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Mannequin Dauphin To contact dauphin, send an e-mail to [email protected] If you want to chat with Dauphin, add him on msn: [email protected] Sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes. I do my best, but I am not perfect. I hope you like the story despite these. I opened my eyes. I was in a shop window. I couldn't move anything. I was a mannequin, produced at the Royal Factory, and special because I was an autonomy correct boy. I had long hair to my shoulders. Long hair was meant to make me look like a skater boy or something like that. I suppose it was supposed to be modern. There was a special thing about me. My hair was made from clippings from a real princess. I doubt that when the princess was getting her hair cut, that she knew that it would be used as my hair. I felt very special because of this fact, and would boast to the other mannequins if I could. I was supposed to be about 10 years old. I was sold to a small shop in the countryside. It sold women's clothes and clothes for children. The owner was Mrs. Shell and had two daughters called Chelsea (12 years old) and Chloe (10 years old). Mrs. Shell was divorced, so she had no husband. It was probably lucky enough that she didn't have a husband. She was very dominating and very bossy. That is most likely where her daughters have learnt it from. I was put in the shop window with a girl mannequin. I had a lovely sight over the town's main street. I decided that I would have a beautiful life here That night, everything was quiet in the town. The girls were playing a card game in the shop. Mrs. Shell was upstairs doing the accounting. The moonlight was slowly appearing. I could feel it on my legs. It was a warm feeling. My hair started shining. I knew there was something magical about princess hair. I didn't know that mannequins could feel anything. But I tell you, I felt a warm feeling where the moonlight was shining. It felt sort of strange; it was like I was being thawed out after my body was frozen. Then I saw Chloe and Chelsea staring at me. They were telling each other that I was coming to life. I thought they were going crazy, but as the moonlight continued shining on my body, and then my body became warmer and warmer. I tried moving my arms, and to my surprise, they could move. I started moving around. I was a bit stiff at the start, but that disappeared after some time. The girls were in shock. They started poking at me and thought it was funny when I said ouch. They were nearly dancing around me, as if they have given life to me. I was very shy and didn't know what to do or say. Being a boy mannequin is easy, you just have to stand and pose. You didn't have to do anything. As a real living boy, you have to do something. You have to say something. "What's your name?" Chloe asked "Model T-rex 2012" I whispered "You have to speak louder. Otherwise we can't here you" "Model T-rex 20212." "You can't be called that" The two girls talked together, and then names started flowing from them. Martin, Bill, Stefan, Kevin and many other names. "He looks like a girl." Chloe "I suppose you are right, "Chelsea said "Then he should have sissy name like Chrissy. " "That's a good name for him." That was my new name. The two girls told me that they were like my sisters. They would take care of me. Then they told me that they would be playing dress up. I just stood between them and sat on the floor. Chelsea rushed up to her room to get a small suitcase. When she came down she put it on the floor and opened it. It looked like a treasure box, full of jewelry and things for hair. They started by fixing my hair. I didn't ask them what they were doing, as being a mannequin, I was used to people fixing hair and putting things on me. I just sat there being obedient and allowing the two girls what they wanted to on my head. They were putting my hair in a ponytail and telling each other how pretty I looked. Finally my hair was pinning a ponytail with flowers and butterflies in it. They started to take off my clothes. I was not at all embarrassed when they took my clothes off. After all, they were not my clothes, they were the shops clothes. The girls laughed when they came to my undies. I looked down and could a tent in them. The people who made me put a stiffy on me. This meant that I would always have a stiffy. The girls took off my undies and started going around the shop finding some clothes. I just stood there. They started talking "We can't put those on him" "Why not?" "Because they are girls." "So, he has a ponytail. We can make him look like a sissy" "That would be so funny" So within no time, they found panties, and leggings and a tube top. They wasted no time in putting the clothes on me. They led me to a mirror and I was surprised. I looked like a girl. You could still see that I was a boy, but I looked like a girl. I put my hand up to my hair. It was so pretty with all the butterflies and flowers. I looked down at the leggings. You could still see the tent in them. The girls of course that was funny. They called me their sister, and we started playing different games. In no time I was laughing and enjoying the games, especially hide and seek. We also played Top model, where we tried different clothes on. I forgot all about that I was a boy dressed in girl's clothes. I was just having fun with the two girls. The girls became tired and slept on the floor. I was not tired. I went around the shop and tried on different clothes. I don't know why I tried on girl clothes, it could be because the girls influence on me. I also thought that the clothes were pretty and I liked the way they felt on me. It was getting early in the morning. I let my hair look like long. I tried on some the tube top I had on earlier and then the leggings. The sun was beginning to appear. I felt funny. As the sun started to light inside the shop, it started to shine on me. I felt life leave me and I could see that my skin was changing once again to plastic. I was afraid. Was my chance of becoming a boy disappearing? Was my destiny just to be a mannequin in the shop window? I could feel my body stiffen. When the sun was shining directly on me, I was totally stiff and once again. I just stood there. The girls could see that I was a plastic mannequin again. They were a bit