Bibliophiles free porn video

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Title: Bibliophiles

Synopsis: Someone at work gives Harriet a new book to read.

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Right after taking a refreshing shower, Harriet hopped on to her bed then stretched and twisted until her spine clicked in all the right places. She sighed in satisfaction then hugged a pillow and curled up. Her long hair, still shiny from bath, spread out on the bedsheets. Once she felt well rested enough, she propped up two pillows on the headboard and leaned on them. With the book from the nightstand in her hands, she bent her knees and placed a pillow under them. Now that she was surrounded by softness, she was ready to read.

Friends and family used to nag her about how she spent her Friday nights like this. She should be out there with other people, ‘living life to the fullest’ instead of being ‘sad and alone’. But she was staunch in sticking to what she liked. After working all week, she knew she was too drained to enjoy the company of others. Besides, she wasn’t a recluse. Every now and then, she did go out on a Saturday or Sunday as long as the book didn’t grip her for the weekend. Parties and dinners were fine with her as long as she was given time to recharge.

She examined the outside of the book before opening it, looking at the details of the cover illustration and skimming the synopsis at the back. She let herself feel giddy when she remembered him giving it to her a few hours ago.

He was obviously nervous when he approached her and had trouble meeting her eyes. ‘I heard you’re looking for a new book,’ he said right before fumbling for it in his bag.

She smiled and took the book when he handed it to her. ‘Thanks, Will. Now I don’t have to stop by the bookstore on the way home.’

He was a shy-but-not-creepy type of guy, but her hairs stood on end when he gave her a forced smile. ‘You’re welcome,’ he said.

‘So, is this the kind of book I won’t be able to put it down?’ she asked, trying to diffuse his anxiety.

‘Oh, I hope so,’ he said after a nervous laugh that could have put him in the creepy classification.

But at the end of the day, she guessed that he was just nervous. After finishing the book, she’d have a better idea of who he was. She opened the book and skimmed past the copyright warning, blurbs, advertisements and table of contents. Dust flew out of the pages when she flipped them, causing her to sneeze. Weird, the book didn’t look that old. Did he happen to keep his flour on the same shelf as his books? She sneezed again and her eyes watered. For awhile, she considered getting up from her comfortable position to get a handkerchief and maybe even the vacuum cleaner. But when her sinuses stopped complaining, she shrugged it off and turned to chapter one.

Despite the dust, it didn’t take long for her to lose herself in the story. A strange planet. Star-crossed lovers. A sympathetic antagonist. She was so into it that she didn’t blink when she came across a strange set of words.

The words were written on top of the original text in what seemed to be green highlighter ink. The glow of the ink drew the attention of her eyes and she focused on them instead of the plain black text.

HARRIET READS THESE WORDS, said the clean and straight handwritten text. The sentence was followed by an identical copy and she read that as well. It repeated until she reached the end of the page. Fingertips white with powder turned the page and wide dilated pupils absorbed the continuation. She breathed deep and her lungs felt a minty coolness when she took in more of the dust. HARRIET READS THESE WORDS. She imagined herself reading the words. It wasn’t hard.

After a chapter’s worth of repetition, the words changed. HARRIET SAYS THESE WORDS. She imagined herself saying them out loud. ‘Harriet says these words,’ she said. Did she just say it out loud or was that in the story? She wasn’t sure. ‘Harriet says these words. Harriet-‘ She turned a page, ‘says these words.’

The story progressed. ‘The words make Harriet happy. The words make Harriet happy.’ She smiled. The story was simple but she enjoyed it for some reason. She turned the page with anticipation. ‘The words make Harriet happy.’ She felt the euphoria of drunkenness but lost none of her focus. The story was so vivid in her mind as if it was actually there.

Then came the twist. ‘Harriet is interested in William. She wants to invite him over.’ The new words brought her close to snapping out of her trance. ‘What?’ she said since she was used to speaking her thoughts aloud. ‘Why should Harriet be interested in him?’ By instinct, she repeated the thought over and over again. ‘Why should Harriet be interested in him?’

