Vacation?Chapter 69 free porn video

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Day Sixty-nine - Saturday

There was someone strange in my bed. I knew she was strange, as the person was thin and extremely long. My hand was on a small butt as it rose and fell, filling a clutching pussy with my very hard morning woody. My body was signaling that it was enjoying the connection and was ready to send a big load of baby makers into the tight clutching pussy.

As my eyes opened and I viewed a still sleeping Deanne, I realized that she was a candidate to become a mommy if we continued. On the next rise of her pussy on my dick, I slid to the side disconnecting us.

Her hips moved around trying to find the good feeling again, but I was already slipping out of bed. Hoping she would stay asleep, I went to the bathroom then came back to the bedroom to view the long, lean, dark-skinned Deanne. She was a stark difference to my luscious Sue.

The clock said it was six fifteen already, so I made coffee and took a shower, putting on shorts and a T-shirt. By the time I went out on the patio, Glenda was waiting for me.

"So who warmed your bed last night? Anyone I know?"

I looked at Glenda with a raised eyebrow, "Not my fault. Sue is determined to keep sending bed warmers. Deanne stayed over."

"Is she still sleeping or did you put her back to sleep."

"Still sleeping. We did not do anything last night, and I got out of bed before something could happen this morning. I know that's not being a good host, but then again, how are you supposed to treat a little girl like that?"

"She's not a little girl. What is she six-six, six-eight or more?"

"You know what I mean, what is she twenty, twenty-one at the most."

"I will be twenty-one next month," came from Deanne as she came out onto the patio, wearing my robe.

She looked at Glenda and back at me. "We didn't do anything during the night did we? I don't think we did, or at least I hope we didn't."

"We were fine, Deanne, we did nothing that would be bad or get you pregnant. Have some coffee and relax."

"I'm going to put on clothes. I don't feel comfortable being in just a robe."

Glenda told her, "You're probably over-dressed around here on a weekend morning. But with four of the women gone, you won't get treated with all of the cute nightwear they usually wear."

Deanne headed back into the house saying, "I'll be right back, I'll be a lot more comfortable in shorts and top."

Glenda was talkative this morning, "You guys were all up late last night. I saw you on the patio with Shawna, Debbie, Deanne, Tiny, Phil, Ruth, and Judy. It looked like you guys had just gotten back from the hot tub."

"The girls came over about the time Sue called. She told them to take me to the hot tub to relax me. Tiny, Phil, and their wives were there, so we joined them for a while enjoying the tub."

Tiny came over carrying a big box of pastries. He said he was elected to get breakfast since Phil and Judy were still sleeping. Ruth came onto the patio with one of her see-through gowns. She sat, holding her coffee and said, "Today I'm going to get back some tan. If you want me, I'll be sunning at the pool. This working in an office everyday is hard on a tan."

Tiny offered, "You were so dark, I thought you were Deanne's sister. You're just now beginning to lose the color. A day in the sun and you'll be fine."

"You and Sue might be getting too much sun. That's how people get skin cancer you know," Glenda cautioned.

"That's why neither one of us ever stay out very long at a time. I'll get some sun, a couple of times today and tomorrow, and that should hold me over till next weekend."

Charlie came rolling over, with a smile on his face, and Shawna following him.

"What have you been up to, Charlie? You have a true shit eatin' grin on your face this morning," chided Glenda.

Charlie laughed, "My lovely little redhead just proved redheads give the best head."

Shawna whacked Charlie on the back of the head, "Shush! If you want more later, you best be nice."

"I was being nice honey, I was giving you a compliment in front of all these folks."

Al and Tom came over, saying they were on their way out to the flats near Safety Harbor. They were planning on fishing most of the day.

Shawna said that Charlie, Hank, and she were going in to finish the new truck, and probably finish up the bike that Charlie had been working on. She commented that she had three orders for custom bikes from more of the racing folks. These were going to be from the ground-up bikes, so it was going to be fun.

