ICarly - IFound Bigfoot free porn video

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Part One

Carly Shay and Freddy Benson, both dressed in Dukes of Hazard garb, Carly in a pair of tight Daisy Duke hotpant shorts, come traipsing down the stairs from the iCarly studio looking for Sam who's sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Sam, what are you doing?" Carly asked her.

"Watching the news," Sam replies.

"You're supposed to be upstairs with us rehearsing for iCarly," Carly reminds her friend. "Let's go."

"No, wait," Sam says. "Just let me watch the next story. I think it's about Bigfoot."

"No one cares abou..." Freddy begins to say.

"BIGFOOT!" Carly burst out excitedly as she leaps over the couch, landing next to Sam.

"On the northern outskirts of Mount Baker National Park," the reporter on the TV says. "Two hikers saw something that at first they believed was a large bear."

"IT'S BIGFOOT!" Carly exclaims. "I know it's Bigfoot."

"Now, before you dismiss this sighting as another Bigfoot hoax," the newscaster goes on as the screen cuts to a video of the sighting. "Take a look at this footage that was taken by one of the hikers with his mobile phone."

The video shows an apparently furry creature lumbering through the leafy growth of the dark forest.

"THERE! YOU SEE!" Carly shouts out. "IT'S BIGFOOT!"

"So, was it a hoax?" The reported says.

"NO!" Carly replies sharply.

"Or was it Bigfoot?" The reporter goes on.

"YES!" Carly retorts triumphantly. "Discussion over! Take that, Mrs. Cuntwell!"

"Our fifth grade teacher?" Sam asked.

"Yeah!" Carly replies. "Don't you remember. We had to write a report on some rare creature. Well, I wrote about Bigfoot, and I worked really hard on it. And then Mrs. Cuntwell was all: 'Bigfoot isn't real, so you get an F'."

Just then, Carly's older brother Spencer joins the three teens in the living room.

"Hey! Hi guys," he says. "What's up?"

"Well, Carly just saw this Bigfoot story on the news," Sam replies. "And then went all OO-EE-OO-EE on us."

"You saw the Bigfoot video on the news," Carly responded defensively.

"People fake shit like that all the time," Sam tells Carly.

"Is this about the F you got from Mrs. Cuntwell?" Spencer asked his little sister.

"Maybe," Carly pouts.

"Kid, there's no such thing as Bigfoot," Spencer tells her.

"Oh, but there is such a thing as the beav-coon," Carly retorts.

"Yes, there surely is," Spencer replies.

"Err, what's a beav-coon?" Freddy asked.

"A creature that lives in Spencer's diseased imagination," Carly teases.

"I saw one with my own eyes," Spencer explains. "It's a creature about yea wide, and yea long. It has the head of a beaver and the body of a raccoon."

"The ... beav-coon," Sam replies.

"YES!" Spencer shouts out in triumph. "And it went H-E-R-R-R-R-R-R!!"

"Spencer, there is no such thing as a beav-coon," Carly retorts.

"There is too," Spencer retorts in defiance.

"No it doesn't," Carly retorts.

"Don't say that," Spencer pouts.

The next day at her school, Carly announces to all of her fellow students that a Dr. Sydney van Gurbin, author of a book titled 'BIGFOOT; TRUE OR REAL', would be on her iCarly show to talk about the creature's recent sighting.

Later that evening, Dr. van Gurbin made his appearance on the iCarly show and gave his expert support to the recent sighting. He even claimed that he had predicted that Bigfoot would make his appearance just where the two hikers had seen him.

Later after the show Carly continued doing her own personal research on the Internet about other Bigfoot sightings.

"Oh, check this out," Carly says. "It says here that in the past few years there have been over a dozen sightings of Bigfoot in the wooded area behind a hotdog stand called Robin's Weiner."

"Hey, I've hear of that place," Sam added. "They were recently featured on the Food Channel. Ryan Seacrest said if was the best hotdog he had ever had."

"So?" Carly says with a smile.

"Ryan Seacrest is never wrong!" Sam replies.

"Okay, look," Carly says as she jumps to her feet. "I want to prove that Bigfoot exist, you want to find a beav-coon, and Sam wants to go to Robin's Weiner."

"I do!" Sam declares defiantly.

"And?" Spencer says questioningly.

"Doesn't your friend Socko have an RV?" Carly asked her brother.

"You mean a recreational vehicle?" Spencer replies with a question.

"Yes," Carly answers back with her sweet smile.

"He does," Spencer answers.

"So, borrow it," Carly tells him. "And then let's go up to Mount Baker's National Fdorest."

"Say what?" Spencer responds.

"Oh c'mon ... Robin's Weiner!" Sam chips in.

"Let's do it!" Cary says encouragingly.

The following weekend, the iCarly gang are in Socko's RV heading to the national park in search for Bigfoot.

Of course, along the way they stop along the way to get some hotdogs at Robin's Weiner.

By the time they get to the park it is already dark as Spencer parks the RV for the night.

"And ... welcome to Mount Baker's National Forest!" Spencer declares to the gang.

Carly and Freddy let out a cheer at their arrival.

"Yea! Let's go find Bigfoot!" Carly says excitedly.

"Or the beav-coon," Spencer adds.

"No-o-o, Bigfoot is our priority," Carly reminds her big brother.

"B-i-i-igfoo-oo-t!" Spencer replies sarcastically.

They then unbuckle their seatbelts and move to the back of the RV where they find Sam asleep, slumped over the table, with a hotdog stuffed in her mouth.

"Sam!" Carly calls to her best friend. "Sam? A-h-h-h! She fell asleep eating one of Robin's Wieners."

"Gross!" Freddy replies.

"I'm going outside to check the place out," Carly says.

"Wait, I'm coming with you," her brother says.

As Carly and Spencer step out of the RV, Freddy is returning to the main cabin with his video equipment. But he sees that everyone is gone, except for the slumbering Sam, with a hotdog still in her mouth.

Freddy looks around to make sure that there truly is no one else around. He then stares down at Sam with a mischievous grin on his face.

'Well, Sam, ' he thinks to himself. 'This is my chance to get even with you for all the rotten things you've done to me these past few years.'

With that thought in mind he pulls down his fly, and then pulls out his juvenile cock. He then carefully pulls out the hotdog from Sam's mouth and replaces it with his own wiener.

Outside the RV Carly admires the beauty of the nature around her.

"Will you look at this," Carly says, taking a deep breath of the fresh air.

