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Summary: John Vega is hot on the trail of a valuable stolen doll but now neither the good guys or bad guys have it. Who will get to it first? Main Cast: J.J. Caprodore (main character)... Gail Apples (the girlfriend) Thomas Potts (badguy #1) Jeff Masters (badguy #2) John Vega (private investigator) Sergio Ropelli (the collector) Jelico (the hairdresser) Heather Greddings (badguy/girl #3) Captain Holland (badguy #4) Rated X (deepthroat type stuff) Warning: If you're not an adult, don't read this stuff! Go away and come back when you're old enough! Apples by Flower Chapter One: The Magic Doll "I know what you want, and you can't have it," Gail vehemently said pointing the gun with her right hand, while clutching the small black metal idol with the other. "We only wish to use it," Jeff said reaching out pleadingly. "On ourselves," Tom added. She argued, "It was never meant for men like you to possess." "We don't want to take it from you," Tom promised, crossing his heart. "I swear. We only want to use it just once." "You should never have found out about it," Gail said with anger and regret in her trembling voice. "This should never have happened. It's mine. I found it first, and I'm not prepared to share it with anyone. Not even you." A shot was fired. Gail collapsed to the ground. I stepped out of the shadows. My gun still smoking. Jeff and Tom turned and ran. The smartest thing they'd done all day, as far as I was concerned. I walked up to her and stepped on her right wrist, applying pressure until she released the gun from her grip. She lay there on her back and looked up at me groggily. The wound was not fatal, but it would be many hours before the effects of the tranquilizer dart would wear off. Dart pistols have a dreadfully short range but if used properly they're quite effective and easy to conceal. "John Vega?" she managed. Her eyelids were drooping lower and lower now. She would soon fall into a nice deep sleep. I said, "Surprised to see me, my dear? You're not nearly as much trouble as a woman as you were as a man, J.J." "You can't... have... it." "Playing with dolls, J.J.? Tisk, tisk, tisk. At your age. I'm surprised." With handkerchief in hand I reached down and picked up the idol and placed it in my knapsack. I placed the handkerchief back in my coat pocket. She futilely reached up a bit with her free hand but then it fell back to the ground limply at her side. Her eyes closed now as she fell fast asleep. I reached down and brushed a few strands of her silky blonde hair back from her eyes with the barrel of my gun and felt her cool forehead with the back of my hand. The lack of fever was a good sign. It meant that the transformation after effects were not as severe as I had originally speculated. I had seen J.J. just last night at the Flamingo Nightclub. I had been spying on him for quite some time now, eager to get my hands on the Cee'Chire doll. His mistake was in coming down to the docks here to try and make his escape. The last ship off this island is due to leave port within the hour. J.J. thought he could get past me by using the doll to change into a woman but I'd realized last night that Gail and J.J. were one and the same person when I saw him enter Gail's hotel room, and saw Gail leave alone a few hours later. I had to break in and search the room for myself to confirm my suspicions but once I found out I knew I had him. My employer Sergio Ropelli promised to pay me good money to recover his stolen property back for him, and it looked like his trust in my services paid off. Poor J.J. He and I were actually good friends back in the old days during the cold war. We shared the same post together pulling guard duty in Berlin for that silly wall they tore down. Now look at him. He's a woman. Well at least he got what he wanted. The old fool. I told him time and time again he should come to me with his girl troubles. I could have fixed him up a date no problem, but the poor fellow obsessed too much in his loneliness and it drove him to this. I gently nudged the woman's head with my foot. She was out cold all right. I smirked at Juju's poor choice in women's clothing. She wore a green wool sweater over an aquamarine knee high dress. It was way out of style. It looked like something maybe from his grandmother's closet from when she was a young woman back in the 30's or 40's. It even had an old fashioned silver broach pinned to the collar. I glanced at the metal doll in my knapsack and wondered if I should spare J.J. the trouble and change her back into a man again. Then I looked down at that sweet ivory toned face of hers and smiled, realizing that J.J. was probably better off this way. Besides which I was doing a favor for single men everywhere by keeping her like this to give them one more fish in the sea to choose from. She made a far more attractive woman than man, I thought. It would be a pity to undo that pretty face of hers and restore it to its former ugliness. Then I thought of something I would kill myself if I didn't do right now while I had the opportunity. I intended to kiss her, but then quickly decided on a compromise and set my gun back in the holster then wet my index finger and brought it down to meet her lips. I ran my finger along them and felt the thick, red lipstick smudge over my fingertip. I brought this up to my lips and kissed it, then licked the lipstick off my finger. While it wasn't exactly a kiss, it was close enough to satisfy my curiosity. She was, indeed, a woman. There was no mistaking that. The doll worked. I suppose I could have probed further and checked under her dress as well but I was satisfied quite enough for the time being and could find out personally if the doll really worked or not if I so chose to do so. I glanced down at her shapely black stockinged legs, and her high heeled shoes. I wondered how hard it had been for J.J. to learn to walk in shoes like that. I reached into my coat pocket and produced a silk handkerchief which I used as a glove to protect against leaving any fingerprints as I searched through her purse for any other valuable artifacts she might be carrying. She carried with her only practical things. A tube of lipstick, a compact case, a hairbrush, a drivers license (obviously faked), and a small roll of bills and loose change. She also carried with her a cell phone, which I dutifully noted the phone number to for personal reference. You never know when a number to a pretty girl might come in handy. Her chest rose and fell ever so slightly as she breathed in deep slumber on her back. I brought my face near to hers, the urge to kiss her now almost completely overwhelming my thoughts, but with deep inner strength I managed to compose myself and hold back. I glanced at her stocking encased legs and smiled. I realized how nice it must be for J.J. to become a girl like this and be able to reach down and feel those legs any time she wanted. Handkerchief still in hand I cupped my hand about her knee with it and smoothed a feel down along her shin. I brought the handkerchief up to my nose now and smelled in the sweet fragrance of her perfume that had lingered there upon the silken material. I stood up at last and looked the idol over once more, considering once more whether to change J.J. back into a man again. I made up my mind. "Sweet dreams, J.J.," I said looking down at her. "Some man out there will probably thank me for this some day. I'm sure you'll make him very happy. Goodbye J.J. Until we meet again." I replaced the handkerchief back in my coat pocket and walked out of the little alley. A small steamer sat there waiting for me across the way. I made my way there and quickly boarded her, hoping nobody knowing I possessed the doll would follow me, but it was a chance I had to take. The next ship out of here after this one won't even arrive in port for another two weeks. Graysbarrow Island was small and had far too rugged terrain over the majority of her surface to sport an air strip, so aside from the weekly seaplane that was owned and operated by the local postal service (and took absolutely no passengers on unless it was strictly a medical emergency), the only way on or off the place was by boat. "Your ticket please," an attendant said as I boarded. Thankfully I had purchased passage last night when I realized what J.J. was up to. "Thank you Mr. Vega. Your quarters are up on three-deck. Room three twenty-four. Just follow those stairs up and to your left. Have a pleasant stay." I pat my knapsack thoughtfully, grateful to have money coming my way soon. Mr. Ropelli will be happy to see this little artifact restored to its rightful place in his collection once more. "Pleasant stay?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at that then nodding. "Yes, yes. I'm sure I will. Thank you." I found my room. It was first class accommodations all the way, though big in size, I had seen better. Still it was quite adequate for my short trip back to the mainland. There was a small couch situated in the entryway beside my own little private bar. Beyond that was a cozy living room with three more couches, a dining table and chairs, and some coffee tables and bookshelves. To the left was the master bedroom and bath. Straight ahead was the balcony where I now headed to bid the island residents farewell. The night air was unseasonably cool, though normally warm and tropical this time of year. The sky was clear, the stars crisp and the moon full. I glanced up Main Street at the little bars and nightclubs there and watched couples walking hand in hand up and down the sidewalks. There were many single girls walking about, usually in groups of three or more. The island was known to attract the ladies, and statistically there were always more women here than men. It was no wonder then that J.J. had picked this place to hide out for awhile. I wondered how many women out there roaming the town might really have been men before, and had somehow gotten a hold of the magic doll to use it on themselves. I wondered also how many men out there on the streets might actually have started out as women. The doll worked both ways, or so I heard. It wasn't likely, though, that J.J. would have shared his treasure with others. He was always a bit selfish when it came to how he viewed his personal possessions. When he and I were in the Army together it wasn't unusual for him to lord over the small AM/FM radio in the guardhouse. No. The only one changed on this island, I realized, was J.J., though he had almost managed to lose it to Jeff Masters, and Thomas Potts. Two others I had trailed for quite some time now. They were J.J.'s accomplices in masterminding the robbery and obtaining the magic doll. Unfortunately for them, they didn't realize J.J. would want to keep it all for himself. Though selfish in nature, J.J. did have a way of using people to get what he wanted sometimes. There was no real crowd gathered at the docks to wave goodbye to. Things of that tradition were reserved for other times and places. This was just a simple little night voyage. A typical journey across the Gulf of Mexico. A standard shuttle run, really. All the same I waved a little at the town and its residents as I smiled and pat the side of the knapsack I held in my hand. "Don't worry, J.J. I'm sure even now some young man is readily assisting you on your own separate journey," I said. "Pleasant dreams, and a fond farewell to you." I turned and went back into my room and emptied the knapsack out onto the bed. The doll was sometimes mistaken for an idol, but either term would be appropriate. It was made of black iron and was once coated with a thin layer of copper and gold which had by now was mostly faded and chipped away. The coal black eyes were really dark green emeralds hiding under a layer of dirt and oil (the doll was often cared for in later years by keeping it well oiled). It was neither he nor she, but resembled something in between, and sat there cross legged and looked almost like a Buddha. It was in fact a doorway between the realms of male and female. That's what Sergio Ropelli told me anyway. He claimed it worked by either real sorcery, or was possibly of a technology not of this Earth. He warned me to never touch it with bare hands for fear of accidentally setting off the magic. Other than that he would not say, and as I had no intentions of finding out for myself I was careful now to heed my employer's warning. I picked up the telephone and called him and told him the good news. "You really have it?" he asked overjoyed. "Yes. It's with me now on the ship. We should be in Miami by tomorrow