Double Take, Part Five: Good Vibes, Big Apple free porn video

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Double Take © 2003 by Nom de Plume Episode Five: Good Vibes, Big Apple After two nights without sleep, Sandy was having trouble keeping his eyes open as he drove down Santa Monica Boulevard towards the Hollywood Hills. The evening rush was thinning out, but the surface streets were still a better bet than the freeways, and he tried to unwind with his favorite shock jock as he coped with the stop-and-go traffic. His cell phone rang. It was Ashley, asking him what time she should expect him. "About forty minutes," he said as he stopped for another red light. "Take your time. I made an appointment to get my nails done in half an hour. The coat I slapped on them after my night as your boyfriend isn't making it." Sandy smiled at the memory. "Call them back and make an appointment for me, too." "Why? Your nails look great." "Not any more. Where's the salon? I'll meet you there." She gave him the address. "Okay, I'll be there in half an hour." "What are you wearing?" "That skirt and sweater again." "How sweet." "You liked what it did for me last night." He laughed as she whispered something obscene before they hung up. Sandy's Audi had a manual transmission, and his short skirt kept riding up his silky legs as he played with the clutch. He was wearing Ashley's coed costume, except he had on a pair of sheer black tights. The nylons he wore the night before had been torn to shreds when Ashley undressed him on the sofa. Sandy found the strip mall where the salon was located, and parked in the lot. Ashley was just getting out of her car. She was dressed in an identical outfit, only her skirt and sweater were a different color than Sandy's, and her legs were bare. "What look are we going for - 'The Olson's Go to College?'" he asked. Ashley stuck out her tongue at him. "I always wanted a twin sister and a sensitive boyfriend. Now you're both mine," she said as she took his hand and led him into the salon. * * * Their nails restored, Ashley and Sandy walked hand-in-hand down Sunset Boulevard, turning heads as they went. Not an easy thing to do in West Hollywood, where celebrities rub shoulders daily with specimens of every known lifestyle, and a few that have yet to be classified. As they strolled along, it occurred to Sandy that unless he planted a kiss on her, it would be impossible for strangers to take them for anything other than a fun pair of loving twins. Their close resemblance was a natural antidote against their being mistaken for a couple of lesbians. At the same time, it occurred to Ashley that the presence of her look-alike seemed to cloak her identity as the TV star Ashley Vaughn. People weren't coming up to her for autographs like they usually did. It was almost as if they could only see a pair of identical twins, who happened to look like somebody famous. As he glanced at their reflection in the shop windows, Sandy wondered whether he would miss all this when his fantasy life with Ashley came to an end, as it surely would some day. He was hopelessly in love with a woman who shared his most secret desires. Magic like this only happened in the movies. And as she watched him maneuvering in a short skirt like he was born to it, Ashley wondered how she had ever gotten along without Sandy Lane in her life. It was wonderful having a soulmate who understood the little things a woman had to put up with every day. Was this guy perfect, or what? They spied a Mexican restaurant with some quiet tables on an upstairs terrace. Over margaritas and quesadillas, they caught up on their days. "Pay your mortgage?" "Oops." "Sweetheart, you're going to get your ass kicked out of there if you can't remember to pay your bills." "Then I'll have to move in with you." "Will you cook for me every night?" "If you let me pick out my own clothes." "What happened to your nails?" "Uh, I was fixing a ding in an old surfboard, and I got acetone all over my hands." "You're such a guy." They chatted throughout the meal about nothing in particular, content just to be with each other, sharing a special kind of bond that few men and women will ever experience. While they were waiting for the check, Ashley rubbed Sandy's tights under the table. She pressed her head against his and whispered, "Let's fuck." "Baby, you're gonna put me back in the hospital," Sandy sighed. That night, they undressed each other slowly, lovingly, before they fell naked into Ashley's bed. After the past two nights, Sandy wasn't sure he had another orgasm left in him. He was about to suggest that they call it a night when he heard Ashley opening the drawer on her nightstand. There was a buzzing sound, and his penis jumped when she started to massage his aching balls with her vibrator. As he began to stiffen, she slid the vibrator between his legs and gently inserted it into his ass. Bit by bit, she eased it higher and higher as they lay side by side. At the same time, she was coaxing his weary penis back to life with her tender fingers. When he started to groan, she pulled him on top of her and guided him in, keeping up the pressure with the vibrator as she rocked back and forth. When the tip of her vibrator grazed his prostate, he cried out in ecstasy, and his whole body shuddered from the excruciating waves of pleasure. Ashley cried out with him, lost in the throes of her own multiple orgasms. They lay together quietly for a long time, their hearts pounding in unison as their panting slowly subsided. At that moment, there was no distinction between man and woman. Sandy and Ashley were absolutely, totally consumed by their love for one another. When they finally fell asleep, he was still inside her. For the first time since the death of Toby Goodfin, Sandy slept soundly