Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part 5
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: The morning after… A/N – Hi guys, sorry for the wait, hope this doesnt disappoint! Please let me know what you guys think, I still love reading comments so much!
Part 3
When I wake, I am confused. This doesnt feel like my bed. My body is sore and when I shift my legs slightly a spasm of pain rushes through me from my womb. My skin is chilled and feels odd, but I cant yet place my discomfort. It doesnt take me long to figure it out though. Why the fuck am I naked? My vision is blurred and my eyes feel itchy and painfully dry. Did I forget to remove my contacts last night? I make a move to rub my eyes. As soon as I lift my hand I feel something tighten around my waist. I freeze, horror halting even my breathing as I realize the thing holding me is an arm. The strong arm pulls me backwards while I lie helpless on my side. Soft, warm skin covering hard muscle presses into my back, using the arm to form a fleshy cage around my body, and all the while I am frozen, like a deer caught in headlights. Its only when a firm thigh drapes over my legs and I feel something soft brush against my bottom that I begin to scream.
Oh God, Ive been raped! My screams tear through my throat and I fight hard to get away from the naked man behind me. When he tightens his grip even further I curl my body inwards and bite his forearm as hard as I can. A soft growl of pain echoes into my left ear but the man does not release me. The dry contact lenses continue to hinder my vision but I can still make out blurry shapes and colours. When I look at the arm still clamped onto me I see red blood seeping from black skin.
Black skin? Even in my panicked state I find this odd.
Still struggling, I start kicking my legs out and wriggling my body more violently. Bitter tears burn my eyes as they fall and my screaming has morphed into wails of despair. The man loosens his hold slightly as I sob and it takes me a while to realise that his other hand is softly stroking my hair, almost as if he is trying to soothe me. This, oddly, does soothe me and I calm down just enough to hear him speak my name.
Selena, he whispers again, do not be afraid my love. Calm yourself, for no harm shall befall you while I still breathe.
That voice… so deep and gentle, it makes me tremble with longing. I stop struggling and take a deep breath. My vision has cleared somewhat and I look down at his arm again. It isnt black, but a mosaic of moving colours, swirling beneath red tattoos. Ive seen this before… in a dream perhaps?
Yes, last night in my dream of need, lust and passion. My body was taken by a demon, my lover, my King…
Suddenly everything comes flooding back. It wasnt a dream, last night was real. I clasp my hands onto his injured arm, wiping away the blood from the wound I created and lean down to kiss it.
Asmodeus, I beg, speaking into his arm, forgive me.
I ask this not because Im afraid of him but because I am genuinely mortified that I hurt him and worse, that I forgot him, if only for a moment.
He stops stroking my hair and slips his arm under my body. Shifting his other arm lower, he hooks it behind my knees and pulls me toward him, cradling me like a baby. I lay my head in his chest, filled with shame, my tears leaking onto his bare torso. He releases my legs but brings his own thigh up to support me so that I am still curled up and close to him. Cupping my face with his free left hand, he turns it toward his and captures my mouth in a sweet kiss. His hand drops away from my face and slides smoothly along my body, stopping at my round rump. He gives it a sharp squeeze and the brief pain sends a jolt of pleasure racing through my heart. Our mouths move with frenzied excitement and I feel my arousal growing. I laugh against his lips as I feel his arousal as well, stiffening so very close to my centre of pleasure.
Looking up at him I am amazed that this is really happening. Here I am, in the arms of a man who is not a man at all and we are in sync, in perfect harmony with each other. Not even twenty-four hours ago, I was in my own bed at home, cold and terribly lonely. Twenty doesnt seem like an old age, but to me, without someone I could love and who would love me back, it has felt like a lifetime. I have watched the people around me fall in and out of love, laugh and cry in its name, and all the while I lamented the fact that I had never loved at all. There were so many times I would look at my life and despair, wondering if I would always be alone. Now, here, in his arms, my heart swells with joy and thuds sweetly against my lovers. I feel an overwhelming rush of pure love for him (ironically) this demon who abducted me in the night and it brings tears to my eyes again.
I press my lips hard against his once more, hoping I can convey everything I feel for him with it.
Thank you. I say out loud.
For what, my Selena? he purrs, his eyes burning so beautifully.
You know already, my King.
I have shown you only the minimum of what you deserve and I assure you my dear, you deserve much more. Come with me now, my pet, I shall bestow upon you a few tokens of my affection.
He makes to move but I stop him.
Wait. I say, placing a palm on his chest. I dont need any gifts. This, right here, is enough for me.
Although, I consider, my cheeks burning, I could do with some clothes.
He laughs that gorgeous laugh of his and I feel the heat radiating from my face, my blush has always been unusually red for my chocolate coloured skin. Thoroughly embarrassed, I slap his chest lightly and hide my steaming face there again.
Dont laugh at me, I protest playfully, looking up again, Im serious!
But I say it with a smile on my lips, so I dont think he believes me.
He pulls me in closer and pokes a finger into a deep dimple in my cheek.
Were it just I who would look upon you, I would have you bare before me always my sweet. Alas, others would see that which belongs to me and they shall not have the privilege of seeing all of you. Your body is for my pleasure and mine alone, which is fortunate for you. I will provide you with everything you require.
Yay, lucky me, I get clothes. Its ridiculous to think that this tiny detail is even up for discussion. One with think that new clothes would be a given considering how my old ones were rendered useless. Then again, why should I expect anything from the demon whos keeping me as his personal sex toy? Im not angry though, quite on the contrary, I find his words strangely erotic.
Yes, lucky you indeed, my Selena. He says, with a wicked glint in his eye.
I dont think he caught my sarcasm.
Come, I will procure your clothing.
He makes a move to get up again, dragging me with him like a ragdoll. I stop him again though, clearing my throat, remembering something he seems to have forgotten.
