A Mean Appletini free porn video

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Colton stopped his car at the farthest spot from the club. It was the middle of the day and the lot was nearly empty. Still, he needed some privacy and didn't dare to park closer. Picking up an old-school map, Colton O'Hara checked once more the many colored dots on it. All unexplained disappearances of persons. Presumed victims of a fashion witch. To his co-workers, the pattern was too random to draw conclusions. But Colton had a hunch. Smack in the middle of the area sat one of the more popular strip clubs. The very same now before Colton. He was sure this was the common nominator of all the victims. The overwhelming maturity of the missing persons had been male. And in many apartments, he had found evidence they had been here. At this club. Bills, matchstick blocks, and fliers all pointed in this direction. Colton was sure. This was the hiding spot of his quarry. It was time to get ready. First, he shrugged out of his jacket. It was necessary to equip a shoulder holster that would contain his service weapon. Colton doubted he would need it. Next was a back sling for the real star of his loadout. Colton picked up a handgun that put others to shame. It was a monster. Rated to take down armored vehicles or a charging elephant in one shot. A few shots might even take down a witch. It felt heavy on his back, but also good. Reassuring. Slipping his jacket back on, Colton sent a quick text to police dispatch. If anything happened to him, they would at least know where he had found his demise. Then, he unclipped the police badge from his belt. The protocol was for him to leave it behind. If he failed and succumbed to a fashion witch, she would at least not go after his fellow officers. Plain clothed as he was, he might be one of the many bounty hunters that aimed to claim the head prize posted for a fashion witch. To that effect, he picked up a fake bounty hunter's license. As the last step, he placed a small temporary tattoo of a panda on his wrist. Getting out of his car, Colton walked with a confident step towards the entrance. Two burly men played bouncers. They might be the first hurdle to overcome. But after a quick check of his ID, they waved him through. Just a cursory pat down would have revealed his weapons. Either they were incompetent or they wanted him to get in. Of course, there was a worse option. There might be other security in place. One of the magical varieties. The inside was nothing special. Colton's work led him often enough into strip clubs. Not that he enjoyed them himself. Yet the muted atmosphere with trashy pop songs and neon lights spoke volumes to him. The club was large and it was midday. Hardly the busiest time of the day for such a club. Yet he found a girl on every stage. They went through the motion even when no one was looking. Giving a nod to the attractive brunette barkeeper, Colton made for one of the stages that had no patrons yet. He put on one of his cockiest grins as he sat down. The girl on the stage immediately reacted. Giving him a great show. She might be disappointed if she found out just how little Colton cared for her performance. Still, he played his part. Pulling out two rolled-up bundles of ones and using them generously. His expense report would be a bitch, but Colton was used to that particular rodeo. As he played the part of generous and enraptured patron, Colton stole glances around him. Most customers he could discount quickly. He knew the crowd that hung out midday in a strip club. It was unlikely any one of them would be a fashion witch. Then, he spotted her. A mid-twenties blonde sat in a booth surrounded by three strippers. She clearly was having a good time and had the spending money to boot. Stacks of bills were on her table. Along with booze and some bags that might contain drugs. If that wasn't Colton's fashion witch then he still might do an arrest today anyway. "What can I get you, honey?" The sugary voice belonged to the bartender, who now leaned over Colton's shoulder. She clearly had the looks to rival those of the strippers but dressed slightly more modestly. "Whiskey. Neat." Colton pulled out an extra twenty and pointed with it at his suspected witch. "What can you tell me about her?" The bartender was quick to take the bill. "Regular. Big spender. She's here all the time. Knows how to have a good time. And-" The bartender gave a quick glance over. The woman they were talking about was distracted by the skillful display of a performer. "Not someone you want to tangle with. I'd recommend staying clear of her." "Thanks for the advise," Colton replied and slipped her another twenty. "I guess I'll stick to my whiskey." As soon as the bartender was away, Colton pulled out his phone. One more quick text and then he locked it. Throwing a few more bills to the stripper before him, Colton casually stood up. It was time to hunt. Roaming about, he pretended to look at a few more strippers. Slowly making his way closer to his prey. The moment was perfect. The witch was distracted. No security was anywhere close. Not even other patrons. In a fluid motion, Colton knelt down, opened his back sling, and drew his witch killer. Countless practices had him draw and aim the hand cannon within seconds. With the witch's head in his aim, Colton braced for a hell of a kickback from the gun. Darkness enveloped Colton in the next second. He couldn't move his body and it felt strange. As if he couldn't even discern where his limbs were. Bright light tore through the darkness above him. A giant hand reached down and