The FreshmanChapter 23: A Photo Shoot In Huntington Hall free porn video

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A very eerie silence settled over the university once all the students had departed for the holidays. A couple of coffee shops in the student center remained open to serve the handful of students living off campus not traveling, but the dorm area was totally deserted. Even most of the RA's had left. A couple of her co-workers were coming back right after New Year's, but Cecilia was the only RA who would spend the entire Christmas break in the dorm.

The dorm's manager decided to make her duty RA during the break and give her the keys to the entire building. In the morning she had to unlock the service entrance to let the janitors in, but apart from that, she would have Huntington Hall to herself until after New Year's.

Two days after Jason left there was a heavy snowstorm that blanketed the university. With the students gone and only the service entrance of Huntington Hall remaining open, there was no need to shovel the sidewalks. With the sidewalks buried under a foot of snow the dorm area became even more deserted, silent, and desolate.

During the days she was snowed in, Cecilia was able to relax in many small ways she couldn't when the dorm was full of students. She greatly enjoyed the silence surrounding her. The only noise she would hear during those three weeks would be whatever noise she chose to make. Sometimes she played classical music or a CD from "Socrates' Mistresses", but more often everything was turned off and her room was as quiet as the rest of Huntington Hall. The quiet was very nice for a soul starved for tranquility.

She remained busy, active on the Internet or preparing for the upcoming semester. She spent several days making major revisions to the website of "Socrates' Mistresses" and improving her knowledge of digital art and web graphics. She experimented with sound files, looking for the format that would best suit the band's Internet needs. She got caught up on the news by reading on-line articles and corresponding with Kimberly and Cynthia Lee. The days flew by in spite of the void Jason's absence had left in her life.

For most of the break Cecilia didn't bother to get dressed. Under the influence of her boyfriend, during the fall semester she had become used to sleeping naked. With the heat turned up in her room, she also enjoyed not wearing anything while studying or relaxing. Even when she went to the bathroom she knew there was no need to get dressed, since there was no one else on the floor to see her. The first few trips she simply wrapped herself in a towel when she went to pee or take a shower. Later, as she became more comfortable walking around in the vacated building, she began leaving her towel in her room. As she walked down the hallway with the cool air blowing against her bare skin, she reflected how much like Jason she had become in being comfortable with her body.

Three days after the dorm residents had left, Cecilia had built up enough dirty clothes to need to do a load of wash. She made a rather important decision; she would not get dressed when she took the dirty clothing downstairs to the laundry room. Why bother? There was no one to see her, and it would be nice to have every article of clothing in her room clean and put away, with no exceptions. With her heart pounding and the thrill of erotic excitement going through her thoughts, she walked down the stairs wearing nothing but a pair of flip-flops. Her heart continued to pound as she placed the clothes in the washing machine, turned it on, and went back upstairs.

Naked, she made several more trips up and down the stairs to move her clothes to a dryer and later pull them out. She unfolded an ironing board and spent the next hour ironing and folding her clothes. She put the ironed clothes in a basket or on hangers, and then made several more naked trips up and down the stairs to move everything back to her room and put it away. By the time she was finished, she no longer felt that she was doing anything daring. She was becoming used to being naked outside of her room and found it quite enjoyable.

From that point forward she began doing her building checks in the nude, wearing just her sneakers and carrying the dorm keys and her radio. She patrolled the deserted hallways several times a day to stretch her legs. She enjoyed walking around the empty floors and exerting herself going up and down the stairs.

From doing her building checks in the nude, Cecilia progressed to exercising in the nude. In the director's office there was a treadmill. Because the environment outside was so bitterly cold, she had no desire to go out, not even to stay in shape. Instead she decided to exercise on the treadmill by walking and running, still dressed in nothing but her sneakers. She did not have to worry about her boss catching her naked in his office, because she had his dorm keys and he would need to radio her if he wanted in the building. So, twice a day she entered the office to spend an hour walking and jogging on the treadmill. By the end of Christmas break she had worked herself up to running two miles non-stop and walking an additional four miles.

Cecilia's sexual urges did not diminish over her three-week confinement in the dorm. With Jason absent from her life, she returned to her old routine of self-pleasure. She spent countless hours masturbating and gently caressing her body with her fingertips. Usually she stayed in her room during her lengthy sessions of self-love, but not always. One of the best orgasms during her three weeks of solitude came one night in the commons area during a very heavy snowstorm. She sat in front of a bay window on a sofa, caressing and fondling herself in the open room as a layer of new snow blanketed the deserted university. What excited the RA was the fact the window was in plain view of the entire campus, but because she was sitting in the dark and it was snowing, she was invisible to the outside. She wondered what the dorm's freshmen would think if they could have seen their no-nonsense RA sitting naked in the commons area, sweaty and gasping, her legs spread to the world, giving herself an orgasm.

For the second time of her life, Cecilia faced the prospect of spending Christmas alone. It was ironic that she had plenty of people in her life who cared about her, but their circumstances prevented them from being available to spend any time with her on Christmas.

Dealing with being alone at the end of December was very hard on her. Christmas was the one time during each year Cecilia had good memories of her life in New Jersey. She knew that it was easy idealize those few pleasant moments that stood out in an otherwise very bleak life, but she couldn't help it. As hard as it was to believe, as Christmas loomed she even missed her family.

Christmas always had been the one time during the year the Sanchez family could ignore their personal problems and set aside their disputes. Cecilia, her mother, and her cousin always spent a couple of days preparing traditional Dominican dishes, so the family always ate well during the last week of the year. Whatever money they had was spent on gifts and decorations. Neighbors always came over, and there were numerous invitations to visit other families in the housing project. There were Church services and midnight masses, traditional Spanish Christmas music to replace the ever-present Salsa and Rap that permeated the project, and Christmas pageants at school and at church. Cecilia did not miss very much of her life in New Jersey, but she did miss Christmas.

