The Witches Revenge free porn video

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The Witches Revenge By Morpheus It was with great reluctance that Cody Brisbane made his way home. Home to the apartment that he shared with his girlfriend Jessica. Soon to Be ex-girlfriend, he reminded himself nervously. He loved her, but Cody couldn't take it anymore. He'd already made up his mind to tell her that he was leaving, but his heart still wasn't listening. Jessica was a beautiful woman of 27, only a year younger than Cody himself. She had long brunette hair, dark brown eyes and a wonderful figure which had first drawn his attention to her nearly six months earlier when they had first started dating. But it wasn't her body that was the problem, it was her jealousy. Jessica couldn't stand to have Cody even look at another woman, even if it was completely innocent. But the final straw had been the argument that they'd had the night before, when Jessica had practically blown up at him, accusing him of cheating on her. That had shocked and hurt Cody, since he'd been unwaveringly faithful to her since the day they started dating. And it hadn't been the first time that she'd accused him either, only the worst. "I just can't take it anymore" Cody told himself, aching at the thought of leaving her, but knowing that he couldn't put up with her irrational jealousy any longer. When Cody walked into his apartment, he remembered the argument that they'd had the night before. No, not really even an argument, but Jessica screaming at him, having found a bra underneath the couch cushion. When Cody had tried to explain that it must have been his sister's, left behind by accident when she'd visited them a couple weeks earlier, Jessica had only screamed louder, and even started throwing plates at him. Truthfully, Cody hadn't seen that bra before in his life, though Jessica didn't believe him, or even give him a chance to talk. Cody shivered at the memory, and the bruises he had from some of the things she'd thrown at him, though none of those were as painful as her words. "Maggot" she'd called him, "Lying, cheating bastard" and some things that were even more personal, and and far more painful. He'd fled the apartment afterwards, unable to stay in her presence any longer. Fortunately, one of Cody's friends had let him stay the night there. But now, Cody had returned, hoping that Jessica had calmed down. And that he could go through with what he'd planned. "Hello?" Cory nervously called in as he walked through the door. When there wasn't an answer, he sighed in relief, thinking that maybe Jessica wasn't there. That he could delay breaking up with her. Still being cautious, Cory walked through the apartment, stopping suddenly when he got to the kitchenette, and saw Jessica standing there, talking to a tall black haired woman in her thirties. A woman that Cody immediately recognized as Linda Carls, one of Jessica's group of close knit friends. One of the small group of women that Jessica hung around with. All of whom seemed a little odd and aloof to Cody, though they'd usually been somewhat friendly towards him. "I'd better be going" Linda told Jessica, then turn turned around. She gave Cody an odd look as she said "Bye" He wasn't sure whether that was scorn or pity that he'd seen in her eyes. Jessica just gave looked at Cody calmly, though he could still see the anger in her eyes. "So much for her being reasonable" he thought to himself. Once Linda had left the apartment, Cody turned back to Jessica and said "We've got to talk" "What have we got to talk about?" Jessica snarled at Cody. "First you can't keep your eyes off of other women, and then you keep screwing around. You can't even keep your damn cock in your pants" Cody gasped and took a step back from Jessica's tirade, pained at her accusations once again. "But I never..." he protested, or at least tried to before Jessica cut him off. "Well I'm sick and tired of you" she yelled, "You're just like all those other men. All you men do is think with your dick's" Then she started going off once again, making Cody feel as though he'd never left the house the night before. After several minutes, Cody finally got a chance to talk. "I can't take this any more" he told Jessica, "I just can't. I can't take handle your constant jealousy and accusations" Jessica just snorted in disgust, glaring at Cody with hatred in her eyes. But oddly enough, she seemed a lot calmer. A lot more in control of herself. And for some reason, that made Cody feel very nervous. "I'm leaving" Cody finally gets out, "I'm not going through this with you any more. It's over." For a moment, Jessica just stared at Cody in disbelief, then she said "No, it's not over. Not yet. I'm not going to just let you betray me and then just walk away" At this, Jessica stepped forward menacingly, though Cody held his ground. He wasn't about to back away from a woman who was six inches shorter than himself and no physical threat. Not unless she got something in her hand to throw, he reminded himself cautiously. "I'm getting my stuff, and leaving" Cody repeated, then turned and started towards the bedroom. Suddenly, much to his shock, Cody couldn't move anymore. He gasped, struggling to move his leg, but it was stuck. Almost as if it were somehow welded or glued to the floor. "What the hell?" Cody gasped in confusion. Jessica walked in front of Cody, having a hate filled look on her face, and a smug one at that. "You're not going anywhere" she told him, "Not until I'm through with you, and that may not be for a very long time" Jessica looked at Cody menacingly. "What's going on?" He asked, confused and beginning to get somewhat scared at his inability to move, "Are you doing this to me?" "Of course I am you idiot" Jessica snapped, "If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm a witch" Cody tried once again to pull his foot away, or at least move his arm, and at the same time protested "There's no such thing as witches" Jessica just snorted. "Then I guess that spell that's holding you in place doesn't really exist and you can just walk right on our of here" Once again Cody tried to move, and still found himself unable to budge. He wasn't sure what was happening to him, but was beginning to doubt his disbelief in witches. "What do you want?" he finally asked her, much to Jessica's obvious delight. "Revenge" she whispered in Cody's