- 2 years ago
- 26
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***This story is completely fictional. Names, events, and descriptions are of fictional characters created for this story.
My name is Cooper. I am an 18 year old high school senior from Southwestern Ohio. I live with my mom, dad, and two younger brothers. I have an older sister also, but she’s away at college in Central Ohio. I live a pretty normal high school life, I play football for my school in the fall, and rugby in the spring, and indoor and outdoor soccer in between. I also take a few boxing, Maui Tai, and Ju Jitsu classes during the week after school.
I work at my dads car shop on the nights that I don’t have sports or my classes to help pay for gas and a little bit of the cost of the classes. So between lifting for football and rugby, running for soccer and the martial arts classes, and just participating in all of the physical stuff that makes up my life I like to think that I’m in pretty good shape. I am six foot three, and I weigh about 235. I have darker blonde hair and blue eyes. The girls at school always tell me about how beautiful and striking my eyes are, and I catch a lot of them staring at me when we are in class. And many of the girls have made it known, to me and to others around the school, that they are very interested in dating me or just fooling around. For the most I try to keep my dealings with the girls at my school to just playful flirting in class and at parties, fooling around a little, and the occasional sexual intercourse every now and again if a girl in persistent. But I make it known before anything goes too far that my job, my sports responsibilities, and my martial arts classes mean more to me now than any girl, so I will not give up any of them to have a girlfriend. Most don’t take that information well, but there are a few that are just looking to see what is in my shorts. And to be honest, no matter how beautiful any of the girls are, my mind is always on another girl that I’ve known my whole life.
My sister’s name is Brooke. She is 21 and goes to school at Ohio State University. She is five foot three, and is about 113 pounds. The last time I saw her was in January for Christmas break, and she had bright blonde hair that came down to her mid back, and she had beautifully bright, deep green eyes. I find myself staring her senior picture that I have on the wall behind my computer. She is everything that I find attractive in a girl. I find that all the girls that I am immensely attracted to physically tend to look almost just like her. She has a beautiful face, perfect bone structure, luscious pouty lips, perfectly shaped mouth, white than white teeth. And her body is something that is so beautiful, that I sometimes don’t know what to look at first. From her unbelievably flat stomach, to her shapely hips, her bountiful 32 D breasts, or her absolutely stunning ass. Her ass is so amazing that when she walks around in a bathing suit in the summer I cannot take my eyes off of it. It almost physically pains me when we have a family time out at the pool and Brooke walks away from me because I have to try and make sure that I don’t stare so that my parents don’t see me drooling at me sister. But the most amazing times in me life come during the summer.
I have no school, no football, no rugby, my soccer and classes aren’t until
after 4, and my dad only allows me to work more hours during the summer when he
absolutely has no one else to fill the time. My mother works full time at my
father’s shop handling shipping and billings, and my brothers go to my
grandmother’s until my mother is off. So for almost three months, from 8 to
about 4 or 5, it is just me, Brooke, and the house all to ourselves. So we would
hang out, and swim and what not. Because it was summer she is constantly wearing
wife beaters and tank tops that clingy to nicely to her upper body and show a
lot of cleavage, and little booty shorts that make her ass look almost too good.
But to top off all the amazing times that I get to spend looking at her and
hanging out with her, my absolute favorite is when she lays out in the sun and I
can watch secretly from my room on the second floor. Watching her lay there
makes me so horny and hot that my erections sometimes hurt me because I want her
so bad.
Like I said the last time I saw Brooke was January during her Christmas break.
It was a family togetherness time so there weren’t a lot of times wear I got to
see or be with her alone. And with it being winter, Brooke was often bundled up
in multiple lairs of clothing, it made it harder to see her shapely figure so
there wasn’t a lot of material with which to fantasize. I was forced to make due
with pictures she had left behind from trips with friends to beaches and
parties, and the few pictures she had on her Facebook page. I could not wait for
the summer to arrive so that she would once again come home and I could have new
material to enhance my fantasies.
As the last days of school arrived I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming feeling of excitement and joy at the thought of seeing Brooke again. I flew through my all of my finals during my last week just to rush home to see whether or not she had arrived home. And everyday I was met with disappointment. After the third day or so I began to fear that she would not be coming home. She had mentioned in an email to me that she was thinking of staying at school to find summer work and possibly take summer courses. I was terrified that I might have to continue using dated and over used pictures of Brooke to get myself off when the time arrived. And after the final week had come and gone I checked my email for the first time in a couple of weeks hoping that there may be something in my inbox that could take my mind off of my situation. And there it was, an email dated the Monday of last week from Brooke. I opened the message and it said she would be coming home a little later than expected so that she could have a week or two at school to hang out with friends without having to worry about school being in the way of their partying. She didn’t give an exact date but she assured me that she would be home for the summer. I was ecstatic to hear the news, but I was still left with a disappointing feeling. I had visited Brooke at school once and she had a group of friends that was all about the partying scene, and Brooke fit right in, so there was no telling when they would decide to throw in the towel on their “party fest” at OSU.
My graduation was set for a week after my last final of high school. When the night came, I was so excited to move into a new chapter in my life, but the thought of Brooke not being home yet was still in the back of my mind. The ceremony was long, and boring. My high school is the largest in the state of Ohio with over 3000 students, so my senior class was comprised of about 850 to 900 students, so the diploma handing out portion of graduation took a good amount of time. Through out the ceremony all of the excitement and stress of the moment allowed me to forget about Brooke and focus on the experience. After it was all over I met my parents out in the parking lot of the gym to take pictures and say goodbye before heading off to post graduation parties. As I walked toward my family I noticed they were all in a circle talking to on another so I thought I would surprise them. I snuck up behind everyone and jumped in the middle of the circle. As I jumped between my dad and the oldest of my younger brothers to get to the middle I saw a patch of bright blonde hair in the perimeter of the circle. And when I landed on the ground I saw that it was Brooke, and my heart skipped a beat.
Brooke looked amazing as always, with a few modifications. She cut her hair to right above her shoulders in the front, and right above the top of her neck in the back, like another hot blonde Jenny McCarthy, and she looked tanner and more fit than I had ever seen her before, absolutely breathtaking. She gave me a big hug and I could feel her breasts press against my chest and all I wanted to do was reach down and take a handful of ass and lift her off the ground, but of course that would not be happening. I said my thanks, and explained my plans of the night and then said my goodbyes and headed off to the string of parties that were just beginning, but my mind was still on Brooke.
Not wanting to get retarded drunk I paced myself and didn’t drink a whole lot at the four different parties I attended. And at two in the morning I decided to head on home and get some sleep. On the way home I remembered that Brooke was home, and I immediately got an erection that threatened to tear a hole in my shorts. The whole drive home I tried to think of anything that would make my boner go away because I knew that Brooke would still be up by the time I got home. No doubt she would want to sit up and chat about life or at least see that I made it home okay and maybe help clean up any messes I made before I got to my bed.
