Titanias Hall free porn video

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He had been walking through the mist on a spring morning. He hadn't actually known it was the solstice. He had walked up a hill with a ring of mushrooms at the top of it. He didn't think anything of it apart from a place to get a better view of the surrounding countryside. He had walked anti-clockwise three times. He had been wondering mostly what would make the best photo as the sun was rising through the mist. Then the mist had intensified; he continued his anti clockwise route wondering if he might be able to at least find his footsteps where he had come up as pictures now weren't going to be possible, but soon the mist was so thick it covered even the view of his feet. Then even more suddenly than it had come it dissipated and he found himself in front of a troupe of strange and scantily clad women in a cavernous stone pillared hall. "Would you care to join our feast weary traveller?" He glanced to the side of this great hall he had found himself in to find a table stacked with beautiful foods. Women would slowly walk up to grab a dainty morsel and he found even their eating suggestive. He turned back to the lady who had addressed him. She was so imperious and stately. He hadn't known what he'd been doing or about the solstice but he did have enough memory of distant myth and fairy tale to remember the dangers of partaking in a feast in such a strange and possibly magical situation. He bowed his head in embarrassment to avoid the gazes of all the beautiful women. "No, ma'am, I am sorry. I seem to have entered here by mistake. I um should probably go..." "Why do you bow your head?" "Um modesty, my uh lady. Everyone is practically unclad and I am fully clothed..." "Nonsense - there is no call for modesty in my halls, feel free to look and be looked at." And then with a sweep of her arm he felt his clothes and belongings disappear from his person. He held his hand over his member and blushed at the tittering that had come down the hall. As he looked around he noticed the girls now shedding even their modest raiments. Quite seductively too. He felt an embarrassing erection start budding. Realising warily how magical this encounter was he felt it best to be moving on. "Um thank you, I uh, suppose that's much better. Is it all right if I um leave you lovely ladies now to your feast? If you could just um show me the way out..." "Oh how sad. Are you sure I couldn't tempt you to stay? The food is excellent and there are far greater pleasures to be had as well...?" "I um really don't want to offend" he said trying to ignore the growing tittering and occasional oohs and ahhs. His erection was becoming impossible to hide and it didn't help the situation in the slightest. "I wouldn't want to be forward and I'm sure I shouldn't be here intruding in the first place. Please, I'm sorry, let me leave and I won't ever bother you again. Or um tell anyone about this or anything..." "You are too shy and reserved by far and you really shouldn't feel that way, we miss male company at times. Anyway, you need only walk out the doors of my hall to be able to go home again. But really, should you desire one of my ladies and they be willing to reciprocate along that journey down the hall then please don't be ashamed to feel free. If you do, you shall soon be making love like never before. Feel free to do so as many times as you wish... Each time will become assuredly unforgettable. Furthermore, we feel shame at being unable to fulfil a man's needs -don't we girls? So, if you fail to release your seed, then they shall each compensate you with a gift from them of whatever you most desire. - such a gift is the least we can do in failing you." More tittering followed. "Make sure you get through the doors while you are still quite yourself however. If you lose yourself along the way then you shall join us for evermore. But fear not too much of that, you'll find us pleasant enough company if it so transpires." Humiliated and yet still so very unsure and nervous about the whole situation, especially after such a cryptic speech, he started moving the hundred metres or so down to the end of the hall. He hadn't moved more than ten feet when two ladies smilingly approached him. "No-one here would mind if you were to share yourself with us. Before you leave surely you would like to try just once making love to the two of us. You really shall experience love making like never before. It will be something to talk about for the rest of your life." His arousal was now quite painfully intense and as all the women about were languidly talking with each other and caring not about his and their nudity he started to feel well why not? In fact, the arrogance of these women, thinking he was scared and running. His member was confident. If they were willing, why not do it and be done? Show himself to be a man, maybe give these girls enough pleasure as to get the others jealous or impressed by his manliness. Yes he would do it this once, regain some honour and then move on quickly out the doors and back home. So loud and confidently