Title: GamerGirled for Life (Part 1)
Author: Cupertino
Abstract: A VR game going through beta test has strange effects on
Scott and one of his friends.
Standing alone in a sterile all white environment of a futuristic empty
warehouse, Scott inspected his scoped rifle. He couldn't wait to try
it out in unison with his automatic dropdown visor, which offered him
an ultra zoomed crosshair visual on any target in range. According to
the specs, his tall lissome body could hold a gentle breath, pull a
smooth trigger, and - with some understanding of wind conditions -
perfectly plant a bullet a mile away, contacting a target with a deep
penetrating Teflon coated kiss.
He just wished his boots offered a more stable base. Why did the
virtual world game designers make the assassin character's stiletto
heels so damn tall and pointy? The architects clearly challenged the
realism of the physics engine when they went too far in modeling the
femme fatale with such a narrowed waist, severe arched spine, double-
Ds, and built in five-inch heeled boots.
Of course, with everything tested only at a beta level, the virtual
game world surrounding Scott would probably go through some
improvements before opening to the general public. But for a beta, it
amazed and surpassed his expectations, especially on how the game
affected all his senses. To Scott, breathing deeply really felt like
his lungs filled with air. Movement had weight and momentum. He could
even smell the burning powder of previous gunfights.
What could go wrong in such a high end realistic VR world?
Researching the character he had chosen, Scott had spent nights binging
on forum discussions written by lucky early testers praising the female
despatcher's abilities. Helpful notes had indicated the importance of
maintaining a slow steady almost sensual gait when sniping from
rooftops. A vigorous bout of running exposed a weakness in the
sniper's targeting. Breathing heavily made the game's physical
simulator induce too much heaving motion in the assassin's large
breasts. The shifting bosom shook the gun, ruining the aim. Such
detractors fell on players with deaf ears and wide leering eyes locked
onto the liquid latex catsuit. Those gamers especially drooled over
the visibly pleasing jiggle in the boobs during automatic fire.
The whole package made the seductive killer popular among many male
For the sex appeal alone, Scott forgave the designers their faults.
For months he watched previews, while he anticipated the game's
release. He had loved seeing the three-quarter view demos of the
female assassin. As beta approached, Gamer Corp. finally released
details on all their new heroes. Scott read about his mysterious
crush. He lapped up her backstory of betrayal. Many times he slowly
whispered her name: Madie Deadveux.
When he won an invite to the open beta for him and his friends, it was
on! He scrolled passed all the heroes offered and picked Madie, who
could captivate any man in her virtual world.
Back home, his body laid back in a relaxed repose on his bed in a
pathetic little studio apartment. A visor covered his eyes, clasped
the temples of his head, and buffered terabytes of WiFi waves from all
the Internets. Data pulsed directly into his senses. Electrons
carried him away from his unkempt flat, dropping him into a world that
at first overwhelmed his mind with its textures, smells, and motions
detailing his new lanky body.
Dropping into VR for the first time, it took several minutes to
comprehend his new surroundings. It felt so real: sound, smell, sight,
and skin. The shiny rubber outfit crinkled under the arms. Sometimes
the latex squeaked between his legs, stuttering his movement, mostly at
the knees, when he did several quick side steps to regain balance from
a misstep in his stiletto heels. Fortunately, Madie Deaveux's thighs
gapped wider than most PhotoShopped swimsuit models, so the legs seldom
With his virtual naughty tongue, Scott felt his plump lips and tasted a
waxy red lipstick. Running his tongue over his lower lip again and
again, the coating never seemed to smudge away. The taste persisted.
Wiping it on the back of his gloved hand didn't remove it either.
Pursing his lips together, he could still sense the lipstick's waxy
How women put up with make-up, he didn't understand or want to.
He ogled himself some more. The supple curves of his body captivated
his hormone driven soul.
As he adapted to being inside a copy of Madie Deadveux's body, her
virtual sensations tantalized and poured into his mind.
Strutting around the staging area, his tiny ankles bent sideways
whenever he misplaced a heel. He cursed multiple times, finally
hunching down to find if any controls would retract the long steal
stilettos. Since his gun could mechanically transform into different
shooting configurations, why not have shoe options for comfort?
Annoyed after fiddling about for a minute, he gave up pressing around
the sides of his ankles. No button presented itself. He would need to
research some more at home in real life. For now, the heels would just
have to stay. Exasperated, he wondered: why would a super assassin
wear such liabilities? Could a real woman have her feet jammed into
such tiny toe boxes with seamless vamps soaring back up in hurtful
Shifting his weight, the fetishized footwear only ached his feet a tiny
bit. He hummed and hawed, reassuring himself that he could take it.
Then worries popped into his now pretty head: how would his feet feel
after running and jumping? He looked at his hot bod - surely he could
take a little discomfort. After all, Madie's "feature set" was
Stumbling about some more, he found it easier to keep a balanced walk
if he sashayed his hips. The game seemed to encourage an undulating
motion. It felt ridiculous, but if it got him an advantage in
gameplay, he'd do it.
Having fun practicing a sudden whirling reverse turn fast draw, Scott
accidentally threw his long raven-haired ponytail into a violent swing,
which threw him off his stilettos. Regaining a relaxed stance, his
brunette hair hung down to his well-rounded rear. Shifting his hips,
the tip tickled his latex covered derri?re. If he were naked, the
paintbrush like point would surely slip between his butt cheeks.
He pulled the ponytail over his shoulder and inspected it. Three heavy
metal rings, equally spaced apart, bounded the brunette trusses into a
deadly whipping braid. The demos had showed how buttons about a finger
or two above the front of his left hip would open anyone of the bands,
letting it fling out as a grenade. He peered over his left breast to
see the controls -- or at least he tried to. He twisted, searching.
The body armor resisted rotating his waist. His eyes strained to see
over the boob's horizon down into the concave hourglass curve starting
above of his left hip. Using his right hand to press in the oversized
breast didn't help in seeing the buttons. He barely saw a blue glow
from the panel. Thwarted, he settled for feeling for its presence and
in trusting that its fingertip sensors would work when needed.
He remembered how the forums recommended keeping the bottom ponytail
ring for last, because releasing the long free flowing hair led to
other problems.
"Wow!" he laughed, spinning on the tips of his tiny feet, his arms
stretched out, head back as he gleefully enjoyed his new body. Giddy
and jerking to a stop, he felt dizzy. He marveled at how the VR could
present even a realistic vertigo. He spun again, carelessly sending
his hair around like a whip. When he stopped, it swung wide,
stretching out, almost doubling its length. It encircled his shoulders
once, twice, and on the third round it pinned his slender arms to his
sides. A loud snap stung like a lash.
"Ouch!" He felt the bite on his boob. "Man, this game has all the
sensations." He had read about slight tactile impacts - i.e. a
euphemism for pain, obviously - but the skin under the latex suit still
tingled. He rubbed it some more.
