Eden's Apple free porn video

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Amy nervously twirled her hair in the back of lecture hall. Though she was typically an attentive student, her mind was consumed by the head full of auburn hair in front of her. She had had her eyes on Blake for the last few weeks, though they were little more than casual acquaintances at this point. But she had finally made up her mind that she was going to put herself out there and ask him out on a date.

She knew it wasn't going to work. In her mind she was fat and generally unattractive, as her mother consistently reminded her during her visits home every other weekend. She would pinch her arms, telling Amy to eat well at school, as if she needed reminding how chubby they were. Her dad was always especially sweet to her, trying to make her feel physically beautiful. While Amy appreciated the gesture, her mother's hints and words reeked of the truth, that she was undesirable among boys.

Her hair was jet black, which was not all that exotic given she was an Asian living in San Francisco. She wore thick rimmed glasses, which she hoped made her looked smart, but instead, in the words of her ex, “made her look dorky”. She was, however, especially proud of her full, pouty lips, and of course, her ample, shapely breasts. This afternoon, she was highlighting these features with a glossy pink lipstick and a black low-cut top. Though she had never worn it before today, she tried to enhance her femininity with a black skirt which ran just above the knee.

The professor wished the students a happy weekend, and dismissed the class. As the hall was emptying, Amy leaned over to eavesdrop on the conversation Blake was having with his friend.

“It’s just three blocks from here! Can you believe that shit? Imagine the kind of freaky shit that goes on in there...” His friend's face was incredulous as he showed him the browser window on his tablet. At the top of the screen, she saw a graphic of an apple with a snake curled around it. Amy recalled rumors of a sex club in the area, and what she could see on the page confirmed that this was the one.

“It sure looks crazy,” Blake responded in his thick Texan accent, his cheeks turning red. Amy's heart warmed, listening to his cute drawl and adorable innocence. She stared at him blissfully. Although he was fairly average-looking, a bit scrawny, and not especially attentive to his appearance, she was drawn to him even more for these imperfections since she felt he was in her league.

“Hey, there’s this burrito joint I know across the street. Wanna go get some food and sit outside, watch weirdos that walk in?”

“I’m not sure, I haven’t thought about what I want to do tonight, but that sounds boring,” the prospect seemed to be making Blake uncomfortable, so his friend moved on. As they rose to walk out of the now empty classroom, Amy approached Blake, awkwardly positioning herself between him and the door.

“Hey Blake," she tried to speak confidently, but the odd intonations revealed her nervousness.

Blake turned to her, his eyes momentarily resting on her cleavage, then back up to her face. “Oh, hi Amy.”

“Want to grab a bite to eat?” She could feel her cheeks reddening.

He stared back blankly, surprised by the offer. “Um…” His eyes quickly scanned her body, then cogs slipped into place, and he realized where she was going with this. “Oh, well...you see, I have plans.” He tried to avoid her gaze.

“Oh…okay…perhaps another time?”


“Cool, see you later.” Amy flipped in place and swiftly walked out of the building. She felt a knot building in her chest. He didn’t have plans, he just didn’t want to be caught in public with someone like her. She felt stupid, putting herself out there like that. She walked out into the twilight, trying to cool herself off and clear her head. Her eyes moistened, yet she continued walking through the city streets at a brisk pace.

Her few friends already had plans, so she now had nothing to do tonight. The thought of going home and spending the rest of the night playing video games crossed her mind, but she shook it away--she needed to start acting like an adult. Growing up in a conservative household, she spent most of her time cooped up in the house or with her family. She loved her family and would die for them, but they had stunted her social life. She didn’t get out much, spent most of her time with them, and became generally distrustful of strangers. Thus she was generally bad at meeting new people and making friends.

The various smells of ethnic food drifted by, comforting her. She passionately loved San Francisco, it was always full of wonders, oddities, and hidden gems. The food is wonderful, the people are...interesting, and there’s always something new and interesting going on. Her heart began to ease and her curiosity began to rise.

She took in her surroundings for the first time that evening. The street still had moderate traffic, a “hip” bike shop was in the process of closing for the night, and a sketchy Mexican place seemed packed. She noticed something familiar and she scanned more carefully. Finally she saw it, a small glowing snake wrapped around an apple. It was hanging next to the modestly lit wooden doors of a windowless building in an alley off the street.

Amy’s heart skipped a beat. She had never been to anything like a sex club. For most of her childhood and teenage years, she was relatively innocent and inexperienced. She had only lost her virginity the year before to her ex-boyfriend. The experience was short and unsatisfying, and made sickening by the fact she had walked in on him deflowering another girl at a party a week later. At the time, she thought she’d never try sex again, but recently, the memory of feeling her flesh intertwined with another’s was creating an itch masturbation couldn’t satisfy.

A nicely dressed couple, locked arm in arm, walked up to the door, smiling as they pulled it open and walked in. To Amy, they looked completely normal, as if they were walking into a nice restaurant. It didn’t seem like the seedy, dangerous place gossip seemed to ascribe it. Her pulse quickened as her curiosity drew her to the door. She desperately wanted to see what was inside, but she couldn’t imagine what would happen if her family found out. Finally, she was reminded of the earlier rejection, which made her feel pathetic. She had nothing to lose. She pulled the heavy door open and walked inside.

It smelled strongly of cedar with a faint overtone of leather. She was in a hallway, lit from above, with music emanating from behind a red curtain door. To her left, a lady who looked to be in her late forties was sitting at a booth playing poker on her tablet. Her posture was dignified, as was her dress and jewelry. She turned to Amy as she walked in.

“Well hello there, sweetie! Welcome to Eden’s Apple,” she smiled warmly at Amy.

“Hi,” Amy replied shyly. She stayed in the doorway, intimidated by what may lie behind the curtain. But the hostess’ welcoming presence was giving her strength.

“You look new, sweetheart, are you sure you’re in the right place? Are you familiar with what this place is?”

Amy walked up to the booth; she wanted to be strong, she needed to see what was behind that curtain. “Yes, I am aware, and I’d like to go in.”

“Wonderful, it’s always nice to see...fresh...faces here. Can I get your ID? And the fee for single ladies is $20.” The hostess had a knowing grin on her face, as if recalling the time exploring her sexuality in her youth.

The fee put Amy quite aback. She could only work small part-time jobs in college, so she had very little spending money. Her eyes scanned the sign behind the woman. Couples were charged $80, and single men had to pay $100. She was getting quite a bargain. She pulled cash and ID out of her purse and handed it over to her.

“Mmm, 19? You’re very young. Keep your guard up, but try to let yourself have a good time. If you can release your inhibitions, you might discover parts of yourself you never knew existed.” Amy silently rebuffed her implications. She was not going to fuck any of the guys in here. This woman didn’t know her, and she could control herself. She would prove to her that she wasn’t like those sluts from high school, who’d bang every guy just to be popular.

Amy checked her purse and book bag, and walked cautiously down the hallway and through the mysterious curtain. She walked into a large room with alternative rock playing softly in the background and the smell of cedar in the air. Across from her on the far side was a full bar, colorfully lit with neon trimming and colored spotlights. The wall behind the bar was filled with medieval-style illustrations of mythological scenes. In a museum or church, they would appear tasteful, but lit in the colorful lights, Amy felt it made the place feel somewhat odd and tacky. To the right of the bar in the corner was a small, dimly lit, hardwood dance floor. Along the side of the room to the left was a lounge area with a series of “C”-shaped couches and small drink tables. The backs were fairly high and the openings small, making the couches like mini cubicles, offering the inhabitants decent privacy.

