Xander the Vampire Slayer
- 3 years ago
- 41
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Sabrina eagerly pressed her tongue into Harvey's mouth. He returned the kiss hot and wet. Their tongues thrashed against one another as their lips writhed and twisted about. Harvey's hand had been softly caressing Sabrina's neck now moved down her shoulder and came to rest cupping her breast.
Sabrina laid her hand on Harvey's thigh and forced her tongue even deeper between his wet lips. Their kiss went on until her face was drenched from nose to chin. Sabrina could feel Harvey's breath come in short, hot blasts against her cheek. His hips unconsciously jerked about as he urged her hand to close on his crotch.
Sabrina knew her man. Harvey wanted to screw her in the worst way, but right now he would welcome any sort of sexual release. Without breaking their sloppy wet kiss, she unzipped his pants and pulled Harvey's throbbing cock into the open. Most days she would have jerked her hand up and down on his stiff hard-on until she felt his hot cum pour over her hand, but she was feeling generous today. She broke their kiss and immediately engulfed the head of his cock in her eager mouth.
Harvey grunted in satisfaction as she labored on his steel hard dick. And it really was a labor for Sabrina. They were in Harvey's compact car. Sabrina had to twist her torso and suffer the hard edge of the car's console as it dug into her ribs. She knew that if she got too eager with her blow job, she would end up whacking her ear on the steering wheel.
Sabrina didn't have to suffer for long though. Harvey's teen cock was always on a hair trigger. After less than two minutes of tonguing and sucking, Sabrina felt his hot cum spurting into her mouth. She swallowed the slimy stuff, but then she took a bit of malicious pleasure as she gave Harvey another full, open mouthed, tongue swabbing kiss. Harvey, to his credit, joined in the kiss after only a second of hesitation.
"Sabina, honey, that was incredible," he said as he stuffed his softened dick back into his pants. "Do you want me to do you?" he asked.
"Not today," Sabrina said. "You better take me home. I don't want my aunts to get suspicious." She was telling a little lie. Their school had been scheduled for a half day session, but Sabrina knew that her aunts didn't expect her home until the usual time.
Harvey checked his watch and said, "I've got to get home too. My whole family's going to my Aunt Mary's for her birthday." He sighed. "Six hours of driving just to watch her blow out a candle and listen to stories about her cat."
Sabrina playfully slapped him on the arm. "Be nice," she said, "I think your aunt is a sweet old lady."
The two teens had been driving to this secluded spot after school a couple of times a week. Their make out sessions always ended with Harvey getting his rocks off, and if Sabrina was in the mood, she let him finger her clit to orgasm. At least she always let Harvey think that she had come; sometimes she faked it for his male ego.
Harvey pulled away from the parking spot and headed toward Sabrina's house. He cleared his throat and said, "Have you thought any more about us doing it?"
Sabrina fought back a sigh. She loved having Harvey as a boyfriend but she wasn't about to fuck him just to make him happy. She was a witch and her virginity could be a powerful source of magic - magic that she might not be able to control.
She rested her hand on the inside of Harvey's thigh. "I haven't changed my mind, Harvey. Maybe most girls don't care, but loosing my virginity is a big deal to me."
"I've got the condoms and everything," he said.
"I know," she said patiently, "and I appreciate that, but you'll just have to give me time." She moved her hand to his crotch and gave it a squeeze. "It's not like I'm some big cock tease, you know. You just came in my mouth."
Harvey patted her hand. "You're right, babe. I'm not really complaining."
Harvey let her out at a corner near her house. It was a warm afternoon in the early fall. As Sabrina walked down the tree lined street, her shoes kicked up little swirls of dead leaves. As she neared her home, her eyes went automatically to the window of the lower bathroom of the two story structure. There, between the window glass and the curtains, was a ceramic figurine in the shape of a unicorn.
Sabrina's steps faltered, but then she set her eyes down the sidewalk and resolutely strode by the cement walk to her house. The unicorn was a warning to Sabrina not to approach the house. Being a witch wasn't all talking cats and amusing escapades, there could be real danger. One of her aunts had placed, or caused the unicorn to materialize, in that window. It meant that there was something very wrong in the house, and Sabrina was supposed to stay out of it.
Of course, it could just be a false alarm. The other dozen times she had returned home to see that unicorn in the window, it had been a test. As she walked on, Sabrina expected to hear the voice of one of her aunts whispering magically in her ear, "It's OK, Sabrina, come on in."
But as she reached the intersection at the end of her block, a knot of panic began to build in her stomach. There hadn't been any sort of sign from either of her aunts.
It's a mistake, she told herself. She very nearly turned back, but then she took a deep breath and marched across the intersection. There was a convenience store on the corner with a pay phone mounted outside. Her aunts had given her a name and phone number to use if she got this far. She fumbled in her purse for change, and then her fingers shook as she put the coins in the slot. She dialed the number; a continent away a phone began to ring.
Rupert Giles was dressed like the tweedy librarian that he was. He had on dark trousers, brown wing tipped shoes, a tan jacket with leather patches at the elbows and a tie that didn't go with any other part of his apparel. He lay on his couch at home, looking like a man who was going to take quick nap before dinner. Only his eyes weren't closed in sleep, they were wide open and looking down his body to where seven inches of thick cock stood straight from his crotch. Willow Rosenberg knelt next to the couch with her eyes locked on Giles' erection as she slowly stroked it with one small hand.
"Willow," said Giles, "you realize that we can never let the others know about this."