he agreed and was rewarded with some raised eyebrows amongst the throng though disturbingly occasional cheeky smirks and turning away from him. He didn't have time to contemplate it further however as the two ladies were now upon him and stroking soft hands about his naked tingling body. Soon there was heavy petting and stroking on both parts. They were really quite good at this... While in deep embrace and ardour with the one feeling the taste of her warm lips and mouth and the hot breath and warm tingling he felt the other move slowly down between his legs and take his member in his mouth. Soft breasts were pressing against him and then the girl below started squeezing his ass and licking and mouthing his member. It was incredible and so intense and so sadly within five minutes he found he could contain himself no longer and came mightily. His ejaculation was intense and incredible. After three pumps the girl released him but he still pumped out his seed. As it sprayed across her face and tits he was somehow further aroused and the incredible intense orgasm grew and continued for an incredible time. He felt the faces of all the girls upon him and so developed a pride in his effort even if somewhat unanticipated. He circled about in his ecstasy waving his pumping orgasmic member as if to show them his manly virility. He was not here to be pussy whipped and so it continued until eventually he felt he was pumped dry. "Thank you." They smiled, licking cum from their faces and soon making love to each other, cleaning each other up. He backed off slowly, smiling at his proven masculinity, gathering his breath after such an intense and incredible experience. He felt their promises had possibly been true and then he backed into another lady. Such a sweet face and a beautiful straight nose or was it her eyes? Either way she was captivating. "What about a kiss for me stranger?" The embrace was passionate and he felt arousal again but realised this was dangerous having just come so spectacularly. With a great effort he pulled away. "I'm sorry, no. I need to go now." "Oh... you disappoint me, but as you wish. Whatever you most desired about me is now yours." "What? But we didn't... I mean yes I desired you, and... you were willing to reciprocate...but..." as she walked off into the shadows he mentally reviewed the first lady's words and realised they had taken the kiss as starting to make love. So it was he came to terms with the potential trickery in this situation and decided to do his best to stay on guard. The next woman to come up to him therefore met with stronger words although she had a young and pretty face and he felt his arousal strengthening again. "No we shall not. I will not start making love with you." He kept backing back keeping an eye on her and feeling regret within the depths of his soul... or groin. It was hard to tell. Then he felt a strong embrace from behind and a voice whispering delicately in his ear. A flitting tongue caressed his earlobe at the end of her words. What a voice... So sultry, so sensual, her touch was maddening him. He turned to face her and soon found himself locked in another passionate deep probing kiss. This led on to more and soon they were making heavy passionate love. A few minutes later, she was bent down as he thrust into her doggy style but although he was soon driven to the edge he now found he couldn't ejaculate. He had been pumped dry at the very first experience. He tried a while longer but it soon became painful; even though the moans from her silken voice were driving him into a frenzied passion he had never felt until this day. He finally pulled out and gasped an apology. She smiled and purred, "Do not fret, I enjoyed it immensely. You have my gift with my blessing." Another gift - although he was yet to receive anything. He turned and made up his mind to just run. It was a mistake though - in the dark and unfamiliar hall he soon stumbled and found he had splashed into a warm pool or bath. As he fell he was caught and found himself entangled with a woman who picked him up saying 'Don't run, we don't want you to hurt yourself" He found himself staring into the most intense green eyes and as he faltered under their gaze he felt a hand upon his once more stiffening prick. Damn, he knew that by their rules that was probably enough. Fair enough, if he was committed he would make the best of it. He soon had her manoeuvred up on his member, her slick pussy slid down his pole and with her arms locked about him and her legs wrapped around his back he once again enjoyed the intense passion. He had planned to move with her closer to the door, But he soon found the love experience so intense that he had just wandered to a column and then moved down to the floor on a convenient rug where he lost himself again in the love making, feeling the building within his groin and yet again it never climaxed. Eventually he rolled from her and staggered to his feet exhausted. "Enjoy your gift" she smiled and closed her eyes and relaxed upon the rug they had found. He staggered off and saw he was only a third of the way to the doors. Still, nothing