So, I start casually, you dont want me to, er… take care of your… um, friend down here first?
I stretch my leg out slowly and rub my calf lightly against his… friend.
He seizes my thigh swiftly in his large, strong hand and pulls me left a little so that I am centred on his chest. Taking this as my signal, I spread my legs wider to straddle his hips. As soon as I part my knees though, another sharp stab of pain races through my core. I hiss at the sting and stop moving. It seems that I am still a bit sore from last night. It saddens me that my body will not allow me to fulfil the promise I made with my actions and playful words.
Suddenly, Asmodeus turns us over so that now he is on top of me, and I fret that he is going to just take what he wants. He doesnt enter my still sensitive body though. Instead he slides down the bed quickly and stops with his face hovering over my sex, his hands clamped onto my thighs, tenderly pulling them apart.
Ah, this looks familiar.
Dipping his head down, he runs his tongue slowly over the soft folds of my opening. His sensuous soft tongue moves like deliciously hot water, flowing over and around my little nub. Whatever his mouth touches becomes wet with his fluids and mine. When he moves, a shiver expands through me from the place he last was, as the wet skin cools in the soft breeze that is his breathing. He laps up everything my body offers and my breathing speeds as my pleasure increases.
His tongue is beginning its invasion into me now and I feel no pain. All I can register is the amazingly alien feel of his mouth on my sex and one of his hands sliding up to squeeze my ass. My hips jolt as I moan loud and long, trying to regulate my breathing, and failing. Hes just too damn good at this. Its amazing how he knows just what to do and just where to- Ahhhh…..
His tongue slips out of my body and his sharp teeth graze lightly against my clit. My gut tightens with pleasure and my chest constricts. Fuck that feels so good.
His amazing mouth creates contrasting versions of pleasure within me, making my body weak and strong both. Soon, very soon, he has me mewling like a kitten and clawing at the sheets like a tigress, affording me so much pleasure that I can barely stand it. My legs shake even as they tighten around my lover and my mind does not know whether to shut down or revel in the intensity that is the pleasure he gives me. I feel as if Im going to explode and, as he sucks hard on my clit one last time, I do.
A small rush of warmth flows from me and onto his waiting lips as I climax hard, throwing my head back and arching my body off the bed. My legs clamp onto his broad shoulders and my scream of ecstasy echoes through the cavern. An uncontrollable shudder reverberates up from my toes to my shoulders and the sound of it rushes in my ears. When I slump back onto the bed I pant heavily and release my death-grip on the sheets. My clitoris throbs wonderfully and every little jolt sends more pleasure racing through my veins. Finally my breathing slows and all the exquisite tension of my release drains away from my body as I relax.
Moaning with delight, I reach down for my King and pull at his shoulders until he moves back up and pulls me onto his hard body again. I swear I could remain like this forever, my lust satisfied and resting on the chest of my beloved.
You healed me, didnt you? I whisper, gingerly shifting my legs again, pleased that the pain is gone.
Would you like to finish what I started?
I am spent, exhausted from the superb treatment of my body but I cannot keep taking my gratification while he suffers without his. I move my hand down his chest, my touch slow and teasing. Trailing my fingers lower still, I reach out and gently stroke his magnificent tool.
He pulls my hand away like he did last night, though gently this time, and holds it in his above his heart.
I am hurt by this. Doesnt he want me to please him?
Later, love. I want your body not your hands.
This time, when he moves, I dont protest. My face is flushed with embarrassment from being rejected by the Demon of Lust himself. My throat closes and tears threaten to spill. When he lifts me up, cradling me close once more, I turn my head away, hoping he does not notice the wetness on my cheeks. What is wrong with me? My moods are all over the place and I feel like an over-emotional fool. I should not be crying over such a small and stupid thing.
Asmodeus ignores me, he must have sensed my ridiculous insecurities and is allowing me time to work through them quietly. He stands still, holding me in his arms and breathing steadily into my hair. Another flood of warm love rushes through me for him and my tears dry up. What the hell was I just crying about anyway?
To divert my thoughts I look up at my demon and ask about him, his long life, his brothers and God, whether or not He really exists.
Sighing, Asmodeus starts walking. As he walks, with me staring up into his face from my perch in his arms, he begins to speak.
We do not call our parent god, that is a word you humans came up with to define the indefinable. No word can be accurately used to either name or explain your god. The most accurate human term would perhaps be the Creator. Crude as it is, the word can be used to label the being that created something out of nothing.
So He exists then? I ask, mesmerised by the wonderful storyteller timbre his voice has taken, as well, of course, by the epic story being told.
The Creator is neither a He nor a She and yet, is both. Order and Chaos combined, the Great One created time itself from the infinite void of nothingness. How, He|She came to be, is in and of itself a conundrum, for this Creator was borne of the cataclysm which also gave birth to time. This makes the Great One, His|Her own Mother and Father both, a feat that no other creature in this universe can boast.
Awestruck, I process his words slowly and he is patient, pausing what I know will be a long story so that I can follow it. Curious about his words a number of questions spring to mind.
Humans havent got it all wrong then, have we? Your explanation reminds me of a Greek myth, the one that explains the big bang.
I am not familiar with human mythology. He answers, sounding amused. Enlighten me.
Annoyed, I give him the short version.
Basically, it talks about how the Mother Goddess Gaia made the Earth from the void, I smile up at him, from chaos.
He is unfazed and certainly not impressed.
The Great One has many names. I suppose Guy-ee-ah shall suffice also.
Its Gaia, but enough about that, tell me about angels. I request with relish. If demons exist then angels must too.
Now, he looks annoyed but continues regardless.