Willow's eyes never left his cock. "I know," she said, "but it'll be hard not to. I mean, who would have thought that you had this cutie hidden in your pants?"
"Well, I'm not totally without resources," he sniffed.
"Don't I know it," Willow said. She lapped his cock from base to flared head with her pink tongue, and then she slipped her mouth over its tip and sucked in half his rigid length.
"Oh good heavens," moaned Giles. He pushed his glasses up on his forehead and covered his eyes with his hand. He reveled in the feeling of Willow's tongue and cheeks on his cock. It took him back to his younger days when a wilder, more dangerous Giles, had had his pick of young women like her.
Now of course, he should be well beyond the attentions of females her age, but that just made this little tryst all that more exciting. This was their fourth encounter in the past month. Sunnydale High School had closed early due to a loss of water pressure and Willow had come to his house, ostensibly to do some research. Willow had practically tackled him and thrown him on the couch. So far they'd only pleasured one another with their fingers and lips.
Giles felt the sap begin to rise from his balls, and he was about to warn Willow, when suddenly she stopped. He peeped from between his fingers to see her stand. With a practiced move, she lifted her skirt with the thumbs of both hands and then hooked them in her panties. She pushed her panties down until they fell to the floor. She stepped one foot out of its leg hole and then used her other foot to flip her panties into the air. She caught the translucent, white underwear in midair and tossed them onto the coffee table next to the couch.
Giles was so amused by her panty juggling, that he was surprised when Willow threw her leg over his crotch and his quivering cock disappeared beneath her skirt. A second later he felt her hand on his thick shaft and then the hot, moist, silky feel of her pussy as it engulfed his cock-head. "Willow," he moaned, "maybe you shouldn't..."
"Hush," she interrupted, "I know what I'm doing. I'm not a virgin, you know."
"Now how would I know that?" he asked. Willow answered by easily taking his full length and width in one smooth plunge. She swayed forward, placing her hands on either side of his torso as her flame red hair fell over her face. Giles surrendered to the moment. He knew he shouldn't, but Willow's combination of youth and experience and eagerness was overwhelming.
Willow pounded her hips against his for several long minutes. Little gasps of pleasure escaped her lips from time to time. Then she straightened, her back arched and her hand disappeared under her skirt. Giles knew that she must be fingering her clit. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her mouth opened wide in a soundless scream of orgasm.
Giles felt the contractions of her pussy milking at his rigid length. It was more than he could take and suddenly he was filling her hot cunt with shot after shot of cum.
A few minutes later, Giles was studiously ignoring Willow as they straightened their clothing. He cleared his throat and was about to say something to her – he wasn't sure what – when the phone rang. He gave a little sigh of relief as he picked up the receiver. "Giles here," he said.
"Mr. Giles, Mr. Rupert Giles?" said a worried female voice.
"Mr. Giles, my name is Sabrina Spellman. You know my aunts, Hilda and Zelda Spellman."
A wave of memories flooded Giles' mind. He flashed back to his youth when he had dabbled dangerously in dark magic. The lure of dark power had been strong, but the Spellman sisters had shown him the errors of his ways. He had pledged his eternal thanks to the two witches and vowed to be of help to them if ever he was needed. Apparently, they had seen something in Giles. They had him write his name, address and phone number on an enchanted piece of parchment that would always show where he could be found. They had exchanged holiday greetings – at Halloween appropriately enough – over the years. Now he recalled that they had mentioned a niece. But why had they named him as some sort of emergency contact? Why hadn't they asked? Because he would have demurred of course. Anyway, their niece was asking for help; he'd do what he could.
"Yes," he said into the phone, "I know the Spellmans. What can I do for you?" In a rush of words Sabrina told him about the warning of the unicorn, and how her aunts hadn't contacted her.
"They told me to call you if something was wrong. What in the world am I supposed to do?" she asked in a strained voice.
Giles frowned in thought. The Spellman sisters were two very powerful witches. They must be in real trouble. "Don't panic," said Giles calmly, "first of all, tell me where you are."
"Oh dear," said Giles. "I'm afraid that I'm in California. It will be at least eight, maybe twelve hours, maybe more than a day before I can get there."
For Giles, it seemed as if the entire universe blinked. Suddenly, he was standing next to a payphone in bright sunshine. He had his hand up to his ear as if he were still holding his home telephone, which he wasn't. He turned slowly in place until he saw a young woman with blonde hair looking at him.
"Well, you're here now," she said in a hopeful voice.
Giles' upraised hand moved to his glasses. He took them off and pulled a handkerchief from his coat pocket. As he polished the lenses he said, "Miss Spellman, I presume?"
She nodded.
"Young lady, you might have given me some warning. I have to assume that you are also a witch?"
"I'm sorry," said Sabrina, "but at least I got you here in a hurry."
"Yes," Giles said dryly as he replaced his glasses. He could hear a shrill tinny voice coming from the phone in Sabrina's hand. "If you don't mind," he said as he took the receiver from her. "Willow, I'm fine; I'm in Massachusetts ... Of course it was magic, I don't believe Verizon provides this service ... Yes ... yes ... if you don't mind, please stand by there. I may need some help." After a few more words of explanation, he hung up.
"My house is this way," said Sabrina as she turned and began to walk.
"Wait," said Giles. "It won't do any good to go charging about before we know what we're up against."
Sabrina stopped and turned. She looked frustrated, but then she put her hand to her mouth and began to bite on a nail in concentration. "I could try a spell to look into the house," she said.