For such a large lounge, it was largely devoid of activity. A pair of couples were having a lively conversation in one of the booths, their laughter occasionally echoing through the room. A few people were lined up at the bar, chatting with the bartender and ordering drinks. The lounge could easily fit dozens more people, but Amy realized that the night was still young. The current crowd was moderately attractive, yet well dressed. Fortunately, since she had put some effort into her appearance earlier, Amy felt like her dress and makeup was appropriate for the environment. However, most were much older than she was, at least in their mid-30s, and at most in their early 50s.

Amy stood just inside the room, scanning the environment, timidly wondering whether she was welcome and whether this was the place for her. Social gatherings made her feel very insecure, and talking to strangers often made her feel uncomfortable. However, she was suddenly self conscious of the fact that she was standing in the middle of the room, unmoving, for an unreasonably long time. She decided to walk to the bar, because she felt it the most socially correct course of action.

She sat down several seats away from the group at the end. She felt them all stare briefly at her, as they quietly and discretely discussed whether she was new or not. Amy studied the illustrations on the wall diligently, trying her best to act nonchalant and be oblivious to the group to her left. She began to notice a pattern with the graphics, that most depicted the interactions between women and demons. There was of course, Eve in the Garden of Eden, eating the apple given to her by a serpent-demon, but there were also depictions of hell, with women being imprisoned and tortured by horned devils. The violent themes made Amy feel slightly scared as she remembered the type of establishment she was in and wondered whether she herself was stepping foot onto the devil’s playground.

"Welcome to Eden's Apple, what'll be your poison?" The voice from across the bar startled Amy and broke her out of her trance. Her eyes darted to the bartender's, looking down on her from above. Both of his hands were firmly planted on the bar. His composure was somber, yet commanding. Amy froze like a deer in headlights.

"Uh..." Her mind raced, but she had missed the question entirely. Her eyes flicked back and forth, avoiding his gaze. She blushed slightly.

The fawn in front of him made the bartender relax his demeanor. He let out a soft laugh and smiled, rolling his eyes. "I'm asking what you would like to drink, honey."

All the references to apples primed Amy's mind. "Um, do you have apple juice?" she asked weakly.

He looked back indignantly, unable to wipe his smile. "Sweetheart, how old are you?"

"Nineteen." Amy said flatly. She was taken aback by the oddly personal and irrelevant question. Was he trying to insult her?

"Wrong. It's 21, hard cider good for you?"

"Oh. Ah! Okay. Yes...thank you." Amy felt relieved, then stupid for missing his intent, and then slightly charmed by his gracious offer. She focused on him as he poured her drink. The bartender was an older black gentleman, possibly in his mid forties, yet still youthful in physique. His age was signaled by the silver streaks running through his hair on either side of his head. Amy noticed that he was a good ten inches taller than the average, with long arms and skilled hands. He was wearing a white collared shirt with a black vest and a scarlet bow tie, matching the color of the apples proudly lined on the bar.

He returned with her drink and placed it in front of her. He placed his hand on the bar, then casually leaned over to her side, engaging her. Amy withdrew into her sweet beverage.

"It's nice to see such an elegant,young lady join us. We typically attract older crowds, though we always appreciate younger folks. My name is Murphy, but everyone here calls me Mac. May I ask your name?"

"Um, Amy..."

Mac suddenly grasped her hand and brought her fingers to his lips. With a soft kiss he replied, "that's pretty name. Tell me, Amy, what brings you here tonight?"

Amy was shocked by the sudden contact, but perhaps more shocked by the fact she didn't pull her hand away immediately. She knew he wanted to get in her panties, but something about his presence calmed her worries.

"I don't know. My plans for tonight fell through, and I suppose my curiosity led me in. I haven't even been to a strip club, so this whole experience is very new for me."

"You know what they say happened to the curious cat," he said with a smirk.

"Ha ha, very funny," Amy retorted sarcastically. "So, is this it? This place just looks like a lounge."

"Well, it is. This area is mostly for meeting and socializing. If you want more privacy, you can head to the back." He gestured towards a hallway at the end of the bar. "When the place gets a little more crowded, we'll turn up the music and open up the dance floor. Do you like to dance?"

"God," Amy thought, "I'm awful at it."

"A little," she said, not wanting to appear negative.

"You said earlier that your plans had fallen through. May I ask what happened?"

"You may not!" Amy teased. "No, well, it's really kind of embarrassing and weird. I won't bother you with it."

"I'm all ears."

Amy was slightly reluctant, but then realized how little she cared about creeping out this stranger. She began telling him about her crush on Blake, why she liked him, and about her rejection from earlier. Mac listened patiently, sympathetic to her struggles. It was relaxing for Amy to lay her heart bare to the stranger. She wouldn't tell even close friends for fear of losing face. But to a random stranger the worst that could happen is that he could grow bored. Fortunately, he seemed just the opposite. He was invested in her story, commenting here and there.

"...and so I wandered in, and here I am now. I just feel kinda stupid about the whole thing."

"It was by no means stupid. It was brave and admirable. A girl who pursues what she desires is very sexy. It shows her strength and willpower."

"Thank...you..." Amy's cheeks grew deep red, appreciating the compliment. She began realizing that his knuckles had been brushing past hers as they had been speaking. To her, it felt...nice. For the first time, she returned the contact, looking into his eyes to gage his reaction. Mac smiled, causing Amy to reflexively return the smile. Then she pulled her hand away playfully and tended to her drink.

"Hey Mac, can we get 3 Jack & Cokes over here?"

"Excuse me, sweetie..." Mac ran his fingertips down the back of Amy's hand as he walked away and resumed his duties. The hairs along her arm stood on end. She placed her hands in her lap and turned to look at the lounge. A few more groups had arrived in the lounge and the ambient noise had grown. She noticed a lot of subtle physical contact, but nothing too explicit.

Then Amy noticed one booth with a petite lady in a strapless red dress in a passionate kiss with the much younger man on her right. To her left, a man closer to her age was kissing down the cleft of her neck. Her arms were running over the boy's body as she locked lips with him. She freed her lips for a moment, turned to the man, and briefly gave him a loving peck on the lips, then returned to the boy's mouth with lustful force.

"We're very open to alternative sexual lifestyles." Amy was startled by Mac's voice in her ear. She turned to him leaning over the bar next to her, watching the threesome's foreplay. "Have you ever been the center of two men's pleasure?"

"Oh god," Amy thought. Her mind wandered to a fantasy she'd entertain in high school. The Weasley twins...ugh. She was too big of a Harry Potter fan.

"No, but it sure seems like she's having a good time." Even though her stare was beginning to feel very impolite, she found it difficult to turn away from the erotic courtship in front of her. The boy rose to his feet and pulled the lady into his arms, he led her down the hallway to the back as the man sat there, watching them leave. His face was blood red and he squirmed a little in his seat. He picked up a book from the table and began looking it, but Amy could tell he couldn't concentrate. Plus, the book in his lap was moving back and forth.

"So, Amy, would you like a tour of the back area?" Mac asked softly.