I pulled into the driveway and got out of the car, my erection had gone down and I was feeling a bit more tipsy than I had felt when I started my trek home. I walked “quietly” in the house and made my way up to my room. Brooke’s door was closed and I didn’t see any lights coming from her windows in the front of the house, so I figured she went to bed to catch up on the sleep she missed from the last couple of weeks. So I just went to my room and fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning in a very unexpected manner. I heard my bedroom door slam against the wall, foot steps, and then I felt a human body crash down on top of me. I rolled onto my back to see what was going on and there sitting on my lap was Brooke. She had that fresh faced, puffy eyes look on her face like she had woken up herself no more than a minute or so before. Her hair was in a ponytail, and she was wearing her signature black wife beater and white booty shorts. She was not wearing a bra because I could see the hint of hardened nipples poking through her shirt, and I felt a twitch in my dick. I’m pretty sure she felt it too because she stopped, got off of me and asked if I would like to hang out today. I accepted and she walked out of the room, and of course as she did so I watched her ass shake as she walked down the hall, I enjoyed it so much that it was like watching her walk in slow motion. When she got to her room she turned and looked in my room, she saw me looking at her and she gave me a little shy smile and shut the door. We hung out that day and just caught up on how each others lives were going, and talked about our futures and some fun times in the past.
I left for my senior trip to Florida two days later. I spent a week in
Daytona Beach doing nothing but getting drunk every night, hanging out on the
beach, and checking out all the girls I could see.
When I got back from my trip my mom and dad told me that they were taking my
brothers on an early vacation to Busch Gardens for a celebration for the start
of summer in two days. They said that Brooke and I were to stay home and “hold
down the fort.” Knowing that this meant Brooke and I alone for a week was the
best feeling, I knew that if I was ever going to convince Brooke to have sex
with me, a week of uninterrupted opportunities was the time.
As my family drove off down the street I knew that I had to come up with a
plan to get Brooke to have sex with me, and to do so without scaring her or
freaking her out. I decided to try and get her in the pool with me and maybe
something would happen. Even if nothing happened now I knew that the only way
anything was going to happen at all it required us to be together as much as
I started walking up the stairs to find Brooke when I heard a sound. It sounded
like a buzzing, but it was dulled by the walls. I walked up to Brooke’s bedroom
door and found the source of where the buzzing was coming from. I knocked on the
door and asked her if she wanted to hang out by the pool.
“Coop? Oh god, yes sure I’ll be right down.” She sounded out of breathe and a little shaken, as if she had been startled by my asking. Not thinking too much into it I went to my room, got on my suit and headed downstairs. As I passed Brooke’s room the door opened and she was standing there in her dark blue string bikini. We walked down together and went out to the porch to swim and get a little sun. I got in the pool and started swimming. Brooke started horsing around and “play fighting”. To avoid getting hit I grabbed her arm and wrapped it around her so that I was holding both of her arms and her back was to me, I was basically holding her ass against my crouch. Not thinking she begin to struggle and the ass started rubbing against my dick. As I felt it starting to get hard I released Brooke and she swam away, and started coming back for more. I quickly jumped out of the pool and ran and laid face down on the lawn chairs set out for sun bathing, I made sure that Brooke didn’t see my erection, I didn’t feel that the time was right to spring this on her. Brooke got out of the pool, and walked over to me with a pouting look on her face, and when she got to the chair next to mine she mentioned how much I was the opposite of fun and laid down. After ten minutes of laying in the sun Brooke began to “snore”. Amazed that she could fall asleep to fast and that she could fall asleep in the sun like this I turned over on my back. Knowing that she is a heavy sleeper I started to rub me dick, which was still rock hard, through my suit. After about 5 minutes I heard Brooke start to talk a little, so I looked over scared that she had woken up and saw me rubbing my dick, but she was still sound asleep. I remembered that when we were kids she would talk a little bit in her sleep about whatever was going on in her dream. So I began to rub my penis again.
As I began to get a little more bold with my rubbing Brooke turned over on her back so that she was face up on the chair. I decided to get a little bold and I got up and walked to her legs. I got down on my knees and just sort of sniffed her crotch. It smelled just like the panties I used to pull out of her hamper, except it was a much more fresh sent, it intoxicated me. Not thinking I put my had on her crotch, cupping her pussy, and she shivered and moved. Scared I jumped back on my chair and checked to see if she had woken up. Just then, I heard the greatest thing ever spoken from Brooke’s mouth. Called out my name in her sleep. And not in the way that someone would if they needed help, this was a yell of passion, sexual frustration and wildness, my heart began racing. Then she yelled out again, this time it was more than just my name, it was a whole sentence telling me that my dick felt so good, and that she loved me inside of her. I went nuts. I said her name thinking that she was fooling around and she just kept on sleeping. Realizing that she was having a dream about her and I having sex drove me wild.
I ran upstairs to my room and made sure I had plenty of condoms incase this lead to something major. And as I ran out of my room, I remembered the buzzing sound coming from Brooke’s room. I entered her room, and saw something under her bed. It was a box, I grabbed it, opened it and there in the middle of the box was a vibrator the size of a turkey baster. I took it out, and smelled it, it smelled just like Brooke’s pussy. I turned it on and heard the buzzing sound I heard earlier and knew that Brooke was in here using this when I asked her to come down, that’s why she was so startled when I knocked. I wanted to know if she was using any visual aides while she masturbated. I saw that her laptop was open, and she almost always has it closed when she is not using it, so I went over and moved the mouse. And when the screen came on, I almost shit a brick. There on the screen, blown up to take up the entire screen was a picture of me, in a pair of booty shorts that some girls bet me to wear at a party once when I was drunk. I was not wearing a shirt, or anything underneath the shorts, and I was barely able to keep my dick from hanging out of the bottom of the shorts. I had the picture on my Facebook so I knew that is wear she had taken it from.
Then in the corner of my eye I saw a folder on the desktop that said, “For Coop”. I double clicked the folder and up sprang picture after picture thumbnails of Brooke. She was wearing lingerie, bikini, and a couple were of her naked. I tried not to stare at the pictures of her naked because I would much rather have seen it up close and personal. And at the bottom of the list of all these pictures were three icons that looked like movie rolls. I double clicked on the first one, and there was Brooke, sitting in front of her computer. She looks into the camera, and says, “Coop, I don’t know how to really say this, but for a long time now I have not been able to stop thinking about you. I don’t know if I’m going to actually send this video to you or not, but I just need to get this off of my chest. I want you. I don’t know for how long, or for what reason, and I know wrong. But every time I see a new picture of you and you have your shirt off or you’re swimming, I get excited. I want to make love you, because I love you, as more than a brother.