morning." "Good. Good. Did anyone follow you?" "No." "Are you absolutely sure?" "I'm pretty certain." "You don't sound so convinced. I don't like that Mr. Vega. You must take steps to ensure the doll is well protected. I urge you to hide it somewhere safe at once. We can have no mishaps. Is that understood?" "Yes sir." "Remember what I told you. Under any circumstances you must not use the doll on yourself, for once you do the urge to use it again and again becomes an irresistible craving." "I understand completely, Mr. Ropelli. You can count on me, sir." "Do you like women, Mr. Vega?" "Yes sir. Very much." "Just remember this then. Once a man uses the Cee'Chire doll even once and changes back he no longer is bound by his original desires and may find a stronger desire to seek the companionship of men. The doorway between the sexes holds many dangers. If you use it, a change in your sexual preference will be the least of your worries, Mr. Vega. The doll is known to sometimes randomly destroy those that use it. Keep that in mind." "Yes sir. I understand." "Do you? Do you really? We shall see once you have delivered it to me safely. Until then, goodbye." He hung up. I looked upon the lifeless idol with newfound respect, though a part of me doubted that everything Mr. Ropelli said could possibly be true. Maybe he was just trying to scare me. I heard it said more than once that power could change a man, and I'm sure that Mr. Ropelli was only really trying to keep me from tasting that power for myself in order to protect the safe return of his property. The doll lay there on its back on the bed and grinned up at me with that infinite smile it bore. I heard the ship toot its horns now as we prepared to depart on our voyage. I wondered if the doll really worked. If not, then what if this were a fake? What if the real doll was still back there on that island? If I brought back a cheap replica to my employer he would be so furious he might even have me shot. If I didn't try and find out if this doll was the real one though, I'd be more than a little foolish in going all the way back to Miami on this ship. That was it then. I'd have to try using the doll. I picked it up with both hands and examined it for any pushbuttons or anything that might trigger its magic. I jostled it around and even poked it in the eyes but nothing happened. I pulled out a photo of it that my employer had given me to aid me in my search. It looked like the right one, but I wasn't completely convinced. I chanced a phone call back to Mr. Ropelli. "Sir?" I said. "Something the matter, Mr. Vega? You still have the doll, I hope." He sounded angry and annoyed. "Yes, I have it here with me, but what I was wondering, sir, is how I might find out if it was the genuine article and not a decoy." "Describe it to me." I did. He said, "It sounds like the right one all right." He paused and sighed and added, "Tell me how much it seems to weigh." "Several pounds, I'd say." He was silent for a few long moments. Apparently I'd given him an incorrect answer. "Mr. Vega, I don't know what it is you have there, but the Cee'Chire weighs only a few ounces and is roughly the size of a small softball." The one I held in my hands was more like the size of a basketball. "I got the wrong one, didn't I?" I asked. "Yes, Mr. Vega, you did, and for your sake I urge you to go back out there on that island," he said, his tone gradually getting more and more angry with each word. "And bring me back the right one!" He hung up. I rushed to the balcony and saw we were just pulling away from the docks. There was nothing else I could do, so I jumped and fell forty feet down, landing painfully on my side in the water. Thankfully nothing was broken. The water had just smacked me a bit, that's all, but that was the least of my troubles compared with what Mr. Ropelli would do to me if I didn't get his doll back. I swam toward the docks and a couple men tossed a rope down to me and hauled me up to safety. "Saw you jump off," one of them said. "Wasn't a very smart thing to do you know. The next ship won't be here for two more weeks." I thanked them for their help and made my way back across to the alley where I'd left J.J. sleeping. The girl was gone, though, just as I thought. Probably some young man had wandered by and saw her passed out and had taken her back into town to either help her or help himself. I was sure once she'd waken up she would realize that I might have discovered her deception and be coming back for her. She would probably not openly volunteer herself to being caught again by walking out in public for awhile. I walked back to the dock workers who had helped pull me out of the sea. "Did you notice a young blonde woman wearing a green sweater and greenish dress walking around here earlier?" I asked. "Oh yeah, that one," one of the men said. "Saw a couple men lugging her away about twenty minutes ago. They said she was their sister who'd had a little too much to drink tonight and had passed out in the alley right there." "I didn't believe it myself," the other said. "Called the sheriff but when he got here they were already gone. Why? You her boyfriend?" "Something like that, yes," I replied. "Do you know which way they went?" "Straight up Main Street I guess," one of the men said. "Though who knows where she might be by now." I figured that Tom and Jeff had come back for her after realizing I had left. Maybe the three were still working together and had been in on the gag all the time. That meant that even though I saw J.J. come out as Gail last night at the hotel that they had actually wanted me to see that, and led me to the alley to finish the act and get me on that boat and out of their sight. They must have been aware I was getting close to their trail or they wouldn't have done something so elaborate. J.J. knew me for years, and knew I packed a tranq-gun so it was an easy gamble that I'd fall sucker for their game. As I walked up the sidewalk along Main Street with my clothes dripping wet, and with anger and determination quite visible on my face, I gathered the looks of various people along the way. Men looked at me and chuckled a bit, but not so much as to push their own luck. Women glanced up at me and didn't quite know what to think but some of them covered their mouths and giggled a little, while others just stared with wide mascara-lined eyes. I found J.J.'s hotel and walked into the lobby. The hotel workers stopped me, though, and made me sit beside a fire and gave me blankets and towels to help dry off. I glanced at my watch. It was now about three hours since J.J. had been put to sleep by that tranquilizer dart. That meant by now she was probably just waking up. I was now dry enough to be permitted to leave the hotel lobby and walk upstairs to check on J.J. I headed for the elevators and went right up to the third floor and knocked on J.J.'s door. I was not at all surprised when nobody answered. I picked the lock and broke in. The place was empty. No clothes, no luggage, no anything or anybody. I went downstairs to the main desk and inquired about her. "We don't give out information about our guests, sir. I'm sorry," the clerk said. "Could I leave a message for her then?" I asked. "It's for Gail, in room three-O-five." "I'm afraid, sir, that will be quite impossible." "Why?" "She has checked out of this hotel earlier today." "Do you know where she was going?" "No sir. Will that be all?" "Yes. For now. Thanks." I headed to the fitness center and asked a weight trainer about the girl. "Gail?" the woman asked. "Yeah, I saw her in here earlier today. About five hours ago I think. Say, if you see her tell her she's got to pay her tab at the bar already." "The hotel bar?" "No, the one across the street. Jack's Place. They're looking for her." Chapter Two: Taking Out The Trash I woke up on the back seat of a car. My head ached and it took awhile to get back my bearings. Jeff drove while Tom sat shotgun. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and slowly sat up and looked out the side window. Though it was dark out I could tell by the familiar road that we were on the other side of the island now near Shadows Cove. My left arm ached a little where the dart had gotten me, but now the dart was gone and replaced instead with a small bandage. I hefted up my breasts, making sure they were securely within the bra, then briefly wedged my hands between my legs to check that my panties were still snugly put. Actions more for the sake and safety of reassuring my mind that things were fit and proper than for serving any practical purpose. Mainly I was concerned that someone might have raped me while I was unconscious. I didn't put it past my two companions either. They would do it, too, if they didn't think I'd kill them in return. "Awake, my love?" Tom asked turning around and winking and leering at me. "Enough of that already," I said smoothing out the wrinkles in my dress as we rode along. "I told you before this was only temporary, so don't you get any crude ideas." "Tom and I thought it O-ver," Jeff said accentuating the syllables in the word 'over'. "We aren't letting you change back, luv. Are we Tom?" Tom laughed like a wicked, sex starved maniac who'd just cornered a cat, and the cat was me. "You're mad," I said. "You won't tell us where you've hid the idol, so maybe we won't tell you when we'll let you change back," Tom said grinning and nodding his head up and down like a dog waiting for a treat. "J.J.'s a pretty girl now, eh, Tom, eh?" "All for one and one for all, J.J. Remember?" Jeff asked. "That WAS the agreement we had, if I'm not jogging your memory too hard, right?" "I didn't hide it from YOU, I hid it from HIM - from John Vega," I said in defense. "We had an agreement, J.J." Jeff reminded me. "Nobody ever told you could hide the idol like that. We had never discussed it before. You were out of line to do it." "I couldn't very well keep it wrapped about my neck either, now could I?" "No, I suppose not, but the plan was-" "The plan was we trick Mr. Vega to get off this island," I said. "THAT was just what we did." "You broke the rules," Jeff said. "Now why don't you tell us where the idol is so we can all sell it and split the difference together?" I didn't respond to that. Jeff said, "See? Now if you were just hiding it temporarily you'd tell us, right? So tell us." "Yeah, you bitch, give us back the idol!" Tom said reaching back and slapping me across the face. The slap stung and even if I hadn't been a woman I suppose it would have brought a few tears to my eyes, but not nearly so many as now came pouring as I trembled and wept. After awhile I asked, "What are you going to do? Rape me?" "No," Jeff said, much to Tom's dismay. "That's too good for you. I've got something better planned that will teach you a lesson you won't ever forget. If you make it through this, you'll BEG to tell us where you hid the idol." The car continued on for a bit and pulled up a long gravel drive and stopped. They got out and opened my door and forced me out of the car. They walked me up a small row of steps and to the front door of a green painted one story house. They rang the bell and a tall, muscular blonde woman answered. "Yeah?" she asked and looked at the two men who accompanied me. Then she frowned and looked me up and down. Her eyes finally focused on my breasts. "Oh. It's you two. What do you want?" Jeff grabbed my purse away from me now and hid it behind his back and said, "She's a runaway without any identification. We thought she might belong to you." The woman looked me over again and smiled. "She could be," she said scratching her head. "Though maybe I'm having trouble remembering..." Tom handed her a roll of bills. Her eyes lit up as she rifled through the money. "Oh yes! Her! I've been looking all over for this one." She grabbed me by the arm and brought me to stand beside her just inside the entryway. "One other thing," Jeff said. "She's stolen a valuable ornament from me. It would mean a lot if you could convince her to tell me where it is." Jeff handed her some more money. The woman's eyes lit up and she kissed the wad of money. "For you gentlemen, anything!" She turned to me and grabbed me by the ear as she shut the door. "Come now, you naughty little thing. Off to meet the others." *** The place was a sort of halfway house for girls, and though I was a grown woman I was still young enough in appearance to pass for a girl in her teens. I thought I was going to be ushered right away to some torture chamber but instead she brought me into a small dressing room and had me remove all my clothes and made me put on some