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Every wave that smacks into the side of the boat reminds me how grateful I am to be here. I breathe in the salt-infused air, relish the soothing sound of restless water, the way the breeze stings after making contact with the seaspray. I love it all.

My eyes squint as they scan the thin line that separates the ocean from the sky; two shades of blue existing side-by-side. I would wear sunglasses against the glaring water, but don’t want to risk missing anything. The slightest flicker could be the biggest break we’ve had all week. Six days spent on this boat, and nothing to show for it yet. The captain is talking about another two days max before we run low on fuel and have to head back. I’m trying not to panic.

I’ve been studying marine biology for three years --focusing on Cetology-- most of my time spent in labs and classrooms, aquariums and rehabilitation centers. I’ve been observing whales in captivity. Now is my chance to see them in the wild. To witness a free, thriving Orca with my own eyes would be nothing short of spectacular. We've stopped to dive a few times, and I've already used every vial I brought taking samples. If we do happen upon a cetacean species, I'll have to decide what's more important: The salinity of inner-reef waters, or the chlorophyll content of deep-sea algae.

“How long’s it been since you blinked?”

“I lost count after three minutes.”

Hansen laughs, and I can’t help the smirk that crosses my lips. I don’t usually make jokes. I’m surprised he finds me funny.

“You’ll scare ‘em away, starin’ at ‘em so hard.” I feel the blood-rush beneath my bronze skin. Being an only child, I’ve never been accustomed to teasing. He eyes me, leaning his overly tanned forearms on the starboard rail.

“Sorry Michelle, I shouldn’ tease. I’m sure we’ll see one before too long.”

“You said that yesterday - and the day before,” I reply, tucking strands of my untameable hair behind my ears.

Hansen is the captain of S.S. Charlotte, the fisherman who agreed to take a team of marine mammalogists onto the Pacific for a generous fee.

“Just tryin’ to be optimistic,” he grins.

“I see something!”

The words we’ve all been waiting for catch everyone’s attention, the small populous of the boat meeting on the port side.

“Just there, I saw it.” Elizabeth points toward a spot of blue water, more lively than I've seen her in days.

“Fire it up, Sven,” Hansen calls, the engine of the boat coming alive. We glide along, eyes peeled, and the seconds pass.

“I don’t see anything,” Hansen starts. Elizabeth doesn’t respond, wide gaze on the endless surface. When minutes come and go without another sighting, a collection of sighs begin.

“Cut it!” Hansen shouts, the engine dying again.

“Can’t we go a little father?” Elizabeth asks.

“We risk wastin’ more fuel. If you want another day, we ‘ave to preserve it.” Now Elizabeth joins the chorus, exhaling audibly.

“There’s still time,” I say encouragingly.

“Not enough.”

The crowd disperses, and soon it’s just Elizabeth and I against the rail. I glance at her short blonde hair, the way her glasses sit on her delicate nose, the set of her jaw enunciating her disappointment.

Elizabeth is the founder of the non-profit conducting this expedition, though she’s not much older than I. When we met several months ago, I never imagined she’d offer such a prestigious opportunity. I nearly jumped out of my shoes when she asked me to accompany this trip as a consulting scientist.

“We’re on a tight schedule. Nico and I will be going out again next week, but we still need time to finish editing the footage. Assuming we get any more footage.”

“When’s your deadline?”

“The film ceremony is at the end of June.” She pauses before releasing another sigh. “I really want to make this documentary. But more than that, it needs to move people. To get them to understand.”

Elizabeth used to be employed by the most notorious aquatic theme park in the world. Working as a marine veterinarian, she witnessed first-hand the unjust treatment those animals get. After years of studying and compiling evidence, a documentary is now being made to reveal the water-world conglomerate for what it really is.

I look up to this woman.

“Let’s set up the hydrophone again,” I suggest, and she smiles.


When daylight is gone, the sun sinking into the ocean, I snag my coat and zip myself inside its warmth.

“Wish I’d brought more medicine,” Nico says as he comes to stand beside me, looking slightly green. I grin in sympathetic response, wrangling my mass of curls into a barely-contained ponytail.

“Seasick?” I ask, and he nods in time with the swaying boat. “Why are you out here if it makes you nauseated?”

“Sometimes things are bigger than you. Have to put aside your own comfort for the greater good.”

Nico is the main cameraman on this project, a fellow supporter of animal rights, equal participating activist, and Elizabeth’s right-hand-man. The fact that he gets motion-sick and still comes out here is admirable.

“I wish my motivations were half as noble,” I say, and he laughs.

“Your work is far more important than mine, Michelle. Besides, I wouldn’t wish an unbalanced equilibrium on anyone.”

“Oi, there you ah,” Hansen says as he approaches us. I’m still trying to guess where his accent is from: New Zealand, South Africa, maybe. “Suppa’s ready.”

I hate leaving the deck of the boat, afraid I’ll miss a sighting. It’s dark enough now, however, that my eyes are straining anyway, the new moon no extra help.

