Princesa free porn video

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Haley Alverado moved in next door when I was four and she was three. She spoke funny and I liked how it sounded. Her hair was as black as my room without the nightlight, and her brown eyes were as warm as Mom’s hugs. I was captivated, but she was so weird. She would mostly say words that I knew, but once in a while there was something thrown in that didn’t register. She would refer to herself as a ‘princesa’ instead of a princess and she told me stories about where she used to live, with the servants, horses and her ‘poni’, Esteban.

Her daddy couldn’t live with them, but he was a very important man. That was sad, but it was okay. My dad became their Mr. Fix-It and my mom became best friends with Mrs. Alverado. My family sort of pulled the two of them into our orbit, and Haley and I became inseparable.

When we first met, Haley couldn’t walk and had some metal and plastic stuff on her legs. I couldn’t imagine not being able to run and play, and seeing her legs scared me. I woke a few times crying, thinking of what lay under the braces. It had to be horrible if it kept her from playing in the backyard. Maybe there were no legs and it was braces all the way through.

When we were older, both our mothers loved pulling out old photos of me sitting on her bed, reading to Haley. My mother was an elementary teacher, and I always had a huge stack of basic readers. They cautioned me time and again that I had to be careful to not jostle her. Their favorite photo was when she was lying in bed, recumbent under her Beauty and the Beast blankets, propped up on extra pillows, legs straight out, me sitting at the end of the bed, Winnie the Pooh book in hand.

I learned that she did have legs, but they just didn’t work as well as they should. The braces were the result of her second operation. After they came off, our parents had a hard time keeping track of us. At least, we thought they did.

We were Peter and Tink in the woods behind the house, or we had proper tea parties at old Mrs. Sullivan’s place. Neither of us knew that Snapple wasn’t a reasonable substitute for Harney and Sons. As we got older, we realized that our grand adventures in the 100 Acre Wood was actually well-monitored by our parents watching the dozen trees in my backyard, and the long treks to Mrs. Sullivan’s was from our porch to the next. The lonely widow lived on the other side of our house and doted on us like we were grandchildren.

When she would tell me that we were going to get married and live happily ever after, I just grunted. How do you reply when someone said something so obvious? Haley would use every crayon in the box to draw pictures of us as adults. Sometimes I was a knight, other times I was a prince or an astronaut. She was always Princesa because that’s what her daddy called her.

We weren’t isolated from the outside world. We both had plenty of other friends. She would do girly things and I played every sport possible. I knew girls who were as good or better than the boys on my teams and always tried to get Haley interested. It was a lost cause. She had very strong ideas of what boys should do and what girls should do. She wasn’t going to get smelly and dirty with a bunch of boys.

What never changed was that we were always each other’s priorities. When I broke my arm sliding into third, Haley needed more consoling than I did. In Junior High, she helped me ace Spanish. In return, I helped keep hormonal teenaged boys away from her. Okay, that was probably helping myself. Haley was the first girl whose hand I held. She was the first girl I kissed. She was my first confidant and my first love.

She was 5’3 when she was sixteen. Her doctors determined that she wasn’t going to grow any taller, and Haley underwent her final surgery on her legs. Like her with my arm, I was a wreck. I researched the surgery on my own and asked the doctors as many questions as her mother did. They were very patient with the oddly determined, questioning and overly large seventeen-year-old.

I’d get a lift home after football practice, take a quick shower and head over to her house. We’d work on the homework she’d been assigned by the tutors whom the school district paid to come by three days a week. I’d offer whatever assistance I could, but mostly spent my time staring at her. She was a younger version of her mother, radiant and beautiful. I was her thrall and she was my benevolent ruler.

She’d look up from her book, see me staring and Haley would smile, ducking her head, her thick black hair becoming a curtain covering her blush.

Helmet in hand, sweat pouring from my body, I jogged off the field and headed towards the gym. Mr. Groust saw me and nodded to the side, letting me know he wanted to talk to me. For an English teacher, he was oddly non-verbal. He was also the football coach, so I kept my opinions to myself.

“Mr. Santori, you’re friends with the Alverado girl?”

“Yes, Coach.”

“Stop by my office before you leave. I have some prep materials for her if she still wants to take the early SATs.”

“Okay, Coach.”

I showered at the gym, saw the coach, grabbed the four books and managed to get a ride with Smitty. He had a car, and if you were also on the offensive line, you got dibs on rides. The two of us crowded his front seat, but it was better than waiting another hour for a cramped bus.

Mom had made a bundt cake the night before. I scarfed down a piece and then grabbed one for Haley and another one for myself. I took her books and the cake next door to find the backdoor locked. I went to the front and Mrs. Alverado’s car was missing. The front door was locked. I peeked in the window and the furniture was missing.

I could feel the pulse in my throat as I banged on the door. There was no answer.

I eventually walked home, carefully cupping her slice of cake in my shaking hand. I put it on a small plate which went in the refrigerator. Mom had parent-teacher conferences and wouldn’t be home until late. I called Dad.

“Dad ... Dad, they’re gone. Dad, I, they...”

“Sam, what’s the matter? Who’s gone? Son, calm down and talk to me.”

“Haley, Mrs. Alverado, they’re gone. The car’s gone. The house is locked up. The paintings, the furniture, it’s all gone.”

Nine months went by before I let my mother throw away that piece of cake. I was destroyed. My grades plummeted, but my performance on the field made me all-county and then all-state. I was hurt, I was angry and I needed to share that with the sons of bitches who dared try to get to my quarterback.

I got my grades back on track my senior year and maintained enough anger and motivation to get serious looks from scouts from major colleges. I didn’t date, I didn’t socialize. I spent my time working out, playing, studying and doing layman’s research trying to find Haley and her mother.

It was as if they had disappeared from the face of the earth.

I had a full ride scholarship to THE Ohio State University. From the first day that I arrived on campus, I was a starting Buckeye. There were a few established players that didn’t appreciate that, but the quarterback sure as hell did. I still had a deep, dark resentment toward the world that took Haley from me.

