Stories from Davis Hall 1 Brook misses Will
- 3 years ago
- 23
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Introduction: Brooks home sick and craving some attention, Haley wants to party with Sierra, and Lewis notices Will You look like crap
Yeah, thanks, Will, Brook said, coughing before blowing her nose into a tissue.
Will, I think Brooks going to have to stay home, shes defiantly to sick to go to school today. So get you stuff, well leave in a few minutes, Maria said, packing her supplies into her suitcase before putting on a coat, and walking back into the kitchen.
See yah later, Brook, Will said, kissing her on the lips before following his mom out of the room.
See yah, Brook replied quietly, rolling over on the couch and falling back to sleep.
As Will sat in the passenger seat of Marias car, he looked out the window at the gray clouds forming over the city.
I doubt youll have practice today, theres gonna be one mother fucker of a storm coming in, Maria said, not taking her eyes off the road.
Yeah, looks like it, Will responded blankly.
You okay? Youve been quiet lately?
Yeah I know, Will replied, I guess Im still a little shaken
I understand, Will. What happened with Rachel, Blane, and Sam was a lot to take in, Im really sorry, Will
Thanks, mom
And I know that Lynn not being here is also hard
Yeah, but at least she didnt die, Will said sarcastically.
True, Maria laughed, But I know that you and Lynn were close, I mean, not having her round has got to be hard too. I know she was one of your close friends
It is…she was, Will said, still looking out the window.
Maria smiled, And I know that being a boy means youll never admit to this, but I know that she was very close to you
She was, Will said blankly.
I noticed that youre talking to Sierra Garcia, Maria said mockingly, in a motherly way of course, How do you think Brook feels about that?
Mom! You know that Sierras friends with Brook, thats how we became friends in the first place. Besides, I think shes dating Chucky Harland
The senior?
Weird…I saw him with that one girl…you know what never-mind that
Okay?, Will said, a little confused with his mothers answer.
By lunch time, rain pelted San Diego, and Will looked out the window of the cafeteria, while he sat with Pierce, Haley, and a few other freshman named Drew, Casey, and Becca. Not paying attention, Will suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck, and embrace tightly.
Will! Sierra squealed, as she hugged him tightly.
Sierra! He yelled back.
Hows my favorite freshman? She continued, next sitting on his lap, still hugging his neck.
Why dont you hug your big sister! She cooed, rubbing up against him.
The other freshman at the table laughed at Sierras flamboyant greeting, but continued with their own conversation, as Will smiled and sat back in his chair.
Will was happy to be friends with Sierra, not only because of her kind and generous personality, but also Sierra was by no means bad to look at. Being of Mexican decent, Sierra had black, wavy hair and brown eyes. She also had tan skin, and a womanly shape with largish breasts and a round and firm butt, something Will took much notice to. Sierra was also about 54 and stood a few inches shorter than Will, who was about 58.
As Sierra sat on Wills lap, another sophomore, Lewis Malthus or Louie, came over to the table and sat down next to him.
Lewis, or Louie, was pretty handsome. Despite being 56, 125 pounds, and having a light boyish body, 16-year-old Louie also had swishy blond hair and blue eyes, with a surfers tan and a blemish free face. But Louies appearance was a defiant misnomer, for the young-looking teen was, without a doubt, a pot-head. Louie also was known to be one tough motherfucker, and on separate occasions, Louie was known to have kicked someones ass in a fight, though for the most part, Louie was docile, and somewhat weak, benching only about 80 lb.s, as opposed to Wills 110.
Hey guys, Louie said, sitting next to Will and Sierra, Will, did Sierra tell you about saturday? Garys party? Oh man, that was some shit!
Will laughed, as well as Pierce and Haley, who leaned towards the conversation.
Louie, you where so fucking drunk I couldnt believe it! that was some night
Have you ever drank? Louie asked, turning to face Pierce, who shook his head, What about smoked? Pierce shook his head again, Damn! Your grade is no sheltered!
Wills been drunk before, Haley chimed in, Right, Will? she said, giving him a look.
AH! My little brothers drinking! Sierra yelled, grabbing Will and rubbing up against him.
It was once! And I dont know whose party it was!
Was it the one were Blane got sent to the hospital? Louie asked, suddenly feeling guilty for his comment after seeing the emerging sadness in Wills eyes, Oh…sorry, Will
Its cool, Will said, And yah, it was that party
Damn! Sierra spoke up, Thats one of Tyson Landers parties! You guys were invited to an intense party!
His brother Ed was a party animal too! But hes what, a freshman in college this year, right?
