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"Ah Lord Pinkerton?" an emboldened mature lady around my mother's age accosted me as I lounged amiably enough with my cronies at the Misses Fotheringay's ball at Southam Courtenay, "Have you met my daughter Molly?"

I looked past the matron and there through the fug of intoxication I believed I beheld an angel, a great vision in gleaming virginal white, and at second glance an improbably plump one, "No, I haven't had the pleasure," I agreed uncertainly for the sweet Mull-berry wine had had its effect on me.

"I should hope not!" Algy declared, "For she may have two legs, two arms, two bosoms and two eyes, though remarkably dis similar, but two chins Johnno, well you must draw a line somewhere!"

"Ah," I agreed with a contented burp, "Indeed."

Poor Molly turned and fled as fast as her considerable bulk would allow.

"You sir are an abomination!" the mother averred.

"Fattening her up for Christmas," Bobby Fawkes chipped in, "I like a plump bird at Christmas!"

"I'd like to sit down," I suggested as I regretted mixing French and English wines so early in the evening.

"You slight me sir!" the matron avowed.

"Tell me," I asked, "You have but one chin, a thin weasel like face, a narrow waist, thin spindly legs beneath that gown I'll wager, so how did you bear a baby elephant for a daughter?" It was said by way of an honest search for the truth.

"I shall not remain to be insulted!" the matron replied.

"Oh, shall you go elsewhere?" Bobby enquired.

"Oh it was no insult Madam," Algy insisted, "No Johnno seeks to bed you."

She half smiled, "Indeed, then I shall inform my husband, Lord Garth."

"That great oaf," Samuel Verney added, "I should quake in my boots if it were me."

"Madam," I added, "I have no great desire to make love to you," I insisted, "Though I should certainly prefer you in my bed to that great ox of a daughter, for she would surely break the bed frame!" It seemed funny at the time, you understand but the next thing Algy had to step forward to stop the matron striking me.

I can not recall much of the evening after that, but in the fullness of time I awoke in a bed in the Red Lion Inn in Southam Whiston with the sun high in the noon day sky and the pipe and drum band of the Caithsby Militia playing inside my skill.

"Oh my head," I croaked.

"So you are not dead?" an unfriendly female voice boomed around inside my skull.

"No madam." I agreed, "Though if I spent the night with you I wish I were."

"Indeed," she boomed,

"Can you please keep the noise down." I asked, "My head is bursting!"

"You insulted my daughter Molly," she insisted.

"Oh god, Mrs Garth," I groaned.

"Lady Garth," she corrected me, "What do you intend to do about it?" she demanded.

"Absolutely nothing madam, for she is fat as a pig," I explained, "I own I'd rather kiss a pig than Molly, on account of the lesser number of chins they display."

"Very well then," she said and began to shout, "Unhand me you drunken oaf," and with theatrical flair she tore at her bodice and through its fine quaity and exquisite needle work she dislodged but one solitary button where she sought to expose her bosoms to plain view.

"Lord Pinkerton I am a married woman!" she protested and right on cue my door opened and there were Molly and the Inn keeper's maid as witness and Lord Garth himself, a frail creature of apparently octogenarian vintage though in truth he was but sixty such it was said was the voracity of Lady Garth's night time demands that he had aged twenty years in the first six months of marriage.

"Hold hard young Pinkerton, why are you dallying with the mem sahib?" he asked.

"No idea sir," I explained, "Your daughter is fat as a pig sir," I said inelegantly, "Lady Garth came to remonstrate.

"Carry on then," he said from the doorway.

"Daddy Lord Pinkerton has shown entire disrespect for myself and our family," Molly cried.

"But you are as fat as a pig dearest," Lord Garth admitted and nodding towards his wife he continued, "And watch that one for she'll eat you alive sir," he added as an after thought.

"But my honour, challenge him Oswald," Lady Garth insisted.

"Challenge, why he would win hands down," Lord Garth averred, "No you challenge him if you see fit, I am taking a walk around the park, good day."

Lady Garth stared in disbelief, "He," she started to say.

"Is a very wise man, Lady Garth," I added, "May I wish you good day?"

"No indeed you may not!" Lady Garth insisted, "Not until this matter is settled."

I groaned, my head was far from cleared yet, "Then allow me some privacy that I may dress,"
I asked reasonably enough.

"No, I shall remain," Lady Garth insisted.

"Then so be it," I suggested and I pulled my night shirt clean over my head to stand naked, sadly unaware that my cronies had writ "Pinkertons Prong a shilling an hour," across my belly in lamp black in the depths of the night.

"Oh!" Lady Garth cried in surprise, "Its huge!"

"Oh, its huge!" cried Molly in alarm,

"Oohh, its huge," the maid said admiringly as sensing the scent of a woman my prong raised himself to his full eight inches and more of extension.

"Put it away sir you will frighten the horses," Lord Garth said as he returned to seek the cause of the commotion, "Or else do someone an injury."

"Ooohh yes what an injury," the maid simpered.

"Damn it where's me breeches," I cursed as my night shirt descended to drape itself around the root of my prong leaving him straining still.

"Marigold, stop staring," Lord Garth councelled, "Wife come away!" he repeated.

