Photo Shoot free porn video

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The Photo Shoot ? by: Julie O. I remember the day I saw the ad in the paper. It was simple and to the point. Wanted: Model for adult photography shoot. Need men, women and T-girls. Call 555-3627 for interview. I thought about the ad for several days. It seemed to penetrate deep into my mind. The idea of calling dominated my every waking thought. I finally called the number. There was a lengthy message stating that they presently were only looking for pre-op transsexuals. The models must be willing to do adult oriented shots, involving S&M, bondage and other fetish scenes. I left my name and phone number and hung up. At the time I was 23 and had recently accepted the fact that I was a M-F transsexual. I had fought the feelings for years and had finally decided to accept the idea that these feelings were not going away. I still lived as a guy, but was slowly moving towards living as a woman. I thought that the modeling would give me a chance to explore my new identity. I also found the whole idea of doing adult shoot very exciting. Two days later I received a return call from the photographer. He said that he would like to schedule an interview. We talked for a few minutes. He didn't seem to mind that I wasn't living fulltime as a woman yet. We arranged to meet the next evening at his studio at 8:00 PM. I was a wreck the whole next day. I couldn't wait until the meeting. His studio was located in a converted warehouse. I arrived wearing jeans and gray t-shirt and sandals. There was a sign stating 'Immediate Occupancy'. It looked like he was the only business in the building so far. I found the door for 'Expressive Photography' and rang the bell. The photographer met me at the door and escorted in to his office. "Pleased to meet you. I am Thomas Cutter. I apologize for this interview being so late, but I have been very busy during the day. We are expanding and we are presently understaffed," he said. We sat down at a table. He took out several forms and set them down on the table. "One of the bigger problems when doing an adult shoot. We have a ton of paperwork to do. We have to keep it all squeaky clean. The laws have gotten very restrictive. I hope you understand," he said. I nodded in agreement. "OK let's start with the basics. I need your name, address, phone number, age, birth date and SSN," he said. "My full name is Christopher Jason Martin and I am 23, and my friends call me CJ," I said. I gave him the rest of the information. "You must live over near the college?" he asked. "Yes, I got lucky when I moved here. I was able to rent a small two- bedroom house. With school out, they gave me a real cheap lease," I said. "OK, Now I need to get your height, weight and a few other measurements. Part of getting this job is the ability to fit into some of the fetish outfits," he said. For the next few minutes he measured me all over. He wrote them down on a whiteboard next to the table. One by one the numbers went up. Height 5-9, Weight 140, Shoe Size 8, Waist 28, Chest 34 and so on. He measured my neck, my wrists, my hips, and even the length of my fingers. We sat down and he looked over his forms," I need to ask a few medical questions. "First off CJ have you started hormones?" he asked. "I've been taking some herbal supplements for a few months. But I haven't started prescription ones yet," I said. "Could you lift up your shirt please?" he asked. I figured he was going to see all of me if I got the job. I lifted my shirt and he examined my chest. "I see that you are starting to get some development. Your chest has the look of a preteen girl. Some of the shots I am looking for I need a model that can pass for a teen. There is a big market for that and obviously we can't use real teens," he said, now I have a few more questions concerning your health." He asked me if I had any health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and several other diseases. He told me that they had to know because some of the shots would be a bit stressful and they didn't need anyone getting sick. He then told me that the photo shoot would involve me in various fetish outfits and in many different bondage positions. He told me that it would all be safe and that it would seem a bit boring after a while. He also told me that I would earn $200.00 per session. He reviewed the paperwork and then said, "Shit, I forgot to tell you to bring your birth certificate and SS Card. I need to make photocopies of them for the file. We need to have legal proof that you are an adult. Don't worry we both have to sign a security document. Well if you get the job then you can bring them to the shoot," he said. He walked me to the door, "I think you might work out. Now the shoot may go down on relatively short notice. I am renting a dungeon and the shoot may be at an odd hour. I hope that isn't a problem CJ," he said. "How much notice will I have?" I asked. "Most likely I can let you know a day in advance," he said. "That will be OK," I answered. "Great, I'll get back to you in a day or so and let you know if you got the job. One more thing, are you willing to shave your body?" he asked. "Well I keep most my body smooth now," I said, then it hit me what he was asking, "Yes I can shave my pubic area if that is necessary. "Excellent. Well take care and I'll call you soon," he said. On Thursday I got a call from Thomas. He said that I was just what the client wanted. The first shoot will take place on Friday evening. He gave me directions and said that I needed to be there at 9:00 PM. I wouldn't need anything he had everything we needed. I was also reminded to bring the paperwork or we wouldn't be able to start. I was in a daze the whole day. I got home and took a short nap. I wanted to be well rested as Thomas had said that the session could last well into the night. I woke up at 7:00 and showered and shaved. I shaved very carefully so that I didn't nick myself. I put on a pair of panties, jeans a t-shirt and my sandals. No need to get dressed up. I followed the directions to the location of the shoot. It was in an industrial area of town. There was no traffic in the area. I parked in front of the building. It looked like an old warehouse. It sat apart from the rest of the complex. I sat in my car and checked my watch. It was 8:55. I was about to get out of my car when I saw Thomas walk up. "Good you are prompt. I like that in my models. Now why don't you pull around back and park in the garage. We want to keep a low profile here and it will be safer," he said. I did as he said and when I drove around the building I saw a large garage door on the back of the building. The door was open and there were several cars parked inside. I saw Thomas and he waved me in. He walked over and closed the door, "This isn't the greatest neighborhood. We will be working down in the