CajunsChapter 2 free porn video

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Tad said that they were going in through the back door, it would be better to park back there.

Lee said she really was afraid to go in that house.

Tad told her he had put his gun in his jacket pocket before they left and was a good shot.

Lee had Tad drive all the way down the alley. Most of the alley was lined on both sides with thick hedges. The same thick hedges were between the houses on both sides of where her home had been.

A new looking white convertible was parked under a steel shelter.

Tad pulled in behind it on his next trip down the alley.

They got out and walked to the back porch of the house. Lee moved a potted plant and got the key to the back door.

They both took their boots off before going inside.

Lee led Tad to her room. She found her notes where she had hidden them. Tad asked if there was any thing she wanted to take from her room.

Lee chose several items of clothing and a pair of dress boots and two pairs of shoes.

She told Tad that she better not take any thing else, it might be missed.

Tad said " I guess we need to get out of here then". Before they left Tad had Lee go to her father's desk and write down the address of the D E A in Washington.

They slipped away to Lee's new home near Jackson.

The next morning they went back to fishing, by two PM all four lines had been run and the boat was loaded with fish.

Tad sold four hundred twenty pounds of catfish at a dollar a pound. They bought bait and gas for the boat.

Tad motored up to Kate's shanty boat and shouted for her. Kate came out and greeted her favorite relative.

Tad asked Kate if she would mind getting him a six month supply of birth control pills.

Kate said she would not mind at all.

Tad gave her two hundred dollars.

Kate said " They don't cost that much darling, I think only one of these hundred dollar bills will be enough".

Tad told Kate that all over the cost of the pills was hers.

Kate asked " Who do you want me to kill for you honey".

Tad said he would let her know later and started the boat engine.

Lee said " Thank you Tad, sex will be much better with out condoms".

That night after they had dinner Lee and Tad drafted a letter to the Director of the D E A in Washington.

Lee wrote a cover letter stating that the enclosed was from the diary of the Deputy Director of the south eastern division of the D E A, Mister David Fitsgerald in Mobile Alabama.

The next two weeks went by with Tad and Lee in total bliss. The weather and fishing was good and the loving was even better.

Tad noticed a headline on a news paper in a dispenser in front of the grocery store as they were shopping for food. That head line had read that the Local Director the Drug Enforcement Agency had been killed while making a drug bust. None of the drug dealers had lived as they were all armed and had resisted being arrested. During the shoot out. David Fitsgerald the Deputy Director of the south eastern district of the D E A was killed in the line of duty.

Tad bought the paper and Lee read the article when they got home.

Tad said that the government had apparently cleaned up it's house and disposed of seven dealers and one of their own dirty agents in the process.

Tad told Lee she could go home now if she wanted to.

Lee asked if she could stay with Tad, she really did not want to go back to the kind of life she had lived before.

Tad asked if Lee would like to let her mother know that she was alright.

Lee said she would but she did not want to tell her where she was.

Tad had a phone in the house boat but did not want Lee to use it to call her mother. They drove to Mount Vernon, nearly to Mobile for Lee to make her call.

When Lee had her mother on the phone she told her mother she had read in the paper that her step father was dead. Lee told her mother she was sad because of that. Lee told her that she had moved to a place she really liked and would keep in touch. Lee hung up the phone and asked Tad if he would take her home now.

In August they enrolled at the University Of South Alabama on a scholarship provided by the Bureau Of Indian Affairs. Tad rented a small apartment near the campus in Mobile. Both Lee and Tad had valid driver's licensee to prove they were twenty one years of age.

Lee called her mother soon after they moved into their apartment, Lee invited her to dinner Saturday night.

Lee's mother accepted her invitation and was there promptly at five Saturday afternoon.

Lee introduced Tad Yates to her mother and told her that she was now Lee Yates.

Lee's mother assumed that she had just been told that her daughter and Tad were married. Lee and her mother went in the kitchen and Lee finished preparing their meal. Lee's mother asked if she was happy. Lee told her she was very happy.

Lee's mother, Libby, short for Elisabeth, wanted to know what she was doing now. Lee told Libby that she and Tad were full time college students now.

Libby asked if they needed money. Lee told her they were fine for money.

Libby asked Lee if she wanted the car her step father had bought for her as a present for her sixteenth birthday.