Heading below deck to the main cabin, I follow Nico with Hansen right behind me. Of the two tables in the small, humid room, one sits Elizabeth and Edgar, Nico’s camera assistant, the other Hansen’s crew.

“So, you think we’ll see one t’morrow?” Hansen asks as he sits beside me.

“Anything we say would just be speculation,” I answer. “There’s no way to know for sure.”

“What abou’ all that equipment you use?”

“The best piece of equipment we have listens for them, but there’s no way to track them,” Elizabeth chimes in. “Not unless they’ve been tagged first.”

As she speaks, the conversation behind us swells past a whisper. Regrettably, I don’t think I’m the only one who hears when someone mumbles, “… seeing things earlier…”

Though I choose to stare at my spoon, I can feel the exchange of glances at our table, how still Hansen’s become.

“Don’t see what the big deal is… they’re just whales.”

After an unbearably uncomfortable moment listening to Hansen’s men disrespect our entire mission, I glance up. Elizabeth speaks.

“I wish I had the equipment to tag a whale,” she says loudly, carrying on our conversation with everyone's attention. “Tracking their behavior is very important for understanding how they affect the ecosystem; saving them from poachers; gaining a better understanding of them. The purpose of our work is to educate ignorant people.”

Elizabeth's words slash through the awkward atmosphere with obvious intent. Though she’s staring discontentedly at Hansen, it’s clearly meant for those suddenly meek behind her.

“Not everyone knows how the animals inside those ‘parks' are treated. The fact that a killer whale's natural habitat is the ocean, and they're barely existing inside a water-filled box is a truth not many people consider.”

Without any more preliminaries, Elizabeth looks over her shoulder.

“Maybe if we put you in a ten-foot by ten-foot cage and told you to live your life inside it, you'd understand.”

The moment lingers, quieter than a wake before a funeral, nothing but the low creak of the boat as it sways with the tide. Nico and Edgar glance between Elizabeth and the guy who suddenly has nothing to say. Hansen, a hard, seasoned sailor stares at her until suddenly, an amused smile touches his face.

As Elizabeth rises and sweeps away, unfinished dinner abandoned, Nico and Edgar snicker at the passive-aggressive display she just asserted over Hansen's obtuse employees.

Being on a boat with a handful of strangers for a week would wear on anyone, and while I don’t like confrontation, I'm satisfied that she stood her ground - stood up for the tireless work we're putting into an uncommon vision. With so many things to worry about in the world, we choose to help whales. We carry no shame in that.

Hansen stands up. I follow suit.

“Well played, gents,” he says mockingly without a peep in response, heads aimed toward their bowls.

“Let me talk to her,” I say, catching up with Hansen as he exits the cabin.

“I should apologize on behalf’a those blokes.”

“She would appreciate that, I'm sure, but give her some time.” Hansen glances at me. As he debates, his gaze begins appraising more than just my face. I immediately blush.

I'm not a highly social person, awkward receiving attention of nearly every variety. I don’t know how old Hansen is, let alone his first name, but he’s attractive and his scrutiny makes me nervous.

I clear my throat. “I’ll just… go check on her. Give us a little bit.”

Slipping away without sprinting is a task. I've never been very good around men, aware of my conventionally attractive attributes -- physicalities I'd rather do without. An introverts worst fear is the spotlight.

Breathing easier at the opposite end of the boat, I enter the sleeping quarters, stopping in front of Elizabeth's suite. It's silent inside, even after I knock. Conjuring the audacity to enter a room uninvited, I twist the knob and peek through.

Elizabeth is perched on the bed, looking out the porthole into the black ocean. As I stare at her and she stares at the water, the boat continues its endless rhythm, the dim overhead light occasionally flickering.

“Why’d you choose whales?” she quietly asks. Taking the question as an invitation, I step inside, shutting the door at my back.

“Because… the first time I saw one was the first time I ever felt… wonder.”

That catches her attention. Whatever it is that has driven us here is kindred. I look at Elizabeth and I know her, a face that tells a story, a heart that wants change. We both found a purpose --the same purpose-- and maybe we’re not saving the world, but at least we’re saving something.

We exchange this knowledge with a look -- understand one another better than anyone else ever could. Elizabeth smiles at me.

“I know exactly what you mean.”

Something about her draws me close. Though I’m unsure as I walk forward, my feet don’t stop until I’m planted on the bed beside her. Her body language says she doesn’t mind.

“When I first got the chance to work with Orcas, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.”

“I can relate,” I reply. “That’s what this trip is for me.” Elizabeth grins again, and I can’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy at how pretty she is; the ultra symmetry of her face, how beautiful her lips are when stretched across her white smile. Her rectangular, black-rimmed glasses bring out an innocence in her, the blonde of her hair contrasting in the best way.

“I appreciate you coming, Michelle.”

