Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 6: Visiting The Bugs free porn video

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“Andrea, this is an awesome dreadnaught. I can’t believe you and Linda are also with Jason. Thank you for the lift. I appreciate it. It was great the Emperor arranged this ship to transport us. It is much better than the ferry and better than the ship we traveled on to Mars. I thought we were going to be caught between universes. It shook frighteningly when we did the transition.

“We Ordreg were so proud of our achievements. Then along comes the Emperor and all of a sudden, we get our bodies back and our planets are being moved by the Azayal. We discover we are far behind. The world changed while we languished in Bekta Delta.

“The gates are amazing. These are the first gates I have seen. I am seeing one astounding thing after the other. Mars is frighteningly advanced. The portals are wonderful and the replica cities of London and Paris magnificent.

“I have a feeling there is something unusual going on! Philippa, you are entertaining thirty people for the weekend on your Estate. Your mother is entertaining us all, how can she have so many people for dinner?” Patata asked.

“It will be a tight squeeze dear, but we will fit somehow. My mother entertains a lot and she is used to entertaining and fitting people in,” said Philippa holding Ben and burping him. He regurgitated some milk. Jason wiped it off the floor with a cloth.

“Hey, the baby is speaking to me telepathically. How can that be?” Patata asked.

“My son Ben and all Jason’s other children are ahead of their milestones.

“Patata, after this weekend I suggest you don’t repeat who you saw and what they said. I don’t want to jeopardize Jason’s anonymity at the War College. Say something like we gave you a lift in a shuttle or we ferried you over. I leave the rest to your discretion,” said Philippa.

“We are almost there. We have an escort coming in and a shuttle bringing a portal. We are to go directly to your mother Philippa,” said Andrea.


Patata sat with her mouth open after she was introduced to Ouma Chatzke.

Brecht met them in her praying mantis form, excused herself and then joined them at the table in her human form.

“Welcome Patata, I hope to meet many more of your people. I believe they fought heroically for the Emperor. Good shock troops are hard to come by.”

“We were greatly relieved to meet the Emperor again and rejoin the Empire and stop our war with the Zaos. That war was a catastrophic error. Those that met the Emperor were very impressed. He also has remarkable grandchildren who are honorary Admirals and Generals while still in junior school. Some of our greatest strategists competed against them in a tournament run on Earth. They were shocked to discover that they and their friends were top performers on a multiverse level,” said Patata.

“I know them well,” said Brecht,” they often visit here and compete in tournaments. I am fond of them. They love practicing to fly in bug form and play with the children on Philippa’s estate.”

Patata looked taken aback.

“If I may, I would like to change subjects. How is the Uzliumbax Queen?” Jason asked.

“The poison she was given severely damaged her body. We are giving her a rebuild. I invited medical teams from the allies to share in the technology and learn to do full body reconstructions and convert species from one to another. We must use our combined resources as so many Uzliumbax are damaged. The Uzliumbax can do the same once the doctors are rebuilt and we decontaminate the medical AIs. I know they could rebuild bodies when they visited us when I was a grub,” said Ouma Chatzke.

“How are the intelligence guys getting on?” Ooryphyon asked.

“We sent teams to do a preliminary assessments. We are taking the lead, but all the allies are supporting us. The Warriors have sent a team of medical investigators who specialize in poisons and did their investigations.

“We are towing a gate close to Ethora as activity between us and them will increase steadily. All the allies have interoperable gates and will be able to benefit from the new gate.

“Patata, dear I am sure I don’t need to tell you that none of this is to be spoken about with outsiders. Jason assures me you are of good stock and background and have had to keep secrets of your own,” said Brecht.

Patata nodded, then looked at Jason and frowned.

“The other Royals have been assessed. Four of them were also poisoned. The AIs brought the first ten thousand of the greatest doctors, scientists and academics to the Collective. We can deal with fifteen thousand every five days. We will treble that within three weeks. We will increase the activity exponentially over the next four months,” said Brecht.

“Once the doctors are functioning and have access to decontaminated AIs they can get going in the Empire,” said Jason. “Keep the scientists and academics here and let them work with you guys for three to six months.”

“That is good! We will be happy to have some input in our Universities from your people Jason,” replied Brecht.

“I will send AIs, people and guards back with your doctors and will coordinate it with Thomas. Our intelligence teams will be in place within a week. We are supplying bug marines, as are the dinosaurs and Gromelix to add to the patrols in the vaults. The newer AIs found that AI guards in the vaults had been hit with some device that shut them down. The surveillance was shut down by the perpetrators and the assassinations commenced. Some faces of the criminals were seen and are being identified,” said Brecht.

“Excellent,” said Ooryphyon clapping her hands. “I look forward to us catching some of the bastards. I hope in time we can catch the pirate group that kidnapped me and gave me to the Destroyers.”

Patata was listening intently to the conversation.

“Here comes the main course, help yourselves and pass the plates around,” said Brecht holding her grandson fondly.

They ate contentedly for a few minutes before Brecht resumed talking.

“The first people coming out of stasis include the military, the logistics, the building and infrastructure people and the farmers. There are also a few administrators and politicians. None of them will be in great shape for at least a month. I want to ensure the intellectual resources of the Uzliumbax are protected and speed up the process of getting them out of stasis as soon as we can. We will concentrate on Ethora first, clean it out and get the population out of stasis. Philippa, you can feed them if needed or we will all help. Lauren has a group of AIs on Earth from Ethora who are buying food to grow for the Emperor. She has provided them with the agricultural educational material and some of Jason’s family will go along to help get things going. In return, the Uzliumbax AIs are supplying Earth with Uzliumbax products; like the latest generation of Education Octagons, replicators and AIs for their Universities.

