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My legs ache, the spreader bar holds them wide and they were never meant to be kept this far apart for so long. My jaw aches, the ball gag fills my mouth forcing it open whilst keeping me mute. My wrists ache, the cuffs around them cut into my flesh as they take the strain when my legs buckle. My nipples, so cruelly bruised by the clamps She used on me earlier, are still points of flame and every movement scrapes them across the bare brickwork of the wall to which I’m shackled. My buttocks have settled down to a dull roar; the fire of the riding crop still burns and my battered flesh still complains but the pain is bearable, just. My face is sticky with the tears and snot which flowed as I cried, as I sobbed, as I begged for Her to stop. My bladder is full to bursting and, try as I might, I can hold it back no longer. The sharp smell and the warm flow down my leg means that, from now on, I will be standing in a puddle of my own urine and the sense of relief is countered by an increased sense of shame. It’s dark, even with the blindfold on I can tell that it’s pitch black in the cellar where I wait, held spread-eagled against the wall;  waiting for my Goddess to return. There’s no sound, no light, no external stimuli as I hang suspended in space and time, my very being on hold, waiting, waiting for release, waiting for redemption, waiting for Her return.

So, why am I here? What sane person would allow herself to be treated this way? Because, don’t get me wrong, I’m not here against my will. When She ordered me to the cellar, to strip naked, to humiliate myself before Her, to position myself against the wall, I did do willingly, knowing full well what awaited me. I crave the bonds that hold me, not just the chains, nor the straps, nor the cuffs or even my precious collar, that symbol of what I am, but most of all I welcome the ties you cannot see, the ties that will hold me here forever.

The short answer is that it is love that holds me here. It is with love that I serve my Goddess in any way that pleases Her and my gift of my body is a gift of love. It is with joy that I prostrate myself before Her, that I submit myself to Her will so that She may use me for Her pleasure. She is my reason, my future, my guiding star and without Her I would be lost. My only concern is that I should be worthy of the love that She gives me.

But how can someone who loves me treat me so cruelly? I know it sounds strange but it’s because She cares for me, understands my needs, understands my desires, that She treats me this way. It is through Her chastisements, Her discipline, Her control, that I can fully realise my need to surrender myself to Her will. When a parent scolds a child does that parent love the child less? And when the punishment is done, is not the reconciliation sweeter? It is by serving Her, by subjecting myself to Her will, by losing myself in Her, that I have found greater peace, deeper joy, and higher bliss than I would ever known without Her.

So, why am I here? The long answer is, as the old hymn says, I once was lost but now I’m found. Let me explain.

My parents were strict, and I mean strict, fundamentalist Christians and my father had very firm ideas about what was a sin and what happened to those who transgressed. I grew up fearing both God and my father who, when he felt that I was naughty, saw it as his duty to beat the wickedness from me with his belt. Mum was never strong enough to stand up to him and would only wring her hands saying ‘it’s all for the best, dear' as she applied the witchhazel to my bruises. When, aged thirteen, I first began to realise that I didn’t fancy boys but was attracted to girls instead I prayed and prayed for God to change me. However, God didn’t seem to listen and two years later, when I was fifteen and Katy, my bestest friend, kissed me, I couldn’t resist, I didn’t want to resist, and I responded in kind. One kiss led to another and for eight glorious months we explored our growing  attraction, getting to know every inch of each others bodies, sharing a physical expression of our closeness. We were discrete, or at least we thought we were, and all went well until, one day, dad came home from work early and found us in bed with my face buried in Katy’s crotch, my tongue hard at work, and the screams of her orgasm echoing round the house.

To say that he went spare doesn’t even begin to cover his anger. It would seem that, in his eyes, I was the worst of the worst, Satan’s whore destined to burn in hell for all eternity unless he drove my ‘perversion’ from me. As Katy ran from the room he unbuckled his belt and came at me. I, on the other hand, had had just about enough of his ‘holier than thou’ preaching and was not going to be told by anyone that what we had been doing, which had felt so right, could be so wrong. He shouted, I shouted, and, after a brief struggle, he laid into me, thrashing at me wildly until, his passion spent, he threw me to the floor and left, locking my bedroom door behind him.

For hours I just lay there, sobbing gently. I could hear dad storming round the house and, when mum came home, he laid into her as well. The locked door muffled the words but I could still make out the import of what he was saying, that somehow it was her fault, that somehow all women were evil, that it was Eve who had betrayed Adam by eating the apple and now his wife and daughter were betraying him with their perverse lusts. There was a crash, I heard mum scream, and then there was silence.

I knew I had to leave, had to get out, had to go somewhere, anywhere that was away from him. Katy, sweet Katy, had shown me how to climb out of my bedroom window so I waited until dark, and, putting a few essentials together into my school-bag, along with a tiny sum which represented all my savings, I slipped from the house and, keeping to the shadows, went over to Katy’s house. I woke her by throwing stones at her bedroom window and she slipped out to see me. Along with a long, lingering kiss goodbye she gave me all the money she had in her savings. It wasn’t much in value, but it was everything in friendship. Then it was off to the bus station and away.

If you can’t guess what happened next you must be as naive as a sixteen year old girl arriving in the big city with nowhere to go and no one to go to. I don’t want to dwell on the next bit of my story, I’d rather forget it, so, suffice it to say, like so many others, it starts with ‘I met this guy, and he seemed really nice...’ We went back to his place and, although I fought hard to keep both, it wasn’t long before I’d lost both my purse and my virginity and was back out on the street again. For the rest of the day I wandered the streets, lost, scared, lonely and depressed. I couldn’t go home, I hadn’t the money for the bus fare, but with nowhere else to go I ended up back at the bus station. I went down into the toilets, locked myself in a stall and started to cry. And that’s where Jezz found me.

Jezz is? different. She could hear me crying and the locked door wasn’t going to stop her; she just went into the next stall climbed up on the toilet seat and peered in over the partition. Thirty minutes later I was back at her squat, sitting on her bed, drinking tea, and eating beans on toast, my first hot meal of the day. As I told her my story Jezz just laughed; she’d heard it all before and, whilst she sympathised, I wasn’t allowed to wallow in any self pity. I guess she must have been around twenty at the time but, from my sixteen years, she seemed so much older and wiser and I was more than willing to trust her. It turned out that, although her story wasn’t as extreme, she knew all about the problems of ‘coming out’; she too liked girls, not boys and, although her parents hadn’t reacted as violently as dad had done, it was when they had found out that she had left home.

