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Her first year into the degree was a bit rocky; having to adapt to her new surroundings while trying to push down her longings for her family and friends. The school work was extremely interesting however and it kept her busy and distracted for most of the time, especially since she made it her first and most important priority. She was intent on finishing the degree in four years and it seemed like she was on the right track. It helped keep her mind off of those she missed but it also kept her hidden away in her dorm room, away from any company or social life.

The lecturers were delighted to have her on their staff, both as a researcher and as an assistant, but after the first year, when they grew to know her better, they became worried. They felt she was too much of a recluse and dedicated herself to her task with too much diligence. Deciding to offer a helping hand, they arranged for her to be saddled with a roommate. Graduate students had the privilege of choosing single rooms and since Nick showed obvious prominence, they were happy to oblige with her request. However, when the time passed and Nick showed no interest in any kind of social life, her friends in the department decided to meddle.

"Why am I getting a roommate again?" Nick asked in irritation. She was enjoying her space and was adamant to hold on to it. Besides, she had gotten used to having the entire room to herself and was reluctant to have to deal with any outsider.

"Well, there is a shortage of rooms in the dormitory and we are having some problems with a fairly large number of new students. We'll compensate you for this, you can be sure of that. And I further assure you, once we find a more appropriate solution, you'll get your single room again." Said Michael O'brien, the graduate advisor.

"Look, I understand about the shortage and all, but aren't there any other single bedrooms you can invade?"

Michael suppressed a chuckle, "Nope, sorry. Yours is the last one and we can't put a female student in with a male." He hoped this would satisfy her into accepting the new transfer.

They believed the new student would be able to shake Nick out of her self imposed stoicism and bring her into the world of the living. She was new to the university, a third year medical student, who was both sharp in mind and perky in spirit; just the right combination to draw anyone out of their shell.

"Why don't you meet her and see for yourself? You might just get along." He offered.

Nick sighed deeply, "Fine, it's not like I have any choice, right?"

Michael smiled, "Right," and patted her on the back.

The next day Nick was introduced to miss perky. She was about 5'4 with shoulder length blonde hair, and sparkling green eyes. Outwardly, she seemed nice enough, but it would take more than that to win Nick over. When the door burst open and the girl started shoveling in her luggage, Nick was, not surprisingly, studying. Raising her head and blinking at the bright light from the outside, she then narrowed her eyes at her new roommate. She wasn't sure if her luggage would even fit into the once single bedroom. The dormitory staff arranged for a second bed to be brought in and placed against the far wall, in front of the door. Next to it, they put a small desk, a wooden library and a compact dresser. On the other side of the room, where Nick's bedroom stood, the furnishings were much the same. The space the girl would now occupy used to be Nick's living room and she was sad to see it go away.

After finishing with her luggage, and filling half the room in the process, the blonde bounded over to her bored looking roommate. "Hi, I'm Amy." She offered her hand and smiled charmingly.

Nick looked at her suspiciously and got up from her chair. "I'm Nick. And before you get settled I want to clear some ground rules. I really dislike noise, I don't like to be bothered while I'm studying and generally speaking, I don't want parties, friends, loud music or anything of the like brought into this room." With that said, she took the stunned girl's hand in a firm shake and moved to grab a soda from the small mini bar in the corner.

Amy slowly got her bearings and said sharply, "I don't tolerate those things either, but especially, I don't like being spoken to with disrespect or condescension. Keep that in mind." Turning around, she went to put her things in order and generally stay out of the overbearing woman's way.

That was more than a year ago. Now, there was nothing that could possibly come between those two. In the year they had lived together they became the best of friends as they learned the other's likes and dislikes. They got into a routine that both found perfectly convenient and suitable and no one ever mentioned getting things back to their previous state. It seemed, however, that Nick's friends' plan didn't work out exactly as they had wished. Indeed, Nick began seeing the light of day from time to time, but as fate would have it, Amy was just as studious as Nick. She was at the top of her class and intended on remaining in that spot till the end of her degree. She told Nick in their many conversations how becoming a doctor would be a dream come true for her; how she loved and admired those working in that profession, and how she would gladly sacrifice a few years of her young life for the sake of reaching her goals. They were both dedicated students and found they were content in their role in life.

On the other hand, Amy, with her bubbly personality managed to make friends very quickly and was soon swamped with calls and invitations to parties and the like. Even though she was very much into her studies, she had to admit that she wanted to experience the life of a student more fully and wished to go out with her friends and see the things she'd been missing for herself. Every time she was invited to a party, she tried to coax Nick out of her chair and pull her in the direction of the real world. But her many tries usually ended fruitlessly. Nick was even worse than her when it came to her purposefulness.

It was morning and the sun was shining brightly when Amy entered the room. She had just come back from class and wanted to have a chat with her best friend. Entering their room, she made her way into Nick's domain, not surprised at finding her leaning over her desk, reading and typing away at her laptop. Sneaking from behind, she placed her hands on Nick's broad shoulders and started massaging them. Nick jumped slightly at the unexpected touch, but quickly relaxed into the soothing hands as they continued to attack her sore muscles.

"Hey, you still at it?"

"Hey Amy. Yeah, I have to write this paper."

"Aww, come on. I want to talk to you for a bit. You can go back to your paper afterwards."

Nick looked over her shoulder at Amy, "I'm sorry, babe, but I really have to work on this. It's due in two days and I'm so not on schedule." She took Amy's hand in hers and squeezed apologetically.

Amy moved to the side so she could see Nick better and turned her chair around. "Please?" She asked and fluttered her eyelashes prettily.

Nick chuckled and shook her head. "You're incorrigible, you know that?"

Amy smiled happily and pulled Nick by the hand, leading her into her part of the room. Settling on her bed, she pulled Nick next to her.

"Alright, what did you want to talk about?" Nick folded her legs and sat facing Amy.

"Nothing specific." Amy shrugged.

Nick rolled her eyes; she knew there was something on Amy's mind but she also knew she would probably have to fish it out of her. "Okay...umm, how was class?" She decided to beat around the bush for a little while with the hope that Amy would push her in the right direction.

Amy shrugged, "Okay."

Nick bit her lip in thought, "Hey, how was your date last night?" She had forgotten all about it. Amy went out on a date last night with a guy she'd been talking about for a while. She hadn't heard her come back but she knew it wasn't before 1am.