Amy was feeling a little buzzed from her cider but still had her wits about her. "I'm not going to fuck you, Mac," Amy said flatly, giving him a smirk.

Mac chuckled, "of course, I just wanted to show off the place." Mac walked around the bar and offered her his hand. Living in a progressive city, Amy had learned to despise chivalry, but Mac's offer was too cute and sweet to reject, so she gave him her hand as she rose from her seat. To exaggerate the gesture, she stood up stiff and locked arms with him. They walked down the back hallway, arm in arm.

At the end of the hall was another curtain door. They passed through it into a smaller lounge, with couches along the wall and a television in the corner. Though muted, the screen showed a nude, busty redhead, pinning a petite blonde to a bed as she devoured her mouth. Amy's heartbeat elevated a little. To the left and right were hallways, with closed doors along them.

"This is our entertainment room. It's used for partners who want to prep or who would like to show off their home movies."

"Home movies?" Amy asked.

"Sometimes partners like to record their play and show it to others. We have recording equipment in one of the rooms."

"I see...so have you ever starred in a home movie?"

"I have. Several." Amy wasn't really expecting that answer. Mac seemed to her to be mostly an employee, and if he were into this stuff, he seemed vanilla. She was suddenly aware of her arm intertwined with his. The idea that Mac was a sexual deviant gave her caution, but was mostly exciting.

They walked to the left and Mac opened the first room. It looked like a simple bedroom, unfurnished except for a few chairs opposite the bed.

"This is our basic bedroom. Nothing special really."

They walked to the next door, but could hear activity inside.

"This is just like the first, so we'll just skip it," Mac whispered. They began walking down the hallway.

"OH FUCK!" From behind them in the last room, a woman's muffled voice cried out in pleasure. Her rhythmic grunting suggested she was enjoying a rough fucking. Amy and Mac looked at each other, smiling sheepishly.

Mac walked past the next door without acknowledging it.

"What's in this room?" Amy asked.

"A room reserved for special events. We keep it locked otherwise. Perhaps I can show you another time."

Mac continued showing her the rooms. One had a long bed which could easily accompany four people. One was basically a large shower room, completely tiled. Another was filled with toys on the shelves. Amy tried to make conversation while they were walking around.

"So how long have you been working here?"

"From the beginning. Since we opened the joint back in 2003."

"Wow, so you knew the owner?"

Mac laughed heartily, "sweetheart, I am the owner."

Amy turned to him, wide-eyed. She didn't expect the owner to bartend his own place. Her perspective on him changed dramatically. Before, he was an employee, possibly obligated to show newcomers around. Now, she was getting a private tour from the man who founded and ran this successful club with his own two hands. That he was giving her so much attention humbled her.

"Thank you for giving me this tour."

"The pleasure is all mine. I do my best to keep pretty little things like you coming back, even if you just come for the socializing and company."

"Thank you..." She smiled and averted her gaze bashfully. Amy didn't get complimented on her appearance much, so even though he had said it already, she ate it up.

Mac opened the door to the next room and Amy's curious head popped in the doorway. Black curtains lined the walls of the dimly lit, larger room. A long, solid mahogany table filled the center of the room, chains bolted to its four corners. In the near corner sat a large cross, in the shape of an "X". Shelves along the back wall featured a dizzying assortment of torture devices: gags, paddles, clamps, restraints... Amy froze in the door, her heart racing, her eyes widening.

Amy felt Mac's sudden and painful fingers dig into her arm, pulling her effortlessly into the center of the room, her side pressed against the table. As she stood there trying to process what was happening, he walked to the door, closing it, then walked to the shelves. Turning around, Amy watched him approach her; black leather straps dangling from his hand. His attention was on the flogger, inspecting it and ignoring her as she slowly inched away. His other hand pulled the long, rough strands tight, as if prepared to strike.

"So, Amy, have you ever experimented with pain or bondage?"

Amy swallowed dryly, her backwards sliding along the table picking up the pace. She brushed past the chains on the table, their clinking accompanying her heavy breathing as the only sounds in the room. She realized now how soundproof this room was. No sound was coming in from the hallway, and no sound would get out. If he used these chains on her, Amy thought as her hand rested on them, she would be at his behest for as long as he pleased.

"I haven't." Amy choked out.

Mac walked around her paralyzed body stopping behind her. The leather gently gracing her ass as he lightly moved it back and forth. She turned her head around, looking up at him as he towered over her. She felt small...weak...helpless beneath him. His expression was firm and untelling.

"If you wanted to experience it, we're in the right room." Amy whimpered faintly. Mac grasped her hand, pulling open her clenched fingers. He placed the flogger's handle in her palm and closed her fingers around it.

He suddenly moved away and leaned over the table next to her. He wiggled his butt teasingly at her.

"How about you give it a go?" His sudden playfulness shattered the tension, leaving Amy stunned, staring at the shaking butt beside her. She shook out of it, and moved around behind him, slapping his butt with the toy.

"Oh come on, you can do better than that!" She put more strength into it and whacked him firmly, the sound thudding through the room.

"Mmh" Mac grunted shortly. She smacked him again. "Ugh, you're a quick learn!"

Amy chuckled at the game, beaming at Mac as they played. As she was slapping him, she took in his firm, shapely tush, appreciating the view. She decided to get creative. She brought her hand down firmly on his ass, spanking him with an open palm. She could feel the tight muscles through the fabric, solid and firm. She kept it there, groping him for a brief second before spanking him again.

Mac stood up and walked to the door. "Let me show you the last room." Amy put down her toy and joined him at the door, grasping his arm and clutching it to her breast. They walked down the hall to the final room and Mac opened the door. Amy's smile broadened. The entire floor was covered in thick cushions, and on them, scattered everywhere, were soft pillows. It was like a giant couch, but a room!

"Please take off your shoes, sweetheart," Mac instructed, and did the same. Amy eagerly slipped off her shoes and walked in. She bounced from cushion to cushion, exploring the room and kicking pillows. Mac came inside and shut the door, watching the girl play. Suddenly, a pillow smacked him in the face. As it fell to the floor, he saw Amy standing there, posed with her next pillow, ready to strike again. As he reached down to get ammo, she slung her next projectile, hitting his shoulder. He grabbed two pillows, the first shot Amy expertly dodged. The next hit her squarely in the chest. She let out a short shriek of laughter and tossed one back, hitting him in the face.

Mac got more aggressive, taking two pillows and backing Amy into a corner. She caught the first one he threw, but he approached her with the second. She readied her pillow as he neared, ready to swing. Before she could react, Mac lunged at her with open arms, wrapping them around her and her arms before she could attack. She was rolling with laughter as she struggled to free herself, squirming against his tight grasp. He pulled her writhing body against him as he tried to subdue her attack. Amy finally freed her arm, smacking him on the head with the pillow. Mac responded by pulling them both, crashing them to the ground into a pile of pillows.

On the floor, Amy rolled on top of Mac, straddling his waist. She grabbed his wrists and pinned him to the cushions, disabling him. She was now leaning over top of him, beaming childishly into his face, panting heavily as her heart raced. Mac grinned back, submitting to her grasp. Amy looked into Mac's eyes.

"I got you daddy!"

