Devlin's StoryChapter 17 free porn video

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Devlin looked out the window at the snow piled in drifts across the streets. In the streetlight it was hard to see, but she didn't think the snowplow had been down here yet. I don't think I'm going to the hospital to see Sue, she thought. And Danny may not make it in to town from Toluca, either.

"Whazzit?" Connie asked from her bed.

"There's a lot of snow," Devlin said. "I don't know if there are going to be any classes today."

"Good. Sleep in." With that Connie rolled over and pulled the covers up.

Devlin slipped on her exercise clothes and grabbed her portable CD player. Snow or not, she had her exercises to do. As she tied her dance slippers she wondered how Connie kept in shape. In her case it was a constant battle, 45 minutes of exercise every weekday and careful eating. Connie nibbled constantly and the only exercise she got was when she walked to class. And she was as thin as a rail. It didn't seem fair.

The exercise room was dark, which wasn't surprising. She was usually the first one down here. Devlin began with her limbering, stretching the muscles and tendons that hadn't been used this way since Friday. She felt a little sore, some of the muscles that hadn't been used much in the last two years had certainly been worked hard this weekend. She had done her kegel exercises every morning, maybe she ought to step those up a bit to get that part of her back in tone.

She pulled a CD from the holder and dropped it in. These weren't labeled, so she didn't know which one it was--it could be any of the 30 she had. She put her hand on the bar and waited. The piano started in the background, and in her mind a voice snapped "First position!"

A hot and sweaty 45 minutes she was disappointed when the recording came to an end. You could lose your mind in Dance as thoroughly as you lost it in sex, maybe that's why she liked both. She was collecting her things when another girl showed up, sweats, leotard, headband. They nodded, as they did every morning. Desrah's routine was pretty much the same. Occasionally they worked out together, but almost never on Mondays. That was the day Desrah liked to sleep in.

Connie was asleep again. Devlin grabbed her shower things. The hallway was empty. When she opened the door to the bathrooms one of the showers was going. She pinned her hair up and laid her things out in the shower stall. The water was nice and hot when she slipped under it.

She shaved her legs like she did every Monday. She thought about shaving her pubic hair, but decided not to. It might appeal to Krissi, but she'd tried it and decided it wasn't for her.

She always thought she'd fall in love, she just never thought it would be with a woman. You don't think about such things. A guy, yes. Most of the gossip in the dorm was about who was going out with which guy, what gals saw in different guys, things like that. Gals were always trading tips on clothes, make-up, hair, nail polish, lipstick, things like that. What did you say, "I met the nicest gal, yesterday. Her skin was so soft, her lips were so sweet, the cute little rosebuds of her nipples were such a delicate shade of pink"--no, some things you couldn't say.

It always took her a while to dry her hair. It seemed to take longer this morning, and to brush it out afterwards, too. As she did so she tried to picture the reactions of the other gals on the floor if she told them about Krissi. Until this weekend she fit into an accepted stereotype--practically everyone on the floor knew about Jeff. They knew that the two of them slept together from time to time. Other gals did things like that, it was just one of those things a gal did. Of course they didn't know about Danny three days a week, and she wasn't about to tell them.

As she walked back to her room she could hear the first stirrings around her; here an alarm, there a radio playing softly, a voice, a door opening and closing, the dorm was coming to life. Connie was still asleep. Devlin peeked out the window, still no snowplow. She could see little curlicues of snow off the tops of the drifts. She plugged in her earphones and turned on her radio. After several minutes of pointless talk and a few commercials, the announcer finally got around to confirming what she'd suspected--no morning classes, the Bone was closed, but the food services in Linkins were open. The police were advising people to stay home.

She glanced at the clock--7:45. Probably no Danny today. All right, she could live with that. After this weekend she didn't feel any real desperate urge to get laid. She should spend the time studying... and with Krissi, if possible. Though she should probably give her time to write, not do what she wanted to do, take her to bed and lose herself in Krissi's blue eyes.

She dressed slowly. At one time she'd been worried about dressing fashionably. Those days were long gone. Now she was practical: jeans, blouse, turtleneck sweater, sweatshirt, heavy wool socks over her jeans and her heavy boots over her socks. She felt like she was packed in--she was packed in wool come to think of it.

She left a note for Connie--"No morning classes"--and wrestled on her heavy winter coat, hat, muffler and gloves. She thinned out her pack until she had just the necessities, then waddled out the door and down the stairs to the front door. She eyed the unbroken expanse of snow stretching out from the front door. She took a deep breath, pushed open the inside doors, and paused to make sure her face was covered--only her eyes were visible. She made a note, find her sunglasses so the glare off the snow wouldn't blind her.

The wind cut through her like a knife. Even through all the layers she felt the cold. She bent over and forced her way directly upwind. After a few yards she got in the lee of the next building. She breathed carefully; years ago she'd learned the hard way that it was a bad idea to take deep breaths when it was this cold. She gritted her teeth and repeated that for the next building, and the next until she finally reached Linkins.

Once inside she took off her hat and shook out her hair. She looked around, finally spying Krissi just coming in another door. "Hi, stranger," she said shyly, walking up behind her.

"Good morning," Krissi said. She was dressed in pink like she was going off on a ski trip. Everything was pink all the way down to her boots, and on her it looked right. "You look radiant on this beautiful February morning."

"Such a brisk and bracing day," Devlin said. "Wonderful morning."

"You almost said that with a straight face. How's your friend in the hospital?"

"I didn't go," Devlin said. "It's clear across town, and I'm not taking my car out in this."

"I don't blame you." Krissi finished stripping off her outer wear. "Oh, let's see, what do I want?" she asked as she stared at the food.

"I'm having my usual," Devlin said. "I'll get us a table in the corner."

"Sure, I'll be over in a few minutes."

Devlin was stirring her yogurt when Krissi set her tray down. "So how's Jeff?" Krissi asked.

"I don't know. I haven't talked to him in a couple of days."

Krissi stirred her hot cereal thoughtfully. "How serious are you about him?" she finally asked. "Most girls I know would have been on the phone to their boyfriend just after getting back, if for no other reason than to say you got back all right."

