- 3 years ago
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Christmas is approaching again. Before my ex wife left ten years ago, Santa was still alive and well in my daughter’s imagination. I enjoyed the holiday season back then, never letting anyone forget what Christmas was really about. The last Christmas we were together we attended midnight service singing His praise. By New Year’s Eve she had left, moving in with some man that I had no idea even existed.
She never voiced any interest in seeking custody of our daughter. I’m glad she didn’t. My love for her became the only anchor in my life. I lost my job, my health suffered from complications with diabetes, and I battled with cancer. As things got worse, my thoughts toward the church cooled and I started missing services. When the Pastor came to my house to find out why I had become truant, I found that he was more concerned about getting that envelope from me every week, rather than helping me through the dark times. I fell victim to having dark, hateful thoughts.
No one was safe from them except my little girl. I found myself actually wishing ill will to people for no good reason at all, and my relationship with the church ceased. Hatred filled me. I was in contempt for those happily married, in good health, and those ‘good wishers’ that told me to keep my chin up.
Eventually I found a good job, beat the cancer, and got better at controlling the diabetes. My dark thoughts faded and I began attending church services again. My daughter has enjoyed good health and is near the top of her class.
Full of the holiday spirit, she wants a tree this year. We hadn’t had one in years. I believed it was a lot of fuss for just the two us, but I relented and started clearing a corner in the living room while she went shopping for one. I pulled out a chest from the wall and found a picture that had fallen behind it. It must have been there a long time, because I forgot that it even existed.
There sat my Grandparents in my parent’s living room with me, my brother, and my sister sitting at their feet. It was obviously Christmas time with all the decorations on the wall. I placed it as ’58 or ’59 looking at age of us kids and knowing my Grandfather died in early ’61 after a long stay in the hospital. He looked well in this picture. My Grandmother was smiling as she always did, but I suddenly felt cold. Putting the picture down, I noticed my hand was shaking. I’d had problems sleeping lately, but after seeing this picture, I was beginning to understand why. A memory lying dormant for years suddenly came rushing forward in my mind.
* * *
It was Christmas Eve of ’62 and my Grandmother had come to spend the holiday with us. She had a Pennsylvania Dutch background and that meant lots of food and cake and cookies for dessert. She arrived with container after container of cookies and pies she had baked over the previous months and had frozen for the visit. My older brother and little sister watched with delight as each container was brought in and stored in our parent’s room for the proper time and place for serving. I loved her very much, but it just wasn’t the same without my Grandfather.
‘Nana’, my Mother’s Mother, was widowed when ‘Grandpop’ died early the previous year. I was devastated with his passing, loving him more than my own Father at the time. I’m sure it had something to do with my Mother’s influence, but my life was governed by the last and the next time I was going to see him.
Nana was a wonderful woman. She always had a story to tell, hugs for the kids, and laughter and cheer for all. She was a God fearing woman that wouldn’t take the Lord’s name in vain or cuss even in the nastiest situations. Being Pennsylvania Dutch, she had a bit of an accent, and my name always came out ‘Chonny,’ instead of ‘Johnny.’
I was seven years old and it was snowing like a banshee outside. Schools were closed and my Father had taken off work early to get Nana before she was stuck home for the holiday. As my Father and Mother finished bringing in the containers and then her suitcases, Nana came through the door and was nearly knocked flat as my siblings and I rushed to hug her. She was a large woman and had trouble bending down to hug us. When all the kisses and hugs were done, she produced three wax paper packages of cookies that she had held aside for us. It was if she’d given us the most precious gift we’d ever receive. Her cookies were that good. There were raisin-oatmeal, sugar cookies, ginger snaps, peanut butter filled, chocolate frosted, ginger bread, and my favorite, chocolate chips.
‘Mom!’ scolded my Mother, as she came out of the bedroom.
‘Come on, Anne, let me have some fun with the kids,’ replied Nana, giving us kids a wink.
‘You’re with kids all day long,’ replied Mom, giving us the evil eye for not asking her first.
My Mom was right. While my Grandfather was still alive, he was a janitor for a local church. They lived in the old rectory in lieu of a full salary, earning enough for food and small essentials. Grandpop was on the board of elders and Nana taught Sunday and Summer School. When he died, Nana was asked to find another place to stay. She found a government subsidized apartment building in the city, refusing to take up an offer from my parents to live with us. She wanted her independence, but that independence carried a price. She didn’t drive and the neighborhood was in decline. Walking to the corner store for supplies ended the first time she was mugged. My Mother visited her weekly to take her shopping, otherwise, Nana never left the apartment. Some weekends the whole family would visit her and it lifted her spirits. Once and a while, she would begin to cry and us kids were ushered off to another room until she was done. We didn’t know what was wrong. The following year she got a job as a crossing guard for the local elementary school. It seemed to perk her up, because she always had stories about the ‘little ones’ to tell after that.