grabbed Colton. It belonged to an equally giant bartender. "Look, Sidney." The bartender flung Colton's limp body around. "This one nearly blew your head out." Sidney jumped up. Gone was her carefree nature. She looked scared. Not at the giant gun that Colton had dropped or even himself. Her doe eyes were riveted on the bartender. "Thank you, Abigail." A deep pit opened within Colton. He had made a rookie mistake. Fallen for a decoy that had just been perfect. The real fashion witch was now holding him up. It had been the bartender all along. Abigail held Colton close to her mouth as she whispered: "Told you not to tangle with her. You should have listened." She then addressed one of the strippers. "Jenna. Grab his stuff and follow me." The reply was quick and meek, "Yes, Abigail." Colton could do nothing as he was carried backstage. Up some stairs and into a large office. Two things he noticed immediately. There was a large pile of weapons in one corner. Jenna added his guns to the pile. His witch killer wasn't even the largest piece on it. And then there were the hooks. Hundreds of them drilled into the ceiling. More than a handful were occupied by brightly colored thongs dangling off them. Here, Colton found a new home as Abigail placed him on another hook. Making it clear what he had become. Just another thong. One more trophy of a fashion witch. His life as he knew it was over. All that he could hope for was that his texts would make other police officers wearier. And, maybe in time, that he was worn. **************************************** The next morning, Abigail plucked Colton from his hook. He wasn't the only one. Late in the evening, a lot more thongs had been placed on the ceiling. Now, Abigail picked thongs at random before heading downstairs. The club was deserted. Not a single soul was here besides Abigail. It changed quickly. She threw one thong on the ground and a split second later, a naked man crouched there. Colton recognized him as one of the bouncers. "Thank you, Abigail, for letting me serve you again." One by one, the thongs were thrown and more of the club's staff appeared. Each thanked Abigail for the role they got to play. Be it a stripper or even a decoy. At last, it was only Colton who remained a thong. He was helpless as Abigail walked to the bar, grabbed a glass and bottle of booze, and walked to one of the stages. Here, she sat down and poured herself a glass. Only then, she threw Colton on the stage. His fabric body had barely hit the ground when he was suddenly flesh and blood again. Landing on an ass more plum than his normal one, he knew it was a new body. Just a quick glance revealed the truth. Colton had become a woman. For a moment, Colton was relieved. Everything was better than being a thong stuck on a hook at the ceiling. He'd gladly take a stripper's body if that was his only option. The impatient snapping of fingers diverted Colton's attention from his new voluminous body to Abigail. "Done checking yourself out? Good." Abigail took a swig and enjoyed it. Making Colton squirm with dread at what was in store for him. She snapped when his eyes darted to the exit. "Don't even think about running away. Dillon and Spencer will catch you. They better be if they don't want to be punished. And even if you should slip out successfully, I have placed a tracking spell on you. There is nowhere to run girl, where I can't find you." Colton swallowed hard. He had feared as much. It was clear the whole staff of the club was Abigail's thralls. She had to have something on them if she could frighten them enough that none dared to stand up to her. Despite outnumbering her by twenty to one. "Now." Abigail sat down her glass and leaned forward. "What are you supposed to be?" He knew it was coming. The inevitable interrogation. Colton just had to stick to the story. It wouldn't save him, but it could prevent acts of revenge by Abigail against the police. "A bounty hunter," he said and cursed himself for how meekly it sounded. "Oh, sweety. So wrong. Sounds like you think with your tits instead of your brain. That answer was garbage. What you are, is a stripper. My stripper. At least, as long as you make me money. Got it?" Colton nodded. Not trusting his voice. "Then get to it, girl." Abigail took a quick drink before waving impatiently at Colton. "Show me what you got. You get a few days of grace period to improve before you go on a live stage. Either that or the hook. So, give your best, girl." This was embarrassing. Shameful. Colton had worked hard to not just become a police officer, but a detective. And now he was reduced to a common stripper. Yet, there was nothing he could do. Biting down bitter replies, Colton went to work. Degrading himself like this was still better than being fabric. **************************************** "Come on, Titsi. Shake those babies." Scarlet hated that stage name. It had been just another humiliation Abigail had thrown at her. Now, all the patrons knew her as such. For the life of her, Scarlet couldn't think of herself as Titsi. Even though she had the tits that inspired the stage name. After five weeks in this hell, she couldn't think of herself as Colton either. Or as a man. One way or another, she was stuck as a woman. Or thong. Every closing time, Abigail went around. Collecting all her prisoners as thongs and hanging them up. She had picked Scarlet as a name for herself. A nod to a character in the novel Gone With The Wind. How could she not? They already shared the same last name. By now, Scarlet had gotten a few of the others to call her by that name. However, never when Abigail was