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I would like to thank my wife for all her support and help, and Lady Ver for her thorough editing and insightful comments. Any remaining grammatical and spelling errors are solely my responsibility.

This story borrows from history, but takes place in a time and place that never existed.



She woke with the realization that a change was coming to her life. A glance out her bedroom window revealed knights and soldiers waiting impatiently in the courtyard below, the nobles’ horses shifting nervously in anticipation of the coming battle. Morag glanced with dissatisfaction at the reflection of her pale face framed by her long, unbrushed blonde hair, before dashing out of her room. Servants ducked out of her way as she flew down corridors and stairways until at last she stopped at the double doors leading from the inner keep to the courtyard. She took a deep breath, smoothed her green gown, then pushed the doors open.

‘Morag! Come to see me off after all, have ye?’

She knew that he’d be waiting for her arrival just so he could play the forgotten sire. ‘Father! I’ve caught you trying to sneak away from home!’ She glanced at the assembled warriors and realized that some of the knights were considering dismounting due to her presence. She shook her head. ‘Stay atop your steeds, gallant knights! I know how difficult it is to move about in your armour.’

Morag and her father embraced. ‘Beware Lord Argent over there, my dear,’ he whispered in her ear. ‘If I should not return, he will doubtless press his suit.’

Her eyes darted around the courtyard, noting that many of the young and unmarried men had turned her way. Morag picked out Lord Argent immediately in his gold and crimson tunic, atop the largest horse in the assembly. He had twice before attempted to acquire her, as she thought of his clumsy manner of courting. He had spoken eloquently enough on the economic benefits of a union between himself and the daughter of Lord MacLint but had never sought to woo her in any traditional sense. In fact, Morag had found it contemptible how the man had never even addressed her by name or title on any occasion, preferring to speak of her less so than he did his horse or his other beasts. She and her father had kept a civil tongue on both occasions, although both had been sorely tempted to make an un-Christian response.

‘He has been bending your ear?’

Lord MacLint sighed. ‘He speaks often of my age and what will become of my lands should I fall in battle.’ He caressed her cheek, then tousled her hair. ‘I would have preferred an amorous and lust-filled wooing, one that would have had you smiling in mischief, rather than his business-like approach. If something should happen, Morag-‘ her father’s eyes softened ‘-know that your happiness is all that you should strive for. Do not act purely from duty and obligation. I would give anything for your lasting happiness-‘

‘I shall count the days until your return, Father.’ Morag knew her father well enough that once he spoke of such things he would lose his tongue, being unsure of what to speak of next.

Several men helped lift Lord MacLint onto his horse. He thanked them, then looked down at his daughter. ‘God willing.’

As the small army left the courtyard, Morag noted the many stares back in her direction from men probably wondering who would protect her if her sole living relative should perish in the coming fight against the Vikings. Among the knights there were a few calculating glances her way. Argent’s was the most calculating, though she knew from experience that the man respected her father a great deal. Morag thought as she met Argent’s eyes that his greedy glance was the most passionless as well.

Chapter 1: Cast Aside

‘And what of the girl?’ asked the fawning advisor. At a harsh look from his king he bowed his head and placed his right hand on the lush robes over his heart, covering a fine gold medallion as he did so. ‘I mean no disrespect, sire, but Lord MacLint was a brave and loyal servant to you.’ He raised his eyes and caught the shrewd stare directed his way. ‘Surely some small protection can be provided for his only daughter, a lovely young woman by all accounts and the last in his line?’

A deep sigh hinted at the sovereign’s frustration and exhaustion with political scheming. A page entered the room, opening the door long enough that the sounds of revelry in the grand hall filled the room the two men had retreated to.

‘They are barbarians!’ The king lifted the crown from his head and examined it carefully in the flickering candlelight. ‘My kingdom must survive, and if one woman must be left to her fate, then so be it! It matters not who her father was, nor how bravely he fought against the Vikings, that I must now make peace with. Perhaps if MacLint had fought better his daughter’s virtue would now be safely protected by the man and his retainers.’