"Mummy did he do it?" a fresh voice asked.

I looked an another maid had appeared, dressed in a simple white shift, her face like the mother perhaps yet twenty years her junior, blue eyed and blonde of hair, svelte where the sister was porcine, well proportioned where the sister was porcine, fair of face where the sister was distinctly porcine, and she regaled my prong with a steely gaze as her hair flowed untamed around her shoulders.

"Look away girl!" Lord Garth cried, but to no avail and though I knew it not at once the maid was smitten.

"Uh, it's huge!" she said, "Poor Mummy!"

"Hannah!" Lady Garth cried, "Look away, normal men are not so well endowed, so fear not."

"Earl Marchington?" Hannah asked.

"How should I know, probably not," Lady Garth blushed, "My Hannah is betrothed to Earl Marchington."

"What old Freddie!" I asked.

"No the old duffer," Hannah admitted, "Freddie's daddy," she continued, "He is rich, we are not."

"Your daughter is most forward sir," I suggested as I tried to cover my prong even as the throng pushed into my room as more joined to investigate the commotion.

"I'd be wed by now if only Molly would get herself betrothed," Hannah argued.

"Oh I see!" the fog cleared, slowly, "And I have the only prong long enough to penetrate the voluptuous mounds of flesh that protect Molly's ah, honour?"

"Yes in a nut shell." Lord Garth suggested.

"Just get out all of you!" I demanded.

"Then I demand one hundred guineas of I shall report that you abused me carnally in the night!" Lady Garth said triumphantly.

"Did I?" I queried, "How?"

"Oh what a question!" she snorted.

"Indeed," Lord Garth confessed, "There are an hundred and more that will attest to waking up with my lady Garth."

"Silence you imbecile," Lady Gath replied, "You make me sound like a harlot!"

I looked around, there were seven crowded into the tiny room, the box bed and ward robe encroached further and there was still no sign of my breeches, nor undergarments.

"And where exactly do you suppose we conjoined?" I asked. "On the floor?" I spread my arms wide indicating there was an insufficiency of space, "Or in the box bed?" I enquired.

"On the bed of course!" the mother insisted.

"And where should your spread legs go?" I asked.

"Oh, indeed," Lord Garth agreed, "The sides of the box bed would impinge most painfully."

"With Mummy on top then," Hannah declared.

"Really," I enquired and I lay back on the bed and showed just how tightly the sides fitted me, "And where would her knees go.?"

There was a rustle of linen, a white angel appeared and leapt upon the bed like a playful gun dog, "Like so!" Hannah insisted, and she planted a knee each side of my hip bones.

"Your mother is neither lithe nor agile as you!" I declared.

"But it is possible," Hannah insisted.

"Hannah get down this instant!" Lady Garth cried, "You are betrothed!"

But it was all too late for she began to sink down, as as she did she pulled her shift and mine so that no one saw my prong slide up the front of her belly and all believed I had pronged her.

"Hannah!" Lady Garth cried, "Get off him this instant

"Stupid girl!" Lord Garth added.

"She must have a void like a cow if she could take that without a whimper," the maid observed.

"Indeed," I agreed, "Had I impaled her the whole world would have heard."

"I stifled my scream," Hannah suggested as she bounced ineffectually upon my loins.

"You couldn't possibly," I said, "I won best prong three terms running at school!"

"Yes I could!" she insisted.

"Liar!" I replied.

"Yes I could!" she challenged again, and in one ill advised movement I raised her up and as she fell I guided my prong towards her maidenhead, it parted with a scream that sent crows scattering a mile hence, "Aggghhhhhh!" she cried, "Desist I beg of you or I shall never walk again!"

"The pain will pass soon enough," I suggested.

"I cannot bear it," she said and the tears flowed.

"Just stay still," I suggested as I sobered very quickly, "Perhaps your honour is intact?" I asked hopefully.

"With half your prong inside her I think not!" Lady Garth insisted.

"Half!" Hannah cried and as she stilled she found herself sinking agonisingly ever further onto my prong, providing me with such exquisite pleasure that I could contain myself no further and I lay back eyes closed to enjoy the moment of expulsion.

"Oh no, don't you dare!" Lady Garth exclaimed but suddenly my loins were pumping and a quart and more of my stickiness surged forth within poor Hannah.

"Ohhhh," she gasped, "Mummy!"

"He's claimed you you idiot!" Lady Garth cried, "Come away, quickly, you saw nothing nothing do you hear!" she insisted.

"Oh," Hannah exclaimed when the door finally shut.

"Oh indeed," I agreed.

"I am," Hannah said quietly, "Undone,"

"No matter," I suggested, "Get old Marchington drunk and he'll never be any the wiser."

"Was that only three parts in?" she asked.

"Indeed," I agreed, "But climb off before I stiffen again."

"Perhaps," she said, "I don't want to, for when shall I ever experience a prize winning prong again?"

"You Minx!" I cried, "You Jezebel," but my prong was resurgent and speared upward into her well lubricated innards with the greatest of ease.

"Ohhh," she gasped at the renewed intrusion, "It's immense!"

"Is it too much?" I asked.