close. "Do I need to remind you all of what is at stake?" The shout from Abigail had the intended effect. Scarlet doubled her efforts to look good in her performance. Today, there would be competition. To Scarlet's horror, Abigail had a lot more victims than she had realized. Today, the club was crowded with strippers. All eager to show how good they were. "Only the top third gets to be my strippers," Abigail reminded everyone. "The rest get to be outfits for another three months. So, get to it. We open in ten. Those who make me the most money stay human. The rest get an extra rinse cycle in the washer tomorrow." Now Scarlet knew why all her outfits had always felt so good. Making her reluctant to even strip out of them. She had worn sentient garments and hadn't even known. None of the other girls had warned her. It was obvious when the club opened. A flood of customers rushed in. Tryout day was known to the patrons. Just not how significant it was for those who participated. It was a grueling day for Scarlet. When it wasn't her turn on the stage, she made her way through the masses. Offering her service for a lap dance or two. Anything to earn a little more and stay ahead of others. She nearly missed it. A small tattoo of a cute little panda peeking out of one guy's sleeve. It was placed right on his wrist. Scarlet circled the club two times before she could make an inconspicuous approach. "Hey there," she purred as she boldly sat down on his lap. Laying it on thick was not thick enough. This was an opportunity. "Cute tattoo. Had one just like it. Are you thirsty?" "Really?" The guy looked handsome and muscular too. Even a little familiar. And for once, Scarlett didn't mind that someone checked her out. The guy downed the last sip of his drink and then smiled. "As a matter of fact, I am fresh out. What are you recommending?" "How about an Appletini?" Scarlet was aware that she drew curious glances from other girls nearby. This wasn't a drink usually ordered in a strip club. But she had to go all in. "The bartender does a mean Appletini. Trust me." The guy rubbed his chin. "Are you sure? I had other people claim that before and it was a weak ass version." "It's her specialty," Scarlet insisted. "In fact, I bet all my money on it." And her humanity, but she didn't voice that out loud. "Okay." He gave her a serious nod. "Let's go with that." Not a second later, the club broke out in chaos. First, there was the shattering of glass. Scarlet saw Abigail stumble backward and a hole in the wall opposite her. A faint bang was heard too. Just then, Abigail was thrown back again as a light flashed in front of her in the faint outline of a sphere. More glass shattered behind the fashion witch and the first people threw themselves on the ground. Abigail raised her right arm. To what end, Scarlet couldn't tell as the witch's hand disintegrated into blood and gore. There was a brief moment when Scarlet could tell that Abigail realized what was happening. The fear started to creep into her eyes. Then the whole head exploded along with a large chunk of the bar behind her. "Geez!" Scarlet exclaimed. "What did you guys use?" "Fifty cal from about a mile away." The guy had stood up just after Scarlet did. "Anti-material rifles. Works for witches too." "If you fire enough of them," Scarlet agreed. "Three just to get through her shield." Around them, the chaos started to tickle down. First, there were a few claps. Then hollering and cheering. The patrons looked clueless why the strippers hugged each other and celebrated a bloodbath. "I think you need to get on that," Scarlet remarked. "Right." He climbed on a stage and then shouted in a surprisingly authoritative voice. "Officer Ramirez. SWAT. Everyone down. On your belly. Face to the floor. Now! My team will be breaching in just a few seconds and anyone still standing might be counted as hostile." Scarlet did follow the instructions before Ramirez was even done speaking. She was so close to the finish line that she'd be stupid to chance it all on a possible friendly-fire situation. **************************************** A half-hour later, Ramirez found her leaning against an ambulance. "Antony. Antony Ramirez." He offered his hand. "I take it you are Colton O'Hara." "Yeah." She shook and his strong hand felt surprisingly nice in her own. "Though I don't know if I can continue calling myself Colton. I've been eyeing Scarlet." "Like that character in that book?" Scarlet shrugged. "Might as well. Thanks for the assist, by the way." "Just doing my job," Antony was quick to say. His words were followed by a blush. "Sorry about ogling you before." "Part of the job too. I understand." Scarlet let out a short burst of a chuckle. Seeing Ramirez's questioning look, she explained. "Never thought all those silly keywords we learned would save my bacon one day." Antony shared in her mirth with a laugh of his own. "Yeah, half of those were thought up by my team. We had to come up with stuff applicable everywhere." "Well, thanks for that. And for saving me." Scarlet gave him a pat on the shoulder. "I think I owe you and your team a drink." "As long as it isn't a mean Appletini." "Oh, no." Scarlet shook her head for emphasis. "One mean appletini in a lifetime is more than enough." Scarlet pushed off the ambulance as she saw the police chief arrive. Time to give her report. But first, she turned around to Antony again. "And who knows. Maybe I'll throw in dinner too. Just for you." With a wink, she marched off. Because she knew the difference between fake ogling and real interest. And Ramirez was definitely into her. The end.