"Things are... things are... I don't know, things are difficult between us right now."


"We can't ever seem to get time alone. His church has tutors helping him, and they're always there, every night, even on the weekends. About the only time I know I can see him is for a few minutes here and there between classes; I have an Econ class in the same building he has a Calculus class."

Krissi nodded slowly. "How much do you two have in common? Same interests? Same friends?"

"Not really. He has his Church all of the time. Between his tutors and Church he doesn't have much free time. And the friends we've made, most of them are from his classes."

"Uh huh." Krissi took a sip of her coffee. "So, what do you want to do today? All recovered from the weekend?"

"I was a little sore, but not as much as I thought."

"I hope it was nothing I did."

"I think it was from muscles that haven't been used for a while, or at least used that much."

"Are you sure you're getting enough men in your life?"

Devlin paused, the spoon halfway to her mouth. "I don't think I've had that sort of worry for a long time."

"We can get tired down there, too, you know."

"I realize that, now." Devlin smiled as she resumed eating. "I guess I'll have to exercise those muscles more often."

Krissi looked up from her oatmeal, her eyes twinkling. "Does that suggest what I think it suggests?"

"You can think whatever you like," Devlin said. "But the last time I checked you didn't have a certain something that I was thinking would help my exercising."

"It's always better to exercise with a friend," Krissi said. She ate in silence for a minute. "We have a semester break in a few weeks, what are your plans?"

"Same as last year," Devlin said. Krissi raised an eyebrow. "Last year I hung around campus for 20 days. It was boring, but it was a break."

"Didn't you visit your Mom or something?"

"She works nights, graveyard shift. That means she's asleep when I'd be awake. No, I see her about one weekend a month." She studied Krissi's face. "You have something in mind."

"Could be," Krissi said. "Have you considered going somewhere on your time off, some place warm?"

"Where? If you're thinking of the Gulf Coast, most places will be crawling with students, and while I'm into sexual debauchery, I'm not into it with people who aren't careful." She thought a moment. "Nor am I into alcohol that much."

"Not where I'm thinking."


Krissi picked at her food for a bit. "Last year, during Spring Break, I went to this one place down in Florida. I was there 10 days, it cost me, counting air fare, about $1,000."

"Yeah? And... ?"

She pulled a small picture album out of her purse. "I took some pictures."

Devlin opened the book. The first picture was of a small island covered with trees. You could just make out a dock and the roof of a house. The second picture was of the house. A few people were barely visible sitting on the porch. The third picture was of the inside of a bungalow. The bed frame seemed to be made out of driftwood, with displays of conch shells on the dresser. The fourth picture was of Krissi, naked, standing next to a guy, also naked. They both had on dark glasses, and Krissi's hair was swept back with a bandanna. They were both holding drinks.

"Who's the guy?"

Krissi leaned over and looked at the picture. "That's Rocky," she said. "I have more pictures of him."

"Not bad looking," Devlin said.

"Not bad in other ways, too," Krissi said, smiling.

Devlin gave her a mischievous smile and turned the page. Krissi was flat on her back with her legs wrapped around Rocky's hips and her hands on his shoulders. They were staring at each other intently. "I see what you mean," Devlin said.

In the next picture Krissi was on her hands and knees with Rocky behind her. His face and chest were red, her mouth was open, her eyes were closed and her nipples were sticking out like little thumbs. In the picture after that Rocky was on his back and Krissi was riding up and down on his clearly visible cock. Her breasts were in his face and he had clearly caught her nipple with his lips.

"From the look on your face this had to be taken at a climactic moment," Devlin said.

"Which one?" Krissi craned over for a better look. "Yeah, I was climaxing when that one was taken. I had the camera set up with the automatic timer turned on, and I was lucky to get that one. I think I climaxed about a half-dozen times with him. If I remember right, he came three times by the time we were done." She took a bite from an orange slice. "Most of those 10 days were like that."

"So it's 10 days of sex, sun, sex, swimming, sex, barbecuing, sex, drinking..."

"And sex. Don't forget that. That was very important, and very little drinking. All I wore for 10 days were flip-flops and a bandanna for my hair. I wore the bandanna to keep my scalp from getting sunburned."

"Sounds fun. Who all is involved?"

"Believe it or not, it's not really a couples only thing. Oh, there were several couples, but a lot of these people are singles in the lifestyle."

Devlin looked surprised. "I didn't know there were that many of us."

"The trouble with being single in the lifestyle is that if you're a guy some people think you're looking to get laid..."

"And that if you're a gal you're looking for a husband," Devlin finished. "I know, I've run into that before several times. How did they find these people?"

"Well, actually, most of the people there aren't really committed to the lifestyle, not like, say, you are, or me. Mostly they're college aged and casually involved."

"In other words, they want to get laid with no strings attached." Devlin looked up, a slight smile on her lips. "So, when do we go?"

Krissi laughed. "You're decisive, I like that."

"About some things, sure."

"You know exactly what you want."

"Other than you, sure. It's about 6 or 7 inches long, maybe a little longer. And by preference it's attached to someone with a nice back, a firm butt, good shoulders, a muscular chest and a trim belly."

Krissi laughed. "And should this paragon actually be good looking?"

"Preferable, but that's not required. I can always close my eyes. I've been with some guys who could stop traffic with their faces, literally, and maybe they did. But where it counts they've been just fine. In the dark, who can tell?"

Krissi finished the muffin she'd bought. "What was that bit before you got into describing your ideal male?"

"I had planned to spend the morning studying."

"Accounting, or anatomy?"

"Well, French, I'm not doing as well as I'd like in French."

"That sounds exciting." She looked up, her eyes twinkling. "I've taken some French, actually I sort of grew up learning to speak it. You could practice with me. They say French requires you to be very deft with your tongue."

"So they say," Devlin said, keeping her face straight. "What were you planning on doing this morning?"

"Well, I'm actually ahead on all my course work, so I was planning on spending the morning writing. But if I have a better offer..."

"Let me stop by my dorm room first," Devlin said. "I need to get my French book." She thought a moment. "And I'll need to get my Accounting book. Afternoon classes haven't been canceled, yet, and I have Accounting in the afternoon."