By now, her pupils had stretched so much that there was barely any brown in her iris. Black and white eyes stared blankly at the book as she repeated the question to herself. The answer came to her after a minute of repetition. ‘The words make Harriet happy. The words are in the book and William gave the book to Harriet.’ The light headed drunken feeling returned right after she asserted her own happiness. She repeated the revelation until everything made sense before continuing with her reading. ‘Harriet is interested in William. She wants to invite him over. Harriet is interested in William. She wants to invite him over.’

More pages flew by and she paused again when new words came. ‘Harriet will always be truthful to William. She will never hurt him.’ She looked up at the ceiling and let her head hang limp as she thought out loud, ‘But Harriet has secrets and he can hurt her with them. If Harriet can’t hurt him back, she can’t stop him.’

She focused on a dark spot on the ceiling while she repeated the argument to herself a few times. When the solution came to her, she moved her head forward again so she could read the book. The sudden movement made her feel like her head was spinning and she giggled at the sensation. The laughter made her arguments easier to believe. ‘The words make Harriet happy. William gave the book to Harriet so he makes her happy. Happy Harriet is not hurt so she can be truthful to him.’

The logic of it was so long and the spinning feeling made it hard to grasp. She tripped on the words and slurred them the first few times she repeated it. ‘The words make Harriet happy and William is the words?’ She giggled and started over. ‘The words make Harriet happy and William makes Harriet happy and-‘ She shook her head, making it feel light again. ‘The words make Harriet happy…’

But soon, she got the hang of it. When she was satisfied, she continued reading the book until she reached the epilogue.

‘Harriet will sleep now.’ At this point, she felt sleepy enough that it came naturally to her. She yawned, her wide eyes finally half closing. ‘Harriet. Will. Sleep.’ She lay on her side and closed her eyes with the book still in her hand and right in front of her face. She inhaled its scent with every breath until she slept.


William stood outside her door, grinding two fingernails together. He couldn’t stop worrying. Did she remember what she read in the book? What if it didn’t work and she called him here to confront him about it? Her friends might be waiting inside to beat him up. What if the book damaged her and made her insane? She might kidnap him so she could keep him forever. What if…

He shook his head and rang the doorbell before the cloud of worry thickened. He knew himself well enough to know that logically answering each of his fears was fruitless. More would always pop up and the best way to deal with them was act immediately and replace them with a new set of worries that haven’t had time to grow.

His mind stretched out the seconds while he waited for her. He added more pressure to the fingernails that rubbed on one another, but that failed to speed up the time. When the door finally opened, his heart stopped and jumped up his throat. The only thing that filled his mind was
that she was so pretty and that she was dressed casually in a skirt that was reached above her knees. His mind tried to analyze those two details, wondering whether one of his worries came true.

Her face was so expressive that he didn’t know what it was expressing. He looked down to avoid her gaze and saw that she was wearing flats that matched her dress. Damn, why did she look pretty down there too?

‘Hi Will, glad you could come!’ said Harriet.

‘Um,’ said William. He looked up and made eye contact. At that point, fight or flight kicked in and, thankfully, his psyche chose to fight this time. ‘I was free anyway,’ he said. ‘Thanks for the invite.’ He internally cursed at himself for sounding so stupid.

‘Well, come on in. The order’s here,’ she said as if nothing was wrong, as if he hadn’t made a fool of himself yet again.

‘So, how was the book?’ he asked while he followed her to the dining table. He noted that her apartment was smaller than average and tried to discern as much implications as he could from the observation. Did it mean she wasn’t looking for a relationship? Was she in financial trouble? Maybe she didn’t care because she always escaped into her books.

‘I only finished the first three chapters since I was sleepy last night,’ she said. ‘Don’t worry. I enjoyed it. I can’t wait to read the rest.’

‘Was it, uh, weird or anything?’

She stopped in her tracks and looked at him with worry in her eyes. ‘It’s funny that you should ask. I feel strange, as if there’s something off that I can’t quite grasp.’

It was a truthful answer, one that she would never had confided with him if the book hadn’t worked. William felt chills as the repercussions filled his mind and he just stood there, awkward with nothing to say.

She shrugged at his silence and said, ‘Well, the right story at the right time does that to people. I guess it was just the right time for me.’