white pajamas. "My name is Gretchen," she announced. "I'm the cook and act as sort of the night watchman here while Master Heather is away. You will have many chores to do tomorrow, so sleep well if you can." "I'm Gail," I said. She huffed. "So you think," she said leading me into a big dorm room where several other girls lay sleeping upon their little cots. "There's yours," the woman said in near whisper while pointing to a vacant cot beside the window on the far end of the room. "If you have to use the bathroom, it's through that door there. Now get to bed." The window overlooked the bay from atop some cliffs. There would be no escape for me through that route. I waited until Gretchen left, then went back to check on the door that led back to the outside. It was locked. I didn't dare go down the other passages for fear of running into Gretchen again, so I went back to the dorm room and climbed in bed. I'd known of this place before. Tom's main profession, I suspected, was kidnap and rape. This was where we'd taken a few so-called girlfriends of his in the past and never saw them again. The owner was a man by the name of Greddings, and run by his mistress Heather. They put runaway girls to work here, cleaning up the litter on the beaches and making them do maid service cleaning up cheap motels along the back roads of the island. They were also paid visits by travelers from around the world - Wealthy men anxious to purchase a bride. That's what this place was. I knew it, and if I didn't find a means of escape I was doomed for sure. The magic idol was hidden in a safe place all right, but I wasn't going to tell anyone where it was, even to purchase back my freedom. Tom and Jeff got a small taste of how I felt about them having the idol but the little act we put on to get rid of Mr. Vega was no act for me. I behaved as I would have had the fake been real. The plan to obtain the idol was well orchestrated, I thought. The idea of becoming a woman had lingered in my mind for many years now, and once I learned that there was an easy way to achieve my dream I knew I had to have that idol. It was a curiosity, you know. I had to find out if being female was in any way better than being male. It wasn't a need for me back then, just a want and desire spurned on by curiosity. There was no real "need" for me to become a woman. I was comfortable in my way of life. I had a house, a job, even a steady girlfriend. I was a man ready to make many sacrifices in life to sample various forms of pleasure. Drugs, though they could have ensnared me, brought me only temporary delight. I was after something more. Something better. Sergio Ropelli had warned me about what the idol could do to me. He said that no matter how much I loved women, if I used the idol I was likely to wind up with drastically changed perceptions and, he said, it was not at all unusual that I might wind up permanently thereafter attracted to men. I scoffed at his warnings. After all, who was he to dictate how I should feel if I were to merely sample a few moments as a woman? "Is that all?" I asked him laughingly. "Is that all? That does not frighten me. I am a man of strong will and determination. My spirit cannot be broken by your made up threats. I will always love women no matter what you might claim this idol will do to me. If anything, I will love them more!" He called it "the turning" but I wasn't the least bit concerned with his warnings. He was only saying those things so I might not steal the idol from him. I didn't believe in its curse. He said it randomly destroys those who use it. Not literally through death necessarily but it ruins their lives. Was the curse hard at work even now on me? Was that why I was brought here? Because of the curse? I didn't know. The first time I used the idol was three weeks ago on the other side of the island. I was alone in the jungle near a nude beach at the time. It was late in the morning. The weather was comfortably warm. I picked the nude beach for a variety of reasons. I had no idea what sort of woman's body that would replace my own, and therefore no clue about what choice of clothes to buy in advance. I also wished to test right away the theory Mr. Ropelli warned me about concerning my change of desire. If I were really to be attracted to only men, and not women, what better place to test out that attraction than a nude beach? Certainly I would know right away! I removed all my clothing and prepared to use the idol (though Mr. Ropelli informed me it is actually not an idol at all but a toy, like a doll). It had three belts upon its waist. Each belt had mystic symbols inscribed upon its surface. This was more or less a combination lock. One had to know the combination to make it work. Fortunately in my profession I had enough practice cracking safes to know how to apply that knowledge in finding the correct combination here. It took me about ten minutes to figure out I had to line up three stars to get it to work. The thing clicked and the head became loose. It emitted a strange glow from a crack in the neck and blue-green fluid dribbled out. Despite all this I was not experiencing any changes at all. I thought that maybe I should lick the green fluid, so I did so, but nothing happened. "It opens the gateway between male and female existence," Ropelli had told me. "You will flow from one form to the other like a raging river carrying you away to calmer waters." I shook the idol up and down but this bore no effect upon me whatsoever. "It is a toy, J.J.," Ropelli had said before. "It is a doll. Use it like one, but respect its power." I kissed it and held it close to me now, like a little girl might do with a doll of her own. My skin became warmer all over now. Something was happening! I felt like I was on fire. Like I was going to burn up and crumble away, only it wasn't a painful kind of heat that filled my body, it was just a bit uncomfortable. Suddenly it stopped. I had not changed into a woman. I was still a man. "You will flow from one form to the other like a raging river..." I said. "Do you realize, J.J. that water is indeed the spice of life?" I remembered Ropelli say to me once. Then I realized that maybe it only worked if I was in the water! There was a small stream nearby in the jungle that emptied out through a pond before moving along towards the beach. I climbed into the pond and completely submerged myself and kissed and hugged the doll once more. Now my body began to change! With each passing moment the transformation felt more and more wondrous. I grew younger and younger. Within a matter of moments I no longer was a man of age forty-seven but someone much younger, thinner, and healthier as the water bubbled up all around me from the heat the transformation was generating. I emerged surrounded now by a steam blanketed pond. I was unmistakably female now all over. My skin was smooth and glistening wet. As I glanced downward I noticed my pair of breasts bobbing a bit in the water. Had I retained all of my male spirit intact I was sure I would be grasping at these new appendages and fondling them with sincere interest but as it was that I no longer had a penis wired up to my nervous system to sit up for me and show me it was excited, my interest in my own breasts was more out of curiosity than of expected sexual response. That's not to say I wasn't pleased to have them, for in those initial moments when I first laid eyes upon them I realized what most pretty girls must think about having breasts, and I did too. I was proud to have them! Just the same, I touched them anyway and took note of how my nipples pleasantly stiffened up double proud to have been called up for duty. As a man I was sure to have sported a rock hard woody by this point, but there was only a faint twingelike response from somewhere deep inside a slit between my legs. I was sorely disappointed in the lack of sexual response I was experiencing. It would take more than boobs to turn me on now, I was sure. I climbed up out of the pond and further examined myself. My body was entirely a girl's - well, a young woman's anyhow, but you know what I mean. Smooth, hairless skin all over. You know. That sort of thing. The steam had dissipated enough from the pond for me to now use it to see my own reflection. I was a blue eyed girl with long blonde hair that stretched down to about the middle of my back. I had a cute, smallish nose, thin eyebrows, beautiful thick eyelashes, and a small mouth with pretty pink lips. Now it was enough to say that anyone with a body like this would be more than pleasantly happy with such a gift of beauty as was bestowed upon me, but as I looked myself over I was not reveling in selfish thoughts of "me, me, me!" Instead I found my mind doing something quite different entirely. I had observed many times how a girl would look at herself in the mirror as she held up a dress to her body, to guess as to how it might look. The glances of happiness on a girl's face during times like that are unmistakable. Anyone can tell she likes what it is she sees there in the mirror. The thing is, I was seeing that same sort of picture, only it was me that was the girl looking herself happily over, yet there was a greater difference now that had taken me quite by surprise, but I had been warned. That much I'll admit right away. I had been warned. What it was that was going through my mind now as I stood there looking at my reflection in the pond changed reality for me forever. I was not ogling myself over, like so many boys might ogle over a pretty girl's body, for all this time I had been looking at girls from only a male perspective. I was actually listening in on subconscious thoughts that I suppose instinctively exist in most all of the fair sex. Thoughts without words exactly. Thoughts more complex than mere words are capable of clearly describing. All the same I fully understood what it was my mind was doing when I looked myself over and smiled. I was smiling not merely for my own sake, but because what I saw in that reflection was a body that I knew would most certainly please a man. That's what it was. I was happy to be pretty not for myself. Not for myself to feel up and drool over. I was happy to be pretty for others - for men! The rest of the thoughts formulated themselves around this basic unbeatable nature that took hold of me by a force I could not, nor would ever want to stand up against. I wanted to please boys! In the next few minutes as I stood there looking at my own reflection in that jungle pond I tried and tried to deny it, but could not. I wanted to break down and cry because what I wanted and expected in being female was not anything like this at all. I hoped to retain the full naughtiness of my old male mind so that I might fondle up this beautiful girl's body night and day and be happier than any man could possibly ever be. I wanted that, not this. Again I touched my breasts, and again they showed little interest in me. I tried to force myself to masturbate as a girl, but my vagina was sealed as that of a virgin, and fear of pain overtook me before I could get too far into the act. I was startlingly beautiful. Beautiful yes! But beautiful for the boys! It was like I instinctively knew what it was that would fulfill my female needs, and it wasn't going to be playing with myself either. This was perhaps the most ironic thing I had ever discovered, because as a man I had known that if I wanted fulfillment in sex that I could easily get it even alone - especially alone! Not so, the woman. For what drives men to sulk and skulk in closets and play with themselves also seems to drive women directly in the opposite direction to want to be out and about and with their man - the only one who can fulfill them. I may be wrong in this analysis because I can only compare this to my prior experiences as a man, but this is how I perceived it. I stood there beside the pond, looking myself over, and now finding myself saying things such as "the guys are going to love this pose" or "this will catch a man's attention I'll bet!" Things like that easily slipped from my mouth and though it surprised me at first, the more I said things like that the more fun I began to have in being a girl. Finally satisfied with my looks - not for myself as I said, but for how satisfying they would be for a man to behold - I now made my way through a small portion of jungle and out onto the nude beach. Men and women alike took notice of me, and I smiled back, proud to be of service, content to have brightened up their day and filled their hearts with a little joy. I was especially shocked at how strongly attracted my female