Amy took a deep breath and said, "Not so great. He turned out to be an asshole."

Nick frowned and looked at her in concern, "Why? What happened?"

This time Amy took her bottom lip between her teeth and chewed on it thoughtfully, "You promise not to get upset?"

Nick became visibly upset with that remark, "How can I not get upset when you ask me such a question? What happened?" Her insides were starting to roil with the possibilities that passed through her head.

"After we left the restaurant, he asked if I wanted to go for a walk on the beach and I told him that I was tired and had an early start, so it would probably be best if he just took me home. He seemed alright with that and we left. But then a few miles away from here, he stopped the car on the side of the road and told me he had a really nice time. He leaned over and started kissing me, which was nice at first but then he got more aggressive and I pushed him away. I asked him what he was doing and he said, 'getting what I deserve,' and started mauling me again. I got angry and pushed him hard, managing to open the door in the process and get out of the car. I was shaking with anger and adrenaline and felt like screaming at him at the top of my lungs. But before I could do anything, he pulled the door closed and drove off."

Nick couldn't help her reaction, she jumped off the bed and started pacing, gesturing wildly with her hands. "He did what?! That piece of shit! I'm going to freaking kill him!"

Amy jumped to her feet and grabbed Nick's hand, pulling her down on the bed again. "Nick, calm down, please. You promised you wouldn't get upset."

"No, actually I didn't. How did you get home? Why didn't you call me?"

"I walked home. It wasn't very far, only a few miles. And I didn't want to bother you, I knew you had an early start as well." She lowered her head and sniffed.

Nick immediately felt like the biggest jerk; here Amy was telling her of her horrifying date and instead of comforting her friend, she was going ballistic. Taking a breath and calming herself down, she gently raised Amy's head to her eye level. Smiling gently, she tucked a few loose strands of hair behind her ear and softly caressed her cheek with her knuckles. "I'm sorry for going crazy on you. I just wish I could kill the little..." She clenched her teeth and murmured the rest of the sentence under her breath. "Amy, you know you can always call me, no matter what. I would have been there in a second. Please, promise me, that if you ever need me, you'll let me know. Okay?"

Amy nodded slightly, blonde strands falling back on her face in the process, "I promise."

"Okay." Nick smiled and pulled the girl into a soft embrace. Tucking her head under her chin, she caressed the silky hair while drawing soothing circles on her back. As they sat on Amy's bed, holding each other closely, Nick asked, "Do you know where he lives?"

Amy chuckled and slapped her side jokingly, "No, and leave it at that. His parents own half the university. Trust me, he's not the kind of person you'd like to mess with. You really don't need that kind of trouble. Besides, I'm fine and you're so sweet for offering to hurt him." She pushed away slightly and smiled.

"Any time, kiddo." Nick flashed a lopsided grin and chucked her on the chin lightly. Amy just shook her head and pulled her back into the hug.

They spent the rest of the day studying, then in the evening, they watched a movie together on the small TV they had bought for their room. Life was good for the two students and nothing seemed capable of disrupting that perfectly ordered existence.

After her horrendous date, Amy stopped going out on dates and instead followed in Nick's footsteps, contending herself in studying and seeing her other friends from time to time. During that period Amy and Nick became even better friends, if that was even possible. Since they spent so much time together they couldn't even imagine themselves spending time apart. All of Amy's friends were positive that something more was going on between the two but kept quiet for fear they could be mistaken. One day, Julia, one of Amy's classmates and study-buddies spilled the secret. "So, you going home with Nick for the holidays?"

Amy looked surprised for a minute, thinking the question over, "No. I'm not even sure if she's going home for the holidays. I guess I'll ask her if she'd like to come home with me."

"Oh that's nice. Your parents okay with that?" Julia asked nonchalantly, munching on a piece of cold pizza.

"Yeah sure. Why wouldn't they be?" Amy looked at her quizzically.

Julia shrugged, "Oh, I don't know. Not everybody is cool with all that."

Amy knew something was going on since Julia was never that evasive. Usually, you didn't have to do much in order to get a straightforward answer from her. Putting down her own slice of pizza, she asked, "Cool with what? What are you talking about?"

Julia swallowed hard, almost choking on an only half chewed piece. Trying to cover up her deer-caught-in-the-headlights look, she attempted a change of subject. "Nothing. So, how's your anatomy going?"

Amy narrowed her eyes accusingly, "Smooth, Jules. Now spit it out. What's going on?"

Sweating, Julia scratched the back of her neck nervously, "Well...You guys seem awfully close, you know? So naturally, we just thought you know."

Amy cocked her head to the side, "No, I don't know. Enlighten me, please. For a doctor to be, you're not being very eloquent or coherent."

"Come on, Amy. You know what I'm talking about. You guys look like you' you're..." She exhaled loudly before going straight out, "like you're more than friends."

"What do you mean? What more can we be?" Amy was truly at a loss; her naiveté apparently getting the better of her.

"Amy, you can't be that innocent, can you?" At the blank look on Amy's face, she decided to spell it out for her.

"Lovers, Amy. We thought you guys were lovers."

Amy nearly choked at the admission. "What?! Why in the world would you think that?"

Julia resumed eating, "Well, I'm surprised you didn't figure it out yourself. I mean, neither of you ever goes out, except together, you're absolutely inseparable, you obviously care a lot about each other; there are times that I feel like an intruder when I'm around you two...the sparks are flying so high and bright."

Amy was staring blankly, blinking from time to time just to show she was still alive. "But...but, I'm straight, and so is she!"

Julia shrugged, "I don't know what to call it. But there's obviously something more going on, and if this is news to you then you are seriously blind. I'm sorry if we were wrong, but we really didn't mean anything by it. We just thought...well, never mind. Please don't be mad at me." She requested meekly.

Amy swallowed and shook her head, "No, no, I'm not mad. I'm shock."

Julia patted her knee and changed the subject, this time, more successfully.

When Amy got back to her room, she was still in a daze. As per usual, Nick was buried in her books and barely looked up when Amy came in. "Hey," she said over her shoulder. Amy flopped herself on her bed and stared at the ceiling, not having heard Nick's greeting. Thoughts were running through her head, colliding with each other, making a mess of her already muddled brain. Julia's words kept echoing in her ears, driving her to distraction. 'Lovers...we thought you were lovers...lovers...lovers...' Without her notice, a tear slid down her cheek. Soon, one was followed by another and she could no longer make herself stop.