‘Yes, sire,’ offered the advisor. He, too, had fought against the Vikings in that final battle and he once again thanked God that he had survived the slaughter so that he might shelter his own wife, mistresses, and children. Lord MacLint had voiced little liking for the king’s close circle in the past, often having referred to them as scared children hanging around their mother’s skirts. It was a simple matter for the advisor to think of the dead warrior unkindly.

‘Sire!’ reminded the young page. ‘Your guests…request your presence that the arrangements may be concluded as soon as possible. They claim to be eager to see what fertile lands have been ceded them.’

The king nodded and then left the chamber to share the entertainments with his once-enemies and now-allies, leaving the advisor alone to finger the gold-filled pouch that had been slipped to him by Lord Argent. He pondered whether Argent would demand the return of the gold coins or consider it payment for future efforts toward his acquisition of MacLint’s lands and daughter. The Vikings were likely to find entertainment enough in her from what he had heard, but surely Argent was pragmatic enough to ignore the girl’s knowledge of the forbidden fruit?

Chapter 2: An Unsought Reward

Olaf sat back against the wall and surveyed the scene before him. His son-strong, young, and fresh from his first battle-was wrestling two men and being cheered on by the bulk of those who had chosen to fight under Olaf’s banner. Snorri had acquitted himself well, killing at least a dozen men and showing no fear. Even when an axe blade had sliced his shoulder open, he had kept fighting. The Viking father nodded in satisfaction, Snorri would be a leader of men just as he had been. Those who had followed Olaf would follow his son just as readily.

Olaf turned, noting his daughter’s raven hair as she went from man to man speaking words of praise and encouragement. These were his best captains, and she was wise enough to keep her trim figure in their view. She would find a powerful and respected husband, just as her honey-haired mother had done. Olaf had no fears for her future.

Thvaldi staggered across his field of view, an arm around a willing young woman. He’d been drunk since the battle, or perhaps just before it began. Olaf chuckled.

Life was good. He’d answered the call for battle, summoning a large force of Vikings to his command. They’d fought well and the battle had been won. The southerners had fought just as well, but only the living enjoyed the spoils. Did these Christian men fight on in this Heaven they believed in?

A young woman, comely enough and about the same age as his daughter Ingrid, sat down upon his knee and handed Olaf a horn of mead. He gave her a smile and a squeeze, then took a long drink. Times were good, although if all-seeing Ingrid spotted this maiden with him she’d fall upon him harder than the worst winter storm. Thankfully, her back was to them and she was far across the celebration in this southern king’s castle.

nstead, Gunderr the Lucky approached him.

‘Begone, girl! Olaf and I have something to discuss,’ the leader of the Viking force commanded. He sat down heavily beside his old friend.

The maiden pouted at Olaf, seeking permission to stay and enjoy his company. ‘Off you go, little one,’ said Olaf, giving one of her breasts a gentle squeeze. ‘Come see me after we’re done and you can help an old man out of his armour.’

She giggled, took a drink from the horn, and then left them.

‘Do you recall being that young, Olaf?’

‘I would’ve already planted my seed in her, and I would have said Hela take you and your talk!’ Olaf said, laughing.

‘Why do you suppose she sought you out?’ the Viking asked, nodding his head at the girl’s swaying hips.

Olaf stared at Gunderr, a man who matched his fifty years, and shook his head. ‘Your beard is as grey as mine! She saw a man of power, a leader of victorious warriors, and she either wanted a brief celebration or to seduce me into taking her as a wife. I’m not ready for Hela’s cold embrace, Gunderr, and I can still make a woman moan so that her voice shakes the whole hall!’

‘Women were less free with themselves when we were young, Olaf.’

‘Did you just wish to reminisce, or did you actually have something to say to me? If it’s the former, then I’ll just go find out how eager she is…’ He made to stand, but the other put his hand on his arm.

‘We need land here, Olaf.’

‘Agreed. More land means more farms. More farms mean more warriors. King Thrum of the Burning Skull isn’t any friend of ours just because he’s been attacking many of our less than friendly neighbours. What has this to do with me?’

‘This southern king has offered me land in exchange for a promise not to attack his kingdom again.’ Olaf raised an eyebrow in response. ‘It’s a lot of land. He lost a fair number of landholders and lords in the battle.’

