Bibliophiles free porn video

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Title: Bibliophiles

Synopsis: Someone at work gives Harriet a new book to read.

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Right after taking a refreshing shower, Harriet hopped on to her bed then stretched and twisted until her spine clicked in all the right places. She sighed in satisfaction then hugged a pillow and curled up. Her long hair, still shiny from bath, spread out on the bedsheets. Once she felt well rested enough, she propped up two pillows on the headboard and leaned on them. With the book from the nightstand in her hands, she bent her knees and placed a pillow under them. Now that she was surrounded by softness, she was ready to read.

Friends and family used to nag her about how she spent her Friday nights like this. She should be out there with other people, ‘living life to the fullest’ instead of being ‘sad and alone’. But she was staunch in sticking to what she liked. After working all week, she knew she was too drained to enjoy the company of others. Besides, she wasn’t a recluse. Every now and then, she did go out on a Saturday or Sunday as long as the book didn’t grip her for the weekend. Parties and dinners were fine with her as long as she was given time to recharge.

She examined the outside of the book before opening it, looking at the details of the cover illustration and skimming the synopsis at the back. She let herself feel giddy when she remembered him giving it to her a few hours ago.

He was obviously nervous when he approached her and had trouble meeting her eyes. ‘I heard you’re looking for a new book,’ he said right before fumbling for it in his bag.

She smiled and took the book when he handed it to her. ‘Thanks, Will. Now I don’t have to stop by the bookstore on the way home.’

He was a shy-but-not-creepy type of guy, but her hairs stood on end when he gave her a forced smile. ‘You’re welcome,’ he said.

‘So, is this the kind of book I won’t be able to put it down?’ she asked, trying to diffuse his anxiety.

‘Oh, I hope so,’ he said after a nervous laugh that could have put him in the creepy classification.

But at the end of the day, she guessed that he was just nervous. After finishing the book, she’d have a better idea of who he was. She opened the book and skimmed past the copyright warning, blurbs, advertisements and table of contents. Dust flew out of the pages when she flipped them, causing her to sneeze. Weird, the book didn’t look that old. Did he happen to keep his flour on the same shelf as his books? She sneezed again and her eyes watered. For awhile, she considered getting up from her comfortable position to get a handkerchief and maybe even the vacuum cleaner. But when her sinuses stopped complaining, she shrugged it off and turned to chapter one.

Despite the dust, it didn’t take long for her to lose herself in the story. A strange planet. Star-crossed lovers. A sympathetic antagonist. She was so into it that she didn’t blink when she came across a strange set of words.

The words were written on top of the original text in what seemed to be green highlighter ink. The glow of the ink drew the attention of her eyes and she focused on them instead of the plain black text.

HARRIET READS THESE WORDS, said the clean and straight handwritten text. The sentence was followed by an identical copy and she read that as well. It repeated until she reached the end of the page. Fingertips white with powder turned the page and wide dilated pupils absorbed the continuation. She breathed deep and her lungs felt a minty coolness when she took in more of the dust. HARRIET READS THESE WORDS. She imagined herself reading the words. It wasn’t hard.

After a chapter’s worth of repetition, the words changed. HARRIET SAYS THESE WORDS. She imagined herself saying them out loud. ‘Harriet says these words,’ she said. Did she just say it out loud or was that in the story? She wasn’t sure. ‘Harriet says these words. Harriet-‘ She turned a page, ‘says these words.’

The story progressed. ‘The words make Harriet happy. The words make Harriet happy.’ She smiled. The story was simple but she enjoyed it for some reason. She turned the page with anticipation. ‘The words make Harriet happy.’ She felt the euphoria of drunkenness but lost none of her focus. The story was so vivid in her mind as if it was actually there.

Then came the twist. ‘Harriet is interested in William. She wants to invite him over.’ The new words brought her close to snapping out of her trance. ‘What?’ she said since she was used to speaking her thoughts aloud. ‘Why should Harriet be interested in him?’ By instinct, she repeated the thought over and over again. ‘Why should Harriet be interested in him?’