unto ward had happened. The next woman was tall and willowy in her sinuous grace. So soon upon his running and his last sexual efforts he didn't have the energy to even try and resist her nor the strength to try yet again to ejaculate. He stroked her long beautiful legs and gave her a passionate kiss and embrace. He felt a tingling and heat around his nose and felt he was breathing more clearly as he kissed her and then he gently pulled away. "I can't, I'm sorry...you win..." She stroked a finger down his nose with a smile and said "That's fine, Enjoy your gifts." The next woman he saw, he admired her smooth skin and round soft face. He kissed her lightly a few times in an almost exhausted trance and felt a warm burning in his throat. He was haunted by the beautiful voice of the third encounter he had had with a purring moan, but as he pulled away the demure girl had a soft lighter voice. "Maybe some other time - what's mine is now yours though." A few more dazed steps and he came across a girl with the most intense long red hair. He ran his hands through the long silken lengths as he closed his eyes and kissed her deeply. He felt his member stirring yet again and he felt surely he could manage one more time. Warmth and tingling in the eyes followed and as he opened them he swore her hair looked even more red, or shining, or had in fact his vision just improved markedly? They didn't even speak as he drew away, she just smiled and stroked his short brown hair. He pulled himself together and tried to stride out purposefully yet again but found himself waylaid by a woman with beautiful curvaceous hips. It was an ass to die for. Surely for her he could now ejaculate again. After some brief kissing and petting he had her around and was taking her doggy style. He was determined - 5 minutes in it was still glorious and he closed his eyes and kept going. His legs burned and soon his whole frame was burning, but the intense tingling was stronger still and he was sure he must be close to ejaculation of some sort soon, She was crying out in yelps of excitement and he groaned and moaned as he pushed harder only to slowly realise that his voice was now that of the woman he had last been taking doggy style. The shock of the realisation made him pull out and back. 'My voice,' he cried stunned at the familiar feminine sultry tones he had so admired just minutes before. Then he suddenly realised his legs were now changed as well. His figure had become slender. Willowy and long in frame. He stumbled away straight into the warm embrace and kiss of the most soft and perfect lips he had ever met. His cheeks burned at what he thought was embarrassment only to pull away and find his face was now soft hairless and rounded. His examination then felt a straight and beautiful nose and long eyelashes and thoughts of three more of the women he'd already met followed. He now realised what these 'gifts of what he most desired' were and the full horror of what awaited him if he didn't get out of this hall as quickly as possible. But now ten women were converging upon him. He quickly sidestepped and pushed between two of them only to find himself tripped by a third and landing face first into the most impressive breasts he had ever seen upon a woman. She clasped him to her bosom and stroked and kissed his head. He couldn't resist nuzzling and fondling at the glorious orbs. The soft firmness of these breasts made his member arise once more and he considered trying again but then he felt another tingling followed by long red silken hair moving down his back and it brought him to his senses once more. Each encounter was bringing a gift from one he had met before and oh dear lord, now these beautiful but oh so huge breasts... if he wasn't careful... He made a good run, seriously panicked and desperate now. He soon found the hall doors only 30 metres from him and felt he might be able to make it out when an incredibly athletic and flexible woman managed to backflip over to him and send him crashing to the floor. Before he could struggle up she had inserted his stiff member deep into her and was writhing back and forth astride him. He felt his ass burning and his hips spreading and groaned with a feminine moan of ecstasy. "Oh god, yes", he cried, caught up in lust again but still not ejaculating. Being trapped he started trying his hardest yet again, he couldn't afford any more gifts now he felt. Then another woman came up with a lovely smile and peered over at him while the other woman continued her wild gyrations and flexing backwards She kissed him for a while and stroked his chest. His lips blossomed under hers now, soft full and oh so much more tender and receptive, but he still didn't come and she left him pinned. It made him realise how vulnerable his state now was but before his mind had even cleared enough to react the next woman had arrived. A buxom friendly faced woman with the most beautiful hands and lovely long nails... He was lulled into security by her innocent looking face and it was only as her beautiful hands stroked and massaged his chest that he remembered what gift he was up