Phil and Judy finally made it up and came to soak up some coffee and Saturday morning relaxation. When Glenda asked me what was on my agenda, I smiled and said, "I'm going to clean up the cars, my bikes, straighten up anything in the house I might have messed up since you cleaned up yesterday, and get ready for my lady to hopefully come home tonight. I won't know till later, but if she decides to come home early, I want to be ready."

Tiny and Phil asked me what I thought was in our future. "I'm not much into forecasting without my crystal ball, but I see our business in five or six distinct areas. First our original rebuilds area seems to have a long life expectancy. Second or an expansion of the first, the new large lifts rebuild unit that has got off to a decent start, even though we haven't turned the first screw. Third would be the race car support group that is made up of the frame and sheet metal shops, and the motor shop that now houses some folks that are hell bent on giving the California bike builders some competition. Of course with those four entities you have to include the three race-day trucks and now the new fiberglass shop. There is the new equipment sales operation that has just been too wild to even consider it lasting forever, but that we'll ride as long as we can. That entity, once primed has provided us with the money for almost all of our expansion."

"Without the key people in each group, it would be impossible to keep up with everything that's going on. Hopefully, some of us will come up with new marketing ideas that we can experiment with. But right this second, I think we are in a great position to sit back and let the business take us where it will. Let's just enjoy the fruits of our efforts to date."

Phil commented, "You're probably right. We've grown so darn fast that it's been tough to hire and train enough people to handle the traffic we are creating. We do need a breather to catch up."

Tiny was smiling and almost laughing, "What do you want to bet, Stevie boy has something in the back of his mind right this second that will eat up more of our cash flow, but create more at the same time. So far every time I transfer a hundred dollars out to our money market account, I transfer back fifty to spend on something new. Don't hold your breath, Phil, just wait for it."

"I do have an idea and a couple of questions that we might look into." I said, thinking of the random thoughts I've had about Sue's business.

"See, I told you he had something going. You didn't even have to wait for it."

"I'm not that bad, Tiny, but I would like to look into the TransTee building across the street. I understand they lost a major contract for a clothing company, and the place isn't doing well."

Phil raised an eyebrow at me, "What in the world would you do with a clothes manufacturing company?"

Tiny jumped in, "You shouldn't ask, but I bet I have an idea of what he would do."

"You are probably right about what you are thinking, Tiny. Sue's manufacturer is taking more and more of her profits because they can't produce enough in house and have subcontracted out so much. We take up part of their production time now with our very popular coveralls. If we had our own plant, we could manufacture our own coveralls, make our own T-shirts, and make a lot of Sue's clothing. We could even resell some of her products on our race day trucks. Just look into what the building would cost to buy or lease, and if the production management is any good, how good the equipment is, and what their maximum production could be? Could they produce ladies finer garments?"

"I'm ahead of you boss," Tiny bragged. "I know how much the building and land is. I know the condition of the equipment is all pretty new. I know the production management is supposed to be good, but a little raw with their people. Whether they can transition into better garments is a big question, but you will have to talk to someone else about that."

I asked, "Do we have enough to buy the business as it stands right now?"

Tiny replied, "Yes and no. Yes, we can buy the building and equipment. No, we don't have enough cash flow to support the large payroll and material requirement that a company like that will demand."

There was the question in mind, "We paid off the most recent loan from Sue, right?"

Tiny smiled, "I wrote the check yesterday morning that actually pays off the building and most of the modifications we have made. The only thing that won't be included will be the new fiberglass area you are creating. We don't have any good numbers on what the cash flow requirement will be on that shop, or what the potential return is going to be."

Tiny added, "If a couple of those big government bids come in this next week like we expect, that will easily cover the fiberglass project and would give us some operating capital for a new venture."

Phil looked a little sullen, "I don't know anything about selling clothing. All I know about that business is that US manufacturers can't seem to compete. Why would you think you can compete in that market?"

I told Phil my thoughts on the subject, "The first reason, Phil, is that most people don't get with the people that count in order to encourage them to do their best. They push for speed and more speed, then let someone sell their mistakes as seconds. I think that the first thing we would do is to work with the seamstresses to make sure they take their time and do a perfect job the first time, no waste, no seconds, no returns. I may not be cut out to be a garment manufacturer, but I would want to treat those workers as fair as we do those in the businesses we have now."

