The Schoolmaster
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?Who?s that fellow in the picture? Submissive Stuart?s? Master Fenton asked him one day while
Stu was licking Fenton?s boots in his office.? Stuart looked up and noticed Fenton looking at the old painting of Stu?s bewigged ancestor.
?Oh, that?s my great-great-great-great maternal grandfather,? Sedley Codrington, Master Fenton.
?I don?t know much about him except that he was a? Revolutionary War hero, and later the first governor of this state?oh, and in his early years, he was a log cabin schoolmaster.?
?Fenton grinned. ?I wonder if Governor Sedley Codrington was as much of a submissive wussie as you are, Stuart??
Stuart blushed hotly. ?I think not, he was reputed to have tremendous character.? WHACK! Fenton?s scourge lashed Stu?s back.
? Stuart burst into tears. Fenton snapped his fingers and pointed to his boots.
?As Stu bent over to return his attention to Fenton?s Doc Martens Fenton smiled to himself. ?Well, we?ll never know anything about the guy?but I wonder??
FEBRUARY, 12, 1760 6:45 a.m.
Sedley gritted his teeth. The fox-traps metal jaws still clutched Sed?s penis and balls with a deadly vigor.
?Father had put down a thin bed of hay for Sedley to stand on while his arms were tethered to the rafters of the woodshed , but his feet were freezing, as the weather was bitterly cold.
Snow had been dropping onto Sedley?s naked shoulders through holes in the shed roof all morning.
Suddenly there was a bang on the door, and the adolescent looked up as his father stalked in, holding the birch, actually five untrimmed hazel branches bound together at the handle end.
?Sedley looked up in terror as Josiah Codrington, a red bearded fury of 220 pounds, took his son?s measure. ?Hast thou past thy night comfortably?? Josiah said sarcastically.
?Has thy filthy organ tempted thou to massage it this past eve, Not likely, I gather.?
Sedley looked at the ground sullenly. He had spent the entire night locked in the shed, tied to rafters with a vicious steel trap on his genitals, as a punishment for masturbation, but did he really need his father?s sarcastic words?
Josiah quoted the verse that Sedley knew so well ?And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother?s wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.?
And then Josiah said, looking at Stuart closely.?
"If thy right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of thy body, than for your whole body to go into Hell" This from the book of Matthew, Sedley.?
Sedley was quite subdued as Josiah removed the fox-trap from his genitals.
?That might be worse?punishing his cock was one thing, but the idea that his father might cut off his right hand so there was no more masturbation??
Josiah, reading Sedley?s thoughts said with a wry smile. ?Fortunately, thy right hand is needed in the spring planting and then the plowing, as well as for thy chores.?
Then Josiah turned serious again, looking at his son with contempt.
?Sedley?s hands were still bound up in the rafters, and Sed suspected there was business coming from the birch. He was not wrong.
Josiah?s eyes darkened. ?Thou hast been looking upon the Goodwin daughters our neighbors, perhaps, and touching thyself?"
?Josiah lifted the birch WHACK! Across Sed?s milky white thigh crashed the tied branches.
?From the book of John!? thundered Josiah. ?For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.? The birch fell five more times.
Sed winced and wondered what his father would think if he knew that it was Auberon Goodwin, the stalwart young SON, that Sedley?s fantasies? were surrounded with. Father would probably hang Sedley?
Thinking of Auberon?s strong, muscular body, and the way Aubrie had bullied Sedley, for he was not a kind youth, made Sed?s penis rise up, and Josiah did not miss this.
WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! The birch hit Sedley?s penis harshly, again and again, and writhing from the rafters, the teenager screamed bloody murder.
?At the main house, Sedley?s mother raised her eyes to heaven over the breakfast table, and his younger brothers and sisters smirked, knowing the reason for this chastisement.
?FROM THE BOOK OF JAMES!? roared Josiah. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Sedley could barely hear his father?s quotes, as his penis was now bleeding from the tip of? the glans.
Sedley cursed the day he?d been born a male?his father couldn?t tell if he was aroused if he were a girl!
??But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed, then when WHACK lust WHACK hath conceived, WHACK it bringeth forth sin and sin when it? is finished WHACK! bringeth forth death!?
As Sedley squirmed, tied as he was to the woodshed rafters, he realized it would be a long morning.
FEBRUARY 12, 8:45 a.m.
Sedley, finally dressed, and carrying his books, tramped to school in the snow drifts, munching a bit of bread that his mother had slipped him.
?Sedley?s brothers and sisters had run on ahead, probably to tell the other children of his shame.
?Suddenly Auberon Goodwin jumped out from behind a tree, and following his example were his friends Aaron Hopkins and Harold Blankenship.
?Ho, there, sissy!? Aubrey laughed as he saw Sedley?s flushed face. His sharp eyes noted a slight pushing on Sedley?s trousers. ?Off to school, are you? I don?t go anymore?I?m a big boy now??
??????????? Sedley breathed calmly. ?Will you let me pass, Goodwin?? Auberon?s beautiful grey-green eyes danced as he looked upon the younger boy, and his friends snickered.
??Or are you going to knock me about and snowball me as you did last week!? Sedley tried to keep the edge out of his voice, but it was difficult.
?Oh, no?? Aubrey smiled at Stuart, showing his teeth. ?We just talked to Cecil Redfern, and he told us about your adventures in his uncle?s haystack last summer??
Blankenship chortled. ?And your activities behind the tavern on Thursday nights are common knowledge to the young laborers?Sedley suck, you?re called.
??And Hoppy says you are also quite the servicer to fellows at the swimming hole when you sneak away from your father?s chores.? Hopkins nodded his greasy head enthusiastically.
?So we feel we have some correcting to do! Sodomite!? Aubrey screamed it out so the entire countryside could hear it!
The next few moments were a nightmare. Goodwin, Blankenship and Hopkins advanced upon Sedley, and ripped off his garments, there in the blistering cold.
Between this and the woodshed last night, and it would be a miracle Sedley thought, as Blankenship and Hopkins forced Sedley over a rock, that he did not contracted pneumonia.
Aubrey?s casual laughter roared in the wind. ?We must do this thing quickly, for old Eben?s woodcart will be passing here soon. And then, for Sedley, the nightmare became a paradise!
?As Blankenship held Sedley?s head, Auberon? Goodwin unbuttoned his own breeches and a long, hard penis came out, and moved into Sedley?s mouth.
?Certainly, at the back end, Hopkins, who was an ugly, pimpled youth, was corn-holing Sedley?s buttocks with great energy, but to have Aubrey?s glorious erection in Sedley?s mouth was something like he?d never experienced!
Sedley had had much practice in that which his fellows had accused him of, and quickly fellated Auberon to a juicy orgasm, and willingly took the other boys penises in his mouth as well, licking his own fecal matter off Hopkins?s dick.
Just before Auberon threw Sedley his clothes and ran off, he whispered
?Come to my stable this midnight, for your services may still be required. While the other boys were not looking, Auberon kissed Sedley resoundingly on the mouth.
FEBRUARY 12, 9:30 a.m.
