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Aaugh. Life returns with pain. Cramps and a headache. It's mostly quiet but I hear some of the guys moving around the frat house. Opening my eyes shows me one of the coffee tables so I must be on the couch. Body feels heavy. Slowly. Glacially. Turn my head. Some blonde laying on me. Almost red hair but it's mostly blonde and straight and kinda tickling my chest, to be honest. Someone must've thrown a blanket over us. She's warm and soft and I feel my dick getting hard until a cramp lances through me and I groan. My hand, already hanging off the side of the couch, fumbles around and I think I feel my underwear. As carefully as I can, I move the girl while rolling out from under her. Trying not to wake her up. She whimpers in her sleep all cute and I brush her hair to the side and make sure she's comfortable. Really, her hair is so silky. I step into my underwear and my head pounds when I stand, all 6' 4" of me. Tiny hairs rise along my body in the open air. I'm standing naked and I know most of these guys wouldn't care that much. Hell, I wouldn't care that much, really. We're all guys here. But, anyway, I pull up the underwear until they're cradling my balls all tight and snug. Digging into the inside of my thighs. Dray walks in while I'm stretching. Rolling my head and pressing on my temples. Can't really reach my neck that well because my biceps are too big. But I massage what I can reach. My hands rub the stubble on my head. "Yooo, Reggie, nice. You a briefs man?" he laughs. "What? Yeah, I'm-" Shit. I'm wearing the girl's panties. "Fucking grabbed the wrong goddamn-" I yell, grabbing the panties off while reaching for my own underwear. Boxer briefs so my balls can breathe. My stomach cramps again when I bend. "It's all good, man. Just fuckin' wit' you," he says. "I don't give a fuck what you're into. Who's the girl?" I turn, bending to touch her hair again. I vaguely remember the night before. Drinking. Drinking too much. Talking to all these girls that aren't paired off. This blonde chick laughing with me, touching my arms. Whispering in my air. Getting drunker and drunker. Asking her if she wants to make out but she just laughs and tells me she wants me to fuck her in front of everyone. Kind of a blur after all. Making out on the couch, people heading to their rooms but some watching when she takes my dick out, her earrings jingling while she blows me. "Man, fuck, I can't remember," I tell him with a shrug. "Aight," he nods. "Hey, some of us gonna go for a run. You down?" "A run?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "Fucking seriously? After last night?" "Yeah," he says. "You'll get used to it. We're headin' out in about thirty if you want to come out." "Alright," I grumble. "Just gonna shower." "Shower after the run," he tells me. "Fucks wrong with you, shower before you run." I shouldn't but since I said it out loud, I really want one. To wash off before I get out there. Running in front of everyone. I just want to feel clean and look good. "So I'll do it twice," I say, walking to one of the bathrooms. The door's open and some guy I don't know is standing and pissing with his eyes closed. "Sup," I tell him, looking away from his dick. "Yeah," he sighs back as he continues to piss. I know how that fucking feels, that's for sure. I pull off my underwear and look back at him for a moment before getting in the shower and turning on the hot water. The toilet flushes and it takes a minute to mix in the right amount of cold water but, when I do, I turn the knob and stand under the perfect stream of warmth. Scratching the thick black hair on my chest, I turn and sigh as the water washes over my broad back. The heat seems to be helping the weird little cramps and my headache. It was a good night, even with the pain the morning after. And the girl was hot. Wanting to fuck in front of everyone, damn. A quick memory of grabbing her soft ass and spreading her cheeks while she bounced on my dick makes my cock grow hard. Behind the dark shower curtain, I start to stroke myself, moaning as I remember her hands on me. rubbing my dick. Kissing it. Holding her hair back - so soft and straight. I wonder what product she uses to make it so glossy like that? I should ask, probably. Ah, but back to it as I groan and squeeze his dick in my imagination. My lips going over the head of his dick while his fingers grab my hair and I moan, again, in my memory and out loud in the shower as I remember it. "Joe," I whisper, licking my lips. Joe? Fucking Joe?! My hand freezes and my eyes fly open. The cramps. The weird dreams and the odd little hints of memories I have. Of Joe. Of fucking Joe. Oh god. Oh god, no. Now I remember that day three weeks ago. Same goddamn thing happened, starting with the cramping in the morning. Deep inside my guts, mashed in with everything else my epididymis begins to change, slowly forming into the start of a fallopian tube. The changes spread, taking my vas deferens with it as my reproductive system forms first. There's a sharp, slicing cramp that makes me double over and my erection dies in an instant. My testicles began to ache in a slow, dull throbbing pain. Yearning to become my ovaries. Again. I want to throw up. It can't be real. It fucking can't. But it's so similar and the images are too real. I go to my knees, shivering and gasping in pain when one of my testicles is pulled from my sac by the growing fallopian tube, slipping painfully between my cavernosum and perineal membrane as it ascends. The second testicle tugs and I grab for it. My ballsack feels weird and empty. It seriously fucking hurts when I try to stop my second testicle. I cry out and let go. When it moves, I find myself spreading my legs to ease the pain of its passing. I don't know why it helps but it does. A tiny bit of pre-cum leaks from the tip of my dick. And, oh god, I can see Joe's cock in my mind. He's surprisingly big and my hand's wrapped around it. Smaller. All strange. Getting closer to it. Wanting to do it. Feeling all hot and fuzzy. Giggling as my tongue reaches out to clean his pre-cum. Shivering and moaning just from tasting him before my lips open and being careful with my teeth and- "Fuck!" I yell, muscles bulging as I push myself up on trembling legs. My ballsack settles softly against my taint. Empty. Standing beneath the water, I shiver from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. It happens again, the heat flushing through my body. I try to stop it. I do. I try. But a moan is forced from my mouth and I lean against the wall with one hand, the other rubbing along the stubble atop my head. Rasping and scratching at the hair that's grown since I shaved yesterday. When I stand to let the shower wash over me, I cry out and cover my chest when the water needles into my sensitive tiny nipples. It hurts but I twist my legs and my dick throbs in response. Oh fuck. Joe again. Licking my nipples. My fat nipples. Sucking them in his mouth and rolling them on his tongue until they grow hard. A strange high voice coming from my mouth as I beg him to nibble on them. I can fucking remember saying it. Because I wanted it. Because I wanted him. I shudder and open my eyes to see my fingers pinching and twisting my nipples. I feel a happy jolt in my gums and down to my crotch. More pre-cum leaks from my dick. Biting my lips, I let go of my nipples. Dark chest hair covers my hand and I see more on the bottom of the bathtub. I still have some covering my chest but it's way thinner now. Shit. "Yo, briefs!" Dray says, pounding on the door. "Hurry yo' ass up!" "Alright!" I yell back, rushing through the rest of the shower. When I clean between my