Roommates free porn video

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Jenny Reed balanced the small bag of groceries on one arm as she worked the lock to the apartment door with her free hand. The twenty-four-year-old nurse had gone out two hours earlier to see a movie with a co-worker, only to have her cancel at the last minute. So, rather than go alone, she'd stopped at the market for munchies and planned to crash on the couch and watch some old movies on AMC.

"Just as well," Jenny thought as she stepped into the semi-dark apartment and clicked on the closest light, "after three double shifts this week I really wasn't in that much of a mood to go out anyway."

The five foot six brunette dropped the brown bag on the kitchen countertop and sat on one of the tall stools pushed up against it. She took a deep breath and looked around the apartment.

"I really love this place," she reminded herself as she started to unpack the bag. "I was so lucky to see Diane's advertisement."

Diane was Diane Bennett, her roommate and also a nurse. Jenny had seen the posting for a roommate on the hospital's intercity bulletin board and had immediately called about it. It seemed too good to be true and she was ecstatic when she found that it was.

Jenny worked at Saint Clara's over in the Financial District, whereas Diane was at Metro Hospital down by the waterfront. The apartment was almost equidistant from both.

It seemed that Diane had a falling out with her previous roommate and was looking for someone quick to help with the rent, which was already past due. She wasn't so desperate however, she'd said on the phone, to rent out the vacant half of the apartment without meeting Jenny first. They had agreed to have Jenny come over after her shift and see if they hit it off.

Five minutes after Jenny walked through the door, it was as if they'd known each other for years. That they were both in the same profession played a big factor, plus the fact that they were only two years apart in age with Diane being the older. By the time they'd finished the dinner that the blond had scrounged together, they had worked out all of the details except how soon Jenny could move in.

Jenny was curious as to why Diane and her previous roommate had parted company so abruptly, but wasn't about to be so impolite as to ask. It there was something she should know, the short-haired brunette figured she'd find out soon enough. After two months of sharing the place, Jenny concluded that the problem must've been with the old roommate because she and Diane were getting along better every day.

"I really shouldn't be eating any of this stuff," the slim girl told herself as she looked over the tasty treasures she'd brought home, "but what the hell, I'll just do another half hour on the treadmill."

She'd just poured herself a tall glass of milk to go with the chocolate chip cookies she'd opened when a sudden noise caught her attention. A noise from the back of the apartment.

Diane had told her she was going out on a date, so Jenny hadn't called out when she came through the door. The noise had come from the direction of Diane's bedroom, giving the brunette a good idea what caused it.

Just in case she was wrong, she reached behind the counter and grabbed the baseball bat they kept there. Jenny had grown up with four older brothers and wasn't the type to run every time something went bump in the night.

Cautiously, she moved across the living room, guiding her way by the streetlight coming in the open windows. When she got to the bedroom door, it was slightly ajar. Holding the bat firmly, she pushed it open just enough to look in.

"I was right," Jenny grinned as she brought the bat down. "Looks like they decided on indoor sports instead."

In the dim light, Jenny could just about make out the nude form of her blond-haired roommate. She was sure Diane would've said hello if she'd seen her, except that her mouth was filled at the moment by her date's cock. He was equally nude and stretched out across the bed.

From the look of rapture on his face, Jenny figured that Diane was about to make his night. Sure enough, the black bearded young man let out an even louder groan than the one which had first caught Jenny's attention.

A moment later, Diane pulled her mouth from his cock. Quick enough to keep from swallowing his load, but not fast enough to keep it from splashing across her face.

It must've been a while since Diane's date had last climaxed, Jenny thought, because the result of this one was certainly abundant. At least that was her professional opinion.

Quietly backing away from the bedroom door, Jenny decided to head back out and take in that movie after all. No sense in embarrassing Diane by letting her know she had seen her. Things like that happened when you shared an apartment, so why rock the boat if you didn't have to.

So much in a rush to leave, Jenny forgot all about her snack on the countertop until it was too late to do anything about it. When she came home again a few hours later, she found it all cleaned up.

It was a rare Saturday morning when both nurses were off, but the next morning happened to be one of them. Even though she had awakened a half hour before, Jenny waited until she was sure Diane's overnight guest had left before she got out of bed and headed for the kitchen. When she opened the door to her bedroom, the smell of freshly cooked ham and eggs filled the air.