Septimus Pilge? was a fat man?obese, and certainly unbathed. ?When thou art not swilling spirits, thou art feeding your face, and when you are not eating you seem to be talking.?
After his agnostic father had made these observations, he?d offered to pay his son?s way to be an ordained minister.
Then, after Pilge had been expelled from Cambridge Divinity School after being compromised with a fellow seminarian, he?d? escaped censure and several pregnant girlfriends by signing for passage to the New World as an indentured servant.
Horrified at the anticipation of his impending participation? in? agrarian enterprises, the young idealist dove in the sea just as the ship floated into the Carolinas, but was fished out in time to meet his host.
?To Pilge?s relief, his indenturer took one look at the pallid corpulent young drunkard, tore up the indenturement papers, and walked off in disgust.
Now Pilge surfaced several colonies later in that other great occupation where one runs at the mouth instead of lifting at the back?that of a village schoolmaster.
It had its moments of pleasure, but often they seemed fleeting.
?Pilge had just thrashed Mary Calhoun?s buttocks, her bloomers pulled down for all the snickering class to see?for making an error in her hornbook spelling lesson.
Certainly Pilge had enjoyed this, and was still smirking as he watched her sob at her place, the tears drowning? the marks she made on her slate, as poor Mary re-did the hornbook lesson.
Pilge took a surreptitious swig from a small bottle as he turned to the blackboard.
Young Felgate?s Latin construe was awful, but he was too ugly to make Pilge interested in punishing him.
?Rich Lundell Pherries had slipped Pilge a shilling to ignore his abysmal work, and spare him the rod?and Pilge needed those shillings to pay his extensive ale? tab at Juddy?s Tavern.
?Perhaps he could assign a study hour and enjoy? a perusal of his French postcards in the outhouse?no, perhaps the angelic pupil Pilge still hoped to correct might come today.
But alas! The morning was long?and Pilge?s favorite pupil was not here yet, though his siblings had trickled in at the right time?where was Pilge?s beautiful boy?
Pilge had been itching to give the handsome? Sedley Codrington some correction.
Pilge could imagine the beautiful buttocks as he?d seen the boy prance in and out of his schoolhouse, but unfortunately, young Codrington was an excellent student and? gave scant reason for punishment.
Would Pilge be once again content only to masturbate and dream of the lad in the schoolyard outhouse?
Pilge pouted?it wasn?t fair. Perhaps the Emerson boy would make an error?his buttocks were plump, but serviceable?
But the school door opened, and in came a somewhat disheveled Sedley Codrington.
Tardiness! Of course! Pilge smiled.
?So, Sedley Codrington?we are so grateful that thou graced us with thy presence this morn.? Pilge nodded at the clock. ?We start our lessons at nine o? clock, where has thou been??
The beautiful lad approached the front of the room, his long lashes demure. ?I am so sorry, Master Pilge, I was assaulted along the road, and snowballed??
Probably by that troublesome Goodwin boy and his gang, Pilge thought. But Pilge?s penis began swelling under his tremendous bulk.
??A likely story! Thou were perhaps idling along a bit. Proverbs 12:24 says ?24The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.?
The young man looked steadily at Pilge. ?Yes, my father quotes this to me often, Sir. I made haste to be here and I am at the top of the class in my studies??
Pilge laughed harshly, his penis now almost bursting.
?So thou expects special treatment because of thy studies? Did thou study last night? Can thou construe the Latin lesson in Virgilius Maurus that I assigned last night??
Pilge knew that Sedley hadn?t studied the translation at all?as Pilge had masturbated for much of the previous evening, staring through a knot hole in the woodshed at the bound youth.
Pilge had darted off just after enjoying Josiah?s whipping of Sedley?s penis, and was still a bit stiff?but he would take it out of the boy.
?No sir.? Sedley said, flushing. ?I was unable to??
?Ah, the genius does not need to study!? Pilge laughed, and the class laughed with him. Pilge looked longingly at his rattan cane on the desk. Oh yes?it?s almost time for us to unite as we did on Mary Calhoun?s bum!
?So how is your arithmetic, Codrington..if thou are so smart?? Pilge grinned, his yellow teeth an un-stunning match for his jaundiced triple chins.
??Can thou?without the slate, divide 582 by 12? If thou hast no need for study?? ?No, sir, I can do it.? Sedley said hesitatingly.
Pilge smiled nastily.
??But I must punish thou for thy lateness. Take down thy breeches and bend over the desk. If thy can do this problem whilst I correct thee, I shall not punish you for your failure to study your Latin.?
The old pervert was in his glory as he continued:
?Should thou make an error, I will keep thee in after school for two weeks, which would anger thy father, methinks. Agreed?? Pilge knew that Sedley would do anything to not incur his father?s wrath.
?Agreed, Master Pilge?I-I am to do mental arithmetic while being flogged.? The boy?s acceptance seemed dull.
Pilge smiled, his golden teeth shining in the wintry morning. ?Yes indeed.?
The fat schoolmaster pointed at Sedley?s crotch. ?Breeches down, please.?
Sedley was horrified. ?Breeches?down? In front of the school??
Pilge tried hard to keep from laughing. Oh, how he would pull his penis over this later. ?Now, or I keep thou in until fiveo?clock for the rest of the term.?
Pilge noted Sedley?s face turning bright red. Several of the older girls were laughing with contempt, and the boy shamefacedly undid his breeches and under things and dropped them to his knees.
Sedley?s penis was erect, and the class roared. Pilge pointed to the table, and Sedley bent across it. Pilge?s penis bounced again as he noticed that the boy was weeping.
Pilge lifted his beloved rattan cane, but not before taking another swig of currant wine. ?Now sir. Five hundred and eighty-two by twelve. Commence!?
Sedley bit his lip. ?12 times 20 is two hundred and forty? WHACK! Pilge?s rattan cane resounded across the curving buttocks, leaving a long red welt. Sedley gritted his teeth, and Pilge could see him trying to concentrate.
?And 582 minus 240 is three hundred and forty two.? As Sedley finished that sentence, Pilge?s cane hit the tender spot just beneath the boy?s buttocks and above his thighs. Sedley screamed.
?Get to thy mathematics!? roared Pilge as he slashed the boy?s buttocks three more times with one hand, while massaging his private parts through his pocket with the other.
Sedley?s voice came up.
?P-put two hun-hundred and forty (WHACK!) into three hundred forty-two again, and WHACK WHACK WHACK it leaves one hundred and two WHACK WHACK WHACK and five times twelve WHACK is sixty WHACK and?p-please stop, Master PILGE??
Pilge stopped for a moment to survey the boy?s now quite battered rear end, covered in weals, welts and scars, and Sedley finished the math quickly.
?102 minus 60 is 42, and 3 times twelve is thirty-six?remainder of six?so 20 plus 20 plus five plus 3 is 48 with a remainder of six, sir.?
Pilge?s Uncle Algernon had once refused his hopeful nephew employment in the family general store after finding the young PILGE ?too stupid to make change from a sixpence? and so Pilge decided to give Sedley the benefit of the doubt?
?Fine, thou has escaped thy detention?but for the rest of the day, thou whilst stand naked in the corner, wearing the pointed Dunce cap!?