I know that it is wrong, but I can’t help the way I feel. I love you, talk to
you soon.” I clicked on the second video, and again Brooke looked at the camera,
but this time she said this was for my enjoyment, and she started a song that a
lot of girls from my school like. She stood up, and she was wearing a tube top,
and spandex booty shorts that showed off her ass better than any other shorts I
have ever seen before. As the music increased in tempo and energy she turned
around and began booty dancing for me. After thirty seconds, she turned back
around and removed her shirt, to reveal a black bra underneath. Just then Brooke
walked up the stairs and through her door to see me with her vibrator in one
hand, and viewing the video of her striptease booty dance that she had made for
me. A look of horror came over her face, she turned, and ran down the stairs. I
chased after her but I fell down the stairs and by the time I recovered she had
made it to her car and was backing out of the driveway. When I left the house to
yell to her she was screeching tires up the street and she was long gone.
Not knowing what to do I went upstairs and cleaned up all the things I had
moved, closed out of the file on the computer and changed my clothes. After two
hours Brooke still wasn’t home. I tried calling her on her cell phone but she
never answered. I figured she would definitely be home by now. It was getting
late, the sun was going down, the temperature was dropping, and she was still
only wearing her bikini when she took off. I was watching television and
thinking about how terrible Brooke must feel, but also how hot she must look in
that bikini driving up and down the streets. Another hour passed and I was
watching the ended of Star Wars on TV when I heard the front door open. I heard
slow steady footsteps coming toward the family room and I sat up and muted the
Brooke walked in slowly with her head turned so she was looking directly at me.
She had a look of uncertainty and fear on her face as she came and sat down next
to me on the couch.
"I don’t know what to say Coop,” she started with a shaky voice, “I don’t know
if I ever really wanted you to see any of that stuff because I was so unsure of
how I felt about it. I’ve wanted to tell you these things for so long now, but I
didn’t know how you would take it.”
“Brooke, its fine,” I said, “Actually its more than fine. I loved it.” and
with that she perked up a little bit and had a half smile on her face. “I’ve
wanted the same thing since I got into high school. All I dream about at night
is us together.”
“Cooper, you have no idea how happy I am to hear that.” and with she gave me the
biggest hug of all time.
And with that we both stood, and I asked her if she would like to get some
dinner. We decided to eat a niceish sit down restaurant about ten minutes away
from our house. Brooke and I ran upstairs to change. I put on a pair of dark
blue Dickie’s and a white t-shirt and walked out of my room. Just as I did
Brooke walked out of her room, and I stopped dead in my tracks. She was wearing
a tight black t-shirt with text making a lame reference to California from one
of those overpriced stores in the mall. And she was wearing one of those peasant
dress bottoms that make her ass too so damn good, and it was white. She said hey
with a flirty hint and told me how nice I looked. Then she turned and made her
way down the stairs, and I followed right behind. We went to dinner where we
talked about nothing and everything. She bought us both a drink to help take our
minds off of the events of earlier. We finished dinner and decided to rent a
movie or too from Blockbuster. We found a couple of movies to watch over the
next couple of nights while we were home alone and we headed home.
We pulled in the drive way and walk into the house. I take the movies and put them by the television and put in the first movie. We sit next to each and watch the whole thing with nothing happening between us. The movie ends and Brooke says she wants to watch another, but she wants to go change into her pjs and make pop corn. I agree and she heads upstairs. The entire night I have been trying to get a look at her ass to see if I could see her panties through the tin material of her dress bottom, and when she was walking away to her room I finally got a glimpse. I could just barely make it out, but there they were, black with white flowers, bikini style cut. I went crazy, I instantly got a boner and started rubbing it through my pants, and that’s when I decided that it was now or never. I ran upstairs and bust into Brooke’s room. She had just removed her shirt when I came in, and she attempted to cover herself up. I moved in and kissed her hard on the lips and put one hand on her hip and one behind her head. At first she tried to pull away but my hand kept her head in place, and she began to kiss me back. After 5 minutes of just standing and kissing, she jolted herself away from me. She stood there in her black lace bra and white peasant dress.
"Cooper, I don’t know if I am ready for this. This is something that I have
wanted for so long that I’m not sure that I will be able to handle it this soon.
I am still getting comfortable with the fact that you feel the same way, and to
be honest I forgot all about this the whole time we were at dinner, so this is a
bit shocking. I think we should wait a bit. Start off slow and see where things
“No Brooke, I can’t take this any longer, I need to do this with you now. I’ve
wanted just as long, if not longer than you have and to come this close now and
have it fall to pieces would break my spirit and I don’t know what I would do
with myself.” I said trying to sound stern so that I could possibly convince her
that now was the best possible time for this. She said nothing, she just shook
her head a couple of times and picked up her shirt and started putting it back
“Coop, I just think that we should wait a little bit.”
And with that I stood, and walked out. I went to me room, closed the door and sat on my bed, furious. Brooke’s hesitation only proved to me what I had been thinking since I saw her videos. She wasn’t really interested in me past the hot and cute brother that she could playfully flirt with but still keep at an arms length because it was wrong to have sex with a family member. She got the best of both worlds, someone who she always knew she would be able to get out energetic pent up flirtation with, but didn’t have to deal with the after math of me trying to get with her, until now.
For some reason while I lay on my bed, furious at the thought of being used by my sister in this way, my erection would not go away. It was as rock hard as ever and showed no signs of letting up. After a couple of minutes it began to hurt a little, so I decided to rub one out hoping that it might tire me out enough to get some sleep. I undressed and when I got to my boxers, I heard my door open. With my nine inch dick in my hand, all I could to was stare at the sight standing in my doorway. It was Brooke, she was wearing the same peasant dress as before but she changed her top to a very very low cut black shirt. Her hair was pulled back and styled beautifully and she had removed all but the smallest amount of her make up. She looked more sexy than I had ever seen her before. She stood there with a startled look on her face, her eyes were transfixed on my dick. I could do nothing but stare at her as well. For about forty five seconds we did nothing but stare at each other. Then Brooke shook her head to break her stare and she moved to my computer. She put in a cd, and spun around to look at me. As the music started she propped her right leg out so that her hips were accentuated. They lyrics hit and the beat and tempo of the song picked up and Brooke began dancing and shaking her body. She began rolling her hips and she reached to the top of her dress, and she stuck both of her thumbs in the waist band and began removing her dress. With that motion her moves became slower, and much much more seductive. She began rubbing her body as the dress hit the floor. And she turned so I could see her ass. She rubbed it like she was waxing a car and she moved closer to me. As she did I sat up and grabbed her hips and pulled her unto my crotch. She turned a little so she was sitting perpendicular to my and we looked into each others eyes for a moment, both of us unsure of what exactly was happening, and uncertain of where it would lead. She moved in for a kiss, and as our lips met I put my hand on her left thigh and she let out a slight moan or heavy breathe. We broke the kiss and she gave me a devilish smile, and pushed me away and she jumped up ran into my parents bed room. I stood slowly and followed. She was standing next to the bed waiting for me to enter.