"Good morning," Diane said with a wide smile as Jenny walked into the kitchen. "Your timing is perfect, breakfast is just about ready."

The bathrobe-clad brunette looked down at the table to see coffee and orange juice already waiting for her. She was also glad to see there were only two place settings.

"You didn't have to go to all this trouble," Jenny said as she pulled up a stool. "All I really wanted was some cereal and toast."

"Toast will be up in another minute," the pajama clad blond smiled. "It's the least I can do after chasing you out of the apartment last night. I found the snack you made and Jason thought he saw someone look in on us for a second, even if I didn't notice."

"Well, you were a little occupied at the time," Jenny smiled as she took a sip of her juice.

"Nevertheless, breakfast is the least I could do," Diane said as she emptied the contents of the frying pan into each of their plates. "And it'll give us a chance to have a little talk. One that maybe we should've had when you first moved in."

"Okay," Jenny replied as she tasted the eggs. "These are delicious by the way."

"Thank you," Diane said as she sat down opposite Jenny. "There's no way to ask this other than straight out, so I'll just ask. I hope you're not considering moving out after last night."

"What?" Jenny asked, putting her fork with an uneaten piece of egg back on her plate. "What would give you a silly idea like that?"

"Well it's just that we never really discussed how we were going to handle each other's sex life. Overnight guests and such." Diane said, a small look of worry evident on her face. "I was a little afraid that it might've bothered you."

"Why would you think that?" Jenny asked. "It's not like either one of us imagined the other was living a life of celibacy."

"Hardly that," Diane laughed, "but to be honest, that was the reason my last roommate packed up and left."

The older girl could tell that statement surprised Jenny.

"Maybe I should explain that a little more before you imagine I was having wild orgies in the living room," Diane said as she paused to sip her coffee.

Jenny popped the egg on her fork into her mouth, figuring that continuing to eat was the best way to show she wasn't upset with Diane.

"At first, when she moved in a little over a year ago, Lisa Marie and I got along really great. Almost as well as you and I." she began with a broad smile. "Lisa was a librarian over at Saint Matthew's College and about six weeks before you moved in, she began to get really involved with this conservative Christian group. Now I'm not the most liberal person in the world on some things and I like to think that I get along with most religions, but these people made Pat Robinson look like Bill Clinton."

Jenny continued to listen silently, sipping her coffee.

"The next thing I know, Lisa is lecturing me about my lifestyle, calling me a whore and telling me that I was going to burn in hell," Diane continued. "Finally I couldn't take it anymore and told her to mind her own goddamn business. The next morning she packed her bags and stormed out."

"Well," Jenny smiled, "You won't have to worry about me trying to invoke the wrath of the prophets down on you. I'm a firm believer in everyone living their own life however they want."

"You don't know how happy I am to hear that," Diane said with obvious relief. "I'd hate to lose you as a roomie or a friend. I thought when you saw Jason and I..."

"Well to be honest," Jenny interrupted, "that wasn't the first time I walked in on you and someone."

Diane's expression turned to curiosity.

"It was, I think, maybe the second week after I moved in," Jenny explained. "I stopped by to pick up a change of uniform because I was going to work an extra shift. When I opened the door, I saw you and a rather muscular black man somewhat occupied on the couch. I wouldn't have ever even mentioned it except to show that neither that or last night bothered me."

Diane actually blushed at the thought that Jenny had seen her with Martin Rogers, one of the new interns at Metro. He'd given her a lift home after a long day and she'd invited him up for coffee. One thing led to another and they found themselves doing the nasty on the living room couch.

"We definitely should work out a system for this," Diane said as her color returned to normal.

"Simple solutions are usually the best," Jenny suggested. "I think if we just keep it confined to our own rooms it'll work out just fine."

"Sounds like a good idea," Diane replied.

"Then I guess we should finish eating this before it gets too cold," Jenny said, "unless there's something else you want to talk about."

Jenny was sure Diane was going to say something for a moment, the blond had that sort of look on her face. Instead she suddenly turned her head at the sound of the toast popping up in the toaster.