Nick, who was surprised to hear no answering greeting, rolled her chair around and looked curiously. The sight of Amy flopped on her bed wasn't anything unusual, but her curiosity got the better of her and she got up to investigate. When she got near enough and saw the tears running down her friend's fair cheeks, she thought her heart would beat out of her chest. Dropping to her knees next to Amy's bed, she pulled the pliant body toward her in a hug. "Amy? Honey, what's the matter?" She asked frantically. When the tears wouldn't stop, she simply held her in her arms and rocked her, whispering comforting words into her red tipped ear.

Finally, the tears seemed to subside and Amy hiccupped softly. Pulling slightly away, Nick tried to capture her gaze. "Amy? What's wrong, sweetie?"

At the loving look she received after her small breakdown, Amy was on the verge of breaking into another bout of tears. She finally saw what her friends had seen all along and wondered how she could have been so blind. She still wasn't sure of her feelings, or of Nick's feelings, but she knew she loved her...deeply. Unwilling to think it over, ponder the consequences, or the implications, Amy decided that for once in her life she would follow her heart, even if it meant throwing caution to the wind. Raising a hand to Nick's worried face, she caressed her cheek gently and pulled her closer, bringing their lips together in the sweetest contact.

Nick was surprised for a second, but quickly got her bearings and let herself be enveloped by the sweetest, purest sensation that could possibly be found on earth. The kiss was over way too soon, and they drew apart. Amy was staring into Nick's wide blue eyes, swallowing thickly and trying to form a coherent thought. She didn't know what impelled her to kiss Nick, but she knew she simply had to, there was no doubt about it. And it had felt so good. Still reeling from the intense sensations that were running through her, Nick knew she had to say something, break the tension, but she had nothing...her head was completely empty.

"I'm sorry..." Amy began, but then stopped herself. She realized that she wasn't in the least bit sorry. She was very much confused but not sorry at all. She didn't regret the kiss, she was glad it happened and was busy beating herself up for not noticing what was going on sooner. However, she had a feeling that Nick was just as lost as she was, if the look on her face meant anything. "I'm not sorry for the kiss...I'm just sorry I jumped on you like that. Nick, please don't hate me, I just had to find out...see if what they were saying is true."

Nick shook her head, "Wait, wait. First of all, I could never hate you, and second, who said what and what brought this on?" Although Nick had always considered herself straight, she had to wonder. She loved Amy dearly and would do anything for her, but she never thought or even considered this option of something more. Perhaps she never considered that because their relationship was so easy, so pure and loving that neither wanted to taint it with something more. But then again, that kiss felt incredible, Nick had to admit. It had felt like her world suddenly burst into life and her heart started beating for the very first time. Moreover, she always enjoyed holding Amy and being near her, and felt like she could kill any person that were to hurt her. She always chucked it up to being overly protective. Deep down, if she took a moment to consider her feelings, she found a kernel of desire whenever she thought about her beautiful friend. She couldn't ignore the fact that she found her extremely attractive, but the possibility never came to mind. Why? She asked herself. Because we just never considered that a possibility between us, she thought quietly; we never gave this a chance.

Amy gazed into Nick's face, watching as the emotions swept over her beautiful features. Since day one, she thought her roommate was one of the most attractive women she'd ever seen. That was the reason she wondered at first why Nick never dated, or got out. In time, she learned of her utmost dedication and came to know her on many deeper levels. Why have we never thought about it? Maybe we have and it just didn't register in our consciousness. We are perfect for each other, but what does that mean? What does it say about us?

"Julia said some things to me this afternoon that made me think." Amy said eventually.

"More like made you cry. What happened?"

"She kind of took me by surprise. We talked about the upcoming holidays and one thing led to another and she said they all thought we were spending the holidays together because they thought we were than friends." She finished quietly, still a bit shy about discussing the subject.

Nick took a deep breath and released it slowly, unconsciously brushing the blonde hair out of Amy's eyes. "They did, huh? Well, I can't say I blame them really."

Amy looked startled for a moment, "You knew? You thought about it too? Why didn't you say something?"

Nick raised her hands in defense, "No, no...I didn't mean that. I've never even considered it, to tell you the truth, but now, hearing it from you, it makes a lot of sense. I guess I would have thought the same thing if I weren't in the middle of this."

Amy lowered her gaze, "Yeah, I guess you're right. So, what do we do now?" She practically begged in a tiny whisper.

Nick shrugged, "Anything you want. If I'm not mistaken, this is kind of new to both of us and it obviously hit you hard. I think we just need a little time to think things over and see where we go from there."

Amy nodded, "Yeah, sounds like a plan. We'll talk though, right?"

Nick smiled lovingly, "Of course we will. This changes nothing for me. It only adds to what I've already been feeling."

Amy answered with a brilliant smile of her own, "For me too."

Amy pulled herself up and sat on the edge of the bed. Nick stood in front of her and took her in a tight hug. Amy laid her head on Nick's flat stomach, squeezing for all her worth. Nick bent down and placed a gentle kiss on the top of Amy's head before stepping out of the embrace and heading back to her own part of the room. "Will you be okay?" She asked after a moment.

"Yeah, don't worry." Said Amy and resumed her prone position.

A week passed with both quite busy with papers and class material. Both kept thinking about the change of events and mulling over their possibilities. The holidays seemed closer than ever and decisions had to be made. Their relationship hadn't suffered but their usual intimacy seemed to be missing. Their touches seemed to be briefer and scarcer than ever, and school work was pushing them further away from each other, making them feel very lonely even when they were both in the room. Their friends immediately noticed the change but no one said a word. Julia was still beating herself up for messing with her friends' relationship by opening her big mouth. Consequently, she tried to steer clear of the two as much as possible. Generally, the situation was slowly becoming unbearable and they knew it was time to talk.

"I think we need to talk." Amy told Nick, who was in her usual position in front of her desk.

"I think so too." Nick got up and went to Amy's side of the room. Instead of taking a seat in her usual spot on Amy's bed, she grabbed a chair and pulled it closer.

Amy took a shaky breath and bit her bottom lip. "What's happened to us? We said nothing was going to happen, that if anything, it will be better. And look at us now. We can't even sit together like we used to. For the past week, we barely spoke two words to each other and I barely even saw you. This is what I was afraid would happen. We're drifting apart and I hate this!" Cried Amy, pearly tears flowing down her cheeks.