By now, her pupils had stretched so much that there was barely any brown in her iris. Black and white eyes stared blankly at the book as she repeated the question to herself. The answer came to her after a minute of repetition. ‘The words make Harriet happy. The words are in the book and William gave the book to Harriet.’ The light headed drunken feeling returned right after she asserted her own happiness. She repeated the revelation until everything made sense before continuing with her reading. ‘Harriet is interested in William. She wants to invite him over. Harriet is interested in William. She wants to invite him over.’

More pages flew by and she paused again when new words came. ‘Harriet will always be truthful to William. She will never hurt him.’ She looked up at the ceiling and let her head hang limp as she thought out loud, ‘But Harriet has secrets and he can hurt her with them. If Harriet can’t hurt him back, she can’t stop him.’

She focused on a dark spot on the ceiling while she repeated the argument to herself a few times. When the solution came to her, she moved her head forward again so she could read the book. The sudden movement made her feel like her head was spinning and she giggled at the sensation. The laughter made her arguments easier to believe. ‘The words make Harriet happy. William gave the book to Harriet so he makes her happy. Happy Harriet is not hurt so she can be truthful to him.’

The logic of it was so long and the spinning feeling made it hard to grasp. She tripped on the words and slurred them the first few times she repeated it. ‘The words make Harriet happy and William is the words?’ She giggled and started over. ‘The words make Harriet happy and William makes Harriet happy and-‘ She shook her head, making it feel light again. ‘The words make Harriet happy…’

But soon, she got the hang of it. When she was satisfied, she continued reading the book until she reached the epilogue.

‘Harriet will sleep now.’ At this point, she felt sleepy enough that it came naturally to her. She yawned, her wide eyes finally half closing. ‘Harriet. Will. Sleep.’ She lay on her side and closed her eyes with the book still in her hand and right in front of her face. She inhaled its scent with every breath until she slept.


William stood outside her door, grinding two fingernails together. He couldn’t stop worrying. Did she remember what she read in the book? What if it didn’t work and she called him here to confront him about it? Her friends might be waiting inside to beat him up. What if the book damaged her and made her insane? She might kidnap him so she could keep him forever. What if…

He shook his head and rang the doorbell before the cloud of worry thickened. He knew himself well enough to know that logically answering each of his fears was fruitless. More would always pop up and the best way to deal with them was act immediately and replace them with a new set of worries that haven’t had time to grow.

His mind stretched out the seconds while he waited for her. He added more pressure to the fingernails that rubbed on one another, but that failed to speed up the time. When the door finally opened, his heart stopped and jumped up his throat. The only thing that filled his mind was
that she was so pretty and that she was dressed casually in a skirt that was reached above her knees. His mind tried to analyze those two details, wondering whether one of his worries came true.

Her face was so expressive that he didn’t know what it was expressing. He looked down to avoid her gaze and saw that she was wearing flats that matched her dress. Damn, why did she look pretty down there too?

‘Hi Will, glad you could come!’ said Harriet.

‘Um,’ said William. He looked up and made eye contact. At that point, fight or flight kicked in and, thankfully, his psyche chose to fight this time. ‘I was free anyway,’ he said. ‘Thanks for the invite.’ He internally cursed at himself for sounding so stupid.

‘Well, come on in. The order’s here,’ she said as if nothing was wrong, as if he hadn’t made a fool of himself yet again.

‘So, how was the book?’ he asked while he followed her to the dining table. He noted that her apartment was smaller than average and tried to discern as much implications as he could from the observation. Did it mean she wasn’t looking for a relationship? Was she in financial trouble? Maybe she didn’t care because she always escaped into her books.

‘I only finished the first three chapters since I was sleepy last night,’ she said. ‘Don’t worry. I enjoyed it. I can’t wait to read the rest.’

‘Was it, uh, weird or anything?’

She stopped in her tracks and looked at him with worry in her eyes. ‘It’s funny that you should ask. I feel strange, as if there’s something off that I can’t quite grasp.’

It was a truthful answer, one that she would never had confided with him if the book hadn’t worked. William felt chills as the repercussions filled his mind and he just stood there, awkward with nothing to say.

She shrugged at his silence and said, ‘Well, the right story at the right time does that to people. I guess it was just the right time for me.’

He should asked her for details. He should have shared one of his own experiences when a story had resonated with him and left him stunned. Instead, he just froze up and said, ‘yep.’ He cursed at himself once again for the lame answer.