Nana visited about once a month, spending the weekend or the week, depending on what her plans were with my Mother. When visiting, the sleeping arrangements for my brother and I on the second floor changed. There were two bedrooms and a bathroom at the top of the stairs. If you turned right at the top of the stairs, there was a door leading into my brother’s room. Straight ahead was the bathroom and to the left was an open walled bedroom, which was mine (no fourth wall with a door and no privacy). Nana used my brother’s room, my brother used my bed, and I got to sleep on an old sofa parked in my room.
My brother and sister had already finished off their treats, but I had most of mine lined up on the coffee table.
‘Don’t you like them, Chonny?’ she asked.
‘Yes! I’m just trying to make them last longer,’ I replied, chewing a gingerbread arm.
‘Hey look over there!’ shouted my older brother, pointing out the back window.
I fell for it and lost three cookies in the process. My little sister then tried the trick, but to no avail.
‘I’ll take care of you later,’ Nana said to my brother, as she produced another small pack of cookies from her pocket and handed it to me.
The look of doom came across my brother’s face, knowing his would be the smallest piece of pie served for dessert, if he got any at all.
The early evening went by with us setting up the tree (a family custom doing it on the Eve), eating sandwiches and her apple pie, (brother did get a piece) and chatting about what we kids wanted from Santa (brother was enlightened, but kept up the façade for us younger ones). Nana was the official ornament director, telling us kids where to place them and giving us the story behind each. (They were her heirlooms given to us.) When we finished, it was time for bed. I was having so much fun I didn’t want it to end. I hugged and kissed my Mother and Nana and headed up to bed. A feeling of dread came over me as I made my way up the steps to my room. I went to bed on the sofa keeping a
bright nightlight to ward off the monsters that come out in the dark. That night, as with all of her visits, I wasn’t worried about monsters.
It was her nightmares. Night terrors they’re called now. Horrifying dreams so intense, they consume a person as they sleep and terrify those that hear the moans and screams forced from their sleeping lips.
They didn’t happen every night she stayed with us, but they occurred often, sometimes several times a night. Somehow, in the two years following my Grandfather’s death, it became my job to wake her from these night terrors. I don’t remember how or why the task fell on me, it just did. It was never a pleasant experience waking her. Thanksgiving weekend, I had to wake her every night. She never would tell me what her dreams were about when I woke her. I’m not sure if anyone ever knew.
That night I stayed awake, waiting for her to come up the stairs to go to bed. (Being Christmas Eve also had the added benefit of waiting for Santa’s sleigh to land on the roof.) Soon the lights downstairs would go out and she would be in my brother’s room. It was a longer wait than I expected and I eventually fell asleep.
There was a thump and I was wide-awake. At first I thought Santa had landed on the roof. Then there was another thump and my heart started to race with the anticipation of Santa’s arrival downstairs. There were several more thumps …then a moan.
That fast, my elation was burst like a balloon as the realization set in that Nana was having a dream. Sometimes at this stage, the dream would pass, and I would be spared from having to wake her. The next minute or so would be the key. The thumping continued as her flailing fists were hitting the wall next to the bed. She moaned again and fell silent. I held my breath, knowing the next few seconds were it.
There was a piercing scream.
My startled brother jumped a foot in the air on the bed, but did nothing to help.
Reluctantly, I went to the door and turned the knob. The thumping had intensified and the screams were nearly continuous. Thanksgiving night she had slashed me with her nails and bruised my upper arms with her fists. She would lash out wildly as I tried to shake her awake. Even with all the injuries I received, her shrieks were the worst to take as a seven year old. They caused nightmares for me. When she would finally wake, she always asked me to sit with her for a while. She knew she had hurt me, and how I hated to wake her. She also knew how scared I was. I suppose it helped to clear her head as she held me and apologized. It helped some. I didn’t want to do it anymore, but no one else in the house would wake her.
I dearly loved my Grandmother. She would love to read you books or help you with homework. Her hugs were heartfelt and unconditional love radiated from her smile. My love for her and the terror of seeing her suffering with these dreams unsettled me to the point of near paralysis.
I feared her like this. I dreaded her like this. I hated her like this.
