Hannah_(2) free porn video

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"Ah Lord Pinkerton?" an emboldened mature lady around my mother's age accosted me as I lounged amiably enough with my cronies at the Misses Fotheringay's ball at Southam Courtenay, "Have you met my daughter Molly?"

I looked past the matron and there through the fug of intoxication I believed I beheld an angel, a great vision in gleaming virginal white, and at second glance an improbably plump one, "No, I haven't had the pleasure," I agreed uncertainly for the sweet Mull-berry wine had had its effect on me.

"I should hope not!" Algy declared, "For she may have two legs, two arms, two bosoms and two eyes, though remarkably dis similar, but two chins Johnno, well you must draw a line somewhere!"

"Ah," I agreed with a contented burp, "Indeed."

Poor Molly turned and fled as fast as her considerable bulk would allow.

"You sir are an abomination!" the mother averred.

"Fattening her up for Christmas," Bobby Fawkes chipped in, "I like a plump bird at Christmas!"

"I'd like to sit down," I suggested as I regretted mixing French and English wines so early in the evening.

"You slight me sir!" the matron avowed.

"Tell me," I asked, "You have but one chin, a thin weasel like face, a narrow waist, thin spindly legs beneath that gown I'll wager, so how did you bear a baby elephant for a daughter?" It was said by way of an honest search for the truth.

"I shall not remain to be insulted!" the matron replied.

"Oh, shall you go elsewhere?" Bobby enquired.

"Oh it was no insult Madam," Algy insisted, "No Johnno seeks to bed you."

She half smiled, "Indeed, then I shall inform my husband, Lord Garth."

"That great oaf," Samuel Verney added, "I should quake in my boots if it were me."

"Madam," I added, "I have no great desire to make love to you," I insisted, "Though I should certainly prefer you in my bed to that great ox of a daughter, for she would surely break the bed frame!" It seemed funny at the time, you understand but the next thing Algy had to step forward to stop the matron striking me.

I can not recall much of the evening after that, but in the fullness of time I awoke in a bed in the Red Lion Inn in Southam Whiston with the sun high in the noon day sky and the pipe and drum band of the Caithsby Militia playing inside my skill.

"Oh my head," I croaked.

"So you are not dead?" an unfriendly female voice boomed around inside my skull.

"No madam." I agreed, "Though if I spent the night with you I wish I were."

"Indeed," she boomed,

"Can you please keep the noise down." I asked, "My head is bursting!"

"You insulted my daughter Molly," she insisted.

"Oh god, Mrs Garth," I groaned.

"Lady Garth," she corrected me, "What do you intend to do about it?" she demanded.

"Absolutely nothing madam, for she is fat as a pig," I explained, "I own I'd rather kiss a pig than Molly, on account of the lesser number of chins they display."

"Very well then," she said and began to shout, "Unhand me you drunken oaf," and with theatrical flair she tore at her bodice and through its fine quaity and exquisite needle work she dislodged but one solitary button where she sought to expose her bosoms to plain view.

"Lord Pinkerton I am a married woman!" she protested and right on cue my door opened and there were Molly and the Inn keeper's maid as witness and Lord Garth himself, a frail creature of apparently octogenarian vintage though in truth he was but sixty such it was said was the voracity of Lady Garth's night time demands that he had aged twenty years in the first six months of marriage.

"Hold hard young Pinkerton, why are you dallying with the mem sahib?" he asked.

"No idea sir," I explained, "Your daughter is fat as a pig sir," I said inelegantly, "Lady Garth came to remonstrate.

"Carry on then," he said from the doorway.

"Daddy Lord Pinkerton has shown entire disrespect for myself and our family," Molly cried.

"But you are as fat as a pig dearest," Lord Garth admitted and nodding towards his wife he continued, "And watch that one for she'll eat you alive sir," he added as an after thought.

"But my honour, challenge him Oswald," Lady Garth insisted.

"Challenge, why he would win hands down," Lord Garth averred, "No you challenge him if you see fit, I am taking a walk around the park, good day."

Lady Garth stared in disbelief, "He," she started to say.

"Is a very wise man, Lady Garth," I added, "May I wish you good day?"

"No indeed you may not!" Lady Garth insisted, "Not until this matter is settled."

I groaned, my head was far from cleared yet, "Then allow me some privacy that I may dress,"
I asked reasonably enough.

"No, I shall remain," Lady Garth insisted.

"Then so be it," I suggested and I pulled my night shirt clean over my head to stand naked, sadly unaware that my cronies had writ "Pinkertons Prong a shilling an hour," across my belly in lamp black in the depths of the night.

"Oh!" Lady Garth cried in surprise, "Its huge!"

"Oh, its huge!" cried Molly in alarm,

"Oohh, its huge," the maid said admiringly as sensing the scent of a woman my prong raised himself to his full eight inches and more of extension.

"Put it away sir you will frighten the horses," Lord Garth said as he returned to seek the cause of the commotion, "Or else do someone an injury."

"Ooohh yes what an injury," the maid simpered.

"Damn it where's me breeches," I cursed as my night shirt descended to drape itself around the root of my prong leaving him straining still.