From the Creators right hand, strong and just sprang forth His|Her Seven enforcers, the Archangels of Order. From His|Her left hand, dark and soulful the Princes of Destruction were born, surrendering to Chaos and her charms. Neither race was like their Mother|Father, but was likened each, to only one of the two sides which make up their Parent.
When did He, I mean She- I stop, trying hard to change twenty years of false conceptions concerning the divine. How did the Creator, well&hellip, create humans? Are they closer to Order or Chaos?
You humans say that your god created man in his image. This is truer than anything you will ever learn, for humans were borne of the Creators very heart. We, His|Her original children, Angels and Demons alike will never again experience His|Her touch, we will never kneel before Our Creator for we cannot ascend as humans can. We were not made in the Great Ones image and therefore are bound for eternity to either Order or Chaos. His voice is all bitterness and grief.
Eyes wide, rubbing soothing circles on his chest I ask gently, What do you mean?
The Creators gift to humanity, at the dawn of your creation, was the gift of choice. This choice enabled you to transcend the bonds of both sides and live short yet balanced lives in which Order and Chaos are One within you. This union gives you the opportunity to choose between right and wrong, and good and evil.
You love, hate and sin, as well as pray, fear and overcome while we, who were born immortal are shackled by the circumstances of our birth. For an Angel can neither love nor hate, while a Demon will never find detachment or peace. Neither side is good nor evil as you humans would believe. Creatures such as myself, trapped in either Order or Chaos become the embodiment of whichever Force they are attached to, making them nothing more and nothing less than vessels for Order and Chaos to work through so that a balance of sorts may be preserved.
Youre a demon though, dont evil humans get sent to you? Doesnt that in turn make you evil?
Is a human jailer evil just because those he guards are? Yes, I am a demon, who sends forth my sin to tempt humans towards the side of Chaos. I am however, just continuing the task appointed to me by my Mother|Father, at the moment the first human drew breath. Again, love, let me emphasize that I just tempt humans, it is their choice whether or not they follow. Chaos is a part of me, it allows me love and hate both.
I open my mouth to interrupt again, but he shushes me and continues.
No, before you ask, love and hate are not opposites but rather like two sides of a single coin. Both are chaotic in their own ways and by that characteristic, it is impossible for the Angels to feel either. Order makes them indifferent to everything and everyone but our Lord, though even He|She they cannot love. They want for nothing but need to be in the glorious presence of the Creator again, a goal they will never attain, no matter how much they pray.
That is so sad. I murmur, What is the point in such a life? For Angels and Demons both I mean, it seems unfair that you have to live immortal half-lives. I am truly sorry.
I mean my words whole heartedly and if my Demon Kings words are true (I dont see why he would lie) then it means that he will never find enlightenment. Now, I understand his little joke earlier. Nothing I or anyone else says will ever allow him to be whole or to meet his beloved Creator. He is stuck here forever, watching over the damned whose souls will all eventually ascend to meet the Great One, no matter what evil they have committed in the past.
Do not pity me human! His words are harsh and menacing. I am a demon, not some sniveling boy. You would be wise to remember so in the future.
Confused at his sudden change of tone, I cower as far as I possibly can in his arms and try to control my racing heart.
I- Im sorry. I stutter, unsure what else to say. I have seen him angry before, but never at me.
His face softens a little and he rubs my arm reassuringly.
Do not be love. Never apologize for being what you are. Likewise, as much as my words seem to have upset you, I will not apologize for them either. I am what I am, as you are what you are. You are a human, with human emotion but I am a monster, a child of Chaos herself and I make no apologies. As such, I warn you now that I possess a horrendous temper, which flares at the best of times. Do not take my anger to heart for I shall not harm you. As I have revealed, demons can love as easily as they hate and can manage both faster than humans. I already love you, my Selena, do not fear me.
My trembling stops and I hug him close. Again I find myself wondering, what do I say to that?
Do not say the words unless you mean them my pet, I know that when one human professes their love, the other must do the same, but I am not human, so I do not need sweet lies to satisfy my ego. Your caution stems from the part of you which is allied with order. You are only human and should not feel ashamed.
Considering this carefully I answer.
I do feel&hellip, love for you, but I dont think I am in love you just yet. I wince, the words sound cruel.
Do not feel guilty my love. You have spoken the truth and that is all I ask.
He stops walking and gently places me onto the hard floor. I am unsteady on my feet for a few seconds and take a hold of his arm to right myself. Looking around I see that we are in yet another empty cave.
Are you sure you stopped at the right place? I dont see any clothes.
He laughs and gestures into the empty space.
Are you sure you have searched properly? Look again. That mischievous glint has returned to his eyes and my playful demon is back, all serious talk forgotten.
Smiling, my eyes sweep the cave and again find nothing.
Nope, I say, I dont see any-
Out of the corner of my eye something glints in the unnatural red light of the cavern. Whipping my head around, I see that it is a stone chest of sorts, with iron detailing. With an approving nod from Asmodeus, I take a hesitant step towards the mysterious new object.
Turning back at my lover, frowning, I ask, Where did that come from.
Questions later love, I believe you requested clothing. He inclines his head toward the chest and lifts a hand in its direction.
I walk the remaining steps and stop in front of the chest, acutely aware of the hot-blooded demon at my back. The chest is large and looks heavy, I doubt I will even be able to lift the lid. I run my fingers over the beautiful metal-work set in the stone and am reminded of the gorgeous bed-frame in the main cavern. I notice also, that the chest seems to be attached to the floor beneath, almost as if it has grown from the stone there. Suddenly I realize how the chest and bed came to be.
You created this, didnt you? I ask in awe. You made this with your power, the one you used to melt the walls.
Yes, dear one, anything you see in my domain is my will. Here, everything is as I wish it to be and now, I have willed this chest into creation. Open it, I am sure you will find clothing in there to your taste.
