Amelia s Challenge
- 3 years ago
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I thought I lost my virginity to a girl I met at Finley Hall, but afterwards I was never truly sure. I suppose it was a matter of definitions. It wasn’t really about the event itself, but rather the woman I was with.
Finley Hall was the Student Center at the City College of New York by the 1970s. It was a huge, sprawling structure and I don’t remember now exactly what was contained in the whole place. It wasn’t being used for its original purpose; in fact, it hadn’t even been built by the city. It had been acquired in the 1950s from a Catholic women’s school called the Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart.
I guessed that Finley may have been once used for the school’s administration and surely for classrooms as well. Perhaps the nuns who had once taught there had their quarters in the building too. It was certainly big enough for all that.
It had been built in 1888 on the foundation of an earlier structure that had been destroyed by fire. Finley had an impressive exterior made of some kind of brownstone, but the interior had turned into a government-issued mediocrity during the two decades of municipal control. There was an air of shabbiness about everything, and it was made more visible by the harsh fluorescents that lit almost every room and hallway. Anything appealing or charming about the inside of the building was long gone.
I was in there one night in May, 1974 because I had joined a student newspaper called The Salient. It was one of five papers in a sort of “Newspaper Row” on the third floor. One evening I was in the office by myself past 11:00 PM typing a story.
At five minutes past eleven, I was getting ready to leave when I heard a knock on the door. It was closed but not locked. I doubted it was another staff member; I assumed it was one of the security guards making his rounds. They were ineffectual rent-a-cops from some agency, but usually, they were friendly enough.
I went over there and asked who it was. A female voice said, “May I come in and talk to you?” A lady? Yeah, I’ll open it for her.
A young woman was standing in the hallway. “Pleased to meet you, I’m Amelia Thurber, but most people call me Millie.”
“Well hi, I’m Paul D’Amato.”
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to come in as I mentioned.” I’m sure that if it had been was some guy I would have found a pretext to deny him entrance and get rid of him. But it wasn’t a guy; it was a girl about my age. It seemed that she gave me a few moments to look her over.
Her clothes struck me first. They didn’t appear to be contemporary, but I was hard put to say why. She had a white blouse and a very long dark blue skirt; I could just barely see her black shoes. Her hat was the most notable item. It was a dark, brimmed hat with some red ribbons placed on one side that I supposed were there to evoke roses.
I didn’t know much about women’s clothing, but it didn’t look like an outfit that was made out of various bits to approximate a certain look. Instead, there was something authentic about it. Her garments were not elaborate, but I thought, she’s dressed as if it was before the First World War. She would fit right in with Barbara Stanwyck in the 1953 Titanic or Judy Garland in Meet Me in St. Louis.
Then I checked out the girl herself. She wasn’t head-turning gorgeous, but she looked pretty good to me. Her face was a bit wide, and she had reddish-brown hair pinned up at the back of her head. She was a substantial girl, about an inch shorter than I was, which would make her about five-seven. Her body wasn’t slender; there was, to me at least, a pleasing solidity about her.
The girl next door, 1912 version. When she smiled, she clinched it for me. “Sure, come in. I guess we can sit back there.” There was a shabby red couch over in the corner by one of the windows. The sofa was about the only semi-comfortable place to go.
I was insecure enough to ask, “You did say that you wanted to talk about something?”
“Yes, I’d like that very much.”
And I was very willing to talk myself. I was finishing my freshman year and I was still a virgin. I thought I would surely get something going in the last eight months, but I had made no progress and I hadn’t had a single date yet. I was craving female attention, and I was going to get some now. That overrode any doubts I had about the lateness of the hour, her somewhat unconventional appearance, and the fact that she somehow had found me in the first place.
I closed the door and we went over to sit down. I said, “I wish I could offer you a drink, but we have nothing here.” Not even a soda; the office lacked a refrigerator. When we wanted something, we’d go to the snack bar on the second floor, but that had been closed for hours.
“That’s not a problem; I understand.”
“So, ah, Millie, I assume you go to school here.” What else could she be doing here?
“That’s true, in a way.”
I almost missed her odd phrasing, but she got right into whatever was bothering her. “I’d like to talk to you about something personal.”
I couldn’t help but reply, “So why ask me?”
“Because you’re here.”
I tried a joke, “So that makes me Mister Right?”
“Excuse me?” She didn’t seem to get that. This chick is a little on the serious side. I was wondering again how she found me. My name was on the masthead of the newspaper, but what made her come there at that time, so late in the evening?
She put her left hand on my arm. For an eighteen-year-old virgin (well, I’d be nineteen in two weeks), that touch alone was heady stuff. Then she got right into her subject. What she said was pretty heady too.
“This is a little hard to talk about. You see Paul, there’s been a lot of, call it repression of my femininity. There’s been so much pressure on me to remain chaste.”
I heard that, but I couldn’t quite grasp it. “Are we talking about your . . .” I had just met her, and I didn’t want to risk behind impolite by being too blunt about it. “I mean about your femaleness as you called it, and the feelings that come from that?”
She was rather blunt herself, “Those feelings should really be called desires. There is a strong physical side to them. I admit that is what I meant. Am I being too forward with you?”
I joshed, “Well, it’s the seventies now. Anything goes.”
“I think it’s better this way; there’s more openness now. There had been so much hypocrisy, I’d call it.”
Now I was wondering, who exactly repressed your so-called femininity? I almost asked her, but then another thought hit me. Was this girl a little crazy, I meant literally with a disorder of some kind? I felt a bit of anxiety about being alone with her, and not just in that room. I knew the entire building had to be virtually empty by now, except perhaps for one of those unreliable security guards.
