Meant To Be Ch. 02 free porn video

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Author’s Note:

I am so incredibly surprised at the response to this story! I had no idea that it would be so well received. Thank you again for all of your feedback. I am still very new to writing, so your encouragement, your suggestions and even your constructive criticism, helps me to grow and become a better writer. Please continue to vote and comment!

I hope you enjoy Chapter 2!


Nathan and Kelsey leapt to their feet, scrambling to get dressed before Amy let herself in.

‘What the hell is she doing here?’ Kelsey whispered frantically as they jerked their clothes back on.

‘I have no idea. She always knocks with her damn key though,’ Nathan groaned.

They fell back onto the couch and tried to look as natural as possible as a key turned in the lock. Kelsey grabbed the remote and restarted the movie just as Amy opened the door. She made quick eye contact with Nathan, then her eyes drifted across the couch to Kelsey. Amy glared.

‘We aren’t even broken up for one day and you’ve already got her over here?’ Amy gestured towards Kelsey as she slammed the door behind her.

‘We’re friends, Amy,’ Nathan said without looking at either of them. ‘Besides. You’re right. We did break up last night. So, what do you want?’

Amy pouted and walked over to where Nathan was sitting. Her hips swayed as she walked. She knelt down by the couch and grabbed his hand, running a long, manicured finger up and down his palm.

‘I just thought that maybe we could talk about things, you know? I don’t like how we ended it last night, baby,’ she batted her long eyelashes at Nathan, then looked at Kelsey. ‘Um…you’re free to go now, sweetheart. He doesn’t need a ‘friend’ right now, ok?’

Kelsey cringed. Amy would never change. She had no doubt that Nathan would fall back under her spell, just as he had countless times before. She stood up abruptly. Nathan jerked his hand away from Amy.

‘Don’t ever talk to her like that, Amy. Kelsey, don’t leave. Please,’ Nathan pleaded.

She held up her hand and shook her head. She could feel an angry heat rushing to her chest and face. She simply couldn’t stand the sight of Amy. She grabbed her purse and keys and quickly walked to the door. She opened it and stepped outside, never once looking back. She waited a moment to see if Nathan would come after her, but when he didn’t, she jogged to her car and pulled out of the parking lot as fast as she could without squealing her tires. As she merged back out onto the main road, she glanced in her rearview mirror and could still see Amy’s little convertible parked next to Nathan’s truck. Kelsey felt hot tears fill her eyes.

Amy Buckley would always win. She would always be able to come in and convince Nathan to take her back. Kelsey had watched it happen so many times over the years.

Kelsey choked back tears as she realized that there was a good possibility that things between them had really been ruined. She mentally berated herself for confessing her true feelings for him. She couldn’t believe that she’d ever let things go that far in the Lowe’s pool, not to mention what just happened at his apartment. Kelsey brushed her fingers across her inflamed lips. The taste of Nathan was still there. She rolled up to a stoplight and laid her head back against the headrest. She had no idea what to say to Nathan now. Even if he didn’t take Amy back right away, Kelsey knew that it was inevitable. Amy was that fantasy girl that all guys wanted. Nathan always took her back. She had no reason to believe that this time would be any different.

As Kelsey pulled back into her parents driveway, she saw that all the lights were off. Her parents were out. She threw the car in park and shut off the engine. Nothing but the sounds of an occasional car passing by or a lonesome cricket filled the air. Kelsey rested her head against the steering wheel and closed her eyes.

A single, hot tear fell from her cheek and landed on her leg as her frustration consumed her. She couldn’t believe she had let things go that far.


After using the bathroom and getting ready for bed, Kelsey pulled her lavender shirt over her head and it quickly joined her shorts in the laundry basket. She grabbed her phone and plugged it into the charger next to her bed. She opened the screen. She had 2 missed calls and 2 missed texts from Nathan.

Nathan: I made her leave. Please come back.

Nathan: I’m so sorry that everything was ruined tonight. Please call me.

Kelsey slipped under the sheets of her bed. Her panties still felt damp from all of the action with Nathan a little while earlier, so she slipped them off and threw them at the laundry basket. Then she realized that she could smell his cologne on her bra, so she sat up, unhooked it at threw it angrily at the growing pile of discarded clothing. She fell back to her pillow and covered her body. She glanced out the window at Nathan’s old bedroom. Yesterday, she smiled at the memory. Tonight, it just made her sad.