"Cough! Cough!" Is Spencer's reply. "What is that smell?"

"That's called 'fresh air' Spencer," Carly smiles back at him.

Suddenly the silence is broken by a blood-curdling yell.


They rush back to the RV where they find Freddy bent over in obvious pain.

"What's wrong?" Carly ask with urgency. "What happened?"

"SHE BIT ME!" Freddy yells out, his hands covering his crotch area.

"Aww, do you want me to kiss it better?" Carly asked sweetly.

"Err, okay," Freddy says as he removes his hand from his crotch, exposing his cock, which is where Sam had bitten him.

"FREDDY!" Carly shouts out in embarrassment.

"Well, she bit down on it!" Freddy says.

"And just how did that happen?" Carly asked, her hands on her hips.

"Err ... err," Freddy was left speechless.

"He stuffed that ... that thing in my mouth, that's how!" Sam cut in.

"Freddy, how could you?" Carly said, as she dropped her arms in disappointment to her friend.

"Well, she deserved it for all the times she beat up on me," Freddy said in his own defense.

"He does have a point there," Spencer chips in.

Sam stares Spencer down for coming to Freddy's defense. Spencer steps back toward the doorway in response.

"Freddy, will ... will you cover that," Carly says as she covers her eyes with her hand to avoid seeing his still exposed penis.

"Oh, sorry," Freddy says sheepishly as he tucks his sore cock back into his pants.

Now that peace was reinstated within the group, Carly takes them all back outside to make their plans for proving the existence of Bigfoot.

"Okay, I'm going out there to set up my cameras," Freddy says.

"Cameras? What cameras?" Carly ask.

"These are motion activated, infrared cameras," Freddy says.

"Ahhhh!" Sam groans.

"Anything that moves in front of it will activate them," Freddy goes on. "And then the images will be recorded onto my computer hard-drive."

"AHHHH!" Sam groans even louder.

"What's wrong?" Carly ask.

"My head hurts!" Sam repeats.

"How come?" Carly asked.

"His voice hurts my head," Sam moans, pointing towards Freddy.

Freddy is about to retort to Sam's taunts but Carly stops him with a hand on his chest.

"Just go set up your tree cameras," Carly tells Freddy to avoid the unavoidable argument with Sam.

Just then they hear a sound coming from deep in the woods.

"Carly!" The odious voice is heard calling out. "Carly!"

"Bigfoot?" Carly calls back out.

"How could Bigfoot know your name," Freddy says with a chuckle.

Just then a figure emerges from the darkness.

"Well, I didn't expect to see you all out here," the mysterious voice is revealed to be Dr. van Gurbin.

"Dr. van Gurbin? Hi," Carly says with a smile.

"You here to look for Bigfoot?" van Gurbin asks.

"Uh-uh," Carly replies.

"And the beav-coon," Spencer adds.

"And Robin's Wieners," Sam interjects.

"We already found those," Freddy responds.

"I hate five," Sam boasts.

"They are good hotdogs," Spencer comments.

"Yes, they are a fine wienery," the doctor says. "So, any sign of Bigfoot yet?"

"Not yet," Carly replies in disappointment.

"Me either," van Gurbin answers back. "But I know he's out there. Well, happy searching."

And with that Dr. van Gurbin disappears back into the forest.

Freddy then gathers his equipment and goes into the forest himself to set up his camera equipment.

"All right, there's a big tree," Sam says once Freddy is gone. "I'm gonna go rig up my rope trap."

"Wait-wait," Carly says with a grin. "You're going to trap Bigfoot?"

"No-o-o-o," Sam moans. "But there's gotta be some wild animals in these woods, right. I'm gonna catch me a snack."

About fifteen minutes pass and then Freddy returns and they all go back inside the RV for some warmth.

They then decide to start their search in the morning once the sun comes up.

The next morning, the gang got up and prepared to the task of searching for Carly's Bigfoot. It was a warm sunny day, so Carly decided to change into a light shirt and a miniskirt, but she decided on keeping her knee-high Goth boots to protect her legs from the shrubbery. Like many girls of today, Carly liked the Gothic look of her boots, which also had tassels along the top.

After having breakfast the gang decided to take shifts watching the woods. Carly and Freddy took on the first shift gazing through binoculars from the front seats of the RV. Carly had her legs up on the dash, flashing her white panties under her short skirt, something that Freddy was definitely aware of.

"See anything yet?" Freddy asked, shifting around nervously from his aching crotch.

"No, nothing," Carly moaned in disappointment. "I can see trees. And I see some bushes. And ... oh look, two squirrels are wrestling."

She pointed out the little creatures to Freddy who focused his binoculars to the amusing sight.

"Err, Carly," Freddy says. "They're not wrestling."

Carly drops her binoculars at that and then stares back. Focusing closer she can now clearly see the tiny penis humping into the other squirrel's vagina.

"Oh!" Carly says softly in embarrassment.

The two teens continued scanning the woods for their quarry.

Carly began blushing as she spotted yet another beast fornicating in the forest. This time it was a pair of wolves and Carly could clearly see the thick penis as it penetrated the bitch wolf.

'This is so weird, ' she thought, unable to take her eyes away from the sight. 'I never knew just seeing a ... a penis could be so ... so exciting.'

Just then Freddy nudged her at her waist.

"Check it out Carly," he told her, pointing in another area.

Carly focused her binoculars to where Freddy pointed. And here again was another scene of fornication. This time a pair of deers were hard at it.

"What is it in this forest!?!" Carly exclaimed in shock. "Every ... everything wants to ... to ... you know!"

"Cool it, Carly," Freddy tried to calm her. "Why don't we take a break?"

"Okay, I'll get Spencer and Sam to take over," she said, swinging her legs around, flashing her white panties in Freddy's direction unintentionally once again.

But this was a sight that Freddy did not miss, and neither did his cock.

"Sam, Spencer, you're turn on watch," she told them as she stepped into the back of the RV. "I'm going to use the washroom."

Carly walks towards the back of the RV and turns the handle to the toilet cabinet.

"CARLY! DON'T!" Spencer cries out in warning.

But it was too late as the door pops open and a large stack of magazines comes tumbling down over Carly. The young teen beauty crashes on her ass as the mass of stag mags bury her. This is soon followed by an inflatable male doll, in full erection, landing on her juvenile body, its erect penis hitting her squarely on her cheek.