‘That he did.’ Olaf’s eyes wandered over to his son who had just raised his thick arms in triumph. ‘We could take his castle while he’s weakened. Take what plunder we desire. There is much gold and silver here, and the women are quite fetching.’

‘You’re going to settle down, Olaf. No more a-Viking for you.’

Olaf thought about arguing the matter, but settling down didn’t sound so bad. This battle hadn’t been as thrilling as they used to be. Perhaps he could take over a local keep, install some of his best men as landowners, and collect a few pretty faces to keep him occupied until he was finally slain in some petty border skirmish.

‘I’ve picked out the place. Very fertile lands. Snorri and Ingrid will be going with you.’

‘Freya’s tits! They’re going back home with you, Gunderr. Snorri’s taking my old lands there, and Ingrid’s going looking for a husband. It will do them both good to be out from under me.’

‘No. My decision is made. Their future is here, Olaf. As is yours. There is wealth here and it will only assure the futures of Snorri and Ingrid.’ Gunderr rubbed his beard thoughtfully. ‘And I was thinking I might send one of my sons to visit you next year. Ingrid could do worse than a Viking prince.’

His shoulders slumping, Olaf considered the situation. It was far from ideal, but if Thrum did make a move into Gunderr’s territory-and it did seem likely-Olaf’s homeland would fall quickly. It would be up to someone here to raise an army and return home to help Gunderr fight off the invaders. If Snorri were to be that man, then there would be nothing Gunderr would not give him…

‘This place better be all that you say it is, Gunderr.’ Olaf glanced slyly at his king. ‘Or Snorri and I might have to go a-Viking along your coast.’

Gunderr grinned and slapped Olaf on the back. ‘And I’ll meet you on the beach! Or you bring that eager, ample-bosomed friend of yours that I shooed away a few moments ago and you’ll be so distracted that you’ll row south instead of north!’

Olaf’s eyes caught that same young woman, and the younger and more energetic warrior whose lap she now sat on. Gunderr, too, saw that she’d found a new friend, and the two men laughed.

Chapter 3: An Unsought Arrangement

Morag bowed low to the priest. He’d ridden up smartly to the gate of her father’s keep, his horse decorated with silver and a fine leather harness. The older man seemed somewhat nervous, and she prayed it was not because he bore her the terrible news she feared must be true.

‘Daughter, you do me much good seeing your smiling face.’ The priest reached down, put his gloved fingers under her chin, and tilted her head up. ‘Makes me believe I’m a younger man. Surely God has blessed you with charm, grace, and beauty for a reason.’

‘Thank you for your kind words, Father. However, I must dispense with civility and ask if you have any news of my father, or any of the other men who left in my father’s service.’ Morag turned her head slightly as if to regard the others in the great hall who awaited news of their loved ones who’d gone off to fight the Vikings. In truth, her goal had been to partly and politely draw away from the priest’s fingers, and it had worked.

‘Alas, it has not gone well. Many were lost in the battle with the Vikings!’ he announced with raised voice. Morag’s eyes narrowed as she considered how unsympathetically that news was delivered.

‘I have come to remove your mistress from danger!’ the priest then said with a louder voice while circling around Morag.

There were cries of sorrow and some spoke the names of men who had not returned. Morag scowled, then hid her disgust.

‘What danger am I in? When will my father return?’

‘I fear he shall not return, child.’ Morag’s heart went cold as all that she had feared was confirmed. ‘He was struck down by the very man who has been given possession of this keep and your father’s lands.’

‘Given?’ she asked with rising anger.

‘My child, we must away before the Vikings come. I left the king’s castle as soon as I heard the tidings. I came directly here, knowing my Christian duty was to protect such a fair flower from the demons who hurry here. I will keep you under my cloak, and that will protect you. We will ride together and stay together until we arrive at a place of refuge.’

She did not like the look in his eyes, nor the way his eyes took in the curves of her hips and breasts beneath her blue velvet dress. ‘And how long before we arrive at a refuge, Father?’