Once again, I eschewed socializing. I went to class, played, worked out, studied and went to my dorm. The guy I replaced on the O line grew more and more frustrated as I established myself as a leader on the team. I was quiet, smart and stayed in my lane, so I had the respect of most of my teammates. He was becoming forgotten and rode the bench.

He was standing near the array of drink coolers when I walked towards them. There are people who get drinks and towels for the players, but that always made me feel uncomfortable. I could get my own Gatorade.

Staring at me as I approached, he seemed to sway a bit. As much of a dick as he was, I didn’t want anyone to pass out from heat-stroke. Cup in hand, he headed my way, unsteady on his feet. Extending the cup, I thought it was a gesture. I was right about it being a gesture, but wrong about the message.

He pretended to stumble and tossed the liquid in my face. It was deliberate. You couldn’t look at his face and not come to that conclusion.

“Oh, sorry, rook.” He was slurring his words. The asshole had been drinking.

“Fuck you, you piece of shit. Alcohol is for starters. If you’re on the bench, at least stay sober. You’re a fucking embarrassment.”

“Fuck you!” He wasn’t an intellectual powerhouse.

Stepping forward, he hit me in the head with the helmet he was holding. Unfortunately, I wasn’t wearing mine. I was familiar with the term “minimum effective dosage,” and I knew how it translated into kinesiology and strength training. I also knew what it meant in more practical terms.

I was 6’7 and weighed right around 330. I was as strong as more than half the guys from last year’s Combine who made it to the NFL. It didn’t matter. He was also big and strong, and all he needed was enough force to break some bones and I would be the stronger guy who happened to be lying on the ground in need of surgery.

Looking through the blood streaming from my head, I saw him stepping forward again, helmet held in the air. I lurched forward and stiff armed him in the sternum. He collapsed, and I fell on my ass, suddenly dizzy. We were immediately surrounded by teammates and the coaches came running over. Time ran at an inconsistent rate. I remembered him trying to gasp in some breath. There were flashes of the team doctor standing over me with a flashlight in my eyes. The ambulance seemed to appear out of nowhere.

I had to get thirty-eight stitches and go through the concussion protocol, but I was fine. The idiot had a cracked sternum, was thrown off the team, lost his scholarship and was arrested for assault. I missed a game and we lost. I couldn’t play, and my back-up was no longer on the team. He was destroyed in the media, and the story even made it to ESPN.

The team doctors made me go to the University’s clinic every day to get checked out. They were medical professionals, so I didn’t understand why they weren’t able to do it themselves. I thought it might have something to do with blame shifting and possible lawsuits.

She was tall and had hair that shone like burnished copper. Her curves held the eyes of every man in the clinic. She had to repeat herself before I realized she was talking to me. Being attracted to a woman was so foreign to me at that point that I didn’t recognize what I was feeling.


I realized that she had been talking to me while I spaced out. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”

“I asked if you were Samuel Santori.”

“Yes, sorry. Sam. Uh, call me Sam.”

“The doctor’s ready for you, Mr. Santori.”

I tried smiling at her and slouched down a bit. Hulking men with bushy beards don’t usually give off the ‘safety’ vibe for most women. “Sam, call me Sam. Or not. Whatever is fine. And you are... ?”

“Follow me, Mr. Santori.”

It was a pleasure watching her walk away. We arrived in an examination room and were met by the archetype of the country doctor. His white hair was thin, his glasses slid down his patrician nose and his smile was wide.

My lovely escort spoke up. “Dr. Jameson, Samuel Santori. He seemed disoriented when I approached him. I don’t know if that’s related to his injury.”

The doctor pushed his glasses up and gave her an amused smile. “Oh, I think we can attribute that to something else. Thank you, Ms. Reilly.”

I kept trying to catch a glimpse of her as we went through the check-up. It went longer than it should, as the doctor spent as much time asking me about the team and upcoming games as he did my health. She seemed to be in and out of rooms, taking files from this one, placing boxes in another. Arms full of boxes of cotton swabs and nitrile gloves, she had difficulty knocking on our open door.

“Come in!” I called out.

Dr. Jameson good-naturedly smiled. “Ahh, I believe that’s my line, Mr. Santori. Come in, Amber.”

He took my blood pressure and checked my pulse as she restocked shelves. Finally, he shook his head and stepped back. “Ms. Reilly, could you please step out and close the door behind you?”

“It’s fine. I’m not embarrassed. She can stay.” I tried smiling again, fearing I just looked like a goon.

“Ms. Reilly, please.” The doctor waved toward the door.

After she left, he turned to me. “Okay, let’s try those readings again. You’re an elite athlete, yet your blood pressure and pulse were racing.”

He seemed to be satisfied with the second results. Finishing the exam, he cleared me to go back to practice. Stopping at the door, he turned. “Her name is Amber Reilly. She likes fried chicken and she has a dog. After that, you’re on your own.”

“Did you know you’re my favorite doctor?”

“I’m sure I am. Name your first child after me. Better yet, don’t give up any sacks next week.”

It was weird. I felt ... alive.

I was very goal oriented and extremely meticulous in planning. I started reaching out to everyone that owed me favors and to the girlfriends of teammates. Within twelve hours I had some basic information. Amber Reilly was a serious student, very serious. She didn’t particularly like jocks but didn’t seem to have a problem with them either. I guessed that was a wash.

The previous year she broke up with a local guy who was much older than she was. He was in his mid-twenties and owned three laundromats. Coming from money, he did well for himself. I guess that wasn’t enough for her. Since then, she spent most of her time studying, working at the clinic, volunteering at an animal shelter or with Meredith Parker, a friend she moved in with nine months before.

I showed up the next day and immediately approached Amber. “Hi. I need some help. I sprained my thumb. I was in front of Mallory’s Home Kitchen and saw some bastard treating a dog poorly. I wasn’t going to tolerate that, and my thumb got hurt. Can you help?”

Looking at me with something bordering on disdain, she replied. “Which one?”


“Are you asking me or telling me, Mr. Santori?”

“Uhmmm, telling?”

I wasn’t sure, but I thought I saw a flash of a smile.