Yeah, Sierra spoke up, I remember that he and Blane…oh, Sierra paused, catching herself as she mentioned Blanes name.
Haley, seeing that talking about the parties reminded Will of Blane, changed the conversation.
Did you guys ever drink? Like alcohol?
Why yes, maam, Sierra said happily, Its part of being a teenager after all! And how old are you, Haley?
Yep, at about that age is when we started, Sierra continued, glancing over at Louie.
Haley thought to herself, Why dont we ever do things like that?, and then asked, Sierra, were do you get alcohol from?
Cause…I want to try, Haley said proudly yet nervously.
Sierra laughed, then looked across the table at Haley, Haley, you crack me the fuck up! I cant believe you want to try that! I mean look at you! Comin out of your shell, Ms. Reynolds!
Pierce smiled but felt his heart race as he glanced over at Haley, Are you sure you want to? he asked meekly.
I am sure, Haley responded, I want to try it, Pierce
Well listen hear, this saturday, so tomorrow, Im going to one of Tysons parties. If you want to come Ill pick you up
Okay, Haley said, reaching over and grabbing Pierces hand, Pierce, will go with me?
Uhh…, Pierce wasnt sure what to say, but seeing the look of excitement in Haleys eyes, he sighed, Sure, Ill go with you, Haley
Louie made a whipping motion with his left hand while making a whi-cha! noise as he did.
Pussy whipped! He yelled, getting up from the table, laughing as he walked towards the door of the cafeteria and joined a group of other sophomore boys, leaving the building.
Will and Sierra laughed as Louie exited the building, but Pierce scowled.
Im gonna kick his ass!
I wouldnt, Sierra warned, Hes a little pretty-boy, but he can kick some ass
Whatever, Pierce said, taking a sip form his water bottle and sitting back in his seat.
Brook opened Marias Mac Book and went onto iChat to see if Lynn was on, and sure enough in a matter of minutes, Lynn showed up on the screen.
Hey, Lynn
You okay, Brook? You look sick
I am, its just a cold. Hows Seattle? Still at your grandpas?
Yeah, it sucks! I have to wait till next semester to get into this one school my parents are sending me to, and till then, I have to work at his frickin store! Its awful! I might be Chinese but I can only take so much of this!
Brook laughed, Well, not much has gone on around here
Hows Will doing?
I dont know, he seems kinda depressed lately. I think hes still processing the whole situation.
Yeah, I can understand that, I mean, it still shocks me whenever I think about the fact we avoided death
Have you guys done it?
You know, sex. Have you guys had sex in the past few weeks?
Well, we almost did-
Thats why hes depressed!
Brook and Lynn both laughed, until Brooks coughing broke up the laughter, Do you think so? I mean, its not like you would know boys-
Oh ha ha, a lesbian joke, how classy. Look here, Brook, just make him feel better, Im sure that just giving him a handy will be enough
Yeah, well, I havent gotten off in weeks it seems, I need it just as badly!
Why dont you just masturbate?
Lynns response made Brook blush, and she raised her eyebrows in surprise of Lynns rash statement.
What? Everyone does it! I do, Chloe, Samantha, Will obviously. Have you ever done it before?
Well…no…but I mean…I can figure it out, how hard can it be?
Well, Ill leave you with that, I here the old fart calling me from downstairs, Lynn said softly, before yelling something in Cantonese and closing her computer.
Brook stood up off the ground and laid down on the couch. She removed her panties she was wearing, and reached down to touch the outside of her vag.
Id much prefer Will over this, she said to herself, as she put two fingers into her twat, moving them up feel her clit, she shivered, I really want Will to do this
Brook took both her hands and pulled her panties back up. She covered herself with a blanket, and took out her cell phone, Dammit! Its only 1:12!, she sighed, Wait, today Will has time off at this hour…I need to call him.
Brook unlocked her phone and looked at a picture of Will she had taken days before at a pool party at Pierces house. She felt a volt of lust mildly surge through her body as she saw him standing shirtless, the water making his lean, swimmers body glisten in the sun.
I know what Ill do, she said aloud. Going to her contacts, Brook scrolled down to Wills name, and pressed it, calling his cell. Seconds later, she heard him answer it.
Will, can you do me a favor?
Can you send me-uh-a picture?
Of what?
Of, you
What do you mean? Will asked.
I want a picture of your cock, Will. Can you send one to me?
I-I-Im at school, Brook!
