Revue free porn video

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By Marshall

It was perfectly fine summers day, and Dina and Ambur had decided that some shopping therapy was in order. Dina had come upon some cute shoes, and Ambur had decided on a top that she and Dina had both thought suited for her ('It's cute, and it shows a little boobage' Dina had pointed out). Walking up the street with their newly acquired goods in hand, the pair spotted a man on the street in the process of handing out fliers to another group of girls in front of them.

"I wonder what that's all about?" asked Ambur.

"I don't know, but he looks CUTE" gushed Dina "Let's go check it out."

"He probably wants to bring us to Jesus" suggested Ambur.

"Well, I might let him take me then!" suggested Dina, mockingly "Ooooh, JESUS!" Both girls giggled.

Getting closer, Dina liked what she saw even more. He looked to be in his early 20's, with brownish-blonde hair worn short and somewhat spiky, his well-defined jawline showing a little carefully maintained scruff. His toned, hard muscles contoured the profile of his light white cotton shirt.

"Hey there!" he said to Dina and Ambur in friendly, familiar way. His blue (no-green!) eyes met Dina's, striking a momentary spark.

"Hey" said Ambur "We were wondering if you were going to convert us to your religion."

"Not today" he smiled. "No- actually, my friends and I are putting on a party, and I would love to see you there. Hopefully you ladies don't have plans Saturday night? Free show- free drinks!"

"No way!" said Ambur "Free Drinks?"

"Show?" asked Dina.

"Yeah. Actually - I'm in the show. It's a Male Revue show" he said, with certain mock bashfulness "We put on free exhibitions to promote our crew."

"Male Revue? So you dance and stuff?" asked Ambur.

"Yeah, among other things" he winked.

"Wait," said Dina, blushing a little "You aren't... a stripper are you?"

"Well, let's just say that I don't hide a lot when I dance" he smiled at Dina, his green eyes meeting her blue.

"Oh my God!" said Ambur "No way!" she and Dina looked at one another and laughed nervously.

"How about it? Would you two girls like to come and see me perform? I guarantee that you will have a memorable experience" he promised with an air of effortless confidence, while handing them two invite cards "Maybe you will bring a friend or two?"

"That depends" said Ambur, flirting a bit "Do they all look like you?"

"Well- we all take care of ourselves, if that's what you are asking" he replied "But we are all different shades and sizes."

Both Dina and Ambur looked at one another at the word 'sizes', Ambur making a little mock 'o' with her mouth.

"Well, we like variety" concluded Ambur "Sure, give us three tickets - and we will try to make it out."

"Hey, now" he said, playfully taking the tickets out of reach "I expect to see you there! Especially you" he said, looking straight a Dina "I really want you to experience the whole show. We will have a great time together" Dina felt her face flush - his eyes seemed to promise something more than just dancing- and she meekly took the three tickets from his hand.

"Later" said Ambur, leading her now bashful friend away.

"Okay- see you there!" he said as they left.

"Oh-my-God!" said Dina to Ambur, once they were (mostly) out of earshot.

"He wants to give you a SPECIAL dance" chided Ambur.

"Oh my God" said Dina "I can't believe that happened! Are we going?"

"Do we have a choice?" asked Ambur "You would never forgive me if we missed his show. Plus, we can always pre-party there and if the scene sucks go someplace else. We need to get Becky on board too. She will be totally down for this."


As per usual, Dina and Ambur wound up heading out much later than expected, and picked up a waiting Becky on the way to the club.

"About time!" said Becky, climbing into the back seat of Ambur's Golf. Dina was riding shotgun.

"Sor-ry!" said Ambur, checking her face in the rear-view mirror "It took us FOREVER to get ready. You look cute."

"Thanks!" said Becky "I just got highlights- I like it. Rolando noticed when he came over for my Spanish lessons today."

"OOOOH, ROLLLANDO!" said Dina and Becky in unison.

"Yeah, yeah" said Becky. "He's totally hot and you are both totally jealous."

"Well, we know that you think he's hot, UPS" said Ambur. This had been a little joke between Dina and Ambur for some time, that they finally let Becky in on. Becky was a white girl that never went for white boys, so they started calling her 'UPS' due to their ads - 'What Can Brown Do For You?'.

"Why would we be jealous anyhow?" asked Dina. "I thought you were still waiting for him to make his move?"

"He's gay" concluded Ambur.

"He's not gay!" said Becky. "Plus- ummm- we kinda did stuff today."

"Uh-oh!" said Ambur.

"Uh-oh!" said Dina, parroting her.

"Ok, details, details!" demanded Ambur.

"Ok, but you have to promise not to judge me!" pleaded Becky. "It's been a while, so it got kind of intense."

"When have we ever judged you?" asked Ambur, sounding extra innocent.

"Whatever!" said Becky. "You two are so judgmental about my love life it's not even funny."

"Well, only when you do something totally scandalous" said Dina, defensively "Like when you slept with Marcel AND then his brother? You have to admit- you crossed a line there."

"That was complicated!" said Becky. "That sucked anyhow. Those two still won't talk to each other, or me now." She continued "Anyhow, I'll tell you if you promise not to get all Dr. Laura on me"



"Okay, so he came over for Spanish lessons, like usual?" started Becky.

"And you answered the door wearing only a pushup bra and a g-string?" Ambur suggested.

"And holding a bottle of tequila and two limes" embellished Dina.

"No! Jeez. Anyhow, I did have my hair up pretty cute. And I wore those jeans I like - the ones that my ass looks extra good in? So anyhow, Rolando was on the couch helping me with my pronunciations..."

"I bet" - Ambur.

"and I was trying really hard to roll my 'L's without sounding like a tard? So Rolando leans in close, and he's trying to show me how to get my mouth right to make the words- and then he leans in to kiss me!"

"Ooh!" said Dina.

"Smooth" commented Ambur.

"It was really good. He was really good. So we are kissing for like- forever- and we start fooling around a little, right? And he starts saying really sexy- actually, I think pretty dirty things - all in Spanish! I was trying really hard to follow - but it's basically things like 'I want to see you' or, 'Am I making you wet'."

"Agua" suggested Dina.

"That one is easy" said Ambur.

"So he takes it out so I can see it, and he tells me to blow him- in Spanish! Somehow, if he said it in English I might be like 'Not so fast buddy!' - but since it was Spanish it was somehow cool? So we did that for a while."

"Spanish 2.0" said Ambur.

"3.0" suggested Dina.

"God, you guys suck. Anyhow, he's getting really excited - and, I was really ready, y'know? I mean, he's been coming over for a month. Plus, he brought protection, so..."

"Oh! You DID it? Right there?" exclaimed Dina.

"Yeah. He...he was really rough" admitted Becky.

"Oh!" said Dina, worried.

"No, no- in a good way! I tried to do it on my back at first, but he really wanted doggy. So he's like saying things in Spanish still? Like asking me if I like his dick, or if I like it rough, and then spanking me REALLY hard on my ass when I tried to answer in English, so I was all like 'Si, Si'. I started calling him 'Papi Chulo', like I saw once in a porn, and he went crazy.  I don't how long we went- but he finished after I did. It happened a couple times, which is like super rare for me."

"Wow" said Ambur.

"That's sounds intense" said Dina.

"We took a shower together after, which was cool. I let him wash me! That was sexy. And we spent a SUPER long time kissing when he left too" she concluded. 

"Wow" said Ambur "You've already had a full day, Becky. So are you ready to get your drink on and watch naked boys dance around?"

"Fuck Yeah!" said Becky.

"W00t!" said Dina.

"W00t!" said Ambur.

And so as the summer sun set in the sky, the girls continued on to their destination.


They arrived in the right area sometime after dusk. "What was the name of this place again?" asked Becky.

"The Whiplash Room" said Dina.

"Huh" said Becky.

"Here, let's park it and walk there" said Ambur, pulling into a space.

It didn't take them long to find it, with the telltale crowd of girls outside the club, smoking.  Dina noticed that most of the girls there were attractive, with the occasional exception - and all apparently in their twenties. She figured that it was likely that these were the only girls the strippers had bothered to invite....