“There are sufficient AIs already on the planet to make Ethora self-sufficient very quickly. Thomas and his group are very happy with the progress we are making to protect the vaults and investigate the crimes.

“The Uzliumbax have always had prodigious manufacturing abilities, even now trade with them is beginning to boom. Even though all of us assured them that we are deeply indebted to the Emperor when they asked how we wished to be paid; they wish to trade for everything. We can see they are experienced traders and expect nothing for free.

“They will be able to help us move forward much more quickly than we expected, in education, manufacture, weapons and ship building. Thomas is a pleasure to deal with. He is so appreciative of everything we have done,” Brecht finished.

“I am delighted to hear all of this. So much happens so quickly I can barely keep up,” said Jason.

“Enough of business, Trackrof, you are looking very cheerful, tell us how your first week has been.” Brecht said, changing the subject.

“Brecht, while you were talking, I was thinking how Jason’s dual-hypothesis theory clearly still applies. We have a holiday, and all is quiet. We start at the War College and suddenly the black hole attracts trouble in spades. That is part one.

“Then Jason’s luck kicks in. The Uzliumbax were doubly poisoned and all is woe, but despite everything in the doldrums they are traders and in spite of only few Uzliumbax being out of stasis and recovered they are already trading and paying their own way. What will happen when trillions of them are raring to go and are moving along at full speed? That is part two.

“Sorry I am in error. Even during his holiday, he finds trouble. He saves the Teokraeus and his grandchildren and their friends sort out the Destroyers before breakfast. Even the Gods of Perneft could never achieve such feats of trouble attraction. We saw the recordings! They are beyond belief! They escaped from under miles and miles of ice using their powers to make a tunnel and some pretty big holes. We need to add a third part to the hypothesis. Whatever happens he finds another woman or two or a few million and another planet full of children!

“Now he can also make antimatter. Every day I ask what next?” replied Trackrof.

They all laughed except for Patata who looked even more perplexed.

“I remember the first week on campus in the Empire. I was drawn inexorably to Jason. It was so strange, I never knew why he drew my eye wherever he was,” said Razza.

“Razza, it was the same when he came here. No one had seen the Una for eons and suddenly they tell us they have someone important for us to treat. When the Una say it is someone important, you can be darn sure they are not joking. A strange cube ship arrives, and we take Jason out of stasis and commence treatment. We find he has another Una within him in a trans-dim pocket. Suddenly he is a great hit on the media and I have a new friend.

“I can feel this draw,” said Brecht smiling.

“I can feel the charisma and gravitas in you Brecht and Razza’s grandfather, Also in Cassius and Felix but very much less. It is a type of unique charisma and gravitas that some leaders have,” said Julia.

Patata was moving her head as the conversation moved almost as if she was watching tennis. She looked even more perplexed if that was possible.

“The first time I felt Jason he was a guest of Lynas. When he came closer, I recognized the feeling I had last felt millions of years ago and it meant hope,” said Ooryphyon. “For the first time in a long time my despair lifted. I hoped Lisirra had finally found the Emperor and he could save me.”

Jason looked acutely embarrassed.

Trackrof took over the narrative; “Now may I get back to your question Brecht? They began at the Uzliumbax War college much as they do elsewhere, assessing the applicants.

“There was nothing unusual in the assessment while they did the physical component. Their gym is even more sophisticated than the Azayal one. You’re not even conscious when you do your exercises. We went off for a run one day and a hike the other. The battle simulator does time condensation in a ratio of 25 to 1, so an hour in the simulator is about as much as anyone can tolerate doing battle simulations.

“In the academic assessment phase, one hour in the simulator is equivalent to fifteen to twenty five hours outside. The first day we looked at what we knew in the arts and in the areas of politics and anthropology. There was also a look at Xeno-biology. They moved on to the basic sciences and then electronics and engineering topics. They assessed our medical knowledge in some detail at the end. We were all too tired to do simulations in the afternoon.

“It is a very broad curriculum. We have yet to see how much depth they go into. The AI allocated to us tells us we go into some detail of the military specialties in the second year and then we select our final specialist area by the end of the second year. In the third year we work in our specialist area in a practical setting. All the teaching and organization we have encountered has been run by AIs. They are very pleasant, and it is quite unlike my first training in the Coven.

“The Azayal were surprisingly pleasant but had very high expectations. The educational input from the Azayal was very much basic science, engineering and war topics. On the other hand, at Mars we were assessed in considerable detail about how we understood leadership and the psychology of the people we were to lead. There was even a big chunk of philosophy and general psychology. I think it is going to be a very different type of course. I understand the Empire uses a similar approach, but we did not encounter it in the first year. What about the Collective? Trackrof asked.

“Ours is similarly broad and I expect comprehensive curricula is the norm amongst the allies. I will be interested to hear more of your experiences as you go along.” Brecht replied.

“Mum, how are things going in the Collective?” asked Philippa.

“Philippa, we are settling down after the war. There is continuing strong interest in the progress of Earth. My sister started a branch of her War College on Earth after Lauren invited her to start a new generation of War College. We already have millions of Earth’s young people at our Universities and in the military colleges. We have a quarter of a billion people from Earth here at present and the same number of our people there. This will be the fastest move forward of any planet in this Universe. Two billion Earth people are off planet scattered amongst the allies. Most planets want to go slow, Earth wanted the fastest pace possible. It is the first time ever a planet wanted to go full speed ahead. I think much of that was driven by the fear of a very sophisticated set of enemies.” Brecht replied.