Nick could never stand seeing someone cry, especially her best friend. Getting off the chair, she walked over to the bed and sat on the edge, pulling Amy toward her. "I'm so sorry. I'm such a jerk. I never meant for this to happen either but things seemed to get out of hand. We've both been busy this week and on top of it all, I've had some hard time in a couple of my classes and having all these thoughts running through my head sure hasn't helped anything." Nick ran her fingers soothingly through Amy's hair, brushing her cheek on the crown of her head.

"I'm sorry, this has been hard and trying on the both of us. You're not a jerk, I'm just over sensitive."

Nick snorted, "Nah, you?"

Amy slapped her stomach playfully. "So, what are we going to do?"

Nick cleared her throat in thought. "Well, I think it would be best if we give this a try and if it doesn't work, I would like for us to remain friends."

Amy looked up at her, "Similarly to what happened this week?"

Nick grimaced slightly, "Look Amy, I love you, you know that. You're my vest friend and I would do anything for you, and that is something that would never change, no matter what. I want to give this a try between us because I believe that something so beautiful doesn't come around too often, and I wouldn't want to regret it for the rest of my life. If this doesn't work out, I swear to you that this week was not a model for the 'what if' scenario. It will hurt, I'm positive about that, but it will never change the way I feel for you."

"I think you're right. I don't want to regret anything about this, about us. I want to try and see what happens. For once, I'd like to leave things up to fate and step back to enjoy whatever it throws my way."

Nick smiled and after a brief pause, lowered her head to kiss Amy's sweet lips. The kiss started out gently, softly exploring the lips of the other. Soon, that wasn't enough and the kiss grew deeper; a movement of tongues sensually seeking the warmth of the other. They caressed each other for a few minutes, delighting in the sweet torture that was their kiss. And then, they broke apart. Trying to catch their breaths, they looked at each other silently.

"Would you like to go out with me?" Asked Nick sweetly.

Amy bit her bottom lip, still tasting Nick's unique flavor, "As on a date?"

Nick smiled, "Yes, smarty pants, as on a date."

"Hmm...let me think about it." She pretended to think for a moment but then started giggling uncontrollably when Nick jumped her and started tickling. "Okay, okay, I'll go out with you...please...stop...Oh God...I'm gonna pee...stop..."

It was Friday night and the girls were getting ready for their first date. Neither wanted to be seen by the other, so they hid all day, each on her side of the room, separated by a curtain that was put up as a divide. At 8pm sharp, they were both ready and anxious. Nick stepped out of her room, dressed in tight blue jeans and a blue sweater that hugged her curves in all the right places. She was stunned mute for a second when her eyes captured Amy. Amy was wearing a white button-down blouse with a pair of beige chinos and golden pumps. Her hair was pulled up allowing a few strands to curl around her face. "You're stunning." Nick finally said, finding her voice.

Amy blushed, "Thank you, so are you."

"Shall we, Milady?" Nick bowed at the waist and opened the door for her.

They had a nice long dinner at a quiet restaurant on the beach, then went to catch the late show at the cinema. It was past midnight by the time they got back. Nick unlocked the door to their room and allowed Amy to enter first. Standing with her back to the closed door, Nick smiled. "Thank you for a lovely evening. I had a great time."

Amy smiled in return, "Me too. Would you like to come in?" She asked jokingly.

Nick chuckled. "Sure, don't mind if I do."

Taking off their jackets, Amy went to sit on the bed and Nick grabbed her chair. They gazed at each other for a few moments, both were silent. There was a kind of tension in the air that was inexplicable to them. They had done this a million times over and yet, it had never even come close.

Nick finally broke the silence. "You really are breathtaking tonight, even more so than usually. I'm glad we decided to do this."

"Thank you. I'm glad we decided to do this too. By far, it was the best date I've ever had."

They smiled at each other and Nick couldn't help herself, leaning forward and capturing Amy's soft lips with her own. The kiss steadily grew more heated, as their tongues requested entrance into not so long ago forbidden territories. Someone moaned but neither was curious enough to stop and investigate. Before they knew what was happening, Nick had Amy on her back, caressing every inch of exposed skin while trying to uncover more. Nick trailed her hot kisses to Amy's straining throat, licking at a forming bead of sweat. Her hands were busily trying to undo the buttons on her blouse, her lips soon reaching her more than enticing cleavage. When her tongue touched the edge of Amy's breast, Amy gasped and pulled back. "Wait, wait, please..."

Nick immediately backed away, stopping her ministrations, but keeping her position on top. They were both breathing hard and words were coming out with difficulty. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?"

Amy shook her head, "No, I'm just...I just got a little nervous."

Nick brushed the hair off Amy's forehead, "I'm sorry for scaring you. Do you want to stop?" Nick didn't want to stop but she would have done anything Amy asked of her, even if it included physical pain on her part.

Swallowing, Amy said, "No, I don't want to stop. Let's just go slow, okay?"

Nick smiled and kissed her glistening forehead, "Of course, baby."

Everything seemed to come so naturally to them; it was almost as though they had done it a thousand times over. The caresses continued at a more leisurely pace and this time Nick waited for Amy's signals, allowing her to get accustomed to the new experiences. She didn't venture forward until she was positive that it was exactly as Amy wanted it. Their clothes were soon scattered on the floor around the bed as they lay together, skin on skin, touching and tasting every part of the other's body. Amy spread her legs to accommodate Nick's body and groaned when her core encountered her silky thigh. Slowly, sensually, they started moving in sync, rocking against each other in the age-old dance. Sweat made their bodies glide with ease, the friction causing great heat to rise and engulf them. The only sounds in the room were of heavy breathing and the occasional sensual moan. Nick pushed herself up on her forearm, sneaking her hand in between their undulating bodies. Amy grabbed hold of her biceps when Nick's hand made contact. When she delved inside the heat, Amy couldn't hold onto a deep groan that sought to escape. Her nails dug into Nick's muscles when her thrusts became too intense. Raising her knee to make contact with Nick's center, they rocked against each other in a continued momentum. The pleasure was almost too great for them to hold. Amy's moans grew louder in pitch as Nick strained harder against her body. The bed shook with the strength of their thrusts. Finally, they fell over the precipice together; Amy arching her neck and biting into the skin of Nick's shoulder, and Nick groaning with pleasure and pain.

