Rediscovering Lily
- 4 years ago
- 33
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The Oni was waiting for him when he arrived, sitting on the boulder with her cudgel leaning against it at her side. She looked as magnificent as ever, her massive legs crossed and her red skin shining in the sunlight, her white hair blowing gently in the breeze. She greeted him with a wave, Satou taking a moment to catch his breath. He had hurried, and the terrain was difficult.
“Welcome back, little Satou,” she cooed. “I trust that your journey wasn’t too taxing?” She was making fun of him of course, smiling at him as he recovered from his hike. “Don’t get too comfortable yet, we’re going for a walk.”
“A walk?” he asked.
“I come down to the forest to hunt in the spring. It’s the season when most of the game is looking to mate, which makes them loud and imprudent. Kind of like you actually. You can tag along, but only if you promise to be quiet.”
“I can be quiet!” he insisted.
“Have you ever been hunting before?”
“No,” he admitted, “but I’ve watched plenty of animals. I know how to stay hidden.”
“Well you managed to sneak up on me, so I’ll trust you. But if you scare away a deer, I might just decide to have you for supper instead.”
The Oni bared her pointed teeth in a grin, laughing at her own joke. She gestured for him to follow, rising to her feet and returning the heavy club to its place on her back. She was wearing her long cloak again, the patchwork of animal skins doing a good job of hiding her red complexion from view. Perhaps that was its purpose as well as keeping her warm, to conceal her from her quarry? Satou hurried along after her, struggling to keep pace with her long strides.
“So you said that you come down to hunt,” he said as he made his way into the forest behind her, “does that mean that you live higher up the mountain?”
“My village is higher on the peak,” she replied, moving between the trees and keeping her eyes on the woods as she weaved through the undergrowth. “We rarely descend this low, where the air is thick and stifling, but it’s the only way to find good game for meat and furs.”
“None of my people have ever scaled the peaks, at least not that I know of,” Satou replied. “What’s it like up there?”
“Humans like to farm, and there is no soil that high,” she said as she squeezed between two trees. “It’s cold, windy, the air is thin enough that you would probably have trouble breathing. There is snow all year round.” Despite her size, she was pretty fast, she knew the terrain well and was clearly experienced at navigating it. “I am surprised to see humans even this far up the valley. Why aren’t you down on the plains?”
“My grandfather led his people here to escape oppression,” Satou explained, “they established a farming community in the valley so that they might be free to rule themselves.”
“And you grew up here?” she asked.
“Yes, I have lived on the mountain all my life. I have never seen the lowlands, or at least I have never visited them. I can see them from the terraces on a clear day.”
“Perhaps that is why you behave so strangely...”
“In what way am I strange?” Satou asked, hopping over a protruding root.
“Well for one, you didn’t flee the moment that you saw me. The humans tell tall tales of evil Oni, they say we bring disasters and eat travelers. Only an inattentive child would be so careless.”
“I’m not a child,” he complained, “I’m old enough to marry.”
“You’re the size of one,” she laughed, amused by his indignation. “At least an Oni child, I don’t know how large humans grow.”
“I’m almost five foot six!”
“Is that supposed to be impressive?”
“Maybe not to you,” he grumbled.
“You’re also high-born, isn’t that right?” the Oni asked as she pushed a branch out of her way with a loud creak.
“What of it?”
“Aren’t the high-born supposed to stay inside their fancy castles and never interact with anyone who wasn’t born with a silver spoon in their mouth?”
“Perhaps the upper classes,” he said with a shrug, “but not me. My family might be the leaders of a shoen, but we are still only farmers. We have a respected position in society, even a Shogun cannot live without the rice from our paddies, but we don’t own castles and servants or anything like that.”
“But still, would you say that it’s normal for someone of your class to be running around the woods and exploring?”
“I suppose not,” he grumbled, “now you’re starting to sound like my father.”
She laughed at that, turning to look back at him over her shoulder, her large tuft of hair bouncing as she walked.
“So you don’t pay attention to your elders, you disobey your parents, and you’d rather be out in the woods than sitting on a silk pillow? Maybe we have more in common than I thought.”
She held up her fist and went silent, Satou stopping behind her and crouching low. He waited for a few moments as she scanned the trees.
“Never mind,” she said, “thought I heard something moving around.”
“What are we hunting?”
“Whatever I can get my hands on,” the Oni replied. “Deer mostly, maybe a bear or a wolf if one crosses paths with us. The more pelts I can bring back, the better.”
“Do you sell them?” Satou asked.
“No, we use them.”