It was quite a bad day for Sedley Codrington!
OCTOBER 27, 1767
?Miles! Just a moment please!?? Miles Wallace looked around, annoyed as the new master, Mr. Codrington was beckoning to him. Jonas, Miles?s brother shook his head.
??What on earth is he bothering you for? Class is dismissed?but he?s been staring at you for a week, Miles. Hurry up, after we do chores we can meet up at Abner Doubleday?s farm, he has a new ball game he wanted to show us.?
Miles snorted. ?Anything that Doubleday comes up with is probably not going to last. I think I?d better talk to Mr. Codrington?he may be upset about the spitball fight we had this morning.?
Jonas shook his tawny head as he walked out. Miles knew Jonas had a filthy mind and was quite more cynical than his older brother.
True, Jonas had spotted Codrington watching Miles and the other boys swimming nude in the river several times the month before.
?Also true, Jonas was always nudging Miles to point out how the young teacher stared at him in class?but Jonas had a suspicious nature.
Miles walked up to the smiling young teacher after the rest of the class left.
Miles rather liked Mr. Codrington; he was such an improvement on old Pilge, who had been dismissed from schoolteaching the previous June after being caught having extramarital relations with a goat in Tanner Dill?s barn.
Mr. Codrington was gentle and patient with the class, and never seemed to use the cane, though it was always on prominent display.
?Occasionally he rapped a child?s knuckles with a ferrule, but almost always did it in such a light way that he was quite popular, if not always obeyed.
?Miles?I must speak to you?I trust I am not keeping you from your chores, boy?? Sedley Codrington smiled gently. ?I know there?s lots to do over there.?
?No Mr. Codrington, Father is quite liberal about allowing Jonas and Sarah and I to have a bit of leisure before we go home.
?Is there something the matter?? Miles looked strangely at the older man. He knew Codrington was only about twenty-five, and just out of the University. Perhaps he was lonely.
?Miles, I was a boy myself, and I understand the restlessness that comes on, but I was deeply grieved to see you throwing spitballs at your younger brother.
?It disrupts the classroom, and it?s not the first time you?ve not paid attention.? Sedley Codrington seemed to be quite sad. ?I feel I must punish you, Miles.?
?Oh! How odd, sir. Usually, Mr. Pilge punished us immediately after we offended. Do you want to thrash me? I understand, and I?m heartily sorry for my actions.?
Miles was quite puzzled?he did not imagine that Codrington would hit very hard, as Miles was eighteen himself, and quite tall and muscular, taller in fact than Sedley Codrington.
Miles was only in school, in fact, because Father wished him to get some practice at ciphering, accounts and bills of lading as it would be needed when Miles took over the sawmill in a few years.
?Miles, I think you are much too thoughtful and considerate a lad to really benefit from me giving you a whipping.?
Sedley Codrington breathed hard as he said next,
?Besides, you are? such a big, and fit lad that I hardly think I could do much damage, as I once saw at the swimming hole, you are rather big all over.?
Yes, Jonas would have quite a bit to say over that comment, Miles thought. ?Do you want me to write Latin lines, sir? Or do some chores? I could cut wood for the coming winter, more even, than the punishment would take.
I know the younger children like to gather by the stove, and some are too poor to contribute wood.? Like in many schoolhouses, those who brought the most wood were allowed to sit closest to the stove, and Miles had often thought this unfair.
Sedley Codrington?s eyes glistened as he spoke his next words: ?Miles, you are a generous boy, and quite sensitive?that?s why I thought the ultimate punishment for your recklessness with the spitballs this morn would be if you punished ME.?
Miles blinked his eyes. ?Sir??
The young schoolmaster handed Miles the cane. ?I want you to give me a thrashing, Miles.
It will put you in mind of what it?s like to be a schoolmaster, and how difficult it is to control disobedient boys.? As Miles watched in astonishment, Codrington took off his jacket and lay it on the chair.
He? then undid his breeches!
Then, Sedley Codrington lay across the desk, his bare buttocks on display while the breeches bunched around his stockings. ?Go ahead, Miles. Give me a whipping?it will do you good, son.?
?To Miles?s horror, Codrington?s penis was full and erect underneath the man?s slim stomach.
Miles later asked himself why he?d not bolted at this time.
?Surely he could have gone straight to Deacon Grimes and called a school-board meeting?
But Miles did not. Instead, he raised the cane and landed it lightly on Sedley Codrington?s bare buttocks.
?No, Miles!? the teacher spoke loudly. ?You will not realize the gravity of your actions today unless you hurt yourself by hurting me seriously?you know it will hurt you far more than it hurts me.?
?Yes Sir. That is what Father would tell me before he gave me a whipping, that it hurt him more than it hurt me?very well!?
WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Miles put his beef into it. The cane fell four more times, and then Miles looked in horror at his teacher?s welted bottom.
My God, if Codrington complains, I might be hanged! But Sedley Codrington was breathing in and out quickly. ?Continue, Miles! Make this a whipping to remember, sir!?
?Are you sure?? But the teacher?s arm was waving, and so what else was Miles to do? WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! The cane rose and fell eleven times before Miles tossed it down in exhaustion.
Sedley Codrington?s buttocks were covered in welts now?fresh and blistering.
Twice Miles?s cane had hit the young man?s scrotum from the back, and there were welts there as well. A splinter of rattan was embedded in Codrington?s left buttock, and Miles could tell that the young man was sobbing.
?I (sob) hope (Sob) you?ve learned your lesson, boy!? But Miles could see that Codrington was rubbing his penis against the desk with alacrity?and suddenly, Miles was mad.
?Learned my lesson? You are some sort of pervert! My brother was right about you! This is your enjoyment is it not??
Miles reached over and grabbed Sedley by the ear and dragged the young teacher to his feet, and watched with some satisfaction as the man stumbled about with his breeches bunched round his ankles.
?Look at your private part! I know why it?s large!?
?Miles picked up the rattan cane again and swatted Sedley across the tip of his penis hard, and the young man squealed, but the penis did not look as if there was any sign of abating the erection.
?I-I?m so sorry, Miles?you are right?I did enjoy this!? Sedley Codrington sobbed. ?I-I should be punished further??
?And you will!? Miles ground his teeth and took the cane and began whacking Sedley across the buttocks.
?Take off your breeches and dance for me!? As Miles slashed at Sedley?s shoulders, hips buttocks and thighs, the teacher undressed completely and began jumping about, awkwardly.
Then Miles grabbed Sedley by the shoulder and brought Sedley behind his own desk. Miles opened a deep drawer and grabbed Sedley?s penis and testicles, shoving them in the drawer. ?Lean on the drawer, sinner!? Miles roared.
SLAM! Miles shut the drawer on Sedley?s groin and the schoolmaster screamed SLAM! Miles shut the drawer again, harder, and Sedley burst into tears.
SLAM! SLAM! SLAM! SLAM! Finally, Miles opened the drawer, and to his disgust, the teacher had had a greasy orgasm all over the contents of the drawer.
Miles backed off and scowled at the teacher. ?What will you do to make up for your sins, Codrington??