She spent a lot of time corresponding with Kimberly Lee about Christmas in Upper Danubia. Kim also missed Christmas, but for a different reason. The Danubians did not have any major celebration of Christmas on December 25, but instead combined the celebration of Christmas with celebrating New Year's a week later. The tradition was to spend the hours before midnight with family members, then attend Temple services for an hour, and then to spend the following day and evening visiting friends and exchanging gifts.

"Christmas used to be a bigger deal than it is now, but since the Danubians are getting back into their old religion, the Catholic holidays don't matter to them too much anymore. I miss my family and sometimes miss the way we do things in the US, so I feel for you about missing Christmas with your own family."

On the morning of December 24, Cecilia got a call from Suzanne Foster. She was greatly surprised, because she had thought that Suzanne would be off-campus like most of the other dorm residents. She had indeed left for the holiday, but had to come back because of a fight with her father. Her dorm director, aware of her difficult personal situation, decided to waive the rule about having her stay out of her room over the Christmas break and let her back in. She would have to eat out of the dorm, but at least she could sleep in her room.

Suzanne was very upset over her latest fight with her father. She had been forced to leave her family's house the morning before Christmas and faced spending the rest of her vacation alone on campus. Cecilia decided to get together with her friend, have lunch, and give Suzanne a chance to have someone to talk to. As bad as she felt for Suzanne, she was glad to have a familiar face on campus to alleviate her own loneliness. For the first time in over a week, Cecilia got dressed and nerved herself to face the bitter cold outside to walk over to Suzanne's dorm.

The two women crossed the university to eat at a restaurant just off-campus, and then wandered around a bit until the stores began closing. During that entire time Suzanne talked about a disastrous end of the semester. In a three week period she had broken up with her boyfriend, been accused of cheating on a term paper by a professor, and had a vicious fight with her father.

"The cheating hassle was why I never called you when the Dukov group was here. The ethics panel actually had me go to a hearing and I had to bring in all my research stuff. I mean ... I had to go to the library and get all my books and take them over, dig up my notes ... I even had to go through the trash to get some scraps of paper that I took notes on. Any you know why they accused me of cheating? Simply because the way I write is kinda like the way one of the professors here writes. I didn't even know who the guy was, but they said I was copying his work. I'll tell you, I'm mad about this ... really mad, and I told them that. Anyhow, they cleared me, but I don't know if really they believe me or not. And, I don't know if the professors are gonna trust me after this, because the whole thing's gotten around the department. Let this be a lesson to you, keep your research notes for your papers."

Suzanne vented her anger against her boyfriend, who was art major specializing in painting. The guy had not really done anything all semester except create a few very bad paintings. He had no job and Suzanne had been paying for their dates. On top of everything else he had flunked a couple of his classes at the university and was considering taking classes at the community college. Since he no longer was going to be student at the university, he would have to move off-campus and really had nowhere to go.

Suzanne snapped when he told her he wanted to keep his stuff in her room and sleep there until he came up with something else. She was fully aware he would not be able to come up with anything else, and probably would want to stay indefinitely. Furthermore, by having a male stay in her room, she would be risking getting kicked out of the dorm. The answer was no. No stuff in my room, no sleeping in my room, no using my meal card to eat in the cafeteria. Go find someone else to support you, because I've had it. And by the way, you'd better change your major, because you don't know how to paint. What you call a painting is something I could have done when I was in kinder garden.

Suzanne went home to her father's house in an irritated mood. She made the mistake of telling him and her step-mother about the final two weeks of her semester. He promptly used the cheating accusation and her most recent break-up to ridicule her, and heap his usual contempt on her life and her efforts in college. Suzanne, still in a rotten mood from the events over the past two weeks, simply left the house without saying anything and returned to the university.

Cecilia was curious about the odious behavior from her friend's father and why she put up with it.

"You know, you take a lot of shit from your dad, and I don't get it. I'm tellin' you, if I were you, I would've told him to go fuck himself a long time ago. There's no way I'd put up with what you're puttin' up with. So, how come you're doin' it? How come you're takin' his shit?"

"I don't know, Cecilia. I don't know why I'm doing it. I'm always asking myself the same thing, but I keep hoping that someday things might be different. I keep hoping that he'll change, I mean, go back to the way he was when I was little, and we might be a family again ... like before my mom left."

"It's not gonna happen. You don't have any family, 'cause your dad's just a rotten person. You gotta deal with that. That's your reality, and you just gotta face it. That man's no good, and you know he's no good. He doesn't deserve you bein' nice to him."

"I guess. I don't know myself why I'm this way ... why I can't let go. Right now I just can't."

Cecilia, upon realizing she wasn't going to get Suzanne to change her outlook on her relationship with her father, decided to change the subject and work on improving her friend's mood. She invited Suzanne back to her room to listen to the latest CD sent to her by Kimberly Lee and to look at the website draft she had prepared. Suzanne, who had more of an eye for aesthetic appeal than did Cecilia, made several suggestions to improve the over-all appearance of the webpages, including a change in the color scheme. A few mouse clicks accomplished those changes, and yes, the webpages did indeed look better with the new colors.

Suzanne was in a quiet mood and ready to listen to Cecilia's adventures with the Danubians. She was impressed that Cecilia actually had sat for dinner with the country's Prime Minister and made a suggestion that perhaps salvaged an international treaty. Cecilia talked at length about the final week of the semester on her floor and her efforts to get her residents to pass their classes. While they were talking Cecilia burned an extra CD for Suzanne, figuring that her advice on the webpage more than made up for the fact she was giving a friend the band's latest music for free.