My doubts were erased when she put her arms around me and started kissing me. I had never been kissed before and now I knew why it had always been such a big deal in movies. I thought, well some girls fuck on the first date, this one has a make-out session. It indeed was a very abrupt and strange date, but at that moment I didn’t care.
I kissed her all over her face, not just her lips. On some impulse, I also put my tongue into one of her ears. She seemed to enjoy everything I was doing. After a couple of minutes of this, she backed off a bit but she still had her hands on me. She spoke in a low voice.
“Paul, I have to admit something else to you.” She seemed to be getting her courage up to say it. “I do, sometimes, fondle myself at night when I’m in bed. The feelings are too strong; I can’t help myself.”
She’s talking about masturbation now? “Well, it’s not a big deal. Doesn’t everybody do it?”
“But I’ve been caught at times, and I’ve been punished for it. They’ve whipped me with birch rods for that.”
“What are birch rods?”
“Just some thin branches from a tree or maybe a bush. Usually, the leaves are removed, then they are tied into a bundle. ” She stopped for a moment to think. “The problem is that, although it hurts to be beaten like that, it also increased my desires, and I touched myself even more. You see, the whipping had to be across my bare behind.”
I got that she was talking about BDSM activities. That was interesting to me, but I knew very little about it. In those days before the Internet, one couldn’t just go online and see a video about almost anything imaginable.
She went on, “I’ve also been caught in activities with other girls too, and I’ve been disciplined for that as well.”
So she’s now bringing up lesbianism. Where had all this been happening and who had done these things to or with her? Some paranoia came to me, and I speculated that this was all some kind of set-up. I imagined that there would be another knock on the door, and when I went to open it, there would be a group of guys there. Surprise! We really had you going with that one.
Yet that didn’t make sense. It was a commuter school, and there were only two small fraternity houses about ten blocks north of there. And I had never heard of a frat boy prank like this. I would be much too elaborate to arrange and the payoff would be too low.
Millie started kissing me again, and my suspicious thoughts vanished. In a short while, she whispered into my ear. “Paul, I want you to deflower me.”
Yeah, baby, I’d like somebody to deflower me too. All I could think to say was, “And when and where is that supposed to happen?”
“Well, right here, right now. I know, they’d say that I was sullying my virtue, but I don’t care.”
If our cherries needed to be busted, I guess we can do that together.
I was trying to process this when she unbuckled my pants and lowered them. She took out my cock – it was already erect from the make-out session – and she started to stroke me. My horny male biology took over and I lived in the moment.
She said, “I do know what a man’s stiff member looks like. There are lewd photographs if one knows where to get them.”
Did she mean magazines? I was beyond caring. “Oh, Millie, that feels so good.”
She giggled, “I’m sure it does.”
My next thought was, dummy, if she’s touching me like this, then I have the go-ahead to touch her in any way I want. Her blouse had buttons offset to the left, and I undid them. Millie didn’t resist. Her undergarment was something I had never seen before, a sort of brassiere that had cloth going down to her waist. Don’t they call that a chemise?
It seemed to be too much trouble to remove it, so I lifted her skirt and got another surprise. Instead of panties, she had what I would call bloomers that went down to her knees. Below that, there were knee-high black stockings and high-topped shoes. Again I was at a loss as to what to do.
Meanwhile, she was still working on my cock, which was very distracting indeed. I thought I was going to reach an orgasm rather soon with the vigorous way she was doing it. She seemed coy as she said, “I see you’re having some trouble with my underthings. Do you like them anyway?”
“Yeah, they’re really cool.”
“Oh, you mean like when the weather is warm?” I supposed that was some kind of joke,
This was all getting quite complicated for an inexperienced guy like me. I managed to say, “Millie, hold off on what you’re doing and I’ll rub you down there through the cloth. How does that sound?”
“That seems splendid.”
She helped me by putting her left leg up on the sofa. She splayed herself out, and I put my hand down to rub her crotch. Her bloomers were cotton, and she started moaning almost immediately. “That is so nice; please keep doing it.” Man, this chick is really, really fast. I wondered what she saw in me that the other 4,000 girls at the school hadn’t.
She had her arms out and she was holding my shoulders. We were saying little endearments to each other as I touched her. Suddenly, I could feel dampness in the crotch of her bloomers. In fact, it could actually be called wetness. By now she was moaning steadily, something like, “Oh, oh, oh!” Wow, this girl doesn’t require much to get going; she’s a really hot number.
Soon she leaned into me and softly said, “Paul, listen to me. I know young men can be somewhat, call it overeager when having relations with a woman.” If she was a virgin, how would she know that? Whatever, she had it all worked out. “I’d like you to have the stamina with your second time to truly please me when you couple with me. Therefore – I’m going to get up on all fours on the sofa. You’ll get behind me and I’ll rub my bare buttocks against your front. I believe that’s called frottage. I’m sure that will work quite well to bring you to a climax.”
It worked quite well indeed. This girl seemed to know more about sex than I had expected. Instead of waiting for assent from me, she got up and started to get into position. I got up to give her some room. Her skirt was still up and she reached back to undo the buttons on the back of her bloomers. Then she pulled the two halves apart, although they were still connected by a narrow strip across the top.
I had never seen a female ass in person before, and I was very impressed. It was bigger than most behinds in girlie magazines, but that didn’t matter to me. It was pale and lusciously round.
She looked up at me and said, “Do you like my bottom?”
I was too young and inexperienced to avoid overpraising women. “Oh, Millie, it’s beautiful. And I like your underpants too.”
“They do offer good access, don’t they?” I was still standing next to the sofa. “Well, go back there and push against me.”
For a moment, I thought I was going to wake up in my bed. Occasionally, I had dreams that ended just at a critical point like this. But I seemed to remember everything I had done in the last fourteen hours. It didn’t feel like a dream, but then it was rare to know that one was actually in one.
