Title: GamerGirled for Life (Part 4)
Author: Cupertino
Abstract: The game continues to play with Scott's mind and now he's
starting to want and need to figure out his own reality.
[EDITS APRIL 26, 2016 - removed some contemporary cultural references,
reworded the summary, and fixed story submission flags accidentally
marking the story complete.]
Scott stood in a bright waiting room of white oblivion. He looked at
himself, sitting yoga style, possibly floating. He let a hand slip off
a knee and hit the hard endless bleached floor. The sound confused him.
Staring at his hand, he realized VR had assigned him a sexy female robot
body of rigid white plastics and grey metal ball joints. A blue LED
light shaded his pallid hand when he looked closer at it. The light
seemed to be coming from his face.
"I feel so high," he murmured, letting his body slant over his folded
legs, landing his elbows on the ground, and propping up his head in his
hands. "So, so, high." Each syllable popped with more blue light
reflecting on his forearms, pressing against his headache. He felt bad
for ruining a perfect yoga form by adding his drugged humanity to the
robot's precise animation.
A robot woman approached, bowing with hands on her knees. She spoke in
the softest smoothest voice ever. For a second, Scott thought of
Brendan and his processed voice in the beta game. He looked good as the
rocket pack flying blonde haired angel.
"Hello," purred the robot. "Miss Scarlett Emily Thomson, you are slowly
regaining a stable cognitive state during nanite processing."
"My name is Scott," he said, without thinking or maybe with quite a lot
of thought. A part of him did not want to be Scarlett and he didn't
know why. His head felt woozy. "Are we in VR?" He looked at his
robotic body. He considered the absurd possibility it could be real.
"VR right?"
"As a part of the VIP package, legal paperwork has been approved. You
have a new name now. You also have a new government signature. You are
now legally Scarlet Emily Thomson, a woman."
"I'm just getting a face job." Scott felt woozy. "I didn't know the
paperwork would go through today. And why are we talking anyway? I
thought I'd be unconscious during the procedure. I want..." His voice
tapered off into gibberish.
"During the main procedures, you were unconscious," said the robot.
"The alterations would have been too painful, even when protected in VR.
But the nanites are in place and reduction has commenced. You are safe
and well."
Shaking his head, he regained focus again. "Where am I? Did the facial
work turn out good?" He uncrossed his legs and flopped back onto the
floor. He did a couple log rolls as his thoughts swam and floated.
"Two days ago, the doctors finished work on your face and have placed
you into VR for the remainder of your stay."
Scott woke up a lot more now. "Wait! Two days ago!"
"This was supposed to be an afternoon thing."
"Well!" Scott began to move his robotic form more deliberately. He
pushed himself up off the floor.
The robotic assistant tilted her head, indicating confusion. Her rigid
face with her blue LED eyes couldn't indicate emotion. Only the head
tilt signaled any thoughts.
Scott waved his motorized arms to find some balance. "Please tell me
what happened."
The robot's blue cupid bow-shaped LED lips flashed as she spoke. "A
cancelation occurred, opening a time slot in the schedule for you. You
signed for the complete transformation, and it is underway as we speak."
"Woah!" yelled Scott, now up right, but about to fall over. He steadied
his robotic body and paced about in a tipsy walk.
"Balance will be difficult," warned the robot. "You are heavily
"Are they doing - you know - the final thing?"
"I have no information."
"Then check."
"I'm just here to calm you."
"Well you're doing a hell of a job."
"Most patients pass the time having robot sex." She pointed at her
white pelvic section. A grey matte finish vagina cut a rectangular
patch down between her legs. "You have been equipped as well.
Everything you say or do here is deleted and confidential. Would you
like a man or a woman?"
Scott ignored the robot. He had other issues. "I thought I'd have time
before they cut off or rebuild or do my manhood. This seems too fast.
I want, I don't know, like a year maybe! I know I was so dead set on it
all, but now I'm completely confused. Is it the drugs? I so wanted to
look like a woman and - you know - get around to that final surgery in
my own time. Maybe, I'd stay with Leslie and keep my junk, if she
allowed it. Maybe, I'd want to meet Danny in person, so I'd then do the
confirmation surgery for him. Maybe, maybe not. Of course, I'd check
if he was worth it. I don't know if he would freak out. Then there's
Sarah. Oh, wow, my Sarah. Which way would she want me? And why am I
asking what they all think? I shouldn't care so much about them. How
come I don't know what I want? I have these voices in my head screaming
that I'm doing so many wrong things to myself. Where were they before I
agreed to all this?"
The robot calmly added, "How does that make you feel?"
"I said I don't know. I mean, it's that blasted beta game for certain.
Oh! I still want to play it again! And it did this to me! Why did I
keep playing it? I couldn't stay away. I had to experience even more.
Then the brothel got its hooks into me. I don't know how to stop or
what to do."
"Always go with your instincts."
"You're just a chatbot with platitudes aren't you? It's all just
useless small talk to you, huh? Data in. Data out. Chop it off. Keep
it. We're talking about important stuff here." He paused. "I just
don't remember what stuff right now, but I know I had a train of thought
going somewhere." He paused to think. His mind went completely blank.
"Ah! Why am I even bothering to talk to you?"
"Let's not talk about me. Tell me about yourself."
"Ahhhh!" His hard rigid palms hit his head. He didn't like hearing the
hard surfaces clanging into each other. "Why am I a fucking robot?"
"We find patients need a generic avatar. Otherwise they get preoccupied
with what their future appearance will be. Being non-human, yet still
humanoid, normally calms patients. It abstracts the situation. You
were therefore assigned a generic avatar in a generic world. It will
evolve as the drugs are diminished. You will gain more control."
Scott looked down at the large double dome breastplate. "I don't think
this is generic." He grabbed his female form.
The robot covered her LED mouth and faked a quick laugh. "You are
right. It is gender based."
"It's a fake female! Don't be an idiot. This is like some video game
character designed by some horny dude. I should know, I bought into it,
like no guy ever has. Why would you give a woman double-Ds and not
expect her to think of her appearance?" He bent over and looked at his
body. "Of course, I've got an impossibly bent spine at the tailbone
and, wow, look, the tiniest of feet. These robot high-heels don't come
off, do they?" He rubbed his long legs. "My feet are sexy though." He
pushed back up to standing. "Basically, to supposedly have me forget
the world's demands on my physical appearance, you assign me a clich?
sexualized stereotype." He bowed to look more at his own exposed
rectangular patch. "Now I have one in real life and I can't even see,
touch, or feel it."
He stopped his genuflection and threw his hands up.
The robot's voice of bland reason added, "Many patients become very
verbal during this phase. It's the medication."
Scott huffed and crossed his arms, until he noticed the hard plastics
were blocked against the hard boobs. He couldn't find a good relaxed
arm crossing position. Giving up, he then threw his arms down in
disgust. He looked at the robot and its sexy design. Certainly a
pleasing body to look at, he thought. But the cold blue glowing eyes
seemed like the clearest of signs for an upcoming robot apocalypse.