ear. "You men disgust me. You can't even keep your cocks in your pants for a minute, wanting to fuck every woman in sight. You treat us as if we are nothing but sex slaves for your amusement..." "But I never...." Cody gasped in shock. He'd never treated any woman like that, and was disgusted by men that did. Jessica wasn't even looking at Cody anymore she went on, ignoring his protests and continuing with her monologue about the evils of men, and him in particular. "She's insane" Cody realized in horror, fearing very much for himself. Jessica finally finished her raving, and turned back to Cody. "And now you're going to see what it's like" she threatened, grinning evilly as she did so. Cody gulped in spite of himself, wondering what she was intending, and at the same time, if he really wanted to know. Then, Cody noticed that Jessica's eyes were glowing green, making him forget his doubts about the existence of magic. Because if this wasn't magic, it sure as hell was some unbelievable special effects, and he didn't think that special effects would explain his inability to move. Jessica's eyes burned brighter, and Cody started to feel dizzy, and sort of numb. He could barely feel his body, and it was getting worse. Suddenly, with a horrible gut wrenching feeling, Cody felt himself being yanked from his body, and just as suddenly he could move and feel again. However, he knew immediately that something was very, very wrong. His own face looking at him from several feet away, with an evil grin on it, was a very definite sign. "Oh shit" Cody gasped, hearing Jessica's voice instead of his own. Already suspecting what he was going to find, Cody looked down, wincing as his suspicions were confirmed. A pair of generous breasts pushed out from his chest. Jessica's chest. He was very obviously in her body, while she was in his, and not bound by whatever had held him frozen in place. "Oh shit" he echoed again, as fear gripped his mind. Horrified, Cody grabbed at his chest with one hand, verifying their reality. As if the weight hadn't been enough proof. At the same time, his other hand moved to his crotch, squeezing and feeling the vacancy of his familiar equipment. Cody knew as he did it that it was useless, that he already knew what he'd find, but he couldn't help himself as he reacted by some inner instinct. "" he gasped in confusion. "Now you're mine" Jessica said in Cody's male voice, drawing his attention away from his new parts. Instead, he stared at her in horror as she quickly advanced towards him. "NO" Cody protested, trying to get away, but not before Jessica had grabbed him painfully by the arm. "Let me go" he pleaded, struggling to get loose of her strong grip, but unable to. Jessica now had his body, and his strength, while Cody was left with her smaller and weaker one. "No" he protested again, to no avail as Jessica just squeezed tighter, making Cody wince in pain. Suddenly, Jessica slapped Cody across the face with the back of her hand, growling "Shut up!" Then with a menacing look, she ordered "Common" and began to practically drag Cody behind her to the bedroom. "Get in there" she said, throwing Cody forward into the bedroom. "Please..." Cody begged, "What are you doing....?" "SHUT UP" Jessica ordered again, stepping threateningly. Cody cringed back, afraid of the much larger man and how capable he/she seemed of violence. Jessica still had that insane look in her eyes, but now it was in his eyes. On his face. Jessica reached into the closet and pulled something out, "Here" she said, throwing the clothes at Cody, "Put these on" Cody looked at the clothes that Jessica had thrown at him, gingerly picking them up. "I bought them just for you" she said mockingly. There was a very short black skirt, and a very short red tube top, not to mention the racy black panties and bra. And a moment later, Jessica tossed him some fishnet stockings and high heels as well. Cody just stared at the clothes in horror, knowing that he'd never seen her wear anything like that. In fact, it looked like some sort of hooker costume. "But..." Cody protested, only to have Jessica jump forward and slap him again. "DO IT" She snapped, grabbing his arm painfully and shoving him backwards. "NOW" Cody cringed back on the floor, feeling terrified. Not wanting to risk getting Jessica even more angry, he hurried to do as she demanded. Cody was struggling to hold back tears as he started to undress. He thought that maybe if he did what she told him, then maybe she'd calm down and turn him back to normal. He held onto that hope, working to pull off his shirt and pants. When Cody got to the bra, he found that it wasn't nearly as easy as he would have thought. "What's the matter" Jessica asked mockingly, "I thought that you were good at taking off bra's" Cody just cringed and continued to try. Finally he managed to get it, and thought that it was just in time. By the impatient look that Jessica was getting, he suspected that if he'd taken much longer, she would have taken it off for him. And that she wouldn't have been very gentle about it. Once Cody was stripped naked, he felt even smaller and more humiliated than before. His own body stood over him, smirking. "Hurry up, you useless piece of shit" Jessica told him. Cody gulped, and quickly put the new frilly black panties on, and then went to work with the bra, finding it almost as difficult to put it on as it had been to take it off. "Put it on backwards and turn it around" Jessica offered. Cody nodded silently and continued, managing to get the bra on. Then he started with the rest of the clothes, his cheeks burning bright red as he did so. First the tube shirt, and then the mini skirt. the fishnet stockings also went on, and when Cody was finished with that, he looked helplessly at the high heels, wondering how the hell he could ever even stand in them. They looked to be about 4 inches. But with a quick glance at Jessica, Cody decided that he'd better put them on anyway. Feeling painfully clumsy, and extremely embarrassed, Cody stood up. "Jeez" he squeaked, feeling almost like he was going to fall over. "How can women stand in these?" He wondered, knowing better than to voice that thought aloud. Jessica just looked smug. "What's wrong?" Jessica mocked, "I thought that having women like that turned you on. I know I am" Cody gulped, noticing the bulge in the front of Jessica's pants for the first