Just as she started to drift off, her phone vibrated. She reached over and picked it up, squinting at the bright screen as she read a new text.

Nathan: I can’t sleep. I’m coming over.

Kelsey: Don’t worry about it, Nathan. We can talk about this some other time.

Nathan: No. Now. I feel like shit.

Kelsey: I’m trying to go to sleep. I have to work in the morning.

Nathan: The sooner we talk, the sooner you can sleep.

Kelsey sighed. Nathan was a lot of things and stubborn was definitely one of them. She rolled her eyes and got out of bed. She reached into her drawer and pulled out some shorts and a tank top. She put them on and climbed back into bed.

Kelsey: My parents are gone. Park at your house. You remember the code?

Nathan: 29590?

Kelsey: Yeah. Come on up when you get here.

She laid back in bed and waited until she heard Nathan’s truck pull up to his parents house. She waited in silence until she heard him open the front door and close it behind him. Several seconds later, she heard his heavy footsteps climbing the stairs. Kelsey’s heart started pounding. She didn’t know how this conversation would go and her nerves were taking over again.

Her door creaked open and Nathan peeked around until he saw Kelsey, sitting up in bed. She kept the sheet securely tucked under her arms and around her chest.

‘Hey,’ he whispered, closing the door behind him. She watched as his fingers twisted the small lock on the knob. He turned around and put his hands in his pockets, standing several feet away from the bed.

She shrugged. ‘Well? You took her back, right? That’s why you’re here…to tell me that you took Amy back again?’

Nathan shook his head. ‘No. I didn’t. I told you, I made her leave.’

‘But you will take her back.’

‘No. I won’t, Kelsey. You helped me realize that Amy just isn’t right for me. I can’t have a future with someone like her.’

Kelsey sighed heavily, dropping her head down.

‘Listen, Nathan…what happened tonight-‘

‘Was fucking incredible,’ he interrupted.

‘Yes, it was amazing, and it could have been more amazing, if it hadn’t been for her. I’m just saying, that what happened tonight just shouldn’t have happened,’ she said.

Nathan exhaled and laced his fingers behind his head, which caused his t-shirt to ride up slightly. The small gap between the hem of his shirt and his shorts revealed his tanned, defined stomach. A small patch of hair started below his belly button and disappeared beneath the band of his shorts. It was something that Kelsey had noticed plenty of times before, and had even admired from time to time at the pool, but in that moment all she wanted to do was to press her lips against it. She shook her head and mentally reminded herself to focus.

‘I realized on the way home, that Am
y is always going to win. If it isn’t Amy, then it will be someone just like her. Someone gorgeous and perfect. I’m not Amy, Nathan. I’m never going to be. And I can’t start something, knowing that Amy can just breeze back in at any moment and take you from me. I love you too much for that. If I could go back to last night, I would. I would have kept my mouth shut and let you make up your own mind about her.’

Nathan dropped his arms and sat down on the edge of Kelsey’s bed.

‘I don’t know what else I can say to convince you that Amy and I are done,’ he said, staring at the floor.

‘Then don’t say anything. Don’t you think it’s best if we just try to act like this weekend never happened?’

‘Fuck no!’ he laughed. She couldn’t help but giggle at his reaction. She stared down at her hands that were resting in her lap.

‘Listen, maybe you can forget about it, but I won’t be able to. I told you, you helped me realize that I could do better. All I’ve needed was for someone to grab me by the shoulders and shake some sense into me. You did that. My guy friends look at Amy and tell me how lucky I am. They don’t see what you see, Kels. They don’t see someone who won’t hug me back or someone who actually knows how to smile and have a good time. They see eye candy and think I’m a lucky son of a bitch. I’ve spent a long time trying to convince myself that it was good enough. Then you and your big mouth come home from college and turn everything upside down.’ Nathan grinned.

He shifted his body and faced Kelsey on the bed. ‘I’ll tell you what, if you can name one person that you know of that is better for me than you, then I’ll shut the hell up and never mention this weekend ever again.’