"Are we twins in this VR?" Scott compared his body to hers. His head
motored stares back and forth.
He glanced around at the horizon. The world was nothing but a smooth
seamless white, certainly abstract, and certainly cold and removed and
so lonely. He returned to an irresistible fascination with his female
motorized hands. In real life, he asked the doctor for reductions. He
remembered finding one of Emily's gloves once. His ex was so
captivating to look at. Her lost glove was so tiny. His hand couldn't
fit in it, maybe just his fingers. Now, if the doctors were truthful,
he'd be able to slip one of Emily's gloves right on.
Scott looked at Ms. Clinical standing next to him, realizing more
things. "I can't believe I'm legally a woman right now. A part of me
is suddenly fighting to stay a guy. I don't get it. I know I have been
playing this game in my head where Scarlett was this other person. I
kept a separation. I don't know why. I was he and she was she. But
now, I'm being cut up and drilled into by nanites! This is too much. I
should have thought this through. I just had these urges - these needs.
I'm flipping out. What will everyone think of me if I go forward? Oh
shit! What would they think if I suddenly want to go back? Somehow
going back seems worse. It's like admitting I was an idiot. I really
hope the drugs wear off. I want my determined line of thinking back."
The robot nodded. "I'm not a councilor and everything you say in your
drugged state remains confidential. I delete the stream as we go."
"You said that. I get it. I could confess to a double homicide in here
and I'm good."
The robot tilted her head. "I don't judge."
"I was kidding, by the way."
"Oh. Ok. Humor. Yes."
"Can I talk to the doctor?"
"Please! Can I get a better answer than that?"
"You so, so, suck."
Scott tried to narrow his eyes, but he only had LEDs. "You're talking
about sucking in terms of sex, aren't you?"
"Yes. Most patients..."
"Shhh," said Scott, raising an index finger to his flashlight lips while
he tried to calm himself. He tried to take a deep breath, but his robot
body didn't inhale. It felt weird. He touched, more like tapped at,
his molded hard lips, done in unmoving plastic. No air hole. He tried
to breath again. Nothing. He needed to ignore his missing lungs. He
stood there, holding his breath, and he was fine. He didn't feel a
heartbeat. "This skin is very abstracting. Why can't I talk to a
"Doctors do not want to risk hearing corporate information from VIPs.
The choice to be absent during this time protects both parties. So,
everything you say here will remain confidential. I delete..."
"Shush. I think my mind is starting to work. Ok. So I'm stuck here
with you for how long?"
"Two more days. You've been here for two already. The pain levels
still require medication and monitoring. Your muscles and skin are
inflamed but everything is nominal. It's not recommended for you to
talk with others right now. Patients have strange dreams and even worse
conversations with loved ones while here in VR."
"Shit. Did I lose my job? Two days! I've been under for two days!"
"Your emergency contact, Brendan, said to tell you: 'Bro.'"
"That's it?"
"My career is in the hands of bro?"
"I was kind'a hoping that he'd never be called actually. I just put his
name down on the form. That's all. I wish I could have put down
Emily's. I last dated Leslie, but she would have probably played with
my unconscious body." He shook his shoulders with a regretful shudder.
"I'd hate to think what she'd do. So not her. Sarah would have cared
though -- if I had prepared her for who I really was and wanted to be.
But I didn't. Shit. She's going to hate me. And Danny too. I didn't
want anyone involved in this really. What am I doing to myself?"
"You are standing."
Scott threw shade at her, glowing blue LED light shade. With a stiff
robot face, the look of daggers degraded to an innocuous head turn. He
redid the whole look of anger again by adding crossed arms, some hip in
the stance, and a head tilt. "There, bitch." Then he got annoyed at
himself. His arms hung down. "I'm so fucked. Please, talk to the
outside world. I'm sorry, I called you that."
"Everything you say in your drugged state remains confidential..."
"Ahhh! Shut up!" Scott fell to his hard plastic knees. He wanted to
cry, but he didn't seem to have real functioning eyes. They saw, but no
tears. He touched his face and noticed an absent tactile sensation from
his fingertips. He started poking at the LED lenses, jabbing at them
with an index finger. It was like a sheet of bulletproof glass
protected their cameras. Even an eye poke was like being safely inside
a bulletproof fish tank - probably drowning.
Scott paused and then asked, "In hours, how long?"
"Two more days."
"I said hours. Add minutes and seconds too, please."
"I'm programmed to avoid countdowns. It's bad for the patient."
Scott pushed up off the floor. "I guess I should just give in, huh? I
always seem to lately anyway. Why not? It's not like it's my life or
anything." He looked at the robot. "What's your name?
"That doesn't apply to me."
"Long name."
The robot giggled. "Humor. I see you're coming around."
Walking over to his twin sexpot robot, he said, "I know I should be
Scarlett. But right now, I still think of myself as Scott. I still
think he, not she. Why? Maybe all the VR programmed my brain to
compartmentalize each person. Shit. I'm going to have multiple
personalities because of VR."
"I can call you Scott," said the machine.
He stroked her pearl white plastic face and stared into her dead blue
LED eyes. "Can we make the sim more real? Your abstract face and body
leaves me uneasy."
"For you, the doctor's have prescribed the normal limitations to VR for
now. In a few hours, you'll get more control. Until then, you must
remain here in a simple environment. As you recover and prove to be
more conscious, you can edit VR if you like."
"What are the top choices?"
"Some patients have robot sex for the first day. Then later they change
VR to human sex. Some have also found this world to be a spiritual
retreat." She raised her arms as if showing off Utopia. "They
"Yeah, fuck that. Meditation just pisses me off."
"Some have gone on great adventures of their own making. I can add
surprises and twists to the storylines. Some have had affairs with
people they had crushes on, leading to human sex. I have played high
school sweethearts, co-workers, and relatives."
"I don't judge. Details, of course, are deleted, so I don't know if I'm
Scott looked down at his white porcelain limbs and the dark metal spine
exposed at his midriff. "Can I keep this skin for my other VRs? I like
it. They should so totally add this babe to the beta game. All the
robots so far are only guys. And what guy wouldn't want to spend a game
looking at a hot form like this? Geeh, I really am one of those horny
players encouraging sexed-up video games. Can you hug me?"
"Yes," said the robot. "Would you like me to fuck you now? Would you
like a man or woman?"
The two robots held each other so gently and kindly.
Scott wondered about Scarlett. Would he ever really become her? Or
would he always have to try at being a 'her,' not a 'him?' Sadness
flooded his thoughts. His determination had fallen back into muddled
mental mud. How? He was so certain before.
"Man or woman?" he said aloud to the robot companion. "Hm. Well, I
wonder if I should be doing this to myself - the surgery that is. I
guess it's too late now. They're out there cutting away at me. I
should have read the fine print more. I'm so stupid. It was just the
face and one afternoon. I thought that would be it for today. Um,
three days ago that is. That procedure should be reversible. Right?