"I'll get that," she said instead.

Thinking the discussion now over, Jenny went back to her breakfast, glad that they had worked everything out.

Three times over the next month, Diane had overnight guests. True to their agreement, she made sure all her more boisterous activities were confined to the bedroom. Jenny even had her own boyfriend over one night, just to show Diane that she wasn't being judgmental in not having had him over before.

Normally, if she was going to sleep with Mark Kelly, she preferred it to be at his apartment. They had a pretty casual relationship and they both liked it that way. Neither was looking for anything more than occasional company. Just someone to go out with now and then and keep overly helpful relatives from constantly trying to fix them up.

By not having him stay over at her own apartment, Jenny felt she had greater control over their relationship. She explained this to Diane after his first, and so far only, sleepover. She said she understood, but Jenny didn't think she really did.

The days turned to weeks and the two of them went on with their lives. Jenny was home alone one afternoon cleaning the apartment and decided to reorganize the hall closet to try and squeeze a little more out of a rapidly shrinking storage space.

Pulling a shoebox from the back of the top shelf, Jenny lost her grip on it and dropped it to the floor. The box had been full of cards and letters, as well as a ripped envelope of photographs. A few of the pictures tumbled out and as Jenny picked them up, she could see they were of a tropical island.

Months before, contrary to what she had originally told Diane, Jenny had been very concerned after she had walked in on Diane and Martin Rogers. Concerned enough to call a close friend who also worked at Metro and ask her to lunch with the intention of finding out more about her new roommate.

Cynthia McKay had known Jenny since Nursing School and was more than happy to answer her questions. She assured her that Diane was a really good person and she had nothing to worry about.

"That's good to hear," Jenny had said, relieved that she wouldn't have to move out of that great apartment. "I was afraid for a moment that I had moved in with some kind of wild woman."

"If I didn't know the whole story, I might've thought the same thing," Cynthia replied. "Maybe I should fill you in."

Jenny leaned forward, now even more curious about her new roommate.

"Evidently, Diane met someone last year. Someone she fell head over heels for. No one ever met the guy, but it was obvious to anyone who knew her that she was deeply in love. They even went away together to some romantic resort down in the Caribbean."

Jenny was greatly surprised to learn that Diane ever had a serious relationship. From what she'd seen and heard so far, she would've guessed that the length of her average relationship could've been measured in days if not hours.

"Something happened during that vacation," Cynthia continued. "I can only assume they had a break up and from the way Diane acted when she came back to work, I'd have to say it was a bad one."

"Poor Diane," Jenny said, feeling genuinely sorry for her.

"After that, she just started having a lot of purely physical relationships, never letting anyone get too close," Cynthia concluded.

Holding the box in her hands, Jenny knew all of these were from that broken relationship. Of course there was no question of her looking at any of the cards or letters. That would be too much of an invasion of Diane's privacy. The pictures, on the other hand, were something else. The envelope was already torn open and most of them were loose.

It was a small ethical dilemma and Jenny was so curious about what Mr. Wrong looked like that her moral compass failed. It would take more will power that she possessed at that moment to put the pictures back without at least taking a little peak.

Giving in to the curiosity that was consuming her, Jenny took the envelope and moved to the living room couch. Sitting down, she took three dozen photos from it and began to flip through them.

"It certainly was a beautiful island," Jenny said to herself as she went through the first few images.

They were the type of pictures people normally took on vacations. The ocean view, buildings in the resort, various other guests. From what she could see, it was the kind of place Jenny wished she could afford to go to.

More pics showed Diane at the beach and to Jenny's surprise, it was a nude beach. Like all the other people in the picture, Diane was totally naked.

"I wish I had the nerve to do that," Jenny thought as she looked at a close up of Diane. "Then again, if I had a body as good as hers, the nerve would probably come a lot easier."

In truth, it was a flimsy excuse. Jenny might've had a few unwanted pounds, but she was far from having a body that would look awkward on a beach, nude or otherwise.

"Hmm, no pictures of Mr. Wrong so far," the brunette noted. "I guess he was too bashful to be photographed in the buff. But he made sure he got plenty of pictures of Diane."

