My Best Friend Amelia
- 4 years ago
- 26
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First thing in the morning, I found myself back at the gym. Eve and I made arrangements for her to pick me up and I teach her how to use the equipment. With her singing career, her ex-agent had suggested that she get in shape. It wasn't that Eve was overweight, she was like many teens, and she needed to firm up if she wanted to be in the public eye.
She wore a pair of tights and a loose t-shirt. Eve had always been a tomboy when we were growing up. She was 5'8" with silky dark brown hair that hung to the middle of her back. Up top, she was a nice 'C' cup. Her best feature was her butt. She had a runner's butt (round and firm) and muscular thighs. Her wearing tights caused my shorts to tighten. She saw me staring and she winked at me.
"I see you haven't changed."
"What?" I said defensively.
"You always check my butt out," she said as she gave it an extra wiggle. I groaned and rolled my eyes. She came up and kissed my cheek. "I never said I minded."
Ken, one of the personal trainers, saw me, and came over. Ford had set me up to work with a trainer. I had met with the three main trainers when I signed up. One of them was usually on duty. The plan was that they would all know what I was working on so one of them would be there if I needed help.
"Hey David, glad to see you are finally taking advantage of the facilities. We were worried you would start getting fat," Ken said.
His comments got a chuckle out of Eve. He turned to her.
"I take it you are David's girlfriend."
"Yes, yes I am!" Eve exclaimed, daring me to dispute it.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Ken. If there is anything we can do for you please let us know."
"Actually I'm taking off to do a photo shoot and go skiing with my church, so I won't be back till the first of the year. I'm helping Eve get all her extra weight off so we can be seen together in public," I said as Ken and I looked her over.
I could tell there was going to be hell to pay by the glint in her eyes.
"Can you possibly help her with all her problem areas?"
How I said that without laughing I don't know. Eve and I both looked at Ken for his response. He looked like a deer facing down a semi.
"Ahhh, yeah, that shouldn't be a problem," Ken muttered.
I lifted up her shirt, pinched her waist, and shook my head.
"I mean we can't have her in anything too revealing right now," I complained.
Her eyes were getting bigger. I grabbed her waist, turned her around, and ran my hand over her ass.
"And this ... I mean it is fun and all, but do you have some ideas?"
Ken went bright red and stammered, "Let me get a clip board and take some notes."
When he was out of earshot, Eve turned on me.
"What the hell was that?"
I took my offending hand off her butt and smirked.
"I was just helping my girlfriend," I said in mock sincerity.
She grabbed my hand and put it back on her butt.
"Do you really think my butt is too big?"
I took the opportunity to explore my newest fascination. I pulled her into me so she could feel what I thought of her ass and smirked.
"What does that tell you?"
It was her turn to groan.
"Dawson, if you didn't have such a nice girlfriend, you would have more than your hands full."
Ken came back and I let him show her how to use the machines. I went and ran on the treadmill, did my sit ups and pushups, and then met Eve in the pool and we swam our laps. We finished up and headed to Tom's office so Eve could sign her contract.
When we got to Tom's floor, I split off and found Kendal. She was happy to see me.
"Hey rock star. I hear you are adding a new client to the wall."
In the lobby, they had pictures of all the 'talent'. So far, everyone on the wall was due to me steering him or her to Tom and Kendal. When I came in, I saw they had Ford's logo on the wall and under it said 'partner'.
"Eve is a childhood friend. She made a go of Nashville but it sounds like things didn't work out. I think she just needs a break and she will be big. Think Taylor, but someone that can sing."
Kendal just rolled her eyes at me.
"I need to talk to you about your financials," she said getting serious. "Your Mom's doctors are suggesting she go to a specialty center for cancer. The one they are suggesting is Stanford Cancer Center. They have made great strides in the type of cancer your Mom has."
This was the first I had heard of this. If they felt it was necessary, I was willing to spend the money. Tom had set up a line of credit for me to help my Mom out. Dad had tried to get insurance on the government web site. After trying like thirty times, he finally got it to work. The insurance offered was expensive and didn't cover what we needed. They didn't offer any flexibility in doctors or hospitals. There was no way they would ever cover a specialty cancer center. We had made a family decision that we would have to self-insure her. It would give Mom the best chance to survive. I felt sorry for other people in our predicament.
"How much is this going to cost?" I asked.
"I don't know, but it isn't going to be cheap. The good news is you are starting to earn some income from the other talent you found and the Red commercials. You will also make a nice amount doing the Florida shoot," Kendal commented as she looked at her financial reports. "We need to decide how much you want to keep in your personal and business accounts before you dip into your credit line."
"What do you suggest?"
"You need enough to pay taxes and have spending money. I would say you need to have at least $40,000 in your business account to cover your taxes and $5,000 in your personal account."
"Kendal, you know better than I do. Go ahead and set it up. Is there anything else you needed?"
She pulled out a folder with some pictures of my Range Sports shoot.
"Kennedy Images wants to buy the rights to these pictures so they can sell them on their websites. They are offering two deals. One is $5,000 per image or 30% of their sales of each image." She pulled out the one with me chasing the wolves. "Tom and I talked and he suggested that you take the $5,000 now on all the images except this one. He thinks you need to hang onto the rights to it."
I counted the pictures and they were twelve. Kennedy Images was a major source of pictures for advertisers and websites. I was sure that over time, I could make more with the 30% deal, but I needed funds now for Mom's cancer treatment.
"Okay that sounds good."
I had noticed, as I walked back to Kendal's office, that several of my photos from various shoots were on the walls. There was also a couple from the other models. I had a sneaking suspicion these were pirated copies.
