Spider-Mannequin free porn video

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Author's Note: Hey, everyone! This is my first posting ever to Fictionmania (I've posted many many other stories to different sites but never to this one) This story was meant to be a satire on the bizarre transformations Spider-Man has undergone over, but really it ended up being a story about Spidey turning into a mannequin! I also noticed a severe lack of straight-up mannequin transformations on the site and hope to rectify that with this posting. Please enjoy and if you wish to contant me please do at my DeviantArt or FurAffinitty pages (Monkey- Scientist on DA and SirgeTheStar on FA) I've encountered a lot of strange villains in my tenure as Spider-Man, but the most bizarre villain I've encountered is definitely Mysterio. Most of my villains spend time trying to kill me, kill my friends, try to switch bodies with me, or other such typical villain stuff. Mysterio loves his illusions and loves pulling off heists using them. On some occasions though, Mysterio would play tricks on me I'd never forget like the one night Daredevil and I were on his tail. Mysterio had given us the slip all over town as we attempted to apprehend him. To my surprise, he hadn't tried to steal anything or kill anyone. It was like he was leading us somewhere and I wasn't sure where. After chasing him, Daredevil and I arrived at an old warehouse. "He has to be in there, Spidey! I can hear him from inside." I nodded and moved closer to the outside of the building. "Okay, on the count of 3 we move in! 1... 2..." Before I could finish counting, Daredevil turned away. "Spidey, I hear people screaming downtown. It sounds like the Rhino is causing havoc, think you could clean this up?" I stood up and stared at DD. I knew well of his enhanced hearing ability. "Are you sure? I think I could use some backup on this one!" Daredevil shrugs. "Well, it's obvious the trap is meant exclusively for you. If need be, I'll send Moon Knight in 15 minutes to help you if you get in trouble." I sighed and nodded, "Fine, I guess I'll face this on my own!" Daredevil leapt off to defeat Rhino as I snuck up to the entrance to the warehouse. I opened it and found that the interior of the entire warehouse looked like a clothing store! It was larger than any clothing store in the city, the place looked like a giant mini-mall. It was populated with people, which I assumed to be all of Mysterio's automatons. I entered into the mall and quickly found the door shutting behind me. As soon as the doors shut, I heard voice over the speaker pipe in. "Welcome, Spider-Man! I shall give you a night you shall not forget!" I looked around for where the voice was coming from. "I hope you know that whatever trap you have planned won't work on me, your illusions are played out at this point!" I heard Mysterio cackle over the loud speaker. "Ah, yes, my illusions. Actually, my illusions are the reason I have you here. You see, I haven't forgotten about how you recently placed my costume over a female mannequin's body the last time we fought. Which is why I have prepared this clothing mall as a way of revenge. You see, for disgracing my costume I shall disgrace you by turning you into a female mannequin using my illusions!" I chuckled at the mere idea of this. "What kind of illusion would make me believe I'm a female mannequin? You must be crazy, Mysterio!" Mysterio was not amused by the accusations that he couldn't do it. "Oh, trust me, these illusions will feel quite real. In fact, these illusions will be so real that I also fool your friends with this act! Not only will I make you believe you are a mannequin, I will make you want to be a mannequin. When I'm through with you, you'll love being a mannequin in this mall!" Spidey was dumbstruck by his words, how could he be fooled into believing he was a mannequin? Spidey knew every single one of Mysterio's tricks inside and out, he knew that Mysterio was bluffing! I wandered around the mall and found many human-shaped robots staring at me. Just as I was walking by, two androids grabbed me and threw me into the photo booth. As soon as I was thrown into the booth, the camera took my picture. My body was covered in bright light in the process, making my body feel rather weird. After the picture was taken, I felt strange changes take hold of my body. My chest started to rise as two massive orbs emerged from my chest. My nipples became larger and more sensitive as they uncomfortably pressed against the inside of my costume. I found that the fleshy orbs strongly resembled breasts. I soon realized that they were actual breasts! I assumed they were part of Mysterio's illusion, but they felt so real! The breasts became massive, ripping the front of my costume in the process. My hips started to grow much wider as the pants of my costume became super tight. My pants really started to give out when my butt started growing larger. My ever-growing rear started to rip through the seat of my pants. Rips formed in the back of my pants, exposing parts of my butt in the process. My butt grew so large that it felt like it