Bibliophiles free porn video

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Title: Bibliophiles

Synopsis: Someone at work gives Harriet a new book to read.

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Right after taking a refreshing shower, Harriet hopped on to her bed then stretched and twisted until her spine clicked in all the right places. She sighed in satisfaction then hugged a pillow and curled up. Her long hair, still shiny from bath, spread out on the bedsheets. Once she felt well rested enough, she propped up two pillows on the headboard and leaned on them. With the book from the nightstand in her hands, she bent her knees and placed a pillow under them. Now that she was surrounded by softness, she was ready to read.

Friends and family used to nag her about how she spent her Friday nights like this. She should be out there with other people, ‘living life to the fullest’ instead of being ‘sad and alone’. But she was staunch in sticking to what she liked. After working all week, she knew she was too drained to enjoy the company of others. Besides, she wasn’t a recluse. Every now and then, she did go out on a Saturday or Sunday as long as the book didn’t grip her for the weekend. Parties and dinners were fine with her as long as she was given time to recharge.

She examined the outside of the book before opening it, looking at the details of the cover illustration and skimming the synopsis at the back. She let herself feel giddy when she remembered him giving it to her a few hours ago.

He was obviously nervous when he approached her and had trouble meeting her eyes. ‘I heard you’re looking for a new book,’ he said right before fumbling for it in his bag.

She smiled and took the book when he handed it to her. ‘Thanks, Will. Now I don’t have to stop by the bookstore on the way home.’

He was a shy-but-not-creepy type of guy, but her hairs stood on end when he gave her a forced smile. ‘You’re welcome,’ he said.

‘So, is this the kind of book I won’t be able to put it down?’ she asked, trying to diffuse his anxiety.

‘Oh, I hope so,’ he said after a nervous laugh that could have put him in the creepy classification.

But at the end of the day, she guessed that he was just nervous. After finishing the book, she’d have a better idea of who he was. She opened the book and skimmed past the copyright warning, blurbs, advertisements and table of contents. Dust flew out of the pages when she flipped them, causing her to sneeze. Weird, the book didn’t look that old. Did he happen to keep his flour on the same shelf as his books? She sneezed again and her eyes watered. For awhile, she considered getting up from her comfortable position to get a handkerchief and maybe even the vacuum cleaner. But when her sinuses stopped complaining, she shrugged it off and turned to chapter one.

Despite the dust, it didn’t take long for her to lose herself in the story. A strange planet. Star-crossed lovers. A sympathetic antagonist. She was so into it that she didn’t blink when she came across a strange set of words.

The words were written on top of the original text in what seemed to be green highlighter ink. The glow of the ink drew the attention of her eyes and she focused on them instead of the plain black text.

HARRIET READS THESE WORDS, said the clean and straight handwritten text. The sentence was followed by an identical copy and she read that as well. It repeated until she reached the end of the page. Fingertips white with powder turned the page and wide dilated pupils absorbed the continuation. She breathed deep and her lungs felt a minty coolness when she took in more of the dust. HARRIET READS THESE WORDS. She imagined herself reading the words. It wasn’t hard.

After a chapter’s worth of repetition, the words changed. HARRIET SAYS THESE WORDS. She imagined herself saying them out loud. ‘Harriet says these words,’ she said. Did she just say it out loud or was that in the story? She wasn’t sure. ‘Harriet says these words. Harriet-‘ She turned a page, ‘says these words.’

The story progressed. ‘The words make Harriet happy. The words make Harriet happy.’ She smiled. The story was simple but she enjoyed it for some reason. She turned the page with anticipation. ‘The words make Harriet happy.’ She felt the euphoria of drunkenness but lost none of her focus. The story was so vivid in her mind as if it was actually there.

Then came the twist. ‘Harriet is interested in William. She wants to invite him over.’ The new words brought her close to snapping out of her trance. ‘What?’ she said since she was used to speaking her thoughts aloud. ‘Why should Harriet be interested in him?’ By instinct, she repeated the thought over and over again. ‘Why should Harriet be interested in him?’

