How I met Master
- 2 years ago
- 24
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“On your knees BOY!!!” shouted the master as he pulled out his 11”cock and
rubbed it teasingly in front of BOYs face.
“YES SIR” replied BOY. Then with a whack around BOYs face from the monster cock,
the Master shouted “ONLY TALK WHEN I SAY SO!!”
BOY knew he had done wrong but being punished by The Master really got his groin
burning in anticipation of things to come.
My name is not important, but this is the story of my first time with The let’s see what happened.
I met The Master in a bar located Birmingham, England. Not your normal, run of
the mill bar but the type of bar definitely suited to The Master. I had just
moved up from London and was checking out the scene. I was looking good with my
freshly cropped hair, white Fred Perry T-shirt and my brand new bleachers. To
top the look of, I had my red braces and polished cherries. I felt good and by
the stares of the guys in the bar, I was looking fucking good.
So, I was standing at the bar, when this 6’2 toned guy walked up to me and told
me to get my jacket as I was going home with him. I was scared, but something
stirred inside me which made me go with this horny stranger.
I followed him out of the bar and followed him down the road. He was walking
faster than me but I soon caught up with him. In the street light, I could see
his rough but striking features, but it was his eyes that entranced me. They
shone with power and intensity. He didn’t say a word till we got to his place
when after shutting the door behind me he turned around and said in his deep
Birmingham accent “I am your Master; you call me SIR and speak when told too.
Now on your knees BOY!!!”
I was stuck to the spot, fear running through my veins but something snapped
inside me and I was turned on. I was looking at this man who just radiated
dominance telling me that I was now his.
“ON YOUR KNEES BOY!!!” he shouted again as I dropped to the floor but it was too late, he was unzipping his trousers and I felt a whack across my face as he hit me with his 11” cock with such a force I fell back. “YES SIR” replied BOY. Then with another whack around BOYs face from the monster cock, the Master shouted “ONLY TALK WHEN I SAY SO!!”
I laid there on the bare wooden floor as SIR towered over me. He raised his
right foot and pushed my head down with it. “I am your Master; you address me
when I say. You do as I say. You take what I give. No questions. Your mine!!”
I didn’t know what to do, what could I do? I gently raised my head as he lifted
his foot off it and all I could see was my new Master stripping out of his gear
and putting on clothing made out of leather. I couldn’t make out exactly what he
was putting on but I knew that I would find out soon enough. The smell of the
leather wafted under my nose and I felt a stirring in my underwear. I looked
around my new surroundings to see what I could make out, when all of a sudden,
another whack round the head but this time from his hand. All I could see was
stars and the tingling in my ears. I felt SIR grab me by my arm and drag me
along the floor into a room of to the right. When my hearing and sight
corrected, I could see in front of me something that scared the life out of me.
To one side of the black room lit by a small red light was what looked like a
dentist’s chair but with stirrups. Alongside that against the wall was a massive
cabinet filled with every size of dildo, butt plug and things I didn’t
recognize. As my eyes followed the room around, I then saw it....The Sling.
That’s when I lost all control of my bladder and pissed myself.
“HA HA” bellowed SIR. “Nice to see a reaction to my toy room”
He dragged me over to the dentist chair and ordered me to sit myself in. That was when I saw what my Master was wearing. He had these boots that were shiny like glass, black leather chaps that allowed his massive cock to just hang their framed by smooth big balls. On his torso was a half body harness that showed off his thick toned arms and chest. “Oh Fuck!!” I thought to myself.
“Right Boy, let’s get you out of those clothes” and I felt hands all over my
body. What I didn’t realise was that hiding behind the sling were 2 more guys. I
looked around at them and realised that they were naked too just with a collar
and restraints on arms. No sooner had I finished checking them out then I
realised that I was naked. Sir walked over to me and placed restraints on both
wrists and ankles followed by a collar. He then raised my legs up and attached
my legs to stirrups and locked me in place. The other 2 guys, who I later found
out, are also property of my Master grabbed an arm each and again locked me into
place to the steel arm rests. I then felt Sir behind me as he attached a lock to
the d-ring on my collar to something behind my neck. That was it; I was well and
truly locked down.
“Right Boy, let’s get to work”
“Get them up Boy” I heard Master state to the other Boys as I heard a small
clanking sound and felt the dentist chair rise up and stirrups start spreading
and also elevating, higher and higher until my arse was in full view of SIR. I
felt a tingle as I realised that Sir was lubricating my arse with something.
Within about 1 minute, all I could feel was this heat gradually getting hotter
around my mancunt.