They stared at each other defiantly.

‘C’mon. One name. One girl that you think is good enough for me, other than yourself.’ Nathan grinned at Kelsey, knowing she wouldn’t be able to complete the challenge.

She thought for a moment, but couldn’t come up with anyone. Her shoulders slumped in defeat and she shook her head. He nodded and moved up her bed. Her breathing was almost nonexistent as she watched his strong, masculine form crawl towards her. Her hands gripped the sheet around her tightly.

‘Kelsey, I’ll leave right now if you really want me to.’

She took a deep breath and shook her head. ‘No. I don’t. I’ve just got my guard up now. I just need to take this slow, Nate. I’m too scared of messing this all up.’

Nathan gently pulled the sheet from around her chest and let it fall to her waist. He laid her back on her bed and leaned over her.

‘I’m not going to try to have sex with you tonight, alright?’ he said, looking into her deep brown eyes. ‘You’re way too nervous for that, and I’d feel like I was just taking advantage of you.’

Kelsey nodded.

‘But,’ he added with a smile. ‘I am going to kiss you, because I learned last night that my best friend also happens to be an amazing kisser.’

She smiled and leaned up on her elbows, lifting her face to his.

‘Slow,’ she reminded him.

‘Nice. And. Slow.’ He punctuated each word with a tiny kiss.

Their slow, lingering kisses helped calm Kelsey’s nerves. Eventually, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his torso down on top of her. Feeling his weight pressing into her was comforting. She felt safe and protected underneath Nathan’s muscular frame. He already knew everything about her and that gave her a sense of security that she’d never known before.

She felt the fingers of his right hand comb through her hair and cradle the side of her head. She sighed against his mouth and shifted her body so that he was laying directly on top of her, between her legs. The sheet was still between them, but she could feel Nathan’s erection growing against her as their tongues and hips started to move in unison.

Nathan leaned back and stared down at her.

‘You’re making it really difficult not to rip this sheet off, Kels.’ His lips bypassed hers and connected with her delicate collarbone.

Kelsey raised her chin, exposing more of her skin and allowing his lips to explore. He didn’t disappoint. His mouth sucked and kissed her expertly, leaving no flesh ignored. His mouth then found it’s way behind her right ear.

‘Can I tell you something?’ he whispered.

‘Mmmm. Yeah?’ she moaned, closing her eyes as she ran her fingers up the backs of his strong arms.

‘I can’t wait to go down on you.’

Kelsey shivered as a rush of excitement flooded over her.

‘Oh yeah?’ she breathed.

‘Mmmhmm. After that blowjob you just gave me? I need to return the favor.’

Kelsey smiled. ‘It was that good, huh?’

‘Fuck,’ he growled into her cleavage. ‘Yes, Kelsey. That good.’ He lifted his head and leaned over her mouth. ‘I wasn’t lying when I said that it was the best I’ve ever had.’

She hooked her arms around his neck and kissed his bottom lip. ‘Then I guess I’m going to have to work really hard to top myself, aren’t I?’

Nathan pressed his mouth into her again, this time making it clear that he wasn’t wanting to stop until she said so. She felt his mouth open slightly, so she took the opportunity and slipped her tongue between his warm, parted lips. She slid it against his, gradually working it back and forth, before his tongue took over and penetrated her mouth with an equal amount of force. Their tongues dueled and danced and before they realized it, their hips were grinding against each other again, this time feverishly.

Kelsey blindly searched for one of his hands. She grabbed it and wrapped his fingers around her braless breast. Her aroused nipples had been rubbing against her tank top the entire time, and had stiffened against the fabric. Nathan could feel the hard bud press into his palm. He let his fingers explore, eventually letting them squeeze her nipple firmly. Kelsey’s lips broke away from his and she let out a muffled groan of pleasure.

Suddenly, he pulled back. He was breathing heavily, leaning on his elbows above her.

‘No. Please don’t stop.’

‘God, Kelsey. I don’t want to, but I just know that you’d regret having sex with me so soon. If we don’t stop now, I’m scared that I won’t be able to. You’re just so beautiful and I can’t believe that this is really happening. I don’t want to fuck this up, either.’