The room was silent again as they tried to catch their breaths, reveling in the sweet afterglow. Nick covered Amy's smaller body almost completely, and fearing she might be suffocating the girl, she rolled to the side. Leaning over, she placed a gentle kiss on her brow, then on her temple, and finally on her lips, until Amy opened her eyes. Amy licked her lips with the tip of her tongue, causing a shiver to run through Nick's frame. "That was...incredible."

"Yes, yes it was. You're incredible." Nick added. "You don't regret this, do you? Or think that it was a mistake?"

Amy shook her head slowly, still trying to snap out of her dreamy state, "Not one bit. If there is something I regret, it's not doing this beforehand."

Nick chuckled and pulled Amy's naked body closer. Nick's eyes fell shut and she was half asleep by the time Amy spoke her next words.

"You know, I don't usually do this...have sex on the first date. I hope you don't think I'm easy." Amy admonished jokingly, half asleep herself.

Nick's lips turned up into a lopsided smirk, "Don't worry, baby, I'll still respect you in the morning." She chuckled when her side was pinched. Kissing the still damp forehead once more, she pulled Amy's pliant body on top of her and they fell into a deep, contended sleep.


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Chapter 1 It had been a long, hot day for Michael, he was planning on going home to his apartment, drinking a couple beers and having a nice slow jerk-off session. After stopping at the local Liquor store, he went and rented some new porno vids, but as he pulled up to his apartment he spotted his roommates car. "Damn, he must have come back early from his trip. Shit!" As he opened the door he braced himself for the argument that was about to happen since he had yet to clean the apartment...

3 years ago
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Roommates By RogerGirl "So, that's pretty much it," Marcus said after showing him around the apartment, "what do you think?" "Wow, it's great," Reggie said surprised at how much bigger, cleaner, and well furnished the apartment was compared to the other apartments he'd been visiting, "when can I move in?" "Whenever you'd like," Marcus said, "but there's something you should know about me before you make your decision." "What is it?" Reggie...

2 years ago
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Jenny Reed balanced the small bag of groceries on one arm as she worked the lock to the apartment door with her free hand. The twenty-four-year-old nurse had gone out two hours earlier to see a movie with a co-worker, only to have her cancel at the last minute. So, rather than go alone, she'd stopped at the market for munchies and planned to crash on the couch and watch some old movies on AMC. "Just as well," Jenny thought as she stepped into the semi-dark apartment and clicked on the...

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Author's note: there is a chapter "Author's notes" at the end of this one, I believe it's worth a read. I hope you enjoy this (long) story, and if you have feedback and/or ideas, please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think! **Caution: The story contains strong language and is sexually explicit. Mature audiences only.** Introduction Thursday, July 2nd. The last week of school is ending and the graduates of UvH, the University of Hoorn, are awaking from their drunken stupors as the...

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by samslam"What happens in this apartment, stays in this apartment," my s!ster said, not meaning what I wish she had meant."What I mean is... I'm not going to change my lifestyle for you, okay?" Her tone softened slightly as she adjusted to my reaction. "If I want to bring someone into my bedroom, I will." She paused as if waiting for my agreement. I nodded so she went on. "If I want to parade around in my nothingness, I will. This was my apartment first." I didn't really expect her to parade...

3 years ago
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"What happens in this apartment, stays in this apartment," my sister said, not meaning what I wish she had meant. "What I mean is ... I'm not going to change my lifestyle for you, okay?" Her tone softened slightly as she adjusted to my reaction. "If I want to bring someone into my bedroom, I will." She paused as if waiting for my agreement. I nodded so she went on. "If I want to parade around in my nothingness, I will. This was my apartment first." I didn't really expect her to...

1 year ago
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It was my first year at Havershem University, and I was so excited. After finishing high school, I couldn't wait to be on my own. I never had a problem getting guys, since my body was a total knockout. I am 5'5", with 36c tits, and a perfect round ass. My hair is a deep red and sits just my below my tits. I was head cheerleader at high school, so I was in great shape. When I arrived on campus, I quickly unpacked my things and waited to meet my new roommate. After about an hour, she finally came...

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It was my first day at college. I had already gone to orientation and was ready to hit the sack. I decided to head to my room early to see who my roommate was, and so I could pick which bed was mine. I arrived at my room and looked around. Not bad. Two beds, a bathroom, and a window with a view of the campus. I picked my bed and dropped dead. When I woke up from my sleep, I looked around and found the clock. It was 8P.M. When my head cleared I heard something. The shower running. My roommate...

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James was estatic when he realized he had been accepted to start his fall 2004 semester at the UCLA. Being born and raised in a small town in Texas, he had been average his whole life, well... perhaps not so average. He had sent in his application not really believing he'd make it in. When he was accepted into the business department, which was ranked among the top schools in the nation he was surprised as anyone else in his home town. Now he was standing on the steps to his dorm about to start...

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Maria slammed the door in frustration and tossed her coat on the pile of shoes at the entryway. "Hey, hun, what's up?" It was Deirdre her roommate. "Mark was a fucking no show again," Maria growled, flopping down on the couch. Dee was watching some peculiar program on the nature channel. "What the fuck are you watching?" "Oh," Dee said airily. "Nothing really. Just flipping." She started flipping the channels again. Maria caught a flash of a program on bondage as Dee whipped by it. "So Mark...

1 year ago
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OctoberIt's been a while since we talked. She's got cock on the brain.My roommate Leah's boyfriend Tom happens to be hung like a bull. She's constantly fucking him, that's half their daily routine. The other half is sometimes showing up to class, sometimes sitting around and talking about his dick. She sat me down and gave me a vivid description of her sucking him off in an alleyway near the theater she temps at. At first I contented myself to putting on my headphones during their many-hours...

2 years ago
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Back when I was around 23 or 24 I moved in with a girl that I had known since grade four. Her name was Sheri, she was a cute little blue eyed blond girl who was probably the first crush that I ever had. From the moment we met we just seemed to gravitate toward one another. What I remember most vividly was how on class field trips the two of us would always be lagging behind the group annoying our teacher and just making each other laugh. All through elementary school and most of high school we...