I open it – the lid isnt as heavy is it looks – and peek inside. Beautifully coloured shimmery material shines up at me, the chest is filled with silk dresses. I gently lift out the one nearest to the top. Its navy blue with a plunging neckline, flared skirts and a lace back. Running my fingers along the intricate patterns which make up the lace I am astonished to find that is made of finely spun silver. How the silver is attached to the silk, I have no idea but the effect is breath-taking.
You made this? Again I am astounded that something so utterly beautiful can come from the imagination of a demon.
Of course, love. Art is chaotic and beautifully so. As such, all demons are artistic, did you not notice the art on the walls of my throne room?
I shudder, thinking back to the bloody looking art on the walls.
I remember. This is nothing like that though. Your art is in a class of its own.
It pleases me that the clothing suits your taste. Try on as many as you like, I will allow you some time. I have other business to attend, however, I will send a herald to deliver you to me in one hour.
With that he turns to leave. This causes me to panic slightly, I am afraid to be here alone.
Wait! I cry, Dont leave me! Who will help me pick the right one? I cant see how I look in them.
I add this seductively, swaying my hips toward him.
In response, he simply raises a clawed hand, curling his fingers inward and on the wall next to the chest, a large iron frame begins to grow from the rock. Delicate cracking and wind-chime sounds signal the addition of a large glass pane, again, growing out of nothing. A thin sheet of silver forms behind it, polished and reflective. Eventually were left with a full length mirror set in an iron frame.
Like everything he makes, this is also a gorgeous work of art.
This should suffice. Anything else you require shall present itself to you of its own accord. He says this with a curious glint in his eyes, almost as if he is testing a theory.
He leaves before I can protest again, sealing me in the new cave. When he is gone I feel cold, any happiness he brings me is slowly sapped away. Again I am trapped in a cave, alone and afraid.
Just one hour, I remind myself so that I avoid a panic attack. I have never been claustrophobic but I think I may have recently acquired the acute fear of closed spaces. To further distract myself I head back over to the chest, lifting the silk gowns out one by one, holding them in front of my body and admiring them through the mirror. All the dresses are beautiful but I decide to stick with the blue one I picked out first.
The back is tied together with silk ribbons and I undo them before stepping into the dress. As the silky material slides over my itchy legs, I suddenly have the immense urge to shower before wearing anything. I wouldnt want to sully such finery with my unwashed body.
Dropping the dress back into the chest I rest my hands on my naked hips, trying to think of a way to solve my dilemma. While I am thinking, visualizing a ravishing hot shower, I actually begin to hear the sound of running water, further into the cave, on my right.
Following the sound with cautious hope, I eventually stop at a small waterfall, about six feet high, the perfect makeshift shower. Anything I require shall present itself aye? Not bad.
The water is clear and falls gently in a small stream, just two feet wide. A small chasm has been formed underneath it to catch the water and a metal grated hole helps it drain away. The result is a rustic looking shower with surprisingly warm water cascading down from who knows where.
I step into it with relish, soaking my hair and loving the heated caress of the waterfall massaging my shoulders wonderfully. As soon as I wish it, a bar of earthy-scented soap appears in a rocky alcove in the wall. I wash away all my fear and tension, my mind so clear, as always, during my shower. Even at home, shower time has always been a time for me to think and reflect. Its hard to remember, given how content I am, that I am also essentially a prisoner in hell.
In hell. Why am I okay with this?
Even under the warm water, my body begins to shake. Goosebumps rise on my arms and a shiver creeps up my neck. Why am I here?
My breathing is uneven and tears spill, hot and heavy from my eyes. I cant stop the tears or the choking sobs which escape, speeding my breathing but not allowing me a full breath. My chest is tight, and my lungs scream for oxygen but try as I might to calm my hyper body down, my situation only gets worse. I swear it feels as if the ground itself is shaking. Hitching wails and stuttered breathing makes my body weak and I have to lower myself to the ground. Huddling in the corner of my unnatural shower, I tuck my legs in closer to my torso and stick my head between my knees.
I understand now what has happened. Unable to fight against what is happening to me and trapped here against my will, my fight or flight reflex has been warring within me all this time, finally imploding and causing the mother of all panic attacks. If I dont calm down soon, I know, I will black out.
Breathe, Selena.
My breath is still hitching slightly but eventually I manage to calm down. This doesnt help my situation much though, Im still trapped here and I want to go home.
How could I not see this before? What was I thinking? Did I truly believe that I would stay here with a demon for the rest of my life? What about my family? My sister, my brother, my parents, were they waking up now to find me missing?
As this fresh thought assaults me a river of tears flow freely over my cheeks, surging past my lips and dripping off my jaw line, until it mixes with the hellish water and is sucked with it into oblivion. Like the water and tears being drained away, I feel my emotions spiral out of control.
Not for the first time I find myself wondering how I could have possibly been at ease with a demon all this time. The answer presents itself swiftly as I remember the power of Asmodeus heated stare. In my panic last night, it was his gaze alone which subdued me, crumbling my defences against his other power. It is his other power, his pure magnetism, which had actually led me to believe that I could love a beast. This attraction I feel for him is more dangerous than the mind control he first used on me. It is not that hes actually forcing me to love him, its the irrevocable certainty of my attraction to him. Whether he is aware of this power or not is unclear to me but I do know now that just being near him makes me forget where I am.
Here, away from his gaze and over-whelming presence, my mind feels clear and sharp. A question which has been shackled under his impenetrable aura breaks free and taunts me once more. How do I escape?
Continued in Part Four
Cheers, Steelkat Part 4 Get up! No use moping; crying will get you nowhere. I push myself off of the wet rock, slipping and scraping my arm as I struggle to control my shaking body. Focusing on the icy pain, I encase my heart with that same cold, feeling it harden and add steel to my reserve. It seems silly, but blaming Asmodeus for this latest injury makes it easier for me to envision hating him. He did this to me. While I haven’t quite managed hate just yet, I feel some...
