RoomMates free porn video

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Disclaimer: All characters are over eighteen years of age. This futanari story contains questionable morals and inordinate amounts of sex that never result in chafing. If you don't know what 'futanari' means, stop right now, Google it, and then decide if you want to continue reading. Enjoy!

Editing credit: Blind_Justice

Copyright © 2013 redskyes


It was almost two o'clock in the morning. I was lounging on the couch in my underwear and tee shirt, spooning Ben & Jerry's Phish Food into my mouth while watching a Eureka marathon on SyFy when I got the call.

"Chloe, Madison's rip-roaring drunk."

It was Kara, one of my roomie's friends. Madison and I had lived together since college. We'd graduated three years ago and just stuck together. We got along great, but we didn't travel in the same social circles. My girlfriends were book worms and MMO gamers (yes, we're out there), but Madison's were social divas, Kara being one of them. I didn't like Madison's friends, and she didn't like mine, but we liked each other, for some reason.

"How is this my problem?" I asked.

"Because she's about to make a scene. She's got two guys fired up to duke it out over her. That, or she's going to take them both upstairs. You need to come get her."

"Shit," I grumbled. "I'll be there in ten."

Stowing my ice cream in the freezer, I pulled on a pair of baggy sweat pants and a hugely oversized sweater, then hopped into my car and headed out. When I got to Kara's house, it was bursting at the seams with mid-twenties men and women. As I made my way inside, I got a lot of funny looks because of my wardrobe. Well, that and because I towered over most of the people there by more than a few inches. Not that I cared how freakishly tall I was, or that I had much of a choice in what I was wearing - I'll get to that last bit later.

I wouldn't be caught dead at a party like this anyway. Aside from the sea of vapid blondes, both bottled and real, it was an absolute sausage-fest. The guys outnumbered the girls by five to one. Way too much competition for me, to be honest, since guys weren't my thing.

Working through the crowd, I grabbed arms, wrists, hands, shoulders, asking around if anyone knew where Madison was. After a few minutes, I was directed upstairs. A couple more stops and I was pointed towards a door at the end of a hallway. Flinging it open, I found my roomie sandwiched between two muscle-bound jocks, her mouth plastered over the blonde one and the brunette with a buzz cut groping her ass from behind.

At least they were still wearing their clothes.

"Madison!" I barked, grabbing her arm and hauling her out of bed.

"Hey, what the fuck!" the blonde guy complained.

"Chloe!" Madison squealed and threw her arms around my neck, hugging me. Poor thing had to stand on the tips of her toes to do it too.

Thinking on my feet, I grabbed her hips and kept her from pressing herself against me. My clothes hid the fact that this was a d-day, but full body contact wouldn't.

"Let's go, Maddy," I said, taking her hand and leading her towards the door. "Time to go home."

Madison tugged on my hand, pulling me back. "Oh, come on! The party's just getting started!"


She grabbed my other hand too and leaned in to whisper, her breath reeking of vodka. "You can join us."

I snorted. "No thanks."

"Your loss," she flashed a big drunk-happy smile and turned away to rejoin her hunks.

I could have let her go. It's not like this was the first time I'd had to rescue her, and I knew it wouldn't be the last. Madison was wasted, and I knew from experience that she would remember almost nothing the next day, but those two guys would, and they would talk. We weren't in college anymore, but word would get around town and Madison would have to deal with the fallout of the rumors. Sure, she was flighty and irresponsible, but all in all, she was a nice girl. She deserved better, certainly better than the two douchebags waiting for her.

I yanked her away from the bed. "We're leaving before you make a spectacle out of yourself."

Madison stumbled behind me as I led her down the hall. "But I don't wear glasses!"

I laughed at that, because she was absolutely serious. It was times like this that I really had to wonder why we were friends. We had almost nothing in common. She was an art gallery manager downtown. She was also the buxom blonde of most men's dreams, tall and statuesque with a year-round bronze tan, the perfect balance of lean and curvy, wide hips and a full ass, narrow waist, and a tremendously generous rack. Her hair fell way down her back in thick golden waves, and she had stunning dark blue eyes. She was gorgeous, and she knew it.

Me, I was a junior tax accountant. I had short black hair that barely covered my ears and hazel green eyes. My skin was pale and I had a fairly lean build, thanks to a gym membership. My hips were kind of narrow, and while my ass was nice and tight, I'd always thought it was a little small. My breasts, on the other hand, were rather full. Not quite as devastating as Madison's double Ds, but big enough to make me just a little top-heavy, in my opinion.

Oh, and if I didn't make it clear earlier, I'm tall for a girl. Like, freakishly tall. I top out just about six-foot. But in heels? The air is thin up there, let me tell you. From a dating perspective, it was a good thing that I was gay.

"You're such a party-pooper," Madison whined as I shoved her into my car.

"Whatever," I grumbled, starting the car. "You ruined a perfectly good date I was on with Ben & Jerry's."

Madison screwed up her face, squinting her glazed-over eyes. "Are those the two dweebs you work with that are always hitting on me?"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh my God."

We were on the road less than a minute when she changed the radio station. We didn't even like the same movies, music, or books. She was all about the latest bubble-gum pop, like Taylor Swift and Demi Levato, while I was into Mumford & Sons and Barenaked Ladies (yes, still). She liked romantic comedies and I preferred campy horror and sci-fi. She devoured supernatural romance novels and I couldn't resist a good crime story.

Yeah, nothing in common.

Back at our apartment, I put my shoulder under Madison's arm and helped her up the stairs. I had to do a tricky balancing act to get my key in the door, but Madison helped in her own way. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me, pulling my face into her ample cleavage.

"You're so sweet, coming to my rescue," she cooed.

"You're welcome," I mumbled into her boobs.

Despite the vodka on her breath, I couldn't help but notice how nice she smelled. Madison was head-over-heels for this high-end body spray that, she swears, strippers use all the time. She smelled like watermelon, and it always made my mouth water just like the real thing.

Fumbling our way into the apartment with her arm around my shoulders, she patted the side of my face with her hand. "You're my shining knight in armor."

"I think you mean knight in shining armor, Maddy."

She burped all of the sudden, but the sound had a hint of danger to it. Madison giggled, but with as much as she'd partied over the years, I had become very familiar with that particular kind of burp.

I kicked open the bathroom door and sat her down on the floor near the toilet, then got a bath going.

"What are you doing, Chloe?" she asked, leaning back, her head thudding against the wall. She rubbed at the spot and moaned. "Ouuuuch."

"I'm getting your bath ready," I replied, adding soap, lavender salt and tea tree oil.

"Why? I took a shower before the party."

She burped again.

I sighed and straightened up, then turned around to look down at her with my hands on my hips. "Because you're about to throw up, sweetie."

She scoffed and blew a chunk of blonde hair out of her eye. "No, I'm not." She pushed up to her feet and wobbled, slapping an arm against the wall for balance. "I'm perfegly fine. In fack, I could really go for another dring right about...hungh!"

I held her hair for her while she threw up into the toilet. When the dry heaves had passed, I wet a washcloth in the sink with cold water and went back to her to wipe her face and get her into the bath. I tried to be as clinical as I could while helping her undress. So I ignored her huge firms breasts with long nipples, her narrow waist, flared hips, long legs and the waxed-smooth mound between them. It wasn't easy, but the milky water and suds eventually concealed most of her body, giving me a break.

"Why do you put up with me?" she asked quietly, eyes closed and head back against the tub.

"Isn't it obvious?" I said, checking the temp of the bath with my hand and adding more hot water. When I looked at Madison, her dark blue eyes were staring at me, sleepy but more or less aware. "I'm secretly in love with you."

She giggled and patted my arm. "Oh, that's right."

It was kind of a running joke. One night during our freshman year of college, Madison and I had gotten quite drunk in our dorm room. Long story short, we ended up fooling around. It was her first girl-on-girl experience, but not mine. I'd come out of the closet my senior year in high school. Madison wasn't gay, nor bisexual. At best, she was bicurious. I say that because that wasn't her last lezzy experience. When the two of us got drunk enough, which was about twice a year, it was kind of inevitable that we'd fool around. Anyway, the joke specifically referred to the fact that despite how little girl-on-girl experience Madison had, she really loved to eat a peach now and then, and she was quite good at it. In fact, no other girl had ever made me come as much nor as hard with her mouth as Madison had.

She grinned, and as if reading my thoughts, asked, "You're not drunk at all, are you?"

"Uhm, no," I smirked.

"That's too bad."

I raised an eyebrow.

She bit her lower lip and grinned again. "I could really go for a fur burger right now."

Well, that was just great. She was more than drunk enough to be ready and willing to go down on me. The bad part was that it had to be that particular night. Why couldn't it have been last night, or tomorrow night? No, it had to be tonight. Well, fuck.

