- 2 years ago
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Copyright Alison Smith.
The room is fairly bare, stark even, but She finds it comfortable, minimalistShe says, Her retreat. The walls are a soft off white, the only furniture asingle comfortable chair, Her chair. There is an expensive hi-fi system inone corner, powerful speakers positioned to provide optimum sound quality tothe listener in the chair.
The only adornments to the walls are a couple of riding crops, crossed likeceremonial swords, battle trophies. Whenever we are in there, my eyes are drawnto them, I sense they are waiting for me.
We spend a lot of time in Her retreat. I am normally sat by her feet as welisten to music, talk about Her day or Her desires. Sometimes I am cuffed andchained to the chair, normally not. The temperature varies massively from dayto day, She seems not to notice, but it always seems to be a cold day whenShe requires me naked. She says she likes the effect it has on my nipples.In that room however, my nipples are always hard. Myhappiest memories are from this room. Here we can spend time together, no distractions.She has punished me in this room too. Punishment comes in many forms. She hasspanked me here, and recorded it on the hi-fi. She plays it back occasionallyat high volume.
The worst punishment is when She ignores me though. Then I know I've reallyupset Her. She normally spanks me afterwards, but to be honest with myself,the spanking is a relief.
Sometimes she glances at the riding crops, then at me, smiles and shakesher head slightly, as if now is not the time. I daren't ask, daren't make asound.
I would like to say that I am not obsessed with the crops, but I can't. Thereis nothing else to focus on on the walls.
Like right now. She has asked me to wait here for Her. She is likely to bea while. I sit on the floor, with my back to the crops, but I can feel them.I can feel the inevitability of them. Sooner or later now will bethe time and I will learn what they feel like. My thoughts of dread at theprospect I can understand, but my excitement?
I rise and move towards them, hands clasped tight behind me as I move mynose close and inspect them. I can smell the leather. They are old, used andcreased, but the leather is not cracked, they have been well cared for, lovinglycared for.
Almost of their own volition my hands reach up and take one from its mounts.Its lightness surprises me. I can't resist swishing it through the air. Whatan ominous sound. How would it feel applied to my body? I have no basis tomake a judgement. I tap it lightly against my palm. Nothing really. Tappingharder, still only the slightest of stings. She would do it much harder, Shemust be an expert. I bring the crop down as hard as I can across the insideof my forearm, catching it with the shaft just below the little leather flap.As the crack reaches my ears the pain sears across my arm. It can only be describedas horrific.
I hop around the room with my arm clutched between my thighs trying hardnot to swear. The crop lies where I dropped it. I kneel, rocking back and forwardsfor a few minutes, trying to recover my composure. I realise the crop is lyingnext to me and I rush to replace it on its mount. As I step away I see theangry welt that has appeared on my arm.
The welt fascinates me. I trace the line of the raised flesh with my fingers,sending conflicting messages racing through my body. Pain, yes, but also, shockingly,absolute arousal. I continue to caress the line, and the pain gradually fades.The arousal doesn't, quite the opposite.
As I stand there, caressing the welt across my forearm, my mind picturesother welts on other parts of my body, more sensitive parts. But to obtainthose welts requires the pain. Imagine that pain, imagine how much worse itwould be. But the memory of that searing pain seems to be fading. It wasn'treally that bad Ally, you're exaggerating it.
I then look at the welt in a new light. It isn't going to go away anytimesoon and it is so blatantly obvious. Oh my! What will She say? She must knowwhat it is. She will want to know what happened, and more importantly why.And course I will tell Her, every detail.
Confusion reigns in my mind. How will She react? Will she ignore me? Possiblyeven send me away for touching her precious things?! Or will She decide thatthe time is now? If She uses the crop on me I don't know if I could controlmyself. How will She react when I can't?
I kneel, forearms turned upwards on my thighs, waiting…
She enters. The welt on my forearm seems to pulsate like a beacon.
Initially, She is puzzled by my position, it is not one She has ever askedfor before, her eyebrow raised quizzically. Then She notices the welt, hergaze flicking instantly to the crops on the wall. She comprehends the significanceimmediately.
"Oh Ally, so you couldn't wait!" The disappointment in her voice hurts morethan the crop did.
"I'm upset with you Ally, I had hoped you would have more respect for mypossessions than that."
I whisper my plea, "please Miss, I didn't damage them…"
"Ally, I wasn't talking about the crops."
The implications of her response shatter me.
She takes my arm and runs her fingers lightly over the welt. My stomach lurchesand my whole body shudders as I groan my arousal. Normally, evoking this reactionwould elicit a slight smile, She is not smiling now. "Hmmm, maybe you are ready…"
"Ally, we have two issues here. Firstly we have to do what we can to remedythe damage. Then we shall discuss appropriate punishment."