needed its own postal code! After my butt grew, I felt a strange tingling reverberate through my lower body. As this happened, my legs became thinner as they started to curve. The legs of my costume became baggy due to my much thinner legs. At the same time, I felt all the hair covering my legs starting to recede. Suddenly, I felt a strange tingling between my legs. I looked down and found my bulge starting to disappear! My Johnson completely disappeared inside me, leaving me with a rather bare spot between my legs. My height started to shrink as well as I was reduced from a comfortable 5 foot 10 to just below 5 feet! The muscles on my arms and legs started to deflate as my limbs became immensely thin. My shoulders became less defined as my abs shrivelled away. I could feel my face under my mask starting to change. My nose shrank as did my eyebrows. The skin along my face became smooth as a baby's bottom as my lips started to puff out. My whole face rearranged to match that of a beautiful young woman's! My scalp tingled as my hair grew longer and longer as it started to push out from underneath my mask. My excess amount of hair made my mask extremely uncomfortable to the point where I was constantly scratching the back of my head. On the screen in front of me, I saw Mysterio's face appear. "Well, looks like you are also busty and beautiful now! That' certainly the first step." I angrily waved my fist at the screen. "Mysterio, you scum! I thought you said this was all going to be an illusion, this feels so real!" Mysterio laughed maniacally as he twiddled his fingers around. "Well, that's not 100% true. You see, you turning into a woman will be the only real part of the transformation. You see, I had acquired some magic to power this phone-booth from Loki. It has the nasty effect of changing men into a woman as a side-effect of the camera's use! It was necessary for me to turn you into a woman, I'm not big into gory body modifications. Speaking of modifications..." The camera took another picture and blinded me with light once more. Once the light faded, I found that I was almost completely naked! My costume had completely disappeared with the exception of my tight mask which still sat uncomfortably on my head. I covered up my bare breasts and unmentionables using my hands as Mysterio laughed. "Ha, that's good a look for you, "Spider-Girl"! Now I suggest you leave this phone booth, my robots are on their way to bring you to me!" I quickly dashed out of the phone booth and was greeted by several robot mall-goers running towards me. As one came running towards me, I removed my arm from one of my breasts and threw a punch right in the robot's face. This only resulted in me hurting my arm in the process! "Geez, Mysterio! What are these things made of?" Mysterio cackled over the loud-speaker once more. "Actually, these robots are made out of a silicon-infused plastic material. They are the weakest robots I've ever made!" My eyes opened wide at this statement. "Wait, if these are the weakest robots you've ever made, then that means..." I began to say before being cut off by Mysterio's booming voice, "That's right, you currently have no powers! I'm pumping a special chemical through the vents that restricts all superhuman abilities! You are no longer a spider or man, you are now going to be a mannequin from here on out when I get through with you!" I panicked as I started to run away from the robots. I made a mad dash towards some strange unnamed building. I was the wrong gender, naked, powerless, and running from several robots that want to turn me into a mannequin! I had no choice but to run into the building. I entered an empty long hallway as the lights turned on. I found that mannequins were lining the hallway, all fastened to stands. The plastic beings stood immobile and emotionless and for some reason I started to become jealous. Mannequins get to stand there and look pretty all day long and I'm forced to swing around a city and fight crime and get all sweaty! Wait, what was I thinking?! I gave my head a good shake, I found that Mysterio's trap was starting to get to me. I continued to wander down the hall that was filled with nothing but mannequins. I found that this hall was immensely long, I briefly wondered if this whole section of the mall was underground. The more mannequins I saw, the more I felt like I should become on. Why was I so entranced by these plastic beings? I'm a superhero for god-sakes! Or at least I was one until I entered this funhouse of torment. After walking past all of the mannequins, I happened across an empty stand at the end of the hallway. I was strangely tempted to step onto the stand and pose. I knew it was a bad idea, I couldn't let Mysterio toy with my mind! Despite that, I found that I couldn't resist the call of the stand. I stepped onto the stand as the cold metal send a chill through my bare feet and up through my naked body. I stood on the stand and raised my arm as if I was holding an invisible umbrella. As soon as I had taken this pose, a strange needle emerge from the base of the stand and pricked my foot. As soon as this