So intent on finding a picture of Diane's boyfriend, Jenny hadn't noticed that there hadn't been any men in any of the photographs. The reason for that suddenly became apparent.

"Oh my God!" Jenny exclaimed when she turned to the next picture.

In it, a still nude Diane was in the arms of a tall, equally nude brunette. Their lips were locked together in a kiss that Jenny was sure any guy would've died for. The passion of their embrace was evident even in the two-dimensional photo. Sorting back through the previous dozen images, Jenny realized that the woman was also in most of them as well.

Standing with Diane at the airport. Seated next to her at dinner or at the bar. Further in the pile was another photograph of the two in very revealing evening dresses. Diane was standing behind the brunette with her arms wrapped around her. The joy on her face lit up the picture. This picture had a few lines written on the back. Allison - San Cristobal - Scarlett's Cove.

"Her boyfriend was a girlfriend!" Jenny said, stating aloud what was obvious from the photographs.

Jenny sat there in silence after that, looking at the photos over and over. Looking at a close-up of Diane's former lover, Jenny suddenly realized that there was a more than superficial resemblance between the girl and herself. Both had the same hair color although Jenny had cut hers short after high school and never let it grow back. Their builds were also pretty close, yet she didn't seem to be bothered by those extra pounds that Jenny always seemed to be so aware of.

Moving on to a photo of the two of them topless, Jenny thought that even their breasts were similar, even though the woman in the photograph had much larger nipples.

"Did the fact that I look like Allison have anything to do with Diane being so eager for me to move in?" the young twenty-four-year-old asked herself as she remembered how enthusiastic Diane had been about her moving in when they first met.

At the time, Diane had given the reason as the already overdue rent. Now, with these pictures in front of her, Jenny was beginning to wonder.

Mentally she rehashed the last few months, searching for some sign that Diane had any intent in her other than someone to share the rent. Coming up with none, she finally decided she was just being foolish.

The chimes of the clock reminded her that the subject of her musings was due home in less than half an hour. She carefully put the photographs back as she found them and put the box and all its contents back in the closet. Then, as quick as she could, she moved everything she had taken out of the closet back as well.

"Jenny, I'm home!" Diane called out as she usually did when she walked in the door twenty minutes later, bags of Chinese take-out in her hands.

Jenny had just made it back to the couch as she heard the door being opened. Grabbing a magazine off the coffee table, she tried to act relaxed as Diane backed into the room.

"Is something wrong?" Diane asked as she took note of the strange look on her roommate's face.

"What could be wrong?" Jenny said.

"Nothing I guess," Diane replied. "Well anyway, I hope you're hungry cause I have a ton of food." she added as she dropped two large bags on the coffee table. "I stopped by Madame Cheng's and she kept piling different dishes into the bag. Half the stuff I didn't even order, but she kept telling me I'd love it."

Ever since Madame Cheng had spent some time at Metro Hospital under Diane's care, the older woman had practically adopted the young nurse. It was now impossible for Diane to order the simplest of meals and not walk out with at least a half dozen entrees.

"I'll get the plates," Jenny said as she jumped off the sofa and stepped into the kitchen, leaving Diane to unpack the collection of small white containers.

"Let's eat at the coffee table," Diane said. "I just want to stretch out and watch a movie. It's been one of those days."

"Any channel in particular?" Jenny asked since she was the closest to the remote as she laid out two settings on the table.

"No, just turn on any movie station, something should be coming on in the next ten minutes," Diane replied, knowing that most of them started a new movie at the top of the hour. "If it's not something we like then we'll just surf them all."

One of the benefits of Diane's rather relaxed sexual mores was that while they only paid for basic cable, their box carried every station available. It was amazing how grateful the young technician who had done the installation had been when Diane had given him a quick blowjob.

The two girls curled up on opposite ends of the couch and began to feast on various Chinese delicacies and soda. They watched the last minutes of the movie that was just ending, then an ad for the next film appeared on the screen.

"Oh, I love this one," Diane said as she took a bite of shrimp, covered in lobster sauce. "I haven't seen it in a long time."

Jenny had never seen the film but knew what it was about. It had created a small stir when it had originally appeared in the theatres. It was the first film by a major studio to deal with the subject of lesbianism and bisexuality in professional women's sports. The basic storyline was about a young runner who drifts into an affair with an older athlete.