By now, her pupils had stretched so much that there was barely any brown in her iris. Black and white eyes stared blankly at the book as she repeated the question to herself. The answer came to her after a minute of repetition. ‘The words make Harriet happy. The words are in the book and William gave the book to Harriet.’ The light headed drunken feeling returned right after she asserted her own happiness. She repeated the revelation until everything made sense before continuing with her reading. ‘Harriet is interested in William. She wants to invite him over. Harriet is interested in William. She wants to invite him over.’

More pages flew by and she paused again when new words came. ‘Harriet will always be truthful to William. She will never hurt him.’ She looked up at the ceiling and let her head hang limp as she thought out loud, ‘But Harriet has secrets and he can hurt her with them. If Harriet can’t hurt him back, she can’t stop him.’

She focused on a dark spot on the ceiling while she repeated the argument to herself a few times. When the solution came to her, she moved her head forward again so she could read the book. The sudden movement made her feel like her head was spinning and she giggled at the sensation. The laughter made her arguments easier to believe. ‘The words make Harriet happy. William gave the book to Harriet so he makes her happy. Happy Harriet is not hurt so she can be truthful to him.’

The logic of it was so long and the spinning feeling made it hard to grasp. She tripped on the words and slurred them the first few times she repeated it. ‘The words make Harriet happy and William is the words?’ She giggled and started over. ‘The words make Harriet happy and William makes Harriet happy and-‘ She shook her head, making it feel light again. ‘The words make Harriet happy…’

But soon, she got the hang of it. When she was satisfied, she continued reading the book until she reached the epilogue.

‘Harriet will sleep now.’ At this point, she felt sleepy enough that it came naturally to her. She yawned, her wide eyes finally half closing. ‘Harriet. Will. Sleep.’ She lay on her side and closed her eyes with the book still in her hand and right in front of her face. She inhaled its scent with every breath until she slept.


William stood outside her door, grinding two fingernails together. He couldn’t stop worrying. Did she remember what she read in the book? What if it didn’t work and she called him here to confront him about it? Her friends might be waiting inside to beat him up. What if the book damaged her and made her insane? She might kidnap him so she could keep him forever. What if…

He shook his head and rang the doorbell before the cloud of worry thickened. He knew himself well enough to know that logically answering each of his fears was fruitless. More would always pop up and the best way to deal with them was act immediately and replace them with a new set of worries that haven’t had time to grow.

His mind stretched out the seconds while he waited for her. He added more pressure to the fingernails that rubbed on one another, but that failed to speed up the time. When the door finally opened, his heart stopped and jumped up his throat. The only thing that filled his mind was
that she was so pretty and that she was dressed casually in a skirt that was reached above her knees. His mind tried to analyze those two details, wondering whether one of his worries came true.

Her face was so expressive that he didn’t know what it was expressing. He looked down to avoid her gaze and saw that she was wearing flats that matched her dress. Damn, why did she look pretty down there too?

‘Hi Will, glad you could come!’ said Harriet.

‘Um,’ said William. He looked up and made eye contact. At that point, fight or flight kicked in and, thankfully, his psyche chose to fight this time. ‘I was free anyway,’ he said. ‘Thanks for the invite.’ He internally cursed at himself for sounding so stupid.

‘Well, come on in. The order’s here,’ she said as if nothing was wrong, as if he hadn’t made a fool of himself yet again.

‘So, how was the book?’ he asked while he followed her to the dining table. He noted that her apartment was smaller than average and tried to discern as much implications as he could from the observation. Did it mean she wasn’t looking for a relationship? Was she in financial trouble? Maybe she didn’t care because she always escaped into her books.

‘I only finished the first three chapters since I was sleepy last night,’ she said. ‘Don’t worry. I enjoyed it. I can’t wait to read the rest.’

‘Was it, uh, weird or anything?’

She stopped in her tracks and looked at him with worry in her eyes. ‘It’s funny that you should ask. I feel strange, as if there’s something off that I can’t quite grasp.’

It was a truthful answer, one that she would never had confided with him if the book hadn’t worked. William felt chills as the repercussions filled his mind and he just stood there, awkward with nothing to say.

She shrugged at his silence and said, ‘Well, the right story at the right time does that to people. I guess it was just the right time for me.’

He should asked her for details. He should have shared one of his own experiences when a story had resonated with him and left him stunned. Instead, he just froze up and said, ‘yep.’ He cursed at himself once again for the lame answer.