I know! And Im at home! So please send me one, just go to the bathroom, take a picture, send it to me, and we can get on with our days
But, Brook! Im at school! Cant I just show you it when-
Please, Will? Brook asked, attempting to sound like a child begging for a stuffed animal.
Will sighed, he couldnt resist Brook when she used that voice, Fine, Ill do it
Looking around, Will stood from his seat in the common area, and walked towards the bathroom in the adjacent hallway. Looking around to make sure no one was watching, he opened one of the stalls and quickly locked it before sitting on the toilet seat, pants and boxers around his ankles.
Will took out his phone and took a photo of his dick, then quickly pulled his pants back up and was about to leave the stall, when Brook texted him back.
More, was all it said, and Will sighed, as he sat back on the toilet and grabbed his dick, stroking his circumcised . Almost immediately, his 3 flaccid dick began to slowly harden, and his dick grew to his full 6 inches.
Back at the house, Brook smiled as she looked at the picture of Wills erect cock, Thats a good one, she said to herself lustfully.
Brook reached into her shorts and rubbed her pussy lips, which had swollen with arousal after seeing the.
Oo, she moaned, feeling her body quiver as she rubbed herself.
She looked at the picture again, and felt another quiver, as she smiled lustfully at her boyfriends cock.
Returning back to her text messages, she texted Will, and asked, Send another
Will, still sitting in the bathroom, looked the message and laughed quietly to himself. He switched his phones camera to video, and set the phone on the ground, as he stood over the phone and began to jack off. After about twenty seconds of masturbating, he stopped the video, and sent it to Brook.
Hope thatll be enough, he said.
Brook watched the video lustfully, holding the phone in one hand while quickly rubbing her pussy lips with her other. Feeling herself getting closer to an orgasm, she set down the phone momentarily to grasp one of her tits under her shirt, as she used two fingers to massage her clit, each touch of her most sensitive appendage making her moan and arch her back in pleasure.
She removed her shirt, and continued to rub her left tit, feeling her aroused and erect nipple rub up against her palm, as she caressed its soft skin.
Meanwhile downstairs, Brook removed her fingers from her clit and began to rub her pussy lips again, moaning Wills name as she closed her eyes and fantasied about seeing Wills circumcised dick, his newly and neatly trimmed wavy dark-brown hair, his tight stomach and pecks, his strong legs. She moaned thinking about their first time, and then twitched as she thought about Will touching her tits, fingering her pussy and licking her clit.
Oh, Will, she moaned, squeezing her breast as she thought about Will caressing them, Ah…Will…Ah yeas…, She moaned again, thrusting forward as she felt herself orgasm.
Oh…that was amazing…, Brook pulled her shirt back on and laid back in bed, tired from her orgasm, I cant wait for Will to get home
The rain pelted the city, as Will began to walk out of the school. He would have asked a friend to take him home, but Will had to stay late after his last class today with Mr. Cardona to take a test he had missed last week, leaving Will stranded at the school. Sighing as he saw how strong the rain was falling, he was about to walk out when he heard Louie call his name.
Will! You need a ride?
Will, not sure what to think about Louies request, responded, Sure, if its not to much trouble
No not at all, Louie said happily, motioning for Will to follow him, as he walked back through the school, and to the student parking lot in the back.
Louies car was a silver 2010 BMW SUV, which, his father had graciously given his son for his 16th birthday.
Throwing his stuff in Louies trunk, and climbing in the passenger-seat, Will closed the door to the car and buckled his seatbelt.
As Louie started the car, and backed out of his parking spot, he turned to Will.
So, Will, he said, Sierra and Marcie told me you and Brook have been around the bush a few times…literally
Oh, Will laughed back, Yeah… I guess we have
You are defiantly different from your boy Pierce. Hes kind of a little kid I think
Will smiled, for though Louie was older than him and Pierce by two years, Louie was only about 56, while he was 58 and Pierce was 57. Additionally, Louie looked young in the face, and could have easily passed as a fourteen year-old.
How far have you gotten? Will asked, leaning back in his seat.
You can ask, Marcie that. Or Brook and Sierra. Those three seem to talk all the fucking time, Louie replied, glancing over at Will.
Damn! That kid has grown! he thought to himself, He is hot!
Catching himself starring, Louie shook his head and looked back on the road.
So, Will, which road do I turn on? He asked, hoping to change the subject as he felt a semi coming on just thinking about the freshman sitting next to him.
Will ran up to the front-door and waved good-bye to Louie who sped down the street. Ringing the doorbell, Will stood back as Brook answered the door, and pulled him inside, closing the door before pushing his backpack off of his back and pulling his uniform shirt and under shirt up over his head, all the while kissing him passionately, letting her tongue push past his lips and circle his mouth.