Any other time, Jenny wouldn't have cared what film they watched. God knows she had picked some real winners that Diane never complained about. But right now, a film about bisexuality was the last thing she needed. Still, she couldn't exactly tell Diane to pick another film without explaining why.

As the film went on, Jenny found herself studying her roommate more than what was on the television screen. She kept recalling the pictures of Diane and her ex-girlfriend, finding it impossible to get them out of her mind. More so when the two main characters in the movie began to become intimate. In her mind's eye, Jenny replaced the two actresses with Diane and Allison. A visualization of all the things the photographs didn't show.

A few days later, Jenny was working a noon to eight shift at Saint Clara's when she noticed the nurse's station was low on a few non-medical supplies. Since it was a slow evening and there were two others at the station, she decided to stretch her legs and go to the supply closet herself. The normal practice was to send one of the junior nurses.

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You close your eyes again and keep grinding your wet pussy against the palm of your hand, with your fingers buried deep inside yourself, letting me enjoy the show. Walking past your door, I hear faint whimpering and moaning coming from the bedroom. I slowly push open the door, revealing your naked body, spread eagle across the bed with your hands cupping your smoothly shaved pussy. Your fingers busy pumping in and out of your body, legs bucking from the overwhelming pleasure writhing inside...

Sex With Stranger
3 years ago
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Crypt Girls

I was asked about this story in particular, so I went ahead and finished it. This is definitely in the style of the early spicy pulp horror stories, known as the “Shivers.” Thanks to Sbrooks and texquill for beta read and editing. Any errors remaining are very much mine, probably added after their able assistance. As with most pulp-style stories there is far more innuendo than graphic sex. If you want to see what Rose and Lily look like, look up “Thelma Todd and Clara Bow.” Crypt Girls 1923....

2 years ago
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A hard day A harder dick

It had been one of those days. Everything had gone the wrong way. A crappy presentation. Coffee spilling over. A long lecture from the boss. It had been a hard long day. I was driving back home as the sun set when bam my car spun out of control. I pushed the brakes hard and eventually it stopped on the side of the road. Got out and voila! A flat tyre. Cursing loudly I pulled out of my phone and called my wife.'Hey honey I'm gonna be a bit late. Tyre blew out''Oh okay, how was your day?''Hard....

3 years ago
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First Threesum

My First ThreesomeIt was a lunchtime when our next-door neighbour knocked on our front door. His wife had gone into labour and he wanted me to pick his 6yr old up from school. I’d said for a while now that I would if they needed me to. I told Chris not to rush back as I would feed him and put him to bed if he wasn’t back in time. Rob arrived home from work at 6pm and was happy to hear that Chris’ wife had gone into labour. He’d just got into the bath when Chris returned to say he had...

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BurningAngel Giselle Palmer Oh Hi Mark

Giselle Palmer can’t believe she got kicked out of school for punching a teacher in the face. She did NOT hit him, she did NOT! Now every day she waits patiently for her sexy vice principal Mark Wood to show up with her assignments. At least she has that to look forward to.. amongst other things – like sucking his big cock all the way down her throat! Hey just because she was innocent doesn’t mean she’s a good girl all the time! This pigtailed blonde is a not-so-secret...

3 years ago
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Born To Be Mild

Born to Be Mild Cassandra Morgan It was the motorcycle. It was the God damned motorcycle. That accelerated the changes in her, in my wife Bonnie. The changes in me. The changes in our lives. All of it, speeding down the highway in fifth gear, weaving in and out, barely in control. That is the perfect metaphor for the way our lives have been altered. Because of the damn bike. To her, it is power. It is freedom. It is the open road and the wind in her hair. To her, it is wonder...

3 years ago
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After Tuition Class 8211 Part III

By : Devteen Hi everybody, i am back with the third part of my story “AFTER TUITION CLASS”. After that incident in the pond i became a slave for my friends. Because shyam & sandeep said all the things even i masturbated looking at my moms body, to joy and others. They started to talk dirty about my mom and sister even i was near them. But they acted decently in front of my mom and sister calling them aunty and chechi. But they usually call them “vedi(bitch)”. Even hearing that i didn’t...