Kelsey closed her eyes and exhaled. ‘I know. You’re right. Slow. We have to take this slow and figure it out as we go along.’

Nathan pressed his forehead against hers.

‘Soon,’ she said reluctantly.

He nodded and kissed her one last time before pulling himself off of her all together. As soon as he sat on the edge of the bed, she missed his weight on top of her. She sat up and knealt behind him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her breasts into his back.

‘Thank you for coming over here.’

‘I had to. I felt terrible. I still do. I can’t believe she came over.’

Kelsey cringed at the memory. ‘I know. Great timing.’

‘So, what now? I’m guessing that you want to keep this quiet for the time being?’

‘Yeah. I think that’s for the best. If anyone else knew, all we’d get would be opinions or pressure. I just want to take this slow. If something happens and this just doesn’t work out, I have to be able to keep you as a friend, Nate.’ Kelsey shook her head. ‘I can’t let this crash and burn, and lose my best friend at the same time.’

He reached up and rubbed the arm that was wrapped around him.

‘That’s fine. Whatever you want. Nothing official, no pressure. We’ll just take it a day at a time.’

Kelsey kissed his cheek.

‘Thank you.’

Nathan sighed. ‘There’s one problem.’

‘What’s that?’

‘My balls are going to fall off if we keep this up. I think this is the fourth time today that I’ve been hard because of you.’


‘I went to bed hard and wo
ke up hard because of what happened last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about you before you came over…got hard then, too.’

Kelsey let go of him and moved to sit beside him on the edge of the bed. She linked her arm through his.

‘Then you gave me head and I nearly drowned you with my load.’ They laughed. ‘And now, here I am with my fourth hard-on of the day. I haven’t been this horny in a long time.’

Just listening to Nathan talk about how excited she’d made him, made Kelsey’s hormones explode.

‘Well, in that case, I need to give you something to keep you horny all night and into tomorrow, don’t I?’

‘What do you mean?’

Kelsey unhooked her arm from his and stood up. She stepped in front of him and started to inch the hem of her tank top up.


‘Just enjoy this, ok? You’re being patient with me and waiting to have sex until I know that I’m ready, so let me just give you a little preview.’ She smiled and lifted her top up to expose her flat stomach. She stepped closer to him and grabbed his hand. She rubbed it along the smooth skin of her belly. Nathan groaned and stared up at her.

‘You like that?’

Nathan sighed and nodded.

‘Good. What about this?’ she asked as she lifted the tank top up higher, exposing just the bottoms of her round breasts. ‘Do you like this, Nathan?’

He smiled broadly, his small dimples framing his mouth as Kelsey pushed his hand higher. She dragged his thick fingers on the sensitive undersides of her breasts. She let out a quiet sigh of pleasure and stepped back, lifting the shirt over her head all together. She threw it to the floor and stood in front of Nathan, completely topless for the very first time. Her dark nipples stood out from her tits proudly. The excitement caused a rush of goosebumps to cover her skin, forcing her nipples to tighten even further. She watched as Nathan’s hand fell to his lap and squeezed his hard dick through his shorts.

‘God, Kels,’ he shook his head. ‘Do you know how long I’ve wanted this? How many times I’ve thought about this over the years? Hell, how many times I’ve beaten off to this exact image in my mind?’

‘Oh yeah? Tell me what you thought about,’ she whispered.

Nathan gripped his cock tighter as she ran her hands along her smooth stomach and traced circles across her breasts.

‘Growing up, as we got older and I started noticing your body more, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you. You’ve always looked so fucking hot in a bikini. More than once, I remember having to wait for my cock to settle down before getting out of the pool because of how good you looked.’

Kelsey dropped her hands and glided them down her sides and over her hips. She hooked her fingers into her cotton shorts.

‘Anything else?’

Nathan’s eyes followed her hands. His breathing picked up as his eyes bounced between her exposed chest and her pelvis, which was a mere foot away from him.

‘I’ve always loved seeing how tight your bathing suits and clothes are against your ass. Your ass is so perfect, Kelsey. I’d always stare at you in school as you walked down the halls, or during our family stuff. Amy always saw it and knew that I liked what I saw. It drove her crazy and she called me out on it all the time.’ Kelsey couldn’t help but feel a surge of satisfaction swell up inside of her, knowing that the flawless Amy Buckley had felt even the tiniest bit of jealousy towards her.

