Demon Driven Lust
- 3 years ago
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The next morning, Badger found himself excited thinking of the night's activities. He got up around the same time as the woman from the previous evening. As he looked at her, he felt Lucinda stir in his mind. He felt her lust as he considered the woman, but something else. He felt a desire to chase, to capture, to hunt. "Why not? I can at least try," he thought to himself.
"Excuse me, but it's not often that a sexy woman I don't know mounts me for her pleasure after I have excited her. I'm excited again. I was thinking that fucking might be more fun than jacking myself off."
"You want to masturbate into my cunt because it's warmer and wetter than your hand?" she asked.
"Well, when you put it like that..." he said indignantly. He paused and continued more softly, "Actually, sure, why not. Yeah, can I masturbate into your cunt? Look, I'm sure that you're a complex, skilled, wonderful woman but slut is all I know of you. So, yeah, let's be vulgar about this."
She frowned thinking. Badger added, "If you'd be more comfortable, let's get lunch later today and I can get to know the rest of you. I like the slut part already." Lucinda beamed in the back of his mind, proud that he had neither taken offense nor stood aside from his request. Badger realized he hadn't even had to rely on her belief and confidence in him: his successes with Stone and Pearl and the woman last night gave him enough of his own confidence.
"Yeah, I like that. I like that a lot. I'm your warm, wet cunt, your hand replacement, but none of that takes away from all the other things I am. And yeah, lunch today would be nice and would make it easier to remember that I can offer as lover without diminishing myself."
She bent to hands and knees. "Cunt's by the ass; if you have trouble finding her, then just follow the smell from last night. She's been kind of excited this morning too," the woman said.
Badger seated himself and began to pound away. She was in fact already sopping. They were animals free in lust, unconstrained by social niceties; his hardness using her wetness. He was free, open, the rutting badger. She'd snapped at him because that's what she thought she was supposed to do. Now, he was enjoying something he'd never done before because they both had the strength to step past external expectations.
Like her pleasure last night, this morning was quick and to the point: Badger was already very excited. He soon spent inside her. She was close. Badger was about to continue fucking to bring her release, but he perversely decided to honor their game. He patted her ass and stood.
"Thanks for the cunt; she was definitely better than the hand. I hope you enjoy cleaning up the mess." He turned and headed out into the hall on his way to the bathroom, passing a surprised looking Mossy Stone on the way. While in the bathroom, he heard the shrieks of his lover all the way from the dormitory; she had found her release.
Badger ran through his day. Ocean Pearl passed along a couple of leads and he indicated his interest to the foreman in question. He had a relatively good lunch with his morning's lover, who turned out to be a carpenter named Silence before Change from Shady Glen. The lunch ended on an awkward moment when one of his companions from the previous day's lunch stopped by and half-jokingly asked Badger about his demon bride. When Silence questioned he confirmed that he thought he'd seen a demon bride a couple of days ago on the way home. Silence before Change seemed nervous and was quiet for the remainder of lunch.
Throughout the day, Badger had been looking forward to his next visit with Lucinda. With joy in his walk, he left Pine Hills.
He found her in another clearing in the woods. She had her pack and began to spread blankets on the ground when they arrived. As always, Lucinda was naked; he wondered how she fared in the winter. Soon Badger joined her nakedness.
"So, you seem to have fun last night and this morning. You're surely too tired out to do anything now," she said.
"You know I'm not. I've been thinking about you all day."
"True, although that won't stop my teasing. So are you ready to acknowledge that I'm yours?"
Badger took a deep breath. He'd also been pondering how to relate to Lucinda long-term. He didn't want her to go. He trusted her even though that went against everything he knew of demons. However, she had already helped his life and improved his outlook. If her feelings could be trusted (which he did absolutely despite his misgivings), then she loved him deeply. He couldn't help but love someone who had given themselves to him so fully and helped him so much.
"Yes, I think so," he said. "Is this where you snatch me and take me off to some secret demon dimension for torture?"
"Is that what you want? I had hoped to come over there, suck you to hardness, and ride you until we both scream loud enough to be heard at Pine Hills."
