Meant To Be Ch. 01 free porn video

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I wrote this a few years ago, before the others I’ve submitted, so you may notice a difference. Honestly, I’m not thrilled with the writing. Part real, part fantasy, part what-could-have-been, part unrequited or the-one-that-got-away…I don’t know. I just know it’s a story I felt compelled to write and one that continued to roll around in my head and heart long after it was finished, so I’m letting it out into the world.

Because my emotional attachment to this story exceeds my usual connection to anything I write, I considered turning off comments but that doesn’t seem…fair? If you think it sucks, that’s fine. Just remember that there’s a real person with feelings and doubts and fabulous hair (:P) on the other end over here, and that being tactful never killed anyone. Thanks.

There are a total of ten chapters, which I am submitting all at once.




I almost didn’t respond, hardly anyone calls me Cassandra save teachers on the first day of class or doctors offices. Certainly no one pronounces it Cass-ahh-ndra. But something about the deep voice made my spine tingle. I turned around and was rewarded with dark brown eyes looking at me interestedly. My breath caught in my throat and it was a second before I could speak.

‘Hi,’ I said lamely, feeling my cheeks grow warm.

He smiled at me. It was a warm smile, crinkling his eyes in the corners.

‘You probably don’t remember me -‘

‘Oh, I remember you,’ I said emphatically.

My eyes widened and I felt the rest of my face turning red. Idiot, I told myself. But really, how could I forget Nick Hawthorne? We’d met at my cousin Kate’s wedding. I was seventeen then, just graduated from high school, terribly shy and awkward. A friend of my Uncle Daniel, Kate’s father, he was the first British person I’d met, and I had been fascinated by his accent. I looked away now, remembering how I and my cousins practically hung on his every word, asking him to speak so we could hear his rich voice saying everyday words that sounded so charming to our American ears. I’m sure I had behaved as childishly as a person could.

Now it was four years later and we were at the wedding of Kate’s sister, Maggie. And here he was, grinning at me. I had just finished college and though not quite as shy, I still felt generally awkward most of the time. His charming smile wasn’t helping. I straightened my shoulders, hoping somehow it would make me seem more mature.

‘That’s flattering,’ he quipped.

‘I’m surprised you remembered me,’ I blurted out, then winced at the remark. I was certain my neck was now as red as my face.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise and he gave me a curious look.

‘How could I forget you?’ he asked lightly.

I managed to refrain from asking if he meant it. Obviously he was teasing. He surprised me by leaning in conspiratorially.

‘Don’t tell Daniel,’ he said quietly, his breath tickling my bare shoulder. ‘But I don’t enjoy weddings all that much, particularly when I don’t know many people.’ He straightened up, his eyes twinkling. ‘I was grateful for your company at the last one, so I’m glad to see you.’

I blinked up at him, speechless for a moment.

‘Right,’ I said finally. ‘I’m sure we were all total pains, begging you to speak just so we could hear your accent.’

I grinned at him, amusement momentarily overtaking my embarrassment as I thought of how annoying we must have been. Nick looked puzzled.

‘I don’t remember that,’ he said thoughtfully. ‘I recall a bright young woman who wanted to learn more about England.’ He gave a rueful laugh. ‘I regret that I couldn’t answer your questions properly.’

‘All I remember asking you was about Prince Harry and Prince William,’ I said without thinking, then felt my face redden again.

He chuckled. ‘Well, it seems we each have some selective memory about that night. Regardless, I’m glad you’re here.’

He smiled warmly again and I shivered involuntarily, a warm glow washing over me though I knew he was being polite rather than flirtatious.

‘Have you eaten?’ he asked, tilting his head in the direction of the buffet line.

I shook my head.

‘Shall we?’ He crooked his elbow gallantly.

I hesitated, then slipped my hand into his arm. He led me to the food and made small talk with the servers as we walked along the long table with our plates. I could barely concentrate on holding my plate steady and didn’t contribute other than small smiles and nods. His voice echoed in my head: I’m glad you’re here. I kept telling myself he was just being nice, but my stomach was fluttering. I stole glances at him out of the corner of my eye, watching his easy smile, his strong hands holding his plate.