He reached out to squeeze her hip, but she pushed his hand back down into his lap and turned around. She started to work her shorts down, exposing a little more of her ass at a time as she listened to him breathe heavily behind her. She worked them down to her thighs, then with a slight roll of her hips, they fell to the floor. Kelsey bent over directly in front of him and picked up her shorts. She tossed them towards her tank top then turned around.

Nathan was staring directly at Kelsey’s smooth, bare pussy. He groaned and looked up at her eyes desperately.

‘This is so mean, Kels.’

She bit her lip and smiled at him.

‘Why? I’m just giving you something to think about until we can do this again,’ she said innocently.

He laughed and shook his head. ‘Right, but now I’m pretty sure my dick isn’t going to go soft for days.’

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They left from the porch. For a couple of days, Jean wondered who the man in her house had been. She certainly didn't know why she had a complete Intensive Care Unit and bed ... complete with monitors she'd never seen and pumps that didn't exist ... on her newly enclosed back porch ... in the addition she had no idea was there. There was plenty of evidence that the bed was recently used. "Christ! I get enough of that at work ... why would I do it at home?" But, everybody at the Shelby...

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Blackfeather24 Laramie

“SUNSET. What an awful time to arrive in a frontier town. We have luggage and cargo. We cannot simply hide in the hotel.” I don’t suppose you made a reservation. “Demon Ramie! My friend. I am thankful for your company.” We heard a gunshot from across what passed for a street and down a hundred yards. “Don’t let it startle you, ladies. Sometimes the boys get a little wound up at night when they get into town. Nothing like it used to be.” We looked at the speaker and found a short man with a...

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Creating A Cuckold

It was a usual Tuesday night for us, my wife was finishing up dinner, and I had just gotten home from work. I was sitting at the kitchen table using my laptop, chatting with her here and there. At one point, she turned around; looked at me with a smile and said: ?drooling over chastity devices again?? There was a sudden pinch in my stomach. I couldn’t believe she had found what I had been looking at! I went into autopilot, making a weak attempt to protect my manhood. All I could do was respond...

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Jordan Cums of AgeChapter 1

Jordan Cole was always a mischievous child; she broke the rules only when she was certain she couldn't get caught. So it was natural that her classmates and friends thought she was a bit of a rebel and wise beyond her 17 years. Jordan was wise in that she had her finger on her goal. She was blessed with beauty and a fantastic figure which she worked at. The coach suggested she leave gymnastics because her breast size grew fast at 14, so she took up softball and volleyball. But her real...

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Perfect Porokia Passionate Alliance

Hello everybody, I am Runu,31 yrs old. I am six ft tall, average body structure. I am married with a three yrs old son. My wife is smart and pretty. After finishing my education from a public universiy, I wasn’t able to get the expected job. A year of searching various field, I just bought a ticket and landed at Narita airport, Tokyo ,Japan. With just a thousand us dollar in my pocket. I left behind my family in search of better life and fortune. I did not know a single Japanese word, bought a...

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The Plumber Calls

Paul is a happy go-lucky Plumber with no job too big, no job too small. He is fixing an old lady’s rusty old soap covered taps, which from the look of things had been dripping for months. He receives a call on his mobile. It’s a distraught woman crying and sobbing down the phone. She has a burst pipe and water is going everywhere. “Now, try and be calm. Are you able to turn the water off?” he said, explaining where she should find the stopcock to isolate the water. “Yes,” she replies, “I...

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Oil of Roses Snakes Among the VinesChapter 33

January 30th, 2007, Monday Karen “I don’t wanna go home,” Karen said, stretching as she lay in bed with her partner, Patricia. “Told you so,” Patricia said. “You didn’t want to come, you’d have rather had a more conventional honeymoon, or no honeymoon at all, than come to a clothing-optional resort...” Karen let her kvetch, as everything Trish said was true and Karen had been wrong. When her love had wound down, Karen smirked, “So, I should just expect you to be right all the...