"Yeah, that does sound better. Let's do that."
She crawled atop him, lowering her cunt to his face as she sucked him between her lips. Badger found the experience even more wonderful than last night. This was the first time he'd gotten to taste her spicy tang. He really connected with her smell, and her body pressed against him was delightful. Soon he was hard, and she shifted to mount his cock.
She started slow, kissing and nuzzling as she road. She was a very sensual lover, running her hands, lips and tongue over his body as she road him. He took her lead, his hands roving over her ass and tits, his hips rising to meet her. Their passion built over time: both lovers luxuriated in their connection, enjoying dragging out their lust. When Badger's release finally came, it was exquisite.
Later, they lay together, sated for the moment. "I wish we could spend the night in each other's arms; I don't want to be alone," Badger said.
"We can. Join me in the forest."
"Surely you're aware of the shadows. I might last tonight, perhaps even a couple of nights. But by then, I'd begin to sicken, weaken; connection would be harder."
"I'm well aware of my parents on both sides. Even though I descend in part from them, I am as cursed by the shadows as anyone else. However, I can feed you power and passion and keep you safe."
"But won't you expend your power, making yourself weaker?"
"A little, but I have more reserves than you. We are both mortal; we will eventually both be consumed, but sustaining one mate will not tax me."
Badger guessed this might be a way to test her. If he began to show signs of shadow sickness, he could go to Mossy Stone and describe his predicament. Stone would be very angry, but assuming he had a job, the community would help him recover.
Lucinda extracted more blankets to put atop them. Badger had heard of sleeping covered in colder climates although he'd not seen it done. While this time of year was relatively warm, he didn't think he'd be able to sleep uncovered without some source of heat. He hoped it would not be too difficult to get used to.
Badger did not sleep that well. He had his demoness in his arms. He found her smell and body exciting. He discovered that the lover's art could also be practiced covered, although he would only do that of necessity as he far preferred seeing his lover. Even when they were not joined as lovers, the excitement of being with her, of spending time with her, was distracting.
Even so, the next morning, they enjoyed waking in each others' arms. Badger figured he would return to Pine Hills and see if a job could be found. He counted himself the luckiest man alive: he'd found someone to share his life, someone who valued him and who would keep him safe. He felt his love for her building; he felt angry when he thought of all those horrible things people said about demons. Lucinda glowed with her love for her mate.
Badger made it back to Pine Hills with no mishap. He felt tired, but felt no sign of shadow rot.
Later he was sitting at lunch in the pub. He had worked up his courage and began to talk about how he thought the stories of demons missed the point. He felt Lucinda's nervousness that he was being so open, but he also believed he owed it to her to be honest about the wonder and joy he had found with her. Badger expostulated into a very thick silence punctuated by a few pointed questions from his fellow diners.
Tension continued to build for a few minutes. Mossy Stone lead a young man into the pub. The man wore a mat-black suit sporting the Brenhaven scroll on door. "Badger, might we have a word in private?" Stone asked.
Badger nodded and got up. The publican waved aside his offer to settle his tab. Stone lead the way to his office in silence.
"Badger Happily Toiling from Pine Hills?" asked Stone's guest.
"Actually, I was born in Eagle Perch, but yes, living here at Pine Hills."
"I am Lord Morgan named at Brenhaven; I'm studying at the Scholium," he said. "Understanding what we know of the shadows is one of my interests.
"Stone called me because he was concerned that you have been dealing with a demon bride."
"My lord, I think the common understanding of demon brides is misleading. They can be caring and loving."
"Ah, I'll take that as a yes then. I think you wil find my understanding is more nuanced than common lore, although I too have my limitations.
"Why don't you ride with me to Brenhaven. I'd like to have a nice long chat, then you will have some decisions to make."
By this point Lucinda was alarmed. Badger tried to reassure her; he didn't think physical force or some demonic attack would help the situation at all. Unfortunately, Lord Morgan's "decisions" sounded ominous in Badger's ear. "What if I decline?"