"So I'll help you count to 10," Krissi said. "You know, we women should be better at Accounting than men."


"It stands to reason," Krissi said. "A guy can only count to 21, but a woman can count to 22. Right?"

Devlin thought about it, counting to herself. "Oh," she said. She stuck her tongue out. "That's bad."

"Shall I prove it to you?" Krissi said. "I'll count to 22 with my tongue, all right?"

Devlin could feel something stirring deep inside her, and she suddenly realized she wanted to lose herself in Krissi. She knew she should study, but the temptation to play with Krissi, and be played with, was overwhelming.

She swallowed. "I-I think that's a good idea." She could feel her pulse hammering, and see Krissi's pulse fluttering in her neck. "Why don't we?"

When Devlin and Krissi stopped at Devlin's room Connie had finally gotten up. She was in her robe and slippers, sipping on hot chocolate and staring at the snow. "Hi, guys," she said, looking up. "How is it outside?"

"Bad," Devlin said. "Connie, this is Krissi. Krissi, Connie."

Connie picked up a note she'd laid next to the phone. "Before you go, some guy called, a Dan Harrison; said he can't make your lunch appointment due to bad weather."

"He's the guy at the bank I'm financing college through," Devlin said. "All right, I'll give him a call and reschedule. My mother found him for me."

Connie nodded. "You guys going out again?"

"Going over to Krissi's to study," Devlin said. She grabbed her French and Accounting books. "I'll see you later."

"Whatever," Connie said, waving.

"Banker?" Krissi said as they rode the elevator down to the first floor.

"Sure," Devlin said. "He's the banker, I'm the bank. He makes a deposit two or three times a week."

"Oh, that banker. He pays you?"

"No, he's my Mom's next door neighbor. He helped us set up the accounts I'm using to finance my education. His wife's the one who had back surgery that I didn't get to visit this morning."

Krissi nodded. Devlin would have said more, but she buried herself in her muffler and pushed open the front door. Twenty frozen minutes later they were in Krissi's apartment building, stomping the snow off their boots.

"It is downright nasty out there," Krissi muttered. "I'm half-frozen."

"Let's make some tea," Devlin said, eyeing an older woman who was peering at them from the front apartment. "Some hot tea should help thaw both of us out before we crack the books."

Krissi blew on her hands. "Just holding the cup should help."

The woman quietly closed her door. Krissi didn't say anything until they were in her apartment. "That's Mrs. Marquardt, my landlady. She has a thing about us inviting men into our apartments." She quirked a brief smile. "Another gal, though, is acceptable."

While Krissi started the teapot, Devlin emptied her pack. When she pulled off her boots and socks she wiggled her toes in pleasure. "Why didn't you tell me your apartment had warm floors?"

"You like that? That sold me on this place right away." She bent down and took off her own boots and socks. "Heavenly bliss."

She turned back to the cupboard to get out the cups. Devlin stepped up behind her and slipped her arms around Krissi's waist. She kissed the older girl just beneath the ear, once, lightly, more a caress than a kiss. Krissi pressed backwards into Devlin, drawing one of Devlin's hands up to her breasts. She turned around, and they kissed once, briefly, lips brushing each other.

Krissi drew a ragged breath. "Why don't you get the bed ready," she directed. "The tea will be ready in a minute."

Devlin closed the curtains and plumped the pillows on the bed. She didn't know what the procedure was for sharing sex with a woman. With a guy it was simple, she'd undress and flop back on the bed with her legs apart. He'd join her, figuratively and then literally. And after a time or two he'd doze while she just rested. But with another woman? Neither one should fall asleep. Oh, passing out from a climax was possible, but nobody was going to cum and fall asleep right away. She decided she would like it if there was the right ambiance, the right lighting, the bed carefully formed, the lights off, things like that. She set about getting everything ready. Of course Krissi might like it with the curtains wide open in front of as many people as possible, but somehow she doubted that.

Krissi brought both steaming mugs into the bedroom. She carefully set the alarm clock for 12:30. She looked around the bedroom, nodding. "I like it," she said.

She walked over to Devlin, who was sitting on the edge of the bed. She drew her to her feet, then pulled Devlin's sweater up. Devlin let her, shaking her hair out when she was done. Then she returned the favor.

Krissi was wearing an undershirt beneath her sweater. Devlin traced the edge of the cups of Krissi's bra through the fabric. "I heard you sell bras," Krissi said. "I suppose yours fits perfectly."

"Of course," Devlin said. She unbuttoned her blouse and tossed it to one side. "See?"

Krissi hefted Devlin's breasts, feeling and squeezing them through the fabric. "You convinced me."

"Let's see what we have here to work with," Devlin said. She helped Krissi off with her undershirt. "As I thought, your bra's just a little small."

"I've never found one that fits me exactly," Krissi said.

"Now you have," Devlin said. "We'll make some time together and get you properly fitted." She slipped a finger under the top edge of the cup and ran it across the soft flesh. "In the mean time, let's get you out of that thing."

Yesterday she'd had only the vaguest impressions of Krissi's breasts, soft, round, full and very white. Now she could appreciate them, their size, their shape--round and full, the wide pink areola with the nub of her nipples just poking into view. She massaged them lightly, then a little firmer as her confidence grew. She enjoyed how they felt in her hands. Though she had her own, it still amazed her that she could push them and they'd spring back into place.

"Here," Krissi said after a bit. "Let's get your harness off. I want to see your beauties." In moments she began caressing Devlin's breasts. Then she leaned over and kissed them. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful these are?"

"Just guys wanting to get laid," Devlin said. She liked the attention Krissi was paying them. Most guys stopped briefly at her breasts before diving between her legs. Maybe it was because Krissi had her own soft pair. She'd wondered what a gal's breasts felt like, you never took time to squeeze your own, somehow that always seemed wrong. The only time you admitted touching them was when you were "examining yourself" in the shower.

"You know," she said, putting her hands over Krissi's. "You're very good at that."

"Your nips seem to think so, too."

"Oh, them," Devlin said. "They have minds of their own."