She lead him to the kitchen table and started unwrapping the burritos she ordered for them. While she was busy getting glasses for the drinks, he sat down and hung his bag on the chair. The contents of the special book inside made it seem heavier that it was. He hoped he didn’t have to use it.

‘Here’s yours,’ she said while handing him a burrito and taking a seat. ‘So, what do you usually read?’

He picked at the wrapper and gave another lame answer which set the tone for the rest of the dinner. As minutes passed, it didn’t improve. He was too nervous to think of anything worth saying. He knew that she was chafing at his ineptitude, that she wanted him to leave. She just didn’t show it because she was programmed to never hurt him. But the fact that she was enduring him still made him feel terrible. He bit his tongue to punish himself.

When the meal was finished, he knew for a fact that he was too broken and too fucked up inside to enjoy her company or make her enjoy his. Even after he programmed her to made her safe for him, he was a still a nervous wreck.

He needed to use the second book.

‘You know,’ he said, ‘I think you should, um, read the prequel before finishing the one I gave you.’

‘Really? I usually prefer to follow the publication order.’

‘Nah, this is better,’ he said. He turned around and took the book out of the bag, careful to hold his breath so he wouldn’t breathe in too much of the powder.

He handed it to her and she inspected it. ‘What’s with the dust?’ she asked.

He laughed nervously. ‘I’m a bad cleaner.’ Damn, that was he best reply he had all night. ‘Just read the first few chapters and see if you like them.’

‘Sure, I’ll do that before turning in later. You don’t mind if I keep both books for awhile, right?’

‘No, read this one now. I insist.’ Then, inspiration struck. ‘You’ll hurt my feelings if you don’t.’

‘Fine. Fine,’ she said, not wanting to displease him.

She opened the book, sneezed at the powder and started reading. He watched her eyes move back and forth. After some time, her expression went blank and her pupils dilated. Then, she spoke.


‘Harriet says these words,’ said Harriet, lost in the book. ‘The words make her happy.’

There was someone moving in front of her but it was more important to read the words. She continued reading, aware that she was being watched. The first few pages were a synopsis of the first book. They were the exact same words and she felt comfort in their familiarity as she said them out loud.

But like last night, she hesitated when she reached something new. ‘Harriet obeys William.’ She looked up from the book and placed her gaze on William. She registered fear on his face but it didn’t mean anything to her. ‘Why should Harriet obey you?’ she asked. He opened his mouth to speak but she repeated the question before a sound could escape. ‘Why should Harriet obey you?’

When she continued repeating it, the fear on his face faded. Then, he said, ‘because obeying makes you happy.’

‘Because obeying makes me happy?’ She said back at him. She tilted her head slightly and a few strands of hair fell in front of her face. ‘Because obeying makes me happy?’ She looped again and again until she linked it to what the words said. ‘The words make me happy. I am happy because I obey the words. You gave the book, so I obey you.’

She saw him breathe out a sigh of relief while she repeated the justification. When she was satisfied with how it sounded, she looked back to the book and proceeded to saying the written words out loud. ‘Harriet obeys William. Harriet obeys William.’ The beans in her stomach made her burp in the middle of a sentence, but she continued as if nothing happened.

Another phrase made her stop. ‘Harriet wants William to be happy.’ She looked at William again and stared in silence. She didn’t feel confused or skeptical. In fact, she pitied him and the altruistic part of her really did want him to be happy. She looked back at the words and repeated them without any hesitation. ‘Harriet wants William to be happy. Harriet wants William to be happy.’

She had repeated the sentence for a few paragraphs when he spoke and interrupted her, ‘Harriet, wait.’

She looked at him and completed the sentence she was reading. ‘…to be happy.’ Then, with a childlike smile, she said, ‘I want you to be happy.’

‘This is wrong,’ he said. ‘We should stop.’

‘But the words make Harriet happy,’ she said. ‘The words make Harriet happy. The words-‘ She shook her head when she suddenly felt a bit of fear. The movement sent more hair to the front of her face, tickling her nose. ‘Why?’ she asked aloud to both of them. ‘Why? Why? Why?’

The looked at each other, each one waiting for a reaction as she repeated the question.