body was towards the male sex. It wasn't hard to expect a girl would naturally find a fondness for men. However, since I had been a man myself before I had naturally assumed I'd be immune to being at all stimulated by thoughts of being with men. How wrong I was! My entire being now ached to be loved by a man, to be held and kissed and to fall into my lover's embrace. Girl's bodies were great to look at - that's right, especially for men to look at! I knew that fact, and as a pretty girl it made me all the happier. I felt like I'd become some little toy at the toyshop. A toy for boys. That's what I was. That's what I felt like. I was a toy for boys and I knew it. I would never deny it. I loved it. The experience was overwhelming. I could not stand much more of it for fear of being lost forever in a plaything's world. I ran back to the jungle and dived in the pond and kissed and hugged the little magic doll. I did not change back though. The magic did not work on me as it did before. I became frustrated and angry at what I had done to myself. I realized now that even if I changed back into my former male self I would never look at men or women the same way ever again. Additionally I realized I would indeed have a strong attraction towards men from now on, but would be depressed to be stuck in a male body and not be pretty for men any longer. I spent the next several long hours aggravating over my problems and trying in vain to make the magic doll work again. In despair I ran to my pile of discarded clothes and things and grabbed up my cellphone and called Mr. Ropelli. "Hello?" "Mr. Ropelli?" I asked. His voice softened now that he realized it was a woman. "Please," he said "Call me Sergio." "I'm sorry to bother you Mr. Ropelli-" "Oh it's no bother at all, my dear. What is it that makes you call me tonight I wonder? Are we lonely? I'm sure the two of us can mix up a cure for that if you'd like." "No, it's not that Mr. Ropelli-" "Ah! I get it. It's a surprise then, is it? Let me guess. You have an itch you want me to scratch, is that it?" "No, I-" "No, no! Let me guess! You want to skip the formalities and get right down to business. I see... I see." "Not that, I was-" "Thinking of me?" "No, you see. I'm not who you-" "Not what? Not wearing any clothes perhaps? Naughty-naughty girl!" "I'm not a girl, I'm J.J." The other end went deathly silent for a moment. I said, "Did you hear me, Mr. Ropelli? I said I'm not a girl, I'm J.J." "Not a girl?" he said at last. "Pardon me for saying so, J.J., but you do sound like one." "That's because I am." "I see. First you're not, and then you are. I really wish you'd make up your mind so I'll know whether or not to resume our original conversation, my dear." "I'm a girl now." "Well then, now we're getting somewhere," he said and I heard him clapping now. "I need your help, Mr. Ropelli." "That's what I assumed when I heard your voice." "No, not like that, sir. Definitely not like THAT!" "Oh? Do I detect a bit of revulsion in that statement?" "No, but-" "Then the facts are simple. For one you're definitely a woman in need, and my dear by now you must know that I am a man in need of a woman. Secondly you are the one who called ME up, and as this is an unlisted number and I don't usually give my phone number out to just anyone, I must therefore assume you are a woman who has accepted my offer." "I know what you're doing, Mr. Ropelli," I said. "You're making light of the situation. There's no need to keep up the charade any longer, sir. I told you before I am J.J." "And?" "And J.J. is not a woman - wasn't I mean. Wasn't a woman, and isn't supposed to be either." "How can you be so sure? Are you in any physical pain?" "No, but-" "Then are you unhappy with being a woman?" "No, but-" "Ah! Then you must be lonely, and that, my dear, brings us back to square one. You called me because you are lonely." "I-" "You must trust me on this, my dear woman. I know these things." "But I'm-" "Ah... Well, now, J.J. You've allowed sufficiently for my friends down at the police station to trace this call to Graysbarrow Island. I will tell you what. I will keep the police out of the rest of this providing you give me what it is that you have taken from me. Namely, the Cee'Chire doll." "Sure, anything, just tell me how to change back into a man again, would you please?" "My dear J.J., if I do you will only want to become a woman again." "How do you know that?" "The doll has changed not only your body, but your sexual preferences. I warned you it does that, but did you listen to me? Of course not. They never do." "How would you know? You're a man!" I frustratedly burst out. "Yes, J.J., but unlike you I started out as a woman," he revealed. "You were-?" "Yes, J.J. I was, and a happily married one too, but the magic doll changed all that because opening the floodgates to carry you to the other side drags the side you began at away and buries it under. You think you want to go back now, but you can't fool anyone anymore, not even yourself. You'll see. Men that use the doll wind up women, and women who use it wind up men, and no matter who you started out as before you almost always wind up permanently opposite inside." "Just the same, I'd like to find out for myself. Tell me how to change back into a man again." It was humiliating, horribly awkward, thoroughly disgusting, and almost downright impossible. A man could change into a woman by merely hugging and kissing the little doll while immersed underwater. A woman could likewise change into a man that way from the start. However, once changed an individual possesses knowledge from both the male and female points of view. Additionally the changes are known to radically alter one's own sexual preferences (take my case for example). Furthermore, whoever created the Cee'Chire doll knew that someone altered in such a way would most likely be happier in their new sex than their old, and therefore made it more difficult to change back. For going back to female if a natural born girl had changed to male, she was required to obtain a sufficient amount of mother's milk to soak the doll in. The doll would absorb this overnight and the individual was then able to change back by going underwater and hugging and kissing the doll the standard way. This would restore her to her original female sex. For going back to male if a natural born man had been changed into a woman, he was required to obtain not mother's milk, but sperm to soak the doll in, and proceed to let the doll absorb it overnight prior to using it to change back into a man again by the water/hug/kiss method. There was one other warning. A man changed into a woman was cautioned to avoid losing virgin status. The broken hymen was sometimes known to entrap one in female form, but not always. The sexual material was usually required intact to switch from female to male. It supposedly the same skin that formed the skin about a man's balls. Without it, one might not change into a man at all but each case was different. There was usually some chance of success with each usage of the magic doll. It was disgusting, and nearly impossible, but I had to try. I enlisted the services of the two men who had helped me steal the idol. Tom and Jeff. "I need your cum," I told them, to which they both laughed. "Why should we help you?" Tom asked. "Without first your helping us?" Reluctantly I agreed to let them each have their way with me, providing they didn't penetrate my vagina. Tom was the more vile of the two and insisted that for every one time he put sperm in the cup for me, that the next one I'd have to collect in my mouth. It was disgusting, and some of it I swallowed by accident and nearly threw up, but finally I had collected enough to let the little idol soak in overnight. By this time, however, I had so enjoyed having my body fondled and caressed by men that I was lost at what to do. In a moment of sexual arousal at holding a cupful of sperm, I did what any pretty girl might do under the same circumstances. I drank it all! Afterward in a moment of regret I realized too late at what I had done and became frustrated that my mind under the influence of sexual thoughts would betray me this way. How dare it! So I began again to collect sperm up in the cup, this time fully enjoying myself throughout the entire experience. After nearly a week stuck in female form I finally went through with changing myself back into a man, but by this time my old friend John Vega was on my trail and I knew he was after the magic doll. I persuaded Tom and Jeff to help me build a phony replica. I changed into a woman once more, making sure Mr. Vega was aware I might have used it. The next day down at the pier Tom, Jeff and I staged our little play and tricked Vega into taking off back for Miami with the phony doll. It worked, but by this time Tom and Jeff had enough of my using the doll all for myself, and were angry at me for hiding it from them. So that brings me to here. To this place where I'm at now at this boarding house for runaway girls. I know I have to escape, but even if I do I'm not so sure I'll ever use the magic doll again to change me back. I climbed into the cot and curled up as best I could and went to sleep. Chapter Three: We Made This One Up "We're rid of her, and that's all, that's that," Jeff said as they drove back down the road towards the main city again. "No regrets. None at all. She gets what she deserves." "She's a worthless bitch," Tom agreed. Jeff turned towards his friend and glared at him, anger burning up inside. "Okay," Tom said, trying to think his way out of this. "Not a bitch. She's not one." Jeff turned back to watch the road. Tom quickly said, "But she does do this thing..." Jeff quickly glanced sideways, eyes narrowing. Tom knew he wasn't on the right track here. He crossed his fingers as if that would protect him somehow. "The point is, she broke our original agreement," Jeff said, turning back to watch the road again. "We had an understanding that the idol wouldn't be used. We were going to just sell it, right?" "That's what I thought, too, but then J.J. tricked us and used it on himself," Tom said and added, "Selfish bastard." "No, no, that's wrong too," Jeff said reaching over and popping Tom in the mouth with his fist. "Wha-s that for?" Tom asked, feeling his bloodied lip. "You must mind your words when you're speaking of a lady, Tom." "Huh?!?" "I know it sounds ridiculous, but for awhile there I thought I was falling in love with her." "That's the SEX!" Pop! Tom shook his head and blinked his eyes a bit from that one. It almost knocked a tooth out too. "I really wish you'd stop hitting me like that," Tom said wiggling his jaw back and forth with his hand to see if it was broken. "I'm not a punching bag you know." "Really, Tom, you ought to just bite your tongue off sometimes instead of opening that stupid trap of yours. I know what you're probably thinking. That I must have a screw loose to go for a woman like that, but I'm telling you Gail is not the same person as J.J. She may BE J.J. inside, but she's not the same person. She's a woman." Tom was going to say "she's a slut" but thought better of it, even if it were true. After all, she did have a peculiar fetish for collecting cupfuls of sperm - and from more than one partner! but Tom wasn't going to remind Jeff of that right now. Two punches in the mouth was quite enough for one day, thank you. "She's a sl-," Tom started but stopped himself, only not quite entirely. His voice was now trailing on the "L" as he now thought what he could possibly say to get himself out of this one. "Llllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll-slap happy momma?" He wished he said "sly little fox" but it was already too late. Tom grabbed for anything to make a shield to protect himself from the next punch. In this case he grabbed a road map out of the glove compartment and held it up between him and the now furious driver and cowered in fear. To Tom's dismay the fist came ripping through the paper and landed squarely on the nose. Jeff said, "Insulting women seems to be turning hazardous for your health these days, eh Tom?" Jeff reached over and rolled down Tom's window. "Oh for heaven's sake, roll that window down and stick your head out to dry before you bleed to death all over yourself." Tom still held up the two halves of paper, which now fluttered back at his bloodied up face as he turned and faced forward. He was NOT happy about how his friends were turning on him these days. Not happy one little bit. He tentatively stuck his head out the window a bit as if testing to see if it was safe, then brought it back in