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Sexting My Mother

Hello, my Dear Readers. This is a series of text messages between Ayan and his mother, Mona. Happy Reading! Ayan: Hey Mom. Mona: Hi Ayan, have you reached? Ayan: Yes, Mom. I just got inside my room. The train was late by an hour. Mona: I thought so not seeing your message. Ayan: You did not sleep all this while? It is almost 2:00 AM. Mona: No, Ayan. I was waiting to hear from you. Ayan: You should have slept, Mom. This is not the first time I took this train. And I told you I can get a taxi...

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Me my friend his sister and her panties

]My name is Sean and I would like to tell you the tale of how I became bi-sexual, it allstarted when I bumped into a old friend from school, he was called Phil and we used to be really close, any way we agreed to meet up for a drink and catch up on old time’sThe following saturday we were having a great night out Phil borought up the time’s we used to jerk of together as his sister watched and frigged her tight young pussy, and how much he used to enjoy timeing it so we cum together. I laughed...

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This time she opened the blinds all the way. The light was intense. She shielded her eyes from the blinding glare. Suddenly, the light turned a bluish color. It wasn't as bright, so she uncovered her eyes, but it still blinded her. But she started to feel weird. The light was mesmerizing her; she felt a strong urge to go to the light. Her body was oddly warm, and her arms and legs started to tingle. She was scared out of her mind, but she didn't look away; she felt like she was...

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I am a member of a men’s group. We meet every month to talk, play cards, drink and do all those things a group of men do when there are no women around. There are fifteen of us in the group; all around the mid thirty to mid fifties age range. We always meet in Simon’s house. He is fifty, single, and owns a secluded old manse and chapel He has decked out the chapel with seating, fancy lighting, an amazing sound system, even a projector for the films/TV We often play games and bet on them. I...

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Erotic Experience With A Reader

Hi, readers, this is Zamim again with my second story. Thank you for your response and comments for my previous story. Let’s come to the story. After my story, I haven’t checked my mail as I was busy with work stuff. So one day when I was free I was checking my mail. I received 3-4 emails after seeing my story. I have replied to all of them thanking them for their response and one girl replied me back. She told me she liked the story and started asking about me. I stated about me and asked...

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The Romantic VigilanteChapter 17 Losing someone dear

"Hello? I'd like to speak to someone with regard to information about the vigilante," Glen said. "I can help you with that case, sir. What do you have to tell us," said the voice on the other end of the phone line. Glen glanced at the little piece of paper in his hand again. He had noted down the officer's name from the TV. "No, I want to speak to DI MacIntosh," he said. "I can assure you, sir that I can help you just as well as DI MacIntosh could, now why have you...

4 years ago
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theatre treat

I had left the house quickly that evening and had not worn panties or a bra and realized that soon this mans hand would soon find my clean shaven pussy. I was rapidly getting turned on. The mans hand gently stroked my leg going a little higher each stroke. Soon his hand rested on my now moistening pussy. i quietly gasped as he stroked once more and then inserted a finger dep inside me. My boyfriemd leaned over kissed me and said he was going for some popcorn and something to...

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My Niece the troublemaker Ch 1

Chapter 1 By treatmedirty “Darren you need to call your brother back,” a sharp voice sounded on the phone. “You know he’s going through a divorce and he needs all of our help.” “Mom I don’t mind helping him but he’s so out of it,” Darren called. “I feel so uncomfortable talking to him. What if he wants me to talk about the divorce or something like that? I’m only twenty. I can’t give any advice. Hell I’ve only had one girlfriend and that didn’t last long. We hardly have anything in...

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PretendingChapter 2

Connie woke up slowly, gently prodded along by the sunlight peeking through the blinds. She took a moment to orient herself. I don't have piles of books on top of my computer, she thought. Then she remembered where she was and tentatively turned her head. Simon lay behind her, his hand on her waist, sleeping like a log. Her first instinct was to jump out of the bed, but she quieted herself. That would wake Simon up, and she wasn't sure she was ready for that yet. Instead, she carefully...

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Moms low cut blouses

She was a typical Indian housewife although she looked special. Long hours in the kitchen did not deter her from looking gracious. She had a subdued stylish way of dressing which kind of reflected her character. She was always dressed immaculately in the beautiful Indian garment, the sari. Of late she had started wearing blouses with low necks and short backs, sometimes sleeveless. This was in an Indian summer and I guess she had started doing it for the sake of comfort. She sometimes...