Giles nodded thoughtfully. "You could, but using magic might alert who, or whatever's in there." He looked around as if to get his bearings and his eyes fell on a large, boxy brown truck parked across the road. As he watched, a deliveryman, his arms full of packages, stepped out of the truck and entered a nearby store.
"Ah," said Giles, "I think I have an idea."
A few minutes later, a white delivery van pulled to the curb in front of the Spellman home. Sabrina had conjured up a truck, a uniform for Giles to wear, and a package for him to deliver, so that he could reconnoiter the house.
As Giles stepped out of the van, he looked down at his new attire. He was wearing white trainers, white knee socks, white shorts and a white shirt. The name Rupert was stenciled on a patch over his left chest pocket.
I look like a bloody milkman, he thought. He picked up the small package – Sabrina had assured him that it contained something that her Aunt Zelda might order – and a clipboard. He headed up the walkway to the house. He rang the door bell, waited, and then rang it again. A full minute passed and he was beginning to wonder what to do next when the door opened.
Zelda Spellman was standing there. Giles' first thought was that she hadn't aged a day since he had last seen her over twenty years ago. His second thought was, my goodness, what a way to answer your door. The tall blonde was dressed in a floor length negligee that was made of a sheer, ice blue material which did nothing to hide her full figure. Giles could hardly tear his eyes from the deep cleavage revealed by her loosely tied lingerie.
"Pack ... pack ... package ... for ... uh ... Ms. Spellman," he finally managed to stammer.
There was a flicker of recognition in Zelda's eyes as she looked at Giles, but then those eyes took on a dreamy gaze as a man appeared in the doorway. He was wearing a navy dressing gown and Giles could have sworn that he spotted a large, obscene bulge poking at the front of that gown before the man stepped behind Zelda and put his arms around her waist.
"Who is it, darling?" the man asked as he kissed Zelda's slim neck.
"Just a delivery," she answered as she tilted her head to invite more kisses.
From somewhere beyond the door, Giles heard the loud, brash voice of Zelda's sister, Hilda, saying, "Hey, I wasn't through with that big dick yet, come back here and fuck me."
The man turned his head and said in a calm voice, "Please dear, we have someone at the door."
Giles stared at the man as he held out the package to Zelda. He looked for all the world like a young Cary Grant. He even sounded like the man. But neither Cary Grant, nor any character he had ever played, would treat a lady like this in public, thought Giles. As he watched, the man's hands moved up to cup Zelda's breasts. He found her nipples and began to tweak them between finger and thumb.
"Would you please sign here?" said Giles proffering the clipboard and a pen.
Zelda took the pen and scrawled an unintelligible signature as the man began to nibble on the shell of her ear. She giggled and said in a girlish voice, "Stop, that tickles." She thrust the clipboard back into Giles hand and dropped the package on the floor. She turned in the man's arms and put one hand to the back of his head while her other hand dived low between their clinging bodies. Giles saw tongues being exchanged in a kiss just before Zelda's foot slammed the door shut in his face. Giles walked back to the van, and in a few minutes he was back at the convenience store parking lot where Sabrina was waiting.
She jumped into the van's passenger seat and asked eagerly, "What did you see?" Giles was tempted to give the teen a G-rated version of what he'd witnessed, but then he decided to tell her all.
"Wow," Sabrina said. She looked stunned at the prospect of her aunts having a threesome.
"Perhaps," Giles softly suggested, "they knew that you were coming home early and in the uh, excitement of the moment, they displayed the unicorn sign, forgetting that you would call me. Perhaps your aunts simply wanted you away from the house for a couple of hours."
Sabrina looked stunned and at a loss. "I ... I really don't know," she said.
Giles wanted to give her a moment to think. He moved from the driver's seat to the rear of the van. His clothes had been stored there in a neat pile. "If you'll keep your eyes to the front, I'll change back into my civilian clothes."
"OK," Sabrina said softly.
Giles tossed the white shirt, shorts and socks next to Sabrina's seat as he removed them. "There you are," he said. "I don't know what you do with magically created garments. Turn them back into fairy dust or something?" He was trying to lighten the mood.
Sabrina absently picked up the shirt and held it to her face. Giles wondered if perhaps she was wiping away a tear, when she turned and looked at him with a strange smile. Giles had been using the bump of the van's wheel well as a seat. He was wearing only his boxer shorts and he was in the act of putting on his socks when Sabrina left her seat and came toward him.
"I'm not quite dressed," he warned her, but Sabrina was moving with a purpose. She knelt before him and pushed his knees wide apart with her hands. Her hand dived into the opening of his shorts and grabbed his cock.
"Sabina, please," he cried out, but there was something about her hot, eager fingers. He became erect in an instant. He could feel Sabrina's fingers moving on his cock as it filled with boiling blood.
Sabrina pulled his cock into the open and said with a grin, "You're much bigger than my boyfriend, Harvey." She began to slide her hand up and down Giles erection. "Do these things keep growing as you get older?" she asked innocently.
"I don't think so," Giles said. "You know, you really shouldn't be doing this." He lifted his hands to push her away, but then Sabrina opened her mouth and stuffed three inches of hard cock into her mouth.