“I’ve always wanted to do it in here. Go ahead and lay down and ill finish my dance,” Brooke said with a smirk. She started dancing again to the muted sounds of the music coming from my room. She turned slowly again to show me her ass and she slowly pulled her shirt over her head and looked over her shoulder. She turned again covering her tits with her right hand and forearm. She gave me a come here finger with her left hand and I got up and walked right to her. She pressed her tits against my chest and pulled her arm out so that I wouldn’t yet be able to see her nipple. With her face tilted downward she looked me in the eyes and whispered to me, “ Will you pull down my panties?” So I took my hands into the rim of her panties and began moving them down, paying extra attention to her ass and the front of her hips. Once the panties got underneath her ass she told me to stop and she wiggled her way out of them. She had her ass and crotch pulled away from me while her tits were still on my chest so that my dick wouldn’t touch her until she wanted it to. And with her panties around her ankles, she took half a step forward and lifted one leg up over my dick as if she were getting on a horse and she settled her foot again on the floor.
We stood, making out, and rubbing each other for about five minutes. I began to feel wetness around my dick as she began to move her hips back and forth on it. She then pushed me back toward the bed until I fell back on the mattress. And there starring me in the face were her perfect d cup breasts. She put her hands on her hips and turned slightly to show the profile of them. She motioned for me to move back on the bed. As I reached the top of the bed she climbed on and positioned herself between my legs. She gripped my dick with her right hand and began to stroke it ever so lightly. Then she moved her face closer and began kissing the head and eventually she started putting my dick in her mouth. She stopped stroking for a bit and started taking in as much of my dick as she could. After a couple of minutes I could feel her nose hitting the base of my dick and I knew she was putting the whole thing down. I wanted to return the favor so I stopped her and motioned for her to swing her body around so that I could eat out her pussy while she continued to suck my dick. As she moved her pussy over my face her ass blocked out some of the light from the ceiling fixture. Her pussy was completely shaven except for a tiny landing strip right above her pussy. It was blonde, and absolutely amazing. I could smell the aroma of her juices and knew that this is what she wanted. I began to lightly blow on her pussy, while rubbing it with my hand to find her clit.
When I found it I instantly put my tongue on it and began to lightly lick at it. As soon as my tongue touched her clit Brooke’s body shook and she took my dick out of her mouth and gave a light whimper of pleasure. As the minutes went on the whimpers became moans and her mind was so concentrated on how good it felt for me to be eating her out and fingering her that she stopped sucking my dick. So I knew it was time to really get things started.
I told her to jump off of me and get on all fours. She had a bit of trouble
moving around because her legs were a little wobbly, I knew I had done a good
job on her so far. She got on all fours and I moved into position. Then I
realized I didn’t have a condom and told her I had to go get one and headed for
the door. She yelled as soon as she heard me say I was going for a second.
“NO! We don’t need a condom!” I stopped and looked at her. “I’m on the pill so I
haven’t needed a condom for a couple of years. So get your ass back here and get
to work.”
So I went back and got back into position. I got my dick lubed up with spit and
placed the head at the entrance of her pussy. I put in just the head to tease
her a bit. She giggled and pushed herself back on my dick. Only about two more
inches went in then. I pulled back and drove forward, this time I made it all
the way in and made a slap with my hips hitting her beautiful ass. She moaned
very loudly.
“Jesus Cooper. I don’t think I’ve ever had a dick this size in me. That felt so
fucking good. Keep going!” she said through her heavy breathing.
I began to pick up speed and power. My hands were around her waste and I my gaze was moving from her ass slapping against my hips to her head as she moaned louder and louder and her breathes became more and more labored. She looked over her shoulder every once and while, she smiled at me, and blew me a kiss. After ten minutes of varying paces and levels of fucking I was almost near orgasm. So I slowed the pace and eventually came to a stop. I wanted this to last for as long as I could. I pulled out of her pussy and laid down next to her. She threw one leg over top of me and sat on my stomach. I told her I needed a second to cool down so we would make this last and she agreed that was a good idea. She leaned down and started to kiss me. We made out again for about five minutes and I knew I was ready again. I broke our kiss, put my hands on her hips and lifted her off my stomach and back onto my dick. She positioned herself over my penis and lowered herself onto it. She propped herself up on her feet and began lifting and lowering herself off and back onto my dick. She began to pick up her pace and I began to thrust my hips to meet her on the way down. She began to moan, and then her moans turned to yelling, then her yelling turned to screaming as she started riding me harder and faster than I thought any human being could go. And with a thunderous slap she fell down on my cock and I could feel the warm juices explode over my dick and come out onto my groin and legs. Brooke had just had a body shaking orgasm. She sat for a second to catch her breathe and she began to rock her hips again on my cock. She stopped again and opened her eyes for the first time since we began fucking in this position. She looked at me with a look of complete satisfaction.
“Jesus Christ. I have never had an orgasm like that. I usually only get them with my vibrator, and never during sex. That was the biggest one I have ever had.” she said with a shaky voice.
She tried to lift herself off of me but her legs could not support the weight
of her body any longer. She leaned forward and lifted her hips off of me and my
dick slid out, still rock hard. She collapsed on the bed next to me. She was
panting and out of breathe with her hands behind her head like she had just run
a mile. I rolled on my side to her and began to lightly caress her stomach with
my figure tips. I moved from her stomach to her tits and back down to her
stomach. She started breathing heavily again and her body began to cover with
goose bumps for the feeling of my figures just barely touching her skin. She was
going crazy as I moved my touch to her hips and thighs. Moving slowly between
her legs careful not to touch her pussy in an attempt to tease her more and
more. I told her to move onto her stomach and she rolled over exposing her
immaculate ass once again. I began caressing her lower and mid back, again the
goose bumps made there mark and Brooke took in a sharp breathe of excitement. I
moved slowly down to her ass and the back of her legs. I started at he back of
her knee up her thigh to her left ass cheek, and then back down the right side.
I moved to the inner thigh of her right leg and moved up to just under her
pussy. She pushed herself back trying to get my fingers to touch her pussy but I
pulled away and made my way down her left thigh. Then I began to rub her ass.
North to South, East to West, and in circular motions. Brooke again let out a
moan. I was constantly moving closer and closer to her pussy with every motion
but not quite touching it, and I could tell it was driving her crazy.