“What are so many of our people doing on Earth?” Philippa asked.

“We are protecting the natural fauna and flora as we study it and stopping illegal poaching and intrusion into the natural areas. We are helping those areas grow back. We are burying cities below the ground. We are converting power supplies in the cities and then towns. We are building public transport and portals. We are upgrading manufacture. We are cleaning up food production and stopping the introduction of toxic substances into the environment. We are modernizing services, communications and AI infrastructure.

“We along with our allies are busy in every area. The Azayal will alter the orbit slightly to drop the temperatures back to normal while we clean up. Carbon dioxide levels are still going up, but every day the pace of increase slows. We have removed most nuclear weapons and are disassembling nuclear facilities as we place power generators in place. We will be cleaning the oceans for several years. We are assessing fish stocks and breading new fish to re-populate the oceans. We are creating a terraforming plan in consultation with Lauren and the Earth AI. That is a brief and not all-inclusive summary.” Brecht replied.

“Any news of the refugees?” Julia asked.

“There is a continuing steady stream of refugees into both Empires. Your uncle Cassius and Emperor Felix are very concerned. We agreed to share the refugees out amongst us all, but they are generally highly educated and they will make significant contributions to the adoptive societies.

“Chuck’s double or triple cloaking method fooled the Azloc, so our scouts are making progress probing the Azloc Galaxy. The scouts are following military and cargo ships to their destinations. There is very active war mobilization and intense industrial activity over a very wide area in the galaxy Pempha Nemu. We have counted two thousand four hundred Azloc ships, heavy cruiser and above but we suspect they have many more. The Azloc produce big heavily armed ships.

“Jason, Thomas offered to teach us multichannel telepathy if required. He has sent us a multichannel telepathic recorder to use on scout ships to see if they pick up anything on other channels and if so, the attached AI will learn the language and implant it in us. The scout ships have shown us the planets of the Azloc are very heavily fortified and defended. So far, we have not picked up any telepathic communications.

“We will soon start sending intelligence teams to the planets of the refugees. We have recruited many of the refugees to work with our intelligence services.” Becht concluded.

“Where are Gamma, Jonathan and Norbert?” Jason asked.

“They have joined Lauren’s team to help her get going on Earth. Jason, no matter how much we do on Earth, there are many day-to-day problems to solve and no restructure is complete in less than a few hundred years. Earth will move faster than most, but it has further to go to catch up. The education is fast, but attitudes take time to shift. A woman who has lived her life in an isolated frozen area, in a tribe of twenty people with all of them consuming intoxicating substances every night cannot be made into a General within a few years. The children change a lot, but it is the third generation that adapts more fully to the new world. We have found that spreading people out in the Collective helps attitude change as does time in the university and military. We try and put everyone back into some kind of education. Peer pressure helps change. We keep the most primitive communities together for a year or three until we see they are mixing better with more advanced peoples. We allocate an AI social worker to live with each family to help them shift perspective and cope with the new world.

“You will be surprised at how much will change in ten years. Some things just take time. Terraforming a planet and climate modification takes hundreds of years. I can talk about restructures for years, but let me move myself on before I get stuck on the theory and practice of planetary evolution.

“Razza how is your family?” Brecht Chatzke asked, changing the subject.

“They are settling in very well. The people are happy and are flourishing. We have a few hundred thousand from Earth who are at War College or at University. My grandfather has had many requests from our people to do some work on Earth and he is arranging for a few million to go to Earth largely to get our deep underground construction companies going, but also to install some of the compact power plants we make. Lauren likes them very much and is encouraging us to manufacture these plants on Earth. She wants the Coven to participate in university education as well. Now that the portals are operational, she visits Cassius and Alana, Ergol and us, once a month. She also goes to see Felix every few months. She told me she wants to get away from Earth over the weekends and expand her frontiers. Ergol returns to his childhood with Chuck and Chloe and he is rejuvenated and energetic.

“He told me he is determined to be an active participant in the alliance and wants to be involved with future developments. My father and mother are happily involved with gene research work, their greatest love. My grandparents are excited about all of the new educational material and are encouraging an upgrade of the educational systems on every planet. Thomas and all of Jason’s elite AIs visited briefly and spent some time with Nuswa. She is keen to migrate to an entirely new Uzliumbax AI which they are going to build for her over the next year. My grandfather had extensive discussions with the AIs in several areas of trade and in how to move our educational institutions forward quickly.

“There is a great sense of excitement in the Coven, there is so much to learn and do. There is a sense of purpose and direction, a feeling of being part of a greater whole. The Uzliumbax AIs said the Uzliumbax Universities are starting soon and will resume their normal activities within three months. They suggest our academics can attend, enjoy sabbaticals and update themselves. The Universities will be run by the AIs until the Academics fully recover and return. “Brecht, I understand many of your academics will also be attending. Bertha suggested our universities attach themselves as satellite universities until we all feel we have upgraded ourselves,” said Razza.

“That is a great idea,” said Brecht. “I will follow up on that idea and talk to Lauren and my sister about it. Perhaps Cassius and Felix would also be interested?”

“My father says there is great enthusiasm amongst the Coven academics. They knew of the Uzliumbax who they regarded as giants in the past. Patata, what is the feeling amongst the Ordreg?” Razza asked.

“We are preoccupied with our move and our bodies. Most have a bio-mechanical AI chassis while our bodies are being readied for us. It is anxiety provoking for most of us. Most of us are having our bodies shipped to Bekta Delta and they will change over when they are ready to do so. The Azayal will then transfer our planets to this Universe and transfer a similar mass of low value planets back to Bekta Delta.