Suzanne invited Cecilia back to her room to look over the photos she had taken in the art department studio earlier in the semester. It was strange to see her own body, completely stripped in a totally empty setting, her brown skin sharply contrasting with the white backdrop. She was surprised at the pictures' quality, and also at how attractive her own body appeared in the pictures.

"Dang ... I look good in these. They're really great."

Suzanne handed over a folder containing copies of the entire photo shoot. It occurred to Cecilia that she now had at least one decent Christmas gift she could give to Jason; she could have a couple of the pictures framed and present them when he came back from Wisconsin.

The photographer then announced that five of the photos would be included a city-wide exhibit of figure photography in January. That news both frightened and excited Cecilia, the knowledge that hundreds of photography fans would be studying her figure in detail. However, whatever reservations she might have had about being placed so prominently on display she would have to keep to herself, because she had signed a model release.

Cecilia looked over some of Suzanne's other work, which included a black football player who had posed nude in different spots around the university gym and stadium, various models posing outdoors in parks and forests, and a lot of shots of the Tri-Alpha 10-K race. The strangest photo shoot of the semester was of an older professor posing in his office. The man was in his 60's and there was absolutely nothing attractive about his body, but somehow Suzanne had managed to make the subject intensely erotic.

"I like this set, and I really don't know why. Anyhow, he's retiring in May, and he's going to let me do an art show with this project once he's safely out of the university. It's sort of funny, when you think about it. I've got my statement I want to make with these pictures, but he has one as well, which is different from mine. He told me it's going to be his way of saying goodbye to his life as a scholar."

Looking at her friend's work had intensely aroused Cecilia. In spite of her nervousness about her images being presented in the art show in January, she secretly found herself wishing she could do another photo shoot. The photographer, who was very good at discerning the thoughts of her subjects, picked up on that immediately.

"I got a question for you. You say there's no one else in Huntington Hall except you?"

"Yeah, it's gonna be just me 'till after New Year's. Sometimes the janitor or the repair guy shows up and I gotta let 'em in, but that's always in the morning and just for a couple of hours. If they ain't around I always keep all the doors in the building locked."

"You know, I was thinking about something. If you got that whole building to yourself, we could take advantage of that to do some more photo shoots over the next couple of days. I'd have plenty of time to set up and get the lighting right. If you're up for it, I think we could get some really great pictures, even better than the ones from the studio."

Cecilia's heart jumped. She was indeed up for another photo shoot. After nearly two weeks of being without Jason, she was full of pent-up sexuality. A lengthy picture-taking session in Huntington Hall would be perfect way to release her emotions.

As it got dark outside, Suzanne and Cecilia loaded themselves with her photography supplies and made the trek from Suzanne's dorm back to Huntington Hall. They had to make two trips, because Suzanne wanted to bring all of her lighting. Cecilia then offered to open a vacant room to her friend and get her a set of linens, so she would not have to return to her room at night. The offer also gave Suzanne a place to keep her equipment, which she gladly accepted. She added a toothbrush, a bottle of shampoo, and comb to her camera bag and with that the two women trudged through the snow to get back to Huntington Hall.

Suzanne's plans turned out to be quite ambitious. She had a unique opportunity to take advantage of having an entire building available for nearly a week to do with as she saw fit. The first thing she did was tour all of Huntington Hall, including the rooftop and basement. She turned on and off all the lights, took measurements, looked out the windows, and explored the most secret areas of the dorm. She seemed particularly fascinated with a section of the basement, carefully looking at the pipes and several concrete pillars as she pondered the underground area.

Suzanne let her model know that she planned to spend several days taking pictures and she wanted the project to be a serious artistic undertaking. She also let Cecilia know that while shooting, she would be in control, period. If Cecilia wanted the project to be successful, she had to follow the photographer's commands with no questions.

"We're going to be doing some experimental stuff, and I'll be asking you to do some things that might make you nervous. But if you get nervous, that's fine, that's going to be what I want. The photos I'm planning are not just going to be about your body in this dorm, but also your emotions."

She wondered what on earth Suzanne meant by that, but she still wanted to go through with the photo shoot. She was determined to see how far her friend could push her and what the artistic results would be. She knew that Suzanne's personality completely changed when she was taking pictures; that she became very demanding of anyone modeling for her. When Suzanne was behind the camera, she was the boss, period. She expected her model to follow her commands and put forth every bit of effort to make each frame work. It was Suzanne's job to take care of the lighting, camera angles, camera settings, and picture developing, but it was the model's responsibility to put forth the effort and emotion needed to provide acceptable subject matter.

Suzanne was aware that over the past couple of weeks Cecilia had not worn any clothes while alone in the building. As soon as she was settled in her room she directed her model to undress. Cecilia returned to her room and pulled off her clothes. Her heart pounding, she stepped back into the hallway as Suzanne's camera flashed at her figure. Her friend now was in complete charge of her life, and would remain so until the photography session ended. The very first thing she told Cecilia was that would not be allowed to get dressed again until the photo session was over.

"I want to get as many good shots of you as I can, and I don't want pressure marks from your clothes to show up in the images. Also, I want you to get used to running around in the nude, so it'll be something you won't be worrying about later on. This photo session is going to be all about you, not about what you're wearing."

Suzanne began by directing her model to take whatever dirty clothing she had downstairs to the laundry room. Cecilia did not have much that she needed to wash, but she obeyed and walked down the stairs with a basket as Suzanne's camera clicked behind her. There were more pictures taken in the laundry room, pictures of Cecilia walking up and down the stairs, pictures of her moving around in the hallway, and pictures of her ironing and putting everything away.