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Meant To Be Ch 03

I woke up to Nick kissing the back of my neck and stretched languorously. ‘Morning, pet,’ he murmured. I turned in his arms, snuggling into his chest, feeling euphoric. His hands roamed my back, stopping to tangle in my hair. He tugged gently, tilting my head back for a kiss. His mouth and hands became more insistent and I arched into him. He cupped my behind, pressing me into him before lifting my leg and hooking it over his hip. I felt the evidence of his arousal between my thighs and...

3 years ago
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Meant To Be Ch 09

The week simultaneously sped by and dragged on. I stayed at Nick’s, Drew was staying at our apartment, which was a convenient excuse, but really it was that I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving. I never asked and thankfully Nick didn’t seem to expect me to go. My emotions ranged from numbness to crippling fear to panic. I almost preferred the dullness since any other emotion drove me to tears. We returned to work after a few days. Nick shaved his beard before his first day back while I sat...

4 years ago
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Meant To Be Ch 08

‘We’re home, love.’ I snuggled deeper into Nick, not wanting to wake up. He kissed my forehead and poked the tip of my nose. I opened an eye to look at him before gazing out the window of the cab. ‘And your mobile’s been buzzing,’ Nick added. I stretched my arms over my head as the cab stopped at his building. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I saw several texts from Gwen. I read them while Nick and George got our bags, a frown growing on my face. ‘What is it?’ Nick asked as we walked...

2 years ago
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Meant To Be Ch 04

Dear readers, Thank you so much for your constant encouragement and feedback. I love reading your comments and emails and I appreciate them all! I apologize that Chapter 4 took so long to be published, but I do hope you enjoy the conclusion of Kelsey and Nathan’s story. Please vote, comment, email…anything that you think will help me improve as a writer! xoxo, Bethanie ‘Fuck! Oh fuck…come with me! Come with me, Kelsey!’ Nathan gripped her hips tightly from behind as Kelsey buried her...