And later Miles wondered why he?d not backed off when the young teacher had fallen to his knees and undid Miles?s own breeches, and taken? Miles?s lengthening private part in his own mouth?.
?Who?s that fellow in the
picture? Submissive Stuart?s?
Master Fenton asked him one day while
Stu was licking Fenton?s boots in his office.? Stuart looked up and noticed Fenton looking
at the old painting of Stu?s bewigged ancestor.
?Oh, that?s my
great-great-great-great maternal grandfather,? Sedley Codrington, Master Fenton.
?I don?t know much about him except that he was
a? Revolutionary
War hero, and later the first governor of this state?oh, and in his early
years, he was a log cabin schoolmaster.?
?Fenton grinned. ?I wonder if Governor Sedley
Codrington was as much of a submissive wussie as you
are, Stuart??
Stuart blushed hotly. ?I
think not, he was reputed to have tremendous character.? WHACK! Fenton?s
scourge lashed Stu?s back.
? Stuart burst into tears. Fenton snapped his
fingers and pointed to his boots.
?As Stu bent over to
return his attention to Fenton?s Doc Martens Fenton smiled to himself. ?Well,
we?ll never know anything about the guy?but I wonder??
Sedley gritted his teeth. The
fox-traps metal jaws still clutched Sed?s penis and
balls with a deadly vigor.
?Father had put down a thin bed of hay for
Sedley to stand on while his arms were tethered to the rafters of the woodshed , but his feet were freezing, as the weather was
bitterly cold.
Snow had been dropping onto
Sedley?s naked shoulders through holes in the shed roof all morning.
Suddenly there was a bang on
the door, and the adolescent looked up as his father stalked in, holding the
birch, actually five untrimmed hazel branches bound together at the handle end.
?Sedley looked up in terror as Josiah
Codrington, a red bearded fury of 220 pounds, took his son?s measure. ?Hast
thou past thy night comfortably?? Josiah said sarcastically.
?Has thy filthy organ tempted
thou to massage it this past eve, Not likely, I
Sedley looked at the ground
sullenly. He had spent the entire night locked in the shed, tied to rafters
with a vicious steel trap on his genitals, as a punishment for masturbation,
but did he really need his father?s sarcastic words?
Josiah quoted the verse that
Sedley knew so well ?And Onan knew that the seed
should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother?s
wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his
And then Josiah said, looking
at Stuart closely.?
"If thy right hand
causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose
one part of thy body, than for your whole body to go into Hell" This from
the book of Matthew, Sedley.?
Sedley was quite subdued as
Josiah removed the fox-trap from his genitals.
?That might be worse?punishing his cock was one
thing, but the idea that his father might cut off his right hand so there was
no more masturbation??
Josiah, reading Sedley?s
thoughts said with a wry smile. ?Fortunately, thy right hand is needed in the
spring planting and then the plowing, as well as for thy chores.?
Then Josiah turned serious
again, looking at his son with contempt.
?Sedley?s hands were still bound up in the
rafters, and Sed suspected there was business coming
from the birch. He was not wrong.
Josiah?s eyes darkened. ?Thou
hast been looking upon the Goodwin daughters our neighbors, perhaps, and touching
?Josiah lifted the birch WHACK! Across Sed?s milky white thigh crashed the tied branches.
?From the book of John!?
thundered Josiah. ?For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the
lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the
world.? The birch fell five more times.
Sed winced and wondered what his father would think if he
knew that it was Auberon Goodwin, the stalwart young
SON, that Sedley?s fantasies?
were surrounded with. Father would probably hang Sedley?
Thinking of Auberon?s strong, muscular body, and the way Aubrie had bullied Sedley, for he was not a kind youth,
made Sed?s penis rise up, and Josiah did not miss
birch hit Sedley?s penis harshly, again and again, and writhing from the
rafters, the teenager screamed bloody murder.
?At the main house, Sedley?s mother raised her
eyes to heaven over the breakfast table, and his younger brothers and sisters
smirked, knowing the reason for this chastisement.
roared Josiah. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Sedley could barely hear his father?s
quotes, as his penis was now bleeding from the tip of? the glans.
Sedley cursed the day he?d
been born a male?his father couldn?t tell if he was aroused if he were a girl!
??But every man is tempted, when he is drawn
away of his own lust and enticed, then when WHACK lust WHACK hath conceived,
WHACK it bringeth forth sin and sin when it? is finished WHACK! bringeth forth death!?
As Sedley squirmed, tied as
he was to the woodshed rafters, he realized it would be a long morning.
Sedley, finally dressed, and
carrying his books, tramped to school in the snow drifts, munching a bit of
bread that his mother had slipped him.
?Sedley?s brothers and sisters had run on
ahead, probably to tell the other children of his shame.
?Suddenly Auberon
Goodwin jumped out from behind a tree, and following his example were his
friends Aaron Hopkins and Harold Blankenship.
?Ho, there,
sissy!? Aubrey laughed as he saw
Sedley?s flushed face. His sharp eyes noted a slight pushing on Sedley?s
trousers. ?Off to school, are you? I don?t go anymore?I?m a big boy now??
??????????? Sedley breathed calmly. ?Will you let me pass, Goodwin?? Auberon?s beautiful grey-green eyes danced as he looked
upon the younger boy, and his friends snickered.
??Or are you going to knock me about and
snowball me as you did last week!? Sedley tried to keep the edge out of his
voice, but it was difficult.
?Oh, no?? Aubrey smiled at
Stuart, showing his teeth. ?We just talked to Cecil Redfern,
and he told us about your adventures in his uncle?s haystack last summer??
Blankenship chortled. ?And
your activities behind the tavern on Thursday nights are common knowledge to
the young laborers?Sedley suck, you?re called.
??And Hoppy says you
are also quite the servicer to fellows at the
swimming hole when you sneak away from your father?s chores.?
?So we feel we have some
correcting to do! Sodomite!? Aubrey screamed it out so
the entire countryside could hear it!
The next few moments were a
nightmare. Goodwin, Blankenship and Hopkins advanced upon Sedley, and ripped
off his garments, there in the blistering cold.
Between this and the woodshed
last night, and it would be a miracle Sedley thought, as Blankenship and
Hopkins forced Sedley over a rock, that he did not contracted pneumonia.
Aubrey?s casual laughter
roared in the wind. ?We must do this thing quickly, for old Eben?s
woodcart will be passing here soon. And then, for
Sedley, the nightmare became a paradise!
?As Blankenship held Sedley?s head, Auberon? Goodwin unbuttoned his own breeches
and a long, hard penis came out, and moved into Sedley?s mouth.
?Certainly, at the back end, Hopkins, who was an
ugly, pimpled youth, was corn-holing Sedley?s buttocks with great energy, but
to have Aubrey?s glorious erection in Sedley?s mouth was something like he?d
never experienced!
Sedley had had much practice
in that which his fellows had accused him of, and quickly fellated Auberon to a juicy orgasm, and willingly took the other
boys penises in his mouth as well, licking his own fecal matter off Hopkins?s
Just before Auberon threw Sedley his clothes and ran off, he whispered
?Come to my stable this
Septimus Pilge? was a fat man?obese, and certainly unbathed. ?When thou art not swilling spirits, thou art
feeding your face, and when you are not eating you seem to be talking.?