"Oh dear," said Giles. His hands fell back to his sides and his head fell back to make a hollow ringing thud against the van's sheet metal side. He could do nothing but, for the second time that afternoon, surrender to the feeling of a hot mouth and tongue on his cock. Through half-lidded eyes he watched Sabrina's blonde head bob back and forth. Her lips flared around the shaft of his cock, and her tongue worked double-time on its sensitive head. In less than two minutes, his aching dick was spurting its load into her willing mouth. Sabrina looked as if she was savoring a fine wine before she swallowed the creamy cum. She arose and melted into Giles' arms. She gave him an eager kiss, and then she took his hand and very deliberately pushed it between her thighs.
Giles loved the feel of Sabrina's silky skin on his fingers. He was about to close in on what he knew would be a juicy, tight pussy, when he abruptly became aware of what was going on. He snatched his hand away from Sabrina's leg as if it were on fire. He pushed her from his lap and loudly cleared his throat. "Sabrina, we have to stop."
Her face became furious. "Oh sure, you get your rocks off, but if I want a little action, then it's all taboo."
Giles threw up his hands as if she were about to attack. "Sabrina, stop, something's happened to us. We should be thinking about your aunts."
"You just told me that they were both fine and simply fucking away the afternoon."
"I put that forward as a possibility; we have to look further," he said in a calming tone.
Sabrina emitted a growl of frustration and stomped back to the passenger seat. As Giles finished dressing, Sabrina gathered up his deliveryman outfit and made it disappear in a puff of fragrant smoke. She picked up the clipboard and looked as if she were about to commit disincorporation on its molecules, when she began to squeal.
"A message, Aunt Zelda sent me a message," she said breathlessly as she pointed to the clipboard.
Giles looked skeptically at the spiky scribble. "You can read something in that scrawl?" he asked.
"It's a game that I used to play with my aunts when I was first learning my powers." she said, "watch this." She tore the paper, containing what Giles had thought was Zelda's signature, from the clipboard, and stuffed it in her mouth. She chewed on it for a minute and then spit it back on the clipboard. She poked and prodded and pushed at the wad of paper until it spread to ten times its original size. She handed the clipboard to Giles with a look of triumph and confusion. "Here's what she wrote. I'm not sure what it means though."
"It says," Giles read from the slightly soggy paper, "regulus glamour-incubus, book of shadows, 3 halliwells, san fran."
"But what does it mean?" she asked.
"Well the Book of Shadows is a near-mythic book of spells and information. It's a bit of a Holy Grail to a librarian like me. I think that the regulus glamour-incubus is some sort of demon with which your aunts are having trouble. And the three Halliwells must be someone or something in San Francisco. I assume that will lead us to the book, and I hope, a method for dealing with this demon."
Sabrina had seemed full of hope for a few moments, but then her face began to cloud up once more. "We may not have the time to search all over San Francisco," she said.
"I'm sure that we won't have to," said Giles. "Let me make a phone call." He left the van and called Willow at his home back in Sunnydale. He advised her as to what was going on. "So I need for you to do whatever it is you do on the Internet and find out what 'three Haliwells' is," he instructed. "I'll be at this number." He gave her the number at the convenience store payphone.
Giles' stomach growled, and he realized that between dealing with Willow and Sabrina he'd missed his lunch. He got some snacks from the store and at least tried to share them with Sabrina. She was too nervous and upset to eat. He was washing down the last of a ridiculously sweet cookie when the payphone began to ring. He answered; it was Willow on the other end.
"Giles, I think I found your Halliwells," she said in an excited tone. "There are a bunch of people in San Francisco named Halliwell and at least two businesses. I couldn't put the number three with any of them, but then I did a cross-check by..."
"Willow," interrupted Giles, "dear, I'm afraid that we may be a bit pressed for time."
"Oh, sure," she said. "Uh, there are three Halliwells with the same address and phone number. Maybe that's them."
"Well, it's certainly a place to start. Thank you, Willow."
She gave him the address and phone number, and then Giles returned to the van. "Sabrina," he asked as he climbed into the driver's seat, "can you do that trick with the phone once more? We need to be in San Francisco."
Piper Halliwell walked softly through the upstairs hallway of her San Francisco home. She could hear the rhythmic squeak of bedsprings, and the muffled cries and the muted moans of sex. She stopped outside the closed door of her sister Phoebe's bedroom. Piper looked around and then squatted and put her eye to the keyhole of the old door.
Phoebe's bed was across the room and sat crossways to the door. There was a blonde guy lying nude on the bed while an unclothed Phoebe bounced up and down on his cock. Piper didn't recognize the man. "Damn," she muttered to herself, "that's the third different guy in the last week."
Piper steadied herself against the wall with one hand, while she moved her other hand beneath her pleated skirt. She slid a finger over the crotch band of her panties and pressed on her clit. She watched as Phoebe leaned over her partner and shoved her tongue down his throat while he pounded his wet cock into her juicy pussy. Piper could hear the liquid sounds of sex as well as the moans of the lovers clearly now.
If I don't stop this, I'll have a sloppy wet pussy too, thought Piper. She gave her clit one more good rub. She was about to stand and go about her business, when she heard, "Hey, what's up?" in a whisper from directly behind her ear.
Piper gasped and almost toppled over, but a pair of hands caught her and helped her to her feet. She turned and looked into the smirking face of her older sister, Prue. "You know perfectly well what's up," Piper hissed. She grabbed her sister by the hand and didn't turn it loose until they were in the basement of the manor, two floors lower.
Once they were situated in corner, Piper turned to her sister and said, "Look, I know that we agreed that we had to let Phoebe live her own life when she moved back in with us. But this continuous orgy that she's carrying on is too much."
Prue pursed her lips. "I don't think that one guy at a time constitutes an orgy," she said.