"HA-HA-HA-HA!" Sam burst out laughing at her friend's misfortune.

"Carly, you okay?" Spencer asked his younger sister as he helps her out of the clutter of sex magazines.


"Oh, this is Ken," Spencer says matter-of-factly.

"WHAT!?!" Carly screams out in shock embarrassment.

"Nothing," her brother replies embarrassingly.

"And what's this gooey stuff on my skin?" Carly says as she wipes the back of her hand over her cheek.

"Err, nothing," Spencer says, his face blushing even more.

Spencer quickly came to realize that the 'gooey' stuff that his kid sister was referring to was from all the cum-stained magazines that had just buried her, including a fresh load he had shot the night before without the teens knowledge.

He could still recall the number of times he and Socko would ejaculate while checking out the naked girls in those magazines. He was also embarrassingly ashamed that seeing his teenaged sister's face glistening with dried cum was actually turning him on.

"Ooh, never mind," Carly said. "So, where can I go to the bathroom."

"Err," Spencer says as he pushes the door open for her.

"OUT THERE!" She shrieked. "You want me to go and ... and ... out there!"

"It's cool, Carly," Spencer tells his sister. "Socko and me do that all the time. "Just don't do it near any poison ivy."

"Is that how you got..." Carly begins.

"I don't want to talk about it," Spencer cuts her off, handing her a roll of toilet paper.

Carly snatches the roll as she shoved her way past her big brother and weaved her way into the woods to find some secluded spot to relieve herself, out of sight of the RV.

'I guess this is good, ' Carly thinks to herself as she nervously looks around in the darkened woods.

Feeling self-conscious, she nervously pulls her panties down to her ankles and crouches lower to the ground to empty her bladder.

'This is so embarrassing, ' she laments.

Just then a loud rustling sound catches her ear behind her. She jumps to her feet and turns around abruptly. But with her panties still down around her ankles this sudden twist tangles her feet and she falls to the ground.

"Who ... who's there?" Carly calls out as she struggles to get back to her feet. "You better not try anything funny! I'm warning you!"

Just then a large hairy arm reaches out from the bushes and grasps the tangled cloth of her panties entangled around her ankles and drags a screaming Carly into the bushes.

The shocked teenager struggles helplessly as the mysterious intruder drags her light teenaged body into the underbrush, her short skirt riding up higher and exposing her hairless cunny.

"NO! NO! SOMEONE HELP ME!" Carly cries out in fear.

Even as she is being dragged deeper into the woods, Carly had the presence of mind to try to identify her attacker. So imagine her shocked surprise when all she could make out was the hairy ass of Bigfoot as he pulled her tiny form along.

"This can't be happening!" She cries out. "I'm ... I'm being kidnapped by ... by Bigfoot!"

She is pulled along the ground for a good fifteen minutes, her ass getting all scratched up by the twigs and rocks as she is dragged the whole way.

Finally Bigfoot stops once they have reached a hidden cave in the mountainside. With the mountain runoff, the cave floor is a blanket of dark, gooey mud. The beast-man drags the still struggling teen to a corner and shoves her roughly there, knocking the breath out of her.

While Carly lies there stunned, covered in the mud, the large beast-man begins to rip at her now tattered clothing. The first thing to go is her blouse, exposing her sheer bra covering her teenaged breast. And this is the next item to get ripped from her body.

As Carly begins to regain her composure she quickly brings her tiny, muddy, hands up to cover her bared chest from the leering beast-man.

Bigfoot takes her defensive move as a perfect opportunity to tackle her lower clothing, that being her skirt and panties. And when he is done with disheveling her, Carly is left with nothing more than her Goth boots.

"Wha ... what do you want, Mr. Bigfoot?" She asked nervously. "You know ... I always believed in you."

Bigfoot simply grunts and reaches for Carly's chest, slapping her hands away from her tits. He then begins to maul them with his big hairy paws.

"HEY! STOP THAT!" Carly cries out, slapping at the large furry hands.

But the wild beast-man doesn't even take notice of her objection and squeezes and pinches her hardening breasts. He deftly begins pinching her nipples, arousing the inexperienced teen in the process.

"Plea ... please, don't do this," Carly was moaning. "It ... it's not right what you're doing. I'm still ... I'm still a virgin. Please stop this."

Bigfoot then grabs Carly by the head and hugs her face up close to his crotch. That's when Carly discovers the beast-man's penis hardening with each passing second.

'Oh God! He ... he's getting horny, ' Carly though in shock.

A moment later a pale shaft appeared from under the furry covering. She was somewhat surprised at how similar Bigfoot's penis was to a human penis that she had seen in her biology textbooks at school. She had assumed that the beast-man's organ would appear differently.

A moment later Bigfoot grabbed Carly behind her skull of forced her face toward his cock-shaft.

Within seconds Carly feels the warm shaft striking her lips as if expecting a blowjob.

'He can't be expecting me to do something like that, can he?' Carly thought in revulsion. 'I mean whores do that to guys ... not Bigfoots.'

A grunt from Bigfoot seemed to answer her question. He was forcing her head harder against his prick expecting some sort of satisfaction from this female.

And not seeing anyway out of this situation, Carly made up her mind to follow his wishes. And with that she parted her virgin lips and allowed the beast-man's prick to slip inside her mouth. For the very first time in her young teenaged life she had a real cock in her mouth, even if it wasn't human.

Feeling his hard cock in the teen's mouth was all Bigfoot was waiting for. He immediately began hunching his ass, driving his cock deep inside her mouth.

But Carly was so inexperienced in the art of giving a blowjob, that she wasn't giving him any sucking action. She simply had a numb mouth open for Bigfoot to fuck into.

But what was surprising Carly most of all was feeling some strange sensation building lower in her body. This wasn't a totally strange sensation, for she had those same feelings when she would touch herself there at night or in the shower.

'But how can having a penis in my mouth make my tummy flip-flop the same way?' She was asking herself.

Just then Bigfoot pulled his cock out of her gaping mouth and stepped back slightly.

'Maybe he's done with me, ' she thought in expectation. 'Maybe now he'll let me go.'

But Bigfoot had other things on his mind. He reached down and grabbed Carly roughly by her tiny waist and flipped her effortlessly to her stomach, causing her to land heavily into the thick mud. She was now completely coated with the dark, moist dirt.

Carly had landed roughly on her stomach and didn't dare move.