The bouncer checked their ID's at the door, and gave them all day-glow yellow wrist tags.

"The bouncer is hot" commented Ambur, to which Dina replied "He's your type- you like the big guys."

A handsome and clean cut man who appeared to be in his forties greeted them in the entryway. He had a serious 'entertainment industry' vibe about him; somebody who is used to talking people into things.

"Ladies!" he said "Welcome to Partyboys. We really appreciate you making it tonite. Now, just a few things before you enter. We are making a video of tonite's performance- have any of you girls been on TV before?" All of them shook their heads.

"Well, this won't get on TV either, I'm afraid. But we do archive as many Partyboys shows as we can, for ourselves and our fans. As the show is very interactive, there's a chance that we will wind up filming you all in the process as well. For this reason alone, we have to ask you to sign a permission waiver to film you all this evening - and after that, the drinks and show await!"

All three girls had lived near Hollywood long enough to get used to this sort of thing, so all three signed the waivers without any trepidation. The man then ushered them inside saying "Have a great evening."

They entered a space that was essentially a large club/dance hall surrounding a long, catwalk-style stage. Dance music blasted ("I CAN'T WAIT, FOR THE WEEKEND TO BEGIN!", sang the voice in the song), just loud enough that conversation could still be heard. The space was lit mostly by colored lights and black-light, illuminated primarily by a few disco/stage-lights on the ceiling. The room was jam-packed with girls, with the occasional bare-chested man to be seen, carrying trays with drinks. Various chairs and couches could be found lining the walls, looking like places for the patrons to relax, drink, and maybe fool around.  There were also various private rooms and small areas that branched off from the main hall. To Dina's right she saw the DJ booth, and and she could see a bar to her left, the serving area considerably removed from the stage; a few girls milled around in this area.

In a corner Dina made out a curtained area; apparently a small alcove had been converted to four private 'booths' by curtaining them off, somewhat like voting booths. A few girls passed by, lifting the green curtains and peering inside curiously. Camera people (mostly girls, some plain-looking guys) quietly moved among the crowd, some taking huge numbers of still pictures, and others video. Some girls posed and danced for the camera people, and some simply pretended that they weren't there.

"I need a drink" declared Ambur, looking for a server. A well built but short man passed by carrying a tray with some beers, who the girls studiously ignored. They weren't here for the light stuff.

"Hey, you made it!" said a voice.

Dina turned around and saw the guy who had invited them there. He was dressed in a pair of white slacks and flip-flops, and was naked from the waist up except for some Chippendale's style cuffs, and collar with bow-tie. Dina admired his tight, muscular frame, which rippled and shifted beneath his tan, flawless skin. He carried a tray which sported a few full champagne glasses. Seeing Dina, his green eyes met hers again with a look of genuine pleasure, but Dina thought that she saw something...feral lurking beneath. She averted her gaze, a bit flushed again in his presence.

"Well, Becky and I wanted to do something else, but Dina" -motioning to her - "insisted that we come", Ambur lied.

"Ah" said the half-naked man. "Dina, is it? I'm Jacques."

"Jock?" asked Dina.

"Jacques. J-A-C-Q-U-E-S" he clarified.

"French!" she exclaimed.

"Oui" he confirmed.

"That's SOOO your stage name" insisted Ambur.

"Non, mademoiselle!" retorted Jacques.

"Are you from France?" asked Becky.

"La Jolla" he said, smiling. "Champagne?"

Each of the girls took a glass - Dina pretended to lose her balance for a second, only to steady herself on his hard, muscular arm. He looked her in the eye, saying "Careful there!", a hand steadying her by the waist, while the other deftly balanced the tray. Dina's right hand touched his rock-hard abs, feeling his warmth while using his mass to right herself again. She took the cold champagne glass from his hand, their fingers touching momentarily. He smiled a little smile at her, as if knowing about her little deceit.

"Well, I'm glad you guys decided to come" he finally added,  sounding genuine. "Don't leave before I perform!" he said, looking again in Dina's direction "I would love to stay and talk girls, but I'm on the clock and there's lots of thirsty ladies. We'll catch up later?" He flashed a winning smile back at them, and strode back towards the bar.

"OH MY GOD, he's totally into you!" said Becky.

"Fully" concurred Ambur.

"Okay you guys..." said Dina looking away and sipping her drink, embarrassed by her own embarrassment. Someone took a picture of the girls quickly, then walked away.

Suddenly the stage lit up, and a dark-haired and slender man wearing Ray-Bans took the stage. He was dressed entirely in black, his black dress shirt opened to the third button. "Ladies! He said. Welcome to The Partyboys!" -cheers and whistles from the crowd- "I'm assuming that you ladies are ready to have some fun?" - more cheers and whistles- "No? You don't SOUND ready to me." - louder cheers, some stomping, more than one 'w00t' - "All right! Let's make some noise for our first performer- The Black Stallion!"

The theme to 'Chariots of Fire' began to play over the speakers, over the din of the crowd of screaming, hooting girls. A figure appeared in the spotlight, and suddenly the hooting died down, as the crowd stared at the image now before them.

There, dressed in black leather and vinyl, was the the muscular figure of a incredibly well-built black man, his chest and shoulders looking like they were carved out of dark wood. His arms were bound together behind his back with some sort of leather sleeve, and he was being led on a leash by one of the camera girls (who was dressed simply in jeans, t-shirt and sneakers). He wore a stylized horse's head, like that found on a simple wooden hobby-horse, but black and made of some light material, and complete with a mane. Once one got past the shock of the collar, horse-head and and arm cuff, one's eye was drawn to his shaved pubis, where stood his massive and erect cock fully covered in a shiny, form-fitting black cock and ball sheath, ending with a stainless steel ring at the tip.

He gracefully bucked and reared his head all to the slow pace of the music, his horses mane fluttering, while the girl led him to the stage. There she led him through a series of 'dressage' routines, the proud stallion stepping high, and the girl rewarding him with pats on his horse's head, and invisible sugar cubes. She then stood him center stage, at which point a stage hand gave her a bucket of soapy water and a sponge.

Giving a knowing look to the crowd, she slowly squeezed the water from the sponge back into the bucket, and then dipped the sponge back in again. She then proceeded to sponge the dancer's mostly naked body, as he braced and stiffened at the shock of the cold water. Sudsy water poured over his form, little waterfalls rippling over his defined torso, and dripping onto the stage. She then looked out at the crowd, pointed to a girl, then helped her up on stage where she handed her a sponge. They then continued to soap up the ponyboy together, the handler only stopping to invite a third girl to join. The crowd began hooting and whistling again in reaction to the bizarrely erotic display.

Finally she led the other two girls off the stage, and walked behind him removing the leash and arm binders. Slowly and theatrically, he raised his arms from behind his back, lightly flexing before placing them at his sides. The girl quietly took the removed gear and walked off stage, leaving him alone.

Peering through a disguised hole in the horse mask, he looked for, and then found a mesmerized girl - he took her hand then lifted her bodily up to the stage, with no more effort than one might expend to lift a small child. He placed his arms behind his back like they were while in the harness, and began rubbing up against her with his horse's head. As if in a trance, the girl from audience responded by gently stroking the horse mask, her hands slowly moving down to feel his firm body. Reacting to her touch he moved in close to her, his sheathed cock bouncing gently against her stomach. Finally he led the dazed girl off stage and back into the crowd.

Vangelis faded out, slowly being replaced by the slow intro to 'In Da Club' (which somehow seemed a smooth transition; good DJ). The dancer stood perfectly still in the middle of the stage and slowly removed the horses head, revealing his strong face and broad gleaming grin. The girls in crowd began to go wild. He bounced up and down old skool hip-hop style, slowly gliding across the stage; his long leather-encased unit bouncing it's own counter-rhythm all the while. The music then transitioned to 'Apache', and he suddenly upped his game, doing handstands, splits and backspins in a continuous, fluid motion- an amazing display of grace and power.

Dina was impressed by the remarkable routine, but fully distracted by glimpses of his leather-clad flying penis. She turned to see Becky, predictably rapt in attention, mouth slightly agape in what appeared to be a mix of lust, amusement and awe.