to. By the time he had at last struggled free from the two of them he now had a bosom as impressive as or more so than the woman who had just led this to happen. He scrambled another couple of metres on hands and knees before a foot pushed him to the floor. A small foot, soft and yet strong... and massaging his back. And then another foot. He was so intensely aroused now and felt his nipples hardening for the first time ever. He pulled around and shuffled despondently backwards away from this last woman when, to his sudden delight he felt a sudden a strength and sinuous quality now enter his frame. "Yes!", he thought, and was able to push up into a back flip away from this woman but only to be caught immediately in the embrace of a woman with beautiful glowing wonderful skin. He stroked her soft skin and felt her tongue part his soft full lips. Her hands played lightly upon his large breasts and he moaned and exposed his neck to some more sensuous kissing. These sexual feelings were now so much more intense and harder to ignore... Gathering what remained of his resolve he pulled away though and staggered to the door to find one last woman in front of him. A tingling led to a soft familiar smile playing upon his face as he admired her openly. He could push past her in seconds and yet he found his heightened state of arousal stopped him leaping past her to freedom. "Surely this time he would ejaculate" he thought although part of him knew it was madness. He soon entered a warm moist pussy that was soft yet strong. She wriggled and squirmed and rode him and he had never felt such an incredible pussy as this one caressing his member. Further tingling and his long strong slender hands now caressed her bosom as she rode him sitting across him and smiling down peacefully. Another woman came to his face and kissed him. Lovely teeth. She walked away. His skin now glowed magnificently and the warmth across his body brought him closer to an orgasm then than he had felt since his first ejaculation. Still the glorious pussy milked at him and strove to release him. Surely it must succeed. It rippled with muscle down his member. How was this possible? It was glorious. Other woman came to him, Firm jutting nipples Beautiful muscle tone A tongue that had been incredible in his mouth and yet no more changes. He realised that this woman riding him was his last hope. It was her gift he was up to. If he came, he could push past her, if he failed, then he would have her pussy and the remaining gifts of every woman now walking up and taking advantage of his stationary state. He would then be the combination of everything he had desired from every woman in the whole room. They came up and took turns kissing and titillating him, his member ached and yet he kept holding the woman on top of him hoping desperately to ejaculate as gift after gift was bestowed on him. It didn't matter as long as he could ejaculate and break free. He was groaning and screaming. He was crying in girlish ecstasy and desire, his breasts heaved and ached, his full ass squirmed, his soft lips burned with the touch of kiss after kiss each bringing not only physical but also emotional and mental gifts now. They were not part of him but they were pushing at him, willing him to succumb. He was admiring them more for different qualities than physical although he did still note one with exceptionally long hair that appealed. Finally he had so many feminine emotions, desires and traits that he could no longer hold his member erect. It felt softer and slowly shrunk, his balls had gone it seemed and now he felt the magnificent pussy squirming and sliding against moist lips of his own. She pulled back and went down to his groin. Her tongue lapped and sucked and his member, so tiny, now felt a different intensity and then she came. Yes SHE. So gloriously happily female and full of carnal feminine desire. Her hair grew longer, teeth changed, tongue, an invasion of skills and desires, thoughts and feelings burst forth in a flood and cemented in her new psyche. She was bucking and screaming and groaning, thrusting girlish hips and was in an ecstasy of orgasmic lovemaking like she had never ever felt before. Epilogue It was some weeks later when she was extremely accomplished in her skills of lovemaking and her masculine side was a distant memory that she was again approached by the queen. "We want you to leave now and spend time above." Once you have made love to a man he shall fall into a deep hypnotic sleep. You will implant into his head the desire to walk up that hill by which you entered at the next solstice, to walk anti-clockwise finding a reason in their mind as to why they might wish to do so and the idea that to keep walking anti-clockwise is the best way to ensure their safety. They will then forget all about their contact with you and continue with their life until they get to that hill. Just my dear as you did. Go now and after a year or two you may return to play with us again and enter the next stage of your journey with the Fey. Oh, but before you go, another man has just entered - would you care to join the fun...?"