Hope, arousal and despair clash in a roller coaster ride through my mind.
"Ally…?" She asks.
"Yes Miss" I whisper.
She walks behind me to the hi-fi. I hear her take a new cassette and slowlyunwrap it from the cellophane. I hear it inserted into the tape deck and therecord button pressed.
Again, She takes my forearm in her hands, not touching the welt this time.
"This will takes days to fade Ally. You must have really tried hard to makesuch a mark."
The last comment is left hanging for a long moment.
"You know my preference for symmetry..."
She walks to the crops on the wall and takes the other crop down, clearlyknowing which one I used before.
"As we can't remove the welt Ally, I need you to even yourself up."
She places the crop in my trembling hands.
"Make sure you get the position and angle right. Also, remember how hardyou brought it down, it wouldn't do to have one welt fade before the other….it could take months to get a matching pair if you get it wrong now."
She steps away from me and seats herself in her chair.
I stare down at the crop in my hands. How can I bring myself to do this,knowing now how much it hurts? I know that somehow I will do it, not doingso is inconceivable, but my brain hasn't worked out how yet.
And even when I do manage to bring the crop down, how will I ensure the sameforce? Surely I will flinch as it hits, automatically pull back and softenthe impact. Maybe if I close my eyes….no, I need to see what I am doingto get the position right. I'm going to have to watch myself do this.
My mind has already accepted completely that I will do it, it is the mechanicsof it that are causing me to hesitate.
I stand and return to the exact position I struck the first blow. I picturein my mind exactly what I did before, tapping the crop gently across my palmfirst, the other palm this time, feeling the springiness of the crop. Slightlydifferent to the first. Do I need to factor that into my calculations? Panicassails me, not about what I am to do, but that I might not do it right.
I struggle to control my breathing, so much faster than before. The croprests across my unmarked forearm. How high did I raise it last time. I rememberbringing it down with as much force as I could, so if I can get the startingheight right then I should be fairly close. Encouraged by this solution I bringthe crop to what I estimate the correct height and almost with relief bringit down with all my might. Realisation of what I am doing hits me at aboutthe same time as the pain, a long second after the crack reaches my ears. AgainI drop the crop and fall to my knees with my arm between them, sobbing.
I remain in that position for at least a minute. I am aware that She is beforeme, picking up the crop and returning it to it position on the wall. She standsbefore me and holds out her hands. I hold out both arms for her inspection.
The second welt is starting to rise on my right arm. Almost but not quitea mirror image of the one on my left arm.
"Your aim was slightly off Ally, but on the whole not bad. I guess we willsee in about a week whether your intensity was correct…"
Again she runs her fingers over the welt, again the feelings surge insideme, only to be dashed instantly.
"And now the second part Ally. Would you care to suggest an appropriate punishment…?"
I cannot think, I cannot form any suggestion, my mind is in turmoil.
"No? Then I will choose"
"Please sit on the floor, one leg tucked into you groin, the other out straightin front of you"
As if in a trance I follow her instructions.
Slowly She walks to the wall and takes down the first crop.
She returns to me, walking around me slowly. "Cup you breasts for me Ally,lift them up for me, offer them to me…"
Horror, mixed with an appalling longing tears through my mind. I do as instructed.
"Look straight ahead Ally, focus on the other crop…"
I hear the crop swish through the air and I stiffen in expectation of thepain across my breasts. Instead pain explodes from my inner thigh, about 2inches below my groin. I scream, the combination of shock and pain tear itfrom my throat. Doubled over clutching my thigh.
The tip of the crop under my chin lifts me straight again.
With an almost fatal fascination I stare at the new welt on my inner thigh,the one that is throbbing with pain, almost to the point I need to vomit.
She walks back to the wall and replaces the crop, but takes down the otheras she does so.
She hands me the second crop, then turns for the door.
As She reaches it She turns, "Symmetry Ally, Symmetry".
The door closes firmly. One word thunders through my mind:
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The next morning, Arabella set out again, this time without waking Simon. She knew somehow that he cared about her, but she owed it to Granny to make sure everything was safe and sound. Recovering the same road she'd driven over just the day before, Arabella quickly made her way across the Appalachians. It still wasn't lunch time when she started down the long steep grade into Monterey. Arabella was relieved to find everything in Monterey calm and peaceful as she drove into the town. She...
Tammi Buckner sighed and gazed at her reflection in the full-length mirror in the bedroom of her double- wide mobile home. The pretty blond 23-year-old turned this way and that, trying to look sexy in the long white robe and the pointed white hat. At length she puffed her cheeks and gave a snort of resignation. There was no way she was going to look good in the robes of the wife of the local grand dragon of the Knights of the KKK. Her husband, Mike, was still at work at...