"Jeeze." He'd have to be careful with his blasted ponytail. Then he
noticed that he kept massaging his left boob. The soothing touch felt
good. He cupped the flesh some more, feeling the heft. The flesh
possessed some real weight. The outfit's plunging neckline dropped
deep, exposing the skin between the boobs. He enjoyed squeezing and
seeing how his added flesh pushed up in volume, deepening the exposed
cleavage. He grabbed both undersides with a sturdy purchase. Pressing
with different syncopathic rhythms, the cleavage inflated and relaxed,
again and again -- utterly fascinating! He couldn't stop. He watched,
squeezing himself so many times. Suddenly he freaked, wondering where
the rest of his team was.
He wouldn't want them to log in while he played with himself.
His dainty hands let go and he bent at the knees, unconsciously
pressing them together like a girl in a miniskirt. His catsuited body
gracefully lowered and retrieved his rifle off the floor. He didn't
loose balance as he did so. His mind cheered: yes! He smiled, happy
at how fast he had progressed.
Exploring the room, he approached a large steel door. He knew it
wouldn't open till the game started. His gloved hands stroked around
the control panel lights, flashing the phrase "Waiting..."
"Come on guys," he said to the empty room. "I want to go!"
His high heels clicked and clacked on a bright white cement floor. His
steps verged on awkward, but slowly improved. He challenged himself by
walking an imaginary sobriety chalk line. Maybe he could navigate in
these shoes after all.
After he and his buddies finished the game, he planned to stay home and
do some research. Others online must have written about minimizing the
occasional latex squeaks and the constant hammering heels. It all
seemed too loud to actually be stealthy. Looking at the metallic sheen
of his rubber encased hands, he thought how the game designers would
surely need to make some corrections.
Hopefully not too many though. It all felt great.
Racking the slide of his gun, his dainty hands fell short of fully
wrapping the grips. He irked at how sex appeal only enhanced things if
it didn't get in the way of function - too much anyway. A little could
be ok. He breathed. His breasts lifted. Ok, maybe a lot.
He shot off some rounds aiming at lights overhead, taking out several
rows. Glass shattered everywhere. The falling simulation of shards
dazzled him. It was beautiful. Moments later, the glass slivers
eventually disappeared and the lights restored themselves. They
flickered back on. He blasted walls of perimeter windows. More glass
fell. Spent brass cartridges ejected from his gun and dropped to the
floor. The expended cylinders bounced around his pointed boots and
under his high heels, certainly a tripping hazard if he stepped
carelessly. The recoil vibrated his shoulders, jiggling his cleavage.
Foreign and strange, it all felt innately like his own body. The
immersed femininity really wasn't something he wanted, but the team
needed a sniper and until the designers added more marksmen, he wasn't
about to settle for the only other available choice of a lame bow-and-
arrow guy.
He kept shooting his pre-game unlimited ammunition so he could watch
his chest vibrate.
It captivated him.
"Wow, the Madie skin is off the hook, bro," said Brendan, from IT. His
huge robotic form shook the prep room with every step. The suit motors
roared as the metal feet hit the ground, thud, thud. Inset into a
thick metal helmet, a large blue visor hid any hints of humanity, yet
clearly the glass panel locked onto something in particular.
"Stop checking me out like that," said Scott, wagging a latex coated
finger at him. "Wait. What do I sound like?" he asked, paying
attention to a sexy French intonation for the first time.
"Holly shit," said Max, materializing beside Brendan. "The game's like
totally changed your voice, Scott. That is you in there, right --
girly guy?"
Brendan punched Max's Samurai shoulder. "It changed yours too. You
sound raspy and wise and shit. No, wait, that's my natural voice I'm
hearing. Never mind."
"You," said Max to Brendan, "sound like you're stuffed in a trash can."
"I don't understand," said Scott.
Max pursed his lips, flirting. "Talk some more."
"Fuck you," answered Scott.
Max tapped his heart as if he were in love.
Scott looked at his body and stomped a foot in frustration. He covered
his mouth with a hand as if he were impolitely chewing food. "I
recorded the speech phrases. The computer has my voice. I set up the
account. I did everything right."
"God, Madie sounds sexy," said Brendan.
"Yeah," said Max, "I'd do her. But this is not the Madie Deadveux
voice in the videos. It's more of a high pitched version of you,
Scott. It girlyfied you, man."
"Great game feature," said Scott, throwing shade back without realizing
it. "I didn't think they'd invent a new autotune for voices."
"Oui, mon cheri," said Max, sounding like a fancy waiter. Switching
back to his Midwestern drawl, "It's changed your accent too."
"Whatever!" quipped Scott, adding an strong perturbed eye roll. "I'm
ready. Are you?" He clicked his heels around Max's samurai character,
who held a bow and toted a quiver of arrows. "I should have chosen the
archer." His anger subsided and something else kicked in. He found
himself circling Max again.
"I'm calling dibs," said Max, not liking the orbiting inspection.
"It's not fun having clones on the same team."
Scott smiled, going full circle around Max for a third time. He wanted
to reach out and stroke the Samurai's exaggerated wide shoulders. "I
love how the tattoos of the koi swim down to the wrists."
"You love?" asked Max. "Is the game changing your words too?"
The sexy assassin bit her lower lip. Scott didn't want to admit to his
choice in diction. It seemed better to let his friends think the
computer screwed it up. Flustered, he racked the slide of his gun to
change the subject. It ejected an unspent cartridge. He had forgotten
that he had already loaded the chamber. "When does this damn game
The cartridge rolled to a stop in the center of the group. A few
seconds later, it faded away to oblivion.
"What?" said Scott, still uneasy. He wished he had chosen the archer
after all, because from what he had just seen up close in person, it
looked so manly, so muscular, so fuckable - he shook his head,
confused. He hoped he hadn't said anything out loud.
Embarrassed, he thought: forget the Samurai. Choosing the sexy
assassin clearly beat any lame-o archer. After all, Madie's body felt
pretty damn good - even with the boobs and slim figure needing a little
mental adjustment to walk properly. Besides, maybe a flirty body would
distract guys on the opposition. He'd shoot their drooling faces off -
the bastards.
He held up his gun, pointing it to the ceiling. His other gloved hand
slid over his hips across some controls. He noticed that he could rest
his wrist inside the drastic cinch of the waist. The hipbone acted
like a shelf. Until that moment, the crushingly tight cinch had
escaped his notice. His fingers pressed against his flat belly. He
shook his shoulders to loosen up, but his torso remained stiffly boned
and corseted. It turned him on. If he could get a chance during the
game, he wondered about finding a nice quiet corner in the shadows to
feel himself up a bit. He smirked. This would take a few games to get
used to. Maybe several games.
"Someone's a little too into themselves," said Cameron, now logging in
as a rollerblading mad-bomber. "Man, this skin is tight! I can feel
the tactile fingertips. I can sense the motion." He zipped about the
room and blew up a column.
A metal truss beam broke free. The bending pipes buckled in a series
of pops. The support swung down, wailing in a massive descent, like a
slow falling timber. More popping breaks followed. An explosion of
dust hit the floor.
Unfortunately, Cameron skated right under it. Purple blood splattered
"Yo!" yelled Brendan, half painted in purple cartoon blood. "Cameron
just rollerbladed right into that!"
Only a pair of busted legs extended out from under the wreckage.