basement. By parking in here you'll know that your car will be here when we get done," he said. He led me down into the area of the photo shoot. The dungeon was dark and the walls were painted black. I began to wonder how he would be able to shoot any pictures until I saw the spotlights. Naturally they were turned off. I noticed that they were positioned around a large chair. The chair was entirely made of steel. It had armrests with loops welded on for the attachment of various devices. I noticed that the arms could be detached. The legs had the same loops welded on. All four legs were mounted on wheels. I noticed the wheels could be locked in place. The back of the chair was very high and was hinged. It looked like it could fold flat like a table if necessary. "I see you are admiring the chair. The man who runs this place built and designed it. Some of the shots we are doing tonight were commissioned by him for his advertisements. You will find out how versatile it is!" he said with a laugh. He walked me over to a dressing area. There was a makeup table set up and a table with several wigs sitting on stands. Next to the table was a closet. It was filled with a variety of outfits. There were various pairs of boots, including some thigh high spiked heeled ones. I was fascinated by the outfits. There was something magical about these outfits. I couldn't believe that I was going to get paid for wearing them! "OK CJ I need you to get undressed. You can put on that robe hanging by the makeup table," he said, "My assistant will be here soon. She'll do your make-up and help you get dressed." I did as he told me. The robe was black satin and at least it covered me up. "CJ this is Nikki," said Thomas as he introduced me to the woman standing next to him. She was dressed all in black, Her black hair was drawn back into a long ponytail. She was wearing a black leather dress and knee-high boots. She was very attractive. "Hi CJ, I will be transforming you this evening," she said as we shook hands. She directed me to sit down at the makeup table. She pulled by hair back and pinned it up. She said that I would be wearing wigs for the shot. She then went to work on my face. She applied fake eyelashes to each of my eyes. I felt her apply heavy eyeliner and eyes shadow. She told me that for the shoot she needed to put the make-up on a lot heavier than normal as they were going for an extreme look. I just sat there and didn't move. She worked my eyebrows, cheeks and finally my lips She then sprayed me with a mist. She said that this would seal the makeup and keep it looking fresher longer. Then she attached false nails to each finger. They were very long and were all bright red. The color was so red and shiny that they looked wet. As they dried she attached the wig. For the first shots they decided that they would use a black pageboy. She styled it and from her face she looked very pleased. The only problem was that she refused to let me see what I looked like. She smiled and said that she liked to have her clients wait until they were fully dressed. Then she dressed me. She had me stand up and she slipped a black leather corset around my waist. She told me to set hold onto the chair as she laced me up. I felt my waist being pulled each. She had me breathe in and exhale on her commands. Besides squeezing my waist, it pushed my chest up making my budding breasts even larger. Next she slipped a stocking on each leg and attached the garters to it. She then selected a pair of thigh high boots. They had 5" spiked heels and had a zipper up the side. She said that I wouldn't be able to sit in the lace up ones. The final part of the outfit was a leather collar. She wrapped it around my neck and locked it in place. I heard the click of the small padlock. She stepped back and looked at me, nodding her head in approval. Thomas walked in and looked very pleased. He closed the closet door to reveal a full-length mirror. I couldn't believe that I was the lovely creature in the mirror. "I think she likes your work Nikki," said Thomas. "Oh yes Nikki, Thank you so much," I said. "Now we need to get you in the chair for the first shot," said Thomas. I had to be helped to the chair. The combination of the boots and the corset made it difficult to walk. The chair was high and when I sat down I noticed that my feet were just off the ground. Thomas positioned my arms on the rests. He then locked wrist down with a leather cuff. He then locked each cuff with a brass padlock. He repeated this for my ankles. He then adjusted the back of the chair. I had failed to notice that the back also could be moved back and forth. He brought it close and it forced me to sit very proper and erect. "Now I have one last thing to add before we take the first shot," he said with a smile, "You've been great so far. Now this will be cause some discomfort but it is required." With that he brought out a gag. It was a red rubber ball attached to a leather strap. He had me open my mouth and he gently put it in. He then secured it in place. "I'll take it out in a few minutes," he said as he began to turn on the lights. I sat there unable to move watching him prepare for the shot. I knew that this was just a modeling assignment and that it wasn't real. Still I felt a bit uneasy. The feeling of total helplessness was so strong. He smiled and said that he liked the look of fear in my eyes. It definitely added to the shot. He walked around and took several photos. Some were close-ups of my wrists and ankles. Others were full-length shots. After a few minutes they adjusted the chair. They unlocked my ankles and placed two extensions to the legs. After they lowered me down a bit they locked my legs down again. Initially they straight out and tied down close to each other. After a few shots they moved the extensions out and my legs were spread out wide. This exposed my ass completely, which was the point. After some more photos, they readjusted the chair. He was complementing me the whole time. This made me feel very relaxed even though I was a bit uncomfortable. Finally I was back in the original position. Thomas placed his camera down. Nikki walked over and removed my wig. I was hoping she was going to remove my gag. I guessed that she was going to put a different wig on me. Instead this marked the beginning of my real transformation. Thomas walked towards me. His hands were behind his back. I could see Nikki moving a cart closer to the chair. "Well CJ it looks like you passed your audition," he said as walked up to me, "I've been looking for someone like you for a long time. You now belong to me. I am your owner and you are my pet." I instinctively struggle against my bonds but I knew it was pointless. "No one knows were you are, your previous life is over. Your training and transformation will start now," he said, "Besides being an excellent assistant Nikki is also a registered