legs, I stop. And go slow. Fondling my dick (Joe's in my hand and I want to suck him off so fucking bad and feel him in my mouth until I'm choking), I slip fingers down to touch my empty sack. The normally wrinkled skin is smooth but not completely. I press up. In between my thighs. And sigh when I feel solid skin. But I have to fight the memory of Joe above me, staring me in the eyes. Reaching up to take his glasses off and telling him how handsome he is. Pulling him down to kiss him and telling him to be gentle when I feel the end of his dick against my- I turn off the shower and step out, grabbing a random towel. I have to hurry. I don't know if anyone would notice my missing balls but no fucking way I take that chance. When I towel off, I gasp as the towel rubs over my nipples so I slow down and pat my chest off. Black hairs line the towel. My chest hairs. My fucking chest is completely smooth. Completely and utterly smooth. Worse. My nipples are larger. I'm sure they are. And my areola... I reach out and touch the darker skin surrounding my nipples. They're soft and a little puffy and I can't help but touch myself. God. Goddamn. It goes right to my dick. Fuck. I put my underwear back on and head straight for the living room. The girl is gone but my clothes are still there so I pull them on, hurrying before someone notices how different I look. When I'm finished, I run my fingers through my short auburn hair, scratching at the roots as they tickle my scalp. My clothes are looser than I remember but they'll do for now. I'm just going for a run and can find something better in my room afterward. Something a little more form fitting to show off my curves. A few guys, talking loudly and jeering, walk down the hallway and I fall in behind them. We file outside and I shade my eyes against the bright sun. It shines through my nails as they begin to lengthen, filtering the sun through their translucence. Stepping down the short steps, I can't help but shiver as my clothes brush against my skin. My tummy feels so sensitive. Once we hit the sidewalk, the guys start running and I take a step to follow but a severe cramp hits me and I lean against a nearby tree. A space is opening within my guts, just beneath my new ovaries. I grab the tree, trembling as muscles within my arms begin to fade. The pain is a hot knife as my uterus forms and I sink to my knees, leaning my head forward. It thankfully passes and I pull myself up and brush a stray lock of hair back over my ear. Fucking Joe. Over a month ago, one of the guys recommended this asshole as a tutor. Algebra. Not one of my better subjects. So I go. He's an okay guy. Thin. Nerdy. Dorky as fuck but handsome and smart with kind eyes. But the fucking weeb has anime bullshit on his walls. A couple posters of some slutty anime girl in a school outfit. I mean, why the fuck does he need that when he has me? But, no, he's got these posters staring at me while I'm trying to understand what he's telling me. They aren't even dressed that great. Their skirts are too long and their tits are too small. I lean against the tree and press a hand against my chest, biting my lip when my thumb brushes my aching, fat nipple. So, I'm sitting there, getting more and more pissed because it's not making sense and these sluts are on his wall and I just blow up and throw my book. It's shameful when I remember it now because I was such an asshole while this sexy guy was just trying to help me out. Called him a fucking weeb and tore one of his posters. I should've torn both of them. He doesn't need them. He said I was being an ass and, in hindsight, yeah, I was. And I should apologize for that again. I haven't seen him in a while and I still feel bad about it. I should just go see him. Talk to him a bit. And apologize for being an asshole. And kiss him, yeah. Fucking kiss his lips and see that surprised little happy smile. He's such a fucking nerd. Looked surprised every time I kissed him. Fucking little virgin. Well, not any more. God, I miss him. And his touch. No. Fucking goddammit, no! I'd left his apartment and couldn't stop thinking about the whole thing. The next day, I woke up with cramps and an urge to go to him. I tried to put it off but, that night... I sway and then clutch the tree as bones crack in my hips. It hurts. It hurts so much. My loose pants fill up as my ass swells, fat packing on over muscle to show sexy curves. To make space. Opening me up for future babies. Oh god. I can't stop blushing at the thought of a little one sucking at my- Groaning, I close my eyes and the pain passes, leaving me breathless. I try to walk and ignore it. My frat brothers are far away and I'm thankful for it because my nipples are even bigger now and, Jesus, I'm swaying as I walk and I don't know how to stop it. Every step makes my shirt rub against my nipples and I just want to touch myself. My cock lifts half-heartedly in my pants. A gust of wind blows my shoulder-length reddish hair and I settle it back as I stare at the shop in front of me. A lingerie store. I'm stuck. Frozen in place. There's a mannequin in the window wearing a lacy black outfit. Stockings connected to panties with little clasps and a bra. The mannequin is slim but with larger boobs and I touch myself again. The skin beneath my hand moves, separate from my chest. Was I that big? Specific memories are foggy. I can't- I can't picture- What am I doing? I lick my lips and wipe my mouth but my hand lingers as I stare at the headless figure wearing the sexy clothes. My lips swell slowly, pushing outward as they fill. I bring a finger up to run the tip along the soft skin. Back and forth. Back and forth, lightly tracing my full lips. Feeling the echo of pleasure down in my guts. Lips part and my finger slips into my mouth. I suck on it in reflex and moan, pushing it inside and wrapping my tongue around it. "Joe," I whisper as my face burns. He'd- he'd like these clothes. I know he would. So I'm not surprised when I find myself inside, the door jingling quietly closed behind me. The saleswoman is a curvy black haired girl that sizes me up and then smiles. I pull at my shirt to hide my nipples. I can't believe I went out without a bra. It's so embarrassing. "Can I help you find something?" she asks cheerfully. "I like," I say, my voice breaking for a moment. I clear my throat and continue in my rumble while pointing at the figure in the display. "That outfit there." "Oh, sure, that's popular!" she says, smiling widely. Her eyes dip down to my left hand in a quick, practiced glance. "Do you know what size your girlfriend wears?" "Oh, it's for-" I start to say. Me. My face is afire. Oh no. I'm doing it. I'm in the store, trying to buy this fucking lingerie for fucking Joe and oh-god-I-can-just-see-his- cute-mouth-open-when-he-sees-me-wearing-it-and- FUCK! "It's-" I try to say again, pulling my shirt away from my chest in a fanning motion. The cotton rasps against the tops of my nipples and I can't help but rub my tongue against the roof of my mouth. "Oh, it's okay, hun," she says comfortingly. "Plenty of guys come in to buy clothes for their girlfriends. Do you know her size?" No, I realize. I still- I can see Joe standing next to me. Staring at me. Amazed. Mouth opening and closing as his eyes crawl over every inch of my naked body. Going to him to kiss him. Standing on my tip toes. Remembering him opening the door when I came over to be tutored. Why didn't I just jump his sexy ass right then? I shake my head. That's- that's not right- I wasn't- I wasn't me then. I see both of those scenes in my mind and then look back at the sales girl. "A- a little taller than you," I say, staring at the ground and swallowing. Something is tweaking