"Cameron!" huffed Max, yelling into the air. "You're such a dork. The
games about to start. Log back in again. Hurry up!"
As part of a preamble, the warehouse windows dimmed as if a solar
ellipse hit. Videos of Gamer Corp heroes, jumping and shooting,
painted every sheet of glass and ceiling span. Ads followed.
The first ad showed an elephant drinking beer.
"Yeah!" yelled Brandon.
Logos of a nanite cosmetic company scrolled around the room followed by
an animation of skin pores and winkles be reduced to smooth supple
skin. A woman smiled.
"Whoa!" said Max. "Who the hell is that targeted to?"
Brandon's robot head motored about. Servos whirred his shoulders into
a shrug. With a half enthusiastic fist pump, he yelled, "Yeah!"
As Nanite Cosmetics faded out, so too did the bloody Cameron mess on
the floor. The fallen debris vanished. The building rebuilt.
A third ad cut in: online dating specialized for dorky personalities.
Max rubbed the back of his neck, looking down.
"No!" said Brendan. "You used that service?"
"Woah!" Cameron yelled, as he reappeared, his rollerblader body reset
to full health. "You feel pain in this beta game. Not all of it.
Fuck. It hurts though. They've got to tone that down."
Scott ignored the idiots and tried practicing slinging his ponytail in
a circle. With a good head swerve, he got his long braid to spin
faster and faster.
Brendan and Max stepped back.
Scott leered at them with a mischievous grin as he pointed back their
way like Babe Ruth did to the outfield. His hair finished another
orbit. His left hand quivered over the grenade launcher button on his
left hipbone. He pursed his lips.
"Don't flirt like that, dude," said Max. "It creeps me out. Somehow,
I can't stop looking though."
"Me too," admitted Brendan.
With a firm sudden halt of Scott's head, the hair unexpectedly whipped
around his face, dropping down to the neck, taking another loop around
with a sharp choke. Smack. The tip stung the latex covered shoulder
near where it previously snapped his breast. In sudden pain, he
dropped his hand from the hip controls. Had he pressed a button, a
grenade ring probably would have stayed with him and blown off his
virtual head.
"Ah!" he yelled, feeling a burning sting. "And I'm not flirting by the
way! I was trying to be a dick and aim at Cameron behind you."
"Ooo! Ooo! Whip me! Whip me!" Brendan stomped over and bowed with
his robotic rear aimed at the sexy assassin. His helmet motored a slow
owl head rotation to see over his shoulder. "Do it, bro!"
Scott raised his rifle and shot Brendan in the ass.
"Holy! Crap!" yelled Brendan, popping up in a jump, landing back down
with an earthshaking crash, all while grabbing his rear. "That totally
- didn't do anything really. I didn't feel nothing, bro. I think your
characters need some armor if you're feeling stuff."
"That's not fair," said Scott, not liking being the only one to feel
his skin burn. He shot Max in his bare tattooed arm.
"Fuck! That hurts!"
"Good. I feel better now," said Scott. "So Brendan, our main tank
here, is the one that doesn't feel much - or maybe the lack of brains
protects him from his VR upload."
"No brain, no pain," yelled Max.
"Game commencing," said a loud female's voice overhead.
The guys cheered.
The huge gateway opened, letting them all storm out into a virtual
space-aged version of New York City, complete with flying cars and
plenty of things to shoot.
At home early Monday morning, Scott packed his laptop for work. He
searched across a strewn mess of clothes covering his floor. Standing
there naked, eating burnt toast; he wished he had done laundry instead
of VRing all weekend.
"Useless," he said picking up a sock stretched out of whack. His pants
had to be somewhere near his boxers, wherever they were. He found a
shirt that could pass for clean for one more day, maybe two if he
warmed it up in the microwave. To him, dryer-machine heat meant
washed. He then smiled as he picked up a pair of black leggings.
He missed Emily, his ex-girl friend.
"You're such a chauvinistic ass," she had yelled, storming out the
He recalled her pausing to look back at him.
She had scolded him one last time, saying, "You can't post such
nonsense. Delete it." With crossed arms, she had waited for an
answer. For a second, hope had shown in her face that he'd actually
"What? Girls just don't get the first-person shooter genre. That's
all I said. It wasn't like I doxxed her."
"She's just blogging. She's a friend. Take it back."
"All of Leslie's complaining, being all politically correct about how
sexualized games are, well - it's girls ruining the fun. Come-on."
That was a month ago.
Now the slinky pile of cloth slipped over itself, pouring out of his
hand about to fall to the floor. He tossed it about in his palm,
flinging and searching it. He found the crotch area and gave it a deep
sniff. He really missed her. Maybe his comments were rude. He should
have deleted them. His friend, Brendan of course went ten times
further when he piled more masochistic thoughts onto the thread. So
did Max and Cameron.
They had all been jerks, and continued to be, and Scott knew better.
Feeling a strange urge, he looked around as if someone might see him,
alone, naked in his studio basement apartment with no windows, buried
under a brownstone stoop in Brooklyn. He ignored his embarrassment and
listened to a deep desire.
He couldn't fight it.
Fumbling the wad of slinky cloth about, he stretched its waistband,
held it open in front of him, and put a foot inside, as if dipping a
toe into cold water. Putting both feet in, he pulled the stretchiness
up over his calves and thighs. Portions of the leggings gripped under
his feet. Pulling them on like pants started to seem the wrong
approach. He almost fell over. Determined, he tugged several more
times, pinching and pulling. Finally getting his feet to extrude
through the openings at the ankles, it began to cooperate with him. He
thought how wearing it would be better than going commando, but he'd be
lying if he stuck to that as a reason for deciding to try it on. He
didn't know why. He just had the desire. Maybe he wanted the tight
feel his body experienced wearing Madie's outfit in VR. He missed the
sensations he had climbing the rooftops, his torso crushed in a corset,
his feet aching in high arched shoes, and his skin vacuumed packed in
He stood on his toes as if wearing heels. For a moment he imagined
standing tall on a gable shooting at foes.
Getting back to fighting the ex-girlfriend's leggings, he returned to
pulling it up his torso and around his waist. When the crotch snugged
up against his manhood, he paused to reflect on a strange notion of
wearing such a girly item to work. He then wondered about dealing with
his bulge in front. He made a choice and stuck his hand inside to tuck
his member down between his legs. It took some adjusting to press his
balls under a bit more, but after a few attempts, he pulled the tights
up forcefully into place, probably stretching them to their limits
almost ripping the material. The compression smoothed out his crotch,
surprisingly flat and satisfyingly female. Mmmmm - just like Madie, he
He loved it.
He looked at his floor-to-ceiling mirror, doubling as a sliding closet
door. With his bare feet, the leggings cut off at the ankles; its
waistband sat comfortably above his belly button. He turned. The
Lycra hugged his rear - possibly adding a little lift. His balls
ached, but they seemed ok. And wow, he adored how the lower half of
the mirror reflected back a semi-sexy shaped woman from the waist down.
He really did miss Emily and now Madie's body too.