“Haha, Cooper, if you don’t stop teasing me I won’t do this again when your
boner comes back.” she said with a playful look of anger on her face as she
looked over her shoulder.
“What do you mean comes back? It never left. I haven’t cum yet.” I said being a
She looked over her shoulder in shock and rolled over to look at me dick. Her
eyes lit up in amazement that it was still as hard as it was when she walked
into my room. She looked at it, and then in my eyes, then at it, then at me
“How did you know cum? That last position was intense. I don’t think I can even
“Well I am really glad you enjoyed it, but it wasn’t as intense for me as it was
for you. I just supplied the rod.” I said.
“Well how do you want to do it so that you can cum? I want return the favor.”
“I really want to do it in missionary style.”
“Well I’m laying here, come get me.”
With that I jumped up and positioned myself between her legs. I placed my dick at the entrance of her pussy, and I looked in her eyes. She never looked more beautiful than she did at this moment. I slid my dick into her waiting pussy, and instantly Brooke screamed in pleasure. Within three pumps Brooke had another body wrenching orgasm. I picked up the pace with the feeling of her juices all of my dick. The pussy was so tight, and it was like the walls of her vagina were pulling at me dick to go in deeper and deeper with every stroke. It was the most amazing feeling ever. I changed the pace a bit over the next twenty minutes, from slow and gentle, to hard and fast and everything in between. With almost every change from the slow to the fast paces Brooke screamed in orgasm. I counted four orgasms in this twenty minute span. I was relentless. Finally I could feel myself getting hotter and closer to orgasm. I pumped harder and harder into her pussy. As I pumped Brooke began to moan and scream like she was gearing up for another orgasm. As I felt the cum move up my dick and get to the tip of my penis I buried my dick into Brooke. She screamed, and I let out the torrent of cum that had been building inside of me for the last two weeks. As I recovered from the first spray I looked down and saw that Brooke was arching her back in a way that made her look directly at the wall behind her. She was shivering and shaking in an intensive orgasm. I pumped a little more as the third and fourth streams came out of my dick, and I pulled out my throbbing penis and fell on the bed.
When I woke up the next morning Brooke was still passed out next to me. We were both still laying on top of my parents bed with no covers on, completely naked. I began to caress her body again to see if it would wake her up. She moaned a little and then rolled over on her stomach. I got up and took a shower. As I walked down the hall to my room Brooke came out of my parents room, still naked, and grabbed me and kissed me very passionately on the lips, and she continued on into her room without saying a word.
In the days that followed we acted as if nothing had happened. We acted just like we had before that night. We still playfully flirted with each other, and gave each other a hard time here and there, but when she or I would do something that turned the other on, we reverted back to that night. Anytime I saw her sunbathing I would watch her and beat off to build up a good cum, and when she would come in I would seduce her and we would fuck until our bodies could no longer take anymore. And even when the rest of my family came home from their vacation Brooke and I still did a whole lot of fucking that summer.
Fall came and I enrolled at OSU. Brooke and I lived a couple of blocks away, I lived in the dorms and she lived in a house on campus with friends. We continued our relationship for some time that year. But dorm life was crazy fun and I began to slowly pull away from Brooke. For the first time I met a girl on my floor that I actually found more attractive than Brooke. When I told Brooke the news that I wanted to end our extra-familiar activities she explained that she had also met someone in one of her classes and she had fallen head over heals for him. We decided to never tell a soul about our interactions and with that, our relationship as more than brother and sister was over. And as time went on I started to find Brooke less and less attractive, so in my mind she was absolutely nothing more than my sister. I never again thought of her in a sexual way, and I happily lived out my life.
Brooke I was 27 years old when I decided. I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3 years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her "career". She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her to the city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there were many times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekend with her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It also meant that I had...
I was 27 years old when I decided.I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her"career". She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her tothe city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there weremany times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekendwith her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It alsomeant that I had about every third weekend...
I was 27 years old when I decided. I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3 years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her ‘career’. She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her to the city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there were many times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekend with her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It also meant that I had about every third...
Brooks' had turned into quite a success. There were gorgeous men everywhere. You'd been watching a big Italian since he walked into the kitchen in wet swim trunks and flashed his winning smile your way in return for the beer you handed him. He introduced himself as Paul, and asked why you weren't out by the pool. You explain that you'd no idea it was going to be a pool party, and thus, had no trunks. "We can find you a pair," he offers, genuinely hopeful you'll accept. "Well, sure," you...
GayAuthor’s note: The following story is fictional and written from a girl’s perspective. This is the third part of the series. Please read the first two parts to enjoy this story fully. Happy Reading! I opened my eyes in the morning. I had a dream that dad and I were having sex. I felt a tingling sensation down there. I held my boobs and gave them a light squeeze. I couldn’t wait for it. I now just had to do something to make dad comfortable groping my boobs anytime and anywhere. I took a shower...
IncestOi pessoal, meu nome é Paulo tenho 18 anos e fui amaldiçoado com o corpo meio delicado, tenho 1,62m 49kg,calço 37 e meu penis mede 8cm (duro) e cabelo liso no ombro. Essa historia aconteceu no reveillon de 2000. Bom, meu pai e minha mãe precisaram viajar pro Canada pois um amigo do meu pai ficou muito doente e como são muito amigos meu pai e minha me foram pra lá, e pra nao passar o reveillon sozinho fui passar com minha tia e minhas 5 primas(minha tia é divorciada). Fiz minha mala e fui pra...
So, if you've read my other stories, you know I'm quite the little cock whore. Well, cum whore really. I guess they go hand in hand. I love the smell of it. The taste of it. The feel of it. Both in my ass or in my mouth. Well, sometimes this cock and cum addiction can get me in trouble. Or it can lead to a lucrative business opportunity.I had me first real job. I was a cart attendant at a department store, which meant I had many duties. But principal of which was going into the...
Having a hard ass boss like Alex Coal who insists they work weekends is really wearing on Natalia Nix and Keira Croft. When Alex is away one Saturday, Natalia decides that she’s had enough of this. Natalia starts off complaining to Keira. When Alex lets the girls know she’s running late, Natalia goes from bitching to seductive. Keira isn’t as certain as Natalia, but she’s willing to be seduced. With a little bit of encouragement, Natalia eventually gets Keira on her...
xmoviesforyouFriday, January 29th – Khoshilat Maqandeli, the Hidden Realm Fire burned. Smoke choked Kyle, flooding the room. Zaritha and Aljihm's fires raged behind him. The sapphire room roasted. Kyle, Britney, and Zaritha had been lured here for a war summit. But instead of meeting with Sihab's councilors, one of Rashid's minions—an Unbound Ifrit named Aljihm—attacked them. Kyle didn't have time to figure out what was going on. The room filled with smoke. He had to hammer down the sapphire door...