"Perhaps?" she said, "Perhaps not."

"It's not all the way in," I explained

"Really!" she queried, "It feels like it is, and more!"

"No, it's, the family curse," I explained, "Few women can take the whole of a Pinkerton prong, those that can are whores," I added, "I am cursed never to find the perfect woman who can take my entire length."

"Then I am greatly relieved," she said and went to raise herself up but in doing so she slipped and slid down my prong even more, "Nooooo," she wailed but to no effect for she was so moist she slid right down to the very root of my prong, "Like that?" she asked.

"Oh gosh yes, oh Miss Garth, I am enraptured.

"I am impaled, I fear the pain will never subside," she protested.

"Bear it stoically for indeed it will pass and for myself," I admitted, "I am in complete ecstasy and in a moment I shall soothe your inner most parts."

"No you must not," she protested, but my cream was already boiling forth from my loins, "Please I pray," she continued, "No, oh lord no," and a great torrent gushed from me and I saw angels and the whole heavenly host clapping and cheering and Hannah's face had not the appearance of someone in pain, oh no far from it, she was as enraptured as I.

"I fear I shall never walk properly again," she observed, "You have ruined me utterly," she protested, "No man shall want me now."

"And you have shown even a slender woman might take my length and girth and bring me to the heights of ecstasy," I explained, "Will you be my whore?"

"Yes!" she agreed, as finally she climbed free of me, "When I marry the duke I shall visit you regularly."

"Every night?" I asked.

"Oh no, I must spend the nights with my husband," she declared, as she tried to stem the flood of my seed busily escaping her.

"In that case marry me!" I challenged.

"I thank you for the kind offer but," she paused, "I cannot think of a single reason to refuse, except we do not know one another or like one another or."

"But we do fornicate amiably enough," I interjected.

"And you will live a life of sobriety?" she asked.

"No, absolutely not!" I protested.

"And stop chasing whores?" she suggested.

"Only when you are indisposed," I agreed.

"And will love me?" she asked.

"I can try," I agreed.

"And you will lie and say I am beautiful," she asked.

I looked at her, "There is no need for me to lie, you are beautiful," I told her.

"Then so be it!" she agreed, "I don't want to marry a duke anyway, he smells." she confided and after a suitable period she slipped from my room.

I found my clothes at length and dressed as smartly as yesterdays attire would allow and ventured forth, my friends had already been apprised of my betrothal by my intended Miss Hannah and I sat down to my meal to answer their taunts.

"Pinkerton, what meal is this, a late break-fast or an early lunch?" some wag asked,

"I call it Brunch," I said, "And later I shall take High Teadinner."

"Don't be an idiot!" Bobby Fawkes chided, "Brunch, what a ridiculous notion, but why Pinkers?" he asked.

"She took me ball deep," I said, "Imagine, such a waife like countenance yet within there is a cleft of eight inches and more!"

"Oh?" Algy enquired, "And your means of discovery?"

"I pronged her of course!" I declared.

"Oh?" Bobby declared, "Dash it that's a tad unsporting what with the duke having his heart set."

"Ah well," I said, "When it comes to estates they will always be trumped by the prong."

"Easy for you to say Pinkers," Sam Verney chipped in, "But what about those of us with human size prongs not the bollocks of a prize bull."

"Well that's hardly my problem is it?" I informed them and I tucked into my brunch while wondering if shepherds pie, fried eggs, bacon and tomato was an entirely wise choice for my meal.

The noon came and with it my departure from the Southam Courtenay and its environs and for my return home, the more enobled having stayed with the Misses Fotheringay at Sutton Courtenay Court or the lodging house in the grounds and it was from there that a very angry Earl Marchington descended to rebuke me.

"Pinkerton, where is Pinkerton," he demanded his piggy little eyes bulging through immensely thick eyeglasses framed in the thickest frames I ever regaled as he bent his head up to comensate for his arched back and stumpy thick legs and a belly witness to seventy years and more of drinking and eating to excess.

"Here sir!" Algy announced even as I tried to slip away the back way.

"Pinkerton you cad!" he cried, "Come forth that I might have satisfaction!"

"Sir?" I said as I had to return to the dining room to face him.

"You abused my betrothed!" he accused, "I demand satisfaction!"

"Bessie the landlords daughter is very accommodating," Bobby Fawkes suggested.

"Satisfaction sir!" he said, "A duel!"

"Indeed?" I enquired, "Why?"

"You ravished my wench!" he insisted, "Choose your weapon!"

"Prongs at dawn!" Algy suggested.

"You insult me sir," the Earl railed. "I did not come here to be treated with insults!"

"Oh, so precisely where do you go?" Algy enquired.

"Prongs it is then sir," I said, "We shall select two whores as like as alike as we may and the one that cries out loudest is the winner."

"I meant the longest," Algy muttered.

"You sir are depraved," the Earl muttered, "Is the Landlord's daughter abroad?" he asked, "For do you know I feel stirrings."

"Indeed," I agreed, "Though she is as ugly as a pig with a fragrance to match,"

"Ah, then this is she!" he agreed as he espied a well padded young woman waddling towards us, "Might I trouble you for a dalliance?" he asked his addled brain mistaking the woman for the Landlord's daughter.