"I have a question." Kendal looked up and saw that I was up to something.
"What is it David?"
"I saw my butt hanging in the conference room and several other photos. Did you pay for those?" I could tell from Kendal blushing that she had been caught.
"Ummm ... I would have to look into that," Kendal bluffed.
"You have my financial reports right there."
"Okay, I forgot to ask if we could use the pictures to decorate the office. The partners thought it would help market the talent. I didn't think you would mind."
"Tell you what. You know the main wall in my apartment," I said to Kendal as she nodded in recognition. "If you set up a gallery of my work while I'm gone the next few weeks, you can use any of my photos you want in the office."
I saw her flinch because I knew she was taking pictures home and I was sure she was giving some to her coworkers. I gave her a stern look.
"Kendal fess up. Have you been giving my work product away? You realize this is how I make a living, right?"
She looked ashen when she realized what I was saying. She had access to the original files and some of the better shots were being sold in a high-end gallery and also by a decorator for as much as $5,000. Some of the lesser shots were selling in the $250 range. Exclusivity made up a serious portion of the value. It was one thing to be using the photos in the office. It was another to be giving them away to the staff.
"David, could you excuse me for a minute," Kendal asked as she bolted from her office.
As I waited, I was starting to get pissed. I was taking a reduced fee for my shoots to garner the resale rights on my photos. After waiting a long ten minutes, I had enough and came out of Kendal's office. I found Eve in the conference room alone.
"Hey, where is everyone?"
"It seems that you have stirred something up. They are in a little bit of a panic." She looked at my photo. "Nice butt."
"I'm glad you like it," I chuckled. "I'm just getting used to it being on display. Do you know where they went?"
She pointed to Tom's office. I was greeted by his secretary.
"Hey David, they just asked me to track you down. You can go in."
I walked in to find five other men and Kendal. The suits I assumed were lawyers at the firm. Tom's face was red and looked like he had been dressing down the group before I came in.
"David, first of all I want to apologize personally and for my firm losing control of your photos," Tom said.
"How bad is it?" I asked.
Tom handed me a list and at the bottom and estimated value. It was in the six-figure range. My head snapped up and looked Tom in the eye.
"Everybody out, David and I need to talk," Tom ordered.
I could tell that Kendal had been crying but right now, I didn't want to deal with that.
When the door closed Tom started, "I think of you as a son. What Kendal did was huge mistake. I haven't decided if I am going to terminate her or not, but she wasn't the only one. All I can say is I am sorry. I have ordered all, and I mean all, prints brought back to the office."
Tom and I both knew that his staff and their friends could not afford to pay me for the prints taken. I was in a tough spot, and he had played the family card. We both knew that I was getting a hell of a rate on the fees they were charging me. I was also critical to the division's future. A prime example was sitting in their conference room as we spoke.
"Tom if this gets out, it will kill your business, but you are right; we are family. Here is my concern. I don't need to see these pictures on EBay. The ones that went to employees I'm okay with as long as you can get assurances in place that they can't gift or sell the prints. Were any given to people other than employees?"
He went through the list and found five that went to clients as holiday gifts.
"What do you want to do about these?" I asked.
"I guess I'm going to have to write you a check," Tom said not looking too happy.
I knew with any startup, cash flow was tight. Tom was staking his reputation at the firm by starting their new entertainment division. He and the partners would have to pony up the funds.
"No you're not," I said as he looked up with hope in his eyes. "I need write offs for taxes."
"David, I really appreciate you doing that. I assume you don't want to me to fire anyone either."
"You assume right, my friend. I trust you will get control over this and I think people have learned their lesson. My main concern is hurting Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Wesleyan's businesses," I reminded him.
"I think we need to get out front on this. I'll call them both today and let them know what happened," Tom offered.
"Please do. Work it out. If I have to give them back some money or give them first looks on pictures, do it. They took a chance, and we have a good thing going now."
Tom just nodded.
"Do me a favor and keep me in the loop on Eve," I said, changing the subject. "If there is anything I can do to help her call me."
We shook hands and he went back to finish up with Eve and I went to find Kendal. She was sitting in her office with the other lawyers. I walked in and smiled. That was all Kendal needed to jump up and hug me.
"I didn't even think. It won't happen again," Kendal promised.
"I know it won't. We just need to think of Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Wesleyan's business. They pay us good money to sell those prints. I assume you are picking up Tracy and me for our trip to Florida."
"I will meet you at Tracy's for the party and we will leave at 5:00 to make our flight. I'll see you in a little bit. I need to make amends with Tom before I leave," Kendal told me.
I went out to the lobby and found Eve smiling.
"Congratulations on getting new management," I said as I hugged and kissed her on the cheek.
"Mom and Dad will be in later to sign to make it official, but we are good to go. Thank you for helping. Now Tracy said I was supposed to take you to lunch and then we are to go to the party at her house. I'm buying, and just got back, so we are going to Monical's."
Hey, it's not just me. Their pizza is addicting. I just smiled and went along for the ride.
Eve got me to the Dole's home in time for everyone to open their Christmas gifts. When I saw what I gave everyone it reminded me I needed to take my debit card back from Tracy. I even paid for airline tickets so my grandparents could come and stay through the holiday season. That and having Angie's family come, excluding her Mom and Dad, were the best gifts I gave.
Selfishly, I was most excited about what Devin and Sandy Range sent me. They sent a snowboard, snowboard carrier (for the plane) and complete ski outfit. They also sent me a company credit card with instructions to buy a wardrobe from any of their company stores. They wanted me to be seen in their clothes on a daily basis. Kendal had filled them in on my Florida trip so they were having clothes delivered to my hotel.