It's like a part of me deep inside is screaming something is wrong
here." He grabbed his head. "Something is in my head. I've been
talking Frenchy for months. I wanted to wear dresses and be chased by
men. And now, I just want whack off with my dick. I guess, all through
this, that remained a constant." He touched his flat crotch. "I feel
conflicted. I haven't had an erection in so long. God, I'd love an
Scott thought of the past few months and how certain he felt that being
a woman felt so right. He remembered forcing aside the desperation for
an erection. VR vaginal had saved him with an alternative. But had he
given up too soon? Had he just needed some good sexing and didn't
really want to be a woman?
He confided some more with the robot, "You know, if we did it, here, and
if I did it as a mechanical male -- and couldn't get it up even in VR --
I'd scream. I'd loose it, totally. When I think I'm wrong about being
Scarlett, I somehow flip back to realizing how much I really want to be
a woman. I've felt it and loved it so much. Then there's Sarah, Danny
and Leslie. Wow. I want being female to be so normal that I stop
thinking about my body, the jiggle of the boobs, and the heels. I'd
just be it. I'd be Scarlet. But then again, I guess with guys checking
me out, maybe the body becomes more central to the mindset. Maybe that
will always be a huge factor in my life now."
He looked at his friend. "Man or woman you ask. Hm, it's certainly
tempting to try a dick again - from the man's side. Just one last time,
but I don't know. Maybe I should just give in and never think about it
again. It's so tempting to be a man. Sneak in one last romp." He
slapped his robot hands together. "Bam. Mmm." He shrugged. "Since
you are deleting every record of it. Maybe..." The coin kept flipping in
his head.
The robot's rigid face tilted. The tilt was enough to express
confusion. "I assumed you would remain female. I was asking if you
wanted me to be a man or a woman. If a man, I have several levels of
aggression ranging from sympathetic to increasingly sadistic."
Scott felt embarrassed. "I thought you meant me. Um. Yeah. I'll stay
a female robot." He looked down at his naked robotic body. Grey metal
tits capped his round breasts. His fingers touched them and they
levered in place like the pads in a game console controller. Grey metal
vertical vaginal lines grooved a rectangle into his white pelvis section
at the crotch level. His fingers fiddled more with the tits. "They're
like little joysticks. Hah! Joysticks. Get it? Speaking of which, if
you stay female too, how would you fuck me without a 'joystick' of your
The robot hands gently clunked over Scott's surfaces. "I can motor out
a strap on and fuck you hard, or lovingly. Would you like a bed to
appear or a table?"
"You'd bend me over a table?"
"Ok." Scott shrugged. "Fuck me then. Fuck me really hard. Come on.
Ruin this robot body of mine."
A whirring sound spun out a dildo from the robot's rectangular area.
If Scott's face could move, he would have looked shocked. "Oh my god.
I thought you were kidding!"
The robot spun him about and slammed him into a tabletop that appeared
from nowhere.
Scott struggled helplessly. His arms were pulled behind and settled
into the harsh curve bending just above tailbone.
The dildo pushed in hard.
"You're not much of a lover!" screamed Scott.
The pounding started.
"Stop!" screamed Scott.
"No," said the robot in a cruel voice.
Scott twisted his shoulders just enough to see the robot turn into a
burning white glow. The blue LEDs became blindingly bright headlights.
The lip lights flashed like lighting as a dark voice said, "Hi Scott.
Did you like the dresses I left for you? You couldn't resist, could
you? I know you had to put them on. I enjoyed knowing that and I loved
how you took them home. I got you, you little dirty slut."
Scott's shoulders fell back down to the table. "Stop!"
The robot kept thrusting hard. "I did this to you Scott. I want you to
know that. It was me and now in real life it's permanent."
"Who are you?!"
The blindingly light cut off. A gentle female robot's voice returned.
"Would you like to stop now? Have I done you to a nice climax?"
"Let go, you wacko!"
"You appear to be having a nightmare. This is why we try to abstract
things. Too much VR control allows much worse imagery."
Scott tried to gasp, but his face had no mouth to suck in air. "Did you
see that?"
The robot flickered its blue-lit eyes. "Would you like more robot sex?"
"Fuck off."
"Yes." She stepped forward.
"No! God, no!" He flipped over the white table and started to tramp
away. "I can't believe this. Sex drops me into a drug-induced
nightmare! I can't win. My subconscious hates me! How do I fix this?"
He stormed off into the white endlessness, hoping to change the setting.
Looking back, the table shrank off into the perspective, but still
remained visible on world's flat stage of blank oblivion. He ran
further away. Looking back, the table still could be seen.
From the table area, the female robot called out, "I'll remain here
until you need me."
"What am I doing?" muttered Scott. "I should be all happy to be
Scarlett and here I am having horrid hallucinations." He held up his
hands to the nothingness and screamed, "What am I doing?!"
The companion's female voice echoed in the distance, "Walking."
* * * * * * *
The heartbeat electronics really started to irk Scott. He opened his
eyes. Blue goo fell off his body as a clear glass bathtub emptied out.
"Mmm." He couldn't move his hands to pull out the gag. His eyes
crossed. He could feel air in his lungs again. The gag was a breathing
tube. He worried all his brothel time might have influenced his
vocabulary. Most patients probably didn't assume a gag instead of
"There you are, Scarlett," said a nurse in scrubs.
Scott lifted his head a bit and silently stared at the nurse as she
studied a tablet computer and nodded a bunch of times.
"Mmmm," was all he could voice.
The nurse began to wash Scott's arms. The sponge then moved across his
bare flat chest. "I pulled you out of the gel and now we'll move you
into the next recovery tank." Another nurse began moving a gurney in
closer. Someone else pulled the mouthpiece off.
Scott smacked his lips, trying to feel them. His voice gurgled, "Tank?"
The nurse nodded as others lifted Scott's body. "It's for a clear gel.
There's less monitoring equipment in the recovery rooms. Your skin will
recoup faster with light exposure." She tugged at a tube in his nose.
"This will go back in soon enough." She kept pulling more tubing from
his nose. It looked like a mile of garden hose stretched out.
"I'm hurting," whispered Scott. "All over."
"You'll be back under soon. You should know, that we did more than your
face. We had some extra operating room time, so we took advantage of
it. You'll love what the doctor did to you."
Scott struggled to move. He blamed the drugs. Then he realized
something. He flexed his arms again. "Am I tied down?"
"Yes," said the doctor. "And for the next couple days."
"Two? Isn't it over? I've been in VR forever." Scott worried about
going back.
"Be calm," said the nurse. "We can't have you moving, so we recommend
VR until the bones strengthen."
The doctor interrupted. "You're a centimeter wider in the hips now and
one point two in the femurs. Your shoulders were pulled in a tad, plus
we narrowed your wrists, hands, knees, elbows, feet and ankles. You're
not safe to put weight on any of them for a bit. So once we scan you
over for progress, you're going back into a gel to float."
Most of the time, Scott saw flashing lights and heard far off sounds.
When he felt his body rise and then get lowered into a cold goo, he knew
his VR nightmares would return. He tried to lift his head and see his
vagina. He looked at the nurse, pleading for answers. "Mmm?" The tube
was in his mouth again.