I remembered having a crush on him at Kate’s wedding, but I had just assumed it was his accent. Still, I probably mooned over him that whole evening. Now, though, the attraction I felt rushing through me went far beyond a childish crush. He was unbelievably sexy. Thick, dark brown hair, warm brown eyes that seemed to glitter when he smiled, broad shoulders and a clearly well-defined body that even a suit couldn’t disguise. He was all man – one hundred percent sexy, hunky man. I shook my head slightly, my thoughts so pronounced I was afraid for a moment that I’d spoken the words out loud.

I tried in vain to remember how old he was, I knew he was younger than my Uncle Daniel, but beyond that I had no idea. Nick’s parents had acted as host family for my uncle when he spent a year abroad. The two families had become very close, keeping in touch and visiting each other frequently after that. I didn’t know how old Nick was when Uncle Daniel lived there, but I guessed he was in his forties now, though he looked more like thirty. My stomach dropped. There was no way he’d look at me as anything other than a kid. Actually, there was no way a man like Nick would find me romantically appealing anyway, but the age difference certainly couldn’t help.

I followed him to an empty table, trying not to look like a sullen teenager. I didn’t understand the wide range of emotions I was experiencing in just the short time since he’d first said my name. Nick pulled out a chair for me and I gave him a pleased smile. He was being so chivalrous and sweet my mood couldn’t do anything but brighten. I tried to relax and enjoy his company.

‘Tell me what you’ve been doing with yourself since I saw you last,’ he said as we began to eat.

‘Um, I just finished college,’ I said awkwardly.

He smiled and congratulated me, and began asking about my major and college experience. I felt childish talking about a part of his life that was long over, but he was attentive and drew me out. He’s good at this, I thought. He asked more than surface questions. Some of them made me really think about my answers and spurred in-depth conversations rather than just small talk.

There was a short silence as servers came around with wine. I watched his hand holding the glass, circling it a moment, then bringing it up to his nose before he took a sip. Everything he did was sexy. I felt like I could just watch him for days.

‘So, Cassandra,’ he said in his delicious accent. ‘What are your plans now?’

‘I’m staying with my parents right now,’ I said self-consciously. ‘Working and saving up money – a friend and I are moving to New York in a few months.’

He raised his eyebrows. ‘That’s wonderful. What will you be doing there?’

‘I have a job lined up at NYU,’ I said, feeling embarrassed about my meager life plans. ‘I figure I’ll do that for a year before starting grad school. If I can handle the city,’ I added.

‘Handle it?’ he repeated, puzzled. ‘Why wouldn’t you be able to handle it?’

I shrugged. ‘I don’t know, it’s a big city. You know…it’ll be quite a change.’

‘I have all the confidence you’ll do more than handle it,’ he said warmly, smili
ng that gorgeous smile.

‘Well, my parents aren’t crazy about the idea, so it’ll probably be more surprising for them than me if I stay,’ I admitted, giving a small laugh.

‘I moved to New York last year, actually,’ he said.

The rate at which my heart sped up was startling.

‘Really?’ I asked excitedly. ‘Do you love it?’

He grinned at my enthusiasm. ‘I do. It’s brilliant, I think you’ll find you fit right in.’

He pulled his wallet from his inside jacket pocket and took out a business card. Grabbing a pen, he wrote something on it before handing it to me.

‘My contact information,’ he said, looking into my eyes kindly. ‘My personal email and mobile number are on the back.’

I took it with shaking hands. I know I looked at the words but couldn’t read anything.

‘Thanks,’ I said with a big smile.

He nodded. ‘If you need help with anything before you move, I am at your service.’ He paused, still holding my eyes. ‘And I would love to see you when you get there, if you have the time.’

I blinked rapidly, hoping I’d heard him correctly.

‘I would like that,’ I said quietly.

Suddenly afraid I would lose it, I hurriedly took my phone out of my clutch and slipped the card inside the phone case, gripping it tightly for a moment to make sure it wouldn’t slide out. I glanced at him in time to see his eyes shift away as if he’d been watching me, but I was too giddy to be embarrassed.

We sat there for a while after the dishes had been cleared, greeting family and friends as they wandered past. I had spent a semester in London in college, so we shared stories of the city and the other places in England I had visited. I asked him everything I could think of about living in New York. I had visited several times – my friend Gwen grew up in Newark and we’d go into the city whenever I visited her – but day trips aren’t the same as living there. Nick had an almost poetic way of describing it and I’m sure I looked entranced. After all, I was.