Will, enjoying the sudden affection, began to pull Brooks shirt up, when she pulled him into the living-room and threw him on the couch. Straddling his waist, she pulled her shirt off, not wearing a bra, she grabbed Wills hands as he squeezed her tits in his hands.
Ahh.., she moaned, squeezing Wills hands tightly, I love it when you do that..
Me too, Will said, Starring up at Brooks beautiful face. Her medium length brown hair falling down and brushing up against her arms.
Will, I masturbated to that video you sent me, She said, bending over and whispering into his ear.
Will smiled and moved his arms around her body to embrace her, letting her bare chest rub up against his pecks.
No problem, he whispered back.
You know, Ive been waiting for you to do something to me for days now, She said seductively, standing up off the couch to pull down her shorts and underwear.
Yeah? Will said, standing up and removing his uniform pants, boxers and dress sox, before lying back down on the couch.
Why dont we try an old favorite?
What, Will asked, slowly beginning to stroke his dick, as precum formed at the top of his head.
Lick my pussy, Brook ordered, sitting on the couch and leaning on the arm of the couch facing Will, she spread her legs apart and revealed her twat. Her lips were swollen and wet from anticipation, and she was massaging her tits with both hands, making her nippled once again stand straight and erect.
Alright! Will replied, leaning over, he licked her pussy lips, tasting the salty juices that coated them.
Brook moaned seductively, as Will vigorously licked her twat, not going inside quite yet, as he felt her ass with both his hands.
Brook wrapped both her legs around his body as he licked her snatch. She arched her back and closed her eyes, moaning, as she caressed her b-cup tits. Using one hand, she placed it on the back of Wills head, making his heart skip a beat and his dick twitch with excitement as Brook next began to thrust forward making more and more of his tongue press up against her pussy.
Will moved his tongue up and down and side to side as he ate Brook out. Next her inserted his tongue a full two inches into her twat, and moved it around, licking every crevasse and curve he could before using one hand to grab a hold of her clit so he could suck and lick it with full force.
OH! Will! She moaned, suddenly feeling the big moment about to happen again, OH, WILL! Finish me off, Will! She moaned, pushing him back, she jumped on top of him and maneuvered his dick into her vagina, moving her hips up and down on his 6 dick.
OH! Brook! Yes! Will moaned, lying back as he put his hands behind his head, Oh Brook! Im gonna cum! Im gonna cum, Brook!
Me too! She yelled back, making one more final thrust forward as she and Will both moaned loudly as they reached a simultaneous climax.
AHH! OH! OH! Brook! Will shouted, letting his spunk squirt into her twat, as he pulled out slowly, his dick sensitive and tingling from the tight and wet pussy that had engulfed it.
Brook pulled on her clothes and turned back around to face Will, Im gonna go clean myself out now, I got my period last week so we might be in the red
You mean the pink? Will said jokingly, as Brook rolled her eyes and laughed, walking out of the room.
Will grabbed his uniform and threw it in the laundry room before running upstairs to grab a towel and clean himself up. Wiping the cum and pussy juice from his dick and abs.
Looking at himself in the mirror, he flexed his muscles, Dammit! He said to himself, I know Im strong enough, I just wish I was as attractive as Pierce, he said to himself.
Shrugged and walked out of the bathroom and into his room.
Hey, Haley?
Hi, Sierra!
So about that party tomorrow, do you and Pierce want to go?
Yeah! Well be glad to go!
Alright! Well swing by your place at around 5:30 tomorrow, Marcies the designated driver this week, so well be in her car if you know what what looks like
Marcie Frank? She parties?
Oh yeah, she does. I mean-most of the time shes the driver, but she parties
Wow, Haley said, thinking about Marcie and remembering a mature, upright, and sophisticated individual.
Well that sounds fun! See you tomorrow, Sierra!
See you too!
^^^^pretty good, right? Stay tuned for the next story, this one will feature our friend Lynn as she deals with her new life in Seattle, and as it turns out, the next chapter will have some girl on girl action, cant wait right?^^^^ ????
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The Chronicles of Abby: Davis and Madelyn Part 1(Madelyn’s Perspective)Synopsis: This story is the continuation of the episode ‘Davis Getting More From Abby’. Since the day Madelyn spread for her teacher, Mr. Davis, she noticed that he would take occasional peeps at her panties whenever she sat at her desk with her legs slightly parted in her skirts and dresses. There was even once he dropped his pencil in front of her desk deliberately and then he squatted down, pretending to look for it and...