"No breast augmentation. Just structural stuff. I'm going to slip this
VR visor on your face."
"Wait," thought Scott. His eyes asked, "Was a final confirmation
Of course, the nurse didn't read that.
She smiled as the clear goo surrounded Scott's ears and face. Silence
"I have to go to work," thought Scott. " I don't want to loose my job."
He mentally sent out a plea to the nurse, but no one heard him. "Don't
send me back in."
Everything faded.
* * * * * * *
Branches of cherry blossoms waved in a gentle breeze. A few petals blew
free across a wide landscape of hilltops and meadows. On the tallest
hill, a Japanese wood structure of massive beams shaded a small wood
platform. The vantage point overlooked a green hill dappled with
flowers. A Japanese village nestled into the valley below. The
Rashomon wood carved gateway straddled an ancient road. Beneath the
framing beams, between the round columns, a geisha sat at its center.
Her silk gown, never intended to touch anything other than best of
floors, draped behind her and extended far beyond the polished wood
surface. It ventured out a hundred feet. It fell over stone steps and
followed a dirt path away from the village. The silk painted the narrow
walkway in bright red and gold silk.
The geisha watched over the empty village, devoid of people.
"Bro," said a handsome samurai appearing few yards off.
The geisha smile, knowing the man's avatar had been designed perfectly
for visual pleasure and maybe more. The geisha didn't move and just let
burning incense waft with the passing cherry blossom petals. A faint
girlish giggle followed. "Brendan? I should have known."
The warrior walked the grounds around the open structure. He stopped,
blocking the geisha's view.
The geisha looked up. Under the raven hair tied up in piles of
decorative swooping loops, the assumption of a real woman ended. A
robotic face stared back stoic and sad.
Inside, Scott smiled as his robot face tilted. Its white face looked
geisha, except for the LED blue eyes. He thought how the samurai looked
so handsome. He wished it were Danny.
"Who's the samurai way over there?" asked Brendan, pointing to another
hillside, guarded by a dark robed version of himself.
"That's my fuck toy. I made him handsome, just like you."
"Can I try the geisha thing? Of course, you realize that you're
perpetuating a stereotype of Asian women being quiet and subservient.
It's so clich? to have Geisha be sexualized by the West."
"I'm a robot in a kimono. If you I had chosen to appear as a submissive
Asian girl, then you'd have a point. You've changed Brendan, thinking
about these things."
"Bro, you're living a sexualized romantic subservient fantasy here."
"I like being a sub sometimes. I guess if I did a geisha samurai, that
would be enough of a gender bender to exemplify women's strength."
Brendan's exposed tattooed shoulder shrugged with the other shoulder
covered in armaments. "I think its sexist for sure, bro." He sat down
beside his friend. "Of course, it's freaking of the hook hotness."
They turned to each other, nodding in agreement. They high fived.
"Sure shit yeah," said Scott. "It is hot."
"You make a very sexy looking robot. But why not a human geisha?"
"I don't know who I am. Everything now officially says Scarlett, but
that's someone else still."
"Yeah," said Brendan, leaning back onto his elbows. "I'm confused too.
By the way, in real life, you look beautiful."
"You've seen me?"
"Yep. Floating naked in a vat of hand sanitizer. I'd do you, bro. I'm
not ashamed to admit it now. It doesn't seem so gay for me to think
you're doable, like when you first showed up a work in that dress. Man,
you had me conflicted there. But you're officially a girl now. So
you're now, doable in my book."
"I appreciate that."
"Your skin is red as a lobster, but they said by tomorrow, you'd be
"Tomorrow? Do you realize it feels like weeks in here?"
Brendan kept looking at his muscular hands. "Can I try a female
character now?"
"Shut up," said Scott. "Let me enjoy you for at least a minute. You'll
be the only eye candy I get that doesn't give me nightmares."
"What about that guy over there. Enjoy him. Change me."
"Hell no. That robot freaks me out. It becomes my subconscious
delusions. Every time we have sex, it just slaps me around."
"I thought you kind a liked that."
"Mmmm. I do sometimes. But it's too dark. So it stays way over there.
I made that hillside just for it."
The dark serious figure waved back.
Scott gave it a middle finger.
It pointed at itself and started to eagerly approach.
Scott held out a hand.
It stopped and stepped back to its post.
"Bro," said Brendan. "You've totally dommed that guy. You've got him
whipped." He fidgeted about in his romance novel version of a samurai
Scott's emotionless face somehow showed agitation at Brendan's focus on
being stuck as a man in VR.
"Fine," Scott said, lifting his tiny hand. A glowing patch of controls
appeared. Each finger tap rippled the glow.
"So," said Brendan, "that's what a super user panel looks like in VR."
His voice suddenly went high. "Bro! This kimono is tight."
"You like it?"
Brendan felt over his body. "Yeah. But I mean it is literally too
tight. It's worse than a corset."
"So you have been, you know, wearing things?"
"Yeah," said Brendan, touching his hands and face and rubbing off some
geisha make-up. "Hey, you made me human."
"Of course. I want to see some titties. Now dance for me."
"Just kidding. Just talk."
Brendan's sweet female eyes took a moment to look at his robot friend.
"Do you like me looking all geisha?"
"You're right. It is sexist. If I had lips that felt anything, I'd
kiss you though. Geisha or not. Right now, I don't feel like it."
"We don't need to be sexual. How about the tea ceremony? I saw all the
steps in this anime."
Scott tapped on his floating super user panel again and a tiny table of
tea appeared. "You know, I think we're being duped. Since we started
playing the beta, it's been fucking weird."
Brendan sat on his haunches. He gave a respectful bow forward. "Bro.
I feel the same way. Something is in our heads. It's changing us.
Still I couldn't stop playing. I'm addicted. We need to do something."
"I worry it's too late for me." He turned his head away from the view
and looked deadly serious at Brendan. "We do need to do something.
Maybe there's still hope for you. We also need to check up on Cameron
and Max. Oh, my god. I can't believe I just abandoned Max like that.
I'm a horrible person. We got to go right now. Get me out of here."
They both paused staring at each other.
Brendan blinked.
Scott's blue LED eyes flickered. "What were we talking about?"
"I don't know, bro. I had this thought on the tip of my tongue. My
hearts racing right now, but my mind's like..."
Scott giggle, "Blank -- like normal?" He added an exaggerated eager
head nod, since he couldn't articulate a smile.
"Fuck, bro. Why you treat me like that?" He shook his head. "I still
don't remember what we were talking about."
Scott shrugged it off. "Lots of thoughts come and go in this VR. Sorry
to rib you like that. Just kidding. Hey. Am I ok at work?"
"Bro, I totally got you covered. I'm a bit proud of myself.
Officially, you worked two days. I would have made it another two,
getting you to the weekend, but Miss HR stop by. She asked a lot of
questions. That would have been sweet though if I could have logged you
in for a week. But with Jill, I only got you two. She's the only one
at work who knows you're here. And she thinks you just got the
operation starting yesterday, not three days ago."