Lee told Libby she could use it some.

Libby told her to come by and get the car and any clothing and things from her bed room that she might want.

Lee said she had the afternoon free next Tuesday, would that be a good day?

Libby said that would be fine.

Lee went to the door to the living room and said " Tad, honey, the red beans need you to add the seasonings".

Lee told Tad the rice was nearly ready.

Lee told Libby that Tad was a Cajun, a Coon Ass, and liked Red Beans and Rice often. Tad came in the kitchen as she said that.

He said " You eat more of it than I do every time we make a pot full".

Lee laughed and said she had not known he had noticed. Lee kissed Tad and Tad said " Go away woman, I am trying to get just the right amount of garlic in this and you are distracting me".

Dinner was pleasant and Libby left convinced that Lee had chosen a good man for a husband.

Tuesday Lee and Libby had time to talk, Libby said she was sorry she and Lee had never been close. Libby needed Lee now that her husband was dead.

Libby said Lee was nearly her only remaining blood kin.

Libby begged Lee to let her into her life, she wanted to try to mend years of neglect if she could.

She said she was very lonely now that her husband was gone.

Lee told Libby that she and Tad were going to their home Friday after their last class, she told Libby they lived in a swamp not far from Mobile. Lee asked if she would like to spend the weekend with them on a house boat.

Libby said she would like that if there would be room for her. Lee assured her that there was plenty of room.

Libby asked Lee to run that by Tad and call her the next day if he was alright about her spending the week end with them.

When Lee spoke to Tad about Libby spending the weekend with them in the swamp Tad told Lee that was fine with him. He said he had liked her mother when they had her as their guest for dinner.

Lee called her mother the next day and told her Tad would like her to go home with them for the weekend. Lee told her to bring shorts and tops but that they usually ate Saturday nights at a restaurant owned by one of Tad's uncles.

She would need a nice dress for that.

Friday Lee picked her mother up at her home after her last class at one.

Tad had his last class at two.

They had packed that morning and Lee drove to in front of the building where Tad's last class was. She and Libby had sat in the Town Car talking until Tad joined them.

Tad had opened the door on Libby's side and they rode with Libby sitting between them.

There was mostly a friendly silence on the way to their garage near Jackson.

Libby was surprised when Lee drove them up to the garage and pushed a button on a small remote and the door opened. After Lee parked in the garage and locked up they took their luggage to the boat. When they got in the boat she was uneasy, she had never been in a boat before.

Tad unlocked the boat and got in and pushed it away from the pier. Lee started the engine and idled down toward their home.

Tad pointed to a big Gator sunning on a log. Lee pointed to a Coon in a tree watching them go by. A Beaver swam away as they approached.

A Cotton Mouth snake swam towards them, and love was not on it's mind.

There was swamp on both sides of them most of the way. Tall Cypress trees grew there with their Spanish Moss decorations. The water was black.

Libby had never been in a place like that before. When Lee steered around a bend in the channel and Libby saw their home she was amazed at its beauty.

Lee docked the boat and unlocked the door while Tad tied it up. Lee shouted down to Tad " I got to go honey". She rushed into her and Tads bath, showing Libby her room and bath as ran past it.

Libby needed to use the potty almost as bad as Lee did. Libby did not close the door she was in such a hurry.

She was sitting there with her shorts down around her ankles when Tad brought her suitcase in and put it on the bed.

Tad looked at Libby and grinned.

Libby smiled back.

Lee joined Tad in the kitchen when she was finished. Tad told her of catching her mother on the pot, they had a good laugh about that.

Tad asked Lee if she would like crayfish for supper. Lee said that if there were enough in Tads traps she would like that very much. Lee said that she could boil potatoes, carrots and corn on the cob, all from the freezer, and have them nearly cooked by the time he ran his traps and was back. Libby came in then, she said " You got your picture taken didn't you Tad"?

Tad said "That's why I was grinning".

Tad asked Libby if she wanted to go with him to run his traps. Libby asked how long they would be gone. Tad told her they should be back in one hour.

Libby decided she would go.

Tad motored slowly down the creek to where his property started. He turned into the swamp on the side of the creek toward Jackson. He passed a ' No Trespassing' sign on a tree. A short distance ahead Tad passed a sign that said " You are on private property and we shoot trespassers".