“The Zaos are worse off as they all have to do a double transfer, first to a chassis and then to a new body as their own bodies cannot survive in their odd dimension and they cannot survive in their current form out of that dimension. I can understand how we as allies fought each other for so long, we were each as stupid as the other with as little common sense. We were fooled for so long by the Grork and the Zaos hid in a bizarre place. How such advanced societies can do as we did defies all rational belief.

“The Zaos have their own planets in this Universe which they have now found. Our people are excited about the move and being part of the Empire again, but we are worried about returning to such old bodies. We have sent teams here to investigate the process of body rebuild for those bodies that fail or for those who might no longer have a body,” said Patata.

“Porquenta tells me he is modifying the forty-million clone growing tanks to use the body rebuild technique of the Collective,” said Jason. “He used a similar process to build Sheila and Colette and has a new generation of systems for fully biological AIs that takes five days. He has a hundred thousand pods fully upgraded, he told me to tell you Brecht, that he can help with the Uzliumbax who need new bodies. He says the pod upgrade was a low priority task until now. He started the rebuilds after he heard about the Safion returning and knew he would need to do some total rebuilds as the bodies are very old. He thinks the old Uzliumbax bodies are going to be a big problem and more full body rebuilds are going to be needed.”

“I have my own suspicions about using the old bodies. I recall Porquenta asked to consult with us about pod upgrades. I saw a report which said that the tanks were Coven Pods which had been modified by them to work extraordinarily slowly. It makes no sense to the Coven doctors now. They needed relatively simple re-modifications but critically they need highly trained teams. I understand you have the technicians, but they need training and you need more medical AIs and doctors. I think you will have an excess of doctors from Earth and you need to retrain the whole lot of them as a priority. I will talk to Lauren and find out what is happening with them.

“I will also talk with Porquenta, since having two large rebuild facilities each concentrated in one location will be very useful to all of us. It could be a great way to go. We can have teams from the allies work together and train doctors to specialize in this area. Leave it with me. All the allies have underworked doctors when we are not at war. I might talk to Ergol and give him the project. It will give him an important task.” Brecht observed.

“Porquenta has also built a large hospital next to the facilities on Mars and on Porquenta,” said Jason. “They are able to do the rehabilitation of the output of the pods. I don’t know how he is managing the medical and technical expertise side of it,” said Jason. “I wonder if the ex Clone doctors and Destroyer doctors would be interested. They might already be involved for all I know.”

“Jason everyone makes life so easy for you. Your AIs are busy and you don’t even have to do very much, and everything just happens around you,” said Razza laughing.

“The Destroyer women are formidable according to all accounts,” said Brecht. “I hear you made many of them pregnant in both groups.” Brecht laughed and shook her head. “Oh! Thank you for the damaged ships you sent us. They have everything needed for self-repair. It is extraordinary. We are learning an enormous amount. Now before I blather on, it is time for you to head to Nobatia. You are all looking tired. I am coming to Nobatia tomorrow for dinner with you all. Jason you and I will meet here in the morning to talk over breakfast. We have your intelligence people and mine. Andrea, Felicia, Linda and Andrea will be here as well as Zafa and her teams.”


“Jason you are looking even more tired this morning than last night! It serves you right acquiring so many women,” said Brecht over breakfast the next morning.

“I have grave responsibilities with regard to all of them. Philippa, Linda and Andrea are ready to have more children and they feel responsible to satisfy the needs of the Destroyers for children.”

“No doubt then none of your sperm goes to waste!” Brecht laughed. “I cannot believe how many children you are going to have.”

“Yes, I can no longer even keep count. I suspect it is the people who went with me returning. The Uzliumbax looked at the genes of the clone babies and that is their theory. That is why I feel so responsible. It is a serious duty!” Jason grinned broadly.

Brecht laughed again and clapped him on the shoulder as several insects in humanoid form and humans walked through the door.

“Here they are Jason and you know them all, Gen. Megadeth Pardue head of fleet intelligence, Adm. Osgood Grunwald my advisor and head of Intelligence, the rest are yours. We will have breakfast and then we will be joined by some of the assistants to us all.”

Jason hugged his three people. Gen. Karen Dupree, Gen. Matilda MacArthur, Col. Constance Ross and finally Gen. Sinefu Zarbanu, Intelligence; of the Destroyers. They chatted over a light breakfast and talked about old times, recent events and children.

The assistants joined them at the table after breakfast.

“Osgood, please proceed; we will use first names and keep it all informal,” said Brecht.

Jason, ladies and gentlemen; “We received the transcript of your conversation with your new generation AIs and the subsequent discussion you had with Brecht and later conversations you had with Porquenta. We contacted Thomas directly, to discuss the situation on the ground at Ethora. We then convened a preliminary team of twenty people to reconnoiter, followed immediately by a group of eight thousand investigators. I contacted and spoke to my colleagues from the allies and on the basis of our discussions we assembled teams of investigators to join us and look into every government department. The investigators are accompanied by armed and armored troops as Thomas advised us to exercise caution.

“Following your instructions, we have taken brain dumps of all of your Kings and Queens. None of their brains were protected. The findings were disturbing. Separate teams have been sent into the vaults which are now under very tight security. Before we went in, we set traps in twenty-five vaults for possible poisoners. We captured four. They have a device which is of Destroyer design and manufacture. It is a remarkable device. We are attempting to analyze how it functions. It freezes the older generation of Uzliumbax AIs. They do not return to function until the device reverses the process.

