The Bull-demon Killer free porn video

Bull the demon killer
by stHell66
Bull-half demon,half beast, hero of El Diablo, looks like a 8ft red demon with two horns and huge bat wings. A greek warrior hermit covers his face and his redish long beard braided down his muscular chest. His body shows the scars of past battles, covered by his huge black leather cloak. He is the cities greatest hero battling ghouls, demons,vampires, werewolves,etc and usally for a price. His powers are very strong, mostly invincible and heals up quite nicely.
Lesser Ajax-a fiendish demon dwarf, Bull's right hand, with a huge penile implant.
puppy-a pretty teen girl kidnapped by Bull and turned into a demon to be Bull's sex slut. Bull usually uses her as bait to caught a bad fiend. Pretty punk girl blonde hair huge breast, small K9 teeth. she lives on piss,and bugs, no longer does she have instestines. Her powers able too endure alot of pain, flexible green flex bones in her back, long 7 in snake tongue, an attaction to any bad element and can be relived from the dead,by the taste of blood.
(note to readers especially the ones that like to put themselves in the story//dirty little sluts...: image your a she-demon with really no power to help you out, a whore having to serve the welps of a sadist demon. Like a Lara Croft having to serve a sadist master. Let the adventure begin... ba ba ba)
part 1-at home amusing yourself with puppy
The TV showing the latest of El Diablo news, the reporter speaks as the scene of Bull putting his huge military boot on his latest capture some hog demons that has been terrorizing the south-east side with their smell and behavior.
"The Bull has made El Diablo safier to live again... stomping out a small gang of hog demons on the south-east side today." the reporteer walks up to the Bull and continues "How hard was it this time to capture this Demon gang?"
The BUll in his rough deep voice "Hard.. very hard I took a bullet right the *blank* here!" showing his bullet wound on his massive right bicep.
He had to bend to talk into the mic,beginning 8ft tall "One of those *blank*blank*(that the news edited his comments)got lucky and shoot me!"
"Will you need to go to the doctors today it looks pretty bad?"
"no no a good cold beer will make it all better...especially if its Diablo Beer! ...made here in El Diablo..half the carbs." Putting the can of beer in the camera, making sure the label was showing.
"Thanks again Bull what would this city do without you."
Laughing at the news "What fuckin' cramp! .. maybe they shouldn't of put this city on a Hell Gate, If I was Human I would get the Hell out of here." Lord Bull in human form, a 400 pd fat hairy half-bald man sits in his favorite lazy-boy.
"Ajax! ... get puppy out I want to play with it." as he takes a sip of his longneck ice cold beer.
Ajax uncuts the rope that tied her in a medium sized dog cage. He tied her to the top of the cage so her fuck her ass anytime. Puppy cried falling to the bottom of the cage, her bones cracked in pain from non-movement. He opened the door, puppy meekly crawled out her arms still tied behind her back. Puppy starving for a bug, cum,blood and pee the only food that she could ingest now that she was demonized. She was in pain as she crawled, she had been in the same position for a week. She smelled horrible-lik piss, old piss,old blood and old cum.
Bull smelled her "Get in the corner filfty cunt! .. clean yourself." smiling at her position.
In only weeks she was a rebellious punk teeen, with a potty mouth and a bad additude. That's were they found her hitch-hiking leaving her safe pretty home,were people loved her and kept her safe. Now she was a demon that had to beg each day to survive from her new sadist Masters. But later Bull hasn't thought of her, leaving her in the cage just like a toy, only brought out to play with. He left her in the fate and care of Ajax, a dwarf sadist demon. Ajax rubbed his penile implant thinking of fucking puppy's face, some time soon. Ajax yanked on her clit leash, a heavy metal chain that was attached to a ring piercing to her little pink teeen pee hole. Her clit now red, swollen and stretched having to carry the weight of the heavy chain. Ajax lead her to the corner and watched her lick herself clean, flexible from her new demon green bones. She licked her bare cunt first with her 7in split snake tongue. CLeaning the old stain of dirty sweat,blood piss and cum. She already had her ears,eye brow,belly and mouth peirced being a goth punk chick. But the clit leash, 4rings on her labia lips her, 2 on her arse and nipple piercing were quite new. The puppy wasn't allowed in the bathroom nor stand, she had to lick herself clean. Bull waited for her self-grooming as he watched "american singer", that he considered the best show on TV. He made puppy and Ajax sing along to the contestants, as he drunk and ate his food.