Suzanne spent Christmas Eve and the following day taking pictures non-stop of her model doing every daily activity imaginable, all of it in the nude. Cecilia was on the move the entire day doing housework, even though cleaning Huntington Hall was not her responsibility. She was ordered to clean a bathroom, mop the entire cafeteria floor, cook a meal, wash dishes, run a vacuum cleaner in the entire second floor hallway, and straighten the furniture in all the building's common areas. Suzanne ordered her to tidy up the building's reception desk and then sit down and do some work at the computer. She ordered her to go into the director's office and do some work at his desk. Then she ordered Cecilia to go upstairs, put on her tennis shoes, and use the treadmill.

"You'll need to put some effort into your running. I want you sweating before you're done."

Cecilia ran a full three miles, non-stop at a fast setting before Suzanne let her stop. She was covered in persperation and gasping for breath when Suzanne finally turned down the setting and let her slow to a walk to cool down. As the sweat continued trickling down her body, Suzanne took more pictures of her model walking: from the front, from the back, and from each side. There were pictures of her stretching, and then pictures of her taking a shower with the shower curtain open. Because water had spilled on the bathroom floor, Cecilia had to get on her hands and knees and clean it up with a towel while the photographer photographed her. The photographer directed to turn her bottom towards the camera and spread her knees and arch her back while she was wiping the floor, to expose herself as much as possible. She felt the bathroom's cool air blowing against her bottom and vulva as the camera flashed behind her.

As Christmas Day progressed, Suzanne's pictures became more intimate and the camera more invasive. Cecilia no longer noticed, however. She was tired from all of the housework and by the end of the day had totally forgotten that she had spent the last 24 hours in the nude in front of her friend. She got on her computer and began reading and sending e-mails. She was able to completely ignore Suzanne and follow her normal routine. Being ignored was exactly what Suzanne had in mind, because she wanted the pictures to be natural.

When it was time for Cecilia to go to bed, Suzanne continued documenting her friend's life. Cecilia took the bedspread off her bed and turned up the heat, so that she could sleep with no covers and be photographed throughout the night as she moved about on the bed. Suzanne dimmed the lights, adjusted her camera lens to maximize the limited lighting, and patiently watched her model while she slept.

About three in the morning Cecilia woke up and heard the quiet clicks of Suzanne's camera. Half asleep, she walked down the hallway and into the bathroom to pee, with Suzanne following her. When she returned to her room, she still was half asleep but felt very aroused. Her sexuality surfaced, partly from missing Jason, and partly from the feeling of being submitting to Suzanne and being documented in every intimate detail. Ignoring the fact her actions were being captured on film, she began caressing herself, gently running her fingertips over her stomach and breasts. Slowly her fingers moved to her thighs, then ever closer to her clitoris. She spread her legs and gently massaged her labia and touched her vagina. She rolled over and ran her hands over her bottom, gently caressing her backside as she rubbed her front over the bed. She then flipped on her back to continue teasing herself up front. Suzanne very quietly moved about the bed with her camera, capturing everything in minute detail. Cecilia's expression changed as she moved closer and closer to climaxing. She became wet and began sweating as she teased and tormented herself, striving, as always, to delay the orgasm as long as possible.

Suzanne took numerous pictures, quickly using up her film and desperately swapping used rolls of pictures for unused ones. This was her chance to document a real orgasm. Sure ... there were plenty of pictures of women pretending to have orgasms, plenty of pictures that looked as fake as a three-dollar bill. This was different. This was the real thing, and when the pictures were developed it would be obvious that it was genuine, a real woman truly enjoying her own body.

After Cecilia went back to sleep, Suzanne returned to her borrowed room to restock her film and make sure the most recent pictures were safely stored until they could be developed. She then took off her own clothes and slept for a couple of hours, but woke up at daybreak and got dressed to make sure she was in Cecilia's room when she got up.

By the middle of the day after Christmas Suzanne had documented 36 hours of Cecilia doing every imaginable daily activity in the nude. She wanted to change her focus and take pictures of her model actually posing instead of just moving about naturally. There was no question that Cecilia felt perfectly comfortable with posing, so it was time to move on to more ambitious pictures.

As she followed the photographer's lead, Cecilia's intense sexuality fascinated Suzanne. She decided to bring that out as much as possible throughout the second full day of shooting. Her ultimate plan was to seduce her friend. She did not want to make physical love to her, but instead have her subject to make love to the camera. Slowly she manipulated Cecilia's emotions as she gradually persuaded her to assume ever more revealing and submissive postures. Cecilia found herself under a spell of her own making, desperately wanting to surrender herself and be taken. She was wet and her eyes were glistening with sexual desire. For the entire afternoon her soul belonged to the photographer and her camera.

Finally, at about 10:00 pm, Suzanne could tell that intense exhaustion was overtaking her model's intense arousal. She allowed Cecilia to clean up and get back on her bed for some sleep. As before, that second night she allowed her model no bed covers and absolutely no privacy. Cecilia ended the day desperate to relieve her burning desires. With her friend's camera quietly clicking nearby, she masturbated uncontrollably for a very long time before finally climaxing and falling asleep.

At the end of the second full day of shooting, Suzanne was exhausted herself, but was exhilarated at the total success of the project so far. She wanted more. She knew that the next day she could get even better pictures out of her friend if she handled her correctly. She looked about the room to see what might truly arouse Cecilia, but at the same time scare her and test her emotional limits.