happened, I found myself unable to move at all! The only part of my body that I could move was my lips. I heard panel open up behind me as a familiar figure walked in front of my unmoving face: It was Mysterio! "Why, hello there! Looks like we have a mannequin in the making!" I struggled to move as Mysterio pressed his finger against my chin while chuckling to himself. "Let me go, Mysterio! It's impossible to change a human into a a mannequin, so don't even try!" Mysterio chuckled and gave me a smack on my large behind. "I've already made it impossible for you to move using a special venom that renders a human body unresponsive, so I've already partway pulled it off! Now, let's get some plastic coating on you." Several of Mysterio's robotic mall-goers approached me carrying a large container that appeared to be full of liquid plastic. "You think I'm scared of some liquid? You take me for a fool Mysterio!" Mysterio has the robots lower the bucket in front of my stand. "You are the fool, Spider-Man! This plastic contains nanomachines designed to hold the plastic liquid over a human's body. It basically acts as a skin-tight plastic-coating! Form-fitting and restrictive, you will feel even less mobile after I drench you with this!" I screamed at the idea of being coated in plastic! The robots quickly got to work and start layering plastic over my feet and legs. My legs became coated and completely immobile, now being covered in smooth plastic. The robots made their was upwards and covered my hips in smooth plastic. They then coated my butt in plastic, sealing it completely shut! "Mysterio, you mad-man! That hole needs to remain open." Mysterio shook his fish- domed head. "Not exactly! You see, I have these metabolism pills that give your body necessary nutrients and keeps your body satiated in both the food and water department. The pill also makes it so you do not produce waste material of any sort, so you'll be able to stand perfectly still without distraction!" I stared at Mysterio in awe, he was clearly insane! "You can't do this! I don't want to be a mannequin, I'm a hero!" Mysterio shook his head and snapped his fingers. "Oh, trust me, you'll enjoy this!" The robots continued to apply the plastic to my body, covering my nethers and stomach in plastic. Like a film crew applying prosthetics to a person, the robots expertly applied the liquid to my skin. They worked diligently as they covered my large breasts in the plastic gunk, sealing them tightly within the plastic casing. My arms were the next to be drenched in plastic. The robots coated my arms in plastic, rendering them completely immobile. The robots coated my shoulders next and then moved onto my neck. They then painted plastic all over my neck, leaving it rigid and immobile in the process. Mysterio chuckled to himself at the fact that I was now unable to move an inch. "Almost finished, my dear! Now, let's get rid of that pesky mask..." I panicked, I knew my face underneath was probably different, but I still didn't enjoy people taking it off! Mysterio reached around to the back of my mask and slowly removed it from my face. My hair immediately drooped to the back of my neck upon the removal of my mask. "Perfect, you look so nice and beautiful!" I angrily snarled at the fish-bowl-wearing supervillain. "How dare you remove my mask?!" Mysterio didn't answer, instead he gripped the sides of his helmet and started to remove his fish-bowl helmet. Underneath Mysterio's helmet was not the face of Quentin Beck, but instead it was my own! "I removed your mask because you no longer have need for it, you are about to be a mannequin after all! I shall be Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man from here on out!" I screamed as I started to breath heavily. "N-No way! How did you know my secret identity?!" Mysterio and rubbed his hand against my plastic breasts. "Doc Ock told me, he gave me all the information I needed. I then proceeded to design a mask that strongly resembled your face. You see, while you're stuck as a mannequin I shall be the new Spider-Man!" I gasped, he couldn't do this! I had just gotten back my body from Doc Ock, I couldn't let another villain steal my identity. Just then, I heard a buzzing sound. "Ah, I see the robots have brought the razor. We'll definitely need to give your head a good shaving so it's nice and bald!" One of the robots took the razor and started buzz-cutting my hair. The robot maneuvered the razor with deadly accuracy, shaving off every inch of hair in the process. As the robot shaved off my head, Mysterio started to muse to himself. "I find it funny how often you would criticize my robots for looking less like people and more like mannequins. Now, it is you who shall be a mannequin and be toyed with by my precious robots. In the meantime, I will enjoy living your life!" "You can't get away with this, Mysterio! I know your budget, you can't financially afford to keep me as a mannequin and have me devouring food- pills forever." Mysterio grinned as he unzipped his costume revealing what appeared to be a duplicate of my Spider-Man Costume underneath. "Oh, don't worry about