‘No,’ he said in a desperate whisper. The fear in his voice matched what she felt. ‘No. Keep reading. The words make Harriet happy.’

‘The words make Harriet happy?’ she asked. She didn’t continue reading.

She watched him warily as he stood up and walked slowly to her as if sudden movement would scare her away.

‘The words make Harriet happy,’ he said. Then, he lifted the book closer to her face. She didn’t want to let go of the book, so she kept her hands on it and held it there in front of her face.

Worries faded away when she breathed in its scent. ‘Words. Harriet. Happy,’ she murmured. She placed her nose to the page and inhaled. ‘The words make Harriet happy.’

After some time, she brought the book back down so she could read it. White dust had smudged on her face. Her iris was completely black like the eyes of a stuffed toy and the whites of her eyes were crossed with red. ‘Harriet wants William to be happy,’ she read out lou
d with a smile.

She read and read until the next new sentence. ‘Harriet is not shy with William about anything, even her body.’

When she looked up from the book, he was ready with an answer and spoke before she could ask anything. ‘It makes me happy when you’re not shy with me. You want to make me happy,’ he said.

He looked like he was in pain, but she nodded in agreement and repeated with her own interpretation. ‘Harriet makes William happy by not being shy with him.’ She repeated his words a few times before continuing with the ones from the book.

By now, her back and butt ached from sitting in the same position for hours. Her eyes were strained from their extra sensitivity to light. Still, she faithfully continued reading the book.

‘Harriet will take the initiative to make William happy.’ She looked up and saw that he had dozed off. But it was okay because she knew exactly what to say. ‘Harriet must make William happy because he cannot.’

By the time he woke, she was already finished with her justification and had advanced to reading the words in the book out loud.

Finally, she arrived at the ending. ‘Harriet will sleep now.’ She yawned and slouched down toward the table. ‘Harriet will sleep now,’ she repeated as she closed the book and used it as a pillow. ‘Sleep. Now,’ she whispered. After one deep breath, she fell asleep.


William watched her sleep on her bed. Bringing her there wasn’t easy. She was slim, but he was too scrawny to carry her. In the end, it took some applied physics to move her. Touching her was the hard part. He wanted to be as gentle as possible and didn’t want to violate her intimate places even if he had programmed her not to mind.

The trouble was worth it. Seeing her at peace somehow calmed him down. It helped him cope at the remorse that gnawed at him.

He dozed off every now and then but he made sure he was uncomfortable enough so he didn’t doze too long. It was unsatisfying sleep and he felt completely exhausted. Later, when she started to stir, a jolt of adrenaline woke him up better than any amount cup of coffee could.

‘Something happened last night.’ she said to him while she rubbed an eye.

Her disheveled look and the childish way she moved made his thoughts stumble. ‘After dinner, I made you read a book and… And I…’ Half of him wanted to lie and the other half wanted to tell the truth. Both halves took control of his tongue at the same time and he gave himself another round of internal punishment.

She brushed the hair out of her face and smiled at him. ‘You changed me with the book,’ she said with certainty. ‘I didn’t notice the first time but now, I feel altered. The rest of my memories don’t mesh with the present.’

‘I had to do it,’ he said. Then, by some combination of adrenaline, confrontation, guilt and fatigue, he found the strength to say the speech he had prepared in his moments of wakefulness. ‘I was always alone and couldn’t do anything about it. Trying not to be alone always punished me with anxiety and punished someone else with boredom. I ended up trying to freeze my heart, to make myself not need others. It almost worked until I met you. I barely knew you, but the very fact that you existed thawed all my efforts. Loneliness started hurting me again and I couldn’t do anything about it except for this. You need to understand, I tried and ran away at every opportunity. Valentines, Christmas, your birthday. I had to do this or I would have ended it another way. I would have…’ He couldn’t complete the sentence so his hands made a gesture instead.

‘It’s okay,’ she said. ‘I’m not upset. Really! I’ll even admit that I was a bit interested in you before all of this.’

‘A bit?’

‘Honestly, yeah. Just a little.’

He smiled anyway then remained silent, not knowing where to begin. He had already expended all his energy on that clumsy, ill-timed speech.

‘Wanna touch my boobs?’ she asked suddenly.