"You know what I mean," said Piper as she shook her finger in Prue's face.
Prue reached out and took her sister's hand. She pulled until Piper was in her arms and she could give her a fierce hug. "I know what you mean. She's doing what she's always done. Acting just as she pleases, and soaking up all the attention, especially all the sexual attention."
The girls separated just enough to gaze into one another's eyes. Prue tilted her head and kissed her sister tenderly on the lips. Piper returned the kiss and for a long moment their lips pressed softly. Their mouths opened at the same instant, and their tongues twined about one another slowly and sinuously. Their breath was coming in short, hot gasps before they broke apart. The two women stepped back and stared at each other.
"I though we decided against this when Phoebe came back," Piper said into the tense silence.
"I thought it was for the best," Prue said. She walked to a nearby shelf and picked up an old quilt that had been stored there. "But, I didn't expect her to fuck so many guys that you could practically see the pheromones wafting through the air."
"Right," said Piper, taking a cue from Prue. She took one end of the quilt and helped her sister spread it on the floor. "I mean it's not like we're gay or anything."
Prue removed a blanket from its place on the shelf and began to unfold it. "Yeah, Lord knows I like a good stiff cock as much as the next girl," she said.
"As long as the next girl isn't Phoebe," said Piper. They both chuckled as they spread the blanket on top of the quilt.
Piper began to unbutton her top. "We date, but it's hard to keep a steady boyfriend, especially when you're a witch," she said.
"You know the old joke, ' said Prue. She had slipped out of most of her clothes and was now unfastening her bra. "A hard man is good to find, but a good man is hard to find."
"Ain't it the truth," said Piper as she stepped out of her panties that had fallen to the floor.
The two sisters faced one another across the makeshift bed. Piper had a slim figure with brunette hair that fell down her back. Prue had a more lush figure, larger breasts and more curves than her sister. Her shorter, raven black hair framed her face. They embraced and kissed.
Prue eagerly played with her sister's tongue. She loved deep wet kisses. Already, she could feel a warm swelling begin to infuse her pussy. She slid her hand to Piper's ass and tickled her smooth skin with the tips of her fingers. Piper responded by holding her sister even closer. She slipped her creamy smooth thigh between Prue's legs and felt the wetness there as Prue began to massage her pussy.
"Damn, I thought that I was the horny one," said Piper as she kidded her older sister. Prue was practically humping her leg.
"You can't believe how much I've missed this," said Prue breathlessly. "I'd lie awake at night, listening to Phoebe fucking some guy, and I'd have to masturbate for an hour before I could fall asleep."
"I know what you mean," said Piper. "I've worn out my vibrator since she came back home."
There was another long kiss that became deeper and almost frantic in its intensity. Prue caressed Piper's rough nipples with the palm of her hand. The two sisters knelt on the blankets, still kissing and fondling. Prue pushed her sister onto her back, and then crawled between her knees. She kissed her way up Piper's fevered thighs, and then she parted her sister's vaginal lips and stuck her tongue in as far as possible.
MAU: The Slayer By Allen W 'I've got to see her again.' Dan Stevens thought as he pushed the mop bucket down the hallway. Discouraged that his life hadn't gone in the direction he had hoped it would, he now found himself working as an orderly in the state mental hospital. Sure the pay was okay, but hated the working environment. He hated the patience, he hated the doctors, and he hated the nurses. When it came right down to it he hated everything about his job, until four...
Author's note: This is a Giles/Buffy fanfic set in the latter half of season 3, where Buffy is 18. It is also somewhat of an alternate universe story in that Buffy never had sex with Angel, so this is a "first time" story. This is unrelated to my "Black Magic" series. Disclaimer: I'm not Joss Whedon, I don't own Buffy, this is not for profit etc."Is that all you've got?" Giles taunted as he brought his staff down for another strike at the Slayer.Buffy deflected the blow with her own staff,...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete fiction.my self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
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Princess Johna's faithful unicorn steed, Sparkle, teleported into the Dragon's den right behind the owner's unwilling guest. He used his horn to cut the ropes which were bidding his rider's hands. As Sir Dragon was preparing to react to his uninvited guest; the damsel, who was no longer in distress, jumped on the back of her faithful companion and got the lance from the side of the saddle. Princess Johna, the pretty pretty dragon slayer, said, as she was riding her charging unicorn...
Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
Fantasy & Sci-FiWitches Wanted by Brianna 0. Failure for none It has been two generations passed since magic was banned, since our homeland of Oft became occupied by our enemy and neighbour Baselt. We had not stopped fighting, but as their machines advanced, our magic twindled. At first, our witches did not know why but by the time it was too late we had discovered that the Baselt technosci had discovered a way to suppress the magic in our women. We became defenseless and now we fight them...
Halloween Night The Witches Come Visiting on HalloweenAn erotic fable By Alfamann Part 1 It was the evening of Halloween and 33 year old Rachel sat alone in front of her television. As she glanced outside through the lounge window of her small, one bedroom Annapolis apartment she could see the sun beginning to set on yet another day. She felt thoroughly miserable. In fact, she didn?t think she had ever felt more alone and miserable in her whole life. Her 12 year marriage had broken up...
Charia stifled the impulse to pinch her nose, rub her eyes, or message her forehead. She contemplated using magic to ease her headache, but she was sure that would only make it worse. Not to mention, it would show weakness to the other members of the council. She was the de-facto leader of the CWC. The Central Witch Council. A position she had hard fought for and was easily enough to lose. "Next!" Charia shouted out and the previous witch agent slung back to her seat. It was a...