disappointed, but they moved me back to the shop window. They did not change the girl's clothes on me, so I stood in the window with a tube top and leggings. Mrs. Shell didn't even notice that my clothes were changed. The two girls were on their way to school; they looked at me on the way out and started laughing "He still has girl's clothes on!" "That doesn't matter; people will just think it's a girl." "Unless they noticed that he was a boy yesterday or they can see the bulge down below." No one that passed really stared at me. I was enjoying that everyone thought that I was a girl. There was even a mum that came in and asked if she could get the same leggings as the girl was wearing in the window. She was talking about me! She thought that I was a girl! Mrs. Shell looked confused and looked at me. She didn't know how I got girl clothes on. All she did was shrug her shoulders. It didn't matter once that I helped her sell clothes. Just before lunch, a boy stood outside the window with his mum "Mum, I want the same top as he has" "That is a girl, darling." "No it is not. He has a boy's hairstyle, and he was a boy yesterday and you can see his thing stick out" "She has long hair." "Some boys have long hair mum" Mum looked closer at me, and she knew in her head that I was really a boy. How could she explain to her son that I was a sissy? How can shops promote such a thing? Boys wearing girl's clothes! She thought that it was completely wrong for shops to promote girls clothes for boys. She rushed on past the shop disgusted while her son protested, saying that he thinks my top looked pretty. Mum and son would have a serious talk that night. Some people that passed the shop looked at me. Some figured out that I was a boy. I would be the talk at dinner tables, in the pub, and while watching TV. The shop soon closed. The girls came back from school and giggled as they seen me. They have planned what they would do with me if the same thing happened to me. As soon as they went upstairs, it was just me looking out at the street. One shop after another shop was closed down. I tried to move but I couldn't. I was still plastic. I looked at the sky and thanked God for giving me the chance to be a boy I had a glimpse of the moon as it was beginning to light the street. I was disappointed. I thought that I would get another chance to be a boy. The moonlight was now glowing across the street. After a few minutes it hit the shop window. I could feel my princess hair glowing and tingling. As the moonlight hit my body, I could feel myself coming to life again. As the moonlight lit the shop, my body was once again a boy's body. I jumped from the window and started running across the shop. I was delighted that I could run. Standing still in the window could be boring The girls came down and were happy to see their adopted brother (me) alive once again. They told me that they had new clothes for me to put on. I was so happy! I loved putting on new clothes. I quickly stripped off the clothes I had on, while the girls took out a bag. They took some diapers from the bag. This confused me. I was supposed to be 10 years old and didn't need any diapers. They were girl's diapers as well. I opened my mouth to protest but nothing came out of my mouth. I could see a demanding look in the girls face and I thought that if I protested they would be mad at me. Besides I was T-rex 2012 and was their property. They put the diaper on me. It has the little Mermaid on it. I looked sown. It looked so bulky and made me look like an overgrown baby. Then they put a t-shirt on me with a teddy bear on the front of it. The T- shirt was pink. Then they put a denim mini dress on me. I kept looking in the mirror and I could see that I looked like a cute girl. At the end they put ankle socks on me that were frilly. They decided not to do my hair, because they wanted that to look like boys hair. I didn't change more that night. We drew pictures of castles and princesses and flowers. It took me a bit of time to learn how to draw, but I loved it. I loved looking at their pictures because they were so pretty. Before I knew it, the girls were tired and decided that they had to sleep. Of course I was not tired, and continued to draw all night. I could see that it was getting lighter, and within no time I could see that sun was beginning to shine. When the sun hit my body, it began to stiffen up. I was once again becoming plastic. This happened quite quickly and I just stood there as I was supposed to. Mrs. Shell was the first to come down and was puzzled why I stood in the middle of the shop with drawings around me. She also noticed my girl's clothes. She was proud at her daughters. She thought that they were practicing their window displays. Of course it confused her why I had girl clothes on. Everyone could see that I was a boy mannequin. Once again, she shrugged her shoulders and moved me over to the window shop. People paid more attention to me that day. They would stare through the window and talk with each other or laughed a bit. I didn't know that a rumour went around town that Mrs. Shell dresses her boy mannequin in girl clothes. Some boys stood staring through the window. They were a bit older than the girls. I could see them pointing fingers at me. They noticed that I was wearing a diaper under my mini dress. This made them laugh even more. They started calling me a sissy baby. I felt like crying, but being made of plastic, I could not get any tears to come. They were soon that I was being looked at by many people. There was even one from the newspaper that started taking pictures of me. People were both disgusted and curious to why a boy was being dressed up as a baby girl. I felt a bit shy, especially when the newspaper man started taking pictures of me. That night, the moon shone on me again. I could feel the warmth going through my body and I could move again. I quickly moved from the shop window and started taking my clothes off. I walked around the shop looking for new clothes. I picked up some Spiderman briefs and put them on. I looked in the mirror. I was a boy! But something felt wrong. They did not feel comfortable on me. I walked around the shop. I didn't feel like I was myself. In despair and in anger, I took the briefs off. I rushed over to the girls section and found some panties with "hello