She lead him to the kitchen table and started unwrapping the burritos she ordered for them. While she was busy getting glasses for the drinks, he sat down and hung his bag on the chair. The contents of the special book inside made it seem heavier that it was. He hoped he didn’t have to use it.

‘Here’s yours,’ she said while handing him a burrito and taking a seat. ‘So, what do you usually read?’

He picked at the wrapper and gave another lame answer which set the tone for the rest of the dinner. As minutes passed, it didn’t improve. He was too nervous to think of anything worth saying. He knew that she was chafing at his ineptitude, that she wanted him to leave. She just didn’t show it because she was programmed to never hurt him. But the fact that she was enduring him still made him feel terrible. He bit his tongue to punish himself.

When the meal was finished, he knew for a fact that he was too broken and too fucked up inside to enjoy her company or make her enjoy his. Even after he programmed her to made her safe for him, he was a still a nervous wreck.

He needed to use the second book.

‘You know,’ he said, ‘I think you should, um, read the prequel before finishing the one I gave you.’

‘Really? I usually prefer to follow the publication order.’

‘Nah, this is better,’ he said. He turned around and took the book out of the bag, careful to hold his breath so he wouldn’t breathe in too much of the powder.

He handed it to her and she inspected it. ‘What’s with the dust?’ she asked.

He laughed nervously. ‘I’m a bad cleaner.’ Damn, that was he best reply he had all night. ‘Just read the first few chapters and see if you like them.’

‘Sure, I’ll do that before turning in later. You don’t mind if I keep both books for awhile, right?’

‘No, read this one now. I insist.’ Then, inspiration struck. ‘You’ll hurt my feelings if you don’t.’

‘Fine. Fine,’ she said, not wanting to displease him.

She opened the book, sneezed at the powder and started reading. He watched her eyes move back and forth. After some time, her expression went blank and her pupils dilated. Then, she spoke.


‘Harriet says these words,’ said Harriet, lost in the book. ‘The words make her happy.’

There was someone moving in front of her but it was more important to read the words. She continued reading, aware that she was being watched. The first few pages were a synopsis of the first book. They were the exact same words and she felt comfort in their familiarity as she said them out loud.

But like last night, she hesitated when she reached something new. ‘Harriet obeys William.’ She looked up from the book and placed her gaze on William. She registered fear on his face but it didn’t mean anything to her. ‘Why should Harriet obey you?’ she asked. He opened his mouth to speak but she repeated the question before a sound could escape. ‘Why should Harriet obey you?’

When she continued repeating it, the fear on his face faded. Then, he said, ‘because obeying makes you happy.’

‘Because obeying makes me happy?’ She said back at him. She tilted her head slightly and a few strands of hair fell in front of her face. ‘Because obeying makes me happy?’ She looped again and again until she linked it to what the words said. ‘The words make me happy. I am happy because I obey the words. You gave the book, so I obey you.’

She saw him breathe out a sigh of relief while she repeated the justification. When she was satisfied with how it sounded, she looked back to the book and proceeded to saying the written words out loud. ‘Harriet obeys William. Harriet obeys William.’ The beans in her stomach made her burp in the middle of a sentence, but she continued as if nothing happened.

Another phrase made her stop. ‘Harriet wants William to be happy.’ She looked at William again and stared in silence. She didn’t feel confused or skeptical. In fact, she pitied him and the altruistic part of her really did want him to be happy. She looked back at the words and repeated them without any hesitation. ‘Harriet wants William to be happy. Harriet wants William to be happy.’

She had repeated the sentence for a few paragraphs when he spoke and interrupted her, ‘Harriet, wait.’

She looked at him and completed the sentence she was reading. ‘…to be happy.’ Then, with a childlike smile, she said, ‘I want you to be happy.’

‘This is wrong,’ he said. ‘We should stop.’

‘But the words make Harriet happy,’ she said. ‘The words make Harriet happy. The words-‘ She shook her head when she suddenly felt a bit of fear. The movement sent more hair to the front of her face, tickling her nose. ‘Why?’ she asked aloud to both of them. ‘Why? Why? Why?’

The looked at each other, each one waiting for a reaction as she repeated the question.

‘No,’ he said in a desperate whisper. The fear in his voice matched what she felt. ‘No. Keep reading. The words make Harriet happy.’