She noticed the drawing of Jason, bent over, with belt marks covering his exposed backside. She peeked in the closet, and saw two very heavy old belts hanging just inside the door. It was obvious that Cecilia never wore those belts, because they were men's belts; too big, too weathered, and too thick to be worn by a young woman. Behind the belts was hanging a small black leather paddle. Hmm ... so that's what Cecilia's into ... OK, that's what I'll get her with tomorrow...

Suzanne returned to the basement, where she would finalize the most important episode of the shared experience with her model. There was a thick cement pillar standing in the middle of the room. By sheer luck, it had several u-shaped pieces of metal imbedded in the concrete that must have been left over from when the building was being constructed. She looked at the concrete support beams above her head. There were additional u-shaped pieces of metal embedded in the beams. That was perfect. The next day she would used the pillar and support beams to tie Cecilia in different poses and photograph her in bondage. She needed some rope, which she knew would be somewhere in the building, because it was needed to hang banners. Finally she found what she was looking for, several long pieces of soft nylon rope rolled up in a box with some old cloth signs. She put one piece in her pocket and laid out the others near the pillar. Then she went upstairs to get her lighting. Once the lighting was set up and tested, the basement was ready.

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The Photoshoot

Latisha wasn’t like every other girl on the block. She had a wild side, that she kept a secret, and never talked to anybody about. Every girl should have a private collection hidden away somewhere. A video or photo-shoot of some sort, that she had never done before, and had the courage to do with a professional photographer. She always wanted a nude photo shoot, but had to do it discreetly. She knew a photographer who also had a discreet side. They were friends for some time now and she phoned...

Oral Sex
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Barbs First Paid Photo Shoot Part 1

We were sitting in the living room after supper, sipping some wine when we decided to look at our joint profile on Fetlife (Pixie_and_Daddy). We wanted to respond to messages that we might have received and look at photo comments. That task took us about thirty minutes, just as we were about to log-out of our profile, I suggested to Barb that we compose a post looking for a paid photo shoot for her.She was somewhat cynical about the idea but finally agreed so we sat there working on the wording...

5 years ago
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The Photo Shoot An Adult Story

just started to branch out from my usual 9 to 5 job. I work at a local big department store in the mall. I am the photographer in the family photo center of the store. I am the guy who shoots the k**s on there parents lap or the family portrait that no one likes to take. It's very boring. It's been getting on my nerves lately but it's a job. The only saving grace of the job, is it allows some free time when ever I need it. I just got into lightning and set up for photo shoots. It might take...

2 years ago
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Seduced during make believe photo shoot

“I have an idea. Let’s go into the bedroom and while we are having sex I will shoot some pictures of us while we are doing it.” “Are you crazy or what?” “No. Let’s go do it. Come on. It’ll be erotic.” “That seems weird to me.” “No, it’ll be cool. We’ve never done anything like that before. ” “Yeah…. But, it’s weird. Nobody is going to see these photos, are they?” “No. No. They are just for us.” So, we went into the bedroom and lay on the bed. Karen, who would later become my wife years later,...

Wife Lovers
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My Wifes Boudoir Photo Shoot

I have a sexy idea – I think I will surprise my husband, Ben, with some sexy boudoir pictures. I found a female photographer with a really nice studio. We met and she was so disarming. We talked about taking some tasteful, semi-nude photos for Ben’s birthday. I tell her that I’ll even consider doing something racier, but I’d have to be really comfortable with her to do something more explicit. Maybe a few nude photos, but I want to be discreet. She assures me she will be discreet, so I decide...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Boudoir Photo Shoot

I have a sexy idea – I think I will surprise my husband, Ben, with some sexy boudoir pictures. I found a female photographer with a really nice studio. We met and she was so disarming. We talked about taking some tasteful, semi-nude photos for Ben’s birthday. I tell her that I’ll even consider doing something racier, but I’d have to be really comfortable with her to do something more explicit. Maybe a few nude photos, but I want to be discreet. She assures me she will be discreet, so I decide...

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Photo Shoot Led To Bed

Hi Dear friends… I am Manas and I am back with another story which changed my life for good. This is not fake but I play with my luck which has been very good till now. Not keeping you waiting for long, I would jump on the story. I moved to Hyderabad recently due to my job requirement and was getting bored here like hell as the place was new and I was not much familiar with the city. So I was not going out a lot but soon, the boredom made me get back to my hobbies to pass my time. I am a...

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Wendys Photo Shoot

***Nineteen-year-old Wendy wants to give her husband a sexy photo shoot for his Birthday. But things aren't as they appear.***This is the third story about my beautiful wife Wendy. The other two, Bachelor Party and Bachelor Part 2, have her submitting to different type of sexual games. This story precedes the other two and goes back to our early days as honeymooners. Let me first describe my beautiful wife, at the time of this story, she was 19 years old, 5'6", 108lbs, 34C and a natural redhead...

2 years ago
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Vogue Photo Shoot with Miley Cyrus

I just found this very sexy Miley Cyrus Story at the internetCopyright goes to "I Love Miley." I hope you guys like it!Allow me to begin telling this story by giving you a background about myself. I'm a 32 year old British photographer, residing in Los Angeles, California. I've done numerous photo shoots for Vogue, Victoria's Secret and Guess, along with some other high end fashion magazines. I've photographed a legion of celebrities, ranging from the likes of David Beckham to Angelina Jolie....

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The Photo Shoot Part 3 of 7

The Photo Shoot(c) Paul GarlandChapter 3Strangely, neither me nor Nicola really talked about what exactly we were going to do at the studio. As far as I was concerned, we were going to see the photographs from the other night, which I was looking forward to seeing and I knew Nicola was too. Any talk of doing another session - a nude shoot - was secondary to that, even though it was very much on my mind when we pulled up outside and were greeted by Leanne’s cute younger sister.“Come in,” Kirstie...