When Uncle Daniel appeared to invite Nick outside for a cigar, I waited until they were out of sight before taking out his business card. I quickly entered the information into my phone in case the card got lost. Flipping it over, I felt an inexplicable rush of excitement at the sight of his handwriting, strong with a commanding slant. I forced myself to return the card and phone to my purse and looked around. Seeing my sisters at the bar, I headed over to join them.

‘Cassie,’ Penelope said breathlessly, her eyes dancing. ‘How do you know Nick?’

‘How do you know Nick?’ I asked petulantly.

Penny had been at Kate’s wedding but had been so focused on her boyfriend at the time that I’d barely seen her for the entire reception. She giggled and I tried not to scowl.

My sisters and I couldn’t be more different, in looks and personality. The only features we had in common were our blue eyes and our smiles. I was a carbon copy of our mother: on the short side with plain brown hair that was on most days an unruly, curly mess. I had an ample chest – the only advantage I really had over them – and hourglass figure, which I suppose is attractive, but being so short it just made me feel chubby. Penny and Thea had inherited the body type from our dad’s side of the family, each with trim, athletic shapes. Penny was a knockout with thick, straight jet-black hair that she wore long. Thea’s beauty was more understated, she had our mother’s coloring though her hair is a luscious auburn color.

Mom and I also shared a more introverted personality. She was the quiet one at parties while my dad made friends with anyone and everyone. Penny had our father’s easy confidence and charm, Thea had Dad’s analytical intelligence, which led to her skipping a grade in elementary school and graduating from high school at sixteen. Thea was only a year older than Penny but had the classic first-child traits of organization, reliability, and ambition. She encompassed the best of our parents’ personalities, in my opinion: calm and reflective while never having trouble talking to anyone.

All my life I’d felt like the little kid trying to keep up with them or find my place, neither the brilliant student with refined, elegant looks that Thea was or the gorgeous life of the party like Penny. It was part of the reason I decided to move to New York with Gwen. The thought of living there frightened me, but I knew I needed to try it. I had to see if I could move out of the shadow of my sisters, even though I knew that shadow was my own creation.

‘I asked Katie,’ Penelope was saying now with a shrug. ‘He’s hot.’

‘He’s way too old for you, Pen,’ Thea said good-naturedly.

‘He’s only thirty-nine,’ our sister protested.

‘How do you know that?’ I exclaimed, my mind racing. Nick was younger than I’d expected. Still too old to consider me anything but a child, but still.

‘Katie,’ Penelope repeated impatiently.

I couldn’t help looking at her admiringly. It never would have occurred to me to grill our cousin about Nick. If it had, I surely would have been awkward and obvious in doing so. But even without hearing their conversation, I know Penelope made it seem like she was asking Kate as part of casual conversation. She navigated social situations – whether with men or not – with such ease.

‘You didn’t answer my question,’ Penny said to me.

I shrugged awkwardly. ‘He was at Katie’s wedding. We hung around asking him anything we could think of so we could hear his accent.’

Penelope laughed, giving me her usual indulgent, older-sister smile. I was glad when Kate and Maggie joined us and the subject changed. I kept an eye out for Nick, trying not to make it obvious. As it turned out I didn’t need to search for him. The energy in the room seemed to suddenly change when he entered the ballroom – I could feel the hairs on my arms stand on end and it was as if all the noise receded slightly. Watching the doorway out of the corner of my eye, I could see him standing with Uncle Daniel, chatting while their eyes both swept around the room. When Nick saw us, his gaze stopped and they both headed in our direction. My chest was fluttering and I tried to steady my breathing.

My sisters introduced themselves to Nick and Penny smiled brightly at him while everyone talked. I shifted my eyes between them, hoping I didn’t look jealous. Uncle Daniel announced he wanted to dance with his daughter on her wedding day, and they made their way to the dance floor. The next thing I knew, there was a hand gently holding my elbow. I shivered at the touch and looked up at Nick through my lashes.

‘May I have this dance, Cassandra?’ he asked with a smile.

I opened my mouth to respond but was speechless. I think I managed a nod and he led me to the dance floor. My throat was dry as he turned to face me, lifting my hand into his and resting his other hand lightly on my back. Our bodies weren’t touching but just the slight pressure of his hands was enough to make my eyes drift shut for a moment. I forced myself to open them, staring at his chest as we danced. I peeked up at him and found him looking at me, the corners of his mouth turned up. I swallowed.