time. He tore his eyes from the bulge, trying to keep his balance. "You still don't look right" Jessica observed. Then she snapped her fingers, "Ah, I've got it" Cody didn't like the look on Jessica's face. A look of concentration appeared on Cody's old face, as Jessica focused on something. Then, Cody felt a faint tingle, and gasped. His fingernails were now painted a bright red, not the clear gloss coat that they had been a moment before. A pair of bracelets were hanging from his wrist, and from the weight on his ear lobes, Cody knew that he now had large ear rings as well. "Take a look" Jessica ordered, gesturing to the mirror on the wall. Cody gulped, and carefully managed to walk the short distance to the mirror. He dreaded what he was about to see, but knew that he had to look anyway. It was not just Jessica's orders, but a morbid curiosity. He just had to see for himself...... "HOLY SHIT" Cody gasped upon seeing himself. His face had magically gained a lot of makeup just like he'd gotten the bracelets and ear rings. Though Jessica had been wearing makeup before, this was completely different. This was heavily overdone. From the rouge on his cheeks, to the eye shadow, to the bright red lipstick that Cody could taste when he ran his tongue over it. "I look like a hooker" he gasped, disgusted, but at the same time fascinated. He couldn't believe that reflection was possibly him. He could barely even see any of the Jessica he knew in it. "Now" Jessica told Cody with a smirk, "I want to see you strut" When Cody looked at her blankly, she added "Get moving. I want you to get the full experience of walking in those heels" Cody groaned, knowing that he wasn't going to like that at all, and that he didn't have much choice. For the next hour, Cody was made to walk around the apartment in the high heels, while Jessica taunted him. "Wiggle your ass more" she ordered, or "Shake that bootie" Cody just clenched his teeth and took it, hoping that this torment would soon end. "Smile sexy" Jessica told him. So, Cody forced a smile, cursing the day that he'd ever met her. Slowly Cody got used to walking in the heels, enough so that he could manage without losing his balance at all. However, his feet were really beginning to hurt. He was sure that even Jessica wasn't used to walking around in heels that were that high. The worst part though, was that Jessica kept "copping a feel" every time Cody went past her, she'd pinch his ass, or squeeze one of his tits. Cody winced each time, seeing how much Jessica was enjoying his humiliation. And whenever Cody tried to protest, or even pull away, she'd quickly hit him again, reminding him who was the one in control. Finally, Jessica seemed to have had enough of making Cody walk around, and told him that he could stop. For once, Cody sighed in relief as he obeyed one of Jessica's orders. Cody sat back on the couch, rubbing at his tired calves and ankles and wondering what torment Jessica had lined up for him next. After a few minutes, noticed that she was getting relaxed in the other chair, and he eyed the door. A faint smile formed as he thought that perhaps he could at least get away from her. Seeing his chance, Cody got up and started running for the door. He quickly reached it and thought that he was finally free, but as soon as his hand touched the door knob, a sharp pain filled his body. Cody screamed out in a high feminine voice as the pain rushed through him, seeming to touch every nerve in his body at once. Then the pain stopped and Cody fell backwards to the floor, gasping for air. "I thought that you'd try that" Jessica said from above him, "And I gave you that opening so you'd learn not to fuck with me" Tears came to Cody's eyes as he realized the hopelessness of his situation. He didn't stand a chance against Jessica. Since she'd stolen his body, she was now much bigger and stronger than he was, and with her magic as well....... "Get up you lazy bitch" Jessica ordered, roughly grabbing Cody and yanking him back to his feet. "I'm ready for something else" Jessica grinned evilly, then told Cody what she wanted him to do. "You won't need those any more" Jessica mused, gesturing towards Cody's clothes. And suddenly they were gone, making Cody gasp as he realized that he was wearing only the lingerie and high heels. "Now dance" Humiliated, Cody did as Jessica had told him. Slowly, he started moving to the music that his former girlfriend had put on, trying to be as erotic as he could, fearing what punishment Jessica would give him if he failed. Tears came to Cody's eyes as he started dancing, trying to mimic what he thought a stripper would do. And though Cody hated having to do it, he could see himself in a mirror that hung from the wall, and had to admit that he looked good. It almost even felt good, and might have if Jessica hadn't been there forcing him. She kept insulting him while he d danced, making Cody feel even worse. And what was more, the big bulge in the front of her pants served as a constant reminder of his situation. "That's enough" Jessica finally said, getting up and grabbing Cody's breasts. When Cody looked into her eyes, he saw that mixed with her hate and insanity, there was something else. Something that terrified him even more. Lust. Then, before Cody realized it, Jessica had grabbed him tightly, forcing her mouth onto his, and shoving her tongue into his mouth. Cody choked for a moment, caught in the forced kiss, but finally Jessica pulled back. "Next time" she threatened, grabbing his arm painfully, "kiss back" and she gave him a look which added the "or else" at the end. "No.." Cody tried to protest, only to get slapped again. "Do what I tell you to, God DAMN it!" Jessica screamed, grabbing Cody even tighter and more painfully. In spite of trying not to, Cody squealed out from the pain, making Jessica grin even more. "It's your own fault" she told him, "You just keep making me mad" Then, she grabbed Cody's breast and started fondling it, while he could do nothing but stand there helpless and take it. However, oddly enough, she started becoming almost gentle as she did so, much to Cody's surprise. And even more to Cody's surprise, he could actually feel his nipples hardening under her expert ministrations. After several minutes of this, Cody was almost beginning to enjoy it. It felt.....good. He could even feel it all the way through his crotch, which to his