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MARRIED WOMAN AND THE PHOTO SHOOTMy name is Jane and I have been married to my husband John for over 20 years,We have two young boys and life is so good,My husband and I have a great relationship and the sex is always so good we have over many years found different ways to spice up our sex life,I currently work park time in a hotel as a receptionist but many years ago I was a model for a major catalog company and have always maintained my figure and looks,My husband always says that I still...

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MARRIED WOMAN AND THE PHOTO SHOOTMy name is Jane and I have been married to my husband John for over 20 years,And life is so good,My husband and I have a great relationship and the sex is always so good we have over many years found different ways to spice up our sex life,I currently work park time in a hotel as a receptionist but many years ago I was a model for a major catalog company and have always maintained my figure and looks,My husband always says that I still look good as I did 20...

4 years ago
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Crystal ClearChapter 2 The Playboy Photo Shoot and Collateral Fun

If you looked for a sexy, feminine, human dynamo with spectacular artistic talent, Brite Reber would flawlessly fill the bill. She lived outside St. Cloud, Minnesota, and for the past five years had done business on her own terms. She commanded top-dollar for her photo sessions, and last I knew you had to book her at least two years in advance even if you were the queen of England, the President, or the newest movie star. "Jimmmm," she crooned into the telephone, responding to my name...

3 years ago
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Hot Photo Shoot Leads To Miss Ts Depraved Fucking

It was late afternoon and Tamina was alone in the office. She was bent over putting files in the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet when she heard a loud wolf whistle. Tamina quickly stood and smoothed down her short black skirt, hoping that she'd not given the whistler an eyeful. Turning around she saw a dark-haired stranger, about 5’8” and a little on the stocky side, blue eyes, and a panty-wetting smile eyeing her up and down.Tamina had never considered herself eye candy but, apparently,...

Office Sex
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Hot Nude Photo Shoot Of Married Lady

I moved to Hyderabad recently due to my job requirement and was getting bored here like hell as the place was new and I was not much familiar with the city. So I was not going out a lot but soon, the boredom made me get back to my hobbies to pass my time.I am a photographer by hobby and I love it. Though I was not completely settled in the new place, I still tried to spend some time with my camera to live what I always wanted.So, on one Saturday, I was getting bored and I thought to do some...

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Nieces Photo Shoot

Niece’s Photo Shoot Many years ago when my niece was only 5 or 6 years old, I would always hear her say, “Uncle Ron, when I grow up I’m going to be a model.”   My reply was always the same thing, “Allison, if you put your mind to something, you can always reach your goals.”   Many years went by and I must have heard her say the same thing over a hundred thousand times. She got a lot of encouragement from her family as she was very pretty with gorgeous blue-green deep penetrating eyes. She...

4 years ago
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Photo shoot

Before we get into some action, allow me to introduce myself. I am Pratap, a popular photographer in Tamil film industry. Most new aspirants wait in line to get their portfolios done by me, and many directors swear by my name when it comes to still photography. I have had quite a few exciting experiences, which I would really be glad to share with all of you. But there is one particular incident that I want to narrate in detail here, because it got me really excited a lot. I was back from an...

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Wife Photo Shoot

Hello readers, I am a regular reader of this site and read stories. I hope you will like this story. I am Rajini 45 years doing business and my wife working in a multinational company and she is 42 and has good physique and we have healthy sex at least twice in a we are recently we went to Kerala for a picnic. We went to a resort and stayed there for a night at 8.30 pm we went to restaurant for dinner and there we met a couple from Kerala and they also came for picnic and we were chatting and...

4 years ago
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The Full Photo Shoot Gallagher White Chapt

(Author's note: if you've read my short story "The Photo Shoot", this story might be similar. "The Photo Shoot" is a heavily edited version, done to meet the word count for a magazine submission. This is the un-edited version, the first chapter of a much longer erotic novel. If you liked the edited version, then hopefully you'll really like the full version!)The theft was reported at around nine fifteen, when someone investigated the cause of the draught in the stockroom. Lord Gallagher, the...

2 years ago
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Photo Shoot

The Photo Shoot ? by: Julie O. I remember the day I saw the ad in the paper. It was simple and to the point. Wanted: Model for adult photography shoot. Need men, women and T-girls. Call 555-3627 for interview. I thought about the ad for several days. It seemed to penetrate deep into my mind. The idea of calling dominated my every waking thought. I finally called the number. There was a lengthy message stating that they presently were only looking for pre-op transsexuals....

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My mother and I had recently moved into a new apartment in down town LA. She had just gotten divorced from her second husband of a few short years and was on her way to getting back on her feet again. We settled in just fine as I began my second semester at a nearby university, while my mom was looking to resume her career in the modeling industry. But at 45 years old, my mother, Donna, now found herself struggling to get hired for jobs she normally would have no trouble getting. She was still...

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The Photo Shoot

About two years before my husband and I got married, just after we were engaged, he got the idea of me doing a boudoir shoot with a professional photographer as a birthday present. He looked into booking a photographer for an hour shoot, but after realizing that all of those who specialized in boudoir photography charged at least $500 for a session, we began to explore other options. A friend who was a professional model suggested that I list myself on a modelling website where photographers...

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Wifes Photo Shoot

Introduction: Wifes Photo Shoot I was attending a conference in L. A. and this time my wife Linda was accompanying me. Usually she preferred to stay at home, but this time she wanted to come along, and enjoy the sun and pool in late spring. It was delightful, and we enjoyed some great eating as well as some pool time when the meeting ended each day, which was early afternoon. On one occasion, there were two women sitting next to us, and we became acquainted with them. It developed that Kim,...