Introduction: 20 year old virgin gets abducted by the demon of lust and becomes his bride… Tied down. My arms stretched above my head, aching in their relentless restraint. Panic as I take in my surroundings. Im in what looks like a large cave, the walls made of black volcanic rock. Rivulets of lava seep down through numerous cracks in the surrounding walls, cooling and hardening, adding to the texture of the cave. The heat makes me sweat uncontrollably, beads of it roll down my face. My...
The heat makes me sweat uncontrollably, beads of it roll down my face. My tongue is a desert, every swallow painful. The air is acrid, stinking of sulphur and smoke. Every breath is torture in my lungs, making them burn with an evil intensity. The platform I'm lying on seems to be made of the same rock as the walls, hard and lumpy, digging into my back. Rusted iron shackles encircle my wrists and ankles, pinned into the volcanic rock with nails as thick as my forearm. I yank at them,...
Cheers, Steelkat29 Part 3 When I wake, I am confused. This doesn’t feel like my bed. My body is sore and when I shift my legs slightly a spasm of pain rushes through me from my womb. My skin is chilled and feels odd, but I can’t yet place my discomfort. It doesn’t take me long to figure it out though. Why the fuck am I naked? My vision is blurred and my eyes feel itchy and painfully dry. Did I forget to remove my contacts last night? I make a move to rub my eyes. As soon as I lift my...
Introduction: Selena faces new threats and revelations A/N My dear readers! Thank you to everyone who has stuck by me and this story for so long. I sincerely apologise for the wait between this chapter and the previous one, I really have been writing whenever I am able. I doubt any single chapter would be worth a whole year of waiting, but as with everything I write I have poured my soul into Part 8 and I sincerely hope you enjoy reading it. As always PLEASE rate, comment and email me! I love...
Introduction: Will she choose to stay with the demon? A/N My dear readers! Thank you to everyone who has emailed me with your praise, encouragement and ideas! I love you all dearly and you keep me writing whenever I feel like throwing my laptop away. It is because of you that I present in all its ten thousand word glory, PART SEVEN!! As always PLEASE rate, comment and email me! I love hearing from you guys and I will reply to every email. Happy New Year! Cheers, Steelkat Part 7 My bed is...
Introduction: Her first time with the demon of lust… A/N – Hi guys, I hope you like this story. For those of you who left comments, I sincerely thank you. You have no idea how much it means to me, seriously! In fact I loved the comments so much that I this is the fastest I have ever written anything, ever! I want to please you fans of the story THAT much! So please, please, PLEASE log on and write a comment below, good or bad (as long as its constructive) I really do love reading them! ...
Introduction: The demoness and the Queen meet again… A/N Hello readers! Im so sorry for the delay, it is truly humbling that so many of you enjoy my writing. Thank you all for sticking with me and for your continued support, you all keep me writing. The storyline will pick up from the next chapter onwards with the introduction of a few new characters. In the meantime, after youve read this chapter, post a comment below and check out my poetry. Asmodeus and Selena (sort of) cameo in one of them...
Cheers, Steelkat29 Part 2 Lying on the demon's soft bed, his body weighing over me, I feel my pleasure mounting again. One hot finger massages my throbbing clit while two more stroke the moist folds of my opening. My own hands are grasping at his dark broad shoulders, holding on to him as if he were my lifeline in this ocean of ecstasy. I'm drowning in it, sinking further into the abyss. My world is melting, becoming one with his, and becoming one with him. Every touch, every...
Cheers, Steelkat My father's dream envelops me like a tomb, it's darkness oppressing and tightening around my shoulders. This is what he feels, I realise, as I watch him pace. His footsteps pound in my ears; they are deafening in the darkness. I hear his desperation as he calls out my name and feel his frustration when I do not answer. Choking on his pain, my throat closes against my tears. I want so desperately to run into his arms and assure him of my safety, but Asmodeus holds...
Cheers, Steelkat Part 6 The next morning I wake up in Asmodeus’ arms again and nestle myself closer to his wonderfully warm chest. I tilt my face up and watch him sleep, letting my breathing mingle with his. He looks so lovely; his face peaceful and exquisite as an obsidian angel’s. I lean in and press my lips against his. When I draw back, twin rubies reveal themselves; framed by silver lashes. They are filled with only warmth and love for me while pearlescent white teeth flash...
Mary scowled as she flipped through the pages of the scuffed book. “Guys, this book is full of spelling mistakes. And most of the ‘potions’ chapter is just recipes for soup and chili.” Sean poured the last line of flour onto the living room carpet as straight as he could, completing the pentagram. “C’mon, Kaitlin only paid 50 cents. What do you expect?” He stood and dusted his hands. “How does this look, you two?”Mary stood staring at the design, clearly uncomfortable. The satanic symbol was...
SupernaturalShego smiles a nasty little smile before answering “Of course I did, though I don’t know what you would want a dried up old mummified arm for.” She said, tossing the arm towards Dr. Drakken. Drakken sneers, “You don’t need to know, with this I’ll bring Middleton to its knees.” He said as he grabs the mummified arm. “Now all I have to do is place the arm in the center of the altar and read the ancient runes carved on it.” “Yeah…right this will turn out good, just like all your other...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Haunted Forest I waited for an answer from Plumdrop and Flutter, my arms folded across my chest. I needed to know why we couldn’t go to Drakin...