embarrassment, was beginning to get very wet. Cody could feel the tension down there, and became confused over the strange new feelings that were assaulting his body. Finally, Jessica started moving them towards the couch, removing Cody's bra as she did so. And then Cody noticed her hand moving down towards her belt. "NO" Cody squeaked out, suddenly realizing just how far she intended to go. Cody tried pulling away from Jessica's grasp, almost making it beforeshe grabbed him tighter and actually threw him onto the couch. "You can't do this" Cody pleaded tearfully and horrified, "You can't do this to me." "It's my body, and I can do whatever the hell I want to with it" Jessica snarled, already undoing her pants. Cody screamed more, but she reached out, ripping the panties from his body, and making him cringe there in dread apprehension. Then Jessica had her own pants off, looming over the completely naked Cody, her new cock standing out to full attention. "NO" Cody screamed out again, but Jessica just clamped a hand down over his mouth and started kissing his breasts. Then without waiting any more, she rammed her new cock inside of Cody. He screamed out, horrified and ashamed, though Jessica's hand blocked the sound. He struggled as much as he could, though to no effect. She was too big and too strong for him to stop, and all he could do was lay there, while she raped him. Jessica pumped in and out, making Cody cringe each time with the strange sensation of something actually being inside of him. Of something filling him up. And as ashamed as Cody was by his situation, what was even worse was, that it felt good. Every time that Jessica pumped back and forth, waves of pleasurable tension seemed to build up inside of Cody's breasts and groin. But still he tried to get away. Until finally, the tension broke, seeming to explode within Cody into waves of pure pleasure and ecstasy which washed throughout his body. He screamed again, this time out of pleasure. But Jessica still hadn't finished herself, and she kept pounding away, while much to Cody's disgust and shame, he did nothing to fight it. He just laid where he was, with his legs even reflexively wrapping around his rapist. "No" Cody pleaded when Jessica had removed her hand, tears were pouring down his cheeks. "Please no" Jessica just ignored him though. "OH GOD" he screamed out again as another orgasm exploded within him. Then Jessica finally came, and Cody could feel a new warmth inside of him. He cried tearfully when she pulled out, ashamed and disgusted with himself. He just curled up on the couch, feeling the warm goo spread between his legs, and both enjoying it and hating it at the same time. Oh God, he thought to himself tearfully, hating himself for having gone through that, and even more for enjoying parts of it. "Pretty good" Jessica said from across the room, already getting dressed again. She smirked as she looked at Cody, crying on the couch, and muttered "Crybaby" To Cody's relief, Jessica didn't bother him anymore for awhile. She even let him take a shower and get dressed in the clothes that he'd been wearing when they'd first changed. However, she'd also gave him a very strict warning about even trying to escape. Cody remembered the painful jolt that he'd gotten earlier, and decided that he wouldn't try again. At least not until he could be more sure of success. Silently Cody took his shower, scrubbing himself hard. Scrubbing at his skin until it turned red from too much of it. It was the first time since he'd changed earlier that Jessica hadn't been right there to bully and humiliate him more. Cody shuddered at the memory of what she'd done to him, feeling himself cringe at the thought that she might do it again. "Oh God" Cody cried to himself, feeling dirty from what Jessica had done to him. And his own reaction from that. He felt disgusted that some part of him even enjoyed it, and humiliated at his own helplessness. Tears mixed with the water from the shower, and seemed to Cody as if every drop that went down the drain was one of his tears. He couldn't believe it, though he knew that he had no choice. He'd been raped. The very idea was repugnant, and though Cody had always had great sympathy for women that had gone through it, he'd never fully understood just how horrifying that act would be for a woman. Not until now. Eventually Cody decided that he'd scrubbed enough and got out of the shower. He tried himself up, slowly wiping the towel over every inch of his strange yet familiar body, trying not to look at it. And though Cody's tears had stopped, he was still crying on the inside. Once Cody had finished getting his clothes back on, he fearfully looked into the mirror. The mirror showed Cody an image of a very beautiful woman, with messed up hair, a bruised face and tired looking eyes. An image of Jessica. The Jessica that he'd loved, before...... Cody just stared in the mirror, remembering the Jessica that he knew, and wondering how she'd turned into She'd always been jealous of any attention he gave to another female, even if it was just his mother or sister. And if he happened to look at another woman while out in public..... But he'd never suspected that she was capable of anything like this......or of being a witch. Sure she had some strange friends, but Cody had always thought who didn't. But now....this wasn't the Jessica he knew, and he couldn't help wondering if he'd ever known her at all. Had it all just been a lie? Once, once he loved her. But now, all he felt was hate and fear. Slowly, Cody became aware that something else wasn't right. It took him several moments to realize just what it was. He was feeling......tingly. Cody could fell a strange tingling inside of him. It was sort of warm and bubbly, but not painful, or even especially uncomfortable in the least. "What's she doing to me now?" Cody wondered nervously. He examined his new body more intently, looking for signs of something changing. Thoughts of what it could be were filling his mind. Was Jessica going to magically turn him into some sort of horny slut? Make him into the hooker that he'd looked like earlier, for real? That thought made him gulp in apprehension, though others that were even worse soon followed. However, after several minutes, the tingling had receded and Cody couldn't notice any differences. His bra still felt fine, and he didn't feel horny. He even checked his