I splashed her face with water and she yelped. "You are so crass."

Both of us laughed for a bit. She gazed at me for a while, and though she was wasted, I could tell that she was thinking something over, and hard.

"What?" I said.

Madison looked over at my hand on the side of the tub, then she picked it up and held it. "Nothing," she murmured, kissing the back of my hand. "Sometimes I forget how much you mean to me."

I looked away so that she wouldn't see me blush. It wasn't like I was smitten with her. I could never see myself with someone like Madison. She was funny, smart, independent, and like I said, she had a very talented tongue. But girlfriend material? Hell no. Still, I'd be lying if I said wasn't attracted to her, and with the fairly recent change in my life, I was very attracted to her.

Madison kissed my hand again, then she started kissing my fingers. I narrowed my gaze and she gave me a sultry look while licking her tongue around my finger rather suggestively.

"You're drunk, Maddy," I snorted, pulling my hand back and doing my best to ignore how hard my nipples were, and that something else was getting hard too.

She caught my finger between her teeth and smiled, then pursed her lips and kissed the tip. "I know. You should take advantage of me while you can." She set my hand on her chest and I could feel the upper swells of her breasts just grazing my palm. "Who knows when I'll be drunk enough again?"

For a second, just a second, I considered it.

"Get your bubble-butt up," I snorted.

"I do not have a bubble-butt!" she protested, eyes wide.

Madison climbed up to her feet to stand in front of me in all her naked glory, water running in rivulets down her lush body, dripping from her nipples. She put her hands on her hips and turned this way and that, modeling her insanely feminine figure. I felt a stirring underneath my sweat pants, which wasn't good.

I really needed to get out of there, before Madison noticed that all wasn't exactly what it seemed in Chloe-land. Without getting into the details - because they don't really matter - most of the time I'm a perfectly normal and healthy young woman in her mid-twenties. But the other days? Well, on those, my anatomy is rather different. I call them d-days, because when I wake up in the morning - don't freak out - I'm a dickgirl. My vagina will have been replaced with a big dick and a pair of enormous balls, all of it fully functional. For the last few months, I had been putting it to good use with three different women, two around my age and one in her early thirties. No idea how it was that they hadn't blabbed about it to anyone, but they'd kept my secret, and all I'd had to do was ask.

No, I don't know how the transformation thing works. I just know that magic is involved, and that my extra anatomy respects the fact that I wax regularly, so everything down there is always smooth and hairless, regardless of what day it is. There's no regularity to it either. It's totally random. Monday morning? Just a girl. Tuesday morning? Big, fat schlong and enormous sack hanging between my legs. It was impossible to predict when it would happen. Made scheduling dates with my girlfriends a real pain in the ass, actually.

Madison almost caught me on a day that I woke up with extra body mass. I was in the shower when she came into the bathroom to brush her teeth, and she saw me through the foggy glass door, my dick just swinging between my legs. I'd turned away just in time. She must not have gotten a good look though, because she never said anything. She stared at me for the next few days though.

Anyway, this particular day was a dong-day, so at that moment, I had a partially soft but rather impressive schlong down the leg of my sweatpants and enormous nuts that were full to bursting.

I grabbed a towel and threw it at her. "Come on, Maddy. Time for bed."

Her pouty expression seemed out of place to me, unless I was missing something.

"Fine," she huffed, wrapping the towel around her. "Be that way."

Madison glared at me and shouldered by me on her way out of the bathroom. I just gaped at her. She was pissed? At me? What the hell did I do? Aside from picking up her drunken ass before making a fool out of herself, holding her hair back while she yacked, and drawing a bath for her and making sure she didn't drown in the damn thing, of course. Sure seemed pretty goddamn charitable of me.

I followed her to her room and leaned against the door frame. She was sitting on the bench in front of her vanity, trying to brush out her hair. She was still wasted though, and her movements were clumsy. She wasn't so much grooming her hair as just angrily yanking the brush through her tangled locks. Even when she was pissed, and a drunken mess, she was still gorgeous.

"Did I do something wrong, Maddy?"

"You didn't do anything, Chloe," she huffed and yanked the brush through her hair again. "Nothing at all." Her brush caught in her hair and she yelped. "Ow! Fucking hair!"

With a sigh, I went over to stand behind her and gently worked the brush out of the knot, then I started brushing her hair. I watched her in the mirror while taming her locks. Her shoulders were slumped and her head was hanging forward, her glossy eyes staring at the top of her vanity.

With the knots worked out of her hair, I pulled her back to lean against me, her head on my stomach, and I brushed the top and sides of her head. Slowly, Madison relaxed, shuffling back on the bench to lean into me. Her towel came loose and, inch by inch, it fell away. When her big firm breasts spilled out into the open, I had to take a step back so that she didn't feel my slowly waking erection.

When her hair was once again soft and luxurious, I put the brush down and set my hands on her shoulders. She reached up to put her hands over mine and turned her cheek against my stomach. She looked less angry now, more sad than anything.

"What's going on, Maddy?"

She laughed bitterly and closed her eyes, then covered her face with her hands. "I can't believe I'm pissed about this."

"Pissed about what?" I frowned.

She looked at me in the mirror. "BFFs, right?"


"I can tell you anything and you won't judge me?"

I made a face. "You know I won't."

Her eyes glistened as she looked at me, then she all but whispered, "I kind of miss you."

"Kind of?" I said with mock offense.

Madison laughed, then she licked her lips nervously and nodded.

I wasn't sure where this was coming from. Unless I was at work, I was home. Her social life was much busier than mine. If she didn't see me as often as she liked, it wasn't my doing. Unless she was upset because she wanted me to go out with her, something I rarely did, on account of not liking her friends.

I smiled with a frown. "Maddy, I'm always here. If you need something, you just need to ask."

"I know," she sighed and got up from the bench.

When she looked away from the mirror, I made a quick adjustment of my sweatpants, letting my erection bounce up against my hip. It was almost poking out from under my sweats, but my sweater was more than long enough to hide it.

Madison made her way over to the bed, her towel left on the bench, and she flopped onto her stomach on the mattress. For a moment or two, I just stared at her naked body. Her skin was so smooth that it had a shine to it. Her ass - oh my God, her ass - just begged to be kissed and nibbled. Even her back was sexy, soft and smooth with two little dimples just above her butt. While I gaped at her, Madison reached up behind her and pulled her long blonde hair off to one side, baring her neck.

"Could you give me a back rub?" she mumbled.


I went over and got her favorite lotion out of her nightstand. Madison turned her head and looked me over, then made a sour face. "My God. What are you wearing?"

I chuckled.

She rolled onto her side, facing me, and pushed up onto her arm. My eyes were drawn to the smooth valley between her legs, but I tore them away when I felt my cock jerk in my sweats.

"No, seriously, Chloe. You picked me up from the party wearing that? "

I shut the drawer and shrugged. "So what?"

She shook her head and laughed. "It's hideous! "

I rolled my eyes, rubbing the lotion into my palms. "I wasn't there to get laid. Now turn over."

She grinned and rolled onto her back. "Do my front first."

Oh, how I wanted to do that, but not today. "You can do your front on your own."

"But I don't want to," she whined, giving me puppy-dog eyes. "Please? Pamper me for a bit?"

I sighed. "Fine."

Madison squeaked and flipped onto her back. I started at her feet and worked my way up her long, long legs, pushing my fingers into her stiff muscles to work the tension out of them.

"Mmm. That's nice," she murmured.

When I reached her knees, she parted her legs a little, and there it was, her smoothly waxed mound, all nice and neat and baby soft. She had an arm over her eyes so I just drank her in with my gaze while working more lotion into her thighs, remembering how hot she'd been in my mouth when I'd gone down on her seven months, sixteen days and about four hours ago (maybe I'm a bit obsessed with her). The last time we'd fooled around had been before I had my secret.

Ever since the radical change in my life, my attraction to her had grown stronger with every passing day. She wasn't doing it intentionally, and she was completely unaware of the effect she had on me, but Madison was a tease. She barely wore anything when it was just us around the apartment. She constantly pranced around in panties and a tank top, baby tee, camisole, or halter top. She was a huge fucking cock-tease, is what she was, but again, she wasn't actually guilty of doing anything.

God, what I would have given to be with her, just once, to finally unleash all the pent up lust I had for her body. Being roommates, it would be perfect. I could spend all night and day just using her for my pleasure, and with any luck, give her pleasure in return.

At that thought, my cock gave a mighty jerk, pushing right out from under my sweats, pressing against my stomach in a hard and hot line.

"I was," she said softly.

I blinked out of my daydream. "I'm sorry. What?"

"The party," she murmured, taking a deep breath and letting it out. Unexpectedly, her nipples tightened right before my eyes. "I was there to get laid."