1 year ago
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At the Gym

It was late. The workout room was empty except for me and a younger fellow working his lats on the other side of the room. I had been watching him from the corner of my eye all evening. I saw myself twenty years ago. But, I would say, he was a good bit shorter and not quite as developed as I was at his age. Still, his body was clearly defined: clearly articulated through the sweat stained and clinging cotton of his t-shirt. From his high rise blue shorts, well mounded thighs descended to...

1 year ago
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An Awkward SituationChapter 10

"Hi honey..." Charles mother said as they passed through the kitchen into the house, "will your friend be staying for supper?" "No Mrs. Ralston," Connie answered firmly, as Charles turned to question her. "I've got to get home soon myself." "Okay dear," replied Caroline Ralston with a smile, "just remember that you're always welcome here." "I will Mrs. Ralston," nodded Connie. "That was weird!" Charles declared as they stepped out of the kitchen and into the hallway that...

2 years ago
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A great new experience

I am now sixty years old and up until three years ago never considered having any form of sex with another female. That all changed in the summer of 2005 when we sold the house next door. The house next door to Jim and I had been for sale. So we bought it and did a little work on it , and put it back on the market , for sale by owner. Several people looked at this property but none that seemed like they would make good neighbors for one reason or the other. Then one morning the doorbell rang...

2 years ago
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Kannada maid

Ever since I was in my teens, as far as I can remember, I was fascinated with the concept of making love to mature women or maids. After a lot of masturbating and thinking about how to go about doing it and getting away with it, I had almost come to the conclusion that it was pointless and that my fantasies would go unfulfilled, when opportunity not just knocked but slammed through the door into my life. I am from Bangalore, was preparing for my boards, which gave me a lot of opportunity to be...

2 years ago
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Autumn Winds

Friday morningAutumn has blown in with a vengeance early in the week.  Cold, squally winds and heavy cold showers are yellowing the leaves and ripping them from the trees to be trodden underfoot.My partner, Jen decides that walking to the station is no longer an option.  Normally she dons sneakers with her business suit and walks the fifteen minutes down the country lanes to catch her train.  She always says it’s quality thinking time to prepare for the day or week ahead.It amuses me to see her...

2 years ago
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Army Wife and Black Cock Whore

It's understandable that parents want to protect their children from all the evil and dangers in the world. But in some cases, the restrictions they impose on their kids end up backfiring and having unintended consequences. That was the case for me. My parents were very strict on me, and when I had my first opportunity to have sex with others, I embraced it enthusiastically.My name is Michelle, and I’m now living with my husband, John, in El Paso, Texas. I am thirty-three years old and he...

1 year ago
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Rahul And Lithika And Their Dick And Vagina

Rahul 27years of age with muscled body, small tummy, energetic voice, strong arms any girl will get naked and open her bed room. Lithika 22years of conservative girl with of 34-24-32 of figure size with cute smile, with small dimple, gorgeous blue eyes, white skinny any boy will cum immediately by seeing her boobs, butts, especially butts. Nature joined these two people in the name of marriage, typical Indian wedding with all rituals ended in evening two hot virgins are waiting to explore...

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Fahima Ch01

Fahima Begum sat in front of her bedside mirror unable to concentrate as she struggled to fix her hijab properly. Lately, her mind had been plagued by doubts and sinful thoughts that no married Pakistani woman should have, and yet there they were. Fahima had been married to her husband, Ali, for fifteen years now, whilst it was a good marriage it was missing something. In fifteen years of marriage, Fahima and Ali had not been able to conceive a child. They had visited many different doctors to...

1 year ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 12

Hello, readers welcome back to this beautiful journey. I know you all have enjoyed the journey so far and hope you will enjoy the erotic journey further. I am male and the sex story is fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Ayesha was really happy after the lesbian experience. Now we have merged the gap of the mother-daughter relationship. I was treating her like a friend and now we had become really good friends. I have realized that the physical relations enhance the bonding, the same had...

2 years ago
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Practically Endless

One thing I truly enjoyed about Tammy is that she is an easy to spread lady. I have seen her get fucked, also joined in as one of the many guys that have laid her over the years. We had talked about her getting gang banged over the years but have never been able to set one up. She has fucked two or three guys in a day but never in a gang bang. She did have a three man train once many years ago that I wasn’t around to enjoy as she lived in New Mexico at the time, also quite young, however that...