3 years ago
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Meant to be pure

Anna Lynn Fågel was raised to become a shy and submissive girl, and all through highschool she played the part, but deep in her loins she craved more... Her father was a pastor of a very fundamentalist christian denomination, and she was meant to "find a proper man to marry 'in the faith' and lose her virginity to him on the honey moon". In her mind, however, other sacrilegious thoughts were trying to steer the course of her future... (This story is mostly fictional, but the main plot and...

4 years ago
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meant to be

This story is true in a sense it happened to a friend of mine, I knew him through the years growing up he was a perfectly normal red blooded American guy he played football we chased girls. We talked about girls all the time we were definitely girl crazy I remain the same girl crazed guy ive always been but he changed as soon as he met wendy she so beautiful she had dirty blonde hair green eyes she was so smart and funny. They were perfect together they were meant to be everytime i seen him I...

1 year ago
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Meant to Be Ch 10

Standing on the railroad platform, Vicki was terrified. She held tightly onto Aaron’s arm, dreading what was next. Here in a small southern Pennsylvania town, she would be meeting Aaron’s parents, Thomas and Edna Williams and his sister, Casey, for the first time. She who had met European elite as Robin’s wife now trembled as she waited. Aaron and she got married less than a month ago. He promised he would when the war ended and he kept his word. They waited until the end of June as the Army...

3 years ago
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Meant To Be Ch 07

Drew held the shop door open for me and then plucked a few grocery bags from my hands. ‘Cassie, I’m not sure you got enough food,’ he said in mock alarm. ‘Ha ha,’ I said sarcastically. He laughed. We walked the few blocks to his apartment, where we were throwing Gwen’s surprise party, to store the food and decorations. I hadn’t been here before and took advantage of his offer to look around. It was a spacious two-bedroom apartment, which surprised me since I knew he didn’t have a roommate. I...

2 years ago
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Meant to Be Ch 06

Vicki lay awake in the early morning. Placing her hands behind her head, she looked up at the ceiling and let her mind wander. Last night was more than she could ever dream of. All her fears and concerns disappeared and she felt foolish that she ever had them. Aaron took her as she was, without hesitation. The physical act itself was overwhelming as she had never had such feelings before. It was as if it was her very first time. For the first time in her life, she craved more. She rolled onto...

2 years ago
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Meant To Be Ch 02

Author’s Note: I am so incredibly surprised at the response to this story! I had no idea that it would be so well received. Thank you again for all of your feedback. I am still very new to writing, so your encouragement, your suggestions and even your constructive criticism, helps me to grow and become a better writer. Please continue to vote and comment! I hope you enjoy Chapter 2! ***** Nathan and Kelsey leapt to their feet, scrambling to get dressed before Amy let herself in. ‘What the...

3 years ago
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Meant to Be

This is rather a long story, not so much in words, rather in time. It all started about twenty years ago. I grew up with Blake, it seems like forever, now. He came to live with my Mom and me when he was just five. Blake's parents were killed in a car accident and he had no other relatives that anyone could find. His mom and my mom had been best friends since they were small and she agreed to take him in and raise him as her own. At the time, my mom and I lived by ourselves, my father never...

1 year ago
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Meant To Be

Ron Rider unlocked the ornately carved front door of the townhouse that he and Sandra bought together after their honeymoon. "Who am I kidding?" he asked himself as he stepped into the tiled-floored foyer. "It was mostly her that picked this place out. This is really her house," he reasoned as he closed the door. The chandelier above had already been turned on, and when he looked into the first floor living room, he saw that Sandra's keys and purse were sitting atop the cocktail table....

1 year ago
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Worthy of an Oscar

The text alert ring tone of his mobile phone awoke him from his daydream as he relaxed in the hotel restaurant with an after dinner brandy. It was from his wife Helen and read ‘There is a DVD 4 U in laptop bag. Inside pocket. DO NOT VIEW IN PUBLIC!’ Startled, he rang her back only to get an ‘Unable to take your call’ response again. He had been attempting to call her for most of the day but there had been no response. They had argued that morning though, before he left, and Helen’s response...