Kurtis – Drakin Castle, the Haunted Forest The succubus’s pussy suffocated me. I couldn’t breathe. She held me tight to her cunt. Her petals spilled over my lips and nose. I had to breathe. But if I did, I would drown in her pussy cream. It would fill my lungs. I had to submit. I had to lick her if I was to survive. My chest burned. My head pounded. I clenched my jaws tight. I welded my tongue to the roof of my mouth. I would not give her the satisfaction. I did not submit. I conquered....
(Strip, Watch & Wait) I got very nerves, but when I looked up I saw that all the pets where already naked and each one standing at a point of the star. They acted like I was not even there. So I did as I was told. I striped, waited & watched. Lucas picked up the knife and chalice. He held the chalice in front of him self right over the candle there and said “Corvendom Levintoria” then let it go. But it did not fall. Instead it floated there. He took the knife and said “I give of my self...
Slowly, but surely, the spectral mist floating around Marie’s sleeping form coalesced and solidified. The body of the demon materialised beside her bed, seeming to take physical form. But there was nothing monstrous or grotesque about the demon’s body. If anything it was beautiful. The perfect image of an attractive naked young man in the prime of his life, fully of energy and virility. The demon Leere looked down at his newly formed body. He admired and caressed the athletic form of his...
BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYERBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy Summers and the Sex Demon Part 4Part 1 - 2 - 3 - returned home after her evening with Faith even more convinced that something was wrong in the town of Sunnydale. By the time she got home, she had seen at least a dozen couples fucking. In their car, by...
I first Thanks ISS for helping me and to give courage by publishing my stories.If I heart any one’s feelin,He/she must excuse me. We, Honey and my dad cum husband left our country with Sam and Mag for their isolated curse village to help the people.Our Visa and passport was made ready by them and then only we came to know the position of the place where we are going. It is a small village at the border of Russia.The village is isolated by three side mountain and sea at the fourth side and thus...
IncestFirst I thanks ISS for publishing my all stories and also thanks my all fans who are encouraging my erotic thoughts.I am Honey and it is the sexpedition of my son cum husband Biju who has completed his Master Degree in Sexology and also practiced our age old Ayurveda and is now 38 Yrs. only and famous as Dr. Sony where as my daughter cum gran-daughter Miriam is the counter part of Dr. Sony, his faithful wife cum daughter is happy to called her as Honey. So in the story later on instead of...
IncestDemon Witch Cheerleaders my friend and I were at the wrong place at the wrong time when the cheerleaders come back then we were caught by them something was going to change me forever 1 . cheerleader snoop and changes "Come on man, this is heaven." My friend Jake tempts. "Dude if we get caught I heard the cheerleaders where ruthless." I reply. "But the risk Is worth it James!" he counters. I finally agree with him and we wait until school is over. When...
Heres Part 2! Chapter 2: Im the Demon Overlord! When I came to, I was in my room. My eyes slowly opened, revealing my surroundings. I looked up and saw a girls face right up to mine. It took me a second to realize my position. I was laying down on a lap pillow. I slowly got up and scratched my head. Good Morning Master, The girl said. Mornin, I replied. I looked at her, and saw she was bare naked. This must be a dream, I said to myself. Youre not dreaming, Master. She replied. Oh? I moved...
Demon Queened Chapter 1 Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page, immediately. "Just how big is this thing?" Jacob muttered, glaring at his computer. The words "Tower Conquest" were stretched across his screen, in large golden letters. Beneath that was the subtitle, "Can you take...
It’s a clear spring night outside the bedroom of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace’s windows. The warm spring air has just come in for the season, pushing out the frigid air brought about by winter. With their apartment almost ten stories above the city below, the bedroom window is wide open letting the nice air in. Mrs. Wallace is lying on their bed, lost in a deep sleep. Her blonde hair covers her pillow, while the covers are down enough to show the outline of the nipples, sitting on B-Cup breasts under...
I rode into the valley reluctantly and headed toward a pass on the far side. This whole valley was called Demon Crossing and there was a reason. Once a millennium ago an army of demons had spilled out of their realm and into this valley. They had one thing on their mind, to kill and destroy. We had been lucky, there had been signs before the demons surged out of the realm gate and a army was here to stop them. Every year one man was sent to scout the valley for signs that the demons might...
Three times we have had other countries try to invade us. We were going to be prepared if they tried again so we built the Demon Line. First it was a thousand meters of fields of grain and then a deep trench filled with water that was twenty meters across. On the other side of that was the demon line. The outside was plates of steel and then several meters of reinforced concrete. The demon line was thirty meters high with machine guns in it. On top was huge turrets that held artillery and anti...
Omake - Devilla and Lucy in the woods - (Not) Demon Queened 6.1 =============================================================== not written by Princess Kay, but posted "somewhere" with Princess Kay's permission (c) B.Lowe License: If you can imagine a use for this text, I allow it. If you are Princess Kay and can imagine a use for, I would feel honoured :-) This story is inspired by Demon Queened written by Princess Kay. It is not written by Princess Kay, nor is it cannon. It...
Sorry for the ever-so-long wait everyone. Ive been dealing with some shit that makes it hard to get inspiration for writing. However, Im making it up to you guys by making this part longer than usual, with more Erotic content, so Enjoy! Chapter 4: Im the Master Now. I looked over Hildegards naked and unconscious body. Looking at her breasts, waist, hips, and crotch. She probably had about an E-cup or thereabouts, Ive never seen anything past DD. I skimmed my finger from her crotch, up her...
Alexandra opened the door to her room and walked over to her closet. Just as she placed her hand on the knob to the door she realized someone was watching her. Rachelle was standing in the middle of the room, arms crossed over her chest and eyes burning with anger. "Bitch," she said. "What?" Alexandra turned facing her. "Who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing in my room?" Rachelle laughed. "You're asking me?" Her eyes darkened. "Where is it?" She pushed Alexandra...