through the night, surrendering himself to his sweet dreams. * * * The studio wakeup service had to call Ashley's number twice before she finally picked up the phone. Five o'clock in the morning! They staggered out of bed and pulled themselves together for another day on location at Lunada Bay. They dressed alike again, only this morning they looked like refugees from a women's college on a dateless weekend. Ashley ran into a Starbuck's to grab some coffee for the drive across Los Angeles, and they sipped their lattes contentedly as they drove to work together. Two hours later, they emerged from the makeup trailer, drop-dead gorgeous in their hot pink wetsuits. Sandy and Ashley never flirted with one another on the set, their torrid romance a deeper Hollywood secret than the sex of the surfer who did Pepper Reef's action scenes. But today, it was hard for Sandy to keep his hands off her when they were in the water together, out of sight of the cameras and crew. "I thought I wore you out last night," she said as she took his hand off her ass. "Stop that!" A shrill whistle pierced the air. They looked up to see Darla Palmer waving at them from the rocky shore, looking out of place in her suit and heels. Sandy and Ashley got on their surfboards and began to paddle in. Darla eyed them warily as they came out of the water. She knew trouble when she saw it, and these two had trouble written all over them. Just what the network needed: a secret love affair between their hottest new star and her stunt double. God knew what would happen if the tabloids got wind of it. What could be worse? The innuendo that Ashley Vaughn was a closet lesbian, or the revelation that her stunt double and secret lover was a closet crossdresser? She waited until they dried themselves off and peeled off their wetsuits. Dressed in matching sweats, they looked adorable as they joined her in a small tent which had been set up at the base of the bluff. "Coffee?" she asked as they sat down next to her in canvas yacht chairs. Both nodded yes, and she watched intently as they took their mugs and sipped the hot coffee. Sandy Lane was a gifted mimic, and a natural actor. If a person didn't know them, it would be impossible to tell the man from the woman. "I wanted to bring you up to date on a new direction that the show is going to be taking," she said at length. The both looked at her expectantly as they sipped their coffee. "Our ratings are still way up there, but they're starting to slip, and we need to spice up the story line a bit. It's going to make things a little crazy on the set, but it should be fun for both of you." "What are you talking about?" Ashley asked. Or was it Sandy? "We're going to be introducing a new character." "What kind of character?" Sandy asked. Or was it Ashley? "Pepper Reef has an identical twin sister." "What?" they asked simultaneously. "That's right. A citified, girly-girl who lives in New York. Her named Coral." "Coral Reef. Give me a break," one of them said. "She's the brainy one. Pepper was always the tomboy. So Ashley is going to play Coral, and Sandy is going to play Pepper. Coral will have most of the lines. All Pepper has to do is look hot and surf like a banshee." The both had long faces. "Ashley, I'm surprised at you," Darla said, still not sure which one of them was which. "This is a chance for you to show some range." "What about me?" Sandy said, finally spoiling the game. "I signed up to surf, not to play the dumbo in a sister act." "That's what worries me," Ashley broke in. "I've worked hard to make Pepper Reef credible. It hasn't been easy with the crap your writers are turning out." "Well, you're going to love the next episode. Pepper saves Coral from a freak tidal wave that strikes New York." "That's ludicrous!" "No more than Mitch performing open-heart surgery on a surfboard on Baywatch. People are still talking about that episode." "Still laughing at it, you mean. What if we refuse?" Sandy answered for her. "I know, I our contracts." Darla got up to leave. "This is a huge opportunity for us to penetrate the New York market, so you'd better get with the program. We're on location in Manhattan next week." * * * Sandy and Ashley paused to look up at the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center, lost in love. They were just like hundreds of other couples passing under the majestic boughs of the brilliantly lit Norway spruce, with one little difference. Once again Grace had performed a miracle, for Ashley this time. She was very distinguished with her straight nose and rakish mustache. With lifts in her Gucci loafers, a man's brown wig, and padded shoulders on her Armani suit, Ashley Vaughn was tall, dark and handsome. Her crisp white shirt and Hermes tie peeked above the lapels of her black cashmere topcoat. A $100 tip to the head of the costume department had worked wonders. As for Sandy, he was radiant in the same little black dress he had worn during his love scene with Randy Romaine. His white fox jacket drew angry stares from animal rights activists, but that was their problem. His only problem was the cold wind blowing through the concrete canyons of midtown Manhattan. When Sandy surfed the waters of Alaska, he was never near this cold. His legs were purple under his sheer black stockings as the wind whipped his dress around his knees. No matter. Just one of the many joys of being a woman, he said to himself as he tottered along beside Ashley in his high heels. They window shopped in front of Saks Fifth Avenue, like all the other tourists, before they started walking through the busy sidewalks towards a French restaurant in the theater district. They had to hurry to make sure they would be finished with dinner in time for their Broadway show. When they entered the exclusive restaurant, Ashley