Amy couldn't believe what came out of her mouth. Her eyes went wide and she clamped her mouth shut. She knew why her mind made the connection. Her father would play silly games like this with her growing up. Also, Mac felt like a father figure. She trusted him and could sense his wisdom and experience. He made her feel safe and special. Still, the comment seemed inappropriate, so she released his arms and began leaning back up.

Mac reached up and gripped her back, firmly pulling her back down. He pressed her chest against his, embracing her tightly. A hand gently pet her hair as her cheek rested against his. Amy melted into Mac's warm body. His musky scent filled her lungs. The stubble of his cheek rubbed abrasively as he spoke softly into her ear.

"You said nothing wrong...baby girl."

Hearing him call her that had a jarring effect on her subconscious. Her inhibitions dissolved as she withdrew into her younger personality. The girl who didn't have a care in the world. The girl who loved to explore and go on an adventure. The girl who relied on her daddy to support and comfort her.

Amy buried her face in Mac's neck and wrapped her arms around his back, returning his embrace. She laid there on top of him, quietly clinging to him. His body was tight and warm. She could feel the blood pumping through the veins in his neck. His pulse was almost as quick as hers. He was excited, and the fact that she was the object of his excitement washed over Amy like a blissful drug. She felt strangely powerful, but that she derived her power from his desire for her.

They clung to each other for several moments as Amy grew comfortable with Mac's touch. Her conscious mind was trying to fight back. She was in a sex club clinging to a man more than twice her age, alone in a back room. He could overpower her at this very moment and take her, consenting or not. Amy conceded that even if she could, she wouldn't put up much of a fight.

Amy became aware of her lips, softly pressed into the side of Mac's neck. The musky smell of the thin layer of sweat teased her. She needed more... Her tongue slipped out of her parted lips and pressed against his skin. The salty taste of the hard working man stimulated the tip of her tongue. She widened her lips and pressed it flat against his neck, lapping up more of him. Mac responded by rubbing her back softly.

"Good girl, learn daddy's taste," he said in a warm, paternalistic tone.

"Oh my god," Amy thought as her body shuddered. This was starting to get out of her control. She paused. Her conscious mind was telling her that she was being humiliated, treated like a pet. But her will was weakened by his confident voice. She needed to please him, to hear his praise once more. Her caution successfully defeated, she resolved to dive deeper without fully considering where it would take her. She began lapping more vigorously at his neck, cleaning his neck obediently.

Mac cupped the back of her head lovingly, encouraging her. His other hand pressed harder into Amy's back, rubbing more firmly. She could feel her shirt riding up, exposing her lower back. He pressed his fingers against the cleft just above the crack of her ass. Her hips moved with his touch, pressing against him.

Mac pulled her enthusiastically licking mouth away from his neck and gripped her arms. He rolled the two of them over, her back pressing into the soft cushion and the hard man pressed against her front. He gripped her wrists, forcing them above her head and pinning them. His piercing eyes dug into hers as she lay beneath him. A touch of fear entered Amy's heart and she tried to pull her arms free. Mac pressed more weight into his hands, pinning them harder and more painfully. After a moment of struggle, her arms went limp, surrendering the effort. The fear became helplessness and tears began welling in her eyes.

She focused on the length of his body pressed against hers. She noticed her stiffened nipples were digging into his chest and realized that he could tell how horny she felt. He swayed gently against them, raking them against his body. One side of her wanted to plead for release, and the other wanted to plead for... release . Mac held her there until the feeling of helplessness completely washed over her.

Mac suddenly rose to his feet and reached down and lifting her as well. Amy stood there, looking up into his eyes. A minute earlier she would have made a break for the door, but now she waited patiently for his lead. He towered over her, but now put some space between them. The lack of contact made her uncomfortable after growing so used to his body against hers. She wanted to embrace him, but his intimidating posture paralyzed her. His fingers moved to her chin gently holding and rubbing it as he spoke.

"I'm going to fuck you, baby girl. Understand?"

She gasped, her heart skipping a beat. He wasn't asking permission. Deep down, Amy knew that he was only taking what was already his.

"Yes...sir..." Her voice quavered as she submitted to her inevitable fate. "I'm yours...daddy."

"Good girl," he smiled. She beamed back at him. The more she gave herself to him, the more cherished she felt.

Mac stood back and beheld his prize. He scanned the length of her body, as he began to circle her. She followed him with her gaze, but followed his unspoken command to stay put. She was, for once, proud of her outfit, so she happy to show it off to his leering gaze.

He walked around behind her. She felt his hands on her waist. Her hand reached back, just to touch some part of him. She tugged at his upper sleeve as his hands slid up her sides, raising her top. She helped him pull it over her head, and he took the top from her hands.

She felt the back of his hand on her neck, then it slid teasingly down her spine. It reached the zipper of her skirt and slid it down. The skirt fell to the floor, and she stood before him in matching black lacy panties and bra. He walked around to see her from the front.

He stood at a distance again, taking her in. She couldn't read his expression. He seemed to be in contemplation. Amy's cheeks blushed deep red, feeling very vulnerable and embarrassed. She knew that her tummy had a small roll, and that her ass was thicker than most. Her hands were folded and fidgeting and her shoulders were pulled in. Her arms pressed her breasts together, accentuating her cleavage. Her head pointed down, but she eagerly looked up at him, biting her lip, hoping for his approval.

"Amy, you're gorgeous. I'm very fortunate to have the company of such an adorable, sexy young lady."

"Thank you daddy..." She replied, coyly.

"What would you like...from me? "

Amy was taken aback by the question. She wanted him to lead, and for her to follow. She looked at him, confused, yet thinking. Her eyes ran up and down his handsome body, trying to think of what she wanted. She couldn't think of anything specific, because she was only focused on what he wanted.

Then, it hit her. More than anything, Amy wanted to make him happy, to give him pleasure. And she wanted him to be pleased with her, to show his gratitude. She walked timidly up to him, keeping her eyes locked with his as she lowered to her knees before him.

"I want to make you happy, daddy..."

She dared not touch him without his permission. For a moment, she pictured how she must look, sitting beneath him, half-nude, staring up at him as she waited patiently for a treat like a puppy.

Mac placed his hand on her head and began petting her. "I'm so proud of you, my sweet baby girl. Would you like to pleasure my cock?"

Amy nodded enthusiastically.

"Sweetie, pull out daddy's cock and take it in your mouth."

"Yes sir!" Her hands moved to his zipper and began tearing into her treat. Her fingers moved into the hole, feeling for the waistband of his boxers. She began tugging them down, feeling the tension of his dick pressing against the material. She was confused when she exposed several inches of the base, but it didn't spring free. It was then she saw it. The leg of his pants was visibly bulging, several inches below what she had freed. She curled her fingers around the base of the shaft and tugged the length up and out of his pants and boxers.

The strong musk of manhood flooded Amy's nostrils. She was shocked at long, stiff member she pulled from his pants, taking a moment to admire it. Even with her fingers wrapped fully around the base, a few inches stuck out, gently curving upwards. She could feel the veins, gently pulsing. The skin around the shaft was smooth and dark, like bitter-sweet chocolate, the engorged head deep red like a cherry. Her mouth watered in anticipation, half wondering whether it would taste like candy.

She gave the base a short squeeze. In response, she felt it tense and briefly swell, making it thicker and stiffer for a moment. Amy looked up at Mac with a grin. He returned with a sly smile, brushing her cheek endearingly.