He gave himself a spank and felt a growing erection pleading between
his legs and fighting the taunt Lycra Nylon blend. The outfit
certainly turned him on. He wanted to answer his lusting needs.
However, he had to rush to work. He bit his lower lip, noticing the
absence of Madie's lipstick taste and waxy coating. His thumbs pushed
under the waistband, ready to peel it off. Then he reconsidered.
Yes, he thought. He would do it. Searching some more, he found his
jeans and pulled them over the leggings. Who would know? While
dealing with his boring job, he could fantasize all day, feeling the
sensation under his clothes.
Shots fractured a brick wall above. Scott felt a pelting cloud of
particles sting his face and his exposed cleavage. He stood and walked
sinuously in his metallic blue latex catsuit painted over his Madie
Deadveux wet dream of a body. A fast head tilt dropped the visor into
position. Crosshairs tagged an attacker assaulting abandoned shops in
a New San Francisco street several stories below. He knew anyone
watching would see a hot babe with evil red glowing visor lenses.
He shot, taking out one robot. Then everything exploded around him.
His body flew back. He?d been hit. The game switched to slowmo,
supposedly to enhance the fun. Scott felt the terrifying force as he
flew back high in the air from the detonation. He regretted being so
cocky standing out in the open like that. Over his shoulder, he
watched his body soar above a back alley. This was going to hurt.
Returning to a normal speed, his body slapped against an angled tiled
roof. He gasped at the harsh sensation; amazed he hadn?t been killed
and sent to the staging area. He laughed, until his body started to
slide down the roof. His arms flailed. His hands tried to grab at
anything. Like a little girl, he screamed as if riding an amusement
park thrill ride. With a fast jerk at his wrist, he found himself
hanging from a gutter, his fingertips barely holding on. For several
seconds, he dangled like a rag doll.
His whole back and shoulders stung from hitting the roof tiles. His
long legs waved about, helpless, unable to step on any kind of a
foothold. He looked straight down. His rifle had dropped to the alley
five stories below. He thought how he could let go, die, wait a few
minutes in staging, and then return to fight ? all hopefully before the
game ended. The other option would be to climb up, if he could. He?d
then need to search for dead bodies, hoping one would offer meager
supplies like a stashed handgun and some health points. Bigger weapons
couldn?t be stolen in the game. Dying would at least restore his
?I got you,? said a burly bagpiped player, with missiles sticking out
of a plaid inflatable bag instead of the typical honking musical tubes.
Scott felt his slender body lifted up high in the air and then lowered
gently back down onto a flat roof.
A grappling hook and cable retracted towards the missile packing
bagpipe player, who also dropped to a stand next to the sexpot female.
?Thank you,? said Scott, unintentionally in his sexy French accent. He
focused hard on his voice, hoping to get the VR to use his own vocal
patterns. ?I really appreciate it,? his coquettish voice squeaked.
Infuriating him, the system just made his words sound even more bubbly
and girly ? almost flirty. He shrugged, not understanding the game?s
programming. His gesture probably looked quite contrite rather than
?Yeah, sure,? said the voice behind the SciFi-themed missile carrying
The guy?s voice wasn?t altered to sound Irish. Lucky bastard, thought
Scott. It just sounded like a normal guy. Why couldn?t the Madie
character have voice options too?
?You?re the first girl player I?ve run into in this game,? said Mr.
Bagpipes. ?Remember my ID: DannyBeer. I?m usually on this server?s
realm.? A game ending warning alarm sounded over the city. ?Maybe we
could play again.?
A sharp pain hit Scott?s back. His hand touched around the hip.
Purple fake blood covered his palm. ?I?m hit,? he said in a sexy rasp
? his thoughts cursed at the sultry voice again. His body dropped into
DannyBeer?s arms.
?Remember, search for me,? said DannyBeer. He gave Scott?s shoulder a
slow caring caress. ?An FPS girl gamer is so hot. I thought you only
played RPGs.?
?I?m, I?m...? protested Scott, just before his voice cut off.
DannyBeer?s hand hovered over Scott?s racy body. The fingers almost
clasped a boob. The guy?s eyes regretted considering such a rude act.
The potential fondle withdrew.
Scott sighed, happy the guy would be a gentleman ? then a quick harsh
butt pinch followed as the sultry assassin helplessly remained
collapsed in Danny?s strong manly arms.
?Really?? silently mouthed Scott, otherwise motionless as his body
became disabled. His life points dropped to zero.
In a heavenly three-quarter out-of-body experience viewpoint, Scott
watched the guy gently set Madie Deadveux down. As the body faded to
an invisible oblivion, the guy looked at a floating summary of glowing
red letters above Scott?s forehead, spelling out the dead?s user ID,
the number of kills, F for female, and other stats.
Danny looked up and about, yelling out with knowledge that his lost
girl would be listening. ?I?ll search for you too, OneShot,? he said,
using Scott?s username.
?Game over,? said the female announcer?s voice.
Scott found himself stuck in the staging area with a new group of
players. His team had lost and his friends must have called it a
night, logging off. Game hungry strangers surrounded him.
Even after weeks of play, Scott had never interacted with other players
in the game. He focused mainly on the sensations and his womanly form.
?Shit,? said Scott. He wanted to get back in to point out to Mr.
Bagpipes that in no way was he a girl. He didn?t need any coddling ?
and certainly not an ass grab. Then Scott remembered the floating
letter F for female. It confused him. He knew he registered as M.
The only other option was undisclosed. He had always blown over
reading the stats when he got killed. Had they always been set that
way? He felt mortified.
?Hey!? said a guy?s voice from a Madie clone, wearing a red metallic
devil themed outfit. ?Do you want to switch to something else or
should I? We have too many snipers and need a tank.?
?Wait,? said Scott in his French accent. ?Your voice??
?Yeah?? said the boy?s cracking teenage speech.
?How did you set your voice??
?Same as you. You know. I recorded stupid phonetic phrases.?
?I did that too, but it doesn?t...?
Overhead lights flashed. The female announcer?s voice boomed. ?VIP.
Skipping ads. Game commencing.? Everyone cheered.
?Never mind,? said Scott. ?I?m unplugging. Thanks though. Oh wait,
how?d you guys skip the ads??
?We pay to skip all that. My parents cover it. We?d love to have a
girl join us.? He waved forward, beckoning for Scott to pile in.
?I?m...? said Scott dropping his head in frustration. He looked up
with contrition, ?Gotta go. But thanks.?
?Merci, lady,? said the kid. He turned, almost tripping, regained his
balance, and ran off through the door.
Scott twisted his VR shoulders left and right as if writhing against an
invisible binding rope. He struggled hard to log off. He couldn?t
remove his visor in real life. He couldn?t feel his real body at all.
He couldn?t unplug. He thrashed some more. He was stuck. ?Wait!? He
called out to the kid. ?Help!? But the kid was gone.
Running after everyone, Scott joined the warzone again. Eventually, he
found the devil version of Madie standing on a burning car.
?Something?s gone wrong. How do you take the visor off?? asked Scott.
His eyes showed worry and concern.
?What?? the kid said, shooting while his Devil skinned version of Madie
Deadveux wagged its long red latex tail, whipping it about. ?Just take
it off.?