"And I know what they're thinking," Krissi said. She began to flick her thumbs across Devlin's nipples, lightly, maddeningly. They tightened, and it felt like every sensation in her chest was concentrated in her nipples. Krissi fondled and nibbled them, drawing them out into long dark peaks.

Devlin returned the favor, working on Krissi's breasts and nipples. The girl's flesh was so white, almost translucent... porcelain. She'd thought that before, now, in the clear light of day she decided that was the perfect explanation. And Krissi's nipples responded, the pink growing darker as blood rushed to them.

Krissi began to playfully rub her nipples against Devlin's. It was like nothing she'd ever felt before, being rubbed by something both hard and soft at the same time. And so female, Devlin thought. I could never do this with a guy.

The phone rang, a hard jarring of reality. Krissi looked torn. Finally she smiled. "Don't go away," she whispered. "I'll be right back."

Devlin lay back on the bed. Her nipples were so tight they ached. She cupped her breasts, playing with them. Her hand drifted lower, encountering her jeans. In sudden decision she peeled those off. That was better. She didn't want to take off her panties, she wanted Krissi to do that. Besides, it was like there was a threshold in her mind. It was somehow all right to play with each other's breasts, but once either of them took their panties off, that moved everything to a whole different level. That was an open acknowledgment that their relationship was sexual. It was, but she thought both of them wanted to take things slowly, step by step. Yesterday they'd both been swept up in the moment. This was different.

Krissi came back, muttering to herself. "Does your company do telephone solicitation?" she asked.

"No," Devlin said. "No, we don't."

"Good. Jeeze, that makes me mad. For crying out loud, can't we have a little privacy?"

"Apparently not," Devlin said. She drew Krissi down beside her on the bed and began massaging the girl's back and shoulders. She dropped a kiss on the back of her neck. "See? It's gotten you all tense. You should relax and ignore them."

She could see Krissi close her eyes, rocking back slightly against the gentle pressure of Devlin's hands. Then she lay back on the bed. Devlin moved above her, kissing her tenderly, her hands stroking Krissi's face, her lips nibbling at the soft pulse that fluttered in the hollow at the base of her neck. Slowly she kissed her way back to Krissi's pale porcelain breasts. She teased the blonde's nipples till they stood stiff and hard against her. She gently squeezed the fullness of Krissi's breast flesh, molding it, shaping it, loving the texture and feel of her womanly flesh. And then, fully knowing where she was going, she moved lower.

Krissi only stirred as Devlin kissed the sensitive flesh around her navel. Devlin unfastened the girl's jeans, tracing her tongue lightly along the slight line they left in Krissi's skin. And then she moved in slow gentle teasings back to Krissi's breasts.

"I could feast on these all day," she whispered. "They're so full, so round, so perfect, not at all like my big droopers."

"I like your breasts," Krissi said in a dreamy voice. "I like that there's so much of them." She reached up and began caressing them. "They're so womanly, so soft but immovable, just like a woman."

Devlin slid her hands down to Krissi's jeans. "Let's get these off," she whispered.

Krissi lifted her bottom off the bed. A few wiggles, a couple of tugs, and the two were lying together again, mutually stroking and caressing each other. Touch met touch, caress met caress. They kissed, their legs entwining, their breasts pressing together. Movement and pleasure merged as they pressed together.

A time, a long time of mutually enjoyed kisses, of heated touches, a time of delights and exploration... they were lying on their sides, still pressed together. "You know," Krissi said in a practical voice. "This would be a lot more interesting if we removed our panties."

"You mean it isn't already?" Devlin asked.

"If you don't want to, we don't have to," Krissi said.

Devlin scooted down, hooked her fingers in the elastic waistband of Krissi's panties, and pulled. In moments she had the tiny pink things on the floor.

"Does that answer your question?" she asked.

"My turn," Krissi said. Devlin rolled over. Krissi drew Devlin's panties down her legs slowly, kissing the flesh of her legs as each inch was revealed. Finally, with a flourish, she drew them off Devlin's feet and tossed them away.

"What a beautiful sight," she said, staring directly up Devlin's legs. "Tell me," she said, kissing Devlin's ankle. "How many people have taken the time to appreciate this view."

Devlin laughed, a low throaty laugh. "Well, my doctor, maybe a couple of guys."

"Maybe not," Krissi said. "I bet anybody who's had this view was more interested in sticking something inside you than anything else."

She began to kiss her way up Devlin's legs, slowly, lightly, just brushing the sensitive skin with her lips. Devlin closed her eyes, enjoying the warm shiver each kiss brought. Krissi stopped kissing at the top of Devlin's thighs. She seemed to sense this final barrier between them, too.

Krissi slowly... lightly... traced a finger up the sensitive skin on the inside of Devlin's thighs. "You're very pretty between your legs," she said. "I like the way your sex sort of folds, and your little clit..." She blew on it, a soft wash of warm air that seemed to wash through Devlin like a warm wave.

"I don't think anyone has ever told me that," Devlin said.

"Nobody's ever taken the time to appreciate what they're seeing," Krissi replied. "They're more interested in getting into it." She delicately traced the outline of Devlin's moist cleft with her fingertip. "How does that feel?"

"Ummm, like a shiver."

She kissed Devlin's clit, then resumed her kissing, touching, breath-caressing, across the plane of Devlin's tummy and slowly, so agonizingly, so pleasurably slowly back to Devlin's breasts. And then, finally, she kissed her way to Devlin's mouth, where she lingered for a while.

"Your body is so beautiful, Devlin. You are so beautiful."

Devlin caressed Krissi's face with her fingertips, then gently began to lightly trace over her skin. "Your skin is so soft," she whispered. "And it's so clear. It's like I can see right through it."

Krissi lay beside Devlin, touching her, lightly brushing her with just her fingertips. Devlin kissed her, then simply moved directly down to Krissi's legs. She propped them open and took a good look. "I've never seen one before," she said. "Not up close, that is."

"You mean... all these years and you haven't... ?"

"I know what guys look like," Devlin said. She rested her chin on Krissi's leg and studied the woman's sex. "I've probably sucked or blown a hundred guys, or something like that, and I'm very familiar with everything about a guy down here. But I've never really seen a gal up close before, not like this. I've never really had the chance."