my budget. You see, I made a literal deal with the devil by selling my relationship with my girlfriend to Mephisto. In exchange, he gave me a massive amount of cash to do with whatever I see fit! These food and nutrient pills that I'll keep you on are actually cheap and affordable to make and this whole setup cost me surprisingly little. I have my cash and soon your life, Petey! Now, how about a kiss..." Mysterio leaned in for a smooch so suddenly that I became bewildered. I panicked and froze, giving Mysterio ample time to kiss me right on the lips. I blushed as he pulled away from my face. I soon found that my lips couldn't move and were stuck in an open position! "Perfect, I need your lips open like that for the food-pills. Now, let's finish this up, boys!" The robots finished shaving my head bald and prepared to apply the finishing touches. The only thing I could do now was blink and stare straight ahead as the robots applied the plastic to my face. The machines covered my face in the nanobot-infused plastic. My lips were covered in the coating as was my cheeks, forehead, chin, and eyebrows. They also covered my bald head in plastic, leaving me with a mannequin chrome-dome. The back of my head was also coated in plastic, completing my transformation. Mysterio grinned from ear-to-ear as he held the mirror up in front of me. It revealed that I was now a mannequin with a very human-like appearance and a surprised expression on her face. I also saw the rest of my body was that of a plastic mannequin's, yet I still looked quite human. "Still looks like a human to me, we'll have to fix her in post!" Mysterio then picked me up with little effort on his part and held me in his arm like I was nothing but an object! "Surprised? Don't be, the nanomachines in that plastic casing decrease the weight and gravity of an object that it's bound to. In other words, you not only look like a mannequin but weigh the same amount as one!" Mysterio effortlessly carried my inanimate body into a clothing store and placed me on a stand. He then bent over and took out a box, removing a piece of lingerie that was designed to resemble his costume. This corset was green and purple and had silver lines going across it. Mysterio unfastened the corset and skillfully placed it onto my inanimate body. He then took a pair of purple and green high-heels and then slid my feet into them. Finally, he placed a blonde wig on my head. "Perfect! Now, we just need to get rid of that human-looking aspect of you." Mysterio then removed from his pocket a pin-shaped version of his hologram cubes. He took the pin and latched it onto my body, right before putting my body in front of a mirror. My appearance then changed as a hologram was projected over me, I lost my more human looks as well as the features that defined me as a living being. My eyes now looked painted on and unblinking, my mouth appeared to be shut, and my facial expression was that of dull- emotion. Mysterio then put on a mask that appeared to be my discarded Spider-Man mask. He put me back on the stand and smiled. "Perfect! And here you said I couldn't turn you into a mannequin. Now, don't worry, you will never sweat, get tired or dehydrated. The nanomachines have a built in coolant system that will keep your body room-temperature. The nanomachines have also entered your bloodstream in order to prevent diseases, illness, or discomfort. In other words, you are going to live a nice healthy mannequin life inside that plastic shell from now on! My robots will bring you nutrient pills multiple times a day in order to keep you fully fed and hydrated. And with Loki's transformation magic in place, you don't have to worry about turning into a man while inside that casing. Now that your form is all locked in, I'll go about my new life now!" Mysterio started walking off as I struggled to move. I couldn't budge, the plastic coating held my tightly in place. I was stuck in a bizarre pose and in a feminine body. I could only watch as Mysterio meets up with Moon Knight outside the store and pretends to be me. Moon Knight is completely fooled as anyone would be by Mysterio's disguise. Mysterio's disguise would put Chameleon to shame! Now here I was, one of the world's great superheroes stuck as a mannequin in a mall and nobody knows I'm here. Once Mysterio and Moon Knight left, I was all alone and trapped in this plastic nightmare! Robots would walk by and routinely change my clothes despite the lack of any store owners. I was routinely given food and nutrient pills in order to keep my entrapped body healthy. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents would come by regularly to look for Mysterio, but never find him. Occasionally, they would toy with my plastic body such as spanking my bottom or groping me before leaving. I was stuck in this prison, unable to escape. I knew someday I'd get out of here, whether it be by Mysterio getting found out or turned back to normal by some universe rewriting explosion. However, I knew I was going to be stuck here for a long time. In the meantime, I was caught in Mysterio's trap like a fly in a spider's web.