Later that evening, the property wards were activated again. It was from the area of the driveway. “Who can that be? Has Josh returned?” I asked. “It’s David De Tocqueville,” Al told me, and on checking with my Magic senses, that was who I detected, also. “What in the world does he want? You don’t suppose that he made his apology while we were gone, do you?” I asked. Al didn’t answer. “Let’s go and see what he wants,” I told him in a bored voice, as I drew my wards up around both of us...
I was hot and aroused, but frozen with fright at the same time. She was moaning and groaning, it was a female voice, yet there was something evil and monster-like with it. Fuck it! Why not get fucked by a demon? I mean it was a female, at least, and I am bisexual and like fucking girls too. Hey, if this feels good, what is the harm? Unless this demon kills or eats it's prey after fucking it, then I would be screwed. In the other way.This was last Halloween. I was at my fictional fantasy Sugar...
Bull the demon killer by stHell66 (hero,comixs,d/s,w/s,humilation,rough) Bull-half demon,half beast, hero of El Diablo, looks like a 8ft red demon with two horns and huge bat wings. A greek warrior hermit covers his face and his redish long beard braided down his muscular chest. His body shows the scars of past battles, covered by his huge black leather cloak. He is the cities greatest hero battling ghouls, demons,vampires, werewolves,etc and usally for a price. His powers are...
Introduction: Naomis boyfriends attempts to summon a demon work too well Nomi is that you? Naomis boyfriend shouted, from his garage, as she knocked on the front door. He used her families pronunciation of her name, rather than the normal one. Naomi had spent her whole live correcting people when they said her name the usual way, rather than the Nomi of her family. Ian had picked up on the proper way to say it very quickly after they had first met at the school disco. That had been nearly a...
Chapter 8: Vincent Fenway, the Amorous Demon Slayer The two sat on Cal's bed five minutes later, each very naked. Cal wrapped his arms around Althea as both leaned against the wall for support, the gentle light from his bedside lamp illuminating the room nicely. Althea massaged Cal's right thigh gently, luxuriating in the feeling of Cal's love pulsating through her. "Tell me about the war on the Astral Plane, Calvin of the Divine Soldiers..." she whispered lovingly to him as his...
“Yes it’s me.” She said heading towards his voice. “I’m in the garage, come on.” He said, sounding excited about something. She walked into the garage, her interest peaked even more by his excitement. She found him carefully examining a strange chalk design on the floor. Comparing it to a design on a piece of paper he was holding. “What the fuck is that?” She asked him. “A pentagram.” He replied without looking up. “A what.” “A pentagram, you know.” He said to her,...
Sister   But stood in the door way. She gasped and put down her basket, before rushing to the figure on the ground. "Elisa!" Vilen screamed. Elisa came to the door and gasped. She rushed to Vilens side and helped her bring the girl inside and sit her in one of the chairs. Vilen rushed to the kitchen and got a glass and filled it with water then brought it to the figure. Elisa pulled the cloaks hood back and gasped again. It was a girl. Vilen looked at Elisa. "Do...
Notes: 1)I am not an english-native writer, I do mistakes when I write in english, if you don?t like to read stories with errors, don?t read mine (but if you want to help me improving my english, feel free to send me your comments for sylvia.wechsel at gmail) 2)I conceived this series as an excellent opportunity to describe multiple gender swapping transformations, alternating f2m and m2f, while describing the different ways people adapt to the new situation. 3)The plot is located...
Demon Queened Chapter 10 Written by Princess Kay Edited by paradoxicalWitchling Proofread by FallingLeaf Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent in the country where they reside should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. Standing naked in my bedroom with my back pressed against the wall, lacking even a towel to hide behind, I fought to maintain my composure as I took...
HumorA transsexual sex demon suddenly conjures up an evil plan while in the demon realm. The sex demon used to be a war master demon, until she had conquered all there was to conquer, now she has gotten bored and wants to do something fun The demon became a sex demon when there was no one left to fight in a war, by becoming a sex demon, the demon could hunt and rape anyone who she pleased to, for this same reason the demon transformed herself into a transsexual, as to be able to fuck anyone she...
Fantasy>The Demon >  >She opened her eyes some time later and found the sun had set. Perfect. 'Time to put the spell together and cast it'. she thought smiling. She put on her cloak and grabbed the things, putting them in a bag. She left for the small meadow on her mare. She tied her mare to a low branch and went to the small fire pit. She lit the small fire and pulled out the things for the spell. Hopefuly this spell would work and she would have eather a man or woman to do the things she...
>Brother >She woke and found herself in the black chair. "Elisa..." She murmured. What the hell was with all these dreams? Was elisa sending her visions of the future? And if she was then why? >Vilen stood up and looked in the bedroom and smiled. He was still asleep. She looked at the room she was in and almost forgot that he cleaned the mess that she had made over the many years she had been...
The next morning, Badger found himself excited thinking of the night's activities. He got up around the same time as the woman from the previous evening. As he looked at her, he felt Lucinda stir in his mind. He felt her lust as he considered the woman, but something else. He felt a desire to chase, to capture, to hunt. "Why not? I can at least try," he thought to himself. "Excuse me, but it's not often that a sexy woman I don't know mounts me for her pleasure after I have excited her....
Her car wasn’t too far away but still, she had already spotted her ex coming from behind. He was drunk and stumbling around. She looked around seeing a crypt. She rolled her eyes, usually in the movies she would be the first one to die by going into the crypt and waking the ancient horror within, a mummy, a zombie, some other kind of undead abomination. She slipped through the already open gate of the ten by ten crypt. She could hear him calling, and he was a violent man, never quite forgiving...
Demon Queened Chapter 8 Written by Princess Kay Edited by paradoxicalWitchling Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. I stared at the horned wolf girl in my bed, hardly able to believe what I was seeing. My mind was reeling with the implications - had the wolves I fought actually been...