"Oh," I breathed, thinking that I could help her out with that little problem, but then I shook my head clear. "Well, sorry to ruin your plans, but you did kind of ruin mine."

"Your ice cream date?" she smiled, eyes still covered by her arm.


I spread lotion around her hips and stomach and up her sides, then I worked on her arms. I couldn't seem to catch my breath and I felt hotter than hell. I wanted to take off my sweater, but there was no way that my tee shirt could hide the fact that I had a big dick sticking up from between my legs.

"Don't forget my boobies," she said.

"Boobies? Really?" I chuckled. It was forced though, because I hadn't forgotten them at all. I was trying to avoid them. Something was happening to me and I wasn't sure what. The more I touched her, the more I wanted to lean down and just kiss and nibble every inch of her skin. I wanted to stick my tongue between her legs and get her nice and wet so that I could plunder her body and see what it felt like to have a hot little pussy like hers wrapped around my pecker.

"Stop ignoring my tits," she chuckled.

"I'm not."

Closing my eyes, I took several slow and deep breaths, trying to focus. God, I was so hard, this insistent iron bar just jutting out of my groin and throbbing against my stomach, leaking there. I got more lotion and reached for her hands, but Madison grabbed my wrists.

"Oh God," she grumbled. "Just do it."

She slapped my greasy palms right onto her huge soft mounds. She was looking at me now, noticing my wide eyes, and she laughed.

"What's wrong with you? You've touched my boobs before."

I swallowed. "I know that." But not when I had a giant erection, I thought.

"You've sucked on my boobs before!"

I frowned. "I know."

"So what's the big deal?" She still had her hands over mine, and she pressed them into her breasts and started moving my hands around them, grinning at me. "If I remember right, you really enjoyed them last time we fooled around. So, just tap into that place you were at and, you know, do your thing."

Do my thing? I raised an eyebrow in challenge. "Maddy, are you asking me to..."

"Fool around?" She grabbed my wrists and heaved, pulling me up her body. I had to move fast to keep my erection from pressing into her. She had my hands pressed into the pillow above her head and her mouth was very close to mine. She looked into my eyes for a long moment, then lifted her chin and kissed me, soft and sweet. "Thought you'd never ask," she murmured against my mouth.

"But I'm not drunk."

She kissed me again, the tip of her tongue gliding along my lips, wetting them. "I am."

"I know, but..."

"You don't need to be drunk." Her mouth pressed firmer to mine, and my lips parted for her questing tongue. "Besides, you like girls, remember?"

Sure, I did. But I also had a cock just then, and she didn't know that. Besides, I had always assumed that Madison and I only fooled around when both of us were drunk because that was her way of coping with the fact that I was attracted to her, like she assumed that when I was sober, my attraction to her due to my lesbian genes didn't apply to her. Granted, it's better to know for certain than to assume, so I asked her about it.

She was still kissing me, answering me between soft smacks of her lips against mine. "Kind of close, actually." She licked at my lips and plunged her tongue into my mouth, but only briefly, teasing me, making me chase her tongue back into her mouth with mine. "I didn't think you wanted me unless you were drunk."

I felt her hands gliding up my bare forearms. She thrust her hips up at me and I lifted mine just in time.

"God, Madison," I groaned. "You're beautiful. I want you all the time."

My arms were shaking from holding myself up like that.

"Why don't you lay down on me, Chloe?"

Jesus, Madison could kiss. There were these tiny details that I had missed out on before because of booze, like how different her lips were from mine. They were much fuller, about twice as thick as mine, and soft. I was glad I was wearing the sweater, because I was fairly certain there was a big wet spot growing on my tee shirt.

"Jesus," Madison sighed against my mouth and wrapped her arms around me. "You're a really good kisser, Chloe." She pushed her hands down the back of my sweatpants and squeezed my ass. "So much better than when you're wasted."

Oh, God, her lips were so soft. On any other day, I would have been content with just kissing her, and maybe rubbing my mound against her thigh, but on a d-day...fuck, I just wanted to take her, to get balls deep inside her. My cock was achingly hard and the urge to lay down on her was nearly impossible to resist.

"We need to stop," I murmured.

She scratched her nails up my ass. "Why?"

"Because if we don't, I'm going to ravish you," I told her, and she had no idea how true that statement was.

"Good," she smiled against my lips. "That's kind of what I was going for."

Still kissing me, Madison pulled her hands out of my sweats to open the top drawer of her nightstand, where she kept her toys. She had a thick flesh-colored dildo clenched tightly in her hand. I gaped at it, having never seen it before. It wasn't as long as me on a d-day, like today, but it was about as wide, and it had a huge rubber scrotum on the bottom with a wide suction cup.

Madison chuckled at my expression. "Bigger than you imagined?"

I nodded mutely. There was no way I could take something that big inside me on a normal day, but if Madison could, then she could take me. Oh, holy shit. Possibilities began tumbling around in my head.

"Wanna play?" she giggled, waggling the big dildo in her hand.

I glanced at her, wondering exactly how drunk she was, how much I could get away with, how much she would remember tomorrow. If Madison wanted to play, maybe I could play too.

"Do you have a scarf?"

She scrunched her eyebrows together. "Yeah. Why?"

"Blindfold," I grinned.

Madison grinned back and squirmed out from under me. "Oh, kinky!"

While she wobbled her way over to the closet for a scarf, I shoved the mountain of throw pillows off her bed. I kept one though, a big cylindrical pillow, for later use. Checking that my erection wasn't showing through my clothes, I got off the bed and waited for her to come back. Madison squealed and came over with a scarf in her hands, and I watched her huge firm breasts jiggle on her chest.

She smiled at me. "You can't wait to get your hands on me, can you?"

I shook my head and took the scarf, then turned her around and put it over her eyes, knotting it at the back of her head. Turning both of us around, I sat her down on the bed.

She reached for my sweater. "Take this off."

I grabbed her wrists and jerked her arms out to her sides, and she gasped lightly. When I'm drunk, I tend to let my bed partners take charge, but sober, I like to maintain control. Having power over someone gave me a rush.

"I'm not drunk, Maddy, so we do this my way. Do exactly what I tell you."

She nodded, lips parted slightly.

"Put your hands on the bed and keep them there. Further back." I watched her lean back a little, so that her breasts were thrust up. Her bust was huge, wider than her ribcage. "Spread your legs." She did, her creamy thighs parting and revealing her swollen labia, the soft cleft between them glistening with dew. "Now, don't move."

Madison nodded again and I took off my sweater and tee shirt. My nipples were already hard, but they tightened even more in the cool air of the apartment. My pale cock was poking out from under the waistband of my sweatpants, the slightly pink helmet pressed against my stomach just below my navel. I leaned over my gorgeous roommate and took hold of her jaw.

"What are you going to do to me?" she breathed.


Holding her jaw, I lightly pressed my lips to hers, kissing her softly. She moaned quietly. I kissed her again, just a little more firmly, and licked her lips with the tip of my tongue. Madison moaned and opened her mouth, but I didn't push my tongue in. I kissed her lightly and licked at her lips, teasing her until her chest was heaving with deep breaths and she was thrusting her hips back and forth.

"Chloe, please," she whispered.

"Quiet," I told her firmly.

She moaned in complaint. I tightened my grip on her jaw, pinching so that she opened her mouth wide, and I slanted my mouth over hers. I kissed her hard and deep, pushing my tongue into her mouth and licking her teeth, twisting it around hers. I would kiss her deeply for just a second, maybe two, then close my mouth against hers with a soft smack before starting the whole process all over again.

"Jesus," she sighed, hands clawing at the sheets, struggling to do as I'd told her, to stay on the bed. "If you were a guy...I'd so fuck the life out of you right now."

"Hush," I whispered, wrapping my hand around her throat and pushing, making her lean even farther back. She gasped again. "I'm sober, Madison." I kissed her lower lip and sucked on it, then kissed her chin. "Do you know what that means?"


I kissed my way down her soft throat and chest. "It means I'm going to use you."

She took a sharp breath. I trailed soft wet kisses over the slope of her breast, then the other, ignoring her hard thick nipples.

"It means I'm going to take my pleasure in you, do whatever I want." I licked her left nipple with just the tip of my tongue and she whimpered.

"Yes. Please, yes."

Poor thing had no idea just what was in store for her. I sucked her nipple into my mouth, hard, but just for a second. She groaned with sweet pleasure and boiling frustration. I blew cold air over the wet tip of her breast and she gasped loudly.

"Your body is mine tonight," I told her, palming her breast and dragging my hand down her body. "Do you understand?"

She nodded and licked her lips. "Yours."

"Good girl," I said, leaning over between her soft thighs, spreading her legs with my hands while I kissed the top of her pillowy mound just above her cleft. "Now, let's see what we can do with this sweet little pussy of yours."