kitty" on it. They were pink. I rushed to put them on. I looked in the mirror again and wondered why these panties were more comfortable. They did look pretty on me. Was it because pink was my favourite clothes or was it because they were girl's panties? "Hello there, I was wondering how you could change clothes every day" I turned around and it was Mrs. Shell. I just stared at her unable to say anything. I was afraid of her; after all she was my owner. She saw that I was afraid and trembled. She came over to me and hugged me. She said she heard of mannequins coming to life and was so lucky to have one herself. I then told her how the moonlight makes me come to life and how the girls dressed me as a girl. I also admitted that I tried boy's clothes but they didn't feel right. She told me that I should wear boy's clothes in the shop window when I was just a plastic mannequin, but I could dress up as a girl at nighttime when I was alive. It was because she was getting a lot of angry people that complained that a shop should not have a sissy in its shop window. She explained that people do not simply understand boys who has transgender identity problems, or boys who simply like playing in girl clothes. I agreed to her deal. Then she called down her daughters and told them that she knows everything. The daughters held their heads down low, as if they have done something wrong. However, Mrs. Shell praised them saying that it was nice of them to help me pick out girl clothes, but she did not understand why I needed a diaper. The girls said that was just for a joke, and besides bed wetter's would come on the shop. I laughed at that. I was not a bed wetter. I never ate or used the toilet. We played around all night. We were now like sisters, and at one stage Mrs. Shell said she had three daughters now. This confused me. Did she not owe me anymore or did she consider me a part of the family? I loved playing with the girls and I could feel the love and compassion that Mrs. Shell had for us all. The girls soon fell asleep and after Mrs. Shell read me Harry Potter, she fell asleep on the chair. Morning was approaching, so I put on some boy clothes. However, I kept on my kitty panties and long waist tights that were white. At least I felt comfortable underneath and no one could see them. I stood at the shop window waiting for the sun to come up. I loved looking at the sky when it was dark. The stars were so beautiful. I thought that they were angels holding a light and protecting everyone at night. I felt that it was my job to protect the shop at night, while my new family slept. Morning came, and it became lighter and lighter. It started to rain and you could nearly dance to the rain pounding against the window. Chloe was the first one to wake up. She rushed to the window and saw that I was still moving. This confused her so she woke her sister that was just as much confused. Mrs. Shell woke up and told the girls that it was nearly time to go to school. She wiped her eyes when she saw me there. Then she remembered the stories of mannequins that came to life. The moonlight helped them to come to light and the sunlight made them plastic again. Then she concluded that there was no sunlight because it was raining. I was to be a boy today. She told me that I could go to school with the girls When we arrived at school, the girls presented me as their cousin. I was in Chloe's class and the teacher said I could come any time when I was visiting the family. I sat down next to Chloe. School was fun and I started learning a lot, except maths. I didn't understand a lot of that! The boy behind me poked me in the back. He could see that I was wearing tights. I blushed and looked at the blackboard again. Then he gave me a piece of paper. I slowly opened it, trying not to capture the teacher's attention. It was a picture of me in the shop window with girl's clothes and a diaper on. It must have been that man from the press yesterday. Below it, the boy wrote, "This looks like you!" I think I must have gone very red. I felt like the earth was opening up and I was going to get swallowed. I showed the newspaper clipping to Chloe. She read what the photographer wrote under, "Shop sells clothes to sissy boys" "Don't worry, he will not know it's you," she whispered, "No one would guess that a mannequin can come to life" "I am wearing tights and panties; he knows that I am wearing them" "Oh, maybe he will forget" He didn't forget. At lunch he told everyone. Within no time there was a group of boys around me asking to see my cute tights and panties. I was embarrassed and just stood there. They became even crueler and started to pull down my trousers. I stood there with my tights showing and trousers around my knees. They could see the pink panties through my tights. Then the questions started flying in at me. Am I a sissy? Do I fancy boys? Would I like to wear a skirt? They were laughing and teasing me. I just looked at the floor. I wanted them to go but I couldn't tell them too. I just listened to their questions and insults. The problem is that I knew what they were saying was true. I was not a normal boy. I had hair that belonged to a princess, a girl and I felt like a girl in many ways. The boys got bored of teasing me. They started to discuss if they would beat me up because they thought I was a sissy and gay. I put up my hands to protect my face, but then I heard Chloe and Chelsea and their friends come. Chloe put up her hands ready to fight any boy that touched me. The boys laughed at her and walked away. I had the ultimate humiliation. I was protected by girls. "You are now one of us" they said. I smiled. At least I belonged somewhere. That was my life, I was considered a sissy by the boys and they would never be my friend. Maybe they thought that I would give them the sissy disease or something. I played with the girls, and to be honest I liked their games better. I loved when we would gossip and talk about clothes. At home, I was considered part of the family. I played a lot with my two sisters and I loved when my new mum gave me hugs or read a history. That's of course when the sun didn't shine. When it shined, I was a mannequin on the shop window I found out to accept my weird sides. I was not just different, I was just not a sissy, I was just not a mannequin, I was myself