Mary outdid herself. Her gift to me was cooking lessons. I looked forward to spending time with her and really learning how to cook. I could get by, but Mary had learned from her Dad who was a master chef.
Tom and I took Mom and Dad into his office and we told them about getting her into Stanford Cancer Center. I could tell by her reaction that everyone was keeping how bad this cancer was from me. She broke down in Dad's arms. I basically lost it when I saw my parents' reaction. Tom held me while my parents recovered from the news. Then Mom and Dad came over and hugged me as we all cried. Tom's office opens up to the pool area so I snuck out to get some air while Mom told everyone at the party.
Shortly after Kendal showed up and the three of us headed to the airport.
We arrived at the Ritz-Carlton on Amelia Island just before midnight. Kendal was staying with Kara and Tracy and I had a suite. We were loaded down because we were going straight to the ski resort from the photo shoot. We had both winter and summer clothes with us.
Tracy was like a kid in a candy store when we finally made it to our room.
"David, come look at this. There are boxes from Range Sports. One is addressed to you and the other to me."
"Open it," I said.
She grabbed a letter opener and opened her box. It had several sporting outfits from swimsuits and pullovers to a ski suit. She opened mine to find board shorts and t-shirts plus an assortment of casual wear.
There was also an envelope from the photographer for the diamond photo shoot. Inside was a rider to my contract for confidentiality as to who the client was. The note said that TMZ and Entertainment Tonight had been stalking the hotel trying to figure out what Kara was doing and whom she was meeting. I called Kendal and she stopped by our room and read the rider. I called Kara and talked to her about her feelings and she said it was no big deal. She had signed off on it so I followed her lead and did too. Before she got off the phone, we made arrangements to run in the morning.
Tracy was treating this trip like a honeymoon, so I was not getting to sleep until we made love at least once. She finally left me alone when I explained what time I needed to get up at to exercise. She actually threatened me if I woke her up then I might not make it to Christmas day.
Tuesday December 24, 2013 – Freshman YearKara met me in the lobby at six in the morning. She wanted to go run on the beach. When we got the sand, she stopped me before we went any further.
"I don't know how used to media you are. I would suggest you get a publicist. Part of the game is they try to catch me with a guy. I'm going to ask you for a huge favor. I need you to be my boyfriend."
"Okay, explain this to me," I inquired.
Why were girls always talking me into things?
"It helps keep unwanted advances and it will help both our careers. My publicist has TMZ waiting on us at the beach. They will lead with this tonight in exchange for an exclusive."
I looked at her and sighed. I would need to do some damage control, but Kara was a friend.
"Okay, I will help as long as I get a real workout this morning."
"Okay lover, I can arrange that," Kara flirted.
I shook my head. The assumption was that Kara, Tracy and I would end up in the sack. The two of them had been plotting this. Tracy thought Kara was hot and since she let me out to play, how was I going to say no.
"You are so bad. Tracy will claw your eyes out if she can't be there with us."
"I wouldn't have it any other way for the first time, but hear me lover, you and I are going to have some alone time this week," she purred as she swatted my butt.
We jogged north towards the nearest small town. I quickly found running in sand is tiring. We made it a half mile up the beach when we were stopped by TMZ.
"KARA, KARA! Who are you with?"
A guy in his early twenties and a cameraman were setup on the beach. We were both sweating so she requested a towel before we answered any questions. The reporter must have figured what was coming because he had a duffel bag with towels and bottled water waiting for us. We dried off, got drinks and then posed for the camera.
The reporter repeated his question.
"This is David Dawson my boyfriend. He is with me shooting a commercial..."
The interview went on for ten minutes. I was glad I put on my Range Sports garb because they were about to get some free national advertising. When we were done, they staged us running on the beach.
Kara and I didn't make it back to the hotel until seven and Entertainment Tonight caught us coming in from our run. We brushed past them and went into the hotel. When I got back to my room Kendal and Tracy were eating breakfast. They had ordered for me so I took a shower and came out and joined them. I figured I had better come clean with the whole Kara is my girlfriend for the week. Tracy was patient with me, but it would not be fair to her to have her find out from someone else.
"Okay, Kara has more than a photo-shoot on her mind," I said getting both women's attention. Tracy just smirked. "We are now going out, sorry babe, I had to break up with you for a few days," I announced, trying to be funny. "She announced it to TMZ this morning and it will be on national TV tonight."
Tracy, God love her, just laughed.
"I swear David, if I didn't love you, I would have to kill you."
"I know, but she has been having problems with people hitting on her. She needs a public boyfriend to ward them off," I said. I thought for a moment. "We better start calling people and explaining before everyone sees it tonight. Kendal, please call all the people I work for and let them know. Tracy you call friends and family and tell them. Probably the quickest is to call Tami and let her handle it. She would enjoy having some scoop to share with everyone."
"We will need to make sure you are on Kara's arm while we are here. Kendal and I will hang back so the press doesn't get confused," Tracy announced as if it was the most logical thing in the world.
"You know David this is good for you. I talked to Clare at Ford and they suggested you start having a public girlfriend. She said a lot of up and coming entertainers do it for the very reason Kara is. It keeps the stalkers away. She also told me that it will boost your fees if you become a household name," Kendal told us.
"I'm game as long as you clear it with the boss first," I said as I leaned in and kissed Tracy.
Can I just say that the first day of the diamond commercial was one of the worst experiences I have ever had? The director seemed to be a major sexual predator, specifically he was stalking me! I had to keep Kendal, Kara or Tracy near me at all times, or I was fighting him off. When Kara said some nudity, I think she meant for herself. For me it was nudity all the time.