‘The words make Harriet happy?’ she asked. She didn’t continue reading.

She watched him warily as he stood up and walked slowly to her as if sudden movement would scare her away.

‘The words make Harriet happy,’ he said. Then, he lifted the book closer to her face. She didn’t want to let go of the book, so she kept her hands on it and held it there in front of her face.

Worries faded away when she breathed in its scent. ‘Words. Harriet. Happy,’ she murmured. She placed her nose to the page and inhaled. ‘The words make Harriet happy.’

After some time, she brought the book back down so she could read it. White dust had smudged on her face. Her iris was completely black like the eyes of a stuffed toy and the whites of her eyes were crossed with red. ‘Harriet wants William to be happy,’ she read out lou
d with a smile.

She read and read until the next new sentence. ‘Harriet is not shy with William about anything, even her body.’

When she looked up from the book, he was ready with an answer and spoke before she could ask anything. ‘It makes me happy when you’re not shy with me. You want to make me happy,’ he said.

He looked like he was in pain, but she nodded in agreement and repeated with her own interpretation. ‘Harriet makes William happy by not being shy with him.’ She repeated his words a few times before continuing with the ones from the book.

By now, her back and butt ached from sitting in the same position for hours. Her eyes were strained from their extra sensitivity to light. Still, she faithfully continued reading the book.

‘Harriet will take the initiative to make William happy.’ She looked up and saw that he had dozed off. But it was okay because she knew exactly what to say. ‘Harriet must make William happy because he cannot.’

By the time he woke, she was already finished with her justification and had advanced to reading the words in the book out loud.

Finally, she arrived at the ending. ‘Harriet will sleep now.’ She yawned and slouched down toward the table. ‘Harriet will sleep now,’ she repeated as she closed the book and used it as a pillow. ‘Sleep. Now,’ she whispered. After one deep breath, she fell asleep.


William watched her sleep on her bed. Bringing her there wasn’t easy. She was slim, but he was too scrawny to carry her. In the end, it took some applied physics to move her. Touching her was the hard part. He wanted to be as gentle as possible and didn’t want to violate her intimate places even if he had programmed her not to mind.

The trouble was worth it. Seeing her at peace somehow calmed him down. It helped him cope at the remorse that gnawed at him.

He dozed off every now and then but he made sure he was uncomfortable enough so he didn’t doze too long. It was unsatisfying sleep and he felt completely exhausted. Later, when she started to stir, a jolt of adrenaline woke him up better than any amount cup of coffee could.

‘Something happened last night.’ she said to him while she rubbed an eye.

Her disheveled look and the childish way she moved made his thoughts stumble. ‘After dinner, I made you read a book and… And I…’ Half of him wanted to lie and the other half wanted to tell the truth. Both halves took control of his tongue at the same time and he gave himself another round of internal punishment.

She brushed the hair out of her face and smiled at him. ‘You changed me with the book,’ she said with certainty. ‘I didn’t notice the first time but now, I feel altered. The rest of my memories don’t mesh with the present.’

‘I had to do it,’ he said. Then, by some combination of adrenaline, confrontation, guilt and fatigue, he found the strength to say the speech he had prepared in his moments of wakefulness. ‘I was always alone and couldn’t do anything about it. Trying not to be alone always punished me with anxiety and punished someone else with boredom. I ended up trying to freeze my heart, to make myself not need others. It almost worked until I met you. I barely knew you, but the very fact that you existed thawed all my efforts. Loneliness started hurting me again and I couldn’t do anything about it except for this. You need to understand, I tried and ran away at every opportunity. Valentines, Christmas, your birthday. I had to do this or I would have ended it another way. I would have…’ He couldn’t complete the sentence so his hands made a gesture instead.

‘It’s okay,’ she said. ‘I’m not upset. Really! I’ll even admit that I was a bit interested in you before all of this.’

‘A bit?’

‘Honestly, yeah. Just a little.’

He smiled anyway then remained silent, not knowing where to begin. He had already expended all his energy on that clumsy, ill-timed speech.

‘Wanna touch my boobs?’ she asked suddenly.


She laughed. ‘Oh come on, we’re being too solemn here. There’ll be a lot of time later to talk about ourselves at a deeper level, but the mood’s not light enough for it. Besides, we’ll get to my boobs eventually and I know you want to.’