This time was the worst I had ever seen her. Both arms were hitting the wall as if to ward something off and her screams were like shrieks, as if she were fighting for her life. I froze in my tracks. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared in my life. One mighty swing of her fist put a hole in the wall and released the spell on me. I jumped on the bed and put my arms around her, pleading with her to wake up.
It took her a few seconds to come out of it, but she finally stopped thrashing and screaming. When she realized who was holding her down, she held me tight and just kept repeating my name, ‘Chonny, Chonny, Chonny.’
When I returned to my room and the sofa, my brother instructed me not to wait so long next time and turn off the light I had on. Well after that, there was no way that light was going out.
Some time went by and she started again. I started to cry. I felt so bad for her having those dreams, but I was frozen in fear from the previous hour. Slowly I rose to a sitting position on the couch and saw someone standing at the top of the stairway.
I rubbed my eyes and looked again as Nana thumped and moaned away in the closed room. I opened my mouth to say something and the man put a finger to his mouth to keep me quiet. I started to get up to run to him, but he put his hand up to stop me and motioned me back down. In his other hand, he was carrying a gray sack. He held it up in my direction and shook it. Then he opened Nana’s door and entered.
The moans and thumping stopped.
Out came the man holding the sack away from himself and it was obvious that something was kicking and thrashing about inside of it. He looked at me and smiled.
‘Grandpop!’ I said, jumping up to go to him.
Again he put up his hand to stop me and pointed to the bag, letting me know I didn’t want to get near it. I didn’t care. I closed my eyes and ran to him, but found myself running into the closed bedroom door instead. When I turned to look, he was nowhere to be seen.
Maybe I dreamed it, maybe not. All I know is Nana’s dreams stopped.
Santa came and Christmas went off without a hitch, except there was 36 inches of snow outside.
There were no more nightmares after that night.
Twelve years later, Nana’s health began to fade and I would visit her at a nursing home on my way home from work a few times a week. One evening while helping her eat her dinner, I got up the courage to ask her what the dreams were about. At first she was lost, not remembering what I was talking about until I reminded her that I was the one that used to wake her.
‘Monkeys,’ she said. ‘Monkeys on my back. They would claw and bite me and I couldn’t get them off of me.’
‘Monkeys? Why monkeys?’
‘When I was little, my parents took me to circuses all the time and there was always an organ grinder there with a monkey that danced and did tricks. I loved them and always petted them. I looked forward to seeing them. One time, after the little thing finished, it went around with a cup to collect coins for its master. It bit me as I tried to drop in a coin. The bite became infected and nearly killed me. After that I became deathly afraid of monkeys,’ she said, waiting for her next scoop of ice cream.
‘Why were you still having these dreams so long after it happened to you?’ I asked.
‘They weren’t just monkeys in my dreams, they were demons. Demon monkeys. I had many black thoughts after your Grandfather died, and this was my penance. I had to endure the monkeys,’ she replied.
‘What black thoughts?’ I asked.
She lowered her head and explained. ‘When Grandpop died, I became a different person. You wouldn’t have liked that person, Chonny. I hated people. I wished them ill will. Eventually I changed back to my old self, but I had to pay the price for my hate.’
I had to ask the question. ‘The dreams stopped very abruptly. Why?’
‘Christmas Eve, ’62. Harry came and took the demons away.’
Her mouth was open waiting for the ice cream and my mouth was open in astonishment. The ice cream hung in mid air.
‘W…Who?’ I stammered.
‘Harry, your Grandfather. Maybe you didn’t know his name…’
‘I remember his name. You just caught me off guard,’ I stammered.
‘He was sent to take the demons away,’ she said, and then opened her mouth for the last scoop.
So it did happen. At least between Nana and I it did. She passed away later that spring.
* * *
It’s strange how the mind works, remembering… or forgetting events in life.
You see, in the last few months, I’ve been having disturbing dreams.
I’ve woken my daughter on the second floor several times with my screams and she’s come down to shake me awake. I feel bad for her since there isn’t anyone else in the house to do it. Last night I scared her bad when I lashed out at her. She asks what the nightmares are about, but I won’t tell her. I d
on’t want to disturb her.
I’m disturbed enough for both of us.
Nana called them demons.
Grandpop took her demons away.
My demons look like Nana.
Who will take my demons away?
I am Hornless. A demon. One of the many infernal entities who have been graced with the ability to blend into human societies with minimal risk of detection. Unlike our more chaotic kin who delight in embracing the worlds they visit in fire and brimstone, Hornless are far more subtle, like a whisper in the wind, the third voice in one's consciousness given a living, breathing vessel, disguising ourselves to spread sin and debauchery in silent, conspiratous wakes. This immortal shell of shape...