He looked away. ‘Well, we must travel from place to place for some time. I have duties to perform, people to warn, services to conduct. Since there will only be two of us, you may have to help me from time to time. Lady Morag, you must come with me!’

‘And all the others here? Left to the mercy of the Vikings?’

‘And what will they do to you, Lady Morag? I can see you stretched out upon this very floor, a mere plaything for their bestial lusts! Think of what I can offer you!’

‘Get out.’

The priest struck the end of his staff upon the stone floor. ‘You must come with me, Lady Morag! Do you deny my authority?’

‘I will stay and protect my people from the Vikings.’ She glanced at those servants who stood quietly by watching the two argue.

The priest grabbed her arm and squeezed it painfully. ‘Lady, I do not think you understand what foul things they do to women!’

She shook her arm free and stepped away from him. ‘I understand what foul things some men do to women, Father. I may yet be a maiden, but I am no fool. And I would be a fool to trust my safety in your hands. Now, get out of my keep and off my lands before I chase you out!’

The priest glowered at her for a few seconds, then turned on his heel and left without another word. Morag shook as she watched him go.

‘Lady Morag!’ called a familiar voice.

Her maid, Winnifred, had just come running into the great hall. ‘You should have fled with the priest! He could protect you from the barbaria
ns that are coming!’

‘You heard?’

The young woman nodded, some of her brown hair tumbling free. Winnifred and Morag had been friends since childhood, and the lady of the keep was reminded again why she loved her friend so dearly.

‘I cannot flee while my people are in danger, Winnifred. Surely you can see that. But you-‘

‘And I cannot flee while my lady is in danger. Surely you can see that.’

They smiled at each other briefly. Then Morag sent the servants off to resume their duties. She’d thought of telling them all to flee, but flee to what? The Vikings might be cruel masters, but even they needed their meals cooked and clothes mended. Fleeing into the wilderness would mean a slow death by starvation for those that did so, especially as the fields had almost been picked clean for the king’s army.

‘Perhaps…’ suggested Winnifred, ‘perhaps a brave knight will come to our rescue.’

‘Perhaps,’ agreed Morag, although she felt that sentiment was but a childish fantasy.

Chapter 4: Lord Olaf Arrives

The train of horses, wagons, and Viking warriors followed the muddy track across the field that surrounded the keep. Olaf, still occasionally pained from the battle a few short weeks before, shifted in his saddle and scrutinized the landscape.

The stony and somewhat moss-covered keep sat alone in the midst of a large, rolling grassy field. Trees had been cut well away from the high walls of the stone keep, and towers were tall enough to allow guardsmen to see a fair distance. There was no well or stream near the walls that he could see, and from what he had heard of this Lord MacLint Olaf was positive there would be a reliable water source somewhere within those daunting walls.

The land was fertile. Farmers, those who had survived the battle and those who had hidden in fright at home when the call to arms had come, toiled in the fields now as he and his men rode by. None waved. Every peasant’s eye had been turned fearfully to the Vikings as they passed, and for good reason, knew Olaf.

He turned around to glance at his men, grunting as he did so. They yawned and complained about the long journey they had just undertaken. Doubtlessly, some wished they were on a dragon-headed long ship bound for their beloved fjords and farms, and not stuck in this southern land amongst these Thor-forsaken people. His most trusted officers nodded back at him but also stared around in boredom. Olaf wondered if any of them had recognized the great wealth of this land, its farms would bring a bountiful harvest for each landowner, perhaps not this year but certainly in the next.

Snorri swatted a fly away from his horse’s ear. His father looked on him with pride. The lad was as tall as he was, but stronger. And he now had his first battle scars! No longer would others whisper that Snorri was fearsome in appearance only. It was also clear to Olaf’s observant eyes that Snorri felt none of the hungers and lusts that men of his age usually mistook for purpose.

Turning his eye to Ingrid, Olaf was given a brief smile by the raven-haired beauty. He recognized it for the mask it was. His daughter was sour in mood and would wait for an opportune time to voice her displeasure to him. So much like her mother had been, Olaf thought wistfully, although Ingrid’s appearance was so unlike that of his beloved Brunhilde. Two halves of Hela in appearance, but both were as passionate as the death goddess was not.