I kissed her again, pushing my tongue into the top of her slit and licking her. Oh, God, she tasted amazing. Madison groaned out loud and pushed her hand into my hair. I grabbed her wrist and slammed her hand back onto the mattress.

"Sorry," she breathed.

I kept my lips against her twat and told her, "Touch me again and I'll leave you high and dry."

She shivered. "I won't. I swear."

"Good." Shoving my arms under her thighs, I put her feet up on my shoulders and licked right up her center. Madison cried out as I pressed my tongue flat and pulled it up the length of her slit before closing my mouth over her clit and sucking gently. Goddamn, her taste, her heat, her musky scent...

"Oh fuck," she groaned, belly rippling as she tried to thrust her pelvis, but couldn't. "Oh my..."

Madison had one of the sweetest pussies that I had ever tasted. Her labia were plump and thick, perfect for kissing and sucking. Her inner folds were bright pink and so wet that I had to swallow every third lick or so. She had a tiny little clit too, and I had to really work to get at it under its hood. Her thighs flexed and trembled as I just dug my face in between her legs, licking long and deep and relishing in her taste, her aroma surrounding me and filling the room.

"Jeez, Chloe. I forgot how good you are at this!"

Digging my nails into her thighs, I growled, "Shut up and come."

I licked her from perineum to clit and sucked the top half of her slit into my mouth, flicking my tongue against her small clit.

Madison threw her head back and wailed. I opened my eyes and watched her climax, her breasts thrust high, her head tossed so far back that I couldn't see much other than her chin and straining neck. In the midst of her climax, I leaned back and grabbed the dildo, and I froze. I was faced with a decision; take the moral road, or the road that led to depravity. I chose the latter, shoving my sweatpants down my hips and thighs. My erection stuck out from between my legs, long and pale with a bright pink crown that was just a little wider than my shaft. I took hold of my cock and rubbed the tip up and down her slit, almost groaning from the wet heat of her, then I pushed.

"Oh fuck!" she moaned, arms trembling and nearly giving out.

Oh, holy fuck, she was so goddamn tight, and so hot! Jesus, she had the tightest little pussy I'd been inside yet.

"Chloe," she gasped as I fed my cock into her steamy depths. "Oh my God."

I stroked her left shin with my hand while shoving my cock into her wet hole. It was a beautiful sight, my pale member stretching her open and just disappearing into her body until she'd taken a little more than half of my length. I held myself inside her, just relishing her wet heat, her silken folds, how hot and tight she was. And I couldn't believe it. I was finally doing it. I was finally dicking my roommate, and if her writhing body and heaving chest and gasping breaths were any indication, she was loving it.

I wanted to give her time to adjust, because I knew I was a little wider than her dildo, and a lot longer, but I couldn't wait anymore. With my hand on her thigh and the other on my own - I couldn't touch her with both hands without giving myself away, right? - I pulled my hips back, dragging my dick out of her clinging hole. Oh, good God in Heaven, it was a beautiful sight, inch after inch of my pale girl-dong pulling out of her and shining bright and so very wet with her nectar. When the ridge of my crown distended her labia, I slowly, so very slowly, pushed back in. Madison groaned again.

"This okay, Maddy?" I asked.

She lifted her head and licked her lips. "God, yes."

I pumped my hips back and forth, slowly and gently fucking my roommate. Christ, she was heavenly. I couldn't have stopped if I wanted to. I was so totally screwed, so lost in the heat of her body, the heady scent of her arousal, the jiggling of her big tits as I fucked her just a little faster and just a little harder.

"Jesus, Chloe." Madison bit her lower lip and released it. "This is...oh much better than...goddamn ...when I do it."

I grinned. "Glad you like it."

Madison laughed breathlessly. "Of course I like it. It's my...sweet dildo."

I rocked my hips faster, slashing about half of my cock in and out of her lush body. I had the perfect view too, able to watch my pale member plunging between her legs, my shaft glistening wetly, her little clit stiffening and peeking out from under its hood.


I was so enthralled by the sight that I didn't notice Madison climaxing. I felt it first, her insides rippling up my length, almost like her body was trying to pull me deeper, sucking me in like a hot mouth. Then I saw the flushed skin of her chest and neck and the muscles of her arms cording.

"You're so beautiful when you come, honey," I told her, pushing inside her and letting her come on my cock, fighting not to come myself.

"Too good," she whimpered.

"Can you do that, Maddy? Can you come for me again?"

"Oh God. Oh my..." Her head shot back again and her insides clenched so hard that she almost pushed me out of her. "Uhhn! Oh fuck!"

Easing my over-primed twitching dick out of her, I put Madison's feet on the edge of the mattress, kissing her legs while pushing my sweatpants down my legs and letting them hit the floor. I gave my slick cock a few strokes until I was even harder and wider and longer than before, then leaned over my roommate, holding my erection against my stomach with one hand while grabbing the nape of her neck with the other.

"That was wonderful, Maddy," I said, giving her a soft kiss. Madison wasn't interested in gentle. She grabbed my short hair and crushed her mouth to mine, kissing me hard and deep. "How about another?"

She smiled against my mouth. "Please?"

Smiling back, I rubbed my swollen tip against her slippery opening and pushed until I was almost balls deep in her greasy little hole.

Madison hissed. "Oh my...oh fucking God!"

Christ, she felt amazing, hot and tight and so very wet. Her heavenly twat was just so fucking snug around my dick. It was like her wet walls were setting my nerve endings on fire, like her insides were squeezing and pulling and sucking and pushing all at once.

Madison murmured against my mouth. "Jesus, that's...what did you do, Chloe?"

I kissed her and pulled my hips back until just my crown remained inside her. "What do you mean?"

"It feels...different."

I pushed again, impatiently, just carving my rod up into her body, forcing her walls apart to take me deep inside her.

"Oh my God, Chloe," she moaned, thrusting her hips up.

I almost got all the way in. Just one more push. I pulled out of her slowly, oh so slowly, delighting in the sensations of her clasping walls just hugging and sliding along the length of my dong, gripping the shaft and resisting the retreat of my wide crown. My next thrust was balls deep, her wet vagina kissing my groin.

"Fuck me, Chloe, what did you do? It feels amazing!"

"Glad you like it," I wheezed. I was buried inside her right up the root, my nuts resting against her ass, the entirety of my cock just boiling within her incredibly tight heat. "Ready, Maddy?"

She licked her lips and nodded as I pulled out to my tip.

"Here we go, honey." I kissed her big breasts and hard nipples and rocked my hips, stroking my cock into her from crown to nuts, slow and steady, back and forth.

"Oh fuck, that's good," she groaned, licking her lips again. "Jesus, Chloe. Keep going."

She was so fucking hot and so goddamn tight, just slathering my shaft with her quim until it was glistening obscenely, running down over my balls. I knew her dildo was six and a half inches long, but I was longer than that, at least a couple of inches, or three. Fuck, I could have been over a foot long for all I knew, but I didn't really care. All I cared about was the feel of her silken sheath wrapped so tightly around me as I plundered her depths.

"Chloe, feels..." I could see her eyebrows pulling up from just under the scarf. She was frowning, concentrating, trying to understand. "It's so fucking deep. How is it so deep?"

This was the moment of truth.

Madison bit her lower lip and she blushed from tits to forehead. She was fluttering around me, inside, clenching and releasing, rippling up the length of my cock as I drilled it back and forth, in and out, really working my hips and long-stroking her wet heat.

"Chloe, are you fucking me?" she asked.

My cock jumped inside her. There was a tightening sensation low in my body, not in my nuts, exactly, but just behind. I'd felt it before, but it was much more intense now, and I was much more aware of it.

I snorted, powering my dick into her body. "Of course not, Maddy." I thrust hard, letting my nuts slap against her ass. "I'm a girl, remember?"

"But you...aww, fuck!" She shuddered from head to toe with a small but intense climax, drenching my cock with more fluid. "This doesn't...shit, doesn't feel dildo."


I pressed my groin against her and ground my cock into her steamy depths, letting her gradually come back down from her orgasm. Madison worked a thumb under her blindfold but I grabbed her wrist and jerked it away.

"Uh-uh," I told her, pulling out of her with a soft wet pop.


I stroked my hand up my slippery throbbing length and grabbed the dildo, spreading her fluids over it.

"Here," I said, putting the dildo in her hand. It was still warm and plenty slick. "Just your dildo."

She explored it with both of her hands while my glistening dong pulsed and twitched above her pretty little pussy.

"It felt so different."

"Did you like it?"

She laughed breathily. "God, yes!"

"Good. Give it back and turn over."

"With pleasure," she grinned, passing the dildo back to me and languidly rolling onto her hands and knees.

I grabbed her hips and pulled her towards me so that her ankles were resting just over the edge of the bed. "Keep your legs together," I told her when she tried to spread them.

