Harsha My Colleague
- 4 years ago
- 29
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‘What’s going on between you two? I left you here yesterday to talk and now, you’re avoiding each other like the plague,’ Ari demanded to know, crossing his arms over his chest.
‘Nothing,’ Malachi and Miriam said in unison.
‘Something is going on,’ Ari insisted.
He stared at them and after several moments of uncomfortable silence, Miriam sighed and blurted out, ‘We had sex.’
Ari gave Malachi a dark look.
‘And what happens if Miriam gets pregnant? You’ll blow this whole operation!’ he exclaimed.
‘No,’ Miriam whispered.
Ari gave Miriam a sympathetic look. ‘I hope you enjoyed it. After all that time you were married to Jacob, you deserve to have good sex,’ Ari said with a grin. Miriam blushed and even Malachi looked embarrassed by Ari’s comment. ‘So is there a chance you could get pregnant?’ Ari asked Miriam gently. Miriam glanced at Malachi and nodded.
Malachi swore under his breath. ‘That’s wonderful,’ Malachi said sarcastically. ‘You should have said something,’ he reminded Miriam.
‘Like you really gave me a chance to say anything!’ Miriam exclaimed.
‘So now how do we pull this off?’ Ari asked.
‘I told William that I’m a widow and that my husband died not that long ago, so if I am pregnant, he’ll believe it’s his,’ Miriam answered, glancing at Malachi again.
‘Absolutely not!’ Malachi exclaimed.
‘It could work,’ Ari said thoughtfully.
‘No fucking way!’ Malachi shouted.
‘Why not?’ Miriam asked.
‘No child of mine will be brought up with that son of a bitch as his or her father!’ Malachi exclaimed.
‘Right now, this is all hypothetical. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,’ Ari warned.
‘I’m saying this now. If Miriam is pregnant, we’re pulling her out,’ Malachi growled before leaving the apartment, the door slammed shut behind.
-2 weeks later-
Miriam looked up from the paperwork she was filling out to find William staring at her. ‘Good morning,’ William said with a kind smile.
‘Morning,’ Miriam murmured.
‘What are you doing?’ William asked.
‘I need a job. The money that I was given when my husband died has run out and I need to keep my apartment,’ Miriam answered.
‘We have an opening, I can set up an interview for you,’ William offered.
‘Doing what?’ Miriam asked.
‘As a receptionist. It won’t pay much, but it should be more than enough for you to pay your rent and utilities,’ William said.
‘And what about my groceries?’ Miriam asked.
‘There should be plenty for that as well,’ William told her.
‘I’ll apply for it,’ Miriam agreed as she signed her name to the application in front of her. She handed it to the girl behind the counter and followed William out.
Miriam swallowed nervously as William led her around the office, he had pulled some strings and three days after applying for the job, her orientation was being led by William himself. ‘Mira, what’s wrong?’ William asked, glancing back at her.
‘Nothing! I’m sorry, I’m just a little nervous, this is my first job,’ Miriam replied.
‘Don’t worry so much, you’ll do just fine,’ William assured her as they finished the tour. ‘This is your desk. If you have any questions, just ask Janice,’ he added, pointing out the older woman. Miriam nodded and gave a small smile as William walked away.
‘May I help you sir?’ Miriam asked as an older man walked up to her desk with a sense of purpose and self importance.
‘I need to see William,’ the man said.
‘I’m sorry, but Mister Chancey has asked not to be disturbed,’ Miriam told him.
‘I need to see William now and I am very confident that the order to not disturb him does not pertain to me,’ the man snapped.
‘I’m sorry sir, but I have my orders,’ Miriam said. The man’s face turned as red as a tomato and veins in his neck began to bulge out.
‘Listen to me you insolent little bitch! You get William Chancey out here in thirty seconds or I’ll have you fired for being insubordinate,’ the man bellowed.
Miriam started to pick up the receiver of the phone when she heard William start walking towards the reception area. ‘What is going on here?’ William asked, coming to a stop behind Miriam. He looked down at Miriam before looking up at the irate man standing before them.