“I’m sorry it's not as eventful as we hoped.” She shrugs.

“That’s what most whale studies consist of: waiting.”

Whales only spend ten percent of their time at the surface of the ocean -- the rest spent in a world of water humans have only explored two percent of.

“I’m sorry if I seem… hostile,” she continues.

“I’m glad you said something.”

“Yeah, well, can't expect everyone to have the same vision,” Elizabeth sighs. “We're so close to finishing this project. My nerves are settling in.”

“It's gonna be great,” I urge, the honesty in my voice unmistakable. “You're giving exposure to captive marine animals and the ungoverned quality of their lives, something the world needs to see. No matter what, you're doing a good thing.”

I don't realize how passionately I'm speaking until Elizabeth glances at me. But it's more than a glance. She’s studying me, examining me in a way more forward than the acquaintances we are. When her blue gaze lands on my lips, I can’t tell which is more prominent -- my intrigue or insecurity.

I have no doubt she notices when I swallow harder than necessary.

I expect her to look away, to brush off the moment and release the tension in the air. I expect myself to do the same. To blush the way I did when Hansen looked at me, flush the color of a firetruck and dismiss what is likely my active imagination, but none of that happens. We stare at each other for an uncounted stretch of seconds, and when she moves, every nerve in my body comes alive.

Elizabeth’s breath reaches me before she does, warm and sweet, her proximity leaving me utterly immobile. I don’t move, heart skipping like a record, loud and surging, and she kisses me.

I have no idea why I don’t move. I’m not into girls, am I? I’m hardly into boys, to be honest. Of course I find men attractive, but that’s exactly the reason I stay away from them. I have self-confidence in my academic capabilities, not my relationship skills, and I’m content with that. I always figured I’d find someone when the time was right, someone I wouldn’t be afraid to get close to. Waiting for the right person.

I never imagined it could be a woman.

Elizabeth’s soft mouth grazes mine, and my excitement is stifling, the butterflies in my stomach turning to bees. I find myself leaning toward her. Shocked and confused and completely fascinated, I kiss her back.

Without an idea what her intentions are, let alone my own, our mouths hover and tease, tasting one another. I feel her fingers touch behind my ear, slipping into my hair, and I’m embarrassed when a sigh escapes me. She pulls back an inch. A question.

With just enough space between us, I can see her silently apologizing, sensing if she crossed a line. I don’t know what she sees in my eyes, but when I lean forward again, every question she has disappears.

Despite the partial capacitation issues I experience when I’m nervous, I have kissed guys before. Well, one guy. Kissing Elizabeth, however, is different -- unlike anything I’ve ever known, more intoxicating than I knew a kiss could be.

I breathe her in, her delicate mouth molding to me, nudging her nose as I test the sensation. When her tongue tentatively massages against mine, I react. Going on instinct, I reach up and hold her neck, thumb brushing the beauty mark on her collarbone. I return her enthusiasm, our kiss deliciously French, and when her opposite hand makes contact with my waist, I hum.

The thickness of my coat between my body and her hand is invading. I want it gone. Before I realize I’ve made the choice, my hands are peeling the zipper apart, and without the time to feel self-conscious about it, Elizabeth’s hooded eyes flood with fire, unbuttoning her own jacket.

I’ve no idea what the hell is happening, but I don’t consider stopping. I’m nervous and anxious and thoroughly nonplussed, and before I know it, my coat is off and her hands are on me again.

I kiss Elizabeth unabashedly, my concern for anything that isn’t her fading with every pass of our wet tongues.

The polyester shirt concealing me glides over my hips and up to my waist with Elizabeth’s assistance. I am floored. Kissing her is one thing -- getting naked with her a notion far greater, inciting too many feelings for me to examine individually.

“Should we lie down?” Elizabeth asks, and my nod is more instant than a reflex.

Without the foresight or desire to ask myself if this is really happening, I climb under the sheets of Elizabeth’s bed. My bed is on the opposite side of the room. With the four small suites divided evenly amongst eight people, she and I have been bunking together for the better part of a week. It is in that fact I find solace despite knowing the door isn’t locked. Surely the six men roaming this boat wouldn’t enter a room shared by two women without asking.

I want time to explore whatever this is.

Pulling the tie from my wildly curly hair, the light goes out, then Elizabeth and I take turns undressing each other. The room is darkly obscuring, but it doesn’t hinder us, guiding one another by feel.

The first time she reaches for my chest, I gasp. I realize she’s removed her glasses when our foreheads press together as her hand tentatively touches the point of my small breast. My nipple is alive under the pad of her soft thumb. Suddenly, I am cautious again, wondering if she likes what’s beside her. Elizabeth leans down to kiss me slowly, groping me more deliberately, as if she can sense my hesitation.

A moan slips past my lips as her palm travels along the swell of my breast, down my waist, around the curve of my bottom and back up. Our legs begin intertwining. Hooking my ankle around the back of her knee, the feel of her feminine body starts to undo me. The flat expanse of her stomach aligns with mine, her thigh pressing between my legs, breasts flush with my own. The heat coming from her is unreal.