There was only one way to find out. I knelt behind her and lowered my pants further. My cock had been completely erect since she had first touched me with her hand. I moved forward and our bodies collided.
She was very enthusiastic in the way she was grinding against me. In turn, I was eagerly pushing myself against her. My upright cock moved against the smooth flesh of her backside. It felt so good that I couldn’t speak; I was whimpering something. I heard her giggling. At least she liked it too.
I was so charged up that it only took me a brief time before I came. I managed to say, “Millie, you’re just so sweet!” and then I ejaculated all over her. Some of it got on her lower back, and a bit onto the underside of her flipped-up skirt.
She said, “My, it feels so hot.” Yes, 98.6 degrees, I imagine. After a moment, I fell back onto the sofa. She looked back at me, and said, “May I borrow your handkerchief, please?” So polite. I got it out and she dabbed herself as best she could.
Then she moved over and cuddled against me, this time to my left. I put my arm around her shoulders. It didn’t seem necessary to speak, so we didn’t. I was very pleased and yet I didn’t have any specific thoughts.
After a few minutes there she said, “Do you think you could get the wind back into your sails?”
Nice phrasing. My male pride got to me, and I responded in the affirmative. She leaned forward and almost whispered to me. I’ve noticed since then that women will sometimes talk very quietly when making a sexual proposition, even when there is no one around to overhear them.
“What I think we should do is: I’ll get on top and straddle you.”
“You mean a cowgirl?”
“A cowgirl?” All right, she has a very dry sense of humor.
“I mean, you’ll be facing me.
“Yes, of course. But first, we should touch each other some more. I’ll take my drawers off for that.” Yeah, Millie, take off those cute bloomers you have.
She stood up. She simply left her underwear on the floor after removing it, and she held up her skirt so that I could see her thick pubic bush. My eyes went from her dark stockings and shoes up to her hat, which was still on. I’ll fuck a girl wearing her hat; it’s kind of interesting in a way.
Mille knelt next to me so we could have better access to each other. After a moment, she said, “Let me get this out of the way.” She moved her long skirt and draped it over the back of the couch. Now she was wearing only her blouse, stockings, and shoes. And the hat; I couldn’t forget that.
I felt a need to compliment her, “You look very fetching this way.” Somehow fetching seemed to fit her better than cute.
“I’m happy I’m so pleasing to you.” She looked at me, and I realized that I had finally met the girl who would give me my first time. When one is still eighteen, it had seemed like a long time to wait.
When I touched her down there, I was struck by how wet she was. It seemed that I was very pleasing to her too. Then she swung over me and I guided myself into her.
For two virgins, we certainly banged away vigorously at each other. When I could still have lucid thoughts at the beginning, it struck me how clever she was in getting me to come that first time. I had plenty of staying power for her, and she loved it. Also, getting on top of me gave her more control over how the act went. It was very different from the awkward fumbling around I had once worried about for my first time.
After that, we lost ourselves in our pleasure. I held her ample hips and she held me by my shoulders. For a moment, I wished I had access to her breasts, but I had never gotten that chemise off. Well, there was always next time.
We said various things to each other that I don’t remember now. In any case, they were probably the usual endearments that lovers say to each other in the heat of the moment. She came quicker than I might have expected. Her movements speeded up, then she leaned back and made very loud noises. Her hands moved all over my chest and shoulders as if she didn’t know where to put them. I said, “Millie, don’t stop, not now.” She didn’t reply, but she kept moving up and down on me. With the downward stroke, she did some delightful grinding against me.
When I came shortly after that, I lifted my hips to get as deeply into her as I could. As I was spurting, I heard her say, “Paul, that’s it, I can feel your seed going inside of me.”
After that, she leaned forward, and I pressed my face against her chest; she held me around my neck. That seemed like it went on for a while. Then she got off and sat there stretched out next to me.
I put my arm around her shoulders, but I didn’t know what to say to her. This had all been so abrupt that the usual questions – What is your major? Where do you live? – seemed to be beside the point. I thought she might pick up the conversational slack, but she didn’t. She was a bit on the quiet side, perhaps.
Then I became aware again of where I was. The room was brightly lit, and the chairs, desks, and filing cabinets in it were battered by hard use. It was an ugly, very unromantic place in which to lose one’s virginity. Well, we’ll find a better place next time. Except, I still lived at home and I had no idea of what her living situation was. Perhaps for the time being our affair would take place in there.
Millie was just sitting there looking forward. I got the feeling there was something blank about her now as if she had done what she had intended and didn’t know what came next. I asked her something that seemed a bit impertinent, but I figured with what we had just done, I had the right to know. “Millie, you seemed – I don’t know how to put this – you seemed to know what you were doing, I mean with me.”
“I admit, I secretly have a copy of a marriage manual that has a lot of information in it. Of course, it’s supposed to be for married couples. As I said, young girls like me are supposed to be chaste.”
I tried to josh with her, “You’ve actually been very naughty.”
She smiled, “Yes, maybe you should use those birch rods on me.”
Wow, that was blunt. But she sat back again and she didn’t seem to have a follow-up.
Suddenly, she sat up and lightly kissed me on the mouth, “Paul, you’ve been very sweet but it’s time for me to go now.” She got up and started to out her drawers back on.
“Where exactly are you going?”
“I just have to go.” If had been three hours earlier, I would have invited her downtown for drinks and maybe dinner. I was suddenly feeling frantic. “Millie, I’ll take you out to dinner. I’m free tomorrow evening.”
Instead of answering, she reached back to get her skirt. I was still talking, “All right, what day would be good for you? I mean, they’re all good for me, as far as I’m concerned.” It wasn’t supposed to be a one-night stand, or at least that’s the way I saw it.