‘You know, you don’t have to call me Cassandra. Everyone calls me Cassie, or Cass,’ I said weakly.

I tried to remember if he had called me by my full name at Kate’s wedding but I doubted he had said my name at all then. His smile was enigmatic.

‘Ah, but Cassie is a girl’s name. You’re a woman now,’ he said quietly.

I blinked rapidly in astonishment. A woman. I felt almost light-headed. The words combined with his gentle tone, in that accent, sounded so seductive.

‘Maybe. But it is a lot of syllables,’ I joked.

He laughed, a low rumble emitting from his chest that I felt through our joined hands. I smiled at the sound.

‘I think I can manage it,’ he remarked. ‘What’s Thea short for?’ he asked suddenly. ‘Theadora?’

‘Athena,’ I replied quietly, wondering despondently if my oldest sister had caught his eye as opposed to Penny. ‘Thea is what Penny could pronounce when she was learning to speak, and the name stuck.’

‘Really – Cassandra, Penelope, Athena…’ His eyes were twinkling. ‘Your parents have a fascination with the Greeks.’

‘That’s right,’ I said, impressed. I wasn’t accustomed to people making the connection, most of my peers weren’t familiar with Greek history. ‘Actually just my mom – she’s a history professor. I think my dad was steamrolled.’

He laughed again, squeezing my hand this time, and my smile widened. He had a gorgeous laugh, and it was thrilling to know that I could elicit it from him.

‘But at least it’s better than naming us, say, Clytemnestra or Medea,’ I continued, grinning.

I’d made him laugh again, this time so hard that his eyes narrowed into slits. He pulled me slightly closer to him when he spoke.

‘Though Helen would have worked as well,’ he said.

‘Yeah,’ I said wryly. ‘For Penny.’

His brow wrinkled for a moment, then he shook his head at me fondly, but didn’t speak. The dance floor began to get crowded and our bodies moved closer together to accommodate the couples surrounding us. My heart was beating so fast I was sure he’d be able to hear it. The song was coming to an end and I inadvertently held his hand a little tighter as if that could slow down time. I felt his hand travel up my back until it was between my shoulder blades. I was staring at his chest and my eyes widened. My dress was a halter so his hand was on my bare skin, warm and strong. I took a long breath, trying to memorize every detail of how it felt. Without thinking I leaned forward to rest my cheek on his shoulder. I felt him tense slightly as if in surprise, but only for a second. Then he brought our joined hands to rest on his chest, his other hand tickling the ends of my hair. I closed my eyes.

It seemed like an instant later that the song ended and couples around us broke apart when the next song with a speedy tempo started. Nick and I stepped apart simultaneously, but he didn’t let go of my hand. He lifted my arm and twirled me around once, stopping me with a hand on my hip when I faced him again. I giggled.

‘Thank you for the dance, my lady,’ he said formally, giving a small bow before straightening and grinning.

‘Thank you, kind sir,’ I replied, bobbing in a small curtsy.

Laughing, he tucked my hand into the crook of his arm as we walked back to our table. I couldn’t feel the floor under my feet as I glided next to him.

A few months later Gwen and I were settling into our apartment in the West Village. We knew how lucky we were – her parents had bought it just after they finished college and kept it once they’d moved to New Jersey. Gwen’s older sister had been living in it for the past five years but she had recently moved to California, so the timing was perfect. Her parents insisted on giving us a reduced rent, and I knew my parents felt better about me moving to New York once they learned I would be in a secure building. The apartment was small, but still better than we’d have been able to afford in this neighborhood – or anywhere else in the city – otherwise.

I was scurrying around the apartment, not finding anything I needed, and noticed Gwen was organizing the CDs.

‘Really?’ I asked. ‘I can’t find my hair dryer and you’re already alphabetizing the CDs?’

She looked up from where she was sitting cross-legged on the floor and grinned.

‘Hey, I’m not the one who has a man to impress tonight.’

‘Gwen!’ I looked at her in shock.

She very obviously swallowed a laugh. ‘Use my hair dryer – it’s on my bed.’

I couldn’t help smirking. I had told Gwen about Nick immediately after Maggie’s wedding. In fact, I had mentioned him every time she and I spoke over the summer. Being the easygoing friend that she was, she indulged me and never seemed annoyed by my gushing.