the inside of my chest. Tugging. Fatty tissue grows over milk ducts and the flat, loose skin I felt early swells into the slightest of bumps that push my nipples forward. "And bigger- umm, bigger-" I say, blushing hard (squishing Joe against me, my large breasts flattening against him and my arms as I-) and swallowing yet again. "But about the same around the waist." "I think I know what you mean, sweetie," she says. "Let me put something together for you and meet you at the register." I watch her for a moment and then walk around the racks, touching clothing. My sleeves hang loose over my arms showing slim arms. As I walk, I grab random things and press them against my chest to compare them with- Fuck! What am I doing?! I turn to go but the girl's voice calls out. "I'm all set here, hun," she says, catching me as I almost leave. I- I made her do all of that work. I can- maybe I can give the clothes to the girl I met last night. I could find out who she is. Ask her out. Save the clothes for her. Do friends give friends lingerie? Would she think I'm hitting on her? I don't want that. It might be weird and I don't want to give her the wrong idea. And I think I'd wear them better, anyway. I know I would. Humming, my voice cracks and trembles as my Adam's apple melts away to leave a smooth, slim throat. "That'll be $74.39," the girl says. I reach for my purse and then tsk, instead reaching for my wallet to pull out some twenties, passing them on. She rings me up, hands me my change and the bag with the clothing. Her eyes linger on my hair. The warmth in my cheeks seems to flare, spreading like wildfire down to my chin. My wide, square chin cracks, the bones dissolving as it slims to a gentle point. At the same time, my cheekbones form, pulling at the skin of my cheeks which form dimples when I smile at the girl. "Thank you!" I say, with a high, soft voice. I turn, missing the way her eyes bulge. God, I can't wait to try these on. My ass stretches my jeans as my calf muscles, developed over years of consistent workouts, weaken. Bulkiness is replaced by slim, soft curves that lead to thick thighs. My unbound breasts jiggle beneath my shirt as they start to grow more full. The bottom of the shirt lifts slowly to reveal a smooth, hairless stomach. There's pressure on my back as my tits fill out, pressing against my stomach while the rounded curves of my tits slide down my chest and bulges out to the side of my body. I should get a massage. Rolling my shoulders, I run a hand through my thick hair, scratching my scalp briefly with long nails. There's practice tonight. My cute little eyebrows knit together and my lips pucker while I tap my chin to remember. Football field. Cheerleader practice? I can't remember being in cheer but I do remember watching all the men rushing around on the field. Sweating with their hard muscles working. Shouting and cheering. Bumping helmets. Full of youthful arrogance. Sexy but not nearly as hot as Joe. There's just something about his sweet smile and gentleness that really, really turns me on. A wet spot forms at the front of my jeans as liquid, no longer completely pre-cum, leaks from the head of my shrunken cock. While I walk, I adjust myself. The head of my cock feels way too sensitive but there's an odd numbness around it, too. Bones shift beneath my widened hips and my cock slowly pushes forward as my mound grows. Dark black pubic hairs flake away to reveal the stubble of white hairs at the base of my cock. They spread in a wide pattern above my thighs, growing slowly into curly, silky soft white hairs. I want to dig my hands into my pants to scratch at them but- No, I want to touch myself. Thinking of Joe so much has made me hot. My shirt rides up over my large breasts, showing my toned midriff and every brush of fabric sends shivers down my spine. The ends of my hair slip into my shirt, caressing my back as it lengthens. I can imagine it's Joe's fingers, scratching down my spine as we lie together after sex. Smiling as he kisses the bridge of my nose. I step into the frat house and walk around Nick, who stops to stare at me. "Hey there," he says, eyeing my chest. "Who you here for, sweetheart?" What the fuck? Who the fuck does he think he is? "I live-" I start to say. My voice is soft and sexy and- Oh. Oh no. I have the bag of lingerie on my shoulder. I can feel my hair tickling me and my lie breasts heavy on my body. And Nick is tall. I have to look up at him and he's obviously staring me up and down. And, oh Jesus, he's got a hard-on. He's not as big as Joe but that doesn't even matter because- whaaat the fuck am I even thinking? I- It doesn't matter how big Joe's- I'm- "I'm here to see Reggie," I lie, unable to look him in the eye. Without waiting for him to say anything, I rush through the house to his- to MY room, slamming the door behind me. I'm breathing so fast and my tits are just- Jesus, my tits. Locking the door, I pull my shirt off of my body (just like I did when I went to Joe that first night, taking my shirt off for him so he can see- ) and stand in front of the cheap mirror on the back of the door. My tits are fucking huge. They're pulling at my shoulders and back and I can see their bulge from the side of my narrow torso. My nipples are dark and wide, perfectly centered in the middle of my puffy, tan areola. I reach for them hesitantly and only then do I realize how small my hands are. But still, mesmerized by the sight, I rest my palms against the bottom of my breasts. My hands are warm and I bite my lips as I cradle my tits, turning my hands to touch my nipples before squeezing myself. And moaning. Like a fucking girl. My voice high and as soft as my tits. God, now that I can look past that, I see the thick curls and my curvy, girlish hips and- shit! I let my breasts go and they jiggle when I release them. But, I don't care. I'm shrugging out of my pants and- oh, thank god. It's still there. Small but still there. Shrunken and pulled back with the head sticking out through a tangle of white hairs. The shaft is barely half an inch long but, still there. My finger accidentally brushes the head and I moan again, falling back against the bed. A thick lump of skin lays against the base of my dick, hidden beneath the hair. It's soft and utterly smooth. I part the hairs as I sit up on the bed. My ass presses up against my thick thighs, which press together. And I bite a scream back. The inside of my thighs are slick. Facing the mirror, spreading my legs, I reach my hands under my thighs and pull my legs further apart, gasping as my long nails scratch too- sensitive skin. There's a slick slit beneath my dick that glistens in the light. It's a fucking- it's a- a- fucking- While I watch, skin gathers around the slit. I can feel it creeping and growing, folding over to form my reddened labia. There's a kind of pressure in my thighs and I fall back, instinctively touching myself. I point my toes and tremble as I feel the small little lips forming between my thick outer labia. My finger dips inside my forming pussy but I pull it back out. I can't. I can't touch myself there. I'm not- it's not right. I want Joe to take my- I tense at the thought, chest heaving. A single red hair emerges among the white as my cock shrivels, pulling back while the lump of skin shrinks with it. I moan, unable to stop myself from caressing the remains of my dick. And then, I suck my fingers, licking and sucking the sweet taste of myself until my fingers are covered in spit. My hand creeps through the red and white hairs covering my mound until I feel the head of my cock. I rub spit-covered fingers over it, moaning and pressing my thighs together. My left hand goes to my breast and I squeeze as