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Intriguing Marshall

“The Marshall will take me?” I said. I wasn’t sure about that. He was a tall and grizzly looking man who stood nearby us. I questioned whether or not I wanted him of all people to ride along with me back to my home town. The other man said he would ride along you with me. I wasn’t sure about that either but I knew it would be a “long” and treacherous ride if I didn’t take precautions. I looked at the Marshall. He did look brazen to say the least but I had heard without that heavy and ugly...

2 years ago
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Welcome to High Tail Hall

Welcome to the furry world please select a time to be in. First High Tail Hall. A pub in the woods with small rooms for guest or "customers" to stay the night. Also a strip club below the pub where anything is allowed. In these woods you can hear moans in the moonlight. Second High Tail Hall. On a Private island and allows very few people. This Island has just started business but has a wide verity of women to pick. The sand is hot and the sex is hotter. Third High Tail Hall. Set in a city a...

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The Sexy Older Couple Down The Hall

"Yes, Ava, I'm gonna cum," he panted, just before he pulled his pecker out of my slit. "Okay, Brad, just don't do it on my face again," I warned him, shooting him a dirty look. He positioned himself onto his knees with me in between them. He took his rod in his right hand as I remained naked lying down on my back. "Oh, hell yes," he moaned, stroking his schlong and eyeballing my nicely sized bosoms. I stared at it until it squirted out it's hot and thick cum. The first shot bolted out onto my...

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The First Attempt Of Breaking My Virginity At Cinema Hall

Hello, this is my first story. I hope you like it. Please send me feedbacks on I have been a great fan of iss since few moths. I was very eager to share a story with you all guys so now I am here with my story THE FIRST ATTEMPT OF BREAKING MY VIRGINITY. I am student of eleventh standard with 6″ dick. I am very smart in my studies and also very straight forward. My favorite part is threesome, pussy licking and lesbians ! I crave for this :P Coming to the story ….. This incident happened a...

1 year ago
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Kids in the Hall

"Millicent, I have asked you three times to stop interrupting the video with your rude comments. You may wait out in the hall where you will not disturb the rest of the class, and I will speak with you after class about detention." Liss had been in more than her share of trouble, but she was sorry to have made Ms. Hinton angry. Despite her formal manner, the science teacher was fair, kind, even funny now and then, and really pretty. She was Liss' favorite teacher. But that video! So stupid!...

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the girl down the hall

this girl. this angel. she was all I've ever dreamed about and then some. she was the most beautiful women ive ever seen. i made it my goal to be with her. her name was Amber, she was in my school when we first met. i guess we had met before then because our parents knew each other very well. neither of us knew it but our parents were part of a cult. at the time i didn't think of my parents as such monsters as they are to me today. they partly ruined my life... but they helped me so much in...

2 years ago
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late night hotel halls

I am 46 years old and travel quite extensively for businss. I dress in my hotel room at night when i travel. I sometimes entertain in my room. Sometimes I get very bold and wander out to the soda machine dressed sexily. Its about as bold as I ever get. I am quite tall and do not pass in public. But i am very smoooth and try very hard to look fem.Anyway, very recently i wandered into the hotel halls about 3 am at a business hotel I was staying in outside of Indianapolis. The soda machine was...

4 years ago
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Across the Hall

Alright, where to start… My name’s Abby. I just turned 19 and live with my brother Steve, who is 16, and my mother Lynn, who is 45, but could pass for 35 easily. I have an older sister named Sara, who is several years older than my brother and I at 25 (lust baby perhaps? lol), but she has not lived at home for some time and only comes to visit a few times a year. Our dad passed away a few years ago from lung cancer. He was quite a bit older than my mother and smoked like a chimney, but he...