“We have interrogated the poisoners. They were recruited by the Destroyers a very long time ago. They were activated ten years ago and have worked to slowly poison individuals of importance to the Uzliumbax. We are following up their network. With your permission we will systematically do the same on your other planets.

“The AIs in every location have been extremely helpful and supportive and we have had the opportunity to commence access into departmental AIs. Philippa sent thousands of forensic accountants and AIs to undertake a detailed financial inventory of the financial status of your Empire. Your Imperial codes which you currently use permit full access into all aspects of the banking system including the central bank. Philippa requested her forensic investigators form part of the Imperial investigation into the activities of the Uzliumbax. As a result of our preliminary analyses we have been given access to a planetary level forensic accounting AI provided to us by Thomas. I thought we have built powerful AIs but they have a long way to go to catch up to yours, Jason!” Osgood concluded.

“Thank you very much Osgood, that is wonderful work, I would very much appreciate you doing as you suggest. If in doubt do brain dumps. Do you have enough people?“ Jason asked.

“Jason we are using a specialized but a tiny part of our resources. It keeps my people on their toes doing meaningful work. Matilda directed and analyzed the brain dumps of your Royal Group. We preferred to distance ourselves from the area.” Osgood replied.

“Thank you very much Osgood. That was a very sensitive approach to take. Matilda what did you find?” Jason asked.

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 14 Azloc threat

“Emperor, my name is Yoyo Arsames and I am the head of the military, your second in command, my rank is Senior Admiral. Next in command is General Eg’thach Trongronur followed by Adm. Kalman Cazacul and General Feraldus Orlandini.” Jason introduced them to Linda, Andrea, Celia and Felicia and then to Zafa Nefu, Kariya Nama, Coriyama Kelubaru and Nara Pela. He finally introduced them to Empress Valsam Sabins. “Adm. Arsames before we begin the meeting my grandchildren who are competing in the...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 2 Nobatia

“Brecht, thank you for your help. You are a wonderful mother-in-law!” Jason said grinning as he kissed her on the cheek. “The lunch was excellent as well.” Jason looked at his mother in law affectionately. She led the Collective a civilization made up of Insects. She was a praying mantis but like many she could change form. She was in her humanoid form at lunch. She looked to be in her thirties despite being well over a million years old. Philippa talked animatedly with her mother. The two...

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Spider Silk the Beginning

Spider Silk, the beginning "Why do you have to go Daddy? Can't they send someone else?" the thirteen year old asked her father at the airport. "Spider I already told you why," Red Eagle told his only daughter. "It's my duty, they need me there and I signed a contract. This will give us the money for your future to go to college and make something better for yourself." Her mother hadn't come to see him off, just his brothers and their families. Beaver Lightfeather didn't like her...

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When I was in college, money was hard to come by most of the time. In fact, I had enough debt in school loans that I didn't think I'd ever get free. I was working minimum wage jobs, and it only paid enough to keep me in fast food and my monthly membership to the gym. I'd goofed off long enough with little jobs for a time and finally got myself into college to try and get a job that paid enough to live on. The only thing that kept me sane was working out. You know, pumping iron until my...

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Spider Attack

Movement on her right, near the ceiling. A shape the size of a small Volkswagen. Tassi did not think or check her fire, she sighted on and instantly fired two 3 round bursts. Then she was up and moving, on pure instinct. Sprinting down the corridor she heard Evans die, then Rogers was cut off mid sentence. The net was quieting down, her team was being wiped out. Tassi had joined the Marines at age 16. After 3 years active duty, she transferred to the reserve corp. so she could settle down...

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Spider Man

Spider Man By Missy Crystal I wasn't happy about being a research assistant. As a little girl, I dreamed of being a model. I would put on my pink and white taffeta party dress with the built in nylon net crinoline that puffed out the skirt and the big bow in back, well, actually it was my cousin Molly's hand me down dress which was two sizes too big for me, and my, well hers too, black patent leather mary janes, that didn't fit either, and sashay back and forth in my room. I asked...

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Spider and Fly

Spider & Fly By C As she had twice before, Tanya came to the forest clearing to meetthe woodsman. She darted her head out first and glanced this way and thatto make sure she was safe, and then she stepped into the open. Such cautionwas warranted, for she would have been a prize to boast of for any hunter.She was soft and buxom, her bosom just barely contained by her only clothing,a slate-colored halter top. Her shoulder-length black hair was thick andlustrous, with pretty bangs in front, and...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 1 Emdar Grept

“If a man does his best, what else is there?“ – General George Patton Jr Jason watched streams of craft leaving the planet and carrying their precious cargo into the waiting ships. The evacuation of the planet was coordinated by the planetary AI. No human could manage such precision and efficiency. On the surface of the damaged planet, volcanos spewed the blood of the planet into cracks in the planetary crust. Jason’s hologram flashed to show a shuttle entering the hanger from the planet...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 4 War College

“They’re on our right, they’re on our left, they’re in front of us, they’re behind us; they can’t get away from us this time.” – Chesty Puller The gym was huge and was one of two hundred on campus. It comfortably accommodated ten thousand students. Along the back-wall, AIs attended to registrations. Each group was allocated two instructors. They introduced themselves as Uzliumbax AI instructors and said they developed the exercise routines and led martial arts training. Jason was bumped...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 7 Back to War College

“I am excited to be back here again. But I also did enjoy the weekend very much Jason. It was very relaxing on the estate and I was surprised how pleasant the Destroyer women are. They are much older than I expected and very experienced. “I don’t know how you managed to persuade Pleb to locate herself on Mars and manage her growing war academies colleges and universities from here,” said Ooryphyon. “Many from the Collective are very bored and I don’t think it was difficult to persuade her...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 18

Jason, Zafa, Valsam, Andrea and Linda accompanied Yoyo onto his Flagship followed by the empresses and Jason’s groups. “I will brief you when we reach the conference room near the bridge,” said Yoyo. “We have discovered far more than we expected about the so-called pirates,” said Yoyo shaking his head. They stepped out of the portal into a passageway and he led them and several assistants into a beautifully appointed conference room. The walls looked like floor to roof windows overlooking...