‘Lord?’ asked the man leading Olaf’s horse.

The Viking chieftain shifted around in his seat and peered at the keep that his man was pointing to. He could make out something in front of the gates. Was it a pair of small trees, or bushes? Age had weakened his eyes, just as it had stolen some of his strength and energy, but in return it had given him a sharpness of mind that those around him appeared to lack. The gifts of Loki in exchange for the curse of Hodr. Olaf chuckled at the thought, raising the eyebrows of those around him.

‘Two women, lord,’ whispered the keen-eyed man leading Olaf’s steed.

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Fatherly GuidanceChapter 8

We were at the truck stop diner by 4:30 and I was talking to my first date within a few minutes of getting there. I rode in the truck and Ronnie gave me a rock to smoke on the way. Weirdo parked in the very corner and Ronnie was a few spaces away. I looked back at them as I climbed into my first big rig of the night. "Straight fucks, no blow jobs today. Make sure they don't use condoms and if they do, get it from them and bring it back to pour it out into the fucker's mouth," were my...

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Fucked A Lady In Train

Hi, all this is PK again a Barodian guy with a new story. First, if all thank you all for the likes of my 1st story “RAIN HELPED ME DREAM COME TRUE”. I am here again with my new story about the milf I fucked in the train while returning from Mumbai to Vadodara. For the new readers, I m PK 35 years from Vadodara. You can give comments on my email: Here I am going to narrate the story took place 2 years back while I was returning from Mumbai to Vadodara in Vadodara Express. Without wasting time...

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Ultra horny girlfriend

Hello to all the readers of I have read number of stories and because I found most of them as fake or fantasies. I was encouraged to post something that was real as well as arousing. It happens to be one my finest encounter’s with a real horny pussy.i was in college .there was this girl named Mansi.whom I got to know through a common friend but things did not move further and slowly we lost touch. Couple of years later we met again. & on the very first day I fell...

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The Sacred Band Ch 12

Note. This is my first attempt at describing a gay male relationship from the time of my own youth. Please forgive my presumption but the story demands it and I am the slave of the story. I shall shortly be posting my lesbian chapter Ivy and Ginny. Advice, criticism or any other feedback would be very welcome. The Sacred Band. Chapter twelve – Donald and Bruno told by Donald Bray November 1955. I was in the Chancery Court, sitting behind Mr Carruthers Melford Q.C. one Thursday in the...

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Second ChanceChapter 35

Time is an angry mistress. My 'time' in this body far exceeded any of my other insertions, so whatever it was I was supposed to do hadn't happened, or the universe had finally forgot about me. I was good with the latter, and worried about the former. Waiting for some major event that required me to step in and do something wonderful was wearing on me. Each time I found myself involved in major happenings, be it weather events, tragedies, or personal things that would have gone unnoticed,...

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Behen Ki Mast Chudai Akele Mein 8211 Part II

Hi friends my name is Ankit and I m regular reader of ISS and I like stories of sister and I fascinate about it. This is my first story so if any things goes wrong or you don’t like it pls let me know. Ok m starting my story in Hindi. Pehale main apne bare mein bata dun meri height 5’11” hai aur meri achi body hai dikhne mein b theek hun meri umar 23saal hai aur mera lund 6.4inch ka hai aur 2.5 inch mota hai. Ye meri aur mere mama ki beti aur meri behen GARGI ki kahani hai Wo bahut mast maal...

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My Four Sons Best Week Ever

Two weeks ago my husband Kevin went on a business trip to San Fransisco. I stayed home along with my four sons, aged 18, 17, 16, and 12. Their names were Daniel (oldest), Alex (2nd oldest), Brady (3rd oldest), and finally Harry (youngest). Well, the first night after Kevin left, I heard noises. It sounded like shuffling footsteps right outside my bedroom door. They stopped soon so I went back to sleep. In the morning when I woke up, somebody must have been doing something to me because I was...