"Another reason that you wouldn't have to worry about it is Sue handles the selling. Sue and the girls handle most of the creativity and design. All I want to do is to have a place to get her work done, and to make some items for us. We could probably use up the total plant's productivity making NASCAR T-shirts, but that would be a very dull job. We could use up a lot of the plant's productivity for our coveralls, and possibly other work clothes, but my original thought was to use twenty-five percent of the productivity for our stuff and seventy-five percent for Sue's. I think that we would work with her current manufacturer so that we either bought them out or formed some kind of partnership with them. The idea is to keep the manufacturing within the family, instead of farming any of it out."

Phil looked mystified, "When do you have time to come up with all of this stuff. I see you all over the place in our plant listening, looking, directing here and there, selling on the phone, and helping the different departments, but I don't see you sitting somewhere with your eyes closed, coming up with ideas."

Tiny came to my rescue, "Guys like Steve have the idea machines working in the background while they are doing something else. The background machines just keep pumping out questions that they find answers to, and those answers usually create business opportunities."

"Whatever," sighed Phil while shaking his head.

"Phil, you are a very imaginative guy, coming up with so many ways for you and your people to sell more equipment. Those are ideas. Where do you come up with them? They just happen, don't they?"

"You're right, ideas are ideas, it's just that yours are so diverse and risky, but all seem to turn out great. I'm not jealous, just amazed."

"Anyway, Tiny, I want to pursue this, and we'll get Sue involved to help finance the deal if we have to. But perhaps we can milk good old Phil for some monster sales so we can just do this whole thing in-house." Phil smiled, "I'll think on it today and tomorrow and see if there are some quick money deals we might be able to take advantage of."

"Phil, in your opinion, do we handle the world's best stationary generators, you know, like back up generators for big buildings?"

"We sure do. Construction engineers the world over specify our products."

"I know you work on several foreign accounts, but we haven't shipped anything to Dubai yet. Those oil countries are building like crazy, and I'm sure they are putting in big generators for backup power. How about getting us a multi-lingual guy to corner that market. Since we have the best product, why not help them buy the best product? If they are not using backup generators, then we need to sell them on the idea as a safety precaution, if nothing else."

Phil nodded his approval, "I can do that. Onan used to have a guy that traveled back and forth to Saudi. I'll find him and get him to start working for us. That ought to be worth about ten to fifteen mil a year. See, you did it again. We were talking about buying a garment business, then you turn right around and want me to do something simple, and completely different, that will probably net you two to three mil a year easy."

"I'm just looking for more places to sell right now. The other place that I don't see any orders from is Canada. We should consider that area as well. Phil, why not find out what we can do up there, and if it would be to our advantage to open an office up in Montreal, or somewhere convenient. We could even sell our truck bodies up there."

"I'll do that too. Judy has some Canadian relatives that might help us get started. I'll find out from our suppliers what needs to be done to sell up there."

I stood with a empty coffee cup, "Who needs some coffee?"

Phil and Tiny said they had enough and that they were going to go to Circuit City to look at televisions. Judy, Ruth, and Glenda had already taken off for the pool. I went inside to see what needed to be done to clean up. Just a couple of cups were dirty, so I washed them out by hand and cleaned up the coffee area. I went through the house to make sure the place was straight, ending up in the bedroom. I changed the sheets on the bed, making sure the place was dusted and ready for my queen. I replaced the towels in the bathroom and wiped down the shower, making sure the rest of the room was straight.

I stuffed the sheets and the towels in the washing machine, and went outside to wash my truck and Sue's car. While washing Sue's car, the phone rang. It was Sue. She was ready for the Saturday show and would call when it was done. At this point, because of all the customer activity for their new products, she didn't think they would be able to get back tonight. She said it was funny how they had created the new styles for their own catalog, but have sold more to other retailers than they could possibly sell from the catalog. Sue said she would call me late in the afternoon. We did the 'I love you' thing and she hung up.