?I can?t.?
?Girls! Come on. I?m busy.? He switched to automatic fire. His
boobs fiercely bounced, but he didn?t seem too distracted by it.
Scott admired the concentration. The violent shaking always turned him
on. ?Please, tell me.? He knew the bratty kid probably didn?t know
what was wrong or how the VR visor could ever block movement, but with
a lack of sleep and all the strange sexual thoughts, maybe something
obvious was being overlooked.
The kid scoffed. ?Here. Hold this.?
?Ok,? said Scott, reaching out and grasping a donut sized metal ring,
hinged open. A light on it blinked red. The thick metal tube rolled
in his petite hand and then clicked shut. ?What? I didn?t know the
game allowed you to give things to people.? He looked up.
The kid charged into an attack through huge Egyptian columns. His
Madie hair flowed free, missing its last hairband. The long strands
tangled into the red imp tail, tripping the kid ? just like the forums
had warned.
?Shit!? said Scott realizing it wasn?t a gifted item. He looked down
at a beeping Deadveux hairband grenade. His arm pulled back to throw
it. Too late.
His immobilized spirit now watched a three-quarter view showing a slow
motion snuff film of himself. Cluelessly looking down and then slowly
reacting, he relived the embarrassment. An explosion enveloped his VR
body. It stung second after each shamefully slowmo second.
?Aaaah!? yelled Scott materializing in the staging area. The jolt of
pain left him shaking. ?I?m going to find that brat!? His palms
rubbed around his restored head that had just been vaporized. His
fingers slid down his face to see if he still had a nose and mouth.
The slowmo had intensified what the manual called slight tactile
?I want out!?
His VR body twisted and turned, but his real life body remained
dormant. He couldn?t feel his real self. Only the senses of Madie
Deadveux fed his brain.
He was stuck in-game and tired and sleepy. He played VR too much and
it caught up to him. His eyes fluttered and closed ? just for a
second, he thought. He collapsed to his knees, hands between his legs
? just to meditate, for a second...
Sleeping for a few minutes, probably longer, something prodded him
?Game over,? said the female announcer.
At home, in real life, Scott?s male body revived. His hands sprung to
his face. He yanked off his visor, lucky to escape. Why couldn?t he
leave before? It seemed only the break between games had released him.
Had he ever left during a game? Maybe he had never tried it before.
He vowed never to go back. He spent too many nights in VR, not eating
and taking care of himself. Regret hit him hard. He knew the cravings
would grow. He would fight it, he swore. In the back if his mind, a
voice told him he?d be sucked back into VR the next day, tops. He
sighed. He so loved the experience. But was it hurting him?
Then he remembered his voice problem. How the hell did a he not figure
out how to change the voice settings? Some blasted kid could do it.
The necessity to change the voice to normal erased his fear of being
imprisoned in the game. He completely forgot about his thrashing
panic. He knew he could fix the voice. That was the important item.
Staying up late, he searched online. He recorded his voice again. His
account said M for male. He changed it to undisclosed.
Eventually falling asleep, his head rested near his laptop in his dinky
studio apartment. The forums had mentioned nothing of any bugs forcing
Madie Deadveux to be played with a female French accent.
?A guy should never do that to a girl,? said Jill, a cute short blonde
that Scott enjoyed talking with at work. He liked looking at her ass,
especially when she wore her snug fitting jeans. She packed a bit more
padding behind her then he normally fantasized about, but the jeans
made it work. He regretted not asking her out. Beautiful and buxom,
she would have been wonderful. Regrettably though, she was just too
plump for his overly picky finer taste in women. He wanted someone
taller, like Emily, his ex. Ideally he wanted a Madie Deadveux minus
the assassin skills.
Not many women could ever match up to that exaggerate body type though.
Actually, no woman could, given how the game designers modeled her.
Shaking his head no and pulling his unkempt hair back over his ears,
Scott tried to push his pedantic point. ?But I was guy ? I mean I am a
guy.? His story had skipped the part about being unable to leave the
game and him asking silly questions about taking off his visor. He?d
had blown himself up to if being bothered in-game like that.
Jill tittered, shaking her head too. ?You?re hopeless. Regardless,
that kid thought you were a girl and blew you up. That?s just rude.
Girls can play just as well as the guys.?
Scott shrugged. ?I don?t know.?
?Now I want to blow you up too.?
Abandoning the conversation, Scott rolled his eyes and continued on his
way. He muttered to himself as he pushed a cart loaded with new
computers to install. He took an elevator to a newly renovated floor
soon to be staffed, probably in a couple months. Plenty of work lay
before him in a sea of cubicle parts and yet to be assembled desks.
Fortunately, he just did the tech stuff.
Checking his list, he had to set up a new desk, install a new phone,
and ? he paused. Behind an office door, he found a dry cleaning bag
hanging on a hook. Odd, he thought, since the floor had just been
remodeled. No one would have used these offices yet.
Before throwing the garments onto the bottom shelf of his cart for a
trip to the lost-and-found, he stopped when he noticed a dark grey
skirt inside. Lifting away the plastic and paper covers revealed
multiple wire hangers holding a white blouse, a skirt, and a jacket.
Touching the garments made him daydream. He wanted to be Madie in the
real world. No guns. No grenades. He just wanted to exist in a
female form again, all the time, everyday. The desire never hit him
before ? ever.
He leaned out the office doorframe and surveyed the open space. The
entire cubical area echoed empty. Only half assembled cubicles and
unassembled panels filled the area.
Retreating back into the office, he shut the office door and locked it.
What or why certain desires filled his mind, he didn?t know. But he
pulled out the short slate-grey colored jacket and checked it against
his shoulders. His hands stroked the luxurious cashmere shine. It
called to him and, as he checked it against his shoulder width, he
thought: it might actually fit. Draping the rest of the items over a
box for an unassembled desk, he removed the jacket?s hanger and slipped
his arms cautiously inside one at a time, slowly feeling its silky
lined sleeves. His short sleeve t-shirt let his recently shaved arms
just slide in. He did so many odd things now. Shaving being one of
The jacket pulled up against his back. It was snug, but it fit him.
The arm movement seemed a little restrictive. Still it felt good to
slide his fingertips down the lapels to its slightly cinched waist.
Very feminine. Very secretarial ? no, female executive ? no, just
businesswoman. The other labels seemed sexist and wrong. He knew a
month ago he would have thought things like: Wall Street Bitch and
drooled. But now, businesswoman. Wait. Businessperson. Yes. That
last proper label made him feel good inside, as if the suit jacket
treated him like Pavlov?s dog and he had just earned his doggy biscuit.
Over previous weeks of gameplay, he had lost so much weight. Madie?s
lissome form inspired him to tighten up his midsection. Originally, he
fantasized about dating such a woman. Forget Emily, he had declared.
He needed to move on. And now, he found his thinning frame could
actually fit into a woman?s jacket.
He adored the silky lining. Buttoning the coat at the top, he realized
that there was room to spare for some boobage.
Madie?s body would have filled the space nicely.