nurse and is trained in many interesting medical procedures. She will now start your treatments." I looked on in horror as she prepared a syringe. She wiped my arm clean with alcohol and injected me. "I know sweet CJ that you are wondering what was just injected into your body. It is wonderful solution that will give you the body you and I so desire. It is an ultra strong female hormone. It also gradually changes your body chemistry so that you will soon be producing your own estrogen in levels high enough to completely feminized your body and mind," he said with a laugh, "We should start seeing some effects in less than a week." "You will initially get an injection every 6 hours. There is a slightly addictive nature to the drug. So you will soon be looking forward to them," said Nikki. "There is another side effect to the drug. It will make you very submissive and obedient. I will be able to shape your very personality. It should be very exciting," he said. "Now we need to do a few things to you. It will be fun for us, but I doubt you will enjoy it very much," said Thomas. He pulled up a stool and sat down in front of me with his camera. I could see Nikki pick up a pair of scissors. She reached up and began to slowly cut off my hair. I could feel it fall down. I could also hear Thomas taking photographs as she cut all my hair off. It only took a few minutes to cut my hair off. There was just stubble left. Nikki walked over and traded places with Thomas. She sat down and focused the camera on me. I felt Thomas rub something against my exposed scalp. I realized that it was a shaving brush and he was applying shaving cream to my head. I then felt the scrap of a straight razor against my scalp. "I wouldn't move it I was you CJ. This razor is extremely sharp. I wouldn't want to cut you by mistake," he said. I had to admit that there was something erotic about what was happening. I couldn't resist even if I wanted to. I felt each stroke slide across my head. I watched Nikki as she shot pictures. At one point she licked her lips as if she was enjoying every second. When Thomas finished. He rubbed a cream into my now baldhead. It tingled slightly but it didn't really hurt. It felt kind of soothing. He stepped back and smiled, much like an artist admiring his work. He took the camera from Nikki and sat down. "It's your turn my dear," he said to Nikki. She ran her hands across my smooth head, "Hmmm it feels so nice!" she said. She moved the back of the chair down and it lowered me down. She looked over at Thomas and said, "I'll do her brows first." She cleaned the makeup off my eyebrows and examined them. I felt the hot wax being applied around each brow. She put a piece of cloth on top of the wax and pressed down. Then she pulled it off quickly. I cried out in pain but it was muffled by the gag. She repeated the act for the other brow. She snagged a few stray hairs and held a mirror so I cold see her work. My eyebrows were thin and highly arched. They looked very feminine I also got a look at my glistening scalp. It looked so slick and shiny. "I think she liked the improvements Thomas. Shall I continue?" she asked. "Please do my love," he said. I felt her applying something wet to my left ear. Then there was a loud click accompanied by an extremely sharp pain. I winced and tried to cry out. This was repeated several more times. She then shifted to my right ear and repeated the act. I was in total shock. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. She stepped back and admired her work. My ears were burning in pain. She looked over at Thomas and nodded. "I need to change your gage my sweet. Now be a good pet and cooperate," he said. As if I had a choice. I was totally tied down and helpless. He removed the gag and set it aside. He then placed a new one in my mouth. It was a large metal ring that forced my jaw open. Once the straps were connected I was unable to close my mouth. Nikki walked over and examined me. She seemed pleased with the new set up. She took out a tool and inserted it into my mouth. I felt her spray something into my mouth. It tasted like antiseptic and it made my mouth and tongue feel a bit numb. She then inserted a needle into my tongue. I was surprised that while I could feel it enter, there was no pain. She then attached the barbell that she had inserted in my tongue. Thomas leaned over and took several pictures. He smiled and said, "When that heals we will get a lot of pleasure out of it. You will become an expert at oral stimulation." Nikki was not finished with me. She adjusted the chair again and returned me to a full upright position. She then adjusted the back of the chair. She reached around back and began to unlace the corset. Once it was loose she disconnected it in the front, popped the garters off and removed it It felt good to have it removed. I had no idea how long it had been on. She then began to examine my nipples. Deep down I knew what was coming, but I was helpless to stop it. She cleaned the area around each nipple with alcohol. Thomas was focusing his camera on my face. I felt Nikki's hands around my left breast. Then there was a very sharp, extremely painful sensation in my nipple. I cried out the best I could, I could feel the tears down my cheeks. The whole time Thomas was taking close-ups of my face. He decided to shoot Nikki when she repeated the act on my right nipple. I thought that I would be able to take it better the second time, but it felt even worse. I couldn't believe this was happening. It was like a nightmare only I knew that it was real. The pain was real, my modified body was real, and my enslavement was real. I barely noticed that she was preparing my naval for a ring. The sensation was much less painful than the nipples. I was hoping she was none, but it was not to be. She spread some antiseptic on the head of my penis. I braced myself as she inserted a device into the head of my cock. The pain was blinding as she pierced the head of my cock. I looked down and saw her tightening the ball on the ring that now ran through the head of my cock. "I have one to do sweetie, you've been a great patient so far. I have one to do," she said. Thomas assisted her as they lowered the chair back. I was lying flat again and my legs were spread out. I felt her applying antiseptic between my balls and my ass. She told me that this ring would allow them to tie my clitty down. The pain was intense as she inserted another ring into my body. They let me lie there for a while. Nikki examined each piercing and checked them for bleeding. She then gave me another injection in the arm. "This will help you sleep sweetie. I have some other processes that I want to do you, but they can wait until you are asleep. Don't worry I will make you beautiful," she said in a soft soothing voice. I tried to fight off the growing sleepiness but it was pointless. I soon drifted off