After we had eaten she produced some grass and proceeded to roll some joints. At first I didn’t want to have anything to do with it, I’d never smoked a cigarette, let alone drugs,  but Jezz insisted and it seemed churlish to refuse; after all she had opened up her home to me and given me somewhere to stay when I was lost. After that the rest of the day disintegrated into a stoned blur, we talked a lot, we giggled a lot, and, exhausted by all the high emotion, it wasn’t long before I was falling asleep. When Jezz suggested I get undressed and into her bed it seemed like the natural thing to do; when she got in with me it was only being friendly, after all it was her bed, and when she reached out to me I snuggled into her arms and fell asleep at once.

The next day Jezz taught me her brand of survival. We went down to the West End and I soon discovered that what looked, at first, like a window shopping trip was actually picking pockets and shoplifting. I couldn’t, I wouldn’t, actually do the ‘dipping’ but Jezz explained that she needed someone who looked sweet and innocent to take the purse or whatever as soon as she had lifted it. We’d enter a shop separately, she’d find a mug, lift the purse, pass it to me and disappear. We’d then meet up later to split the proceeds. In one short afternoon we made over four hundred quid; more money than I’d ever seen before. Then we traipsed round to her dealer to pick up some hash and some pills. I was young, I was green, and I was so na?ve but I was having my eyes opened and fast. When the hash pipe was passed round I once again tried to say no, but not very hard, and I was soon coughing away as the harsh smoke seared at my lungs. An hour later, my mind reeling, we were back on the street and heading for Jezz’s squat.

We’d hardly got back when Jezz took me to bed. This time there was no soporific snuggling, We both fired up by the excitement of the day there was an itch that needed scratching and it wouldn’t wait a moment longer. Whereas making love to Katy had been a soft, gentle exploration of each other’s bodies with Jezz it was definitely fucking. Fuelled by the hash and the pills we tore into each other, letting our passion run wild with no limits, no boundaries, no restrictions and no rules. Jezz ripped at my tee-shirt in her impatience to get to me, my bra was pushed roughly away and her lips clamped ontomy nipples. Equally fired up I clawed at her jeans, pushing them down, tearing away her flimsy panties and, when Jezz produced a strap on I was ready, oh so ready, for her to take me, plunder me, rape me, use me, consume me until, sated and exhausted, we collapsed panting into each other’s arms.

We didn’t lie there long, however. Jezz was determined to take me out clubbing and, after a bit of ‘whizz’ to put us in the mood we got dressed and headed for town. I had to borrow quite a bit from Jezz as most of what I’d got was too dowdy, in Jezz’s eyes, or had just been ripped to shreds. What I hadn’t expected was that Jezz was going to take me to a lesbian club, up until that point I hadn’t even known they existed. There was a pretty muscular butch on the door but she knew Jezz and we were waved through. As soon as we entered I found the sense of empowerment and liberation fantastic. Here I could be myself, I didn’t have to hide, I didn’t have to lie, well, except about my age, of course, and, if I wanted to kiss another woman, I could go ahead and just kiss her. Jezz was well known and we spent the evening going from group to group as she introduced me to her friends. Here I discovered that, as a young woman new to the scene, there were plenty who wanted me, and who were not shy in making  their intentions clear. Being the desirable centre of attention was a new one on me, and a drug as heady as any of the pills we'd just taken. However, the music was loud and the drugs had kicked in so we dropped another ‘E’ and headed for the dance floor.

The pounding music, the flashing lights, the euphoria from the drugs, came together to lift me and I danced and I danced and I danced. It was as if sixteen years of locked up oppression burst forth and I felt free, free from rules, free from restrictions, free to dance, free to love, free to be. At six in the morning, when Jezz finally dragged me out, I was still high as a kite, not just from the drugs, but high on life, high on freedom.

From then on I was like the child given the keys to the sweetshop; I’d discovered a world where every pleasure could be quickly and easily satisfied and, if I were short of money, all it took was another trip down to the West End. I didn’t stay long with Jezz, she’d been great, and had rescued me from God knows what, but we knew we weren’t soul mates or anything and we were both happy when I found a room in another nearby squat. We still went out ‘lifting’ together and we’d often do our drugs together but, in the end, we went our separate ways.

Mostly I went back to the bars and clubs. I wanted dancing and I wanted sex and I knew where to get them both. Fuelled by the endless drugs I was taking I’d dance the night away before looking for another conquest to screw. I played the innocent sixteen year old for all it was worth although I was fast losing any innocence I might have had left, and I went after them all, from the butches to the lipsticks. It wasn’t long before I met some of the more exotic appetites but that just added to the thrill, I was willing to try anything once, and once more to make sure; you want kinky, bring it on! It felt so grown-up to be this sophisticated, so in control of my own life, so free of the petty rules and regulations I’d grown up with. Of course, with a community as small and as enclosed as the gay scene it wasn’t long before I was getting quite a reputation. Slut? Me? I loved it, I was the wild one, up for anything, and, if you buy my drinks and my drugs, you can have me any way you want me, but you don’t own me, ‘cause nobody owns me, ever!

Of course it was too good to last. I was up town with Jezz when we got pulled; bundled into a black maria and down the nick in seconds. I was telling anyone who would listen that I didn’t know Jezz, had never met her before, and was a victim of mistaken identity but once you’re in the system you’ve got to go through the process. They pushed me around a bit, filled in a million and one forms, and eventually I was taken to an interview room. For maybe fifteen minutes they left me to sweat it out, just me and the WPC keeping watch. Then She entered?

Ok, so I’m not going to do the eyes across a crowded room thing; it wasn’t like that, well not completely, but as soon as I saw Her I knew that, although She wasn’t to be messed with, there was some sort of spark between us. For Her part She spent several minutes looking me over before dismissing the WPC and sitting down opposite. She opened up the file that She had brought with Her and read it for a while.

?How old are you?? She asked when She finally looked up.

?Nineteen.? I replied.

?Oh, yeah. And I’m the Queen of Sheeba.? The disbelief in Her face was obvious. She reached over and switched off the tape recorder.

?Listen, Nichole, if that’s your real name. I know you. I’ve seen you round the clubs. More than that, I know your sort. The lost little girl living it up in the big city, the booze, the drugs, every night a different bed. I’ve seen it all before, and I’ve seen where it ends up. Now, let’s try again. How old are you??

?Eighteen.? I ventured.

?More lies, just lies, that’s all I’m going to get from you, isn’t it? Now, we haven’t got enough to hold you so I’m going to have to let you go but we’re holding Jessica, and, judging by her previous, it looks like she’s going down this time. She’s going to find out just what it’s like inside Holloway prison and, if she thinks she’s tough, she’s going to find otherwise. That’s where you’re heading, you know that? You may have got away with it this time but you won’t get away with it forever, I’ll see to that. Do you understand!?