Forgetting entirely where we are and how we got here, I start grinding against her. She returns it. As Elizabeth humps my hip, I get the unmistakable impression I’m really meeting her for the first time. She reminds me of myself, an unassuming woman, not over-sexualized, well educated. Wholesome. Her hot breath on my neck suggests she thinks much differently than one would imagine.

Enthralled with her weight above me, I start nibbling her ear, teasing her jaw with my tongue, hands pressing on the small of her back to hold her closer. Another woman’s round hips in my grasp is surreal. So different than a man, softer, smoother, curvier, her slight frame giving against my own.

Elizabeth breathes into me as she moves. I return it, rolling beneath her, sharing the occasional kiss as our hips find synchronization. When she moves another inch to the left, my sensitive slit makes contact with hers.

I gasp, reeling by the way that feels. Face in my neck, Elizabeth lets out a small moan, and I am ruined. My resolve and rationale are obliterated, and only the pleasure elicited from her has any merit. I push excitedly up into her, our spread thighs straddling each other, and she humps me in return. The hard nub atop her sex massages mine, rolling circles around my throbbing pearl, damp and warm and completely spectacular.

I cradle her waist with one hand as the other cups her full chest, the weight of her in my palm along with our rhythm driving a moan out of me. Elizabeth kisses me to keep me silent, her abdomen clenching every time she thrusts against me. I let her suck on my tongue, rocking under her, in love with our coupled, intimate heat.

When I’m quiet again, Elizabeth sits up, straddling one of my thighs as she pulls my opposite ankle onto her shoulder. I fight my breath to hold back a moan, fisting the sheets as Elizabeth scissors against me, holding my leg to her chest as she rides me.

Eyes adjusting to the dark, I see her blonde hair messing from the cool humidity of the room mixed with the heat of our frantic motion, imagining my curls are more hectic than usual. Her body is so tight, her pale skin in contrast with my brown complexion erotic and romantic, my pelvis seeking hers. My jaw is slack with need, looking up at her, silently begging her to go faster.

Elizabeth’s brows pinch together and up, my gaze traveling her perky, bouncing body. I prop myself on my elbows, curling up so I can watch her clit fuck me. I let out a brief vowel at the sight of that. She’s neatly shaved like me, pink and plump and pressing divinely on my aroused flesh. I whimper.

“You feel so good,” Elizabeth whispers, lids lightly shut, and I don’t know what comes over me. I move up, forcing Elizabeth to her back, and suddenly I’m on top. Maneuvering myself in line with her, I lower my pulsing wetness to hers, and we both sigh when our flesh adheres.

I move on her with hunger, needing her, giving myself to her. She humps up into me, her clit getting hotter with our furious tempo. I lean to kiss her neck as I fuck her, her dainty fingers in my hair. Listening to her feminine whimpering in my ear drives me somewhere I’ve never been. I want to sob aloud with the cacophony of emotion building in me.

I’m having sex with a girl --my first time having sex with anyone-- and I’m loving it. My pussy mouthing hers is as much a mental arousal as a physical one. I admire Elizabeth, have always gravitated toward her. Her asking me on this trip cemented the friendship we’d been building. Now, all the things I noticed about her before are being seen in an entirely new light. I had no idea her lips would kiss so well, that her hands would explore me so unselfishly, that her shapely legs would open wide for me and allow me access to her most coveted flesh.

I fuck that flesh until Elizabeth starts choking on the moans threatening to spill from her pink lips. She’s looking down between us, clenching her teeth, watching me glide my throbbing pussy back and forth along hers. I have enough wetness for the both of us, never more aroused in my life, though she’s just as slippery.

Seeing her face and feeling her wet mound, knowing we’re the only two people on this boat --in the world-- sharing this moment, my own orgasm suddenly ignites like a struck match.

“Oh my god!” I hiss, and a moment later that flame explodes.

I moan into Elizabeth’s neck, smelling her blonde hair, feeling her fingertips dig into my back as an orgasm rips through me. She humps me back, faster and faster until she joins me. I can tell by the way she’s suddenly shaking, clinging to me, whimpering uncontainable noises.

We grind against each other, riding out the shared sensation, my nipples teasing against hers. Panting and twitching, I rest my cheek on her shoulder, Elizabeth’s leg hitched over my hip. As I race to catch my breath, I notice once more the rocking of the boat. If felt part of the act the whole time, encouraging us, choreographed in time with our mimicked motion.

When my muscles give out, my naked body lying atop hers, she doesn’t mind in the slightest, her nails trailing along my back.


I pull my hair off my neck, wishing a breeze would pass, the morning sun already beating down. It's warm today, the waters calm, sky the brightest it's been all week. Though pleasant, there are too many distractions, looming like a cloud.