took Sandy's coat and handed it to the check girl. A murmur swept through the elegant clientele as they were shown to their booth. "That's Ashley Vaughn. You know, the TV star." Ashley beamed while Sandy stopped to sign an autograph for a nervous high school girl at a nearby table. Ashley ordered for both of them, Martinis to start, and then a bottle of expensive Champagne to accompany their five course dinners. Sandy just kicked back and went with the flow, reveling in the sensations of being a pretty girl out on the town. Flickering candles danced in their eyes as they shared their fantastic secret. When Ashley reached under the table and put her hand on Sandy's knee, he slid it all the way up his silky thigh, a hint of things to come that night. * * * They slept past noon at their suite at the Waldorf Towers, utterly sated from the most spectacular night of their lives. Again and again, Sandy and Ashley had come together in shattering orgasms that took them both to places they had never been. It was Sandy's turn to put on the nose and mustache that morning. They had one more free day before shooting began on the tidal wave episode, and Sandy told Ashley he wanted to take her Christmas shopping. She was content to let him be the guy today, and it excited her to see him as a handsome man for the first time. Someday, maybe... After a room service breakfast, Sandy and Ashley walked along Fifth Avenue, holding hands as they made their way through the bustling crowds in the brisk December air. Sandy wore a turtleneck under Ashley's Armani suit, while she had on a jacket, pants and high leather boots. With her sunglasses and beret, she was unrecognizable as a Hollywood star, and she was enjoying her anonymity and wondering what to get him for Christmas when he pushed her through the brass doors of Tiffany's. "What are we doing here?" Sandy led her over to the cases full of engagement rings. "What do you thin?" he said. She was trembling as he pointed out a two carat diamond in a Tiffany setting and asked a salesman to get it out for them. He slipped it on her finger. It fit perfectly. Sandy dropped to his knee and reached up for her hand. "Ashley Vaughn, will you marry me?" The customers and sales personnel burst into spontaneous applause as she dragged him to his feet and hugged him, crying, "Yes! Yes!" He kissed her passionately, as if they were the only two people in the world. "Merry Christmas," he said gently. "Oh Sandy, I haven't gotten you anything yet," she cried. He wiped a tear from her eye. "All I want is more batteries for your vibrator." The salesman raised an eyebrow. "Shall I wrap it up for you, or would you like to wear it?" he asked discreetly. "I'll wear it. But first, let me try something." She slipped the ring off her finger, and tried sliding it onto the ring finger of Sandy's left hand. With an effort, she got it over the knuckle. "You never know," she said as she pulled it back off. "I might feel like wearing the pants again some day." The salesman didn't bat an eye as she slipped the diamond back on her finger. That's what he loved about New York. Just when you though you had seen everything... * * * Back at the Waldorf, Ashley and Sandy lounged on the sofa in the parlor of their suite. After sharing a room service dinner and a hot bath, they wore nothing but the Towers' signature terrycloth bathrobes. Ashley's head was on Sandy's lap as they read through tomorrow's script together: 1. Int. Day. Oscar's at the Waldorf. Marketing executive CORAL REEF, dressed in a severe black suit, is sitting in a booth, studying The New York Times. A headline on the first page reads "UNUSUAL SEISMIC ACTIVITY OFF COAST OF NEWFOUNDLAND". Her identical twin sister PEPPER REEF, dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt, joins her. CORAL (pouring skim milk into her muesli) You're late. PEPPER What a hassle! How can you live here? CORAL What's the matter? Couldn't find a place to park your skateboard? "God, this is so lame!" Ashley sighed as she turned the page. "At least we get to go back to California for the water scenes." For the hundredth time, Ashley held up her hand and admired her ring. "I'm gonna hate having to take this off tomorrow." "Won't be for long" "What do you mean?" "Wet Girls as about to jump the shark." "Huh?" "Remember that scene on Happy Days when The Fonz jumped over a shark on water skis? The show never recovered. Same thing's gonna happen after this episode." * * * Lieutenant Goering and his teenage daughter sat on the edge of their chairs in front of the television in their family room. Pepper and Coral were riding tandem on a longboard through Central Park, dodging the tops of trees as they dropped down the face of a fifty foot wave. "Yes!" his daughter shouted as they shot out of the tube and rode the tsunami towards New Jersey, their skimpy dresses clinging to their wet bodies. "How did they do that?" the lieutenant asked. "Special effects, Daddy. They really aren't surfing in New York." "I know that. But there are two of them. They must really be identical twins," he said as the incredible possibility slowly registered. "Oh Daddy," she sighed. "They just morphed Ashley Vaughn's face onto some other girl's body." "They can do that?" "Sure. Remember the end of Jurassic Park, when the raptor almost ate the little girl? That was a gymnast, and they morphed the girl's face right onto her." "Oh." After she left to do her homework, the lieutenant pondered in silence for some time. Could it possibly be? Could one of them have committed the perfect murder, while the other one provided the perfect alibi? Nah, he said to himself as he switched on the Lakers game. That sort of thing only happens in TV land. To be continued? Let the readers decide... By the author of The Jessica Project,