thoughts, and decided that he didn't feel any odd compulsions. But then again, Cody realized that if Jessica had done something with his mind, he probably wouldn't realize it. Cody put the odd tingling out of his mind, having bigger things to worry about. When Cody cautiously left the bedroom, he was almost immediately confronted by his old body, which demanded "About time" Jessica gave Cody a push towards the kitchen and told him "Start getting dinner ready. I'm hungry" Cody nodded, and did as he was told, hoping that he'd have some opportunity to escape later. Cody worked as hard as he could preparing dinner. He knew that if he didn't, then Jessica would do something else to him. That was the last thing that he needed. But she didn't make it easy on him, constantly insulting every little thing he did. Constantly saying anything that would hurt or humiliate him. And though some of the words still hurt, Cody was beginning to get numb to them. When Cody had finished dinner, he brought it over to the table where Jessica was already waiting. "This looks like SHIT" she snarled. Jessica growled, then grabbed the food that Cody had worked hard to fix, and threw it onto the floor. "Can't you do anything right?" she demanded furiously, getting up and looking threatening. Cody cringed back as she came towards him, and pleaded "Please no" Jessica stopped where she was and just sneered. "You pathetic worm. I can't believe that I actually used to be your girlfriend." Cody glared at her, biting his tongue and biding his time. Hopefully he'd get a chance later that he could take, but at the moment he was still at her mercy. Which he was beginning to realize, she didn't have. For the moment, all Cody could do was glare at her in revulsion. With the sneer leaving Cody's old face, he began to get a bad feeling in his stomach. Jessica was planning something, and Cody knew that he wasn't going to like it. Not at all. Then a look of concentration appeared on Jessica's.....Cody's old face. It was the same look she had earlier when she'd used magic, and Cody grew even more apprehensive. However, much to Cody's surprise, nothing happened, and Jessica looked confused. But before he could think about what that might mean, she glared evilly at him and quickly moved forward, hitting him across the face. Cody gasped as Jessica's fist smashed into him, knocking him to the ground. She angrily lashed out at him with her feet, while Cody scrambled to get away. Oddly enough, the tingling that Cody had been feeling came back, bubbling up and tickling his insides. Cody tried to ignore it, focusing instead on saving himself. Somehow, he managed to get back to his feet, and punched back. He caught Jessica with a solid hit to the face, and though it was only a minor victory, it increased Cody's confidence. Jessica only screamed, catching Cody across the face again and sending him sprawling. In spite of that, he smiled faintly to himself in satisfaction. For some reason Jessica wasn't using magic against him, and that meant he had a chance, though a small one it might be. It was then though that Jessica managed to get a hand on Cody's shirt, and it tore off in her hand with a loud ripping noise. The look on her face made Cody realize that things had just gotten worse. Before she was just angry, but now..... She was getting the same look on her face as before she raped him earlier, and she obviously had plans to do so again. Suddenly, Cody found that he couldn't move again. He was froze, just like he'd been before Jessica had stolen his body. Cody gasped in horror, realizing that Jessica had made it so that he couldn't fight back anymore. Couldn't resist at all while she raped him again. He grimaced and clenched up, waiting for the inevitable. It wasn't until a moment later that he noticed that Jessica wasn't moving either. "What...!?" Jessica asked aloud, a look of complete confusion on her face. "This was my doing" Another voice intruded, surprising Cody. Suddenly, he found that he could move again, though Jessica didn't seem to. Cody turned and gasped, seeing Linda Carls in the middle of the room. And standing behind her were three other women. Women that Cody immediately identified as Emelia, Sarah and Bernice. The rest of Jessica's group of close friends. Or her coven, he realized in horror, suspecting that things were about to get a hell of a lot worse for him. "I did this" Linda repeated, stepping forward with a look of anger on her face. The other three stood behind her, similar looks of anger echoed on all of their faces. Jessica looked confused and said "Let me go so that I can finish this" "I don't think so" Piped in Emelia, the shorter brunette. She gave Cody a sympathetic look which caught him by surprise. The other two were looking at Jessica, avoiding his gaze. Linda gave Jessica a glare, then slowly walked up to Cody. He nearly stepped back, but she looked at him sympathetically and gently put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry" she whispered, sounding as if she truly meant it. "I hadn't realized......" She gulped. "I'm sorry" "Let me go" Jessica yelled, sounding angry and confused. Quickly turning, Linda snapped. "I can't believe that you did this" Then she added, "I didn't think to check out your accusations until after I left....." she looked to Cody again, "I'm sorry. I knew that she planned something, but I didn't know what. I didn't know that she was going to go this far." Cody just stared, actually seeing tears in Linda's eyes. "God, I'm so sorry" she apologized again. "And what about her?" Bernice, a slightly overweight blonde asked Linda. She looked disgusted, and very, very angry. "You raped him" Linda said in a quiet voice. A voice which nearly chilled Cody with it's icy fury. This was not, he suspected, a woman to mess with. "You RAPED him!" she said a little louder, making Jessica cringe this time. Cody just stared in amazement. "You know that rape is the worst thing that can be done to a woman, and you know raped him anyway" Then Linda growled, "And he wasn't even guilty. You abused your powers to rape and torture this poor man." "But I'm one of you...." Jessica protested. Even Cody could see how scared she was becoming now that her friends had seemingly turned against her. He didn't really know what they had planned, but he hoped it was good. Then in a quieter voice, Jessica hesitantly asked "How did you