Today is the last opportunity to find what we’re looking for, our chances fraying like a rope with every passing minute. Also, I’ve been attempting to control the heat in my face all morning, and it’s much more difficult than it should be.

I glance to my right. She is leaning on the rail near the bow, talking to Nico with a smile on her face. Those glasses are so misleading. Feeling my gaze, Elizabeth looks my way, so many things in her eyes. The grin on her face makes my pulse dance.

“Anything yet?” Hansen says, stepping in line of my occupied vision. If I could blush any harder, I’d burst into flames.

“Not yet.”

It’s quiet as we stare at the ever-changing water, never the same from one moment to another. When I realize it’s too quiet, I glance up. Hansen is smirking at me, a knowing, teasing look on his face. I’m unable to do anything but stare back. Oh lord, does he know?

Horrified by the thought, my eyes immediately find Elizabeth again, then, they widen. Pushing past Hansen, he follows as I walk toward her. Elizabeth sees me, then turns to where I’m pointing. Twenty feet from the bow of the boat, the unmistakable hiss of a blowhole at work shoots through the air, like an uncapped hose on a compressor.

A whole pod of whales rises to the surface, the black rubber of their dorsal fins peeking above the water. Elizabeth and I turn to each other, smiling.

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I can’t take it anymore. I take one last look out the window and let the curtain fall back into place. This heat is unbearable. Even with every last window open, there is no reprieve from this hell. The ceiling fan slowly circulates. The damned thing is busted and only runs on low. Even my beer bottle is starting to sweat bullets. Are you ever coming back? You said you would. I heard it in your voice the last time you left. You’re my drug and every time you walk out that door, I go through...

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His little slut ached for his touch. Life had just gotten in the way, and they'd only been able to steal a few chaste moments together. On the most part, they were limited to online communication. Through the e-mails, the instant messages, he kept her arousal simmering. A week had passed, and still he'd not given her permission to cum. Her phone rang with that song she reserved for him. Despite the late hour of evening, she answered the call with her standard professionalism. Just the sound of...

4 years ago
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His little slut ached for his touch. Life had just gotten in the way, and they'd only been able to steal a few chaste moments together. On the most part, they were limited to online communication. Through the e-mails, the instant messages, he kept her arousal simmering. A week had passed, and still he'd not given her permission to cum. Her phone rang with that song she reserved for him. Despite the late hour of evening, she answered the call with her standard professionalism. Just the sound of...

2 years ago
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My Final Months

It was a perfect day. It's august seventh. It was the hottest day ever recorded in my town, at 112 degrees, which is very irregular for Spokane. I went to a water park and had so much fun!"Ow!" I woke up next morning to a frightening sight! I was red as a tomato and then some. See, when I was at the water park, I had no sunscreen. It was so bad, I was certain I'd gotten cancer. I called a cab to go to the doctor (Yes, it was that bad).When the cab arrived, the driver said, "Hey hey, wait! You...

Love Stories
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 60 Sleep On It

October 19, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “You skaters need to score today!” I said to Mia when I sat down next to her on the bus which would take us to our game against Brother Rice, one of the better teams in the city. “Did you hear that, Kenny?” she asked. He was sitting in front of us with Blake. “She’s right,” Blake said. “Rice always gets lots of shots off and one goal will not be enough!” “Jesse could just have a shutout!” Kenny countered. “Rice hasn’t been shut out in forever!” Mia...

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ashley barbie

Well it has been a wile since last football season and I couldnt wait to coach again mainly because janes son mike couldnt play for shit so she earned it for him by doin the only thing she knew how&hellip, by fuckin my brains silly&hellip,practice was tomorrow and Jane said that her son will definitely be getting a starting position that she had a surprise when I would arrive at her house today for our (special practice) I finally arrived on her door step and used the key under the mat I...

3 years ago
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First time humiliated

Mike and I walked along the street with his arm around me, he would grab my ass and pull my skirt up at times, we made it to his barracks room, it was a large room with 4 beds in it, he said his roommates would be back soon so we needed to hurry, Mike pushed me back onto a bed and reached under my skirt, he yanked my panties down and pulled them off throwing them in the corner, he pushed my legs open and started to eat my pussy, he was so good at it, his mouth was sucking my clit as his...

3 years ago
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Complicated Seduction 8211 Part I

HI guys, my dear girl-friends and respected hot and sexy maal Bhabhis. I am back with another post, its in 2 parts, this one happened 2 years back when I was 25, this one is in mixed language Hindi English both, it’s about one of the friend of my cousin sister who came to stay with us for some time, she was 22 at that time. I was staying with my chacha chachi for some time and they both were working so used to go daily to their offices, which were far off so they left early at around 8:00 AM. I...