He followed her through the woods for a while longer, the conversation dying down as she turned her attention towards tracking animals, but Satou didn’t mind. He was just glad of her company, peering up at her to admire her every so often when he was sure that she was looking away. Her hair was so huge. It was fluffy and bouncy like a cloud, extending all the way down to the small of her back, cascading over her shoulders and contrasting sharply with the dull browns of her cloak. He couldn’t see much of her figure beneath the garment, but she still radiated that confidence that he had found so alluring the first time that he had seen her. It was like she never made a wrong step, so sure of herself, moving with deliberate intent.
Satou was thrilled to be exploring the forest too. As the Oni herself had said, not many humans came up this way, and they were venturing far from the beaten path. He might be the first person to ever tread this ground. Well, the first human in any case. Perhaps the Oni had already explored and mapped the highest reaches of the mountain range? The idea filled him with wonder, he burned with the desire to know what secrets those snow-capped peaks held.
“Quiet,” his giant companion whispered, gesturing for him to stop. He listened intently to the chirping of the birds and the rustling of the treetops, then he heard it too, a distinctive sound like two sticks being scraped together. He peered past her, searching for whatever was making the noise. It took him a few moments, and then he spotted it. There was a majestic stag in the distance, he could just about make it out through the trees. It was grinding its impressive set of antlers against one of the rough trunks and making a racket, trying to attract a mate or ward off rivals perhaps?
“I’m going to get closer,” the Oni whispered, “stay here and don’t make a sound.”
He nodded, watching as she began to creep towards it. She was remarkably quiet despite her immense size, able to move through the undergrowth without making much noise at all. She crouched low, covering herself with her cloak, the skins from which it had been woven concealing her against the woodland backdrop.
Satou realized that she didn’t have a bow or a spear. How would she take the animal down? Surely not with her massive cudgel? She would never get close enough to use that without startling the deer.
He watched with bated breath as she drew ever closer to the clueless creature, which was far more concerned with making a racket than paying attention to its surroundings. She was getting incredibly close to it, freezing like a statue whenever she thought that it might be looking her way. The cloak made her look like a giant clump of brown moss, she blended into the scenery perfectly.
The Oni reached behind her back and slowly drew her cudgel. No way, was she really going to attempt to bring the animal down with that? Was she going to throw it?
When she got close enough to the stag that it ceased its strange activity, turning its head to face her as its ears twitched curiously, the Oni threw back her cloak and loosed a bellow that shook Satou’s bones. Her crimson skin flashing under the sunlight, she charged at the deer, crashing through the forest like a charging ox. She was so massive and heavy, splintering wood and tearing up the undergrowth, but she closed the distance impossibly quickly with her long strides. The stag was so startled that it very nearly fell over itself attempting to escape, stumbling and lurching as its limbs flailed, scared out of its wits by the sudden appearance of the red demon.
It was too late, and the Oni closed, bringing her massive cudgel down on the deer. She landed the blow in the middle of its back and the deer crumpled under the weight of the weapon, loosing a pained cry as it vanished out of view beneath the ferns and bushes. She hit it again with a sickening crunch, presumably in the head as Satou could no longer see it, and the animal went silent.
“Got it!” she declared, resting the cudgel across her shoulder and wiping her brow with her free hand. “Damn it gets hot and humid down here...”
Satou approached cautiously, eyeing the clumps of gore and fur that were clinging to the studs of her iron club. It seemed like overkill to him, like smashing a mouse with a hammer. The cudgel was so large that it might well have pulverized the deer into an unrecognizable pile of mush. She had said that she also hunted bears, however, and that might be a more suitable foe for such a deadly tool.
He felt like he should have been frightened by the sight, but all he could do was marvel at how powerful she was. There was nothing like her in human experience, no one as strong or as fast, no one able to swing such a giant weapon or able to smash through the forest like a rolling boulder.
He peered around her leg, itself almost the size of a tree trunk, seeing the corpse of the deer. Its spine was snapped, and there wasn’t much left of its head beside a pool of blood and bone. As barbarous as her hunting method seemed, the animal hadn’t suffered unduly, it was extremely dead...
“He’s a good sized buck,” she mused, giving it a prod with her foot. She wasn’t wearing any shoes, and her toenails were much the same as her fingernails, black and pointed like claws. “Let’s take him back to my camp and skin him.”
“Your camp?”
“Yeah,” she said as she leaned down to pick up the dead buck by its rear legs, “you didn’t think that I lived in the pool did you?” She swung the animal over her back like it weighed no more than a sack of grain, turning about and heading back the way that they had come.
“I hadn’t really thought about it,” he admitted, following along behind her. “You’re going to get blood in your hair,” he warned, watching as the deer’s ruined head bobbed with every step that she took.
“I’ll wash it out later,” she chuckled, “maybe you can lend me a hand with that?”
Satou blushed, going quiet as she looked back over her shoulder at him with a toothy grin.