Someone from off-stage handed the dancer a chair and a large Jamaican flag, which he wrapped around his waist like a sarong. He then began to dance while furtively scanning the crowd. Becky wasted no time moving as close to the stage as possible, jumping up and down and dancing in a fairly shameless attempt to get his attention. He clearly spotted her, but pointedly ignored her antics, moving to the other side of the stage and 'dancing' with another girl - her head standing at his crotch level, he playfully tapped his encased dong against her cheek. He slowly moved counterclockwise across the entire stage this way, before finally returning to where Becky was and finally taking note of her, lifting her by her waist onto the stage. Becky looked at his face like he was Santa Claus, about to give her the best present ever.

He danced with her on stage a while, in a kind of mock ballroom-style (he made Becky stand on his feet, her sandal-ed toes above his heavy leather boots as he moved). Then he picked her up again and sat her in the chair, gesturing for her to stay put. He proceeded to pull another willing girl from the crowd and he danced with her too for a while, their bodies grinding against one another. Becky clapped, but looked fully bored by this display.

Finally he laid his flag on the stage like a beach towel, and instructed the new girl to kneel on it, to which she dutifully complied with a little laugh. Someone offstage handed him a canister of whipped cream. He shook the can forcefully, before drawing a line of cream on his leather-clad member, and then walking over to the girl and holding the treat in her face. He girl blushed and laughed, looking out towards a friend in the audience to see a reaction.  Finally deciding to live in the moment, she hooked a finger into the ringed end of the strippers large phallus, and hungrily licked all of the cream from it's surface; promoting cheers, screams and laughter from the audience. Becky clapped and said 'w00t!' too, but her eyes looked rather nonplussed.

The stripper kissed the girl's forehead and led her off stage. He then proceeded to dance about the stage, fully circling Becky, stuck as she was in her little chair. Making his rounds armed with his canister of whipped topping, he convinced more than one girl to fondle and taste his sheathed package, some biting and tugging the shiny ring on the end. Dina noticed that it pulled away rather easily, forcing him to hold the sheath on as it was toyed with; apparently the thong that held it in place was elastic.

At long last he returned to Becky, her eyes lighting up as he stood directly in front of her. He then presented the can of whipped cream, causing her to laugh and cover her flushed face a little. He drew a line from the tip of his encased dick all the way to his flat stomach, and then removed the flag from his waist, enveloping Becky in a little tent where she could enjoy some privacy. The crowd hooted again, imagination taking over for that which was unseen. He temporarily had Becky hold up the left side of the flag while he applied more whipped cream to his now hidden rod, and then took the edge in his left hand again now that it was free.

Dina stood directly to the side of Becky, seeing only her legs, the strippers calves and torso, and the bobbing silhouette of Becky through the flag. The stripper saw Dina and winked at her, apparently recognizing her as Becky's friend. He motioned meaningfully with his head at Becky, concealed beneath the flag. In a bemused and conspiratorial fashion, he opened up the curtain he had created just a crack, allowing Dina to peer within.

Becky had apparently pulled up and aside the long leather sheath, baring the Stallion's hard, naked cock. Dina could see his 'secret' at the base of his package; a red cock ring was visible there, keeping him hard and holding his tight balls in place . The tip of his member could not be seen however, as Becky's lips were wrapped around it as she greedily bobbed up and down his shaft. The last of the whipped cream had long since been consumed and she was now apparently content with tasting his turgid flesh. Her eyes were closed as she focused her mouth and tongue on the task at hand. The stripper smiled at Dina and closed the curtain again.

Still behind the flag, the stripper finally fully stepped out of his thong. Speaking a word to Becky he stepped back one step and wrapped the full flag around his waist. He then clapped and made raise the roof motions to get the crowd to cheer him on for the final 'reveal'. And cheer they did. He danced towards a group of laughing girls in the audience while thrusting his pelvis; his erect cock making a moving tent beneath the cloth, before whipping the flag off altogether and letting it fall to the stage. He then proceeded to do series spins, handstands and cartwheels, his large bared staff prominent in the performance. Girls cheered, clapped and whistled about him.

Finally he sauntered over to Becky, looking her straight in the eye and smiling coyly. Becky looked awestruck as he took her hand and began to slow dance with her, first grinding against her front side, and then turning her around to do the same to her back. He lifted up her short skirt and began to feel her thong-ed ass, before leading her back towards the chair and leaning her forward, until she was bent over with her ass facing towards him. He thrust his long bare cock up and down her ass-crack, pantomiming a hard fucking. Becky's face turned red and she closed her eyes, clearly caught up in this very public simulation of passion.

He then reached down and pulled aside the panties for a second, briefly revealing her before inserting his penis into the space where the crotch-piece met her pussy. The tip of his hard cock popped out of the top of her tiny underwear, and he began to stroke his member in and out within this space, rubbing hard against Becky's clit as he moved. Becky's mouth opened in a silent cry of pleasure. Finally he withdrew and stood her up, kissing the flustered and worked-up girl on the lips before dropping her back into the crowd.

Becky looked dazed and lost when Dina came up to her "Oh my God!" said Dina "That was amazing!"

"Oh, God" said Becky "That was crazy. I didn't know what I was doing. That was crazy."

"We better get some shots" suggested Ambur, leading them towards the bar.


The three girls soon worked their way through the crowd and to the nearly empty bar. "Hey" said the bartender.

"Cazadores" ordered Ambur "tres" holding up three fingers.

"Si, senora!" said the bartender, and soon three shots of tequila appeared before the girls, complete with salt and lime.

Dina dutifully licked the salt and bit the lime before downing the tequila- but it was still nasty, and burned going down. She couldn't help but make a face.

"Ugh" said Becky as she finished hers.

"I forgot that you two were pussy drinkers" lamented Ambur "OK, bartender? Three Jager Bombs please."

That was easier to drink, and they were able to time the Jager 'drop' perfectly, but Dina began to feel her sense of control slipping away, per usual when Ambur was about...

"Whoa" said Dina "I better slow down."

"Agreed" said Ambur "Three RBV's please" she ordered.

They found a empty red couch to hang out and drink their drinks. "I'm glad we came here!" said Becky, ebullient.

"You don't say?" said Ambur wryly "That's good - I thought when I saw you fucking that stripper up on the stage that you weren't having a good time."

"Whatever!" said Becky "That was awesome. Dina, are you looking forward to your guy dancing?"

"Well...." said Dina "Yeah? I'm......curious at least" said, blushing.

"You are SOOO crushing on him Dina" said Becky "It's cute."

"It is cute" confirmed Ambur "Like a blushing virgin. Except....not."

"Shush" said Dina "He is cute.....but I don't want to go too far. I mean, he takes off his clothes for a living, right? I'm sure he's a total player."

"Almost certainly" said Ambur "But it's fun to just play sometime, Dina. You can just have a good time tonite, and not get hung up on finding 'the right guy'. He's probably not it."

"I know" she said "I just don't want to go too far."


"Wait!" said Becky "Oh my God, you are judging me again, aren't you?"

"Not everything is about you, Becky" said Ambur "Dina's is just trying to be good, right Dina? Anyhow - this is just playtime- make believe. Like a strip club for guys is. What happens at Partyboys STAYS at Partyboys" she winked "Well, unless it's filmed, I guess. Let's get back to the show, I think that Becky's boy is wrapping things up."


Sure enough, as they got back to the stage area the black stripper was taking his final bow. Dina noted Becky noting his direction as he left the stage. The announcer once again took the stage, saying "Ladies, let's give a big round of applause to Anton, AKA 'The Black Stallion'"-applause and cheers- "And let me remind you that it's safety first here at Partyboys. Here to help us with fire safety is our own private fireman - please welcome Fire Marshall Jack!"

A cloud of smoke billowed from offstage, colored with blue lights. Daft Punk's 'Revolution 909' began to play as a figure emerged from the fog. It was a fireman, all right- complete with a helmet and breathing apparatus fully covering his head and face. He carried an axe, the blade encased in a protective leather thong. He wore a vinyl firefighters suit, black with yellow reflective trim. The crowd of girls reacted at the archetypical figure as he took the stage. 'Could it be?' wondered Dina.