3 years ago
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Old fat mayor sucks my cock at city hall

My wife and I moved to a retirement community near a small town. It had a golf course and bar/restaurant nearby to our house. We soon joined a card group which met on Friday nights. The group included the mayor of the small town. He was a very overweight (350+) single man in his early 70’s. Everyone kind of suspected he was gay, but no one ever talked about it.Our card sessions were also a chance for everyone to get drunk. We all did, including the mayor who consumed copious amounts of gin. We...

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Pam Mark Hall

INTRO: If the intro looses you, sorry. This is a back story to put the times in context. In the days of analogue technology (i.e., records, cassettes, 8 Tracks), it was possible to eke out a living as a musician. People with a few hundred dollars could make a record, have a few hundred printed, placed in the trunk of a car and go on "Tour." Selling records as one went along. This was all in hopes of some large producer or radio station would notice the artist and the gravy train would...

4 years ago
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Fucking Cousin In Party Hall

Hi friends this is Sam from Vijayawada Andhra Pradesh and I am from a happy family in our we live only 3 members me dad mom we live very happily we have a relatives in Hydhrabad every holidays we all our family members go to Hydhrabad and meet here. We will spent lot of time by teasing with each other this thing is routine every year sorry friends and I think you are getting bored and I am just introducing my family plan with you and this is all happened when I was studying in inter first year...

3 years ago
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Hirst Hall

Chapter 1 – I describe my life before my ill-fated marriage My downfall has been so complete that it is hard to know what to write.  However I am minded that this tale must begin somewhere.  I was born Caroline Adamson, 36 years ago in London, the daughter of a merchant dealing in furs and wood from the Baltic. It was a comfortable if unexciting childhood marked by occasional fights with my older brother and the usual struggles that mark relationships between mothers and daughters. I grew up to...

2 years ago
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Ramya8217s fun atmovie hall

Here is the real experience of me having seduced by a guy at movie hall. I finished my college studies, one day it was boring for me in hostel , i thought of going to a movie. I went to nearby city chennai. Got ticket, i can see that there is a very less number of person standing. I went into the hall. I placed my butt on a seat , no one near me. The movie started, there were some couples sitting at the last row. I know what most of the couples do in a theater that has less audience. A college...

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In the cinema hall

Story written by husband on behalf of wife. A lot of strange things happen in people’s lives. And also very often events of your younger days leave an impact on you, which is so difficult to ever shake off later in life. This is a true episode of my life which I thought of sharing on the anonymity of the web. I am a lady aged 38 years, happily married & well off. I have two Kids and my hubby is in the merchant navy. However these events that I am going to recount are from an earlier phase of my...

4 years ago
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Hot Sex Movie hall

Hi Gals and ladies, I am M 25 from rajkot city (ALone), I would like to start my story from here now… After finishing my daily office i went to cyber cafe for chatting as it was olnly means for me to spend my time. I was chatting for alomst 2-3 hrs daily. Once i got invitaion from strnage Id to chat… i thought to ignore but then i replied saying hi and all that normal stuff. I thought some stupid male is jus doing time pass wid me as my ID had word cupid… After some time that id gave me msg...

2 years ago
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Lurkers In The Hall

Thomas got out of his bmw and looked up at the old mansion. The large old house stood out against the sky and the sea beyond, surrounded by primevil forests, but alone on this shunned and deserted stretch of coast.The sun was rapidly fading, casting long shadows from the house's turrets out towards the sea. The shadows extended the two hundred feet towards the edge of the cliff. Thomas could see whitecaps on the stormy Atlantic heading towards the shore and he heard the waves breaking...

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The CollectorChapter 2 Welcome to Chelmsford Hall

Mary Pilson knew that her ‘uncle’ Walter was grooming her. ‘Uncle’ was a silly term that Mary’s mother used to describe the men who moved into their home to take advantage. Mary had no time for her uncles; she saw them for what they were, parasites and users. Mary’s mother could hardly make ends meet working as an usherette at the local cinema. Her good looks, curvy body and long legs ensured that she was well tipped by the male customers but she also attracted the sharks. Mary mostly...