" A dalliance?" she demanded, "A dalliance!" for far from the Landlord's daughter it was indeed Molly Garth, Hannah's sister that had come to see me.

"You mock me!" the Earl demanded, "You think I am incapable!"
I nearly burst my sides with the efforts of stifling my laughter

"No sir, no but a dalliance?" she said.

"Dalliance, pronging, fornication, call it what you will," he demanded, "I have stirrings and I demand satisfaction!"

"Damn it girl, my Lord Earl Marchington has needs," I insisted, as I almost shook with laughter, "Disrobe now I say!"
"Earl?" she queried, "Earl Marchington!"

"Indeed, quickly girl," he declared, "I have stirrings!"

Fat ugly and slow moving as she was Molly was not entirely stupid, "Oh then let me console you," she lisped, and looked to me for assistance.

"Disrobe, use my room, no the dining table might suffice." I suggested.

"No!" Molly protested, "I cannot!"

"Lend a hand Pinkerton, before the desire fades!" the Earl cried, and before I could react both Algy and Bobby had stepped forward and after a seconds thought so Sam came forward and they gently eased Molly towards the dining table, "Disrobe her man!" the Earl cried.

"For pities sake!" Molly cried as I watched, "Unhand me!" she cried again but to my shame I just stood aside and watched as Molly was pulled towards the table and then reversed against it and rolled on her back and it was the work of a moment to pull her skirts and underskirts up and so reveal her bloated belly and the mass of fur hiding her slot.

The Earl was now scrabbling at his boot laces, his breeches around his ankles and his prong revealed, some four or five inches in length yet improbably fat like his belly.

I looked at his prong and her belly and back again, it would never do, "On the edge of the table!" I ordered, seeing that the Earl's prong and table stood at the same height or thereabouts and at my bidding so the mating began, a complicated affair, with Algy holding Molly's shoulders and Sam and Bobby holding her legs asplayed as the Earl approached with his prong rampant and slid it neatly within the furs of her slot.

"Oh!" Molly gasped as the Earl claimed her.

"Like it do you wench?" The Earl asked.

Poor Molly, she knew not what to reply so she held her tongue while the Earl amused himself for a few moments until his eyes rolled signifying his moment of release and at that very moment Molly's mother stepped into the room.

"Molly!" the mother cried.

"I say!" the Earl cried, "You might knock!"

"Un hand my daughter!" she cried.

"This is not your daughter this is the Landlord's maid," the Earl cried, "Can you not see she is fat as an ox and ugly as a wild boar?"

"That sir is Molly my older daughter," Lady Garth insisted, "Now pull your breeches up sir lest the goose bumps on your backside frightens the horses."

"Are you sure?" he asked, "Your daughter you say?" he asked.

"Yes!" Lady Garth insisted, "And you barbarians holding poor Molly down!"

"My eye she would be a great comfort of a frosty night," the Earl confessed, "Nice and plump and willing."

"You said she was ugly as a pig, my lord," I reminded him.

"It matters not when the candles are blown out." he agreed, "Look young Pinkerton, lets forget our duelling, you have the thin one and I'll take the plump one, are we agreed."

"Indeed sir a capital suggestion," I agreed.

"Do I have no say in this?" Molly asked.

"No, not if you are to be a Countess!" Lady Garth intoned, "We shall get the name changed on the marriage licence forthwith, is three weeks the next Saturday convenient for the wedding my lord."

"I believe so," the Earl agreed, "Damn it I shall make it so."

"But what about me!" Hannah protested.

"I shall marry you!" I reminded her.

"But you are a drunkard and a fornicator!" Hannah's mother protested.

"Agreed, but I do have my faults," I admitted.

"And when shall you marry me?" Hannah asked.

"This very moment if you wish," I suggested

"Before the lord!" she insisted.

"Ah," Lord Garth suddenly announced, "Have a double celebration, save me a fortune don't you know.

"Yes!" Lady Garth agreed, wistfully, "You always were a cheap skate why not tell the world!"

"And where shall we live?" Hannah asked.

"Oh lord knows," I replied, "London, or Barsetshire or Scotland, follow the season," I explained.

"But we must settle down, buy a house!" Hannah insisted, "An Estate perhaps!"

"Buy another house!" I protested, "Damn it I have four already, Id' rather sell one than buy another!"

"Four houses?" she said in amazement.

"Big ones, hundreds of peasants hovels of course." I admitted, "I leave all that to my man!"

"Yes well," Lady Garth interjected, "We well know how prone to exaggeration Lord Pinkerton is."

"Me, exaggerate," I protested, "On the contrary Madam, I habitually down play my endowment so as not to frighten the fillies."

"I don't mean your prong!" Lady Garth explained, "I mean your wealth."

"If Hannah loves me then material things will not matter." I insisted, "For where else will she find such a fulfilling prong?"

"Is that right Mother?" Hannah queried.

"How should I know?" the mother asked in embarrassment.

"Why there is hardly a servant that you have not at some time serviced," Lord Grath reminded her, "Indeed Hannah has the look of Colonel Templeman about her do you not think?"

"No!" Lady Garth protested, "She does not!"