“Do you truly need medical assistance, or do you think you can suck this one up?”

“I guess I can walk it off. Speaking of walking, Mallory’s is only a few blocks away and they have great fried chicken. Can I buy you dinner?”

People were staring by then. Looking like I escaped from a zoo somewhere, I was used to it. Looking the way she did, I guess she was, as well.

“I’m sorry, Sam. I can’t.”

“Another time?”

“I’m afraid that I keep very busy here and with my studies.”

I showed up again the next day.

“You wouldn’t believe the amount of sickos in this city. There I was, in front of Church’s Fried Chicken when another dog abuser came out of nowhere. I wasn’t just going to stand by. No way. He had about a hundred friends and they all had guns, but one look at that poor dog and I knew what I had to do. Anyway, the bad guys ran away, I saved the dog and the Church’s manager insisted on repaying me with chicken. I remembered how you were too busy to get out to eat, so I thought I would bring some down here. Can you take a break?”

“Mr. Santori, Sam, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but...”

A nurse called out from behind the desk. “Amber! Break time. Take an hour.” I was usually embarrassed by the special favors and attention that athletes receive. That day I was grateful.

When Amber turned towards her, I gave the nurse two thumbs up. We ate outside on the grass near a Japanese Maple. I made sure that it was a well populated area, and hopefully by the time we were done she realized that I didn’t spend my spare time up a beanstalk smelling the blood of an English man.

I let a few days go by before I stopped in again.

“I can’t stay, but Mallory’s heard about what happened with the dog and insisted I take some food. Maybe you could take it off my hands? Chicken, deep fried pickles and hushpuppies.”

It was cruel, but I sort of hoped that she was the proverbial poor college student and food would be the way to her heart. I quickly said hi to the staff I had met and left, leaving her with the food.

Two days later I was back. “Listen, someone has to do something about these marauding gangs of dog abusers. I was hoping you could join me on patrol Sunday. Maybe we could go down to the park? Keep an eye out and have a picnic? We could finalize plans on Saturday, after the game. I have two tickets, you can take Dr. Jameson. They’re really good seats.”

She said yes, and that’s how we started dating. We’d usually meet somewhere, or we’d leave from my dorm. Amber’s roommate was more than a little frosty towards me. I went out of my way to be as friendly as possible and tried to include her in conversation on the rare times we were at their apartment. It didn’t help.

Within three months, Amber sat me down and told me she wanted to be exclusive. I thought we had been exclusive, so that wasn’t a big sacrifice. Things were perfect, and I felt like I was reentering the human race. Meredith, Amber’s roommate, segued from frosty to straight up bitch. I wasn’t sure if it was something she had against athletes or me in particular, but she was condescending and aggressive. She clearly had no idea that I could have easily gotten into OSU on my grades alone and I grew tired of her supercilious attitude, especially when it became obvious that she was bent on placing a wedge between Amber and me.

She was slow to anger, but it eventually began to piss Amber off. We moved in together the following semester.

All of our boxes were moved into the apartment that morning. Moving becomes a lot easier when you have a dozen guys helping who each could body slam a Volkswagen. I had to attend a Team Leadership meeting that afternoon. Boring would be the best descriptor. Mandatory CYA maneuvering by the administration, returning players were lectured on responsible drinking, what constitutes sexual harassment and being responsible citizens. Amber stayed at the apartment, unpacking and started turning rooms that were empty twelve hours earlier into a home.

Stepping off the elevator, I smelled the rich tomato sauce, fried garlic and onions coming from our apartment. It was still so new that I reveled in thinking of it that way: our apartment. An older lady stepped out the door of the apartment across from ours. She was wearing a track suit and carrying one of those little dogs that look like they run on batteries.

“Hi! I’m Sam. My girlfriend and I just moved into 301, right across from you.”

“Amanda Behlsen. Nice to meet you. I saw all those large gentlemen this morning. Welcome to the building. I noticed your girlfriend. Lovely girl. Is she a nurse? She was here the other day in scrubs.”

“Uh, no. Amber’s going to be a surgeon. She’s actually cooking dinner. If you’re free, please stop by later. We have some wine and cheese and crackers.” I was inordinately proud of that. Amber and I were adulting. It wasn’t cheap beer and Doritos. First day in our apartment, inviting over neighbors for adult drinks and snacks. Our apartment. Where I lived with Amber. Our apartment. That phrase just rolled around in my head. I was surprised that Ms. Behlsen was being so friendly, and her dog was so docile. I must have been grinning like a goon.

“Thanks, Sam. I’ll check and get back to you. I need to get Atlas outside before he does his business here in the hall. Again, great to meet you.”

The aromas of Amber’s cooking washed over me as I walked in the door. “Smells great, Honey. Baked ziti?”

“Chicken cacciatore over zucchini spaghetti. You need to cut back on the starch and cheese.”

I smiled. “Amber, I’m a lineman and I’m in great shape. Some pasta’s not going to kill me. Lean isn’t what I’m going for.”

“Samuel Santori, I want you around for a long, long time. If I’m cooking, you’re eating healthy. Grab some plates and set the table.”

All of this was hitting me hard and I wasn’t sure why. I stood staring at her. She had her hair in a ponytail and was wearing a tee-shirt and yoga pants. Surprised that I was tearing up, I stepped up behind Amber and put my arms around her. We were in our apartment and she wanted me around for a long time. Checking to see that the stovetop and oven were turned off, I started kissing her neck and moved up to her ear.

She squirmed as I whispered after nibbling on her earlobe. “You know, cacciatore is one of those dishes that gets better the longer it sits.”

Amber pushed back into me, her butt into my thigh. “Spaghetti doesn’t.”

Picking her up, I headed towards the bedroom, thankful we had set up and made the bed before I left. “It’s zucchini, it’ll stay al dente.”

I gently placed her on the bed. Everything with Amber was gentle and she occasionally grew frustrated. I don’t think she knew the sort of damage I could do if I wasn’t careful, but we’d find a happy medium. As I looked down at her and helped her pull off the tee-shirt, she looked up and saw the tears waiting to fall. Once I lost Haley, I never thought I would have this. I was ... content. That seemed like such a weak word for what I was feeling.