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The forest was a cool green. The scent of woods and musky dirt in the air helped Caspar with the long journey from his homeland of Urtei to the neighboring country. He was the crown prince, and his duty was to be escorted through the forests between the lands. Upon his arrival, he was to make trade arrangements between the countries, they had been at war for the past fifty years. The mist slid past Caspar, and the horse below him snuffled at the cold. There was a strange feeling in the air,...

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August 6th 2001 with Geri Halliwell

It was August 6th 2001 as the diminutive pop star was woken by the Emirates Airlines flight attendant to let her know they would soon be landing at Dubai International Airport. Ex Spice Girl, Geri Halliwell was flying back home from Sydney after a promotional tour and she wanted to break the long journey. Her watch showed 5pm.It was her 29th Birthday and she was spending it away from home and her family; but such is the price of fame. But she got a birthday present she will never forget, nor...

2 years ago
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Happy Halloween," bubbled Cordelia Morgan."Fuck Halloween," replied her sister Johanna."Happy Fucking Halloween, then. Just what is wrong with your attitude?""Harley has this stupid Halloween party. He really insists that I go but I have study group early tomorrow. I guess I have to go, but I just won't stay long.""But s*s, Harley is your new boyfriend. I mean, the paint isn't even dry on the relationship. You know he gets all excited every year about his stupid frat's stupid party. It's the...

3 years ago
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Enjoying Life With Friend8217s Wife Shallu

Mera naam romil hai aur mai dehradun ka rehne vala hun, filhal mai delhi ke mnc mai software developer hun. Mera lund 6″5′ lumba hai aur 2″5′ mota hai.Jo ke kisi bhi unsatisfied women ko satisfy kar sakta hai. So anyone interested or want to take advise aur simply talk can mail me at- “”. Mere colleague jo ke mera bahut acha friend hai uski shaadi thi 15 din tke baad. Magar mera usa mai office trip ke vajah se mai attend nahi kar paya. Fir jab mai vahan vapas lauta to usse milne gaya usne mujhe...

1 year ago
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Bhabhi Di Pyaas Kiti Khallas

Hi dosto. Mera naam hai Mr Sandhu. Meri age hai 24 te height hai 5’10. Te lun da size aa 6 and a half inches. Mai Chandigarh ch rehnda han te eh kahani vi meri real story hai. Mere cousin da viyah odo hoya hi c te cousin and meri bhabhi di love marrkage c. Meri bhabhi bohat hi jada sexy hai and figure hai 34-27-36 . Shuru toh hi mainu oh sohni lagdi c par saada khandaan thoda conservative hon de kaaran mai bhabhi nu kade bulaya nai c. Bas dooron dooron ohde mumme nu stare karda c. Ik din bhabhi...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 16 Katies Hallowe

My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 16 Katie's Halloween Party Joechin Lee sat in his room and watched the neighbors from his window as they walked over to the Jackson's house. He sighed deeply as he didn't see anyone his age. He knew another boring evening with his parents awaited him. He wished his parents would allow him to go social gatherings with his friends but they always felt he would get in trouble and hurt his academic scholarship chances. The teenager was still a virgin while most of his...

2 years ago
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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 16 Katies Hallowe

My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 16 Katie's Halloween Party Joechin Lee sat in his room and watched the neighbors from his window as they walked over to the Jackson's house. He sighed deeply as he didn't see anyone his age. He knew another boring evening with his parents awaited him. He wished his parents would allow him to go social gatherings with his friends but they always felt he would get in trouble and hurt his academic scholarship chances. The teenager was still a virgin while most of his...

3 years ago
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My chawl mohalla

Hello i am suresh and rest of the identity is concealed for obvious reasons .now i am 25 years old .it is incidence of some years. This incident is just unbeleavable but true, and it can never happen in general because it is rarest case. Then i was living all alone in a chawl in my own building or own chawl . I was studying in 10th class , my parents were recently shifted to our village . We had good business at this place and it was run by my father and uncle that’s his elder brother. We had...