‘This little bitch said you wouldn’t see anyone and I was merely putting her in her place. This is after all, my company,’ the man told William.
‘This is not your company anymore father and you will not threaten my employees,’ William growled. He placed a hand on Miriam’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. ‘What do you want?’ he asked a moment later.
‘We need to talk son. Another campus for the damn Jews must be built,’ his father said.
‘Father, what in the world are you doing with the Jews on those campuses?’ William wanted to know.
‘We’re retraining the dirty bastards to be better human beings and if they can’t, well then, let’s just say that we’ll be finishing what Hitler started,’ his father answered. Miriam had to resist the urge to say something which would blow her cover. Instead, she just glanced up at William, curious as to what his reaction would be.
‘Father, is it necessary to lock up all those people?’ William asked, surprising Miriam.
‘Yes. They are a danger to themselves and to society.’
William rolled his eyes. ‘I have to get back to work father,’ he said before turning and walking away.
‘What was that all about?’ Miriam asked as William walked her out of the building.
‘My great-grandfather served in World War Two under the Nazi regime. He believed in Hitler’s cause whole heartedly. When the war ended, he snuck into the states, got married and had my father. The cycle started over again,’ William answered.
‘What about you? Do you agree with the final solution?’ Miriam asked. William shrugged.
‘I don’t know. They couldn’t have been great people if Hitler wanted to kill them,’ William said.
‘Is that why you’re helping your dad imprison the Jews of the United States?’ Miriam murmured.
‘I’m not helping, he’s doing it on his own,’ William grumbled.
‘You aren’t stopping him either,’ Miriam pointed out.
‘Why your sudden interest in what I do?’ William asked.
‘Your father called me a bitch and threatened to have me fired right before telling you he wanted to build another camp. He’s using your company to kill people!’ Miriam exclaimed. William gave her a curious look as he opened the passenger door of his car.
‘What makes you so sure that my father is having the Jews of this country killed?’ William wanted to know.
‘My next door neighbor watched my sister and I after school because my dad worked late and my mom was gone. She was Jewish and after President Bush was murdered, she was taken away by soldiers. My sister and I found her body a week later, shot by an army issued bullet,’ Miriam answered.
‘How do you know it was military issue?’ William asked.
‘Her husband fought in the first golf war. He recognized the bullet,’ she murmured.
‘I’m sure that was just a fluke. My dad may hate Jews, but he’d never kill anyone,’ William denied. Miriam pursed her lips but said nothing as William started the car and drove away.
-2 weeks later-
‘Miriam, I’m leaving early today. I have to meet with my lawyer about something, but I’ll be back here at six-thirty to pick you up. We’ll be going to dinner with my parents and I’ve left a dress for you in my office. When you’re done for the day, go into my office, there is a bathroom with a shower. I’ve also left hair care products and makeup. I’ll see you later,’ William said before walking out of the office.
At five that afternoon, Miriam headed towards William’s office, only to be
stopped by Janice.
‘What are you doing?’ Janice wanted to know.
‘William and I are meeting his parents for dinner tonight and he’s left a dress for me in his office,’ Miriam answered.
‘Yeah right,’ Janice snorted.
‘He did,’ Miriam insisted, her heart racing. She needed Janice to leave her alone so that she could get into the office and do some snooping before changing for dinner.
‘Please. Why would Mister Chancey be interested in a little mouse like you?’ Janice asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
‘Call him and ask him,’ Miriam retorted.
‘I will. Don’t go anywhere,’ Janice said before she hurried to her desk. Miriam waited a second, opened the door to William’s office, walked inside before she closed and locked the door behind her. Miriam crossed the office and clicked on the light in the bathroom. She turned on the shower before returning to the office. ‘Where would he hide those files?’ Miriam murmured to herself. She searched through the files. Miriam copied the files she thought would be relevant, making sure to put them back in the order she found them before returning the file to the cabinet. At ten minutes of six, Miriam hit pay dirt. She copied the files quickly, replaced the originals and their folders to the filing cabinet and stapled her copies before placing them in the back of her over-sized diary. She swore under her breath as she noticed the time and hurried back into the bathroom to do her hair and makeup.