"But, but, Leslie?"
"Don't worry. She didn't stop by to torment you or me at all. I
checked. She's been busy with the new lab."
"But, I thought she'd miss me."
"Nope. No one even knew you were gone. That's the advantage of being
in IT, bro - um, sis. As long as things work, we're basically
invisible. Well, except guys did keep stopping by to ask about the new
girl, Scarlett." Brendan's hands felt around some chopsticks in his
hair. He wasn't used to all the structure of a geisha hairstyle. "I
don't think these are authentic outfits. I mean, they're high quality
and all, but more sexualized. I don't think they wore high-heeled
pumps." He leaned to the side to look at the shoes he sat on. "I
approve though."
"It's my design. I'll always chose heels now."
Brendan paused. "I don't like that all the guys kept stopping by,
wanting Scarlett to walk back with them to turn on their computers.
Idiots. They just wanted you climbing under their desks. So there you
go: sexual harassment. You were missed in that sense. I guess that
doesn't count. Wait. Are you liking Leslie now? You wanted her to
stop by? Oh. That sucks."
Scott's blue LEDs dimmed.
* * * * * * *
"You look absolutely wonderful," said a nurse in scrubs, sitting behind
a desk while a large male nurse rolled Scott in on a wheelchair.
Scott looked back over his shoulder. "Thanks."
The chair jerked a bit as the man locked the wheels.
With a tug down at the hem of his skirt, Scott tried to cope with his
new body. The hands were so small and sexy. He liked that. In the
hospital room, he spent all morning just staring at his face. He wished
he had boobs. He needed to earn more money for the next stage.
In the wheelchair, he tried to press his knees together, but his balls
ached so badly. The pain came from the internal hipbone and gluteus
maximus rebuild.
He cried with relief when he found out he still had his manhood. Now
the confusion really started. Had he made the right choice? Could he
ever feel like a she and give into being Scarlet. He felt like a fraud.
And now he completely looked like a woman, except in one place and his
flat chest. His legs shifted in pain. But he looked exactly as
Scarlett should, that is if he gaffed his manhood in. The hipbone
really ached.
Forcing a smile at the nurse, he said, "I'm surprised I can even sit.
They gave me a bit of a badunkadunk." He scooted about in the seat. He
loved the new look, but in a desirous way.
The nurse reached over the desk to shake hands. "It's the getting up
and down that will hurt the most." She pointed at her hipbones. "Right
here got me after the pelvis work for my rejuvenation. Had it done
several years ago. Love it."
The woman's skin caught Scott's eye. A gold silver sheen covered her
face. At first he thought glitter, but then he leaned forward. Her
face and shoulders had Nanite Cosmetics printed hundreds of thousands of
times in a grid contouring her skin. Her whole body had been
wallpapered in the company's atomic looking logo and its long printed
official name: Nanite Cosmetics Incorporated, a wholly owned
She smiled. "Yes, I'm a walking billboard. Here, watch this." She
closed her eyes and relaxed. A video of happy patients covered her
face, arms, and the little bit of chest that showed at the v-neck.
She opened her eyes and smiled. Her skin still played the video, no
"How are you doing that?" asked Scott.
"The nanites installed a little subdermal layer of electronics. I
signed a fifteen year deal to pay for my body maintenance." She happily
shrugged. "I love this company. I could never afford the service
otherwise. Now, so many people ask me about it. It's a perfect
conversation starter. I have to hang out in the fancier neighborhoods
after work and log the hours. Then I get to go home." The video
stopped, leaving behind the metallic embossed grid pattern of repeating
logos and labels.
Scott's eyes stayed wide open. "I've never seen anyone have that."
"Probably because you're not hanging around the higher end
Scott thought of his trips to the Upper East Side, the richest area now.
"The cops always ask me for my address."
"I'm seventy-two, but look at me. I look and feel twenty. This got me
out of Staten Island. I work all hours, yeah, but I'm a person again.
No slums for me."
"I'm happy you found a solution."
"I see you did VIP level this past week. A cancelation put you way
ahead of schedule, but billing will follow the normal schedule. Since
you didn't just pay cash up front like most VIP clients, there is the
concern about having you pay in full."
"As long as I have time, I should be good."
"Well, at this point, the next steps are breasts, ovaries, uterus and
vagina. We got your cells being cloned right now. The ovaries are just
hormonal, no eggs. We can't do that yet. Too complicated for the 3D
printer I guess. The uterus let's you do IVF though. Of course the
vagina means full confirmation. Here are some meds, until you get your
ovaries. All further alterations are now on hold until you're last
round is paid up. "
"Sure," said Scott. "I understand. I wasn't expecting to wake up with
new hands and butt. My feet really hurt. My god, my ankles are thin."
He lifted a leg. "The nanite thing really works."
She nodded as she typed. She put a little chin stand on the desk.
"Just lean forward and rest your head on this for a second."
Scott leaned forward and placed his chin on the platform. "Ah. My eyes
"You can relax now. Sit back. Since, you're not paid up, the company
wants to make certain you follow through. In the meantime, the logos
stay in your eyes."
"Your eyes," she pointed at Scott. "I just flashed them just now.
Don't worry, only a few people will notice. Most don't." She handed
him a mirror.
Scott picked it up and looked. He squinted. At certain angles, he
could see a gold silver writing crossing over the whites of his eyes and
even the irises. "You tagged me?"
She nodded. It's in the fine print. And in two months, if you don't
pay half, you'll have to report for skin treatment like mine. Once the
skin treatment is done, you have the option of having the costs waived,
but you'll remain in the human ad program from then on. Plus, you'll
need to spend your extra hours in assigned neighborhoods. You know, to
answer questions of possible clients. The skin is permanent, until you
are fully paid with interest. They can remove the layer once you're
paid up."
"What if I don't pay and refuse to report to become a human billboard
for your company?"
She wagged a finger at him. Then she tilted her head, in confusion.
"You really don't know do you?"
Scott shrugged. He wanted to curse her out, then her skin went all
video again. He said, "I have to ask, do you glow at night in bed?"
"Yeah. It's hard to sleep sometimes. It's in my eyelids too." She
stood and closed the door. She kneeled down and held his dainty hand.
"Scarlett, if you don't pay up and don't report in two months, you'll be
put on a Corporate Issue List. It's illegal to have them. Everyone
knows that. But they exist. Don't talk about it. You've dipped your
cute sexy little toes into the VIP world now. The upper echelons are
powerful people. Watch yourself and what you say. Unless you have
political connections, you're just a person like me. Companies pay to
have people disappear. They sell them off to horrible places."
"No way," said Scott. He whispered, "Is that why the doctor's don't
talk to you when you're drugged?"
"We're all scared to hear some business secret. Accidents happen. It
leaves you wondering."
"You're just fucking with me. This is America."
"You're in the VIP world, maybe briefly. Still. The uppity ups are not
a happy family. They have a lot of wealth and try to take it from each
other. You have to be able to hurt back to be here. Well, you and me,
people like us, we just try to stay out of the way. So please, don't
skip out. And don't even say that again. You don't want to be on
anyone's Issue List. Cops can't even protect you then. They don't want
to be on one either."