"Well she looks very fine in any case," I explained, "So if you will excuse us I shall remind my beloved of the advantages of marrying me!" and I snatched her up and whisked her away to my room and pronged her anew, though it must be admitted that when faced with that awkward box bed and cramped room it proved most efficatious when she sat on the very edge of the bed and then as I stood and pronged her so I lifted her clear from the floor forcing my manhood so deep into her that she squealed and wailed in ecstasy even as she wrapped her legs around me and I walked around the bedroom supporting her solely with my prong and there I found heaven.


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Workout Partners are the Best

I finally made the decision to join a gym and try to get into shape. I’m not obese but over the years I have definitely put on a little fat. I stand 5’6 and weigh almost 210, according to my latest weigh in, with black hair, blue eyes and a well-trimmed beard. I have never been the most confident person in the world but since hitting 200 pounds I have found a new low. The first couple weeks were pretty rough since I hadn’t done much physical activity in the last few years. I decided to go to...

3 years ago
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Nylon Lexis sissy training part 5

We got back to the flat and you ran me a nice hot bath. I stripped my lingerie and slid into the bath, soaping my cum drenched body. After a good long soak, I towelled down and you called me through to the bedroom. On the bed I saw my uniform for the night, a black and white French maid outfit, yum!!First you told me to turn round and face you, you take hold of my clit and slide a new pink plastic ring round my balls, and slide the sheath over the tip of my clit, lockig it shut with a padlock....

2 years ago
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Mrs Claus Has Her Yearly Gangbang

It’s Christmas Eve in Christmas Town. The elves are busy getting Santa’s magical sleigh packed with toys for all the good children around the world. Rumor has it Santa traded his sleigh in for a Lamborghini with all the latest bells and whistles. With his new set of wheels, he’d be able to make his deliveries in a shorter amount of time. Rudolph had sprained his leg and some of the other reindeer’s went on strike. Santa had read that the latest edition of the new Lamborghini was packed with...

2 years ago
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Date with my wife

It started with my love of sexy lingerie. I planned a date with my wife. She was to come home from work and go up stairs to clean up. Once all cleaned up she was to put on the outfit I laid out. She had lots of questions that I wasn't answering. She wasn't to come into the rest of the house until she was dressed. Well my day started by going to the store shopping for dinner and an outfit. After looking at lingerie picking out a pair of silky black panties, a satin black bra, a garter skirt and...

1 year ago
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An Angels Fix Pt 05

Maneuvering her truck toward the airport, Ashley looked over at Kim for about the hundredth time. Kim insisted on taking Ashley there for her trip to meet with the record company, however, Ashley wanted to drive her truck one last time before parting with it for a week. Part of the record contract was that Ashley would work with them while she was out of school, and unfortunately that meant working on holiday weeks. Ashley had said goodbye to Joe the night before when he left for home with the...

3 years ago
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Dear Abby

Dear Abby, I need your help. My wife and I taught self defense classes together, we ran our own gym, and everything was perfect. We did everything together, two of the beautiful people, and who couldn't be happier.That was before the great shift last month. My life is upside down ever since. I was going out for the evening with my wife. My Mother had come over to babysit our 3 year old son Harold. Then as with most of the world, our lives forever changed. I found myself in my wife's...

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A Thirst for Laura

A Thirst for Laura Just when I felt our sex life was returning to some degree of normalcy, Lacy surprised me. When she called me at my office and invited me to lunch, I thought “no big deal, glad to do it”. But when I arrived at our usual curved booth at our favorite restaurant, she was not alone. There beside my wife sat Laura, her luscious co-worker. More times than I can count Lacy has seen me literally drool watching Laura at office parties, backyard bar-b-ques at our home and a few...

3 years ago
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The Quiet LifeChapter 4

When Marie met me at the door, I just froze and gawked at her. She was wearing her blue terrycloth robe. She always wore it when she wanted to surprise me with whatever she was really wearing, because the robe was so big and bulky that it usually hid her figure so well. But not today. Whatever she was wearing, the bulky garment just wasn’t up to the job. Her extra busty and extra curvy form pushed through the drab garment, overwhelming the unflattering cloth and sent my eyes on a wild...

2 years ago
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Working From Home

That banging is starting to annoy me, the roofers working on my neighbor's house constantly banging away. I'm still working from home, log on at 8.30, and plow through my usual workload. I can get through it pretty quickly and be on to my now normal housework. I do a wash, Monday, and Thursday weather permitting, hoover upstairs and down once a week, and have the dishes out the way before my wife gets home.She has had to get back into the office, her job is more important than mine and much...

Gay Male
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Wendy and Sara part 2

Something is strange here. I'm not in my bed. I open my eyes and I'm definitely not in my bed! Then it all comes back. I'm in Wendy's bed! and last night was NOT a DREAM. I fucked Wendy last night! and Wendy fucked me several times! In fact my nipples and cock are a bit sore from all the attention that sexy Wendy paid them last night. (start series with Wendy Part 1)I hear noises from the bathroom, must be Wendy."There you are." as Wendy comes over to kiss me."After what you did to me last...