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Here is something I wrote whilst recovering from recent surgery. I hope you like it! Greg twisted his solid six foot frame in his airline seat, putting his feet in the aisle to allow the grey haired lady, to whom he’d given his allocated window seat, to take her fourth trip to the restroom in three hours. Each time, she had managed to trample on his feet and smack him in the face with her handbag. He was thankful that Nandi Airport was only another hour away, as he wasn’t sure how many more...

2 years ago
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The Ensigns of Detection Ch 05

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

3 years ago
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Pleasant UnpleasantnessChapter 2

It was 8pm on a Friday night when I decided I would do one of my naked walks again. Mum and dad were gone until Monday, so they wouldn't ask me any questions about me going out so late. And if they would call, a thing they almost never did, I could always tell them that I was at the movies. So, walking back into my room, I first looked at myself in the full length mirror of my closet door. I thought I didn't look too bad and then pulled the closet door open. I quickly found my tracksuit...

1 year ago
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For the Love of LiciaChapter 2 A Party in Pink

As she entered the Club's Salon, Angique wondered where most of the women she used to know might have gone — and why. She'd been away for a year; it seemed she hardly knew anyone anymore. What's more, she hardly recognized the place. She walked into the huge, chandelier-lit room, looking around with wonder. Salmon-pink curtains were drawn across tall, half-round windows. They formed bays, strewn with white, silver and pink pillows. Sweet girls in pastel colored outfits sat on them,...

2 years ago
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Summer at the beach

It was a stinking hot summer back in '94.At home on summer vacation, we had a few relatives arriving ready for the big Christmas gathering we usually put on at our place.The whole week went really well, lots of hugs and kisses, heaps of presents getting opened, partying, drinking (for the oldies anyway) and just a load of good ol' fashioned FUN!Most of them moved on after Boxing day, heading back home, or venturing farther to continue their holiday. Aunt Sue however, decided to stay an extra...

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Tale of two mothers ch5

Margaret stood at the kitchen counter the next morning, smiling as she prepared the tuna salad sandwich that her son would take to school. Four more times her hung, horny child had fucked her the night before, shooting load after load into her wet, juicy pussy. Margaret felt more sexually satisfied than she had been in months. She was naked now, eager to teach her son more about sex before he left for the day. No matter how often he satisfied the wet need in her...

3 years ago
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Boarding Pass

Gratefully I sink into my seat. It is going to be a very long flight. NEWARK, my boarding pass says, but it’s just another destination at the end of yet another flight. I usually prefer to sit on the aisle but none of those seats are available and I feel lucky to even get a window. True, it’s in the very last row of the plane, but at least I don’t have to endure the three hours sandwiched into a middle seat between an ex-pro football player and a mother with a screaming infant. And with any...

3 years ago
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Sisters Slumber Party

Now that my sister is older, and I am in college, her slumber parties have not lost their luster. Any one that is invited, considers it an honor and a privilege. My parents only had one rule, no boys. My sister and her friends never broke that rule, which meant I was the only guy present among five to seven girls. Kim was very creative and planned each party with a different theme. Rarely was a theme repeated. However, one thing that could always be counted on was a hot and daring game of...

3 years ago
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My Sister JeanChapter 5 The Trip Home

The jazz group Four Play was playing softly over the hum of the big 4X4's tires. Bob James and Lee Rittenour were weaving their usual seamless and delightfully rich acoustic fabric as the western slope of the Sierra foothills fell away behind us. We'd fallen silent in the Scout after loading up our backpacking gear and getting some more ice for the chest near the exit of the National Forest. I was driving and Jean was looking out the passenger's window as we sat silently in our own...

2 years ago
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Helping Hand and the Rest

I trawl sites with very old stories and find the odd gem just crying out for improvement. This is a found, badly written, poor grammatical and difficult to understand at times story. Always having a thing for older chubby women, they had to have grand saggy tits, arse, big pussy lips and clitoris, but the latter is a bit of a rarity I found. I guess it stems from my own childhood, Mum, sister and an aunty, not knowing their intimacies – but I was swamped in wobbly white flesh and the nice...