take away my powers?" "We didn't" Said Sarah, the Hispanic woman of the group. "You did" At the look of confusion on Jessica's face, Linda explained "You obviously didn't pay enough attention to what you learned. But then again, you are.....were only a neophyte witch" "What's going on?" Cody couldn't resist asking, wondering if these witches were really on his side or not. He had the feeling that they were, but still.... "She was a neophyte" Linda explained to Cody. "She's been with us for about a year, and her powers were about full, but she still doesn't have much experience. That's why she made her mistake" Linda grinned maliciously towards Jessica. "Mistake?" Jessica asked, sounding confused. "Yes" Linda said, obviously relishing the moment. "You know that only women can be witches. The magic only works for us, and you are now a man" Jessica gasped in shock, then protested, "B..but my magic worked after we changed. And you change with guys sometimes too..." "But that was before you had sex as a man. Before you raped her" Linda gestured towards Cody, obviously trying to hold onto control over herself. "We can trade bodies with me sometimes, but it leaves our powers weakened until we return to normal. And if we ever have sex as a man, we lose our powers. And that is what you did." Linda stepped back from Jessica and snarled, "We obviously made a mistake when we let you join us. You had such strong magic, but just needed to learn to control it. We never realized that you were capable of....." she cut off, glaring at Jessica. "You did this to yourself" "What about me?" Cody asked, feeling embarrassed. Not only embarrassed, but humiliated. Linda gave him a sad sympathetic smile and said "Now you're a witch." "What!?" Both Cody and Jessica asked at once. "Jessica had strong magical powers, and now they're yours." Linda told Cody "The act that made her a man....that took away her access to the magic.....gave it to you. Now you have all her powers. are a witch" As Linda said that, Cody gasped. That was the strange tingling. The bubbling feeling inside of him. When Cody felt inside himself, it was still there, filling him with a strange glow. AT his thoughts, the bubbling feeling increased, seeming to come closer. "Oh God" he gasped, suddenly feeling every fiber of his being tingling with energy. With power energy. Cody had a sudden feeling that he could do almost anything that he imagined. "Careful" Linda warned him, "You don't really know how to control it yet and accidents could happen" Cody nodded and focused his attention back on Linda, and then on Jessica. Just looking at her, even frozen like she was, made him shiver nervously. "What am I going to do?" he asked, "What about her?" he gestured towards Jessica. Emelia and Sarah came over and gently put their hands on Cody's shoulders. He could see pity in their eyes. "That's up to you" Emelia said quietly. "You were her victim,'s your choice." For a moment, Cody just stared, the implications of what she'd just said sinking in. "But" Linda suddenly piped in, "We....we'd like you to join us. We'll help you however you need it." "I feel responsible for this" Linda said, "And I want to make up for it." Cody just stared, feeling somewhat confused. He stared at Jessica, feeling revulsion rising him in him. Hatred and fear boiled within him, and a desire for revenge. God he wanted to hurt her, just like she'd done to him. Once again he looked inside himself, feeling the magic that now filled him. Somehow, he instinctively knew that he could change back. That he could trade bodies with Jessica again, that he could go back to normal. But then, Cody looked at Jessica and shuddered. How could he ever do that? How could he possibly go back to that body, knowing that every morning when he looked in the mirror, he'd see that face. The face that now filled him with revulsion and hatred. Every glimpse in a mirror would remind him of what Jessica, wearing that face, had done to him. He shuddered at that thought, realizing that going back would be a hell that he'd never escape. "I....." Cody gulped, "I can't go back" he admitted. Several of the coven nodded understandingly. "I can't" tears were beginning to come to his eyes. After a moment, Linda asked "What do you want to do with her" she gestured towards Jessica again, disgust obvious in her eyes. Taking a deep breath, Cody thought about all the horrible things that he'd like to do to her. He glared at her, hating Jessica. But something held him back. Something kept Cody from lashing out at her with the magics now at his disposal. It took him a moment to realize that it was partly his conscience. He'd never be able to live with himself if he did something like that to another person, even if they did deserve it. When Cody looked back at Jessica, he realized that there was a look of fear now on her face. On his old face. Still, he couldn't just let her get away with what she'd done. Finally, Cody got an idea. Though Cody wasn't exactly sure how to do what he wanted, he suspected that he did have the ability. And after looking into himself, into the magic, he knew that he did. All he had to do was concentrate and let the magic go. The power came up and focused by Cody's will, it went towards Jessica. She shuddered for a moment then stopped. Cody sighed, then aloud he said "I'm done. Let her go." Linda looked at Cody curiously, but after a moment Jessica suddenly moved. She gave a nervous look at her former friends, who were all glaring at her with hate. Then, realizing that she still wasn't safe, Jessica started towards the door. Linda snapped "I don't ever want to see you gain" At this, Jessica ran out the door. After several minutes, Linda asked Cody "What exactly did you do?" Cody grimaced. "I wanted to kill her. I wanted her to see what it was like..." he shuddered, then got hold of himself. "But....." Cody gulped and forced a smile. "Since she wanted to be a man, I gave her a constant hard on, and made her really horny" The looks that the women gave Cody showed that they didn't understand, "And I made her cock only 1 inch long" At that, the women all started chuckling. "Well" Linda said a few minutes later, "I think you'd better grab what you want to keep, and that we'd better get going." She put a sympathetic arm around Cody's shoulder and said "And there's a lot that we need to teach you" "Welcome to the coven" Sarah said. The End