After his agnostic father had
made these observations, he?d offered to pay his son?s way to be an ordained
Then, after Pilge had been
expelled from
Horrified at the anticipation
of his impending participation? in?
agrarian enterprises, the young idealist dove in the sea just as the
ship floated into the
?To Pilge?s relief, his indenturer
took one look at the pallid corpulent young drunkard, tore up the indenturement papers, and walked off in disgust.
Now Pilge surfaced several
colonies later in that other great occupation where one runs at the mouth
instead of lifting at the back?that of a village schoolmaster.
It had its moments of
pleasure, but often they seemed fleeting.
?Pilge had just thrashed Mary Calhoun?s
buttocks, her bloomers pulled down for all the snickering class to see?for
making an error in her hornbook spelling lesson.
Certainly Pilge had enjoyed
this, and was still smirking as he watched her sob at her place, the tears drowning? the marks
she made on her slate, as poor Mary re-did the hornbook lesson.
Pilge took a surreptitious
swig from a small bottle as he turned to the blackboard.
Young Felgate?s
Latin construe was awful, but he was too ugly to make Pilge interested in
punishing him.
?Rich Lundell Pherries had slipped Pilge a shilling to ignore his abysmal
work, and spare him the rod?and Pilge needed those shillings to pay his
extensive ale? tab
at Juddy?s Tavern.
?Perhaps he could assign a study hour and enjoy? a perusal of
his French postcards in the outhouse?no, perhaps the angelic pupil Pilge still
hoped to correct might come today.
But alas! The morning was
long?and Pilge?s favorite pupil was not here yet, though his siblings had trickled
in at the right time?where was Pilge?s beautiful boy?
Pilge had been itching to
give the handsome?
Sedley Codrington some correction.
Pilge could imagine the
beautiful buttocks as he?d seen the boy prance in and out of his schoolhouse,
but unfortunately, young Codrington was an excellent student and? gave scant reason for punishment.
Would Pilge be once again
content only to masturbate and dream of the lad in the schoolyard outhouse?
Pilge pouted?it wasn?t fair.
Perhaps the Emerson boy would make an error?his buttocks were plump, but
But the school door opened,
and in came a somewhat disheveled Sedley Codrington.
Tardiness! Of course! Pilge
?So, Sedley Codrington?we are
so grateful that thou graced us with thy presence this morn.? Pilge nodded at
the clock. ?We start our lessons at nine o? clock, where has
thou been??
The beautiful lad approached
the front of the room, his long lashes demure. ?I am so sorry, Master Pilge, I
was assaulted along the road, and snowballed??
Probably by that troublesome
Goodwin boy and his gang, Pilge thought. But Pilge?s penis began swelling under
his tremendous bulk.
??A likely story! Thou
were perhaps idling along a bit. Proverbs
The young man looked steadily
at Pilge. ?Yes, my father quotes this to me often, Sir. I made haste to be here
and I am at the top of the class in my studies??
Pilge laughed harshly, his
penis now almost bursting.
?So thou expects
special treatment because of thy studies? Did thou study last night? Can thou
construe the Latin lesson in Virgilius Maurus that I assigned last night??
Pilge knew that Sedley hadn?t
studied the translation at all?as Pilge had masturbated for much of the
previous evening, staring through a knot hole in the woodshed at the bound
Pilge had darted off just
after enjoying Josiah?s whipping of Sedley?s penis, and was still a bit
stiff?but he would take it out of the boy.
?No sir.? Sedley said,
flushing. ?I was unable to??
?Ah, the genius does not need
to study!? Pilge laughed, and the class laughed with him. Pilge looked
longingly at his rattan cane on the desk. Oh yes?it?s almost time for us to
unite as we did on Mary Calhoun?s bum!
?So how is your arithmetic, Codrington..if thou are so smart??
Pilge grinned, his yellow teeth an un-stunning match for his jaundiced triple
??Can thou?without the slate, divide 582 by 12?
If thou hast no need for study?? ?No, sir, I can do
it.? Sedley said hesitatingly.
Pilge smiled nastily.
??But I must punish thou for thy lateness. Take
down thy breeches and bend over the desk. If thy can do this problem whilst I
correct thee, I shall not punish you for your failure to study your Latin.?
The old pervert was in his
glory as he continued:
?Should thou make an error, I
will keep thee in after school for two weeks, which would anger thy father,
methinks. Agreed?? Pilge knew that Sedley would do anything to not incur his
father?s wrath.
?Agreed, Master Pilge?I-I am
to do mental arithmetic while being flogged.? The boy?s acceptance seemed dull.
Pilge smiled, his golden
teeth shining in the wintry morning. ?Yes indeed.?
The fat schoolmaster pointed
at Sedley?s crotch. ?Breeches down, please.?
Sedley was horrified. ?Breeches?down? In front of the school??
Pilge tried hard to keep from
laughing. Oh, how he would pull his penis over this later. ?Now, or I keep thou
in until
Pilge noted Sedley?s face
turning bright red. Several of the older girls were laughing with contempt, and
the boy shamefacedly undid his breeches and under things and dropped them to
his knees.
Sedley?s penis was erect, and
the class roared. Pilge pointed to the table, and Sedley bent across it.
Pilge?s penis bounced again as he noticed that the boy was weeping.
Pilge lifted his beloved
rattan cane, but not before taking another swig of currant wine. ?Now sir. Five hundred and eighty-two by
twelve. Commence!?
Sedley bit his lip. ?12 times
20 is two hundred and forty? WHACK! Pilge?s rattan
cane resounded across the curving buttocks, leaving a long red welt. Sedley
gritted his teeth, and Pilge could see him trying to concentrate.
?And 582 minus 240 is three hundred and forty two.? As Sedley finished that
sentence, Pilge?s cane hit the tender spot just beneath the boy?s buttocks and
above his thighs. Sedley screamed.
?Get to thy mathematics!?
roared Pilge as he slashed the boy?s buttocks three more times with one hand,
while massaging his private parts through his pocket with the other.
Sedley?s voice came up.
?P-put two hun-hundred and
forty (WHACK!) into three hundred forty-two again, and WHACK WHACK WHACK it leaves one hundred
and five times twelve WHACK is sixty WHACK and?p-please stop, Master PILGE??
Pilge stopped for a moment to
survey the boy?s now quite battered rear end, covered in weals,
welts and scars, and Sedley finished the math quickly.
?102 minus 60 is 42, and 3
times twelve is thirty-six?remainder of six?so 20 plus 20 plus five plus 3 is
48 with a remainder of six, sir.?
Pilge?s Uncle Algernon had
once refused his hopeful nephew employment in the family general store after
finding the young PILGE ?too stupid to make change from a sixpence? and so Pilge
decided to give Sedley the benefit of the doubt?
?Fine, thou has escaped thy detention?but for the rest of the day, thou
whilst stand naked in the corner, wearing the pointed Dunce cap!?
It was quite a bad day for
Sedley Codrington!