Lord Morgan sighed. "Let me be more formal. Badger Happily Toiling from Eagle Perch, in order to discharge Brenhaven's obligations to Pine Hills, I request and require your open and honest answers to my questions as a condition of continued hospitality. I shall ask you these questions in Brenhaven Hall. Do you understand and comply?"
Badger was concerned. Stone could throw him out, possibly even branding him as having offended against the safety of the community. That was bad enough, although not the death sentence it would have been before Lucinda offered her protection. A noble could directly take his life in the name of justice and safety. However, there were no guards, no sign of restraints yet. Lord Morgan said he understood demon brides more than most. Badger thought that if it weren't for his connection with Lucinda, he probably would have created more trouble for himself. However, he was trying to prevent her from becoming directly involved. To do that, he forced himself to believe that Lord Morgan just wanted to talk. There would probably be time for Badger to make trouble later if things went badly.
Badger walked with Lord Morgan to his van. There, a noble woman waited. She introduced herself as Lady Alice Sixth for Stormport Promontory. She too was an advanced student at the Scholium but was visiting Brenhaven at present.
Along the drive to Brenhaven, Lord Morgan invited Badger to describe all his interactions with Lucinda. Badger started from the moment that Lucinda laid hands on him and talked about their conversation. He went over all their subsequent dealings.
Badger had never been at a noble's seat. His emotions oscillated between nervousness and curiosity. They parked just inside the outer wall and proceeded to the main building. Lord Morgan asked Badger to stop a few steps into the great hall, just past the boundary channel. Badger gawked. The floor and walls were beautifully polished if well-used hardwood. Three ornate tables formed a U-shape. They had entered along one of the sides of the U. Nestled in the middle were blankets and pillows on which lovers might recline to build passion for the community.
The walls hosted an array of art work. There were several well-executed sculptures. However, Badger's attention rested on a painting depicting a demon bride embracing her lover, his face filled with terror of the ordeal to come. Badger thought he and Lucinda might have made such a picture at their first meeting if she had stepped into an embrace rather than holding him steady at an arm's length. He wondered if the artist was aware that the terror might be misplaced.
Lord Morgan noticed his gaze. "Ah yes, beautiful in its simple way, isn't it?"
"Yes, my lord."
"Do you feel anything standing here? Any pain?"
"I wonder what is to become of me. Lucinda, well, she is very quiet, poised, waiting."
"But you had no trouble crossing the boundary?"
"No, should I?"
"Apparently not. That answers one question," he said. "I think you are no threat to Pine Hills or any community where you might reside; if you had found something that made you a danger, you would not have survived crossing our boundary."
He continued, "My guess is that you've been mated to a demon bride, just as you claimed. Perhaps you would join us and I can talk about what is before you now."
"Not like I have a choice."
"Actually, having established you are not a danger to Pine Hills, I can no longer make a claim against continued hospitality. However, wouldn't you like to know more about your situation?"
Badger reluctantly agreed that speaking to a scholar might help. So, the three of them retired to a small conversation nook half-way down the long side of the hall.
Lord Morgan said, "Naturally, I don't know everything. You're my first opportunity to watch a demonic consumption first-hand. However, I have read several accounts and several of the most reputable summaries."
"But Lucinda said she wouldn't consume me; do you doubt her?"
Lady Alice asked, "I'd start by asking why you'd ever believe a demon."
"Actually, he probably doesn't have a choice; think about the trust bond," Lord Morgan said. "However, strangely enough, I see no reason to question her. One consistent feature of demon brides is that they are absolutely honest with their mates in all the scholarly accounts."
Lord Morgan looked at Badger. "However, she did not say that she would not consume you. She said she would only consume your soul if it was what you most wanted. Did you ever think to ask her what would happen if she does not consume you?"
"No. It doesn't matter: I don't want my soul eaten."
"I would advise you to ponder what happens when a creature who by her very nature feeds on souls is denied that outlet."
"What makes you think that part of the story--the eating souls--is true?"
"The documented corpses speak for themselves as do the accounts of people who gave in and offered their souls."
"I don't get why they would do that."
"Yes, that's obvious," Lord Morgan said.