The only good news was that one of the photographers was Kim from the Hill Advertising shoot. I was glad to see a friendly face.
My day started off in makeup when they saw my pasty-white Midwestern body. What were they expecting in December? Their solution was I needed a spray tan. I thought the girls were going to pee themselves when I came out looking like an Oompa Loompa after the first round of makeup. All I needed was white eyebrows and a wig and I could sign up. Thank God, they could wash it off. I never want to look that orange again.
Once they got the color right, they had me put on a black speedo and go out for test shots. The director's name was Rafael. Kara came out in a black bikini. When our first shots came up on the screen, we looked good together. Rafael was reviewing Kim's work.
"Kara, David, I think this looks fabulous. David, I need you to lose the suit so we can make sure your skin tones work."
I was getting to the point that stripping in front of a crowd was not a problem. There must have been twenty people on the set. I just dropped my suit and Kara and I did a couple of test shots. She was smirking when she saw that Mr. Happy was being a little bit of an exhibitionist and rising to the occasion. Rafael ran out on stage and grabbed my unit.
I froze like a deer staring down the lights on a school bus. Kara was trying not to laugh as this freak held my manhood.
"Makeup! Makeup!" Rafael shouted getting everyone on the sets attention that he was holding me.
I was in such shock that I let him. The makeup girl came running out.
"You need to shave him. I am looking for a clean young look and this mass of hair just will not do."
I broke free and ran to makeup and Mr. Happy went limp in horror. Kara came sashaying her pretty ass back into makeup with a big smirk. I put two and two together and remembered she had full control on this gig. She picked the director who had just fondled me. When I turned on her, I saw her eyebrows go up and I just sighed.
"Kara, that was not a nice thing you did to me. At the very least you could have warned me," I said trying to stay calm.
It wasn't working. I felt violated and betrayed that my supposed friend would allow that to happen. Kara saw I was mad and apologized.
I could see her side of it. She was constantly being hit on by people on photo shoots. It only made sense she would pick someone who would not be interested in her.
I asked, "Just tell me he is good. Because I'm not putting up with several days of this if the final product isn't worth the hassle."
"Sorry I didn't warn you, but I have never seen him get hands on before. This will be worth it. He has won a lot of awards for his work and every time I have worked with him it has turned out fantastic."
The makeup girl was ready for me so I went and got an allover shave. Tracy and Kendal choose that moment to come and find me.
"Wow that is sexy. I can't wait to try it out," Tracy volunteered. Kendal just nodded not trusting herself to comment.
Rafael had me nude the rest of the day. The production company blocked off a section of the beach where they set up a cabana with everything in white. Basically it was an open platform with a king size bed in the center. There were plenty of white silk looking curtains blowing in the breeze.
Today's commercial had me walking out of the surf with water glistening off my body. I walked up to the staged bedroom to find Kara waiting on me with a Champagne glass. We had several little scenes flirting. Every time I got aroused, Rafael would stop and flirt with me. The effect was my arousal fled me. Towards the end of the day, I figured out what he was doing.
The end shot looked like Kara and I had just finished having mad passionate sex, and I reached under the pillow and pulled out a jewelry box. We did this scene twenty times, with her opening a different piece of jewelry.
When Rafael finally stopped for the day, I was exhausted. At that very moment, I could have used a beer. Rafael was all smiles.
"Kara you were spectacular as always. David, Kara made an excellent choice. The camera loves you two. I sent some of the raw footage to the client and they love it. If you want, come in at eight tomorrow morning and I will show you a rough cut of today's commercial and photos."
Kara and I agreed to come in early. I went and washed off the spray-on tan and changed into my Range Sports gear. We gathered everyone up and headed back to the Ritz-Carlton.
After the days shoot, we came back to the hotel to relax before dinner. The Ritz-Carlton is shaped like a big 'U' with the two long ends pointed toward the ocean giving each room a view. In the cup of the 'U' is a patio with tables overlooking a large sunken grass courtyard, which can be used for open-air events. Currently using the courtyard was a college football team who was in town for a Christmas Day Bowl Game in Jacksonville.
Things were going well until a few of the players saw the women I was with; Kara was a budding super model, Tracy was drop dead gorgeous and Kendal was hot by anyone's standard. I was pretty sure that all of them were out of my league, so when three of the football players came up to hit on them, I think they saw a kid. What they didn't know was I had a long day and was in no mood.
"Hey ladies, you're in luck that real men showed up to show you a good time. Why don't you come back to our room and we have a little fun," said jock number one.
I had to say, that was about the dumbest come on line I had ever heard. What girl in her right mind would fall for that?
Before my three ladies could say anything, I jumped in. I know they could take care of themselves. I had seen them do it many times. They had even put me in my place a number of times, and the smart move would have been to allow them to take care of it, but I was looking for a confrontation.
I laughed.
"Are you kidding me? Don't you see that the ladies are with me?"
"Listen little man, it is obvious you are not man enough to handle these three. We are doing you a favor by offering to satisfy them," said jock number two.
Again... ? Seriously? Best result was going to be you get a kick in the nuts.
Kara was ready to come out of her seat, but Tracy touched her arm and gave her head a little shake. She knew I could handle this. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw TMZ and Entertainment Tonight capturing this. I wanted to knock these guys into next week but I knew that would not play well on national TV. I could see it now, 'crazed boyfriend of super model... '
"Now you did it. You called my manhood into question. I think we need to have a little contest of skills to see who the better man is. Since going back and proving who has the biggest swinging dick wouldn't be fair to you, stubby, why don't we see who the better quarterback is?"