?Miles! Just a moment
please!?? Miles Wallace looked around,
annoyed as the new master, Mr. Codrington was
beckoning to him. Jonas, Miles?s brother shook his
??What on earth is he bothering you for? Class
is dismissed?but he?s been staring at you for a week, Miles. Hurry up, after we do chores we can meet up at Abner
Doubleday?s farm, he has a new ball game he wanted to show us.?
Miles snorted. ?Anything that
Doubleday comes up with is probably not going to last. I think I?d better talk
to Mr. Codrington?he may be upset about the spitball fight we had this
Jonas shook his tawny head as
he walked out. Miles knew Jonas had a filthy mind and was quite more cynical
than his older brother.
True, Jonas had spotted
Codrington watching Miles and the other boys swimming nude in the river several
times the month before.
?Also true, Jonas was always nudging Miles to
point out how the young teacher stared at him in class?but Jonas had a
suspicious nature.
Miles walked up to the
smiling young teacher after the rest of the class left.
Miles rather liked Mr.
Codrington; he was such an improvement on old Pilge, who had been dismissed
from schoolteaching the previous June after being
caught having extramarital relations with a goat in Tanner Dill?s barn.
Mr. Codrington was gentle and
patient with the class, and never seemed to use the cane, though it was always
on prominent display.
?Occasionally he rapped a child?s knuckles with
a ferrule, but almost always did it in such a light way that he was quite
popular, if not always obeyed.
?Miles?I must speak to you?I
trust I am not keeping you from your chores, boy?? Sedley Codrington smiled
gently. ?I know there?s lots to do over there.?
?No Mr. Codrington, Father is
quite liberal about allowing Jonas and Sarah and I to have a bit of leisure
before we go home.
?Is there something the matter?? Miles looked
strangely at the older man. He knew Codrington was only about twenty-five, and
just out of the University. Perhaps he was lonely.
?Miles, I was a boy myself,
and I understand the restlessness that comes on, but I was deeply grieved to
see you throwing spitballs at your younger brother.
?It disrupts the classroom, and it?s not the
first time you?ve not paid attention.? Sedley Codrington seemed to be quite
sad. ?I feel I must punish you, Miles.?
?Oh! How odd, sir. Usually,
Mr. Pilge punished us immediately after we offended. Do you want to thrash me?
I understand, and I?m heartily sorry for my actions.?
Miles was quite puzzled?he
did not imagine that Codrington would hit very hard, as Miles was eighteen
himself, and quite tall and muscular, taller in fact than Sedley Codrington.
Miles was only in school, in
fact, because Father wished him to get some practice at ciphering, accounts and
bills of lading as it would be needed when Miles took over the sawmill in a few
?Miles, I think you are much
too thoughtful and considerate a lad to really benefit from me giving you a
Sedley Codrington breathed
hard as he said next,
?Besides, you are? such a big, and
fit lad that I hardly think I could do much damage, as I once saw at the
swimming hole, you are rather big all over.?
Yes, Jonas would have quite a
bit to say over that comment, Miles thought. ?Do you want me to write Latin
lines, sir? Or do some chores? I could cut wood for the coming winter, more
even, than the punishment would take.
I know the younger children
like to gather by the stove, and some are too poor to contribute wood.? Like in
many schoolhouses, those who brought the most wood were allowed to sit closest
to the stove, and Miles had often thought this unfair.
Sedley Codrington?s
eyes glistened as he spoke his next words: ?Miles, you are a generous boy, and
quite sensitive?that?s why I thought the ultimate punishment for your
recklessness with the spitballs this morn would be if you punished ME.?
Miles blinked his eyes. ?Sir??
The young schoolmaster handed
Miles the cane. ?I want you to give me a thrashing, Miles.
It will put you in mind of
what it?s like to be a schoolmaster, and how difficult it is to control
disobedient boys.? As Miles watched in astonishment, Codrington took off his
jacket and lay it on the chair.
He? then undid his breeches!
Then, Sedley Codrington lay
across the desk, his bare buttocks on display while the breeches bunched around
his stockings. ?Go ahead, Miles. Give me a whipping?it will do you good, son.?
?To Miles?s horror, Codrington?s penis was full and erect underneath the man?s
slim stomach.
Miles later asked himself why
he?d not bolted at this time.
?Surely he could have gone straight to Deacon
Grimes and called a school-board meeting?
But Miles did not. Instead,
he raised the cane and landed it lightly on Sedley Codrington?s
bare buttocks.
?No, Miles!? the teacher
spoke loudly. ?You will not realize the gravity of your actions today unless
you hurt yourself by hurting me seriously?you know it will hurt you far more
than it hurts me.?
?Yes Sir. That is what Father
would tell me before he gave me a whipping, that it hurt him more than it hurt
me?very well!?
put his beef into it. The cane fell four more times, and then Miles looked in
horror at his teacher?s welted bottom.
My God, if Codrington
complains, I might be hanged! But Sedley Codrington was breathing in and out
quickly. ?Continue, Miles! Make this a whipping to remember, sir!?
?Are you sure?? But the teacher?s arm was waving, and so what else was
Miles to do? WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! The cane rose and fell eleven times
before Miles tossed it down in exhaustion.
Sedley Codrington?s
buttocks were covered in welts now?fresh and blistering.
Twice Miles?s
cane had hit the young man?s scrotum from the back, and there were welts there
as well. A splinter of rattan was embedded in Codrington?s
left buttock, and Miles could tell that the young man was sobbing.
?I (sob) hope (Sob) you?ve
learned your lesson, boy!? But Miles could see that Codrington was rubbing his
penis against the desk with alacrity?and suddenly, Miles was mad.
?Learned my lesson? You are
some sort of pervert! My brother was right about you! This is your enjoyment is
it not??
Miles reached over and
grabbed Sedley by the ear and dragged the young teacher to his feet, and
watched with some satisfaction as the man stumbled about with his breeches
bunched round his ankles.
?Look at your private part! I
know why it?s large!?
?Miles picked up the rattan cane again and
swatted Sedley across the tip of his penis hard, and the young man squealed,
but the penis did not look as if there was any sign of abating the erection.
?I-I?m so sorry, Miles?you
are right?I did enjoy this!? Sedley Codrington sobbed. ?I-I should be punished
?And you will!? Miles ground
his teeth and took the cane and began whacking Sedley across the buttocks.
?Take off your breeches and
dance for me!? As Miles slashed at Sedley?s shoulders, hips buttocks and
thighs, the teacher undressed completely and began jumping about, awkwardly.
Then Miles grabbed Sedley by
the shoulder and brought Sedley behind his own desk. Miles opened a deep drawer
and grabbed Sedley?s penis and testicles, shoving them in the drawer. ?Lean on
the drawer, sinner!? Miles roared.
SLAM! Miles shut the drawer
on Sedley?s groin and the schoolmaster screamed SLAM! Miles shut the drawer
again, harder, and Sedley burst into tears.
Finally, Miles opened the drawer, and to his disgust, the teacher had had a
greasy orgasm all over the contents of the drawer.
Miles backed off and scowled
at the teacher. ?What will you do to make up for your sins, Codrington??
And later Miles wondered why
he?d not backed off when the young teacher had fallen to his knees and undid Miles?s own breeches, and taken? Miles?s
lengthening private part in his own mouth?.