I had cleaned up the big bike and when I finished the shovel, I put on some jeans and a support T-shirt and rode over to the clubhouse. As Hap had promised, the gate guy swung the gate wide to let me in. I parked where directed and wandered around to find Hap and Bear together. They got me an icy beer and asked me what I was up to.

"I'm here to have some of your weekend chili. My stomach told me it was getting close to lunch time, so I decided to come by to taste test your brew."

Bear haw-hawed, "That's the way a biker begs for food, all right."

We three ate chili, sitting among a bunch of scantily clad ladies, not wearing much but sure commanding a lot of attention. When I looked at Bear and nodded toward the ladies, he offered, "These are a bunch of dancers that were invited to come by today to dress up the party. We have another club going to be here in a little bit, so we thought some extra entertainment would be in order. If you want some of this stuff, there's a big bucket of rubbers over there. Grab a handful and pick out a couple of these babes and take 'em to the bunkhouse. There ought to be a free mattress in there."

"The chili is all the hot stuff I'm looking for today. Thanks for the offer though. Well, guys, have a good time, I'm going to get some wind in my face. See you all later. Maybe I'll stop by tonight if you think this is still going to be happening then."

Hap slapped me on the back, "Be safe and come back later. Who knows how much fun we'll be having by then? You're always welcome. Don't be a stranger."

I rode over to Big Jim's to find out they were having a pig roast. I bought a beer, paid the fee, and ate some roast pork with some black beans and yellow rice. Double D was in front of the bar, instead of behind it, with a long face. She was lonely because her guy was working till eleven and would probably be too tired to want to go out then.

Same as Vacation?
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"Do you want to look at some porn?" I asked James, my friend from University who was visiting my family home for a few days."Yeah, okay," he replied. "What have you got?""Loads of stuff, come down and have a look."We went downstairs to the computer and began browsing through my folders. After about ten minutes, I needed the loo, so I left James to browse on his own. When I came back he had a big smile on his Afro-Caribbean face."You're bi, then?" he asked me. He had obviously found my...

Gay Male
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 214 an Uptown Address

"I tried to get in touch with you. You were traveling around Eruope with your new friends." Jen said. 'Ah, don't be jealous. It was a hide out trip that you negotiated with the feds remember?" I asked. "Yes I remember but now you are back and you have two weeks to clear out of the apartment and sign the papers." Jen informed me. "I guess I better get hustling around looking for a new place to live." I suggested. "That would seem to be a good idea," Jen agreed. "So, I have two...

1 year ago
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What Do You Think HappenedChapter 24

It was a full 90 minutes after dawn before our convoy came in sight of the main building of Brooke Army Medical Center. But we had made it, all six vehicles, without coming under attack! We felt joy -- even those of us who'd never seen Brooke before. Our vehicles were scattered around in front of the building's wide expanse, and Dr. Montoya and Raymond had headed inside, looking for a way to open the large vehicle-entry doors at the building's base. That's when the airplane flew...

1 year ago
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Willow and her Dad Part two1

~ A story in the Young Fern Universe ~ Willow is living with her Dad now and has settled into a comfortable routine. ~ Willow and I sat and watched the sun go down from my sixth floor apartment and cuddled on the couch chair. ‘RING’ I had ordered some Indian food and was expecting the door bell to ring. Willow hopped up to answer the door and brought back some sweet smelling Butter Chicken and curry dishes. We ate and she talked about her time spent with Uncle Mike, Tom and his...

3 years ago
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Apni Bua Ko Choda Uske Ghar Mai 8211 Part 1

Hello everybody. Kaise hai aap sab. Main viajy manhotra, ISS ki stories bahut saalo se padh raha hu. Aaj main yaha apni dusri sachi story aapke samne pesh kar raha hu. Meri pheli story “Apni BUA ko choda apne hi ghar mai” k bahut saare mail or feedback aaye. Un maise kuch mails auntiyo or kuch ladkiyo k the. Muje aap sab ka pyar dekh k acha laga or is pyar ne hi muje apni dursi story likne pe majbur kar diya. Mere or meri bua k bare mai to aap sab jante hi h, so jyada time waste na karte hue...