Cuntlet today his favorite, from one of his servants of the church of demon worship. It was the less the girl could give after saving her family of a nasty closet monster. He was the savior of the city, The Bull, he kicked ass and killed demons. Most people, especially the people of El Diablo, considered him a superhero, but few lik puppy knew him as a sadist demon.
"Hurry up puppy bitch... I need to go piss." Holding a cockroach up to her lik a doggy snack.
puppy was hungery, starving, the bug was like candy. She crawled to him with her arms behind her back. Bull sits up and spreads his fatty blabber legs, 400 pds of fat hind his cock. He didn't really lik his human form but he had to deal with- it took alot of energy to stay in the form of the Bull,slim muscular and cut.
puppy saliving at the big roach drool drips down the side of her open petite pouch mouth.
"no no puppy please my cock, make me cum and serve as my pissing hole then you get the bug." he smiles his sadist smile, as the pretty teen spreads his layers of fat to find his cock.
puppy knows that she's in a mess of trouble if she doesn't devour his cock, make luv to his cock, make noise and moan as she licks and swollows his limp cock. He grabs her teen cheerleader braids and forces his cock deep down her throat. Ajax kept rubbing his cock enjoying the view of her sore red teen quite fucked ass. Her asre still alittle open and red from the ass fuck earlier this afternoon.
She prays in her demon voice as she sucks his cock, to her his cock is god,if she gets him to cum it was a blessing, lik food of the gods. UNlike the human counterpart Demons lik BUll can control his orgasm and he can cum lik its pee(more than 30cc) and thick.
"that's it fuckin' bitch suck it... suck it..suck it... worship my cock" talking dirty controlling her pace..up and down on his uncut cock head by holding her braids.
"Down..damn fuckin' down... deep throat my holy cock.. get that cum.. fuckin' cum whore ...starve for it.. bitch."
puppy contunies to suck her jaw sore and her throat stretched from his huge cock getting bigger and bigger-4ins thick and 14in long cock, he wanted she to choke on his cock, kill her by cock sucking-BUT... it would be a Hell of a time getting his cock out of her mouth if she dead or if she gets lock-jaw. Even a demon's prick is sensitive, but he did lik alittle bitting.
"that's it cunt bitch ... I'm ready.. get it out... cunt lick it.. yeah.. fuck yeah!" as he cums on her face, actually soaking her face. Her eyes burnt, her nose filled with cum, her hair wet with cum. She got her snake tongue out..ready to wipe her face,ingest his cum.
"no no puppy I want you to wear it tonight, don't lick it... Show me how much you luv your master's cum, you look much better, face soaked in cum. It show how much a cum whore you are." as he teased her tongue with the same huge roach.
"Ajax give me puppy's leash and take this ugly nast bug." he laughed with a dirty thought on his mind.
He always lik to make his puppy suffer alittle. Her screams of pain he truly enjoyed, it was his favorite song. They made her stretch for the bug that she wanted so badly. Making her stretch her clit ring as she had her 7 in snake tongue out trying to reach the bug that she despairly needed. Ajax had the bug in his midget fingers teasing her with it making her stretch more and more, pulling out her clit. puppy hadn't ate in days, she had so want fries and a hamburger but she would vomit alnight with horrible cramping. She had to get used to the taste of insects, it was what her body carved now.
Bull gave a good yank, making her cry "That's it beg for it cunt."
puppy crying in pain, her sore clit bleeding "Please Lord Bull and Lord Ajax please.. please may it have the bug to eat."
Ajax smiled and threw it on the floor and stomped on the bug. A tear some mercy would be nice, a live bug is much more tasty then a dead squated one. Ajax walked next to Bull still sitting in his lazy-boy, they watched as puppy licked the smashed bug from the blood stained carpet floor. WHich was most likely hers.
As they watched puppy licking the bug, the TV had a small message come across the bottom on the scence "werewolves attack claiming 5 lives this week, more detail stay tuned after the show."
A few minutes after the red bright hero phone rang, it was the Mayors private line to Bull.
The Mayor "Mr Bull the city needs you. I have to do something about the werewolves, a council women all most was raped by one of the beast. She barely made it to the car." he said scared and fast.
"Which one mayor?.. ok mayor chill.. slow down.." hoping it was the hottie council women that he meet late week, starting to light a cigar.