"Really? I've never done it like this." Her beautiful ass shimmied side to side and pushed towards me, seeking me out. Well, seeking out the dildo, as far as she knew. "Have you?"

"You could say that," I grinned. I had, but I'd been the giver, not the receiver.

The wet mouth of her vagina was at the perfect height. Setting down the dildo and putting one hand on her hip, I fit my cock at her opening and pushed. Her wet heat engulfed the wide head of my dick and just sucked it right in. I pushed balls-deep in one smooth thrust. Fuck, she was tight like this!

"Oh fuck, that's good," she groaned.

I began rocking my hips, fucking her from crown to nuts, pushing and pulling on her hip so that I didn't have to work as hard. I wanted this moment to last. I wanted to fuck her for as long as possible, just in case I never got the chance to do this again.

"Christ, Maddy. You're so fucking--" I almost said tight. "--beautiful."

She only moaned in response. Her hands clawed at the sheets and she pushed back at me, taking me to the root. I thrust harder and faster, my smooth and heavy balls slapping at her clit. Madison cried out at that and her body began to shake from head to toe. Her gooey cunt rippled around me, from tip to root. She felt so fucking good that I just couldn't help myself.

I put both hands on her hips and stood still, pushing and pulling her onto my ragingly hard cock.

"Oh God, Chloe," she gasped, body shaking and shivering. "So good..." Then it clicked for her, where my hands were, both of them. "Oh my God! You're fucking me!"

She tried to pull away, to turn around, but I brutally shoved my cock into her depths, knocking the wind out of her. "I can't be fucking you, Maddy."

She shivered again, struggling to push up onto her arms but her body fighting against her, another climax looming. "But you...your hands!"

I had one on her ass and the other on her shoulder, pressing her down. She kind of had a point. How could I be holding the dildo?

"Chloe, you're fucking me!" she wailed. "Oh God!"

She screamed and came again, her cunt going wild on my thrusting tool. Her struggles ceased and her upper body collapsed onto the bed, riding out her orgasm. Gently, I pulled out of her, marveling at my glistening cock absolutely drenched in her nectar.

"Sweet Jesus, Chloe," she murmured.

Her face was buried in the bed linens with her long thick hair flared out around her like a halo of golden fire. I pet her lovely ass with both hands and my cock throbbed with potency over her crack. Madison pushed a thumb under her blindfold, and I didn't stop her.

"You have such a beautiful ass, Maddy," I told her, leaning over to kiss one cheek, then the other, my thumbs sliding down her crack to spread her cheeks apart so that I could see her glistening vagina, swollen and soaking wet.

"Chloe," she said, pushing the blindfold off her head, her movements liquid, languid.

Holding her ass cheeks apart, I moved my hips and nudged the smooth helmet of my cock into her gorgeous vagina, felt her hot folds spreading over my tip, her slick heat accepting me as I pushed into her body.

"Chloe, wait," she gasped, pushing up onto her arms so that she was on hands and knees.

"Sorry, honey," I said, pushing inch after inch of dick into my roommate. God, it was hot, watching my stark-white dong disappear into her bronzed body.

She moaned my name when about half of my length was buried inside her, then whimpered it with only a few inches left to go.

"Can't wait, Maddy," I told her, pushing the last of my dick inside her, holding her ass tight in my hands and just cramming her full of cock.

"Holy shit."

I leaned over her back and reached under to grab a handful of her of tits, mauling her breasts and pinching her nipples as I pumped my hips, fucking her with short but so very deep thrusts.

"You just feel too good, sweetie," I cooed, being gentle with her breasts now, caressing them and feeling their tremendous weight in my palm. She was moaning and whimpering and groaning, pushing her ass back to meet my short thrusts. "God, I've wanted to do this for so long."

Fondling her fabulous tits one more time, I straightened up and held her hips, fucking her slowly from crown to nuts.

"You can't...oh Jesus, can't be fucking me."

Fuck, she was tight! "I know, sweetheart."

"But you are," she groaned, really pushing back now.

"But I can't be," I reminded her, adding to her confusion by tightening my grip on her hips with both hands and thrusting hard into her body, forcing her wet tunnel to accept my wide length. "I'm a girl."

"Am I dreaming?" She was pushing back even harder, to the point that I wasn't even moving and just letting her impale herself on my pale dong. "I must be dreaming."

"Must be," I breathed, overwhelmed by how wet she was, how tight, how very hot. My balls felt hugely swollen, heavy with untold volumes of cream, just waiting to be released. God, I wanted to come so bad.

"But it feels so good, " she moaned, arching her back, pushing up onto her arms as high as she could.

Wrapping an arm around her chest, I pulled her up onto her knees. Madison reached up behind her and dug her fingers into my short hair, clutching the back of my head, scratching her long nails over my scalp as I began to rock my hips and fuck my thick dong up into her body. Pulling her hair out of my way, I kissed and licked her neck and clasped a heavy breast in my hand, loving how soft she was, how lush, how warm and just so fucking delicious in every way when she began to climax on my tool, wet walls rippling up and down my length, pulling and sucking while she let loose a guttural scream.

"Oh, Chloe," she wailed, petting the back of my head, laying her arm over mine across her chest and holding my hand tight to her breast. "How are you fucking me?"

I smiled. "I'm not, honey."

She pushed up on her knees when I thrust particularly deep, knocking a gasp out of her.

"Yes, you are," she groaned.

"Girls don't have cocks, Maddy," I reminded her, slowly pulling my aching length out of her gripping twat until my crown came out of her with a wet pop.

"Jesus," she moaned, pushing her ass towards me, trying to find me.

Grabbing her shoulders, I turned her around. Madison shuffled on her knees, turning to face me. Before she could look down at what I'd been fucking her with, I grabbed her chin and kissed her hard. She finished turning and put her hand on my shoulder, but the other wrapped around my dick.

"Holy shit," she murmured against my mouth.

I was plenty slick with her nectar, so she had no trouble at all stroking my erection with her hand, up and down from base to crown. Her hand cupped my cock head, exploring it, palming it, tracing the flared ridge with her fingertips.

"Chloe, you have a cock!"

I cut her off with a deep kiss, filling my hands with her big tits and fat chewy nipples and shoving my tongue into her mouth. She moaned when I pinched her nipples and smoothed her hand down my chest to fondle my much smaller breasts. Her hand stroked down my dick and then she turned her palm up, filling her hand with my swollen nuts.

"You have balls!" she gasped between kisses.

I chuckled against her mouth. "I can't have balls, Maddy."

She was fondling me with both hands now, rolling my nuts in one and stroking me with the other.

"Did I go home with a guy?" she asked, though she wasn't really asking me. Her hand tightened on my cock and the other pulled my sack away from my body. I groaned and my dick jerked in her hand, just primed for an explosion.

For the most part, I stood still, letting her have her fun. I didn't have much choice. If I moved at all, I was pretty sure I was going to come.

"I must have," she mused aloud, bronze fist stroking up and down my pale twitching member, and still kissing me, soft and sweet, smacking her wet lips against mine. "I went home with a guy. He's fucking me and I'm dreaming about you."

I smiled against her lips. "Obviously."

Her hand stopped stroking me and she laid the other on my bare hip. Finally, Madison leaned back to look at me through her long, dark lashes. Her dark blue eyes flicked down my body, saw my cock in her hand, and went wide.

"Holy shit," she breathed, then slowly - so torturously slow - stroked her hand down my twitching dick and back up to the tip. When she looked up at me, her lips stretched into a grin. "This is a really nice cock, Chloe."

I grinned back at her, watching her shuffle back on her knees, holding my hips as she leaned forward and kissed my breasts and licked my tight nipples. My mouth fell open and my cock throbbed, jutting straight out from my small frame obscenely, this huge pale dick that absolutely did not belong on a girl (although I guess I had the stature for it).

"Well, if I'm dreaming," she murmured, kissing down my stomach. "Then I'm going to enjoy it."

Without any warning at all, my cock head was suddenly engulfed in wet heat, her mouth closing over my smooth pink helmet, her tongue licking at the ridge. She was taking me inside, my crown gliding over her tongue and her lips sliding down my shaft, deep and deeper until I felt the opening of her throat nipping at my tip.

"Madison," I gasped, grabbing fistfuls of her hair.

She moaned around my dick. "Mmm."

"Oh shit."

She was sucking me now, licking and slurping, pausing occasionally to cover my cock head with sloppy kisses before pushing her mouth down my pole, fast and faster. She pushed her mouth down too far and gagged herself, then wrapped her hand around my shaft as a guide, bobbing her head up and down until her lips were crashing into her fist and my cock was kissing her throat.

"Madison," I hissed through my teeth, tightening my fists in her hair as my balls pulled up against my body. "Maddy, I'm gonna come."