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Thank you for the kind reviews so far. These are the first stories I've ever revealed to anyone and the kind and helpful responses are what give me the confidence to continue. And thank you, thank you, thank you to Fictionmania as well for providing such a safe and encouraging place. I started this tale at the end so I would have a target to arm for. It turns out that convincing my characters to proceed toward that target in an orderly fashion is much more difficult than expected....
Introduction: Dasha is finally pregnant. Karl has a surprise. Taken (Chapter Two): Morgan Dasha sat curled up in a ball on the cold cement floor of Karls basement. She had no idea how long shed been there, 2, 3, maybe 4 weeks. Every day Karl came downstairs and showered her with cold water from a hose. He brushed her hair and made her stand on a scale (she was down to 95lbs). Then he gave her a half a cup of oatmeal. She was so starved that she didnt even notice how terrible it tasted. And...
• A fulfilled wild fantasy • A kinky date night • A one-hour G-spot massage • A striptease show • Tie up your partner and spank them • A romantic bubble bath • A one hour-long sensual massage “Which one would you like to try?,” I asked. “Let me thinks about it while you give me an hour-long sensual massage and a G-spot massage,” I replied. “Start with the insides of my thighs, then my big ass.” “Lets be creative and combine four of them at the same time,” I tell him as his...
It occurs to her in the early hours of the morning when she can’t sleep that she could go to Dumbledore and tell him what happened. There’s no way he’d allow such a thing to happen in the school, certainly, but Hermione fears what would happen to her if she spoke of what Umbridge made her do. Not only would she probably have to be removed from the school for her own protection—with the Minister placing Professor Umbridge in the school, they wouldn’t be able to force Umbridge out—but that would...
Some of my friends are real pervs. Considering I go along with their activities and join in, I'm a perv too. Our group of nearly twenty couples and a half a dozen singles play together, exclusively. Swinging can be dangerous, but if a group agrees to be monogamous within the group, swinging is great fun, relaxing, and a real way to enjoy yourself with your significant other. As a group, every six months we go to a public health clinic to be tested for STD's. We make a day and night of it...
Shelley sat sideways on my recliner, her left leg dangling. Her camel-toe had returned but, mercifully, she was silent. This woman, sister of my late-wife, essentially spread-eagled on my la-z-boy in white yoga pants (with a visible black thong) and tight red University sweatshirt, simply annoyed the fuck out of me when she spoke! Bossy, Know-it-All, mean bitch. The kind of person that lets someone else speak for two reasons: she's either catching her breath or waiting for the speaker to remind...
Stay Casino! Slots are, by far, the most popular game at any casino, whether online or on land. The barrier of entry is extremely low, the gameplay is simple, and the rules are clear. You don’t have to spend time learning confusing strategies or dealing with upset players at a live table. It can just be you, your machine, and a big jackpot.Slots are inherently games of chance, but that doesn’t mean you can’t employ some tips and tricks to help you maximize the opportunities to get a big win. Of...
Betting SitesPenny Mathews opened her apartment door and kicked off her shoes. It had been a long day at work and she was exhausted. Thank God it was Friday was all she had to say about it. After dropping her purse on the table and checking the messages, she flopped down on the couch and turned the TV on. Flipping through the channels, she decided that digital cable was a complete and total waste of money and turned the TV off. She went into the bathroom to run a hot bath and wait for Jon to get home. She...
Group SexClaire curled up beside him in bed. "Ouch! Your feet are like ice, girl." "Sorry! They'll soon warm up. Cold feet, warm heart, they say. Don't they?" "Who says that?" "I don't know. People with cold feet, I suppose." They were warming up, though, surprisingly quickly. "What ya reading?" "One of Sal's books." "Her bedtime reading? What do teenage girls read in bed? Is it a bit fruity?" "It's about time travel." "Time travel? Where you go in a machine, with lots of...
Hi, readers am here to share my first lovemaking experience on a beach and the incident happened a year back. Am a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net but never dared to share my experiences. So please share your suggestions. I am 28 years old now, back then I was working in Trivandrum the city of beaches. And I love beaches, I have explored most of the beaches. Coming to the incident I will have started with my ex-love, I had a long-term relationship which lasted almost 7 years and we...
By now, it was about 1 in the afternoon. Daddy wouldn’t be home till after 6, my little s*s was going to a friend’s house for studying, and my big s*s had cheerleading practice. The thought of my big s*s in her tight uniform had me bothered again. Mommy placed me back in my bed, but I knew something was different. She had a slightly glazed look in her eyes, and it made me excited for some reason.Then, a crazy icky idea hit me. I had no idea where it came from or why, but once it popped in my...