"Mrs ANderson!" Mayor still not slowing down, still with the same pitch.
Bull puffs on his cigar, enjoying the after cum glow "ya ya..yeah she could be fuckin' hot if I could get her out of her power suits, I would luv ya' take her up the ass.." as he yanks puppy to his cock again, making she mouth fit around his cock. "especially when that wide bottle cock sucking mouth is talking to the board."
The voice of the mayor in shock about his language but he was use to it "SIR! MR BULL! the werewolves?"
"Ya ya sorry Mr Mayor..." grabbing puppy's braids and starts pissing down her throat,.."have big plans in africa,.. have to save other parts of the world too you know... I'm not just El Diablo's hero."
"please the city would lik your help soon."
"Not yet.." trying a puff of his cigar, thinking this is the life smoking a cigar and pissing in a bitch's mouth-nice.. "my bait isn't on her period yet.. werewolves luv the taste and smell of blood, bye now." chic.
Bull din't care about the attacks, and the mayor wasn't going to pay him enough...yet. He always like to make the mayor wait making him pay alittle more.
He had done enough freebies this late month, "what did he think I am a saint", Bull laughed taking his cock out of puppy's mouth and spraying alittle drops on her cum soaked face.
Plus he hated werewolves: they were big bad,scatched,bit,smelled bad, they weren't easy to kill. puppy wasn't on her period yet, werewolves loved bitches on their period, they could smell the blood. He had other plans, he had a tip about a ancient scroll in a temple guarded by mean nasty apes. He wanted to get the scroll but all demons has limits, his was his prison, he could never leave El Diablo and its city limits, which he lied to the mayor. Kicked out of hell to live his life in this filfty city-full of demons, werewolves,vampires,zombies,etc....But the city did have a few good mexican restrautants. Not really a beach with a view, with a full ice crest of ice cold beer.
"pussy puppy show how you pray to your Lord Cock, now! get in the corner and pray your little pray." as puppy licks the last drop on urine off the tip of his penis.
Ajax untied her arms to help her pray. puppy crawled in the corner faced the corner and masturbated to a inverted black cross with small spikes on the side. She started saying her prays in her demon tongue.
"you know I lik it rough little ho', show you god that hurts blood for your god." Bull turns off the TV and gets his favorite porno mag to look at.
puppy rubs the cross harder against her labia lips. Ajax shoves her face in the wall of the corner and starts fucking her sore red ass "Keep praying little cunt."
Ajax enjoys fucking his puppy in the ass, he makes sure ea stroke hurts her unlubed sore ass.
puppy cries in pain , ajax "that's it.. slut cry..cry I'm going to make it hurt, pray to your cock god ask for mercy fuckin' ho'.. this is your pendents for being a cunt it wasn't your choose but you are a cunt, born to be fucked born to serve your Lord cock." as he continues to fuck her, he gets close to cumming "that's it... yeah yeah.. I'm ready."
Bull watching ajax and puppy mating, smiling alittle hunger he always likes some cunt blood after dinner and a smoke. "Ajax, damn hurrry up, after you cum in puppy's ass bring her over here."
Ajax rams her face in the wall making her nose bleed, as he continues to fuck her ass. Ajax yanks on her nipples and nipple rings. He truly enjoys the puppy scream in pain, and that she did.
"scream bitch...scream in pain... I'll make it hurt ...I'll stetch that fuck stupid fuckin' cunt... fuck take it... oh oh yeah!" as he slammmed her head in the wall agin and torn her left nipple ring out.
He cums inside her bleeding ass letting puppy roll in a ball trying to comfort her torn nipple.
"puppy hurry over... crawl to me I'll take care of you poor nipple." he pointed to Ajax to get her over.
Ajax yanked on her clit leash to get her to crawl to Bull. Puppy crawled to Bull led by the clit leash with cum and blood oozing down her thigh. puppy was hurting, face soaked with cum and piss, a torn nipple, a stretch and bleeding clit, a sore and well fucked ass full of fresh cum. Bull opens his arms, looking so inviting "come now puppy sit on my lap."
puppy crawls on his lap lik a wounded dog, "I'll make it all better," as he pets her, combing her hair.
He hugs her, as he sees her veins in her neck pop out, waiting for his bit. "there there.."
Then he sinks his vampire teeth into her neck, making her drop to the floor off his chair ...
to be the fuck crazy ape adventure

- 11.11.2022
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