?Yes, Miss.? I know She was trying to scare me, and to an extent She succeeded, but all I was hearing was the ‘I’m going to have to let you go’ part. I was free, I’d got away with it. As for Jezz, well, I couldn’t afford to go down with her and I’m sure she wouldn’t have wanted me to so I left her to her fate.

I went back to the squat more than a little shaken. Although I’d got to meet lots of people Jezz was the only one I really knew and, without her, I’d lost my only source of income. Sure I was getting good at scrounging off my nightly conquests and, truth be told, had even stolen from one or two of them, but my future seemed far from certain.

From then on it seemed that, every time I hit the clubs and pubs, I kept bumping into Her, my stalker, my nemesis. Just knowing She was a copper cramped my style and the way She looked at me, that long hard look that I’ve come to know so well, set my nerves on end and I would usually move on and find somewhere else to hang out. On the day that Jezz went down She even came over and spoke to me.

?I hear your little friend got six months. Why don’t you  go and visit her in Holloway, see how much fun she’s having?? And, without another word, She returned to Her group at the bar.

But it was the night of Sarah’s party when it all came to a head. Sarah had this big house down in Clapham and anyone who was anyone around the scene had to have an invite. I wangled my way in as a ‘plus one’ and headed straight for the improvised bar. A couple of vodka-cokes followed by a couple more put me in the mood and then it was off to the bathroom to snort a few lines, pop some pills and I was away. If the party was loud, I was louder; if the party was brash, I was brasher; if the party was fun then I was at the centre of that fun and, whenever I started to run out of steam, there was always another vodka-coke, or another line of Charlie. And then, suddenly, it got weird; I felt dizzy, the room spun, She was there, my head was thumping, I was having trouble staying upright, the lights hurt my eyes, She was there, the music was too loud, I stumbled and knocked over a potted plant, it wasn’t funny anymore, She was there, my stomach knotted, I started to fall, strong arms caught me, I vomited like I would never stop, my legs gave way but still I was held, She was there, She was there, and it all went dark.


Slowly, gradually, the mists parted and I woke up. My head throbbed with the worst hangover I’d ever had, my mouth tasted like a camel’s armpit, and I couldn’t move. Slowly, carefully, I opened my eyes. I was lying on my side on some kind of pvc covered mattress in what looked like a cellar with rough brick walls. A puddle of vomit in front of me testified to this being where I had spent the night. I tried to get up but found why I couldn’t move; my wrists were fastened together behind my back. My ankles were similarly restrained and, although I couldn’t see exactly how, they were both apparently fixed to something solid which was preventing me from moving. The icing on the cake was that I was completely naked and, now, very scared. What sort of pervert kidnaps young women and ties them up in the cellar, and what did they have planned for me?

?Help! Help! Somebody help me!? I screamed out but this only intensified the pounding headache. ?Help, please help.? I almost whispered and the tears started to fall.

For what seemed like hours I just lay there. I was cold, I was cramped and my bladder was full to bursting. Eventually there seemed no point in trying to hold it back any longer and, with a sense of relief, I just let it flow. However, I hadn’t bargained on the fact that my weight was making a depression in the mattress, a depression that was now full of my rapidly cooling urine. Sick and stinking I lay there and awaited my fate.

The door to the cellar opened and She came down the stairs and across to stand in front of the mattress. She was holding a file which She flicked through.

?Well, Nichole, or perhaps I should call you Mary, Mary Baines, aged sixteen from Halifax in Yorkshire. I ought to arrest you, right now, take you down the station and throw you in the cells. We’ll start with theft. I’ve plenty of CCTV footage of you working the shops in the West End, footage that shows exactly what your relationship to Jessica Worthing was. Footage that would stand up in court. Did you go to see her in Holloway, by the way? How’s she settling in? Having fun, is she?

?After that we’ve got the drugs. Do you know what was in your handbag? Cocaine’s a class A, you can get sent down for possession alone, so is the ecstasy, looks like you  got some of that bad batch that came across from Holland last week. That might explain your upset stomach. And we can add to that amphetamines, moggies, and a little hash. Quite a junkie, aren’t you?

?And then we’ll throw in the underage drinking. Seems that if your not snorting coke you swigging  booze, aren’t you? You do know that eighteen is the minimum drinking age?

?And last, but not least, there’s vomiting all over my best Armani; let’s call that assaulting a police officer. I’m not sure if the courts would agree but it’s certainly the most serious offence in my book.?

She went back to reading the file, flicking the pages back and forth.

?Or maybe I should just take you home; do you know there’s a missing persons report out on you? Surely mummy and daddy must be wondering where their daughter’s got to. Jump in the car, a couple of hours up the M1 and we'd be there in no time. So, what do you think I should do??

?Please, please don’t make me go home.? I croaked. My throat was dry and talking was an effort.

?Umm... Maybe not,? again She flicked through the file. ?I guess that you ran from something bad. What was it? Incest maybe? Did daddy like to keep it in the family? Hmm? But that doesn’t answer the question; what should I do with you??

?Please, please let me go. I’ll be good. I’ll pay for your Armani. I’ll do anything. Please.? I didn’t want to beg but I was cold, naked and lying in my own filth.

?Pay for my Armarni; do you think I would take your stolen money! Not good enough. You’re a thief, you’re a junkie, and above all, you’re a slut who can’t be trusted. I think I’ll leave you for a while to think it over. Maybe this will help you decide. It's time you took a long hard look at yourself, realised just what you've become? She went out of sight for a  moment, returned with a full length mirror on a stand, positioned it in front of me and, without a backwards glance, walked out of the cellar.

I lay there, Her words echoing in my head. Was that really me, a thief, a junkie and a slut? I’d been having fun but what had I become? Worse still there were the choices I had to make about my future. With Jezz inside I had no friends, no job, and nowhere but a damp room in a squalid squat to live. And there She was, holding this power over me, keeping me chained in Her cellar, lying in my filth. What did She want from me? What did She want me to do?

I took a long at myself in the mirror. My hair was matted and stuck with bits of vomit. My  face had a pale pallor and, quite frankly, I looked a mess. I’d really fucked up and was now just about at rock bottom. An overwhelming sense of shame washed over me; incidents came unbidden into my mind; how I'd lied, how I'd cheated, how I'd stolen. Suddenly I wasn't so proud of my reputation; I was a slut, and I was ashamed of it. And now there was Her, She had berated me, I definitely knew She wasn’t happy with me, but there was something there, something else. This wasn’t the incoherent rage I used to get from my father, it wasn’t anger that drove Her, it was disappointment, as if I’d let Her down. I felt small, I felt lost, I felt an aching need I couldn’t describe, but I didn’t feel afraid, not of Her.