He began to dance skillfully in the apparently clumsy outfit, spinning the axe about like a baton. The overall effect was...actually rather intimidating to Dina. But somehow exciting too. Was it him?

Either way he paid no attention to her or anyone else for the matter, completing his complex axe-dance. He opened his jacket,  his cut torso well-outlined in his tight white-ribbed tank-top. He put the axe on his crotch, and thrust with it like a giant, bladed cock (which was rather odd symbolism) - prompting cheers and whistles from the crowd. Finally he set the axe on the far end of the stage, and picked up the chair from the earlier act and placed it center stage.

Still wearing the concealing helmet and mask he pointed towards Dina with his gloved hands and beckoned her over. Dina pointed at herself  - 'Me?' - but Becky and Ambur were already pushing her towards the stage. He grabbed her right hand and her waist and lifted her up to the stage proper.

Dina looked at the eyes behind the mask's goggles for some recognition. He had maybe blue eyes? She really couldn't tell.... he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his  waist for balance. The anonymous dancer thrust his pelvis against hers, the eyes  behind the glass looking straight into her own. Finally he gently set her into the chair, and started to dance right up on her seated form, rotating and thrusting his hips. Finally he reached up and undid the straps of his mask, and slowly removed it....

"Ah!" said Dina aloud.

Jacques' handsome face smiled at her, the sexy fireman in his rubber suit and fire helmet. It WAS him! The crowd cheered at this sight, and Dina laughed and clapped her hands with delight like a little girl. His green eyes made contact with hers for a moment, as if silently saying 'Do you like what you see?', before turning his attention to the vast throng of girls bordering the stage. He slowly slipped off his gloves, one at a time, removing the second with his teeth and throwing both upon the stage. He undulated out of his jacket next, leaving him wearing only his ribbed tank top above the waist, suspenders holding his trousers in place. He played with the suspenders briefly, before putting them back into place.

He turned back towards Dina again, looking deep into her eyes, his look both playful and full of intention. 'This is for you', his look seemed to say. Dina felt the blood begin to rush to her face again. He smiled a little smile, and then turned around, removed his hat, and began to dance for the crowd once more.

Dina looked out towards the girls thronging the stage, seeing many eyes full of mirth and a little lust. Well....he was dancing for her...right? He lifted his shirt a little, showing Dina the small of his back (even this part of him was gorgeous, she noted with amazement), and the crowd before him a glimpse of his tight abs. He motioned towards the mob to make some more noise for him, which they did.  He let his suspenders drop before slowly and dramatically removing his shirt, revealing a torso like that of a Greek statue. He carelessly threw the shirt out into the crowd, disdaining to even follow it's trajectory. Dina saw two girls in the crowd playfully fighting over this trophy.

He then walked over to her again dancing right upon on her again, finally pulling her face to his chest. Dina smelled his musky and not unpleasant scent. He kissed her forehead and moved behind her to work the other end of the stage for a moment. Dina spotted Ambur in the crowd; Ambur gave her a semi-ironic 'OK' sign and winked. Both girls then laughed. Ambur's eyes then moved to see Jacques' performance behind Dina. Dina smiled to herself; she liked the fact that her friend was a little mesmerized by him too.

Dina turned around to see a redhead grabbing at his waist while he thrust his crotch towards her face. Her eyes looked into his with a rather confident lust. Dina wasn't fond of this girl at all. He touched her head for second and withdrew from her. His eyes scanned Dina a moment, and he smiled absently at her. He clapped his hands above his head again, the crowd of girls now almost universally dancing, cheering and whistling. He worked the girls on both sides of stage, before coming to rest directly before Dina.

He let the suspenders drop once more, and played at removing his loose fireman's trousers, raising the volume of the crowd. He turned back to face Dina, holding her head with both hands, while sensually rotating his pelvis. "Do you want to take them off?" said Jacques, phrasing it more like a rhetorical question. She nodded and undid the two buttons holding the pants in place and began pulling them down his legs.

"Oh!" she said.

As she pulled down the pants, suddenly his lengthy unit popped out, like a black-clad snake. Like the last dancer, his 'underwear' consisted of a elastic t-back attached to a fully form-fitting black codpiece, molding his cock and balls. Unlike the last dancer though, his was nylon rather than leather, and terminated in a yellow 'Have a Nice Day' happy face on the tip of his cock. As the trousers dropped to his ankles and he stepped out of them, Dina admired the smooth definition of his legs as well. Was every part of him perfect?

He then turned back towards the crowd, giving her a close view of his thong-ed ass. 'Well' -she marveled- 'I guess it is every part!' He bounced up and down a bit, and the crowd went even more crazy- likely as his cock was following it's own trajectory, reasoned Dina. He then went to the end of the stage, and grabbed a container of whipped cream.

He shook the canister a little and summoned a random girl close to the stage, smiling and crooking his finger. She craned her neck and held up her mouth, as he squirted the cream directly into it. He went about the stage repeating this process with more than one girl.

At long last he returned to Dina, his eyes seeming to say to her 'You are going to love what comes next'. Dina took a deep breath. Her touched her face, gently pushing her head back. He sprayed his sweet cream into her mouth, at such a volume that Dina had to make an effort to swallow it in one go. She licked the sticky residue from her lips. He sprayed a dollop on this thumb as well, which Dina also dutifully sucked off. He looked her in the eye again - once again showing a feral intensity to her - and drew a line of cream starting right below his navel, down his bare pubis, and terminating on the tip of his shrouded penis.

Dina playfully licked the cream off of his belly, before contemplating that which rested on his more intimate parts. Dina then had a sudden, unwelcome vision- the dancer showing her Becky sucking his bare cock, and her sense of shame and humiliation for her friend. Could she really be that wanton here in public, before her best friends- being FILMED? She held his cock in her hand and hesitated. She licked just a little of the cream off the tip, and smiled up at Jacques, lamely.

He smiled back and touched her face; but his eyes showed disappointment. He then clapped his hands together, prompting the crowd to cheer for Dina. But Dina didn't really feel like being cheered on - in fact, after the moment had passed she felt a bit cowardly.

Jacques then headed out the edge of the stage, reloading the whipped cream on his cock and belly. A girl grabbed his waist, clumsily licking the whipped cream off his bare flesh, before sucking some off the tip of his cock. Dina noted that the redhead from earlier kept her eyes on him the entire time.

Finally, he made his way over to where she stood, the redhead looking him boldly in the eyes, daring him to try anything. He made a new line of whipped cream, and the redhead grabbed his naked ass with her talons, licking the cream from his stomach, and licking his pubis greedily with her tongue; she then took hold of the base of his cock, her fingers resting about his balls. She proceeded to take his tip into her mouth, and deep-throating his length - then slowly and sensually releasing his shaft from her lips while clearing way every bit of cream from his nylon casing. Dina could see that her performance had caused him to swell quite a bit. He kissed the redhead on the lips at the close of this act.

He then went back over to where Dina sat, leading her to sit up while taking her in his hands. He then gave her a big hug- kind of like a sister, thought Dina with disdain (although his semi-hard cock pressed into her all the while). He then kissed her on the neck, directly below her right ear, and led her off stage. The crowd dutifully cheered on what they saw as a shy, nice girl. Dina felt queasy.

"Hey, baby" said Ambur. "You looked good up there. You have fun?"

"Yeah" she said "Did I really look good?"

"You always look great, girl" said Ambur, smiling at her friend.

Jacques was working the crowd again, but somehow he seemed drawn like a magnet to where the redhead stood. Giving in to the inevitable, he invited her up to the stage, the redhead taking the seat that Dina had sat in moments before. She looked rather pleased with herself, thought Dina. Jacques went to the opposite end of the stage, grabbing a beach towel.

Once again he made a line of whipped cream, and lifted up the towel, shielding the girl in the chair from prying eyes. The top of her head disappeared from view for second, and suddenly Jacques' thong and codpiece were around his ankles. He head beneath the screen began to bob up and down, causing cheering and catcalls from the crowd. Jacques' face showed surprise and pleasure. After several seconds of this, he let the towel drop, revealing the activity within.