4 years ago
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Meri Biwi Aur Mere Dost Ke Beech Ki Holi

Meri biwi ka naam Harshada hai. Kyunki hume abhi shaadi karake 2-3 saal hi hua hai, meri biwi jawan hone ke karan badi khubsoorat dikhati hai. Lekin shaadi ke ek saal bad hi mera meri biwi ki or ka attraction khatam ho chuka tha. Isliye main meri biwi ke saath bahotbar apni fantasy sharing karata tha. Hum meri kaam ki wajah se apna ghar chhod ke dusare shehar mein aaye hai. Aur luckily mera ek dost bhi udhar mere najdik hi rehta hai. Uska naam Kaustubh hai. Uske bare mein itna hi kahoonga ki...

2 years ago
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MageChapter 49

“I think they’re just standing still,” Adsila finally announced after scanning the Vultoqi for a few minutes. “Want us to start a distraction?” I asked, glancing at Tirus who was also doing some sort of electronic passive scan. “Yes, I need something to cause them to react. You’ll note, they’re no longer standing inside objects though,” she replied with a grin as she continued to try and get something to report on. “Yes, I think they realise the folly of that now,” I chuckled. “Stupid...

3 years ago
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Help from my sister 13

"No, that's OK. I know I'm pregnant with Gil's baby, but you two are in love with each other. It's really nice of you to invite me in, but really I'm OK out there. I'll sleep on the couch or maybe I can get a cot or something to use. But I'm already in pretty deep with you two. But thanks for the offer," Connie said."OK aunt Connie. Thanks for your honesty. See you tomorrow," I replied."Goodnight you kids. I love you both," Connie said."We love you too, and goodnight," Judy replied.Then she...

2 years ago
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A Brazilian dick just for me

Victor had suggested we could spend a couple days sunning ourselves at Rio and then we would continue our trip to Buenos Aires, to visit some old friends and relatives…Just on the first day there, hubby told me he was feeling sick, maybe the sudden heat in the Brazilian weather…But he said he would have some rest at our hotel room and I could enjoy the afternoon at the beach. I offered to stay there with him, but my loving husband insisted he would feel better if he was alone, knowing I was...

4 years ago
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How we started swinging part 2

Well I suggested swinging to my wife and wasn't sure how it would turn out. Well it turned out great from my wife's perspective.She got fucked for a night and she wasn't even tired. We got into the car and she lifted her skirt and showed me her bald pussy filled with cum. She said, "oh well I forgot my underwear". I said I would turn around and go back to get it.She said,"don't worry it's only a 90 minute ride and I won't need it". I looked at her and she just smiled and said let's go.I asked...

3 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 19 Bothered At Work

Monday, minutes after midnight at the office. The first thing I did at work was look at the abstract of the will that controlled Gracie’s life. The relevant facts were available to our firm’s service. Clearly her Father trusted her mother too much. Gracie had title to the property and most of the portfolio, but she was treated as an incompetent child until she was 25. However, there was a fault I noticed, the lawyer who drew the document had cited an out-of-date law, the revision became law...

4 years ago
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Zaid the shopkeeper and his communitys workchapter five

Smiling at the baby, while Zaid would never dream of taking another Muslim guy's woman, he was envious that it hadn't been him who had fucked and impregnated this tall, magnificent, delicious redhead. Then he realized what she had said; Yusuf-perfect, a Muslim name, but his intelligent, searching eyes fixed upon the gold Christian cross around her neck. Then Zaid stretched to look at her delectably shaped bottom flaunted by a short, clinging skirt and he thought it the most delightful he...

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Shadows of Life Ch 02

Tayla woke up to someone pressed against her back. Heat radiated from the naked, muscular torso. She knew the person was naked because she was naked too. She assumed that her brother had stripped her as he always did so she didn’t overheat and fall ill. But THAT brother slept on her right and was never up before she was. That and her brothers were never completely naked either, But the man spooning with her was. She could feel the evidence of his arousal pressed against her ass. Opening her...

4 years ago
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A Day in the Witchs Underwear

"Where do you think you're going in them?!" My mean young ex-girlfriend yells at me, catching me 'borrowing' her black silk-laced underwear."Oh sh..." I softly sigh, my cheeks turning a little red."When we agreed to end our relationship and just be roommates, I thought I made it very clear that you are no longer welcome to taking my underwear." She scolds me."I'm sorry Kayley, all my knickers are in the wash-" I began to explain."Tough shit, bitch, you're just jealous 'cos my knickers are...

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Suvarnayoung maid gets seduced 1

Hi,this happened last year. We had a new maid at our place and she was the kind who stay over full time.an old maid had sent her niece at uncles orders.when she came i was not much impressed ,as she was skinny around 21 but she had a gorgeous face and a harami cum fuck me kind of look on her face, still her skinny figure just discourages me.around two -three months passed and she was around the house ,i never kind of noticed her.then one night i woke up to drink water late in night and went to...