I was still staring at myself in the mirror when She returned.

?Well?? She asked.

?Please, Miss, please help me.? I don’t know where the words came from but I felt like I was drowning and reaching out to Her outstretched hand.

?Are you sorry, really sorry?? She asked.

?Yes, Miss.? Somehow, now I’d started, this was easy.

There was a long pause. Her eyes bored into mine as if She was reading all my secrets.

?Maybe you are but, sorry or not, you’ve been a naughty girl and you still need to be punished, you know that, don’t you?? Her tone was soft and understanding.

?Yes, Miss.?

?Good girl.? She reached down and unfastened my wrists and ankles. Painfully, inch by inch, I forced my stiff limbs to move and managed to sit up. Meanwhile She went over to a sink in the corner and got me a glass of water. Never before has water ever tasted so sweet.

?Now let’s get you cleaned up.? She reached down and, pulling me to my feet, led me off upstairs to the bathroom. She ran the shower for me and I got inside. The warm water cascaded over me and my body began to return to normal. I found the shampoo and washed my hair, my stomach still turning at disgust as the lumps of vomit broke free and swilled down the drain. I could have stayed there forever, well, at least until the hot water ran out, but I knew She was waiting so I finished up and got out.

She was stood by the bathroom door, almost as if on guard duty, and, as I got out, She handed me a towel and told me I’d find a spare toothbrush in the bathroom cabinet. Her watchful eyes never left me as I towelled myself down and brushed my teeth.

?First off, you can clean up the mess you've left in the cellar. You’ll find all you need down there.? She said as I hung up the towel. I looked at Her face and then down at my still naked body.

?Oh, I think that working naked will help you keep in mind exactly what you’re doing and why.? She said,  answering my unasked question.

She took me back down to the cellar and left me there to tidy up. Now that I wasn’t chained to the bed I could have a good look around. It wasn’t as bare as it had seemed. Apart from the sink unit there were benches and a chest of draws and, tucked in a corner a leather padded horse. The chains that had bound me were still attached to a staple driven into the brickwork and, as I looked around, I could see plenty more set at varying heights around the room. I found a bucket, some cloths and some disinfectant in the cupboard under the sink and set to work.

Cleaning up was strangely therapeutic. It seemed ages since I’d been on my knees with a mop and bucket and it fitted perfectly with my contrite mood. The stinking, sodden mess that was the mattress where I had spent the night reminded me of just how far I'd fallen. I determined that I wasn’t just going to clean up, I would make the place sparkle, or at least as much as a rather grim cellar could. When it came time to put away the chains I had a chance to really look around under the pretence of finding out where they lived. The chest of draws was neatly organised with a collection, not just of chains, but of leather and steel cuffs, spreader bars, gags and blind folds, whips and paddles of all flavours, and a collection of dildoes, strapons and butt plugs for every occasion and orifice. I picked up a paddle and swished it through the air feeling strangely ambivalent. I knew that soon, very soon, this, or something like this, would be used on me and the memories of my father's belt were vivid, but, and it was a huge but, She was different, very different. Whereas with him it had been about his rage, his anger, his violent temper taken out on my body, with Her it would be a well deserved punishment, a path to forgiveness and redemption.

Once I’d finished cleaning the bed area I wasn’t sure what to do next but I’d noticed some leather polish in the chest of draws along with suitable brushes and cloths so I set to and polished the various whips and paddles. As I worked away I wondered again which one She would use. Surely, with a collection like this available, I would feel more than the palm of Her hand. I was still busy polishing away when She came to fetch me for supper.

We sat at the kitchen table, two women, one naked, one clothed, enjoying supper together. I still felt a little self-conscious about being naked but that was fine, it added to, it reinforced, my position as penitent. The meal was delicious and I was ravenous so it wasn’t long before my plate was clean. I helped Her load the dish-washer and tidy away the condiments and then She turned to me.

?Right, we have some unfinished business, don’t we??

?Yes, Miss.?

?I think you should choose the instrument; it will say a lot about exactly how sorry you are.?

I went down to the cellar and once again opened up the chest of draws. What to choose? What to choose? I finally settled on a tawse that I had polished earlier. Something about it spoke to me, its air of the schoolroom, maybe. I took it upstairs and, without thinking knelt down before Her and held it out on my upturned palms.

?Very pretty, and quite an appropriate choice. The tawse was designed to be used to punish recalcitrant school girls. You know why you’re being punished, don’t you??

?Yes Miss. I’ve been a naughty girl, Miss.?

?Yes, indeed. You’re a thief, a junkie and a slut. Any one of these is bad enough, but all three together? Now, what are you??

?A thief, a junkie and a slut, Miss. Please punish me, Miss. Please make me better.? I’m not sure who was more surprised at that last bit, Her or me. All I knew was that something powerful inside me wanted, needed, demanded, Her absolution and my plea for punishment was a plea from the heart.

She fetched an upright chair and placed it in the middle of the room. Then She took the tawse from me and sat down.

?Here, girl, over my knee. Hurry up.? I went over and draped myself over Her. She took my wrist and, twisting my arm behind my back, held it firm, locking me tight. With Her other hand She arranged my legs, spreading them apart. There was no-one to see but I felt open, exposed, on view but this was only right for a slut like me, a slut that deserved, no needed to be punished.

And then She started. From the first stroke it hurt like crazy, but I was used to that. What I wasn’t used to, what I hadn’t bargained on, was the floodgate that opened inside me. She cared, She really cared, She cared for a wretch like me. I was a thief, I was a junkie, I was a slut but She still wanted me, still cared for me, still wanted to make me better. I cried, I sobbed, I kicked and I fought, but inside there was turmoil of a different sort. I was a lost little girl crying out for the mother she never had, the strong mother who could provided an anchor in the storms of life. I didn't want it to stop but I couldn’t wait for the punishment to be over, not because it hurt, but because I  wanted to go down on my knees and thank Her for saving me. And the need within me was not just an emotional need, it was a physical need, there was a burning, not just of my buttocks but of my loins.

Over at last, She released my wrist and I slid to the floor. Kneeling up I lay my head on Her lap and sobbed and sobbed. I was well beyond rational thought, overwhelmed by the intensity of the emotions that had washed through me, and were still washing through me. She, of course, understood and let me be, simply stroking my hair until the storms subsided. Then Her hand lifted my chin, pulling my face up, up towards Hers. She reached forward and kissed me.