"I'll pay my way. I was just wondering."
"Well, don't ask about that, please. Not in Manhattan. And don't talk
about it in Brooklyn. Accidents happen pretty quick. You haven't seen
Staten Island for real, have you?"
Scott wondered if he was still high. He shook his head to wake up. The
head move probably looked like a no. "What's the total?"
The nurse sat behind her desk. Her video skin stopped flashing ads and
settled to a reflective grid of text. "Here," she said, sliding a
tablet computer over. "Half in two months. Or you get skinned like me
till you complete the debt. Life as a human ad isn't that bad. I'm
glad you're not crying. So many girls with sugar daddies aren't ready
for the real world."
"I'm using my own money."
"Yeah, from doing what exactly?"
Scott looked away and locked his eyes on the numbers.
"Thought so," said the nurse. "Sugar daddy money. I've lived two whole
lives more than you, young lady." Her video skin started again.
Looking at the amounts and the accelerated schedule, Scott needed to get
busy fast. He vowed to work at the brothel a lot more shifts. Sarah
suggested staying in a job to be connected to society, but he needed to
drop his day job immediately.
He looked at the nurse and nodded. No one would ever be allowed tag
him. Then he remembered his eyes. They got him already.
* * * * * * *
"Emily," said Sarah, in her sexy librarian avatar. "I can sign you up
for more time, but let's face it. The quality of your work will
plummet. That'll hurt my commissions as well. So let's not be rash
Scott stood in his low-resolution login skin. "OK, but if you see some
openings, call me. What's up for tonight?"
"Don't change the subject," insisted Sarah. "You have to pace yourself.
You're not in trouble are you?"
"No. I just need the money."
Sarah's look broke Scott's heart. He was hurting their relationship.
But he also didn't want to be a glowing living video either. He looked
over Sarah's shoulder at her list of packages. One had a huge number by
it. "How about that one?"
"Fuck no!" said Sarah. "That guy is a no, no, no. Promise you won't.
The ID is Mayvore and I don't want you near him. Ok?"
"Fine. Fine. I'll do what you say."
Sarah smiled. "You always do, my little lamb." She pecked his low-
resolution female face on the cheek.
"So what's up for tonight?" asked Scott.
Sarah turned all business-like and looked at a floating panel Scott
couldn't see.
To Scott she tapped her fingers in the air. For the longest time, he
had wondered if the super user panels really existed. Now that he had
created his own VR world with one at the hospital's VR. He knew they
were real. But at that moment, could Sarah just be hiding behind one,
like people do with fake phone calls?
Money always ruined friendships. He had so many secrets already. Share
or hide, he started to realize he'd probably lose Sarah.
"There you are, my pet," said Sarah.
Scott's position in the room jumped to a new high-resolution female
brothel body. He stepped down in high-heels. All the brothel's skins
seemed to wear heels. He walked to the hidden door to the hall of
fantasy portals. He started to open it, but stopped. "We're still
friends right?"
Sarah sighed. "Of course, my little boo."
Her look told Scott something. He looked down at his body. "Oh come
on! A baby costume!" He twisted his pelvis left and right, swishing a
puffy pink skirt with a dozen fluffy petticoats under it. Above the
waist, he only had a bib covering his breasts. "It's a sexy baby
Sarah shrugged her Ms. Ray shoulders. "Maybe you shouldn't have looked
at my confidential calendar. Don't annoy me until after the assignment
gets locked in. Before that, I may very well assign you an interesting
client. Now, you're it. No backs. I'm not changing it. Sorry."
Scott looked at himself and his ridiculous outfit. "It's not so bad."
"If you say so. But you need to get your VRGuard signature, my little
procrastinator. The assignments are going to get really weird from here
on out. I can't cover for you much longer. Clients want proof you're a
woman of high sexual appeal."
"I've got it. I promise," said Scott, now confident that he could ace
any visual check. "Besides, this isn't so weird." He swished his puffy
skirt again. "It's off that's all."
"Ok," said Sarah with some reservation. "You are wearing diapers for a
"No!" Scott pulled and tugged at the layers of skirts. Underneath he
really was wearing thick padded diapers. He let the fluffy frills fall
free as he looked up in shock. "Huh?"
"Water works, my little bed wetter. Now, off with you. It's an easy
gig, he'll bottle feed you. It's very relaxing." She stopped,
realizing she was undermining her superior position.
Pointing at her, Scott asked, "You tried this?"
"So drink plenty of fluids. He changes you when you - you know."
Scott drooped his shoulders and entered the hallway. Before the door
closed, he leaned back into the library. "You know I have a crush on
you. Right?"
Sarah smiled, raised her hand to fake a dismissive wave. "Don't tease
me." Her fingers tapped into the air.
Scott felt something he shouldn't. He grabbed at the puffy skirts. "Oh
no!" He stomped about in place and then looked up with accusing eyes
that melted into pleading puppy eyes.
"Yes," admitted Sara. "It was me. Have fun."
Scott's diaper felt soaking wet. His eyes pleaded some more at Sarah.
"Reset me. Please."
She shrugged it off. "Get to work."
He turned and walked down the hallway to the client. "It's like a
gallon got poured in!" The diaper sagged and squished as his high-heels
click-clacked. He scoffed at the baby boob bib. "I still like you," he
yelled from the hallway as the door to the library sealed shut.
* * * * * * *
"You'll have to wear a particular something for me," said Leslie.
"Please," whispered Scott, "we're at work. Please just give me my
laptop back. Isn't the miniskirt enough?" He stood there in the
elevator lobby of floor 412 in four inch black patent leather pumps,
skin colored hose, a short grey wool silk blend suit dress. Its thin
material held snug and taunt. A black-rimmed pair of glasses decorated
his face. It served absolutely no purpose other than style.
He had worn jeans to work, nice snug ones, but Leslie changed him in the
women's room. She even put his brown hair into an alluring updo,
completing a perfect naughty yet politically correct secretary. But of
course, he was IT. He needed to mention that to himself. He also
remembered how at times he needed to crawl under desks with a male
employee watching or pretending not to watch, but still peeking
nonetheless. If he didn't change back into jeans and a hoodie, the rest
of the day was going to be a bust. Guys would be stopping by
Scott meekly protested, "I'm still angry at you for not calling me this
past week. I waited. "
Leslie smirked. "I love the outfit on you. I spent good money for it.
And I was busy last week. How was I supposed to know you, you know,
changed? I'm busy tonight too. But maybe this weekend I'll punish you.
You should have told me. My god, you are hot. I love the dainty hands
and feet. You know you totally played into the demeaning view men have
of women." She paused and lusted. "And bravo to you for doing that."
She paused and looked deep into his eyes. "Your eyes look so magnetic."
Then she looked closer. Then she flat out stared.
Scott didn't blink. He stood there. He knew he'd have to face the
commentary sometime.
"Is that writing in your eyes?"