She kept her eyes on his, eager to see his expression. She pointed the head at her mouth and licked her lips sensually, lubricating them. She pressed her lips to the tip and gently pushed her mouth against him, spreading her lips as he penetrated her mouth.

She slid her mouth further and further down the shaft as Mac's face winced in pleasure, letting out a soft groan. Amy was living vicariously through his pleasure. She could feel the cool air on her, now very damp, panties.

Her mouth was opened wide, wrapped around his length, when it grazed the back of her throat. Amy gagged, pulling her head back off his cock. She tried to catch her breath, panting heavily.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay baby girl. You're doing wonderful."

Amy looked back at his cock, now slimy and glistening with her saliva. Mac gripped the base with one hand, and the back of her head with the other. Amy released control of her head to him. He pressed her lips against his cock and forced his way into her mouth. His fingers ran through her hair, gripping the sides of her head, and some of her hair with it. He steadied her as his hips thrust his cock in and out of her mouth, firmly fucking it. Losing most of her control, Amy concentrated on her tongue, rolling it around the shaft and teasing the head as it slid in and out. She occasionally tasted the salty hint of precum, enjoying the flavor.

Suddenly, she felt him press again against the back of her throat. This time, she could hold it a bit longer. She could feel fleshy head rubbing against the soft tissue. Finally, she lost her composure and started to gag. She tried pulling her head back, but his hands held her firmly in place. She moaned pleadingly as she gagged on his cock. It began hurting, and she grew panicked as she ran out of air. She up at him with wide eyes, but his expression firm and unmoving. She focused on suppressing the gag reflex. After a few seconds, she was able to withstand the feeling, growing accustomed to the pressure. He pulled her off and she gasped for air, falling onto her hands.

Amy was still dizzy from the lack of oxygen. Her heart was racing and her breathing was rapid. For a brief moment, she was terrified, like she was about to die. Mac quite literally had her life in her hands. The quiet voice in her head reminded her how much danger she was in. This man was an effective stranger, and she was fully submitting to him. She couldn't believe how she was acting, she almost felt like she was watching a movie of someone else.

However, she was discovering a carnal side of herself she had never met before. The danger only made it more exciting. Being used like a toy only made her feel more treasured.

"Very good. You wouldn't believe how amazing you feel on my cock."

The Amy from that morning would have cursed him out and immediately stormed out, but instead, she was honest with her feelings.

"Thank you...I'm glad." Amy felt reinvigorated. She jumped up and eagerly swallowed his cock. She was sucking even more aggressively, taking him deeper and deeper. She tried once more to take him in her throat. She began to choke, but she fought through the pain and discomfort. Plus, she could tell from his expression that the contraction of her throat while she choked was bringing him great pleasure as it squeezed and simulated the head. Mac groaned deeply as he watched the young girl painfully impale herself on his cock.

Mac's cock began twitching, they both knew he was close. Amy redoubled her efforts, excited to push him over the edge. She wanted the taste the physical proof of his sexual satisfaction. She resisted as his hands gripped her head and pried her off of him. She looked up, disappointed. How could he stop her when he was so close?

She felt his hands press hard against her chest, toppling her over backwards. She crashed onto her back in a mound of soft pillows, letting out a short yelp. Above her, Mac was removing his vest and shirt, exposing a broad chest. She felt him straddle her legs his long cock pressing against her wet panties and belly. He gripped her left breast and slipped it out of her bra. He leaned over her, taking the erect tit in his mouth. Amy gasped softly. His tongue circled around the nipple as he suckled the large, mound.

"It's yours, daddy. It's all yours."

He pulled the other breast out with his hand and cupped it, his mouth still glued to the other. The nipple dug hard into his palm as he squeezed and massaged it. Amy instinctively wrapped her hands around him, clutching at his smooth back. As she pressed her fingers into him, she could feel the firm muscles just below the skin. She reveled in the fact that she was nurturing this, strong, powerful man with her soft, sensual breasts.

Suddenly, she felt him bite down firmly on the nipple. Amy softly cried out in pain. His fingers pinched the other. Another short yelp. Blood rushed to the nipples, making them even more sensitive. She responded by clutching his back more tightly. Though she had been trying not to scratch him, she was losing focus, letting her fingernails dig into his skin.

As Amy lost herself in the relentless teasing of her breasts, she realized that something felt missing. Her heart was flooding with affection for the man on top of her, but despite showing each other devotion, they had not been fully intimate.

"Daddy?" she called sweetly.

With a pop, his sucking mouth pulled his mouth off of her tit. "Yes, baby?"

"I want to ask you something, will you come here?"

Mac adjusted his body, placing his hands on either side of her head and leaning over her. He hung over top of her, looking deeply into her eyes. Amy briefly lost concentration as she was mesmerized by the connection.

"Um, Mac...I really like you..."

Mac's eyes flickered as he understood what she needed. With a swift advance, he pressed his lips against hers. Amy lifted her head, pressing into the kiss. Her hands moved to the back of his head, running through his hair as they sucked at each others mouths. She poked her tongue between his lips, teasing his tongue playfully. He responded by aggressively driving his tongue in her mouth, exploring her tongue and throat.

Amy's leg slowly rubbed against his, prompting Mac to lower his body against hers. Her ample breasts pressed against muscular chest and his stiff cock poked into her belly. She reflected on a general pattern with his advances. Every time she moved forward a step, he moved several. She was stepping off a cliff, and he was gravity, dragging her deeper into the pit of sin.

She widened her legs, pressing against his. Mac pulled away from her mouth and stared lustfully into her eyes. He started kissing her chin, then neck, then chest, moving down her body straight down the middle. "Fuck," she thought to herself, as she realized the destination. She focused on her panties, damp and cool from her fluids, as his fingers curled around the waistbands on her hips. His kisses passed her belly button as the panties began slipping down. His lips pressed against her smooth mons.

"You're completely bare down here, baby girl," Mac commented approvingly. Amy had left her home that night, wanting to feel sexy.

"Do you like it daddy?"

He ran his tongue across the bare skin. The panties peeled off her swollen lips, strands of juices visible as he removed them. Mac moved his head above it, staring intensely into her most private space.

"I'm very pleased with my pussy. It is well prepared for its master."

Amy's eyes shut and she let out a long, uncontrollable groan as Mac's tongue pushed into her folds, starting low and running up along the lips. It made contact with her very swollen clit, and with a flick, it pulled away. She lifted her hips, trying to feel him again. Instead, she felt his hands on her thighs, kneading them and forcing her hips to the cushion. She felt his mouth blow gently on her wet skin, teasing her. After a minute of teasing, her body began to writhe in lust.

"Dadddyyy..." she whimpered.

"What do you want, baby girl?"

It was still embarrassing, she didn't want to seem like a whore. "Quit teasing me..."

"Beg for it."

She looked down at him, her face indignant. Mac...was being an asshole. He was taking advantage of her, precisely at her weakest. He was trying to turn her into his dirty slut. "His dirty slut", the phrase was disgusting to her normally, an offensive insult. But considering it, it was exactly the way she felt about herself right now. Accepting that fact emboldened her to fall deeper into him.

"Fuck me daddy, please fuck your baby girl."