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SurvivorsInterlude I

Entity CA10-EFB7-9CCA-BA33 studied the data-flow streaming through its consciousness and weighed factors as it studied the wide aperture visual signal being displayed by the dominant specie's own orbital satellites, primitive as they were. The entity had caught the rampant ecological damage on the host planet just barely in time. It had reported the near catastrophe to its supervisory node before proceeding with its primary directives. The creation of a tailored nano-virus targeting the...

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Silver ArrowChapter 19 A Big Decision

I met Harlan and Margaret Cummings at Grant and Eleanor's home. Grant made the introductions and we sat in the living room after Eleanor had served some iced tea. "Grant tells me you are exactly the type of driver I want for my private motor home, Doug. I want someone safe and reliable and willing to work. I've had the good fortune to hire an excellent young woman as my personal assistant and I'm hoping I can land an equally good driver to complement my staff. "I'm well aware of your...

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Masishen StrandedChapter 24

The Director Orders Action If the Director was not a 'happy camper' the day he'd sent Max Saunders and two men into Chile to intercept and arrest the elusive agent Steve Barringer and his companions, he was raving in frustration this day. Half the administration wanted his ass, and the Chilean government wanted his head on a platter. The President refused to take his calls; the White House chief of staff coldly informed the Director, "We will call you when we've something to say to you;...

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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 18

It began with a very short, eerie whistle, more a chirp, which cut off with a THWOCK! The archery butt shuddered from the impact, an arrow suddenly blossoming like a weed from the target. If I hadn't moved when I did I would have been pinned there like a bug on display. Dropping facedown on the grass I scrambled behind the butt. On my back I studied the half of the arrow sticking out on this side. It was tipped with a hunting head designed to drop a moose in its tracks. Shit! Why would...

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My Mothers SonChapter 2 Beginnings

"Come on, big boy, let's take our shower!" We raced upstairs, laughing and stumbling. At the bathroom door, I threw off my clothes and turned to watch her stepping out of high heels at the door of her closet. She hung up the blue suit jacket and the light behind her silhouetted her breasts through a plain white silk blouse. The snap at her hip was loosened and the skirt fell to the floor and I watched as she retrieved it and hung it in the closet. The blouse followed and she was standing...

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The Exhibition Fun With Girlfriend

Hi guys. this is Kumar writing my story. This is my first story so please give me your feedback.I am an average looking guy with average stats.This happened when I was doing my schooling .Me and my friends went for an science exhibition.There were many students from our school including girls.We reached the day before the exhibition and were settled. Two of us were given one room and I and my best friend got one.My best friend had a girlfriend and they were planning to make out it seems and...

1 year ago
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Her: Hey babe!My phone vibrated noisily with the incoming message. The colleague who was standing at the front of the room shot me a glare but quickly got back to his presentation. I hurried to switch the phone to mute and debated putting it down, face-down on my folder just to make a point.But then, the presentation was so very, very boring and that particular colleague was a bit of an ass.So I opened the messenger.My girlfriend’s ‘hey babe’ was accompanied by a gif of two brown bears sitting...

Mind Control
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Hagrid takes advantage of Hermione

Hermione: Just think of Emma Watson or google her or something Hagrid: Big guy, like 9 feet tall, kinda fat, long bristly beard and hair. Harry: Skinny, untidy black hair, glasses, scar on his forehead Ron: tall, red hair, freckles “Where are you going?” Ron asked. Hermione, one foot out the portrait hole looked back at Ron and Harry, who were playing a game of Wizard’s Chess in front of the fire in the Gryffindor common room. “I’m just going down to see Hagrid. I need...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 30 Another Redhead

I awoke to the sound of many hooves on the nearby road. I rolled out of my blanket, found my rifle, stayed low and crawled to the roadside. Here came a redcoated officer, a captain, followed by a bunch of horses and a couple of well-mounted dragoons. I watched them pass, trying to count the horse flesh, at least a dozen, roped in pairs and threesomes. Then there was a mule-drawn farm wagon filled with barrels, kegs and a small blonde, bound and gagged, that I assumed was a girl from the...