Libby asked Tad if it was alright for them to be there. Tad told her he owned a square mile of this swamp and they were on his land. Libby asked if he meant water rather than land.

Tad told her that about three hundred acres was dry. Tad told Libby that his grand father had it drilled years ago and found that it was a salt dome. Tad said that some day it would be very valuable land.

Tad ran over a dozen traps and threw back all but the monster crayfish. Tad said that it was a lie that the smaller ones had more flavor. Tad must have had ten pounds of crayfish when he finished running his traps.

He motored them back to the house boat.

Libby asked If many people lived in the swamps. Tad told her that there were a good many living the way he had until he started back to school. Tad told Libby that a person could live well off the swamps.

Back at the house boat when Tad brought in a five gallon plastic bucket nearly full of big crayfish, Lee gave him a high five and a kiss. She said they had enough to take uncle Jedi some the next night.

Libby asked who uncle Jedi was.

Lee said that " Uncle Jedi is the owner of the place we are going to dine at tomorrow night".

Lee told her mother that uncle Jedi was Tad's uncle.

Lee told her mother that Jedi had been married for seventeen years when his wife had a fatal accident. She and three others were coming back from Mobile and had a head on with an eighteen wheeler. All in the car were killed.

( That was when Danna Lee Yates had gotten killed. )

The crayfish were washed and thrown in the boiling pot of vegetables.

Four minutes later the pot was off the stove.

Tad served plates of corn, potatoes, carrots and Crawdads and poured wine.

Libby watched Lee and Tad tear the tail off and shell the hull off of that. She did that to her's.

Libby had a second helping.

After dinner Tad said he was going to call his mom and aunt Kate and invite them to have dinner at their brother's the next night. He called and talked to them. They were both going to be able to go.

They watched TV for a while and went to bed.

Near midnight Tad slipped out of Lee's embrace and trudged to the kitchen for a drink of water. Lee and Tad slept in the nude.

Libby wakened when the light was turned on in the kitchen. She was thirsty and got out of bed and went into the kitchen.

Libby was wearing a flimsy night gown. All of her body was visible.

When Libby was near Tad she saw that he was in the buff.

Libby said " I guess we are even now, you saw nearly all of me on the pot when we got here now I see all of you".

As Libby was talking Tad was taking a good look at Libby in her shear night gown. His cock started to get hard.

Libby could not take her eyes off it.

Tad told Libby if it were not for his love for her daughter he would come on to her strong.

He told Libby she was beautiful in her gown but he and Lee were in the habit of going nude when here. Tad asked her to join them that way in the morning.

Libby said " We will see".

The next morning as Lee and Tad got out of bed, Lee said " I guess we better wear clothes since mother is here". Tad said " We are going to go naked this morning just like always". Lee asked if he thought they might offend her mother.Tad said " I don't give a shit if we do, she has ignored you all these years". He reminded Lee that it was Libby that was lonely and wanted her as a friend now.

They went to the kitchen bare ass.

Libby peeped around the door to her room. She saw that they were nude and took off her gown and joined them. Libby helped Lee fix breakfast. Except for Libby looking at Tad's limp cock often, they acted as if they were dressed.

After they had eaten, Tad told Lee and Libby he thought he would take Jedi some Gator meat and run those crawdad traps he had near the garage and take him more crayfish than what they had left from last night.

Tad got dressed and told them he would be back in a couple of hours.

Tad took a rifle out of a gun cabinet and left.

Lee and Libby cleaned up the kitchen and then went to the room Libby had used and made the bed. They made up the Queen size bed Tad and Lee had slept in, and then sat on it and talked.

Libby told a lot that Lee did not know.

Libby had been sixteen only two months when she got pregnant with Lee. Lee's father was about to graduate as a senior. They drove over to Mississippi and got married. When Libby finished school that Spring she never could go back. Lee was born just before Libby's seventeenth birthday. Before Lee had been born Ken, Lee's father took a job driving a truck for a freight line in Mobile. Some times Ken would go two days without sleep. That was thought to be the cause of his death.

Ken had gone to sleep driving his pickup home after a trip to Detroit. He had run off the road and hit a big tree.

Libby was left with a year old child.

She had not finished school, the only jobs open to her were being a waitress or working in a fast food joint. She had tried that and was still looking for any thing that paid better.