"But this is my choice?"
"By all accounts."
Badger worked up his courage and began to speak. "She says she loves me. Do you think ... Do you think she's honest about that?" Lucinda had been very quiet in Badger's mind, but at his doubt, she offered warmth and reassurance.
Lord Morgan paused to consider. "I see no reason to think she doesn't now. It's hard to say what her mind was like before the bond formed. Would you say she's treated you with love?"
"What do you think, my lady? Badger asked.
Lady Alice was unsure how to respond. It was obvious that Badger cared deeply about the answer. She was out of her depth; she had taken the introductory class with Lord Morgan but would describe herself as only mildly curious about the interactions between demons and their victims. However, she could always fall back on her own experience as a lover. "Let's try an experiment," she began. "Is she still in your mind, listening, pushing her feelings toward you?"
"Yes. I feel warmth and reassurance."
"Ask her to step back, to give you space to consider how you have been treated with no interference."
Badger thought about how how much he'd value space to ponder this question. Reluctantly, Lucinda withdrew. Badger shuddered; he had grown used to her and this was very uncomfortable.
"That worked?" Lord Morgan asked, taking notes rapidly.
"Yes, my lord. Is there more, my lady?"
"Ponder her actions, what she's told you. Would you trust in love if a human lover with a somewhat unsavory reputation acted similarly?"
Badger thought. She had done so much to help him, to give him the confidence to work through long-standing problems he'd faced. At every point she encouraged him to grow. She was proud, happy, and truly supportive when he responded to Silence before Change. Even when he viewed the situation through a skeptical lens, he found love and compassion in Lucinda's actions. Badger was relieved; he clearly loved her and he'd hate to be someone's unwilling toy. He opened himself to Lucinda again and she rushed in with joy and the remnants of her anxiety. "Thank you, my lady, I think she does."
Badger asked another question. "She spoke to me of how by giving herself so fully to me without demands, anything I gave her could be enjoyed fully. Do you know what she means there?"
"Yes, actually, that seems like elementary magic. We don't like to dwell on it, but there can be pleasure in forcing someone, taking them without their consent. The passion of that force, the enjoyment of that can be fed into magical working just like any other act of passion, any act of slut and lover. The feelings of the one forced--their fear, anger, humiliation, and impotence--may fan the lust and passion of the one forcing. That too can be used. However, there is typically very little of slut and lover in the one forced; much of their side is lost."
He continued, "If a demon bound by our magic enjoyed destroying you, enjoyed the hunt, your fear, she could draw power from all that. If somehow you found lust in being taken, made to be afraid, she could take that. However, the real power of your soul would be lost completely.
"If, on the other hand, it were a willing sacrifice made unconditionally, especially one that was an act of slut and lover for you, then all that power from both sides of the exchange would be free for her magic."
Badger took a while to ponder the grim reality of his situation.
"How do I stand with Pine Hills?"
"You are not a danger. I will reassure Mossy Stone of that; at least while you earn your place there, they have no justification to deny hospitality," Lord Morgan said. "Even so, I suspect few if any would be comfortable as your lover. Lucinda is right: the shadows pose no significant additional risk, so hospitality need not include offers of lovers in your case. Nor I think would your passion flow to them rather than Lucinda if you did take a lover, so they are unlikely to require that of you. However, on the positive side, you are at no significant risk even if you sleep outside boundaries."
Lord Morgan asked Badger if he would like to be returned to Pine Hills. Badger really wanted to demand that Lucinda tell him the whole story. The lord was happy to drop him near Lucinda if he could point the way. That proved easy. "I would appreciate it if we could meet regularly. I think that by studying you, we all have much to learn. In exchange, Brenhaven can help convince people that you are not a threat to their community," Lord Morgan said. Badger was happy to agree; he valued being able to talk to someone who might understand what he was facing.
Badger found Lucinda huddled in the first clearing they had used, arms hugging her chest, eyes down-cast. She sighed as he approached. "That is very definitely not how I would have chosen to open a conversation about my nature. I suppose though that as the nobles organize knowledge, this will become all-too-common. So, what would you like to know?"