Then she felt the beast-man's rough hands grabbing at her hips and lifted her higher until she found herself on her hands and knees. She then gasped when she felt the warm breath of Bigfoot breathing right into her hairless pussy.

"O-o-o-o-h-h-h!!" She gasped in both surprise and excitement.

The next thing that happened shocked her even more. She felt the slick texture of a tongue lapping at her virgin cunt-lips. She herself had only rarely touched herself there, and to have a second person, even a beast-man, touching her there with her tongue was so ... forbidden ... and exciting.

"Oh please, please, don't!" Carly was pleading helplessly. "I've never done anything ... there. Please, stop! Oh please ... don't ... stop! Oh yes ... don't stop!"

The large beast-man took her pleas as a good sign as he assumed a position behind her and guided his pale cock to the entrance of Carly Shay's virgin vagina. Then with one powerful lunge forward buried himself deeply inside her, barely tearing through her hymen and causing her eyes to pop wide in shock.

"A-a-a-i-i-i-i-i-i-e-e-e-e-e-e-e!!!" Carly cried out, just before she passed out from the pain.

Bigfoot didn't seem to mind, or care, that his teen mate was unconscious. He simply increased his endeavor to fornicate with this teen waif. He humped furiously into her, burying his cock as deeply as he could.

He even reached down and around Carly's slumped form to tweak and play with her still aroused nipples, pinching her tits as hard as he could.

All of this physical abuse to her breast eventually brought Carly back to semi-consciousness. And the first thing she could feel was the thick cock slushing in and out of her pussy. That's when she came to the shocking realization that she had been deflowered by the beast-man she so admired.

"U-u-u-u-h-h-h! O-o-o-o-o-o-h!" She began to moan.

From the sound of her own moans, Carly also came to the realization that her body was ... enjoying the rape. She was enjoying being fucked.

"YES! YES! FUCK ME!" Carly was crying out, not believing her own words. "FUCK ME HARDER! HARDER! MAKE ME CUM, MR. BIGFOOT!"

And with those words she began humping her tiny ass hard against Bigfoot's groin, trying desperately to take in even more of that hard cock. But there was little more to offer.

In a strange and depraved way, Carly was slightly disappointed that Bigfoot didn't seem to live up to his name as far as his penis was concerned. He only seemed to have a measly six or seven inches to his cock.

Let us roll back the clock some twenty minutes.

Through the underbrush, a lurking figure is spying young Carly Shay as she wanders away from the RV. The mysterious figure follows her stealthily through the woods until she stops.

The figure then watches as the attractive young teen pulls her panties down for a crap.

'Damn that Carly Shay and her friends, ' a disguised Dr. van Gurbin thinks as he spies on the teenaged girl. 'She and her friends are going ruin me if they tell everyone about my hoax. Well, this little cunt is going to regret that. I'll show her.'

Without thinking, Dr. van Gurbin comes out of hiding in his Bigfoot disguise and grabs Carly's tangled panties and drags her into the woods.

'Oh yeah, this little cunt's real tight, ' Dr. van Gurbin/Bigfoot thinks. 'And to think that she was still virgin territory. Wow!'

He kept humping his ass hard as he enjoyed the luxury of deflowering a teenaged girl as beautiful as Carly Shay.

"UNGH! UNGH! UNGH!" He was grunting with effort as he kept pushing his stiff six incher in the girl.

Carly keeps fucking her ass back to meet the "Bigfoot's" thrust for thrust. She was thoroughly enjoying her rape now. So much so that she was manipulating her clit with her fingers, trying to cum in time with Bigfoot.

'What a hot fuck!' Dr. van Gurbin /Bigfoot kept saying to himself, trying desperately to keep his tongue. "UNGH! UNGH! UNGH!"

Just then a loud rustling could be heard outside his hidden cave. He stopped thrusting into the young teen as he tried to remain quiet, hoping that whoever it was would simply pass by.

Carly on the other hand couldn't control herself.

"NO! DON'T STOP!" She cried out.

Dr. van Gurbin/Bigfoot reached to cover her mouth too late. A moment later a tall shadowy figure came lumbering into the cave with them.

In a flash, Dr. van Gurbin felt a large hand grabbing him by the head and pulls his Bigfoot mask off. As he stares up he sees that it is a Bigfoot, a real one this time. The beast-man then lifts him up effortlessly from the kneeling teenager and tosses him aside like a rag doll.

Carly was confused when she suddenly felt her sucking pussy emptied of that warm hard piece of flesh that was giving her such pleasure. So, wondering what was going on she flopped over onto her ass and stared in disbelief what was before her.

There wasn't one Bigfoot in the cave now, but two. Somehow a second beast-man had joined them in the cave and had removed the first one who now laid prone at the back of the cave, its head hidden from Carly's view.

"Err, do you want to fuck me too, Mr. Bigfoot?" She meekly asked to the second creature.

"URFF!" The second beast-man grunted as it sniffed the pungent air in the confines of the cave.

The next thing that happened was that the new Bigfoot grabbed Carly by the waist with a single hand and lifted her up to his face. He then began sniffing at her muddy white skin from her hair and worked his way down to her naked chest.

This was something different to Carly. The first beast-man didn't do anything like this before fucking her.

Bigfoot kept sniffing her naked skin as he detected a faint scent of sex on her body. What he was smelling was the dried jism from that magazines that had buried Carly back at the RV. But that scent was still strong enough to catch the beast-man's interest.

He then lifted her even higher so that he could sniff loudly at her just recently deflowered vagina. A light trickle of blood still seeped from its opening from losing her hymen to Dr. van Gurbin's rape. This too caught this real Sasquatch interest.

He licked her sore pussylips, causing the young teen to wiggle in excitement.

"O-o-o-o-o-h! That tickles!" Carly giggled, twisting her hips in the beast-man's grasp.

Yes, this female was definitely aroused. And Bigfoot was never one to pass on an opportunity to mate. And in response his cock began to emerge from his hairy sheath under his furry body just below Carly's suspended body.

But unlike the puny six inches of Dr. van Gurbin his kept growing to a massive eighteen inches and nearly as thick as Carly's arm. And unlike a human cock that Carly had seen earlier, Bigfoot's shaft had a flared blunt tip to it.

For you into bestiality, imagine a cross between a horse penis and a canine's. Bigfoot's flared tip had all the characteristics of a horse's cock, but also had an os as a dog does to keep it stiff. It also generated a constant stream of pre-cum to lubricate any mating.