She had landed a job at the State Docks. The job paid just the minimum but she had health insurance benefits.

She told Lee that after her father's death she had a hard time making ends meet. She had a job at the state docks. It did not pay enough for her to afford rent and child care and leave much for food and other things. Libby had met Lee's step father there, he was there often as a customs agent checking shipments.

Three years after Lee's father was killed Libby had married David Fitsgerald.

He was transferred to the Drug Enforcement Agency a year later.

Libby said David did not want her to work after they were married. Libby had stayed at home in that big old house he inherited from an aunt.

Libby had loved being a mother, she spent a lot of time with Lee. Lee had learned to read when she was four and Libby had started her into math at that time.

When Lee had entered the first grade she was able to pass the tests for a fifth grade student. She and David were told that their child needed to attend an advanced learning school.

Libby said that one of the most respected ones in the nation was right there in Mobile.

David insisted that they send Lee off to school. He was made South Eastern Director a few months before and he wanted Libby free to travel with him.

Libby had pleaded with David to let her keep Lee at home but got only a firm " NO".

David had enrolled Lee in that Academy in Virginia. Libby had been heart broken.

Libby begged Lee to let her back into her life. Libby said she was nearly thirty four years old and probably would never marry again.

Lee told her mother that she still had a young woman's figure and her face was still beautiful, she might find her another man yet.

Tad parked the boat at the floating pier and took two dead alligators out of it and dressed them. After packing all of that meat in a cooler with ice, he came in and told Lee he had better than fifty pounds of additional crawdads to take to Jedi.

Tad decided they would go in to town in the car. His ladies would not mess up their hair that way and all that stuff would not have to be carried from the boat.

At five thirty Tad called Aunt Kate and his mother and told them they were about to leave.

Tad trolled up the creek and locked the boat to the pier. Lee and Tad carried four large coolers to the car.

Tad's dates looked like centerfold candidates.

Tad picked up his mother and aunt and drove up and parked near the door of The Jedi.

A new waiter met them as they went in. Tad told the waiter that they always used the private dining room next to Jedi's office. Tad took drink orders when the waiter went to bring menus.

Lee's mother said she would drink a Vodka Tonic, Tad's mother had the same, aunt Kate had Rum and coke.

When the waiter came back Tad ordered for the ladies and then ordered Bourbon with ice and water on the side for himself and white wine for Lee.

The waiter asked if he could see Tad and Lee's ID.

Lee took her drivers licensee out and handed it across the table to him.The waiter said Thanks mam I thought you might be younger than twenty one.

Tad handed him his. The waiter apologized and told Tad he looked younger than twenty one.

Tad asked the waiter to order the drinks and tell Jedi two of his sisters were here.

As the waiter handed Lee's ID back Libby asked if she could see it. Lee looked at Tad and when he nodded she let her mother have it.

Libby noticed that.

Libby looked at it and said " That is real is it not". Lee said it was and was issued by the State Of Alabama.

Libby said it is noted on the back that you are a Choctaw Indian.

Lee told her that was how she was able to go to college. Libby said " I don't think I want to hear any more of this".

The waiter brought their drinks and right after he left Jedi came in.

He said I am graced with the two most beautiful sisters in the world and our newest member of the family and the most beautiful of all. Lee grinned at Jedi and told Libby that Jedi was so full of it some spilled out occasionally.

Jedi kissed Kate on both of her cheeks, Noreen, Tad's mother on both cheeks Libby full on her mouth, and Lee on her cheeks.

Jedi asked if some one would tell him who this vision of beauty was and where she came from. Kate told Jedi she was Elisabeth Fitsgerald from Mobile a recent widow and Lee's mother.

Jedi told them he could not tell which was the most beautiful.

Tad gave Jedi the keys to the Lincoln and told him that there was about eighty pounds of live crayfish and probably over a hundred in dressed Gator meat in the trunk all for him.

Jedi said " You are making my day".

Jedi told them he would be back soon and excused himself.

Kate said " He likes you Libby, he can have any woman in the state but has shown no interest in any one since his wife died. He is my brother and a very good catch if you could get him.