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Getting just what I asked for and much much more Part 3

getting just what i asked for, and much much more. Part 3 By debbislut caution this part of the story includes extreme themes authors note: this is a story i have been meaning to write for some timeafter finding a hot transgender contract online several years ago (which is at the end of part one) xx I awoke in the dark, in the most extreme heels imaginable with my hands cuffed above my head not sure where I was until the memory hit me, Miss Aimee had delivered me to a slave...

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Jack and JillChapter 97

On the way to school, Jill said that she wanted to go furniture shopping on Saturday. I agreed to go out with her to see what was available. I had an idea that furnishing the bedroom, living room and getting a kitchen table as well as all the linens, dishes, silverware and all the other stuff that goes with moving into a new place was going to overtax my meager funds. It had seemed like a fortune when I got my ebay payoff, but I was beginning to realize that with the plans I had for her...

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Twin troubles

Twin troubles CBA [The present] 'Arg that's so uncomfortable!' Jayson thought as he once again had the desire to pick the thong out of his ass again. He just wasn't used to it anymore, it had been years since he had worn women's clothing for an entire day. But then he saw the woman he was waiting for, the undeclared love of his life Cindy MacLean. He waved when they made eye contact and a smiling Cindy waved back and started making her way towards him. "Hey, Jayson you look...

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Suzzan A Great Slut

Hii boys and girls mai ek high profile girl hu ya phir aap keh sakte hai ki mai ek bhut badi randi hu kyuki sabhi mujhe yhi khte hai sabse phle me apne bare me bta du me Suzzan Khan meri age hai 27 years or me delhi me rahti hu me dikhne mai kafi sexy or hot hu mera hot figure joki 34 28 38 he jise dekh kar log apne pant ke andar hi apna maal chod dete hai me jb bhi bahar jati hu to bhut tight jeans pehanti hu or panties nhi pehanti jisse meri ass puri shape me dikhti he or sbhi usse ghurte hi...

1 year ago
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Fun in the dunes

One of the draw backs of having such a huge dick is getting knocked back by women. I used to body build competitively but an injury means I focus now on my day job and only train to keep myself in good shape. Being 6’3”, good looking and 105 kg of solid muscle means I get plenty of attention but very few women let me fuck them. I’m 9.5” long but very thick. I can’t get my hand round it so there’s no chance that any woman can. Most guys cocks taper but mine’s a solid 7” thick from top to bottom....

2 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 73

After our return from the sensual pleasures of our weekend visit to Reading, which had almost been an early half-term holiday for us, Julie and I were both suddenly hit by deadlines for submission of written assignments, and had a couple of very late nights working at the kitchen table while we caught up. We realised that we needed to take stock of how our studies were doing; the pace of our third and final year had certainly hotted up a bit, but we weren't sure that we had been doing quite...

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The Witches Revenge

The Witches Revenge By Morpheus It was with great reluctance that Cody Brisbane made his way home. Home to the apartment that he shared with his girlfriend Jessica. Soon to Be ex-girlfriend, he reminded himself nervously. He loved her, but Cody couldn't take it anymore. He'd already made up his mind to tell her that he was leaving, but his heart still wasn't listening. Jessica was a beautiful woman of 27, only a year younger than Cody himself. She had long brunette...

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Free MagusChapter 5

A loop is a curve that bends around and crosses itself. I was caught in a loop. Worse, it was a loop in time. I was in desperate need to feed my power, and the only person currently available was my great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother, Abigail Rosenbaum. Not only was she one of my ancestors, but she was also supposed to be the Magus who created Rho, and it didn’t seem as if she had done that yet. Worse, Rho also pointed out that Abigail didn’t have the magical reservoir that I...

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Reina the Warlock Part 1 The Heist

A shadow dove into the bushes, ducking into the darkness as she panted heavily. She has almost messed up proper this time. Her name was Reina, Follower of the Dark Path, Caller of the Shadow forces. And tonight was not her night. A simple burglary into a mansion that was supposed to be almost deserted had almost gotten botched. Guards were everywhere. Swollen and half-drunk, but still a major problem. Now she was cornered, and they were suspecting that someone was skulking around. She had to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sharing the good times of my wife I pt 14

The real estate agency that Cherry worked for had decided that they wanted to take part in some community volunteer work and committed as a team to helping out one weekend at one of the towns elderly care centres. All of the staff attended one morning and then one afternoon shift to help the understaffed care workers with their duties. It was a bit of a publicity stunt with the local newspaper turning up to take photo's and interview the team as well as some of the care center staff. There were...

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KarlaChapter 10

Since I had to wait for Helmut to take me home, I sat down outside on a shady bench next to the brook. He would certainly spot me there whenever he was ready. I would have a little talk with Alfred in the meantime. He answered my call instantly. "Alfred, a full download please. There is not much time and we must act immediately." "Sure, Bert, prepare yourself, think English." As before, the download was quick and painful, much worse than ever before. However, Alfred had the full...