"Marigold, stop staring," Lord Garth councelled, "Wife come away!" he repeated.

"Mummy did he do it?" a fresh voice asked.

I looked an another maid had appeared, dressed in a simple white shift, her face like the mother perhaps yet twenty years her junior, blue eyed and blonde of hair, svelte where the sister was porcine, well proportioned where the sister was porcine, fair of face where the sister was distinctly porcine, and she regaled my prong with a steely gaze as her hair flowed untamed around her shoulders.

"Look away girl!" Lord Garth cried, but to no avail and though I knew it not at once the maid was smitten.

"Uh, it's huge!" she said, "Poor Mummy!"

"Hannah!" Lady Garth cried, "Look away, normal men are not so well endowed, so fear not."

"Earl Marchington?" Hannah asked.

"How should I know, probably not," Lady Garth blushed, "My Hannah is betrothed to Earl Marchington."

"What old Freddie!" I asked.

"No the old duffer," Hannah admitted, "Freddie's daddy," she continued, "He is rich, we are not."

"Your daughter is most forward sir," I suggested as I tried to cover my prong even as the throng pushed into my room as more joined to investigate the commotion.

"I'd be wed by now if only Molly would get herself betrothed," Hannah argued.

"Oh I see!" the fog cleared, slowly, "And I have the only prong long enough to penetrate the voluptuous mounds of flesh that protect Molly's ah, honour?"

"Yes in a nut shell." Lord Garth suggested.

"Just get out all of you!" I demanded.

"Then I demand one hundred guineas of I shall report that you abused me carnally in the night!" Lady Garth said triumphantly.

"Did I?" I queried, "How?"

"Oh what a question!" she snorted.

"Indeed," Lord Garth confessed, "There are an hundred and more that will attest to waking up with my lady Garth."

"Silence you imbecile," Lady Gath replied, "You make me sound like a harlot!"

I looked around, there were seven crowded into the tiny room, the box bed and ward robe encroached further and there was still no sign of my breeches, nor undergarments.

"And where exactly do you suppose we conjoined?" I asked. "On the floor?" I spread my arms wide indicating there was an insufficiency of space, "Or in the box bed?" I enquired.

"On the bed of course!" the mother insisted.

"And where should your spread legs go?" I asked.

"Oh, indeed," Lord Garth agreed, "The sides of the box bed would impinge most painfully."

"With Mummy on top then," Hannah declared.

"Really," I enquired and I lay back on the bed and showed just how tightly the sides fitted me, "And where would her knees go.?"

There was a rustle of linen, a white angel appeared and leapt upon the bed like a playful gun dog, "Like so!" Hannah insisted, and she planted a knee each side of my hip bones.

"Your mother is neither lithe nor agile as you!" I declared.

"But it is possible," Hannah insisted.

"Hannah get down this instant!" Lady Garth cried, "You are betrothed!"

But it was all too late for she began to sink down, as as she did she pulled her shift and mine so that no one saw my prong slide up the front of her belly and all believed I had pronged her.

"Hannah!" Lady Garth cried, "Get off him this instant

"Stupid girl!" Lord Garth added.

"She must have a void like a cow if she could take that without a whimper," the maid observed.

"Indeed," I agreed, "Had I impaled her the whole world would have heard."

"I stifled my scream," Hannah suggested as she bounced ineffectually upon my loins.

"You couldn't possibly," I said, "I won best prong three terms running at school!"

"Yes I could!" she insisted.

"Liar!" I replied.

"Yes I could!" she challenged again, and in one ill advised movement I raised her up and as she fell I guided my prong towards her maidenhead, it parted with a scream that sent crows scattering a mile hence, "Aggghhhhhh!" she cried, "Desist I beg of you or I shall never walk again!"

"The pain will pass soon enough," I suggested.

"I cannot bear it," she said and the tears flowed.

"Just stay still," I suggested as I sobered very quickly, "Perhaps your honour is intact?" I asked hopefully.

"With half your prong inside her I think not!" Lady Garth insisted.

"Half!" Hannah cried and as she stilled she found herself sinking agonisingly ever further onto my prong, providing me with such exquisite pleasure that I could contain myself no further and I lay back eyes closed to enjoy the moment of expulsion.

"Oh no, don't you dare!" Lady Garth exclaimed but suddenly my loins were pumping and a quart and more of my stickiness surged forth within poor Hannah.

"Ohhhh," she gasped, "Mummy!"

"He's claimed you you idiot!" Lady Garth cried, "Come away, quickly, you saw nothing nothing do you hear!" she insisted.

"Oh," Hannah exclaimed when the door finally shut.

"Oh indeed," I agreed.

"I am," Hannah said quietly, "Undone,"

"No matter," I suggested, "Get old Marchington drunk and he'll never be any the wiser."

"Was that only three parts in?" she asked.

"Indeed," I agreed, "But climb off before I stiffen again."

"Perhaps," she said, "I don't want to, for when shall I ever experience a prize winning prong again?"

"You Minx!" I cried, "You Jezebel," but my prong was resurgent and speared upward into her well lubricated innards with the greatest of ease.

"Ohhh," she gasped at the renewed intrusion, "It's immense!"

"Is it too much?" I asked.