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Sally Goes To A Photo Shoot 2 3

As the camera crew and costume girls began to pack up, Sally approached Griff. “How did I do? I felt so self-conscious, especially at the end there. I’m glad Marg and Marie are here to help with the clothes.” “Sure, sugar. They are a good crew and they loved you. You know, Joey over there said that you’re a natural, and I agree. You have a natural freshness, an outgoing friendliness, and wicked sense of humour. And you have a tanned and fit body. You would do well as a nude model. Did...

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Another Photo Shoot For The Twins Part One

One Saturday night, Rich had another photo shoot with his two favorite lovely twins: Samantha and Hannah. They were both stunning, and they kept him up at night too. Rich got out his new digital camera that he loved to use for this photo shoots so he could get the best shots for erotic photos. The twins were always more than ready to please the camera, and him. They both came in the room in their sexiest bras and panties."Oh my, I swear you two become more ravishing and revealing every single...

2 years ago
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She Invited Me To a Nude Photo Shoot

This is a totally true story.I am a 64 year old senior and I have a great xHamster friend that I chat with a lot! She is if you want to see her awesome profile. We both live within a few miles of each other so we kind of bonded easily. I told her that one of my all-time favorite fantasies was to be present at a nude photo shoot. We talked about it for several months and the stars finally aligned for both of us and she invited me to a shoot October 3rd 2019....

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Melissas Photo Shoot

I was over the moon, when my husband Dave had arranged for me to have a photo shoot for my 40th birthday. Dave had arranged it with his mate, a professional photographer that had worked with loads of models over the years and I was going to have a two hour session with him. “Make it a sexy shoot,” said Dave as he watched me dress and pack a few different outfits for the shoot, “and don‘t forget, live out whatever fantasy comes your way!” I found it a strange thing to say, but just smiled and...

Group Sex
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Housewifes AwakeningChapter 9 The Photo Shoot

Stephanie and Brett arrived at the photo studio and found the SUV parked out front. “Looks like Amber and Aunt Debbie beat us here. Now remember, that you had better play along with us tonight or else your little secret will be revealed to all the world.” Stephanie warned as she got out of the car. “I just have to play it cool. The girls will be going home in a few days and then all will go back to normal. Until then I have to keep them happy so that no one finds out about...” he said to...

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Photo shoot Mum becomes a slut Part three

I looked at myself in my dressing table mirror, Checking. I’d applied my make up, a variation on the look Alfie always did for me when I was modelling. False eyelashes, black mascara, black eye liner, and black eye shadow. I was pleased with the results. It wasn’t as heavy as Alfie would have done, but then it wasn’t for a photo shoot. It had been a hard day, Jack had spent four hours taking pictures of me, filming me masturbate, fingering my arse, making myself come. He hadn’t fucked me, and I...

3 years ago
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Erotic Photo Shoot In Jaipur 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone, I hoped you enjoyed my last 2 stories and thanks for every compliment you had sent me. Today I wrote about my last project of 2018. I got an email in mid-October from a lady named Jyoti Kaushal (Changed) living in Jaipur. She requested an appointment. I usually don’t accept appointments from an unknown person due to some bad experience in past. But when she gave me a reference of a friend who worked with me in past then I accepted. She sent me tickets and booked a hotel for me...

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Erotic Photo Shoot In Jaipur 8211 Part 2

I took some photos of her with it because it was her wedding dress. Now she wanted to show photos so I showed her. She said by herself these are not so sexy. I said-“ Yes and if you want very sexy and seductive photos you need to follow my instructions fully.” She said-“ Of course I will. Didn’t I remove my bra and panty when you said? Just tell me I will do.” I asked her to take a saree which is almost transparent and a white panty which has elastic. She called me to cupboard for choose. But...

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The Photo Shoot At the Mansion Part 1

This is the first in a set of quick little stories that show the “Hardship” of being a professional photographer on a private shoot.I hope it helps you to shoot your own…scenes.. I did photo shoots for High School graduations, weddings and anniversaries for about three years before stumbling on the idea of also going to youth athletic events and shooting players on the field and then charging for downloads of the shots I took.  Once I started doing that, I began making some decent money and...

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Sally Goes To A Photo Shoot 5 6

The visit required a drive out into the countryside. A long black limousine pulled up in front of the studio building, and a chauffeur helped Sally, still in a filmy dress from the photo shoot, into the back seat alongside Griff. An hour later they were on a narrow gravel road through a mixed forest, a road that seemed to climb upwards with each twist and turn. Eventually the vehicle emerged into a clearing near the crest of a ridge. Nestled against the trees was an old brick mansion with...

2 years ago
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Archbaroness Vs The Photo Shoot

Archbaroness was in the Megatropolis Amazons’ meeting room standing proudly before the floor to ceiling window and looking down upon Megatropolis. The team’s base of operations, Freedom Tower, was one of many buildings that composed Megatropolis’ world famous skyline. Her view here in the meeting room, close to the very top of the building, was a sight to behold. Of course, Archbaroness was herself as awe inspiring as the view. She was equally known for her astounding beauty as her long...

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Sally Goes To A Photo Shoot 1

Andy loved taking pictures of his lovely wife, Sally. The pictures often drew praise from friends and family, and this led to Sally thinking about a career in modelling. With Andy’s support, she took some modelling lessons and applied for work. It was disappointing at first. Many times an interviewer would ask her to remove her clothing; the result was always the same: either Sally stocked out in an angry fit or the company rejected her application. It was clear to both Sally and Andy...