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spider man the beginning

the beginning for ppl who always wondered about the sexual life of that web slinger i suggest some spiderman knowledge before reading thanks peter parker was bit by a radioactive spider… blaa blaa blaa peter rolled over and looked at his gorgeous wife mary jane. her red hair shone in the early morning light. Peter watched her breath as her incredible 36 d tits slightly moved up and down beneath the sheets. Peter laid back and thought of having sex with his beautiful wife. His 8...

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SpidermanOwner of Stories

Peter Parker, also known as Spider-man, was sitting in the centre of his living room in the lotus position. He was using the mediation techniques suggested by Dr. Strange and Zatanna to harness the power of the mystical side of his powers. He was breathing in deeply, then exhaling, while focusing on the Web of Life and Destiny. Also known as the Web of Reality, it was this element which linked the universe which powered his spider sense. That or weird superpowers. 'But given my powers could...

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Spider and the Fly Part 1

Into the WebFirst of all a disclaimer, just in case. This is a work of total fiction. If any character appears to even remotely resemble a real person that is a pure accident. With that said hope you enjoy this bit of fiction.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++“My, my said the spider to the fly, jump right ahead into my web….”I often think of that line out of the song created so long ago. It’s a great illustration of how the past year has gone.First introductions; I’m Robert, 34 years...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 3 The Azloc

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” – Sun Tzu “Linda let us get back to your summary of the discussions you had with the allies, was there anything else of import that was discussed?” Philippa asked. Linda frowned while she looked down at the beautiful table in Brecht’s dining room. She interlinked her fingers, then looked up. “The Spider/Ant group are rampaging through their galaxy conquering planets. Cassius and Felix are receiving a flood of refugees. The refugees call...

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Spider and the Fly

The Spider and the Fly Chapter 1 - Catching the Fly The moment had finally come when she had stated she wanted to be his. The last few months were a slow and strenuous journey of slowly gaining her trust and making her come to her senses over exactly what he could provide that she could only find through him… but when she came on the phone for him, moaning so loudly he worried the police would be called not only at her place, but at his, he knew he had her… if he could do that to her...

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SpiderMan Ultimate Beginnings Chapter One

Peter rolled over and looked at his gorgeous wife Mary-Jane. Her red hair shone in the early morning light. Peter watched her breathe as her incredible 36D tits slightly moved up and down beneath the sheets. Peter laid back and thought of having sex with his beautiful wife. His 8-inch cock began to harden as he thought about Mary-Jane. Peter pulled back the covers on her and began rubbing her massive tits through her bra. Mary-Jane sighed deeply in her sleep. Slowly Peter pulled down her black...

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Spiderman part 3 Ultimate heros part1

Introduction: continuation of part 1 and 2 Spider man part 3 Ultimate h?s part 1 Gwen Stacy took Spidermans dick like a pro. She was back against the alley wall as Spiderman pummeled her with his huge cock. Gwen Stacys big tits swung freely as her legs wrapped around Spidermans back. Her hips gyrated up and down as spiderman thrust into her receiving pelvis. Stacys hips ground into Spidermans dick. Her pussy wrapped around his cock milky it as the hot rod pulled in and out sucking her pussy...

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Spiderman part 3 Ultimate heros part1

Ultimate h?s part 1 Gwen Stacy took Spiderman's dick like a pro. She was back against the alley wall as Spiderman pummeled her with his huge cock. Gwen Stacy's big tits swung freely as her legs wrapped around Spiderman's back. Her hips gyrated up and down as spiderman thrust into her receiving pelvis. Stacy's hips ground into Spiderman's dick. Her pussy wrapped around his cock milky it as the hot rod pulled in and out sucking her pussy lips with it as it moved. Gwen's black high heel...