He pursed his lips and slowly nodded.
"Did they logo you?! No one does that to my little slut."
"Leslie! Were at work." Scott looked around the empty elevator lobby.
He took a deep breath. "To assure their payment, they want me to suffer
with the embarrassment of not reading the fine print. I've noticed some
of it goes over my iris." He squinted behind the fake glasses. "It's
blurry in the lower left corner."
"They wouldn't do that to a guy."
"A guy wouldn't feel this need to look flawless either."
"Nonsense. Mr. Fritz is eighty or ninety years old. Whatever the
cultural motivations inflicted on a segment of a population, taking
advantage of someone is just wrong."
"I saw one woman turned into a living human video stream. She only has
ten more years to finish out her contract. In the meantime, sleeping
with her eyes closed is like having an apartment bedroom window next to
a huge neon sign in Vegas. I don't want to be a billboard."
"How much do you owe?" Leslie cringed a bit. "I mean I got some extra
coming in with the buy out from Gamer Corp. I had a friend who did the
nanite thing. I saw the numbers. I could do this for you. Really. I
don't want your eyes like this, honey."
"I didn't mean to hint at needing help. I'm taking care of things."
Leslie looked around. "I won't own you or anything. Let me pay it. It
isn't like it's the VIP level or something. Whoa. The execs really
live large. I can afford a chunk of a nanite treatment."
Scott gulped. He didn't want to admit that all the extra work was at
VIP prices. "I'm doing this."
"You're so stubborn." Her head nodded slowly. "I like it." She
thought as her upper teeth pinched her lower lip. "You've mentioned
your fantasies. You know, working in a VR brothel. You're naughtier
than me sometimes."
Scott's muscles tightened. He remembered almost confessing one night.
Did she know what he had been doing?
"I know someone who can make that come true."
"I've heard her name is Sarah." He might as well walk the edge of
coming clean now.
"Well, she's one. Ok, fine, that is my friend. I'm surprised you know
her name. But when you meet her, do not mention a thing. She'll think
I told you and I didn't. I want that clear. She keeps that part of her
job a secret."
Scott nodded and started shifting about inside the dress Leslie gave
him. Leslie had used pre-surgery sizings of his original body. Now the
rear really hugged his derri?re. The taunt ripples in the front of the
skirt made him think of the strain and stress in his life. With the
reductions, the shoulders had too much room, letting the sleeves hang
down further, almost covering his hands. The silicon breasts were a
perfect fit for the front. Those hadn't changed.
Leslie nodded, admiring her friend's networking abilities. She typed on
her phone. "I was actually thinking of this other person," she said,
holding out her phone. "He does the taboo stuff. It pays an order of
magnitude more, way more."
Scott perked up. "Really?" He searched his purse and removed his
phone. "This person can hook me up?" They bumped phones. Scott looked
at the information. "I'll message him."
"Do it safe and anonymous though. You just need a visual VRGuard
signature. And now, you'll get an A-plus on the skin and body shape
categories. That's for certain."
"I have an appointment for a sig already."
Leslie's jaw dropped. "Fuck. You're working with Sarah already, aren't
you? She didn't tell me."
Scott's arms contracted and his eye darted about. "She doesn't know
it's me. I'm anonymous with her."
"How many sessions?"
"Clearly, enough to pay for my logoed eyes."
"You pimped yourself out? That's kind a sexy." Leslie nodded. "Just
be careful. And now, I need you to wear this." She reached into a
rolling suitcase that had contained Scott's current change of clothes.
Once again, Leslie had taken his trousers and blouse. They were stuffed
inside the suitcase with his sneakers. He hadn't felt like showing off
that day. Jeans seemed perfect. But Leslie had been prepared. He
sighed as Leslie searched the suitcase for one more surprise. He had
hoped it was empty now. What else could Leslie do to him?
In a second, she held out a chrome motorcycle helmet with no visor.
"You're going to be accessing a secure lab this morning. IT guys and,"
she smiled, "gals must wear a security helmet."
Scott took the solid chrome dome into his tiny hands. "I've heard about
"You can't hear or see anything, except what the computer allows. I'll
have my phone running an app that allows me to talk to you. I can
designate people and things you'll be allowed to see as abstract
proxies. People I mark can have their voices enter into your little
contained world."
"But what do you need so urgently? Is this a real IT issue? Or do you
just want to encase my head in a box?"
"Helmet." Her eyes urged him on.
"Fine." Scott found the hard hood to split in half. Front and back
hinged at the top. He lifted it up over his head and then Leslie helped
to close it, fidgeting with his hair. "Shit," was his last audible word
to the world.
To Scott everything went black and silent with only a little hum from
noise cancellation. He stood calmly and waited. "Hello? I'm not
liking this. Helloooooo?" His voice seemed to enter into a void. He
reached up and felt the metal helmet hooding his head. His fingers
slipped down and found it also wrapping his neck like a collar. A
person would surely flip out if they were claustrophobic.
He turned his head, when a womanly red silhouette appeared surrounded in
complete darkness. No details showed, just a solid red blob. But
given an outline of a hand holding what had to be a phone, it had to be
Leslie with the controls. Moving his head a bit, he realized he could
see some depth in the red glow. The drastically limited view started to
annoy him.
Lines outlined the double glass doors. They opened and a second person,
shown as a green silhouette joined.
The red blob raised her hands to her face, clearly giggling.
The green one reached and poked at Scott like he was an object.
Scott just stood obediently there in total silence, looking back and
forth between the two womanly outlines. He started waving his hand and
pointing at himself.
A digitally disguised voice, like a phone call for a ransom demand,
broke the silence. "Can you hear me?" said the voice.
Either female or male, Scott didn't know. He found it impossible to
tell. He answered, "I don't think I can see enough to type on a
computer or do much of anything. Why can't I see you?"
"I found it," cut in Leslie's voice, as the red silhouette clicked to a
full color version of her. Total blackness surrounded her, like a
weather girl in front of a green screen that went dark.
The green blob touched the helmet again, clearly amused.
"Don't worry," said Leslie, "you'll be able to see what you are working
on perfectly. Everything else around will be matted out in black or if
moving, it will be outlined as a warning. I want to try something."
She held up the phone and clicked.
The world went silent and dark again. Scott stood and fidgeted with his
hands. He waited several seconds.
Leslie popped back in to view, still next to a green security censorship
silhouette of the unknown woman.
"I love this phone app," said Leslie.
"Well, I don't," huffed Scott.
"So you didn't hear me tell my friend here about what I made you wear
the last time we were together?"
"Leslie!" said Scott.
The second woman's voice was filtered to sound like a ransomer's phone
voice. "Oh! So it's true. I thought she was being Leslie again, and
making it up."
Scott crossed his arms. To everyone around, Scott looked like a sexy
secretary with a chrome mannequin head. The helmet was nowhere near as
large as a cushioned motorcycle helmet for accident protection. This
lighter helmet just smoothed over his face in a single mirrored curve.
Scott felt his hand being tugged. Lines outlined walls and steps. They
entered the secret lab and walked passed boxy lines that Scott assumed
to be equipment and countertops and test tube racks.