3 years ago
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Where Are You Now

When I was in my mid 30’s I was hired to manage a large grocery store that sat on the edge of a high crime district. Shoplifting was a major problem at the store and after a shoplifter was caught I had complete discretion in what to do with that person. I found out the first day on the job that if a shoplifter told you they were on probation or parole they would do just about anything not to be arrested again. What happened was that an attractive female who was caught stealing my...

4 years ago
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I Dream of Sabrina

Characters copywrite ARCHIE COMICS I DREAM OF SABRINA BY PAUL G. JUTRAS It was a day with nowhere to go and nothing to do. With Hurricane Gloria reported coming to New England, Paul felt like he was in the way. His father friends on the rescue team getting info on their CB in the garage. With the winds already taking out the power Paul decide to shower and go to bed. "I dream of Sabrina with the long blonde hair." Paul sang in the shower. After putting on stripe pajamas...

2 years ago
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Dirty Little Secrets 9 Performing For Three

“Do you want to fuck me?”The situation is reminiscent of how my little confession started. I’m lying on my back on the bed with my legs spread and the laptop pointing at me. Back then my secret admirer stood outside, peeping in through the window. Now Mark is of course my secret lover, but for the moment he’s back outside, looking in.But this week is also different. It’s the first time in many months my husband’s work abroad takes him elsewhere in Europe – Copenhagen, if you’re wondering – and...

Wife Lovers
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Its Always the Quiet OnesChapter 5 Thursday

There's an old joke about D.C. weather; If you don't like it, just wait a week. The weather flips around so quickly it almost produces whiplash. (This is opposed to Florida weather, which practically vibrates.) The common side-joke, which isn't terribly clever and is used too often by comedians who aren't really trying, is that it is caused by all the hot air blowing out of the Capitol building when Congress is in session. Locals know however that this is not the case. No, the local...

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Best Rainy Day Of My Life

It was one of the mysterious dark cold evenings in the winter in London. I was about to leave my office finishing work late as usual and all of the sudden as they say the doors of heaven opened pouring down thundering rain. I was wearing a silk white shirt and my favourite push up red bra showing my luscious breasts and black pair of old tights covered by a dark blue skirt. I was feeling very upset about not bringing an umbrella to work and to make all worse i was alone in the office apart from...

1 year ago
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Adventures In Rubber Chapter 10

Chapter 10Jason did not have to wait long before Flora's shiny black face appeared at the door, followed shortly by the rest of her exquisite form. She strutted awkwardly over to the treadmill at Mandy's prodding. Jason squirmed in embarrassment as Flora's amazed eyes took in his situation. He was acutely conscious of his bald head plainly visible under the layer of clear rubber. Mandy gave a short speech about her excuses for "punishing" them, then began fiddling with equipment. After...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 19

As we picked up gear to load our armored truck, I commented to Ken, “The After Action Report will take most of the night. I can’t imagine getting to take advantage of a hotel room any time soon.” Ken’s smile indicated he had a different opinion of that statement. “Why Mr. Deputy Secretary, your team leaders handle reporting. Deputy Secretaries do not write reports about shootouts, because Deputy Secretaries do not engage in shootouts as a rule. So, even though you did participate, your team...

2 years ago
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The Orphanage BluesChapter 6

When Bobby came in the back door and stomped his boots clean, Mavis noted that Meg and Sally took an inordinate interest in how school had been for him. He had written several notes to Mavis in the last week, in response to questions from her about one thing or another, and she knew he was much smarter than the rest of them thought. She also knew that, in his heart, he was a good boy ... or man, as it were. She too had seen the marks on his back, and knew that that could have made him mean,...

2 years ago
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Samanthas Breakfast With The Boyfriend

Samantha was sitting up against her headboard this morning after hearing her roommate leave. Her roommate had again visited last night and Samantha was kind a replaying the whole thing in her head. She could still feel her roommate’s lips on hers and her roommate’s fingers deep in her pussy bring her over the edge. Even though what she was sharing with her roommate felt so good, she still wasn’t sure why this ever started. She and her roommate never discussed these visits during the day and...