How sweet the kiss of redemption; the price paid, the sinner forgiven. I reached up and put my arms round Her neck and, without for one second breaking the kiss, She pulled me up onto Her lap. Her strong arms held me close, keeping me safe, as She kissed away the tears and soothed away the hurts until, easing me from Her lap, She took me by the hand and led me off to bed.

And that was a little over five years ago. Five years of bliss. I never went back to the squat, there was nothing there I needed and with Her I wanted to rebuild my life from scratch. I even left my clothes there, the next day Goddess took me shopping and we bought me a whole new wardrobe to go with a whole new life. Every day we grow closer, sharing our lives, sharing our love. I'm still a naughty girl from time to time and my punishments have evolved over the years, neither of us wants to get stuck in a rut. She well understands my need for pain and humiliation and is ever inventive and quick to suggest new ways for us to share our passions but She always is, and always will be, my one, my only, my Goddess.

And now the wait is over. I hear Her coming back, I hear the click of the light switch, the sound of Her shoes on the wooden stairs, Her hands undo the cuffs around my ankles and wrists and She catches me as I fall away  from the wall. I am free, I have paid the price, I am purified, ready to join with my Goddess, to share the ecstasy, the bliss, the deep inner joy that only true lovers know.

Same as Waiting Videos

4 years ago
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I’ve been standing here naked for nearly three hours. My hands are tied behind me, there’s a noose snug around my neck, and a trapdoor underneath my feet. And I am so wet... There are nine other young women in the room with me. All of us are in the same situation. I’m second from the right end of the line. The wall in front of me is black glass. The room is brightly lit, so I can’t see through the glass, but I get a great view of the ten of us standing here, naked, noosed, waiting.An execution?...

4 years ago
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She entered the pub at the exact same time she had every Friday, she arrived at the same time left at the same time and had the same amount of the same drink every Friday for the last month. She sat at the same table and stared at the door, waiting for someone, talked to no one except to say that she wasnt interested. She was beautiful, tall, slender, long blonde curly hair, dark blue eyes and nice big full tits. I had tried to talk to her last Friday and she blew me off the same way she had...

3 years ago
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Copyright Alison Smith. Waiting… The room is fairly bare, stark even, but She finds it comfortable, minimalistShe says, Her retreat. The walls are a soft off white, the only furniture asingle comfortable chair, Her chair. There is an expensive hi-fi system inone corner, powerful speakers positioned to provide optimum sound quality tothe listener in the chair. The only adornments to the walls are a couple of riding crops, crossed likeceremonial swords, battle trophies. Whenever we are in...

3 years ago
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Every wave that smacks into the side of the boat reminds me how grateful I am to be here. I breathe in the salt-infused air, relish the soothing sound of restless water, the way the breeze stings after making contact with the seaspray. I love it all.My eyes squint as they scan the thin line that separates the ocean from the sky; two shades of blue existing side-by-side. I would wear sunglasses against the glaring water, but don’t want to risk missing anything. The slightest flicker could be the...

First Time
3 years ago
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I got home early from work did the usual unpacked my lunch box poured a drink had a quick shower put on a pair of shorts and sat down to unwind and watch a bit of tv. It was here finally Friday. We had been planning it for a few days we had a newly meet male friend coming over for some playtime. Fingers crossed this one would turn up last couple had either bailed out or had work commitments that prevented them from turning up. So there I was sitting down watching a movie and enjoying a nice...

2 years ago
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I waited on the couch trying not to look to excited and just waiting for the doorbell to ring. It seemed like forever since I hung up the phone and you said you would be here in 20 minutes. I couldn’t wait to finally see you in person after all the phone calls and talking about what we liked about us. Now you’re on your way the moment of truth is near I wondered if you’re as sexy as you sounded. I closed my eyes and tried to picture what you looked like. I slowly slide my hand down the front of...

3 years ago
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Waiting Here I am again. It’s just about 7 p.m., a Friday, and I’m waiting for you to get to my apartment. I absolutely adore these times that we can get together and spend time just laying around. You’re supposed to bring over some movies soon. We’ll spend the weekend together. Actually you’ll be here any minute. Seconds seem like hours when you’re away, love. I’m going crazy thinking of all the things that might happen when midnight draws near. I usually do this. I drive myself mad with...

5 years ago
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I can’t take it anymore. I take one last look out the window and let the curtain fall back into place. This heat is unbearable. Even with every last window open, there is no reprieve from this hell. The ceiling fan slowly circulates. The damned thing is busted and only runs on low. Even my beer bottle is starting to sweat bullets. Are you ever coming back? You said you would. I heard it in your voice the last time you left. You’re my drug and every time you walk out that door, I go through...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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She was beginning to wonder if this was a good idea after all. Her nipples, pinched by the clamps, were throbbing, her naked body sweating and cooled by the ceiling fan, her pussy tingling, dripping wet and begging for attention, her arms and legs and jaw all starting to ache, and she still had no idea what he was going to do to her. She had no idea how long she had been standing there waiting for him. Twenty minutes, a half hour, maybe even an hour? She wasn't even certain he was in the...

3 years ago
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Amy and Brendan laid in bed, sleeping soundly as morning broke and Brendan held his college girlfriend tightly in his arms. They had been going out for about two years now, and both were absolutely in love. Brendan loved Amy’s sweet blue eyes, her wispy blonde hair, and a smile that melted him every time he saw her. Amy loved how safe she felt with Brendan, and she loved that although she had made a commitment to wait for sex until marriage, Brendan accepted this and never pushed her. Brendan...

4 years ago
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Amy and Brendan laid in bed, sleeping soundly as morning broke and Brendan held his college girlfriend tightly in his arms. They had been going out for about two years now, and both were absolutely in love. Brendan loved Amy's sweet blue eyes, her wispy blonde hair, and a smile that melted him every time he saw her. Amy loved how safe she felt with Brendan, and she loved that although she had made a commitment to wait for sex until marriage, Brendan accepted this and never pushed her. Brendan...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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I wait every day for her to go by. She never fails. She runs her run and always in the same places. I hide behind a tree, or in the bushes and watch as she goes by. She runs without style, but it just causes her breasts to bounce up and down inside her tight top. She never wears a bra and I can see her long, thick nipples as they strain against the thin material. I am already hard when she comes into view. I dip my hand into my loose shorts and feel the greasy pre-cum ooze onto my fingers....

2 years ago
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She climbs from the cab and as it drives off, stands swaying with fatigue. She is a pretty girl with long full brown hair, an exception of stillness in the crazy yellow of the street lights, in the shifting shadows and glares from headlights, in the din of engines, tires and horns. Three bicyclists barrel down the sidewalk shouting at her for standing so stupidly. Pedestrians hurry by, nearly shouting to be heard, their words harsh and foreign. The humid heat pulses about her, she shivers from...