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Author's Note: Hey, everyone! This is my first posting ever to Fictionmania (I've posted many many other stories to different sites but never to this one) This story was meant to be a satire on the bizarre transformations Spider-Man has undergone over, but really it ended up being a story about Spidey turning into a mannequin! I also noticed a severe lack of straight-up mannequin transformations on the site and hope to rectify that with this posting. Please enjoy and if you wish...

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SpiderMan The Pink Symbiote

New York. The dead of night. Through the night air, a dark shape swung through the city. It hurled its arm forward, a rope of webbing flying from its wrist to the nearest building. Once secure, it swung down low before it threw its other arm forward, releasing another strand that allowed it to continue its journey. If anyone were to see the web-slinging silhouette, they'd most likely assume it was none other than the city's most famous resident. The menace of New York as the papers...

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Spider Silk

Ute Trucking, Spider Silk By: Malissa Madison 6/22/2013 At twenty three the driver of the black truck looked more like a super hero type. Something on the same level with Laura Croft with her long black hair braided down her back, ending just below her belt line. Her figure sported flaring hips a tiny waist, and a pair of firm B cup breasts. This was the end of a month long haul she was making for her friend Robert, who was in turn taking care of her son while she...

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Spidergirls Rape

"Huh? Where am I?" thought May "Mayday" Parker. Just a moment ago, she had been web-swinging through the city as Spider-Girl after battling with the symbiote, Carnage. Then she felt as if she had been torn out of the world and had blacked out. Currently, she found herself in a large steel room with a marble floor. On one wall were a locked door and a single chair. She strode over to the door and tried tear it from its hinges with her superhuman strength, but the door didn't even budge....

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Spider Gwen has a bad night

It was late 18 year old college freshmen Gwen was tired her muscles responding just a bit slower reactions off just a tiny bit and in her head visions of a long hot bath. as she swung through the city her city. Spider-girl's patrol had just ended and in a few moments she would be done for the night it had been a slow evening and she had only interrupted a few minor crimes. The spider suit glistened with a light sheen of sweat as it hugged every single inch of her body leaving nothing to the...

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Claras Adventure with Bugs

After class she walked up to the teacher. “Uh hi Mr. Johnson..” she said trying to plan out how she was going to ask for these bugs. “Oh hello Clara, if you have any questions I’m afraid that I’m in a hurry I have a dinner date tonight and I still have to let these bugs free.” Bingo! She thought to herself “ oh it’s nothing big I was actually wondering where you got the containers they’re perfect size for an art assignment I’m doing... but seeing...

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For my Queen queenie73

Queen of Queendom Princess stood on the edge of the cliff, head held high. Below her, the grey sea churned violently. She had a choice, to jump or to turn away. It was no choice at all. The crowd watching her expected her to jump. There was no true escape from her duties. To jump was to declare herself the rightful ruler of the kingdom, to turn away would not strip her of her title, but it would turn the people against her. Her every move would be questioned, scorned and broken down. Her...

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For my Queen queenie73

Queen of Queendom Princess stood on the edge of the cliff, head held high. Below her, the grey sea churned violently. She had a choice, to jump or to turn away. It was no choice at all. The crowd watching her expected her to jump. There was no true escape from her duties. To jump was to declare herself the rightful ruler of the kingdom, to turn away would not strip her of her title, but it would turn the people against her. Her every move would be questioned, scorned and broken down. Her orders...

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Bed Bugs

"What the hell is this?" I mentally asked myself. I'd been absently scratching a spot on my a arm as I worked at my desk, and glancing at it noticed the area I'd been scratching was inflamed with a red rash about an inch in diameter. There seemed to be small welts with small spots of blood in the center. I got up and left my office; heading for my co-worker's office next door. "Hey, Max. What's this?" I asked, showing him my arm. He looked at for a moment before replying. "Jim, it...

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Athens Queen

I `wrote' this while staring at the ceiling at 4:00am, the morning before I left. The inspiration for this story is in the first paragraph. I gave it a subtitle of `Vacation Story Number 4" because it was the fourth story `wrote' while on vacation. (I `wrote' it in the sense that the entire story, and most of the scenes were imagined, but not typed in.) The other three are still in my head and need to be typed in. Enjoy this. This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences...

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spider man part 2

Peter swung through upper queens. It was a bright and sun filled day. As Peter swung from web to web his spider sense began to tingle. Peter's cock also began to harden whatever was happening was also extremely sexy. Peter began to follow not only his spider-sense but his "cock sense" as his boner pointed him in the right direction. Peter swung over a dark alley to notice a gang surrounding a beautiful blonde. She was about 5'7'' with blonde her and green eyes that shown in...

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Tales of a HustlerSnot Puke and other Bugs

Tales of a Hustler----Snot, Puke, and other BugsSo it's a typical Saturday. Im chillin on the couch, playing with the remote. Tommy keeps pacing back and forth, and jumping up and down, with his hands down his pants. 'What the fuck is he doing” I thinks to myself. I hear a couple coughing, and sneezing in the background. One of the newer bois walks to the kitchen, holding his forehead with his hand. He gets a glass of ice-water. 'Ice” ?? 'Really' ?? Phone rings---it's Cole saying Cody just took...