She moaned loudly, sucked me harder, faster.

I felt it then, the pressure inside me just building and building and building and snapping and hot cum was roaring up my shaft and spilling into my roommates mouth. I cried out at the feel of it, of coming in Madison's sweet mouth, of her swallowing around me, gulping down burst after burst my hot load. I was still coming when she took me out of her mouth with a sharp breath and grabbed the back of my head, crushing her mouth against mine and shoving her cum-coated tongue past my lips. I was still holding her hair, and I kissed her back with everything I had as she stroked both hands up and down my jerking, spurting dong. My cock spit hot cum all over both of us, our stomachs, breasts, arms, everywhere.

Her lips smacked softly against my mouth and she smiled. "This is a good dream, Chloe."

I was still hard, still so very fucking hard. With a growl, I shoved her away from me. She yelped and flopped onto her back, her lush body still bouncing on the bed when I jumped on top of her. Madison gave me a wide bright smile as I hooked my arms behind her knees and spread her legs as wide as I could, sought her wet opening with the tip of my cock, then thrust straight down into her body.

"Oh fuck!" she groaned, throwing her head back.

I held myself above her on my arms and just powered my aching dick into her clasping cunt, hard and fast, slashing in and out from balls to crown, fucking her with every last inch. Madison grunted and whimpered and groaned, thrashing her head from side to side, long golden hair whipping about as I carved a path deep in her body.

"My tits," she gasped. "Suck on my tits, baby."

I let go of her legs and she wrapped them around my waist, then she grabbed my head and pulled my face into her chest. I was a dog in heat, rutting between her legs, just wrecking her hot cunt with my cock, owning her sweet little puss while I licked and kissed her sweaty breasts.

"Oh God, Chloe, fuck me. Just keep fucking me."

I groaned around a fat nipple, felt my cock twitch inside her quivering heat.

"Don't let me wake up, Chloe." She fisted her hands in my short hair, thrust her hips up to meet me until my cock head was almost crashing against her cervix, whimpering and moaning. "Please, don't let me wake up, Chloe. Please."

Then she was coming, her soaked core sucking and pulling and squeezing and rippling and my cock swelled, harder and longer. I thrust deep, filled her with throbbing dick that twitched one more time and belched a huge load of creamy goo into her molten depths. Madison pulled my hair and made me look at her, her mouth hanging open, her big blue eyes wide, so beautiful as she came beneath me, came on my spurting dick. She pulled my head down and kissed me, and I just kept on coming, grinding my groin into hers and pumping load after load into her greasy hole until she passed out with a throaty groan of contentment.


The next morning, I was sitting on the couch and painting my toenails when Madison finally got up. I heard her turn the shower on and close the bathroom door. I was a little nervous, wondering if she remembered anything. On the other hand, I'd just had the best sex of my life with my roommate, so I was kind of hoping that she remembered. After all, if she thought it was great sex, maybe we'd do it again.

It was about half an hour later when she finally meandered through our small living room. She glanced at me and smiled bashfully, blushing.

"Good morning," I said cheerfully.

She merely huffed and went into the kitchen. She was wearing an old cutoff tee shirt that barely covered her huge rack, and a really tight pair of shorts that absolutely clung to her gorgeous ass.

"sleep well?" I asked, watching her toss a slice of a bread into the toaster and get peanut butter out of the pantry.

"Sort of," she murmured, tapping her nails on the counter, waiting for her toast.

I grinned and went back to painting my toenails. I felt her watching me, but I didn't look up.


I glanced up and saw her looking at me.

"Did I come home with a guy last night?" she asked.

Okay, apparently she didn't remember. Somewhat disappointing, really. "No. Why?"

Madison shook her head, her damp hair clinging to her back. "I had a really strange dream."

I returned my attention to my toes, being as nonchalant as possible. "Yeah?"


The toaster popped and she came over to sit on the other end of the couch, licking peanut butter off her fingertip. "Chloe?" I glanced at her. She had one eye narrowed. "Did we mess around last night?"

I smiled. "Sure did."

"Oh. Well, that explains the afterglow I saw in the mirror."

I snickered and switched feet to paint my other toenails.

"Doesn't explain why I feel like I got fucked by a horse though."

I snickered at that.

Madison nibbled at her peanut butter toast in silence, watching me. I painted my toenails, reliving last night in my head. God, she'd felt fucking amazing. Part of me was really hoping, for the first time, that Madison wouldn't pull back on the near-constant drinking and partying.

She was still eating her toast when I carefully got up and fixed myself a bowl of cereal. Madison followed me, putting her plate in the sink, but I could feel her gaze burning into the back of my head. I was pouring Rice Crispies into a bowl when she came up behind me and suddenly yanked my shorts down my legs.

"Hey!" I yelped.

Madison grabbed my hips and spun me around, and cereal went flying out of the box and all over the kitchen floor. I wasn't wearing panties, so she was staring at my naked mound, utterly confused. God, it took everything I had not to laugh out loud.

Instead, I feigned a frown of displeasure. "What the hell are you doing?"

Madison blinked her big blue eyes at me, blushed, and walked away muttering. "I'm losing my goddamn mind."

I had to cover my mouth to stifle a laugh.

"If you want a taste, all you have to do is ask," I teased.

Madison whipped her head around to glare at me. She was walking by the small table when my phone started buzzing in my purse. She plucked it out and handed it to me, still looking in my purse.


It was my mom, calling to confirm our lunch date that afternoon. When I got off the phone, Madison lifted a necklace out of my purse, a thin silver chain with a tarnished silver medallion about two inches wide hanging from it. I watched her hold it up in the light, turning it this way and that to get a good look at it. The design was Celtic, as opposed to the more traditional Norse, a knotted circle with a naked woman in the middle, legs crossed and arms extended with huge wings fanning out from her back. Little did she know that it was the source of my secret gift.

"What is this?" she asked quietly.

When I didn't answer, she looked at me.

"Can you keep a secret?"

She nodded.

I grinned. "Have you ever heard of Freyja?"

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It was my first day at college. I had already gone to orientation and was ready to hit the sack. I decided to head to my room early to see who my roommate was, and so I could pick which bed was mine. I arrived at my room and looked around. Not bad. Two beds, a bathroom, and a window with a view of the campus. I picked my bed and dropped dead. When I woke up from my sleep, I looked around and found the clock. It was 8P.M. When my head cleared I heard something. The shower running. My roommate...

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James was estatic when he realized he had been accepted to start his fall 2004 semester at the UCLA. Being born and raised in a small town in Texas, he had been average his whole life, well... perhaps not so average. He had sent in his application not really believing he'd make it in. When he was accepted into the business department, which was ranked among the top schools in the nation he was surprised as anyone else in his home town. Now he was standing on the steps to his dorm about to start...

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Maria slammed the door in frustration and tossed her coat on the pile of shoes at the entryway. "Hey, hun, what's up?" It was Deirdre her roommate. "Mark was a fucking no show again," Maria growled, flopping down on the couch. Dee was watching some peculiar program on the nature channel. "What the fuck are you watching?" "Oh," Dee said airily. "Nothing really. Just flipping." She started flipping the channels again. Maria caught a flash of a program on bondage as Dee whipped by it. "So Mark...

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OctoberIt's been a while since we talked. She's got cock on the brain.My roommate Leah's boyfriend Tom happens to be hung like a bull. She's constantly fucking him, that's half their daily routine. The other half is sometimes showing up to class, sometimes sitting around and talking about his dick. She sat me down and gave me a vivid description of her sucking him off in an alleyway near the theater she temps at. At first I contented myself to putting on my headphones during their many-hours...

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Back when I was around 23 or 24 I moved in with a girl that I had known since grade four. Her name was Sheri, she was a cute little blue eyed blond girl who was probably the first crush that I ever had. From the moment we met we just seemed to gravitate toward one another. What I remember most vividly was how on class field trips the two of us would always be lagging behind the group annoying our teacher and just making each other laugh. All through elementary school and most of high school we...

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My relatives came to visit over the summer. My aunt and uncle on my mom's side, and my grandparents on my father's side. Our house was full, with myself, my sister, and my parents already filling our three bedroom home before taking in more people. I loved having the relatives visit us, so it wasn't a problem, it just meant that my sister had to share my room for a week.That was going to prove very beneficial, as I was soon to discover. I'm eighteen, and my sister, Brynn, is not quite a year...

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My relatives came to visit over the summer. My aunt and uncle on my mom's side, and my grandparents on my father's side. Our house was full, with myself, my sister, and my parents already filling our three bedroom home before taking in more people. I loved having the relatives visit us, so it wasn't a problem, it just meant that my sister had to share my room for a week.That was going to prove very beneficial, as I was soon to discover. I'm eighteen, and my sister, Brynn, is not quite a year...