into a deep sleep. I have feel memories of the next few days. I lost all track of time. I knew I had been there a while by the decreased pain in my body piercings. They kept me drugged most of the time. Even when I was awake I was so dazed it was like I wasn't really there. I knew that my transformation was continuing, but they wouldn't show me what had been done. I then began to come out of my drug-induced fog. I could feel my senses becoming sharper. I became aware of my surroundings. I found that I couldn't move my arms or legs. I became aware of something tight surrounding my entire body. It felt warm and comforting. It took a few seconds to realize that I was also blindfolded. Whatever my body was encased in also surrounded my head. The only part that wasn't covered was my nose. My mind was getting sharper. I wondered if this was part of their plan. I could feel a gag in my mouth. I couldn't quite tell the shape, but it extended deep into my mouth. There was a strange feeling of comfort. It was like it was a pacifier. I wondered if they had conditioned me to need it. I found that I was sucking on it, and that it gave me pleasure. I heard footsteps approaching. Then there were hands slowly moving across my body, soothing and comforting me. I felt them across my entire body. When they ran across my head I could tell that I still had a shaved scalp. The hands ran down my ears and I could feel them touch each of the rings in my ears. As they silently explored my body I became more aware of situation. I knew that I was totally naked with the exception of a collar around my neck and a pair of shoes. I could tell that they were high heels, but the way they were shaping my arches. I then heard Nikki say, "I am going to help you out of your cocoon my sweet." I could feel her hands begin to cut an opening on the wrappings that surrounded me. The air felt cold as it hit my exposed skin. I felt my nipples harden in the cool air. As she released me I felt so weak as if I was being reborn. She slowly finished the job, gently cutting away my bonds. I could hear the click of the camera. I knew that it had to be Thomas taking photos to immortalize this latest step of my transformation. I had no desire to resist. It was like I had accepted my enslavement and all will to escape was gone. Nikki helped me sit up. "Close your eyes sweetie, I am about to take off your blindfold," she said. I obeyed and closed my eyes. I felt the blindfold pull away from my face. She then removed the gag from my mouth. I felt it slide out. It was so long and big, could that have been in my mouth this whole time? She told me to keep my eyes closed and she helped me stand up. She held my hand and said, "Now I want you to slowly open your eyes." I did as she commanded and as I focused I could see a reflection in the mirror. I didn't recognize the reflection at first. I looked so different. "Yes my pet that is you. You have our permission to explore your lovely new body," said Thomas. I didn't know where to start. I now had breasts. They were small, but round and pert. The rings in my nipples were healed. They were connected by a gold chain that ran between them. There were several chains running through the rings. They were connected to the collar and ran through the nipple rings and down through my naval ring. They ended up connected to my clitty ring. I watched my reflection as my hands moved down the chain. Each finger had a perfect nail, long and bright red. I reached down and discovered that my pierced clitty's ring was connected to the ring between my legs. I then noticed that my balls were gone. I looked at Thomas and he smiled, "Yes my pet we had you castrated while you were out. You have no need for them and they spoiled your looks." I just nodded and then focused on my face. My lips were thicker and fuller. They were also red, even though I had no lipstick on. Nikki spoke up, "I gave you permanent makeup. Your lips and eyes will always look lovely. I also gave you some collagen injections into your lips. They give you the nice sexy pouty lips you have. Some may even call them 'cocksucking' lips," she said. Each ear had six or seven rings in it. They gave me a very exotic look. I ran my hands over my head. I looked like a fetish mannequin with my smooth head. I couldn't feel any stubble at all my head was totally smooth. "I find that a woman with a shaved head is so exotic and sexy," said Thomas, "You will be allowed to wear wigs when you go out in public, but for now your head will remain smooth. The treatment we used slows down the hair growth, so that I only have to shave you every few weeks and if we keep it up you will become permanently smooth." I noticed then that I was standing on 5" pumps. I found that I could walk very easily and my balance was perfect. "Nikki performed a little procedure on your feet while you were hibernating. You will find that you can only walk when you are in 5" heels or higher. In some ways you are very much like a living Barbie Doll," he said with a laugh. Nikki led me to a chair and helped me sit down. She then handed me a newspaper. It was dated several days after the initial modeling session. There was a story about a fatal fire in the college area. I was actually reading about my own death. "We have a friend in the coroner's office, who shares our interests, and he was very willing to help. The body was a John Doe who fit your general description," said Thomas. Nikki then handed me a second newspaper. I initially failed to notice the significance of it, until she pointed to the date. It was 3 months later. I was stunned, as I knew that I had been here for over 90 days. "So you can see my pet that you have no where to go. You belong to us now, "said Thomas. "You are our property now CJ, but we will treat you well. We will make you the woman you were meant to be. And at the same time you will serve us as you explore your new sexuality," said Nikki. "We still have some modifications to make you even more lovely CJ. I can't wait to show you the portfolio that I have created on your transformation so far," said Thomas. "More modifications?" I said, speaking for the first time in months. "Hmmmm, yes my pet. I have several tattoos that I want to add to your body. I also would like you to have some larger breasts, a thinner waist and bigger hips," said Nikki, "I must admit that I get great sexual pleasure changing you." "You see CJ, while I do my art with the camera, Nikki is an artist who works with the human body. You will be her finest work," he said. Outwardly I was calm and accepting, inside I was screaming. Yet as I looked at myself I could feel a wave of acceptance sweeping through me. I was no longer Christopher Jason Martin. I was now CJ the transformed pet of my new owners Thomas and Nikki. I wondered what was next for me. I doubted that they changed me just for looks. But that is another story.