1 year ago
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To be a hero

This story will center itself around the main character: the hero. Well…at least that is what he will be at the start. You have to understand dear reader that most villains in real life aren’t inherently evil. They themselves do believe that what they are doing is the right thing. To clarify, this story does start out as a heroic tale. It is in fact a little generic. For example, it is set in the glorious country of the United States. The hero does at the start believe in the workings of a...

Mind Control
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my fantasy51

as u lie on the bed on your back i pull myself up & turn my body around so i kneel on the mattress above your head & my rock-hard cock hovers above your face... i lean my upper body 4ward at the waist& place my hands on your lower thighs as i press your muscular legs wide apart & start 2 lick the inside of your thigh... i slide my tongue from your knee 2 your crotch & leave wet & glistening trails of saliva all the way up your trembling inner thigh then i suck the...

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My name is Deana. I live right in the middle of corn country, Iowa City, Iowa. I’m sales rep for a major department store, with two cats and a dog named Cuddles. I stand five-five in heels, am a full figured woman, with long red hair, green-eyes, and a zest for life, love, and adventure. I was introduced to swinging six year ago by my now ex-husband and loved every minute of it. Or I did, until he got jealous of me having more fun. So I quit. He has since divorced me and married a younger gal....

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The Barfly ch 2 rewrite

Introduction: Charlie and Natasha meet Karen Prologue I would like to thank those that have read my stories ancommented on them. This is a complete rewrite of the second chapter of my story The Barfly originally posted in the forum. I would like to ask those of you that honor me with negative votes in groups to leave some comments so that I may learn what readers dislike in my stories. I would also like to ask those of you that like my stories to throw a wote my way to keep them in an...

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Masters of Sex

It all starts with an invitation arriving with the mail on a Monday. At first you dismiss it, thinking it was another free lottery offer. But just as you are about to toss the envelope in the trash, something about it catches your attention -- there is no stamp. The seemingly expensive black envelope also has no return address; it is simply a glossy black envelope with an embossed gold label reading: 'Mr. Daniels. . .Confidential'. Now curious, you put the other mail down and carefully open the...

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My wife and I have been married 4 years and both like the idea of threesomes and I certainly like the idea of my wife getting it on with another guy. There is a club we like going to called the Sandpiper in Brean , Somerset. Its basically a club above some shops which accommodates holidaymakers. We used to go on Friday / Saturday night. Just for a few drinks and sit at the bar. There was a guy there called Chris who on each visit would spend £20 on the fruit machine. Then basically moan to...

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Cuckolded by Homeless Latinos

The south-eastern and south-central regions of the United States are well-known as being the Bible Belt. In those areas, socially conservative, evangelical Protestantism is a significant part of the culture. Church attendance across the denominations in the Bible Belt is generally higher than the national average.My name is Stuart, and for much of our lives my wife, Madeline, (most people call her Maddy) and I were members of one of the charismatic, Christian, mega churches in Houston, Texas...

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Lottery winner 4 love and trials

Johnson smirked and said to Jeffery "if he had put the towel on like a woman I would not have been forced to do this but as you can see he didn't and now he will have no choice or be forced to be indecent. Remember he asked for his feminization. He truly is a strange man." He never saw it coming. Standing over Johnson, after slapping him so hard he fell to the floor, my wonderful man told him "She is a woman. One day she may have opted for implants, but this way was wrong. She is...

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UpgradeChapter 21 Incest expanded Construction Busyness Hired help

My father and Rosalin had consummated their friendship up in my parent’s bedroom while Nancy, Beth, and I had been together. I think I was the only one of the group who blushed when we all were together again. Hank and Rosalin were sitting in the living room cuddling as we came out of the bedroom. Nancy was naked and had obviously been fucking me, having left pieces of her bikini in the living room. She picked them up, put them on, and then I introduced her to Hank. Nancy looked really...