She laughed. ‘Oh come on, we’re being too solemn here. There’ll be a lot of time later to talk about ourselves at a deeper level, but the mood’s not light enough for it. Besides, we’ll get to my boobs eventually and I know you want to.’

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The New LodgerJust a bit of nonsense I made up. Hope you like it.Tony came home from school, as he entered the sitting room, he saw that his mother had a visitor. ‘Ah Tony, this is Rose Hale, she is going to rent the spare room.’ Tony saw that the woman was wearing a wedding ring, he assumed that she was either widowed or divorced. ‘Hello Mrs Hale, I’m very pleased to meet you.’ He extended his hand and she took it in hers, Tony felt her squeeze it. Tony’s mother Jean, had been trying to...

1 year ago
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Used and Abused

Based on a recent news story “How the fuck could you get it so wrong?” screamed Giovanni Montesorrie. “You wanted two girls, one black one white,” groaned Gerry Malone. “That’s what you got.” “Yeah but bimbos, not a fucking half man half woman, you stupid fucker.” “She’s a bimbo and she’s built, you said big.” “Yeah but for fucks sake look at her. Big is beautiful, not fucking arms and legs like a fucking navvy you Irish imbecile,” screeched Giovanni. They stared at the two girls bound,...

2 years ago
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Amandas Seduction

I sat staring at my hazy reflection in the bathroom, smoke billowing out of my lungs. Cheap cigarettes. Easy to come by here. My mother was a chain smoker and wouldn't work but she had plenty of men who came in and out of the house and she gave them pussy and they bought her cigarettes in return. Which I stole. Fucking whore. Who sells pussy for cigarettes and booze? Rhetorical question. My mother of course. She never cared about me or my brother but we couldn't leave without her...

1 year ago
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MrLuckyPOV Honey Milk Lydia Black Big Tit Girlfriend Gets Fucked

Lydia Black and HoneyMilk are real-life girlfriends with a serious kink. Lydia loves to watch Honey get fucked by a man. These inked sluts are both satisfied as Honeymilks big natural tits bounce up and down as she gets her tight pussy fucked. Lydia watches but can’t help but reach in and play with her partners clit and squeeze the balls as Honeymilk takes this dick deep down her throat. She is more of an aroused voyeur than a true cuck. After 2 cumshots and some cum swapping, this sexy duo is...

3 years ago
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Two Can Play Ch 08

They woke up to sunshine and blue skies with wisps of white cloud dotted around. After working out in the fitness room for half an hour on various instruments of torture, they enjoyed a good breakfast, mainly consisting of fruit. ‘Much better for us than eggs and bacon.’ Kate sat back with a satisfied sigh. ‘Um.’ Rachel was still finishing off an orange. ‘I suppose we’ll have to put in an appearance at the conference this morning.’ ‘What about the afternoon?’ asked Rachel. ‘We‘ll play...

2 years ago
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Haunted by the Past Ch 10

Rick Estevez was suddenly nervous. Dawn had ordered him to take her to bed and make love to her. He’d been steadfastly holding off. He knew in his heart that once their bodies were that intimately joined, he’d never be closer to heaven on earth again. Dawn flipped on the light switch just inside the door after he closed it. He turned it off again. He walked to where light was filtering in around the covered windows, found the cord and opened the drapes. The room was bathed in a softer light...

1 year ago
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What a Christmas

Christmas is a time of merry making and celebrating with friends. But Joanna was alone in her house. Her husband, Mark was away as usual on a business tour and had left Joanna behind to take care of herself and her needs, which called for immediate attention. The morning of Christmas, Joanna lingered in the bed as she didn’t have much to do. “What a Christmas? This Christmas is the worst ever, nothing to do, nowhere to go, even no one to fuck”, she thought and a smile crossed her face on the...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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My Old Mom Loves Hillbilly CockChapter 2

After our week with the hillbillies, mom was way more layed back. On the drive home, we talked openly about my bi-sexuality, dogs big cocks, her first gang bang and I found out that “if I really needed it”, she would let me fuck her some more. We also stopped at a rest area to pee where I brazenly stood at the urinal with my pants around my ankles and my bare ass showing. It wasn’t long until I attracted a large truckers attention. He began rubbing my ass and we soon made our way to an empty...