The redhead's lips greedily traveled up and down the long, straight shaft of his bare cock, as if trying to force him to cum for her. Her eyes were closed; if she was aware of the crowd watching her performance, she clearly did not care. Jacques reached down and fondled an ample breast through her blouse.

Dina felt weak. "I need to hit the restroom" said Dina.

"You OK?" asked Ambur, looking a little worried.

"I'm good, " lied Dina "All this is really... intense, and all that booze just hit me, I think...."

"You want me to come with you?" asked Ambur.

"No, no- stay here. BRB" said Dina, smiling weakly.


There was, of course, a line. Finally getting in the door, Dina waited impatiently for a stall to open up. She spotted some girls in the corner doing lines of coke from a table in the restroom that looked like it was put there for specifically this sort of activity. What sort of club is this normally?, wondered Dina.

"Dina?" said a voice.

Dina looked over- the voice had come from over where the coke girls were - and saw a girl looking at her. Did she know her?

The girl put on a pair of eyeglasses that Dina recognized to be Armani 591's. Suddenly the face matched a name.

"Kimber!" said Dina.

"Hey!" said Kimber "I can't believe it's you, Dina!" she looked very happy. "Hey," she said to the other girls over doing lines "This is my friend Dina- she goes to our church."

The girls smiled and welcomed her- it was clear that Kimber was their ringleader, so Dina was pretty much in at this point. "You want to do a line?" asked Kimber.

"I don't know" said Dina "I had a lot to drink- I'm really not feeling so hot."

"Then you DEFINITELY need to" said Kimber.

"Well....maybe half?" suggested Dina.

"Knock yourself out" smiled Kimber. She handed Dina half a straw, and formed a nice even line with her Amex card. Dina snorted up half of it, feeling the indescribable 'just snorted coke' feeling in her nose.

"Whew!" said Dina.

"That's better" said Kimber, giving Dina a hug. "Clarice!" she shouted.

"Yeah?" came a voice from a stall.

"You done in there? My friend Dina needs to go."

"Oh, one sec" a dazed girl emerged from the stall, another of the coke girls immediately taking custody of her. Dina moved into the stall, quickly finishing her business; she was pretty sure that she could hear two girls making out in the next stall over. Dina made sure her face looked OK, and kissed Kimber on the cheek on the way out.

"Thanks Kim" she said, gratefully.

"Don't do anything too crazy" said Kimber, joking.

"'K!" said Dina, as she exited the lavatory.


By the time Dina found Ambur again Jacques had finished his act. "You feeling better, Dee?" asked Ambur.

"Yeah...I ran into Kimber!" said Dina.

"No way!" said Ambur "Did she bring nose-candy?"

"Of course" said Dina.

"That girl" said Ambur, not finishing the thought.

The announcer took the stage again "Give a big round of applause for our Fire Marshall, Jack!" - applause and cheers from the audience - "Our next dancer has come from the future- to ROCK YOUR WORLD - cum with him if you want to live! Please welcome- The Terminator!"

A tall, powerfully built man emerged, dressed very much like the classic Terminator - down to his leather jacket, broad shoulders, crew cut and dark glasses. He carried a realistic looking, yet still clearly fake shotgun.

"Hello!" said Ambur, in obvious approval.

"He's huge!" noted Dina.

"We'll see about that soon enough, right?" said Ambur, winking at Dina.

The man took the stage and started dancing... the robot. Dina was instantly bored. She looked over at Ambur who was dancing and shaking her ass. 'Well at least she is having fun', thought Dina.

"Hey!" said a voice.

Dina turned around and saw Becky. "Hey Becky!" she exclaimed.

"Hey there, Dee" said Becky, putting a friendly hand where Dina's waist met her bum. "How are you doing?"

"Good. I saw Kimber!"

"Me too" said Becky, resting her finger against her nose "We did a couple of lines together. I love her. You look great, Dina."

Dina laughed "You are SOOOO high right now."

"Maybe a little" said Becky, smiling sheepishly. "You should let that stripper fuck you" she suggested.

"Thanks" said Dina, feeling like she somehow failed herself again.

"I'm hitting the bar" announced Becky. She smacked Ambur on her waggling ass, causing Ambur to turn about and stick out her tongue at her. "You want to come?"

"I'm good" said Dina. "I'm gonna watch the show."

"Coolio" said Becky, making her way back towards the bar.

The Terminator was knelling down, pointing at the crowd, slowly panning...... Dina was fully uninterested in this guy. She scanned the crowd, not really wanting to admit to herself what she was looking for until she saw him. Jacques was standing in the corner, kissing a chubby blonde girl. Meanwhile, between his legs knelt the redhead from earlier, eagerly sucking him. Dina looked away, frustrated.

Dina looked back towards the stage again- The Terminator was lowering his shades, Risky Business style, causing the crowd to react; LAME. Dina decided that she wanted to be anywhere but where she was. She wandered away to to the entrance to an alcove, where she saw a sight that caught her eye.

There in chair was the black stripper from earlier- Anton? - and in his lap, a white girl with glasses was facing him. A towel was wrapped about them, covering any activity happening below their waists. Looking closer, Dina realized the girl's identity- it was Kimber! She knew it wasn't right to spy, but somehow Dina couldn't will herself to look away.

The couple kissed, Anton's hand lifting up Kimber's shirt, caressing a naked breast; his thumb and forefinger squeezing an exposed nipple. One of her hands was down at his pelvis, clearly stroking his unseen penis. He presented an unopened condom packet which she bit open, applying the rubber to the appropriate area. He lifted her willing body up, and then slowly back down. She grinded up and down on his lap, a look of shock and ecstasy overtaking her face.

Dina noticed a camera girl catching the action. They were really fucking, right? - wondered Dina. As if to answer the question, the stripper stealthily lifted the towel behind Kimber, displaying her ass; her panties were moved aside, the strippers thick, dark cock bifurcating her smooth pink slit. They moved into a steady rhythm, Kimber kissing him upon his face and neck before placing her hands on her own ass, focused on moving back and forth on his massive intruder. Dina finally looked away.

Maybe she should join Becky for a drink? - she thought- Not much else to do. She then caught sight of Jacques again. He was with the redhead, taking her by the hand. They kissed, and he led her into one of the four curtained areas, away from view.

"Time for that drink" said Dina, aloud.


By the time she got to the bar, however, Becky was nowhere to be found. Dina began to feel a little guilty- Becky was pretty high when she last saw her; she hoped that she

was okay. She ordered a Moscow Mule, double tall, which she proceeded to drink alone for a while.

"Cosmo" Dina heard a voice order.

Dina looked up- it was Kimber again! "Hey, Kim" she said.

Kimber looked VERY flushed and distracted, and it took it her a second to recognize Dina. "Oh, hey! Mind if I join you for a drink? I need to drink" fanning herself with her hand "Total afterglow!"

"Sure" said Dina.

"You having fun?" asked Kimber, after the bartender slid over the cocktail.

"It's OK" said Dina.

"Just OK?" asked Kimber "I saw you with that stripper- you were awesome up there. You can get a PRIVATE show from him later if you want, I think" she winked.

"I don't know about that" said Dina "I....uh...well, I kind of spied you? Sorry! With that stripper?"

"Yeah, you saw us fucking?" confirmed Kimber "I think he wanted it to be semi-public, actually. He ended too soon, really. The guys with the really big cocks just don't TRY very hard, I've noticed."

"Wow- you are really open Kimber" said Dina "I can't be like that."

"By 'open', you mean 'slutty', right?" asked Kimber.

"Oh God, Kimber- I would never say that!" exclaimed Dina.

"Sorry, Dina - I guess I'm just a little sensitive to criticism. I know that you aren't judgmental like that" continued Kimber "But- I'm not ashamed of who I am. I'm not ashamed to pursue pleasure for pleasure's sake. No one should be. Am I going to be lying on my deathbed thinking, 'Oh, I shouldn't have fucked that black stripper with the big cock 50 years ago'? Maybe, but I doubt it."