I play with my dick. Only it's not that. Not anymore I feel it pull back. The skin at the base grows over the miniscule head and it drags down, a new hood hiding my smooth clit. I push the hood back to reveal the tiny nub, spreading my legs and pinching my nipple, unable to stop a sighing moan. It's an utterly unique sensation I've only felt once before but I can't remember it from the first time. It builds as my finger moves faster and I jump when my long nail accidentally brushes against the clit. My clit. I whine while the red hairs spread from my mound, slowly creeping up my stomach. My finger moves against my clit and hood as soft padding begins to form and my nails bend into sharp claws. The skin around the base of my nails splits to reveal clear sheaths. My palm rests against the fur covering me and I'm whining and growling with a cute little voice as I get closer and I feel like I have to go to the bathroom but I can't stop moving my finger because if I stop I'll mess it all up and I don't want to stop and- My back arches and I scream, pressing my fingers against my hot, wet pussy while clenching my shaking thighs against my paw. My ears twitch while tiny hairs sprout from the edges of them, beneath the thick red locks surrounding them. White whiskers open holes along my top lip, slowly growing out as I turn my head to lay my cheek against my bed. Breathing so fast. Chest heaving. But I want more. I want him. Joe. I need him. Need his hands touching me. Petting me. Seeing his wondrous smile as he strokes my fur. I sit up with my knees spread and my large ass against my heels. Reaching back, I grab my own ass and then press a thumb against my lower back. Digging in, I can feel the loose tailbone. Waiting to be free. More important things, first! I giggle and grab my bag of lingerie, taking everything out and laying them on the bed as I'd wear them. I open my hand to make my claws come out and break the thin plastic holding the tags in place. Black hairs emerge around my belly button. They spread down with the red and white and then up, tickling me as they cover my body. "Ohhhh," I moan, caressing myself. Scratching the itching skin beneath my dense fur coat. Pulling and toying with the hairs. I squeal as I play with them but then refocus on the task at hand. Hand. I'm easily distracted. My train of thought makes many stops and I open my paw, touching the raised rose-colored padding as it grows dark. Dark pink fading to light gray that changes to dark gray. I reach a trembling hand up, brushing my whiskers before licking the padding, My tongue rasps against the leathery skin and I tremble as the sensation crackles down my spine like lightning. White hairs push through the skin along my cheeks while cinnamon colored hairs grow in a slow line from beneath my eyes. The changes draw out my eyelashes and they extend in slow, luscious curves. One of the tags is being rude. I pull at it with a claw and then bring it to my mouth. My canines are extending, pushing at my lips as all four peek out. Growling quietly, I bite at the tag and pull and it snaps. "Oh! Scissors!" I say, bouncing off the bed. My tail, still short, swishes behind me. A large wet spot covers my blanket where I was sitting but I ignore it as I hunt through my desk. Tan and red fur grows from the base of my spine as my tail finally begins to grow in earnest, pulling the hairs in alternating bands of color. I squeal in happiness when I find my scissors and hold them carefully with my awkward paws. My little pink tongue sticks out between my four sharp fangs and my full, black lips as I slowly cut a hole in the back of my new lingerie. I only just realize these are the first clothes I bought myself. That's both sad and incredibly exciting because I can buy even more now! Yay! All kinds of cute things to show Joe. "Ohh," I gasp, remembering his cock in my paws. And being careful with my fangs like a good little girl while I wrap my lips around his giant, hard dick. Rich, amber hairs emerge from my back as I finish cutting my underwear. Without waiting, I step into them, pulling them up over the silky black fur dotting my legs. I wiggle my hips left-right-left-right and then tug them up, reaching behind to hold my naughty tail with one hand to make sure it slips through the hole I made. It's so small! But, already dense with fur. The tips of my ears grow to rounded points and it tickles when they start to move, shifting through my hair but I don't care. I whirl in front of the mirror with my arms out, admiring my panties and how sexy I look. I had to wear my old clothes when I first met Joe but now- now, I'll be a proper lady. Proper ladies have large wet spots on their panties, right? Oh. But, well, I will still have to wear my old clothes. I'll just have my pretty hidden clothes beneath them. That kinda makes me sad. They don't fit right and they aren't cute but I don't have anything better. Not yet! I'll have to make time to go shopping. For a moment, I stare at myself. At my changed body full of fur and fuzzy ears and - fangs! I smile and my puffy cheeks poof out when I show my teeth. The fangs actually force me to not have an overbite because, otherwise, I can't close my mouth comfortably. I run my fingers through my thick hair and tweak my ears, pinching and pulling them forward. They're ringed in white hairs but the backs only show black stubble. For now. They wiggle in my fingers so I let them go. Behind me, my thick, ringed tail lifts and dances so I grab it (it tries to get away from me!) and twirl with it like it's my dance partner. Until I collapse to the ground, my tits jiggling and my tail still in my claws. Proper ladies need proper dance partners. Everyone knows that. I sit back on the bed and struggle into my bra. It's really uncomfortable and small but I grunt and hiss and pull until I have it on. One of my claws slides out of its sheath and nicks the band but it holds and I turn to look at myself. My breasts overflow the bra. But, it's kind of sexy? As if my tits had grown from- well, I guess they have! They almost look bigger than before. And definitely bigger than this morning. And bigger than the girl on the couch. I stroke the black fur as it reaches my tits. I shiver and twitter as the hairs brush against them and then squirm when they continue. Out of curiosity, I lift my left boob and watch the tiny hairs come out. It's weird but it feels really good. My skin's all pale white and then BLAM! Dark and then all fur! And it just- ohhhh- it just keeps moving. I take a small guilty amount of pleasure knowing that my fur and hair are both more luxurious than the couch lady's hair. A yawn takes me by surprise. My mouth cracks and my whiskers wobble but I hide it behind my arm. The sun shines through the blinds and I want to curl up high on my shelves and fall asleep but I can't! Not yet! I smack my cheeks gently and curl my little paws into tiny fists of determination. I can do this! Giggling again, I wiggle my fluffy white ears. Like my legs and tummy, black hairs emerge from the back of my hands and my forearms, spreading as I pull my feet onto the bed. I stare at my tiny toes and spread them, watching as the nails curl forward and bend into claws. I whisper sweet nothings to my feet, massaging the bottoms while the skin swells along the balls of the feet and beneath the toes. Playing with my feet makes me gasp and squirm. Oh no. Will the stockings show on my legs? They're black already! I have to try. Hiding an even wider yawn that forces the tips of my ears to tremble and water to leak from my eyes, I gently pull the stockings on, angling my toes so my exposed claws don't cut them or cause a run. They glide over my fur and