3 years ago
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My County Tis of MineChapter 23

I got home to find mom in her "snuggle" clothes, I guess every couple has codes and signals about all sorts of things. The only one I had nailed down was mom's outfit when she just didn't want to do anything. They were well worn flannel pajamas and they were a sign that bedtime and sleep were very close. I wasn't that unhappy to see them as the girls had worked me over pretty hard. While the two daughters were showering Kathy and I were talking. "What would the three of you say to...

2 years ago
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Parts 13-15 By: Jimmy T Seay (m+/t oral forced enema jail) =========================================================================== Steve's wish was not to happen, not yet anyway. As in dog packs, there's an order among convicts. And that pecking order put Keith up next. Keith walked towards Brian, his cock stuck straight out, as if pointing the way. Brian was about to get a second fucking. Keith was about to get sloppy seconds. Keith didn't mind, not at all....

3 years ago
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White Boys Make the Best Bitches A Club Voodoo Fan Fiction

So I know people were wanting me to do another chapter of Universe of Bubbles, and I might, but this story is where my mind has drifted to as of late and I've finally felt inspired enough to write it all down. T I consider this Fan Fiction, my interpretation of one of my favorite FictionMania Stories. Club Voodoo by Suzette =3049555396163482450 I've taken her character and setting and put my own spin on the...

4 years ago
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A Valentines Day to Remember

It was that time of year again when all the stores put out the red heart boxes of candy, the big beautiful red roses, and you could almost smell the love in the air. This year it would be a happy Valentines day for Kristen too. For the fist time in a long time she had someone special in her life to enjoy the day with. Her boyfriend had told her that he had some very romantic plans for that day. She was not to plan anything for that night it was all his to plan out for them. Kristen was excided...

2 years ago
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SRU Better To Be Born Lucky

SRU : Better To Be Born Luc(k)y by Paul1954 It was just another day for Samuel Thomas as he walked through the morning drizzle on his way to the job centre. Walking down there to look for work had become a daily occurrence for him, but there was usually little available for someone with as few qualifications as he had! He had left school with only two of the most basic of qualifications and had not had any luck with securing a permanent job, picking up just the most menial of...

1 year ago
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Rosa was a young Filipina girl only 18 years old and still a virgin. This wasn't because she wasn't interested in sex; instead it was because all of the boys her age seemed to be just too timid and unsure of themselves. Rosa wanted her virginity to be taken by an older, more experienced man, one with the confidence to just take what he wanted from her. Rosa's parents had arrived from the Philippines right before she was born and they were very conservative. They attempted to push this onto...

3 years ago
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A Wild YearningChapter 3

"Jan... Oh Jaaaaan! Yoo hoo!" It was her mother! Jan gasped. She had better get herself together in a hurry! She glanced into the hall mirror as she passed it on the way to the door. Her cheeks looked unnaturally warm and pink, but after all that was nothing and would subside in a moment. For the rest of it, there was probably no trace. Which wasn't to say that she didn't produce enough sexually excited scent for a smart dog like Rex to pick up. She glanced back at him with a sly,...

4 years ago
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Bursting for a piss

So it was Friday afternoon and i get a phone call from my wife " babe shall we go fishing tonight?". I was a little shocked as the weather was so bad but i hadn't been out on the lake for a while so i said yeah, as soon as i finish work, ill pack the truck up and we will head down the lake.We got there and there was a dry spell, so i quickly threw the Bivvi up and set up the camp beds, and she climbed inside. I was outside setting the rods and baiting up when she called for me to turn around. I...

2 years ago
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I was in town one day and doing a little grocery shopping to pick up something for dinner when I noticed a familliar pretty face walking toward my direction. It was my cute asian friend Kimi. (Read previous post: Happy Halloween) She and I were good friends and had many hot times together. We embraced in a warm hug and I asked her how she was doing. "Oh, I'm doing pretty good. I went by your house trying to find you, so I was hoping you were here.", she said with a cute smile. Well, you found...

3 years ago
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First view

I sucked my first pussy when I was six .... and I loved it!That was the answer I wanted to give to the smarmy management consultant employed by our new owners. He was trying to convince us that being taken over by our biggest rival at no notice was a good thing. His icebreaker question at the get -to- know-you workshop was, “Tell us about a time when something unexpected happened and it was a pleasant surprise.” I don’t know what made think of that incident at school with Joy all those...

