgot about her disappointment because the woman took a moment to push her back against the wall and plant a warm wet kiss on her mouth, the woman also caressed Danni's breasts, tugging lightly on her erect nipple with her...
The following is an act of fiction. All characters are figments of imagination. (Ronald K. Pump lies in bed, atop the covers. He wears a puffy white bathrobe and has Cocks News blaring in the background. Ronald is in dim spirits. He is sipping a Diet Croak, half-heartedly scrolling his phone, and lamenting his current life.) Ronald: This job sucks. I used to have the most tremendous, most incredible life. I had helicopters and shit. I was banging underwear models, beauty pageant contestants,...
I called up the maid service and they happened to send me a baddie this time around. This Latina with a huge ass and giant tits. Things started off normal. She cleaned my crib for a bit but I couldn’t help myself and I asked her to clean naked for a bit more money. With some hesitation she eventually agreed and soon her giant rockers were bouncing around as she cleaned. From there, it didn’t take much to take things little further. These girls would do anything for some extra money. I got her...
xmoviesforyouOn the journey to the apartment, picking up hoagies along the way for everyone, Jules rode in the Bête as the only passenger. "Are those threesomes happening soon?" she asked. "Maybe this evening if we're up to it after the move." "Could you use a hand moving?" "Of course. I suppose you wish to stay through the evening." "Think of it as the cost for my assistance with Roger and the move." "I'll ask Marta. Problem is I'm not sure I could get it up a third time even in your...
Carol flashes her phone to me, showing me that her husband is calling. I take a mental photograph of her screen, needing to remember his face and number."Excuse me while I take this," she says politely.I nod my okay to her, pretending to search through my purse while hanging on her every word to him. I hear the disappointment in her voice as he obviously tells her he will be working late again. Sure you are working, bud. I know where I have to go after work - to the bar. He will be there and...
FemdomWe woke up the next morning in each other's arms... looking into each other eyes, fully aware of what we had done, and we about to do again. I put my hand through Rhonda's sexy red hair, and I could see in here eyes that she was game for another round. We started to kiss and fondle one another again and were enjoying every minute of it until I heard a loud knock come from the front door. I had decided to ignore it give Rhonda my full attention, but the knocking continued and after a few minutes...
EroticI am an athletic male who is in good physical shape. Like all men I do love handjobs and I don't really care who gives them to me. I'm really into BDSM and visit a dominatrix on a regular basis. We know each other quite well. However, like all professionals in the BDSM scene, she refuses to give me a handjob. I always have to take care of myself in front of her. A few weeks ago, after one of my regular sessions, my dominatrix Anne asked me whether I would be interested in receiving handjobs...
FetishA Time Together I open the door and we embrace in a passionate kiss, tongues tangling together. I reach over and push the door closed without breaking our kiss. I reach up and hold you head and kiss you harder, I hear a moan escape your mouth and I know your panties just got wetter as you cum. I drop my hands down brushing your big beautiful breast (BBB’s) and I reach around you and hold you lovely ass and pull you closer. I feel the heat between us. I lead you to the bed and lay you down...
She had been in the tub for a half hour. She liked to relax in the warm water. Plus she liked to be clean and groomed. She looked at her body and felt sexy. A little turned on. All 110 pounds of her looked pretty good after a few k**s. Her long red hair rested on her shoulder. She was only half listening to the radio and considering pleasuring herself when she realized that it was snowing and that they were calling for over a foot. The k**s wouldn't be back until Sunday and it was late Friday...
At age 18 her 112 pounds were distributed well over a 5 feet 5 inch body. Women hated her for her hourglass figure but the men loved to watch her cute bouncing bottom if they were behind her or pretty bouncing breasts if they were in front. She looked good whether walking down the street in a dress or taking a stroll in a bathing suit at the nearby shore. Shoulder length brown hair, almond shaped green eyes, and a pretty oblong face got her noticed whenever she went someplace where there were...
100% fiction! Brandi was really having a hard time adjusting to not having her son living at home. What was killing her the most, she knew it was her fault. Something she did in the past came back to bite her (sleeping with a 18 year old high school boy, Craig). She came to me and asked if I would help her stop drinking. I told her, "While I was at home, there would be know problem, but when I wasn't there she better get Ellen to help her." People change when they are drinking, all Brandi could...