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Elise and my roommates Chapter 4

I guess you could say the day after the "pretend girlfriend act" was a little tense around the house. Although I told Elise I was okay, everyone could tell I was pissed and stayed out of my way. I'm a pretty easy going guy and don't hold onto things for long so by Sunday I was already feeling better.Jeff apologized for the whole evening, but conveniently claimed he was too drunk to remember much of what happened. He said he remembered Sara and Elise making out for a little bit then the next...

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Lustful Proposition

This is a story about a man who let his lust drive him to do something that will make one question, how far would you let lust take you? Robert was a pretty standard man all things considered, worked a normal, 9 to 5 job that paid the bills and put food on the table. He didn't have a whole lot of ambition beyond just working and enjoying the occasional TV binge watching with his wife, Helen, when time would permit. Helen is a lovely woman in her early thirties, long, wavy auburn hair and a very...

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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalEpilogue

So much had changed. Everything was different now. Almost everything. Logan and Beauty stood in silent contemplation. Holding hands as they looked around their old, cavern shelter. The scorch marks from the battle still marked the walls of the entrance, but the cluster of crystals still glowed with the colors of a new sunrise. Both sulfur hot springs were just as they had left them. As was the bed of moss on which they had slept and found pleasure and comfort in each other, night after...

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TimeChapter 7

When the phone was picked up I replied, "Hello Clarice. Is Mr. MacNeil free for a moment?" After a few pleasantries with Derrick I asked, "What is your opinion on the Lasslo matter?" I got my reply and the two men in the office strained their hearing to get the details. Next I asked, "What about the school board?" Now I could see the men pushing their hands down on the arms of their chairs to get a fraction of an inch closer to hear the reply. I gave them some very solemn...

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Inter-Sub-Mission By Susannah Donim A 'Master of the Universe' Investment Banker and his university professor wife are a happy and successful couple. Then their Psychologist friend persuades them to participate in an unusual study and things change for everyone. Prologue - early May Dinner was over. We were relaxing on the patio, listening to the gurgle of the river, and finishing off the second bottle. "So have you decided what you're doing for your sabbatical?" Bill...

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The Man in the Library

With my child heading back to school after the holidays I figured today would be the perfect day to get out and enjoy some alone time. I don’t think I would have kept my sanity any longer if I had to endure cooking another huge feast or heard the word mommy one more time. I chose my favorite yellow dress but quickly wondered if this would be a good choice after seeing the grey skies and drab scenery of puddles lining the road. Since the library was just up the street I decided what the hell...

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Tuesday At the Little Shop

Soapy leaned against the counter at the Little Shop, pondering his next Vicodin purchase. He'd spent a month at Ivy Hill, getting spin-dried by the counselors...but let's face it, ? Soapy wasn't a drug addict, he was a junkie. Addicts went to meetings. The raucous laughter from the Dominas Anonymous meeting upstairs was really making him irritable. What was wrong with those women? ? As he heard more annoying peals of mirth, Soapy looked behind the counter at H.Singleton Soreson Bailey,...

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getting sum arse

I was certainly in the middle of the most unusual night of my life. I had two beautiful girls using me for their wild sexual pleasures. It must have been in the early morning hours when I was awakened by the touch of hands on my legs and on my cock. I was still tied to the bed. Christine refused to release me from the handcuffs and strap that bound my hands over my head. She said I had to sleep that way. Fortunately she had allowed me to go to the bathroom while she changed the bed linen before...

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A King and His QueenChapter 15 Ravens First Day

Raven, dressed in a blouse and slacks, sat on the couch in the sex room. She had been given the tour of the house the previous evening after Dave, Sue Ellen, and Jim had left. She knew she was seated in the sex room. It's role in the project had been described to her in very explicit terms. In a way, it kind of scared her to be there. It was Saturday morning and she was expecting Andrew to show up at ten. That was in about ten minutes. She wondered about him and what he would be like. She...

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A Good ManChapter 32 A Perfect Night

Our timetables kept us from having a conversation of more than a few words until lunchtime. And even then we had to wait until we’d eaten and could find a quiet spot because our friends weren’t about to let us eat alone. They wanted the whole story and they wanted it right away. Clarissa gave them an edited version, missing out anything to do with her inheritance and instead making it sound like she got so sick of the guys her mom was setting her up with and realised she wanted to be with me...

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