The Chronicles of Abby: PART 3 - Went for Davis's Class with Just Panties Underneath(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This part reveals how Abby teased her teacher, Mr. Davis with her newly bought yellow panties and what happened when she went home with her daddy after that. It was the day Abby would tease Mr. Davis with her newly bought yellow panties. Abby was standing in front of her full size mirror, lifting up her extremely short denim skirt that was picked by her daddy, Matt to wear to Mr....
Disclaimer update April 2020: Disclaimer stuff: This story and all the stories I write are a work of fiction. Each and every story line comes from my imagination, from a world that I have built in my head. By reading my story lines you are taking a peek into my imagination. Any characters, places, businesses and/or circumstances etc. described herein are entirely fictional and are a product of my imagination. None of the following is based on real organisms or organizations, and any semblance...
The Chronicles of Abby: Went for Davis's Class with Just Panties Underneath - PART 1(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This is the part where Abby’s teacher saw her panties for the first time and she went home and told her father about it.Davis asked the class to play a quiz game where everyone had to close their eyes and answer him without peeping. Abby did as she was told just like her classmates. She closed her eyes and tried to answer Davis as hard as she could. But she felt weird soon after....
---- "Wh-What are you doing here?" I asked, more than a little surprised. She looked disappointed. "I'm sorry," she said, shifting uncomfortably, getting ready to leave. "I thought-" "No, no, it's okay, you just surprised me is all. I wasn't expecting to see you tonight," I lied, trying to control my pounding heart. I hadn't thought of what I would do, despite my earlier thoughts. I couldn't get rid of either of them. I loved Brook, but I couldn't do that to Taylor,...
At first the pilot did not want to let Momma on the flight and then he wanted her in the cargo hold. I finally sighed, "tell you what, how would you like a pair of jeweled beatle hawks with their eggs?" He glanced around, "you have one?" I smiled, "I have several dozen that are traveling in the hold. Now I will take care of Momma in the passenger compartment and when we land you get a pair of jeweled beatle hawks." He nodded, "but you keep it with you." I nodded and he turned to...
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I was standing outside her door in jeans and a t-shirt, and it was 40 degrees out. I rang the doorbell again, and finally she opened the door. I was greeted by a rush of warm air, and the scent of something I could only place as pumpkin. It was much appreciated by my cold body. she stood there, 5 and a half feet, black lustrous hair, gray eyes, perfect lips, booty shorts, and a low-cut v-neck shirt that just said- "Hi!" she said, doing a little jump, like only she could. "H-Hi"...
Mrs Davis, a week earlier, was a senior Biology teacher at a prestigious school. She had all the men eating out of her palm, and was in a secure relationship.Working in an all-boys school and being in a male-dominated staff room, she had used her pretty face and womanly curves to keep the boys well behaved in the lessons and gained promotion after promotion.For the past few months, she had enjoyed an affair with her boss, which had given her another promotion, as well as some excitement with...
MatureIntroduction: First off, Im not sexually attracted to woman, so this is my attempt at a girl+girl story…please dont rip it to shreds!!! As far as the story goes, this one is focused on Lynn as she starts her new life in Seattle….have fun and happy cumming!! Keep in mind, Im a girl, and Im also not a lesbian, so this story may not be up to your full standards…..enjoy Into After Lynn had escaped the clutches of Rev. Greenes cult, her parents immediately came to her side, baring gifts and begging...
(This story is a sequel to "Big Ben")*Benji Carter looked over at the clock for what must have been the tenth time this past hour. It was late Friday afternoon and his boyfriend Ben was due back any minute now and he was growing impatient. Benji wasn't particularly crazy about Ben's long hauls, but the pay differential made a big difference in his paycheck. Not that they were hurting for cash. After Benji's promotion several months back, they were able to live just a little more comfortably....
Into After Lynn had escaped the clutches of Rev. Greene’s cult, her parents immediately came to her side, baring gifts and begging for forgiveness, Hyrem and Tina Chung begged for their only child to return home with them. And in a teary eyed, loving family moment, the Chung family was reunited. Nevertheless, Hyrem, fearing for his daughter’s safety, and possibly his reputation, made the executive decision to send his daughter Lynn to Seattle to live with his wife’s parents. A loving Cantonese...
Hi out there. This is a little story I thought of and I hope you guys like it. Please use your imagination to finish it. * Dr. Shawnee Davis ran from the ladies dressing room and towards the emergency room as fast as she could go, hoping Dr. Weller hadn’t already assigned the incoming trauma to someone. She hadn’t been the lead on a trauma in over a week and Shawnee was starting to get pissed off. Two weeks ago, Shawnee and another intern got in a heated argument over a patient not being...