a moment and thrust it outward. He was no longer sit-there-and-get-a-beating-Tom he had now improved his status to bug-catching-wild-eyed-delirious-Tom. Needless to say, blood, moths and road maps don't mix well on a man's face. Chapter Four: That's My Girl I don't know what came over me last night after J.J. left. I suppose I was angry that he sent that crazy girl, Gail, over here to play "I'm not me" again. I mean, the guy's lost his priorities in life, you know? I mean, like, I'm his girlfriend... You know? It's not like I think he's cheating on me, but what's up with that girl, Gail, anyway? Like, hell-lo! Come to the par-ty! Such a split-end blonde, too. Like, hel-lo! Take me on a balloon ride, all-ready! I wanna hang out with the astronauts, all-ready! Yeah - like I wanna hang out with her. As if! I mean, give me a break, and did you get a load of that antique she calls a dress? I mean, shhhhh-a! Yeah, um, Miss Titanic, like here's your lifeboat but why don't you gag me with a spoon and let that ugly dress go down with the ship already? Oh, and what about this one. Hel-lo! Green sweater - black stock-ings! Aquamarine dress - green sweat-er! Like, does she dress blindfolded or what? Blonde doesn't mix with blind already. Oh yeah, and like as if I'm going to hang out with her when she's little Miss Mismatch. Like, O-my-Gawd! I'm in the wrong bod-eeeee! Yeah, um, Gail, like at least now your brains match as good as your clothes already. I mean, what was J.J. thinking? I'm like totally sure. Like, O-my-Gawd! Why won't you believe meeeee! Shhhhh-a! Um, like, maybe if you dyed your hair you wouldn't act so blonde. Yeah, and, um, I've got an M-and-M that matches that outfit your wearing too. Ew-Ew! Really? Yeah, and if M-and-M's were hair the yellow ones would be out of chocolate! I mean, I'm like totally sure. J.J. knows better than to send weirdoes like Gail over here. If he wants to break up with me, he knows - I mean, he KNOWS what he has to do. Like, I'm not going to break up with him over some "I'm not in the right body" excuse. I mean, guy, get a clue already! Come down to earth. I'm right here, guy. Hel-lo guy! Come in, guy. Earth to clueless loser, come in! Oh, and get this, the other day, when he wasn't you-know-who, he came over here and gives me these flowers and pretends he loves me still. Yeah, like I'm dumb enough to fall for that. Like you can really make up for lost time with flowers J.J. As totally if! He pretends he doesn't know I'm angry at him, like that's going to get him out of trouble. Like as if a girl's gonna forget if you just leave her alone long enough. I went to the movies the other day, you know, all alone and everything. Guy doesn't love me. What-ever! I'm sorry. I cry sometimes when I think about what J.J. did to me. It's not like we were never an issue. It doesn't take Miss Popularity of the World to make being with J.J. an issue, because we were great together. He just stopped loving me, that's all. Oh, did I tell you he used to call me "Apples"? I think it's short for apple dumplings. Might as well call me "Sadly Sophia" these days though, for what it's worth. I'm like really, really almost done crying now. Don't worry. I told you before I get like this sometimes. Can't a girl cry? I mean, don't just stand there. Offer me a handkerchief or something. That's better. Thank you. For a minute there I thought you were just going to walk away like J.J. did. Are you sure my tears aren't upsetting you? I'm almost done. I'm sure I am. It's okay. It's just that sometimes I wonder why, you know, why bad things happen. Yeah, he called me "Apples" when we were first dating. No, that's not the first nickname I ever got. I know you're probably wondering now what else I ever went by. My dad used to call me "Socks" but I spelled it S-O-X. Called me that because I wanted to play on the girls softball team, you know, "The Bobbisocks." I never made the team but dad gave me the name Sox anyway to make me feel better I think. It never did. Yeah, I know, like what-ever. Mom sometimes said dad wanted me to be a boy, but I told her a boy would look silly wearing my dresses. Totally silly, I mean to gag for. Yeah, I know, I'm getting to that in a minute, okay? When J.J. sent Gail over here with the "I'm not in my body" routine, I was like, go away, all right? But she's like "no really" and I'm like "for sure, get lost" then she goes "no really" and I'm like "for sure, get lost" again, see? Then she goes "I'm J.J." and it, like, totally threw me off. I was like ready to say "for sure, get lost" but now I was, like, "no, really?" Yeah, I know, like what-ever's pop-u-lar! Okay, like, if you're really J.J.'s friend and everything, why are you, like, um, coming to his girlfriend's house and, like, totally pointing a gun at me, okay? *** I tracked J.J.'s girlfriend down from someone at the bar across the street from the hotel. It wasn't the best lead, I suppose, but it was something. I lowered the gun a little. She seemed harmless enough, if one's ears could survive that big mouth of hers. "I'm John Vega," I said. "One of J.J.'s old friends." "Then, like, why are you totally pointing that gun at me?" she asked. "He stole something that belonged to an employer of mine. A small black iron doll. I'm sorry for the gun, but sometimes I just have to cover my butt, if you know what I mean." She was a pretty girl. A young brunette. Mid twenties, I guessed. Though I couldn't guess where she picked up her Valley Talk from, as I seldom heard it in use much anymore. She was more a Goth girl than a preppy. She wore all black. Skirt, stockings, and leather collar. No piercings though, or painted white face or black lipstick like a real Goth girl. She was kind of borderline. Like she wanted to in her heart, but some inner fashion sense held her back somehow. Her lipstick was pink, and she used moderate amounts of makeup to highlight her already pretty face. "Like, okay? Like, I'm sure! Like why are you look-ing me over?" she asked, hands on hips now. "Like, as if I'm like totally naked already. Put your eyes back up here. Like, hel-lo! Hel-lo, dude! Dude, I'm up here. See? See waving?" "I'm sorry," I said. "J.J.'s a lucky man to have a girl as beautiful as you." She rolled her eyes as her jaw dropped. I wasn't sure if she was being sincere or sarcastic in her shocked reaction. "Um, like is any-body from planet Earth anymore?" "But you ARE beautiful." "For sure, get lost." "No, you are." "For sure, get lost." She held out her arm to me. "What?" I asked. "Go on. Feel it," she said. I reached out and felt the back of her hand. "Well?" she asked, eyes rolling again like she was perturbed. "How does it feel?" "Smooth, soft. I like it." "Well DUH! I'm a girl, already. So, like, now are you satisfied? I mean, are you going to keep staring me over like you're seeing things or what?" "No, but never mind that anyway. I'm sorry I was looking at you like that. What I came here for is to find out if you have the idol, or if you know where it is." "What's it look like again?" I showed her a photo of it. "Oh, that," she said. "Yeah, I've seen it. Either J.J. or that girl, Gail, has it." "Where is J.J.?" "How should I know? He's hardly ever around anymore." "Well he's checked out of his hotel room. Did he mention to you where he might be going?" "Checked out? He never told me. Like, that's so like J.J. lately though." "What about Gail. Did she say where she was staying or where she was going?" "Miss Airhead? No. She's probably with J.J." "Do you know any places I might look for either one of them? Any bars or hangouts they might go to?" "No, but J.J. left his organizer here once," she said. "Maybe he wrote down some places in that?" "Could you get it for me, please?" "Like, dude, it belongs to J.J.!" I raised my gun back up at her. "Under the circumstances, I'm afraid I must insist." Chapter Five: Sea You Later Mr. Holland arrived down at the beach at seven a.m. as previously arranged. The girls had already been combing the beach for the past hour or so cleaning up litter and collecting sea shells for their boss, Heather Greddings. They wore orange shorts and tank tops, but nothing much else, and carried black plastic garbage bags for gathering up the litter or held little plastic or tin sand pails to collect pretty rocks and sea shells. "Good morning, Mr. Holland," Heather said greeting one of her biggest customers who purchased mail order brides and offered them for resale to other clients or resellers. The key was to keep the bodies moving. Never keep them at any one place for too long. In some ways selling to resellers was actually bigger money than selling the girls individually as wives. It kept the girls always hopeful though, and that was best for little did any of them suspect that most of them were, in fact, slave girls where only the luckiest of them might actually ever be purchased into marriage. Mr. Holland was a portly reddish-brown haired man in his fifties. He wore a red and white checkered suit that was obviously left over from the 1970's. However he was content with the style and it didn't bother him in the least that people snickered at him from time to time. Far better to be noticed than not at all, he thought. "Let's make this simple," he said glancing around from girl to girl. "There are, what, ten of them?" "Eleven. One arrived just last night," Heather said. "Fine. Then I'll take the five over there, plus the newcomer." "Excellent choice, Mr. Holland," Heather said and clapped her hands and blew a whistle to get the girls attention. "Ladies! Listen up! The five of you there, come here please, and you there, Gail is it? You come here as well." Gail's heart sank just then. She realized this was probably a purchase and she'd be going away for awhile. Something defiantly not good as far as she was concerned; the magic idol still remained hidden on this island. "Excellent news, ladies," Mr. Holland said clasping his hands as the chosen girls lined up before him. "You are all invited to accompany me on a short cruise. How does that sound?" Many of the girls nodded and smiled, some even cheered, but Gail could only stand there and bite her lip and hope she found some way of getting out of this mess. The chosen girls were directed to march onto a little motor boat nearby. As J.J./Gail sat down in the back of the boat with the other girls beside her, all of them barefoot, she glanced back towards the island, hopeful that someone would come and save her. Maybe even Tom or Jeff would change their minds and come and get her out of this. "Put a smile on that pretty face, my girl," Mr. Holland said grabbing Gail by the chin and turning her about to face him. "My yacht is in this direction. See?" Noting that her expression was still one of sorrow, he kneeled down and put a hand on her knee and said, "We are not all slaves and property here, my girl, no matter what rumors you may have heard. With such pretty looks as yours you will find almost no trouble at all in finding a suitable husband who will take you away from this sort of life. If I were lucky enough to be in your place, my dear, I would put a smile on my face. I will not work you like Mrs. Greddings did. My girls do not pick up refuse. I know better than to treat them like that while they are in my care. Brighten up! Within the next half hour you and your companions will be lavished with care and tenderness. You will be bathing in warm baths, rubbed down with baby oil and the finest lotions. We will have you fed, and clothed well, and give you plenty of time to sleep and relax and just be girls." He turned his eyes to the heavens and added, "And were God to put me in your place, I would be ever grateful for these luxuries." The small motorboat pulled up alongside the hundred foot long yacht and a small ladder was lowered down. Mr. Holland climbed up first and hurried off toward his lounge below to call a few clients and inform him he had six more girls available. He knew they would not last long here, and would make easy money selling off to one of the wealthier Asian collectors he knew, or certainly to one of a few repeat customers in France. At least two of these girls might even make their way into the supermodel scene if they were lucky enough. The girls one by one climbed up onto the main deck and were greeted by a swishy hairdresser who called himself simply Jelico. He hugged each girl as they boarded and gave them each a big kiss on the cheek. Hairbrush in hand, he pointed to a nearly open hatchway that led to the lower deck. "First things first, girls," he said with a slight but noticeable lilt. "Downstairs and get into the tub