2 years ago
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The Family Goldman 7

"Damn you guys," I managed to curse while gasping for air. The abrupt transition from the Autopilot-mode into full-control of Kimberly's persona had left me fully disoriented and suffocated. My eyes watered and I felt some kind of brain freeze strumming my head. Meanwhile, my two seniors just laughed their asses off at the living room. Virginia Mendez was still topless, sitting in one of the couch of the living room. Her ample tan breasts jiggled as she roared with her raspy...

4 years ago
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Mistakes Were Made

Renea's big mistake was a simple one. One day she was reading a story on Fetlife. Aroused by the power of his prose, Renea sent some feedback to the Author. The story was called "You Will Submit". It is about a young woman being attacked in her flat, then reluctantly being fucked. The man wore no protection. The chances were high that he made her pregnant.The author received the feedback and replied. He asked her about her fantasies and soon they were chatting online. At thirty two years old,...

2 years ago
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My wife makes me her willing cuckold again as we spend a wild three days in Dallas

My name is Matt and I love to watch my wife Alana fuck other men. In case you did not read our previous story, “Alana”, which can be found in Directory 68, allow me to give you a little of our background. My wife Alana is strikingly beautiful, with amazing green eyes and long, thick dark hair. She is 37 years old and she still turns heads as she walks down the street. She is 5’4″ tall, and even though she carries a little extra weight in her butt and thighs, she has an...

1 year ago
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Two Raped WivesChapter 5

Jennifer had stood open mouthed in shock as she'd watched Dave and Rena on the rug. She'd never seen anything so exciting. She'd never expected to see her prudish friend get so turned on. "My God," the young boy said. The youngster had followed her from the kitchen and he'd not bothered to get dressed. Jennifer suddenly realized that she'd been rubbing his cock all the time. "You're getting hot again," she observed. "Jesus," he said. "Didn't that turn you on?" "Yes,"...

4 years ago
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Hard Days Night

I baby sit a young boy named Charlie, whose mom is a single mother and works three jobs. Because Mel worked three jobs, I was over there often and it was often confusing when I was working and for how long. One night I got confused and came over, only to be told that Charlie was at a friend's house and that she had told me that last week. Well I had completely forgot! Mel wasn't about to let me leave though, her mothering instinct kicked in and she made me stay for tea "to warm myself from that...

2 years ago
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Hijabi to Whore Part 2 Cheating Begins

It had been 2 weeks since Iqra and her bf had fucked for the first time and since then they had fucked four to five times more with Iqra getting better at giving blowjobs she could now take all of his 7 inches in her mouth and they had even started trying different positions and everything was going well until that day.Iqra was in the cafeteria having lunch with her friends when the cricket coach (Coach Wilson) came over and told her to follow him to his office she was confused and looked...

3 years ago
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Hindu Bhai Muslim Behen

Helo dosto aaj mein apk sammne apne garam aur nazuk bhabhi jaan ki ek maasum aur natkhat behen k baare me likhne ja raha hu. Bhabhi ki behen :naam naziya Naziya mere bhabhi ki real sister hai Uski umar 26 saal aur rang gora chrhera maasumiyat se bhara hua jism garam aur naazuk badan Ek baar mein apne bhabhi k behen naziya humare ghar rehene aai hui thi uska kuch kaam tha delhi mein to apne behen k ghar rehene aa gai aur mein apne baare me batana bhul gayapa logo ko (mein …… 28 saal ka hu aur...

2 years ago
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Niomis TearsChapter 2

"And exactly why have you asked me here?" said the attractive forty-two year old. Niomi and Miori were seated at the small round table where Niomi had just served tea. "Has Hyota spoken of our conversation yesterday?" "Yes, he simply said you do not approve of me. He suggested we meet so you might get to know me better." "You know he plans to ask you to marry him?" "Last night. He gave me this," she said showing off the ring, a superior smirk on her face. Niomi tried not to...

3 years ago
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RoadhouseChapter 32

For a wedding present Jess suggested we get in touch with Trish and book them into the Walhalla Lodge for a week's honeymoon. "I think that's a great idea Jess, why don't you give Trish a ring and see what we can come up with." Jess gave Trish a call, she told her that the kids could have the balcony room as it would afford them the most privacy and they could sit outside and admire the view as well. Trish also suggested that she and Rob would attend the wedding and then take the newly...