This is a story I wrote a while ago (3rd story I ever wrote actually). Truth is I never intended to even write a sequel to this story, but it has turned out to be a story that started a series of stories that I have collectively titled "WITCH CHRONICLES". Here is the series and the titles they were originally published under: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES...
The vampires smashed their way into the school gymnasium, one of them moving towards Terrance Donald. He shouted to the three students that had been helping him with the research, ‘Get the fuck out of here.’ Taking the lead in the retreat, Jimmy Holton was smashed to the floor by another group of vampires entering from the changing rooms. Both Holly Sharp and Emma Pelham screamed. Dressed in a long black leather coat, a lone vampire woman came in behind the others. ‘Get the lesbian bitches....
Katerina had learned in the first chapter that she was a witch. Her great-grandmother had begun training her. She was now ready to find out what being a witch really meant.Katerina went to bed with the amulet around her neck. She did as her great-grandmother had told her to do. I was right back at the witch trials that she had seen before. This time she was seen by the others there. She remembered what she had been told, not to stand out in any way.She was standing outside the trial chambers as...
Fantasy & Sci-FiWarning: This is fanfiction featuring Giles and adult Willow, certain parts told from each of their points-of-view. Don't complain to me if you don't like the series. Yes there is a lot of sex in this super-long story, but I will be posting the story in smaller segments, and it will take a couple posts to get to the romance. I am a nerd, okay?~Part One~Time was a strange thing, really. Even though Giles had thought it would be impossible to keep away from Willow, that things had changed too...
Special agent Dana Scully drove into the California town. It was 9:00 at night. She parked her car along Main St. and got out of the vehicle to survey the surroundings. She was here to investigate some strange occurances that had been taking place in the town. Scully was in the town of Sunnydale to check out another case for the X-Files. Her partner, Fox Mulder was in Arizona chasing UFO's so she was alone on this case. The agents had been tracking a serial killer/rapist across the country....
Introduction: This is my story for CAW 8.5, witches and sex is all im going to say. Witches Brew The Five She was awoke on her sixteenth birthday with a strange feeling deep down in the pit of her stomach, something had happened, something had changed. She got up and went into the bathroom where she stood infront of the mirror in shock, her poker straight blonde hair had turned auburn, curly and she now had piercing green eyes from the baby blue she went to sleep with last night. As she...
I Sabrina was excited. This was the last day of school and her boy friend Harvey had promised her that he wouldn't go away this summer to visit his father. She wanted this summer to be especially memorable. As like she did every afternoon, as soon as she got home she answered her e-mails and surfed the net a bit. It was then that she stumbled upon a chat room called the WITCHES COVEN. Sabrina giggled when she read a warning where admittance was only for witches and clicked on the 3D icon...
Witches Brew The Five She awoke on her sixteenth birthday with a strange feeling deep down in the pit of her stomach. Something had happened. Something had changed. She got up and went into the bathroom where she stood in front of the mirror in shock. Her poker straight blonde hair had turned auburn, curly and she now had piercing green eyes from the baby blue she went to sleep with last night. As she stared at herself in disbelief her aunt came into her room to wish her a happy birthday. She...
The witches of Deepdale gathered about the fire, their faces stern, with highlights shown in stark contrast by the firelight. Beatrix looked from face to face, while they waited for the last member of the coven to arrive. Beatrix sighed, she knew full well why Moira was late, as she had asked her to gather more details about the information that they were about to discuss this evening.It was nearly ten minutes later when Moira arrived. She stretched her hands to warm them by the...
SupernaturalChapter 1 It was Halloween Eve and it was a dark and stormy night. The wind rustled through the trees making eerie sounds. I could hear it as it whistled through the power lines. My wind chimes were going crazy as the wind blew through them. I looked out the front window at the dark clouds passing overhead. When the moon peeked through the clouds I could see it was a full moon. I was waiting for the rain to come pouring down any minute, but we were just getting a lot of heavy winds. I'm...
I wake up, or am I still dreaming? I feel sandwiched between two young ladies.I am dreaming. My eyes are closed. I can not see who lays next to me in my arm.My left hand can feel her big very firm buxom beauties though, she must be young.My back feels two other mammalian protuberances flattening at my shoulder blades.I open my eyes. It is deep dark in my black bedroom with satin sheets. No moon.My thumb and forefinger tips slowly start to roll those two young yummy nipples.She is very sensitive...
JFW, Inc. -- "Justice by Witches" Chapter 1 -- Nice doing business with you. "Is he awake? Can he hear us?" Anne wasn't really interested in the answers to her questions, but she needed to know if she could ask some questions about the procedure her husband Ken had just undergone without fear that he might hear about it all before they were ready for him to. Jennifer let out a small chuckle as she smoothed out a wrinkle in her suit pants. "For the most part, yes, but remember...
Thank you to Linda62953 for taking the time to edit this story. It was a dark and stormy night. I can’t tell you how many times I have wanted to start a story with those words. I finally get to use them. Chapter 1 It was Halloween Eve and it was a dark and stormy night. The wind rustled through the trees making eerie sounds. I could hear it as it whistled through the power lines. My wind chimes were going crazy as the wind blew through them. I looked out the front window at the dark clouds...