4 years ago
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My relatives came to visit over the summer. My aunt and uncle on my mom's side, and my grandparents on my father's side. Our house was full, with myself, my sister, and my parents already filling our three bedroom home before taking in more people. I loved having the relatives visit us, so it wasn't a problem, it just meant that my sister had to share my room for a week.That was going to prove very beneficial, as I was soon to discover. I'm eighteen, and my sister, Brynn, is not quite a year...

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My relatives came to visit over the summer. My aunt and uncle on my mom's side, and my grandparents on my father's side. Our house was full, with myself, my sister, and my parents already filling our three bedroom home before taking in more people. I loved having the relatives visit us, so it wasn't a problem, it just meant that my sister had to share my room for a week.That was going to prove very beneficial, as I was soon to discover. I'm eighteen, and my sister, Brynn, is not quite a year...

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Today started like any other day for Hayden he got up and went to work only halfway through the day he reserved a call from his long-time friend Ronin ‘Hayden I’m in a bit of a bind my landlord is selling and Alice and I need a place to stay on short notice any chance we could take the spare room you have?” Ronin pleaded “No problem my man was thinking about looking for someone anyway,” said, Hayden

4 years ago
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Today is the first day of the rest of your life; your destiny awaits, you tell yourself. But who are you kidding. . . you stopped believing in bullshit like fate a long time ago. The universe is governed by dumb luck and strength of will. In that case, today is just another day. You hope it will be better than the day before. You watch your parents pull out of their parking space in their bug splattered minivan, noticeably lighter now that your stuff is not in it. Your mind is flooded by...

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I just had graduated college with a 4.0 GPA and a degree in history, applied to the Smithsonian in D.C and got offered a job. I'm a twenty two year old virgin, but not because of my looks, I'm told I am a good looker, with a decent rack, 34 C, but because I have been programmed since childhood to excel in school. I did just that, all through my school life, studies came first, which left little or no time to party and here I was in Washington D.C. Apartment hunting, preferably with a roommate...

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My last roommate name was Adelphia. She was a nympho by the book. We had sex every day. One day I built a sybian out of a mailbox, a sander, and a vibrator. I also created an orgasm indicator, that could be placed on a nipple and when the nipple swells, a light came on. Last June I had Adelphia sit on the sybian blindfolded, knowing her expecting a big orgasm. Every time her nipples swell up, I turned the sybian off. She was craving for an orgasm, and my goal was to have it when I decided. The...

2 years ago
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Dan and I are best friends. We have known each other since 1st grade. We lived on the same street. We played together camped together, swam, played sports and were just generally best buds. We just graduated high school this past spring and are both eighteen years old. We have been making plans of getting our own place since the 9th grade. We figured if we both worked we could get a two bedroom apartment and split the costs. I work at a local fast food place and Dan works at a warehouse. We...

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You close your eyes again and keep grinding your wet pussy against the palm of your hand, with your fingers buried deep inside yourself, letting me enjoy the show. Walking past your door, I hear faint whimpering and moaning coming from the bedroom. I slowly push open the door, revealing your naked body, spread eagle across the bed with your hands cupping your smoothly shaved pussy. Your fingers busy pumping in and out of your body, legs bucking from the overwhelming pleasure writhing inside...

Sex With Stranger
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Ma ke choder protisodh

Parar mor-e phonida-r chayer dokane dhuktei bapi bole uthlo, Bapi: ‘ki re subho, tor ma ke dekhlam dotolar chade dariye nepalda-r sange gaye ga lagiye khub golpo koeche’ Debu: ‘dekhis re subho sabdhan, mal ter kintu bohut alur dos achhe. Parar kono masima boudike charche na mairi. Meye dekhlei, bokachodar bara ekebare tatiye othe, debo sala ekdin dhonta kete khoja kore’ Sona: ‘thik bolechis mairi, seber china boudir songe emon lot-ghot korlo je, boudir bor ekebare puro family niye ekhankar...

4 years ago
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Every guys dream0

My wife and I eventually divorced and I moved out. It was not easy being on my own again especially being in my 30's but I was able to rediscover my fetish with the help of internet shopping. I could buy all of the women's panties and bras I wanted and they would arrive at my door without anyone knowing my kinky little secret. I collected all kinds of sexy panties, garter belts and thigh high stockings. I even started to buy dresses and perfume and would spend my day taking a long hot bath,...

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Reddit Braless, aka r/Braless! Have you ever walked down the street and just instantly spotted a hottie wearing a tight dress without a bra underneath? I certainly have and it has to be one of the hottest things that I have ever seen. I don’t know what it is about ho chicks not wearing bras and then wearing tight clothes over their tits, but it just turns me on. In fact, it turns on many people and that’s why the /r/braless subreddit exists. This is basically a place you can always go to when...

Reddit NSFW List
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Flames tore across the village, consuming dwellings and people alike as they raced from one place to the next, fuelled by strong winds and the old oak timbers most of the houses we made of. The blaze caused joists to crack and pop as the flame licked along their lengths, the heat causing iron studs to pop from their setting like projectiles, adding themselves to the carnage unfolding all around. Scrambling out of his bed in a weary eyed daze, Jontin hurriedly made his way out of his room in...

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The Remodel in the Mountains

A friend of mine had a son who wanted to learn the construction trade and I told them I would have a job coming up. A few weeks later I called him and said I ha a job in the mountains if he wanted to go with me. I told him it would last about a month and he said that was fine. It took about a day to drive up to the cabin. When we got there I told him we had to hook up some utilities but it shouldn't take to long. I took him up to turn on the power to the cabin that you had to use a ladder to...

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Ranch FamilyChapter 6

A loud scream in my ear brought me wide awake. I rolled over to see Megan’s mouth clamped over one of Kelley’s breasts with a trickle of blood running down the side. I leaned over and sucked her other nipple in my mouth and began rolling it back and forth between my front teeth. Kelley screamed again and pulled my head farther into her breasts. I began sucking, trying to get her blood to pull through the skin of her nipple area. With both Meg and I working on her it was only minutes before...

2 years ago
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Sunny Daze Threesome MFF Part 1

(At the house, downstairs, Racquel has invited her friend Sunny over, and they are both just finishing a drink, sitting next to each other on the couch wearing their bikinis, waiting to go for a swim in the pool with Racquel’s boyfriend, Steven.)Sunny: Thanks, so much for inviting me over for a swim! Been looking forward to this!Racquel: No problem, especially after you told me how hot and gross you felt as you were sitting at home last weekend. I figured you might enjoy visiting us here for a...