Petals of Pleasure: A Valentine for the Mind, Body, & Soul It was Gina and Craig’s first Valentine’s together. They hadn’t been seeing each other long, but already new they were madly in love. And there sex life was nothing short of amazing. Gina came out to her car after work to find it filled with at least 100 balloons, as she gazed in amazement through the window she saw a small note taped there. She opened it to find a sweet note from Craig. He had written: ‘Dear Gina, on this the day...
I first started dating when I was 16. I never had sex until I first met my brothers friend Sam, when I was 18 and he was 19. Hi. I’m Jill. I’m about 5 ft 3 in, and I have B-cups. One day my brother Jack, and his friend Sam, were in his room. I passed by and I noticed they were looking at Playboys. They always looked at Playboys for some reason. I just peaked in for a couple seconds. “Uh Jack, mom wants to know if Sam is gonna stay for dinner?” I asked. “Yes, I think so, is that OK if he does?”...
Hello ISS readers, thank you for reading my previous story, here is part 2/Day 2 of my experience. Finally, I got to sleep at 5 am. The next morning, both Mistress Brie and Goddess Vanessa were up at 8 am, and I was sleeping on the floor cuffed to the bed. They came near me, took a cane and canned me with a hard stoke! I woke up in pain and as soon as I saw them all naked with huge boobs looking at me, I got a hard-on. They slapped me hard a few times and squeezed my balls until I give in to...
Susan walked downstairs and into the dining room, where she found Terri, Bethany, and Beverly. Bethany and Beverly were looking under the weather, and sipping what smelled like mint tea out of coffee mugs. Beverly looked up as she walked in and said, “Sounds like Jim is getting Julie pumped. I’d suggest we go up and watch, but I’m not feeling my best right now.” “Me either,” agreed Bethany, and she sipped her steaming tea. Terri looked at them, concerned, “I’m so sorry you’re not feeling...
XXVII. Just south of normal. For the next month, they very much resembled a real family. In the meantime, peace talks with Claire continued, though they were touch-and- go. Grace had gently offered to help mediate and Marcia gratefully accepted her offer. Grace was making progress, working her indelible magic, but it was magic in slow motion. In Claire, she'd met her match, a woman as resistant to miracles as they come. Marcia's ex was angry and would likely remain so, on some level,...
“Just the coffee?” “And twenty on pump two.” I told her the coffee is on me and smiled as she hands me a twenty and thanks me as she walks out, her ass bouncing away toward a familiar green pick up. Outside fueling was my cousin Tim. I don’t think he was dating her, he likes the skinnier ones. I watched them drive away letting my mind run wild thinking of my new beauty. After my shift was over I called up Tim and asked if he hand anything going on, hoping she would be there. He told me to...
Viper Girls has the fix for a voyeur like me, on top of everything else they offer. I’ve talked about the sprawling, anything-and-everything porn forum before here at ThePornDude, as they’ve been a popular masturbator pitstop on the internet for years now. With around 12 million visitors a month, they’re a legitimate hive of perversion, covering everything from celebrity nudes to lesbian porn, BDSM videos to hentai animations. They even dabble in some extreme deep niches that the other guys...
Voyeur Porn SitesWhen I got home from the hardware store with the part for the lawnmower, Diana was sitting right next to Alan on the sofa in the living room. Their knees were touching. I guess they didn’t hear me coming in the back door. It’s understandable. I had just taken my bike instead of the car and so I arrived very quietly. Alan seemed to jump back, away from Diana, when I stuck my head into the room to say “Hi!” I had seen his pickup in the driveway, so I figured he’d come over to talk about the...
CuckoldAfter breakfast, Erin, Lynn and Blossom took the girls into the family room and gathered them around. “Ok, we are going to read this morning. Each of the moms is going to read a different book, so figure out what books you want us to read then we will break up into groups and we will read the books to you and our babies. Now go!” As soon as Blossom said ‘Go’ the girls took off for their book shelf and after some chatter they returned with three books. “Nice! Now which mom is going to read...
Jana woke up slowly, the sun filtering through the blinds of her house. She yawned, stretching her arms like a cat stretching in the light. The blankets which she had pulled up around her felt so good, she almost didn't want to get up. Saturday...it was Saturday, right? She didn't need to be anywhere important. She could just lay here and sleep all day if she wanted to. The idea had a certain kind of charm, the kind mostly felt by lazy twenty-somethings as they pondered a day spent relaxing and...
Norma Adams never wanted to cheat, and certainly never would have cheated with her husband’s father, who everyone called Gramps Adams, but the man gave her no choice. Rape might be the correct definition of what happened, but uncontested rape in Adams eyes is simply fucking, and a wife can’t charge her husband’s father or even tell anyone. Aside from being a determined rapist, actually a forcer-of-sex, Harvey was a dear sweet man with so much goodness and such a fine...