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A lot of u ask how me and Kejala make it work

I got with my dom back in Dec 23,2012. Did not know i would hit a hard spot in a hardship, when I came to polly. When I came into polly I didn’t really think that I would have to really share my dom with anyone. Man I was wrong. I can say that, it was extremely hard at first, it really hurt at first and I didn’t know how to take it. As time went by it got a lot easier. I had to take the first step and get used to sharing. It has taken time and a lot of patience to take this climbs as the first...

4 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 77 Topless Sunbathing

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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I Love The Taste

So I've been into s**t porn for a while, since i was like 14(I'm 25 now). My wife finds it a little weird but she's cool with it, we've been married 5 years, over the past year she has helped me experiment with s**t; me watching her poop, her shitting in my hands and a couple times on my chest, she has always refused to go in my mouth. Well I've been off work for the past week, we took a vacation to Myrtle Beach, while we were walking around outside, it was around 3am, my wife informed me she...

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Snow Story ch2

"Hi" I smiled at her. "Feel like a shower?" "That sounds like a good idea" she said. "We made a bit of a mess." She squirmed around on me a little, our goo making a sticky, wet peeling noise. I sat up with her still stradling my lap. "Put your arms around my neck." I grabbed 2 lucious handfulls of her ass and lifted her like a todler, her legs and arms wrapped around me. I walked us both into the bathroom and towards the shower. "Umm, I need to go" she said, a...

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Cents and NickelChapter 20

Things moved rapidly that day. The Sheriff told her that the judge had signed the order and his prison van was on the way. Dollars nodded. The reporters were gone for the morning though I knew they would be back if there was anything happening. The prison van arrived and all the prisoners were loaded and made it safely to the detention center. That allowed things to calm down. Dollars got the call from the Mayor. She thanked him but told him she would have to talk to her fiancé and pray...

2 years ago
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CherryPimps Quinn Wilde Desires A Clown Cock To Fuck

Quinn Wilde loves carnivals and all the games and attractions that go on around her… but her real attraction to these carnivals are the clowns. She always wonders how big of a cock is hiding under those big clown pants and how much she would love to get one in her grasp and hear his laugh in her ear as he penetrates her pussy with every inch of that clown dick Could she fit it all? Could it be the best unknown carnival ride that she would just keep coming back for? Quinn’s dream...

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His Fathers Pride and JoyChapter 2

The atmosphere between us the following morning was fraught to say the least, we were both embarrassed, so we kept ourselves busy by packing the things we wouldn't need immediately, we ate breakfast and lunch together and then went into town to see mum's solicitor. He'd already drawn up the relevant documents and just needed mum's signature. She surprised me when we left his office by linking her arm in mine and whispering softly, "I'll give you enough money to start up your own...

3 years ago
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Secret Affairs With My Friends Son Part 16

Next morning I woke up and Adam was lying naked next to me. I turned to face him and looked at his beautiful face. I looked at the clock, it was 6 a.m. and I had an hour before Annie would wake up. I kissed Adam and lay on my back, thinking how he fucked me last night. He made me cum twice, and then he shot his huge cum load in my mouth. I also realized that Adam’s mom would be really worried, as her son didn’t go home last night. “Adam, wake up,” I said slowly. “Five more minutes, Mom,”...

2 years ago
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Lake House 4

“When we get to the hospital we need a story, we can’t tell them what really happened” said Jack.   “How about this, we were hiking and you fell down an embankment and landed hard on some rocks?” “Then how do we explain the bruises on your face? Asked Molly. “You take him into the emergency room and I’ll wait in the Jeep.” “Christ”, thought Jack, “this is just what I need right now”.   “I can’t believe he got the best of both of us”, he said out loud.   “I’m not just going to take this and...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The new Pleasure

A hazy day, clear sky’s, I walked down a small path down towards the beach, the sound of the washing tide could be heard in the distance and a lung filling sea breeze blew in my face. The summer of 2003 I was the tender age of 18 years a relatively short person at 5ft 7” tall thin trim body and smooth complexion. I had always been a quiet person keeping myself to myself with a select number of friends and not to out spoken in crowds so I had to find ways to occupy myself which I found more...

4 years ago
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Dance LessonsChapter 3

We all knew that Aunt Rose was a veteran drinker. I think she sucked up the booze and sneaked the smokes because she liked being on the thin side and would always spend time looking in the mirrors inspecting her pretty ass cheeks to make certain there was no added fat. Little Josie was like a mini-Aunt Rose in that respect and her tight fitting swimsuit that fit her perfectly at age fourteen was still a perfect fit now that she was four years older. I was humping Aunt Rose regular, but I...

2 years ago
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The neighbor

Lea was a beautiful woman and she was a porn star. She made adult movies and posed for nude pics. She was raunchy and love the porn life. She would do or pose any way they wanted. Her legs spread pussy pics were very common. She lived next door to a family that had a teen son. The son was always watching her as she moved around her yard almost naked. One day he knocked on her door asked if she had any jobs he could do for her. She took his hand and pulled him inside and shut her door. Once in...

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