"Wha ... what's that?" Carly asked in surprise as her body was getting sprayed by ... something.

Staring down between their bodies, she caught a spray of pre-cum squarely in her face, some of it passing her lips into her gaping mouth. To her surprise she didn't find it all that displeasing. She also got her first REAL look at a REAL Bigfoot's extended penis.

The size and girth of it terrified the teenaged beauty. Its length was horrifying enough for an experienced girl, much less one as inexperienced as Carly Shay, but the width of the beast-man's cock-head was even more so. It had to be the size of her fist.


Then, with a gentleness that astonished the now terrified teenager, Bigfoot lowered her to the muddy floor of the cave on her back before kneeling himself before her. He then began hunching as he moved closer to her parted legs. He didn't have to use his large hands to help guide him to his goal, the os assured that his aim was true.

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ICarly Sex StoryIam Not a Virgin"I'm sexy Carly""and I'm slutty Sam""And this is ICarly"Carly and Sam are doing a normal ICarly rehearsal in their studio with Freddie. As they get half way through Sam gets a text message."I gotta go" Sam says"we're in the middle of rehearsal" Fredie exclaims"I've got people to see" Sam responds"Oooo a date?" Carly asked"You could call it that" Sam says as she leaves with a dirty grin on her face."So now what?" Carly asks Freddie"Oh I've got some tech stuff I...

3 years ago
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iCarlyVictorious I Didnt See Her Passing

iCarly/Victorious: I Didn't See Her Passing[An appearance on iCarly leads to new encounters, now and possibly in the future for Tori and Carly. Companion story to "I Didn't See That Coming".]I suppose ignoring Jade and being ignored by her is hardly anything new. But it's never been in circumstances like this. It's two in the morning in a strange apartment and Jade is completely and gloriously naked as she passes me in the hall with her head turned to examine the wall.Of course, I'm not in much...

2 years ago
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iCarly iHave Fun with Sam and Cat

iCarly: iHave Fun with Sam and Cat[Four years after the popular web show iCarly ended...]Right after iCarly ended Sam rode her bike off into the sunset and met a red haired women named Cat Valentine. They ended up becoming babysitters together and taking care of young c***dren. Freddie stayed living with his mom. Spencer stayed living right across the hallway from Freddie, like he was before. Spencer had since became a famous artist with his crazy stuff put on to display in museums of art.One...

1 year ago
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Being Bred By Bigfoot

Cathy could feel her stress level start to decrease as she drove out of town in her dad’s F150 pickup heading into the mountains.  Her freshman year of college had sucked in about every way possible with the exception of she had passed all of her classes, and gotten the number of credit hours she needed for both semesters.She was heading for a girl's weekend with Sherry and Janice.  They would set up camp tonight, Thursday night, and then they would do some serious hiking in the mountains just...

Monster Sex
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Icarly hellip

Most people probably wouldn’t stay friends with someone who had knocked them u*********s on multiple occasions, especially if the victim in the scenario was supposed to be smart. However Freddie Benson’s friendship with Sam Puckett had always been… unique. No matter how much physical and verbal abuse he received from her Freddie could never stay mad at the violent blonde girl like he in all honesty should. Why that was used to be a mystery, now it was very clear. He had feelings for her. He’d...

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iCarly iCant Do This Chapter 8

iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 8: Sweet OblivionI wake up alone, my arm stretched out over the empty bed, and it feels like I've lost something, like I'm reaching for something. I lift my head off the pillow, groggy, and then I snap awake. I'm in Carly's bed. It wasn't a dream... it was real. She kissed me. She felt something. And I feel my heart start to thud crazily and I'm elated and scared at the same time. And for once, I'm almost able to forget what happened. Forget everything that...

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iCarly iCant Do This Chapter 7

iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 7: I Need To See"Sam? It's... it's your mom again." Spencer says hesitantly, holding the phone.I draw my knees up to me, resting my chin on them and shaking my head."Sam..." He sighs and puts the phone to his ear. "Sorry Mrs Puckett, Sam's... Sam's not... she's not... she can't talk right now." He ends the call, turning to look at me. It's all anyone seems to do these days. Look at me, with that mixture of sympathy and pity and... and fear. It makes me sick....

1 year ago
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iCarly Elevator Surprises

iCarly: Elevator Surprises Miranda Cosgrove as Carly ShayJennette McCurdy as Samantha ‘Sam’ PuckettJennette McCurdy as Melanie ‘Mel’ PuckettNathan Kress as Freddie Benson"Why is this happening to me?" Sam groaned. She couldn't believe they were stuck in an elevator, due to a power surge, only a few hours before they we're supposed to be making their next episode of iCarly as well."Hey," Freddie exclaimed, "we're just as stuck as you are, and complaining isn't gonna get us moving any faster.""I...

4 years ago
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iCarly iFeet

One day Carly and Sam were in the iCarly studio doing a rehearsal for an upcoming episode of their popular web-show when their technical producer, Freddie Benson, came bouncing in with a long, big box.“What’s that for?” asked Carly.“It’s a new device I found on Sky-Mall which allows the person strapped in to bounce around the room safely and securely. Almost like you’re bungee jumping, but in all different directions,” Freddie answered as he placed the box down onto the floor.“So you didn’t buy...

2 years ago
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ICarly Elevator Action

"Why is this happening to me?" Sam groaned, she couldn't believe they we're stuck in an elevator due to a power surge, and right before they we're supposed to be making their next episode of iCarly as well. "Hey!, Freddie exclaimed, "we're just as stuck as you are, and complaining isn't gonna get us moving any faster", "I know, Sam responded, "I just always get uncomfortable in small spaces" "It's okay, Carly said reassuringly, "we shouldn't be here for more then an hour" "an hour!" Sam whined,...

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iCarly iCant Do This Chapter 11

iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 11: A Friend in NeedI get back the apartment and Spencer's following me, waiting for me to do something. And I might have been ready to talk to him before, but my mom's words are buzzing in my head, running around and around and nipping at me with sharp little teeth. I go up to the studio for some peace, chewing on my nails nervously. I know she's full of bullshit. I know she just said that stuff to hurt me, to f0rce me back to her... but... she had a point.What...

3 years ago
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iCarly iCant Do This Chapter 9

iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 9: Confide In MeI wake up slowly, hesitantly, swimming up towards consciousness despite myself. The light hurts my eyes and the noise hurts my ears, and I just want to snuggle down into the couch and go back to sleep.But I can smell bacon.And that's probably what woke me up, 'cause my body's all twitchy but my brain is dead. I feel like a zombie. I lurch to my feet and stumble to the table, grabbing a hot rasher of bacon from the big plate that's sitting there....