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My name is ... let's say Emily. I'm 16 now but my story takes place a couple of years ago when I was only 14. I was small maybe 5' tall and only 90 pounds. I have blonde hair, blue eyes and a row of freckles that cross from one cheek, across my nose to the other cheek. I have really small boobs so I don't need to wear a bra BUT I have kinda big nipples that makes wearing a bra more acceptable in public. But most of the time when I'm home I just run around in a tank top and...

2 years ago
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House of Dark PleasureChapter 12

Mildred sat on the edge of her bed and looked at Doris with that cool, self-possessed expression on her face. "What Willis said is partly true, Doris, but--" she shrugged her shoulders, eloquently, "you've seen enough of Willis to realize that he fantasizes, imagines things, exaggerates--" "He--he thinks I'm a doll," Doris blurted, "just for him--to do what he wants with--use and abuse--" Mildred gave her a piercing stare. "No one abuses you!" "He spanked me," Doris...

4 years ago
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Chronicles of a College Hypnotist

Isaac is a college kid. He has had a hypnosis fetish since high school and ever since has been looking up hypnosis training videos on the dark web. Now he could test his powers. He bought a gold amulet at a store and was gonna use it on his older stepsister, Rachel. He waited outside her door, then knocked. "It's Isaac." "Go away, dweeb." "C'mon. I have something I want to show you." She opened the door slightly. She was twenty-eight and had no job, no degree, and no future aside from maybe...

Mind Control
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The Making Of A Gigolo 12 Janet GriswoldChapter 9

Another couple left Granger that day, to travel to another town and spend some time together. Sal, looking obviously groomed, picked Jill up and drove her to Wichita, to a restaurant that was as different from the Wagon Wheel as Dom Perignon is from Mogen David. Jill, of course, was delighted to be wined and dined like this, even though poor Sal looked so uncomfortable in his suit. That he had gone to this extent meant a lot to her. That he was obviously uncomfortable in the sumptuous...

1 year ago
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A Weekend With Gina and Her Friend Part 3

I had one of the most enjoyable nights of my life with my 52 year-old lover, Gina, and her younger friend, Becky. It was a night that all nights in which my sexual adventures will be compared to but the next day led to more sexual adventures… I woke around 8:00 and both women were gone. I slowly replayed last night in my mind and I soon had a raging hard-on. I couldn’t help but stroke myself. Not wanting to make myself cum I got up and went to the master bathroom for shower. I see towels on...

2 years ago
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The Tunnel

"Wake up!" Devon was gently shaking the pale figure lying on the ground next to me as I was roused from sleep at the sound of his raised voice. He was tugging Partita's arm from beneath her curled-up body and working to release from her wrist the metallic clasp which had become entangled in her long black hair. He quickly turned to me as I got up and kneeled beside him over my friend's nearly lifeless body, and when he passed me the item he had removed from her arm, I paled too.It was my...

4 years ago
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Daughter Like Mother Great way to learn

Daughter like Mother – Great way to learn I will never forget the first time I saw Carrie the young girl that lived behind us in the small town I grew up in. Carrie was 4 years younger than me but was one very hot looking young girl. She was always so cute in her short skirts chancing the boys around and playing on the street. Carries mom on the other hand was a local school teacher named Carol. She was the hottie teacher in our small town school. I had carol as a teacher in grade 8. She was...

2 years ago
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EmergenceChapter 3 Beyond the Boundaries of Sex

The week following the attack, Brad visited for a week to check out Central State and to get a break from his parents who were irritating the hell out of him. I suppose that was only normal, for he was the first child of the household to have lived on his own for nine months and then return to find his freedom reduced. I suspected Sandi’s refusal to have sex with him also had a hand in his frustration with home life, but I was a bit surprised to find he hadn’t gotten laid since his porn...

3 years ago
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In the Club Shelly and Katrina

I was out one Saturday night hanging at my favorite club. I was in the back half of the club where the lights were dimmer and they played a different style of music than the front half of the club. I was standing in a dark corner checking the scene and trying to see who was coming home with me that night (if I was lucky). I started a conversation with the females closest to me to but no one was biting so I moved to a different location. I met a girl named Shelly and we just kind of hit it off...