3 years ago
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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 13

In nothing short of lynx-eyed rage, Lydia Newell wasted no time in reaching the Crescent Valley Police Chief by telephone. Nor did she mince words with the barrel-chested official in conveying to him what she thought of his "little whore niece!" "What the hell, Lydia, I-I can't believe it!" Link Morgan stammered in immediate jealous anger. He'd been sitting behind the scarred desk in his grubby Town-Hall office, staring idly at the half-empty bourbon-bottle he'd been nursing, while...

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Saskia My First anal rape REPOST

As we walked up a particularly long and steep hill, my dad changed the conversation to something I was not expecting. ?Adam, today we?re not just going to be walking.? He started to explain. ?What do you mean by that?? I asked quite curiously. ?You?re seventeen in less than a month and you?re still whipped on that Saskia girl. We need to get you over this, so I?ve arranged a little surprise for you..? I thought this over for the next couple of minutes. I?d liked this girl since the end of my...

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Sis And Her Boyfriend

Neo here again, with a lovely softcore, this time. Me and My sis just enjoyed two times and she was getting sexier and horny. After that theatre time, we didn’t got lonely time to have it again. One fine day we were alone, but she had to study as her exams were near and one of her friend, a boy named Amit, was going to come to study with her. He came, sat on sofa, my sis got water for him, while she was giving him water, he was starring at her, from top to bottom and specially at boobs. She was...

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Lake House Virgin

I had just finished jerking off and I was lying here on my bed trying to piece together "What went wrong; why am I still a virgin at eighteen?" I am a pretty good looking dude if I do say so myself; 6'2" tall, dark wavy hair, blue eyes, handsome face, athletic build. I work on my body; lifting at the gym, running and biking. Why couldn't I have scored at least once during high school? High school is over now, I just graduated last week. My chance to score during those four influential years is...

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“She wants to meet you in the foyer of the Hyatt at two to make sure you and her are on the same page.” I am Michael, in my late twenties, 72 inches tall, 168 pounds, a toned, fit body and genetically lucky to possess a large, thick cock, ten-inches when erect. I live in Sydney, Australia and used to moonlight as a gigolo or male escort. That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she...

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Very Intense Sex With Girlfriend Post Breakup

Hi all, this is Rahul again and today I am here to share a story with Sneha (name changed) with whom I had just broken up. This happened a few years ago when I was 25 and Sneha was my girlfriend for the past 1 year. Unfortunately, we had to break up due to a few compatibility issues and the break up took a toll on me. I was unable to move on. I was depressed post break up and undergoing therapy. My therapist had suggested either throwing away or returning all the gifts my girlfriend had given...

2 years ago
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Sex with an Xhamster member

By now, some of you know that while I am engaged to Michael (WaMan2010), we have an open relationship and I am looking forward to trying 5 or 6 guys at the same time very soon. When Michael was married to my best friend, she used to tell me all the time about her and Michael having several guys over and on many occasions, I was with Michael while Kelly was with a few guys. Since Kelly passed neither Michael or I have had any sexual encounters and it took 4 years for him to finally be able to...

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Touching Buttons and Licking Knobs

Daddy finally got me my own diary! Finally, I have a place where I can put down my thoughts on what happens during the day. Today was an ok day, but I am really looking forward to tomorrow. I go to a Catholic school so I am with girls all day long. I forgot to mention my sister Brittany. She just turned 14 a week ago and I love her a lot. We share just about everything with each other. Back to tomorrow . . . across the street from our school is the boys' school. We are going to have a social...

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My lover my granddaughter

Two years ago my wife died after a long illness. She and I had worked in my office together for many years, and when we found out that she was ill, we hired her granddaughter, (her son by a prior marriage's daughter) to learn what my wife did in the office. After my wife died, I slowly returned to work, and my granddaughter, Karen, ran the office. My wife and I had always had an active sex life, even in our mid-fifties. We had enjoyed "nooners" in the office on the couch, on the floor, bent...

1 year ago
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Unexpected stop

The tires of my car hummed along the blacktop, we were making good time, shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours to get home. My 18 year old s****r Hanna and I were returning from our Grandma’s house, she was getting on in years, and we liked to visit her often, and help her out, without her having to ask us. Hanna, studying the map, said, ‘Lisa, If we take the next exit, it’s a secondary highway, should cut about 30 miles off our distance.’ I slowed, and took the exit ramp, and on the...

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Journey OutwardChapter 23 Answers

I take Holliday's hand and start to walk toward the Protector's training grounds. "Holiday. How do you really feel about Alys?" "Well I like her, a lot, but..." he pauses. I insert, "But she is not Annie." "Yeah," he agrees with me but surprises me with his next question, "I was kind of thinking, am I just trying to find someone now that Annie is gone?" "Do you truly believe you are that fickle?" I smile sadly at him. "Well, I did kind of jump into all this. I don't...

3 years ago
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Playing Doctor With A Student

The very idea of a doctor listening to the heart of a patient has always been a turn-on for me. As a child, I felt very nervous whenever a doctor would lean forward to listen to my heart. Nervous, and also sexually stimulated, if the doctor happened to be a woman. The cold touch of the chest-piece against my accelerating heart seemed dizzying. I wished I could borrow the instrument and use it upon the girls (and women) I found attractive. Once a girl named Mithu, we both were then in the eighth...

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The Ultimate Warrior

(Author's Note: SO... After two long years of creative dry spell and a major writer's block that has prevented me from writing seriously, I have decided to try to continue this thread. Bear with me as attempt to get back into the mindset of the premise so the pacing of quality content might be a little slow.) A long time ago, a great immortal warrior named Skord brought down the rampaging Bardarim, the fabled Ender of Worlds. As reward from the Elder Deities, he was offered the place of a dead...

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Our Babysitter Julia

“So what time does she get here?” I asked, my wife then checked her watch and then looked up at the clock. “In about an hour.” she replied. “Why check your watch and then the clock?” I asked her, “Didn't know that was the time.” she answered. I continued tapping keys at my laptop while she got dressed. She was a beautiful woman, with short curly black hair and a size 8 figure. Her breasts were natural, which some people didn't believe because they were so pert. Sitting like two half...