1 year ago
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Alas Photo Shoot

A fun and glamorous modelling photo-shoot with a friend ends in an unplanned pregnancy for a beautiful woman Things were getting better for Ala now. 32 years of age she was coming out of the misery of a failed marriage with a cheating husband who made her feel low. In the past 8 months Ala had lost 20lb or so making her tall striking figure even more so. Stunningly beautiful to look at with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes, Ala stood 5 feet 9 inches tall, even taller in the strappy heels...

Sex With Stranger
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The photo shoot with mom

Dad had paid a fortune buying me the top of the range camera and equipment and having a double garage built at the top of the garden as my studio, with a dark room, which was fitted out so I could develop and print my own films, so he wouldn’t’t have been very happy, hearing I was flunking photography at college. Mid term exams were coming up and I hadn’t started my course work, which was two thirds of the marks, I knew I would have to pull something really special out of the hat to get...

4 years ago
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Photo ShootChapter 3

Setting up the show took a lot of effort. First we had to find a gallery that would agree to host the show, one that had enough room for the almost 400 images Helen wanted to display. After a long search, not to mention a lot of rejections, we finally found a gallery willing to give Helen her one-woman show. The name of the gallery was somehow appropriate, "Unexpected Images." The owner of the gallery, Joan Jillen, fell in love with Helen's works the moment she saw them. "You have quite...

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Photo Shoot

My head spun and my mind raced a thousand miles an hour to catch up with time that brought me to this narrow street. A street in arts district, a row of quaint and time frozen buildings in this small coastal town I had come to call home. I glanced at the crumpled paper in my left hand one more time to confirm it was the correct address. Sure enough, the numbers I had scratched onto the paper matched those on the face of the restored old building. Once a beautiful home of a wealthy part time...

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Frisky Photo Shoot

Frisky Photo shoot Herbert had been interested in photography since he could remember getting his first camera. At first it was landscapes and then he moved onto people the best photos were the most natural ones. But his f****y has asked him to start taking local classes to improve his skills and quality with pictures. Over the summer he had taken the local classes which helped a little but he got bored of them quickly most of the “students” were mature and he hated that instead he decided...

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Frisky Photo Shoot

Frisky Photo shootHerbert had been interested in photography since he could remember getting his first camera. At first it was landscapes and then he moved onto people the best photos were the most natural ones. But his family has asked him to start taking local classes to improve his skills and quality with pictures. Over the summer he had taken the local classes which helped a little but he got bored of them quickly most of the “students” were mature and he hated that instead he decided to...

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Lynn My First Photo Shoot

My name is Lynn, an Asian woman now approaching sixty. Looking back at the good old days in the late 1960s, I am reminded of how my infatuation with nylon stockings began.  Although nylon stockings were common attire then, I developed a special obsession with them, much more than my peers in college. To this day, I still indulge in wearing sensual lingerie and expensive RHT and FF stockings all the time. Although nylon stockings just about disappeared after the 1970s, I never stopped wearing...

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Photo Shoot Upsell

If I would have asked my wife Janet, "Do we need to put some spice back into our marriage?" I'm certain she would have agreed. We always enjoyed sex, but, as the song lyric goes, the thrill was gone. Our actions had become monotonous. Her demeanor during sex was one of obligation, not pleasure. But being the misguided soul that I am, I asked an even stranger question. "Honey, do you have the urge to sleep with anyone else?" "Sam! Of all the things you could ask me! Really!" I noticed...

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Aditi 8211 Attending Photo Shoot Part1

Pull out your dick and hold… Lets Start . . . . If you like my story, kindly e-mail me at This past New Year day my wife gave me an incredible present. It was a photo album, which she made me promise never to show to anyone else. I reluctantly agreed. I say reluctantly because it is a shame she will not let me share it with the world. You see, it is filled with high quality, glossy color photos of Aditi in various stages of undress and in all kinds of provocative poses. The pictures were...

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Nikkis Photo Shoot

Introduction: My girlfriend lets things go to far Things were progressing a lot faster than I had anticipated. My girlfriend Nikki and I had just moved in together, and apparently it was important to have professional photos of us on our walls. She brought it up often, and to be honest, I wasnt very excited to have it done. I had heard about Chris through a friend at work. He told me that Chris was one of the best photographers around, and would give us a great bargain for going in as a...

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My First Photo Shoot 8211 Part I

Hi,I’m kanika and this is my first story on Indian sex stories and lets come to story from childhood I wanted to be a model and the zeal to become model increase with my age and I used to make poses and shoot my photos with my digi cam and these make me more enthusiastic towards achieving my goal of becoming model. This is how story starts it is about four years ago after completing 12th when I was 18 years of age fair 5.6″inch in height and stats 32-26-36. So I totally decided to become and...

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Nikkis Photo Shoot

My girlfriend Nikki and I had just moved in together, and apparently it was important to have professional photos of us on our walls. She brought it up often, and to be honest, I wasn’t very excited to have it done. I had heard about Chris through a friend at work. He told me that Chris was one of the best photographers around, and would give us a great bargain for going in as a couple. Nikki lit up when I told her. We got to Chris’ house on Saturday afternoon, Nikki in a loose top and...

4 years ago
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Kaley Cuoco Photo Shoot Fuck With Pictures

THIS IS THE FIRST STORY I'VE EVER DONE SO IT MIGHT NOT BE THE BEST. PROBABLY SOME SPELLING ERRORS IN THERE AND ITS PROBABLY FORMATTED WRONG BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT"mmmmm, that's great Kaley, you look great"*click*Kaley Cuoco is doing a new shoot for FHM Magazine with a photographer she's never worked with before."Sexy, now maybe lift the dress a little Kaley, tease them a bit"Kaley giggles and raises the bottom of her dress up a little with one hand.*click*"yeah that's really great, maybe just...

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