He dropped his trousers, revealing a pair of Emily?s leggings. He
liked wearing them now and had been doing so everyday for weeks,
rotating among three recovered from the laundry. Of course the casual
style wouldn?t go with a business skirt, but the black Lycra did hold
in his manhood, nice and flat and feminine.
Nervous, Scott decided to press on. He could do this.
Stepping into the skirt, the inner lining rustled against the tights as
he pulled it up. He enjoyed a slippery cooling effect as materials
slid over each other. With the Lycra covering his shaved legs, he had
noticed a better enjoyment of the glossy material. And now, he could
feel the skirt better too. It all justified is odd actions lately.
Getting the skirt up to his waist, he instinctively reached in the
front for a pants zipper to close. Scoffing at himself, he checked
around the waist and then reached behind.
?Women?s clothes,? he muttered. ?But I guess it looks better that
way.? Pulling his arms back to reach the zipper forced his head down.
He saw the taunt front of the skirt bridging his thighs and forming
horizontal rippled stretches emphasizing the restrictive cashmere. His
fingers fidgeted at his rear with the zipper flap. Then...
Zip. He sucked in his tummy. Zip. One inch was left. The skirt?s
cut demanded a higher position on his body than he was used to. He
adjusted, finding it matching the level of the tights. Zip. He closed
a flap adding a final touch of hooking a sideways metal loop at the
His hands pressed down on the smooth flat front of the skirt. The thin
wool hugged his thighs dictating a limited stride. The skirt stopped
just above the knees. He felt how it wrapped his rear. The top edge
held snug just under his rib cage, covering his belly button same as
the tights did. He really had to hold his stomach in even with his
recent weight losses.
For the first time in real life, he wore real women?s clothing. Hiding
leggings underneath didn?t seem count. This was visible to the world
and a complete outfit ? almost. He neglected the blouse. He wished
for a mirror to see himself.
Did he look good? He knew wearing leggings ruined the overall
appearance. Still, the rest seemed to fit pretty good. Taking it all
in, there he was; wearing a snug pencil skirt, jacket, and a
conflicting ragged game logoed t-shirt showing between the v of the
lapels. His bare feet would have looked so much better in heels. He
wondered about stockings.
The white silk blouse remained on the last wire hanger.
It called to him.
He considered, but hesitated.
Looking down at his body, he felt the skirt?s waist tighten when he
breathed. He had to hold in his stomach or risk popping the hook and
breaking the zipper. A better posture seemed to help. Sucking in his
stomach wasn?t enough. Pulling back his shoulders somehow made him fit
more comfortably into the skirt.
He missed Madie?s high heels and tight bodysuit. The VR outfit cinched
him in cruel undeniably lovable ways.
In contrast, a skirt offered different sensations. The material inside
glided and swished over his legs. The satin lining in the jacket
sensuously slipped over his arms. He craved to level up the outfit. A
mismatch of leggings and no shoes coexisting with a formal outfit
hampered the joy. He?d promised to investigate matching the right
woman?s things together.
As he walked around bare footed, confusion grew about his motivations.
Where was this all going? A range of emotions built up from guilt,
embarrassment, and bewilderment. It all flooded his mind.
He quickly disrobed.
A minute later he felt normal again in his own clothes, leggings
secretly underneath, his manhood tightly tucked. But anything hidden
just didn?t count ? so a voice in his head told himself. A looming
need to go much further bothered Scott.
He rolled his computer cart away, leaving the woman?s suit hanging on
the door of the empty office, repacked in dry-cleaner plastics. He
vowed never to touch it again.
A room with a view boiled in the city heat. Scott thought how the
rebuilt Newer New Orleans world could use less realistic humidity. At
least the game developers didn?t add mosquitos. He huffed in the heat.
A useless fan slowly spun overhead. For this game, he chose a Mardi
Gras version of the Madie Deadveux skin. It came with a short
Frenchmaid-like skirt, decked out in gold and black highlights. Beads
hung around his neck ? blasted annoying dangling beads that he couldn?t
rip off no matter how hard he tugged. They swung and looped a boob,
creating a lopsided look. After constantly adjusting them, he tried
shooting them off. Nothing happened. The shiny beads just swerved
about and tangled around his gun.
Taking a languid viewing position in the heat, with sweat going down
his cleavage, Scott wondered how others could be enjoying such hot
muggy virtual weather.
He stretched his neck and watched for targets. Large hoop earrings
slapped the sides of his face ? reminding him of another girly item
that pissed him off.
In a cracked French mirror hanging on the wall, he could see black
raccoon make-up surrounded his eyes. His smoldering gaze slid down his
own body. He admired his short cut ankle boots. Very stylish, he
thought. Setting his gun down, he began to press down the girly skirts
to see his cute feet. The petticoats kept pushing back to block the
view. The puff just wouldn?t yield. It just stuck out like a ballet
dancer?s prissy little outfit. He paused thinking: he might want to
try a swan lake costume one day. He coughed and dismissed the wild
notion. The game didn?t offer a ballet skin for his character anyways.
Of course, in the real world he could buy a tutu.
He choked, purging the distraction.
Pressing his back against a wall near a window, he carefully peeked
out, then slid his soft bare shoulders down along the harsh brick
surface. When his rear landed on the floor, the stiff skirt radiated
up, resisting any notion of lying flat against his thighs.
The gun felt overly heavy and his interest in sniping targets
diminished as his desires increased to stroke his shear nylon legs.
Normally, he was encased in latex, but not in this costume. The sheer
silk stockings over his legs felt more sumptuous and very girly. How
the material skimmed over his supple skin captivated him, especially in
the way the fibers flexed over his bending knees.
He stretched his hands out to touch his tiny ankles. He slowly slid
his fingertips up his legs. At mid thigh, the petticoats blocked his
view, but his fingertips moved underneath and touched all the way up
under the skirt. The fingers tangled in garter straps as his hands
searched for access under his petticoats.
He touched himself through the ruffled satin panties.
In the game, his manhood was gone. The feeling disturbed him. He
tugged at his outfit to get access. It refused him. He couldn?t
disrobe. He tried to pull the outfit away from his breasts so he could
at least see the nipples so clearly pushing their perkiness out against
the skintight low cut dress. The off shoulder short puffed sleeves
didn?t allow him to extract his arms and peel out of the ridiculous
costume. No zipper in the back could be undone. The demeaning outfit
mixed conflicting sexual enticement with humiliating belittling. He
abhorred the lace accents and short wrist gloves knitted like doilies
around his hands.
Suddenly he felt indifferent. Something trampled his anger. He
mellowed and relaxed. Meh, he thought as he reconsidered hating the
frills. His harsh critique softened. The mesh gloves were actually
cute. Maybe he?d wear them again.
Back to looking at his protruding tits, the game designers obviously
modeled naughty bits of Madie?s body underneath. His hands stroked
over those details. He loved patronizing the fine arts. He tugged at
the exposed edges of his lacy bustier peeking out from the maid-like
He tugged some more.
?Damn it.?
The blasted French Quarter costume stayed perfectly glued in place.
Not hearing anything in the streets below, plus with the exaggerated
summer heat, he found himself lost in thoughts and not truly getting
into the game?s action.