1 year ago
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My aunts need too be filled

My aunt moira is some what of snobbish bitch her husbands been away two weeks and she recently needed a hand around the house not really wanting to I agrred . While working on lounge floor she said she was going to the mall and be backin an hour knowing she was gone I decided to have a look around the house I quickly found myself in the main bedroon and going through her panty drawer sniffing and sucking while I yanked my shaft I could not believe the bitch owned a couple of black Gstrings...

1 year ago
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Service from Highway Mechanc 8211 Part 5

Hi All, read previous parts before proceeding to this final part. We had an eventful night and multiple rounds of great fucking. It made both of us exhausted. As we slept naked under one blanket, I could feel the warmth of a young body. It was still raining slowly outside, which I could hear from the adjacent room’s tin shade. I don’t remember when I slipped into a deep sleep. I woke up by my morning alarm at 5 AM. I put it off without opening my eyes and slept again. My phone rang again at...

1 year ago
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Revising His Quote The Sales Call

Jack had been in industrial sales since he graduated college at age twenty three, he was older now with salt and pepper hair. Jack was excellent at his job with a lot of happy customers. He kept himself in shape by going to the local "Y" to work out a few times a week. Jack looked better than most men his age. Standing six feet tall with a trim body shape, he was a good looking man. Jack got married soon out of college to Judy, who was a stay at home mother. She took care of the four kids who...

4 years ago
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Three horny wives 4

Jennifer Foley was restless. She had taken the demanding pressure off her loins by masturbating, but a hand job was not the same as the real thing, and she still felt a nagging urge simmering in her crotch. She couldn’t concentrate on doing the housework and there was noting on television but soap operas. She always got horny watching soap operas because of the snide sexual content. She decided to call on Carol Davis. She combed her hair, applied some make-up and put on a light cotton dress....

1 year ago
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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 15

Just before we got to our bedroom, Hannah stopped and kissed me full on. We she broke the kiss, she told me that tonight was her way of saying thank you to me, and that I should enjoy myself. Finally, she explained that Claire was almost exclusively into women, but she was also besotted with Hannah, and was totally submissive to her. If my male urge to have sex with Claire took over, I would have to use a condom. Otherwise, anything goes. She squeezed my hand as we went through the door to find...

2 years ago
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A Discovery for CarinChapter 3

Sandra arranged the housewarming party with one thing in mind. She had a burning desire to watch her sub Carin with the seductive Dawn. When she heard all about the teenager seducing Dawn and making love to her all night, Sandra was ecstatic. She had a sneaky suspicious Dawn was a submissive woman, but the right opportunity never presented itself for her to find out. Sandra scheduled the small neighborhood gathering for a few women. She planned everything down to the smallest detail and the...

2 years ago
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Journey OutwardChapter 9 Mine

Walking along with Saul is like walking with a summer day by your side. He is warm and delightfully sweet. I realize most of what I am feeling is he wonderful gift of empathy, his love of me. "What did you think of Napoleon's plan, Nosis?" he asked as we walked around looking for Nimrod. "It has a sound base. The only thing I did not like was he presumption that the out post would be keeping the same number of troops, for all we know the Empire could be sending out new troops every...

2 years ago
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Dost Ko Biwi Ko Chod Kar Use Khush Kiya

Ye story mere friend aur us ki wife ki h. They are so good friend of mine. I am not going to write their name or any place name as they believe in me. But story is liye likh raha hu because who feel that ki biwi ko kisi are se sex karwana galat h to they need change their thinking. But it is good agar both parties ready hai. Its really satisfactory agar ye dil se aur wiswas se huwa ho. Well come to story which happened last year with me. One of my friend who was my old time has get connection...

4 years ago
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BethChapter 94

November 20, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, Tonight was the first of three nights that Dad will be taking part in some large math meeting at the university, so the seven of us were eating dinner without him. “Sandy,” Carol said, “I’ve been thinking about our planned shopping trip with the girls on Wednesday. I think we should just drop them off and pick them up when they’re done.” “But how would they pay for ... Oh, you probably thought of this. We drop an infusion of cash into the accounts of one...

2 years ago
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College Sex 8211 Truth Or Dare

Hey, darlings. This is your Harish back again. Thanks to all of you for your response to my previous story. Also special thanks to my horny girl fans who showered their love for all . A quick re-introduction about myself: I am Harish (name changed) from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Age 24. Fair complexion. I go to the gym regularly. So have a strong, firm & athletic body. Have a 7 inch brownish dick with a good width. I am 6 feet in height and 70 kg in weight. New readers, I request you to read the...