“That’s it Boy, let it work its magic” came from the deep voice of Sir. “This
will ensure that you take whatever I give you without passing out, ensuring that
you feel everything that I do to you”
I heard running water and tried to see where it was coming from but could not
move my head due to the restraint I was in. All I could see was Sir, standing
there with that air of dominance surrounding him. I was still very scared but
pleasure was starting to show its head. In my peripheral vision, I saw one of
the other Boys with tubing and buckets. “Oh Fuck!!” I thought, “He is going to
give me an enema” That was when I felt another tingle in my arse as Sir stood
there, fingering my hole to get the tube in.
Now, I don’t get fucked that often so when I saw Sir working at my ring with his
fingers, I closed my eyes and just let him get on with it. I mean, what else
could I do? I then felt this warmness in my stomach and realised that the water
was going in. God, how it started to hurt. Not with heat, but the pressure,
there in my bladder. I couldn’t release it as the tube was still in me, and I
knew that if I did before Sir told me, I would have been given a beating.
“Had I dreamt everything?” I asked myself, I then rolled over and fuck did I
ache all over.
Well it certainly felt real at that moment in time as I looked down and saw the
wrist restraints followed by what looked like a medieval torture device. I then
realised that my new Master had ensured that I am deprived of the pleasure of
touching myself by installing a chastity device on my cock. Along with this was
a strap of leather around my hips attached to it was what I can only call a butt
plug that SIR had placed up my arse. The buckle of the leather strap was
padlocked shut so I was well and truly buggered. Not only was I unable to touch
my cock, but every time I moved, I felt the butt plug deep inside me.
“So, my new boy is awake” I looked around and could see the deep intensity of
SIRs eyes peering at me through an open slat on what turned out to be the door
to my “cell”
“You ready for more BOY” That wasn’t a question, but definitely a statement from
SIR I thought to myself as the door opened and there he was 6ft 2inches of pure
muscle dressed in glass shiny boots, leather chaps, bare torso and black leather
gloves. I could see a glowing cigar in his right hand but wasn’t quick enough to
dodge it as it comes towards me and SIR forced the red hot end into my chest.
I fell to my knees in agony but something inside me told me to keep quiet.
What happened last night to turn me into this subservient piece of meat?
As I lay there on the cold cement floor, things started to appear in my mind.
Things that happened last night.........OH MY GOD!!!!!
My flashbacks started with the enema. I remember SIR smearing my arse with a
lubricant that started to get hot like Vicks Vapour Rub, my ring stinging as the
heat intensifies and any feeling other then the heat just disappearing. Then
with my arse in the air, I was force fed a tube going deep inside me ending with
warm water being pumped into my bladder. The agony and pressure was unbearable,
but I knew I couldn’t force the water out as SIR was there, looking at me with a
sadistic pleasure in his smile.
“That’s it BOY, let’s get you flushed out so you can benefit from everything
else that is shoved up your mancunt” SIR said with an air of domination and
“BOYs, get here” SIR bellowed to his other slaves and they came running and
knelt at SIRs feet. They looked at SIR as he ordered one to remove the tubing
from the enema and the other to kneel at my arse that was still on show due to
the restraints and stirrups.
“OK Newbie, this will show you what I expect from my BOYs” shouted SIR then he
reached for the BOY kneeling by me, grabbed him around the neck and forced the
BOYs face nearer to my arse. “Right then, release the water” SIR said and
without any hesitation, I relaxed and let rip with the water from my bladder.
God, it felt good then realised that my waste was going all over one of the
BOYs. I tensed up to stop the flow but then I got a whack from the back of SIRs
hand around my face as he bellowed “LET IT GO” So I relaxed as much as I could
to release the rest of the water over the BOY.
I lay there, still restrained looking at SIR to see what would happen next.
I am usually 100% Top and have given some guys a good seeing too. The treatment
ranged from vanilla fucking to full on deprivation and total domination. Having
one or both fists deep in a guys arse is a major trip. The power you have over
the guy is a massive mind fuck. Now, I am on the receiving end of that power. Am
I enjoying it?? Fuck yeah!!! But I don’t know it yet.
After releasing the water over the other BOY, I felt a surge of relief rush over my body and the pain in my bladder subside. The BOY near my arse was still kneeling there, eyes open but with a dead look behind them. Had he been beaten into submission or is this his way of dealing with everything? I was to find out at a later date.
My Master stood there, looking at me with this smirk over his face. It was the kind of smirk you give when you know you have the control or power of a situation and he certainly had that. “BOY, get off your knees and get the gas mask with attachment for the poppers” and without a word or sense of recognition, the BOY got off his knees and walked over to a cupboard that I could see just to my right. Still being restrained at the neck, I couldn’t see much but what I did see scared the shit out of me. The BOY reached for the Gas Mask, closed the cupboard door and walked towards SIR.
SIR pointed to the floor and the BOY knelt in front of SIR and handed SIR the
mask like a servant to a Deity. SIR reached over to a table, picked up a bottle
of popper, unscrewed both the top and an attachment to the gas mask. He poured
hefty amount of poppers into the lid of the attachment and replaced the lid. He
took a good snort of poppers himself and let out a very big laugh whilst staring
at me. “What the fuck was going to happen now?” I asked myself.