4 years ago
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I started this as a means to get to another idea I have, but I got so into the intro, I thought it worked as a story on it’s own. I will post this and then post it again with my original ending so you can make up your own mind. I walked through the door, following your instructions to the letter. I sat on the chair you had left in the middle of the room, put the mask over my eyes shutting out the light. The chair was wooden, with a spindle back which lowered and came round the sides to make 2...

3 years ago
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She waited for him by the door . When the knob began to turn she became so excited it started her gooey juices flowing. For she loved him with all her heart and he her, the same. As the door opened and he entered with a smile she leaned in for a passionate kiss. Pulling him closer so she can take in his scent. She's craved this moment all day. And he's waits for this minute. She whispers into his ear.... I love you to the moon. His eyes light up. She grabs his right hand and squeezes as if to...

3 years ago
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It’s a cold day and I am sitting here snuggled up under the blankets. It snowed last night and it’s in the beginning of April. I miss you so much all I can do is wish you were here. I can’t wait until you get here. I am smelling good, soft skin, and nothing is lighting up the room but the candles I have lit. You will be here in less than an hour. My tummy is in knots with anticipation of your touch and smell. I just turned on my favorite mix that I love to listen to when you are here. ...

3 years ago
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I can’t take it anymore. I take one last look out the window and let the curtain fall back into place. This heat is unbearable. Even with every last window open, there is no reprieve from this hell. The ceiling fan slowly circulates. The damned thing is busted and only runs on low. Even my beer bottle is starting to sweat bullets. Are you ever coming back? You said you would. I heard it in your voice the last time you left. You’re my drug and every time you walk out that door, I go through...

2 years ago
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His little slut ached for his touch. Life had just gotten in the way, and they'd only been able to steal a few chaste moments together. On the most part, they were limited to online communication. Through the e-mails, the instant messages, he kept her arousal simmering. A week had passed, and still he'd not given her permission to cum. Her phone rang with that song she reserved for him. Despite the late hour of evening, she answered the call with her standard professionalism. Just the sound of...

4 years ago
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His little slut ached for his touch. Life had just gotten in the way, and they'd only been able to steal a few chaste moments together. On the most part, they were limited to online communication. Through the e-mails, the instant messages, he kept her arousal simmering. A week had passed, and still he'd not given her permission to cum. Her phone rang with that song she reserved for him. Despite the late hour of evening, she answered the call with her standard professionalism. Just the sound of...

2 years ago
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Reunion Aftermath

It's been a week since my high school reunion; taking that big stroll down memory lane, falling for one of my old classmates. Rhonda James; an African American goddess who was once a volleyball playing tomboy. That night was magical and since our encounter at my place we stayed in touch and spent plenty of time together. One day we even visited her mother; the one responsible for Rhonda's transformation. Mrs. James was in her mid forties and was a total knockout herself. Seeing them together...

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The Whore of Babylon

There was silence in the vehicle as it sped to the office of the 'marriage counsellor'. The office was situated in a wing of the church the woman passenger attended. She sat without any expression while her husband drove but the expression on his face was one of almost hate. For years he had done his best to keep the marriage going, but finally he had said 'enough is enough'. This church he had also attended till he walked out a couple of week previously, prided itself on the fact that...

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Ruthie Throws an Orgy Ch 02

All of us completely naked, we headed for the queen-sized bed that awaited us. Pam slipped a pillow under her ass and lay on her back in the middle while Ruthie lay on the edge of the bed, close enough to watch what I was doing. As Ruthie said, this had been an educational day for her so far, and now, for the first time, she was going to see and hear another woman making love. When I got onto the bed next to Pam, I made a point of lying on the opposite side so Ruthie could have a clear view. ...

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Call Me Kate Chapter 3

Kate That was the single hottest experience I’ve ever been a part of! It took every ounce of willpower in me to refrain from riding his beautiful cock! It got bigger since last year, that’s for sure! I’m just so mad at myself for taking it to the next level and making him cum inside of me. Yes, I’m on the pill (I get them through the school nurse), but he looked super uncomfortable with the situation. I’d never seen somebody so quick to leave my side after being inside of me. That never...

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Mother Neighbor

Then he removed his la*ra from her mouth and said you are the most beautiful woman I have ever been with and then asked her to suck his balls and he guided her face to his huge balls, she took each of them in her mouth for about a minute and then he again put his dick near her mouth, this time without saying anything my mother opened her mouth without any resistance and took half of it in her mouth and held it like that and then pulled away and then in again, I could see uncle close his eyes...

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PervDriver Kiana Kumani Cams Are Not Just For Safety

Kinky Kiana is picked up by her driver Calvin. She is surprised by the security cameras on the car, designed for the passengers’ safety. The naughty gal just came back from a nightlong party and feels horny, so she starts playing with her pussy for the security cams. Calvin quickly notices and tells her to stop or she might get in trouble. Kiana feels inhibited and begs Calvin not to release that footage. In exchange, she will do anything he wants. Calvin likes the idea and jumps into the...

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I lost more than a brawl

I was knocked out goodin the ring falling hard on the floor crawling to get back an fight afraid of my coach who was looking hard in his boxer in the corner my coach calling me a weak boy looking at the other guy win easy ''get out of there ''it was my dad idea to get me into boxingmost of the other guy taller and stronger than me , i was always sent down to the floor crawling and my coach took a great pleasure in making me suck on his fat black cock every time i lost ''please please i did my...

3 years ago
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I gave Delilah a nice tip, down into her mountainous cleavage. Michael gave me a high five. I got a look from both Rose and Kallie. “I didn’t get any silverware,” Annette said. Michael explained, “You eat it with your hands. When you are done, wash your hands in the goblet of water and dry them off with the large napkin you got.” Smart as a whip! They didn’t do the scarf and climbing bit from before. It must have gotten the insurers of the show’s panties in a bunch. Mordred came in, the...

3 years ago
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3 Days Of Paradise With Mom And Daughter

This is Maddysab (name changed) 24 years old handsome young energetic friendly man from Bangalore with hot circumcised dick. I like mature bhabhis above 30, and I like fucking big titted milf in the doggy style. I have written about my previous experience with a hot daughter Swathi (name changed) about 19 and her hotter mom Sapna (name changed) around 45 in my story . I will give a brief about us so that you can understand our relationship. This mother and daughter were lesbians for a long...