"Why did you need me here?" asked Scott, not certain if his voice was
allowed to get through.
Leslie's hand stroked the helmet. "I'm leaving you here. Remember what
I said." She whispered, "I never told you about Sarah." She patted his
A ransom voice spoke. "We want you to test the network wires with your
laptop. The lab equipment all hooks up to the net for outputting
results. They keep hanging. Once the vendors heard multiple devices
were involved, they blamed us. They want the net checked out before
they even consider coming over."
Leslie's normal voice kicked in. "Sarah is great with computers, but
she doesn't have your laptop with the testing stuff."
"Sarah?" asked Scott.
"She's the silhouette. Sarah, this is Scarlett, who if you could see my
phone here, you'd see the limited world she's stuck in right now. I
like it. I want to take one of these helmet home. Scarlett, doesn't
Sarah look cute even as an outline?"
Scott nodded.
Leslie added one shocker, "Sarah's my ex by the way."
An outline of a slender hand pushed out. Scott shook Sarah's hand. "So
let me see her. It's weird seeing only rough contours." Scott wanted
so badly to see Sarah. She knew him as Emily though. Maybe he could
hide behind the Scarlett name.
"Sorry," said Leslie, "only one trusted person for this helmet and
that's me. Everyone else is processed."
"Then take this off."
Leslie wagged a finger. "Sorry again. Once locked on, security has to
come. Otherwise, you'd run amuck and destroy the sanctity of our high
security offices."
"Let's end your torment of this poor thing," said the ransom voice
version of Sarah. "Don't mind Leslie, I'll get you to work quickly so
you can leave and be a human again."
Someone pulled Scott's hand and the three walked passed faint grey
images of automatic sliding double doors. Only vague outlines showed
for walls. Desks came into his limited view and popped out with bad
game culling. As the three walked, Scott's world remained very limited.
The floor was nothing but black. His feet displayed as white blobs.
"Here," said Leslie. Scott felt a pat on is rear followed by a harsh
pinch. "Thanks."
Scott spun around, his hands and feet painted all white. "Can't you
make it so I can see myself?"
Another woman popped into view in full color. She had pink hair, but it
looked like reality not processed.
"No, they abandoned you. I'm your trusted person now. I'm Chloe." She
looked at the phone. She thumbed it for options. "There."
Scott saw his body in full color now and a lab counter with an electron
microscope. Black fog surrounded the rest. "That's better," he sighed
with relief. "I feel a little more normal now."
"I bet. You are a little over dressed - oh, wait, you're Leslie's, huh?
She likes to do that to her girls. It's like marking territory."
Scott looked at Chloe and her bright colored hair and eager face. She
had played the Jersey Jinkies skin in the girl's night out game.
Chloe leaned her side against a counter while Scott disconnected a
network wire from the microscope and reconnected it to his laptop. At
least he could see the equipment clearly now.
"So," said Chloe. "I heard Leslie and Sarah talking about your
extracurricular activities."
"What?" said Scott.
Chloe's tongue played around the insides of her mouth, pushing out a
cheek and the lips as she smiled. "Meow?"
"Oh god."
"Ha! Oh, I knew Leslie was weird." She lowered her voice, "But to make
you a pet." She paused. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."
Scott searched around the black void. "No one else is here. Right?"
"No. We're alone." She looked at the phone to see what Scott could
see. "That is a limited view. Did you hear the announcement just now?"
"Wow. It filters out so much." Her hand stroked his encased head.
"I really should finish this," said Scott.
Chloe whispered. "Sure. I'll wait." She giggled. "What's it like to
crawl around in a latex catsuit pretending to be a pet?"
"Leslie's somewhere here isn't she?"
"Actually, no." Chloe giggled.
Scott turned, holding out his hands searching the darkness.
Chloe steadied him. "She isn't here, honest."
"You're not telling me something. And it wasn't a latex suit. It was
just pantyhose and a belt for a collar..." He paused. "I can't believe I
said that."
"Shhh. Ok. Ok. You're right. I'm sorry. But I am holding back. But
it's not my fault. Leslie just abandoned you, so don't be angry with
me. Ok?"
"There's a whole room of people watching me right now, isn't there?"
"No," scoffed Chloe. "I'm not a complete asshole. It's just that this
isn't a secure area yet. You don't need the helmet."
"Blast it, Leslie!" Scott grabbed at the chrome dome. It felt
perfectly smooth, no latches. "Please?"
"I can't. You're stuck. Only security can take it off."
A blue blob entered the video view. The digitized ransom demands spoke
again. "Why is Scarlett wearing that?"
Chloe grimaced. "You'll have to ask Leslie."
Leslie entered, now as a green blob. She answered, "Hi Jill. We're
testing the helmet now to have it ready for later."
"Oh, very well." The blue blob walked off. The outlines clearly showed
a woman's buxom body.
Scott continued his work. "I didn't know Jill's contract company worked
for you too."
"Yep," said Sarah's voice, kicking in.
Scott froze.
Sarah continued, "She's got pretty much everyone in the building. A
social butterfly." Her cyan outline worked a phone. The silhouette
leaned in to Scott's view. "Leslie's gone. We're alone." Her outline
showed her hands reaching out and touching the helmet and then Scott's
Scott took a deep breath. "Could you set yourself as my one seeable
"Hmm, I don't think so, Emily. Or is it Scarlett in real life?"
Scott's heart stopped. He felt a tug at his new badge. A phone beeped.
"Hm. Your badge has Emily as a middle name." Sarah's hand touched the
shoulders. "I'm not changing the settings. I like to keep it
mysterious a bit longer between us."
"How did you know it's me?"
"I'm hearing a fake French accent slip into a familiar voice. Your VR
time is blurring with reality."
"You have no idea. Come on, let me see you, Sarah. You can see - well,
I guess you can't..."
"What do mean?" Sarah asked quickly with an odd agitation.
Scott knocked on his encased head and shrugged.
"Oh, that. Yeah. Well, atleast now I can verify your body's shape and
it does match your VR skin. I'd love to play with you so badly right
"Me, too."
"Em - Scarlett, come on. You're taken. You and Leslie." She paused.
"I can't believe it's you and Leslie. Well, then again. I guess so.
She Dommed me for a few months."
"No. You?"
"I meowed and barked and begged. Mmm. God did I beg. It was fun."
"I'm really assuming we're alone right now. Come on. Let me see you."
"Nope. This is too fun. One day I want to see that face for real. In
the meantime, and after Leslie gets bored of you, I'll just have to
remember our little talk here. Oh yeah. And this." Her hand slid up
the back thighs of Scott's tight skirt and then smacked his rear.
"Mmmm. Very nice."
* * * * * * *
"Hi, Danny," said Scott, standing as Madie Deadveux looking over a nuked
Detroit, not that it visually looked different from the real one. In
real life, his body sat sandwiched between two computers in a storage
closet. He still wore the outfit Leslie forced him into that morning
and the corset kept him upright. He hoped when he