4 years ago
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My New Step sisters Whos the Winner

I seemed to always be in trouble growing up. It was no surprise that my parents divorced over my bad behavior. When most k**s were going to college, after high school. I was in the back of a bus, going to prison. I was sentenced for stealing a few cars. 25 to be exact. All over one weekend. I got off the prison bus and headed inside. With good behavior, I could get out in a year.1 year later:I walked out of prison, a changed young man. I did not want to go back. I took a taxi back to my house....

2 years ago
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Foliage trip in the Mountains

I seem to have gotten lost in your beautiful surroundings, I answer. He stand their looking down at me, taking a deep hard puff of his pipe. Hes dressed in a hillbille atire, straw hat, dirty torn white teashert , bib overhauls and a large pot belly. I'm wearing a light colored button down shirt and a snug fitting pair of jeans. She is an attractive lady, hugging on the mans arm, a dirty blond in a knee high flowered dress. Yummy she smiles stairing at me then adjusts her dress, I think...

2 years ago
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The Syrian Prince

       As the first light of the dawn streamed over the dunes, they found the Viscountess de Bure stretching out in languid delight over her bed of newly turned straw. The ponygirl treasured these moments in the early morning before the stablehands were awake and about. She hardly felt the pinpricks of pain from the scratchy hay; like the feel of the golden collar around her throat, the sensation had become unremarkable through long habit. The Viscountess scarcely remembered a time when she...

1 year ago
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Land of the GiantsChapter 6

As Betty and Valerie stepped clear of Glivard's snare, they looked around for possible escape routes. Glivard knew immediately what they were looking for. "Don't bother looking for ways out," he told them. "This whole basement was designed to keep my specimens inside in the event they got loose." He explained as he waved his hands to the far wall. There they could see dozens of cages holding a whole menagerie of animals. Rodents, amphibians, reptiles, snakes and even a few cats and...

4 years ago
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Uski Newly Married Wife Mili Gift Mein 8211 Part 16

Reena ka husband bahar chala gya aur pichhe se reena ki chudai shuru ho gai.Ab aage ki story…Day 1 Reena ne kuchh der chusne ke baad lund ko chut pr rakh diya.Lund chut k ander chala gya.Reena ki chut lund ko leker mast ho gai. Reena ki dono taange hawa mein thi aur main shot marne lga.Shot marne pr lund chut k ander chala jata aur reena ki aah nikal jati. Reena-aaaahaa yaaarrr aaaahh aaaahh aaaahh bada mast hai yaar tera lund to….Chut ka pani nikal dega… Aaaahhhh meri chut to mast kr dega...

4 years ago
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Cross Dressing Led To Sexual Heaven 8211 Part 1

Addiction lets you do anything.. I addicted to cross dressing, addicted for the femininity.. Hi, I am 24 old close door part time cross dresser from Mumbai, regular reader of ISS. Narrating my own story for first time. I am good and beautiful looking, 5’3” height, perfectly slim as like every “women” wants to be and every man feels to hold, as I kept it with having exercises and yoga because I feel sexy with it.. I started cross-dressing when I was only 12. I haven’t knew it was called as a...

4 years ago
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Freaky Birthday Boy

It's very early in the morning, in fact the sun's not even above the horizon yet, and already you're awake and pumping your constant friend downstairs. Various fantasies flow through your mind - girls from your high school being raped by tentacles, your sister sucking your cock, fucking your employees at work, dickgirls and other less socially acceptable images besides. ... A few hours passed, and a you're woken up by a thunderous, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, John!" Almost jumping out of your stained...

3 years ago
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Jordans ENF Days

Jordan is a 5,7 Goth girl with perky b-cup boobs. Her ass is small but tight and round. Even though she has no friends, most men secretly wouldn’t deny a chance to sleep with her. She wakes up Friday morning, after a long hot shower she heads over to her closet as she brushes out her shoulder length black hair. She puts on an oversized MCR band tour shirt and ties it to her belly from her back. She thinks about putting on a bra but she decides not to, #freethenipple she thinks. She slides on...