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Today started like any other day for Hayden he got up and went to work only halfway through the day he reserved a call from his long-time friend Ronin ‘Hayden I’m in a bit of a bind my landlord is selling and Alice and I need a place to stay on short notice any chance we could take the spare room you have?” Ronin pleaded “No problem my man was thinking about looking for someone anyway,” said, Hayden

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Today is the first day of the rest of your life; your destiny awaits, you tell yourself. But who are you kidding. . . you stopped believing in bullshit like fate a long time ago. The universe is governed by dumb luck and strength of will. In that case, today is just another day. You hope it will be better than the day before. You watch your parents pull out of their parking space in their bug splattered minivan, noticeably lighter now that your stuff is not in it. Your mind is flooded by...

1 year ago
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I just had graduated college with a 4.0 GPA and a degree in history, applied to the Smithsonian in D.C and got offered a job. I'm a twenty two year old virgin, but not because of my looks, I'm told I am a good looker, with a decent rack, 34 C, but because I have been programmed since childhood to excel in school. I did just that, all through my school life, studies came first, which left little or no time to party and here I was in Washington D.C. Apartment hunting, preferably with a roommate...

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My last roommate name was Adelphia. She was a nympho by the book. We had sex every day. One day I built a sybian out of a mailbox, a sander, and a vibrator. I also created an orgasm indicator, that could be placed on a nipple and when the nipple swells, a light came on. Last June I had Adelphia sit on the sybian blindfolded, knowing her expecting a big orgasm. Every time her nipples swell up, I turned the sybian off. She was craving for an orgasm, and my goal was to have it when I decided. The...

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Dan and I are best friends. We have known each other since 1st grade. We lived on the same street. We played together camped together, swam, played sports and were just generally best buds. We just graduated high school this past spring and are both eighteen years old. We have been making plans of getting our own place since the 9th grade. We figured if we both worked we could get a two bedroom apartment and split the costs. I work at a local fast food place and Dan works at a warehouse. We...

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You close your eyes again and keep grinding your wet pussy against the palm of your hand, with your fingers buried deep inside yourself, letting me enjoy the show. Walking past your door, I hear faint whimpering and moaning coming from the bedroom. I slowly push open the door, revealing your naked body, spread eagle across the bed with your hands cupping your smoothly shaved pussy. Your fingers busy pumping in and out of your body, legs bucking from the overwhelming pleasure writhing inside...

Sex With Stranger
2 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 51

~~Eric~~ “How the fuck did no cops follow us?” Eric said. Beatrice had to stop driving and let him take the wheel, before the dumb woman ended up getting them all killed. “I mean you nearly hit a hundred pedestrians, and I’m pretty sure you killed a dog.” “I did not kill a dog, Eric. I’ll fucking kill you if you don’t shut up.” “ ... I’m pretty sure you—” “I didn’t hit any fucking dog!” She smiled as she said it, or, yelled it. For some reason, it seemed like she was enjoying this, both...

1 year ago
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After Three Weeks

My wife Jennifer had moved out as we were having some issues. After 3 weeks I called and asked if she wanted to have some lunch at a local pub. I had got there a little early and sat in a booth so I could see her when she got there. She walked in wearing a white spaghetti straped cami with a black shelf bra leaving her nipples in full view. Also a thigh high too tight white skirt, she always dressed conservatively but this was a 180 degree change. This look already at my cock at half mast. Half...

2 years ago
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One for the BooksThe Hard Earned Bonus

Well, almost two months had gone by since I started my new job at the bookstore, but I was getting no closer to my Camaro, between gas, and dating I just wasnt being able to save money.I was quickly learning, getting what you want is a mixture of who you know, what you know, opportunity.......and leverage.Maybe its time I got in the game...instead of watching it, hey, they say luck favors the bold.I entered work the next day, on a mission, I informed my boss as confidently as I could pretend to...

3 years ago
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Iam a Good Girl Blacken

Hi my name is Tami, I grew up in a small town where there was never any real excitement. I recieved an academic scholarship to a major university, I was always good in school.I'm a Brunette, 5'7" tall, 36C-26-36 athletic build.My parents were a little upset that I would be so far from home during my college years. After all I was their little girl.My mother took me shopping for new clothes for my first year of college. She thought that some of the skirts I chose were a little to short. She...

2 years ago
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Sex show

After our night of fun at my local pub a couple of weeks ago Annie, Emma and myself wanting to do something similar but with more interaction the guys.I chatted with Bill the landlord a few days later as to whether it would be okay if we arranged to do something one evening after closing hours. Bill was completing in agreement to my request, extra bar sales no doubt being a great incentive. We decided on Easter Sunday as it suited us girls and also Bill whose lady wife was away in Spain. So, it...

3 years ago
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Controlling Authority 02

He’d left Lorraine in the bedroom while she finished preparing, per the instructions. He waited in the den, dressed and pacing while mentally rebelling and anticipating the night. Despite his anger and resentment over the last days he’d begun to admit to himself that he wanted to show Lorraine and the agents that he was good enough to earn the approval of The Guild. He still bristled at their involvement, and his ego was still bruised by what he saw as Lorraine’s betrayal in reporting him. But...

3 years ago
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Growing Up A MasterChapter 19 The Alexanders meet the Harrisons

I was home that evening, thinking about what I was going to do that weekend to make it special for Cheryl and Karen. I had some ideas, but that made me realize something. My parents did not know anything about what I was doing. Now normally, I would expect that most parents knew little about their children's sex lives, but I think my parents were different. They knew all about it, except this aspect. More importantly, they could probably give me, could have given me, excellent advice on the...

2 years ago
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JenniferChapter 6

By the time Jennifer and her aunt got out of the Las Vegas airport it was late. The plane had been delayed in landing, and at baggage pickup, Jennifer had no baggage to pick up. Another hour went by before it was discovered that all her luggage was visiting Orlando and wouldn’t be back for another day. Margaret decided they would stay in town for the night and go to the Lakehouse in the morning. Margaret called the Lakehouse and spoke to a man. “Hello ... Roger ... We just got in ... They...

2 years ago
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CadeChapter 24 First Time Meetings

The children noticed that whenever they talked to Cade about school or anything else these days, he seemed far away and distant. After dinner every night, he retreated to the basement to continue sorting through the old boxes he had found. He was anxious to continue reading the old letters. Reading the letters only proved more frustrating for Cade however, because most of them were full of romantic drivel rather than any real news. By the time he finished reading the last letter in the box,...

5 years ago
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Alien Ambassador

The alien climbed out of its landing craft. They had been sent down to investigate the simian inhabitants on this planet, a backward world with only limited space flight. The spacecraft was hidden in a large area covered by deciduous woody plants called trees in the local language. The alien knew several of the languages spoken here since it had spent the last nine months studying the world's satellite communication transmissions. The craft also had a cloaking device that made it practically...

3 years ago
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Girl Talk

I always looked forward to Tuesday mornings. In the four months since Jim and I moved next door to the Waltons, I’d grown very close to Betty and we took turns inviting each other over for coffee.This particular Tuesday Betty wasn’t her usual self. She brought a tray of coffee and cookies from the kitchen and sat down beside me on the sofa. She seemed distracted, as if something was on her mind.“Are you okay, Betty?” I asked her. “Is everything all right?”“I’m fine,” she replied, “it’s just...

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One Familys Awakening Chapter 23

[Note: This story introduces a new family that will spin off to a series of their own. If interested, watch for it. Thanks for reading!]It was Sunday afternoon and Keith was at loose ends. He decided to walk the few blocks to his friend, Paul's, house. Keith hadn't seen much of Paul lately other than at school. He had hoped to spend the afternoon playing some video games or just hang out. He knocked on the door and Paul's mother, Shelley opened the door with a broad, even leering smile, on her...

4 years ago
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The Stranger

The Stranger Part One – The House It was a late summer night and Melody was on her way home. She had gottenoff work early, but had to stop by the store on the way home to get some flowersfor her garden. She looked at her watch; seven o'clock already, the eveningwas slipping away fast. As she turned the first corner on the street in theneighborhood she lived in, she saw the same men standing out on the street.It seemed like they were always waiting for her, making lewd gestures and tryingto...

2 years ago
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My Mistress punished me because of my temper Part

After my mistress Nicky was satisfied and decided to go to sleep, I walked out to the living room to see if the guy is still there or if he left, I was worried he might still be confrontational or he might want to fight me still.I walked out and he was sitting on the couch, he told me a girl came out of the other bedroom and asked about me, I knew my girlfriend woke up so I went in and said hi and walked back out. I sat with him outside and he started asking me questions.Him: so that girl isn’t...