Group Sex
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Tina OBrien has lesbian sex

It was during the hot spell in the early summer of 2010 when Tina (26) met up with her close friend and fellow ex Coronation Street (Corrie) star, Nikki Sanderson (26) in a club in Manchester. Even though both girls are no longer in the famous long-running UK TV soap they are still mainly remembered for their roles as Sarah Louise & Candice rather than anything they've done since.Tina had left her little daughter Scarlett with Tina's Mum & Dad; a task which they loved and therefore Tina...

1 year ago
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Company TripChapter 12 Wendys Decision

On the last morning of our vacation I awakened slowly from a deep and refreshing sleep. Suddenly my mind snapped awake. "Where am I," I wondered silently? Then a smile crossed my face as I remembered the night with Bill. What a lovely man he was, so considerate and such a wonderful sexy lover. I rolled gently to my side and propped up on one elbow as I watched him sleep. The even rising of his chest and the peaceful look on his face made me grin. My hand reached over slowly and my...

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Jakes Journal The Philippines with GandaChapter 8

And then all hell breaks loose in the shape of the most pissed off woman ever seen on the face of this earth. She is screaming at me in Tagalog and while I know a little Tagalog, I sure don't know it well enough to keep up with her. But more to the point, I am not thinking of the Tagalog, I am looking at the 8 inch kitchen knife in her hand. If she thinks she has a clear strike at me with that knife without hitting the kids, I figure I'm a goner. But then the kids cover my body and start...

3 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 40 Battle for Karsakini Part 5

The shuttle gently set down next to the airlock. A small gantry extended from the ship to the airlock, and gently locked onto the side of the huge station. Down on the assault deck, Chief Engineer Cory Hill got up, and went to the airlock. He checked the hatch, and seeing the seal showed a tight fit he waited for the air to build up and the lights to come on. Activating his com unit, he called the captain. "Captain, I have a green light on the hatch, and airlock is pressurizing...

2 years ago
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Mum and Aunt made me cum Wtih their feet

I felt empty for today and could handle any more and felt abit tired so i asked my aunt if i could have a lay down in her bed. She smiled and let me lay down. I sleep naked normally but as i was at a guests house i was going to put boxers on but didnt no were they was and only had my wet trunks on so i could only sleep naked. To save me having to ask were my boxers were. I feel asleep for over 5 hours and when i woke up it was dark. I walk out the bedroom and saw my mum and aunt on the...

1 year ago
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Most Agreeable Arrangement

Chapter 1: The Wager John Theiswyde-Parted, Esq. was entertaining two of his old friends, Sir Reginald Randistaff and the Right Reverend Philp Lichsbottoms, at his palatial country estate. Over brandy and cigars after dinner, John was regaling his guests with the sad state of today's youth and speculated that the cause was that the practice of flogging young bottoms was on the wane. "I say, John, you must know that is not true, particularly here in this part of the country," Reggie...

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The Wreck of the Horstfels

CHAPTER THREE I had been back from leave at the Army Pay Corps barracks for only a day or so when I went down with severe stomach cramps. The camp doctor depressed the right side of my abdomen, I gasped in pain and by the afternoon I was in a private room at Worthingthorpe Hospital scheduled for an operation to remove my appendix that evening. It was the first time in my life that I had been admitted to hospital. My step-mother Adalind arived at my bedside at around three o'clock, and shortly...

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Doing my exdaughter inlaw

My ex in law, Jill, has been separated/divorced from my son for over a year. We stay close with her since she's the mother of our granddaughter and both my wife and I think she's a nice person. Jill will, on occasion, come down to our place and stay the week-end. She's 5'4" tall and used to have a nice figure. Since she got married, she let herself go and weighed up toward 200 pounds at one point, though lately she's been trying to get her weight under control. She's doing some exercises and I...