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Clan of the Bigfoot

Most people do not think Bigfoot exists but I am living proof that they do but I will get to that later in the story. First off let me introduce myself. I am Camellia McIntyre but my friends call me Cami. I am twenty-five years old and been married to Professor Morgan McIntyre who teaches Archaeology at the University of New Mexico. He has taken a sabbatical over the summer to partake in an archaeology dig in Peru, South America for three months and I decided to go with him. We had just been...

Monster Sex
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Double Mistaken Identity

Jack was determined to fuck Donna, the mother of his daughter's boyfriend. He just got mixed up a bit. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating here and now, as the author of this story, that every single character is at least 16 years old. Any reference to an age...

2 years ago
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Double Take Part 1 Blue Water Black Dress

Double Take © 2003 by Nom de Plume Episode One: Blue Water, Black Dress Sandy Lane glanced at his Rip Curl watch as he paddled back towards the lineup. Less then twenty seconds remaining in his heat. Sandy had one good wave under his belt, but unless he nailed another one, there was no way he was going to make it into the finals. He glanced over his right shoulder, and at first he couldn't believe what he saw. The surf had been small all morning, but looming behind him was...

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I Dominus New York City Gil takes a bite out of the Big Apple

I grinned, as Amanda pouted and exhaled long and slow. "The roses are beautiful, Gil. Thank you," Amanda halfheartedly thanked me. Amanda is forty years old. She had quit her job, three years ago, as a senior partner in a prestigious law firm, to pursue a career as an artist. We met by chance at the Art Gallery of Ontario, last year. Her work was part of the, Women In Art, exhibit. The attraction to each other was immediate. She stayed with me for three days. Three, very dirty, filthy days....

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Green Apples

The market was full with them, despite the differences in our color, shape and size; they all share in one thing, our scent, apples. It takes me back to those old days in a feedback mission. It tries to whisk off some old memory engraved deep, here in my mind. I never forget those wonderful days. I only got 19 years then. That afternoon, was one of the muggiest days of that summer. We were on our way back from a short trip. The Land rover was darting fast along the unpaved road among the...

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stakers tales part1 well bent for trevor

Introduction: biker diary introduction – i am English, 33 years old, built like a brick shit house ( about 6ft 4in, about 265 lbs ), a gentle giant sometimes, an aggressive, in your face bastard othertimes, always try and see a situation in a humerous way, long, light brown hair, goatee, lovely blue eyes, tattoos, tongue piercing. always wear my leather biker jacket ( with tassels – big Ozzy fan ), leather trousers and boots. had the nickname staker since high school – when my P.E. teacher told...

1 year ago
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How Easily Cryptozoology Turns Into Cryptosexology Zendayas First Meeting With Bigfoot

Well. She had almost everything. Zendaya was horribly bored. The whole state has been locked up for months, and there were only so many times you could stream Tiger King, or watch Avatar the Last Airbender on Netflix. She found herself being driven mad, pacing around her estate. She had more room there than most people could imagine, but it still felt like a prison to her, the walls of the gated yard closing in on her. So that’s how the young world-famous celebrity found herself jumping...