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Episode 2 :Growing in years, as I ventured out further from the home each day and stayed out longer, I became more feral. I started finding these magical magazines pretty much everywhere and quickly started habitually scavenging for them. In bins, forests, all over the train yard but most reliably in portacabins, which in that different time were rarely locked. I learned that each new year would mean factory skips overflowing with last years calendars which for some reason all had naked women...

2 years ago
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Watching the Boys Part 15

"What are they doing out there?" I thought as I got up and walkedover to look out at the pool. What I saw made my cock grow instantly hard. As I peered out into the sun drenched pool area, I saw the twin boysCaleb and Jacob in a pile on a few of the square shaped padded loungechairs that had been pulled together to make a makeshift bed. The youngboys were wildly sucking each other off. Just a pile of wet young boyflesh going crazy with lust as they sucked each other off in a wild...

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StepsChapter 21

From the moment Veronica's article was published life became normal again. Wayward celebrities and sports stars regained their ascendancy in the media. As far as Samantha was concerned, Dr Cavendish's prescription worked like a charm. She regained the weight she had lost. Colour returned to her cheeks as did the liveliness to her eyes. The constant love and attention of Henry made her radiant. At the end of the fortnight they returned to London bubbling with vitality and happiness. Jean was...

3 years ago
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Must Read

The Sheriff in a small town walks out in the street and sees a blonde cowboy coming down the walk with nothing on but his cowboy hat, gun, and his boots, so he arrests him for indecent exposure.As he is locking him up, he asks "Why in the world are you dressed like this?The Cowboy says, "Well it's like this Sheriff .. I was in the bar down the road and this pretty little red head asks me to go out to her motor home with her. So I did.We go inside and she pulls off her top and asks me to pull...