4 years ago
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Cathys Night Out

My wife, Cathy, was out for dinner with an old friend from graduate school -- someone she sees once in blue moon, though they always enjoy a chance to catch up on whatever it is two women with families and disparate lives talk about when they get together. Not sports and strippers, I'd guess. I'd put the kids to bed, and settled on the couch with the television on, catching up on some odds and ends I'd brought home from the office. Before I knew it, I'd fallen asleep, and awoke to the front...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Alexa Flexy Gaping Anal Ballerina

Blonde Euro-babe Alexa Flexy, a sexy ballerina, trains hard to keep her fit figure. The petite darling shows coach Kristof Cale that she’s ready to perform her routine for an audience, but the tall stud unfortunately disagrees. Alexa uses her sexual allure to sway Kristof, soon dropping to her knees to flaunt her blowjob skills. Kristof’s big cock pummels Alexa’s throat! Intense face fucking brings slobbering and choking. Next, Kristof slams his schlong into her wet slit....

3 years ago
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My first time

Let me start with some context… I’m a married man with c***dren, very much attracted to my wife and women in general. However, I’ve struggled for as long as I can remember with my attraction to men, and the lustful fantasies about being fucked. It wasn’t until my 40’s that I finally followed through with my desire, but this first encounter was only oral, and although enjoyable, left my core desire unsatisfied.I had been on Squirt for years, chatting and flirting, but never following through...

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Meri Wife Ka First Threesome 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Sandip hai, aur meri wife ka naam Ruhi hai. Hamari shaadi ko 4 saal ho gaye hai. Hamari sex life kaafi achi chal rahi hai, aur hamne bahut sex kiya hai. Meri age 35 hai, aur meri wife ki 33 saal ki hai. Meri height 5’4″ hai, aur body average build hai. Ruhi ki height hai 4’8″ hai, aur wazan 68 kg hai. Uski body kaafi bhari-bhari hai. Uske boos 34D” ke hai, Kamar 32″ ki hai, aur butts 36″ ke hai. Uski gaand kaafi badi hai. Jab wo chalti hai, to uske butts bahut hilte hai. Dekhne mein...

3 years ago
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My Mami8217s Ass

Hi everyone! My name’s Kiran(name changed). I’m going to narrate a story of my mami (Ranij) and me. She is hot and has big boobs. Her husband works at night, and I’ve been craving to take care of her sexually. At the time, her son was only 1 year old. Both mama and mami eat a lot of paan. So one day, I am at their house for lunch along with other family members. After eating lunch, my mami brings me some paan. As I ate some, and she was holding the dish for paan, and supari, I looked up at her...

2 years ago
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Lahore Is A Hub Of Pleasure

A very happy new year to all of you :) Hope everyone is doing great. This winter season I am sure, all of you are having wonder sex in the season. Hello everyone! Here is your friend again, Abhimaan, a young Delhite Punjabi guy enjoying the vivid sexual pleasures in Delhi NCR. Gurgaon, Noida, Delhi guys have hots for me and vice versa! I am passionate for movies, booze and sex. I look good and fuck better. You can always contact me on my email id: You can share your real and true incidents...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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When The Moon Is Full

Before he could knock the door was thrust open. A slender hand with long manicured nails grabbed him by the ear and with a twisting motion pulled him inside. Kimberly Dawson was not particularly tall, but Larry Marx was short for a boy and the way she held his ear forced Larry to crouch. Kim towered over him. "What are you doing here?" she demanded. Larry held flowers in front of her with one had. With his other hand he pulled a crumpled note from his breast pocket, holding out...

1 year ago
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Mr. Collins regularly brought women back to the house; Paulina often heard them and envied them. While she was down on her knees scrubbing the floors, they were down on their knees sucking Mr. Collins cock. Something she had longed to do since the day she set eyes on him. Hoping to catch a glimpse of his latest girl she crept past the bedroom and peered through the crack. Mr. Collins was alone, lying on his bed, stroking his cock. Paulina couldn’t look away. She expected a girl to appear at any...

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