Krissi laughed. "Yeah, I know what you mean. You never really look at another gal."

"You're pretty down here, though," she said. "You're all nice and pink." She kissed the skin on Krissi's tummy. "Did you know that?"

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More than a LodgerPart 1

More than a Lodger…Part 1I had been looking for a place to stay for about a week, but there was few places on the market for rent, and I knew I could not afford a place of my own. So I found myself trawling through the adverts in the local newspapers. One advert caught my eye and made me smile. It was a rare occurrence. It read:“Lodger required, male or female, rent £500pcm could be reduced for the right person! Tel:07254362534 to make an arrangement and speak to Laura or Jerry.”The exclamation...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Undercover Tour

About a year ago I started writing a new novel length work in the same 'DiaperDimension' that my story Exchanged took place in. (The DiaperDimension was inspired by PrincessPottyPants original work, 'Alisa's Adventures in the Diaper Dimension'). I've written other works under another penname on this and other story sites, and had always completed them before posting. When I started writing a couple pieces of ABDL fiction I decided I was going to experiment writing as a serial writer...

1 year ago
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Midnight Lovers The Cemetery 2

(This is more like a build-up for chapter three, seeing as though I have neglected you guys, Chapter 3 will be here soon, I had intended it the be a really big chapter 2 but the would be over 5000 words… so it will this will be a little tease for my readers, Enjoy) Jakoda stared at the handwritten note on her dresser, Proof that the events last night had been real, her childhood friend was a Vampire. She had been seduced by him and most of all, she was bitten by him. What did this all mean for...

1 year ago
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XNXX Black

There are all types of women in this world, and they each have traits that make them alluring. The most important thing is that every country is loaded with sluts, whores, and philanderers. I’m talking about the kind of slut, whore, and philanderer that likes to keep evidence of her promiscuity on the internet for posterity. Ebony bitches are among the most popular bitches out there. And speaking of posterity, ebony bitches are so popular in part due to their posteriors.The smooth brown skin...

Black Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Sharing the Love part 2

At this time Andrea is 45, Luke is 19 and Shannon is 22. ============================ Following the breakthrough when Luke and his mother came to enjoy watching each other, Luke decided to increase the stakes by telling Andrea about his peeping and voyeurism. Andrea was initially shocked by her son’s admission but as she thought about it and Luke gave her some stories of his past, she got quite interested. They had been careful to exclude Shannon, and...

2 years ago
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Englands World Cup Defeat

It was late on Wednesday evening and I sat along with many others in a pub watching England in the Semi-Finals of the World Cup. I was due to meet a mate, but he failed to turn up. As I am partially disabled on crutches, I asked the barman to bring a few beers over to my table and watched the game and felt the disappointment as England failed to win.However things took a turn for the worse as suddenly there were arguments and fights breaking out all around the pub. I decided to try and sit...

4 years ago
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Your Love Is My Drug Ch 01

Chapter One ‘Why won’t you let me see them?’ Maybe it was the fact that he was lying on top me, looking down with moist blue puppy dog eyes, or the way his voice was calm and hushed against my ear, but somehow that boy still managed to be sexy even when he whined. The sun was nearly down. My mother went away to another state to visit a ‘friend’, as she explained through an embarrassing school girl blush, and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow night. I wish she didn’t bother with her unnecessary...

4 years ago
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LettersPart 2 The Letter

"Dearest Amy, I know you hate me now, and I've lost the most important person in my life, but I must tell you that I never meant to hurt you. How could I, I'm in love with you. Leave it to me, your old pal Ronda, to fuck up a life long friendship. If I could take it back, I would. It's just that you seemed to like what I was doing and one thing just led to another. I also realize that I made another dumb-ass mistake. I talked to Mrs. Langston, but I was hysterical, you know how I get....

4 years ago
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The Ball Puller

                 The Ball Puller!                   TJ Ryder              Illustrated Adult FETISH stories!                An FF/mm story                 Chapter 1                    The attractive woman in a low cut gown announcedto the live audience when the camera showed its red light.    "Welcome to this week's Crazy Careers!" She smiled at theapplause and waited for it to die down!    "Wev'e had all kinds of guests on this show. CrossdressingEscorts, Secret Agents,...

2 years ago
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The ProdigalTwentyfive

THE LIMO WE RENTED for the night was the closest thing to a city bus there was in shiny black. The twenty-two of us fit with no problem. When we pulled up to the curb, it felt like a Hollywood opening. People gathered just to see how many people would get out of the massive limo. It was an oversized clown car. The party seemed to double when we all walked into the gallery. Some students leave for the summer without attending the gala. After all, school is officially out for the summer at...

2 years ago
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Colleague Asha With Big Busty Boobs

Hi everyone. This is Krishna (name changed). I am from Tamil Nadu and I am 36 years old. This incident is from 2012 when I was working in Chennai with a multinational company. The heroine of this story is Asha (name changed obviously). To describe her, she is one sexy girl with the right amount of flesh at the right places. Her USP was her big melons which can make any guy’s dick stand and salute! I used to travel to my office in the company cab. Asha was a co-passenger in the cab. Most of the...

3 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 16 Los Angeles

10:20 Central LA, California, 1-14-05 Mark 'Hoover' Mathews looked up from his bunker behind two wrecked tractor-trailers. In the distance, the AH-1 Cobra still burned from where his stinger had taken the Marine helicopter down. Around him were the rest of his brothers from the local Blood gang. "Hey Hoover, did you hear what the man in power did to those cities up the state?" asked Vince 'Snakeman' Anderson. "Ya, I heard Snakeman, but we shall kick whities ass out of LA and then we...

2 years ago
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getting cuckolded by my friends

Hi Everyone Let me tell you about the other night when my girlfriend and me went out with her work friend and her husband. Firstly some background, My girlfriends name is Rachel, she's 5ft dark hair, 38d boobs a little chubby but hot as hell. We've been together about 4 years and I broached the subject of her fucking other guys a couple of years back but nothing came of it, although she did seem interested in the idea without being too obvious, I pushed and pushed and she shut down the idea so...