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Old Wine

Hello readers this is your one and only JJ back with a naughty girl’s carvings and lust, which she thought, were over considering her age. Jeevika taught English in a cbse school in Chennai. Though she was 45 one who married early at 21 and became a widow the very next year even though her relatives and friends persuaded her to re-marry she never fudged for it. Women in the forties are said to be wild and lustful she was no excuse. There was devil beneath her skin, which called for attention to...

3 years ago
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Wait it feels good

Dylan walked into his room, locking the door behind him. He knew what he needed after a hard day at school. As usual he turned the TV on, and walked to his chair, where he pulled his laptop over to his lap, whipped out his semi-large dick, and began to stroke lightly as he opened up a video of an eighteen year old girl, who grabbed a light pink colored vibrator, which she used to pleasure herself while making slight moans and groans. *Knock Knock Knock* "Hey Dylan! You in there?" "Uh,...

3 years ago
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You Can Call Me Daddy

One of the most beautiful young women I had ever met, and I lost track of where she was. It was at a party, and a friend introduced me to his niece, who would be staying with them for the school year while she pursued her Master's degree. She lived in another state, but liked the program here at our local state university, so she came to live with her uncle and aunt while she continued her education. As I said, I was introduced to her, and I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Our eyes connected,...

Oral Sex
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Secrets At Home Chapter 1

ELISE - MY WIFE"Where the hell are my tights?" my wife Elise yelled from the walk-in wardrobe."How should I know?" I answered lazily from my office. It was very common for us to have this kind of conversations while being in separate rooms. To me, it seemed that nowadays she was always missing some piece of clothing.She had obviously become even more absent-minded than in the past. That would have been fine if she didn't also get all cranky about it.Elise had always been a career woman, but I...

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A Cuckqueen Fantasy

John and Becky had been married for nearly five years now. They had been happy, wonderful years and the pair had grown to love each other even more than they did when they got married. The pair had actually met at the wedding of a mutual friend and had hit it right off. John was twenty-three at the time, and Becky was a couple of years younger.John was an average looking guy, a regular working-class construction worker who primarily worked on building houses in housing developments. It was good...

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Innocence Lost Ch 05

In Which Innocence is embodied in the value of Twelve, and joined in a fury of pain and pleasure, and in which Chastity pursues love of a woman and Innocence the Love of God. It was in another field, this time within Une’s extensive estates, that Une and Innocence were happily fucking together. Being her own estate, Une naturally chose a comfortable field where the grass was short and green enough for there to be relatively little scratching or discomfort from the ground as the two lovers...

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Brother Want His Sister

Hi to ISS readers this is my first story. My name is Rahul and my sister name is Sonal let start the story and my mindset started to change when I was 21 and I was going to university and came home for the summer. My family is a tight net family and we all get along well in most cases. My older sister who is older than me by 2 years was home for the summer as well. She actually stayed home looking for work. My sister was very self conscious of her looks. She has black hair with a nice tan body...

2 years ago
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The Desert Tulip 8211 Part 3 Sam Desert And Hotel Desert Tulip Jaisalmer

Next day we were to leave early morning to Jaisalmer where the ad agency wanted to take few shooting in Sam desert during sunset. They said they would also shoot at place called Bada Bagh, Ludrawa etc. Night halt would at Prince Desert camp in luxury Swiss cottages. We returned by four in the evening and I was thinking if both sisters would be able to come with me to Jaisalmer. I thought the elders in the house may not agree but wanted to take a chance. Only Shruti had mobile number and I gave...

3 years ago
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Panty Sabbatical

Panty Sabbatical By Gingerfred Man Chapter One ? Different Unlike other teenagers, I always wanted to be different. Most teens join groups and try very hard to stay within the group norms. One or two in each group see themselves as the leaders, and then try to set those norms. But even they stay within the group norms they set. I was different. I didn?t care to follow the norms of any group. I wasn?t a loner, but I didn?t feel I had to do what everyone else did. That...

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ugly duckling part 6

“Man! This just can’t be!” I thought. What the hell was I to do? Later that same week I took a day off and drove up to talk to Barbara. I figured that due to her medical condition, her caregivers would surely recommend that she abort the baby, and I wanted to talk to her and support her through the whole ordeal. I strolled into the room that Barbara shared with an elderly woman patient, her head jerked up to look at me and then she burst into loud sobbing and crying. I went to her, held...

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