"How are we going to determine that?" asked jock number three.
Okay, I play football. These guys gave us 'dumb jocks' a bad name.
"I'm a fifteen-year-old freshmen quarterback from a small Midwestern town. You bring out whoever you want and we will throw fifteen footballs and see who the best is," I offered as they got smirks on their faces. "We can setup three trash cans and whoever can put more balls in the cans wins."
"What are the stakes, tough guy?" asked jock number two.
"If you win, you get a date with these women," I said and all three nodded their assent. "If you can talk them out of their panties so be it. If I win, you set me up with three of your cheerleaders."
"You are so on. Your smart mouth just wrote a check your little butt can't pay," said jock number one.
They led the way down to where the team was eating. Kara, Tracy and Kendal followed me along with the film crews. I chuckled when I recognized the recruiting coordinator, Tyler Seng; he sent me stuff and attended three of my games. Tracy also recognized him since she handled this stuff for me. She pointed him out confirming who I thought he was. The jocks explained the bet to their coach and he thought it sounded like a team building exercise.
Before I go any further, the staff at the Ritz-Carlton is the best in the world. If you have never been, you need to. They will pamper you like nowhere else. When they heard what we wanted to do, they did not hesitate in setting it up.
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This is a story I wrote with my friend margiehank about our night with our cocktail server Amelia. We bring her back to our hotel to share her for the night. I hope you like it and comment, if you do please do us the honor visiting margiehank's site as well. Thank you and have fun, we did!MargiehankWe are sitting in the corner booth of a local bar waiting for our server to take our order for a nightcap after dinner and a movie. We are playing around a little...
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I checked my watch. I had been waiting for her for almost 20 minutes. I smirked and chuckled to myself. No, I’ve been waiting longer. I was leaning up against the railing overlooking the square. The air was crisp and cool. It felt good to inhale it deep into my lungs. It had been a mild winter so far. They were only able to open the square’s outdoor skating rink just a week before Christmas, weeks later than usual. Skaters shuffled or glided along the surface. From where I was standing, I...
There was no waiting a refractory period since Amelia had caused Scotty’s cock to rise again. As she lied next to him in his bed, Amelia could not help but stare at his cock as it pulsed with each beat of his heart. Her son’s eighteen year old cock was long with veins that supplied the nourishment keeping it erect popping out, running down its rigid shaft all the way to his ball sack that was loose, hanging low between his legs. The delicate round head of his hardness had a soft pink hue that...
IncestIntroduction: Second part of the story. Please leave a comment thanks. If you havent read part1 suggest you do first. At least skim.=) Second installment of my series. Continued from chapter 4 of the first story. Link is here if you havent read it. If you like it, commend me and i shall be better. Thanks again for reading – Part 1 Holy Shit! Forty-five men?! Per girl? Thats sick. exclaimed... - Part 1 "Holy Shit! Forty-five men?! Per girl? That's sick." exclaimed Alex, the new guy in the control room. Elise rolled her eyes. "Not really. You'll see once you're here long enough." Alex was still not convinced. "I mean, seriously, 15 dicks to each hole, how does a virgin, or any girl for that matter take it? I mean, she would probably pass out by the first 5 or...
Ella was a skinny girl. She was only about a year and half younger than Amelia. She was still developing with almost B cup boobs and a small but fairly nice ass. She continued to walk in Amelia's room wearing some black compression tights and a white shirt with our schools name on the front. You could tell she was kind of debating whether to join in on what was happening or just leave us to our privacy. Amelia at this moment hopped off my dick and went over to her stunned sister, grabbed...
Amelia stepped out of the kitchen and gingerly made her way upstairs to her room. She went slowly not to make any noise. She really did not know why though. She guessed it was the thrill of what would come. As she walked, she felt the tender fold of her personal divide literally slide back and forth from the moisture that had seeped out of it with every stride she took. With each step she took up the stairs, she felt the room’s air cool the hot spot between her legs. What had been a perfect...
IncestMy first job after college was with a large accounting firm in Philadelphia. Shortly after I had started, they sent me to a week long training class in Atlanta. It was interesting and good to meet people from other parts of the country. The week went quickly until Friday. Being new to the business world, I was not aware of the unwritten rule that offsite classes and meeting always end at noon on Friday so people could arrange Friday flights home. I had scheduled myself to leave Saturday...
LesbianThe following characters reappear from previous stories: Brian Chief Druid, older man, tall, somewhat thin with a long white beard and hair Etain Sorceress, older woman, tall, still with a nice shape, not too thin, long brown hair with silver highlights On Tuesday morning, following a wonderful night of love and sex, we met Ken and his Wives at the bookstore on Dorchester Rd., from where we all transferred to the Otherworld. Shortly after appearing there in their Glen, we were greeted...
Scotty continued to stroke gently over his mother’s smooth pussy with his fingers and Amelia felt the flow of her body’s inner naturalness form more in her sensual spot than what had been in its depths earlier. With Scotty’s finger sliding between her natural chasm, more of it escaped her delicate hole and coated his finger. Amelia could feel her natural lube slather all around his finger that fit perfectly in her tender split. She could not remember the last time she had covered a finger with...
IncestBingo turned the end of the conversation with Fred over and over in his mind as he started his walk. “It’s all about how you take the stage..” “What?” “I think I have to go. All this talk about you, and your dating profile, it’s compounding my own… stench of… of desperation. It might not work out but I have to get out there you know?” “No.” “Well I’m gone, I’ll let you know how it goes.” “You do that. Good chat. Thanks for dinner.” Bingo made his way up Victoria Rd and turned right...