“No. Which one is that?” I heard her giggle back. I could hear her friend in the background, so I decided to see how far I could push her. “That sound you make when you choke yourself on your dildo. Get’s me so turned on” This was met with laughter from the two girls. “I knew I was on speaker phone” I said back too them with a smile on my face. Laura and myself hadn’t known each other for long, but the connection between us was incredible. She was my ideal girl. Everything about...
“I’m not good at this either,” Walker complained, Fig releasing another frustrated scent as he struggled to fit a piece of armor onto an increasingly irritated Drone. They had run him through seemingly every job in the factory, as if they were struggling to find a place for him in the hive. Walker still didn’t understand what the point of all this was. They couldn’t possibly need the manpower, why go to such lengths to integrate him? Was this how the Borealans felt when they first arrived on...
None of my other friends were as big of a drunk as Ted was, so none of them gave me the chance that Ted did. Ted, if you read my previous story, was a friend that would pass out hanging on my toilet after a night of watching a game on TV and drinking with the guys. He always stayed the night hanging on the toilet, out cold. It was strange how he seemed to maintain a balance without falling in or off. Bud took advantage of him one night when he passed out with his pants down, which led to more...
My girlfriend and I are laying in bed on a sunny Saturday morning, letting our breakfast digest. She's 5'4", light Italian skin that is tan from running in the sun, large D cups on her slender frame, and is laying on the bed in one of her shirts and a pair of my boxer shorts on her hips. I'm laying next to her reading a boring book, and of course feeling quite horny. Just looking at her as she uses as her computer starts making me get hard. I'm wearing boxers and no shirt, and my dick starts to...
ReluctanceTHURSDAY 10:30 A. M. Lake's Edge Hold, Elfrealm, Lake's Edge Flexing his arms and legs Elnore mused over the Elder Physician's prediction, 'Looks like he hit it dead center with his time frame. Three days indeed. The best part of this rapid recovery is that there will be no need of physical therapy.' He then contacted Mike and made certain that all the elements were ready for their visit to Elfrealm Vankell. 'That really was careless of my Cousins, broadcasting the name of their home...
The Trouble with Fantasies by Puppy Girl Chapter 1. It all started with the email Mistress sent me. Okay I guess technically it all started when I began to serve her via email. She had a website and for a small monthly fee she would give assignments to her sissy slaves. I had done all the assignments on her website and had now graduated to receiving personal emails with instructions on what she expected me to do next. Of course being email she couldn?t tell if I really did the assignment or...
I slid my arms around Ron's shoulder's and caressed his head and shoulders as I nestled my lips between his head and shoulders as he slowly and deliberately worked my bung hole. I could feel his muscles flex and tense as he skilfully made luv to me, my entire body was quaking with each movement he made. I placed my hands on each side of Ron's face and pulled his lips to mine and kissed him deeply as I surrendered myself to him. I sucked eagerly on his thick tongue and lips as Ron hunched and...
Chapter Three ‘We’re here to see Miss Grayson.’ Damien stated. He and Brian had gone back to the Office of Citizens Complaints to meet Leigh. Damien was anxious to see those brilliant brown eyes, to hear her voice again. He hadn’t had much sleep, he kept tossing and turning the whole night thinking about her. ‘This sort of thing isn’t real. This feeling is just madness’ He thought. ‘I am sorry, but Miss Grayson called in sick today.’ Margaret, Leigh’s secretary, said dismissively. Damien...
The trip to First Stop was the usual boring event. When we had arrived on Wayside, it occurred to me, this was the first trip I had made to the Multiverse with no trade goods. On our way to First Stop, Sereine and I briefed everyone on our plans for what each of our two groups would be doing during this trip. We had been talking during the trip, while we rested. During our discussions, it occurred to me that in the future, we might need two penal planets in Earth’s Universe. For the interim...
Angela Dario was 22 and in college, although she rather be working for her dad's company. She was ambitious and loved business. Her father, Pablo, and his family came to the US when he was two years old. He took some classes at the community college, but never graduated. He worked two jobs at a time to support his family. After working several years for other financiers, he recently started his own investment firm. Although she promised her father she would graduate and get her masters, she...
For whatever reason, my son, Jason, wanted this night to be very special. Two of the young men that he trained with his local jujitsu club had a decided that they were going to stay overnight. I made sure that they had all the usual assortments and goodies to snack on while they were watching the fights. And then decided that I was going to go take a hot shower. As usual, my husband was working so I would be spending the night alone. It was difficult to focus on enjoying the shower, when...