Badger glared down at her. "So, when were you going to demand my soul? How does it work anyway? You unleash some horror on the world unless I willingly give up my soul?"
"I," she said, "will never," she continued forcefully, "do that!" She paused. "Look, Lord Morgan is right: the passion of a soul sustains me, gives me the strength to avoid fading to shadow."
She continued, "However, that's OK. Death comes to us all. I've had a long life and I look forward to sharing the rest of what I have with you. I look forward to seeing you grow, to taking forward some of who I am and making something joyous of it."
"So, you found me because you're tired of being immortal and are ready to settle down and live like the rest of us?" he asked.
"I've always been ready to settle with my mate, trade myself for their future."
"So, what other than finding a community who will take in a demon fucker and give him work gets in the way?" Badger paused, a sick feeling in his stomach. "Wait. How long can you live without consuming my soul?"
She sighed deeply. "A year easily. Probably two. If I terrorized, damaged and sometimes destroyed those around us, I might stretch it to ten, but I know you'd never condone that."
Badger wasn't so sure that he wouldn't trade Leaves Whispering in Wind for more time with Lucinda, although he acknowledged the general point.
"So, I'm supposed to spend a year getting really close to someone who loves me enough that they'd let me torture them, do anything I want to them. All that time you will help me grow, be the best person I can be. I'm supposed to return that by sitting here and watching the shadows consume you."
She nodded slightly.
"And then what? I have not been cast out, but who will hire me? When I am cast out for failing to have a job, no one will take me in."
He continued, "O, and let me guess. I get to feel your fear, your reaction to the shadows, to death?"
"And my sadness at losing you," she said softly. "I can block it mostly if you want."
"At what cost?"
"Most of our connection will be deadened and numbed."
"O, hey! What would you have told me if I had asked how to destroy you the other day? Would you tell me to just wait? Is that the big secret?"
This time her nod was so slight, Badger doubted he could have discerned it were it not for their connection. "There are ways you can make it quicker, more painful, more of a punishment if you like," she offered.
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New character appearing in this chapter and others: Cassius Minor Demon, short at 4’-8’’ tall, red skin with short horns on his head, gray hair and beard, very fancy and expensive seventeenth century clothes, silver buckles on his shoes Bob and I entered what looked like a very ritzy saloon with fine wood furniture and wallpaper plus better lighting, but it was deserted presently. It appeared that those who had been here had left in a hurry. There were turned over chairs and drinks left...
Character appearing in this chapter: Christian Pennson Young, rash Ley Line Wizard, 5’-9’’ tall, 170 pounds, 25 years old, light brown hair, dark eyes I had just turned to the four men there, when there was a huge flash of Magic as something appeared inside my wards. It startled Al and me as well as the four men. What had appeared was a huge black dog. It looked like a Rottweiler on steroids but was uglier. It stood at least four feet tall at the shoulders, had a rather blunt flat face...
Demon Queened Chapter 5 Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. The rain kept up for another half hour. The townsfolk spent the entirety of that time trying to dissuade me from my course of action, shouting such things as "A young lady like you shouldn't be putting...
HumorWould love to read your comments. English isn't my first language, don't mind some of my grammar mistakes. Skip to paragraph 8 for the kinky parts ;) I walked down the dark alleys of the Underworld, carefully placing my steps to avoid dirty puddles. The coldness still crept up my thick coat. I dream about this place almost every night, and I’ve overheard enough from the other residents that this was the Underworld, where the fallen angels live in peace. I wanted to explore more of...
Demon Queened Chapter 4 Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. My flight to the ocean was exhilarating at first. I flew as fast as I could, using magic to shield myself from the wind as I shot through the skies. I'm not actually sure what my top speeds were. I think...
HumorI am Hornless. A demon. One of the many infernal entities who have been graced with the ability to blend into human societies with minimal risk of detection. Unlike our more chaotic kin who delight in embracing the worlds they visit in fire and brimstone, Hornless are far more subtle, like a whisper in the wind, the third voice in one's consciousness given a living, breathing vessel, disguising ourselves to spread sin and debauchery in silent, conspiratous wakes. This immortal shell of shape...