2 years ago
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iCarly iCant Do This Chapter 6

iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 6: On EdgeI take a long swig out of the bottle, screwing my face up as it burns its way down into me. I don't know why I'm doing it. I don't know why I do anything. I'm just... I'm weak like my mom. I can't deal with everything... anything. I take another sip, swallowing the amber liquor with a cough. I can't even begin to comprehend the events of the past week.Ever since I cut my hand... no, ever since I realised I loved Carly... everything's just been...

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iCarly iCant Do This Chapter 5

iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 5: SurrenderI'm outside Carly's door, fumbling at the lock. I don't know what time it is – so late that it's early probably, and I can't find the key and I feel like hitting the stupid door but I'm so weak. I make it inside and limp over to the sofa. It's dark and quiet and peaceful and I just needed to be here. And I can't stop shaking, and my insides are full of fizz that makes me feel sick and light headed. And it's like I could only hold myself together...

1 year ago
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iCarly iCant Do This Chapter 4

iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 4: In TwoI walk around Seattle until it gets dark, until the air starts to get chilly and make me shiver. I feel like a tenderised steak. And a jerk. Carly was just trying to help me, but I couldn't tell her that it was her causing the problem. And it wasn't really her I know, it was me... the way I felt about her. But I couldn't help it. Why couldn't she have been like everyone else... afraid of me, disdainful of me? Why did she have to keep thinking there was...

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iCarly iCant Do This Chapter 3

iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 3: Rolling Down The Hill"Sam, what's the matter? You're not yourself today.""Shut up Gibby," I hiss, but it comes out flat and sad, so I just tug his underwear harder, jerking his feet off the ground. And boy, I must be really fucked up if Gibby's noticing it."I'm just worried about you Sam. It's – ah! – just not like you to be this sloppy." I tug viciously, but my heart's not in it. "I mean, I had to find you today!" I sigh and let his underwear go."Whatever...

3 years ago
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iCarly behind the scenes

"Hi out their in internet land I'm Miranda Cosgrove and this is iCarly behind the scenes!," she said. "And on tonight you're gonna see me get oiled up and have all my holes fucked licked and see me get cummed on now lets get going."With that Nathan took the cap completely off and poured the oil all over Miranda's face and body. Even getting some in her hair and down her back. Miranda for her part rubbed the oil sexily all over herself. Until the bottle was almost empty. Miranda then moved onto...

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iCarly iWant Her Chapter 3

Sam loves hanging out with Carly, but she feels slightly awkward around her, she makes her feel so strange. She finds out she's not the only one who feels this way when she goes over to Carly's house. BTW-I still don't own iCarly, and my chinchilla is forever awesome*SAM*I was on the couch watching some show about a guy and magic hamster, eating ribs covered in Carly's favourite yellow blanket. She was probably talking with Freddie about how she made such a huge mistake, and must've gone...

2 years ago
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iCarly iWant Her Chapter 2

Sam loves hanging out with Carly, but she feels slightly awkward around her, she makes her feel so strange. She finds out she's not the only one who feels this way when she goes over to Carly's house. BTW-I still don't own iCarly, and my chinchilla is still awesome*CARLY*I felt the pit of my stomach suddenly groan in pain, and my heart beat a million times faster than it's supposed to."OH MY GOD" Freddie screamed.He looked disgusted, and, although my strongest feeling was fear, the fact that...

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iCarly iWant Her Chapter 1 ndash Does She Wan

Sam loves hanging out with Carly, but she feels slightly awkward around her, she makes her feel so strange. She finds out she's not the only one who feels this way, when she goes over to Carly's house.BTW- iCarly does not belong to me, but I do have a pretty awesome chinchilla*SAM*"It's raining again" I said, turning to face my best friend."What do expect, it's Seattle," she answered.I reached for the popcorn off her lap. I was in Carly's living room, watching TV, sleeping over again. It didn't...

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Icarly Uncut

Carly and her friend Sam audition for their school's talent show while Freddy, a geek, records it and uploads it online. The recording becomes an internet rage and turns into the iCarly webcast but these are uncut episodes "All characters in this story are at least 18 years old."

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Raped by Bigfoot

Raped by bigfoot It was a freak accident that brought me to this predicament. I was somewhat cold, completely naked, had a pounding headache, a sore ankle, and was trapped in a cave halfway up a mountain. I don’t remember being brought here, but the creature that must have saved my life had to live here. I did not see him much, since he left the cave at about dawn. All I remember was slipping on a mossy rock...

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iCarly iGet Raped

Introduction: Carly learns not to fuck with freddy Warning:This story features Incestual relations and brutal rape, if you are not into this type of thing i recommend you leave now. ALSO, please excuse any spelling/grammatical/punctual errors as English is my second language. Carly was in the shower, warm water running down her slim, naked body. Her hand rubbing the clit of her virgin pussy. :Uh-uhhh OHHHHH! She uttered in an orgasm as low as possible trying not to get caught. ...

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iCarly iGet Raped

ALSO, please excuse any spelling/grammatical/punctual errors as English is my second language. Carly was in the shower, warm water running down her slim, naked body. Her hand rubbing the clit of her virgin pussy. :"Uh-uhhh OHHHHH!" She uttered in an orgasm as low as possible trying not to get caught. Meanwhile... Freddy, her friend the 'Tech geek', was in her room applying a hidden camera that would send a feed to his laptop of anything...

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ICarly Carly has a new Idea

This story is OBVOUSLY fiction. Names and characters borrowed from nickelodeon studios purely for the sake of an interesting back story. Sam didn’t know what to do. Seemingly stiff, or almost frozen. Aside from Carly’s menstruations she didn’t even blink. Carly peeled Sam’s hair up and in into a tie. And she used a pink ribbon, which seemed to appear from thin air. She tied a bow at the top pinning Sam's locks. She then breathed hotly on her neck slowly. And in a low whisper she...

2 years ago
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iCarly the shopping trip

The top fit so her young breast pushed tightly together and left a surprisingly sexy bit of cleavage. Her skirt was almost shorter than she felt comfortable with. And so snug that the seam ran up her ass crack forming a spectacular apple shape you would see on models in Cosmo or Glamour. She had just finished putting on her flip flops when Spencer walked in. “Oh good, your ready. Lets go! We have an appointment” He turned around and walked out. Carly locked the door and followed....