HumorIt was eons ago that Hell was gifted to the demons by the angels of Heaven. Well, perhaps "gifted" is the wrong word to use. Demons were forced to stay there, never to again plague the surface en masse. Upon their forced migration, their new home was thrown into chaos as the demons fought among themselves for supremacy. One demon rose above the rest, more powerful, wicked, and ruthless than any other demon in the realm. He brought organized chaos to Hell and asserted himself as the dominant and...
RomanceAlexandra: the Demon Destroyer, Episode 1.1 By Limbo's Mistress The first demon was dead before the other two even realized I was there. Being occupied with their attempt to terrorize and horribly murder the girl on the ground before them, the Hell-Spawn trio didn't see me emerge from the shadows that permeated the deserted playground. When the brilliant flash of light that followed their compatriot's beheading, and subsequent disintegration into brimstone-scented smoke, they...
Their celebrations were wild ones, rejoicing in the rush of battle and their resplendent victory by embracing those instincts which are most primal, those things most revered by the demons. Mock battles were waged, great tales, many exaggerated, were told, with sweeping gestures and often loud sound effects. Feasting began, the demons tearing into carcasses both raw and roasted, deer, and elk, sheep, and many other creatures, all were devoured in mass by the celebrating demons. Blood...
Two days after the attack, they finally reached the river Sarn. The water moved along a gentle current, and trees lined the banks. Orange light reflected off the drifts, filling the stream with glittering brilliance, and darkened by the time they settled their campsite. Aurianna pulled Clara aside, “You can bathe first. We’ll be nearby by. Just, no screaming over snakes this time, yeah?” Embarrassed laughter and acknowledgment followed as Aurianna mussed up Clara’s hair. Turning, with hunger in...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“Connor, I hope to hell you know what you’re doing,” Scotty grated from Washington DC. “So do I,” Caleb replied fervently, his footsteps dragging, while following the drone down the dilapidated building’s stairs in Iraq. “Right now, I’m trying to buy time and stay alive! We can sense too many of the drones to kill them all before they overwhelm us with this damn mist. We can’t try to wait them out, either. This constant, nagging, sense of dread will eventually wear us down. An airstrike may...
All of them had been effected by the night of Faeries’ vernal ball, but perhaps most so was Redmayne. For the next couple of days he found himself unable to look at either of his undisputed favourites. He blushed heavily in their company which was to their great amusement, so much so that on one occasion they both collapsed into a fit of uncontrollable giggling when he chanced upon them in the archives. Which of course only served to further increase his embarrassment. Despite this, he felt...
I again told her to stand. I then took her hand in mine, and we walked to the entrance of the hallway. I stopped her there, let go of her hand, then put my arm around her very small waist. I waited. She eventually got it, and started us moving down the hallway to the entrance of the bedroom, and we stopped again. I would bet money, that at this time, when she was looking into where things were "going to get real", she only thought of it as "THE ROOM". I gave her these few moments, to...
>Elisa >As she ran home she thought about Elisa and wondered if she'd be able to leave the demon for one night, but then she remembered the bonding spell he had cast on her. So now he could see all that she did, hear all and feel all that she did. She thought about what would happen if he saw them together but couldn't think of what he'd say. >She thought about the feel of Elisa's hands on her body and frown. She missed her hands touching and exploring her... >She could almost feel...
Steve moaned as he felt his master hump inside him. The master he had just met online the week before only known to him as Phil. As painful as it felt, it was also the most incredible pleasure he had ever felt in his life. The steel-like phallus reached deeper inside him than he thought possible, stimulating him in ways Steve didn't think possible. Slowly he began to push up on it, before letting his own weight drop him back down on the massive demon cock. That demon cock he had been...
Demon Queened Chapter 9 Written by Princess Kay Edited by paradoxicalWitchling Proofread by FallingLeaf Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent in the country where they reside should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. I woke up early today, fully intending to reach the cooks before they started my breakfast. Unfortunately, I achieved my goal a little too well. I...
Humor“Why do you need protection?” The words rang in my ears over and over again. What could I tell him without him thinking I was crazy? I almost choked on my laughter. He was a demon. Of course he would believe me, but would he help me? “I’ll tell you if you’ll promise to protect me.” Vashka smiled at me. “A bargain. What are the terms?” “You’ll help me no matter what the odds are.” I glared into his eyes. I was beginning to hate that smile; that arrogant self centered smile. “That’s not a...
Eroticby the Perv Otaku CHAPTER 1: ARRIVAL The ringing of the telephone woke her. Claire turned to check the clock. Just after 3 a.m. Damn. Now she wished she hadn’t stayed up later than usual. She rolled over and answered the phone with a sleepy "Hello?" "Dr. Thompson, it’s Major Jeffers. I apologize for the late hour, but we've got an incoming for you." Of course they did. There was no other reason for him to call at 3 am. "What's the ETA?" She asked, hoping for a little more...
"why am I summoned mortal?" his voice was filled with venom. "you're here to give me information, please tell me your name." "Iribis, what is yours?" "mine is not of importance as of now. I have summoned you and you must listen to me and follow my commands." he said with an ever gaining confidence. "this is a deal I do not like, how about this human. You release me and I'll tell you the secret to immortality, all I want is to be set free upon your world." it said with a wicked...
The following characters appear in this chapter and others: Samuel Barrett Master Wizard, presided over many of the Wizards meetings, 5’-10’’ tall, 205 pounds, 58 years old, dyed black hair and goatee, dark violet eyes Bob, Minor Demon, short at 4’-6’’ tall, red skin and horns on his head, gray beard and hair, Seventeenth century clothing, buckles on his shoes The meeting of the Executive Council of the Ley Line Wizards started at 8:00 that evening. It was attended by all of the major...