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Spiderman Far from homeTake off your clothes

First off, I do not own the rights to spiderman or far from home. This is simply a fan fic of what I wished happened during the scene where spiderman gets the black suit. Second, I don't plan on putting in spoilers for the movie, so if you havent seen it, you can still read it, but you wont know what scene im talking about. Third, please check out my new song on soundcloud. Its a cover of "And I love her" by the Beatles. I played it on my violin. Heres the...

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Spider Queen Book 8Cast

Cast of characters for the Warlord Series Book 1: The Warlord and the Traitor In order of appearance Name Description Jason Kargo Main Character – at beginning he is 80 yrs old Jeff Cycle riding friend of Jason Tom Cycle riding friend of Jason Charlie Cycle riding friend of Jason Harry Cycle riding friend of Jason Rosie one of Jason’s Rottweiler dogs Sarah Kargo Jason’s wife Lauren Craddock Jason & Sarah’s daughter Chloe Craddock Lauren & Dan’s daughter Chuck Craddock...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 1 Emdar Grept

“If a man does his best, what else is there?“ – General George Patton Jr Jason watched streams of craft leaving the planet and carrying their precious cargo into the waiting ships. The evacuation of the planet was coordinated by the planetary AI. No human could manage such precision and efficiency. On the surface of the damaged planet, volcanos spewed the blood of the planet into cracks in the planetary crust. Jason’s hologram flashed to show a shuttle entering the hanger from the planet...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 2 Nobatia

“Brecht, thank you for your help. You are a wonderful mother-in-law!” Jason said grinning as he kissed her on the cheek. “The lunch was excellent as well.” Jason looked at his mother in law affectionately. She led the Collective a civilization made up of Insects. She was a praying mantis but like many she could change form. She was in her humanoid form at lunch. She looked to be in her thirties despite being well over a million years old. Philippa talked animatedly with her mother. The two...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 4 War College

“They’re on our right, they’re on our left, they’re in front of us, they’re behind us; they can’t get away from us this time.” – Chesty Puller The gym was huge and was one of two hundred on campus. It comfortably accommodated ten thousand students. Along the back-wall, AIs attended to registrations. Each group was allocated two instructors. They introduced themselves as Uzliumbax AI instructors and said they developed the exercise routines and led martial arts training. Jason was bumped...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 5 The Uzliumbax

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” – Sun Tzu “Ooryphyon how are you getting on?” Jason asked at dinner. “I think I’m doing pretty well thank you very much Jason! I am on top of the world and raring to live my new life.” “I want to ask you for a bit of advice if I may?” Jason asked. “Before you were fully rebuilt, I was approached by a group of elite AIs who had not followed their stasis and deactivation instructions. They were all supposed to put themselves...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 6 Visiting the Bugs

“Andrea, this is an awesome dreadnaught. I can’t believe you and Linda are also with Jason. Thank you for the lift. I appreciate it. It was great the Emperor arranged this ship to transport us. It is much better than the ferry and better than the ship we traveled on to Mars. I thought we were going to be caught between universes. It shook frighteningly when we did the transition. “We Ordreg were so proud of our achievements. Then along comes the Emperor and all of a sudden, we get our bodies...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 7 Back to War College

“I am excited to be back here again. But I also did enjoy the weekend very much Jason. It was very relaxing on the estate and I was surprised how pleasant the Destroyer women are. They are much older than I expected and very experienced. “I don’t know how you managed to persuade Pleb to locate herself on Mars and manage her growing war academies colleges and universities from here,” said Ooryphyon. “Many from the Collective are very bored and I don’t think it was difficult to persuade her...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 8 The Royals

“How was the week?” Brecht asked as they all sat around her table as dinner was served. “Before we answer, Brecht may I introduce you to Palatal Nulagor who is Jason’s political partner at the War College,” said Razza. “We are looking at lining her up to take some of Philippa’s role. Her father runs one of the Jumo planets, Beeliar.” “Ah yes Beeliar; I remember it well. I hope your family survived?” “Yes, thank you for asking Prime Minister. They were saved just in time.” “Jason, one of...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 9 Meeting the other Uzliumbax

Emperor Cassius, Jason’s uncle called from his palace on Laomedeia. “Jason, I have a delegation here from the Galaxy of the Azloc. They are a pretty advanced civilization, somewhere around your level as far as I can tell and they want to discuss an alliance to defend against the Azloc. They want to speak to you before they talk to anyone else. Can I bring them and Alana to visit this weekend?” “Cassius we would love to see you both. I miss you guys terribly. Studying and the heavy duties of...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 10 Dinnio Prime