Carla, Jessica and Fred stood in the corn field. Fred, propped against a tractor wheel almost as tall as he was, grinned at Carla. "Look, Carla, I know I've never run a combine before, but you've already checked me out on it. The darn thing is actually easier to operate than that two-row corn picker we used to have, and I've run a cotton picker before. There's not that much difference. With Jeff's money, we don't even have to take the corn heads off to change to wheat. Hell, he bought...
***This is an "unofficial" continuation of my previous stories. As with them, it's only fiction and never really happened.***Weeks had gone by since Kathy and I had first had sex with each other that one weekend. Since then we had a few great encounters when time or circumstances had permitted us to. I was really amazed at how wild, uninhibited, and completely dirty she was and it seemed like nothing was off limits to her. Had she just been a girlfriend it would have been exciting enough but...
The pretty little Hispanic maid told me she had to return home because she tended her two younger sisters like a mama, and she did not want them to be alone in the nocturnal hours. I could identify with that thought because I often joined my sister in nocturnal togetherness just to make certain she was safe at night. Her gradual loss of innocence at my hands was entirely my responsibility and I confess I would do it all over again because she made me tingle with everlasting love. I...
They were already at the table. John and Alex were talking about the afternoon's football matches. John's wife, Roz looked bored. Alex was between wives as he liked to put it. Roz looked up at Sam. "Are you out on the pull with Alex tonight?" The look on Sam's face told her the answer was no. "I think you should. It does no good to mope around at home all the time. You need to get out, get back into the swing of things. Not all girls are like Angie you know." But that was just it. He...
One night I was lying in bed with my wife Kris and she said, “we haven’t been naughty in a long time, we should do something naughty.”I took this to mean she wanted to be fucked senseless. I said, “What did you have in mind darling?”Kris replied, “I don’t know. Let’s think about it.”A few days later I was lying in bed watching her get ready for bed. I said I had read about this new club that opened that is really supposed to be HOT. You have to be a member to enter and it was expensive. They...
Group SexAnthony comes home to find his stepmother fucking an older gentlemen on his couch one day. That’s not even the worst of it. Apparently she does this all the time as her hobby apparently is fucking everybody in his father’s office. Oh the shame. To make matters worse, that nasty stepmom of his wants him to watch and learn how to pleasure a woman. Apparently she is questioning what Anthony’s sexuality is and feels watching a huge cock rail is stepmom will keep him straight....
xmoviesforyouNote from Jake Rivers This is my sixth semi-annual ‘invitational’. The initial one was based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘Bed of Rose’s’. The second used the Marty Robbins El Paso trilogy: ‘El Paso’, ‘El Paso City’, and ‘Faleena’. The third had stories based on the various versions of ‘Maggie May’ or ‘Maggie Mae’. The fourth invitational was based on any Country & Western song and the fifth on songs by Merle Haggard. The current invitational is based on any song written or performed by...
My name is Govardhan and I’m a highly sexed man of 40 years, I had a late marriage when I was 34 as I was busy with trying to build my business and make money, I then got married to Neelu who was about 25 years old , I used to fuck her everyday about five to six times. Needless to say within one month of our wedding she became pregnant, after that whenever I tried to fuck her she resisted me, this used to make me every very angry with her, after the birth of my two children even I lost interest...
Chapter 5 Jenny had been busy playing bartender all night, and had watched her brother keep a conversational ball rolling as he stayed between their mother and father, a buffer so that their fight wouldn't really get started. They had been surprised at so much attention from their kids, Jenny saw, and before the evening was over, everybody was more or less enjoying themselves. There had been only a few sly cuts, and even those ...
IncestI woke to find just Tracy in bed with me. She was curled up with her head on my shoulder as a pillow. I kissed her nose and got out of bed. She groaned, "What time is it?" "It is just after seven. We need to meet Rafael at 8:00 to see the rough draft of the commercial. I'm going to call down and have them have our breakfast ready in the dining room. What do you want?" "French toast with bacon," Tracy said as she rolled out of bed. I will never get tired of seeing her naked body. She...
She lay in bed, staring into darkness — or into grayness, rather, as the ghostly light of pre-dawn leaked past the curtains. Next to her was a body as naked as hers. Its chest rose and fell with slow, deep breathing. They were the peaceful sounds of an untroubled conscience. Alicia sighed. Six weeks had gone by since her weird stay at the tropical island. But just closing her eyes was enough to bring the images back. It was so easy to call those memories disgusting — so easy, after making...
“Welcome to the Transgender in STEM Symposium hosted by the African-American Transgender Alliance. I’m Ericka Scott, the program coordinator for the AATA. And today, we have quite a treat for you. We have a panel discussion with four Black transgender persons who all work in the fields of science, technology, engineering, or math. Interestingly enough, all of them also completed at least one of their degrees at an HBCU. After that, we’ll have some breakout sessions focusing on STEM education,...
By current request on my profile! ** Warning it contains watersports/pissing fetish**I start to stir from our wonderful nap. It's still very bright outside so we haven't been asleep all that long. It was still long enough though that I notice I've really got to pee. I start to move and suddenly am grabbed by you and kissed deeply. You thank me for our session earlier in the shower and I just smile. I try to get up again but you hold me close and purposely keep me there. I mention that you best...
I sat in disbelief at what my brother was telling me. David actually wanted me to have sex with his wife! His voice cut through my bewilderment. "We've been trying to make a baby for the last six years man, and when we got the tests back last week, it really knocked the wind out of my sails." I looked at his face and watched the tears build up in his eyes. "I'll go get you another drink." I said, glad of the excuse to leave him alone with his pain. "Thanks." I inched my way out of...
Isaac yawned and smiled, opening his eyes to the sight and ecstasy of two soft wet tongues around his cock, stirring it to a full erection. Holly and Alice were bobbing their heads, running their tongues up the shaft of his cock, and stopping momentarily to kiss each other every time they slurped on the head. It had been a week since he had accepted Alice as his slave, so this had become a common occurrence for him. "Good morning, girls," he groaned happily, rubbing them behind the ears...
It is really impossible for a person like me to hold himself up to his wife only when he has a Saali like Mukta. My marriage is more than a year old and I am indulged in an extra marital affair with sister of my wife. Mukta is actually my wife’s cousin sister, nearly 3-4 years elder then me, not married and very young and naughty from the heart. I must tell you that from the first day I met her I was tempted by Mukta's body. This woman was meant to be fucked, and fucked repeatedly. Warm and...
Her thigh was rubbing my pussy as she was pressing her pussy hard on my thigh. I obediently co-operated and reciprocated each of rub by rubbing her pussy with my thigh. Her arms cuddled me and she kissed me all over my face and licked wherever possible. I could sense her breath was hot and steamy.Our breasts were pressed hard against each other and I could feel our nipples were already hardened. In a moment she lowered her head and started sucking one of my nipples. It was too sensual that...