The Oni led Satou to a clearing in the forest where she had set up a large tent, made from the same patchwork of animal pelts as her cloak. There was a fire pit in front of it that was full of charred logs, and there was a large iron cooking pot nearby. She made her way over to a tanning rack that was already drying several pelts, dropping the lifeless buck beside it and beginning to carve it up with a nearby knife that was the size of a Samurai’s sword.
Satou wandered around the clearing as she did her work, inspecting the Oni’s campsite. He wasn’t sure exactly where they were now in relation to the shoen, these forests all looked exactly the same. The only point of reference that he had was the nearby mountain that loomed over them, its peak capped with white snow and its bare rock face shrouded in mist. He peeked inside her tent, seeing that it was crudely stitched together from mismatched pelts, supported by a conical structure of branches and logs that were tied together with lengths of vine. It wasn’t quite large enough for her to stand inside it, but that still made it huge by human standards. She slept on a rug that was made up of animal furs, and there was a large bag inside along with a few other sundry items. Was she able to pack all of her belongings in that huge sack and lug it all back up the mountain, along her with her cudgel and her take of furs? She certainly seemed strong enough.
She quickly finished butchering the deer. Before long its skin was drying on the rack, and there was a large pile of meat lying on the grass beside it.
“You like venison?” she asked.
“Sure do,” Satou replied, marveling at the quantity of meat that lay before him. Back in his farming community, the meat was always shared between everyone when there was a successful hunt, which meant that each family got comparatively little. With just the two of them, there was enough food here for him to eat his fill three times over.
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Premium Indian Porn SitesAuthor's Note: Hey, everyone! This is my first posting ever to Fictionmania (I've posted many many other stories to different sites but never to this one) This story was meant to be a satire on the bizarre transformations Spider-Man has undergone over, but really it ended up being a story about Spidey turning into a mannequin! I also noticed a severe lack of straight-up mannequin transformations on the site and hope to rectify that with this posting. Please enjoy and if you wish...
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New York. The dead of night. Through the night air, a dark shape swung through the city. It hurled its arm forward, a rope of webbing flying from its wrist to the nearest building. Once secure, it swung down low before it threw its other arm forward, releasing another strand that allowed it to continue its journey. If anyone were to see the web-slinging silhouette, they'd most likely assume it was none other than the city's most famous resident. The menace of New York as the papers...
Issue 3: Bargaining On my second nights sleep I updated on Peter Parker's memories from the previous day. That was something of a head trip, no joke intended. The update wasn't the same as when I'm a passenger. Its hard to explain. They're... more like an annoying recap episode. You know, old footage summarising things for the viewer. Cause they're his memories. Memories aren't the same as living the event. They're jammed into my head all the same though, pushing my own limited...
Act One: The Dark Mistress “Enter.” The iron door swung open, and a drow warrior strode halfway across the dimly-lit chamber before obediently dropping to a knee. “Priestess Varassa, your scouts have returned from their raid upon the surface.” Sighing in annoyance, Varassa set down her stylus and glared at her quivering supplicant. “Do you think me deaf, male? I heard the palisade gate open, and your men tromped through the camp like a band of ogres. Perhaps you should tell me something I...
I walked into class on a Monday morning taking my usual seat at the front of the class awaiting the dreary, monotonous drone of my teacher to begin and make me remember why I hate school so much, like the army its so old fashioned it cant see where its going wrong. I look around the class seeing the same people sitting in the same places as they have been for the past two years, Shit has it really been that long I think to myself, then my eyes settle on the one bright spark in my life, her...
I sat with my best friend Lily at lunch time, under the big tree outside the college entrance. It was a warm day so we both wore our favorite short skirts, white singlets and relaxed spread out on the grass, facing each other. She smoked a cigarette while I talked to her about my love life."Men just aren't satisfying anymore, I need to find a woman-they know how to pleasure another woman properly!" I said, with a smile.Lily stared at me as I talked, a little startled by how much I was open...
BisexualUte Trucking, Spider Silk By: Malissa Madison 6/22/2013 At twenty three the driver of the black truck looked more like a super hero type. Something on the same level with Laura Croft with her long black hair braided down her back, ending just below her belt line. Her figure sported flaring hips a tiny waist, and a pair of firm B cup breasts. This was the end of a month long haul she was making for her friend Robert, who was in turn taking care of her son while she...
MARIA I Maria Laney waved her hand as the cab that devoured her friends sped off with a screech. The red tail lights streaked, much thanks to the alcohol in her blood, and grew dimmer and dimmer. She had insisted to them firmly that this was her last stop when they all rallied to continue barhopping. She didn’t even remember what words or twists of the face she used, just that they tried poking her pride playfully with heckling daggers. A younger form of herself would have struck back swiftly,...