Placing both hands on the sides of my face, she pulled me towards her, love in her eyes. “Oh, Sam, Honey...”

We kissed, and my hands roamed her body, grateful for her foresight in leaving off the bra. After a few minutes she started shimmying off the yoga pants. I was happy to help. Her panties were very damp as I pulled them from her body, inhaling her scent as they slipped down her legs.

I took my time kissing her from her calf to her so-wet center. She grabbed my head, trying to force me in deeper as my tongue licked, darted and teased. Her moaning grew louder, and I moved away from her cauldron and the honey she was generating. I kissed my way to her navel and back up to her neck, chin and full lips.

My cock slid along her opening as we kissed. Sometimes smoothly, sometimes poking and prodding as I shifted my hips. She pulled her head back to speak. “Sam ... Sam ... slow later. I need you now. Don’t ... don’t go slow, don’t go gentle.”

Taking her at her word, I effortlessly flipped Amber onto her belly. Reaching forward, I grabbed two of the pillows and slipped them under her hips. Getting back between her legs, I moved forward and lubricated my cock with her juices. As wet as she was, it was still a tight entry that must have brought her a mixture of discomfort and pleasure. After a few minutes she grew louder, moaning then yelling her pleasure.

I was much more forceful than usual. Although I loved Amber, this was about straight animal fucking. She thrust back at me, her head tilted to the side as I lifted her by the hips and pulled her to meet my every push, every ramming into her steaming tight velvet core.

Amber trembled as she reached her pinnacle the first time, and nearly convulsed as she came a second time. When I finally erupted into her, we were awash in each other’s sweat and fluids. We lay there, recovering, and I held her closely. Eventually, I picked her up and carried her to the shower. It was a little cramped, but sometimes that works. I washed her gently and carried her back to the bed.

She had some trouble walking and I had some residual guilt. Grabbing the plates and some drinks, I brought dinner into the bedroom. The plates and some of the food eventually wound up on the floor when we slowly, gently, made love.

The next morning, I found a plate of homemade cookies outside the door.

Stopped by and you sounded busy. Knocked a few times. I was young and in love once. Enjoy it and each other! Amanda Behlsen, Apt 303

Well, that was fucking embarrassing. Good cookies, though.

Being with Amber removed the pain from my heart and sapped out the bitterness and anger. Thankfully, it wasn’t the anger that fueled my success on the gridiron. The sense of loss from Haley disappearing was always with me, but love replaced much of the rest. My parents loved Amber almost as much as I did, and her parents seemed to like me but were afraid of the prospects of me getting an NFL contract.

My senior year was spent concentrating on my last college season, getting my degree, prepping for the Combine and spending as much time as possible with Amber. I was twenty-two and she was twenty-three. I was narrowing down my choices of agents and she was knee deep in med school.

Everything depended on the workouts, private and public, but I was assured by most experts that I would be picked in the first or second round. Both of us were incredibly busy and the pressure was getting to us. I flew home to see my parents and hit them up for a loan. I was reticent and embarrassed until they laughed and told me that they had saved up for my college my entire life and I never had to use a penny of it.

I flew back, made some stops and returned to the apartment. Amber was making dinner when I walked through the door. When I saw her, I realized that we hadn’t spoken in two days.

She turned when I dropped my bags, startled by the noise. I guess I can move quietly for a big guy. She raced over, and I picked her up. My eyes closed as I felt her body against mine. Emotions flooded through me. She was companionship, love, sex, and home. Amber was all things to me.

I set her down and realized that waiting served no purpose. I reached into my pocket as I got on one knee.

“Amber, I know that we’re both burning the candles at both ends.”

She stood before me, mouth wide, eyes glistening. I pulled out the box and opened it.

“And this might not be the right time, but...”

She launched herself into me. “Yes, yes, Sam. Yes. I love you. I love you so much.”

I stood, picking her up and held her closely as we both cried.

My mother flew to Columbus and spent time with Amber working on wedding plans. I attended the Combine where I made a fool of myself at the vertical jump but set records at the bench press and scored a forty-eight on the wonderlic.

My private work-outs went well, as did the interviews. I wound up being drafted seventh and went to the Dolphins. I was there for four great years, making the Pro Bowl three times. I was traded to the Cleveland Browns, so Amber and I moved back to Ohio. Those were eight of the best years of my life.

My parents moved to be near us when our son was born. I grew maudlin at times, reading him the adventures of Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, and Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin. I thought of Haley, our own 100 Acre Wood and the adventures of our childhood.

My body told me that twelve years in the NFL was enough, and it was time to get out. We were set for life and could have easily lived off Amber’s income as a pediatric surgeon. We were generous with both sets of parents and they had no financial burdens. I was in my late thirties and needed to figure out what to do with the rest of my life.

Nicky Tremaine was a retired Extreme Sports athlete who lived in Ohio. He had a charity that worked with athletes and supported homeless veterans. That was something I could get behind, so I reached out. Soon, I was spending twenty hours a week working with the charity while being a full-time house dad.

Mom watched Sam Jr. when Amber and I drove to Dayton to visit the VA there. We checked into our hotel and I signed a few autographs for employees who recognized my name. It was too late for lunch and too early for dinner, so we went to a nearby Starbucks for coffee and a muffin. Sitting down, we discussed the plans for the next day. We’d do some meet and greets with staff and then spend the day talking to as many veterans as possible, thanking them for their service and trying to get a gauge on what we could do to improve things at the grass roots level.

Amber kicked me lightly under the table. Eyebrows narrowed in minor irritation, I looked up from my coffee. She kept nodding her head slightly to the right and moving her eyes in that direction. I glanced over. Two tables away sat a man reading what must have been the current issue of something called Busty Librarians Monthly.

His phone started playing “Last Train to Clarksville”. He put down his magazine and picked up the phone. “Go for Jack.” He listened. “Uh huh. Got about another 4 or 5 thousand words. Brilliant stuff.” More listening. “You got it. Talk to you soon.” He hung up and took a swig from his coffee.