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Photo ShootChapter 3

Setting up the show took a lot of effort. First we had to find a gallery that would agree to host the show, one that had enough room for the almost 400 images Helen wanted to display. After a long search, not to mention a lot of rejections, we finally found a gallery willing to give Helen her one-woman show. The name of the gallery was somehow appropriate, "Unexpected Images." The owner of the gallery, Joan Jillen, fell in love with Helen's works the moment she saw them. "You have quite...

3 years ago
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Photo Shoot Led To Bed

Hi Dear friends… I am Manas and I am back with another story which changed my life for good. This is not fake but I play with my luck which has been very good till now. Not keeping you waiting for long, I would jump on the story. I moved to Hyderabad recently due to my job requirement and was getting bored here like hell as the place was new and I was not much familiar with the city. So I was not going out a lot but soon, the boredom made me get back to my hobbies to pass my time. I am a...

1 year ago
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Photo shoot Mum becomes a slut Part three

I looked at myself in my dressing table mirror, Checking. I’d applied my make up, a variation on the look Alfie always did for me when I was modelling. False eyelashes, black mascara, black eye liner, and black eye shadow. I was pleased with the results. It wasn’t as heavy as Alfie would have done, but then it wasn’t for a photo shoot. It had been a hard day, Jack had spent four hours taking pictures of me, filming me masturbate, fingering my arse, making myself come. He hadn’t fucked me, and I...

3 years ago
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Photo Op

Marie had never had her photo taken like this before. She stood in the middle of the room in nothing but black stockings. Her hands lay on the arms of the chairs in front of her while she bent over as her husband instructed, exposing her glistening folds for his camera lens to capture. Her husband had been taking a lot of pictures of her lately. "Capturing her beauty" was the reason he gave for wanting to do this. Most of the photo sessions had been mild until today. As exposed as she was, she...

2 years ago
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Photo session becomes a threesome

Photo Session Becomes a Threesome While I was in college, my girlfriend at the time (Elizabeth) and her friend Bridget cooked up an idea that started out innocent, but ended in a very surprising way. Elizabeth approached me with the idea. She wanted Bridget to take a picture of us kissing. Just kissing; fully clothed. It sounded more cute than sexy, but I had no problem with it. On the night we were going to take our photo, the three of us were hanging out in my apartment. Bridget looked at...

3 years ago
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Photo Fantasies Another Story of the Magic

Photo Fantasies: Another Story of the Magic Camera By Heather St. Claire Troy's quest for femininity was a never-ending one. His dream of being female found expression in role play, story writing, and other avenues. But of course, the desire burned so deeply that he would never be satisfied, never fulfilled, until he was female in body as well as in heart and mind. One day, he was involved in a chat with several of his friends at his Yahoo club, "TG Lesbian Fantasies," and someone...

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Photo Op

Photo Op By Cal Y. Pygia Stanley Lewis pulled his Toyota Corolla into the Arco gas station, parking behind the red Mustang convertible. The driver, a leggy blonde in a mini-skirt, was refueling her vehicle. Stanley had been driving all morning, having started in Kingman, Arizona, completing the final leg of his trip from Farmersville, Kansas, to Las Vegas, Nevada. He was hot. He was tired. He welcomed the opportunity for a little rest, especially when such a gorgeous babe...

1 year ago
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Photo Booth Fingering

My first girlfriend was horny a lot of the time, she really liked to be fingered lots. One day we went out and went to the cinema and had a nice day out, and I walked her back to the train station so she could get a train back to her house. It turns out we were faster than we both anticipated, and people were sitting on all the benches, so we went and sat together in a passport photo booth, because no one was using it. N o one could really see us and soon we started to kiss, and quickly the...

2 years ago
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Photo ShootChapter 7

So much time has passed since then that I hardly know where to begin. I'm not even sure I can remember where I left off. Please excuse me for a moment... "Sarah and Vicky!! You stop that this instant!!" Those two look so much like their mothers. And just like their mothers they can be a real handful sometimes. Oh, you don't know who I'm talking about? Sarah and Vicky are my grandchildren. Gosh, I guess there's a lot I haven't told you about yet. I'm sorry, excuse me again for just...

2 years ago
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There was a young man of Kildare Who was fucking a girl on the stair. The bannister broke, But he doubled his stroke And finished her off in mid-air. Chapter I It began on the way home from school. Rod had stayed late, working with his fellow students on the school yearbook, and was carrying a school 35mm camera home with him. The thrills of capturing life on a still picture was initially exciting to the teen, but soon lost its thrill, though it was plainly obvious to...