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iCarly iStartLife chapter 8

"I had to come and see you Carly." Adam told her. "After seeing you on TV last night, I just had to come and see you." He walked in, uninvited."Adam. I have a date tonight and he is going to be here any second. You have to leave.""I came all the way down here to tell you something, so please let me tell you and then I will go." Adam pleaded.Carly crossed her arms against her chest. "Hurry up.""Listen Carly, I am so sorry for breaking up with you. I never should have done it. It's just you were...

2 years ago
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iCarly ndash Twinsome

Sam was extremely furious when she figured out what have her s*ster done to her. She thought they were honest with each other, but she was wrong… and that damn nerd? She thought he knew her better than her blonde hair, but she was also wrong… He was just a boy too.*Freddie's POV*Sam went to Los Angeles, but then she came back for me. I was so happy, even if she changed. She was cute, and stuff, but I didn't mind, because I loved her, then my fake fairy-tale flew away, when I saw two of my Sam....

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iCarly iGet Caught In The Middle

"I can't take you two making out in front of me all the time." Carly said, staring at her two best friends making out on the couch in her and Spencer's apartment."You can leave, you know?" Sam responded, pulling away from Freddie long enough to stare at Carly before going back to kissing Freddie."This is my house," Carly retorted, repeating herself from when she and Sam were fighting over Freddie's friend a few years ago."Let's just head over to mine," Freddie said to her, pulling away, feeling...

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iCarly iEscape The Rain

It had all began on a warm and sunny Saturday morning on which a young girl named Carly Shay had left the apartment that she shared with her 26-year-old brother and legal guardian, Spencer Shay, to go out with her two best friends, Samantha Puckett and Freddie Benson. The three of them were to go to a local park and see if they could find anything which could inspire them for some new material for both Carly and Sam to use for that day's taping of the internet program which had made their name...

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iCarly iStay Over For The Night

(I do not own the right to the characters, I am just having fun with them)“C’mon Sam! Hurry up!” Laughed Carly, bouncing on Sam’s bed.It was rare that Carly slept over at Sam’s, usually it was the other way around, but Spencer was out of town on a trip with his friend Socko, and Sam had begged Carly to sleep over, promising an awesome time of it.Carly had given in to the blonde girl, and was now actually looking forward to spending some time alone with Sam. It always seemed like Freddie or...

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iCarly The Sexy Series

"iCant Be Home Alone"With Carly Shay (Miranda Cosgrove) & Sam Puckett (Jennette McCurdy)Written by BulletBill2(FF, voy, mast, fetish) I do not own the characters and name’s for which whom are used in this fictional story. The following story composes of sexual erotic reading, viewer discretion is advised. -------------------------------------------------------------------At the school lunch table; Carly, Sam and Freddie talk about there next web show. When an unexpected call from Carly’s...

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iCarlys introduction

Blue eyed blond haired Sam is quick witted and funny. Also 13, Carly’s co-host. And overly grounded Freddy 12, producer, techhead and camera guy, for the increasingly popular iCarly web sight and bi-weekly web cast Are constantly at odds. This one fact is overlooked to Carly. She being the balance between the two; has trouble sometimes when one can’t be there. Carly lives with her older brother and guardian Spencer. He left law school to follow a career as an artist while their father...

4 years ago
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The StartChapter 10

When I had rested for a short time I decided to leave Mum and Dad for a while to allow them some private time together. I guessed that the oral sex with Julie and watching me with Mum would have aroused Dad and he would be want to work off his horniness urgently. I took Julie by the hand and headed off for a walk, going past our tent on the way and slipping a pair of shorts and a tee shirt on, Julie taking advantage of the stop to slip a pair of panties and a tee shirt on as well. We were...

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Alicias New Life chapter 7

Alicia's New Life By Christine statment by Kathy Peterson I know that there is no way that I can take back what I did to my brother so many years ago. The only thing that I can say is that at the time, I was 14 and had just lost both of my parents in a terrible plane crash. We both were given into the custody of our older brother who didn't care about anything. When he hooked up with this mean blonde, she gave me many ideas how to torment my brother. I was 14 and wanted to take my...

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A black guy banged 17 girls in 50 days in Zagreb

A black guy from England stayed 45 days in Zagreb in September and November.'' I was looking for a cheap Pussy Paradise in the Balkans and made a post on the forum asking for advices https://www.rooshvforum.com/thread-57080.html . (Thanks to all your suggestions . This Datasheet is me giving back) . This is a comprehensive detailed Datasheet plus Trip Report breaking down the psyche and nuances, much longer than usual forum Datasheets and much shorter than Roosh’s Bang Books so for those who...

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Elizabeth and AnastasiaChapter 4

Betty cancelled the last few tutoring sessions with Stacy, claiming they'd already covered more than what she'd missed. Her father accepted that with nothing more than a questioning look. There were two telephone calls from her as well. Betty basically ignored Stacy on the other end, saying that no, she couldn't make it for coffee that day, she had a date, maybe another time, and hung up. The conversation was for her father's benefit. The rest of the school year went smoothly. Mr....

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The Perfect Vengeance Fuck Plot

The Perfect Vengence Fuck Plot [This story is completely invented, and has no relationship to any real people or activities.? Also, we do NOT advocate that any actions in this story be acted on.? This story is complete fantasy, and intended to remain complete and total fantasy.]  The Perfect Vengeance Fuck PlotBy: Haelix   Hello, my name is Drew.? I?m 25 years old and I?m fucking pissed.? Here?s the story.? I had been dating the coolest, most beautiful girl in the world for two years.?...

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El PasoChapter 13

I stood there on the steps of the courthouse and watched Rosalinda and Pedro walk down the street. Pedro was strutting along like a bow-legged Bantam Rooster as Rosalinda towered over him by at least a foot. I had to shake my head in wonder at the way love worked. It was almost noon by the time I had Pedro back on the street. It was too late to go back to my office and too early to go home. Instead, I decided to try to track down Burton Toliver for a little chat. I arrived at the Gold...

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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 24

#17, Way of the People January 16 The explosion in #1422 of the Lanhua Teacher's Apartment complex destroyed that apartment, and seriously damaged the one on either side of it and the ones above and below. Thus it was that the watchers of Dr. Fa were out on the street and could not check their listening devices until early in the morning of the next day. Being state of the art, and thus, completely electronic, some of the disks used to record everything were damaged. The equipment that...