I twitter once more at the feel of them. My huge tail swivels around, curling up against my stomach as if begging for attention but I ignore it and finish with the stockings, eagerly grabbing the next one to do the same. They bulge over my soft, plush thighs but the way they compress against my body feels so good. Very, veeeery carefully, with whiskers trembling and my fingers bent to keep my sneaky claws away, I grab the clasps and attach the stockings to my panties. Mine. My panties. I'll need more. I'll- The yawn almost hurts this time and I smack my lips with a sigh as I slowly lower myself to the bed. My tail presses against the back of my thighs so I open them and it slips in to lay against my tummy. I cradle it and lick the dark hairs on the tip of it as I slowly close my eyes to --- Loud voices wake me. The street lamps cast orange lights through my window shades. As a freshman, I got the crappy room, of course. I bounce out of bed with a happy squeak, full of energy. And my tits pop out of the bra, forcing the thin lace and down as they spill forth. I try to fix them, but my claws pop out in frustration and cut holes in the thin material. They were expensive! I don't think I can bring them back and- well, maybe I could tell them my cat did it? But that wouldn't be a good excuse. It would still be my fault. And a lie. Ugh. Music starts up, forcing my black and white ears to jerk and I duck and hiss until I remember that they're just partying. Like always. Always partying. Women coming in while they drink and- oh, gosh. I can see her in my faint memories. Sitting on my lap. The couch girl. She was soft. Joe. I look to the door and step from one black-furred foot to the other as my tail, arched low to the ground, swishes back and forth. I can't go out there like this. I'm not stupid. I know it's not normal to have fur. Or cute little sharp teeth. Or a tail! And Dray would be all like, "Hey, I didn't know your tits were too big for a bra, stupid girl" and I'd feel stupid and- My eyes are drawn back to the window. Heck. I can climb out. That's what I do! Twittering in happiness, I scurry over to my closet and pop open the plastic bin at the bottom, tossing clothes behind me until I find the heavy jacket I'd put away. Before starting college, I lived further north where it's colder. And now I'm glad I brought my coat, despite my dad laughing at me for being over-prepared. Well, who's laughing now, dad? You'd be all like, "Oh nooo, I was wrong to laugh at you!" and I'd be like, "That's right!" and you'd be like "I didn't think you'd need it to hide your naked body and sexy lingerie, noooo!" and I'd be all like "Hah! I told you so!" I slip my hand through the sleeve of the coat. Unlike my back and chest, the fur along my arm is shorter and glossy. When my second arm slides into the coat, I let it hang. It almost comes down to my ankles and that's perfect. I pop up the faux-fur hood and struggle with the creaky window. It clatters and I stick my tongue out and show my fangs until I finally unstick it. And then I squeeze through, anchoring myself with my claws and shoving. My tits are too big! They catch on the window frame and my tail lashes behind me as I wriggle through into the cool night air. I laugh once I'm free and shimmy down, pausing when I hear voices. When they pass, I jump to an enormous branch nearby and climb down, dropping onto my bare, padded feet with an almost silent 'whump!' The tip of my tail brushes the bottom of the coat as I sniff the air and slip into the alleyway, staying out of sight as I make my way to Joe. I'm sooo excited. I nearly need to pee because of it. He has his own little studio apartment and, when I approach, I wait, hiding behind yet another tree to look up at the window. His light is on! I focus, closing my eyes and puffing out my cheeks with my ears forward and, no, nothing! He's by himself. I run, giggling as the coat opens briefly and the wind kisses my fur. Near the base of his building, I jump, grabbing a tree. Leaves shake free to fall around me as I climb it, staring at his window with laser focus. And then I stop. Sloooooowly reaching up with one hand, my claw slips free from its sheath and I tap at his window. Tik-tik-tik. Tik-tik-tik. And then sloooooowly peek up through the corner of the window. There he is! My tail goes wild behind me, pulling and twisting at my hips and ass. His eyes grow wide behind his dorky round glasses and he drops the pen he was holding. "Open the window!" I whisper-shout. He sits for a few more seconds, his sexy mouth hanging open but then he comes over and does as I've asked. Oh, man. It's smaller than my window. I shrug out of my coat and it falls to the sidewalk beneath me. He steps back as I grab the windowsill and I squeak, twisting to push my tits through and then turning to get my wide hips and thick ass inside. And then I fall. But I turn it into a roll and jump up, landing on the padded balls of my feet. And then he falls and his glasses slip to the tip of his nose as he stares up at me. My tail curls around and I grab it, hiding my lady bits as I accidentally squish my breasts together. "I-" I'm blushing, even if he can't tell. "I bought- I bought some things to look nice for you. Oh. But, the bra is too small. I just- I just wanted to look nice for you this time." "H-h-h-how are you- I thought-" he stutters and then stops and stares. I go to my knees and my breasts hang freely beneath me, heavy and firm while I smile with my teeth showing. One hand in front of the other, my hips swiveling and my tail curled above me, I go to him, placing a paw on his chest to slowly push him down to his back. He tries to talk again but nothing comes out so I take his glasses off and fold them to put them aside carefully. And then forward more before leaning over him, rocking back and forth. My nipple brushes his lips until his mouth opens and I lean a little forward, gasping when he sucks on it. My fur stands on end and I feel the throbbing start. The slow building ache. "I've missed you," I whisper and then twitter as his hands grab my tits, squeezing and massaging and kneading them, pulling at the black fur surrounding them. My hips dip, pressing against the erection he's already sporting. I shove back once, twice and a third time, pushing against his pants until the head of his erect cock is freed. He moves his head and my swollen, wet nipple pops free. "Oh, baby," I coo as his lips dig through my dense fur to find the other nipple. He bites at it carefully and I jerk my head back, lowering myself again by reflex. His cock rubs against my panties and I can feel how soaked they are already. I writhe against him, gasping every time his cock hits my clit. My whiskers vibrate as I mewl and moan and then I pull away and grab his handsome face, squishing my breasts against his scrawny body while I kiss him deeply. I'm not very good at it and I'm really really horny so I'm too forceful but I can't help it. When I come up for air, I sit back and smile at him. My tail wraps around his legs like a good little... tail. He reaches for me so I lean forward as he caresses my cheek, his thumb rubbing against the brown and white and rust colored fur on my face. He looks so serious (always looks so serious!) so I take his hand as carefully as possible and pull him up, leading him to his bed. I lay back and stare at him for a moment with my legs spread. The tip of my tail thrashes beneath me. And then I look away and my ears flex back as he comes to the bed. "Your mouth," I say quietly. "I'm sorry?" he asks, his hand resting on the bed. "Down there," I say even more quietly. "Please." He moves, sliding down my body and then, oh God, I can feel his hot