Jason awoke feeling sore in every part of his body. He felt weak. He tried to call out telepathically. He could not. He could only breathe and sigh. He knew he was in a pod in a hospital, but it was not a Collective, Uzliumbax or an Empire pod. The smell was different. He tried to call out but all he could create was a soft croak. His arms were weak, he could barely lift them. He tried to transport himself outside of the pod without any success. He looked up and could see Philippa, Andrea,...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 11 The Azloc Queenrsquos Demand

As they walked to dinner two weeks later Jason noticed an increased level of activity in the palace, many people passed him in the passages, looked at him briefly, then averted their gaze. There were several people in uniform that Jason had not met when they sat down at the table. Queen Afumati spoke up as soon as they settled. “The Azloc Queen, second in command to the supreme queen has made a strange request. I will ask General Asterius Magnus and his associate General Feraldus Ardavan to...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 14 Azloc threat

“Emperor, my name is Yoyo Arsames and I am the head of the military, your second in command, my rank is Senior Admiral. Next in command is General Eg’thach Trongronur followed by Adm. Kalman Cazacul and General Feraldus Orlandini.” Jason introduced them to Linda, Andrea, Celia and Felicia and then to Zafa Nefu, Kariya Nama, Coriyama Kelubaru and Nara Pela. He finally introduced them to Empress Valsam Sabins. “Adm. Arsames before we begin the meeting my grandchildren who are competing in the...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 15 Waiting for the Storm

Jason awoke feeling refreshed and made his way to the gym. He found everyone already working out including Valsam who was smiling and waving. She bounded over to him and gave him a kiss. “I feel wonderful today, full of the joys of life. I had that same dream again of that temple, but when I awoke, I felt top of the world and ready for all-out war with the minions of my mother.” “You think it is going to be a war?” Jason asked. “The more I think about it the more convinced I am we are going...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 16The Battle

After dinner Jason changed into cockroach form, dressed in his armor and wrote to Lauren. He spoke briefly with Yoyo, Cassius, Jacques, Marduk and several other leaders. Philippa decided to stay with Jason and Valsam. Zafa joined her fleet. Jason went to look outside. Tens of thousands of troops, tanks and gunships surrounded the palace. Jason spoke to Andrea and Linda. Razza and Julia returned to their rooms. Finally, Ooryphyon did so as well. Jason meditated and spoke to Porquenta and the...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 17 Etarstaway

“That is a gorgeous city,” said Linda. “It looks like it was built from crystals. This is the first city I have seen where so much of it is above ground. I love the spires and liquid shapes. Those buildings look miles high. The colors are lovely. The buildings look like they were made from crystal.” Jason with Ooryphyon glued to his side looked at the city as they drew closer, the sky began to lighten and the colors changed from blues to pinks and orange. The city was awakening. Shuttles...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 18

Jason, Zafa, Valsam, Andrea and Linda accompanied Yoyo onto his Flagship followed by the empresses and Jason’s groups. “I will brief you when we reach the conference room near the bridge,” said Yoyo. “We have discovered far more than we expected about the so-called pirates,” said Yoyo shaking his head. They stepped out of the portal into a passageway and he led them and several assistants into a beautifully appointed conference room. The walls looked like floor to roof windows overlooking...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 19 Windup

Jason welcomed Yoyo, Korin his wife, and senior admirals and generals and partners to his estate and he and Yoyo made the introductions. Jason took Yoyo’s group to meet the leaders who remained on the estate. Smith had repaired the damage. The estate looked pristine and as it was when he arrived. “Jason you look healthier and younger,” said Korin, “Can you remember when you were emperor?” “I don’t recall anything. I like the same people and I behave as I did, but I have lost my past,” said...

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preface; Although this story may sound like an attempt at actual literature, I assure you it's sole purpose is to hopefully get someone turned on enough to, uh , well, use your imagination, I did. It is a story unlike any other that I have stumbled upon so far thruought my readings across many websites. So if any of it sounds familiar, well thats just luck. What makes a day seem different than any other? Nothing? I mean every so often something serious or life altering happens,...