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Athens Queen

Our last day in Greece, in a taxi on the way from the ferry to thehotel we'd be staying in before our flight. (Never, never, never,trust the Greek ferry schedule to get you to Athens in time for aninternational flight, always go the day before!) My daughter sittingnext to me, my wife next to her, my mother-in-law and the Greek taxidriver in the front seat.We stopped at a traffic light and I looked over. In bright blue andwhite neon, the sign in English said, "Cabaret" and then on the...

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The lost book of Slytherin

((note: story inspired by NilioJ (Harry potter spell book of desire‘s)) (Note 3. For the purposes of this story, all students start hogwarts at the age of 18, as Hogwarts is a High School/ College. ALL students are 18+. Salazar Slytherin was a pure-blood wizard, noted for his cunning and determination. He was regarded as one of the greatest wizards of the age, respectively as a Parselmouth and as a skilled Legilimens. Slytherin was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft...

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The Queen Anne Theater and the Wife Part II

Queen Anne II In the first story I told you how my wife and I had gone to see an x-rated movie at the Queen Anne Theater. Upon arrival we witnessed a slut sitting on the right side of the theater taking on a group of men. My wife and I were deeply affected, and turned on by the spectacle we witnessed. This chapter will deal with our next visit to the Queen Anne Theater. As was the custom to make every thing easy to reach, I had my wife dress in a wrap around skirt, and a see through blouse with...

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Spider and the Fly Part 2

How large must a web be to catch the fly, only the spider knows.Recap: Robert and Jean, two risk takers have had their first swinging experience, during which he got to watch his wife engaged in interracial sex. Since he tends to be a voyeur and she tends to be an exhibitionist they both got off on what had taken place. It was great sex but her black partner mentioned it would have been so much better if he didn’t have to use a condom. Since her husband had a vasectomy she hasn’t used any kind...

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spider man the beginning

Introduction: spidey fans should love m 1st story be gentle spider- man the beginning for ppl who always wondered about the sexual life of that web slinger i suggest some spiderman knowledge before reading thanks peter parker was bit by a radioactive spider&hellip, blaa blaa blaa peter rolled over and looked at his gorgeous wife mary jane. her red hair shone in the early morning light. Peter watched her breath as her incredible 36 d tits slightly moved up and down beneath the sheets. Peter...

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The Queen and the Soother Part 4

“You are pregnant,” the physician barely whispered.The news struck like lightning, stunning Jeena for a few seconds before the implications hit her like a roar of thunder. She burst out laughing, frightening the middle-aged woman.“Do not worry,” the queen smiled. “I have been trying to decide which prince to take for a husband, and it seems the decision has been made for me.”“Who is it?” asked the doctor, who the queen considered an aunt and confidant.“I don’t know!” laughed the queen. “It...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Queen Anne Theater and the Wife

We had made many trips to the Queen Anne Theatre, but our last two trips were the most memorable, that is until our latest trip. As was our custom, I had my wife dress very briefly, her blouse was the sheer black see through blouse, with no bra underneath. She wore a black wrap around skirt and under that a purple silk and lace garterbelt with black seamed stockings. As we drove down Route 80 toward the Theatre she opened her blouse exposing her breasts, she reclined her seat all the way back....

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The Queen and the Soother Part 2

The search for a husband continued. Widely-traveled, Geoffrey promised more exotic pleasures. Would he just be a plaything for the queen’s amusement, or could he become a true partner?The queen hid the bon vivant in the head cook’s quarters. The chef didn’t mind relinquishing his room for a few days in exchange for some new recipes. People from Sybarisia were known for their love of food and Geoffrey had a well-deserved reputation in that regard.He had prepared quite a lunch for Jeena. She...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Queen and the Soother Part 3

The third prince was young. Never having initiated a virgin, Jeena thought it could be fun teaching him and molding him to be the husband she wanted. What he lacked in skill could be made up in stamina and enthusiasm until the skill was taught.The queen had sequestered Prince Jason in a room off the library. He had used the days awaiting her to study some history in volumes not available in New Paleoland. They discussed some of his research over lunch.“Much of our library was destroyed during...

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The Queen and the Soother Part 1

The Queen of Lushland knew she needed an heir, so she needed a stud. Would it be the exotic stallion with strength and experience, the worldly mustang with hedonistic temptations, or the trainable colt with devotion and aspirations? Would her heart, mind, and body agree on the choice to be made?A testament or supposition,With embellishment or some omission,And best intent, with your permissionHere I present my rendition.The queen always thought of her people first. Tall and strong like her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Spider and the Fly Part 1

Into the WebFirst of all a disclaimer, just in case. This is a work of total fiction. If any character appears to even remotely resemble a real person that is a pure accident. With that said hope you enjoy this bit of fiction.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++“My, my said the spider to the fly, jump right ahead into my web….”I often think of that line out of the song created so long ago. It’s a great illustration of how the past year has gone.First introductions; I’m Robert, 34 years...

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spider man the beginning

the beginning for ppl who always wondered about the sexual life of that web slinger i suggest some spiderman knowledge before reading thanks peter parker was bit by a radioactive spider… blaa blaa blaa peter rolled over and looked at his gorgeous wife mary jane. her red hair shone in the early morning light. Peter watched her breath as her incredible 36 d tits slightly moved up and down beneath the sheets. Peter laid back and thought of having sex with his beautiful wife. His 8...