4 years ago
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My inner lesbian10 day writing challange

day one Ten things that make my life complete My favorite people: Master, Isobel, Chrystal, Erik, jenn, Courtney, katy. My dog :) My business My keys Love Having enough money for ice cream, coffee, or breakfast dates with my favorites. Music and my awesome headphones My collars My purple hair Food and sleep. day 2 of writing assignment I'm going to start this off with a weird hookup story from last night... Last night, mid hookup, rick stops me and asks "whos cock would you...

3 years ago
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New Maidens for Futanari Valhalla

Odin let out a loud huff as another of her warriors approached the throne, no doubt to complain about their eternal afterlife in a land of wonder and magic. For the past month there had been an influx of warriors coming from Midgard, and the first thing many of them did was complain. Some complained about those they had left behind, others were shocked by the new bodies they inhabited, men who now had feminine characteristics, a change that Odin explained as "a way to experience all the...

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Phallica; a world full of Magic, Mystery, and most of all Men! It is said the great god, Phallus sprang forth in the empty void before the universe began, and created reality from his mighty cock. Phallus's cosmic cum formed the stars, the galaxies and finally, the world. All manner of races and creatures exist on Phallica; Men, Elves, Dwarves, Giants, Orcs, Centaurs, among other fantastical races; the only thing that does not exist here, is females. Every living thing on Phallica is male....

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Enticed Pt 7 Produce And Phalluss

June began the long slow-news season most people called summer. Oh, sure, the city and county governments were arguing over their budgets for the following year forcing me, as a news photographer, to attend a meeting or two. Otherwise, summer meant chasing down feature photos where ever I could find them because very little happened in small towns.So, I spent an hour Friday night at a little league baseball game shooting kids having fun and parents taking it too seriously.When I walked into...

Gay Male
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A Little Halloweenie

My name is Trish. Short for Patricia. Which I hate. My mother and father call me by my full name all the time and my older sister does when she really wants to get to me. The rest of the time, she calls me Pint. That started when she was a freshman in high school and I was in the sixth grade. She wanted to go to the movies with her two bimbo girlfriends and Mom made her take me along. Of course, I'm the one she blamed for it. She was yelling at me when I told her that the movie she got...

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Thirty years in the same house, 34 years married. Henry and Bella had left the country only once in that time, a trip to Ontario and Niagara Falls in 2001. They went in July, before Arab terrorists declared war on the United States and devastated Lower Manhattan and a wedge of the Pentagon. It was time for another vacation, this time abroad, Henry thought: England, where he was born. “You know Dad was an airman,” he said, by way of starting the conversation. “He was stationed at RAF Menwith...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 254 Poolhall

I left the West End Bike Shop with the frame hanging from the bike rack on the rear of the cruiser. I was probably half way to the Speed Shop, the bike shop at the mall, when Eve spoke. "So what are your plans for the bicycle?" She asked. "I don't know, I never get to ride it more than to the mall, so I think I might just have an ordinary bike set up done this time and ride it just for exercise." I said. "Then I shall have to have a bike as well. How can I protect you, if you are off...

1 year ago
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Lustful Valhalla

Author's Note: This story has scenes depicting characters in sexual situations that are embarrassing or otherwise uncomfortable for some of the characters. These scenes are depicted as fun and mischievous, and the victims react with only mild annoyance or frustration. This is unrealistic. Much like dropping an anvil on someone's head, sexually embarrassing someone can easily hurt them in real life even if you're being funny, so please be kind and understanding of others. "Well, well it looks...

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The Challenges

The Challenges by AtomicWriter Everything in this story is fictional, do not read if you are under the legal age for reading adult fiction in your place of residence. "I don't know, that seems kind of unfair," Kyle said skeptically. "You don't think you can win, do you?" his sister, Jessica asked back. She smiled that annoying smug smile, the same one she always had when she teased him. "I didn't say that, it just seems like the bet makes it very easy for you to get what...

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