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Summary: John Vega is hot on the trail of a valuable stolen doll but now neither the good guys or bad guys have it. Who will get to it first? Main Cast: J.J. Caprodore (main character)... Gail Apples (the girlfriend) Thomas Potts (badguy #1) Jeff Masters (badguy #2) John Vega (private investigator) Sergio Ropelli (the collector) Jelico (the hairdresser) Heather Greddings (badguy/girl #3) Captain Holland (badguy #4) Rated X (deepthroat type stuff) Warning: If you're not an...

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Abigails Choice

January 2018A bolt of lightning illuminated the night sky. Thunder clapped, startling Abigail in the backseat of the Uber.  She was already on edge, nervous about dinner with her husband, Thomas. It wasn’t bad nervous, but she had butterflies in her stomach. She had a good idea about what they’d talk about, and was uncertain what choice she’d make.Abigail, a petite woman with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes, was wearing a black dress, with black heels, stockings, garter, bra, and thong, as well...

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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

2 years ago
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Abigail part 1

Abigail was gorgeous. Everything I ever looked for in a woman. She was a young college student, around 19-20 years old. She had long tan legs, the absolute perfect figure, long, curly blonde hair and the prettiest baby blue eyes. Only problem Abigail had was that she was married, as was I too. Abigail and John lived next door to us. John was your typical douchebag husband, my wife would notice the different girls he would sneak in and out of their house and Abigail Finally had enough. I...

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Tasting the Apple

This story takes place at the end of chapter 14 of One Big Horny Weasley Family. For those who are familiar with the story from other locations- I have been considering writing this chapter for years, but hadn’t because I hadn’t decided if it was appropriate for the sites where it was being hosted previously. I finally decided to actually write it because it becomes relevant in another story I’m planning. Tasting the Apple Ginny’s breathing slowly returned to normal as she removed her...

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Eve Tastes a Second Apple

Eve Tastes A Second AppleHis nectar, his milk, the seed of Caesar, was inside her and wainscoted the altar of her cervix. The goddess of Eve’s biology was well pleased and rewarded her behavior with endorphins. A blissful feeling enveloped Eve; she felt complete.Caesar’s stiffness softened; his eruption and aftershocks had subsided. As he withdrew, a residue of magma dripped thickly onto the bedsheet. He rolled onto his back and Eve nestled into his arm and sighed. She had given herself to...

Wife Lovers
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A Falling Apple

A FALLING APPLE By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT HER DOCTOR'S OFFICE "I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. You need a tight genetic...

4 years ago
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Do swingers unintentionally send vibes More ques

Every year for the past dozen or so we go to the home of one of my hubbies business colleagues. Normal crew is about 25 people with a lot of teen and p*****n k**s running around. This year it was larger, new people and they ran short on supplies.At halftime I volunteered a quick run back to our place as we could suppliment some of the fast going food. I was accompanied by two married guys I had just met for the first time. Two respectable father types with the baggage of k**s and out of...

3 years ago
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Moral Ambiguity The Costume Party Part 3

Moral Ambiguity The Costume party continued Part 1 Sandy called me the next day, I was right it was about seeing my pictures. I told her I would be tied up until next Tuesday. She said fine and I said I would be out to see her around 11 am. I showed up at Sandy's studio at 11:00 am. "Hi Sandy," I said as she let me in. "Hi Tim," she said, "I haven't seen you as a boy, I see why you make such a beautiful girl." I smiled. I followed her and then sat down at a table. ...

4 years ago
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Patriotic DutyPart 3 Undercover With Biggie Little

"The mailman left a package for you at the door today, Chrissy," said Todd, coming home from work. "I didn't order anything ... Oh wait, I am expecting a new outfit." "Anything special?" asked her husband, seeming completely disinterested, but making conversation. "Yes dear, it's my hooker outfit," she pictured herself saying. "Nothing special at all. Just a sweater." "That's nice," he mumbled. "What's for dinner?" "I have a roast in the oven." "Sounds good." Todd...

3 years ago
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Double Take Part 2 Summer Girl Fall Guy

Double Take By Nom de Plume © 2003 Episode Two: Summer Girl, Fall Guy With his final paycheck from the first season of Wet Girls, Sandy Lane finally had enough money to make the down payment on an oceanfront condo. It had only one bedroom, but it was right on the Esplanade in Redondo Beach, with a sweeping white water view. Best of all, he could jump out of bed and be in the surf in a matter of seconds. With most of the summer free before they resumed shooting for...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Abigails End

Abigail's End In the Presidential Palace, there is a dining room where only the most trustedand honoured of the dictator's guests are ever entertained. Here are the mostdecadent and opulent symbols of his power. Perhaps the most decadent and opulentsymbol of all is the white statue holding a finger-basin by the entrance. On the wall behind the statue, in an arc over its head, the inscription reads, "Tothe twin virtues of humility and obedience." It is a naked woman, and her namewas once...