He should asked her for details. He should have shared one of his own experiences when a story had resonated with him and left him stunned. Instead, he just froze up and said, ‘yep.’ He cursed at himself once again for the lame answer.

She lead him to the kitchen table and started unwrapping the burritos she ordered for them. While she was busy getting glasses for the drinks, he sat down and hung his bag on the chair. The contents of the special book inside made it seem heavier that it was. He hoped he didn’t have to use it.

‘Here’s yours,’ she said while handing him a burrito and taking a seat. ‘So, what do you usually read?’

He picked at the wrapper and gave another lame answer which set the tone for the rest of the dinner. As minutes passed, it didn’t improve. He was too nervous to think of anything worth saying. He knew that she was chafing at his ineptitude, that she wanted him to leave. She just didn’t show it because she was programmed to never hurt him. But the fact that she was enduring him still made him feel terrible. He bit his tongue to punish himself.

When the meal was finished, he knew for a fact that he was too broken and too fucked up inside to enjoy her company or make her enjoy his. Even after he programmed her to made her safe for him, he was a still a nervous wreck.

He needed to use the second book.

‘You know,’ he said, ‘I think you should, um, read the prequel before finishing the one I gave you.’

‘Really? I usually prefer to follow the publication order.’

‘Nah, this is better,’ he said. He turned around and took the book out of the bag, careful to hold his breath so he wouldn’t breathe in too much of the powder.

He handed it to her and she inspected it. ‘What’s with the dust?’ she asked.

He laughed nervously. ‘I’m a bad cleaner.’ Damn, that was he best reply he had all night. ‘Just read the first few chapters and see if you like them.’

‘Sure, I’ll do that before turning in later. You don’t mind if I keep both books for awhile, right?’

‘No, read this one now. I insist.’ Then, inspiration struck. ‘You’ll hurt my feelings if you don’t.’

‘Fine. Fine,’ she said, not wanting to displease him.

She opened the book, sneezed at the powder and started reading. He watched her eyes move back and forth. After some time, her expression went blank and her pupils dilated. Then, she spoke.


‘Harriet says these words,’ said Harriet, lost in the book. ‘The words make her happy.’

There was someone moving in front of her but it was more important to read the words. She continued reading, aware that she was being watched. The first few pages were a synopsis of the first book. They were the exact same words and she felt comfort in their familiarity as she said them out loud.

But like last night, she hesitated when she reached something new. ‘Harriet obeys William.’ She looked up from the book and placed her gaze on William. She registered fear on his face but it didn’t mean anything to her. ‘Why should Harriet obey you?’ she asked. He opened his mouth to speak but she repeated the question before a sound could escape. ‘Why should Harriet obey you?’

When she continued repeating it, the fear on his face faded. Then, he said, ‘because obeying makes you happy.’

‘Because obeying makes me happy?’ She said back at him. She tilted her head slightly and a few strands of hair fell in front of her face. ‘Because obeying makes me happy?’ She looped again and again until she linked it to what the words said. ‘The words make me happy. I am happy because I obey the words. You gave the book, so I obey you.’

She saw him breathe out a sigh of relief while she repeated the justification. When she was satisfied with how it sounded, she looked back to the book and proceeded to saying the written words out loud. ‘Harriet obeys William. Harriet obeys William.’ The beans in her stomach made her burp in the middle of a sentence, but she continued as if nothing happened.

Another phrase made her stop. ‘Harriet wants William to be happy.’ She looked at William again and stared in silence. She didn’t feel confused or skeptical. In fact, she pitied him and the altruistic part of her really did want him to be happy. She looked back at the words and repeated them without any hesitation. ‘Harriet wants William to be happy. Harriet wants William to be happy.’

She had repeated the sentence for a few paragraphs when he spoke and interrupted her, ‘Harriet, wait.’

She looked at him and completed the sentence she was reading. ‘…to be happy.’ Then, with a childlike smile, she said, ‘I want you to be happy.’

‘This is wrong,’ he said. ‘We should stop.’

‘But the words make Harriet happy,’ she said. ‘The words make Harriet happy. The words-‘ She shook her head when she suddenly felt a bit of fear. The movement sent more hair to the front of her face, tickling her nose. ‘Why?’ she asked aloud to both of them. ‘Why? Why? Why?’