SupernaturalIssue 8: Resolution "How did you do this, Octavious!? How are you not dead or in jail?" Pete interjects loudly. "Back up Parker," Fury warns. "Tell me!" Pete demands. "Back down," Fury growls. Octavius smiles as he twists the blade. "Tell you what, little boy? Tell you I was going to prison after you beat me up on television... but instead I made a deal with the federal government to work for them... to make a super soldier." The asshat was starting to monologue. I just...
"Huh? Where am I?" thought May "Mayday" Parker. Just a moment ago, she had been web-swinging through the city as Spider-Girl after battling with the symbiote, Carnage. Then she felt as if she had been torn out of the world and had blacked out. Currently, she found herself in a large steel room with a marble floor. On one wall were a locked door and a single chair. She strode over to the door and tried tear it from its hinges with her superhuman strength, but the door didn't even budge....
Knocking on the door, I heard her say “Come in” in a quiet voice. I opened the door and saw her laying on her bed, staring at her phone. Surrounded by a lot of stuffed animals and monsters of sorts, she didn’t look anything close to my age, with me being 19. Lily looked closer to her mid-teens, her small frame and her choice of clothing and Decor made her look even younger then that. Dressed in a grey shirt with one of her drawings on it, in a rather cartoon-ish and cute style, and black...
Jason was aware of a faint clattering sound and then faintly heard Philippa protesting about something. He couldn’t move a muscle or open his eyes. He felt himself being carried and then recalled no more until he woke in utter blackness. He was lying on a very comfortable bed, but he knew he was not in the palace. The smell was completely different. He concentrated on his smell. There was a smell of the earth and the air was humid, but there was more. It smelled like his doctor’s surgery on...
I was not impressed to say the least, and the only reason I agreed to it, is because of what they said I could have after my birthday. They told me that since I was 15 now, when we went to the cottage I could stay in the guest house out back. I had been bugging for it since I was 12, and now that I am a “man” they say, I can live independently out back in the guest house. Fast forward three days. We are throwing our luggage in the car for the long journey to the cottage. OK, maybe it’s...
It was late 18 year old college freshmen Gwen was tired her muscles responding just a bit slower reactions off just a tiny bit and in her head visions of a long hot bath. as she swung through the city her city. Spider-girl's patrol had just ended and in a few moments she would be done for the night it had been a slow evening and she had only interrupted a few minor crimes. The spider suit glistened with a light sheen of sweat as it hugged every single inch of her body leaving nothing to the...
It's been three weeks since DJ and I have split after our open sexual lifestyle seemed to get a little out of hand. He finally was starting to get jealous of my lesbian with flings with some of my friends, and the girls he was sleepiing with were getting younger and younger. But last week when I found out he was banging our friends' daughter, that really took the cake. Lily was about the same age as our youngest daughter. I can't believe that DJ would think it was okay to hook up with someone...
It was Wednesday lunchtime. I lied down by myself on a patch of grass on the soccer oval. School today was boring and I couldn't wait to get home. Today had been a disaster. Since I stayed up so late last night I woke up half an hour late this morning. I managed to catch the bus only because I skipped breakfast. Throughout class I was hungry and tired, but I managed to pull through. As I sat on the grass a girl about my age walked by and looked at me for a while, about four seconds. I hate...
I watched the latest movie of Spiderman and fell in love with the Actor Andrew Garfield. This story is my pure imagination and fantasy. I hope you will enjoy.I am Jack a 19 year old boy very fair and lean like Robert Pattinson of Eclipse Twilight movie actor. I stay in countryside near New York City with my parents, we have a huge farm, stable with horses, cows etc. My parents were away on a vacation. I was alone on the farm. It was rainy and there were frequent power cuts after the day’s hard...
Let me explain how it is in Vinnie's World. We're a savage tribe living in a land with other savage tribes. We don't start wars. We follow certain maxims: live and let live; to each his own; don't stick your nose in someone else's business. But sometimes other people don't follow those rules. That's when we act because there is one maxim we never follow: turn the other cheek. We defend each other and our possessions. Our most precious possessions are our women, and we guard them at all...
Mary scowled as she flipped through the pages of the scuffed book. “Guys, this book is full of spelling mistakes. And most of the ‘potions’ chapter is just recipes for soup and chili.” Sean poured the last line of flour onto the living room carpet as straight as he could, completing the pentagram. “C’mon, Kaitlin only paid 50 cents. What do you expect?” He stood and dusted his hands. “How does this look, you two?”Mary stood staring at the design, clearly uncomfortable. The satanic symbol was...
SupernaturalDemon Witch Cheerleaders my friend and I were at the wrong place at the wrong time when the cheerleaders come back then we were caught by them something was going to change me forever 1 . cheerleader snoop and changes "Come on man, this is heaven." My friend Jake tempts. "Dude if we get caught I heard the cheerleaders where ruthless." I reply. "But the risk Is worth it James!" he counters. I finally agree with him and we wait until school is over. When...