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Hello all, this is Hungstud again, bringing you the third part of this series which I hope you people are keenly reading. If you liked the first two parts trust me, you will love the rest of the parts which will be written. Before I write the third part I want to request you people to write in comments to my email or below so I can understand what you people want. So here is part III. I got up with Anjana in my arms and after the previous nights sex, which was the most awesome I ever had, I...
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The bright sun of morning did little to warm the day. A chill northern breeze brought winds down from the mountains and whipped the turning leaves into orange and brown blizzards. Hyandai clutched her cloak about herself. "I dislike fall." She said to Harlen, peering back over her shoulder at him. Eying the trees as they denuded themselves for the winter, Harlen nodded. "It's colorful, at least." He said, plodding behind her as they passed through a small gap between two large...
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Dea's fault By QModo, 2021 Note to readers. Don't read if you don't like poor grammar, this is rough. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright... are you kidding? Edited by Amanda Lynn Thank God, I have my family. Mom is my mother and dad is my father. Then I have a sister, Dea. She's four years younger than I am and four inches taller than I am. A few weeks ago the whole family had been shopping for a new dress...
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I arrived at my ex-wife’s house about noon that Sunday. My ex, Margo was dressed casually in a pair of black jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt with a v neckline that let you see the valley between her d cups and her black, lace trimmed bra. Her pale skin still had some tan left in it even though it was in September. The twinkle in her green eyes was still there. By the look of it she had put on a little extra in the hips and tummy but nothing that made her five foot four curvy frame look less...
I'm 48, white, married. 5'10" 190 7.5"-8" depending on how excited I am... I was up at my favorite cruise spot, the cross, in the middle of the day. I do sales and sometimes park there and make phone calls. I drive up the road that goes to the very top of the hill where a cell tower is and I see a Mexican guy, about 25yrs parked leaning against a really nice Chevy suburban, kind of lifted with rims. I park and walk up to where he is parked at the very the top of the hill. From this vantage...
Gay"Cop check," I said, and she pulled down her top, exposing small A-cup breasts with big, fat, nickel-sized nipples. I cupped each breast, rubbing on the nub, which grew hard to my touch. "Definitely not a cop," I said. "Now you," she said, so I unzipped my pants. She reached inside and gently grasped my rapidly growing cock. "Ooh my, nice and big, just the way I like it." We discussed the menu, with appetizers, entrees and desserts and their prices. Everything was reasonable,...
when you love a person you will do everyting to keep that person happy but when she stared to lie to me i had to let her go she would get mad at me because she be wanting to some were so she can get with me best friend and fuck him.
Toward the end of my first year of college, my little sister Rose was about to turn eighteen. She’s a very petite and drop-dead gorgeous blonde with great big, blue eyes. She was the bad girl when we were growing up, and constantly seemed to be in trouble with Mom and Dad, or in school. Now she was old enough to really let loose. I had told her as much as I dared about my sex life, and she seemed genuinely pleased for me that I’d been with a couple of college buddies. I even finally confessed...
Group SexA very vintage, Victorian tale. Had the book once, long time ago. No copyright.Chapter 1I, the man, will not take up the time of my readers by detailing the circumstances under which Alice, the maid, roused in me the desire for vengeance which resulted in the way I adopted and which I am about to relate. Suffice it then to say that Alice cruelly and unjustifiably jilted me! In my bitterness of spirit, I swore that if I ever had an opportunity of getting hold of her, I would make her voluptuous...
Jasmine always thought she was better then me at pool, even though she always lost to me. She was finding a good angle to shoot the ball at then she leaned over the table .She was wearing a black skirt with a white tank top ‘Jazz your holding the stick wrong.’ She looked at me and raised up ‘Then come show me how to hold it.’ I smiled as I went up behind her I leaned her over the table with my body. I got hard when I felt her ass on my dick, and she felt when I got hard, so she looked up at...
Nude Beach for Christmas – Day 2The next morning we met Nick and Suzette for breakfast but saw no sign of Rolf and Heather. During breakfast we decided to hit the nude beach again in the morning before the sun got too hot and then see some of the sights in the afternoon. After breakfast, we got our stuff, picked up some bottled water from the resort and the four of us headed to the nude beach. Being it was a Sunday morning, we were not that surprised to see the beach virtually empty and then it...
I needed to sort things out in my mind, so I decided to take a walk. I scanned until I located everyone, assuring myself that all was safe, then headed up the old logging trail. Using the techniques the old ones had taught me, I practiced becoming one with the natural things around me. I had never done it while walking and it took me a moment to get the hang of things. But soon, I began to relax, feeling the energies of the trees and tall grasses flow through me. The next thing I knew, I...
While I waited in the hotel lobby to meet her, I reflected on what had drawn me to this. I fully understood that I would be one of a small number of men Catherine would choose for her pleasure. Within perhaps an hour of first setting eyes on her, I would become intimate with her. I thrilled to the recklessness of the situation, and her. It was always about the woman. Knowing that this woman would be enjoying a group of us was the irresistible force. Yet I knew in my heart that it was my own...
THIS IS THE SAME STORY, I JUST TOOK THE TIME TO TRANSLATE IT DUE TO A LOT OF PEOPLE ASKING TO KNOW WHAT THE STORY WAS ABOUT. HERE IT IS, ENJOY!!!We were very horny, it was our first time together. He was older than me. He was 25 and I had just turned 19. He was tall and athetic, his hard cock was sliding in and out of my wet dripping pussy. It would go in and out and I could feel every inch as it slowly penetrated me. I was laying down with my legs around his hips and his strong and rough...
Dennis Perkins should have been happy. At least, he thought he should be happy. Just turned thirty in middle management of a small but very successful PR firm, with good prospects of further promotion; married to a very lovely, bubbly and intelligent woman, joint owners with her of a prestigious apartment in London's Docklands overlooking the river. Surely he had everything he'd wanted and worked for? Surely he should be happy? So why was he wondering about divorcing Cathy? Okay, the sex...
Author: XXXAuthor Kiran had completely cured her feel of guilt of cheating on her husband, was now back in a new bold avatar. In the last episode, she cheated on her best friend and seduced her husband, Arindam, to spend a night of sick fun. Now that she no longer felt like cheating, she was hungry for more pleasure, and also didn’t care any longer for her husband. Gautam on the other hand, was not behind too. He too, was taking full advantage of Kiran’s absence from the city. And was secretly...
My Diary Well here are some more diary entries from the week I've been through. Soon I'll have them all posted and just do daily entries. I know a lot of you won't believe my story, all I can say is I have to live it...and writing helps me keep my grip on reality. Thursday, March 8th, 2007 (Morning) Well I dove in just like I said I would, and I got a big surprise. I'll try and put things down just as they happened for you, but I may have lost some details during the...
After a silent dinner during which Todd stroked her knee under the table, and Ana hummed the lullaby in her head so she would feel nothing, Ana went upstairs to use the laptop Todd and Sofia had bought her. She logged in to facebook and saw that she had one friend request. It was Lezzie Lizzie, or rather Lizzie Trusset as she now learned. She accepted the request, and immediately a chat window popped up. “Hey Ana, are you okay?” Lizzie asked. “Yes, I am fine now,” Ana typed...