Straight SexAmelia stood on the back deck of her house, staring out into the woods, watching the sun’s rays peek through the green leaves that sprung forth from the oak trees as she drank her first cup of morning coffee. She loved being able to commune with nature and thanked God for making such a lovely surrounding so she could do so. Every morning, this was a ritual for her. Ameila loved living in such a secluded area and being able to live the way she wanted. It was just her, the beauty of nature, and...
IncestOkay, I’ll admit the truth. As a 29 year old male who had a few dates in his time, I hadn’t ever “been” with a woman…never to be honest. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve always wanted to be with one but my chances haven’t…well I don’t think I’m qualified as a man goes. The idea of being with a woman grew on me. They grew on me a lot and as I got older, the idea to be with one started to grow on me a lot. I felt I was becoming one and didn’t want to be one, but the truth for me was starting to surface....
IncestSometimes, jobs come with unexpected perks. Mine in particular has the luxury of business travel. With the state of the economy and everyone tightening their belt on spending, it came as no surprise my company had asked if my coworker Amelia and I would mind sharing a room to help save on expenses. Being such great friends from our years together in college, both she and I were excited at the prospect of exploring Miami together. Amelia was a sultry redhead with the smooth curves of a...
“Have you ever had that feeling? That amazing feeling when a big cock is pounding in and out of your pussy and your clit is being tickled at the same time and your whole body goes to a state of pure pleasure; your whole body starts to feel like its light, everything goes black, you can’t hold back your whimpers and moans, your whole genital area is experiencing a heavenly tingly sensation, like you’re going to explode any moment with satisfaction. You can’t take it any longer and let out a loud...
AnalCraig knew Amelia fairly well, she was at his school and had been his neighbor for around two years. Craig was normally good at controlling his hormones, but Amelia broke him. She was a 17 year old brunette with the perfect body, the kind where you just stare in disbelief, disbelief in that there was something so perfect in the world. He always stared up and down as long as he could, before being noticed, awing at her perfect ankles, her perfect legs, her perfect ass, her perfect breasts,...
Amelia is a Latin I once met in my hometown where I live now. She’s older than I, 36 yo., while I am 27. She’s pretty and showy, an imposing woman that arose a passion every where she walks by. This story begins on that year I used to work as a waiter at a swimming pool in the city bathing resort. Since the town hall run this compound along with the swimming pool, lots of people use to attend here to bathe as well as to take swimming lessons, or read a book with music background. They also...
Quickie SexIt was late April when we returned to my house in North Charleston. We spent much of the rest of the day cleaning up the clothing, and the gear that we had used on our excursion to the various battle sites. Additionally, Sylvia wanted to move more of her clothing and personal possessions here. She would be giving up her apartment shortly and moving in permanently with Amelia and me. There was certainly more than enough room here for the three of us, although there would be a problem with...
The pirate sloop Phantom had begun life as the French ship Epée born in the shipyards of Marseille. The Epée had been built for speed, in order to run the blockades of the British navy. Although she was lightly armed, with only six nine-pound cannon, she was light and under full sail ran fast on the bowline. One night she had been anchored in Port-De-France on Martinique, with most of her crew ashore celebrating their escape from the British fleet, a group of out of work sailors, led by an...
Waking the next morning, or is it still the same night? Dark out still. Oh, this couch nice to sit on, bad to sleep on. This warm nude body feels good. Need something to drink. What a night. Hummm ... how to get up and not disturb my angel. Well that I cannot do. She is on my leg and using my arm as a pillow. “Good Morning Drew.” An angel’s voice. “Morning Amelia” I reply to her. “Drew how do you feel this morning?” “Amelia, I feel nothing but love for you.” “That’s great, but I...
As I start to stir from unconsciousness, to being awake, I feel cold on my chest. That’s right Amelia fell asleep on my chest. Where is she now? I move my arms around to feel for her, nothing. Where is she? Once again I am lost. A noise is heard. A hand is felt. My leg is being rubbed. Feels good to me. The hand goes higher on my leg, my knee, the outside of my thigh, across my thigh. Her hand grips my limp cock. Well not so limp any more. Wetness surrounds my cock. How does she do that with...
“Morning Drew.” That voice! Angelic as all heaven. She feels good on me. I wonder if I am a good pillow? “Morning Amelia! How are you this morning? More specific, to be exact, how is your ass?” “Drew my ass is a bit sore. No more than falling on it on an icy walkway.” “Oh, I am so relieved to hear that. I thought I might have been a bit hard on you last night.” “I have had no experience with what we did. Was I to hard? Was I to soft? But I do have to know the answers to these questions I...
We start this edition of the show with establishing shots of a large, colourful industrial unit ... The words “PLAYVILLE” painted on the exterior in large curved and friendly letters. As we pan along the front of the building, we come to rest on our horny hostess – ex-pornstar, Renae Russell, and her blue-grey Weimaraner dog... Renae’s fake tits are squeezed together in another tight mini-dress, showing off her arse, legs, and (of course) her amazing and obviously fake bolt-on boobs as she...
Much later that night, I was awakened by Amelia crying. She was still pressed up against me and was soft and warm in addition to smelling very nice from the soap that she had used earlier. I couldn’t imagine what the problem was, but it had to be serious, as she was overflowing like a stopped up sink. I turned on the Magic Powered lamp on the nightstand to its lowest setting, so I could see her and try to determine what the problem was. “What’s wrong?” I asked quietly. “I need to be loved!”...