"I don't know, Minnie, it's just so damnably frustrating," said Isabel. "Izzy, count your blessings. Your last husband, Hollis Cort, beat you up—regularly!—and that the whole one and a half years you were married to the asshole," said Minnie. "The way I see it, you've got no gripe. So what if Irv is kind of a pussy. He works, pays the bills, and treats you pretty good as far as John and I can see." "Yes, he pays the bills—barely. But, he's been passed over for promotion at least...
Dr. Shawnee Davis ran from the ladies dressing room and towards the emergency room as fast as she could go, hoping Dr. Weller hadn't already assigned the incoming trauma to someone. She hadn't been the lead on a trauma in over a week and Shawnee was starting to get pissed off. Two weeks ago, Shawnee and another intern got in a heated argument over a patient not being covered while being examined. Shawnee made it a point to ensure that everyone who came into the E R was treated with dignity...
The following morning, Alice opened her eyes, to her surprise, however, she wasn't the first one to wake up this morning. John was already looking at her, with clear puppy love in his eyes. "Hi there..." Alice whispered, with a warm voice. "Good morning, my love," John whispered back, beaming a wide smile at her. Hearing the words 'my love' made Alice's entire body glow, she especially felt a knot forming in her stomach. It was like butterflies tickling her from the inside, or...
Professor Davis Makes it Official “Hey, Professor Davis!” Kyla said cheerfully as she bounced into my room. She was followed by another girl that I recognized as being on the same cheer squad as Kyla. “You know Stephanie, don’t ya?” She asked, pushing the girl towards my desk. I stood up. “Hi Stephanie. I recognize you as one of the cheerleaders, we’ve just never met.” “Hi.” She said softly as she shook my hand. Hot. Well, yes, she was incredibly gorgeous. But I’m talking about the heat that...
You might want to read my previous Prof. Davis story. Gameday for Prof. Davis. “That’s it for today guys. Ya’ll have a good weekend,” I told the class. I was through for the day with my classes at High County Junior College . I teach Sophomore level U.S. History. I also help with the equipment for the cheerleaders. While a Junior College, we still have a long history of football. In our small town, it’s all that matters every weekend for home games. I did my part for the games by hauling the...
I opened my locker to find that it had been ravaged and my diary had gone, but whoever took it would have to break the lock in order to look inside. I know, it’s weird to keep a diary in your school locker, but if I kept it at home my nosy step brother, Thomas, always looks at it. I mean, he should get a life; he already ruined mine and Dad’s life by barging in with his mom. His Mom is actually very nice and in really good shape. So let me tell you more about myself. Well, I am half Indian...
Spanking"...and this is the darkroom where we still do some old-school pictures now and then." Allison said as we toured the Journalism department. She was pointing at what looked like a regular classroom door, but it had a red light mounted above it and a big warning sign on it telling all not to enter when the light is on.Allison is the journalism teacher at the junior college where I work. I had seen her at several of our football games, but she was always half-hidden behind a huge telephoto lens....
Adventures of Brooke By Semiater Brooke sat at her desk tryingto finish off the last of her weekly reports, they were due before the endof the day. She wore one of her threadbare dresses, she'd patched the materialas well as she could but it still showed its wear and age clearly. Brookestood 5'6" and epitomized beauty, she was blonde, long legged, and perfectlyproportioned with a sweet innocent face. Her hazel eyes made her look likea scared little doe at times, she was only 19 and had...
Introduction: Brooke always knew her mom liked pussy. She watched her and the neighbor lady that morning. Eighteen year old Brooke was just out of high school and on her way to college. Her mother Jan, Belgian by birth, and step-dad Bob were currently living in Germany. He was an Air Force NCO stationed at Ramstein AB. Brooke was enjoying her summer break in Europe. Sleeping late, the company of her mother, sightseeing and shopping filled her days. This particular morning she slept late, as...
Eighteen year old Brooke was just out of high school and on her way to college after summer vacation. Her mother Jan, Belgian by birth, and step-dad Bob were currently living in Germany. He was an Air Force NCO stationed at Ramstein AB. Brooke was enjoying her summer break in Europe. Sleeping late, the company of her mother, sightseeing and shopping filled her days. This particular morning she slept late, as usual. Female voices in the dining room disturbed her slumber. She recognized the...