Love Stories
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Salads Part 1? The following is a work of fiction/fantasy. You should be adult and wanting to read mature subject matter. Unlike some of my previous work, this is a fantasy that I might actually enjoy living out. Veronica exists, but her name has been changed to protect the nearly innocent, that is to say, me! As always, feedback is requested and may play a large part in deciding if this is a standalone story or the 1st in a series. Enjoy! I read somewhere that most cross...

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Tonys Story

A friend of mine and I were drinking and talking about sex. Tony and I were talking about adventures in our lives. Tony told me when he was in college he had to house sit for his parents one time. He was there alone and started exploring the house. He wound up in his parent's room. On his dad's side of the bed was a night stand that had a storage cabinet. Tony had never noticed before because there was always a cover over the table. He pulled up the cover and opened the cabinet. He...

2 years ago
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WizardChapter 2

Six hours of driving and I was bushed, even with the two hourly breaks it was very wearing. Unlike a motor car, the bus made a lot more noise and the steering was heavy. Our short trips to the beach weren't as demanding as they were only short hauls and I was fresh. Without being a sook, I took half a day off and did a bit of sightseeing. Two days later and I was in the Barossa Valley and looking for the vineyard I was to be picking for. Finding the vineyard, I was directed to a spot where...

2 years ago
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How It All Began Ch01

Jack showered off the toil of the gym, the twice weekly ritual of weights and machines with a Sunday swim in the pool had toned his body well. Athletic and broad-shouldered, he was content with the boost it gave him in his self-esteem, something he needed at this time. Changing back into his work clothes, he thought he’d check out the lounge and bar, he wasn’t ready to go home just yet. The house would be empty, silent, he hated the sound of silence now and nothing seemed to fill the air or...

2 years ago
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Cupids Correction

Cupid's Correction "Oh, fu...." Cupid grumbled as his alarm clock buzzed far too early for his liking. "Why do all the new couples have to meet so early in the bloody morning?" He flopped out of bed, donned his wings and shuffled into his kitchen. His first appointment was in 3 minutes, which was plenty of time for a guy who could transport himself anywhere instantly. He opened his fridge and took out the last bottle of wine. "Shiiiit." Cupid's head was pounding from the...

2 years ago
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The Magicians Assistant Part 1

Chapter 1My GCSEs were finally over, and the summer holidays were here.Of course, my first thoughts were to do absolutely nothing. After two years of studying, I deserved a break. Time off. Me-time. Except of course I hadn't exactly studied all the time, or even worked especially hard except the last six to nine months, and even then only really in the last few of those.So I didn't actually deserve anything, but when you're sixteen and suddenly aren't being told what to do all the time, it kind...

1 year ago
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The Trip Part 4

Introduction: Sabrina expects to fuck Sheryl, but ends up having a completely different night… Sheryl and I arrive back at the house around 5. Danny and Luke are still working on the machines when we arrive. Sheryl takes my bags and heads inside to get dinner cooking. I decide to go see how the boys are doing. I walk around the side of the house and as I turn the corner, I almost run into Luke. My heart starts pounding out of fear. He grins and says, Hello. I manage to stutter out a reply and...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 144

Alison had social obligations to claim her attention the following night, though she woke Laura with a phone call after midnight to demand that Laura drive over to the Ritz immediately and spend the rest of the night in her bed. And Laura, though sodden with sleep, actually packed a small bag and went. They had three incendiary hours of exuberant sex. Alison was a glutton, and her marvelous body had plenty of stamina. "You must wear your boy friends out," Laura told her. "I do," she...

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A Fabulous FuckFilled Weekend

NastyxNate and I had an amazing weekend. Friday night I went out belly dancing at a local club by myself. The opening DJs were loud and heavy with the bass—which was fine with me! I stood at the railing of the balcony, looking down on the bouncing crowd below, my crotch pressed against the metal rail as it thrummed with the rhythm. I was wet before I even hit the dance floor… I put on a great show for the people around me, making figure eights with my hips, isolated chest pops, and...