I had waited a full four days after seeing Nick at the wedding before I emailed him. Even though email is essentially one step above doing nothing in terms of communication, it still felt like a bold move for me. I kept it short, telling him it was nice seeing him again and that I’d get in touch when I got to New York. He’d replied right away, and we began corresponding frequently. By the time my move approached, we were in the habit of exchanging several emails a day. I’d check my phone or laptop constantly and experienced a palpable thrill whenever I saw his name in my inbox.

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“I’m Brooklyn, and… whatever… I guess I’m a sex addict.” I glared at the group of pathetic faces in the circle surrounding me. This is so fucking lame. Why did I sign up for this? It was bad enough that I’d had to endure public humiliation when the scandal broke, but being away from the city in this touchy feely rehab centre set my nerves more on edge than they did to soothe them, which I’m sure was their original intention. From the moment I’d checked into The Belleview Retreat for Sexual...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Rocky Emerson Evil Oil

Rocky Emerson tweaks her hard nipples between her fingers as she oils up her luscious titties. Slathering oil all over her tight asshole, she spreads her sweet cheeks and flicks her swollen clit, her warm fuck-box twitching with anticipation. Steve Holmes arrives to stretch out her holes, but before he can drench her with his hot goo, he drenches her with even MORE oil, getting her primed and ready for his massive man-meat. When he has Rocky totally BEGGING for it, Steve lets her have it,...

2 years ago
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New Jobs New Roles Part 2

This story follows on from "New Jobs, New Roles (Part 1)"I sent Jen home--she had things to tell her husband Graham. I let Nigel spend the night. I let him curl up on the floor next to my bed--I did give him a blanket. Next morning, as I was showering before work, it finally hit me. Graham. Graham--could that be the same Graham who I met at the Sex Shop? Who I had tied up at home? Whose picture I had, while he was tied to my spare bed? "Well," I thought as I got out of the shower, "Guess I'll...

2 years ago
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Caroline Ch 0109

(Hi, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will!) Inside the house Mike turned and asked me, ‘Well, Lena, did you enjoy yourself?’ ‘Oh yes, they’re a wonderful family.’ ‘Come on,’ he interrupted, ‘let me show you my new toy!’ As he led me upstairs, new toy, I thought, what’s he on about. We went into the bathroom, separate from the bedrooms. I hadn’t...

3 years ago
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Adult theater

My friends at school told me about a theater that showed porn movies. After getting the address I decided to see if I could get in. Friday night I went to the place and it didn't look like the local movie theater where we all went. Feeling brave I walked through the door and gave the man my money. I look older than my age so I thought I could get in, but it didn't matter. The guy never looked up. I went down the hall and opened the doors, the only light was the movie. I found a seat in the back...

2 years ago
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The Visit

"It's unlocked,” Jolene called from the couch.Greg heard her call out and opened the door to the house. He was nearly an hour early, but Jolene had told him it would be fine. He walked cautiously down the hallway until he entered the living room, where the fireplace was burning bright. He could see the entire room, despite the lights being out.There was Danny sitting on the couch's right side, his head back and his eyes shut. Jolene was sitting beside him, apparently having been watching a...

Straight Sex
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Private Angelika Grays Ass Fucked By A Lawyer

The spectacular Angelika Grays has just inherited her late father’s empire in Private Gold, The Heiress and now it’s time for a meeting with lawyer, Kai Taylor, who’s got more than just legal documents in store for her! In addition to her new empire, Angelika has also inherited a stepsister, a complex situation that Kai will help her overcome as he treats her to a good fuck, starting with a gagging blowjob. Then watch the rest of the action unfold on as this hot babe devotes her...

3 years ago
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I have a crush on my best friend

I’m so excited my girlfriend from school is coming over tonight for a sleepover. I really never had a best friend before, but she’s new to our school. We just have hit it off and I really like her. My name is June and my girlfriend’s name is Tina. She’s just the nicest girl I’ve ever met. She’s so friendly and really pretty too. She used to live in Montana, but moved here to Florida. I’m kind of a quiet girl at school and sometimes people call me a nerd. I guess because I’m smart they say...