She seemed very fast at getting dressed. The last thing she said was, “Paul, I do appreciate what you have done.” Then she turned and headed for the door. Like an idiot, I was still sitting there with my pants down. I tried to get them up and walk at the same time. As she opened the door, I called out, “I’ll take you over to Amsterdam and we can catch a cab.”
I lost a couple of seconds fooling around with my trousers. I entered the hallway and I didn’t see her. The entrance to the main stairs was just across the way. I went in there and I could see the whole staircase winding down to the first floor, but there was no Millie in sight. Back in the hallway, I decided to check its two legs that went off to form a U-shape that matched the shape of the wing I was in. She wasn’t in either of those.
Think this through. If you look out the windows, it might not be too late to see her leaving. But did she go out the front or the back? I assumed the 135th Street gate beyond the rear entrance was closed, so I dashed into the office again which had a view of the front. She wasn’t out there, but the driveway curved around and I couldn’t see all the way to Convent Avenue.
It seemed imperative that I find her, and I ran out of the building and went all the way down to the Convent Avenue gate. There was a guard in a booth there, but he ignored me. I stepped out and looked along 133rd Street and up and down Convent, but there was nobody in any direction.
Now it would take at least ten minutes to get back to the office. Once there, I sat down and had an intense feeling of disappointment. That girl had been bizarre. It’s possible she was a nymphomaniac. (Now the term is hypersexual disorder.) It was great to finally get laid. However, I wasn’t looking for casual sex. I wanted a girlfriend, someone I could take to a bar or restaurant and then a movie. And Millie had seemed like she’d be plausible girlfriend material.
And I was feeling lust, too. That beautiful ass of hers inside those drop-seat drawers, or whatever they were called. How could I let that just slip away?
I figured she’d come back to Finley – maybe tomorrow – to look for me. I hoped I wouldn’t have to look for her, assuming she really was a student as she had said. There were about 10,000 of them at my school, and finding a certain person would be a matter of chance at best
I looked at my watch and saw that it was 12:30 AM. Shit, I’ve never been here so late. It wasn’t that safe to walk to any of the three subway stations, all of which were several blocks away. I figured I’d get a livery car on Amsterdam Avenue and go to 145th Street. The D train wasn’t safe either, but I could ride with the conductor and I’d probably be all right.
Millie didn’t show up the next day, even though I tried to maximize the time I spent at the office. I didn’t tell anyone about my experience. On the second day, I spoke to a fellow staff member, Jeff Kimmel, whom I had met back in high school. I was in the newspaper office again, and I tried to be as off-hand about it as I could.
“When I was here Tuesday night, this girl came up here to talk to me. It was really late, after eleven o’clock.”
His reply surprised me, “Did she make some moves on you?”
“Yeah, quite a few moves, in fact.”
He hesitated for a moment. “Was her name Amelia Thurber?”
“It sure was. How did you know about that?”
“Because she’s been around here before, doing the same thing.”
I said, “Okay, it did seem like she was a bit unstable.” Should I tell him more? “Maybe she was even a nymphomaniac.”
“She’s more than that, or she’s different I’d say.” He hesitated again. “There was a student here during Manhattanville College days named Amelia Thurber. In 1912, she committed suicide by taking poison. It was in one of the dorms here I think, probably in this building.”
The implications of that didn’t hit me immediately. “And who told you that?”
“People have looked into it. There have been reports about her going back to the 1960s. Maybe even to 1956, when the city took over the building.”
I couldn’t respond to that. He went on, “She’s usually here, late at night, in one of the five newspaper offices on the third floor. If there is some young guy alone in one of the rooms, it’s likely that she’ll come in and introduce herself.”
All I could say was, “That’s so strange.”
“Bobbie met her here last year.” Bobbie Metsky was our resident pornographer. He was a quiet and somewhat morose senior. Back in those days, we got away with publishing the “Weird” section, which had explicit stories and drawings. Bobbie had created it and he edited it. The students kept funding us with their activity fees; some even claimed it was our best feature.
Jeff seemed to be amused and he went on about Bobbie. “You know what that crazy guy did? He came back here four more times, and she arrived here every time.”
“Did she remember him?”
“No she didn’t, she just came in and went through the same routine each time. I guess every time he wants to get a piece of tail, he drops in here late at night.”
“He’s kind of exploiting her, isn’t he?”
“I don’t know if you can exploit somebody who is actually dead.”
“They should get a paranormal investigator in here.”
“There was a guy here in ’71. What he did was spend a night in each of the five offices. When she didn’t show up, he started the cycle again, but he gave up after eight nights.”
“How did she know he was here to investigate her?”
“Like I would know that.”
“Jeff, she wasn’t like a specter. She was so solid, I’d say.”
“I know. You implied that you actually banged her, didn’t you?”
I admitted, “Yeah, I did. I wonder if it counts with a ghost?”
“If you came in her, I guess it counts. Hey, if you want to, come back like Bobbie did and have her again. She’s not dangerous in any way.”
I threw it back at him, “If you think it’s such a great idea, why don’t you do it here some night?”
“Oh no, not me; I don’t need it that badly.”
“I don’t think I need it either. It’s just too creepy.” And yet, somewhere in my mind, I was tempted.
I ultimately decided that living girls were preferable to dead ones, and I never went back. I wasn’t going to do what Bobbie had done, which was to go through the same thing each time and then have her disappear.
Plus, as I said to Jeff, the whole thing was indeed creepy. In fact, I always made sure to be out of Finley before night came. I got the willies imagining her knocking on the door again. Whatever walked there, walked alone.
Yet, during the last weeks of the term, I sometimes hoped to see Amelia going around the campus in her dark brimmed hat. I knew that would never happen because she was only around at night and besides, she was tied indefinitely to the third floor of Finley.