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Paula and Meredith

I changed how I masturbated around the same time that Tina became obsessed with Mark, her soccer boy. All that extra time on my hands meant my hands were always busy. I masturbated so often that regular rubbing and fingering had become boring. I tried everything I could find in my bedroom. The round handle of my curling brush made a nice smooth early dildo for my teenage pussy. Inserting it inside was, um, interesting but not the most comfortable for holding or for fucking and made me loose the...

1 year ago
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Head Above WaterChapter 7

The day passed like any other rainy Friday with the phones ringing off the hook, the sheer volume of the calls so high that we began calling up agents on their day off, begging them to come pick up a shift to help take the load off. I ordered in pizza for the department, offered overtime to anyone that was willing, and walked the Floor to offer my assistance. “You’re going to have to leave at some point,” Addie said around five in the evening. She’d stuck around to help with the call volume,...

1 year ago
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Samanthas Transformation

Hellbent to meet my deadline, I sat hunched over the papers at my desk. A million details raced through my mind before I finally noticed the click-clack of your heals as you walked into my doorway. I looked up and my mouthed dropped open at the faire sight before my eyes. There before me was a true vision of sultry, sexy beauty as you stood in a Betty Page-type pose with your back against the doorframe. One foot propped high up against the opposite doorframe vividly displayed the shiny,...

1 year ago
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Quest for Corpulence

Your eyes open with a gasp and as the blurry world comes back into focus, you find yourself staring up at the ceiling, confused and disoriented. You had the strangest dream last night which made you toss and turn in your sleep. You dreamt of a bizarre far off land of towering castles made of glass and steel, metal carriages with rubber wheels that pulled themselves without horses, miraculous little windows that could fit in your pocket and show you just about anything you wanted, and, most...

1 year ago
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Private Tiffany Doll Doesn8217t Stop Until After Anal

We already know Tiffany Doll but in Private’s Anal Loving Lingerie Models 2 we get to know more about her dark anal fantasies! A model shoot turns wild as this slut finds her tight pussy being eaten out; of course, she returns the favour with a sloppy and sensual blowjob. Then, Alberto Blanco spreads this slut’s legs apart and crushes her pussy and ass in what can only be described as a “real hardcore” anal blasting! After some screaming anal ass play this babe finishes things up with a sticky...

3 years ago
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My story Part 1 My Early Encounter

My Early Encounter: sherryladyboy I was 8 years old when I discovered my deep interest in women. It started by admiring sexy women bodies in bikinis. It was never a look of lust but more a look of admire or you can say envy them for their sexy body, wishing someday I could become as sexy and slutty as them. With each day I became more and more interested in women and their details. Their body shape, the breasts and feet caught most of my attention. I started trying put on my mom lingerie...

2 years ago
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Training Nameless To Be Shameless

Posting For a Friend who would like to Stay NamelessIt was the summer of 2004, I was 28 years old. I had gone to a girlfriend house and we had stayed up until the wee hours of the morning talking and drinking. We were drinking wine, but sipping it, not guzzling it. I don't think I was anywhere near drunk at 2:30am when I left her house.I was not and am not in the habit of drinking and driving and I'm sure I wasn't drunk, but the wine may have effected my driving. I was on a secondary road with...

1 year ago
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Eden Valley

Until I graduated from college, my life was pretty normal, maybe even a little dull. I did fairly well in school, was athletically competent, and had my fair share of sexual encounters with coeds. I had planned to graduate with my degree in architectural engineering and get a job at a firm in the city like just about everyone else. Those were my plans… until I got the news that my aunt had died. My Aunt Emily was my mother’s younger sister and being beautiful, funny, and exciting, she was...

3 years ago
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Something For The Lady

I couldn’t wait to meet her. It felt like I had waited for this for so long and at last my fantasies were about to come true.We had met over the net and immediately both knew we had found exactly what we had both been looking for such a long time. To me she sounded like the hottest older lady imaginable who I had long dreamed of to teach me all she knew. To her I sounded like the young hot stud she had been desperate for to fulfill her in ways she almost daren’t imagine. We had sent the hottest...

4 years ago
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Daddys girls branch out

Maria Things have been tough lately. The economy has slipped and many people have either lost their jobs or they have been cut back to part time employment. I became one of these unlucky people. My wife is Thai I had married her almost ten years ago. We bought a place there to retire so when things got tough we decided that it was best to move there. We have no debt there and we already owned a convenient store that her brother was running for us. So I sent my wife to Thailand and I stayed...

4 years ago
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Chase And Justin Forever

Story Title: Chase And Justin Forever WARNING: You must be 18+ to read this and any erotic story. If you are not allowed to read these where you are from or don't like reading stories about boys under 18 please leave now. Please Note: The story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Enjoy! 10pm. Rainthuds. ZeroWind. Fingers of mist rolled off the roofs of my...

2 years ago
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Tracis ClubhouseChapter 3

Every episode of 'clubhouse" started the same with Kevin coming all over my face. I'd jacked him off twice to get that shot, stopping just before he erupted. I'd read that you had to let the guy relax between sessions so his body would build up a good amount of come. It worked. When we did it that third time he unloaded on my face like someone had turned a spigot on a fire hose. I saw this solid jet of white coming at me and managed to get my eyes closed just as it hit (come stings!). He...

4 years ago
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SusanChapter 16

A little to Susan's surprise, the Intro to Psychology class offered some new ideas and concepts that interested her, and it wasn't anything she'd paid any attention to in the past. That meant, she thought as she drove home that evening, she would possibly learn something useful in the class, and maybe even be challenged a bit, which would be a little refreshing. That line of thought only carried her so far on the hour's drive home up the state road, so Susan spent much of the time...