Trying not to smile too obviously, Amber and I looked at each other. Starbucks kept getting weirder.

We got back to discussing our plans for the next day and how we could import anything innovative we saw in facilities near us.

I stopped speaking for what seemed to be forever and finally noticed Amber looking up at me.

Her voice sounded concerned, but I was distracted. “Honey, what’s the matter? What’s wrong?”

Pushing aside my Starbucks cup and ignoring the chattering customers near us, Amber took my hand in both of hers, her thumb stroking my knuckles. I was trying to hold back the tears as I looked over her shoulder.

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The story that unfolds here is an account, to the best of our recollection (my sister and I), of the events of our i****tuous affair over a period of eight years. Names, towns, and schools have been changed to protect the innocent (actually more to protect the not so innocent among us).Our story is one of discovery and exploration, of love and lust, and at times of teenage angst. But, most of all it is a story of joy. To provide some context, our story takes place when there was no internet, no...

2 years ago
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From the Ashes CATU Book 6 Ch 15

Fort Liberty (Formerly Androka) Madagascar NATALYA CROTCHES LOW ALONG THE SHORELINE looking out at the cliffside. Not far from her location sat the new Fort Liberty set up by the United States’ military shortly after DEP Six’s assault on the compound. With hostility in the region high with China the United States was quick to sweep in and take advantage of the facility already set up by Maltaus before anyone else had a chance to. Russia temporarily decided it best to drop out, but it was...

3 years ago
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Modern Family Claires Fathers Day GiftChapter 3

Gloria Maria Ramirez Pritchett, Jay’s very hot-blooded Colombian second wife, had certainly been busy most of that day, shopping, getting styled, mothering Manny and Joe, and otherwise preparing for their visit to the Dunphys as invited by her stepdaughter, Claire, and Claire’s rather charming husband, Phil. Many a time Gloria had stolen glances at Phil, finding him adorable in his poorly concealed boyish crush on her. She was still madly in love with Jay, even if also dependent on him for...

3 years ago
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Hot Sex With Latha Aunty

I am regular reader of ISS and love to share my first extramarital experience with the other readers. First I want to tell few words about myself. I am a dark, average looking and medium built 26 years young man from decent family from Hyderabad. My name is Sumith and got married at 24.I am very shy in nature and even avoid talking with other ladies but dreaming about them. This incidence happened 1 week back while I was working in Hyderabad. and I sent my wife for her delivery.I loved my wife...

4 years ago
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Overcoming the BitchChapter 5 Reality Sets In

In the months that followed that first date, things were great between Beth and me. We had fun whenever we were together and more importantly, we learned to love the quirky little things about each other that make you who you are. For me to love Beth I had to not only love the smart and beautiful woman that I thought she was at the beginning, but I also had to embrace the fact that, yes, sometimes she was a bitch. I have to admit that there are times when her bitchiness did grate on me and I...

1 year ago
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Caught by the Tide Ch 06

‘Becky?’ I smiled as I finished wiping toast crumbs away from the kitchen counter tops, hearing the slight wheedling tone to my sister’s voice. ‘Yes?’ ‘Could you bring me another cup of tea? Ple-ease?’ ‘Oh, I don’t know. That’s going to cost you.’ ‘How much?’ I grinned, already pouring water from the freshly boiled kettle into Sarah’s mug. ‘Oh, I don’t know. Let me think,’ I called back, adding just a dash of milk and immediately fishing out the tea bag. ‘Gnat’s pee,’ I muttered to no one...

1 year ago
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Split personality sex

Sitting on a shelf in a small-town southeastern Montana store shelf, a tiny box of condoms waited to be purchased. Finally, a man in his early 40s stopped to take a look at the wide variety. It had been many years since he purchased them and he wasn’t exactly sure what to get.Not wanting to loiter too long in that particular spot, he finally settled on a small box of three. That would certainly get the job done, he thought to himself.You see, later that evening, Mick was going to have sex – hot...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Liv Wild Sexy New Starlet Liv Wild Is A Dirty Talker

At first glance Liv Wild might seem like a harmless pretty young thing. But once she opens her dirty little mouth, Manuel finds out she’s not so harmless. Tiny Wild’s words pack a wallop as she begs Ferrara to fondle her goodies. Wild is decked out in a bikini made up of black leather straps. Her bullet-like nipples poke out of some gold rings. She quickly removes her tits and asks Manuel to play with them. After a long tease, Liv gets Manuel’s cock in her hands. She lubes it...

4 years ago
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Little Susan

by Gail Holmes Susan, well what can we say, she’s bright; she’s slight but very beautiful. At five feet two, she looks up to everyone, her figure well...that is state of the art, trouble is at twenty she still looks fourteen. Needless to say most guys give her a wide berth, considering her jailbait, of friends she has many, however, they are mostly girls Sex doesn’t come all that often for her, due to guys worrying about...

1 year ago
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Military Bus Driver

So, this is a tricky story to tell. It took place several years ago while I was working as a civilian bus driver for a military base in North Carolina. It was a large one and men and couples were constantly coming and going. I was one of the drivers that would transport them to and from the barracks and the airport, etc. Being parked at one of the barracks a commercial 18 wheeler pulled in beside me and asked if I'd picked up sergeant Brassel yet. It was Sarah, a young female civilian driver...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Saya Song G139

It’s everyones favorite day of the week Friday! On this Friday we get to see our delicious little treat Saya get FUCKED, FILLD, AND FED, a whooooole lotta cum! We mean a whole lot! The sexy little slut is on the bench and in record time we’re done talking and it’s time for fuckin’. Per usual the guys all get to get a taste of that deliciously moist little pussy of hers. You saw it during the interview the thing practically drips when she’s turned on. After the guys...

3 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 11

Mother said, "Daddy and I have to go out of town this weekend, we can't take you with us, even though we'd like to. We don't want you to be alone, so we thought, that it would be nice if your friend Pam came over, staying with you; for the company. She has a car, in case of emergency she can drive you to a doctor or hospital or she can call for help. Does that sound good to you?" I had to tell her yes, because if Mistress Pam found out I was alone and didn't tell her, I would be in big...