The looked at each other, each one waiting for a reaction as she repeated the question.

‘No,’ he said in a desperate whisper. The fear in his voice matched what she felt. ‘No. Keep reading. The words make Harriet happy.’

‘The words make Harriet happy?’ she asked. She didn’t continue reading.

She watched him warily as he stood up and walked slowly to her as if sudden movement would scare her away.

‘The words make Harriet happy,’ he said. Then, he lifted the book closer to her face. She didn’t want to let go of the book, so she kept her hands on it and held it there in front of her face.

Worries faded away when she breathed in its scent. ‘Words. Harriet. Happy,’ she murmured. She placed her nose to the page and inhaled. ‘The words make Harriet happy.’

After some time, she brought the book back down so she could read it. White dust had smudged on her face. Her iris was completely black like the eyes of a stuffed toy and the whites of her eyes were crossed with red. ‘Harriet wants William to be happy,’ she read out lou
d with a smile.

She read and read until the next new sentence. ‘Harriet is not shy with William about anything, even her body.’

When she looked up from the book, he was ready with an answer and spoke before she could ask anything. ‘It makes me happy when you’re not shy with me. You want to make me happy,’ he said.

He looked like he was in pain, but she nodded in agreement and repeated with her own interpretation. ‘Harriet makes William happy by not being shy with him.’ She repeated his words a few times before continuing with the ones from the book.

By now, her back and butt ached from sitting in the same position for hours. Her eyes were strained from their extra sensitivity to light. Still, she faithfully continued reading the book.

‘Harriet will take the initiative to make William happy.’ She looked up and saw that he had dozed off. But it was okay because she knew exactly what to say. ‘Harriet must make William happy because he cannot.’

By the time he woke, she was already finished with her justification and had advanced to reading the words in the book out loud.

Finally, she arrived at the ending. ‘Harriet will sleep now.’ She yawned and slouched down toward the table. ‘Harriet will sleep now,’ she repeated as she closed the book and used it as a pillow. ‘Sleep. Now,’ she whispered. After one deep breath, she fell asleep.


William watched her sleep on her bed. Bringing her there wasn’t easy. She was slim, but he was too scrawny to carry her. In the end, it took some applied physics to move her. Touching her was the hard part. He wanted to be as gentle as possible and didn’t want to violate her intimate places even if he had programmed her not to mind.

The trouble was worth it. Seeing her at peace somehow calmed him down. It helped him cope at the remorse that gnawed at him.

He dozed off every now and then but he made sure he was uncomfortable enough so he didn’t doze too long. It was unsatisfying sleep and he felt completely exhausted. Later, when she started to stir, a jolt of adrenaline woke him up better than any amount cup of coffee could.

‘Something happened last night.’ she said to him while she rubbed an eye.

Her disheveled look and the childish way she moved made his thoughts stumble. ‘After dinner, I made you read a book and… And I…’ Half of him wanted to lie and the other half wanted to tell the truth. Both halves took control of his tongue at the same time and he gave himself another round of internal punishment.

She brushed the hair out of her face and smiled at him. ‘You changed me with the book,’ she said with certainty. ‘I didn’t notice the first time but now, I feel altered. The rest of my memories don’t mesh with the present.’

‘I had to do it,’ he said. Then, by some combination of adrenaline, confrontation, guilt and fatigue, he found the strength to say the speech he had prepared in his moments of wakefulness. ‘I was always alone and couldn’t do anything about it. Trying not to be alone always punished me with anxiety and punished someone else with boredom. I ended up trying to freeze my heart, to make myself not need others. It almost worked until I met you. I barely knew you, but the very fact that you existed thawed all my efforts. Loneliness started hurting me again and I couldn’t do anything about it except for this. You need to understand, I tried and ran away at every opportunity. Valentines, Christmas, your birthday. I had to do this or I would have ended it another way. I would have…’ He couldn’t complete the sentence so his hands made a gesture instead.

‘It’s okay,’ she said. ‘I’m not upset. Really! I’ll even admit that I was a bit interested in you before all of this.’

‘A bit?’

‘Honestly, yeah. Just a little.’