3 years ago
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Photo fuck session part 1 and 2

(everything I post is a true story)I'm a photographer and have my own studio. I meet a lot of sexy women but stay very professional and do not even flirt. The other day out of the blue, I hear from a sexy BBW I dated a while ago. She is asking for a photo session, maybe some boudoir. I was hesitant, but me and her were always on the same freaky wavelength: Get together, have fun, respect each others private lives. It's because of this that I said yes and set up a time to meet at my studio.In...

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Photo Op

Photo Opportunity (M/ff, NC, B&D)by Quin*****************************************************************                                      STANDARD DISCLAIMER                                      ===================The following piece of fiction is intended as ADULT entertainment and has been posted only to an age appropriate area of the Internet. If it is found in any other place this is not the responsibility of the author.All characters in this story are fictitious, any similarity...

4 years ago
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Photo Shoot

It was just another day. It started with a nice hot shower and I just let the water run down my body and I stood under the water until the it started to cool down. I went out onto the deck with my morning coffee and I was looking out over the back yard pool. I had a great view of the valley from where my houses situated at the top of the hill. I loved my house and my life. I was early retired due to some great tips and some well thought out stock purchases and sales. I was not the ultra wealthy...

4 years ago
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Photo shoot

I had known louisa since we where teenagers, she had not changed much in 25 years as would be classed as a very curvy lady. she was not much over 5 feet tall, lovely round firm ass and her biggest asset was her large breasts, I guess 34/36 DD plus. after I left military I spent many an evening drinking vodka with her and sometimes her husband or girlfriends in her hot tub and often when alone we would openly discuss sex and fantasies. one of her fantasies was being tied up and having no control...

1 year ago
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Photo Shoot

"Arch your back and stick out those tits. I need you girls to look sexy if I am going to put you in the porn magazine. Sara, pinch your nipples and get them hard. That is what men want to see and that sells magazines. Men like tits, ass and cunts. So look sexy and show off those sexy bodies for the camera." The four girls were naked standing on the beach getting pictures for the next porn mag. They had nice big tits and round asses and shaved pussies. They were great looking sex objects and the...

3 years ago
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Photo Shoot Upsell

If I would have asked my wife Janet, "Do we need to put some spice back into our marriage?" I'm certain she would have agreed. We always enjoyed sex, but, as the song lyric goes, the thrill was gone. Our actions had become monotonous. Her demeanor during sex was one of obligation, not pleasure. But being the misguided soul that I am, I asked an even stranger question. "Honey, do you have the urge to sleep with anyone else?" "Sam! Of all the things you could ask me! Really!" I noticed...

2 years ago
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It was just another day at the Union Plaza Mall a very boring day as it was mid week and customer traffic was very slow...Hi my name is Justine Banks and I run a small boutique at this mall we sell all sorts of feminine attire from shoes to scarves to sexy hats we will dress you head to toe LOL that's our motto anyway its fun most of the time helping women decide on what to buy whether it is to tease or just to please themselves I have a flair for finding what they need… I was just closing up...

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My Wifes Boudoir Photo Shoot

I have a sexy idea – I think I will surprise my husband, Ben, with some sexy boudoir pictures. I found a female photographer with a really nice studio. We met and she was so disarming. We talked about taking some tasteful, semi-nude photos for Ben’s birthday. I tell her that I’ll even consider doing something racier, but I’d have to be really comfortable with her to do something more explicit. Maybe a few nude photos, but I want to be discreet. She assures me she will be discreet, so I decide...

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My Wifes Boudoir Photo Shoot

I have a sexy idea – I think I will surprise my husband, Ben, with some sexy boudoir pictures. I found a female photographer with a really nice studio. We met and she was so disarming. We talked about taking some tasteful, semi-nude photos for Ben’s birthday. I tell her that I’ll even consider doing something racier, but I’d have to be really comfortable with her to do something more explicit. Maybe a few nude photos, but I want to be discreet. She assures me she will be discreet, so I decide...

2 years ago
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Photoshop Helped Me To Fuck A Village Girl 8211 Part 1

Hey, its me Rajaa back with my new horny story. Directly onto story, i was comming back to my village after 3 years. I was in Mumbai for the past 3 years doing my degree in Photography. I had just completed my degree and was looking for a job. Due to some family issues i had to return to my village. My village was a backward area but because my father was rich, i didn’t face any problem with my studies and my finances. So i am a good looking , well built, rich handsome photographer…. thats what...

3 years ago
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Photo Shoot In Tights

I had a phone call from my agency saying a customer wanted to book me for a glamour / topless photo shoot and he had booked me for an hour.The pay was good and as it was a Sunday it wouldn’t interfere with my work, I told them I would do it and was given the details, I was to go to a engineering company the following Sunday at 2 pm.It did appear to be a bit strange but I set off on my own with a bag of clothes, my boyfriend was playing football so could not drive me for once.I turned up at the...

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Photo Shop boys surprise

Sex is so compulsive, that sometimes, it just happens.Last week I took my camera into my local photographers in town, and inserted my chip into the shops computer.I had spent the previous day walking my dog in the snow covered forest and shot some pictures of him, to be my Christmas card front.The shop owners son hovered over my shoulder to help, should I have problems and as we chatted, the images on the screen were right out of xHamster's 'Girls in stockings'His eyes widened as images of me...

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Episode 47 8211 Soumya8217s First Shoot

Borah and Reddy were enjoying their moment in life. They had suddenly become a hot property with the women around them, and they were enjoying all the attention they were getting. The women too weren’t far behind, especially the slutty sisters – Sowmya and Aarushi. Both were being blackmailed – Sowmya by Reddy and Borah, and Aarushi by her professor Agnihotri – and they had both started realizing how much fun being blackmailed can be too. But for a moment Sowmya had a chance to forget about all...