Finley Hall was demolished in 1985, long after I had graduated. I went up there soon afterwards, and there was only a field of bricks where the building had stood.
In the last decade, the Advanced Research Science Center was built on the South Campus. It seems that the northern end of the building overlaps with the footprint of the former Finley Hall. Whether or not Amelia Thurber appears there is something I do not know.
Author’s note: Finley Hall did exist as described here, and the five newspapers were on the third floor. However, when I was at City College, I didn’t see or hear anything about ghosts. However, I did a little research recently, and for the last one-hundred years that have been reports of specters that appear to be former students and professors. One of them is supposedly of a student who died in 1918. I don’t know if these occurred at the original 1907 City College (the North Campus) or at the former Manhattanville College site (the South Campus), which was first developed as a school in the 1840s.
My own opinion is that most ghost sightings (or often just hearings) are the results of poor perceptions and overactive imaginations. I did hear from a reliable source about one in a Massachusetts house. That was pretty vivid and seemed hard to explain. A psychologist I knew at the time said that it could have been I result of hypnagogia, the state of mind between wakefulness and sleep. But I’ll never be sure.
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IncestThe following characters reappear from previous stories: Brian Chief Druid, older man, tall, somewhat thin with a long white beard and hair Etain Sorceress, older woman, tall, still with a nice shape, not too thin, long brown hair with silver highlights On Tuesday morning, following a wonderful night of love and sex, we met Ken and his Wives at the bookstore on Dorchester Rd., from where we all transferred to the Otherworld. Shortly after appearing there in their Glen, we were greeted...
Scotty continued to stroke gently over his mother’s smooth pussy with his fingers and Amelia felt the flow of her body’s inner naturalness form more in her sensual spot than what had been in its depths earlier. With Scotty’s finger sliding between her natural chasm, more of it escaped her delicate hole and coated his finger. Amelia could feel her natural lube slather all around his finger that fit perfectly in her tender split. She could not remember the last time she had covered a finger with...
IncestBingo turned the end of the conversation with Fred over and over in his mind as he started his walk. “It’s all about how you take the stage..” “What?” “I think I have to go. All this talk about you, and your dating profile, it’s compounding my own… stench of… of desperation. It might not work out but I have to get out there you know?” “No.” “Well I’m gone, I’ll let you know how it goes.” “You do that. Good chat. Thanks for dinner.” Bingo made his way up Victoria Rd and turned right...
Straight SexAmelia stood on the back deck of her house, staring out into the woods, watching the sun’s rays peek through the green leaves that sprung forth from the oak trees as she drank her first cup of morning coffee. She loved being able to commune with nature and thanked God for making such a lovely surrounding so she could do so. Every morning, this was a ritual for her. Ameila loved living in such a secluded area and being able to live the way she wanted. It was just her, the beauty of nature, and...
IncestSometimes, jobs come with unexpected perks. Mine in particular has the luxury of business travel. With the state of the economy and everyone tightening their belt on spending, it came as no surprise my company had asked if my coworker Amelia and I would mind sharing a room to help save on expenses. Being such great friends from our years together in college, both she and I were excited at the prospect of exploring Miami together. Amelia was a sultry redhead with the smooth curves of a...
Amelia is a Latin I once met in my hometown where I live now. She’s older than I, 36 yo., while I am 27. She’s pretty and showy, an imposing woman that arose a passion every where she walks by. This story begins on that year I used to work as a waiter at a swimming pool in the city bathing resort. Since the town hall run this compound along with the swimming pool, lots of people use to attend here to bathe as well as to take swimming lessons, or read a book with music background. They also...
Quickie SexIt was late April when we returned to my house in North Charleston. We spent much of the rest of the day cleaning up the clothing, and the gear that we had used on our excursion to the various battle sites. Additionally, Sylvia wanted to move more of her clothing and personal possessions here. She would be giving up her apartment shortly and moving in permanently with Amelia and me. There was certainly more than enough room here for the three of us, although there would be a problem with...
The pirate sloop Phantom had begun life as the French ship Epée born in the shipyards of Marseille. The Epée had been built for speed, in order to run the blockades of the British navy. Although she was lightly armed, with only six nine-pound cannon, she was light and under full sail ran fast on the bowline. One night she had been anchored in Port-De-France on Martinique, with most of her crew ashore celebrating their escape from the British fleet, a group of out of work sailors, led by an...
Waking the next morning, or is it still the same night? Dark out still. Oh, this couch nice to sit on, bad to sleep on. This warm nude body feels good. Need something to drink. What a night. Hummm ... how to get up and not disturb my angel. Well that I cannot do. She is on my leg and using my arm as a pillow. “Good Morning Drew.” An angel’s voice. “Morning Amelia” I reply to her. “Drew how do you feel this morning?” “Amelia, I feel nothing but love for you.” “That’s great, but I...
As I start to stir from unconsciousness, to being awake, I feel cold on my chest. That’s right Amelia fell asleep on my chest. Where is she now? I move my arms around to feel for her, nothing. Where is she? Once again I am lost. A noise is heard. A hand is felt. My leg is being rubbed. Feels good to me. The hand goes higher on my leg, my knee, the outside of my thigh, across my thigh. Her hand grips my limp cock. Well not so limp any more. Wetness surrounds my cock. How does she do that with...
“Morning Drew.” That voice! Angelic as all heaven. She feels good on me. I wonder if I am a good pillow? “Morning Amelia! How are you this morning? More specific, to be exact, how is your ass?” “Drew my ass is a bit sore. No more than falling on it on an icy walkway.” “Oh, I am so relieved to hear that. I thought I might have been a bit hard on you last night.” “I have had no experience with what we did. Was I to hard? Was I to soft? But I do have to know the answers to these questions I...