He smiled anyway then remained silent, not knowing where to begin. He had already expended all his energy on that clumsy, ill-timed speech.

‘Wanna touch my boobs?’ she asked suddenly.


She laughed. ‘Oh come on, we’re being too solemn here. There’ll be a lot of time later to talk about ourselves at a deeper level, but the mood’s not light enough for it. Besides, we’ll get to my boobs eventually and I know you want to.’

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For those of us that have suffered the pain and anguish of trying to avoid what we know is true. Failing, and then succumbing to it, when the night is darkest, the tears are flowing, and you find no solace in that cute red dress you have on, think of the joy your family, friends, children and God bring you. If we let our devotion to our needs surpass them, we will have failed both them, and ourselves. They are our strength. Many of the descriptions below are from my own wretched...

2 years ago
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Almost All Lived Happily Ever After

"Pete. It's too much.""I can afford it.""No, it's not that. Its just... There's no way that I... How can I repay you."I had just taken Sal into one of the chain stores to get her a decent warm coat. It was the week between Christmas and the New Year. We were in amongst the sales crowds. I had told Sal to to choose a coat for herself, and she had done so, had seen the price, and then picked out the cheapest in the shop. I'd picked up the one she had chosen first. "Sal, please don't make a scene....

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A Deal With the Devil

A Deal With the Devil By Ricky It was hot as Hell. In the little test lab, filled as it was with large steel vessels, clanking pipes and hissing steam vents, that wasn't too surprising. In fact it was just plain normal. In the depths of winter it was an almost cozy place to be, the Northern winds and drifts of snow became faint memories in the heat of the lab. However, it was a Friday night in high summer and the woman sitting in the lab was far from cozy. She sat there...

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Caught Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Pansy tottered through to the dining room behind Debbie, keeping his eyes cast down and hands together in servile fashion. When in the dining room the others had already started eating the meal that Pansy had prepared. On the floor away from the table and against the wall , a black rubber sheet was spread out. "That's where you can eat your meal. We know what a messy slut you are, from your performance earlier, so you can take off your dress and go and stand on the rubber...

4 years ago
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The First Step With Hope part two

I felt immediately at ease with Hope’s friends; the ‘blokes’ were much as I was, and the ‘girls’ were all very sweet and feminine, preoccupied with their nails and how their bra-straps looked etc. None of them asked too many prying questions, they seemed immediately at ease with me too and smirked at Hope as she sat close to me, eyeing me constantly and holding my hand tightly, lest I should suddenly disappear in a puff of smoke. When she did eventually accompany one of the girls to the...

3 years ago
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Tying Daddy

Introduction: This is a fantasy that invloves two consenting adults engaged in role play. Earlier, you came in and told me you wanted to teach me about my body, then, kissed me. You played with my breasts and my kitty. You made me feel SO good. But, I didnt get to see your cock. I decided that I was gonna take matters into my own hands&hellip, I decided Id wait til you were asleep. I knew where you kept some of your toys. Im not as sweet and innocent as I look. I took some handcuff, shackles,...

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15 Minute Makeover Part 5

15 Minute Makeover Part 5 - New Manager by Paul G Jutras Note--This story is based on the original idea by Sandrah Leary ([email protected]). Thanks for the help. It picks up where Disman left off in story 4. Cehrina, the owner of the store, Forever Lovely, smiled at the bra form that used to be her old manager, Jennifer. Cehrina had given Jennifer an extra week to meet her quota of turning lovely women into mannequins and avoid being changed into one herself. Unfortunately...

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AltEndings The Experiment

This story was inspired by ‘The Experiment’ by LittleTom. Many of this writer’s stories end up with a man changed horribly against his will, with no return to any sort of normalcy. I thought that I might save this one. I woke too early in the morning from an exhausted and unsatisfying sleep. I looked down at my wife, still dead to the world from her escapades of the night before. The sheet under her was damp with the fluids leaking from her and small bite marks on her breasts after sex with...

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An Angel in the MoonlightChapter 2

Spring morphed into summer and the next party was hosted by a couple with a pool. There was a lot of children there because of it. I enjoyed the screams and laughter, the splashes and the squeals, the odd cry of “mom!” now and again. Mark was uneasy around children so he and the guy that gave me the creepy feeling partnered up, grabbing a six pack and fading into a dark corner of the yard. A while later his partner came back, grabbed another six pack and a bottle of wine, and went back to the...