FantasyThe following character returns in this chapter and others: David De Tocqueville Powerful Magic user, 6’-0’’ tall with broad shoulders, 40 years old, dark hair and violet eyes Consciousness slowly returned. I had no idea how long I had been unconscious from the massive orgasm that had knocked me out. Ken had moved off of me and was lying beside me. We were both still breathing heavily, and my body still shook and quivered from that massive orgasm. Looking up, I finally noticed all of...
We appeared in what looked to be an indoor mall. There was a broad center area or aisle with stores on either side of it. It was an atrium, and there were two levels visible above the stores that looked like they contained living quarters from what little I could see of them from my present position. Above the third level, the roof of uneven rock was visible. I could see that the mall continued on for a good distance from where we had appeared. There were bridges at several places on the...
“Well, this is a fine kettle of fish,” I said in a sarcastic voice, as I continued to look at the gang of Major Demons assembled outside of the restaurant. “Is there fish?” Al asked, licking his chops. “No, Al, we are the fish,” I told him in an annoyed voice, before turning to the others. “Can you three transfer out of here by yourselves?” I asked. “Yes,” Cassius said in a relieved voice, while Binne looked uncomfortable. “Maybe,” she said. “Go ahead and transfer then. I’ll hold them...
Last Saturday night, I brought a guy home, looking to get fucked. Turned out he was a wimp: when I said ‘no,’ he actually took me seriously and stopped! Jesus! Whatever happened to men????? After he left, I was frustrated, my body on fire with the need for cock. Before wimping out, he had fondled my breasts and licked my nipples. I was insane with lust! I went to bed alone, my tits hot and swollen, nipples erect, my cunt soaking wet. I’m amazed I got to sl**p at all. At least, I think I...
Samuel Barrett arrived at David’s apartment early the next morning to talk to him. “There was an interruption in the Magic from the Lines again last night. It lasted for about a half hour, but it took considerably longer for the lines to return to normal,” he told David. “The Dragon, she must have had a caller. I was told earlier by one of those I had watching her at night that a man visited her on the last occasion of the Lines losing their Magic,” David told him. “But what were they...
The thought of Becky and Shelley engaging in ‘rascality’ had my demon spitting and screaming inside me. ‘You have no choice but to cut off his nugs. He has debauched your sister, and family honour demands you seek out the scoundrel and dispatch him.’ My demon was right, but there was scant chance of finding Shelley in Lincolnshire, where I was bound. Horse Guards had sent a letter to Lincoln Castle notifying the garrison commander of my imminent arrival. An escort would be dispatched to...
After a morning spent reading the instructions for the Military Advisor to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany I went out for a stroll, and in fact dropped into Boodles. I needed some company and coffee, and thought I might later walk past Madame Whipcrack’s establishment in St James’s Square, just round the corner from Boodles. I had no intention of taking General Fitzwarren’s advice, but as I was in the neighbourhood a saunter past the house was warranted. As it happened I fell in with some old...
White House, Washington, DC “Mr. President, I hate to disturb you so late in the day, but we just received a report from CIA headquarters. It is rather long, so I will summarize it. They have finally located the source of the monstrous creatures that have invaded America. There is an installation in the mountains of North Korea very near to the border with China, and your input is needed. In this installation is some sort of machine which is capable of transporting beings from one universe...
set in the 1900s southern Italy In the large megacity of Ledan is a tavern by day and brothel by night run by the only futa succubus in the city. Her speciality at day was pouring delicious milk into beer as to increase the city's people's libido. Her nighttime speciality is giving the best hate fucks to anyone who asks for it, she already racked up quite a following. Her name was Jessika. She had originally entered the city to disprove the myth that succubi can eat people's souls by having sex...
FantasyOn the prime material plane rested a small blue marble made of dust and creatures who were convinced they existed alone in the universe. Just beneath their universe was another, the Underworld. Within the Underworld a vast cluster of worlds known as Netherworlds, existed. The primary inhabitants of these worlds were known as demons. These ambitious creatures strive for many things, power, lust, wealth, fame, and diplomas among them. One such Netherworld was known as Blood Parch, and was said to...