Much later that night, I was awakened by Amelia crying. She was still pressed up against me and was soft and warm in addition to smelling very nice from the soap that she had used earlier. I couldn’t imagine what the problem was, but it had to be serious, as she was overflowing like a stopped up sink. I turned on the Magic Powered lamp on the nightstand to its lowest setting, so I could see her and try to determine what the problem was. “What’s wrong?” I asked quietly. “I need to be loved!”...
Introduction: Wearing Lillys preteen sister as a sex suit Forming the plan as I went along I placed one of two pills with a note to little Amelia that simply read trust me sis this will make you feel good ,) in her room on top of her diary in her cupboard, I have noticed her these last few months after all, the second one I set on the coffee table while my dad was in the bathroom, his Friday night ritual put him on the couch watching Netflix. I go back into my room and power everything down but...
Sylvia and I appeared in Greg’s living room expecting a lengthy wait before he would appear only to find him standing there with a worried look on his face. “Where have you been? I got home, and you were gone. I had no idea where you went or what happened to you,” he told me in a worried voice, but seemed surprised to see Sylvia with me. “When you were shot and kidnapped, I needed to do something, and the only person that I remembered you talking about was Sylvia, so I went to see her,” I...
I cruise through the wall of her bedroom and make my way through the house until I was following mark out of the bathroom; he had recently showered and I wonder what he would smell like to me if I could only smell through my nose that exists in between the planes with the rest of my intangible body. I bury the thought as he had entered the living room and was about to grab his empty cup to refill when he noticed a little capsule full of a fine white powder sitting in the center of the table...
I cruise through the wall of her bedroom and make my way through the house until I was following mark out of the bathroom; he had recently showered and I wonder what he would smell like to me if I could only smell through my nose that exists in between the planes with the rest of my intangible body. I bury the thought as he had entered the living room and was about to grab his empty cup to refill when he noticed a little capsule full of a fine white powder sitting in the center of the table...
Amelia resumes the Narrative: We appeared in the hotel room just long enough to drop off our travel clothes before Greg transferred us again. This time we appeared just outside of a large restaurant and bar, then entered quickly, as it had already cooled off with the setting of the sun, since it was still April. We were greeted by the Maitre D’ of this flashy and expensive restaurant. “Good evening, Doctor O’Brien, will it be a table for three this evening?” he asked in his suave and...
Sylvia takes the Narrative for a time: We appeared on a grass covered field full of sunshine. While there were a number of houses and cabins in the area, the most impressive was the Kershaw House. It was a large two story white wooden house with a brick basement, plus a large porch with columns on both stories on the front and two large brick chimneys on the sides. Greg told us that it had served as General Cornwallis’ headquarters while the British occupied Camden. The site also included a...
Greg has the Narrative for a time: We reappeared near the end of the small parking lot at the Guilford Courthouse National Military Park not far from the Visitor Center. The area immediately around us was covered in grass. “This is the Guilford Courthouse National Military Park. It’s located north of Greensboro, N.C.,” I informed the women, indicating the general area around us... “It covers some 220 acres, but we won’t be traipsing through all of that,” I assured them with a smile....
She came strutting by with several other girls, talking loudly. Her shirt was unbuttoned more than it ought to be and her tie hung loose, against the dress code. I’d reminded her multiple times about it and she continued to defy the rules. Perhaps it was time to teach the girl a lesson. “Amelia, detention in my office after school, you’re in violation of the dress code yet again.” She seemed startled, but murmured a soft, “Yes sir.” I wasn’t usually one for punishments but there was...
“These Wizards aren’t that smart after all,” Gunther said with a smile, as he lowered the rifle he had used to knock Greg out with a tranquilizer dart. “Go get the van,” he told Joey, as he moved toward the figure slumped on the concrete of his own driveway. Gunther had a gag, duct tape, and plastic ties to secure their victim with, and Joey arrived with the van just after he finished. “This old fart sure is heavy,” Joey complained, as he and Gunther moved the unconscious Greg into the van...
Amelia is a Latin I once met in my hometown where I live now. She’s older than I, 36 yo., while I am 27. She’s pretty and showy, an imposing woman that arose a passion every where she walks by. This story begins on that year I used to work as a waiter at a swimming pool in the city bathing resort. Since the town hall run this compound along with the swimming pool, lots of people use to attend here to bathe as well as to take swimming lessons, or read a book with music background. They also...
Amelia... A Dragon from the Gender-Swap world of the "Warcraft" Universe. She is a Humanoid Dragon who you... The reader... Will end up seducing and falling in love with. But theres 1 Question that must be asked.
While Greg and Amelia were having sex, a good night’s sleep, and a trip to see the O’Connells following breakfast, Gunther and Joey were not so fortunate. Ed had eventually arrived in the van, and the cold and shaking pair had been able to dry off, change clothes, and get some mostly warm food to eat along with some coffee that was reasonable hot. When they had finished, Chip had further instructions for them. “The Boss says to take a break until daylight. I’ll keep an eye on the signal from...
With Dean’s driving we made the hour drive home in about 45 minute. I couldn’t wait to strip him down and have my way with him. I had to wait for a little while though, first things first. He pulled into our driveway and shut off the truck. I pulled him in for a kiss. ‘Mmm, I can’t wait to get you into the house.’ I bit my lip looking at him with love and lust mixed together. ‘Why wait?’ He asked suggestively. I laughed. Normally I wouldn’t be opposed. It’s not like we haven’t fooled around in...