"Perhaps?" she said, "Perhaps not."

"It's not all the way in," I explained

"Really!" she queried, "It feels like it is, and more!"

"No, it's, the family curse," I explained, "Few women can take the whole of a Pinkerton prong, those that can are whores," I added, "I am cursed never to find the perfect woman who can take my entire length."

"Then I am greatly relieved," she said and went to raise herself up but in doing so she slipped and slid down my prong even more, "Nooooo," she wailed but to no effect for she was so moist she slid right down to the very root of my prong, "Like that?" she asked.

"Oh gosh yes, oh Miss Garth, I am enraptured.

"I am impaled, I fear the pain will never subside," she protested.

"Bear it stoically for indeed it will pass and for myself," I admitted, "I am in complete ecstasy and in a moment I shall soothe your inner most parts."

"No you must not," she protested, but my cream was already boiling forth from my loins, "Please I pray," she continued, "No, oh lord no," and a great torrent gushed from me and I saw angels and the whole heavenly host clapping and cheering and Hannah's face had not the appearance of someone in pain, oh no far from it, she was as enraptured as I.

"I fear I shall never walk properly again," she observed, "You have ruined me utterly," she protested, "No man shall want me now."

"And you have shown even a slender woman might take my length and girth and bring me to the heights of ecstasy," I explained, "Will you be my whore?"

"Yes!" she agreed, as finally she climbed free of me, "When I marry the duke I shall visit you regularly."

"Every night?" I asked.

"Oh no, I must spend the nights with my husband," she declared, as she tried to stem the flood of my seed busily escaping her.

"In that case marry me!" I challenged.

"I thank you for the kind offer but," she paused, "I cannot think of a single reason to refuse, except we do not know one another or like one another or."

"But we do fornicate amiably enough," I interjected.

"And you will live a life of sobriety?" she asked.

"No, absolutely not!" I protested.

"And stop chasing whores?" she suggested.

"Only when you are indisposed," I agreed.

"And will love me?" she asked.

"I can try," I agreed.

"And you will lie and say I am beautiful," she asked.

I looked at her, "There is no need for me to lie, you are beautiful," I told her.

"Then so be it!" she agreed, "I don't want to marry a duke anyway, he smells." she confided and after a suitable period she slipped from my room.

I found my clothes at length and dressed as smartly as yesterdays attire would allow and ventured forth, my friends had already been apprised of my betrothal by my intended Miss Hannah and I sat down to my meal to answer their taunts.

"Pinkerton, what meal is this, a late break-fast or an early lunch?" some wag asked,

"I call it Brunch," I said, "And later I shall take High Teadinner."

"Don't be an idiot!" Bobby Fawkes chided, "Brunch, what a ridiculous notion, but why Pinkers?" he asked.

"She took me ball deep," I said, "Imagine, such a waife like countenance yet within there is a cleft of eight inches and more!"

"Oh?" Algy enquired, "And your means of discovery?"

"I pronged her of course!" I declared.

"Oh?" Bobby declared, "Dash it that's a tad unsporting what with the duke having his heart set."

"Ah well," I said, "When it comes to estates they will always be trumped by the prong."

"Easy for you to say Pinkers," Sam Verney chipped in, "But what about those of us with human size prongs not the bollocks of a prize bull."

"Well that's hardly my problem is it?" I informed them and I tucked into my brunch while wondering if shepherds pie, fried eggs, bacon and tomato was an entirely wise choice for my meal.

The noon came and with it my departure from the Southam Courtenay and its environs and for my return home, the more enobled having stayed with the Misses Fotheringay at Sutton Courtenay Court or the lodging house in the grounds and it was from there that a very angry Earl Marchington descended to rebuke me.

"Pinkerton, where is Pinkerton," he demanded his piggy little eyes bulging through immensely thick eyeglasses framed in the thickest frames I ever regaled as he bent his head up to comensate for his arched back and stumpy thick legs and a belly witness to seventy years and more of drinking and eating to excess.

"Here sir!" Algy announced even as I tried to slip away the back way.

"Pinkerton you cad!" he cried, "Come forth that I might have satisfaction!"

"Sir?" I said as I had to return to the dining room to face him.

"You abused my betrothed!" he accused, "I demand satisfaction!"

"Bessie the landlords daughter is very accommodating," Bobby Fawkes suggested.

"Satisfaction sir!" he said, "A duel!"

"Indeed?" I enquired, "Why?"

"You ravished my wench!" he insisted, "Choose your weapon!"

"Prongs at dawn!" Algy suggested.

"You insult me sir," the Earl railed. "I did not come here to be treated with insults!"

"Oh, so precisely where do you go?" Algy enquired.

"Prongs it is then sir," I said, "We shall select two whores as like as alike as we may and the one that cries out loudest is the winner."

"I meant the longest," Algy muttered.

"You sir are depraved," the Earl muttered, "Is the Landlord's daughter abroad?" he asked, "For do you know I feel stirrings."

"Indeed," I agreed, "Though she is as ugly as a pig with a fragrance to match,"

"Ah, then this is she!" he agreed as he espied a well padded young woman waddling towards us, "Might I trouble you for a dalliance?" he asked his addled brain mistaking the woman for the Landlord's daughter.