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A Coworker And Best Friend Part 3

I was glad I was wearing tight briefs and dark pants when I met Rene in the hotel atrium for a continental breakfast. My cock was being unusually response to pretty women. I think it was because my asshole was still feeling kinda stretched and overused from her strapon the night before. I was proud that I could "man up" and take it, even though she had verbally attacked my manhood and given me reason to feel like a wimp. It was kind of confusing and I was having a little difficulty switching...

Straight Sex
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The Trilogy Pt 1

The Trilogy, Part IShort, Sweet, RomanticThe silent song of true love and dedication is playing swiftly as we are locked arm to arm, eye to eye; heart to heart. We begin dancing wistfully as if the sound was the aria of our lives. Can you just imagine us dancing together in such a sound of solitude? Just you and me in a silent room, all alone. Slowly I begin to undress you, my arms making gentle moves as they caress the skin below your shirt until it lies on the floor. I gently push you...

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Twins n best buds V

Introduction: Maybe brothers with benefirs huh Twins n best buds V First off, something about our fun with Gavin, the kid at the water park. After we met him on one of the water slides the 3 of us started hanging out. We sat by the wave pool checking out the girls and judging who we thought was hot and who wasnt and that got us talking about sex. Gavin asked us what we had done with girls so we told him and he told us about stuff he had done. His experiences were pretty close to ours except he...

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Seduction From Dusk Till Dawn Day 1

It all begins with a phone call from you. Its Friday morning and I’m at work, I answer the phone and I hear your sexy voice. You ask me how my morning is going, and I say I am thankful that it is Friday. You then tell me that you have a surprise weekend planned just for the two of us. I ask you what we will be doing and where we will be going, and of course you won’t tell me. You proceed to tell me you’ll pick me up at 4 pm and to have my bags packed for the three-day weekend. I agree and say...

1 year ago
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QueenChapter 7

"I am the one who should succeed you. I should be queen!" The woman stared Leonora directly in the eyes as the two stood in Leonora's plush seventeenth floor apartment. "Don't be absurd. I have made my choice." "And violated the code. I was first born." Leonora smirked at the younger woman. "By a mere thirty-two seconds." "But you broke the code nonetheless. You know queens may bear only a single female to succeed them. By rights Cassandra should have been put to death as soon...

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Hotel Room Threesome

Introduction: This happened a few years after the first 3some I wrote about. This is a true story that happened a few years after our first threesome. My wife Tina and I would go away a lot for weekends to watch our favorite baseball team that was from another city. We would drive the 150 miles or so and rent a room for the weekend. Most of the time but not all of the time we would end up having sex for multiple hours reliving our dating days. We were still only married a few years and young...

3 years ago
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Nai Chachi ke Saat Age ki baat

Hi Yeh meri hum-umar chachi ke saath neri rishtey ki dsataan hai. Mein pahle hee bata chuka hoon kiase Toronto meinhamara chudaii ka rishta shuru hua, chachi ki daughter Shweta ko breast se doodh pilate samay. Phir hum chacha ke job par jane ke baad roz nange ghar mein ghoomte khelte, yahan tak ek doosre ki gaand bhee tatti karne ke baad saaf karte kai baar. Phir mein wapas chhutti se Buffalo aa gaya, mein aur chachi phone sex karte (yeh baat 25 saal pahle ki hai). Phir chachi ne India jakar...

3 years ago
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Brat Pack 2Chapter 4

Holly and Daniella were affected as much as me by their mother's death. Of course they were. Cathy and I had had a very wide bed, and it could easily accommodate the three of us when, a few days after the funeral, they took up nightly residence in it, either side of me. At first, I could fuck them both, before going to sleep and again in the morning, but gradually that frequency dropped so I'd fuck one of them at bedtime, and the other before getting up in the morning. There was a sudden...

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