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I Told You

The following is a story of transgender semi-fiction. The characters and some situations are based on real life events, but with a good deal of fantasy thrown in. All I ask is that if it's posted anywhere else, please give me due credit... Or I'll sick Skye on you, and believe me, you don't want that. Kisses, Tori Pines [email protected] *** "No, please..." I barely audibly whispered. "Shut up you little cum whore!" "So... ohh God, no... Fuuuuuuuck," the words...

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BCH Games

Do you want to get your fucking gamble on but you don’t want to use real money? If you are one of the millions of people around the world that have been sitting on your cryptocurrency for a long fucking time and actually want to use it for something, then I fucking invite you to take a look at right away. It is here that you will find opportunities to play casino games that will allow you to gamble with your actual cryptocurrency.It is an easy fucking way to increase your winnings. Or...

Betting Sites
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One Piece Foot Journey

Your eyes, wincing as you look out into the distance sea as the sun reflects of its surface, "Is that them?" you think too yourself. In the distance you can see a small outline of what looks like a ship. Everyone too has spotted this in the distance as you hear a huge uproar behind you. "Its them!, the Straw Hats are coming" the screams behind you echo. For a few days now the has been rumour that the Straw Hats are looking for a new member too join their crew, and word has spread that their...

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Sexus Imperium XCIX Sex In The Year 99

“Hmm. My Love how wonderful it is that you brought your own creature out to let it inside my cave. It was waiting for you for a long time.” Gyna said to Hagga. “Well, I was off with a work of two, my Gyna. Now that I have you, nothing will stop me.” Hagga replied “I am waiting for the creature to get inside the cave deep and never let it out till it throws a fire to it.” Gyna said again to Hagga. Words flew into the air reached the Highend of V’Lore. A place of yet so many yet to crave for...

3 years ago
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Gloria and Her 2 Daughters The Ultimate Gift

Introduction: This is as close to reality as you would get – if you meet a young mother who has a fetish for kiddie porn.. Ever get the chance to help a mother educate her 2 young daughters in the art of love making? I did. I was 20, going on 17. A baby. And though I didnt know it at the time, I had all 3 girl age groups at my fingertips – 1. Girls under 12 (at summer camp for example) would get a crush so big they would swarm around me in groups, trying to impress. 2. Older teenage girls...

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Watching My WIfe

I was injured in a motorcycle wreck a couple of weeks ago. Well my wife was getting horny and I wasn't able to move around much because of several broken ribs and a bruised lung. Anyway she told me I was gonna have to do something because she was needing some dick. She gets pretty cranky if she's not getting fucked very often. I asked her what the hell she wanted me to do, I mean I could hardly move due to being so sore. She said, how about you watch me while I do myself and then I'll suck your...

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The PiperChapter 9

Miranda drives a Yukon XL Denali, and when she learned Patricia Powers was going with us to the ballgame, she tossed her keys to me. She, Deb and Patricia sat in the backseat and Leslie sat up front with me. We had three, full size, lightweight blankets folded and stowed in the rear. We were all wearing sweatshirts and sweatpants. That’s all any of them were wearing, and they fussed at me for wearing my boxers. I know what happens when I wear sweats with no boxers – and my cock gets excited....

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The Greatest Sex Toys Part 3

I still can’t believe the effects of that gel! It took over two more hours for us to drain its potency! Drained us also. Sadie and I washed up, dressed and were out the door by ten-thirty. We kissed and hugged close and agreed to meet again, on Friday evening after I returned from the Pensacola market swing. We both needed the rest.I laid out at the beach Friday afternoon and soaked up the rays for a couple of hours checking out the girls showing off their bods. Saw several cuties that I would...

Mind Control
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Dads friend John

Sometimes I would call at the club on Saturday night and meet my parents to walk home together, that when I met John who seem to take a shine to me unknowingly to me at that time. From the time I use bump into John regularly became friendly with him, I didn’t think much about it at the time, but John use to put his hand on my shoulder. When touch or massage my bottom accidently on purpose. I didn’t object though I must admit I liked it. Some evening I’d meet John in town by chance, he’d...