" A dalliance?" she demanded, "A dalliance!" for far from the Landlord's daughter it was indeed Molly Garth, Hannah's sister that had come to see me.

"You mock me!" the Earl demanded, "You think I am incapable!"
I nearly burst my sides with the efforts of stifling my laughter

"No sir, no but a dalliance?" she said.

"Dalliance, pronging, fornication, call it what you will," he demanded, "I have stirrings and I demand satisfaction!"

"Damn it girl, my Lord Earl Marchington has needs," I insisted, as I almost shook with laughter, "Disrobe now I say!"
"Earl?" she queried, "Earl Marchington!"

"Indeed, quickly girl," he declared, "I have stirrings!"

Fat ugly and slow moving as she was Molly was not entirely stupid, "Oh then let me console you," she lisped, and looked to me for assistance.

"Disrobe, use my room, no the dining table might suffice." I suggested.

"No!" Molly protested, "I cannot!"

"Lend a hand Pinkerton, before the desire fades!" the Earl cried, and before I could react both Algy and Bobby had stepped forward and after a seconds thought so Sam came forward and they gently eased Molly towards the dining table, "Disrobe her man!" the Earl cried.

"For pities sake!" Molly cried as I watched, "Unhand me!" she cried again but to my shame I just stood aside and watched as Molly was pulled towards the table and then reversed against it and rolled on her back and it was the work of a moment to pull her skirts and underskirts up and so reveal her bloated belly and the mass of fur hiding her slot.

The Earl was now scrabbling at his boot laces, his breeches around his ankles and his prong revealed, some four or five inches in length yet improbably fat like his belly.

I looked at his prong and her belly and back again, it would never do, "On the edge of the table!" I ordered, seeing that the Earl's prong and table stood at the same height or thereabouts and at my bidding so the mating began, a complicated affair, with Algy holding Molly's shoulders and Sam and Bobby holding her legs asplayed as the Earl approached with his prong rampant and slid it neatly within the furs of her slot.

"Oh!" Molly gasped as the Earl claimed her.

"Like it do you wench?" The Earl asked.

Poor Molly, she knew not what to reply so she held her tongue while the Earl amused himself for a few moments until his eyes rolled signifying his moment of release and at that very moment Molly's mother stepped into the room.

"Molly!" the mother cried.

"I say!" the Earl cried, "You might knock!"

"Un hand my daughter!" she cried.

"This is not your daughter this is the Landlord's maid," the Earl cried, "Can you not see she is fat as an ox and ugly as a wild boar?"

"That sir is Molly my older daughter," Lady Garth insisted, "Now pull your breeches up sir lest the goose bumps on your backside frightens the horses."

"Are you sure?" he asked, "Your daughter you say?" he asked.

"Yes!" Lady Garth insisted, "And you barbarians holding poor Molly down!"

"My eye she would be a great comfort of a frosty night," the Earl confessed, "Nice and plump and willing."

"You said she was ugly as a pig, my lord," I reminded him.

"It matters not when the candles are blown out." he agreed, "Look young Pinkerton, lets forget our duelling, you have the thin one and I'll take the plump one, are we agreed."

"Indeed sir a capital suggestion," I agreed.

"Do I have no say in this?" Molly asked.

"No, not if you are to be a Countess!" Lady Garth intoned, "We shall get the name changed on the marriage licence forthwith, is three weeks the next Saturday convenient for the wedding my lord."

"I believe so," the Earl agreed, "Damn it I shall make it so."

"But what about me!" Hannah protested.

"I shall marry you!" I reminded her.

"But you are a drunkard and a fornicator!" Hannah's mother protested.

"Agreed, but I do have my faults," I admitted.

"And when shall you marry me?" Hannah asked.

"This very moment if you wish," I suggested

"Before the lord!" she insisted.

"Ah," Lord Garth suddenly announced, "Have a double celebration, save me a fortune don't you know.

"Yes!" Lady Garth agreed, wistfully, "You always were a cheap skate why not tell the world!"

"And where shall we live?" Hannah asked.

"Oh lord knows," I replied, "London, or Barsetshire or Scotland, follow the season," I explained.

"But we must settle down, buy a house!" Hannah insisted, "An Estate perhaps!"

"Buy another house!" I protested, "Damn it I have four already, Id' rather sell one than buy another!"

"Four houses?" she said in amazement.

"Big ones, hundreds of peasants hovels of course." I admitted, "I leave all that to my man!"

"Yes well," Lady Garth interjected, "We well know how prone to exaggeration Lord Pinkerton is."

"Me, exaggerate," I protested, "On the contrary Madam, I habitually down play my endowment so as not to frighten the fillies."

"I don't mean your prong!" Lady Garth explained, "I mean your wealth."

"If Hannah loves me then material things will not matter." I insisted, "For where else will she find such a fulfilling prong?"

"Is that right Mother?" Hannah queried.

"How should I know?" the mother asked in embarrassment.

"Why there is hardly a servant that you have not at some time serviced," Lord Grath reminded her, "Indeed Hannah has the look of Colonel Templeman about her do you not think?"