2 years ago
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The Bankboy

By : Prod_ben He had written in his profile on some gay socialising site that he was looking for mature tops or versatile had pinged him there and he immediately responded. Initially he was hesitant in sharing face pics and our chat used to be off and on. Within a months time the trust or passion or whatever built up some more and then we shared pics. He was and is average by looks. i mean at his age there are many boys who look even more sexy to my eyes. Immediately after pic exchange...

3 years ago
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Adventures on Omicron69

The year is 3300. For a long time everything was pretty great. Mankind ventured out into space and spread humanity to a hundred colonies and a dozen star systems. Mankind made contact with many alien species, weak and powerful, numerous and rare. There were wars, but humanity always came out on top. Back home on earth scarce resources prompted conflicts that spanned into space. Civil war fractured humanity and wars raged against alien enemies and with alien allies. Eventually, only one human...

2 years ago
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Out Of My Trance

Out of my trance By Tied2ava All I know is that I hear someone snapping their fingers in my face and saying wake up baby. I slowly feel myself waking up, hearing a lot of voices and music in the background. I feel kind of funny like I've been in a deep sleep for quite a while. The last thing I remember before now was being in Sarah's my relaxation hypnotherapist's office. As I wake I feel a large bulk between my legs, a silky feeling on my legs, satiny feeling on my chest, and...

2 years ago
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Chapter 5 The Pornography of Tasnova

I wathced as Prianka was finishing up. She was always a delight to watch as always, watching her move and drain every last bit of cum from her partners. The girl noticed me and began moving her hips even more, as if to show off as she got strayed with doses of cum form the three boys. The boys collapsed, and though Prianka could go a few more rounds, but was still satisfied with the results. She cleaned off a bit and began to dress up while talking " So, where, our little pet project?" She...

1 year ago
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The Slutford wifes

Welcome to Slutford said the sign as you drove into town. “Your doctor said you needed to relax after you having your nervous breakdown, so I looked around on the internet and Slutford was rated as one of the most relaxing places in the world, strange name though.” You continued driving along the road heading towards your new home and your new life. The road was lined with trees adding to the country feel of this area. In no time at all you arrived at your new home. This is where you need to...

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Friends wife sacrifice for her hubby

Hi friends, i am back again with another real incident which started about a year back and ended 15 days back. I am from delhi…. I have changed the names as this is a real story and i respect my friend and his wife..its about my friend rajeev who was 32 years and working in a manufacturing company at delhi rajeev was married and his wife komal was 28 years .komal was about 5ft2, 58 kgs ,fair ,chubby faced ,black thick hairs till the waist and a size of 36-27-38. She sported a nice lipstick and...

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Fathers Day

Father's Day "What do you want for Father's day, Dad?" "Some new shoes ... no, I really need a new purse." "You'd better come with me to help choose it, then. I don't know much about that stuff." Speaking of which, your mother was wondering when you'd stop being a tomboy, Sara." "Tell you what. I'll start wearing dresses when you go back to pants." "Point taken. Let's go shopping." End

1 year ago
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Amber Gets Stretched Part 2

Two days after the wild party with Amber and the guys, I call her up from my phone at work. I own a surf shack down the road from my house, but we usually don't get much business. My hope is that Amber can fix that. "Hello?" I hesitate a moment, not sure if she will even remember much of the night after the amount of alcohol she had. "Hey Amber, it's Gary, how are things goin?" She laughs a moment, her voice ringing out across the phone, "I'm great! Although I am still a little sore from the...

Group Sex
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no touching dogging

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies - you choose which you think they are! If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail me and I’ll tell you more than I can put here!You may remember my then girlfriend’s first experience with dogging, well you’ll be pleased to know it wasn’t the last.She wasn’t a dogger as such – what she loved was watching...

1 year ago
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Sensational Swimwear Be my Valentine

Sensational Swimwear: Be My Valentine By Paul G Jutras Molly Evens, a cross dresser, and her friend Mike Hairball heard many legends about the old hotel. It had been passed from owner to owner as if some kind of curse kept it from making a profit. They got out their flashlights and stepped through the unlock door. Because it was haunted, nobody been inside and there was no fear of thieves. "Better than the tunnel of love at the amusement park." Mike said as they passed the...

2 years ago
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Doing MandyChapter 26

"Mandy, I want you to do something for me," I said as I was talking to her on the telephone. I want you to make sure that when I'm there at your house late this afternoon, your husband manages to find us in bed together. I'm not asking you to do this, Mandy; I'm fucking telling you to do it, OK?" I said in the normal tone of voice that I knew it took to get something across to Mandy, my dizzy blonde mistress, as a non-negotiable issue. "OK, Tom, I know what you're saying," and Mandy...

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A princes Duty

A prince's Duty By Julia Michelle The Story Many people think the life of a royal prince is a life of ease and extravagance. That we are all born privileged with silver spoons in our mouth and we live lives of leaser and privilege. We have great power over the courses of our lives. We get sent to the best schools, and we are set to gain great power of the course of our nations. Like the Prince of Egnlands get appointed to the ducheys of York, Cambridge, Wessex or the prince...