‘Miriam, we’re going to be late, are you ready?’ William asked, trying to open the door.
‘I’m glad you’re here Mister Chancey! Miriam claimed you were taking her to dinner with your parents and locked herself in your office before I could stop her. I tried to call you to let you know, but your phone was off,’ Janice said, certain that she was going to get Miriam fired.
‘She was given permission to use my shower and to change before going to dinner with my parents,’ William told Janice, a look of displeasure on his face.
‘I’m sorry sir! I’ll go cancel my call to security,’ Janice said as Miriam opened the door and stepped into the hall. She noticed security moving up behind William and Janice and had to suppress her panic, did William have cameras in his office?
‘No need gentlemen, Janice was mistaken about something. Have a good night,’ William told them. Miriam breathed a small, inaudible sigh of relief. ‘Are you ready?’ William asked Miriam, turning back to her with a smile.
‘Ready as I’ll ever be,’ Miriam said with a nervous smile.
‘Weren’t we supposed to be here ten minutes ago?’ Miriam murmured as they walked into the restaurant.
‘Yes, but dad will understand,’ William told her, squeezing her hand. He spoke briefly to the hostess who led them to the back of the dining room.
‘You’re late son,’ his father said, standing up as they walked into view.
‘Sorry, my meeting ran late,’ William apologized as he pulled a chair out for Miriam.
‘You’re the little bitch that refused to let me see my son last week,’ his father accused.
‘William Chancey! You will be nice to this girl!’ She turned to her son and Miriam. ‘I’m Cathy Chancey, it’s nice to meet you,’ Cathy introduced herself to Miriam.
‘I’m Mira,’ Miriam answered. She looked at William. ‘I didn’t know you were a junior,’ Miriam murmured.
‘I am,’ William said with a grin.
‘What’s good here?’ Miriam asked as they sat down and she thumbed through the menu.
‘The lobster is amazing,’ William senior answered.
‘I’m allergic to shellfish,’ Miriam said quickly, thankful that it was a common allergy and a good excuse for not eating something treyf.
‘The chicken is amazing and so is the beef,’ Cathy told her. Miriam gave her a grateful smile and studied the menu. ‘So Billy, how’s business?’ Cathy asked her son.
‘Mom, I asked you not to call me that!’ William pleaded.
‘Sorry, Will,’ Cathy murmured. William rolled his eyes but shrugged his shoulders.
‘Business is business and it’s not too badly these days,’ William answered. The waiter stopped by and they put in their orders. William glanced at Miriam who, to him, seemed a little more nervous than she needed to. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked her softly.
‘Your father scares me,’ Miriam murmured. William smiled gently.
‘I won’t let him hurt you,’ he promised.
‘God that was painful,’ Miriam moaned as she dropped to the bed. William laughed and dropped down next to her.
‘Mom liked you,’ he told her.
‘Really?’ Miriam asked.
‘Yes, really. What, did your ex-mother in law not like you?’ William asked jokingly.
‘She did until the miscarriage,’ Miriam said.
‘I’m sorry,’ William said quickly.
‘It’s okay,’ Miriam murmured. She jumped when she felt William’s hands on her shoulders and moaned in appreciation when she felt him begin to massage out the knots she didn’t even know existed. ‘I don’t think your dad likes me much,’ Miriam said.
‘Don’t worry about my father,’ William told her. ‘Did you enjoy your meal tonight?’ he wanted to know.
‘It was alright. For the price, it could have been a whole lot better,’ Miriam answered. William nodded and glanced at the clock.