First Time
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NubileFilms Ashley Ocean Back To My Room

Angelo Godshack has invited Ashley Ocean to his place for a good time. She arrives on time and Angelo ushers her in. The second the door closes, he wraps his arms around Ashley to bring her in for a deep kiss while he grinds his hardon against the softness of her belly. Ashley can’t wait another moment before leaping into Angelo’s arms and wrapping her legs around his waist in an effort to get nice and close for a make out session. Angelo dips his head to bury his face between...

4 years ago
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The Photo Shoot An Adult Story

just started to branch out from my usual 9 to 5 job. I work at a local big department store in the mall. I am the photographer in the family photo center of the store. I am the guy who shoots the k**s on there parents lap or the family portrait that no one likes to take. It's very boring. It's been getting on my nerves lately but it's a job. The only saving grace of the job, is it allows some free time when ever I need it. I just got into lightning and set up for photo shoots. It might take...

3 years ago
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Truly Dancing

The girl walked alone into the crowded nightclub. She was young, perhaps only twenty years old. Her eyes were old, and she gazed around the bar with an unreadable expression. She was attractive, by anyone’s standards, slight and lithe in her short black dress, which clung tantalizingly to her body, enhancing what it touched. Men smiled hopefully in her direction, but both their smiles and their gazes slid off her as she walked on by, ignoring them. The crowd was young tonight, but well...

1 year ago
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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 9

Tabatha watched while Lisa sat on the floor with Ethan. At the ripe old age of four, Lisa was only a year older than Tabatha’s son. But she wasn’t the same species. The vampire species evidently matured, at least physically, at around five years of age. Lisa looked (and acted) like a bratty fifteen-year-old girl. Tabatha had figured out how to get Béla’s daughter to behave while she babysat her. She’d bring Ethan with her and just let Lisa take care of him. Lisa loved little Ethan like he...

1 year ago
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For those who might see me onlinewant to chat

For those who might see me online...want to chat..and wonder why I don't reply. Well..this is most likely why..I live alone, in the country, and get bored on occasion..I like to play alone. So I cum on Xhamster to see the newest video's and return to my favs spend some time..teasing myself..Like today, now...I got out my anal beads, my vibrator is broken :( I went and chose several videos..lubed up my pussy, and began to watch video's..getting all wet...just letting the anal beads...

2 years ago
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My naked doppelganger part 1

MY NAKED DOPPELGANGER I have never shown much interest in science fiction and all that futuristic stuff. Life on other planets all alien to me! Couldnt resist that – sorry! But honestly, time travel, alien invaders, other dimensions etc etc have always seemed impossibility that is really not worth thinking about. That is until three weeks ago! I work as a doctors receptionist in a small surgery in my home village of Darkwood. I have lived here for the whole of my thirty nine years to date...

1 year ago
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Sexualising cheery My personal assistant

My new personal assistant is sherry. she is a fine n pretty young lady, with nice body contours and a firm set of breasts. She has been under my mentorship before, when she was a student with a top school several years back. She had to work late many nites. once, she unbuttoned her blouse as the office central aircon was switched off. she didnt realised that when she came into my room. as we discussed many matters, i was simply enjoying her shapely breasts and her breathing made her breasts...

4 years ago
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At Least It Could have Been Worse

At Least It Could Have Been Worse by shalimar When this started, it was late August 2005 and I was Barry Nardella, a stockbroker living alone on Long Island, NY in my co-op bachelor pad. I was making tons of money, but not satisfied with my life. I had met Jenna about two years before that because of something I had written and posted on a website. By emails, instant messages and finally by phone she told me how important my writings to her. Eventually we became close friends...

2 years ago
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A First Night With My Mom

Hi to all ISS readers this is Viskasi I’m living in Bangalore. I’m going to narrate a story about how I had a great ever enjoyment for the first time with my mother Coming to her and my body gestures she is 40 from a well traditional family she has 34d boobs ((“i don’t want to mention her name because I’m publishing with her permission”)) coming to me, myself is a student of age 19 and my cock is 7″ now I’m studying be in ‘x’ college this was happened in the month of June I think this much is...

3 years ago
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therapy session

i have been seeing my ther****t for few weeks now and we had talked about all sorts of things and i was startingbit more to feel more comfortable around him now, today was the 7th time we had met and he said he wanted to start talking about things more personal than we had talked about before, i wasn’t entirely sure what he meant by that but i went in and sat down like normal. he asked me how i was feeling today and i told him, then he told me to get comfortable and he said, we are going to...