"I've never thought about things that way" confessed Dina.

Kimber elaborated further "My thing is - I intend to have every experience that I can before I die. You ever talk to old people? I mean the ones that aren't fully boring? They rarely express regret about the things that they've done - it's all the things that they HAVEN'T done. I don't want that to be me. You shouldn't let it be you either, Dee. You are a good girl- but good girls only get to do good girl things, y'know?"

"Ambur said something similar" commented Dina.

"Ambur is wise, in her own way" conceded Kimber. "Oh Dee" she said, touching her arm "You are just way, way too cute to be here pining away after some d-bag in bar. Why don't you go out there and GRAB yourself a good time? Fuck it. Don't wait for someone else hand it to you. Just take your pleasure where you find it-that's my motto."

"Should I finish my drink first?" asked Dina.

"Totally" laughed Kimber.

"Thanks Kim" said Dina "See you at Sunday service?"

"That's not gonna happen, the way this night is going" said Kimber "Maybe next week?"

"'Kay" said Dina, downing the last of her drink.


By the time Dina emerged from the bar, The Terminator had apparently finished his set, replaced by a muscular guy in a speedo doing some sort of fire act. Dina was unable to find Ambur in the gloom.

Moving around the room, she finally spotted Becky. She was kissing the stripper from earlier, Anton, while two other girls took turns blowing him. Anton put a possessive hand on Becky's ass, while grabbing a drink with his other hand and taking a sip. One girl massaged his balls, while the second sucked on his cock-head (she didn't seem to able to take much more than his tip into her mouth). Unsurprisingly, he looked very content.

Dina and Becky's eyes met for a moment, Becky giving Dina a look that said 'Hello, I see you, but please don't come over here', which Dina read loud and clear. Dina smiled at Becky and moved on further to the back of the club. Maybe Ambur is back here somewhere?

Turning a corner, she spotted Jacques again. Her heart skipped a beat. He was again with the redhead and the chubby little blonde, but they had changed positions; the blonde knelling and working his cock with her mouth, and the redhead standing next to him, stroking his well-defined stomach and watching her friend's technique with interest.

Dina stood and stared for a moment, then finally saying aloud "Fuck it" - Kimber's words resonating with her. She walked over to where Jacques stood, their eyes meeting. He looked at her quizzically, as if he saw something different about her than before. "Hey" she said, fully ignoring the other two girls.

"Hey" he said right back, checking her face and trying to get a read. When she came up close enough, he leaned in for kiss, which she accepted wantonly. Her hand touched the hard muscles of his chest, her delicate fingers brushing a nipple. Their tongues explored each other, while the blonde continued to work his cock below.

Dina ended the kiss with a little sub-kiss on his soft lips, then looked him in the eye "We should go somewhere private" she whispered, her face flushed.

"Yeah, definitely" he said. He gently touched the face of the girl beneath him, letting her know that playtime was over. He smiled at the girl warmly and patted her on the head while she released his cock, which he put back into the fly of his white slacks. Sensing the turn of the tide, the redhead withdrew back to her drink at the other table, feigning disinterest.

He grabbed some items from the table behind him with one hand, while the other found the small of Dina's back, leading her towards the front of the club. Finally they made their way through the crowd to one of the green-curtained booths. He lifted the curtain for Dina, ushering her inside.

It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the black light which illuminated the booth. The interior was small and incredibly narrow- probably only five or six feet across, with mirrors on the left wall and back wall. A long, flat leather couch was the only furniture occupying the space. She could hear someone in the next curtained area over, but couldn't make out any of their conversation. Dina felt a rush of blood as she recognized that this was a room that could only have a single purpose in mind.

She turned to face Jacques. Smiling, he motioned that she sit on the couch with his left hand while hiding the right behind his back. Dina dutifully complied, looking up at Jacques coyly. 'What's next?' her eyes inquired.

He presented the whipped cream canister from behind his back and Dina involuntarily let out little laugh. Once again he touched her face, gently pushing her head back and squirting the sweet cream into her waiting mouth, which she swallowed and licked from her lips. He coated some on his thumb again, which she sucked off while looking into his eyes - which were no longer green but somehow looked flecked with stars in the light. She spent several seconds sensually sucking his digit before he finally withdrew.

He gave her a wicked look and sprayed a dollop of cream on each nipple, and then drew a line of cream from his sternum to his navel, making a little extra mound of cream there. Dina look her time licking off all of the cream from his body, her hands massaging his waist, back and ass while she made her way down his torso, tonguing the last remnant from his belly button.

He handed her the whipped cream can momentarily, while giving her a meaningful look. He unbuttoned his white pants (which also glowed unnaturally in the light), letting them drop to his ankles. He stepped out of them, leaving his flip flops behind as well. Dina gazed upon him with awe, taking in the fullness of his fit, gorgeous body. He was already becoming erect for her, the elegant shaft hinting at his full length.

Taking the can, once again he drew a line of cream from just below his navel and all the way to the tip of his now naked cock. He held his package in front of her, expectant.

Dina realized the significance of the offer. Gently she held his balls in one hand, and started by licking the cream from his navel all the way to the base of his shaft. She then thoroughly licked all of the cream from his tip, before deep-throating him to get much of the rest. She found that she was unable to take the full length of his growing unit in one go, and taking him out for a second she licked the remainder from his base, and then his balls for good measure.

She then took him into her mouth again, the taste of sugary cream slowly being replaced by the warm, mildly salty taste of his flesh. He began to thrust in time with her bobbing, testing her capacity. Dina felt him pass her gag point (a reflex she had learned to mostly overcome), but found that it was impossible to take all of it now that he was fully and firmly erect. She felt her pussy lubricate at the inevitable correlation that this line of thought led her to.

He pulled out of her mouth and started lifting up and off her blouse, Dina assisting him. He then undid her bra, which Dina let fall forward, revealing her firm c-cup breasts. He started fondling her as she put his tip back in her mouth. Making a little mudra with her thumb and forefinger at his base, she wrapped the remaining fingers of her left hand about his balls. While he was still in her mouth, she started working the sensitive underside of his glans with her tongue.

"Mmm!- not yet" he said, quickly pulling out. "It's your turn" he said, with a slow grin.

He stood her up, his eyes looking down into her own. His hands massaged and squeezed her ample breasts, stopping to pinch her nipples - a little hard too, causing Dina to make a little 'o' with her mouth. He then felt down her ribs, waist and stomach before stopping to unbutton her pants. Reflexively, Dina's hand stopped him.

"Hey," he said, looking at her seriously, placing his hand on her cheek "we've both wanted this all night. Don't fight it."

He was right, of course. His green eyes had seen right through her from the beginning, she realized. She unbuttoned the top of her jeans herself, and he did the rest. His warm, strong hand slipped into the front of her panties, first finding her clit, then inserting a finger easily into her wet opening. A little surprised, he tested her with a second finger at the same time, slipping in and out of her entrance with ease. His thumb rested on clit as he slowly finger-banged her, his other hand resting on her ass for balance.

"You're shaved" he noted "Feels recent, too. Did you shave it for me?" he asked.

"yes" she admitted with a little voice. They kissed again as she moved her hips, lost in the feeling of him penetrating her.

He slipped his fingers out of her and withdrew from her panties. He then knelt before her, removing both her shoes before pulling down her pants. He then helped her step out of them, one foot at a time. He pushed her clothing under the couch and stood up.

She now stood before him naked, save her little pink panties. Gently he laid her back on the couch, then lifted her legs so that her ankles stood on either side of his neck. He reached down to grab her little underwear at her hips, slowly pulling them down her ass, and then up her legs. Once they were over her feet he casually cast them aside- the last barrier having been removed. He then let her legs drop a little before catching them in the crook of his arms, her thighs now circling his waist and her shorn pussy hovering tantalizingly close to his still erect cock. Feeling a bit awkward, she still smiled up at his beautiful face. He then pushed her back on the couch and knelt down, his head between her legs.