IncestLogan Long went to visit his friend. He happened to not be home but his friend’s mom, Nina Elle, invited him to come in and wait for her son. As Logan waited in the living room she went to be bathroom for a bath and began masturbating very loudly on purpose. Once Logan heard this he couldn’t resist, so he went over to the bathroom and started spying on her. This was her plan from the start. Once she noticed him spying on her, she called him over and pulled his cock out. Logan Fucked his best...
xmoviesforyouIn this part comes a gorgeous Aunty called Sunita Aunty. She was around 48 yrs old and was actually mother of my friend. She was plump and had a very big ass and when she used to walk her ass bounced a lot and I always desired to fuck her ass one day. She was very strict and used to talk in a harsh tone and that’s why all the friends tried to avoid going to her house. One day I went to her house and Sunita Aunty opened the door. She looked at me hard and said what do you want Vivek? I said...
My 22-year-old daughter now stood before me, totally nude, having followed my instructions to disrobe. Her sobs of despair and humiliation increased. She had come to me seeking a Daddy and had found instead a predator. But she knew what was expected of her as a female, bending her left knee, arching the foot and pointing the toes, posing to please. "Good girl," I remarked.And now a loud cry escaped her, coming from deep in her lungs. Strands of her long, red hair were now sticking to her large,...
"Crap," Reagan inhaled taking a gander at her telephone.The Uber was here. Eli had landed in his exquisite dark Charger, tag XTUD 459, and she wasn't exactly prepared. She took one last look in the mirror and surrendered that moistness had won today. A mesh adorned with frizz would need to do. She got her tote and quickly grabbed around inside. Keys. Wallet. Telephone. Taking one last clearing look around the flat, she opened and shut the entryway, bolted it, and as she turned, she wound up...
Quickie SexI noticed a,not-so-subtle change,coming over Pauline three days after she started going to her new Primary School. I was in the kitchen,preparing her an afternoon snack,when I looked over to where she was sitting at the kitchen table,and watched,dumbfounded,as she took her panties off!"God,Daddy! That's so much better!" She exclaimed,hiking up her skirt and showing Herself off to Me. "Da? Do You like Eating Pie?" Pauline asked,while opening and closing her thighs,exposing Her Maidenhead. "I bet...
Yes, it certainly was a surprise! And a lot more than I expected. When I went out for drinks that night I never thought it would end up with some dick sucking going on but it did. Oh, yes there was some dick sucking going on all right. And if you read on I think you’ll be surprised, too. I know I was! I was about 18 or 19 .. maybe .. and say .. second year in college at the University of Alabama. On a certain Friday night I had decided to go out to McFarland Mall .. browse around for a...
My name is John Doe and today marks the day I take my first step into adulthood. I have graduated for the Leaf Village Academy and have officially become a Genin. Today I’m supposed to be receiving my new team and teacher at the academy. As I was getting ready to leave, my father, Satoru Doe, a leaf village Jounin, approached me. “Hey John! Aren’t you forgetting something?”, he asks with his hands behind his back. “Well I shouldn’t need to bring any equipment with me today, right? I’m just...
On Monday morning both men had to leave early, Bill for school and Ken off to work, so that by the time Gwen awoke and shuffled downstairs, only she and her mother were left in the house. "Gwen honey, are you okay?" Carol inquired as her daughter flopped listlessly down on a chair in the kitchen, staring with reddened eyes into the steaming coffee cup her mother had set before her. Gwen had spent most of the night split between tossing restlessly and crying. When Bill had crawled into bed...
Cara stood silhouetted in the doorway to Lacy’s bedroom. Instinctively, I quickly tied to cover my naked body with the bedsheets but found that task a little difficult because Lacy was laying on top of the sheets.“Looks like I missed the party,” Cara remarked.“Oh please,” Lacy sarcastically shot back, as she pulled the bedsheets over us.Lacy and I had hooked up. It had been an unplanned and unexpected event. I had met her at a local strip joint, weeks before and then suddenly and...
HardcoreIntroduction: this is part 2 which i wrote to follow up and continue the part 1 story. of course i did add some to part one while i proof read it. still i hope you will enjoy them . Blondie part 2 by me It has been a couple of years since Blondie and her son started having sex with each other. During that time they have experimented with just about everything they could think of. Also during this time, Dagwood had run off with one of his secretaries. Blondie got a divorce and her and her...
I had just pulled up to one of my best friend’s house, when I seen her talking to this guy who had just moved across the street from her. “Hey Lacy, who’s the stud?’ I asked her while making it to the top of her steps. ‘Oh he just wanted to stop by and say hi and get to know us neighbor Yeah right, anyway have you talked to Justin today? I tried calling his mom house but I got no answer.’ I asked her while we proceeded in the house. (Justin is my other best friend.) ‘Yeah he told me he was...
Louise has set each person up with a company mobile phone, when they are with the client they are supposed to be with then they send her a text message to let her know that all is well and that they are there where they are supposed to be, she looks at the website, nothing new in but plenty of activity on the blogs and in the chat room, she types a good morning message into the chat room and wishes all our customers a nice day, she waits for the reply's to come back before announcing that...