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Nanbanin Akka Swetha 8211 Part 1

Vanakam makale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil nanbanin akka enudan eppadi ulasamaaga kaamam seithaal enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Ithu oru unmai kathai enbathaiyum ungalidam pagirnthu kolugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. En nanbanin akka enaku siru vayathil irunthu pazhakam, pengal oru murai oothu vital thaan avargal kuthiyiil aripu athigam edukum enbathu marapu. Athu unmai thaan akkavirku thirumanam aagum varai aval endrum en meethu kaama aasai patathu kidaiyaathu. Aval oru pathini...

2 years ago
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My First StrapOn Experience

Instead of going into my room, she led me to the master bedroom, hers and Rachael's, and opened the curtains, letting in the last of the afternoon sunlight. She lay me down on the huge bed and parted my legs, moving between them. "I've wanted to do this for the longest time," she purred as she lay down and slipped her tongue into my waiting pussy. The feeling was incredible! As usual! I lay back helpless as Amy ate my pussy, my hands in her hair as I held her while I rocked my hips up to meet...

1 year ago
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It Begins Pt 01 Hot Tub

Ah, college…that wonderful time in one’s life that we take for granted when we are living it, but later on fills us full of yearning and nostalgic feelings. My name is Alec and I had an amazing 5 years or so of schooling in a small college town, living life to its fullest, being somewhat of a cad, and dating some amazing women. One of these women I had somewhat of an on/off again relationship, was named Beth. This story, and a number to follow, chronicle those times we shared (some poetic...

2 years ago
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Watching It Grow

Watching it grow. Taking my morning jog I got to know the local sights and sounds which for me, as a writer, made for interesting notes as soon as I got home, jotting down anything that struck my eye that I could possibly use. Foremost in my notes were the obvious love and passion Cecilia had for her beautiful garden, breathing in the multiple scents of the flora there, the way it was all set out in apertures of light crazy paving and small trellises. It came to the point that every morning...

1 year ago
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The night of a millionaire

I did not write this. I found it in a now defunct site. Sadly I cant acknowledge who wrote this. Whoever were, for him the credits, Im traslating and uploading it, it's a good story wich should be read by english speakers. Your name is Máximo Taboada, heir to a large fortune, which allows you to lead a standard of living among the most expensive in Europe. You don't have to worry, a hundred years wouldn't be enough to waste all the money you have, although you really do make an effort to spend...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 10 Bernies Exhibitionist Fling

Bernie had two more dates with Eddie Boyle, but neither ended with anything close to the excitement he'd generated on the condo stairs during the hurricane. She began avoiding his calls, and after a brief interval, Eddie looked elsewhere. Val was puzzled, for Bernie, while good looking didn't seem to attract all that many suitors; if suitor's translated into desirable hunks. But Val had her Joe, and while she was concerned about Bernie's lack of boyfriends, she didn't dwell on the...

3 years ago
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Friend8217s With Benefits In Classroom

Hey, everyone, I am Guru, This is my first story, I have been reading indian sex stories dot net for years now. This is a story about me and a girl named Sukriti (Name changed), This is a true story. Let me tell you something about my self I am 19 years old good looking guy with an average body. I live in a good society in Gurgaon, Sukriti is fair looking with a good figure and a smile to die for. You can reach out to me at I have had a little fun with an aunt who used to live right next to...

3 years ago
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Na Andamaina Amma Tho 8211 Part 1

Hai readers, my name is Mahesh. I am a Pharmacist, so idi na first story and my first experience ma ammatho but first ma amma gurinhi cheppaliga tappaduga. Ma amma okka devatha I mean kamadevatha tana sannulu basketballs tana pirralu footballs tana kallu black tana vollu chuste chalu evadikayina karipovalsinde on the spot. Ika finally tana nadaka tanu nadustunte ramp-walk chesinattuga untundi venaka unnavallaki levalsinde langa lepi pettalani anpinchalsinde. Ika nenu height mari podavu kadu...

2 years ago
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Daddy8217s Little Girl

Hello, every one of Indian sex stories! This is Tarun Ghosh. I am a 48-year-old software professional. I am working with Adobe while my wife is a government school teacher. We live in Gurgaon. We have a teenaged daughter, Jui, who just completed passed her boards exam this year. Jui is 18 years old. She is a beautiful and charming girl. She just looks like her mother; fair skinned, medium height, nice figure and cuteness overload. She has long hair, which she keeps tied neatly into a knot. She...

1 year ago
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Meeting the family 2the continuing story of Danielle Cummings

THE CONTINUING STORY OF DANIELLE CUMMINGS BEING A HIGH SCHOOL GIRL ISNT ALWAYS FUN Danielle Cummings was a 16 year old high school sophomore in a shore town in New Jersey. She was also transgender. She had always been a somewhat effeminate boy, preferring to play with the neighborhood girls and participate in the same things they did. When she was younger, this meant jumprope, jacks, hopscotch, dolls and tea parties. She wasn't allowed to wear dresses {in public} but in all other...

3 years ago
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The Cam Girl

Elisa was amazingly dirty, she was doing things with a light sabre that would make the most hard core pornographer blush, never mind make the Star Wars producers swallow hard. She was also very, very focused on what she was doing, nice to see someone so dedicated to doing a good job and yes it was her job, she had been performing on the site now for around 6 months and, at least up to now, was making a pretty good living out of it.In many ways it was a perfect occupation, she could work from...

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Three Square MealsChapter 116 Choosing to make a fresh start in life

Eighteen matriarchs sat around the long table in the royal meeting room on Genthalas, the gathered Maliri speaking quietly to one another as they awaited their hostess, the atmosphere tense. When Queen Edraele swept into the room, all conversation ceased, the matriarchs watching her approach the table. “My sincere apologies for keeping you waiting,” Edraele said, inclining her head to the seated women. “Baen’thelas enquired as to the status of our fleet refits and I wanted to finish my...

4 years ago
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I wondered to myself whether it would ever happen. My mind had been open to it for some time now, which it hadn’t been in my youth. In my early 50’s now, still athletically fit, offbeat handsome (so I’ve been told - who knows what the fuck that means), and mostly straight, but quietly willing to bend into the right circumstances, or for the right person. The willingness to bend part is much more recent. But the catch for me seems to be: When and how would the details, this right person, right...

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