3 years ago
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The GiftedChapter 6 The Awakening

"His girlfriend said he has a GPS locator on him." Moving to Davy, Sharon searched him and held up the keychain. "And here it is," she said. "Damn it, well he has had the third injection, and I just need to wake him." Moving to Davy, she shook him. "Davy, wake up." "Do I have to?" Davy slurred. "Yes Davy, your girlfriend is here. Davy, you will not remember anything that happened here. Now, I am going to give you one more injection and then a shot to wake you up. Then we are...

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Needy Adriana

Needy AdrianaBy: Londebaaz Chohan “Would you want me to help you”? Adriana asked her brother Cyril. Adriana was the elder sister but the age difference was 20 years or maybe more. She lost her husband in a road mishap many, many years ago and then she never got married again. After the death of both parents, it was about a year, she had moved back into their parent’s home. The house was vacant because Cyril had moved to the city about 100 miles away and living in the dormitory. These days he...

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Prior Planning Prevents Pregnancy

Fortunately, I have a couple of older brothers that I'm close to. Also fortunately, guys mature much slower than girls. So. Even in high school I have more of an itch. Curiosity...well, I think we have that in common. My brother Josh is 5 years older than me. He is a hunk. Always is dressed well, wears a nice smelling cologne, takes a lot of girls out on dates. He's dumb as a rock, but is really nice to look at. Don't get me wrong, he knows how to use his gift of gab to hide his...

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The Stranger in the Wood3Fiction

A Boring Wet Sunday: I awoke on Sunday morning,lying on my stomach,I slid my one hand over my buttocks,remembering the happenings with the Stranger in the Wood and my doings on my bed with the Carrot I had shaped like a Cock yesterday afternoon and yesterday evening.I was enjoying my hand feeling my Ass,then slipping my fingers between my Buns and teasing my Rosebud.My Cock was Hard and Throbbing,I was Grinding it into my mattress,I slid my other hand under my pillow,finding the Cock shaped...

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Moms and Band

Billy Thomas had to beg and plead with his mother to give him and his friends permission to use their garage for his band to practice. She finally gave in and for two hours a day she had to listen to Billy and his three friends jam out hard rock hair band songs. The other guys were really happy Billy was able to convince his mother to let them practice there, one she was always really cool about it and the other she was hot. Christine Thomas, mother of two, 37 years old, she was in very good...

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Donna was working late doing some stock taking at the store she used to work at in town. She was wearing her work uniform, black blouse, grey skirt. She was putting some shoes away in size order cubby holes, Steve her manager, was passing them up to her, she was standing on a small ladder, this time she reached too far and wobbled, Steve put his hands on her bum so she wouldn't fall.As she came down the ladder, Steve slipped his hands under her blouse and fondled her tits, when she got to the...

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The Dorm Mother

She appeared to be in her fifties, with a figure that was not slim, but not conspicuously overweight, either. With wide hips, a modest waistline, and a generous bosom, she was what some men might describe as "on the solid side." She was dressed in a white blouse, gray skirt, nylons, and sensible flats. Her jewelry was not ostentatious, and she wore a minimum of make-up: a little lipstick, some nail polish. There was nothing to call attention to her except a quick smile and an expression in...

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Rough Draft Twisted Ink Raine and Deak

Prologue ‘Shit. Feels so fuckin’ good.’ ‘Please, please, please. Harder,’ the little redhead begged. We started pounding harder. ‘Oh, God. Yes,’ she squealed. ‘Fuck, man. I can feel you,’ I gasped. ‘Yeah. Jesus. Fucking close,’ Raine gritted out. I looked at his enraptured face and my balls tightened painfully. Shit. His dark eyes were hooded, his teeth sunk into his bottom lip, and head rolled back slightly. He was sexy. He was gorgeous. He was also very, very straight. ‘Holy fucking...

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Having Fun With A Married Lady

Hi, this is utkarsh from delhi. I am 20 years old, studying in one of the top colleges of the country. I have been a reader of this site since 3 years. Really loved stories.I am 5’11 in height, fair complexion, cute (that’s what the girls say), 31 waist, and an 7.5″ cock.So i have always liked older ladies, married ones also, since all they want is fun and all i want is fun, no commitments are needed. ;) so if any lady/couple wants to contact me for anything can email me at , any age and...

1 year ago
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The Masters Project 4 Hiram And MildredChapter 3

Mildred met me at the door. "Gertrude told me you kissed her," she said. The look on her face was impossible to interpret. I stood there. What do you say to a protective sister who is barring the door. "We watched the rest of that movie," she added. I kept standing there. "She said she seduced you," said Mildred. Standing there seemed to be working. She was still talking, and there was no shotgun. "That's the silliest thing I ever heard," she said. "I did kiss her," I...

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ImageFap Group Sex

Every fapper wants a no-frills smut site when doing God’s work. Who wouldn’t love to minimise their hassles by getting good jerk-off material when they want to bust that nut? There’s just something about a nice, clean and sexy photo album that other kinds of porn can’t capture. No one has disagreed to agree with you morons, that videos are fucking awesome. But the truth is that most of the videos you have seen while scouring through the internet are produced mainly by the same lot – famous...

Gangbang Porn Sites
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A Teachers Story Ch 05

A GROWING FAMILY Three days after we got back we went to the doctor’s office. Jen and the baby were both in the best of health. The next few weeks were busy ones. Jen was getting ready for the next semester. Meetings to go to, schedules to make and finalizing the curriculum, etc. I was setting up meetings, getting franchise contracts ready. As I said, it was a busy time. But, we would always make time for us. Jen wouldn’t have dinner until I was home. She would have snacks before I got...

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Archies Veronica Gets Her TurnChapter 2

Moose Mason was very depressed these past few months. His girlfriend, Midge, seemed to be avoiding him ever since she started working for Mr. Lodge. And being the big slowwitted dumbbell that he was, he couldn't figure out what he did wrong. He'd been hanging around the other guys of the gang for solace. Especially his best bud, Dilton Doiley. Today, Dilton was in his lab at Riverdale Highschool preparing yet another zany experiment to benefit mankind. Despite his better judgment, he was...