He then began to lick her, starting with the outside, then his firm tongue probing within a little. He looked up at her eyes while his nose rubbed against her engorged clit. "Ah!" she cried out, involuntarily. His tongue continued to taste, flick and tease her for some time, while his strong hand felt up her belly. She couldn't see his other hand, but from the motion of his arm she surmised that he was stroking himself all the while.

Through the haze of pleasure, Dina was aware that the music in the club had changed. It sounded familiar... Dina then recognized the tune as 'Sandstorm' (Becky used to have it as her ring-tone). The building intensity of the music seemed to perfectly match her own emotional state. Dina looked down at Jacques as he sat up, still stroking his cock and looking at her with with an intense desire. He reached down to the pocket of his discarded trousers and pulled out a condom, which he quickly bit open and rolled down the length of his hard phallus. Dina felt wet, open, and very, very ready.

Holding his own cock and balls with one hand, he used the other to help Dina onto her hands and knees, her ass up in the air towards Jacques. Unable to see him at this angle, she instead enjoyed his sight in the mirror before her. The reflections of their eyes met. Jacques then probed her again with his fingers, easily moving the fourth and fifth digit in and out of her lubricated pussy. It felt like he was doing it in time to the music, and Dina began to buck her hips a little bit also in time to the beat, biting her lower lip in a mixture of pleasure and anticipation.

"Oh!" said Dina, as his thumb suddenly probed and penetrated her puckered anus, as the two fingers continued stimulate her vagina. He stroked her back sensually while applying the aptly named 'shocker' to her twin openings. The sensual feeling of his rubbing, combined with the feeling of his digits in her ass and pussy caused Dina to moan and arch her back, trying to open up for him even more.

He continued to finger-fuck her intently, now fully in time to the music. 'Is he doing this intentionally?' wondered Dina. Suddenly he slapped his hard penis on her ass, completely in time to three drum hits. 'Yes!' thought Dina,  herself getting caught up in the sexual choreography. The music built to a crescendo, building and building; he withdrew his fingers , and then the hard beat kicked in....

"Mmmnn" said Dina, feeling his long cock suddenly slip within her slick channel for the first time.

She felt a little stretched, just as she had imagined when he was in her mouth. His hand sat upon her back for leverage as he pumped in and out of her forcefully. Dina stroked her own breasts, her nipples having become almost uncomfortably hard from her excitement.

Suddenly she felt a pinky finger probing her asshole, opening and slowly relaxing the muscle. He then eased in his entire thumb in it's place, using her anus almost as an anchor his his hand. He wriggled the thumb constantly, causing an odd synchronous sensation between the thumb in her asshole and the cock in her pussy. She could feel an orgasm start to build within her.

As the music continued to build the hard beat, without warning the black lights were replaced by white, the room now fully illuminated. As if by some cue, the green curtain to Dina's right opened up, along with the one beyond it. Not sure what was going on, Dina looked to her right to see two other girls in her same position on identical couches - both were being fucked doggy-style by other strippers.

'WTF?' thought Dina.

She recognized the two strippers as The Terminator, who was fucking the naked girl directly to her right, while Anton fucked a petite, nude white girl on the end. The face of the girl directly to her right gazed at her. Dina looked without recognition into the flushed, sweaty visage of the girl, her hair wet and plastered to her forehead; until she realized- it was Ambur! Ambur looked into Dina's face for a second, and then looked back at Jacques behind her, thrusting in and out of her best friend's willing body - seemingly accepting this arrangement, she went to back enjoying her own pleasure.

'If that's Ambur...' thought Dina. She looked carefully at the girl on the end. The strippers long, dark cock rammed the small girl's opening, partially inverting her pussy as he thrust his wide unit in and out of her tiny entrance. A girl with a camcorder sat behind her, capturing her penetration on video. The naked girl was in the classic 'face down, ass up' position, but she shifted her weight for a second and let out a moan, letting Dina clearly see her profile. Sure enough, it was Becky, finishing the dance that she had begun onstage more than an hour before.

Dina then looked to her front and left, realizing that she was looking at two-way mirrors. They were filming everything! Her reflection looked up at Jacques in the mirror, questioning. He simply smiled at her and shrugged, continuing to work his cock in and out of her wet slit. This was, apparently, the 'interactive' portion of the show - the part that was truly worth filming.

Dina felt humiliated - not wanting to have sex in public, she had gone into a situation where she was not only being looked upon by her friends as she was fucked, but potentially by anyone who might like to view her online! This sensation, while strong, was not all consuming- in fact this twinge of shame simply added to the tapestry of emotions that Dina felt. The lights, the music, her best friend being fucked alongside her, the sight of Jacques' body in the mirror, the cameras- her nudity before strangers, the thumb in her ass and the long cock filling her pussy, Jacques suddenly hitting home and his balls striking her clit, the pain of him brushing up against her back wall mixed with pleasure and...

All at once, she came. Hard.

A little sub-orgasm followed it's wake. Despite herself, Dina moaned out loud.

This simply prompted Jacques to fuck her harder, careful not to try his full length again but inserting himself as far as Dina could stand. Jacques leaned over her her, and massaged one of her full breasts as he spoke into her ear "Did you cum for me, Princess? Did that tight little pussy cum for me?"

"Mmmnn" said Dina, her humiliation washing away in a sea of pleasure.

"I'm going to make you cum for me again, Princess. I'm going to fuck it right out of you" he promised.

He then continued "You love me fucking you, don't you? You love me fucking you in front of your friends. In front of my friends, too. You are going to be an internet star. Everyone will see your lovely body as I fuck you; I think you love that idea."

"Oooo- oh, God" said Dina, not really a reply.

Then, "That's your best friend over there, right?" Jacques motioned at Ambur's nude form, slick with sweat, her back arched as The Terminator pounded his full length into her body, as he occasionally spanked her firm, round ass. "You two seem close. You should give her a kiss."

Dina looked at Ambur. Ambur had apparently overheard at least a little, and she grabbed her friend's hand, pulling her close. Their flushed, wet faces met one another and they shared a surprisingly passionate kiss. Their lips and tongues met, exploring one another for the first time. Dina felt the effects of this contact throughout her entire body.

"I love you, Ambur," gushed Dina.

"I love you too, baby" said Ambur.

Dina continued to hold Ambur's hand tightly as she felt a new orgasm- no orgasms!- build within her. The first went off with no warning, rocking her body. Her limbs grew weak and she assumed the same position as Becky; face down against the couch, her ass high in the air, her pussy positioned so that her clit would take the maximum impact from his thrusts as he slid smoothly in and out of her. She opened her legs a little more, as if to welcome all that he could give her. He changed his angle a little, and placed both hands upon her ass, 100% focused on properly fucking her with the rhythm that she needed to climax, his hard cock slipping in and out of her opening and tickling her ripe nubbin.

She felt him pound her pussy, building and building, forcing her towards climax. Then it came all at once, her third, fourth and fifth orgasm (or was it her 4th, 5th and 6th?) went off in succession, piling one after the other. Dina ceased to think or worry- there was only bliss, only pleasure- a roller-coaster ride that she must finish.

"Fuck! Ooooooh. Fuck. Mmmmn. Oh God!" Ambur heard herself crying out- but- this was removed somehow? Like it was someone else screaming out the string of profanity and moans, something outside of her own body. Ambur's hand continued to grip her own all the while, Ambur enduring the pain of Dina squeezing her hand with force as she came and came again.

The lights, the music, her doubt and shame- all suddenly melted away into nothingness. She was part of a continuum; her paramour behind her, fucking her, fucking her so deep, and Ambur - the touch of whose hand on her own seemed to make a deep, truly spiritual connection in that moment- all part of her, part of this Union. Everything but this FORCE, this bliss- was illusion. Another orgasm rocked her- her legs felt weak, rubbery. Somewhere on the outer edge of her awareness, she heard Ambur cry out, squeezing her hand tighter- she was cumming too. Did she feel what Dina did then? Somehow, Dina felt that she must.