FantasyMom and her crew made it to the park without any distractions. She found a good place to park the car so that they could see all of the park. This park was set up as a meadow surrounded by trees, except where there were streets. That usually made it an ideal place for kids to play, either on the meadow or among the trees. However, the recent monster scare was keeping the kids out of the trees and in the open area where they could be seen. Also, there were more adults in evidence than usual...
White House, Washington, DC “Mr. President, I have the latest report from DOD (Dept. of Defense) on the North Korea situation. I am delighted to report good news for a change. The satellite scanning of the area by deep penetrating radar of where the dimension transportation machine was located shows that the cavern has been collapsed. Furthermore, a very close analysis of the scans made by several passes shows that there is nothing left in the former cavern that even resembles a full...
“Yeah, that's God.” She leaned forward, her large breasts pushing against my chest, and her arms to the sides of my chest, rocking back and forth slowly In my cock. “Oh my god. Our Lord and savior is an asshole.” I sighed, wrapping my hands around her, except my hands were at the bend of her back. “So you're literally a demon? Or an angel?” “It's all just a profession really. Choose whether you wanna chill with humanity or fuck with them.” There was one big question on my mind though....
This time, I probably won’t come crawling back to Rebecca. I know full well that I fucked up choosing her, and there is no coming back from it. “Can I at least get my clothes?” I called from the sidewalk, but the only answer I got was a slammed door. She was probably going to sell them anyways. “Damn.” I jostled with my jacket pockets, trying to find the keys to my sports car. Finding my keys in my left pants pocket, I started the car and began to leave. I didn’t want to know, or care to...
The rain lashed down upon the window without mercy as it tore you from your slumber. Stretching awkwardly you casually ease yourself from between the sheets before pulling yourself upwards into a seating position. Casting a bleary glance downwards you notice the time on your phone reads 6:00 am. You let out a tired groan before cursing to yourself. Placing both feet on the cold wooden floor you casually pace over towards the bathroom and clamber unceremonially into the shower. Jet's of steaming...
BDSMDemon DreamsShe came to me in the night, she was like a dream. Very young and very hot, hardly dressed, with a mischievious smile, I woke up with this fine lady’s hand massaging my junk. I could not believe my eyes, it was like a night terror but I did not feel afraid, just paralyzed. My cock soon started to grow, without a word she took me into her mouth and started to suck the head. After torturing the head of my cock she swallowed it all the way down to my balls. Her tonsils massaged...
The Oni was waiting for him when he arrived, sitting on the boulder with her cudgel leaning against it at her side. She looked as magnificent as ever, her massive legs crossed and her red skin shining in the sunlight, her white hair blowing gently in the breeze. She greeted him with a wave, Satou taking a moment to catch his breath. He had hurried, and the terrain was difficult. “Welcome back, little Satou,” she cooed. “I trust that your journey wasn’t too taxing?” She was making fun of him...
Satou boiled with conflicting emotions. He was elated, his heart still racing after his encounter with Higa. He couldn’t keep his mind off her even for a moment as his family chatted around the table. Whenever he closed his eyes, all that he could see was her red skin and her white hair. He could still taste her lips, feel the smoothness of her body, like an afterimage that lingered in his mind. But at the same time, his gut was twisted with dread. Like a charging ox headed towards a cliff,...
The Wiltshire market town of Chippenham is situated some half way between Newark and Taunton, and where I decided to rest the regiment for a day. Repairs to waggon wheels showing signs of damage, such as loose wheel rims and broken spokes, needed to be carried out, and the respite would be a welcome break from marching for the men, who had conducted themselves well during the journey. Thanks to Rambo’s servicing of the local Cotswold sheep there was money in Regimental Funds to obtain ale for...