A bright sunny day I had awoken to. I could hardly sleep a wink. Only one more day until my eighteenth birthday.My mom and my friends have planned a big celebration for me. They invited all my friends from school and my boyfriend. My great grandmother was even coming, and I have not seen her since I was around ten years old. In a few months, I will be off to college, so this may be the last time I see all my friends together.My boyfriend William was taking me to lunch today, knowing about the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe Salem Witches By Teddie S My name is Sybil, and it was in late September 1693 in Salem Massachusetts and I, as well as others were on trial for being witches. These trials found innocent people guilty and sentenced them to death in horrible ways. Bridget Bishop was the first and she was hanged. Giles Corey was pressed to death for refusing to stand trial. During this witch hunt approximately 20 people were executed. The four real witches of Salem, myself, Ann, Mary, and...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
In every generation, there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer. Or so it has been for so many generations as to become the stuff of legends. Until the mantle of the Chosen One fell up a young California High School girl named Buffy Summers. Unlike those who came before her, Buffy refused to live the life of a solitary warrior, relying on friends to aid her in the never-ending fight. A difference that proved to...
The Witches Revenge By Morpheus It was with great reluctance that Cody Brisbane made his way home. Home to the apartment that he shared with his girlfriend Jessica. Soon to Be ex-girlfriend, he reminded himself nervously. He loved her, but Cody couldn't take it anymore. He'd already made up his mind to tell her that he was leaving, but his heart still wasn't listening. Jessica was a beautiful woman of 27, only a year younger than Cody himself. She had long brunette...
CHAPTER ONE CULANE I sat in the dusty library of Rory O’More’s ruined castle, Nevermoor, with books strewn about the desks and several large candles burning. Soft summer air wafted through the large open windows of the tower. ‘Who are you?’ she asked softly. I had been aware of her presence for some time, I had heard her quiet footfall on the stairs and suspected that she was standing in the deep shadow of the doorway watching me. I calmly turned towards her and smiled. ‘I am Culane of Tara....
Chapter 10 -The Wicked Weasley Witches Coven Hermione sat at her desk reviewing a thick case file when there was a knock at her door. Mundungus Fletcher had been picked up the night before, and this time he had stolen goods on him. She was trying to decide which one of the prosecutors under her would be the most appropriate to handle the case. “Come in,” she answered as she closed the folder and set it in the center of her desk. The tall woman who entered her office was striking and...
Given all the recent controversy, I should mention that this story can be posted or archived without further permission from me. I write for my own enjoyment and for the enjoyment of others - not for money, fame, or anything else I can think of. With that in mind, please enjoy. And, oh, by the way, this story is pretty PG (maybe PG13). No steamy sex scenes or the like. Still the them is essentially adult and TG, so if you don't like this sort of stuff, don't read it. Again,...
Zardoz CHAPTER FOUR GALINDA Galinda was the oldest of our sisters and the kookiest. She was a recluse, living nearly like a hermit in her forbidding northern castle with her dour servants. She literally spent twelve or more hours a day locked in a room with her precious magic mirror doing who knows what strange and perverted things in there by herself – believe me there were rumors. At least she was not a threat like Ravenna or a tiresome, whorish burden like dear Theodora, she kept to...
How I Became A Witches Foot SlaveI was short $300 on rent and the ladies who lived next door had to move. They offered me $300 to help them move, so naturally I accepted.I woke up at 6 am and had their truck loaded by noon. It was a six hour drive, but I needed to be back before the end of the weekend so I proceeded to unload everything as soon as we got to their new home. It was a secluded old house far up in the mountains, so when I was done I decided to stay the night and wake up the next...
John was walking home from his office in Oaksville, a small Washington town in the hills. Not much went on there. He’d had a pretty boring day, and was looking forward to kicking back with a beer and watching some football. The sky was overcast and he hadn’t brought his jacket. The first big spots of rain appeared on the pavement, then thicker and faster until it was pouring down. His shirt was soaking through. “It’ll clear in a few minutes” he thought. The public library was 50 yards away, and...
Alright, it’s time for you wizard addicts to come out of the woodwork. I know you Harry Potter lovers aren’t in this shit for the plot. You can’t fool me. You horny bastards can’t get enough of Emma Watson and her perky tits. But let’s not be weird about it, okay? I’m talking about the newer movies where she’s a rockin’ hot legal-aged slut. And don’t even get me started on that MILF professor Mcgonagall and her massive milkers and dump truck ass. I’d love to stick my wand in her golden snitch...
Free Sex GamesThey stood on wet ground as the cool breeze of their darkest hour swept past. Most of their numbers were gone. The free lands in the north had all fallen, swallowed up by the black mass of the oppressive Kath’rahim army. Only York stood against them now, one final free people, stretched fabric-thin against a world’s worth of steel. For a year they had managed to hold the untold numbers at bay. Under the leadership of King James Rawlings III, they had used the swift striking movements a...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Filled to the brim with sexy women and many possibilities for erotic adventures. So many ways that this show could be portrayed, just in a more adult manner. Now why don't you choose one. How about one were Xander gained the power of controlling others minds? Did he really accidentally summon a demon in the musical episode, or might he have got other benefits. With his new powers what will he do. Use them to fight evil? Or perhaps fulfill those desires for the other...
Faith is the second vampire slayer. She is a loose cannon. She is sometime bad, sometime good, sometime trying to make up for her crimes. Where should we start with her Here the choices: You can go back when she was just a regular loose cannon good guy. She was a bit of a nymphomania back here. You can go back when she was bad and evil. The last choice is present day Faith.