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The 27 Year Old Virgin

As I walked to the counter to return some library books I was brought up short, the girl…well, woman waiting to service me took my breath away; and I have no idea why. I like my ladies tall, slender and dark complexioned with black hair. This lady was probably five feet nothing tops, red headed with a complexion like clotted cream. A spray of freckles over her pert little pug nose, emerald green eyes and full heavy breasts and she was round, I mean everything seemed to be round. Her...

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Bus Se Bistar Tak

Mera naam Shiv hai. Main Uttarakhand ka rehne wala hu. Filhaal main Delhi mein apni padhai puri kar raha hu. Main 24 saal ka hu. Yeh meri pehli story hai agar pasand aaye toh feedback dijiye par. Aab story par aata hu. Diwali ka time tha toh main apne flat se Anand Vihar ISBT nikla ghar ki bus pakadne. Raste mein mujhe dost ka call aaya aur woh mujhe mil gaya. Fir hum bar chale gaye 2-2 beer peeke main bus pakadne nikal gaya. ISBT pahucha toh pata laga sari buses late hai aur jo hai woh sab...

4 years ago
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Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan 8211 Part XV 8211 Chudai Ka Dusra Roop

( Hindi version of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY – ANOTHER FACE OF SEX ) Main apne pati ke paas delhi aa gai thi Goa me 15 din rahne ke baad. Goa me rahte huye maine Anju ke sath lesbian sex ka khel khela tha. Mere bahut se chahne walon ne apni mail me likha hai ki chudai me asantusht aurat ko chod kar santusht karna ek samaj seva hai. Main to hamesha hi chudai aur chudai ko pyar karne walon ko pyar karti hun. Main aur mere pati abhi abhi South Africa me football ka world cup dekh kar lauten hain....

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Enjo-kōsai (援助交際 compensated dating, shortened form enkō 援交,) is a type of transactional relationship. It is the Japanese language term for the practice of older men giving money and/or luxury gifts to attractive young women for their companionship or possibly for sexual favors. On the one hand, there are always wealthy men who need sex. On the other, many girls need money. Dan, Steve and Mohammed are three college students who think that one can earn a living by developing an effective website...

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The Deadly ForestChapter 6

After our celebration and cleanup following the attack on the cabin, Mary and I had a serious discussion in whispers in an effort to keep our conversation away from David and Alice. Mary said, “Jack, what happened today was so close to what happened just before I met you that I am still shaking. I keep thinking of what could have happened if you and David had not shown up when you did. I do not know if I can go to sleep even after that great fuck you just gave me. “I know that logically I do...

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Seduction of Piper

I want to thank Farmgal who's sexiness inspired this erotic and steamy tale. Thank you Farmgal, I enjoyed writing my sexy fantasy of seducing you.Stephanie was attending the check out register at Victoria’s Secrete when an extremely sexy woman strolled into the store. Stephanie’s heart beat faster and her eyes locked on this sexy woman as she sauntered towards the display of the new line of sexy panties and bras. The woman’s eyes locked with Stephanie’s for more than a few seconds. Stephanie’s...

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TheUpperFloor Veronica Avluv Amara Romani The Nymphomaniacs Anal Apprentice

The insatiable wonder that is our sex slave Veronica Avluv takes on her greatest apprentice yet: The gorgeous Amara Romani. This shoot is all chemistry as Ramon Nomar takes hold of these two hot anal whores and enforces the lessons of the day: How to beg for cock like a proper TUF slut slave, how to choke on cock and beg for more, how to endure painful punishment and bondage in service of sex, how to be double stuffed, how to squirt buckets on command and only on command, anally fisted, holes...

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Forbidden Temptations

The exhilarating sound of giggling teenage girls interrupted the otherwise lazy spring Tuesday evening, but I remember it like yesterday. I opened the curtains and looked out of my second-floor bedroom window to watch the half-dozen pretty teen girls doing mock gymnastics in the backyard. Jenny, one of my daughter’s classmates, did the splits. Her skirt rode up and her white panties were displayed delightfully.The thin fabric hugged the pronounced shape of her tasty pubic mound perfectly, yet...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 165

I had breakfast with my mates at 0600 and then walked them back to the 406s. All of the men had driven back home last night. Back in the Oval Office I had a list of calls to make before the Russians came. One was to the Treasurer of the United States - Albert Morrison. I asked questions for over ten minutes, finally telling him what I needed from him and when. I was sure from his attitude he was going to call members on the House and Senate finance committees informing them of my request...

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Mari Do Bhabhiya Ki Chudhai

Hi mara nma bunty ha maa 22 sal ka hu ,mara gar ma 2 bada bhai ha un dono ki sadhi ho chuki ha or mari 2 bhabhi ha ,ak badhi bhabhi ka nam vidhi ha who 25 sal ki ha chothi wali ka nam shalani ha who 23 sal ki ha us ki sadhi abhi 2mahina phala hi hui ha .or dono hi mujsa mazak karthi rathi ha ka .ak bar mara dost na ak blue cd do tho ma apna computar pa cd dakh raha tha tha tho picha sa vidhi bhabhi aa gaye or unhona mujko dakh lea tho ma un ko dakh ka movi band kar de .tho who mara pass aaye or...