‘I have to go now, I have a flight at seven thirty. Enjoy your weekend off and I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon,’ William told her suddenly. Miriam nodded, she had known about the trip for weeks and knew it was perfect, she could use the time to share her knowledge with Malachi and Ari. William brushed a kiss to her lips. ‘I love you Mira,’ William said before walking out the door.
‘I love you?’ Mira thought. Oh shit, things were about to get even more complicated.
**Treyf means unkosher
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Both my wife and I really enjoy viewing videos, blogs and profiles of mature couples like ourselves involving wife swapping, cucks or just adding that extra person to share her body. We have yet to make that final move in turning fantasy into reality, this nearly happened during the summer. It was a hot a July day and we were teasing each other,touching, flashing etc,she was also being very verbal saying that she wants two cocks to tease rather than the one and the other needed to be bigger...
Reality By Maid Wendy My story starts just seven months ago. A normal day of packages to deliver, and protective dogs to tend with. It had just snowed, and I was eager to wrap up the day, and head for home to get my driveway cleared. Just one more package stood between me and freedom for the day. Reaching back while the motor hummed at the stop light, I grabbed the small package, and read it's address... 213 County Rd 2. "Uhm, I thought that house was empty." The name read...
Due to the limitations of plain text, I will be adopting a convention where the accent mark, ', will signify character thoughts for the Fictionmania version of this tale. My Dreams, My Reality By Kellie "Cowgyrl" Thomas "You coming with us tonight, Al?" Greg asked I hesitated. "I don't know. I..." "Oh, come on." He pressed. "It's the end of the semester. You need to unwind." He leaned in closer and whispered suggestively. "Besides this place has the hottest chicks...
EMAIL REALITY by Lauren Westley (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. This piece is about humiliation, degradation and other XXXX sexuality. This is a short story and not sure when or if I'll complete. If you read it I hope you like it and if it's not your thing just stop reading now. Thanks, [email protected] I know I'm neither pretty nor young but even though to the eye I'm visible as an older man that's on the outside it doesn't...
Back to Reality By Kasumi This is the direct sequel to The Castaway. If you haven't read that story yet, please do so before continuing with this one! March 1st 2013 It's strange to be opening this journal once more. I thought... well, I thought that once I was off the island, back to civilization, back to reality, that maybe things would just go back to the way they were. Actually I don't know if I really even thought anything about what would happen. I mean, when the...
Julie had left work early so she would have plenty of time to get home and ready herself before Matt got home from his business trip later tonight. Sitting on the train, her mind racing as she ran through everything in her head. Her heart pounding at the thoughts she was having. Her face flushed as she realised she was getting aroused at her thoughts. She looked around making sure no one was looking at her. She arrived home and went straight into the bedroom where she stripped off to her...
AnalA New Reality by Karen Beth (Karen Elizabeth L.) To say that my sister Karen and I don't get along is an understatement. She's fourteen and I'm fifteen, but to me, she's a bratty little kid who's always getting me in trouble with our parents. She always managed to know when I was doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing and made sure that our parents found out. Of course I happily returned the favor my telling our parents...
An Alternate Reality Written by Rikki "Kevin, get up. Breakfast is almost ready," his father called out. "Wake up." Kevin slowly got out of bed. Today was the first day after high school graduation and he was looking forward to sleeping in. It had been a long night. He looked at the clock. 7:00 AM. "Kevin," his father called out again, "let's go honey." Honey? His dad never called him honey before. Kevin pulled on a tee shirt and a pair of...
A Beautiful Wishby 800ibgorrilaChapter 1: Waking from RealityGeorge lazily opened his eyes to the sight of the ceiling fan in his room spinning slowly overhead. Its hypnotic circles threatened to put him to sleep again. He turned to the alarm clock next to the bed, it read just past 1:00 am. He turned back to the ceiling fan and let out another deep breath as he rubbed his face, immediately grimacing in pain as he remembered his black eye.He laid there a moment trying to get his bearings. ...