1 year ago
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Becoming a Cuckold 3

Becoming a Cuckold, Ch. 3 of 3by DirtyMindedMomI stood at the foot of the bed watching my wife masturbate. I was naked, my cock hard and dripping pre-cum. Irene was also naked, her legs spread wide as she worked the large rubber penis in and out of her very wet pussy. Hearing her moans sent tingles of pleasure up my back. I was dying to stroke my dick, but she’d told me I wasn’t allowed to touch myself. It was torture.“Oh, Chet,” she groaned. “Fuck me. Fuck your sïster’s pussy with that...

1 year ago
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Busted 2

Carrie led me into the spare room that had been hers for the past months. It was a mess – clothes everywhere, empty cups cluttering the desk and window sill, the bin in the corner had various pieces of rubbish around it, as though she had thrown but missed. “What a dump!” she said, turning with the camera. She then faced me with a mischievous smile, “My, my, my… we simply can’t play in here – we’ll have to use your room. And I’ve always wanted to fuck you in the same bed that I know you’ve been...

2 years ago
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Second ChancesChapter 9 Discoveries

Sandy then went in and swapped out the cans and I saw her every step of the way. Well okay, it worked with Sandy too, but then, I was in love with both girls. I wondered if it would work in other circumstances. I had to try it out so I went out front of the house. I saw a young boy riding his bike down the street. There was a delivery truck coming up the street the other way. I watched the boy and did not lose sight of him even when the truck should have blocked my view. I went back to the...

1 year ago
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cindy makes a bet

Well it all started out simple enough, I was at Mike my husband's paintball practice when I slipped up and told the guy's on the team you could not beat a girl's team. The guy's told me to put my money where my mouth was. lol. So I said if you guy's win the tournament I will do any thing you ask (thinking what is the worst these guy will ask of me, might have to clean there car's or there paintball gear). I mean having been around these guy's for over 3 years now watching some them grow up the...

1 year ago
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The Ring AOChapter 77 Suzanne Qualified

Fred woke up around 6am and moved over in the bed to cuddle Helena. He ended us sleeping with his leg over Helena’s leg. Helena woke 15 minutes later and push Fred onto his back. She rolled on top of him and started to kiss his face then neck. As she was travelling down his chest to his nipples, she could feel Fred getting very hard. She pushed off the sheets and mounted him, Fred woke up just as the sheets were taken off him. He could feel Helena fully around his hard on and started to pump...

3 years ago
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What Happens on the Road

As I was growing up I had the biggest crush on my mom. I don't know why I think all boys do. I would dream about fucking her. I would try to and often would catch her naked or catch her and dad fucking. As I grew older and my dick got bigger and I grew hair on my nuts I started to jack off all the time my mom was one of my stars. A friend of mine showed me a pair of his mom's panties which I was not impressed with till he told me to smell them, which I did. Then I bought those panties from him...

1 year ago
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This story was given to me by a very good friend...Chapter 1 The firstI have had a huge urge to have sex with a man for some time now, so I got dressed and went out to a local dogging area yesterday.When I got there not a single car........To say I was disappointed was an understatementI waited about half an hour and was just going to drive home, then a lovely Renault van pulled up. It was shocking pink. Talk about being unobtrusive. Whoever was in there flashed his lights and I flashed mine. ...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 47 Adjustments

May 29, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “He hung up?” Kara giggled. “Yes! I’m guessing he was expecting another brother and didn’t appreciate the news!” “You’re right!” Kara giggled. “What a turkey! Are you going to call back?” “I figure right about now Jennifer is calling the hospital and asking to be connected to your room.” True to what I’d said, the phone rang. “What did you tell your son?” Jennifer asked when I answered. “The little turkey hung up on me when I told him that he had a new...

3 years ago
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Heather Asks a Simple Question and Gets a Complex AnswerChapter 4

Maybe you just took your first sexual experiences in stride but it kept my panties damp around the clock. It was almost all I could think about. Danny's penis was so exciting. I loved holding it and making it cum. What a thing to watch. And my breasts. I was so aware of my breasts, all the time, it was like they had spotlights shining on them. Sex was so different from everything else. So mind absorbing. It was all I was thinking about. The rest of my life, school and so on, was just...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Nyomi Star Hot Asian Chick Takes A Monster Cock In The Ass

All chicks need is some big black cock!! This week we have this crazy asian chick named Nyomi Star. Nyomi had never tried black dick before, so it was time to introduce her to Rico’s Monstrous cock. He pulled it out and almost had her running in fear. Eventually she tried it and loved every single inch of it. Rico slammed her pussy all over this motherfucker and then he moved on to pounding that ass. He expanded her anal cavity until it couldn’t stretch anymore. Nyomi screamed in pleasure with...