3 years ago
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Making Her Mine

I know I should have stayed away from you, Lynn. I knew you were a slut the day I saw your profile picture on that fetish site. You are collared; who knows why you are wearing it. You are not owned, but you have the mindset of a submissive sex slave. It is enough to drive any man crazy.I know you like having a Black Man dominate you in your phone fantasies and boy do you like teasing me. I paint paintings, so I awake early, but i stay home until midday. You always make sure to ring me around...

2 years ago
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The Cove

Nick stared in astonishment. I don’t believe I found her this easily. It can’t be her. The best part of fifteen thousand miles, a change of aircraft in Perth for the final leg to the North-West coast, eight hours sleep in a blessed, air-conditioned roadhouse room, and there she was … in the supermarket. It was her hair that Nick recognised. The woman with her back to him was wearing a two-piece business suit, most definitely not Joelle’s style as Nick remembered, in the old days, that wild...

2 years ago
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Lady In Training

Lady in Training By MichelleA Edited by Misty Dawn My name is Mike. Well to follow Mom's latest rules, its Michelle Elizabeth Williamson. Life has been kind of weird lately. Mostly, Mom has been acting really strange. Not that she can be considered normal by most standards, but that is another story. Let me start at the beginning, to explain why I am concerned. As long as I can remember Mom liked to dress me in frilly girl's clothes. No one else dressed like that. Dressed that way...

2 years ago
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God My Life

Copyright 2009 by notepad, all rights reserved Disclaimer; This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY.  It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity, sometimes involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your place of residence to view such material or if such material offends you, do not read further.  God My Life     by notepadChapter 1: God I hated life.  It was Monday morning....ugh Another day where I have to leave my bed early in the morning, prize myself away from the comfort...

3 years ago
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Grandad Cleans Her Pussy and more

“Yessss, Chris, I have to clean up before we go to the beauty shop,” Kathy replied, “Grandad dumped a bigger load in me than he usually does. My panties are soaked and my car seat smells like a whore house.” “You’re shittin’ me, Kathy Davis. He didn’t really fuck his own granddaughter.” Kathy had already removed her shorts. She pulled off her panties and pitched them to her best friend, “Check ‘em out. They’re in a mess. He must have been saving it up.” “KATHY! He’s your fucking grandfather!...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 573

???????????????? ???????????????? Biiguy keeps them coming, many thanks... Here are some more... “I’m telling you Lisa, I’ve never been happier, “ said Sally. “I have two boyfriends. One is just fabulous. He’s handsome, sensitive, caring and considerate”. “So what do you need the second one for?” asked Lisa. “The second one is straight”. A guy went to the doctor and said, I’ve got a mole on the end of my penis”. “Drop your pants and show me”, said the doctor, who then proceeded to examine the...

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Mrs Jones p8

I sat at the front window on Saturday morning watching my neighbours drive way, and just as I had hoped Mr Jones came out with his golf clubs, put them in the back of his black Jag and a minute later he was driving off for his day of golf.I waited for a few minutes, and then a few more, but after nearly ten minutes Mrs Jones still hadn't text me and I began to grow impatient.I really couldn't wait to get my hands on my hot thirty something neighbours body and to feel her riding my cock once...

2 years ago
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Dear DiaryChapter 4

As we got ready to go to bed that night, Joy sent "Fred I will need to be in skin contact with you to have the greatest chance at affecting you." "Okay, Joy, I appreciate the fact that you will try to help me," I told her. We both stripped down and got in bed under the covers. "Oh, Fred, you are so warm. You feel so good. I may have to sleep with you on the nights when I sleep, for comfort." I chuckled and told her it was okay with me as long as she didn't snore too much. I dozed...

1 year ago
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Oops Caught

She had taken the girls to school and herself to teach there. I was supposed to be looking for work online, and I was, but not the way she expected. As soon as they were gone, I took out the stash of special things from my car's hidden pouch. A quick, tight face shave, some clumsy make-up (more for the feel than the look) and then I dress out in some lacy thigh-highs, a thong-like panty, some tight strappy heels, a borrowed bra (from wife, no she doesn't know) stuffed with hand towels...

1 year ago
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New Family Ties

The holidays had arrived much much to early, and with only a couple of weeks left, I was busy trying to put it all together for Christmas. I had traveled to my place in the mountains to relax for a couple of days and my daughter and her family had come up for a visit. My family knew nothing of my penchant for men, as I had always held a respectable job, been a good family man, and since my divorce years ago, had been involved with several different women, but never remarried. The reason is that...

4 years ago
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Losing It

Mike,  Enough endless talking.  You once said that it is not bragging if one can back up one’s words with action, and now it has come time to back up your words, mon petit.   Please see attached; everything has been arranged.  Yours, Jen. No further explanation.A ‘click,’ a mental turn as my brain processed those three short sentences, and time quite changed, my vision dimming as I read the attachment.  It read as follows:Dear Mr. Stone,Thank you for choosing Alaska Airlines. Please make note...

3 years ago
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Boy Slut In Train 8211 Part 1

Hey guys! This is Vijay with yet another experience which happened while traveling. I’ve been gay for a while and am used to it. I’ve seen and had a good number of cocks and am always eager for more. I’m getting fleshier and have been developing softer boobs and a plump ass slowly. This is an experience which happened while going to Pune by train. A train to Pune from Salem takes around 24 hours to reach. I made that journey because I wanted to meet some friends who stayed there. I told a...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Secretly Watching

NOTE : This is an excerpt from my latest story. Max and Gina are married. Max works in an exotic night club in Las Vegas. The club has exotic dancers and Voyeur rooms. The women’s Voyeur room has a special chair with built-in vibrators. Angel watched Gina go into the employee’s lounge. She so badly wanted to go after her. But, being that this was her first week on the job, she figured that she’d better check with Max first. “Hey Max, is she okay,” she asked. “Yeah, she’s fine. She’s just...

2 years ago
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EdenChapter 57

Her first impression was of being suspended in a sea of light. The floor of the cavern lay perhaps half a meter below her; the sloping walls and domed ceiling stretched to what seemed impossibly great distances; and all were aglow with the same phosphorescence that had lighted their way for the last half of their traverse of the passage, but now in waves and ripples of intensity that overwhelmed the senses. And ahead of her were four of the most remarkable creatures she had ever seen....