HALLE (Part 1) Hi, my name is Terrie and want to tell you about meeting the most wonderful girl, Halle. First of all, a little about me. I'm a bi-sexual girl, and have been since my early teens. I'm currently attending college and working on my Masters in psychology. I enjoy going to the various gay/lesbian clubs for the obvious reasons. And, it was at one of these clubs that I met Halle. I had just arrived in town to work on my Masters at City College, and had been told by some...
Wednesday: Eight Fifty-Nine p.m. She stood at his door. In one hand a single red rose, her other poised and ready to knock. Her heart beat wildly and her head spun with a heady mixture of fear and pure excitement. Her mind was full with the expectation of what was about to happen to her body, her insides ached from her high state of arousal. Like a ripe peach her womanhood was bursting with sweet juice, ready for someone to take a mouth-watering bite. She took a deep breath and knocked. ...
"So, they're just friends from college?" I asked, dousing my hands in shampoo."Yes, we were like a trio; only I was the third wheel after a while. I don't know how long I was exactly, but just one Saturday night, I came back to our dorm to find Samantha eating out Hallie. I didn't even know either of them were into girls, but there they were," she explained as I got it in her hair. "And judging by your dick touching my butt, you like that. Well, at least we're in the shower.""Well,...
Cheating“My dad got arrested for raping a neighbor girl,” said Tanya with a smile. “I don’t see how that is good,” I said. “I’m going to talk to the prosecutor,” said Tanya. I realized she was going to make sure her father went to jail for something. “I understand,” I told her. I hade many thoughts of Halley. “Its too bad about me and my dad. I might enjoy sex more if he hadn’t,” said Tanya. I could tell she was thinking. “Suzy can I talk to you in another room.” Suzy left Halley alone in her...
The following characters appear through the entire story: The Boss a short, thin man with a very short temper, about 5’-6’’ tall and maybe 130 pounds with a fringe of brown hair left around his mostly bald head, blue eyes and 50 years old. Gunther A tall, heavily built man at about 6’-2’’ tall and maybe 230 pounds with black hair and brown eyes, in his early 30s. Joey Shorter than Gunther at about 5’-10’’ tall and maybe 170 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes, also in this early...
I still can’t believe what just happened. The young woman is sound asleep, facing me, her arm over my waist. My left hand is traveling up and down her smooth, naked skin, from the auburn hair to mid-thigh. Never have I loved a person more, and I figured that out, just before engaging in the most fantastic fuck session I ever had. …………… I had known Hallie for about six years, since she was sixteen. My wife, and I, met her in a local, small town grocery/general store. She was a...
I was very excited for my boyfriend, Dean, to get home from his business trip. One month apart, one month of no sex was almost too much for me to take. That wasn’t the only reason I was excited though. I was excited because when he got home I had a big surprise for him. I loved surprising him, especially with sexy surprises. I looked at my watch. His plane should be landing any minute now. I was feeling a bit giddy. I couldn’t wait to show him just how much I missed him this last month. The...
While on a trip to Georgia I stopped at a small gas station and found a beautiful 19-year-old black girl with very short black hair dark brown eyes, and what I would guess to be a firm 38D-32-36 body standing 5'9" and weighing maybe 140 pounds. She was doing her college English behind the counter. The nametag on her shirt said Hallie I guessed her age from her looks and the fact that she was taking college freshman English. As I paid for my gas and snacks I commented on her class and joked...
Patricia's neck ached with the effort of keeping her head in place in order to service Lila's weeping pussy. Her lips were locked onto to Lila's cunt, and she had lapped the woman's clit until her tongue was sore. Lila had shuddered through several orgasms, but apparently she was eager for more. She closed her thighs on Patricia's head and crossed her ankles on top of Patricia's butt. Lila read on: Sandy 1500 hours - Mountain Valley Golf Resort - Mountain Valley, North...
-Tech City Spire- With 4 days left until the auction, things had been quickly ramping up in the city. More and more powerful cultivators were entering the city and with that influx was the increase of people taking advantage of the cities services. Namely, a lot of people were trying their hand at the Spire or at the Arena. On this day, James had been busy trying to ascend to the 22nd level of the tower when he got a coms from Jasmine. “James, it would appear that a new contender has...
“The Marshall will take me?” I said. I wasn’t sure about that. He was a tall and grizzly looking man who stood nearby us. I questioned whether or not I wanted him of all people to ride along with me back to my home town. The other man said he would ride along you with me. I wasn’t sure about that either but I knew it would be a “long” and treacherous ride if I didn’t take precautions. I looked at the Marshall. He did look brazen to say the least but I had heard without that heavy and ugly beard...
Mature“WILLOW HALL” “It will be fun, just the three of us, plus its all for free, think about it, a whole weekend! Come on Hazel, I was convinced you’d be up for it” Suzy leaned forward in her chair as she spoke. The three girls had been mates well before high school, they all worked together as typists in a large office complex on the outskirts of London, Suzy had seen the advertisement in one of her girlie magazines. “Let me have a closer look?” Lynn enquired taking the...
Introduction: The inner thoughts of a womans mind Erotic novels by Gail Holmes WILLOW HALL It will be fun, just the three of us, plus its all for free, think about it, a whole weekend! Come on Hazel, I was convinced youd be up for it Suzy leaned forward in her chair as she spoke. The three girls had been mates well before high school, they all worked together as typists in a large office complex on the outskirts of London, Suzy had seen the advertisement in one of her girlie magazines. Let...
When I paid my bill I got up and got on the elevator to go up to my room. Just before the doors closed a hand shot through the gap to hold the lift. The man from the bar quietly boarded and gave me a polite nod of greeting. He reached for the panel but saw that I'd already pressed the button for his floor. "Fourteen?" he asked in a calm tone. I nodded and waited for the box to jolt to life. We got to our floor without any other stops and we both stepped out and headed in the same...