His almost instantaneous reaction, lifting himself to his knees, made her regret the words that came out of her mouth. "Oh shit, this is too fast," ran through her head. She looked down at his massive cock, Mac now gripping the shaft. "Fuck, I'm a goner, I can't," her heart was racing. He forcefully stuffed pillows under her ass, elevating it slightly. Mac was getting rough with her now, impatient. She let her lust get the better of her, and now she was going to pay for it.

"Wait! Not so fast..." Amy pleaded. She pulled her thighs together and tried to turn her hips away. His hands caught her knees and spread her legs wide. She didn't struggle hard, just squirmed a little, making him work for her. Deep down, she wanted him to tame her. Her mind was a constant struggle of push and pull. Her innocence would not let him do to her what he was about to do. Her inner slut needed him to push her, and push her hard.

As she felt his cock press lengthwise across her slit, she recalled what she had told him before the tour. She told him she would not fuck him. "What a strong, defiant girl that was," she thought, as he slid along her pussy, lubricating his cock with the juices she made for him. But that girl bit into the apple...and now she was unable to resist the carnal temptation now pressing against her entrance. She pressed back against him coaxing him inside, to which he firmly penetrated her with a long, solid thrust.

Her toes curled and her hands squeezed the cushion fabric as he slid inside her. Her pussy stung slightly as it stretched to accommodate him. He was shaping her body for his pleasure, tuning it to him.

Mac began thrusting in and out of the young girl at a steady pace. With each thrust he drove his cock a bit deeper, giving her time to expand. The bend of his shaft pressed upwards against the ceiling of her pussy. With every move, the head pressed firmly against her g-spot, forcing an involuntary grunt from her throat.

Amy looked down between her legs, mesmerized by the sight. The long, dark cock slid in and out of her pale slit, the base of the shaft ringed with a white froth of her juices. What would her father think if he saw his fair-skinned daughter getting fucked by an older black man. He had been pretty explicit about never bringing home black boys, and she knew he'd never approve a man almost as old as him. The thought excited her, knowing that she was defying him. She loved her father, but her daddy was bringing her to ecstasy.

Something clicked in Amy's mind. No condom. Mac was fucking her raw, and she wasn't on birth control. Shit, shit, shit!

"Daddy...ahh...please...ah...not inside...ohhh!" She was finding it difficult to speak. Her eyes looked pleadingly into his, though her words seemed to pass right through him. He leaned down over top of her, hands planted on either side of her head. His next thrust slammed against her cervix, sending a shock up her spine.

"Fuck!" Amy gasped. The contact hurt, but then pleasure washed over her. He started bumping it with every thrust, driving Amy crazy. She could feel herself getting close, even though he had not been inside her for all that long. Still, the last shred of her self-control needed to let him know...

"Please daddy...ugh...you'll get me...ah...pregnant!"

He stared deep into her eyes, a hint of a smile on his lips. With a firm, yet comforting tone, Mac replied, "Good."

Amy's eyes widened as the full weight of that word hit her. He was fully intent on cumming inside. The powerful man on top of her was breeding her and she had no power to stop it. This realization sent her over the edge.

Her hands clumsily grabbed at Mac's back as she began cumming. Her heels dug into his ass and pressed tight, bringing him deeper into her. Her pussy gripped his cock like a vice, slowing his thrusts.

"Ughhh!" Her moan came from deep inside her, from the beast within. Amy was a bitch in heat, and her body was focused on receiving Mac's seed. The orgasm washed over her like a series of powerful waves, each dragging her under and giving her little time to breathe before the next wave hit, knocking the breath out of her. Her legs pulled her ass up off the pillows, pressing herself against him.

Mac lowered himself into her arms, pressing his body against hers. She could feel his heavy breathing against her ear as his cock continued to move in and out of her sensitive sex. She continued to clutch at him tightly, all inhibition released.

"I'm close, baby," he whispered into her ear. A chill ran down her spine.

"Give me your cum, daddy," she breathlessly worded back, squeezing his cock.

His thrusting became frantic, abusing her pussy with little regard for her comfort. This act wasn't about pleasure or fun anymore, it was about the raw instinctual goal of impregnating Amy. Their minds had left their bodies, forced to watch,powerless, as their flesh completed the task.

With a soft groan in her ear, she felt warm cum spurt deep inside her. Then another. The sensation triggered another orgasm. Her pussy began squeezing the length of his shaft, drawing the seed deep into her. Muscles up and down her body were spasming out of control. Mac's hips pressed firmly against hers, keeping his cock buried inside as it continued filling her up.

As soon as Amy regained enough composure to move, she gripped his head and pulled it to the side. Filled with powerful lust, she kissed him, immediately shoving her tongue into his mouth. She could feel his cum dripping out and slowly sliding down to her asshole. Mac's body began to relax, but she kept him close.

They both gently rubbed each other, kissing deeply, as their post-orgasm peace washed over them. After a few minutes, Mac rolled to the side and his cock slid out. She reached down to feel herself. She was stretched so wide, it surprised her. Slipping her fingers in, she could feel globs of cum gather all over them. She turned to look at Mac as she brought her fingers to her mouth, sensually sucking his cum off. He smirked at her, then moved his hand down, pressing his fingers inside her. He too brought their frothy juices to his mouth. Amy giggled with pride.

"Baby, that was wonderful."

"You were wonderful daddy...Thank you, sir..."

Mac rose to his feet and helped her up as well. Now vertical, the cum was dripping out of her and sliding down her leg. She looked up at him, awaiting direction. He began dressing.

"It's getting late, sweetie. I think we'll need to resume another night. Plus, you've drained me quite well." He looked down at the white streaks down her legs.

"Yes daddy." Amy was disappointed, but understood. She began dressing as well. She started to reach for her panties when he grabbed them first.

"These are mine now," Mac slipped them into his pocket. Amy smiled, an eyebrow lifted. She continued dressing.

Amy clung tight to Mac's arm as they walked out of the room and back into the main lounge. She could feel the eyes of other guests and hear their whispering as they saw the two of them walk towards the exit. She just gripped him tighter, smiling, confirming their suspicions.

Walking into the reception area, they were met by the lady at the front desk. She walked over to them with a knowing grin on her face. Mac stopped to greet her.

"Well, well, well. Did you have a good time, Amy?" She walked right up to her. Amy looked up at Mac, confused at what was going on. Mac just smiled back at them, not surprised by the woman. She paused, unsure of what to say.

Amy felt the woman slip her hand under her skirt, quickly finding her slit and pressing her fingers inside. Amy squirmed, but couldn't stop the brief molestation. She pulled her fingers out and brought them to her mouth, tasting them.

"Mmm, yes. This is definitely my husband's cum. And quite a bit of it. You really fucked her good, honey."

Amy looked up at Mac, shocked and nervous.

"Well you have to admit that she's quite the catch. I'm very much looking forward to her return." Mac looked down at Amy questioningly.

Amy paused, trying to take in what was going on. She couldn't think straight. Mac was married to this woman, but she's not mad? If anything, she's happy for him? Amy stopped trying to understand and just went with her instinct. She nodded vigorously at him, doe-eyed.

Mac's wife hugged Amy lovingly. "Hey, sweetheart, it's been great having you. We're both hoping you'll join us another night."

Amy was speechless. She just accepted the hug and walked with Mac as he led her to the door. A prepaid taxi was waiting for her, she gave him a big hug and got in. Amy wove to her new daddy as the car pulled away. Mac stood with a dignified posture, smiling as he watched her drive away.