"No!" Lady Garth protested, "She does not!"

"Well she looks very fine in any case," I explained, "So if you will excuse us I shall remind my beloved of the advantages of marrying me!" and I snatched her up and whisked her away to my room and pronged her anew, though it must be admitted that when faced with that awkward box bed and cramped room it proved most efficatious when she sat on the very edge of the bed and then as I stood and pronged her so I lifted her clear from the floor forcing my manhood so deep into her that she squealed and wailed in ecstasy even as she wrapped her legs around me and I walked around the bedroom supporting her solely with my prong and there I found heaven.


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Betts slid down my body and licked then sucked on my cock until it got hard. Erica was on the other side of me and she was just a bit slower than our mate. Betts climbed back to me and gave me a kiss before throwing her leg over me and slowly working my erection into her. When she was seated well, she relaxed as Erica squatted over my face. Her long clit that mimicked a cock stuck out proudly. In the old days she would have been called a hermaphrodite or a transsexual. Now she was an intersex...

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First LoveChapter 22

They were talking on the phone one night, and he mentioned that he was going away for a week, with his dad. "What for?" "Oh, just to go see some family and stuff. He said I could go, and maybe look at some schools around there." "Oh, I'm gonna miss you!" "Yeah, I'll miss you too." "When are you going?" "Um... Like, the 12th to the 18th I think. I'll have to check on it." "Wow, you get to miss school. Hey that's the week Danny comes down. You're gonna miss him!" "Oh...

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Lisa Ryan Naked in SchoolChapter 3

I kept playing back what Lisa had said in the hallway. And the only Brazilian I could come up with was that smoke on the track team. He musta done something. And I wasn't going to put up with that shit, because: (1) he was black and she wasn't (2) and he was a damn wetback and (c ) that little pussy was mine before he could even get a whiff of it. He was going to be at the track, I'll bet, doing his damn training. I'll give him training. I was getting pissed as I walked back there. And...

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Bloody ShirtChapter 2

"I'm less than a hundred fifty miles from home. Why do I feel like I'm a million miles?" The sergeant said, "I don't know sir." "What's your name sergeant?" "Sergeant John Warren, Stonewall Brigade, from Blacksburg, sir." I smiled, "You mean, Sergeant John Warren, First Infantry, Assigned to Military District of Winchester. You don't have the uniform for cavalry." "Yes sir." "Jack Gannon, First Cavalry. Lancaster, Pennsylvania." "Yes sir." "I think you should...

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Dior Escorts

DiorEscorts sounds like it’s got to be full of some really high-class sluts, but what’s really in a name? I mean, sure, they can borrow a name from a prominent, expensive, luxury fashion designer, but I’m not sure just anyone can turn it instantly into their own brand of magic. Gianna Dior certainly made it work for her, but how many unknowns have languished in obscurity despite tacking on a famous name. (By the way, if you haven’t seen me banging Gianna over at PornDudeCasting, you’re missing...

Escort Sites
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Anni Enaku Manaivi Aagiya Kama Kathai

Vanakam nanbargale, indru kama kathaiyil puthithaaga thirumanam aagi vantha anniyai sex seitha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Vasanth, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru annan irukiraan avan peyar vimal vayathu 28 aagugirathu, naan padithu mudithu ippozhuthu veetil thaan thinamum kai adithukondu irukiren. Enaku kama padangal kathaigal padika aasaiyaaga irukum, vayathirku vantha naal muthal kai adithathal en sunni intha vayathile 7” perithaaga viraithu irukum. Naan pant potal sunni...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 4

Mrs. Crane's Fountain of Youth Part Four: Horny Naked Chef Shirley had planned to put in some work in her garden at the weekend, and she had stopped over at the mall to pick up a few things for the job. As she drove back to her place her cell phone rang. From the assigned tone she knew it was Jamal. She felt a sliver of wet heat rise in her loins as she clicked on her hands free button to take the call. “Oh sweetie that’s great news, I’ll see you at 6p.m. then,” she said at the end of...

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Compound X131Chapter 21 The plan

Greta sat down with Blakey to plan out the campaign. "I think we should go in with everyone involved in this on board, including the ones currently sitting in our cells. It's the only way to get to the bottom of it, there are just too many stories here" Greta proposed. Blakey's brow furrowed, then lightened " I agree, get them all together and sort it out, in the end there has to be a simple answer to all of this" she continued "Lets just be a little cautious though, I'll leave a...

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Iss Pe Story Phadne Ke Bhabhi Ne Mail Karkar Seduce Kiya

Hellllo friends, bhabhi sexy hot girls divorce ladies and all my dearest female main. Vikas phr apni story leke aya hu jo mere saath last week hui or uske baad se hum daily sex kar rahe hai and thanks subko khas kur shilpa bhabhi ko jinhone mujhe mail karke contact kiya or shilpa bhabhi ke alawa bhi mujhe bahut main aye sune mere story koo instresting bataya asha karta hu ye bhi achi lage mere email id hai Any unsatisfied bhabhi girl divorce widow and girl who from delhi/ncr or any city near...