Wife LoversThis particular morning she slept late, as usual. Female voices in the dining room disturbed her slumber. She recognized the voices. Her mom and the neighbor lady, Dot. They were having coffee, croissants, and gossip. She pulled the blankets over her head and went back to sleep. Later, as she began to slowly stir out of her morning haze she listened for the voices, but they were gone. She was cozy, warm, and comfortable as she stretched and yawned. She rubbed her eyes, her face, then dropped...
Originally written by fotisampini My sister BrookeI came home from class and heard my mother and sister, Booke, yelling all the way outside. Brooke was on one of her rampages again. She is so spoiled. All she has to do is pitch a fit and she gets her way with anything. She wanted an iPad for her eighteenth birthday last week, even though she knew the folks couldn't afford one, but she pitched one of her fits, and they broke down and got it for her. This time it was about her field hockey...
I came home from class and heard my mother and sister, Booke, yelling all the way outside. Brooke was on one of her rampages again. She is so spoiled. All she has to do is pitch a fit and she gets her way with anything. She wanted an iPad for her eighteenth birthday last week, even though she knew the folks couldn't afford one, but she pitched one of her fits, and they broke down and got it for her. This time it was about her field hockey tryouts. She's supposed to go to tryouts at a college a...
Taking Back BrookebyBraindard©Brooke tossed her hair to the side and looked seductively into the webcam, a look she had by now perfected. The petite little blonde had been running her webcam-blog site for years and now had not only a big following, but a real grasp on how to turn them on and keep them interested. Her body being her most important asset, Brooke spent a fair amount of time exercising it, she was flexible and toned in all the right ways. As her new camera shoots and videos were...
Brooke tossed her hair to the side and looked seductively into the webcam, a look she had by now perfected. The petite little blonde had been running her webcam-blog site for years and now had not only a big following, but a real grasp on how to turn them on and keep them interested. Her body being her most important asset, Brooke spent a fair amount of time exercising it, she was flexible and toned in all the right ways. As her new camera shoots and videos were coming in increasingly higher...
Brooke looked so cute standing there in her cheerleading outfit. The look on her face was total fear. He was not supposed to be here.?Sir, what are you doing here,? she whispered, her eyes darting all around the deserted hallway of her high school. They weren’t far from the packed gym where the boys basketball team was about to play. Brooke was one of the head cheerleaders and would soon be there in front of the crowd. Out there she was an alpha girl, queen of the school. But here in the...
Brooke woke up full of energy, the kind only a nineteen year old could have after partying into the wee hours. She had some errands to run that day before she could indulge in her evening plans, so she could hardly wait to get out on the road and get started. She stepped out the shower and grabbed her towel. She began pat drying her curvy nineteen year old body as she walked toward her room. Her roomie Alice noticed her flash by and became curious about Brooke's schedule for the day. "What do...
Group SexTeaching college is sort of a weird business. The faculty gets older over a 30+ year career, but the students are always 18-22. The faces change, but their age does not. So like many of my male colleagues, as I got to middle age, I began being attracted not only to the gorgeous students, but also their moms. Many of the moms returned the attention, if only to relive a little of their flirtatious selves from their past college days. I met Brooke and her mom Jody during freshman...
Brooke texted me on my way home from work, “I’m making dinner, come down when you get home.” I replied back, “Sure, I’ll stop and get some beer.” “No bother,” she said, “I already grabbed some. Just you is all we need.” This was always nice to hear, and it was always nice to see Brooke. I felt so comfortable with her especially since the many last encounters. But I never think any more than what it is. Just dinner. When I got home, I went upstairs, dropped my bag and headed down the front...
Brooke woke up full of energy, the kind only a nineteen year old could have after partying into the wee hours. She had some errands to run that day before she could indulge in her evening plans, so she could hardly wait to get out on the road and get started. She stepped out the shower and grabbed her towel. She began pat drying her curvy nineteen year old body as she walked toward her room. Her roomie Alice noticed her flash by and became curious about Brooke’s schedule for the day. ...
BROOKE SHOPS FOR A NEW RIDE‘What a nice ride. ‘Thought Brooke. Brooke turned around her old Chevy beater and pulled into the used car lot. It was an eye catcher. Red Mustang convertible, an updated muscle car. Hot, Red, Fast. ‘A car to fit my style.’ Brooke walked around the car. She thought how it would be driving around. ‘WOW’‘I need this car.’ ‘How can I swing it.’ ‘My step-dad has promised to help me but this is too much money.’ Brooke had a Plan ?B? in the back of her mind. She...