2 years ago
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Sally Goes To A Photo Shoot

Andy loved taking pictures of his lovely wife, Sally. The pictures often drew praise from friends and family, and this led to Sally thinking about a career in modelling. With Andy’s support, she took some modelling lessons and applied for work.It was disappointing at first. Many times an interviewer would ask her to remove her clothing; the result was always the same: either Sally stocked out in an angry fit or the company rejected her application. It was clear to both Sally and Andy that she...

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The Photo Shoot

About two years before my husband and I got married, just after we were engaged, he got the idea of me doing a boudoir shoot with a professional photographer as a birthday present. He looked into booking a photographer for an hour shoot, but after realizing that all of those who specialized in boudoir photography charged at least $500 for a session, we began to explore other options. A friend who was a professional model suggested that I list myself on a modelling website where photographers...

4 years ago
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The Nude Calendar Shoot

I had just turned twenty-two when I first started working at the KAILOR EAST FOOTY CLUB. It was just bar work on a Thursday and Friday night and all day and night Saturday.It was a second job for me as I already had a full-time job working in ad min in a store that sold plumbing fittings. Neither job was particularly exciting, but my boyfriend and I were saving for a deposit for a house so we wanted all the money we could get.Unlike most of the other girls who worked at the footy club, I had no...

4 years ago
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Photo Session

Photo SessionI will try to keep this short as I can. It's about my wife and I and another couple who visited us.We're married for 10 years, have 2 k**s, pretty much a decent couple. But we have fantasies too. Before we got married, we talked seriously a lot about 3somes and 2x2. But after wife got pregnant, and we got married, we became a "married with k**s" couple and the next k** was salt and peper to it.It was all a fantasy now, until I met these people from - i am not sure if i should say...

3 years ago
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Photo Op

Photo Op by Nylon Disciple For me it was the start of a do nothing much Saturday. Not so for my mother. She was busy trying to make a pair of high heels look good. Thus make them desirable. Thus after all was said and done. Make them look rationally priced. I on the other hand, was not posed with such dilemmas. While she wrung her hands over things, I laid on a blanket on the studio floor with my laptop. Messing with a young boy's wet dream of a program. In a nutshell, you took...

2 years ago
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Heather Heather slowly panned her telephoto lens around the crowd of music lovers in the park. She had been assigned to cover the local jazz festival in her role as photographer for the university newspaper. More importantly, this provided her a chance to capture some great shots for her senior portfolio. Her viewfinder found the image of a guy in a tie-dyed shirt and dreadlocks dancing to the wailing saxophone on stage. Heather quickly framed the shot and caught him with hair flying in very...

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CuttyChapter 32 The Shoot

Donna had completely forgotten about the Pictures! Robert had been furious with her. He didn’t want those explicit sex scenes to be viewed by the whole world. Of course; she didn’t want that either. How could Ms. Brendan have been so cruel by posting those pictures on the net? Especially as she was satisfied with her efforts... “And you wanted to do something about that, right?” Ms. Brendan took a bottle of champagne and filled two glasses. She looked at Donna intently. “Yes, Ms. Brendan,...

3 years ago
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Alexis Penthouse Shoot

Chapter 1 – The start of the photoshootAlexis was flustered. It had taken her all day to get ahold of the CEO in charge of ‘Illuminating Passions’, the large and well-known company that had hired her to do the photoshoot – as well as work with them on a contractual basis for the next year. The CEO of said company, a man by the name of Mark Hendra, had written a long, detailed, e-mail comprising of all the last-minute changes that were to be made to the photo spread. No worries, of course, since...

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Deepika does a Different Shoot

Deepika Padukone stared at her naked reflect into the mirror in her bedroom as she put down a script that she had received from a leading Bollywood producer. She ran her hand through her long dark hair, which ended below her pert 34B breasts. At 5'9'', she was tall for an Indian actress, with long never ending legs and a toned ass that her fans loved. The 30 year old athletic beauty had a dream run in Bollywood – billed as one of the top actresses in the country, she had won awards, accolades...

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Lynn My First Photo Shoot

My name is Lynn, an Asian woman now approaching sixty. Looking back at the good old days in the late 1960s, I am reminded of how my infatuation with nylon stockings began.  Although nylon stockings were common attire then, I developed a special obsession with them, much more than my peers in college. To this day, I still indulge in wearing sensual lingerie and expensive RHT and FF stockings all the time. Although nylon stockings just about disappeared after the 1970s, I never stopped wearing...

2 years ago
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Victoria Justice Playboy shoot

I couldn't believe it when I got the call.It was something that most every straight man walking the face of the Earth, and certainly in the States, would kill for, and I was going to get the chance to do it.I'm talking about getting the keys to the "Playboy" kingdom, and everything that goes along with that.You hear stories all the time about people who fall Into a lot of money, or the opportunity of a lifetime in part due to them having a rich, long-lost family member who leaves them that...

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Sarahs first Shoot

A part of the Photographer’s Exotic Life series Disclaimers: • This material is of an explicit, adult nature and not suitable for minors. Anyone under the age of consent is warned not to read further. • All characters are of legal age to participate in consensual sex in the jurisdiction in which this material is being consumed. • All characters are fictional and any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Sarah had always dreamt of modeling. Ever since she was a little girl...