NovelsMy parents were both professors at a nearby college. Their work never interested me, yet I found myself front and center at their latest demonstration. Their department had finally finished constructing a particle accelerator. Science was not my area of expertise, in fact, I was not that good a student in any subject area. Everything went over my head. My Mom explained how the massive contraption worked, what it was used for, and the purpose of their research. Each time she spoke, it flowed in...
Within the Multiverse, we see the Supreme God of All. As he has a look of complete boredom on his face. He looked being a powerful god of the multiverse. However, he was also watching the multiverse with their boring lives to even some of them suffered. I just watched as he looked through countless universe doing what they always do, minding their own business. As he thought about a way to make the universes that he is watching more entertaining for himself. As he thought about the many...
Mind ControlI have included part 1 with this for those that had not read it. Part 1 The Offer, Regrets? She lay on her side, in their queen size bed. She gazed at the clock, 5.30 A.M. She would have 30 minutes to relax before she got up and made Ron's breakfast. She just started to doze off when she felt his arm reach round. His hand rested on her right breast and his fingers gently rubbed her nipple through the short filmy black baby-doll. He slid across the bed to spoon her. She felt...
It all seemed so simple to begin with. They'd all played the parlour trick where you stand in a doorway, close to one side, with your arm straight down by your side, but pressing outwards. Nothing happens of course, because your arm is pressing against the door jamb, and what are you going to do, make the opening bigger? After a couple of minutes you step away from the doorway. Then, if you relax, your arm will of its own accord start to rise. You've played a trick on your body. Except Nick...
Lauren was a very cute and nicely built young woman. She was now 18 years old, of legal age to do anything and everything she wanted. That was the reality that she now could do things she'd only fantasized about and dreamed about -- which in many respects were things she'd never been seen doing or known of doing before. Lauren had seemed to be a very nice, very responsible and very good girl. She'd always worn clothes that weren't too tight, too revealing, or too suggestive. In her last...
Guinevere's penis throbbed and pulsed in her fist as she furiously pumped it up and down, the hardness and warmth of it as wholly tangible as the straining in her testicles as her semen readied itself for its ultimate release. If this wasn't real, what was? It certainly felt real to Guinevere, as it always did when she masturbated, something she did as often as she could and something for which, like all hermaphrodites in the world, she had a remarkable facility. The semen when it came...
Guidelines, avoid creating dead ends. Adhere to the websites guidelines No Bestiality All Characters should be aged up to 18+ (if involved in adult content), as underage sex is not allowed. This story was originally written on https://www.writing.com/ by Hallmark This story is rewritten to CHOYA with the authors permission. All characters in Beacon is 18+ (Ruby being 18 and the rest of the students being 20 years or older) The Book of Reality is sent to Beacon Academy’s Library where it’s...
Hi, Dheeraj here. 2 weeks ke baad shadi hone wali hai meri Harshada se. Ab Harshada college friend hai. Halaki uska chakkar Rohan ke sath tha uss waqt. Aur woh chodaampatti karate hua Ramesh ko pakade bhi gaye the ek bar. Rohan bhi accha dost hai. Uske baad unka breakup hogaya. Waise bhi woh shaadi nahi karne wale the kyunki woh alag alag religion se the. Rohan Jain tha aur Harshada Hindu thi. Uske baad woh akeli thi, tab usse pata liya. Aur shadi ke liye razi kar diya kyunki woh bohut...
Hello, Dheeraj here Harshada ka past bata chuka hun. Ab wapas aate hai. Sirf 2 weeks reh gaye hai shadi ko. Isliye Harshada ke sath ek din dopeher shadi ka dress lene gaya. Waise to Harshada ko saree hi leni thi shadi ke liye. Achanak Harshada ne ek dukan ke samne roka aur boli, “Yahan chalte hai.” “Thik hai jaise tum chaho. Waise bhi tumhare pasand ki hi saree blouse lena hai.” Woh dukan itni badi nahi thi shadi ka dress lene layak. Fir bhi Harshada ki insist karne par waha pe gaye. Halaki...