1 year ago
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Fed up To Master part 2

That night i met Trevor in the pub and we chatted about nothing in particular then in mid conversation i paused and looked at him. "What?" he said looking puzzled at me. "How did you get her to submit so easy?" i questioned. There was no look of shock or horror on his face, he just surveyed me for a moment. "I take it she told you all about it then". "no, I had come home to get something as you know but i had come round the back door as you were asking for a debt to be repaid". "So your going...

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The Magicians Assistant

Now, I had done appearances at restaurants and car dealerships openings, but this was my first outdoor venue. It was a well known outdoor theatre that had requested me as an emcee for their talent round-up, and I wasn't too happy when the program director agreed to send me.The plus sides were that I would be able to dress casual and drinks would be free. The shows were scheduled to start just after 1:00 PM so I arrived early and began to fortify myself with alcohol. Soon I would be able to sit...

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The Virgin The Stripper and the Pornstar2

night. She's a bookworm. She's also extremely horny almost all of the time. She fantacizes about men and women and all manner of sexual situations and scenarios. The stripper is a popular slut around town. She'll fuck anyone on the drop of a dime. Man or woman or both at the same time. Or even gangbangs. She a regular in a gangbang club. The pornstar is tired of sex and men. She enjoys the company of women. She considers herself bi-sexual with lesbian tendancies....

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Arabelle Raphael All Natural Busty Babe Arabelle Raphael Fucks LIVE

Arabelle Raphael is ready to work out and specifically work out all over Chad Alva’s cock. She doesn’t care if it is her mouth or her pussy; she is ready to taste and fuck every inch of that hard dick! Worry not tit lovers Chad will bury his face in between those big tits before he lets his cock take charge and get lost in between that ample cleavage! How can any guy last an entire show with a babe like this deep-throating and bouncing all over that dick? Chad is relentless and soon...

3 years ago
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Gone With the WindCh 5 Kyle Palmer

March 15th, 6:39 PM CT, Mile 210, 5 miles west of Burlington, IA Bob Benjamin was on his first solo run driving a train. All his effort and his time, all the schooling, all the training, all the assisted runs with the experienced engineers had come together to this point. This was his dream, to be an engineer on a famous passenger train, moving hundreds of people to their destination. Not only was this a glamourous job, to Benjamin; this was a decent paying job. The perfect convergence of...

2 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Chapter 9 The Knights Passion

Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love Chapter Nine: The Knight's Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Knight Kevin – The Free City of Grahata, Yalut Island The night wore on as we stood our watch in the overgrown Labyrinthine Gardens. The trees and bushes were so thick, the stone buildings of Grahata were completely obscured. There was almost no light, the night sky half-overcast, the moon struggling to shine through black clouds. But our eyes had adjusted to what light there was. The...

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Endless Summer

The perfect family fell apart around him. He found his mother with a man, who was not his father, in their bed when he came home from a friend's house instead of staying the night. That was a bit of shock, and as soon as he found out, both he and his mother, and eventually his father, knew what was going to happen. His father filed for divorce, it wasn't messy, but instead of having their son around to see a ruined family, both parents decided it would be best if he was sent off to a...

1 year ago
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EscapedChapter 11

I slept good with Bob’s big cock in my cunt. I know mom had Billy’s cock in her cunt all night too. That is how we woke up. But, I could tell Bob was not awake yet, so I waited until I felt him move. I thought he was pulling his cock out of my cunt and I wrapped my legs around his ass to keep him in me. I said, “Please Bob honey, fuck me. I need to feel your hard cock shooting hot cum deep inside me. Bob, I love you and your hot cock and someday darling I want to marry you. I’ll stay with...

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Adding Lexi

It figured that when I finally got to live out my top-of-the-list fantasy, my flight was delayed. It was after two in the morning when I arrived at the hotel. I quietly entered the one-bedroom suite. Exhausted slumber filled the stillness. The bathroom light gave a slight illumination as my eyes adjusted and focused on the familiar nude body of my husband, Paul spooning a petite, lithe body, her head tucked under his chin. Clothes were strewn about and their bodies glued together, until Paul’s...