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Ed BiggersChapter 1

Infant, toddler, child, adolescent, adult, and geriatric reflect the changes in the physical body over the course of a full lifetime. More important than changes in the body, are the different roles a person plays in the theater of life. A small sample of roles a person can hold include friend, employee, boss, lover, spouse, leader, follower, parent, grandparent, consumer, producer, and provider. A life isn’t being lived, unless a huge number of roles are being played. As the number of roles...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 5 Abigail

I called Gypsy to bring her up to speed on my ' nooner '. "Howdy, Ms. Thompson called me crying." The calm tone of Gypsy's voice stunned me. "Wwwhat the fffff ...?" I started before Gypsy interrupted me. "I told you, she's a tough cookie! "But Gypsy," I said. Gypsy continued, talking over me, "For a split second I thought your appointment with her had gone badly Howdy. But I was very relieved to learn her tears were happy tears." "She told me all about being your mom's friend, watching you grow...

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Double Take Part 4 Surfs Up Nose Down

Double Take © 2003 by Nom de Plume Episode Four: Surf's Up, Nose Down Ashley played with Sandy's long blonde hair as he slept uneasily beside her. Usually Sandy was dead to the world after they finished making love, but tonight he seemed to be plagued by new demons. As he tossed and turned in one of her old nightgowns, she knew that he had carried through somehow on his promise to eliminate the threat of Buster Cruz. But what had he done? Sandy had adamantly refused to tell...

1 year ago
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The Caretaker Part 1

Introduction: Meet Paul, a caretaker at an All girls school. He teams up with his teacher GF to discover teen pussy. Part One. I had worked at Stonecliffe School for 3 years as an assistant caretaker. My boss was an old guy who had worked there forever. He was nearing retirement and I was due to replace him soon and I was very happy about this. I had always enjoyed the job even though the pay was lousy, partly because there was never much to do. But mainly because Stonecliffe was a Private...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

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Ed BiggersChapter 9

Swimming in the pool was one of the few pleasures that Ed actually scheduled to make sure that he had the chance to pursue. Every Wednesday, he left the school early and wouldn’t allow Bill to schedule a meeting for him. He would enter the pool area and swim by himself, taking pleasure in the feel of the cool water flowing around his naked body. This was his moment of peace. He enjoyed the chance to be alone with his thoughts knowing that John, Kelly, and Beth were at work. The staff would...

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Ed BiggersChapter 19

The log cabin stood alone on the shore of a small lake. A dirt road, wide enough for a single vehicle, wound its way through the woods connecting the cabin to a highway almost three miles away. From the porch of the cabin, the surface of the calm lake reflected the trees surrounding it, making the lake look even smaller. In the morning and evening, the fish would break the surface eating insects that skimmed across the lake. Occasionally, a deer would come out to the lake’s edge to drink of...

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Ed BiggersChapter 9

Officer Mike Tougas sat in the restaurant of the hotel sipping a cup of coffee waiting for Ed to arrive from his suite upstairs. After the discussion on the phone, he had investigated the family of Beth Hayes. When he discovered the number of times that the family had been attacked in the past, many of his suspicions about them had been dispelled although he didn’t know the reasons behind the attacks. It was only after digging a little deeper that he learned that this family was the John...

1 year ago
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An Act of Goodwill Part 2

An Act of Goodwill Part 2 by Jessica Viblis Chapter 1: Resurgence It was the second day of my experiment, and I had to go shopping. I hid the clothes in the back of the closet and called over Sarah's sister Hannah to watch Rachel for the day. Hannah looked at me as I was leaving. "Did something happen, Zach? You seem to be less tense than usual." She clicked the childproof gate over the door. "Remember, we're still here for you." "I've got to pick up diapers, baby formula,...

2 years ago
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Five TonesChapter 3 Afterparty Party

I went home to my apartment, and sank into my couch and watched some of the local news. The regular newscasters were on a middle-aged man and an attractive blonde, probably in her early thirties. The female newscaster spoke first, “Our top story tonight, an unusual pirated ad appeared on the Super Bowl, during the halftime show.” They cut away to the commercial, and repeated the message. The woman anchor evidently hadn’t seen it before, because she was staring at the camera with a blank...

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