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Preethi Akka Udan Kaamam

Hi friends, indru Tamil kaama kathaiyil en akka udan lesbo kaamam eppadi seithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Puspa, vayathu 19 aagugirathu, enaku oru akkavai nandraaga theriyum aval peyar prethi vayathu 25 aanathu. Naan adikadi avargal veetirku sendru avargaludan vilaiyaaduven. Akka parka miga sexiyaaga irupaargal, avargal azhagai paarthu enake poramaiyaaga irukum. Enaku oru annan irukiraan avanuku prethi akkavai thirumanam seithu vaithaal nandraaga irukum endru ninaithen. En...

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Milk addiction

I am the regular reader of this site. And I am happy to share my experience with you all. This is true story of mine and was happened a week back, like others it was not just a fantasy story. I am Lucky and am working as computer professional in Kochi. I am 36, 5’7” tall, athletic body. This is the story of my experience with a lady, who is about 32 yrs old and is working with me, she was a Muslim ,tall, fair and very gorgeous lady. I heard that she had some sexual affair with some other in...

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Erotic Notion 14 The Ice Cube

     Passion is not hot; it is cold. In the languorous summer heat I sit caressing my limbs with lotion as bright bikinis run past and dive into the water. Sunglasses reflect the light but not the heat; I take a sip of iced tea and try holding a book above my head to block the sun's glare. My arm quickly tires. I put down the book, close my eyes and inhale the chlorinated odors of the swimming pool. My consciousness swims in a bright orange darkness and relaxes to swimming pool sounds: bouncy...

First Time
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Theres Something About My Sons Girlfriends 4

A couple of days after my illicit encounter with Jennifer, I was on Facebook catching up with an old friend when I saw Anna, Jennifer's mother, come online. Smiling to myself, I quickly clicked on her profile to remind myself of our earlier conversation, and to refresh my memory of her good looks. Damn, what an attractive woman, I thought to myself as her picture in that tight dress and those high heels came up on my screen. I decided to wait for her to open a chat window, but I began to finish...

4 years ago
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Funny Tag team orgy

When i was 18 i had my first orgy was me, my boy, this girl i had just met, and her friend. It all started at cici's (pizza buffet) me and my boy had walked in to grab a bite when we came across two big booty chicks ...we hit it off and started talking after five min's into the convo 1 of the girls asked if we wanted to fuck!!!! lol i know i couldn't believe it myself it was as if an angel came down and sprinkled pussy juices all over my throbbing cock ..... i was so shocked that they...

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CHAPTER 58: HELEN HAWKINS (… OR STILLSON?)It was full minutes later before Helen even began to shift. With the monitor muted, the stead white line moving from left to right on the screen, Stella was gone, finally separated from the pain and the agony of her end. But, Helen didn’t stop whispering and kissing, even longer than those minutes. When a nurse came to the other side of the bed and touched her shoulder, she looked up at the doctor, and then dropped her head back to Stella’s shoulder for...

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Dogs Bitch

I have led a shelter life as a child. I was very naive about life, and sex. My dad passed away when I was ten, my mother raise me the remainder of my years with her. I was twelve when we moved to Florida. This move was so my mother could be close to her sister, my Aunt Bee. The neighborhood we moved into has always been very quiet. Our neighbor had a daughter a year older then me. Terry the neighbor and I became very close friends. Terry explains to me some things she knew about life, which...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 99 Werewolf

Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-98”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… When I was young—far too...

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Power Chapter Nine First Semester

Classes were actually pretty good. My swimming class was at eight in the morning. It was a freshman course. All the guys were nude, and about a third of the girls went without bathing suits. The most popular guy in the class was Walden. I have no idea if all African American men’s dicks are bigger than whites’, but his certainly was. It was nine inches soft and nearly a foot long when hard. I felt so inadequate. I enjoy swimming, and swimming in a large pool while nude was actually better than...

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I arrive home late, Marina is in bed asleep. She was so hot she slept in the nude. I turn a low light on and pull back the covers. She is on her stomach with her right knee bent and leg pulled up. I have a nice view of her shaved pussy. My cock starts getting hard as I lick my finger and reach out to caress it around her pussy lips..She wiggles a little in her sleep as I pull back and strip my clothes off. I carefully climb in bed so I don't wake her..not yet. I move up behind her and move...