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MommysGirl Aften Opal Shay Sights Cunning Linguist

Shay Sights is sitting on her bed, looking a bit worried about something. Aften Opal, Shay’s stepdaughter, walks by her open bedroom door and Shay decides to call her inside. Aften’s always glad to help out her stepmom, so she comes to sit next to her, asking her what’s on her mind. It turns out that Shay is back on the dating scene, and has recently met a LOVELY woman. Thing is, that woman hasn’t been impressed with Shay’s dirty talk in the bedroom. Shay reveals...

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I Raped Little Red Down by the River

This story is about how a raped a little red haired girl named Lucy. Before I raped Lucy, I had never even thought about doing anything that might get me into serious trouble. A series of unlikely events lead to my actions, maybe it was destiny. I still can't figure it out. I shouldn't have done it, but couldn't stop myself. It was the most exciting sex filled night of my life, let me tell you about it. It all started over a year ago. It was early spring, my wife and I had spring...

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Having It AllChapter 2

I pulled out my cell and asked, "What's your name?" I could see the question marks in her eyes as she answered, "Joyce Chambers." I extended my hand and said, "Bill Hunter, glad to meet you, Joyce." I flicked my cell open and searched my contact list. I found the number I was looking for and hit the send key. Almost as soon as it began ringing a female voice answered, "Delmar Resort, how may I help you?" "Dana, I thought this was your private number? When did you start answering...

2 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 4 Passion

Monday, May 06th, 1996, Sanford Maine BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! “Ugh,” I grunted, trying to reach over and smack off my alarm. At first, I was super confused; why couldn’t I roll over and get to my nightstand? I was perplexed for a few seconds. I will admit, I am not a morning person at all. That doesn’t mean that I am grumpy because I’m really not; my brain just doesn’t have any higher function capabilities before coffee. Okay, my sister and my parents would probably say that I had zero brain...

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billy and his girl

He crawled into the tub as it got to the height where he liked it and shut it off. He laid his head back and enjoyed stretching out in the six-foot long tub. He rested his head back against the plastic pillow he had in there and closed his eyes. He awoke some time later to someone pounding on the door that they had to pee so he reached over and unlocked it. After pulling the curtain closed, he yelled they could come in. He looked through the little crack left between the wall and the curtain...

3 years ago
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Take Two

Warm citrus. Sweet basil. Tangy garlic. The kitchen was a delicious culmination of scents. I could roll around in them. ‘Morning, guys.’ By default, there are mostly men at ski resorts. I still haven’t exactly sorted it out, but it seems to have something to do with adrenaline and testosterone. In unison, ‘Morning, chef.’ I still get the goose bumps when I hear that. Tying back my long dark hair, my second in command, Eric, gives me the update on the day’s events. The commotion from the...

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I Seduced My Father and Lost My Virginity

Hi I am mallika, 20 years old, my dad is american and mom is indian. My dad is 58 years old. My mom & dad are divorced and i was living with my dad. My dad married to other woman. While they are fucking I used to see and think of me in place of my step mother. I decided to lose my virginity only with my dad. And just waiting for the oppurtunity. One day when my step mom is out of city and we were alone in the house, i dressed myself sexy in black baby doll dress. He was watching t.v. I went to...

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Soccer Coachs Wife

Karen Johnson had a problem!Karen was now in her late thirties and her body had developed a serious need for sex! All the worse was the fact that her husband seemed to be moving the opposite direction. They still had sex but it seemed to be by rote.This left Karen to spend a significant amount of time doing self-service with her vibrator. It was during these little sessions that her mind would wander to whom she would like to have sex with. In the last week she found herself coming back to one...

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My Wifes Party

My Wife's Party By [email protected] about ten o'clock on a recent Saturday morning, my wife told me that she was going to have some of her girlfriends over at two o'clock, and that I should be sure to stay home. She also wanted me to help with serving coffee and munchies to her guests. What she didn't tell me was that I was going to be spanked by all of her friends.When about two o'clock rolled around, her girlfriends started arriving. The only person I knew was Mary. The other three...

1 year ago
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Worth the Wait Part 2

He inserts his fingers into my mouth and I instinctively suck hard. They taste better than I imagined. The sweetness of my pussy and the natural saltiness of his skin are the perfect combination. He watches as I worship his fingers, slowly dragging my tongue from the bottom to the tops of his fingertips. He grins. “Do you like to taste yourself on me, Charlie?”“Like you have to ask,” I reply as I lick my lips, dabbing the corners of my mouth.“I am asking. Tell me.”“Of course, I do. I’ve wanted...

Office Sex
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JanChapter 5

In an attempt to follow Kim's advice, I tried to meet interesting people and form friendships. It was easy with the guys at work — they all liked to talk to me and tease me. I let them know I wouldn't settle for a quick roll in the hay, and I was looking for more than a one-night stand. The fear of commitment scared most of them away. One of my neighbors to the east of me — there were eight other houses on my street — seemed a pleasant enough guy until I found out he was married. I was...

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Amanda Has Herself Teased

It all began one evening after dinner. In recent times, Amanda has become increasingly willing, even anxious, to share her erotic fantasies with me, and, I must admit, I have been increasingly intrigued by the often imaginative fantasies which she describes. However, until that evening, all her fantasies had been either so unrealistic that she had no expectation of their ever being realized or they had been ideas with which she and I could experiment while making love. Thus, the fantasy which...

4 years ago
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Immortal Sins Part One

Maxwell “Max! Help me!” she cried out to me but I couldn’t go help her. There were three vampire slayers on me as well as on her. She fought them, but she was hurt. Those fuckers had tried to stab her but luckily missed her heart. They stabbed her on her arm instead. I screamed in rage as I saw the blood trickle down her arm as she tried to fight them off. I kept my eyes on Viviana as I slammed one vampire slayer down on the ground hard enough to break a bone. He cried out in pain, but I...