2 years ago
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How It Started Pt 5

The next day, after her letting him see her tits and suck them, I'd get hard just thinking about it all. How it had all started, with me catching him peeking down my wife’s pajama top that first time. Then he had seen, felt and sucked her tits. Not to mention the fact that not only had he seen her pussy, he had even managed to get a finger or two in it. I was curious how my wife felt about all of it. When I asked her what she thought about last night, she said it was exciting, but also kind of...

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Girl Code 1 Truce

Bathed in sunlight, Nicole stood naked in front of her chest of drawers and studied her panty choice. Any other day she let her mood decide, but today was Monday. She hovered over cute hot-pink briefs speckled with tiny white dots. Nothing she'd done made her feel obliged to slip them on today.Sweeping her straight, shoulder-length blonde hair behind her ear, she paused over her bright pink panties a second time and thought about her swift retort on Twitter yesterday. She wasn't exactly proud...

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Down in Mexico

It was the last day of what had been an incredible vacation with my wife Lindy at a clothing optional resort in Mexico. This was our first visit to a lifestyle club of any kind and it had been an erotic and sensual week of fun and sun. We met many nice people during the week. It was amazing how well you could get to know someone when everyone had their clothes off. Some people at the club were nudists and others were in the swinging lifestyle. Everyone was into watching and being watched, as...

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The Cheerleader Roast Part 1 of 4

Introduction: Young Jessica gets the supprise of her life after cheerleading for the big football game. The Cheerleader Roast Story: #7 Copyright 2004 Written: December 19 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 1 of 4 – Jessica, The Chosen One Jessica, a young blonde cheerleader at Dolcett University, had a terrible feeling that something bad was...

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First time black cock and gloryhole action

I recently visited my old seaside home town to hook up with some old friends and after a long night on the beers I started to make my way home along the promenade using the cliff paths to get back to the hotel I was staying at. It was about 7am and the sun was about to rise. having made my way to the top of the cliff face I started to feel the need for a piss and knowing that further along the pathway was some public conveniences I decided to head that way back, the path passes through some...

2 years ago
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Sex with teacher

Hi friends, I am naren from Chennai back again with my new experience. I m 20 years old with a 5.9 height and an athletic body. This I faced a very big problem while fucking. She is an unsatisfied woman who met me through internet & to my surprise she is my teacher now. I’ve joined tuition & she is my tuition teacher. But, I don’t know that it would happen. I received a mail & in that she has sent me that she has been waiting for years to have a rash fuck. She wanted her pussy to tear like...

4 years ago
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Bi Summer Secrets

Indicator clicking, I made the final turn down his road to the address he had texted me. I had a smile on my face for the entire journey; radio turned up loud, singing all the way in the summer sunshine as I drove to the address of the gorgeous boy I'd met only a couple of weeks ago. I was introduced to Adam at a party by my girlfriend. They had been friends for a few years and so she was keen to show me off. We’d been dating for six months and things were okay... Well, I mean she’s a great...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 253 Now Where Was I

What am I getting myself into now? I was about to leave when I heard the sounds of someone slowly moving along the wall to find their way in the dark. Eventually, Carrie emerged with another girl in tow. The girl with Carrie, name Angel, is best described as a girl resulting from sex between a waif and fairy. She had white-blonde hair and eyebrows, bright piercing blue eyes, who was almost as tall as I, and with barely enough fat in her body to give her small breasts, but not any butt. She...

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The Bosss wife

I don’t know when it started. Maybe at the office party, perhaps when I was leaning over his desk, perhaps I did tease him a lot, maybe it was when he breathed in my perfume and saw my cleavage as I sat next to him taking dictation. Anyway, we started flirting first of all. That led to a kiss and an occasional furtive grope. Eventually we had sex. Sometimes it was in the office, other times when he took me away on business trips. I remember one of the first times in the office when I was giving...

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Unintended Consequences

This is a true story. Yes, this actually happened. No, it’s not a sophisticated story with an extensive plot. Just an event that happened to me a while back. I’ve changed the names of course to protect the guilty. Has it ever happened to you that you say something to be nice to someone and that leads to down a rabbit hole you’ve never expected? This is one of those instances. I knew Jay from work. We weren’t friends or anything close, just normal work acquaintances. This started at...

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The Great River Part Three

Talan could only manage a groan as he felt her hand slide onto his cock, gripping the firm shaft through his underwear and causing it to throb. He’d never imagined, beyond a few guilty fantasies, that Alya would ever touch him there and now that she was all he could think of is how good her hand felt as she rubbed him. For her part Alya had been surprised by how hot and hard he felt through the cloth, and at the groans that were coming from him as she rubbed him. The young noblewoman smiled...

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Visiting my Uncle

Me and my uncle. I had just finished my 2yr mba course and was called for an interview in mumbai for a MNC. I am basically from Gujarat and had never been out of my state alone, so i was a little nervous bout going to mumbai.My uncle, Raj had a place there but i had never visited him, as he used to come to gujarat during holidays to our place and i never was interested in travelling. Raj was bout 35yo but still a bachelor, reallyhandsome and we all wondered why he never got married when he cud...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Colleague Who Is Also My Business Partner

This a true story of how i nailed a married woman ( Ashita-name changed). We both worked in the same company. She was an experienced whore ( i like to call her that) who worked there for 3 years and was on. When i joined the firm, she was the one to give induction program. Sooner, we got close and started talking a lot. One day our boss asked her to shift to other branch which is 7 km away. She moved on and was bit not happy about it. I kept asking her to meet up and blah. But as she shifted,...

2 years ago
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How I met my date and my story for now

From 5 years ago I create a facebook account to search for a date to met from time to time and to fuck, I searched on facebook for gay groups in my area installed some gay app but I wasn't able to find a person to chat for long time until we share our identity until that I get one message from facebook that someone messaged me and he is not a fake profile at all he was having a lot of friends that are religious and he have some facebook photo in place near me.I started messaging with this...

2 years ago
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I love her caresses on my cheek. Kira's slender fingers trailing over my face and mouth, down along the soft sensitive skin of my neck. Then to my breasts, gently massaging and teasing at the same time, each stroke designed to please me.I push Kira down on the bed. She looks so cute and edible in her tank top and red tartan mini skirt. I kiss her tenderly, sliding my tongue into her mouth and kissing her deeply. Hungrily we explore each others mouths with our tongues. It feels so good.I caress...

2 years ago
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The Other Half

The Other Half Tricia came into my office with a file in her hand. She looked worried. "Look Evan, we really have to figure out a plan here. Business is not great and these smaller projects won't pay the bills." Tricia's voice was rising. "At this rate, we will be done in less than three months." "I know," I said dejectedly. "I am bidding on the big mall project and hope it will go well. We'll know soon." Tricia Long was my college class mate in Law School and we had completed...