1 year ago
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ZebraGirls Gia Derza September Reign 03212020

Gia and September have been besties forever. They always have sleepovers and what-not. Well, Gia has always had a “thing” for September. One night, while sharing the same bed…Gia couldn’t help herself. She started to fiddle her diddle under the covers, while staring at September’s perfect ass. Gia tried to be quiet, but just couldn’t control herself. Of course, September woke up and caught her, but Gia couldn’t stop cumming, so September just had to...

1 year ago
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I Fucked Gizems foot in the car

I never thought bad about Gizem.She is my friend's daughter.She is 21 years old.I never thought bad about her till I see her legs and feet at the graduation ceremony of her school.She studies at the faculty of dentistry at a different city now.She's staying in a rented house with two friends.Someday I decided to go to this city for business.When her father heard that I would go to this city he asked me to take some things to her.I accepted.That wouldn't be problem for me because I will go there...

3 years ago
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New school new you

“Mom why do we have to move so far away, what was wrong with our old town?” I said “I’ve told you already we just have to” mom said Sitting there in a uhaul all you can think of is how shitty your last few months have been, dad up and leaving you and mom in the middle of the night, moving to my stupid aunts house half way across the country, and I had to leave all my friends my senior year of high school . “It’s not going to be as bad as you think, be happy your aunt Lilly will even take us...

3 years ago
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Friend8217s With Benefits In Classroom

Hey, everyone, I am Guru, This is my first story, I have been reading indian sex stories dot net for years now. This is a story about me and a girl named Sukriti (Name changed), This is a true story. Let me tell you something about my self I am 19 years old good looking guy with an average body. I live in a good society in Gurgaon, Sukriti is fair looking with a good figure and a smile to die for. You can reach out to me at I have had a little fun with an aunt who used to live right next to...

2 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 31

There was a big surprise waiting for me on the porch when I got home. The FedEx folks had been by and two very large boxes were sitting against the front door. "That's my stuff from Camp Gonsalvez," Cooper said. I drove the bike into the garage and parked it, but took the two helmets and the two beers in with me, dropping the first two on the breakfast bar. I opened one of the beers and put the other in the fridge. I took a long, refreshing pull from my open beer and immediately began...

3 years ago
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A Day to Remember Sequel to A Night to Remember

I squirmed and let out a mix between a moan and a yawn as I was awakened from my sleep. I felt something heavenly happening between my legs, and wondered what it was. “Mmm, that feels so…oh god,” I moaned sleepily. I arched my back, wanting to feel more of that pleasure.It felt like someone was licking my already wet vagina. That person was flicking his tongue in and out of my moist hole. I knew who was doing this to me, and I loved it. “God, yes,” I whispered hotly. “Mm baby,” my boyfriend...

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girls on film

If you’ve never had more than one naked pussy laid out in front of you to choose between, you probably can’t imagine the feeling in my cock as I looked down at the three naked girls on the bed in front of me. I told them to spread their legs wider for me as I stroked myself and thought about which one to fuck next. I’d spent weeks setting this up. Putting an ad online for new glamour models, emailing fake applications to the respondents and reeling them in until they’d each come over for an...

3 years ago
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Leave It to Cole pt1

I cannot say I was devastated by the news of my husband's unfortunate accident. While he was a good man and loving husband he was frugal and rather old fashioned. I did feel a loss over not having him around I did realize that this gave me freedom to explore myself and actually live a lifestyle that his amassed wealth could easily afford instead of living in a four bedroom cabin in the middle of nowhere I could finally move back to the city.During the week that I was waiting to hear from the...

4 years ago
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This One Time I Had a Salad Chapter One

My day was going pretty normal, and it was pretty close to lunch time. I was just checking my messages in my inbox before I went to look for food. This one girl I had been talking to for a while now was telling me she was finally making her cross country trip, and she confessed that she had already started and that she would be near my town in about an hour. Surprise! Now, I’d fantasized and flirted with this girl for almost the entire time I had been talking to her. The most she had been...

Love Stories
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Prototype TenChapter 15

Will knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he was not going to try to rule the world, but he also knew that unless the world leaders changed their outlook, things would only get worse. No matter how hard he chewed at the problem, though, no solution presented itself. Falling back on an old trick from his engineering days, he decided to take his mind completely off the problem in hopes that his subconscious would come up with a solution while he worked on other things. He knew his power had...

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