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Spiders Game

Chapter OneJack could feel the headache pounding in his head spread down his neck and shoulders into his numbed arms. He felt like he had finally gone and just fell asleep on the tiled floor of the kitchen, not even bothering to find his bedroom or the couch. Barely half-awake, he tried to roll over and continue to sleep in a post-school haze, but the jagged pain arching through his shoulders when he tried to move made his eyes open with a grunt of pain.He didn’t recognize this room. This...

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Spiderman Another Day in the Big Apple

Admittedly, things were never normal when you were a super-hero. The moment you donned the mask and slipped on the tights, any hope of a regular life went right out the window. Peter Parker, better known to the world as The Amazing Spiderman, knew this quite well. In five years since he had first created his alter ego, it had interfered with his family, his schooling, the various jobs he had held, and—perhaps most frustratingly—his love life. How did you explain to your girlfriend that you were...

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Spiders Web

Ever since Adams Party, and Sally’s little antics in the kitchen the following day, I have steered clear of being alone when she’s around. I did not want it to seem as if I was taking advantage of mine host, but that was soon to change which I had nothing to do with it. I had seen Helen a couple of times after the party. The first time was pure lust, wanting to repeat the night of the party; I had the space, she wanted a fuck, why not and the second time she called me. Her old man was away for...

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Open Fire Chapter 2

      Chapter 2       ​As they got on the pad for the Quarterfinals, Corey radioed to his team. “Alright, this next team is going to be a bugger. Wal-mart map, and their Elite is wearing Bludgeon armor. Stay back, careful about running in groups.” The pad began to whir. “I’ll handle the Elite.”   ​“That’s right, kill him!” Alexi said. The team cheered just before they were teleported off, each to their own respawn point.   ​The Wal-mart map was the strangest of them all. It was all...

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Now Is the Winter of Our Discount TentChapter 3

I was nearly asleep ten or fifteen minutes later all snuggled up in my sleeping bag in my tent. It might have been twenty below zero or worse outside in the storm but I was at least comfortable, if not quite toasty-oasty warm inside. The roaring blizzard gale outside was somewhat muffled and it certainly didn't pierce the stealth insulated lining of my tent. That all changed in an instant when the tent flaps suddenly burst open and two rather frozen young ladies suddenly tried to join me in...

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The Uncertainty Principle Episode 1

EDITOR'S NOTE The following tale is based on documents recovered from Woodfield Cottage prior to its sale in March 2012. The story appears on these pages by kind permission of Mr John Pennington. The right of Mrs Pennington to be identified as the sole author of this work is no longer disputed. In spite of their unconventional style, graphologists are satisfied that the earlier manuscripts were produced by the same hand as the others. Mrs Pennington's reasons for creating...

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Sister in law

Hello this has happened two months back. It is the most unexpected and never in my dreams sexual encounter of my life. It will take me couple of paragraphs before telling the sexual encounter because I think the prelude to it will have great deal of importance to what happened. Let me introduce myself. Born, raised and educated in New Delhi I am Aamir, 32 a Software Engineer working in the US for the past seven years. Married to Suhana 27 a Dental Surgeon also working in the US, we have a...

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In the bedroom Leanne and Ben lay on the bed for some minutes slowly recovering from the excitement of the game. Ben spoke first “Won’t Dean be upset with this?” Leanne replied “What Dean and I have is something really special, we have come through stuff that would have destroyed other couples. We love each other with a passion that is unshakable. This is pure sex and enjoyment and loads of fun with no emotional strings so don’t worry on that score.”“What do you want me to do now?” asked...

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EvilAngel Alysa Gap Jolee Love Brittany Bardot Megan Inky 2 Orgies

Stylish Euro-babe Jolee Love meets freaky director Proxy Paige and friends for a kinky orgy. Three hung studs (Damien Soup, Angelo Godshack and Michael Fly) subject Jolee to a stirring double penetration fuck. Jolee whimpers through intense anal manhandling and gives a crude, ass-to-mouth blowjob. A messy creampie oozes from her cunt. The busty brunette enjoys marathon cunt pounding and wallows in the semen of a slimy cum facial. But that’s not all: Sodomy savant Alysa Gap teams up with...


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