2 years ago
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2 twin horny girls

Dear friends, this is bobby here again with a very new refreshing experience with 2 ladies. For the people who don’t know me i am 36/m from india and have posted many stories here at iss. Coming to this experience, through my friend ranjana i met 2 twin sisters nearly a month back. They are ranjana neighbours. Their names are veena and priya. Ranjana introduced me to them and later they got in touch with me through phone. Veena called me once and wanted to meet me. I called her at my office as...

2 years ago
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Joanie and Johnnaked in SchoolChapter 3

Wednesday Morning Joanie Predictably, John showed this morning to pick me up for school, him in a T-shirt and shorts, and me in a tank top and shorts. God, he walked in the door and my nipples popped right up in greeting. "Those high beams for me?" he asked. I kissed him and said, "Of course, Sweetie. You see anyone else in the room? By the way, it looks like Little John is glad to see me, as well." He said, "Little John is ALWAYS glad to see you, especially without clothes." "How...

2 years ago
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Mother Knows BestChapter 2

Rex knelt in his schoolboy uniform with semen dripping from his temporarily sated cock. As Sylvia and Martha sat comfortably and smiled in anticipation at the coming show, Sylvia commented on how refreshing it would be to see other women dominate her son-in-law to complete submission; the three mature dominas were delighted to oblige. Rex was now ordered to strip and was leashed in readiness for his proper introduction to the ladies; the Viagra ensured his cock was already rudely stiff once...

3 years ago
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I pulled off the road and lit a cigarette.It was a warm summer evening and I'd taken a drive to escape the house. Not that I missed Sarah, I was better off without the slut, but her presence still contaminated the rooms. Memories of her cheap scent seemed to linger, the smell exuding from the walls like rising damp. I couldn't look at the dressing table without remembering the bottles of her highly coloured nail varnish and lipstick, all neatly set out within easy reach. Even the bedroom...

3 years ago
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Spectacular Pleasure Baby Part 1

Spectacular Pleasure Baby!By: SueATTENTION:THESE STORIES ARE NOT CONNECTED IN ANYWAY.THEY ARE THREE SEPERATE PIECES!STORY #1: PLEASURE'SKevin stepped out of the group's tour bus and stretched his body. His lean body cracked all over as if he were 70 years old, not the young age of twenty-two. He took his $60 sunglasses out of his pocket and put them on to sheild the bright sun rays from his pecan eyes. As he took a walk down the long, empty alley Kevin hummed a tune. He liked this walk to have...

4 years ago
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Sex During My Examination

I am Aayaan Khan from mumbai, 24 years old, 6 feet tall and have a great personality (Wrestlers Personality) I am new to ISS but a old reader. I am now going to narrate you the true instant happened last month when I and a team of other 3 persons were busy in examination preparation. Our team consists of 2 females and 2 males including me. All the three members were outsiders and are there till the examination ends I am very crazy of cleavages and I never miss a chance to have the view of...

4 years ago
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Beverly Ascending

She was laying on her side, facing away from the bathroom door. Looking out the window, she could see, across the Intracoastal Waterway, the cement tile roofs of Ft. Lauderdale as it stretched all the way to the Everglades. Bill emerged naked from the bathroom and slid back into bed with her. He pressed his lean, smoothly muscled body along the length of hers and wrapped an arm around her waist. She savored the silken sensation of his skin against hers. A glance at the clock at her...

4 years ago
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self bound to pole for hubby

MasterYesterday’s requestI left the note you asked me to leave for my husband detailing that I should be punished for satisfying myself without your permission. The note explained the circumstances for the punishment and that he will find me ready in one of our playrooms. I put the note near the kettle knowing he would probably make a coffee as soon as he arrives home.I went out into our large playroom where the 2 tall upright posts exist. Mostly these posts are used to chain someone in the...

4 years ago
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Jake and Jackie

The taxicab pulled up the driveway and Jackie sprinted downstairs to greet her brother. Jake Jr. had been away in school in New York and she hadn't been able to see her brother for over a year. Her heart pounded, as it always did when she saw him. She flung the front door open and the siblings' eyes met. Jackie ran outside and threw her arms around her brother placing kisses all over his face. "Hey, hey," Jake laughed holding his little sister close to him. "I'm so glad you're home!...

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Chad and Michelle

Chad and Michelle were two friends. They had been talking on the Internet through an online dating site for a year and a half and discovered they had a lot in common. Chad is 25 and has blonde hair, blue eyes, glasses, is 5'9", an average body type, and a Very BIG, THICK cock. Michelle on the other hand is 23 with a slim body type, brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'4", with small perky tits and a very firm ass to die for. Despite having so much in common, Chad and Michelle had yet to meet. Chad was...

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Barbs New Orleans business Conference

Day 1 awards dinner and a surpriseBy Barbara The company I worked for in Maine promoted and transferred me to Central New York State when I was in my early 20s. Now, a few years later, I’m married, 5’7”, 125 pounds, green eyes and “B” cup. My long, slender legs looked good and my pubic area was trimmed to a bikini triangle of straight light brown hair. I met my husband several months after I moved here. I inherited several work problems, one was several office girls would party in the office...

4 years ago
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Wifes photoshoot

She didn’t like it, not one bit. It hadn’t been her idea. She’d told him no, but he hadn’t listened. He drove the car, her bag on the backseat. It was mid afternoon, and the traffic was its usual Mum’s collecting their k**s self. She sat back in the seat, as he fumed at the delay….“I showed a guy at work some of those photo’s I took of you the other week,” Paul said.“You did what!” I shouted.“I knew you wouldn’t mind,” he replied.“Look Paul, I did that for you, I thought you said you’d never...

2 years ago
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The EX ch2 finale

Mark was right on time. Shane had spent the afternoon, working herself into a frenzy. Making herself cum two more times. She hadn't really given a lot of thought over the years, as to why she allowed herself to allow Mark to treat her the way he did. During their sessions anyway. Outside of the dominating state, Mark was loving and sweet. Affectionate lover. He was giving in every aspect of their normal sex life. She always came first. Had he not cheated on her, they would still be together and...

2 years ago
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My first gay kiss with my dream crush in my favour

I had a great experienceMy some of the whole time dreams my imagination came trueSo let's begin to make this memory alive for everAt morning I was online I had chats with many of them on b***d appBut very few were onlineI made chats with some new friends on ground chats After getting boredI watched pornAnd at last after too much hornyness I mastrubatedThen I swallowed my cum as usual as if I don't wanted to let it go wasteThen I sleped at morning 4.00 am At morning with the whole night Hard...

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