The case had shocked and then fascinated all of South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand and had also been given extensive coverage in the UK, due to the nationality of some of prisoners. Three months earlier in a combined police operation, the Singapore and Philippines authorities had acted at the same time and arrested all those they suspected of being involved in a heroin smuggling ring orchestrated and run by a number of Qantas airline staff. The stewardesses had been smuggling the...
Chapter 1 The Visit to the ChurchyardMrs. Bennett leaned forward and rested the small posy of flowers she had picked from the garden of Errington Hall onto the grave. Brushing a tear from her eye she read the inscription which had been added to the headstone above the name of Sir Rupert’s first wife Cecilia Mary Errington, who had died twenty five years earlier, ..... Sir Rupert Theodore Errington 16th April 1822 – 4th July 1878’. Looking down at the raised turf, yet to settle above the grave,...
THE GHOST OF BECKNALL HALL. BY CASSANDRA ANNE MORRISON Carla, Lady Summersby, had never believed in ghosts. As a matter of fact, she didn? t believe in much of anything. Not in ghosts, goblins, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Loch Ness Monster, or the theory of Atlantis. (As to God, she was, at the moment this story begins, undecided? but leaning towards the negative). So the happenings which began on her wedding night which she and her husband, Sir Roderick,...
The Hall of Forging was a massive underground structure. If James didn’t know better he’d think it belonged to some dwarfish race. It spread out over nearly a kilometre underground and hundreds of ventilation stacks channelled through the underground back to the chimneys in the circle courtyard up on the surface. The stone halls and walls were all lit by odd spirit stones, spread out evenly and letting off a humble glow not dissimilar to incandescent bulbs. Little green stones sat on the...
He stared at his empty luncheon plate. The fish and chips and pint of bitters had not eased his misgivings or quenched his need for relaxation and redemption. Memories of the Spanish sunshine had quickly faded replaced by his son’s excuses, which had started even before he finished parking the motorhome in its designated spot on the farm. The promised work had not been done. He knew what that meant. The bills had not been paid and that foretold another trip to the bank and another slice of his...
THE MASKED LADY OF WAKEFIELD HALL By Sylvia Who? It was in March 1774 that the rural district of Wakefield in the County of Leicestershire had its first experience of robbery on the King's highway, following the sudden appearance of a mysterious woman, dubbed by the local populace 'The Masked Lady', who was considered either a legend - or to some people a scourge - until she melted away once more into the shadows just as suddenly, never to be seen or...
He had been walking through the mist on a spring morning. He hadn't actually known it was the solstice. He had walked up a hill with a ring of mushrooms at the top of it. He didn't think anything of it apart from a place to get a better view of the surrounding countryside. He had walked anti-clockwise three times. He had been wondering mostly what would make the best photo as the sun was rising through the mist. Then the mist had intensified; he continued his anti clockwise route...
A very eerie silence settled over the university once all the students had departed for the holidays. A couple of coffee shops in the student center remained open to serve the handful of students living off campus not traveling, but the dorm area was totally deserted. Even most of the RA's had left. A couple of her co-workers were coming back right after New Year's, but Cecilia was the only RA who would spend the entire Christmas break in the dorm. The dorm's manager decided to make her...
Hello everybody! This is Sunny with a fantasized story. I fantasize a lot about touching; feeling and fondling big-breasted females and also beautiful, voluptuous bellies, deep holed navels. I love females wearing saris and revealing. I can give them lot of pleasure, fondling and pampering. I also love to keep my erection for a longer period and enjoy it. Sometimes I enjoy my erection for many numbers of days. I am married hence “No Sex” with others. Only fore playing and fondling. Accidentally...
Hello guys, my name is Aashish Kalyan. I am from Thane, Maharashtra. I am 20 years old with a 6-inches tool. I am 6 ft 3 inches tall with an average built. Now, about the heroine of this story, Isha (name changed). She is 5’9 with a very well-toned body, and because she is a dancer her assets are well-maintained as well. Her stats are 34-28-30. She has milky, white skin and her wavy hair suit her really well. The story is a bit long guys, but I assure you it’s worth your...
Hiiii, this is Vishal again. I am male mid 30, Priya my wife she is 26, 5’2”. Nowadays we are enjoying sex a lot. We do try all sort of things to keep our wild sex life wilder. Rahul is our house owner’s son. He is 19 only studying in college. He is Priya’s great time pass. Nowadays he has become like our family member. He is almost everywhere in our matter. We don’t mind his shararat. Most of time he loves to hang with Priya & Priya stopped put on underwear in front of him. He gives lot more...
Maria was an angel; there really was no other way to put it. Well, maybe savior or goddess or something like that, but angel just seemed to fit her better. She was a kind, merciful, loving spirit encased in a lovely body with a gentle face and a beautiful heart. Just when everything in Carrie's life seemed bound, bent and determined to bring her to her knees in agonized surrender and defeat Maria appeared to make it all better which just her presence, her kind words and soft loving touch. To...
Hi readers! I am back and about to share another true event, with me, Rimi and a guy we contacted online for engaging in threesome action. I apologize, my stories are lengthy. I know you will love it nonetheless. It took me quite some time to convince my girlfriend for this. Then I posted an add on a website. Got many responses. After 8-9 days we got the guy we were looking for, rather, I was looking for. During this time 2 years had passed after our relationship started. Rimi had become much...
Hey readers! Read ISS stories for years. This is the first story I am posting. It’s a true story with my first girlfriend when I was doing my post-graduation. I was 21years at that time. Little about me – Tall guy of 5’11” approx, athletic guy, love sports and used to play at school and college cricket and football teams respectively. Hail from Kolkata. Generally, don’t speak much with too many people, as I prefer to study everyone and approach people who have the same likings as me. So,...