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Jungle Hunt The Three Witches

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Jungle Hunt: The Three Witches By Paul G Jutras An owl hooted from a tree limb as a coven of witches stood around a cauldron in the jungle. They chanted in an unheard mumble as they continued their voodoo like ways. One dropped a bat wing into the cauldron and another dropped a lizard. "This potion will freeze anyone stiff." Electra said to her...

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The Wicked Witches of Oz Ch 02

CHAPTER TWO THEODORA I woke in the morning all alone on a dusty chair in a ruined castle, at first I thought that it had all been a dream, and then something much worse occurred to me, I had been abandoned. I sat up and almost cried out in rage before I realized that it was Culane’s leather jacket that covered my shoulders. I settled back down and smiled, inhaling deeply the wonderful smells of his rough soldier’s jacket. The few times that I had wandered these lonely ruins I had felt as if I...

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A Coven of Witches

Theresa Maxon’s lips trembled with anger as she looked at the man tied before her. Her slightly greying hair barely moved in the wind. Drawing herself up to her full five foot eight inches she nodded to the rest of the coven. Pointing to another female she motioned to start. Bowing the younger woman, Shandra Belle, began to read. “Merry Meet. Sisters of the coven, we are here to decide what is to be done with...” Here Shandra wrinkled her nose brushing her red hair from her face. “This...

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Witches Brew

"I can't believe it," Emma Edwards said to herself as she sat on the couch in the Alpha Omega Phi House. Emma was an energetic and plucky girl who had just started her freshman year of college at Magnus University, only to have her mother tell her that she comes from a long line of Witches! "You better believe it!" Mia Coleman, a sophomore at the school specializing her powers in transmutation, responded to her. Mia being an eccentric type, despite being the smallest of the group at only five...

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Not all witches come from OZ

Tamera was sixteen, when she first knew she was different. She had a way about her the teachers and students knew it too. She would simply think of something and it would appear. She started off simple. She wanted a glass of water in class. Tamera would concentrate on the water, and it would appear on her desk in class. Soon, Tamera was changing her grades and getting the boys to fall for her only. It was fun for awhile but she always wondered why she was so different. Ten years have passed...

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I. Tabitha fumed as she paced her mansion. Despite having spent the entire night trying to track them, she failed. Now, she feared she might be dealing with forces even greater than her own. Tabitha walked down the hallway to where she had left Salem and glared at him. Salem stood there - stark naked - a stone statue. "Damn you," she shouted at him, blaming him for this mess. Then she snapped her fingers and brought him back to life. "Tabitha, please, this isn't my fault ... let me...

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Stepmothers Revenge

Another from the archives. The original post seems to have been deleted, so...I hope you enjoy the scene. feedback is appreciated.Ricky - Cambs, UK - 5 Dec 2020****“Your father’s an arsehole,” she said.Surprised, I said, “What?”She’d been sitting on the stairs when I walked into the house. Startled because I hadn’t expected to see her there, I’d blurted out, “Jeez, you scared me,” pausing before adding, “How come you’re sat there?”That’s when she’d said it. I’d closed the front door and dropped...

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Mothers Revenge

I started this story about a year ago but it never really got much further than where it is now. So I thought that I would put it onto Fictionmania and maybe come back to it some day. If anybody else would like to take it on from here then please go right ahead. Hope you enjoy. A Mother's Revenge By Kellie Cliffe I was only with Charlie for 2 months but it became clear to me that despite everything that went well between us, she just carried too much baggage. So one evening, the...

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Ravage Revenge

“Hey Ryan, Tammy is so white, I can see the blue veins in her boobs!” said the man in the untidy suit as he took his seat beside me in the glamorous Christmas party at the deluxe ballroom. “Tyler, no one cares about some blue veins!” I responded, “did you see a bit of her nipples? I bet they are so pink, just like that grapefruit shake!”. To that Tyler added “Oh they’ll come out clamato juice out of my mouth!”. We chuckled while looking at the huge party of some 500 well-dressed people. Though...

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Heathers Revenge

Hi, my name is Billy Winston. I am an only child, the son of two very ambitious and successful professionals whose professions seemed much more important to them than their family. In fact, later in life I came to believe that they only married because my mom was already pregnant with me. As a young child I was raised more by a succession of nannies than by my parents. Once I had started school, the nannies disappeared. We had a housekeeper who filled in the time between the end of my school...

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Witches World

Hello my name is Josh this is my first story so sorry if it is not that good but please feel free to add your own chapters onto the story. This story starts in the year 1692 when the witch trials are starting, and the Doe family discover that they have magical powers so they know if they are found out they will be killed or even hunted. So they decided to keep themselves a secret. But they also discover that of the 3 Women and 4 Men in the family only the women have magical powers. But one of...