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MonstersOfCock Kali Roses Hottie Orders Monster Cock

Gorgeous Kali Roses is feeling horny today. She starts playing with her sweet little pussy and this makes her even more horny. She looks through her cell phone and comes across a service to order big black dick. After seeing what Charlie Mac is packing, she decides to call and make a special order. A bit later he’s knocking on the front door. She excitedly greets and pulls him inside. Right away she wants to take a look at that monster cock. She pulls down his pants and is more than excited...

4 years ago
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New beginnings

I stood in front of our new house, in my new town. It was your classic detached house in the suburbs white picket fence and all. "Hey I know it's our new house but help me move some of this," Jessie yelled stood by the car. I had the house a week and we already had the movers set up the house. We just had to move what we brought up in the car. Jessie was stood by the car, her long blond hair tied in a ponytail. dressed some casual jeans and white T-shirt showing off her tattoos going down her...

Mind Control
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Mom Having Sex In A Marriage Function

Hi friends mera naam anuj(name change) hai me 18 saal ka hu 12th class me study kr rha hu, ye kahani meri mom ki hai meri mom ki age 36yr ki hai, dikhne me bahot gori chikni hai height 5’7 thodi se belly fat hai but wo bahot hi sexy lagti hai unpar jab wo navel k niche apni saree bandhti hai, unka fig 36 32 36 hai jan wo chalti hai to unki gand bahot hilti hai aur boobs bhi bahot bounce hote hai, to ab story par aate hai, me dad mostly out of town rehte hai aur weekly ate hai, ek baar me aur...

2 years ago
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The TGirl who Became my Secret Wife

"So you were hopped up on testosterone and just fucked these random women? "haha i laughed, no its so much more subtle." For example I am in the Sauna after working out, This 40 year old looking mom comes in and sits across from me. I'm a simple man so I do what works stand up and walk over, extend my hand and say "Hi, my name is Maxwell" She looked up at me with this look, the look an older woman gives you when they make up their mind that they'd fuck you. She takes my hand and says "I'm...

1 year ago
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Tales of My Depraved Life Part 2 Being Used

Everyone should experience having a sweet, young, warm, hairless cock in their mouth at least once in life. A few months before turning 12, I spent the summer in the Adirondack Mountains at a place called Connor’s Lake. It was shaped like a cashew nut and our rental was at the bottom tip of the 200 yard long 50 yard wide, deep, cold lake. I began exploring the first day. Going to the right around the outside curve of the cashew, I found a small beach area where a strip of imported...

2 years ago
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Shaadi Men Bhabhi Ki Thukai

Hi friends mai aaj jo story narrate kar raha hun ye mere sath ek shaadi men hui thi , is story ki sexy aur hot heroin ka name Meenu Singh hai , she is a married sexy housewife Jiske 2 pyaare bache hai . Meenu ki age 33years hai , colour fair gadraya badan 36 size ke ras se bhare hue boobs jisse dekh kar Koi bhi mard pagla jaye , bade gol chutar ( gand) jo Uske heel pehene pe mano keh rahe the aao mujhe peldo. Ab mai story pe aata hun , mere ek bahut hi khas dost ki sister ki shaadi thi , shaadi...

2 years ago
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Resham Jaisi

Baat tab ki hai jab main dasvin mein padhta thha mere pados mein ek sardar family rahti thhi. family business family thhi…ehk chhoti moti kiraane ki dukaan jaise..magar locality close knit hone ki wajah se achchhi sales hoti thhi…dukaan ke maalik ek 32 saal ke sardar ji thhe jo apni bahut khoobsurat biwi ke saath rahte thhe. unke saath hi nke ma baap bhi rahte the har brihaspat ko dukaan band hone ki wajah se sardarji dilli jaate thhe apni dukaan ka saamaan khareedne ke liye. Ek roz dopahar...