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The Wages of Courage

The Wages of Courage Joannebarbarella I came round the corner into the alley. I was looking for a place to spend the night, where I could be reasonably certain that I would be physically sheltered and safe from passing predators. This was my eighth night of sleeping rough and I was getting a crash course in the hazards involved. Although it was dark it was still pretty early in the evening and I was surprised to see a figure silhouetted against a distant street light raise its arm...

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Gratification Through SelfstimulationChapter 6

Leaving the lingerie store, Azelia is feeling pretty good about herself. But she doesn’t have a gift for Zelena. So she slips into the first store she comes to, a shoe store. Well, there should certainly be something in here that will make a good gift, just not one that benefits both of them. Or course, Azelia loves shoes as much as the next woman! The store is as big as the lingerie shop with a fully glass front, like most shops in the mall is. Azelia has been in the stores many times...

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Foster Daughter Returns

Carl was not a bad guy and Maggie was also a good wife to Carl. They had just drifted apart. Maggie was a very busy CPA and Carl was a civil engineer. They were both very conservative and somewhat boring people and they both needed a change, as they had gone through the normal process of dating and marriage and raising a child, but there was never a spark in the romance department. There was not any cheating with other people involved with their breakup. They were going to sell the house,...

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My workmate in the parking lot

I was 18 when I started working in the shop and got put on afternoons shortly after training. the guys on days were all older men, but many of the night shift guys were only a few years older than I. I remember one night a group of guys went out to the cars and most of them were going to bars, but since i wasn't old enough I wasn't. Sheldon was a nerdy kind of guy and said If you want a beer, I have a few in my cooler in the car. He said just don't tell anyone else.We walked to his car and I...

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BiCurious Part 3

Part 3:... After I was done sucking Ryan's cock for the first time I finished myself off as I made a mess all over myself and on the floor beneath me. We cleaned up before getting dressed again and as Ryan was bringing his pants up to his waist he said, "Not bad for a first timer... I thought you were amazing." I smiled at him as I put on my shirt and I came closer to him kissing him lightly, when suddenly we heard a noise coming from the front door. Ryan's mom had arrived home from book club...

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rich boys love 31

when we was out running it kinda turned into a race and it has to be said harvey won so when we got back to my house we both went upto my bed room to go have a shower. i got changed from my running clothes and got into the shower. harvey did the same thing but i didnt want to share a shower with him because i smelled and just wanted to have a nice hot shower by my self so when harvey got into the shower i said "we dont have a lack of water supply. you can shower on your own every once in a...

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“Why are you here?” he asked, walking around her. Her amber eyes followed him. “Use the proper words, and don’t be shy about it. There is no shame, and you shouldn’t be ashamed of your desires.” She took a deep breath, her ample cleavage straining against the simple black slip. Her nipples were hard already with anticipation. “Because I want to be fucked.” Her voice was dark and husky. “That’s my good, primal girl,” he affirmed. He slipped the straps of her slip over her pale shoulders, and...

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Im glad I came

Allow me to tell you something about myself.My name is Rohan and I'm a 17 year old Indian guy,from the cultural city of Pune in Mahrashtra,India.Phsically,I'm not very imposing,I'm just 5' 7'' in height and weigh 68 kg,or nearly 150 pounds.I've got a fair skin tone and I'm reasonably good looking.I don't have six pack abs or bulging biceps,though.I did exercise earlier,but only because I didn't want to have overly thin arms,but I stopped some months ago. My immediate family...

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Craig HillChapter 26

The family gathered for pre-dinner drinks. It was comfortable and relaxed. The dogs lay around them only disturbing things when a terrier needed to let off steam. "Don't you have a Summer Ball at Tidworth?" asked Elspeth out of the blue. "Yes," said Mark. "It's on August 14th." "Are you taking Victoria?" "Shit!" exclaimed Mark. "Oops! I'm sorry." Everyone smiled. "I'd totally forgotten. Oh Lord! What am I going to do now?" "Ring her this minute," said Serena. Mark...

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Parisian Surprise Part Three

This is the third part of Robert and Juliana’s “Parisian Surprise”, written in collaboration with Alphamagus. To best understand the story, we suggest that you read the preceding two parts before reading this one, but this story may be enjoyed on its own. Robert and Juliana have already had some sexual adventures on their flight and during their first day in Paris. They have agreed to take turns being dominant during their holiday, and, in this story, Juliana ups the ante to Robert’s delight. ...

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Rachel gets Camping supplies But

Woman going camping gets rope to secure her stuff, I have other ideas... Tied Hands Groped Pinched Shopping can be a surprise as you stroll the aisles selecting your items as well as sometimes helping someone when an employee is not available, the other day was no different but definitely happened in the right aisle with the right customer. When I load my tools I use a short piece of rope to keep the lawnmower from rolling forward by tieing the bar with a rope, after nearly a decade the...

1 year ago
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Daddys Girl

Even at the early age of 12 Angel had started developing a little faster than other girls her age. Some thought of her as the neighborhood Lolita. Her own father was no different every day he would watch her as her clothes hung onto the curves her body had been devleoping as his cock would harden and ache to be inside his little girl. Then one day as she came in the door she didn't give her daddy a hug like always she just ran to the bathroom. He followed Angel to see what was wrong, as he...