4 years ago
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The TempleChapter 1

F. Bernard Thompson stepped into the elevator on the fourth floor of an office building in northern Toronto, happy and satiated by his experience that evening at the massage parlor he was accustomed to visit from time-to-time. His wife and children had left the day before to visit his wife’s parents in Arizona, and wouldn’t be back for a couple of weeks. He was free as a bird and had decided he’d have some fun. Alice had greeted him this evening with a big smile, but then said regretfully,...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Mom

I am sameer(not real) from mumbai, 24 years old young lad. I have been enjoying a good fuck with my mother. Let me share my nautral real experince with all of you. It all started when i was 14 years old. I was just getting to know about the wonderful word ‘fuck’. Before i proceed i should explain my family environment. I am the only son to my parents. My mum got married at a very young age, so by the time i was 18 she was only 36 years old. My dad is a successful business man with only weakness...

2 years ago
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The Judge

This story could go in a number of categories. There isn’t a lot of sex. Thanks to my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, for making my stories a much better read. Since court shows seem to interest people, I thought I’d be Judge DG Hear. This is a totally fictitious account of a story I made up. Let me know what you think and I’ll see if the Judge has any more cases on his docket. It is a tongue in cheek story, just writing something a little different than my usual fare. Bailiff Jane Doyle...

3 years ago
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My Fantasy Sexventure 8211 Part 6 Video Sex Chat

Author’s note: This story about the video sex chat is connected to the previous ones. So please read from part 1. Many days passed after the previous act. Fuck Divya, she now again slowly started to ignore me. She was ignoring me because she feared that we might again get caught by her mother. I started to feel very lonely. I missed the days when I used to kiss, fuck and cum with her. Every night, my pussy itched so hard. I scratched it by watching porn and thinking about Divya. But solo...

1 year ago
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I returned home following my summer spent cruising along the inland channel. It had been a great summer and one that taught me a lot. Found out that my younger brother had spent the summer in a boy's training school, after getting caught "joy riding" in someone's car. He was now home and like me, getting ready to return to school. For me this would be my last year, then on to college. In actuality ended up going in the service before finishing college. Spent a lot of time with my younger...

1 year ago
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My Little Sister Turns Slut

Hi, everybody. This is James with my first and true story of my life. This is the story of me and my younger sister, how one trip changed our relationship and thinking. I am 28 years old and this incident took place in April this year. My younger sister Divya we usually call her chotu, since she is the youngest in our family. I got married 2 years back and my sister cleared her 12th class exams this year and now she is doing her B. Com Hons. Our family consist of only five members i-e- me, my...

2 years ago
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Jon sat on the park bench, lost in a world that included only the limits of his peripheral vision. His thoughts centred on nothing, just enjoyment of the warm summer sun that beat down to gently brown off the grass in Hyde Park. His bottle of mineral water became tepid, giving off a vapour, filling the plastic container so that it bulged slightly. Egg mayonnaise sandwiches fried in their wrapper destined not to be eaten, at least, not by Jon; perhaps an enterprising crow or homeless person...

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Graham The first

They had a healthy sex life and weren’t too scared to try something new. They both had good jobs and were liked by their friends and family. So everything seemed normal and almost perfect. This story begins when Graham and Tracy decided to finally get the dogs they wanted. He chose a Doberman, called Garrus, and she picked a Rottweiler, named Wrex. They both talked long about it and planned accordingly before so financially and knowledge wise they were prepared. The dogs listened and did...

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18 and puffy

Afton groaned and rolled over trying to ignore the insistent buzzing of her snooze alarm. She glanced at the clock one more time, just to make sure that it really was seven o'clock, but the red glowing digits on the night stand indicated that now it was seven-o- two and counting! She stretched out, trying to get the circulation moving through her body, and felt her white cotton bikini panties pressing hard against her bulging vulva. The mere pressure from the thin material was enough to flood...

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I found love in mom

My mom Stella is the greatest woman in the world. I know everyone says that about their mother but she is something else. A beautiful woman with a kind heart and amazing will power. When she was 20 years old she was married to the love of her and was pregnant with me. She felt at the top of the world. But soon tragedy stuck. Her parents died in a car crash and her husband got mugged and shot in the heart. A loss as big as that might have driven other into despair but not my mother. After some...

2 years ago
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The Reluctant SultanChapter 4 Launching the Changes

I had been nervously anticipating my first encounter with the salesmen and I was pleasantly surprised. I had a feeling we could make something out of this group. I was venturing into my second week with more optimism than a few days ago. I'd been through this process before, but there was something different about Lynnwood that I hadn't yet recognized. It would come to me, I was sure, but it wasn't there yet. Jim Stokes, or Jimmy as most knew him, was running around like a blue-assed fly....

3 years ago
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Seductress 8211 Part II

Hello friends, once again regards to Iss and all readers here and a million thanks to all of u who gave my post ” seductress ” such tremendous response . Your e-mails I received have built in confidence in me and I surely will continue my experience . Yes except a few around 5 % of you who did have doubts or didn’t get satisfaction , I’ll in my coming parts try to satisfy all of you . One reason is that I’m a housewife and not a professional writer so at times it’s tough to write some vulgar...

3 years ago
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King Thakkorias

( A Darkniciad Story. This is an early story, and POV switches a little ) The hall was packed with people, all standing in complete silence. The evidence and testimony detailing the horrific nature of the crimes committed by the man before the King this day had a sobering effect upon the entire room. What was already known paled in comparison to the full truth of the crimes. Rape, murder, torture, maiming... All had been presented in gory detail. All the while, the perpetrator of these crimes...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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More Desert After The Wedding

I had a hectic Saturday night with all my shows out and I was short an assistant DJ for my show. I had a wedding to do in Rockford and it was going to be a big group and an assistant was really important. Fortunately, my wife had the night free so we drove down to the hotel and set up. The show was a huge success and the bride and groom had a great group of guests. All through the night, we interacted with the guests and the bridal party, even accepting requests to dance. By the end of the...

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Gay8217s 3someII

Voh railing ke paas khada tha to ham dono uske paas chale gaye, ham dono usko beech mein lekar khade hogaye, voh samjh gaya ke yeh ladka pat gaya hai. Ab andhera hone laga tha, main uska haath pakad kar pane Lund par rakh dya aor bola ke voh doosre haath se voh ladke ka Lund pakde, voh kuch uncomfortable feel karraha tha to ham usko railing ki teraf uski back side karke neeche baith jane ko bole aor ham dono apne legs expand karke usko fully covered kardye. Voh ham dono ke Lund apne dono...

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sleeping Panties Written by Tiffany

This is a story that was written specifically for me by my best friend Tiffany. This is her work and I'm very proud of her***********************As I wake up, I can feel the fabric of your shirt against my back and around my stomach… looking down at your hand, just laying there on my breast. I reach over, setting the babies aside; then place my hand on top of yours, very gently manipulating your hand with mine, acting like our hands are attached… cupping my hand around yours, causing you to...

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All for the Love of a GirlChapter 2

“There is always something left to love. And if you ain’t learned that, you ain’t learned nothing.” Lorraine Hansberry “Mom actually said,” Mindy related in a very low voice, making me strain to hear the answer, “that after a couple of hours on the beach, we should go into the guest bedroom where the two of you made love (and here her voice broke for a second) ... made love three weeks ago, and you should screw my brains out!” I was so stunned I didn’t know what to say or do. I looked...

1 year ago
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PunishTeens Harley Ann Wolf Twisted And Taken

Peter got fired from his job over some bullshit, and he had to find a way to get back at his boss. His sick twisted mind thought for a while, then got the most fucked up idea ever. He kidnapped his bosses daughter, set up a camera for him to film it, and dicked her down dirtily. Little Harley got not just one of the roughest, but also the scariest fuckings shes ever recieved that day. Peter started by smacking her ass with great force and finger fucking her roughly. He then spread her pussy to...

2 years ago
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Sexiest tenant of my Life

Hi! I am Suresh from Chennai & I’m going to tell you my first sexual encounter that led me to a world of excitement & pleasure. At that time I was just 18. After that i’ve fucked many gals as well as Aunts in a short span of 1 year that I would like to share with you later, so let us now come back to the story. We have rented out a portion of our house to a couple in their early 30’s. I didn’t care initially. But soon I found Kavita (the housewife) exciting & fuckable. The day was Sunday. My...

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Friends With Benefits

It was late in the day before he got out of bed. He was around 5'10", a little on the skinny side, not real muscular, but a great sweet talker and a monster in bed. At first he didn't remember what happened the night before till he looked at his bed. Then he remembered. He saw his old friend laying in bed still naked from the night before. She was still under the covers but he could remember her body quite well. A nice body around 5'6" with beautiful C cups and round butt. And her amazing...

Straight Sex
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First Orgasm With Didi

Hiiii… Aaj Me Aap logo se jo story share karne ja rahi hu wo Meri khud ki real story hai. Jise me aap logo ke saath share karna chahati hu and this is my first hot lesbian story jo maine apne my real life me experienced liya hai. Mera Naam smita hai, Age 20 year, figure 34, 28, 34, brown rang 5-3 height, aur main Hyderabad main rahati hu. mare family me 5 log rahate hai papa, mummy, bro, sis and me. Mare dad bank me kam karte hai and mom ek primary school main teacher hai. brother muj se 3 sal...

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Mom seduced and banged by her online friend

She is always busy in online and she got into an new app and in starting she doesn't had of much with that and after few days she started to upload her pics and suddenly too many followers came and everyone were messaged her and she doent replied them.She slowly uploaded her pics showing her hot figures as she first updated her face pics only and now after her full image many men started to follow her and more than 10 k were following her.Many comments on her pic were so...

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Vicky Gets A Lube Job

Damn, time to get my oil changed. Dad has always said if you want to have your car last, get the oil changed every three thousand miles. Good thing they came up with these 10-minute places, or I would never bother with it. I really need to get it done today, got a long drive coming up this weekend and I want to make sure everything is OK. Let's see, it's 5:40, and I think the Jiffy Lube closes at 6:00, so if I hurry I can get it done this evening. Damn, it's only 5:55, but it looks like...