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Sabrina Tabitha Teen WitchesPart 2

I. Sabrina awoke with a smile ... then stretched and yawned as she basked in her blissful love of Tabitha, much like she did every morning for the past year. The only thing that could have been better on this particular morning was if Tabitha had been in bed with her. Sabrina slowly climbed out of bed and pranced naked to her full-length mirror. She just loved looking at her reflection much like she did in her prior life, but instead of popping in and out of her various outfits; she simply...

3 years ago
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A Coachs Revenge

I was your typical highly skilled but too small basketballer. Destined to a coaching role and wishing I’d been blessed with another foot of height so I called make the most of the game I loved best. I had been an assistant and had a couple of fitness and rehabilitation roles but wanted to move on to a senior coaching role. I asked around and looked at the want ads but with no real luck apart from one gig coaching a girl’s college team that was not to appealing to say the least. Not that...

3 years ago
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Seeking My Revenge

The spark of a lighter wakens me. I allow my eyes to only open slightly, letting out a groan. The memories of last night start to flutter my mind. A warm glow pushes through the closed curtains. The ugly furniture is a reminder of where I am. What the hell did I get myself into now, I can’t help but think. The man I’m sharing the bed with speaks deeply. His voice is thick, like a heavy smoker would sound like. “Last night was fun, Doll-face. You’re one hell of a fuck,” he chuckles and smacks...

4 years ago
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Leprechauns Revenge

Leprechaun?s Revenge By [email protected] This is an adult story. Charming Leprechauns are not always charming and in this case you need to be over 18 to read about them. This story is in chapters 1-5. It?s posted in chapters to make on-line reading easier. Depending on what on-line site you are using, it may or may not be posted in chapters. This version is the complete story. CHAPTER 1 She looked down at the massive expanse of her cleavage, and watched her large breasts...

2 years ago
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Madisons Revenge

Catherine saw the offer on the local community website. A family said they were going away for three weeks and offered the services of their two maids to anyone who could house and use their services. What really surprised Catherine was that one of the maids, until just last year, had been one of her teachers at sixth form college, the dreaded and hated Miss Dawson. None of the classmates liked her because she used to happily spank any of them for even the slightest misbehaviour.It wasn’t so...

5 years ago
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Revenge By Margaret Jeanette Mary Benbrooks just completed another deal. She just bought Henry's, an up-scale men's store. It complimented her Dorothy's, an up-scale woman clothing store, and Discount Dress, another women's wear store. Since she also owned the most popular diner in town, she felt she was set. That night she told her husband, Greg, about the deal. He was happy for her. He had a small accounting business that just covered the rent of the offices he leased. He...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 37 Malfoys Revenge

Chapter Thirty-Seven – Malfoy’s Revenge Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, mmmf, x-gang, anal, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, inc, magic, oral, preg, spank, unif, voy Hermione Granger was being followed. For the last month, she had been sure that Draco Malfoy and his cronies had been following her before, between and after classes. She knew only one...

3 years ago
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A Girlfriends Revenge

Kate gently stroked Rick's cock through the thick fabric of his jeans. The movie they were watching had not raised their interest enough not to be interrupted by her groping his package as a sign of lust. Boring or not, rare were the occasions where a movie would keep them from fondling each other after more than twenty minutes.Kate unbuttoned Rick's jeans and freed his growing manhood from its cotton confinement. She laggardly pumped it, clenching her fist around it harder each time. They...

3 years ago
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I know, this is a very fast moving story, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway. Revenge By Morpheus I stared into my empty shot glass for several minutes, before finally asking the bartender for "Another one" I was sitting in a smoke filled, half empty bar, determined to drink myself senseless. An overweight, balding man sat farther down the bar, looking just as miserable as me. I couldn't help but wondering what his story was, though I honestly didn't give a damn. I was...

3 years ago
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Carlas Revenge

I've found out that my wife is cheating on me and so far she and Josh don't know that I know. Josh by the way is – or was – my best friend. I know, I know, it is a cliché, but clichés get to be clichés because they happen so often. I had no idea of how I was going to handle it. The thing was that I couldn't understand why he was fucking my wife. Don't get me wrong here; my wife is definitely a hottie. She is in her mid-thirties and even after three kids she looks hot as hell in a bikini,...

2 years ago
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500 Time Revenge

500 Times Revenge Caution, there is a brutal revenge section in this story, and for those of you that say it can't happen or it's over the top…I beg to differ. In fact, the punishment I describe was reported in the Phoenix Times back in 2019, and was an actual event. Beginnings We met in our last year at university when I was out with friends. Sara was celebrating her 21st birthday when I met her at a local club in Nashville. I literally bumped into Sara as I walked by her table, knocking her...

4 years ago
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The Depraved High School Witches and their Quest to Summon the Demon God of Lust

What no one at Warren G High School knows is that within the student body is a coven of 4 nasty, naughty witches each from a different clique, each with a different power, and on this fateful day, each will undertake a different one of the “Four Sins of Asmodeus” (the perversion of the masses, the humiliation of the powerful, the corruption of the pious, the destruction of the innocent) the 4 goals that must be met to summon Asmodeus, the demon god of lust, to Earth to fuck all of human...


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