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getting big thick cock mostly arab orblack and hav

After I had sex with my Landlord he wanted to come by often.I told him to always leave a note in my mail box so I would not have anybody there when he came by..most of the American where still in Grafenwohr traning area so had a lot of time on are hnds I always went home early but then as a SGT.. I could do that..one day I went home early took a shower got dressed upand somebody knocked at my door,it was the girl from next door I invitedher in.. got her a coca cola and a beer for my self and we...

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Paradise Chapter 4

From the moment that Alex had arrived on the island, she had known that her father had a limited time left to live. The island, with all of its power, had chosen a new leader and the old would not be permitted to live. She knew this was necessary, as did the two other younger women with her. They had all three been handpicked by the elders to take their place when the elders passed on, for nothing truly lives forever. These elders had lived and thrived on this island for the last two millennia...

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Colin of House HaddenChapter 7

“Well that was easy,” announced Rosie, two hours after Colin had left the bridge for a shower. “What was?” asked Colin as he emerged, freshly showered and wearing a clean jumpsuit. “It appears that the slave ship AI has been through this before and has happily accepted you as the new owner,” said Rosie, her voice tinged with disgust at the other ship’s willingness to roll over. “So what have I just acquired?” asked Colin. “It was an Artist -class replenishment ship for the House Rutger’s...

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Prom Night Terror

 PROM NIGHT TERRORByYnyn Mary was very excited about prom night. She was going with her boyfriend Sean; the two had been going out for 2 years, since the start of junior year. And now, at the pinnacle event of their final year of high school, they were going to have their first night together. Mary had planned out this night for months, her mom was going to be out late with her friends from work and the house would be empty. She had told her mother that she was going to stay the night...

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Meri kali kaluti sali

She is 17, 5′ 2″, 34-28-36, dark but beautiful feature. The day i saw her after marriage, i could make out that she is hot. When i was at my wife place, she was also part of group and teasing me kee didi key sath kya kiya etc. She tole me jokingly in the group, jiju…aaj raat ko main aapkey room mein baithoongi aur dekhti hoon, aap mujhey kaisey bahar nikaltey ho. I have also good sense of humor, i told her….haan sali ji, tumhari didi tau abb hamari hi hai,,, yahan nahi tau ghar sahi, par sali...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 60 A Stanley Cup Playoff Game

April 5, 1991, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania “Hi Tara! Hi Marie! It’s good to see you again,” I said when Mario, Ned, and I arrived at the Pittsburgh Civic Arena, known affectionately as ‘The Igloo’. Tara gave me a quick hug, and I nodded to Marie. She and Mario kissed, and then Mario introduced the women to Ned. He produced five tickets, which we presented to the ticket-taker at the gate. We followed the signs to section W2, and an usher showed us to our seats in the second to last row, almost...

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Michelles New Boyfriend Ch 4 part 2

Saturday I was up bright and early, dressing in my best cowboy duds, boots, hat, shirt and so on. When I looked in the mirror, I thought I looked like a downright handsome cowboy! I hoped Trisha would approve. She did and yummy did she look beautiful when I picked her up! She reminded me of the song, "Baby's Got Her Blue Jeans On". I received a very friendly welcome kiss at her door. Mmm, she smelled nice too! I could envision guys drooling all around us later! I asked her if she’d been to the...

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Jans Return Part 1

One afternoon, while I was working away, I got a text from my friend back in the state I used to live in.  It was Jan, my Financial Planner, who I hadn't heard from in months.  She had also helped me with my finances and getting through my divorce.  When I saw her name appear on my phone, a smile grew on my face thinking of her.  I opened her text, and it read, "I hope that you're doing well.  I'm going to be in your area next week, dinner or drinks?...""Both."She replied, "I'm firming up my...

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Temptations Of the Flesh Part 4

Now that Sister Katherine and I had mated several times, Magdalene had informed me that her work here was done. Since I had now accepted and embraced physical pleasure as an important part of my life, She felt compelled to seek out others and leave me to explore the depths of my feelings. Last night, I received a phone call from the convent on the other side of the church. Apparently there were some plumbing issues and, since it was after hours, could I come over and snake out some pipes,...

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The Courier Ch 13

Chapter 13 — Criminal # 101025 Maria Elena spent the next several hours in Kim’s office, recovering from the first of 34 judicial switchings that were part of her formal sentence. Victor moved a chair close to the recovery table and took a seat to massage her hands and the uninjured parts of her body. Maria Elena did not move once she was settled on her stomach on the table. The pain searing into her was bearable as long as she stayed still, but any movement caused her welts to throb and...

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My lover in a Limo

Kimber is lying in bed asleep when she feels something wet and warm start licking her pussy. Not wanting to see who is it, she keeps her eyes closed moaning as the licking continues. She lightly squeezes her 36DDs as she gets close to cumming. A few minutes later she arches her head back and her back up as she cums. She opens her eyes to see her pleaser and she stares right into my eyes. “Morning neighbor!” I say so cheerfully as I am now sitting between her legs naked. “Oh Kelly, that was an...