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Kendra James Kimmy Kimm Be Polite To Our Guest Young Lady

Kendra James’s friend, Penny Barber, is coming over for a visit, so Kendra wants the house to look spotless. Kendra instructs her stepdaughter, Kimmy Kimm, to tidy up the living room, but Kimmy complains. Kendra reminds Kimmy of the agreement they made last semester: if Kimmy didn’t improve her grades, Kimmy would have to do chores for a full WEEK. On top of that, Kendra would have free reign to get frisky with Kimmy as she cleans. Although Kimmy rolls her eyes, she knows how...

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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 16

“Diego Garcia, Diego Garcia, Diego Garcia. Convoy of Sailing Vessels.” “Sailing Vessel convoy. State your intentions.” “Diego Garcia, convoy intends to sail in company of DDG64 on her return to Rota. Permissions filed with United States State Department, Department of the Navy and Captain of DDG64. Request permission to enter lagoon.” “Wait one.” “Yessir.” There was a considerable wait. “Sailing Convoy, sailing convoy, Change to 103.9. Repeat. Change to 103.9.” All down the line, the...

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Chudai Ka Safar

Chudai ka safar Yeh kahani meri saheli sudha ki zubani hai, jo ki bilkul sachi hai. Sudha hindi mein kahani suna kar adhik aramdayak mehsoos karti hai. Kahani iss parkar hai. Mera naam sudha hai aur meri badi behan ka naam nidhi hai. Meri umar 19 saal ki hai aur nidhi 24 saal ki hai. Hum dono hi 5 feet 5 inch ki height wali hain, mera rang sanwla hai aur mere vaksh 36 inch ke hips 36 inch aur waist 26 inch hai. Meri didi ke boobs 34 inch, kamar 24 inch aur hips 34 inch hain aur rang bahut hi...

3 years ago
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Campground AwakeningChapter 5

My mother was on a high rampage, talking about how it was about time, and how the food had gotten cold, and how she couldn't believe how certain inconsiderate people could be so selfish as to hold things up for everybody else. Then Aunt Wendy actually walked into the room, and everybody at the table saw her. She'd already taken off her coat, and there was nothing covering her to soften the blow, as it were. "Sorry we're late," she said, as if nothing was wrong. "I couldn't decide...

3 years ago
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Adventures in Conjoinment

Jane was average. She had C cup breasts. She weighed 130 pounds, and was 5 feet and 4 inches tall. She had shoulder-length brown hair, though she's secretly wished to be a redhead. She wasn't all that curvy, she had a few freckles here and there... For the most part, though, Jane was average. Average as hell. She was excited, then, when she found something at the library. Nobody seemed to even notice the existence of a spellbook, sitting on the floor next to a table. If she hadn't rushed over...

1 year ago
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MomsBoyToy Sharon White My Stepmom Has Me In Checkmate

Sharon White is in the mood so she takes some naughty selfies and sends them to her stepson, Sam Bourne. Sam wakes up to those half naked photos and goes to the living room to confront his lovely stepmommy. Sharon coaxes him into giving her the D by reminding him that she holds all the cards in their relationship. As she talks, she keeps her boobs out to further entice Sam. What can Sam say in the face of such a determined and hot younger stepmommy? When Sharon gets on her knees, Sam dives in...

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The Nuclear Kiss

Able to exist, to sense. . .to feel everything--but pleasure. In a world destroyed, a mutant universe, survivors break down to those who can and those who can't. 99% are Sex Negatives. Call them erotic casualties. They want to make love, but the mere touch of another makes them violently ill. The rest, the lucky one percent, are Sex Positives, those whose libidos escaped unscathed. After the Nuclear Kiss, the Positives remain to love- though no longer by choice. Negatives can only watch- and...

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DevilsFilm Silvia Saige I Caught My Wife Fucking The Help

Silvia Saige and Donnie Rock are a married couple trying to get their new nightclub up and running. Tensions are high as they struggle to fix malfunctioning equipment, their frustrations boiling over as they make snide remarks at each other. Finally, Donnie has to leave for a meeting, telling Silvia to call their sound guy, Charles Dera, to take care of everything. Silvia does just that and it isn’t long before Charles arrives. She’s instantly taken by his rugged handsomeness,...

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I Fucked My Crush After A Saturday Night Party

Hello friends and my dear Indian sex stories readers. I’m Raj from Visakhapatnam of 21 years old. I used to read stories daily before I go to sleep, but today my own experience had made me write this. I would like to welcome all your compliments and comments on my experience and help me to improve the way I approach someone next time in my life. Let me tell you about my experience with my junior. Her name is Kezia (changed). She is in the third year and I’m in final year of B.Tech. I never...

2 years ago
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Just Perfect teaser preview

I stepped out of the shower and began to plan my first night of freedom. What should I choose out of the many options like the all night keg parties, little get together parties, or should I just relax in my big empty house alone with my girlfriend Crystal. Yeah, I think I’ll pick door number three, so I grabbed my cell phone and gave her a call. Just hearing hear voice, even on the phone, just makes me want to do back flips. Finally I was finished getting ready as I heard the knocking...

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Morning of Longing

Every morning I wake up and I wish you were next to me in bed. The soft light coming in through the window blinds and drapes is always so relaxing in the early morning, whether it be after I drop the kids off at swimming or an early, lazy Sunday morning . I think how I love the scent of your hair as I spoon with you on such a morning. How I love to feel your body relax under my finger tips when I gently tickle your arms and back. I love the way you slowly curl your neck up like a demand to have...

Straight Sex
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Agent Mari

Ignacio was a very lonely man he just liked to share with his friends. On one occasion, after so much insistence his friends managed to get him out of the house. On that occasion they went to the outside of the city. In the middle of nowhere is the motel where they stayed. Agent Mari was in that place for her clumsiness but great determination and willingness to fulfill any mission. The squad leader assigns him his first job, a simple one, collecting information from a small dealer. Ignatius by...