breath between my legs. His fingers brush my fur as he pinches my panties. "I'm not- I don't know what to do," he says. He sounds so shy and embarrassed and I want to kiss him so hard. I don't know what to tell him. This is all so new to me. I just vaguely remember doing it to other women. Images shuffle through my mind like a video on fast forward. Thighs and vaginas and moaning women. "Just- um- just start by kissing it?" I tell him, looking away as I spread my legs and lay them on his shoulders. He moves my panties aside to reveal my engorged, jet black labia and the pink lips within. I can't hardly breathe as I wait for him. My heart is hammering within my chest and I grip his bedsheets, waiting and waiting as I feel him getting closer and closer, his skin touching my wet fur until- ! Oh god! His lips kiss me and I can't stop from moving, raising my chest as my claws unsheath and bite into his bed. His tongue swirls against my pussy and I gasp, shaking as I lower myself. "Yes, oh yes, baby," I say, surprised that I'm even talking. The words seemed ripped from my mouth. I'm on automatic as he- "Oh god, yes right there, keep sucking on that but more gently, baby, oh god yes, yes right there don't stop just keep moving your- oh baby, god! God yes!" His tongue works hard against the small nub above my pussy. His thin arms reach around my thighs, moving fur out of the way as his focuses his attention and- "Fuck!" I shout, pressing a paw over my mouth to keep myself quiet and because I said a bad word. And then I shudder, raising my chest and rubbing his back with my heels because, oh god, it feels amazing. The orgasm was tiny but intense. Sharp. Words stream from my mouth as I push my pussy against him, coating his cheeks and chin with my juices while he sucks on my clit. I raise my feet and gently place them on his shoulder to push him down and he goes, licking between my lips. "Oh-! Oh-! Oh god-! Yes-!" I moan, unable to stop myself. "Oh, baby, yes! I'm your girl. Tell me I'm your girl, please! Oh baby, please. Tell me I'm yours!" He gasps as he sits back, wiping his face. "Are you?" he asks. I look down at him. My hips are still moving. Just like the words that poured from my mouth earlier, I can't seem to make them stop. "Yes," I gasp. "Yes, please, yes. I'm yours." "What- what are you?" "Yours," I tell him, reaching out for him. "Come to me, baby, please. I need you inside of me. I can't remember what it felt like. I can't remember what you felt like, please." He stands and undresses and I bite my lips when I see his cock standing at attention. "Please," I say again, reaching for him. He comes to me as I scoot back in his bed. His cock lays against my mound and he pulls back. It drags against my clit and my eyes flutter in response. God. "Lower," I urge him. "Lower. Almost- here, baby. Here, I'll help you." I reach beneath, careful with my paws, and guide him in. And I mark him when he enters me. I can't help it. I grab him tight and my claws come out. I kiss his shoulder in apology but I can't seem to talk. He splits me open with his dick and there's a sharp, tearing pain. "G-g-g gently!" I finally say, lifting my legs to wrap them around him as he slows. "You're- so- you feel so-" he groans, pulling out. "You're the first- I was-" "Shhh," I whisper to him, kissing his shoulder again. "You can move. But, slowly." "Okay," he says, pushing back in. Heaven. It's heaven. He rubs every bump and ridge within me and it feels incredible. The brief pain is already a faint memory. "You're my first, too," I whisper. It excites him and he moves faster. I can't help but bury my little fangs in his shoulder as I find the right muscles to use to clench his cock. It feels even better when I do it but I can't keep it up. It's- Hard- Hard to- Focus. Focus- Hard- Oh god. Oh god! It's coming. It's coming it's coming it's coming it's- I scream and buck, pulling him down to me as I cum, hugging him and kissing him and biting him and licking his face and nipping his ear and clawing his back. He's saying something over and over but it takes a while to calm down so I can hear him. "S-s-sorry," he's saying. "Why, baby?" I ask, rubbing and caressing his back. "Why?" "I- I came," he says sheepishly. "Before you. Inside of you." He's still a little hard but it's slowly growing soft. I can feel his cum inside of me when I move. Warm and full. He pulls out but I hug him tight. "Wait," I whisper. "Stay inside of me." We lay together and I cherish the feel of him as he shrinks and his cock slowly pulls out of its own accord. His eyes droop close millimeter by millimeter and I take his arm carefully, pulling it over my chest and against my breast while I turn and push back into him. He's warm against my back and his breathing tickles my ear, forcing it to twitch periodically. I can feel his cum leaking into my fur and the smell fills his room. I want to bathe in his scent but now I'm feeling tired. Warn out from my sneaky run through the campus and my own changes. But, if I fall asleep now, who will I be when I wake up? I struggle to stay awake but spooning with Joe pulls me under one measured breath after another and I sigh as I finally pass out. --- Life returns with pain but I'm still me when I wake up. Cramps again. My eyes crack open to see my hand twitching. Hairless except for the tops of my fingers as they expand and extend. Joe's hand rests against my chest until I extract myself to stand naked in his room. Fuck. My cock is limp and my legs are covered in Joe's dried cum. And- and my own juices. My own personal lube from when he- I close my eyes and groan quietly before searching through his room. I hate to do it but I steal a pair of his underwear, a t-shirt and gym shorts. None of them fit well but at least they give me something to use. The t-shirt's sleeves tear a little when I flex so I make a note to buy him a replacement. I'm at the door when I stop. And turn. He's on his side with his arm out. Where he held me. Fucking nerd. Why's he so fucking cute? I go and kneel at the bed. And very, very carefully kiss his forehead. Goddammit. The door closes behind me. A girl passes by, cocking her head as I step out barefooted. "Yo," I tell her before going the other way. I walk slowly through the mostly empty campus. A hint of tough skin along my soles keeps the ground from cutting into my feet but I don't know that I'd even notice if it did; I'm completely distracted. The memories might fade like last time but, for now, they're very, very fresh. I remember all of last night - the sensations, the needs, the desires, the urges and the words I said. Not just the words but the reasons for saying them. And thinking them. Oh god, and how I looked, even before the fur when I was still human. And a woman. The sensitivity. The submission. How badly I wanted to be touched. To be filled. To give myself willingly to him. Almost. I almost go back to him. I do owe him a new shirt. And speaking of that - maybe, maybe I could buy some new clothes for myself. For- for her. Actual clothes. And underwear. Plain. And- and sexy. For him. I sigh and rub my shaved head. Or none of this will happen again. Or I'll figure it out and- And what? Stop it? A memory. My arms reaching out for him while he stared at me so intensely. In the moment before his dick spread my aching pussy open. I moan and my own dick grows instantly hard. I have to adjust myself, pushing it sideways to hide it within the shorts. Or maybe I won't do anything about it at all. Maybe I'll just ride it out. I smile shyly and rub the tiny whisker above my lips. And maybe I'll ride him next time. I whistle as I walk, eager to start the morning. Eager to see where the universe leads me.