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Nothing Like a Witch

by Graeme McGregor (c) Widow Irene Daniels’ two children lived in other countries. She appeared happy but would awake most nights and weep. No one knew of her deep loneliness and she was determined to keep it that way. Now she was crying in despair, thinking she’d done the wrong thing earlier in the day with a problem better suited for a male to deal with. Irene had suspected the two lazy and disrespectful guys from Ford Construction engaged in converting the front porch of her house into a...

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BangBros18 Jane Wilde My Step Sister Is A Little Nympho

In todays update Pressure returns home from college and as his naughty step sister has grown a bit since he last saw her. Jane Wilde has a naughty look as she plays with a lollipop. She sneaks up on her stepbrother and after a small conversation she starts showing him what she’s been practicing while he’s away. She plays with the lollipop by teasing her nipple and pussy before finally getting Pressure to go down on her. She returns the favor with a good blowjob before getting her tight pussy...

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Seducing mature

Seducing mature friendSean and I had been friends for about 8 years through work. Unlikely friendship, because I’m in my 30’s and gay, Sean is 62 and married but it worked and we always got on well. Sean is about 5”10, grey and thick set with a big belly, which has been the butt of our jokes a number of times. We always had banter and I think the appeal was because he made me laugh some much with his wicked sense of humour. I had been tempted many of times to make a move, because we quite often...

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An Alien AbroadChapter 15

I rose, washed, ate a hearty breakfast, and was escorted to the palace. There I was taken through corridors deeper and deeper. Avril, my confidante, had been excluded. She confessed she had no idea what size the princesses were “Is that important?” she asked, genuinely bemused. “No, no, just wondered” The size of a woman is not important, her status is measured by her birth and her pregnancy; that is all. I realised that perhaps I had been lucky so far. Finally I reached the chambers of...

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Recording a video with her Black Master

My sensual wife was looking hot that night and I knew she was also very horny and in the mood for sex.But Ana told me we could watch a movie after dinner; so we sat there on the couch and she turned on the video.A while later, I noticed on the corner of my eye that she was rubbing her pussy lips with her fingers hidden between her thighs.I asked then what she was thinking about; since she was touching herself. Anita just giggled and kept rubbing her clit…My sensual wife then began telling me...

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Allies Introduction

{As my first post, please forgive the length..... Hope you enjoy!!} She could feel her internal tempo quickening as her feet met the cruel hard pavement. Running was the only release Allie got in moments like this. She pushed her muscles harder, forcing all of her internal chatter into the slick blackness beneath her. She cherished the cold sharp breeze flowing through her running pants, it seemed to be the only thing cooling her down. She felt her stomach muscles hardening with the strain of...

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Best of YouChapter 3 Henrys Birthday

The week after Henry’s birthday the gang got together and went to the movies. They had planned to go on the previous week, but Cindy was grounded. Not wanting to be embarrassed again by Alex Henry began following the group but was held back by Cindy. Henry smiled but said, “After the last time, I don’t know.” She kissed him on the cheek and said “Don’t worry, I got it covered.” It was Cindy who led the way this time, but not stopping in the center but making to the far left side of the...

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Planning sex with aunty

Hi friends i am Arun, age 22 now from orissa and this is my first story that happened 4 year back.. To tell u abt me i m 5’9″ tall wheatish complexion. I used to stay at home.but when i completed my H.S.C.E i had to leave my home & had to stay at uncle’s house for higher study.My uncle’s house is in Bhubaneswar. I was joined in B.J.B college i.e near my uncle’s house. My uncle is leaving there with aunty & his only soon who is at that time 7yrs old.My uncle’s name is Soraj. He is a teacher &...

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Love Me til Dawn The Final Chapters

It was not for another four months before Alice had Lorraine alone to herself again and in a position to discuss it with her.Upon their return from San Monique she had begun an intensive management course designed to give her the basic knowledge she needed. She would never need to do any bookkeeping but it was vital that she could interpret the accounts. Alice had some experience in her previous job as a clerk that helped her understand the accounts sufficiently. She was taught the different...