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Maria teaches Ricky

“Cum all over my throat right now!” Maria walks into her brother’s room and yells, “RICKY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU’RE ONLY 11!” as she quickly grabs the plug to the T.V. and pulls it. “Come on Maria, all of my friends told me to watch this.” Says Ricky. “Maybe when you’re old enough, but right now, you’re not nearly old enough.” “Well, you watch these things, I know you do. I’ve seen you watch them” “When did you see me watch a porno?” “I saw you last week, I was walking by...

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Sounds From the Attic The seventh chapter

Everyone in the room was naked, and Erin just asked me a very important question. To me, it was the question that literally makes or breaks any relationship forever. I knew how I felt about her, but on the other hand, she hadn't given us any real details. What went on with Joe and her? They talked to each other for at least twenty minutes, so obviously they talked about something big. I needed to know, before I could possibly consider answering that important question. She began sparking a few...

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On the Beach

She wasn't the most beautiful woman at the beach. A blonde sitting about 30 feet to his left clearly deserved that accolade. If Helen had been blessed with features and cornflower blue eyes like the blonde's the Greeks would have launched two thousand ships to retrieve her from Troy. But her features were regular and pleasant to look at, and her expressions displayed a certain depth that was totally absent from the blonde's stunning face. Neither was she the youngest woman stretched on the...

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The Missing Y ChromosomeChapter 1

I was headed toward Key West when IT happened! This was my first trip to Florida for Spring Break, and I was looking forward to all that implied. I was tooling it out as fast as my old Harley could push, and I was having a ball. I had already left one cop car in my dust, and I was not even thinking about the possibilities of a road block ahead. Uh-oh, there it was. A couple of Highway Patrol cars had blocked the two-lane highway, and they were standing there just waiting for me to arrive....

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The WaifsChapter 6

Sean hated this. He looked at the ring on his finger. It was silver, the image of a dove engraved into the top. A dove of peace ... the symbol of The Guard. Military life, even more than life in general, is full of irony and related unintended humor. Their official title was "Homeland Peace Guard", and whatever the original intent of their creation, their dove was now a symbol of hate and inhumanity throughout the system. Naturally, never having seen a real dove, for all Sean knew they...

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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 19

"Mother, please." Janet Woodrow spun around, her wavy black hair spilling over one shoulder. She brushed a few errant strands out of her eyes with a swipe of her hand. "I said no, Diane, and that's final." Her voice was more tired than angry. She was at a loss as to her daughter's recent streak of recalcitrance. She liked to think that she had a better relationship with her daughter than most parents had with their teens. Now Diane had become a stranger to her. Janet let her stern...

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Who Says Marriage Is Dull

Chapter 1 My wife of five years, Rachel, never ceases to amaze me. Just when I think that things are becoming mundane, BAM, she kicks it up a notch. Lately, it's been several notches at once. It wasn't too long ago that she found my stash of porn. There were loads (and when I say loads, I mean LOADS) of movies, stories, pictures and the like. Needless to say, she wasn't too happy about it. Most women probably wouldn't be. She took it rather personally. I was embarrassed. Even though most men...

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lucky guy part 4

next morning.i tried to carry on decorating as normal but found myself fantasing about ray and i dont do much work to be honest.so i decided id go for a walk with the dog to clear my head.i shouted to ray i wass going out but got no responce.i had got no further than the end of the road and it started to rain,damn.so i head back to the house.i fed the dog and headed back up the stairs,as i walked almost to the top of the stairs raynors door opened and she was bloody topless!she had a towel...

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Coming Down Off My Hillside

I married Paul’s and Ann’s eldest daughter Linda. Linda is so open, loving and playful, I often wondered what her adult examples were like. Paul and I became friends as the years rolled by. Over too much beer, he told me how he and Ann first got together. The story seemed incomplete. Over many years, I pieced together why he had a darkness about him, what bonded them closer than any couple I know and why the son they had together is pursued by every girl at his school. —————- What Paul told...

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Belindas Tale Ch 05

On Friday, exactly six weeks after the threesome with Troy and Julia, Belinda received a job offer from Inter-Pacific Media, a rival to Robson. They were offering a better salary and more benefits than she had been on. The clouds had truly begun to lift on her life and she felt more positive about herself than she had in a month. A gushing phone call to Julia was met with excited enthusiasm and an agreement to meet for dinner, and a warning that it would be a big night because Troy was out of...

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Lightning doesnt strike twice

They say lightning doesn’t strike twice, but I can honestly say, “sometimes it does.” It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. My wife Kara and I had just finished lunch. I was going to hit the gym and then take care of a few errands that needed to be done. Kara, knowing that I tend to lose track of time when I’m out of the house, had invited her friend Michelle over to hang out and have a drink. Michelle is a thin brunette with long hair and blue-green eyes. She’s a very natural looking girl, I...

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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 The Sisterhood

Promptly at sunrise I arrived at the East Gate of Naples old city. From the back of my hired horse I scanned the cluster of mules and men milling around the gate, and one man did indeed stand out from the crowd. As Shadrach had said the man looked less intelligent than the mule he was holding, but it was not just his apparent lack of intelligence that drew my eye to him but also his lack of stature. Although his torso appeared to be of normal size his legs were unnaturally short. His head...

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