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Mordern Draupadi

Hi this is Sushma again to conclude the story of that night when my husband and his three friends and their wives and we both husband and wife after the card game where we all ladies were on stake in their game and in first round of 45 minutes all four ladies had a fucking session with the different man according the result of card. Now I tell you aheadAll we went in the bathroom to clean ourselves and when we all gathered in the hall and narrating the scene to everybody and Kamini asked me...

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My Wife Made Me a Cock Sucker

My wife Sara had expressed her interests in watching me suck another man for the last couple years. I was never really sure about it, so it was just something she fantasized about when masturbating. Sometimes when eating her, she would tell me to lick her cunt clean from the mess the boys had made in there. Of course there wasn't any cum in there but it got her off thinking about it. To be honest, the thought kind of turned me on. I've never sucked a dick but forced bisexual porn always...

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Me With Nisha Bhabhi

It was summer and summer at our place is very bad. High temperature makes you sweaty. You will feel like you should tear your clothes apart so that somehow you can get rid of this heat. But on the other hand it is a blessing if you look at things the other way. You get to see ladies in your house or neighbor’s aunty in those semi-transparent dresses and when they get sweaty the difference between semi-transparent and transparent actually diminishes. This story is about me and my neighbor’s...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 3 Getting Back to Normal

The next day I had a visit from Grace. "Art, I've got something I need to ask of you." "Anything you want is yours just for the asking. You should know that." "As you are well aware I was almost raped and I need someone who cares to make love to me." "Say no more." I then kissed her, picked her up and carried her up to my master bedroom. I set her down and embraced her like a long lost lover returning home after an extended absence. We were both breathing hard as we undressed each...

3 years ago
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Wife swapping by old couple

Hello viewer’s main ISS ka permanent reader hu. Mujhe sexy aap beeti padhna bahut achha lagta hai. Isliye mai bhi apni sachchi story suna raha hu aap ko pasand aayegi. Mai 56 saal ka aur meri wife 53 saal ki hai. Mera naam Lalit aur meri wife ka naam Sushila hai. Meri height 5’-5” weight 75 Kg aur wife 4’9” wight 60 Kg hai. Mere baal khichdi ho chale hai Sushila bhi hair die lagati hai. Shaadi huwe 32 saal ho gaye. Hamare Do bete hai jo bahar rahte hai. Shaadi ho gai hai. Wife shakal se gori...

2 years ago
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The BraceletChapter 13

Well I had a fun, fantastic night and morning with the girls. Just a mention of Pam or Stephen made Lorraine cum. We knew where her mindset was. Pam came around after lunch looking well and truly stuffed, however you could not remove the smile from her. Pam was beaming her sexual awaking. We sat, with drinks, on the lounge when Pam started with her afternoon. “Stephen came around exactly at 1:30pm. I opened the door and instructed him to follow me. I took him into my bedroom and pulled back...

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My Sons Huge Cock Ch 05

I left Mike handcuffed up while I went to the bathroom and took a shower. When I came out I walked past my bedroom door. Mike had fallen back off to sleep, his arms still tied over his head, he was butt naked with his limp cock resting on him.I went into my closet and got a t-shirt and some shorts out, after getting dressed I went downstairs and tided the kitchen.About 11 o'clock I went back upstairs to check on Mike. He was awake but laying silently."Hey big boy," I said as I walked over to...

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One night touch

Story comes from SecretFriends.com I'm relaxing in a luxurious motel room in Northern Florida, watching out the window every now and then and wondering what the hell I'm doing here. I realize what brought me south; a holiday trip to visit a relative in Georgia, but what made me stop here in this five-star motel on my way home? I recognize what I'm doing isn't right, but, this time, I’m just out of control. Or I must accept that I want to be out of control. And then again, my deviant mind is...

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period sex is the best

My lover and I were making out with a little foreplay on the secluded porch of my house. In short time we were getting quite hot and horny. It was a hot humid summer afternoon and we already burning for each other inside. As Sharon reached over and gently rubbed my erect penis, my hand slowly travelled from her breast to her belly button. Messaging slowly I worked my way down and found the pubic hair line and softly carressed the soft hair. She reached for my hand and said she her period...

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PetuniaChapter 16

Marcy stripped down to a tiny yellow bikini and danced around the cowering executive. Over the past week, the routine the two had gotten into had changed quite a bit. This was yet another change in their routine. Harold's erectile problems had continued when he went back to Marcy. Seizing the opportunity, she had added a few variations. First, she had doubled the dose of Viagra in his morning coffee. Second, she didn't strip down now. Harold did. She wore a lot of leather things and...

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Swap Week Chapter 3

Swap Week: Nicole Prepares for Swap Week By RogerGirl The next morning Nicole woke up eager to spend her first fill day as a girl. When she went to the bathroom to pee she instinctively stood in front of the toilet for a moment before remembering she was a girl now and had to pee sitting down. After finishing her business and washing her hands, she went back to her room and signed into Nick's Facebook on her laptop. As she looked through the newsfeed she found that many of the...

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ChrisCrossed conclusion

"Chris..." I started, "did you..." I looked at her. There was the usual trace of amusement on her lovely black face, but her eyes were as wide and surprised as my own. "What the bloody...?" She suddenly rolled over and picked up the bell from the nightstand. "Chris!" she called her brother, "get in here!" A very sheepish transvestite-Chris, not quite hiding a guilty grin, slowly opened the door and peeked in. "Yes, darling?" he asked. "Don't 'yes darling' me!" his sister...

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What Lies Beneath1

“Welcome home” a voice says in a low evil sound. Slamming the door behind her, she sees the man who has plagued her life. She thought you had rid of him only to have him come back for what was promised to him. He looks more powerful than ever to her. Dressed in black and a cap that hides his eyes form straight sight as he holds his head down he just stands smirking at her. That’s when she notices the new toy at his side. It shines in the low light that he has left on. The shape undeniable,...

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Wedding day whore part 3

Please read parts 1 and 2 first for this story to make sense. Feel free to leave me comments and suggestions on what should happen next.As soon as the pictures had sent to mark, lisa stood up and went to the bathroom to get herself cleaned up. As she stood at the sink looking in the mirror at the naked woman in front of her with cum dripping down her face and clinging to her eye lids she started to cry, how had she let it go this far? why did she ever fuck those strippers? how could her friends...

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