1 year ago
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College Life And Naughty Things

Hi, readers I am Siju 26 year old from Kerala now living at Trivandrum. I am working with a US based company as manger. I am uploading a story of mine for the first time, and if you like my story please sends your response to mu id This is not my first sex experience I am going to share here but I would like to share this first because I felt this one as a naughty love making that happened in my life. This incident happened during my PG course at one of the famous university. I am going to...

2 years ago
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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 19 Possibly Pregnant

Leena Wilson was angry. Frustrated and angry. She was angry at Ravi because he had turned down her not very subtle invitation to have sex with her again. And, not only had he turned her down, he virtually told her she was a slut. She'd get even for that. She didn't know how but she would. And she was mad at his prissy kid sister, the reason Ravi wouldn't have sex with her and the 'good girl' he compared her to. And now she was angry with her stepmother, too. Not angry because the woman...

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Private Lucia Love Sarah Sultry Threesome With Anal

Welcome to My Kinky Diary where the gorgeous Lucia Love confesses one of her most memorable sexual experiences, an incredible threesome with Dean Van Damme and the big natural tits of Sarah Sultry! Watch as these girls get started by showing off their cock sucking skills, deep throating and getting things wet and ready for the fantastic anal fuck that’s about to follow. Lucia then offers up her tight little ass, riding, getting pounded and showing off those amazing curves whilst the horny Sarah...

3 years ago
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ShakespeareChapter 15

V.A. Broun said, incredulously, "You have a plan? You mean you really expect to defeat them?" Jay: "Well, yes. Why not?" But I could feel that she was anything but confident. Another Admiral: "What do you need from us?" Jay: "Confusion ... I need to have every ship you can put in space going every which way. Out to Thor 2, out to other asteroid belts, out to other planets – and back. Scoop gas from the gas giants; you've got four of them in the system. Go to your forts. The forts...

2 years ago
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Brother In Law

"So, where the fuck is your sister, James?""She won't be back for several hours, she needed to go see our mom.""Oh, so do you want to wait for her here? Have a beer, maybe? Do you drink beer?""Yes, of course, why?""Well, I thought... never mind. I'll be back."Was Tom asking that because I was gay, maybe? The guy was a bigger moron than I thought, surely thinking that I was some kind of fairy only drinking Cosmopolitan cocktails. It's beyond me how my sister can be with him, putting up with this...

3 years ago
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The Cuckold Conference

I’d just checked into my room at the mountaintop resort where the conference was being held. As I pulled back the curtains to enjoy the view, a man on the next balcony waved to get my attention. When I opened the window he explained that they were locked out of their room. I called the front desk and the clerk laughed, “Happens all the time.” The desk clerk and I opened the sliding door for the couple who were lightly dressed for the cool day. I was offered a glass of wine,...

1 year ago
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Toms AdventuresChapter 69 Birds of a Feather

After summer festival Walking Buffalo took six men and left to buy cattle. The work in the valley continued with determination. Fighting Hawk asked Storm Cloud if he would like to take a little trip with him and he nodded. After Fighting Hawk discussed his idea with Gray Eagle, he gave his permission, as long as Fighting Hawk handled the negotiations. He nodded that he would. Fighting Hawk talked to Big Owl and Big Cloud and they both agreed to go, along with six of the young warriors. Since...

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Whats A Gloryhole Amongst Friends

Dave told his buds that his wife Sue was going to be out of town for the weekend, so he invited several of them over for poker night.We had played for about two hours, and downed half of a keg of beer when Dave mentioned that instead of smoking cigars after the game, he had an alternative activity. Everyone was curious and when he told them the plan, they all agreed that it sounded fantastic.Dave explained that he'd met a delivery guy at work that had a brother-in-law that knew some guys that...

Oral Sex
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FantasyMassage Betty Foxxx AssKing For Trouble

Alex Jones is waiting for his next client when Betty Foxxx happily enters the massage parlor. Immediately, Alex’s eyes are drawn to Betty’s gorgeous bubble butt, which is wonderfully accentuated because of Betty’s tight clothes. Although he wants to remain professional, Alex is clearly an ass man… When Alex greets her, he’s even more stunned when Betty insists that she wants a bolster massage. It’s just that her butt’s been really bothering her and...