3 years ago
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Pahli chudai

Hello friend’s, I am Vicky 27 m, from c.g… Ye meri pahli our real story hai. Our mera pahla chudai anubhav bhi. Friend’s vaise to mai kafi samay se iss ka reader hu. Our isi se hi mujhe bhi laga ki mai bhi apne life ke kuchh mazedar anubhav ko aap sabhi se share karu. Isi liye mai ye story likh raha hu. Agar aap logo ko meri ye story pasand aaye to mujhe jarur mail kariyega. Mera mail id- , to chaliye ab story ki baat karte hai. Ye us samay ki baat hai jab mai class 12th me padta tha, bahut hi...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kimora Quin Sultry Asian Beauties Blowjob Fuck Swallow

Petite Asian stunner Kimora Quin poses in hose, garters and tiny top, showing XXX director/stud Mick Blue her flawless, gorgeous body. She displays her natural tits and shimmies her round butt for the camera, giving Mick and viewers a peek at her tight asshole. Kimora masturbates, jamming fingers into her fur-topped pink pussy. Mick stuffs his tongue into her slit, tasting the flavor. He jams his big cock into her cunt and delivers a relentless fuck to the stockinged beauty. Mick’s POV...

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Engineering a Perfect Solution

My name is Allen Culbertson and my wife is named Crys. We have been married for twelve years that I can honestly say we have been very happy. I work at a major manufacturing company as the department manager in their mechanical engineering department and Chris is a demographic analyst for an advertising agency. We have no children yet. But today, I have a problem, no, I have a major problem. Through a series of errors in judgment, I have put my marriage and my career on the line and the piper...

2 years ago
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Tess in the Adult Book Store

It had been a long day at work for Tess and all day she had been horny as hell. She had gotten a message from her husband, who was out of town on an extended business trip, to go find some strange cock since he was not there to fuck her. He understood her need to be degraded. He knew that she was a nasty whore, and needed to be treated like one. She needed a cock in her mouth and cum running down her face. Today she needed to be mouth raped. Hubby told Tess right where to go in order to find...

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A Little HelpChapter 6

I woke up to a beeping alarm clock after another restless night. Despite my best hopes, Ilse hadn’t called me the day before. I had dozed off only half an hour ago when the beeping startled me. I hit the snooze button three times. That way the alarm would start again in thirty minutes and wake me up in time to call my manager. It took several long minutes, but I managed to fall asleep again. Nightmares had plagued me for most of the night again. I had eaten another light meal after getting...

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Seduction Of A Conservative Sexy Hosuewife

By : Raj_khanna28 I am Raj, a happily married man of 32 years age having one child and have a very strong sex drive. After reading so many stories on ISS, I felt that I should share my sexperience which I had long ago, at the age of 26. That time I was in Mumbai, staying with my uncle at Andheri, for getting a certificate in A/c and Refrigeration through a institute from Dadar, After passing out of a diploma course. Now, I will come to the point. I met a gentleman of age 37 yrs called...

2 years ago
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Just Business

Jeff twirled the ice in his scotch and let out a long sigh. "She's cheating on you," the voice in his head said.After all that he had done for her over the past 6 months he just couldn't believe it. But now, as he thought about it, all the signs had been there. The lack of communication, the persistent mood swings, the excuses not to have sex. All of those things pointed to one excruciating fact: there was someone else. Jeff's worst fears had now become a reality. He was in Boston on business...

Straight Sex
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Andrews shopping suprise

When Andrew left for the mall this morning his intentions were to find a new pair of jeans and maybe a couple of shirts. As things turned out he got more of a deal than he bargained for. The first couple of stores he did not see anything that caught his eye but while checking out new shirts in the third he saw something that he liked. She was about as tall as his 5’10” with a nice shape and firm looking boobs, and a page boy hair cut. He noticed she had a name tag on so he was hoping she would...

3 years ago
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My Fucktoy Sister Chapter 01 Teasing My Pussy For A Stranger

My husband, Frank, was a very busy manager at a Medical firm. It was thanks to his hard work that I could live in a beautiful house. I was also very proud of my younger brother, Scott. He’s 19 and was currently studying Law in University. Our parents insisted on sending him to boarding school. Pretty much not long after he hit puberty, he was sent away. I was against it as his sister, not wanting to have my brother being so far away from me. I mean, how would we develop a bond as siblings...

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