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SpidermanOwner of Stories

Peter Parker, also known as Spider-man, was sitting in the centre of his living room in the lotus position. He was using the mediation techniques suggested by Dr. Strange and Zatanna to harness the power of the mystical side of his powers. He was breathing in deeply, then exhaling, while focusing on the Web of Life and Destiny. Also known as the Web of Reality, it was this element which linked the universe which powered his spider sense. That or weird superpowers. 'But given my powers could...

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June Bugs

Fred squirmed uncomfortably beside the big black man. They were perched high up on a white lifeguard chair scanning the water. It wasn't that Fred disliked blacks, it was just that the man was so big he took up most of the chair forcing Fred to sit on his left ass cheek. Plus, he was jealous. Booker was huge. Not only was he built like a Mr. Universe contestant, but he didn't seem to work at keeping his physique. The man ate greasy burgers, hotdogs, fries or pizza daily for lunch and Fred had...

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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalCH 2 The Queen and I

The forest seemed endless. Without landmarks or a watch, Logan had no idea how long he walked the winding, shadowed trail. It was hard to judge the movement of the sun through the thick foliage above but it hardly seemed to have moved at all and yet, it felt like hours had passed. Plus, he was getting tired, which seemed odd. He couldn’t recall ever feeling weary in any dreams before now. Of course, no other dream had ever felt as strangely real as this one did. The only change he did notice...

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Her Fathers Queen

"Journal Entry for the night of August 23, 1876. "Word reached me towards the end of the meeting I had been having with the Prime Minister that the unthinkable had happened - the news collapsed me. On their return journey from Hamburg, my wife and my son had an accident. The carriage had overturned, the messenger informed me, and the heir-apparent to the throne, my son, had been killed on the spot. "My wife was wounded. Badly. Her head had slammed into the roof, and she had fallen into a...

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The Problem With Visiting Brothels

THE PROBLEM WITH VISITING BROTHELS Arabian Nights World Story 3 I'm another unfortunate friend of Asam, being his friend is clearly quite a dangerous occupation. My name once was Paul, not anymore I'm afraid. Like John I also took up Asam's offer of a visit to the Arabian world and like him I went on a tour of the brothels and the slave markets of that fascinating place. My tastes however where cheaper than John's and I found I preferred to frequent the more seedy establishments...

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Mother Queen And Son King

Hai this is rathode again please do leave your comments on my id Please read the stories for fun not at the cost of relations. Once youpon a time during Ancient India there is a kingdom called mathasangama , the kingdom is well blessed with all kind of resources where ever you see the land is full of greenery, farmers grows well yielded crops, miners mines pure gold, iron, silver and diamonds, soldiers fight with glory, each and every men and women in the kingdom are wise and pay the taxes on...

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Visiting QueenslandChapter 4

We got greeted and went inside. Mum immediately asked what was new. Weena began telling her about the Royal Perth and my new unpaid appointment in the Navy and then paused... "Oh, yes. And I'm going to make you grandparents." Mum screamed and grabbed Weena's hand. "When? When?" "Most likely end of April or beginning of May." "Are you sick? What can't you eat? What would you like?" "I've only had a bit of nausea, not much. I eat some biscuits or crisps before getting up....

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 2 Phi Theta Rho Party Again

Late on Saturday afternoon Dave shifted into his job as one of the bartenders for the Circle. Just as he was ready for a first customer, Emma came racing up to the bar. She was alone and only wearing a monokini, unlike a few hours earlier when her parents and younger sister had visited and she was dressed conservatively. She extended her body over the bar and kissed Dave. “Thank you for being so nice to my parents and sister.” “Of course. They’re nice people. I take it they don’t know a...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 15 Queen Takes Pawn

October 1977 We took the bus to Indian Hill, an upper-class village near Milford, with lots of big estates, lots of nice cars, and all the other things that really rich people owned. My parents had a decent amount of money, but didn’t like the stuck-up nature of so many Indian Hill folks. That was one reason why they built our new house in Milford. We walked into their school, found the room where the meet was happening, and checked out the pairings. This was a single-round meet, and the...

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OtherworldChapter 20 Queen

THE PRESENT: "She is the queen of what?" Val asked. Tasmine looked just as surprised as Val and I did. Except for Atheria. She leaned back and looked puzzled, stroking her chin thoughtfully. "She is the Queen of the Dragons," Sheperd repeated. "No, she is not a true dragon, if that's what you're wondering." "Then how can she be a queen to you?" Tasmine asked, perplexed. "It is a long story," Sheperd told us, "and I was not there for it. Perhaps you could ask someone who was...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 5 The Queens Good Boy

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Five: The Queen's Good Boy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Chapter Thirteen: Royal Command Sven Falk – Faerie “Fuck my daughter.” The command that the faerie queen gave me shocked me. I expected to be ordered to eat her pussy, to make her cum. I was here to pleasure her, to show her my prowess in bed. Did she not think I was worthy to fuck her? That I wasn't good enough to bend her over and fuck her hard from behind? The urge to stand up, throw...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Sins from my Stepmother Book 1 Ch 15

I My name is Teddy Carlson. I’m twenty-two years old and I fucked my stepmother. Not just once in some momentary lapse of judgement. But again and again…and again. Before you judge me, there’s a few things you need to understand. First, Dad and I never exactly got on like a house on fire. He was the CIO of a large hedge fund which meant that he wasn’t around much. He travelled to Europe regularly and commuted during the week to Manhattan for meetings. When he was home, he was either...

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