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Andy Anna and Brownie

Anna and Andy are twins. They began having sex together about a month ago. Whenever their parents were gone, which was a lot. In Andy's bedroom, a lamp caught on fire, so they had to remodel Andy’s bedroom. Andy and Anna had to share a bed for two months. Anna doesn't like to wear a bra or a shirt in bed. She usually just sleeps in her panties. The first couple of nights, she couldn't sleep at all. She was so uncomfortable with a shirt and bra on. So on the third night, in the middle of...

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Polly is my wifes youngest sister

Names have been changed in case my wife's kid sister's new husband sees it. My wife Sherry and I married about a year and a half ago and are still very much in love. She was my second wife and she was married before as well. I knew she came from a large family in Texas but hadn’t seen any of them since the wedding. Without my wife telling me her youngest sister Polly was with her one evening when I came home from work. She was about twenty-eight and nearly as cute as my wife. ...

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Carries Curiosity

Prelude For several months Carrie had been talking about her desire to submit her body to a rigorous training program. Throughout the time that I had known her, it was clear to me that she derived an erotic thrill from having her body pushed to its limits, even when that entailed considerable physical stress and occasional pain. In order to satisfy her craving, we devised various games, which, for a time, she found sufficient. At first, these were games which we played at home where,...

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"You jerk!" Bridgette shouted at Karen, as Karen remerged from the soapywater in the tub, like a dolphin jetting up out of the ocean, to splashresoundingly in the water below. "You got me all wet!" Bridgette's grinbelied her mock anger."Well, duh, you ARE in the bathtub, Bridge. You already ARE wet!" Karenreplied."Not my hair, dummy," replied Bridgette sulkily, though she wasn't reallymad at Karen. After all, she knew what would inevitably result from twohighly sexed, beautiful 18 year old...

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Harry Potter the bondage slut

Ginny Weasley It was the holidays and surprisingly Harry is enjoying them, this is because of the fact he is staying at Ron’s house with the Weasleys, including Ginny. Ginny was entering into her third year of Hogwarts and is one of the sluttiest girls in her year. She makes no secret to the fact she has fucked many boys in her year and even Draco Malfoy. Ginny worked hard perfecting her body and had developed into a fit, sexy girl since Harry first met her with a athletic body yet somehow big...

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Mind Swapping Chapter 05

Mind Swapping Chapter 5 I awoke late on Wednesday morning. I crawled out from between Carol and Barbara's still sleeping forms. It was my turn to fix breakfast and I was going to have pancakes and coffee ready before they woke up. But, first, I needed to go to the bathroom. I tinkled, washed my hands and checked my appearance in the full length mirror. Since my long blonde hair was slightly tangled, I gave it a few brush strokes. I applied a dab of pink lip stick to my full lips and...

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The HealerChapter 57

“Is all ready?” I sent out the request for info via the AI network as I stood at a wall in the median level of Hrunesh Block, waiting. “Pellet firer in place; behemoth shell ready; Regiments are ready,” came the reply. “Open the wall.” The wall slid open silently as the AIs had now designated it a door. “Begin!” I commanded and then raced forward to throw myself out of the building. I was swiftly followed by three squads of Troopers, all drop specialists and all grimly determined to...

1 year ago
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Tempted Girlfriend

Jessica used the bright red lipstick to apply the final touches to her appearance. She normally wouldn’t wear something quite so eye-catching for a night at home, but this night was a special occasion. Jessica and her boyfriend John had been dating for three years. They had met during her sophomore year of college when he had been a senior. It had been the best years of her life. She could still remember every detail of the night he had proposed; even though it was months ago. She loved him...

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Friday Night

It’s been a long Friday. Work was retarded as usual, I ended up having to do several other people’s jobs in addition to mine. By the time I get home, I’m bushed. Making dinner – macaroni and cheese, mmm – is somewhat relaxing, but I’m still really tired. ‘So, a couple of my friends wanted to go out tonight, if you’re interested,’ my wife tells me. We’re sitting next to each other on the couch watching reruns of House. ‘I was thinking the club or something.’ I really hate to turn her down....

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Mera Pyara Chota Bhai

Mera cousin chota bhai raju wo 19 yrs ka he wo iss saal august me yahi govt college me +3 k lia admissn kia he wo college ki hostel me rahta he. Mene decide kia me use mere sath rakhungj taki mera akelapan dur ho jaye toh mene use november ko lane ka fix kia. 5 november aaya saturday tha me uske hostel jake usse le aayi ghar pahunchte hi hum dono thak ke ek hi bed pe so gaye 6 november ko uska birthday tha. Next day subha hui me uthi dekha 7 am hogaya he to me usse uthaya I utho raju utho toh...

3 years ago
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Good ghostbad ghost

"My goodness!" she said going to the car " how did you know that would happen?" The answer is of course, I didn't know. During the next year, there were a few minor happenings, once when coming down the steps at school, I stopped on the stairs, looked around to see what made me stop and went to the railing for support the rest of the way donw. A boy I didn't know came down the stairs tripping at the exact place where i went to the tailing! Someone had spilt an oil or simular on the...

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Dark Street ChoicesChapter 4

Choice 1 (Desire and opportunity): Looking for an escape route Julian rushed to the window opening it. Forcing it open cold air leaked into the room from outside, along with a few drops of rain. The room was on the second floor, but it was still a long way down. If he managed to hit the pile of garbage below he might just make it. Katy flanked on either side by Maggie in blue and Robin in red said, "Come join us Julian. We don't want you to leave." Even as she said it they all moved...

1 year ago
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Private Bella Rico Horny Exchange Student Enjoys Interracial Threesome

Debuting today in Private Specials, Exchange Students with Benefits is Bella Rico, a sexy blonde teen who has come to www.private.com for her first every scene and it’s certainly one you won’t want to miss! Bella is staying at the Reyes residence for her exchange and takes full advantage of the parents being away as she tempts brothers Jesús and Óscar in for an interracial threesome. Why play a video game when you can get your cock sucked by a horny teen? The Reyes brothers will soon find out...

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Sues Two Gang Rapes Two True Stories

Sue had been introduced to BDSM at 16 yrs old by a married 35 yr old guy and ever after she needed to feel used or abused every 4-6 weeks. Her first husband could not cope with her affairs and needs but I loved it. In the 80s I shared her many times and she found loads of guys herself as well but eventually we split up. I did not meet her again for a couple of years after Sue and I split up and then we got friendly again and she told me a little of some of the things she had been doing. To...

3 years ago
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SueEllen Carter My Life In Atlanta

SUE-ELLEN CARTER CONTINUING THE STORY OF MY LIFE IN ATLANTA BY BETTY NOONE Dear readers: Thank you for your many nice reviews on my story, "Sue- Ellen Carter, A Southern lady." I want you all to know that I read them all and am pleased that you liked this story. The following is a continuation of Sue-Ellen's life in Atlanta. I hope that you will find this interesting as well. For those of you who haven't read the previous story this one won't make much sense unless you...