Hi to all ISS readers this is my second story, finally it happens. for new readers it’s me Ramprasad Bangalore from Karnataka 25y medium built, fair and working in one of the MNC, my tool is about 6” length and 1.8” girth ok coming to the story, its happen in my sister’s son’s birthday all relatives and friends are gathered to wish him, I also wished him for his future, but I am desperately waiting for my S.I.L she is the heroine of the story, (A small flash back for new readers: me & my S.I.L...
So last Wednesday we had no k**s and decided it was time for some naughty fun. We placed an add on Craigslist for a couple or select single male to fuck that night. We had lots to choose from and a guy caught my wife's eye. She ended up chatting with him all day and when she got home she said he was going to be there in an hour and I better get ready. I was thinking of a hot threesome and some good dp was about to happen. An hour later he arrived we all sat down and chatted with some wine. He...
Ella Knox is a busty nursing student who needed help practicing her physical exams. Her stepdad got a nice look at her ass and thought that he would be the perfect candidate. As she started to take his blood pressure, she noticed he was kind of excited. That’s because he was thinking about his large breasted stepdaughter in sexy clothes. What a pervy stepdad! But in reality, Ella was even pervier. She began to touch her stepdads cock almost out of nowhere and before we knew it Ella’s tits were...
xmoviesforyouHi friends this is charan 23 yo from hyderabad 6’1” tall and fair enough to attract girls. I’ve received lot of compliments for previous stories and requests from lot of females thanks for your appreciation. Any hyderabadi unsatisfied female/girls looking for sex or horny chat can message me at and guys please leave your feedback to the above mail id, please don’t ask any pics or information I’m not interested to share those with you. In this story, I’m going to narrate story about how I...
IncestOnly an hour ago the woman who has my large cock buried in her warm moist pussy was a complete stranger. Not only was she a stranger she was old enough to be my grandmother. One thing though she loved cock and was thrashing her small body hard against my thrusting cock. I still hadn't got her name yet either. She was barely five feet and I was well over six feet with an extra large cock that sank into her warm pussy and fitted like a glove. I had to push a bit though to stretch her, for she...
Halloween is a big deal in my family’s household, I love decorating the house for the neighborhood! This year I am a bit disappointed with my Daughter, Alina. Alina is grounded this year and is not allowed to go out with her friends. But yet she still tries to beg to go out with her friends, I can not take it anymore and just snap on her. I felt bad after she stormed off to her room, I let her calm down and go into her room and speak with her. I wanted to apologize but when I walked into...
xmoviesforyouThey waited. They waited and they waited. At the far end of the living room sitting on the brand new cream leather couches, William and Cecile stare at their glass door foyer, keenly anticipating some beautiful silhouettes at their doorstep. These two gentlemen try to represent success in the most ostentatious ways possible. Saying they splurged on this property would be an understatement. Even by the living room you can distinguish this; from the terrazzo-marble flooring, to the glass railings...
InterracialThe hype has been building for weeks, throughout the streets of every city in the world. The promise of owning an artificial intelligence that provides sex has been keeping men rock hard for days, and the women steaming. Some with envy, othrrs with anticipation. Meanwhile, days before final completion. A scream is heard, followed by a naked woman running down a marble floored hallway with blinding white, spotless florescent walls. Metallic drones gave chase whizzing behind her. Rounding a...
The farther I walked from the house the lighter I began to feel. I decided to do a little outside exploration and walked around to the west end of the yard. The grass was so tall that it came up to my waist. The seed tops were dry and the chaff clung to my clothing. I discovered some over-grown roses with a few late blossoms still clinging tenuously to life. I picked one and was just inhaling its fragrance when the hair on the back of my neck began to stand on end. I could feel my entire body...
BY ROBBY SR. My neighbor and his wife had to go out of town suddenly to visit her mother who'd had a stroke. A mild one, and she was fine, but it was a good excuse to make the trip they'd put off for too long. They left their son, Mike, home so he could keep up his practice. It was his second year on his school's football team, and he didn't want to miss any of the late summer practices. They asked me to stay at their house to look after Mike. I've been a bachelor all my life...
She lay still, silent in the quiet dusk of the room, spread-eagled on the custom made table. Straps over her ankles, knees and thighs kept her legs wide and motionless. A wide strap across the soft skin of her stomach kept her back from arching. More straps across her wrists, elbows and upper arm prevented any kind of gesturing. The strap across her forehead held her head unmoving in its soft vice. She was immobile. The ironic thing was that that if the straps were to be removed, she would have...
BDSMChapter IV When they got to the gig, Will, the drummer, was just setting up. He nodded to George and Isolde as he fiddled with his equipment. The bass player hadn’t arrived yet, but that was no surprise. He had told George three months ago that he was playing a wedding in Ocean City “on a Friday afternoon, for God sakes! Doesn’t anyone get married on a Saturday anymore?” he had rhetorically asked. “Maybe they got a three-day weekend special,” was George’s laconic reply. “Yeah. So now they...
Growing up in the neighborhood we all had a thing for Mrs. Jansen. Besides the fact that she was unbelievably sweet, she was also drop dead gorgeous. I would often find myself staring at her sunbathe in the afternoon and would often fantasize about her before I go to bed.With Mr Jansen working many hours I would always offer to help Mrs Jansen with some things around the house like carry heavy boxes, rake the yard, and move her furniture around. During my junior year, I was eager to go to the...
I would like to thank my wife for all her support and help, and Lady Ver for her thorough editing and insightful comments. Any remaining grammatical and spelling errors are solely my responsibility. This story borrows from history, but takes place in a time and place that never existed. ***** Prologue She woke with the realization that a change was coming to her life. A glance out her bedroom window revealed knights and soldiers waiting impatiently in the courtyard below, the nobles’ horses...
Hi friends.Your own Pyara Prince is ready to share his thrilling and sensual experience of love making with Pooja. As you know I always believe in giving few moments of pleasure to the thirsty girls or ladies and that too very privately. Anytime connect me at I am 5 feet 11 inch guy with average body and fair complexion. You would love to see me. Now i come to share my real experience. this is the experience of around 8 months back when I had my Saturday and Sunday off and also Pooja told me...
Rita and Cassie sat and simply stared at the cell phone on the table between them. Neither could believe the message it contained. Their parents were going to be away for a week and they expected the girls to get along in their absence. "This ain't happening," Cassie said to no one. She certainly wasn't speaking to her bitch of a stepsister. "What were they thinking?" Rita asked the room in general. "Look, Shrimp, I'm not changing my plans to suit yours." "Fuck you and your...