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IntendedChapter 4 Leading off with a risky gambit

"I believe this would be an ideal location," Jakal proposed, pointing at the suggested path across the waterway. "How deep is the water?" Sala asked nervously. After her last experience crossing the great river when they left their camp, she was not particularly eager to repeat it. When her companion first revealed they would have to cross the river again in order to reach the Fox Clan's Camp, the woman found herself more than a little agitated. Why did she go through all that fear...

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The AutoCloset

THE AUTO-CLOSET by Kristen O Prelude A lone figure was accidently transported into the not to distant future using a time machine of his own creation. He emerged in a lady's bedroom filled with futuristic equipment. He did not realize where he was. A machine in the corner of the room caught his eye. The Auto-Closet Part I - Discovery Jack walked up to the curious machine and examined the instrumentation on the panel. A switch was left on marked "enabled". Another...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 148 Independence

Doreen and Doug picked me up Thursday evening. Doreen agreed to be our driver and Doug was tagging along as her 'date.' Truth was, they were pretty cute together. We drove over and I went to Sugar's door to pick her up. She came out giggling with her mother right behind her. Regina Evars was a slightly larger version of Sugar herself and was giggling just as hard. Sugar was wearing a short skirt that clung to her generous hips and exposed a lot of thick thigh. Her mom had a dress on that...

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Pirates and Other Nice PeopleChapter 3

There was a letter on the doormat when we let ourselves in and Cassie squealed with delight when she recognized the handwriting, "It's from Sally and Mandy" She read it, then read it again, and passed it to me with a smile on her face, Basically they were saying that as there'd been a fire in their school, it would be closed for the three weeks that were left of the term, they were bored during the day, could they come and see us? I couldn't help the grin on my face (or was it a...

1 year ago
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Work Experience

These events are fictional, but based on fantasy… All through his teenage life Hugo wondered what it would be like to have an older man to penetrate his ass hole and to have to his way with him. Hugo was sixteen and a total virgin. He had a lovely body, not too muscular and yet not too slim and was so smooth and pale. When he wondered what he’d like to do in later life something that always appealed was working in a hotel, and so through his school had a weeks work experience organised at a...

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Protection and Preservation Book 08Chapter 10

[Janice writes] Donegal looked like just another airport but it felt different. I think it was because we knew we were another step further from our homes and had entered what Americans considered Europe. We set out sentries and looked for fuel. We found plenty and it was in good shape. We started refueling. On the way in, I was copilot of the Duck. I thought the GPS was giving some funny readings. Bennie said, "I've noticed that. The plane also has an INS. I've been setting that. From...

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Lovemaking With Son And Daughter Part 4

Mandhana: Where are we going next? I was thinking of where to go. I lost interest in visiting temples with what had just happened earlier. Mithun: Mom, can we go to Kochi or Mahe or Munnar? I don’t want to visit any more temples! I don’t want to wear a dhoti again. I and Mandhana were smiling, thinking about the dhoti. Me: Okay! We will go to Kochi. Mithun: Thank you and I love you, mom. Mandhana was driving and Mithun was seating in the back seat. Mithun came forward and gave a kiss to both...

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Khala Ke Choot Chatai

Hi ISS readers, I am Asad (name changed) I am from Karachi, Pakistan and this story is of me and my aunt (mom’s sister). I am 25 years old while she is 43 years old. Her name is aliya and she is a dark lady and not very beautiful but her figure is just like of kareena kapoor, shes so slim that most of the people think that she is 30 years old. Now let me come to the story. Ye qareeb 3 months pehle ke bat hai us din meri khala ka birthday tha so maine socha k unke ghr ja k wish kerdeta hun, Jab...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 11 Hello Irene

Saturday Evening May 24 A small airport in LA, flying to a small airport in Detroit, then Marta’s House At the airport a private jet was waiting. Tango and Irene were already on board. I introduced Qwit to Irene as one of my maternal uncles. Irene was the newest addition to the soldiers the Patron keeps in LA, she had arrived last Thursday to serve the next two year in the Patron’s military. She is a cousin of Bente, the girl Tango was going to marry in July. As this was our first meeting...

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