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Master PC The University of Life

The e-mail Edmund Gathright jumped, and gazed blearily around the room to see what had disturbed his slumber. His eyes swept over chaos, piles of empty Pot Noodle pots, discarded lager cans, and wads of paper. No, nothing had been disturbed -- all looked normal. Edmund yawned lustily and arched his back, a vain attempt to ease the cramp caused by falling asleep in front of the PC. He vaguely wondered what the time was, and after picking up his discarded glasses he peered at the task bar....

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You Only Live Once 8211 Part VI

While coming from Satara I thought of gifting BIL with Zahra and told mom that I am taking Zahra for few days as I was alone telling that our maid will be going for 15 days on leave. Mom told her to pack her bag. I had to change my sari to a salwar only to tell mom when she asked I won’t be comfortable traveling in a sari. BIL was excited to see me and more excited when I told Zahra is her gift. A new cunt every man loves and that night we 3 slept together banging each other. Next day BIL had 3...

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Part 5 Back to the Cabin for Clean up

Chapter 5, Back to the Cabin for Clean upWhen Karen passed out from the pain of the piercing and cauterization, it didn’t take long before a little of the piss and shit mixture that was flowing through the tube to trickle down her wind pipe. As soon as the acid hit the sensitive lining of the bronchial tube, the burn caused her to quickly wake up in a coughing fit. This caused the shit and piss mixture to be sprayed through her nose out over her mouth, chin and tits. Because she was strapped...

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Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays By Morpheus T'was the day before Christmas and all through the mall, it was packed full of people making Cole feel lonely and small. Cole was 13 years old, close to 14, though just a little small for his size. He had shaggy dark brown hair that was in need of a cut and well worn clothes that had passed down from several other owners before him. And at the moment, Corey was standing at the edge of a crowd, watching the display with the mall...

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18 Year old virgin with a mature mum

At 18, I was on top of the world. My parents had bought me a car today for Leaving high school with honors. I could not wait to show it off to my girlfriend. We had been going out about two months and I was hoping that I could get my first taste of pussy to top off my amazing summer.I drove over to my girlfriend Ann's house. It was early, about nine am. She was gone for the day with her dad and sister. Her mom, Dawn was home and invited me in. Dawn and I got along really well. We always flirted...

4 years ago
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With My Married ExGirlfriend

After reading a lot of sex stories and hearing people say that women shout obscenities and moan harder than a cow when having sex was unbelievable for me until I had this experience which I am going to talk about now. My name is Shankar, I am a south Indian by birth and started living in a metro city while studying and later working. During my stay I have had the privilege to date some women. Should I say my luck or something have always got some Punjabi chick falling for me. Like this I have...

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The ReturnChapter 11

Two days later, Arthur and I left Fiona to look after herself, but warned her not to stray from the site. Only to go to the stream for water and bathe at dusk and not to burn wet wood. We travelled in a south-easterly direction, keeping close to the tree line or travelling through the woods, keeping as low a profile as we could. In about three hours travelling, we spotted a small village with the same type of houses, but with a low stockade, which was more to keep stock in than to repel any...

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Crossbones Carol

She was now the captain of the 39 foot sailboat named “Crossbones” on Lake Erie. For years she and her husband had raced the boat in the many regattas that were held there. He’d had the boat when they married and their honeymoon was a 10 day voyage to Lake Huron. They’d sailed naked and screwed out in the middle of the lake as well as every other chance they got. But cancer got him and she was now left with the memories and the boat. To play along with the boat name, her husband had gotten...

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Towards a Surrender Act III

Towards a Surrender Act III By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. The following story is the second of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. I hope that the larger narrative arc is interesting to all. I suggest you may enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two. I continue to work on better editing and someone has been most helpful. Thank you for your comments Act III Is there love...

1 year ago
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Kamwali Bai Ke Sath Chudai Ke Maze

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nimku aur main Bihar ka rehne wala hun. Mere lund ka size hai 7-inch. Toh iss kahani ki heroine hai meri kamwali bai jiska naam Anita hai. 2 bachon ki maa hai aur dikhne mein ekdum sexy milf hai. Anita ki height choti hai magar figure ekdum kadak. 36-32-36 hai. Kisi sex karne wale ke liye yeh figure best hai chodne ke lihaz se. Toh main apni kamwali bai pe pehle attracted nahi tha. Unpe utna dhyaan nahi deta tha. Magar ek din jab woh mere room mein jhadu karne aayi toh...

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Jessie The Tornado Ch 02

I suggest reading the first chapter before beginning this one. This chapter involves Sam and his first wife, but provides the background for what is to come. * My name is Samuel Walker but everyone calls me Sam. I was born in North Carolina, and lived there until I graduated from high school. I immediately joined the Marine Corps, and soon found myself serving a tour in Iraq. After completing that tour, I took 30 days’ vacation and returned to North Carolina. With Boot Camp, Advanced...

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New Dimensions Ready to Wear

New Dimensions Ready to Wear by Rachel Ann Cooper In college, I had majored in graphic design but when I graduated, there were no jobs out there in my field that didn't require me to move. I really like Manhattan and wanted to stay. The only thing that caught my eye was a sales job with a firm in the garment district called New Dimensions. I'd never heard of them but that was no reason not to look at what seemed to be a pretty good starting salary and benefits so I called for an...

3 years ago
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Friend His Mom Changed My Life

Hi friends…I don’t remember when I started to fantasize incest. I started masturbating when I was in 11th Std and may be by 12th incest started fulfilling my masturbation sessions. Basically I am from an orthodox family, still I don’t know why the so called “dirty thoughts” like incest came to my mind and even dominated it. But this didn’t have any influence in my real life. It was limited to my masturbation sessions. I never even looked my mom with such a lust in my mind, though reading incest...

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My SisterInLaw Became A Slut

Hello friends, first of all I like to thanks all the ladies, gals and aunties who have read my earlier story and given me an enthusiastic responses which lended me to submit my second story for all you people I am vikram, 27yrs of age married and currently working with a reputed company and currently in Bangalore , I am athletic build and my height is 5.7 and my cock size is 7inchs and any aunties and gals near and away unsatisfied can contact me at This story is about me and my...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 15

Karl 8:53am Somebody must have seriously lost their minds. Either it was me shortly after I walked in to the office and I'm dreaming what I just heard, or it was the school staff. "Why me?" I was flabbergasted. "Remember what happened the last time you guys put somebody 'different' through the Program? Don't you guys know what will happen the moment I show my scrawny ass naked in that hallway? Wasn't last week bad enough?" I looked at them like they were experiments that had...

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