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Relaxing Hike and Swim

The mountains and forests of New Hampshire are beautiful in the summer. We had been enjoying the sights and activities of the White Mountain National Forest for the last four days; hiking, exploring, and kayaking on the streams and trails around the little town our  B&B was in. The trip had been somewhat last minute, a week away without any kids or job distractions. The hiking was especially nice up there. Whereas at home, hiking in any location meant crowded paths and not always pleasant...

Wife Lovers
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Indian bhabhi drilled by rich businessman in his private jet

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics Savita and Annie giggled, whispering something to each other at the kitchen table over coffee when Shoba came in. Ashok had let her in. Watching them giggle with a naughty smile, only roused Shoba’s curiosity. “What are you guys giggling about?” Shoba asked with a confused face. Annie was ready to let of the secret. Shoba didn’t know Annie, too, had a cuckold fantasy, but Annie was proud to announce she had one. Annie had watched...

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Finally the door opened and his heart leapt into his throat. He was supposed to protect Cho last year, and had turned on her instead. If she really was orchestrating some grand scheme against the others from behind bars, then he hated to think what she had planned for him. Feeling cowardly for his thoughts, he straightened up and put on a smug face. After all, he would be the one getting to leave after they were done here. They sat her at the small table and shackled her to the chair,...

1 year ago
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The Coffee ShopChapter 3

Glenn sat behind the wheel cruising for a parking space near Sierra’s coffee shop. Finding none he parked in a municipal lot and used his credit card to put an hour on the parking meter. Hiking the two blocks to her shop he stepped inside and to the counter. An older woman approached him. “Hi, Glenn,” she said. “I didn’t expect to see you here on a Tuesday.” “Wilma — I need a word with Sierra,” he replied. If she’ll speak with me, he thought. “I’ll tell her you’re here.” Sierra...

2 years ago
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The Legacy Of PriamChapter 15 Metaxa and Melancholy

Freddie watched as the buyers began to leave. Narod Jesper's yacht slid towards the horizon. The Beaver floatplane Steve Glennis had come in lifted off from the bay. Even the Kushtians had gone. It was always the same after a sale; Clegg felt flat, empty almost. He always hated saying goodbye to the merchandise and although the buyers could be tedious at times he'd known most of them for a long time and he was sorry to see them go, too. The auction had gone well. All of the original lots...

1 year ago
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PetiteHDPorn Siiri Sophie Hot For Her

Siiri is diligent about practicing her musical instrument, but when she hits a snag she decides to call her girlfriend Sophie over to help her out. Sophie arrives thinking that she’s there to deliver a music lesson. Little does she know that Siiri has a very different type of making music in mind. Tugging Sophie close, Siiri locks lips with her blonde lover and slips the top of her dress down so she can enjoy her girlfriend’s tender boobs. Sophie gives as good as she gets, and soon...

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A surprise welcome home part 2

Johnny sat down at breakfast with his mother while Sarah had to rush out to work. "Bye mum, I'll see you at dinner tonight" Sarah shouted as she headed out the door. Johnny was preparing a big breakfast for himself and his mother. Wearing just a pair of tight boxers, Barbara couldn't take her eyes off her sons body. His muscular arms, flat stomach and the impressive bulge in his boxers. Johnny headed up for his shower while Barbara cleaned up. Her head was filled with thoughts of her son and...

4 years ago
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TempestChapter 4

The next thing I knew, he was getting out of bed. The train had stopped. I knew we were in New Orleans and my training was about to begin. I stretched, amazed at the feel of silk, and cleanliness of my smooth, lush body. "Come. Get dressed." I looked at the sour, threadbare blouse and dress on the floor. "Yes. I see. You will never wear such dirty rags again." "Thank you, Master." I wrinkled my nose at the odor emanating from my clothes. And to think, only yesterday I had to be...

2 years ago
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Encountering Amanda

It was the most bizarre encounter I'd ever had. And, it was the most erotic. I was on one of those long drives. You know, point A to point B, not really in a hurry, but a good six to eight hours of driving. I had a set of tapes, mostly old stuff, so I wouldn't be completely alone when the radio stations faded out. I thumbed through them, picked out a compilation of old-time summer songs and popped them into the player. Just as the first beat started, I saw the white car in my rear view...

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