This is not a real story, just to get attention from female readers. Hi, I feel delighted in sharing one of my friends affairs in his early days. His name is Arun. I am Arun from the outskirts of Chennai. I wish to share my experience with my neighbor with you all. We lived in a house in the sub-urban township near Chennai and our house was in the street corner. There was another tenant in the compound. Our co-tenant stayed on the ground floor and we stayed in the first floor. Our co-tenant...
For years I had sought cock in adult bookstores. Whenever I was on the road, the first thing I would do when I checked into my motel was grab the yellow pages and look for an adult bookstore in that town. I was not interested in meeting guys outside of a bookstore, anonymous cock coming through a hole in the wall, a pair of lips and tongue or a finger beckoning me to stick my cock into the hole and the bliss of having my cocked sucked by some stranger was all I needed.These were the days before...
Chapter 1 I should start by telling you my name is Ray and I'm close to 30. I'm 6'2 and weigh about 200. Very light brown, almost blond hair and a decent physique. I just moved to a big city. I've been single for close to 8 years and I have a wonderful family who has my back. I keep a secret from them though. The secret being that I am attracted to younger girls. I am also attracted to older ones too but that isn't my ultimate fantasy. I was ready to meet someone. I was getting sick...
It wasn't early enough, the first of the frosty nights had reclaimed the neighbourhood and the red, orange and yellow leaves from the day's breezes lay in sugary piles on the side of the driveways and the street. My windows were misted and I had to start the blowers even though the engine hadn't warmed up enough. I was chilled anyway and shivered and blew as I backed the car out of my drive. It was dark, the street lamps were spaced far enough apart that they illuminated the area in small...
As Alan came somewhat back to reality, he got up and staggered to the bathroom. Mindful of Suzanne's lecture about the danger of mixing vaginal and anal, he quickly washed his privates with an antiseptic soap, working it into all the folds around his cockhead, then rinsing it extensively. While there, he thought, Wow, man. Totally nuts. Is this what my life is going to be like from now on? How can I keep even four sexually voracious women satisfied? There's never enough time ... Although...
John Doe* feels good when she wakes up.. Except for a little itching "down there". She didn't know much about re-production**, but she knew it had something to do with whatever was "down there". *Description: 18, 34C, 5' 9", blonde, big ass, athletic, bubbly, completely naive. **Note: Honestly, she knows NOTHING. She glances at the clock. 9:34! She overslept! Oh well, it's not like I do much anyway. Now, should she go shopping or should she go to the doctor to get the itching checked out?
Lila scowled up at them. She hated Derek. He was always mean, picking on her, pinching her when no one was looking. More than that, he made her uneasy, always looking at her developing body. "Move buttheads!" she snapped, flapping her hand at them irritatedly. Instead they stayed where they were, smiling menacingly down at her. "I said mo-Hey!" she shrieked as they suddenly lunged for her, Adam seizing her hands, and Derek taking her kicking feet. She was lidted up, screaming...
A cheating husbands Revenge (Part 1) Megan stepped out of the shower and dried herself off and asshe walked into the bedroom she stopped by the full length mirrorshe turned to admire the same figure she had when she graduatedcollege six years ago. She just turned twenty-eight and still had the same figurewhen her husband Rick had started dating the first year incollege. Megan kept looking at the mirror and at five foot sixinches tall and her slim figure, she could have been a model buthad an...
The crew I was working with were mostly retarded red neck type good old boys who never grew up. I had just done three tours with the Marine corps in Afghanistan. I was 6’ 6” 200 lbs and was working new home construction as a crew leader. I was happy to be working but knew this wasn’t my end game. Working kept me physically fit and the money wasn’t bad. I resisted getting involved in any romantic relationships while I was active duty and had left for boot camp three days after graduation from...
Hello readers. I am going to write this story, in parts. It will contain some aspects of bdsm lifestyle, so in case it offends you, please stop right here. Regarding the authenticity of the story, I wont say that it is 100% a real story. Most of it is purely fiction. But, about 25% of the story is what has happened in my real life. I have also changed the names of people involved, for safety reasons. All your suggestions and criticisms are more than welcomed at Characters:- Karan (22) – an...
When I masturbate, I imagine that my penis is a dragon.If my penis were a dragon, he would be deep reddish-gold and bigger than a horse. He’d have two strong legs and two bat wings with a span even longer than he is. He’d have scaly pointed fox ears, whiskers, long sharp teeth, and eyes that you’d better not look into.Most of the time, the dragon sleeps, curled up in a ball like a cat. Or he wakes, stretches, yawns, and goes back to sleep.But at night he wakes up, and I can feel him in my chest...
MasturbationThis is the first story. If you want to take a walk through wonderful city of Milftown, this is where you have to start from. We are introduced to some of the main characters: The busty bombshell Ingrid Mitchell, her 20 years old well endowed daughter Lorna and the nosy neighborhood boy Ralph. All characters are over 18 years of age! The Neighborhood Milf – part 1 This is the first story. If you want to take a walk through wonderful Milftown, this is where you have to start from. We are...
MILFMia punched her bed in anger, as she thought about her first day as a maid for the Hilton Resort. Being treated like a second class citizen by those entitled bitches. She never dream of following her mom's footsteps of serving those upper crust snobs, but here she was. Mia had always planned on going to college, getting a good job, and leaving her poverty life behind her, but sometimes society is cruel joke. Mia had straight A's throughout her freshman year, but then it all went wrong when that...
SRU: Easter Bunny Coming to Town By Paul G. Jutras "Sherman, I need you." Mr. Ultra said as Sherman Sham fixed his tie and walked into his boss's office. Sitting across from him was a fat, balding man that always reminded Sherman of Lou Grant. Only not half as nice a personality. "What can I do for you?" Sherman asked. "The store is having the annual 'have your photo taken with the Easter bunny' day for the workers daycare center." Mr. Ultra cleared his voice. "The outfit...
Hallo, Ik ben Sara, een jong sexy sletje dat ook nog eens heel onderdanig is, Als een grote sterke meester of een sexy meesteres me iets beveelt dan doe ik het. Ik ben een sexy brunetje met kleine b cup tietjes en een strak kontje. Op dit moment ben ik alleen thuis maar dat gaat veranderen
BDSM(Pita aur Neha) JUST A FANTASY... Apni true story sunanay se pehlay men thora sa background aap sub ko bata doon. Meri mother ki 3 saal pehlay traffic accident men death ho gait hi. Us waqt men koi 16 saal kit hi aur apnay Pitajee ki akeli beti thi. Hum log kafi saal pehlay Lucknow se Agra shift ho gaye thay. Yahan Agra men siwai hamaray ek do family friends ke aur koi rishtaydar na tha. Bus hum teeno akailay rahtay thay. Mummy ki death ke baad hum sirf 2 rah gaye thay. Ghar k ek...