Robertson’s House, Komoka, Ontario 6:55pm, Saturday, March 10, 1979 “Are you ladies up for a little zing with your steaks?” I asked Lynette and her mother, Ms. Dillon, as I looked at the spice rack in the Robertson’s kitchen pantry. I was finally over the surprise and shock of hearing Mrs. Robertson’s story of how she convinced my mother to let me stay overnight here after our day in Chatham at the WOSSA Gymnastics’ meet. “Isn’t this teriyaki marinade good enough for you, Cuda?” Lynette...
A Cheerleader's Dutiesby Leah (address withheld)***Cheerleader Leah stays behind after practice to take care of the team mascots, a pair of Bengal tigers. Her sense of duty gets her into deep trouble. (F-teen/b**st, reluc, ws)***Eighteen year-old, blond, cheerleader captain Leah waved to the other girls as they got into Sandy’s car. Kimberly rolled down the back window and asked, "You sure you don’t want me to stay and help Lee?""No," Leah answered. "You know Brad will be waiting at the party...
It all began one hot, summers afternoon in a nice little neighbourhood on the outskirts of town. The heat-wave that had lasted two full weeks and everyone who wasn't at work was taking it easy and enjoying the sun. Apart from the odd passing car and the faint sound of a TV or radio all was quiet on the street. Reclined in the back yard on her Mom's lawn Lorissa was treating herself to some leftover goodies from her party. 'Lori' had celebrated her eighteen birthday that very morning. She...
My wife is a very sexy and hot looking 54 years old. 5'5" 127 lbs, 34DD's and a size 4/5. It takes a lot to keep her satisfied sexually; as an example, being fucked 3-4 times a week just does not keep her content. During one hot fuck session as she was bouncing up and down my hard, thick, Italian shaft I asked what more she wanted and needed to be happy sexually. When I first heard her say she wanted me to watch another man fuck her I was taken back, but when she added that I should get to do...
Sissy Emma is turned I had been a cross-dresser all my life but completely in the closet and hidden from all my friends and family. To ease my tensions, I often chatted with people on line, at first with females and other cross-dressers but as I got braver with men as well. I loved to chat with them and their strong demeanour made me feel even more feminine. I had been chatting with John for a couple of weeks, about my fantasies. And let me get this straight, that's all they were...
Wrong Assumptions - a pony story.Part 1 of 2It was not the first time he visited the Farm, but he hoped it would be the last. In the past year he had built up a solid reputation there: a reputation as a man with well-defined tastes, predictable, solvent and not too hard on the ponys. Not too soft either; showing too much empathy towards the livestock would have been a strategic mistake.As always, he had to stop at two sets of gates. The first was on an open road, manned by a bored-looking...
This is true, I am 14 Bengali and gay, I was out with my sister who is 10. I went behind the pub to see if there were any beer barrels as we can get money for their scrap value. The pub owners are on holiday except for 16 year old Steve who is racist and homophobic, I looked at the windows and got a surprise Steve was in the pub kitchen totally naked his dick was about 7 inches and hairy, I called my sis, she looked said wow, we watched him walking about for a few minutes, then he stood still,...
I've been dating my girlfriend for 4.5+yrs now and I'm getting ready to propose soon. I'm 26 she's 25 blonde hair big butt 36dd's. When we first started dating she told me she had 10+ partners, has had some one night stands, and had done a few 3somes, and use to let the guys on the football team in highschool eat her out in the locker room before their games. That all was a red flag to me that said she was a slut but this girl was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen and tried to block it...
It was time to move away from home, become a true adult, and figure out who I really needed in my life. The only problem was, every time I thought about the people closest to me, I couldn't narrow it down. Danielle had become my best friend. I enjoyed every minute that we hung out, and we shared a lot of things in common. And, of course, she was the only one I knew worked with me in a relationship. She was sexy, and the type of girl any guy would kill for. Hailey had become so much...
It was late when I awoke alone in the huge emperor sized bed and followed my nose down to the kitchen where mum was taking some croissants from the oven. She wore one of my shirts, far too big for her and I thought how small and vulnerable she was, how utterly fucking gorgeous too! She giggled as I wrapped my arms around her and cupped her breasts through the shirt. "Breakfast, you horny boy" and she squealed as I lifted her up onto the worktop. "The coffee will get cold" she...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Mike 37and I am 6'2" tall with light brown hair and 272 lbs. My mother in law Connie is 5'6" with long brown hair blue eyes, 36 B cup. She is 59 years old and is average looking. If you saw her in the store you probably would not even give her a glance. She is not real flirty but every now and then she will make a comment that might be a little racy and flirtatious, but never does any thing more to truly give you a hint that she is even in...
Incest"Green Acres VIII" A week later it was officially the end of summer vacation, the night before the county bus was to come and pick up the boys just like it did every fall. Mr. And Mrs. Foster sat at the kitchen table sipping coffee as the evening wound down. It was obvious a conversation was ongoing. "You've been giving him female what!?" Mr. Foster exclaimed with surprise as he looked to his wife. "Hormones, female hormones," she said quietly. "It's made Dale so much more...
When I crawled out of bed Sunday morning I felt like I had never been there. Colleen was still sleeping soundly. I didn't bother making my bed. I dressed and left. I needed coffee and a decent breakfast to get me moving. Sundays were short days, 12:00 to 5:00 PM, so I knew I would be done by 6:00 PM. I really didn't want to face Colleen when I went home because I wasn't convinced of how I wanted to handle what had happened. I didn't understand it at all and, although I thought I had a...
Charles stood and helped Diana up so she could walk down to the stage area of the nightclub. As the crowd clapped and cheered, Diana made her way over to the microphone and greeted the bandleader and he kissed her hand before he went back to his podium. When the crowd quieted, Diana began her introduction to the first song. "Good evening, and thank you for that enthusiastic welcome! Some of you may notice that the dress I'm wearing looks similar to a fashion worn by the incomparable Miss...
MUJHEY MERI SAHELI MISS DOLLY NE KAH KI ME YEH KAHANI ISS PER SUBMIT KARUMera naam nisha hai mein ghaziabad ki rehane wali hoon aur ye meri pehali kahani hai umeed karti hoon ki aapko meri kahani pasand aayegi . . Mera figure koi khaas nahi hai 32,29,33 hai , lakin dekhane mein bahut sunder hoon aisa mere janne walo ka kehana hai , meri age 31 yr hail akin ye jo kahani sunane ja rahi hoon ye kahani 16 saal purani hai , 12th ke paper diye the result ka inttzar tha , mere ghar mein mere mummy...
IncestPlacing her hands under her ass, Penny lifted herself just enough that she felt the tip of the cock against her tight asshole. She loved it when Mark fucked her like this. His tongue sliding in and out of her pussy, while he used the vibrator to drive into her. Now, she had Carol doing it, and the feeling was indescribable. As the ridged head of the fake cock squeezed past the puckered hole, entering her cavern, Carol's tongue went back to work. She pushed the toy deeper, and her tongue kept...