As Amy searched for her phone in her purse, she found a business card slipped in on top with Mac's contact information. Handwritten on the back was a short note.

"Looking forward to your return, baby girl. Keep in touch. - Mac"

Amy's heart fluttered. She couldn't wait.

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Eden RescueChapter 5

"An ark?" she repeated. "Yes! A spacegoing ark! We don't want to go back to study them or gloat over them or any of the stuff you said. We want to rescue them!" Her face still tear-stained, she gave him an unbelieving look. "How is that possible?" she asked. "It can be done, Amanda," he replied. "Not all of them, of course, not even very many. But enough; and they'll bring all the others with them, in their mind. Remember, you told me when you got back from the second trip,...

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Eden RescueChapter 10

In all of human history there has, however, never been a cause behind which all could unite. Peace, love, mercy, justice, every such ideal has found its detractors at any given time; education, individuality, achievement are all opposed by a tenacious few who have determined them to be somehow evil. Human beings can't even agree on their origins, there are still those who continue to insist that the Earth is flat, and many of most inspirational leaders of the past were in fact murdered by...

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Eden RescueChapter 12

The Ark's captain would be Angus MacPherson, a dyed-in-the-wool Scot who was reputed among the most flamboyantly daring of the starship commanders. To balance his bravado SES had selected stolid Warren Cromartie as second in command, "as sound as they come," Mallet told Meiersdottir. Only a skeleton supercargo would travel on the outbound run. Heisinger and Igwanda would be joined only by biologists Watesi and Yuan, chemist Johann Paulssen and astronomer Yisheda Amuri for the voyage....

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Eden on the RailsChapter 11

He was overwhelmed by the hug he got from Tracy, then she called softly, "Hasan! He is here." Hasan walked towards the door, carrying several bags. He eyed his visitor. "John? You came yourself?" "Anything for an old friend. Where are the boxes of books?" Hasan indicated a pile of cartons next to the door. John started to carry the first out the door and over to where the platform sat. As the family trooped out, he indicated the platform. "Everyone get on there. When ready, say NOW,...

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Eden RescueChapter 6

"Well, Carlie, it's time." He smiled, and leaned over to kiss her forehead. "Good luck, Grandmother." "I hope I don't need it." Pushing on the armrests with both hands she stood up unassisted and turned toward the door. They were in the "green room"—the waiting area—of the most popular worldwide late-night holograph show, on which she'd appear within, now, only a few seconds. It was a painstakingly arranged, and widely publicized, appearance. A week earlier she'd called the...

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Eden RescueChapter 15

Hatred, Meiersdottir mused. Unreasoning hatred. And unreasoning fear, too. How terrible that they drive so much human thinking, and by thinking actions as well. In the two days since the dramatic confrontation in MacPherson's cabin there had been a great deal of activity. First and most immediately, the Ark's course had been righted. The ship had been on the proper trajectory, merely moving far too slowly to reach worm speed in anything like adequate time. But with all of its thrusters...

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Eden RescueChapter 35

The choice turned out to be dictated by the anatomy of the Ark's Eden passengers—part­ly the Edenites themselves, but considerably more the wildlife accompanying them. It took Heisinger a great deal of effort to describe the situation clearly enough for the Edenites to understand. They had only the vaguest notion of the concept of gravity, and none at all that it could be variable. To them one remained on the ground simply because it was natural for non-aviators to remain on the ground, and...

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Eden on the RailsChapter 16

"It is, Tabs, but it is a burden you have to bear, if you are to be trusted with other important matters later in life." "Understood. Wow! Penny getting married!" "Perhaps, Tabs. It is all at the "depends" stage. Now, can you back off with your questions; questions I cannot answer?" "Yes, sir. I will stop, and keep things to myself. Thank you for trusting me. I won't let you down. Penny, wow!" She halted her enthusiasm. "Does this mean I can't speak to Penny about her wanting...

2 years ago
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Eden Cove

Eden Cove seems to have it all: Turquoise waves rolling up white perfect beaches, surounded by tropical green dotted by a firework of gaudy exotic flowers. A lush wind cooling down bodies which are otherwise heated up to much by the radiant sun. Placed at this secluded patch of heaven on earth lies a top-notch holiday resort with all the extravaganza which can be offered by state of the art facilities. Eden Cove resort moreover seems to be populated only by the most gorgeous people you can...

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EdenChapter 53

The morning transmission began as tumultuously as Meiersdottir had expected. Toshimura, in particular, was outraged that she had departed so drastically from their plans aboard the Gardener, and spent the first two minutes expressing that with phrases like "cover-up" and "betrayal of trust" and "high-handed unilateral decision-making" sprinkled liberally throughout his tirade. "All right, John," she said when he finally began to run out of words, "but that's something I don't want...

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EdenChapter 68

Igwanda and Meiersdottir walked back to their mini-pavilion, as they had come to call it, in stunned silence. Meier was awake and cranky; "I changed him," Lee said, "but I think he's hungry. Can't help you there." "Thanks, Janet," replied Meiersdottir absently. "I'll take it from here." She took the baby and with practiced movements opened her tunic to give him suckle as Lee left. "Hey, ouch, little man," she said, "just suck gently ... ah, there you go." As the baby fed she...

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EdenChapter 5

It was officially called a "mission briefing," and was closed to the public and the news media. Even so, popular interest in the return to Eden had reached a sufficient pitch that a variety of SES brass who had little of substance to contribute took up the first 90 minutes with what were mostly tendentious platitudes. The keynote speaker was Abel Langston himself, who thankfully gave to those who'd be light-years away in the coming election an abbreviated version of his remarks (they'd...

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Eden RescueChapter 21

Yet another time the Edenite mother seemed at a loss for a response. The silence went on for a full minute, longer. Meiersdottir and her companions simply waited. "You ask us to leave this world, to leave our home and go with you?" the alien finally said. "Yes," she answered. "There's no other way for you to live. Your world is going to die, and you'll die with it if you stay. But we can help you leave it." "All of us?" "No, I'm sorry," Meiersdottir admitted. "Even we can't...

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Eden RescueChapter 23

Meiersdottir slept fitfully but long in her cabin that night. The trip down to the planet, and especially her excursion into the Edenite nest and the effort she'd put into her presentation to Gagugakhing, had tired her severely; at her age the whole thing had been exhausting. Even so she kept waking, brooding, and then dozing back off. As a result it was nearly noon by the ship's clock when she at last bestirred herself from bed. She showered and dressed and wandered down to the ship's...

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Eden RescueChapter 44

"Before we shut down, who's got Eugene's key for the log?" asked Meiersdottir. The Ark had been emptied of all its living cargo save for the plants unneeded on New Eden within a span of less than twenty-four hours. As before, AC—Heisinger and Igwanda—had taken on the brunt of the effort, aided enthusiastically by the remainder of the ship's original crew. The Edenites were already ensconced in their new Earthly home, their animals grazed happily in the abundant fields that had awaited...

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Eden RescueChapter 46

There was a substantial welcoming party waiting as the sub-orbital came in for its landing on New Eden. Meiersdottir's entire estate staff had all turned out to greet their mistress, along with the two of Igwanda's security detail who were currently stationed there. The bulk of his security forces were now based on another nearby island but maintained their vigilance to prevent unauthorized encroachments by either air or sea. And, in equal numbers—still numeric parity, she noted—were the...