Suddenly Jacques pulled out of her cunt- quickly flipping Dina over and sitting her up. Dina felt like a rag doll, her body sated with a haze of voluptuousness; she was Raggedy Ann, being positioned how Raggedy Andy liked her. Jacques quickly ripped off the condom and placed his cock in Dina's mouth, which she gratefully accepted. After a few thrusts he came a little into her mouth, Dina tasting his issue - before pulling out and letting the rest fall upon her neck and chest. "Uhn!" he cried, barely in control of his own body as the last of the viscous liquid was released.

Jacques then kissed Dina with passion, groping her tits while she found and stroked his deflating cock. Dina then took it back into her mouth again, tasting the last residue of their lovemaking.

"Mmmmm, thank you Princess" said Jacques, putting a hand on her hot, lovely face.

"Here," he said, grabbing a piece of paper from the pocket of his discarded trousers and handing it to her "call me." He put back on his white pants and flip-flops. "OK, back to work" he said with resignation. He kissed her again, and off he went, pulling the curtain aside to exit.

Dina turned over to see Ambur putting back on her black, lacy panties - apparently having finished with her boy as well. Ambur looked at Dina, with what she felt to be a mix of love and admiration. Dina felt warm inside.

Anton at the end was just finishing; he pulled out of Becky, removed his rubber and turned her over, cumming onto Becky's flat little tummy. Becky then kissed him, and he held her for the briefest moment and bid her adieu. Becky then looked over to see Dina and Ambur, noticing them for the first time, both in various states of undress and staring at her.

"What the fuck?" asked Becky.

"That's the question of the day" said Ambur "Let's get dressed and fix ourselves up a little. Hopefully Kimber is still around; I might take a bump now, actually."


The three girls corrected their hair and makeup in the ladies room, and finally reconvened in the bar to talk.

"Three Diet Pepsi's" ordered Ambur.

"Oh my God" said Becky "That just happened, didn't it? We are Girls Gone Wild!"

"There are worse fates" reasoned Ambur "But we all definitely crossed some sort of...threshold today. How do you feel, Dina?"

"I'm kind of glad that happened, in a way?" said Dina "Actually, I am glad that happened, somehow. I feel.....liberated? I can't describe it."

"That's called 'the afterglow', baby" said Ambur, smiling at Dina warmly "But I know what you mean."

"Are you going to call that guy?" asked Becky.

"Maybe" said Dina "He is very cute- and very SKILLED- I really want to date a stripper?"

"Don't underestimate the power of a good booty-call" suggested Ambur "At any rate, we should head out. Maybe hit Boulevard3 before they close?"

"Should we really leave?" asked Becky.

"Why not?" asked Ambur "We've already experienced the entire show here. Drink up- it will take us a while to get there."

And with that the three girls headed out of the club, and into the night.

The End

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Taboo Eve and the Photo session

Eve had been sleeping with Chris on and off for a number of years. Chris was a young lad from work. She had been flirting with him all morning at work and was so turned on by the time she finished her shift at 2 O clock. She headed home straight from work, and as Lee was not due in until 3.30 she though perfect time to relieve her stress before he came home. When Eve got home she kicked off her shoes and went straight upstairs to her bedroom with full intentions of grabbing her rabbit vibrator...

3 years ago
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UK Council Estate Slags Vol 1 Part One

The house was like any other shabby old semi-detached building you might find on an English council estate... there had been little evidence of care in the garden with old newspapers and rubbish lying around in the tall, unkempt grass at the front. "Yup", I thought, "you wanted a real slapper, you damn well got one!" Inside had not been any better, as soon as I had stuck my tongue down Kerry's throat for the umpteenth time already that night (and groped her arse again), the stale stench of...

3 years ago
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Hauz Khaz Village Stories 8211 Part 1

Ever since the 2010,hkv as we call it, has become the hub for many of the delhite’s to party on and off occasions. Greetings to all, I am one such resident of hauz khaz society and I visit this place every day to grab a smoke or 2.This place on weekends is loaded with the best crowd in delhi; girls flaunting in there pretty/short dresses,with make up on curly hair; stilettos and what not can turn on any guy walking down that lane one such afternoon on a saturday I was wandering around this area...

4 years ago
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Back to the bath house

Playing, prowling XHamster last Wednesday. Was checking out the big dick gurls and ran across some shots of uncut cocks that had me reaching for my cock. I got into many pictures and I started salivating getting the hankering to suck some fat uncut cock. Did a little masturbation but still wasn't satisfied so I had to wait until Friday when, in season, which it is, I knew the bath house would be packed with sexy guys.Friday afternoon, I got my day pass for a whopping 25 bucks, got my towel and...

2 years ago
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Hot Lesbian To Turn U On

Hi Readers, I am Meenakshi, 22 years old, From Mumbai. I am a regular reader of ISS, and found that the articles published in it are nice. I like to share my experiences in sex with you. Most of my experiences were lesbian, with my roommate Veena at the hostel in pune where I did my studies. I had a few experiences with guys also. Here I’m narrating one of my lesbian experiences.As said above, most of my experiences are with my roommate at hostel. She is also Hindu, a real horny girl! I was...

1 year ago
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Me and My English Teacher

I was sixteen when this all happened and it was my first experience, I’ve a BJ by a girlfriend before but I never had sex before and when I was f******n she dumped me. I never truly recovered from her break up for she was my first true love. I then let my life just do downhill from there and stopped caring or trying to get another girlfriend.Well to get to the actual story as I said I’m sixteen and in high school it was the last period of the day the class was English with Ms Jones. Ms Jones a...

2 years ago
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Its All In My Imagination

Daydreaming by Boredsitting There is no plot. I know. Don't judge me. It's just my musing on the process of becoming someone/something else. The racy story online continued to dwell within my sleepy mind. The lights have been turned out, and two layers of winter blankets overlay a smooth, creamy feeling sheet encasing me on my overly-large bed. A vertical beam of feint light leisurely eases itself across my wall from an unfortunate gap in the curtains. The winter's chill...

3 years ago
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Brazillian Night

“That was a lot easier than I thought it would be, Leo was a tough old snake. Didn’t think we get him so easily.” Laughed one of the figures. “We got lucky, he was too preoccupied with this pussy to notice us.” Replied the other lifting Liana’s leg and revealing Leo’s cock still inside her pussy. “Alright, Carlos lets get out of here.” Said the first voice obviously nervous. “Calm down, Juan. Look around for any valuables. We got plenty of time.” Replied Carlos. Juan walked into the other...

3 years ago
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Day by the lake

It is a lovely day, the sun is shining. You pick me up but won’t tell me where we are going. While you’re driving, your hand moves onto my knee slowly, working its way up my skirt, touching my inner thigh but then you just work your way back down again. I’m staring at you wondering why your not touching my pussy. “I wanted to feel you touching me," I say. You just turn your head and say, “Oh I love teasing you,” with a cheeky grin on your face. I’m so frustrated! You just keep smiling, knowing...

Straight Sex
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Naked in School Michael Carver

“Michael, breakfast. Time to get up!” Mrs Carver’s call was unnecessary as Michael had been laying awake for ages. In fact he had scarcely slept a wink the whole night. He had twisted and turned trying to think of something, anything, that would take his mind off the fate that lay before him on that bright sunny morning. The sun streamed into his room through the half open slats in the blinds beckoning him to get out of bed and enjoy what life had to offer. Michael groaned and pulled the duvet...

2 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 2

“Hello, Bashira, it’s Doug. How are things going with you and Amir?” “Good, Doug. Are you and your wives starting to settle in as married people?” “Well, not yet Bashira. The honeymoon trip has ended and we just got home yesterday, but our honeymoon is continuing. If I’m lucky it will continue for some time to come. I’ll have to wait to see if married life is different from just living with my ladies. What is Amir doing?” “He is busy with a number of issues, Doug. Canceling your visit was...

1 year ago
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Repo Auto CenterChapter 3 Curric U Kill Em

At college when my first semester started I was a business major for lack of anything better to do. It was what you chose when you didn’t know what you wanted and I sweated out registration for the first time. I didn’t know, was formerly an unhappy commercial art student but college was an entirely different thing. And it didn’t carry the constant threats parochial high school forced on students. Here I wouldn’t encounter mean nuns who seemed to be able to read my mind. The whole thing with...

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