Sexual distractions took over.
He realized that he hadn?t orgasmed in weeks. He wanted to, but his
body in real life failed him. Maybe stress interfered. His many
recent attempts at masturbation left his soft dick sore and tender even
when using lotions. Desperate constant rubbing got him nowhere. But
in VR, sans manhood, he felt a very different yearning. A vague desire
tantalized him. In real life he felt an urgent horniness always
answerable, until recently, by a quick jerk, cashing in thoughts from
his mental spank bank. Yes. He confirmed, sitting there in a
Fenchmaid assassin?s body: he was horribly horny.
In VR, at least he felt sensations from the clothing, the body, and a
female craving for something intangible. He?d always isolated himself
when in the game. Now he wanted to answer his mysterious cravings in
the hopes for relief. Since being solo didn?t satisfy, he wondered if
he should share his deep burdens with someone else out there.
Kicking his gun away and cupping his breasts, he so wanted to defeat
whatever blocked him from enjoying Madie?s body. It would be
devastating if his friends ever knew how he spent his time. He blamed
the game designers. The devs shouldn?t have denied a player the right
to really get to know their virtual bodies. The sensations felt too
real to ignore. Why weren?t the other gamers out on the streets just
touching themselves? He wondered how others denied themselves such
joy. It surprised him that there wasn?t an orgy going at the start of
each game. Was he just perverted? Scott felt so ashamed.
Still he continued to massage his pillowy chest. He laughed, knowing
his ex-girl friend would say they?re not real. Of course not, he
thought. They?re virtual. Hm, he wondered: would it make sense to
have virtual implants? He squeezed his flesh. Did it matter? Was his
virtual bust enhanced with virtual silicon?
He squeezed. Fuck such silly thoughts. Enjoy the moment.
Maybe back home, his body reacted. He desperately needed a good sexual
hit, even solo.
Shots fired on the street below.
A guy?s voice yelled over the radio into Scott?s earpiece. ?I?m hit.
I?m changing to a healer when I come back.?
Scott ignored the squawking. If he could, he would remove his glued in
earpiece. He wanted to stroke his legs and press his fingers into his
lap. The skirt puff hindered his exploring fingers. So many lacey
thin layers had to be flipped through to get contact with the rippled
panties underneath. He loved the look, but now he wished he had chosen
the bodysuit skin instead.
A jet pack flew by the window.
Oblivious, Scott slowly moved his fingers. He began to feel blood
going to different places. His nipples felt harder. Between his legs,
deep inside his body, muscles he never had before flexed and pulsed.
He felt a wet spot forming across his panties. He so wished he could
pull the lingerie off; impel the panties down his legs, and kick them
across the room.
A noise buzzed louder at the window. A blonde angelic woman dressed in
white armor with metal feathered retractable wings behind her, climbed
inside the room. She looked shocked and appalled at seeing a Madie
Deadveux character masturbating on the floor. The angel cocked her
head. Her eyebrows rose with an incredulous look.
Scott oddly did not care. Judge me if you need to, he thought. He
stroked his legs and raised one high-heeled foot into the air as he
slid his hands down from the ankle boot, over his thigh and then up
between his legs. Muscles pulsed, begging for mercy. ?Mmmmm,? he
uttered. His breathing quickened as both hands pressed into his
skirted lap. He rocked back and forth, eyes closed, face aimed to the
ceiling in a sexual prayer. ?Mercy,? was his only mantra. ?Mercy...?
All the deep breathing, engaged the game?s fake physics approximation
used in heaving his chest and jiggling his boobs like he was riding a
horse. The over zealous jiggle had to be a software glitch, but he
liked it. It sent him into spasms. He gasped and moaned as he sat up,
slipping his ankles underneath to give his thighs leverage to bounce
his body up and down to match the fake physics applied to his chest.
His skirts flounced.
Making eye contact with the angel, Scott left his mouth agape as he
appreciated a voyeuristic kink he never knew existed. He licked his
lips, tasting the make-up. His virtual body felt so hot. Drips of
sweat formed on his forehead. The maid costume caught perspiration at
the v of the brazier.
?Do you need heeling?? asked the angel?s soft loving voice.
It startled Scott. Hearing the words made the woman real. He kept at
it, touching himself in front of the stranger. He reveled in it. He
looked at the angel, who now kneeled down to check for wounds like a
paramedic. Her white armor clanked against the floor.
?I need something,? Scott answered in a breathy French accent.
The angel aimed her staff at Scott and tethered a glowing stream of
energy between them. ?Your life points aren?t charging. Strange. You
should be going above a hundred percent by now, but you?re dropping.?
?Keep going, lady,? said Scott. ?God. It feels good. You have a nice
The angel nodded. ?This is kind of a hot hottie, huh??
Both stared into each other?s eyes. They both leaned forward and
Scott?s eyes popped open with an explosion of sensations. ?Mmmm!? His
legs kicked. His body shivered. There was no stopping it. His whole
soul rushed towards the light. Finally! He had orgasmed for the first
time in weeks!
The angel ignored the show. She stuck her tongue in even deeper. Her
hands began to grope the breasts. One hand slid around to the nape of
the neck while the other continued to fondle the breasts.
Scott reveled in being sandwich in a tight hold, rendered helpless. He
loved it and even started to think he might build to yet another
Popping her suction away, the angel said in such a lush voice, ?I have
to know who you are.? She breathed so deeply, so sensually. ?My
name?s, Brendan.?
?Come again?? yelped Scott, rolling away fast and jumping to a wide
Karate stance, his gun drawn. ?I mean, I came already ? I mean, it was
really more of a half climax not totally there -- I mean, just say your
name again.?
?What!? shrieked the angel, covering her mouth with both hands.
?Something wrong?? She held up both hands in surrender. ?Was I too
forward?? The blonde haired, big boobed angel with the sweetest voice
Scott had ever heard stared back alarmed and concerned.
?Tell me your name again,? said Scott.
Annoyed, the angel stood arms akimbo, ?I?m Trashtalk.?
?I thought you said your name was Brendan.?
?That?s my name, but I have a new ID I set up.? He pointed at his
body. ?I didn?t want my friends to know I played a healer. I?m
normally a tank.?
Scott knew it wasn?t the healer aspect Brendan felt ashamed of.
Brendan looked back, thought for a second, and said, ?This is Wednesday
afternoon. I took a day off to be here. Wait a minute. What?s your
Scott thought of jumping out the window to his death, but the healer
could just jet pack down and bring him back to life. The questioning
still wouldn?t stop. His friend could also simply let him expire to
see the red glowing ID name appear above the body. There was no hiding
or escaping. Besides, the techbro idiot seemed to have already figured
it out anyways.
?It?s me, Scott.?
?Yeah! I found an empty office at work. I thought I?d play.?
Brendan added air quotes as he said, ?Play?? He threw up his hands.
?I saw you play?n.? His female voice growled in anger.
Scott felt like he was being scolded by his mother.
?Play with yourself, you mean,? said Brendan. The angel looked
repulsed. ?We kissed, bro!?
?No we didn?t?
?Yeah we did.?