4 years ago
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CommunityChapter 17

Tina's view: Sometimes I curl up on the sofa in those rare moments when I need some 'me' time and I think about things. Mommyhood. Little girls always think of being mommies. I did until I realized that my own 'mommy' saw me as a problem to be solved. Fortunately the solution was her own mother, Grandma, who did me right. When Grandma died and I ended up with Mom again, I pretty much decided that motherhood wasn't for me, not if I had a chance of ending up like Mom and me. Rethinking...

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Private Fantasy

“Are sure you want to do this?” I asked again scared as hell. “You told me it was a turn on and well—I’m willing to try new things if it makes you happy.” The glimmer in his soft eyes said everything. He wasn’t kidding around. He really wanted to go through with this and didn’t care about the consequences. He had lost his fucking mind. “It’s a fantasy. I can think this shit up in my head. It doesn’t necessarily mean I want to do it for real.” “I know but what if you could make your fantasy...

4 years ago
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The Dark Ladys Gambit

Sylvanas Windrunner, banshee queen of the Forsaken and once the ranger- general of Silvermoon strode down the moist corridor in the bowels of the Undercity. Her high heels clacked loudly as she stepped on the grimy flagstones and her long cape fluttered behind her. Despite her armor being designed for mobility and leaving her midriff and cleavage exposed, the undead high elf showed no discomfort at the clammy air in the catacombs. Undeath had dulled all sensations to a degree, which...

2 years ago
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Kindred Spirits

Introduction: Shhhh – can you hear them? She held her finger to her lips, signaling him to be quiet as the door to the childrens room closed. She smiled that come hither smile and then seemed to float down the hallway toward the bedroom door. What was that? Hailey whispered to her sister. Just the ghosts, Jamie replied with a giggle. Now be quiet and close your eyes before the Nanny hears us. We dont want to be punished for not going to sleep. Cant you tell me just one more story? Hailey...

3 years ago
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My Changing Life The Diary

So if you read my previous stories on Breaking in The New House, you know that I am bi and the my wife and I are in a relationship with this gorgeous Black couple. Terri, the girl married to Chris, is a nurse practitioner and has asked about helping me develop breasts, since I have already been growing them due to gynecomastia. She has a practice where she works exclusively with women, so she knows a lot about growing breasts. I have agreed to this, as has my wife. The following is the...

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Wild Hardcore Sex with Maid 8211 Part I

My wife and I are happily married and lead an active sex life. We have a set of 4year old twin boys who keep us quite busy. With a transferrable job, I now moved into handling the branch for a private sector bank and was posted in Agra. My wife and kids came for a while to test the place out during the holidays and we planned to close in on the schooling for the kids. My wife too wanted to get back to work as a teacher and found herself a good college to teach in. In order to handle the kids,...

2 years ago
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An Intruder

Just to set the scene, "You" are a wealthy bachelor, spending a night alone in your secluded mansion. The other character in this story is Alice, a 19 year old college student from a poor family, who is forced to steal in order to support herself while she studies. Now lets get started.... You wake up with a raging hard-on, the image of a young blonde with legs spread wide still fresh in your mind from your dream. You try to go back to sleep, hoping the blonde will still be there, but you are...

1 year ago
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First time gay

It took me a while to find out I was bisexual. I had always dated girls and loved it but once I visited an adult book store that changed. It was a nice summer day and all I had on was a loose tank top and loose shorts and sandals. I was walking past this adult book store that I had passed many times but was too young to go in. I was just s*******n at the time and seeing as I had nothing better to do I walked in. It was kind of dark inside and I thought the old guy running the counter would...

3 years ago
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The Power of The Moon ch1

This is my first story and it does not have a lot of sex in the first two...but if you love love stories than I am pretty sure you will love this!! "Grace please come out with us tonight?!?" Sam said flinging her arms around as she talked. Grace just rolled her eyes. "Sam I have told you before...I don't go out and I don't drink not since...since Joe...and you of all people should know that!" Grace whispered harshly the scar on her hand began to burn. Not wanting to draw attention to herself...

Love Stories
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this is not a fake

Last nite for the first time my woman let me get a blowjob from a different woman it was her bff. she sat on the floor in the livingroom while her friend sucked my cock she was so turned on by this she began to play with her pussy during the suckjob. licking her finger occasionally she slowly moved closer to us watching so closly while her bff gagged and spit all over my member. it was fucking so cool! next thing you know my cock was in her while her bff licked up and down my dick and her...

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