5 years ago
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Escort Number 2

I start looking through my local escorts on the website I joined and there were a lot that I'd love to meet. Luckily I discover that I can make a hot list and add escorts onto it so they are saved for me to look at later. I trawled through around 500 profiles and added just over 50 to my hot list. There was one that stands out to me the most at the moment. Sacha from Spain. Her profile shows me that she is a touring escort and that she will only be in my area for a few days. Unlike Elle,...

3 years ago
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The Anonymous Reader 4

Having removed Mags’ cock I made it hard to create a part 4. I sincerely hope I have managed to do it justice. Here goes Mags and I were not in any hurry to get married as until recently Mags had thought marriage would never be in her future. For this reason I wanted to give her the wedding every girl dreams of. Looking back over the last year or so Mags and I had both been through some significant changes. Mags of course had been through a lot more with having her cock removed and the...

2 years ago
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We Dont Need Words

We barely make it in the door before clothes start coming off. A frenzy of kisses…your hot, wet lips covering mine. Your tongue enters my mouth. Hands roaming everywhere. You clumsily put your key in the lock, then manage to push the door open at last. We tumble inside. I’m already unzipping your jeans as you fumble with the door handle, trying to get it closed. I can hear your neighbors coming down the hallway just outside, but I really don’t give a fuck as I reach down the front of your jeans...

4 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 2 Music and LyricsChapter 15

If there had been bonus points for style, Zoe's Song got 'em. Peter and I were turned out in black tuxedos, and the girls wore long elegant dresses. The official invitation to the banquet had said semi-formal, and of the other two casts, only half-a-dozen guys had even bothered with ties. We stood out. It had been Robbie's idea. She complained that she'd never seen me in a tux and Tami had. She'd been right. As much as I hate even wearing a tie, we looked good. We looked the part of...

1 year ago
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Best friends dare

This is the story of my first sexual experiance that opened my eye's to my sexual being.When I was growing up I realized at a early age I was attracted to men not dad ever found out I would have been disowned.So hiding this was very hard to do,not only keeping it a secret but finding someone to confirm my felling's. That's were Cory came in as he was my best friend for as long as I can remember.We became friends at the age of seven or eight.He was the second person I meet when we moved to...

3 years ago
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First time anal with girlfriend

As some of you might know I had been taught how to do anal when I was very young, being taught by an elderly neighbour. What she didn't teach me though was that it is very much a two way affair. About four years after my sex education I had a regular girl friend. She was beautiful with double d cup breasts and legs she could have modelled. Actually, when I first met her I was so surprised that she wanted me because she was so beautiful. 5 foot 6, slim, long legs, breasts that a blind man could...

4 years ago
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Seeing mom again

Introduction: Visting for a family reunion, I get back in touch with my mom I just came back from vacation visiting my family and wanted to share what happened there. If you have read any of my previous stories then you know that I have been sleeping with my mother for some time now and we try to get together whenever we have time. But living across the country from her really doesn’t allow us to see each other to often. Anyways back to my story. My family had a family reunion in May and the...

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Fucked Yogita Aunt At Calcutta

Hi readers, this is Rohan and my email and from kolkata. This incident has happened a long back. So I am narrating the same and we have a group of 3 friends. One of them was Pratik and he had lost his father due to an accident a few years back. His mother’s name was Yogita and at that time she must be around 38 or40 years of age after death of Pratik’s father, we used to go to his home so often just in case, Yogita aunty need any help. So, one day, after coming from my college, I had my food...

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“You have two hours to get your stubborn ass looking fine for all the men tonight,” my roommate yelled up the stairs of our apartment. I’d been in my room all day, refusing to take a break from my studying. “Alright, alright!” I yelled back, giving her some sass. I unwrapped myself from my bed and discovered my phone in the tangled mess of sheets and blankets. My eyes rolled as it alerted me I had 7 text messages and 2 missed calls, two messages and both phone calls from Luke. I’d been ignoring...

2 years ago
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ValerieChapter 15

I'd been home for just over an hour when Jan returned from work and we spent the rest of the day sorting out various housework tasks that had been put on hold due to visits and work shifts. Jan was also full of news from work too; apparently there was a chance of promotion, though it would mean longer hours and occasional travel. "Do you think I should apply John?" she asked. "I have the experience and qualifications, but it's not like we need the extra money." "Can't hurt to try,"...

2 years ago
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Am I Angel Or Devil Part Pt 16 My Life As A Teacher

Hi, guys back to you is Deepthi. Thank you all for your kind support and feedbacks. Well coming straight to the story. A week passed and I was teaching the 12th standard students. They were very kind and friendly. They used to always ask doubts so that I may go to their places. They never missed an opportunity to touch me. But I was very cautious and maintained my distance well as I wanted to go slow. I avoided wearing skirts other than the first day. I normally used to wear decent tops with...

4 years ago
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My Best Friends Girl Chapter 1

My Best Friend's Girl By Lesley Renee Charles "You have got to find me another girl to take to our Senior Prom. Michelle has dumped me at the last minute. You promised me that she would go with me, but she said that Todd, the captain of the football team asked her and so she accepted," Leon, my best friend since the first grade told me. He is a 6'1" tall guy. He is on the muscular side, but more of a swimmer's build. ...

2 years ago
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MySistersHotFriend River Fox 24857

River Fox needs her friends cheer leading outfit, she goes over to her friend Jenny’s house, of course, Jenny isn’t home and is always ditching her for her boyfriend. Robby, Jenny’s brother is home and lets her in to get what she needs. River tries the cheer outfit on and tells Robby “no peaking” ha-ya right, naked hot chick, no looking, doesn’t quite work like that. Any who, River decides to practice her cheer for Robby and lands on top of him, with no...

4 years ago
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Naughty Girl Gets Punished

She grasped my pulsating member tightly into her soft delicate hand. Slowly she fondled my balls with her left hand. She looks up at me and we lock eyes for only an instance. I could feel the electric energy between us. This sweet young eighteen year old wanted so badly to do one mischievous sexual act. For whatever reason she did not care, nor did she divulge. Her head moves closer to the tip of my penis, her lips part unhurriedly but so deliberately. Within a moment my quivering cock was...

4 years ago
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Few Simple Words

Tim Johnson walked down the hallway to his older sister's bedroom he dearly wanted to copy the new music CD that she had bought earlier in the day. He lightly tapped on the door and waited for a reply, but no reply. So he tapped it again and patiently waited, still no answer. He reached to the door and gently turned it and couldn't believe his eyes. His sister Brandy, lay across her bed, her nightshirt pulled up exposing her fat 38-inch breasts and as he looked down he couldn't believe how...

2 years ago
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Horny boyfriend

My boyfriend has been really horny for the last three weeks. We've had morning sex, he's gone from work to fucking some of his girls, and come home late because he's stopped by someone on the way home. just over a week ago he met his ex girlfriend from high school, with whom he has a daughter. They start having sex again this past week.She has stayed with us this Friday to Sunday. first on friday you didn't know any feelings until i went to bed at night. They were sitting in the living room for...

3 years ago
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Gentle LadyChapter 5

We made our way home and Gerry was laughing almost all the way there, she was seeing the funny side of all her friends, ogling at me and almost dribbling at the mouth in envy of Gerry. "You know I'm the happiest woman alive having you around. You make love to me when I want it and never complain, just stay that way I really love you," she said sticking her tongue in my ear. I eventually got to meet Alice when we got back. She was vacuuming out the small lounge where I went to have a read...

3 years ago
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Fast Food

Julia walked into the McDonalds where she worked, wearing a white shirt, khakis, and tennis shoes. She was late, and her boss, the manager, was not happy. "You need to show up on time, AND IN UNIFORM!" he scolded her. Then he stormed out in a huff. Julia stuck her tongue out at the door he had left through. "One of these days, I'll get you back." Julia turned to her locker and opened it. Inside was her blue polo shirt with the McChickenPopsBell logo on it, and her matching blue visor. Then...

2 years ago
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Brandi Learns a LessonChapter 2 A Little Humiliation With Dinner

Mike pushed the girl against his Porsche and leaned in for a kiss. Brandi resisted as he tried to force his tongue into her mouth. Mike would have none of that and reached down to pinch the girl's ass. "Kiss me," He whispered. "The sooner you kiss me the sooner we can go." Brandi could feel Mike pulling her skirt up, bunching it around her waist. She opened her mouth to his invading tongue as he pinched both exposed ass cheeks. Mike could feel the nineteen year old squirm as he probed...

2 years ago
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kate monday

I woke up at six , I was alone, I walked down to my room Kate’s door was shut I got dressed and went to make a cup of tea, I walked through the lounge, sally was still laying there on her stomach, her blanket was half on the floor her dress was half way up revealing her bum, her knickers half between her cheeks, she was sound asl**p I made some tea and looked out the window,it was pouring with rain just what I needed on my paper round, I finished my tea and went to put my cup in the sink,...

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