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The Photoshoot

Latisha wasn’t like every other girl on the block. She had a wild side, that she kept a secret, and never talked to anybody about. Every girl should have a private collection hidden away somewhere. A video or photo-shoot of some sort, that she had never done before, and had the courage to do with a professional photographer. She always wanted a nude photo shoot, but had to do it discreetly. She knew a photographer who also had a discreet side. They were friends for some time now and she phoned...

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The Photoshoot

Latisha wasn’t like every other girl on the block. She had a wild side, that she kept a secret, and never talked to anybody about. Every girl should have a private collection hidden away somewhere. A video or photo-shoot of some sort, that she had never done before, and had the courage to do with a professional photographer. She always wanted a nude photo shoot, but had to do it discreetly. She knew a photographer who also had a discreet side. They were friends for some time now and she phoned...

Oral Sex
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Wendys Photo Shoot

***Nineteen-year-old Wendy wants to give her husband a sexy photo shoot for his Birthday. But things aren't as they appear.***This is the third story about my beautiful wife Wendy. The other two, Bachelor Party and Bachelor Part 2, have her submitting to different type of sexual games. This story precedes the other two and goes back to our early days as honeymooners. Let me first describe my beautiful wife, at the time of this story, she was 19 years old, 5'6", 108lbs, 34C and a natural redhead...

3 years ago
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Stupid BoyChapter 26 Amelia Island Shoot

First thing in the morning, I found myself back at the gym. Eve and I made arrangements for her to pick me up and I teach her how to use the equipment. With her singing career, her ex-agent had suggested that she get in shape. It wasn't that Eve was overweight, she was like many teens, and she needed to firm up if she wanted to be in the public eye. She wore a pair of tights and a loose t-shirt. Eve had always been a tomboy when we were growing up. She was 5'8" with silky dark brown hair...

1 year ago
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Seduced during make believe photo shoot

“I have an idea. Let’s go into the bedroom and while we are having sex I will shoot some pictures of us while we are doing it.” “Are you crazy or what?” “No. Let’s go do it. Come on. It’ll be erotic.” “That seems weird to me.” “No, it’ll be cool. We’ve never done anything like that before. ” “Yeah…. But, it’s weird. Nobody is going to see these photos, are they?” “No. No. They are just for us.” So, we went into the bedroom and lay on the bed. Karen, who would later become my wife years later,...

Wife Lovers
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Photo shoot turns sexy

I've written several stories about my various fantasies. Here is another.I'm tagging along on a photo shoot. The subject is Sherry, a well endowed on top sexy blue eyed brunette with a tattoo on her back. She's got long legs that I'd love to climb. She is leaning against a tree, striking seductive, sexy poses. The photographer is so into his work, he doesn't pay attention to Sherry teasing an exposure of her breast, or purposely allowing a nipple slip. They way she is licking her lips and her...

1 year ago
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Photo shoot Mum becomes a slut Part two

Part Two.Click, click, click. “Ok Mum, now look back over your shoulder at me, and lean slightly forward,” Jack called. I did as my son asked, looking back directly into the lens of his camera. I leant forward, just a little. Click, click, click.“That’s great, now move your legs further apart, so you knickers are stretched tight between your ankles.”I did as my son had told me. I was naked, my last remaining item of clothing stretched between my ankles, my legs apart, my cunt visible from...

2 years ago
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A little while ago I was thinking about replacing the mast on my sailing dinghy. It's a Mirror 16, well out of production, and the mast is ... well, elderly. So I got onto ebay and searched for a replacement, or at least something that would do. I found one that could be OK, but I needed some extra pictures of it because it was from a different class, and I wasn't sure where the fittings were. In the event I decided not to go ahead with the purchase because it was about 250 miles away and...

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Photo Shoot Part 1

The air is heavily charged with the electricity of their emotions as they prepare to record it for their audience. They have both been part of other photo sessions with the same sexual themes, but this time there is a difference. This encounter is unlike the others because they are drawn to each other sexually. They are curious as to how their emotions will appear in print. The camera doesn't lie - their desires will be captured for all the world to see! They make love to each other mentally -...

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She Invited Me To a Nude Photo Shoot

This is a totally true story.I am a 64 year old senior and I have a great xHamster friend that I chat with a lot! She is if you want to see her awesome profile. We both live within a few miles of each other so we kind of bonded easily. I told her that one of my all-time favorite fantasies was to be present at a nude photo shoot. We talked about it for several months and the stars finally aligned for both of us and she invited me to a shoot October 3rd 2019....

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My mother and I had recently moved into a new apartment in down town LA. She had just gotten divorced from her second husband of a few short years and was on her way to getting back on her feet again. We settled in just fine as I began my second semester at a nearby university, while my mom was looking to resume her career in the modeling industry. But at 45 years old, my mother, Donna, now found herself struggling to get hired for jobs she normally would have no trouble getting. She was still...

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Laura does her first porn shoot

We arrived at the studio 5 minutes earlier and were greeted by a smiling young girl who ushers us into a waiting room. Laura looked nervous. I try to make small talk, but she is not really listening. She looks gorgeous as usual in short jean skirt, white vest and flip flops. We wait for a few minutes when another girl walks in and moves us into an office across the room. We are greeted by a man, middle aged, quite slim, dark balding hair, about 5ft 11” tall. “Hello Laura” He beams and shakes...

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