2 years ago
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To Whom It May ConcernChapter 8 A new beginning

David Jenkins sat at the desk to the cabin he was using as his makeshift office. The room was small, but it was the closest room to the bridge that had the facilities he needed, mainly a desk and a few chairs. He could have commandeered the captain's ready room directly off the bridge, but he felt that should be left for Spaz. The chime sounded as he sat there studying the screen. "Enter." A man in his mid twenties and an older teen entered the room followed by Dr. Jones and Colonel...

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Zippy siss puppy

Life is full of strange twist and turns. Like the twist that brought me back to my hometown to live with my older sister, Cheryl. I never thought a circumstance would arise where I would find myself invading her privacy. But, she had just gotten divorced and was having trouble making ends meet and I had been laid off from my job as the company moved my job out of the country. Luckily I had found a lower paying job back home but neither of us could make it on our own so Cheryl invited me to move...

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Son of a Preacher Man

Sadie slogged her way to shore with the surf whipping the back of her knees. She looked up into the kiawe grove and could see that he was still there watching her. When she was fully ashore, except for the small remainder of waves lapping around her feet, she open her legs in a defiant stance and took the big single bladed knife out of its sheath. She didn't look directly at him, but laid the net of fresh kelp aside and reached for her tee shirt and carefully wiped each side of the blade and...

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Sam HopkinsChapter 9

I wanted ta see what would happen when the bandits ran away, so I told everybody not ta shoot accurately enough ta kill, jus' accurately enough ta chase the bandits away. I figured that we could use this same gang ta good advantage ifen we jus' kept an eye on 'em. We came roarin' in, hell bent fer leather, yellin' an' shootin' our pistols in the general direction of the bandits. They seen us an' took off fer parts unknown. I wuzn't worried, I figured that we would find 'em back at...

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Sunday Creampie

Angie didn’t like doing it. Standing there in front of her boyfriend Rick and his friend Luke, her breasts exposed, and her voluptuous 36 inch D cup breasts unhooked from their bra and sagging onto her chest every so slightly she wasn’t particularly happy. At least she wore a set of pantyhose, nude in color to stop her being totally naked, but still her 38 inch hips were clearly defined as was the small patch of pubic hair on her pussy. From the waist up though her narrow milky white 32 inch...

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Janine and Her Motherinlaw

How's this for a twist on the old catching your wife screwing around with another man story - My mother made her do it. Honest to God, that's her story and she was sticking to it. I caught my wife cheating on me in a most unusual way. I was cheating on her when I saw her cheating on me, but she didn't see me so I got to claim the moral high ground, at least for now. I'm a buyer for a large chain of stores and I spend a lot of time dealing with the sales reps of a lot of different...

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But she didn't want to leave her children until they were old enough to care for themselves. Rich was 19, becoming a man; tall, strong and as handsome as his father. In less than a year he would be on his own leaving her with just her daughter at home. Jenny was just 17 and blossoming into a stunningly pretty and sexy young woman. If one were to look at the Yearbook pictures of the mother, they would see the daughter. It started as a long restless night in front of the TV, she was...

2 years ago
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Me and my friends great time

I was in my room, getting dressed for a night out with my girl friends trying on clothes, when my door bell rang. I knew it would be Joanna because she had told me she was going to come over to get dressed at my house. So I yelled to her that the door was open to come up stairs to my room. I had a towel wrapped around me since I had just gotten out of the shower and was looking for what I was going to wear. Joanna walked in and she was in what I would say, was as little as possible she could...

1 year ago
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Blindfold A new and delightful sensation: I've never really noticed before how my legs slide over the duvet cover when I'm wearing leather boots and stockings. There is only a small pleasant friction between the fabrics as I kneel on the bed. I sit back on my heels for a moment, my legs feel fresh and cool within my stockings, and the long narrow stiletto of my boots presses two hard lines over my bum. I put my hands out in front of me and grab the cold varnished wood of the...

2 years ago
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Steve and KemonChapter 9

I slide out of bed early and stoke the fire just a little. We need a change from the eggs, so I go to rummage in the pod. I find the box of instant flavored oatmeal I saw the other day. We don't have any milk to put in it, but she won't know the difference. I could search for canned milk, but I'm in a hurry. I draw off some hot water and put it in a small pan. While that starts to boil, I show Sarbun how to open the packet and put the dry oatmeal into a bowl. She watches carefully as I...

4 years ago
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family Fun Time Chapter 1

How do I start this? Me and my sister, April are very close. You might say we're like "two peas in a pod". You might say that if your a fucking bitch. After she moved out of the house, (she's two years younger than me) she had some trouble finding a place to stay, so we worked out a plan for her to live with me untill her friend came through for her. Let's just say that didn't happen. Mainly because that friend was hit by a bus. But that's beside the point. This is an "erotic" story right? One...

4 years ago
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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt3

Introduction: Bonding Twin Japanese Nieces Pt3 Have you ever been shopping with 3 kids who are wide eyed at just about everything they see? Let me tell you, it is a definite experience. The twins were dressed in their school uniform skirts with their white button down shirts, knee socks and black loafers. They were not wearing their neck ties or, as I found out in the mall, their panties. A ride up the escalator revealed that little fact. But that did not seem to hinder them in the least. My...

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The Blowjob

Daddy texted me saying to pack an overnight bag, and be ready for a nice night out. He picked me up at around 4pm. He threw the sunroof open, tossed pandora on, and handed me a fat blunt. We took off on down the road, I clueless as to the night he had planned. We rode for a good hour or so until Daddy rolled up on a hotel. He checks in, and we go off to the third floor. I walk into the room to see two full sized beds, and looked confused. Without missing a beat he says “I plan to make you...

1 year ago
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The Lottery

The Lottery By: Melody Anne, aka Malissa Madison Sitting on the large wooden deck overlooking the Lake in the early Spring morning, a cup of Hazelnut Coffee on the glass top patio table she thought back over her past. She'd always been a troubled child. Always in trouble for one reason or another. Not because she was bad, but because she liked Dolls, and dresses and high heels, and anything else that society felt were reserved for little girls. Yes, she always knew in her...

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