***This story is completely fictional. Names, events, and descriptions are of fictional characters created for this story. *** My name is Cooper. I am an 18 year old high school senior from Southwestern Ohio. I live with my mom, dad, and two younger brothers. I have an older sister also, but she’s away at college in Central Ohio. I live a pretty normal high school life, I play football for my school in the fall, and rugby in the spring, and indoor and outdoor soccer in between. I also take a...
IncestIntroduction: While baby-sitting, Brooke gets raped by twin sons and then their father This is the second of the Brooke trilogy (young – teen – now), written at the request of a fan who sent me pics and sexy ideas to work from. It is loosely based on what she told me were true things that happened in her life. Kisses Brooke. __________________________________ About a year ago our mother had walked out on the family. I guess it was to be expected. She and Dad fought all the time but we didnt...
_____________________________________________________ Brooke gets blackmailed The brand new black, sixty thousand dollar, 2011 Cadillac DTS pulled into the dealership in Redding, California. Brooke had taken it for a test drive. She was expected to just take it around the block a couple of times but she had been gone for almost two hours because she had taken it to show it off to some of her friends. She had put almost 60 miles on it. A few blocks before she got back to...
Apologies to Herzog Max, the author of "My Daughter and her Friend." His story was the inspiration for this story. I hope you enjoy my version. Moral outrage is jealousy with a halo. -- H.G. Wells "Dad?" I looked up. "What sweetie?" "I need to ask you a question." I put my book down and patted the couch next to me. "Sure. What is it?" Brooke flopped down on the couch next to me. I could tell from the look on her face that this was important. What I didn't know was whether it...
“Yeah, what’s up, Jordan?" Brooke Ashford said on the way to getting a massage.“Brooke, what’s up? I have a new offer for a scene using your gifts.”“Yeah? I’m getting something done now,” She said.“What could that be?"“Wouldn’t you like to know. What’s the scene?" Brooke said.Jordan sighed.“Anal.”Brooke got taken aback, but then again she wasn’t surprised at the initial offer.“However, you can talk to your boy toy about it before you answer,” Jordan said.“Ok, cool. Let me talk to him. I’ll...
AnalIntroduction: Brooke is introduced to sex This is the first of the Brooke trilogy (young – teen – now), written at the request of a fan who sent me pics and sexy ideas to work from. Kisses Brooke. Brooke was the oldest of three children. Her two brothers were three years and four years younger than her. She was born when her mother was fourteen. Until a year ago there was never a father in the house. Her mother never married any of the fathers. She did not even know who the father of her...
“Brooke, what’s up? I have a new offer for a scene using your gifts.” “Yeah? I’m getting something done now,” She said. “What could that be?" “Wouldn’t you like to know. What’s the scene?" Brooke said. Jordan sighed. “Anal.” Brooke got taken aback, but then again she wasn’t surprised at the initial offer. “However, you can talk to your boy toy about it before you answer,” Jordan said. “Ok, cool. Let me talk to him. I’ll get back to you,” Brooke said. She promptly texted Mark, who...
__________________________________ About a year ago our mother had walked out on the family. I guess it was to be expected. She and Dad fought all the time but we didn't expect that she would completely drop out of our lives like she did. We only see her about two times a month when we go visit her and the new guy she is living with about two hours from here in Sacramento. I'm Jake and my twin brother is Pat. We just turned fourteen. We are fraternal twins and don't look a lot...
This story may be offensive to some and contains non-consensual sex between males and a teenaged female. Please be warned and do not read on if you are offended by any of these things. It also contains references to i****t.I welcome all comments both good and bad so please feel free to leave them. Or if you prefer email me direct on [email protected] with your comments or ideas for stories.Brooke’s Step-FatherFriday Morning 2amMarcus sat with his trousers around his ankles and...
The Training of Brooke?Thank you.?Men are so dumb. They see a pretty girl walking around with loose tits under their dress and just go all gaga. They opened doors and bought you drinks or meals in a flash if you just smiled at them and pretend not to notice themstaring at your big breasts.But still Brooke had to admit it was fun to go about town with no undies or bra and enjoy the feeling of power that it gave her to take advantage of all that blood leaving their brain and rushing south so she...
Anna-Brooks hung up and tossed the phone away. She looked at me with a mixture of disbelief and carnal hunger. "I can't believe I did that.." I smirked. "I can. Do you know why?" She shook her head. I got to my feet and kicked off my sweats. I grabbed the standing mirror and positioned it opposite the bed. I leaned down and took her by the hair again, manhandling her as I pulled her to a standing position. I pulled the bra down on one side and, standing behind her I nuzzled her...