Introduction: Wearing Lillys preteen sister as a sex suit Forming the plan as I went along I placed one of two pills with a note to little Amelia that simply read trust me sis this will make you feel good ,) in her room on top of her diary in her cupboard, I have noticed her these last few months after all, the second one I set on the coffee table while my dad was in the bathroom, his Friday night ritual put him on the couch watching Netflix. I go back into my room and power everything down but...
Miss Amelia always anticipates my phone calls and I receive a text each day on a task, which is normally well for the past few weeks since I was enslaved by her a form of meditation. I would have to kneel facing the sunrise a candle lit a dn her picture before me and recite for 15 minutes each day “Miss Amelia I am yours” all I could do really could not masturbate she took that delight away by locking me up. Today though I was summoned to meet her again this would be the second time we would be...
Sylvia and I appeared in Greg’s living room expecting a lengthy wait before he would appear only to find him standing there with a worried look on his face. “Where have you been? I got home, and you were gone. I had no idea where you went or what happened to you,” he told me in a worried voice, but seemed surprised to see Sylvia with me. “When you were shot and kidnapped, I needed to do something, and the only person that I remembered you talking about was Sylvia, so I went to see her,” I...
I cruise through the wall of her bedroom and make my way through the house until I was following mark out of the bathroom; he had recently showered and I wonder what he would smell like to me if I could only smell through my nose that exists in between the planes with the rest of my intangible body. I bury the thought as he had entered the living room and was about to grab his empty cup to refill when he noticed a little capsule full of a fine white powder sitting in the center of the table...
I cruise through the wall of her bedroom and make my way through the house until I was following mark out of the bathroom; he had recently showered and I wonder what he would smell like to me if I could only smell through my nose that exists in between the planes with the rest of my intangible body. I bury the thought as he had entered the living room and was about to grab his empty cup to refill when he noticed a little capsule full of a fine white powder sitting in the center of the table...
She came strutting by with several other girls, talking loudly. Her shirt was unbuttoned more than it ought to be and her tie hung loose, against the dress code. I’d reminded her multiple times about it and she continued to defy the rules. Perhaps it was time to teach the girl a lesson. “Amelia, detention in my office after school, you’re in violation of the dress code yet again.” She seemed startled, but murmured a soft, “Yes sir.” I wasn’t usually one for punishments but there was something...
SpankingEveryone has pivotal moments where a decision taken irrevocably changes the course of one's life, often these can only be identified with the benefit of hindsight but, Martha was in no doubt that such a moment had come. She sat alone in the long room, the interview panel of four nuns and a priest had finished their searching questions and had retired to the ante room to decide her fate.She had written many months before offering herself for a life of purity and devotion, and as they sought to...
I thought I lost my virginity to a girl I met at Finley Hall, but afterwards I was never truly sure. I suppose it was a matter of definitions. It wasn’t really about the event itself, but rather the woman I was with.Finley Hall was the Student Center at the City College of New York by the 1970s. It was a huge, sprawling structure and I don’t remember now exactly what was contained in the whole place. It wasn’t being used for its original purpose; in fact, it hadn’t even been built by the city....
College Sex"Amelia," the madam said, looking quite displeased, "has become the mistress of a member of Howe's staff, a general somebody-or-other. I tried to discourage her, but she insisted it was the best way to get good information. She claimed to be an expert on the subject." I waited picturing the luscious young woman who had been through so much in her short life. "She's done that kind of work before," I said. "But someone may recognize her." "She knows that. But she changed the way...
A week after her office tryst with Dean Langdon, Susie Brock decided to seduce one of her roommates. This girl was a 20 year old junior named Amelia More from South Carolina. She had a rather earthy and sensual complexion. Susie guessed that she had both Caucasian and Afro-American ancestors. In fact, there was even a slight hint of Creek Indian. Susie had thoughts of possibly engaging in a threesome with Amelia and the Dean. After all, her personal preference for an exclusive relationship was...
LesbianIt was a usual type of day, work finished and I was awaiting the bus to go home. A slight wind was blowing enough to ruffle hair and such. The bus was late and I decided to walk home, not that I would get there this day and how things would change.I walked up the hill look at some of the ladies walking by always love the power dressed types or more formal dresses though I do have a liking for Goth types as well. Up the hill and through the park sitting for a while watching life go by. Passing...
Amelia resumes the Narrative: We appeared in the hotel room just long enough to drop off our travel clothes before Greg transferred us again. This time we appeared just outside of a large restaurant and bar, then entered quickly, as it had already cooled off with the setting of the sun, since it was still April. We were greeted by the Maitre D’ of this flashy and expensive restaurant. “Good evening, Doctor O’Brien, will it be a table for three this evening?” he asked in his suave and...
[Author's note, that's me, - I changed the story and character completely, so if you've read it before, it's probably worth to read it again]. Amelia is, without a doubt, the most popular girl in the Lenian High School. She isn't a member of the school's council or any school club, although she is often pressured into helping them with many events because of her capabilities and popularity, which draws other students. Her personality, grades, looks - they are all perfect, and because of that, a...
Sylvia takes the Narrative for a time: We appeared on a grass covered field full of sunshine. While there were a number of houses and cabins in the area, the most impressive was the Kershaw House. It was a large two story white wooden house with a brick basement, plus a large porch with columns on both stories on the front and two large brick chimneys on the sides. Greg told us that it had served as General Cornwallis’ headquarters while the British occupied Camden. The site also included a...
Greg has the Narrative for a time: We reappeared near the end of the small parking lot at the Guilford Courthouse National Military Park not far from the Visitor Center. The area immediately around us was covered in grass. “This is the Guilford Courthouse National Military Park. It’s located north of Greensboro, N.C.,” I informed the women, indicating the general area around us... “It covers some 220 acres, but we won’t be traipsing through all of that,” I assured them with a smile....