Lieutenant-Colonel Barber arrived at regimental HQ on the 30th November. I had moved back to Taunton in order to be on hand to welcome him, and once we had completed the formalities of handing over command I left for Bristol, and ultimately London. The Duke of York was carrying out his plan of putting ‘men who had smelt powder’ in command of Militia regiments. Barber had been commissioned into the 10th Foot, and served with distinction in Egypt. I knew the Lincoln Imps would be in safe hands,...
Walking homeward along Hatton Street I wondered at my sudden act of charity towards the Rothsteins. Was the demon inside me relaxing its grip on my frozen emotions, or was it because Judith Rothstein had caused John Thomas to re-awake? A slight movement in a narrow alleyway to my right caught my eye, and I felt for the knife carried in the top of my boot – the area was a haunt of footpads and cutthroats. I stopped walking, and allowed the faint moonlight to glint on the blade of the knife...
I spent the entire day after the Twelfth Day of Christmas in bed, comatose, and it was only in the afternoon of the next day I summoned sufficient energy to rise from my bed and wash and shave. I recalled what the veterinary in Stow on the Wold had said when Rambo, the regimental mascot, had over extended himself in the tupping of ewes: ‘Rams are like men, they fornicate until exhausted, and then continue fornicating until completely and utterly exhausted’. Like Rambo I had over reached...
Christmas is approaching again. Before my ex wife left ten years ago, Santa was still alive and well in my daughter’s imagination. I enjoyed the holiday season back then, never letting anyone forget what Christmas was really about. The last Christmas we were together we attended midnight service singing His praise. By New Year’s Eve she had left, moving in with some man that I had no idea even existed. She never voiced any interest in seeking custody of our daughter. I’m glad she didn’t. My...
Joel wasn't one of those sad, lonely bundles-of-nerves that was usually into this stuff - and that was why he was quite so good at it, he thought. Typically it was the reclusive, nerdy types that put any serious time into learning the Infernal arts - to compensate for those areas where they were lacking, mostly. To finally get a girlfriend, to provide a shortcut to good looks and charm, to revenge themselves upon those they otherwise would have no chance to get back at... the petty...
New characters in this chapter and others: Mandara Maddy’s Sword, called the Spirit Eater, enchanted and able to cancel Magic spells, can change sizes with its mistress, speaks in her mind, but doesn’t always obey her Druj Evil spirit, appears to be part goat and part woman, can use strong Magic, can use fire that can not be put out even by Magic Binne Faerie Princess, the Illusionist, appears to be a young woman with a curvy figure and breasts, has fine long blond hair, pale skin and...
Slamaria had just stepped through the portal that they opened on the plane she turned around so she could see Simon on the plane. Suddenly! Everyone who stepped through the portal back to the mansion heard an explosion as they looked on in horror they saw the plane blow up through the portal before the portal closed automatically. Slamaria’s heart sank at the fact that she lost Simon and fearing for her own life as well as the life of Simon. ‘What just happened?’ Terra asked disbelief in her...
Knowing what Rikimarue has planned for her would make any Woman go insane but Ayame keeps her sanity by focusing on several scenarios such as all the ways she could escape with her Son, even if she could escape with her Son where could they go? how could she support her Son and herself? All these thoughts take up her concentration 99 percent of the time but there's always that 1 percent that creeps into her thoughts and that 1 percent is after being brutally gangraped and impregnated she...
Ahhh the demons are coming, coming so fastThey bare your soul like an ugly past. Pounding their chests and fangs so sharpThey rip and tear inside my head and heart.I can’t escape them...Let me be!Why oh why do you do this to me?I was hidden away in my seclusion Where it was safe in all my delusions.My mind screams outBut my mouth says naughtI’m trembling in fear of being caughtHidden here in my little secret spot.I long for peace inside myselfBut the demons rage cannot be shelved.Their claws...
Sacrifice. It was just the only way, Joel thought to himself. Some part of him appreciated that it was a cocktail of anger, embarrassment and desperation that was driving him to consider such extreme measures. Extreme measures which, uncharacteristically, he'd barely even done any reading on. His understanding, which he now in his recklessness felt was probably more than adequate to make such logical leaps, was that since Dybbuks were essentially just compressed masses of demonic energy...