?It doesn?t count!?
The angel paced about in agitation.
?It?s VR,? whimpered Scott. He felt lonely and scared. ?Hold me. I?m
not feeling so good.?
Brendan walked over and pulled the assassin against his armored bosom.
?There, there.?
Scott dropped his gun. ?This feels so nice. I needed some sexual
release so bad.?
?Fuck yeah, bro,? said the sympathizing sweet lilting voice. ?I know
what you mean. I?m torn to shit. I?ve been in a dry spell for the
past month.?
Their arms held tight to each other.
Both guys stood there in their female bodies, suddenly realizing their
They pushed away.
?Um, uh,? said Scott, running a hand over his head.
Brendan stumbled about with his hands in the air. He blew blonde
strands from his ponytail away from his mouth. Some hairs stuck to his
lipstick. He puckered and spit a few times. His wings knocked
pictures off the wall. ?Shit. Fuck. Crap. Uh. Yeah. I?m so out of
here. I?m so, so not playing this game anymore.?
?You?re not telling anyone are you?? asked Scott pointing to the floor,
circling his lacy gloved finger around the room and then back and forth
between them.
?About what? That I got you off by kissing -- smooching a co-worker?
A guy co-worker! Yeah, Bro. I?m thinking I?ll just forget that part.?
He pointed his gun at Scott. ?You better too.?
Brendan pulled the trigger.
In the staging area, Scott hid in a corner waiting for the game to end.
He was stuck until then, also he didn?t want to leave. A part of him
hoped that Brendan would show up so they could straighten things out.
?Game over,? said the female announcer.
With the steal door closing, Scott?s body began to respond. He sat up
from a black leather couch, taking off his visor. Alone in an office
suite used for temporary storage of cubical parts, Scott wore nothing
but Emily?s leggings and also a pair of high-heeled sandals he found
discarded in his closet. They were too small, letting his toes extend
over the front edges. His jeans and shirt sat draped over an unplugged
copy machine.
A wet dream mess dried in his tights where his flaccid member pointed
back to his rear. He felt around. A wet spot began to spread over his
butt where he clearly had emptied out a load saved up for a month and a
Despite getting off, the climax left him incomplete and unsatisfied.
Somehow he had missed the joy. Somehow it didn?t quite translate back
to VR. Now he only had a mess to clean and no benefit for having made
Early morning the next day, both Scott and Brendan avoided talking to
each other.
Scott angrily opened another computer box and extracted a new chassis.
He scowled at Brendan, the huge Neanderthal lummox. ?That fucking
hurt,? he finally said.
?What, my shot to your chest,? said Brendan, not really asking. ?Let?s
not talk about it.? He lifted up another computer. He wore a bro-bun,
something that Scott hadn?t notice the big lug doing before.
Swiping a hand across his face, Scott pushed his own long hair out of
the way. He needed to get it buzzed off. He didn?t have money to
spend on barbers. Maybe he should just tie it back like Brendan did.
Grabbing a rubber band, he continued talking as he fidgeted with his
shoulder length hair. ?I like your sweater,? said Scott.
?Thanks. I see you?ve lost some weight. I?ve been doing this cleanse
detox thing. I think I?m losing muscle though.?
?Me too.?
They stopped their conversation right there.
Scott pointed over to the next cubical while walking backwards to the
hallway. ?I?ve got some stuff to move.?
?Yeah,? said Brendan. ?I?ll be over in the other building.?
Scott paced like a tigress in a cage. His hips swayed out of habit and
he pulled his ponytail back over his shoulder. He wore a red devil
skin with horns at his temples. A red tail with an arrow at the end
swung around under its own control. Working overtime didn?t distract
from his urges. Days passed with no VR. The urges continued to burn.
He relapsed back into being Madie Deadveux.
On that a Friday night, he should have been hanging out with friends.
Instead he hid in the Eiffel Space Needle of New Paris, while strangers
played below. Masturbation didn?t work in the real or virtual world.
Outside VR, he now looked too wimpy to attract any girls. Given his
waning physic, none of the girls at work would give him a second
thought. His pants barely stayed up. His shirt looked half empty.
In VR, his curvy body filled the outfit.
?Hey,? came a gruff voice from behind. ?OneShot, it?s me DannyBeer.?
Scott smiled back looking at the fat clansman, loaded up with
armaments. ?I?m glad you came.? He wondered what the real Danny
looked like. ?Hi there,? said Scott?s sexy French voice.
?You looked upset.?
?My life sucks.?
Danny stepped behind Scott and together they looked over the city as
rocket packs flew by, missiles launched, and fireballs rose to the sky.
Sometimes a line of tracers shot into the air like celebratory
Danny laughed. ?Paris lights are beautiful, huh??
Scott giggled.
The big guy?s arms leaned on the railing. His tree trunk sized
forearms surrounded the latex clad assassin.
Scott turned around in the narrow space between, finding himself face-
to-face with a red hair beard. He looked up, remembering how being
with the healing angel got him off. He couldn?t believe his
adventurous sinful inappropriate thoughts. He needed someone close to
him to help him get off. The game made that clear. None of his
friends could fathom what Scott thought about to proposing. Hopefully,
Brendan could be trusted to stay quiet about the kiss.
Only DannyBeer seemed right for the job. Who better, but a guy who
seemed kind and gentle ? and adorably infatuated.
Scott?s breathing deepened. His lips quivered. His long lashes batted
about as fast as his mind battled ideas. He consciously slowed his
panting, trying to calm himself. If he didn?t suppress his rising
heart rate, the boob jiggle glitch risked kicking in.
?Could you put your hand here?? requested Scott, knowing full well that
acting on his idea endangered increasing his breathing levels. The
perils piled up. Still he resolved to continue to touch Danny?s wrist
and slide it down between them.
Danny?s eyes widened as the French assassin took control and lowered
his hand between the soft deep valley of the cleavage, across the
cinched belly. The woman Danny clearly crushed on manipulated his
hand, folded his digits, and isolated the index finger to point it
further and further down, stopping with a slight tug up between the
legs right on a certain spot.
?Wait,? said Danny, not moving his hand but rapidly looking around.
?Surely, we?ll get banned if we?re seen like this.?
?I don?t care.?
?I do.?
?But don?t you feel the VR drilling into your soul. It?s so hot.?
Danny hummed and hawed, ?Honestly, I don?t feel anything like that. I
mean this body feels real to a certain extent, I guess.?
?You don?t feel your virtual body wanting ? needing??
?I feel myself at home lusting when I?m looking at you. When I get to
talk with you. Ok, I?ll confess, I?m rubbing myself right now at
Scott turned away, blushing. ?I thought everyone hooked in like me. I
don?t seem to feel my real body when in VR.?
?You?re face is red. It?s cute. I think most everyone?s here to shoot
things. Not much else.? Danny checked out Madie?s body. ?I love your
voice. I hope one day you?ll let me see you talk for real, in person.?
He scanned the city for something. ?Hold on.? He shot a grappling
hook, picked up Scott at the waist, and they both descended the steal
tower towards an abandoned apartment.
Scott?s mind thrilled at being held so tightly. His tiny ha