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Star ChamberChapter 13 A Galactic Battle I

March 19, 2021. Spring in the Northwest. John had just returned from 10 hours at the Galactic Capital. He sat down for a cup of coffee and breakfast. The kitchen crew had made steak and eggs this morning. He turned to the Judge, “What day is it?” “First day of spring, Friday, March 19th.” The Judge smiled. He finally had a room to himself. The Indians had left along with City Councilman White and his family. About three hundred and seventy plus the 100 Native Americans of the 1,100 hundred...

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Tell Mommy What You Want1

Summary - This is the story of hot mother and her horny young son. He discovers his mother is an insatiable, submissive slut. What would you do? Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. You must be 18 or over to read this story. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is involved with a parent or adult, often causes deep psychological damage. This story is provided for entertainment purposes only. The author does not condone any...

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I have never strayed

I was alone at home. My husband decided to take the kids on a camp for the weekend. I had three days to myself. Out of the blue John phoned. We hadn’t emailed each other in months. I went weak at the knees when he asked me to join him for drinks. I didn’t hesitate to accept. After I got off the phone my mind was racing. I desperately want to rekindle this relationship. I still love him. I need to go to the next step and fuck his brains out. I want to feel his arms around me. I want to kiss...

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College student pool party with three mexican men

I am currently a 19 year old freshman college student attending a major university in Arizona. My family lives about 30 minutes from my university so I go home for weekends quite often. I am a rather tall, 5ft 10 natural brunette with a naturally thin and lanky physique. My breast are perky little b-cups with tiny pink nipples not much bigger than a dime. I decided to go home one Friday night on warm spring day to see my parents. I packed my bags and drove home, my parents have a pool and live...

2 years ago
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Playing the Naughty Schoolgirl for the Club

Full permission is granted to reproduce this work, provided credit is given to the author. The following is an adult story. If you are not 18, you cannot read it. If you are offended by sexually oriented material, stop now. This is my second attempt at writing a story any comments would be appreciated email [email protected] Playing the Naughty Schoolgirl for the Club By SissySlutSue I had been serving Bill and Jane for several weeks when they told me that they had...

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The Hotel Weekend Pt 01

I’ve got us a suite at a hotel. You have strict instructions on what to wear when you arrive. I’ll be waiting in the bar wearing a tweed three piece. You’ll be wearing a red cocktail dress that stops no less than six inches above your knee, stockings only just not showing under your dress, suspender belt, french knickers – crotchless or assless, your choice, and a wired half cup bra. The dress and bra are to show off your spectacular tits to a level that Shakespeare could be played on them so...

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Honeymoon Night

Honeymoon Night by Elizabeth J. McDonald "This is it!" I said to myself as I entered the bathroom. This was the night I would actually consummate my relationship with my lover, my husband, Mark. We would make love tonight and he would take me and make me his woman. He would spill his seed inside my body and I would willingly take it. I closed my eyes and leaned on the door, taking in a deep breath. Tonight I would be his wife forever. I would be his woman forever and ever. I was...

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ImogenA story for a perfect lady xx

The first time I saw her was in the supermarket. I'd popped in to get some milk and a pizza for my tea and I saw her futher down the aisle. It was a hot July day, and she was wearing a little flowery dress. I distinctly remember that moment. It has stuck in my memory ever since. She was slim, with red shoulder length hair and as I slowly walked up the aisleway between the fridges I took the oppurtunity to look her up and down. Damn, she had a nice body!! When I got a little closer I could see...

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Fucking Her

Fucking HerBy: Londebaaz ChohanWhenever traveling, she preferred to wear Lycra like jeans that stretched and moved with her. Car AC was running full blast and the light green shirt was rubbing on her already hardened nipples due to the cold air. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Rounding a sharp corner, the car made a very strange noise and the engine died suddenly. She pulled it to the shoulder with great difficulty and took out her cell phone; only to find that she was in the wilderness and...