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Stella Maris my sexy ballet blonde

To my youngest daughter - let´s call her Amelia, also a student of ballet - I wrote a few messages about my most beautiful steady love ever, Stella Maris. Three of them added up to this story - my first true account here! ;-)PAmelia, I´ll tell about my second steady girlfriend. A ballet dancer like you.When I met and seduced her she was in her first year in university.I met her at her first day there. I lead her freshman first-week dozen newbies.She was my most pretty girl ever. Also her name...

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Sharing My Wife Amanda Chapter 4

She and her partner of the day had chosen this time to meet for that specific reason. My wife was wearing a bright pink tank top that contrasted sharply with her heathered-gray yoga pants. What was similar about her top and bottom, however, was the way the fabric stretched across her body, hugging every curve and accentuating her best physical attributes. Amanda spotted Jansen easily. It was hard to miss him, he was tall and a hulk of a man, standing well over 6 feet with the broadest...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 48 Dec 1944 the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes

Surrender? “Nuts!” Gen. Anthony McAuliffe’s 1944 Christmas Message to his Troops In mid-December 1944, Allied forces were surprised by a massive German offensive through the Ardennes Forrest that created a “bulge” in the Allied lines. Caught in what would become known as the “Battle of the Bulge,” the 101st Airborne Division of the United States Armed Forces was holed up in Bastogne while German armored divisions encircled the town. Outnumbered, outgunned, and running out of food, ammunition,...

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A Trampoline Fuck With My Hot Cousin Erica

A few years ago, when I was only 14, I was in my room playing videogames. It was Thanksgiving day at around 10 in the morning. My grandparents had just gotten to my house, I shared my greetings, then went back upstairs to my room while they talked about who knows what. About a half hour later, my aunt arrived with my cousin. Erica (My cousin) was and still is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She's about 5 foot 7, a few inches shorter than me. She has dark blonde...

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Casino Blues

Casino Blues - by: Martin Y The line at the registration counter seemed endless. We walked to the far end and began our long wait. The bells, whistles, and chimes of the Casino rang through our heads as other, luckier, people gambled away their earnings. "Guess you should've listened to me when I wanted to leave early," April said. She leaned her head to get a view of the long line. "If we'd been here earlier we wouldn't have had to wait." I nodded but didn't say...

1 year ago
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My best ever day

Okay. I'm not a stpry writer but I think my experience was hot enough that it may keep your interest.I was 19 and I was on a training course for my new job. I had knew 2 weeks in advance where I was going so had started looking for mistresses in the area online. I didnt contact any but saved the numbers of my favourites in my phone.I arrived late the first night, slept, went to the course then went home and got ready. I had a few glasses of wine then dialed the first number. Part of the fun for...

3 years ago
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hot commute home

6.15 ish Saturday last weekend. Already melting from the beautiful weather, I boarded a hot, sticky and obviously packed train home from work. After embarrassingly navigating over to the back of the unstable carriage, I find a spot wedged against the small perch seat by the secondary doors.Arriving at the next stop seeing the expected swarm of people waiting to get on the train was daunting. I put away my phone as the doors open and the train fills. It immediately becomes more comfortable to...

2 years ago
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VisitorsChapter 3

“Kevin, can you hear me? It is me, Alpha. Don’t try and talk as you are in a hospital and are sedated. Since you can hear us we can speak to you mentally and there is no reason for us to do verbal communication. What do you remember that happened?” “The last thing I remember is jumping in front of what’s-her-name and getting hit with bullets. I saw someone shooting back at this shooter but that is all I know or saw.” “Kelly Ferguson is the name of the lady who you probably saved from an...

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Lindas sister

Linda has a younger sister, her name is Melinda. She is 2 years younger than Linda. She is pretty cute too. She has a big butt, little bit smaller tits than Linda’s and a very high sex drive. Melinda masturbates everyday. She told me this, she also told me she’s been masturbating since she was 15 years old.When ever we would go over to her parents house or to Melinda’s apartment, she would flirt with me. She would sit next to me on the couch, she put her hand on my thigh. Sometimes I would get...

2 years ago
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Working out with Jax

Cladded in my red biker shorts, black tank top and tennis shoes, I rushed into the gym eager to see him. There he was as usual, all 6’2, about 225lbs of sexiness and tight fitting shorts that revealed his bundle between his legs…he was just finishing up on the tredmill. He was drenched in sweat and still looked sexy as hell. Our eyes met for the umpteen time. I smiled and this time, he smiled back. I saw him picked up his backpack and headed to the locker room. I scanned the room to see if...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Lyra Law Landlord Have Mercy

Struggling spa owner Lyra Law realizes she can’t afford to pay her rent this month. When the landlord’s son Codey Steele comes to collect, Lyra proposes a barter arrangement and offers Codey a massage with an extra happy ending. Codey knows he can’t go back to his father empty handed, but when he hears that his dear old dad never accepts favors in exchange for rent money, he develops a soft spot for Lyra’s plight. He hears she gives good massages, maybe they can work...

1 year ago
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Bod Bless Biology

Another day at the races. I had to do a project for biology with Emily. Emily was smokin’ hot, and she had a great body, and 38c breasts and blonde hair. You can imagine that I was nervous to go over to her house and work on the project. I kind of had the hots for her, and didn’t want to fuck anything up between us. I pulled my car up by the curb of her house, got out, and headed up the driveway towards the front door. I rand the doorbell and her dad answered. “Hey. You must be Joe,” he...

2 years ago
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Mowin the grass

In Florida it seemed that of the fifty or so customers I had each day I was always mowing grass. The St. Augustine grew as if it were on steroid. It was good exercise too. That Monday morning my first stop and only stop for the first time since the summer began was the Wilson home. The Wilson’s had the standard patch of grass as I liked to call it. They had a patch out front and a little in the back besides the pool area. The house was the typical stucco painted peach like many of the other...

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The First Threesome in the Woods

Camping was always one of my favorite things while growing up; especially with a few of my ‘friends’. The back seat of a car had to be a close second. I think that was (and still is) the thrill of maybe being caught in a very compromising act. Later in life, while being ‘dressed’, it was even more of a thrill!The first time camping with two ‘friends’ was one that will always be a very good memory for me. A long weekend in summer with more than enough cock to make any cock slut happy as hell! My...

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