She came strutting by with several other girls, talking loudly. Her shirt was unbuttoned more than it ought to be and her tie hung loose, against the dress code. I’d reminded her multiple times about it and she continued to defy the rules. Perhaps it was time to teach the girl a lesson. “Amelia, detention in my office after school, you’re in violation of the dress code yet again.” She seemed startled, but murmured a soft, “Yes sir.” I wasn’t usually one for punishments but there was...
“These Wizards aren’t that smart after all,” Gunther said with a smile, as he lowered the rifle he had used to knock Greg out with a tranquilizer dart. “Go get the van,” he told Joey, as he moved toward the figure slumped on the concrete of his own driveway. Gunther had a gag, duct tape, and plastic ties to secure their victim with, and Joey arrived with the van just after he finished. “This old fart sure is heavy,” Joey complained, as he and Gunther moved the unconscious Greg into the van...
Amelia is a Latin I once met in my hometown where I live now. She’s older than I, 36 yo., while I am 27. She’s pretty and showy, an imposing woman that arose a passion every where she walks by. This story begins on that year I used to work as a waiter at a swimming pool in the city bathing resort. Since the town hall run this compound along with the swimming pool, lots of people use to attend here to bathe as well as to take swimming lessons, or read a book with music background. They also...
Amelia... A Dragon from the Gender-Swap world of the "Warcraft" Universe. She is a Humanoid Dragon who you... The reader... Will end up seducing and falling in love with. But theres 1 Question that must be asked.
While Greg and Amelia were having sex, a good night’s sleep, and a trip to see the O’Connells following breakfast, Gunther and Joey were not so fortunate. Ed had eventually arrived in the van, and the cold and shaking pair had been able to dry off, change clothes, and get some mostly warm food to eat along with some coffee that was reasonable hot. When they had finished, Chip had further instructions for them. “The Boss says to take a break until daylight. I’ll keep an eye on the signal from...
DOT'S ISLAND By Sailor861 Dorothy (Dot) Cochrane, 42, of Glasgow, Scotland, got out of bed this morning,showered, dried herself then strapped and locked her lubricated,10-in.-long,3-in.-diameter stainless-steel dildo deep inside her pussy, slipped into herthree-piece business suit and rushed off to work – annoyed. As usual, the first, faint grey light of a cold March Monday morning felldimly on the Scottish industrial city skyline and Dot did not want to go toher dreary office job at...
This is a repost of the story I recently submitted, edited as necessary because of the limitations of the XNXX website format which confuses graphics, inexplicably substitutes a question mark for quotation marks at times, and does not permit footnotes. It is hoped therefore that this reposting will provide more clarity. I have also reposted the story as one entire novella because it is hoped the sprinkling of negative comments I have received results from the previous inability of the...
by Gail Holmes Chapter Twenty One David allowed the girls to bathe him, he quite enjoyed their hands rubbing his body; Rodjana stood back watching, she knew which part she wanted. It was big and it was long, the thought of a virgin cock up her began to excite her, the twins just sat back and observing the...
"Damn it, Philip, don't be so bloody selfish. You've got three months vacation from university, surely you can spare three weeks? You know very well I can't go, I have business to attend to. Your mother can't go down there on her own."It was strange how my father always had "business to attend to" when mother went of on her trips.My mother is Dr.Anna Bridges, a geologist of considerable repute, working for the State Geological Centre. Even on her annual leave she could not stop working, but...
____________________________ You will not find the place marked on any published map, and no one you know can provide you directions to it. No commercial airlines schedule flights there, and even global satellite images of the area reveal nothing but seemingly endless blue waters. There are no fancy internet websites maintained to allow you to book a vacation there, and no ordinary travel agent can make a reservation for you. On the shelves and kiosks of the World’s travel...
Introduction: Please read Foreword by the Editors first Chapter One ______________,,______________ You will not find the place marked on any published map, and no one you know can provide you directions to it. No commercial airlines schedule flights there, and even global satellite images of the area reveal nothing but seemingly endless blue waters. There are no fancy internet websites maintained to allow you to book a vacation there, and no ordinary travel agent can make a...
Tease Island The Early Season "The new boat comes today" M. Fulbright Penopskott commented toDawn as he squirmed on the bed. Dawn nodded, and continued her trail of flicksagainst M.Fulbright's suffering shaft. Dawn leaned closer, staring intentlyunder her platinum blonde bangs, as her pink nails painted to match her tubetop poked and stroked M. Fulbright's purplish shaft. "You betcha, M.,and you're making some nice change from it, huh?" Dawn looked right into M's eyes and licked her full lips...
If anyone had asked Zack, he would have told them he couldn't recall ever being happier with his life. Life on the island was interesting and exciting, as well as relaxing. After their defeat of the pirates, the native men now viewed the two sailors as something between a deity and their chieftain of war. However, best of all was his relationship with Nani whom he found to be an excellent companion while his friendship with Destand continued to grow. Overall, life was treating the two...
163 AUTUMN ISLAND [A SERIES BUT ONLY IF YOU WISH AND ENCOURAGE,]“WELCOME TO WHAT COULD BE, YOUR OWN ISLAND” Dougy the boatman said helping the agent, who was some-what green around the gill`s it must be said, helping me onto the pier from the small and rocking boat, the sun beat down, as the birds undisturbed for perhaps 10 years wheeled and screamed at us miserable intruders, I motioned him to sit for a moment and his colour began to return, he obviously was not a good sailor! I took from the...