Author's Note: This is the third part of a Buffy fanfic I wrote, featuring a Willow/Giles pairing. It is a romance but there will be a lot of sex in future chapters so never fear. Refer to my profile for links to the other parts. Disclaimer - I don't own BtVS, I'm not Joss Whedon, this is not for profit, etc etc.~Part 3~"If you don't mind Italian, there's a place I'd like to go to. See if it's still there, of course, and if they're still the same. It was one of my favorite places, actually, and...
Author's Note: This is the second part of a long Giles/Willow story. No sex yet (yes there is sex, it's already written), but I prefer the slow burn.~Part 2~Willow was surprised when she arrived at Giles' apartment and didn't see any cars she recognized from the group. She didn't think too much of it, simply rang his doorbell and tried to quell her anticipation, smoothing wrinkles from her billowy dress out of nerves more than anything else. Giles was sitting in his living room, trying his best...
I waited a few days before I was ready to begin the next part of my training. I spent a lot of time with William. I even trained him on the art of cunnilingus. He got exceptionally good at it, almost as good as Clara.I was excited to finish my training while I was fearful of where I might be going. I only had a couple of weeks left to go before my new school year would begin.I went to my great-grandmother and told her I was ready to begin my final training.She said to me, "Be careful. You are...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI'm not sure that I understood the plan. I guess I thought that Rebecca was supposed to find out as much as she could, while whatever we were facing tried to take control of her. But that wasn't what happened. Rebecca was clearly under the influence of the voice that was speaking to all of us. I was fighting hard not to let whatever it was get me to accept its offer. It seemed like my mind was working in slow motion. The effort of saying, "No," seemed to take all of my strength. And I...
It’s not even true winter yet, and my studio apartment is hopelessly chilly as if the street lamp outside the paper-thin window is the source of all the world’s cold. Researching my graduate thesis in Magical Realism, reading the lush descriptions of my Colombia is painful. Longing squeezes my heart like a tourniquet.So, I spend the chilly evening with a cup of decaf tea, a thick blanket, and a pile of student essays. A night of monkish intellectualism. A scholar in a foreign place surrounded...
Supernatural"Willow, c'mon baby time to wake up," Kennedy said shaking her girlfriend. Willow only reluctantly joined the awake and aware as she had been in the middle of an amazing erotic dream. The Slayers were all sparing and keeping score by stripping. Kennedy had been the first one eliminated and spent the rest of the fight with her face buried in between Willow's legs. "Wha d'ya want?" she asked sleepily. "Buffy decided she wanted you to hang around during our sparing today." "Really? Why?" "I don't...
Bowing the younger woman, Shandra Belle, began to read. "Merry Meet. Sisters of the coven, we are here to decide what is to be done with..." Here Shandra wrinkled her nose brushing her red hair from her face. "This interloper into our communion with Gaia. The list of atrocities follow: attempting to draw all the power of the coven members; attempting to take sacred personal items from coven members. Lastly trying to mislead several young members to break their oath with the coven and the...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
ZARDOZ CHAPTER FIVE OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL ‘A long night Culane?’ I asked sarcastically when that wicked man entered the dining hall in the morning. ‘We had a rather painstaking job before us,’ he replied breezily. He looked well rested, the bastard, and he was kitted up ready for battle. Galinda trailed in behind him looking very smug and more relaxed than I had ever seen her, obviously she had been fucked good and hard, and had betrayed her oath just like the rest of us. ‘Don’t forget...
While aimlessly searching around the internet, a peculiar pop up appears on the screen. Usually you’d just exit out of it, but for some reason you find yourself intrigued by it. “HOT WITCHES IN YOUR AREA LOOKING TO PLAY” It says in bold text laid over a picture of an attractive woman dressed in a black see through camisole and what appears to be a black pointed witches hat. Clearly this must be some kind of joke, but it’s no where near Halloween, so it still seems strange. Against your better...
FantasyMera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
Introduction: after Hagrid loss his pet dragon, Hermione, Luna, and Ginny come to visit to comfort him and show him how much he mean to them. **co-writing with my friend from Imagefap, Reddwarf** **Alternate Universe : Hagrid is the Care of Magical Creature since their first years, Ginny Weasleyand Luna Lovegood is the same age as Hermione** Poor Hagrid, dejected and sad from the loss of his pet dragon Norbert, had been moping around his dark hut for days, barely going outside to tend to his...
This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Jungle Hunt: The Three Witches By Paul G Jutras An owl hooted from a tree limb as a coven of witches stood around a cauldron in the jungle. They chanted in an unheard mumble as they continued their voodoo like ways. One dropped a bat wing into the cauldron and another dropped a lizard. "This potion will freeze anyone stiff." Electra said to her...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
CHAPTER TWO THEODORA I woke in the morning all alone on a dusty chair in a ruined castle, at first I thought that it had all been a dream, and then something much worse occurred to me, I had been abandoned. I sat up and almost cried out in rage before I realized that it was Culane’s leather jacket that covered my shoulders. I settled back down and smiled, inhaling deeply the wonderful smells of his rough soldier’s jacket. The few times that I had wandered these lonely ruins I had felt as if I...
Theresa Maxon’s lips trembled with anger as she looked at the man tied before her. Her slightly greying hair barely moved in the wind. Drawing herself up to her full five foot eight inches she nodded to the rest of the coven. Pointing to another female she motioned to start. Bowing the younger woman, Shandra Belle, began to read. “Merry Meet. Sisters of the coven, we are here to decide what is to be done with...” Here Shandra wrinkled her nose brushing her red hair from her face. “This...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...