1 year ago
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Alone at Work Ch 21

I was unable to get the thoughts of what Richard did to me out of my head, but I must have finally passed out due to exhaustion or just zoned out completely because the next thing I remember is my phone ringing and seeing Richard's name on my caller ID. I hit ignore sending it to voice mail. My phone started ringing again a second after I ignored the first call. I ignored it again, and again my phone starts ringing. I decided to answer the phone. "Hey I hope everything is alright,"...

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Pragya Ke Kaand

Hi, mera naam Pragya hai. Main ek software engineer hun. Kuch din pehle maine socha ki mere experiences ko main share karun yahan. Kyunki mujhe lagta hai maine bohut kuch kiya hai life mein aisa jisko sunke log khud turn on ho jayenge. Ye mere kahanion ke series ki pehli story hai. Hope aapko achi lage. Meri age 24 hai aur meri figure 36-28-34 hai. Height choti aur cute si 5 ft 5 inch hai. Rang thoda brown, itni bhi gori nahi hun aur baal lambe aur black aur brown color ke. Meri pehli story...

1 year ago
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Chapter 3 Cotton Candy

OH SHIT!! ... Holy SHIT!! .... I CANT KEEP CUMMING LIKE THIS!!!Hee hee hee! Baby we're only just getting acquainted!OH FUCK!! ... FUCK ME!!I thought I just did?FUCK YOU!!Ha ha Haa!... I LOVE YOU, BABY!I thought... you said.... we were just... getting acquainted?Well, is it working?FUCK YEAH!!. . . . So... You were a pervert right from the beginning, huh!Well it's kinda hard NOT to be when ya got tits AND a cock! Back when I first started showing my femininity...

4 years ago
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YBWL5 Joshs Revenge

This is a sexual story about a young boy taking complete advantage of another young boy. It is filled with strange fetishes: mostly sleep, domination, and underwear. If you have no desire to read such a story, then you should be very thankful of that fact and go ahead and leave now. Thanks. I hope you guys are enjoying my stories. Seeing as how YBWL-2 is my most-read story I decided to write a direct sequel to it. Let me know what you think in the comments, especially if you enjoy the series....

3 years ago
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Outpost 2 Snowed in Hetero EditionChapter 4 Round Table

Schaffer sat at the kitchen table, a dozen Polars crowding around it as they dug into their supper, Osha doling out portions to the other aliens as they waited patiently for their share. Shrimp sat beside him, Shrimp and the mischievous twins were present too, along with a few of the hunters and some of the larger females. Tonight they were feasting on a large native animal that had been brought down the night before, its meat seared and served with some canned vegetables than the pack had...

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Darli O

Darli O My wife and I lived in Orange County, California in a nice house, on a corner lot, with a pool in the back yard. She has dark brown hair, brown eyes, was 34C-26-35 and a size 7. She wore really short dresses and skirts that showed off her assets! She was pretty inhibited when it came to sex. I have always enjoyed talking during sex and sort of role playing and fantasizing. I think she really was turned on by this, but felt she had to deny it because of her convictions that it was...

4 years ago
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Our Plan To Get Out Of This

If you haven’t already read what has happened to us, go back and catch up. The short version is that we had some storm damage at our house, and an electrician who was doing the repair work found some pictures and videos of my wife Lisa in the attic.  He ultimately blackmailed us into allowing him to have sex with her.  He said it was going to be a one-time thing, but eventually, he came calling again, and the second time, he turned up the intensity, doing things to my wife that I still can’t...

Wife Lovers
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Fucking Lisa Part 3

Around 6pm, I had a shower, put on some nice clothes and some smelly stuff and headed out to Lisa’s. I rang the doorbell and this gorgeous girl opened the door. She was about 1.7m tall, long dark brown hair, green eyes, slender build, big tits and a cute bubble butt. “Ashton, I presume”, she said in a very snotty tone. “You must be Angie”, I said. She did not say a word. She just turned around d and shouted into the house, “Hey Bitch!!! Your dick is here!!!”, as she walked into the kitchen,...

4 years ago
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The Angry Whore Book 2Chapter 13 A New Plantation

08 January, 1687 Morning After Rauf Denkton had been introduced to John Archdale and he had turned over such papers as was instructed for him to deliver, Archdale shook his hand with gratitude and told him, "I have long yearned for a full train of evidence against Seth Sothel such as this. This evidence being full and particular against him, he and the others will, with out doubt, be found to be guilty." Then he smiled before continuing, "The papers you brought transferring ownership of...

4 years ago
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The Swedish Holiday TripChapter 9

Showtime! All of the crew had left except a well-known Swedish Tv personality doing the introductions and a woman doing the filming and then ‘me’ the so called photographer and critical client. The models had arrived earlier but were getting ready in another trailer in the back and I hadn’t seen them yet, except from the corner of my eye a bit further away when some occasionally came out for a smoke. Anneli finally sat down next to me and reassured me that all the people who are now here,...

2 years ago
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Wrong Room

(drunken mom makes a huge mistake)The Schaffer family was all smiles on this particular Friday afternoon. They were leaving for their annual summer vacation. Their bags were packed, the SUV loaded, and all that remained was for them to load themselves up. Every year they took a weeklong road trip with no fixed destination. They just simply picked a direction and went. As they pulled out of the driveway Amanda Schaffer noticed out of the corner of her eye that her son Ryan was starring at...

3 years ago
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The AdministratorChapter 5

It was some four months later from when they first opened for business that Doug could honestly say that the business was operating as it was intended. The applications they were receiving covered the gamut of businesses people wanted loans for to start or expand. The ads they had placed were the reason for this influx of applications not all of which were approved. Besides doing the initial interviewing of the applicants Doug would also review the completed credit checks they ordered on the...

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A Happy School Life Part 2

I awoke early the next day. Weirdly no sex dream but I did have one bad case of morning wood. I look under the covers at my throbbing member. I grab it with my hand and it instantly feels good. Slowly I begin to stroke it up and down, working the full shaft. I think for a moment and reach for my phone. I open up my messages and go to the latest one. The picture that Becki sent last night. I focus on the picture and imagine seeing those bad boys in the real. Working my cock faster, I can feel...

3 years ago
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I Dream of Demie 20 Molehill from Mountain

--- I Dream of Demie 20 - Molehill from Mountain (MF, anal, cons, oral, rom) by Krosis of the Collective --- Detective Dianna Shepherd found a chair in "the bullpen", the main briefing room of the police station. She had been working in her office when she got the email. What was this about? The department captain walked in from the side door. "Hello, everyone, please have a seat. I'm sorry to say that Detective Aaron Bilson, who had been on medical leave, has passed away." There...

3 years ago
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My first time fooling around with a couple

“Hey, are you guys on the way?” I asked my friend Andrew on the phone as I slid a thong up my slender legs, making sure it fits perfectly on my plump ass. “Okay, got it.” I said as I put my phone down, getting ready for my date. Andrew and I had been friends for years now, we’ve always found each other attractive but nothing really came from it, that changed about a week ago though. He and I were having lunch, when he mentioned that his girlfriend found me attractive, he straight up asked me if...

2 years ago
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Swap Party CampaignChapter 3

Ruth had never felt quite as aroused as she was now in her life, and the delicious taste of Dan's piquant cum juice seemed to filter through her flesh, teasing her nerves deep down between her legs. Dan watched Ruth. He knew her well and could tell that she was more than ready to be fucked; he might have even teased her enough. He caught the almost imperceptible trembling of the young woman's muscles as she fought to control the fire in her body so that she would not spoil the act for him,...

3 years ago
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Rough Suck on Cruise Ship

With so many hotties to choose from on a cruise ship, a constant supply of food isn't the only thing on the buffet. Almost any hour of day or night you can be man-watching and see everything from older daddies and bears to athletic men and downright smokin' hot younger guys. Whether in the gym, around the pool deck, or at the beach, there's plenty of eye candy, and the sauna in the men's locker room? Well, that's where the action is. Of course, it's mostly older guys hanging around in there,...

1 year ago
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Attention to the Mrs

It was an early night when my hubby and I decided to go to bed. He was not in the mood to have sex, which was not surprising since of late he just was so tired he just crashed. I on the other hand was very horny and I really needed to feel his cock deep in my pussy. I was starving for a good fuck. I decided that I was going to ease him into having sex. I usually go to bed with a night shirt or short nightie, but tonight I was going to put on some white cotton bikini underwear that I knew he...

Wife Lovers
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The Proposition

Making the Deal I have been rather successful in life thus far. Shortly after graduating from high school, I had started an internet dating site as a hobby. For some reason that little hobby turned into a very lucrative business. Though I struggled to make ends meet the first year my site was in business, it took off like a rocket after that. Over the next few years, my hobby provided me with a very comfortable living. About five years ago, a major internet player made me an...

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A Sweet College Girl In Love

I went to college in a beach town in California where all of the girls wore their little thong bikinis to the beach and showed off their asses for boys with very friendly results. I noticed that when the girls were bending over while playing volleyball in their little thong bikinis, the boys all looked at them with hungry eyes that I liked a man to have for me.  The sweet little college girls would have their asses tan, even in winter. The hot girls in school all went to tanning salons and got...

1 year ago
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My first Time103

One day, two days before our one year anniversary we were texting. Me: I'm finally all moved into my new apartment! It's so exciting to finally live on my own. Travis: yeah I bet, I can't wait to come and see it. Me: wait what? Travis: oh yeah, good news! Lol, I got a plane ticket I'm coming to NY in a couple days, just in time for our anniversary. My heart raced in my chest. Was he serious? Would I really get to see him for the first time? He talked about coming to see me...

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