Group Sex
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Queens Special Magister

I slept lightly and not for very long. I have studied the kingdom law since I was little. My grandfather was a constable and so was my father. At the age of twelve life changed for me. Some people know the dark creatures still existed. What they did not know was we had a pact with them. A rogue blood drinker entered my home, it killed my parents, my older brothers and sister and came for me. It was extremely fast and extremely powerful. It caught and bit me and began to feed. I had been...

1 year ago
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One Boy One Girl

Author note: The idea for this story has been bouncing around in my head for a while now and I finally was in a situation where I felt compelled to actually write it. The basis for the story is the song by the same name “One Boy, One Girl”, by Colin Raye. So the idea and all lyrics quoted are credited to him and his songwriters. I’m not claiming any permission and would in fact apologize for my poor efforts based on his work. If you haven’t heard the song, I would definitely recommend listening...

2 years ago
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after school

It was a long day and night. Classes til noon, then lunch and an afternoon and evening of Parent conferences. My first year teaching, but I came to the profession later, after a life in sales, and just knowing I needed to give something back. I have a full schedule of History and Economics to a thoroughly unappreciative gaggle of freshman students in a public high school After the evening session I went for a drink with some other teachers to a local bar, and as we had no classes the next day...

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The Wanderer and His First SlaveChapter 7

"I like the look on your face now," she snickered. "Mindless, almost! I've always wanted to do this, you know, have a man look at me like that, like I was the only thing that mattered in the world. But I've been ugly for so many years, and I never ... Anyway, Now may I ask a few questions?" "All right." My throat was dry all of the sudden. Her right foot was naked, and her big toe was casually resting on my knee by now. "I'll ask them in increasing order of importance. Who was...

1 year ago
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Let Me Show You Love

My eyes were firmly closed as I listened to the muffled sound of electro music playing in the nightclub behind me, trying to block out the vile sound of puke splattering against the concrete. I slowly opened my eyes and looked down at my best friend, who was bent over and still puking. With one hand I softly rubbed her back while I held her hair up with my other hand. She slowly stood up, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and staggered closer to me. ‘You’re such a lovely guy...

2 years ago
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The Choker Club Chronicles Pt3 Patricia

Patricia Skyler was laughing, ‘No Jane, I’m not a ‘Dom’ 24/7, nobody can be. You have to turn it off every now and then. Sometimes I even like to be a ‘switch’. I will however, pull out all the ‘Dom’ stops when I’m really horny for a girl, especially a girl that has never been forced into submission before. That turns me on like nothing else in life and I want to enjoy fully her first time because they’ll never be another ‘first’. If I can give her the fear of the unknown and hold her in that...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 143

A group of eight cars arrived at the rented house in the San Fernando Valley. The sun had been up for only a couple of hours but everyone looked fresh and well-rested. The crew from "Cotton Panty Chronicles" had arrived well before dawn and set up their props. It was another cliché straight from the porn handbook – a college party. The producer was impressed when Sahara Rain told him in no uncertain terms that there would be no real alcohol on set. There could be empty beer kegs and booze...

1 year ago
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Incest Dream Of Honey Concluding Part

I am Honey.first thanks Indian sex stories for publishing all my stories.13 is not always unlucky. At the age of 13 I became the mother of our first incest child of great grand pa and me and also the female boss of the mansion.Now as per my plan I also became mother of two sons namely duke and baron by my grand pa and dad respectively. Similarly my great grandpa also impregnated his both daughters to give sweet female child. To me Prince is the next boss after me as he is the first male child...

4 years ago
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Lovely Girlfriend Of My Girlfriend 8211 Part 2

Hi, i am mani again, those who didn’t know me , me from andhra, this story is the second part of my real story happened to me with my girl friend’s girl friend who became my girl friend. You can read my story’s first part “lovely girlfriend of my girlfriend” and continue to this.. Thanks for all those who responded to my 1st story and gave nice valuable comments.. Hope this part also seduce you..For responses mail me at Coming back to the story, at evening 7:30 we met in train. In train also...

1 year ago
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World of Warcraft Mage and Death Knight

"Guards! Help me!" The woman screamed as she backed away. "No, wait, I...." Avith could hear the guards' heavy armor rattle towards her. "Dammit," she cursed under her breath, turning to flee. She slipped out the window of the inn, speaking a word of magic as she pulled a feather from her pouch, dropping to the ground lightly. Her green glowing eyes were of course easy to spot. She might as well be carrying a red flag over her head with her name written on it. "Guards!...