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It began between me and Brady in school. We were both in the high level math class, so there were only ten k**s in it. We sat in the back corner, and no one really paid attention on what anyone else was doing. I was always the smartest one in there, so he always tried to get answers from me. He started out by just asking for the answers, but then he got a new idea. He decided to make me feel uncomfortable and then, hopefully, I'd give him the answers. He would gently rub his hand against my...

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Time To Reflect

We recently hired a new waitress,tall,long black hair,fairly petite but looked after herself and prided herself on her appearence extreamly well,which was obvious with a well toned and very healthy body,but Nat wasnt hired on her good looks alone,sevice orintated and with her big bright brown eyes and girly white smile earning good tips wasnt an issue for her.So over the next couple of weeks we had a great repore going,having a good laugh and good banter and we seem to get along better then my...

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the homeless guy

I just exited the freeway for gas and noticed the usual homeless guy was not there at the corner. In his place was a young k**, not sure the age but he looked 17-18 ish. brown hair and kind of scruffy. it was in the mid 90's and he was dressed in dark long sleeve clothes.I pulled in for gas and watched him from across the street. He was sitting and rocking on a milk crate. I felt sorry for him and also was turned on by him.I paid for my gas and got a handful of singles with an icee drink and a...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 33 The Lesbian Couple

Friday Week 12 This morning Dave knew that he couldn't afford to delay his departure as he had about six and a half hours driving ahead of him if he was to reach Emerald, his next planned overnight stop, in the daylight. He hated driving on these outback highways when it was dark and especially at dusk, because the wildlife, in particular the kangaroos and emus, were very dangerous on the side of the road, running erratically into cars and trucks, blinded by headlights. So, after eating...

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Toys 4 Us

Hello dear! My name is Abby; I am 19 years old. I am a healthy girl. My profile is here because I am single. Many people are looking for others even though they are in a relationship, but I do not like that. Now I am not committed to anyone, and it is time to meet new guys who can teach me something.I would love to have wild sexual experiences. Could you help me with that? I need a guy who is liberated from prejudices and can enjoy a woman.I would love to experience all the sexual positions you...

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An adventure in the woods

20 year olds, Kasey and Mike walk hand in hand in Marbury Park. It's full of small trails, and it's near their apartment in Florida. Although it is well into October, the weather is warm year round. Kasey didn't want the moment to end. Her and Mike had met in their freshman year at Miami University two years ago. She is absolutely in love with Mike. But, she couldn't help but squirm in her light denim jeans as they walked the path. There was no one around except Mike, which was bad enough. She...

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Just a Drink

The dark tunnel flashed by through the subway's windows. Julie gazed out them without really seeing. It was just a way to avoid looking at the other passengers also commuting home. “Looks like you're really thinking hard.” A man settled down next to her. She glanced at him, giving him the once over. Strong chin, fit man, obviously a player. She turned her attention back to the black windows. “Sorry you're not my type,” she shot him down coldly. “Well now, aren't you miss high and mighty,” he...

1 year ago
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Michael Phillips Part Two

I awoke the next morning to the sound of knocking-it was Kurt saying he needed me to go to his publisher’s house to see if we could sell the video of the day before. I slowly dressed because of the soreness I felt from the day before. We soon left and drove over an hour to a small house in a farming valley. Katrina the publisher answered the door and showed us into her office housed in a spare bedroom. When we walked past the living room, Katrina said, “this is my younger brother Corey.” Corey...

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The White Mini Skirt loyalsock

Christy knew all too well that her love, Dusty, loved exhibitionism. One day she was shopping for a new skirt when she spotted a semi sheer white cotton skirt that was short enough that if she sat directly across from anyone, they would have a clear view up her skirt. She modeled it for Dusty later that day. He was pleased with her choice naturally!That weekend Christy lost a bet with Dusty and the consequence of losing that bet was that she had to do whatever Dusty wanted for a week. Of course...

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BiSexual Fun in a Porn Cinema

A sex shop near to my house also has a porn cinema attached. As a bi-sexual guy I will often pop to this cinema and have some fun. It's usually a few guys wanking and you can get a blow job from one of them easily enough. On a swingers website there is usually talk of a woman or a couple going there but I've never seen one.This week, my luck changed. The cinema is dark, a screen at one end shows the usual fair of hardcore porn. The seats are standard Ikea jobs. Three seater settees put...

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