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Farewell to the Dancing Man Ch 3032

CHAPTER THIRTY Brownlow rang the Swain house at 9:15am, a time when he could be reasonably sure that Cynthia would be home alone. ‘I want to talk to you, alone.’ ‘I don’t think that would be a very good idea.’ ‘I don’t think that you are in a position to dictate terms. If you have anyone with you when I get there I go straight to the station and present my evidence. I have enough to have you, at the very least, brought in for questioning about the death of Paul Thomas, but I also feel that...

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Caught sniffing panties

I used to live in a house share with 3 girls and 1 other guy. I fancied one of the girls (Chloe) like crazy, she was slightly larger sized and had massive tits. One day when no one else was in I found a pile of her washing by the washing machine, she had left it there as the machine was being used by someone else. I looked around to make sure no one was about and started to look through her washing it wasn't long before I found a matching set of sexy underwear. They were silky blue panties and...

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With my Sexy bhabhi

Hello Friends..I read many stories here and I really liked everyone of them and this gave me courage to share my experience with all of you. This happened in the last summer vacation when my parents where in the village. My neighbors elder sons wife was all alone in the house coz everybody went to village and she had to stay coz her parents were gonna come after 5 days. In the afternoon I was coming back to home she was waiting for the lift. Many of other people were also waiting for the lift....

3 years ago
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Girlish DelightsChapter 33 Veronica Visits

Following the good advice of his older wife, Princess Ayda, the Emir had invited his sister in law, Veronica, now Countess of Bargoed in her own right, to visit the Golden Palace to see just how well her sister and niece lived. While she was impressed by the private Airbus 480, and by the opulence of the harem's appointments, and by the attentiveness of the ubiquitous staff, she really disliked the claustrophobia of knowing that she could not just walk out of the door and stroll down the...

1 year ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 49

Images started flickering on the wall, as The Personalia viewed them at lightning speed, then stopped. "No images within the specified parameters found." Helen reiterated, "NO functioning fields; NO village or even looks like a village? Nothing?" The Personalia voice repeated, "Nothing." Robert had a thought, "Could you determine, possibly from plant growth, where the most recent fields are located?" "Presumption of request noted. One image has slightly less plant height than any...

2 years ago
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Alternating Weekends

Mandy did not much appreciate being a tool for her parents to sling mud at each other with; however, getting two whole days to spend out of the house that her mother had brought her to was a blessing. She did not hate Jason. He was nice enough to her, but he was far too young to be dating her mother. He had not realized she was married with a child when they had first began their relationship and was not too keen on letting her and her daughter move in when her husband found out and divorced...

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Summers Heat

Rick pulled up into the drive after an especially hard day at the power plant, glad that he’d tacked an extra day off onto his vacation. He was exhausted – ready for a shower and a lazy weekend. Loud music greeted him as soon as he opened the car door. He shook his head and chuckled, making his way to the door. Most of the neighbors complained, and his sister had commented more than once about the white trash who had moved into the trailer next door. Rick took a live and let live approach, able...

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New Beginnings Part Two Human Nature

“B,” Bill said as we sat in the utility vehicle. They were parked just outside the food court of the mall. Things had gotten back to normal. Well as usual as they could be with a giant alien spacecraft sitting in our backyard.  The mall was busier than it had ever been. Chuck, the realtor, had told them that he had rented out or sold more houses and apartments in these few days than in his whole career, seeing as he took over his family business straight out of high school that was saying...

Oral Sex
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Fire Ice

The sun was warm against their skin, in contrast to the icy air, as they entered the park. It was quiet there and the recent snowfall had been left undisturbed, a few footprints from birds and other wildlife were the only visible signs of life in the otherwise virgin and pristine white. She was an attractive red-head with sparkling green eyes that danced with mischief, her full figure clad alluringly in a hunter green polar necked sweater that clung to all the right places, and accentuated her...

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My Sister Elsie and her Friend Sara

When I was fourteen years old, going on fifteen., I had zits on my face, but not too many. My body had grown hair, not just at my groin, but also, appallingly, under my arms and on my lower legs. I felt awful about myself, because I was no longer the sleek limbed, care free kid I once had been, but I was still not yet grown. I was in a limbo. I jacked off two and three times a day, sometimes until my cock got sore. No girl would have me, because I was not very attractive and I was not a jock,...

2 years ago
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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 29

A few days passed with Marie anxiously waiting for Jane to tell her where they were to meet Brad. Finally, three days after Jane had revealed that she was no longer a virgin, and that Hiroshi’s father was involved in the production of specialist porn videos, Jane came home and teasingly began to speak. Smiling at her mother, she said, “Brad told me where we should meet.” Then she stopped. And smiled. Marie was desperate to hear where Brad had arranged for them to meet, but she was even...

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Making Waves With The Motion Of The Ocean

My black SUV pulled up at our house and I tried my hardest to be fairly quiet as I walked into the door. Usually she is the first thing I see when I come home but she was not in sight. The house was somewhat quiet though. I walked from room to room checking on her when I got to the closed door of our bedroom. My heart skipped a beat as I was now listening to strange sounds. Sounds her and I usually make when we are behind closed doors together. I paused before opening the door to listen,...

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