“BOY, place this on newbie’s head” The 2nd BOY came over to SIR, retrieved the
mask and walked towards me. Again, no expressions on his face at all, just the
deadness in the eyes. The BOY reached me, placed the mask on my head and that
was it, all I could smell was poppers and that mad head rush started straight
All I could do was strain to see what was going to happen to me next. I could
see SIR, he walked towards me, pulling his gloves tighter over his hands and
then clicking his knuckles like he was getting ready for a fight. Finally
reaching me and standing between my spread legs, he wiped his mouth with the
back of the glove, lit another cigar and in one motion I felt the rock hard
force of his 11inch cock drive deep into my mancunt. No warning or indication of
what was to come; he just impaled me fast and hard with his weapon of pure hard
My guts certainly felt the full force of SIRs cock driving deep into me. I
screamed but having the gas mask on dulled it out that I would have been
surprised if SIR had heard it. With that thought still in my head, I heard my
SIR let out a very loud laugh “HA HA HA HA” it seemed to go on for ages, a
sadistic, cold laugh. “Welcome to my world BOY” SIR shouted.
I couldn’t feel where SIRs cock had entered me due to the earlier application of the lube for the enema, but god I could feel it hitting me inside. The pain was so intense I thought that I might have passed out, but now I know why I had the mask with the poppers poured in it. My head was fucked!!!!
Through the tears in my eyes, I looked at SIR who was rocking back and forth
as he ploughed the whole length of his cock into me. Still smoking that cigar
and with a smile on his face he was certainly making sure that I felt every
When I first saw his cock, I was in awe of the size and I suppose jealous
because I was nowhere near his size. I was 8inches long and 4inches girth and
had been told that I certainly know how to use it. With his 11x6in of pure uncut
muscle with that lovely vein running along the full length and nice cherry red
helmet poking from under his foreskin, I was in awe. Even his shaved balls
looked like they had been carved out of stone. Perfectly formed and framing his
manhood very well. I knew that when that thing was hard, it would cause some
serious damage, I just didn’t realise that the damage would be my arse.
“Lower the chair slightly BOY!” I heard SIR shout and noticed that the chair
I was strapped into was lowering. Slowly but surely. “Had he had enough?” I
asked myself. I soon got the answer to that question as I felt a new sensation
in my arse.
SIR was still ploughing me with his granite cock but with the chair lowering, it
had changed the angel of entry slightly and now his 11incher was driving deeper
than ever. With each stroke, SIR’s cock was reaching a spot that had only been
met once before. SIR was pounding away and not realising that he was gradually
arousing me by hitting my G-Spot. As the bulbous head of his gorgeous cock went
deeper, it was stroking my prostate gland giving me a sensation that I have not
felt for ages. “So, newbie is enjoying it, I see” shouted my Master. I lifted my
head as much as I could and saw that my cock had got hard from the pounding SIR
was giving me.
“BOY, remove the mask” SIR shouted to one of the BOYs and with a wink of an
eye, the mask was removed and as the smell of poppers reduced, a new smell was
entering my nostrils. It was the smell of sex. Not just any sex, but dirty Man
on Man sex. The kind you smell for days after a bloody good session of cum,
piss, sweat, poppers and everything else that comes with it and of course a good
hard fucking.
As my eyes adjusted to the new light, I could see SIR just staring at me. His
cock still deep in me and sweat glistening on his toned torso. I was tracing a
drip running off his neck, down his chest and over his stomach till I lost sight
of it due to me noticing my cock dripping precum by the gallon as SIR massaged
my prostate with his cock.
“BOY, come and look after this” said SIR and one of the BOYs came running
over, lent over me and rested his head on my stomach facing his Master. I then
felt the hotness of his mouth as he engulfed my cock and gobbled every inch till
I felt it touch the back of his throat, and there he stayed gently sucking on my
precum. I was in heaven, but it wasn’t going to last for long. I was just laying
there, eyes closed and enjoying the moment when all of a sudden, I felt a
searing pain on my balls. I screamed in pain with my body shaking violently and
looked down to SIR. BOY was still there, sucking on my cock, SIR was still
fucking me but I saw his hand with the cigar in it rise from between my legs.
Cocking myself on the neck restraint, I called out “You bastard!!! What did you
that for??””
SIR looked at me, told BOY to move and with a quick swipe of his other hand, he
gave my cock an almighty whack. Again, I screamed in pain and asked SIR the same
“Newbie, you need to learn something and learn it quick if you do not want to
feel the force of my hand again”
“You are here to pleasure me, not Vice versa. When I was hitting your G-Spot,
that was leading you into a false sense of security. Your pain is my pleasure.