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EdenChapter 14

Even before the Gardener reached orbit, it was evident that there had been changes in the century since the Argo's visit. Dramatic changes. The rest of the planet—the landscape, the elevations and prominences, the distribution of life, on which most of the ship's scanning equipment was trained—was roughly identical to what the Argo had seen. Even such changes as were detected were more or less to be expected: slightly altered shorelines, minor expansions or contractions of arid desert...

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EdenChapter 15

It was impossible, was the shipwide consensus. There was no conceivable way that a culture obviously in the early stages of agrarianism, with but a single field planetwide under true cultivation, could have advanced to organized iron mining and smelting just a century later. "It took us several thousands of years to cross that bridge," said Toshimura. "To even suggest that another species could make the transition in a mere hundred is nonsense!" None could argue with the proposition that...

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EdenChapter 17

Preliminary analysis of the specimens produced a strangely mixed bag of results. The air, as the Argo had found, was quite breathable without respiratory filters; it was considerably more pollen-laden than Earth's—an ecology without significant insect population would naturally rely more heavily on airborne dissemination—but the pollens were completely innocuous to humans. Likewise the water was perfectly drinkable; the natural sediments would simply pass through the human digestive tract...

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Eden on the RailsChapter 13

"You shall have it, Muriel my dear. I hate to think how much this will set me back, but it was worth it! The dinner is, what, three days from now?" Gloria responded, "Yes, dear. Three days from tonight. The dresses arrived just in time. Now Penny and I need to pick up our necklaces, to set off the dresses." "Necklaces? You have necklaces? I don't remember seeing them." John expressed his doubt. Gloria smiled sweetly. "They are being made for us as we speak, darling. Nothing...

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Eden on the RailsChapter 20

The research station was nearing completion, as The Personalia mechanoids hurried to attend to all the tasks that were required to turn the jigsaw of parts into a working building. It never occurred to The Personalia that they were conducting tasks which a human would normally attend to; they did not know, so went about their work as only they knew how. Knowing the timetable for the station to be ready for occupation, they phoned Hubert Swanson, saying "Hubert Swanson, the station is ready...

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EdenChapter 29

"It's the opportunity we've been waiting for!" Shaw fairly oozed excitement. "Now we can begin to truly interact, to see them in their homes, to really learn about them!" Igwanda noted dourly how the first officer, with no role in the mission other than as pilot, so eagerly used the first person plural to include himself in the ranks of the scientists. But he kept his observation to himself. And it was true that the scientific contingent, down to even the usually stolid Heisinger,...

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Idunns Apples

I would like to thank my wife for all her support and help, and Lady Ver for her thorough editing and insightful comments. Any remaining grammatical and spelling errors are solely my responsibility. This story borrows from history, but takes place in a time and place that never existed. ***** Prologue She woke with the realization that a change was coming to her life. A glance out her bedroom window revealed knights and soldiers waiting impatiently in the courtyard below, the nobles’ horses...

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Lyla Polishing Apples

"Will this heat ever just fuck off." Lyla said, standing in front of the open refrigerator. It had been unbearable for the last few weeks. The weathergirl said it was only going to get hotter. "Sunni, do you want anything from the store, I need to get out of here before I cook. What's wrong?" She asked as her friend placed her phone on the counter. "It's my father," Sunni said, her voice breaking with emotion. "He will be here next week, he wants to come to see a rehearsal. What am I going to...

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YMenChapter 4 Bobbitt for Apples

"Nervous?" Captain Canada asked as the five superheroes -- Meaty, the Captain and Buttplug, Crimson and RD-Girl -- stood outside the Bobbitt Club headquarters. "Nervous?" Meatier Man smiled. "HELL, yeah! After this morning, I could be a... GIRL!" "Egads!" Buttplug spat. "I don't know, I kinda like-- " RD-Girl began, then wisely shut up. "You do make a fine woman," the Captain reverentially whispered to her on the side. "A FINE woman!" "Okay, how do we do this?" "You...

4 years ago
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Eden West

I am NOT the author.am simply sharing Lauren takes a solo vacation and meets the sexy VP she hates from workI was beat, beat, beat. This last project had taken the wind out of my sails. Too many 11pm calls with China. Too many lunches eaten over my computer keyboard. In fact I'd spilled coffee so many times I was on my third keyboard. I told my pal in California that I was taking a vacation.“ I don't care if Mark can't make it- I'm just going to take off,” I said.“ Great,” said my pal Rob. “Go...

5 years ago
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EdenChapter 65

If anything, the pace of that progress was even faster over the next few weeks. The scientists were gathering an immense body of knowledge about both the planet and the aliens themselves. After hearing Meiersdottir's description of the mating process Heisinger and Komosaki were avid for a first-hand view; the Edenites showed no hesitation about allowing them entry to the nest to witness not only that but an actual hatching. "It's unlike anything on Earth," Heising­er reported afterwards....

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EdenChapter 67

Time was closing in on their departure from Eden. They'd been at the planet for nearly fourteen Earth months, on the surface for the great majority of that time, and Captain Ziang had set a deadline of only two more weeks before the journey home would have to begin. All the scientists were hurrying to cram as much additional research as possible into the remaining time. Many were already drafting the breakthrough papers they would publish after their return, papers that would forever...

2 years ago
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EdenChapter 3

Abel Langston was first and foremost a politician. He loved the trappings of power, the sense of control and most of all the limelight that his electoral successes had brought him in steadily growing measure. And he was determined that his new post on the five-member SES Board of Administrators would be neither his last nor his highest in his chosen field. Thus, almost as soon as he took his seat he followed the time-honored approach of all ambitious politicians and began casting about for...

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EdenChapter 10

The Gardener reached worm speed and negotiated the worm transit uneventfully. At the astronomers' request Captain Ziang left the external scanners on for a short while at the beginning of the transit, but the view was only of a featureless void and after a couple of the more agoraphobic members of the crew asked, she turned them off. On-board excitement built quickly as the ship exited its wormhole and began decelerating toward Eden. The astronomers and physicists busied themselves quickly...

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Eden RescueChapter 7

The summons she'd expected, from SES Executive Director Eugene Mallet, reached her in her hotel the next morning. Would she please present herself in his office as soon as possible, preferably immediately? She was of course under no obligation to comply. It had been several decades since she was in any way beholden to SES, and they had no authority whatever to command her. But it suited her purposes perfectly to obey the peremptory directive; indeed, had it not arrived prompt­ly she would...

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EdenChapter 13

Meiersdottir was true to her word; the following morning the chamber was again full. There'd been a good deal of grumbling about "unnecessary" meetings, but her prestige was such that she'd persuaded even the most recalcitrant among her scientific peers to attend. And, she noted with approval, his military ... task force, she remembered, were also present. After calling the meeting to order Shaw, as pre-arranged, immediately recognized her. "Thank you all for coming today," she began....

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Eden RescueChapter 14

Cromartie's story had impressed them all so much that they were perhaps lulled into complacency. The days and weeks passed by in endless sameness and still they hadn't reached the critical worm transit that would take them to the Eden system where they could begin decelerating to make orbit and finally, via shuttle, planetfall. And time was, Meiersdottir knew, uncomfortably short. The original plans had called for arriving at Eden a full six months before the emissions of Chen's nova...

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