2 years ago
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Four Day Weekend Part 2

Driving on to Kevin's Army base, my stomach began to fill queezy. It had been a month since we saw each other and I had some really big news to tell him. Something that changed our lives forever.I pulled into the parking spot and texted him, to let him know that I was there. I saw him walk out of the building, with one of his roomates. I Jumped out of the car and ran towards him, jumping into his arms. Kevin held me tight as I kissed him deeply."I've missed you Soldier," I said against his...

Love Stories
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JulesJordan Anya Olsen Worships Mandingo8217s Giant Big Black Cock

Anya Olsen can’t get enough BBC in this all out fuckfest with Mandingo! She’s quickly moving up the ranks as one of the hottest whores around. Anya is what dreams are made of, legs for days, perfect perky tits, and those bright blue eyes. What more could you want? She teases in her fuzzy white top and tiny blue panties as she’s anxiously waiting for Mandingo to show up. Anya’s giddy as she feels the size of Mandingo’s monster cock through his sweatpants,...

4 years ago
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We Did Not Exchange Notes

As you guys know about the current bank situation and the hassles going on for the common people, it isn’t different for me. But on that faithful evening, there was something really strange that happened. My name is Ashish Kadam (22), just an ordinary citizen in my twenties struggling with the day to day hustles of life.Trying to find a balance between work and fun as well as trying to fit in my study time within both. I was going for my last exam of the November season after which I had to go...

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Teddys WorldChapter 43 Deja Vu Again Damn It All the Magic of the Woo Clan

(SUNDAY, MORNING.) This last week was somewhat unremarkable, considering we all were missing our pregnant ladies. Yes we had chatted on the phone a few times, still not being told the real reason that they are not at home with us. I can tell you that old when you get here it will all make so much sense, or you would not believe us if we told you. And poor Sandy was just allowed to say hi and bye by Pam as she would most likely to me whatever was going on out there. I had given my word I...

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Steamy Gay Groupsex At Gym

Hi, I am Sunil, although I like to call myself suzine. I am 29 and a full-time cross-dresser. I look as beautiful as a girl when I wear wigs and makeup. To see my pic, you can connect with me on facebook by searching suzine siisy.   Now coming to the story, which happened a few years back. I broke up with my bf. He left me for another crossdresser, who was more feminine. So I had decided to join a gym and get my body more toned up and have a good ass. I joined a gym in my neighborhood. The...

Gay Male
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Family Affairs Ch 13

Passion In James County XIX: Family Affairs Chapter thirteen Matt awoke and was confused when he realized he was lying in a strange bed, in a strange room. At first, he wasn’t sure where he was, or how he’d gotten there. Then memories of what happened the night before came rushing back. He and Mrs. Forrester had made love. Or had it just been another dream? He was afraid to open his eyes, he was sure that he would discover the bliss he remembered was yet another figment of his overactive...

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Our Swinging Beginning

We were looking for something to add a little bit extra to our sex lives a few years ago and had been discussing several different options we might like, when I came upon several advertisements for couples parties on the Internet. We were both very excited about the idea, but more than a little apprehensive about taking this step; but I suggested we telephone and see if we could attend just as spectators to get an idea what they were actually like, and more importantly, see if this sort of...

4 years ago
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Naked In School The Students and The Principal

Monday, At School — The Principal He stared out the office window at the landscape of Bluff Oaks, Iowa, a lush but slightly arid town in Taylor County at the bottom of the state. It was a lovely day, the summer heat had subsided a bit, but the cool of the fall had not yet arrived. It was the third week of school, the first week of The Program. It was either going to be the best or the worst day of his life. It all depended on the eight children coming to his office, two from each class,...

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Acting as a sissy cuckold for my wife

My sweet wife had asked me to pick up her after office.I waited outside her building and, after a long while, she appeared in sight, followed by a very huge muscled black man.I got out of my car and Anita kissed me in front of the black guy.She introduced his friend to me:“Honey, this is Curtiss and he will come over tonight to fuck me…”Curtiss shook hands with me, saying I was such a lucky husband, having such a slutty wife like Anita; with her nice cunt available for me every night and day…I...

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