You are here for me to degrade, deprive, abuse and most of all, to keep. How
long are you going to take to realise that and finally handover your mind, body
and soul to me??”
This story was made possible with the help of Josette Du Pres, Ib12us, Nuuan, Sammi, Portia Bennett, Erin G, and Dawnfyre. All of you helped out in multiple ways with personal stories and recollections and pointed me in the right direction. It was a dreary day in mid-June as John Finn and his two elder sisters, Leslie Sylvester and Karen Smith, stood over an old, weathered grave marked only with a number in Forest Hills Cemetery in Roslindale, Massachusetts. They were alongside...
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Introduction: This is my first story, so any constructive feedback would be great. I also want to state that this is a complete work of fiction and I in no way condone this type of stuff in rl. This story is based off a series of role play stories that a really good friend of mine and I did a while ago. I was the Amethyst character. If these type of themes offend you, dont read it, its that simple. In fact, if it offends you, what are you doing on this site in the first place, lol. I hope you...
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Meeting MasterI have always been submissive, and I lived in a town that wasn't too big. Ihad sometimes found someone to take me, but never more than a night. I haddated some, but all the guys wanted a relationship, none wanted a slave. Iworked at a Denny's-like restaurant as a waiter. It didn't give me lots ofmoney, but I didn't need much. And I got to serve men and call them "Sir".I was a pretty good waiter, and my boss (married older woman) was happy withme. I worked the evening shift, it had...
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FetishLiving With Master: Part 1Hello, my name is Cum Girl. Earlier this year I embarked on a D/s relationship and two months ago I came to live with my Master. I am a collared submissive. My Master treats me with love and tenderness, He takes care of me and in return I show Him total obedience and devotion. Master has improved my life in every way imaginable and I am deliriously happy as Cum Girl.What follows are snapshots of my life with my Master.F Cup CookiesMust buy F Cup Cookies! Must buy...
They divorced when Don was forty-one, and Betty was thirty-nine. Their eighteen-year-old daughter, Judy, decided to stay with her father. She had no idea about her parents’ sexual proclivities, and they never spanked her as a child. One night, she came home after her curfew. After unlocking it, she opened the front door and heard her father’s voice in the living room. “Why are you late coming home?” “Daddy, I just lost track of time,” Judy replies, expecting to be grounded. “Judy, you know...
Belle Meets Master [part 1 of 2]By: Belleerotique ([email protected])Belle was raised as a good little girl in a small southern town. She had alwaysdone as she was told to do, always been the "good girl". She had always feltout of place though. She had always had dark thoughts about sex and about whatfelt good. She never realized exactly what though until she met her Master.Belle was a tall girl, 5'10" and weighed in at about 165. She looked likea tall curvy amazon, but she never felt...
“I’m home!” he announced as he walked through the front door.She heard the door shut as she rushed from the kitchen where she had been preparing dinner. It was early summer and comfortably warm. The see-thru negligee she was wearing allowed a nice breeze to blow over her body as she rushed to greet her Master. The breeze, coupled with the light fabric rubbed her nipples just enough to make the perky and erect. She slowed and knelt in front of her Master as was their custom for the last several...
Oral SexIntroduction: Young college student looks for her very first master. Her Very First Master Kelly was a complicated girl. On the outside she was a nice, kind, smart and intelligent girl. She was a good college student who followed the rules. Yet on the inside was a rebel, someone who wanted to be bound, tamed, whipped, and pleasured. And most of all, she yearned for the one she loved (who currently was on hiatus at the moment, unable to commit 100% and not able to just be friends either, very...
THE MASTER Lisa and I enjoy role-play and occasionally have had the opportunity to indulge ourselves, to turn fantasy into reality. Both of us enjoy bondage and discipline, and can take an active or passive role, individually or together. In addition we also had, for many years, the fantasy of getting it together with certain nationalities of dark skinned people. We were lucky when one of those rare events occurred where we were able to combine a number of fantasies into the one reality. At a...
"I will be home precisely at 6:00 tonight. Be ready," the text message on her phone read. She knew what that meant. She hurried to get dinner going and get herself ready for my homecoming. And she also knew what would happen if she wasn't ready in time. I guess I should start out with a little introduction. My name is Jonathan, and I am a D/s Master. Not one of those fantasy, chatroom, player-type Masters, but a real live full-time Master. I have one full-time live in slave, pet, who serves me...
BDSM©2018 Beth Wilde All characters are fictional and any resemblance to real people or businesses is entirely coincidental. Although written in the first person, it does not in any way reflect my actual life. This story contains elements of hypnosis/mind control/sex/smoking/drinking and other naughtiness. If you are easily offended then don't read it. If you hate smoking then don't read it..... It's that simple! I am still a very amateur author and welcome constructive criticism. But...
a tale of a young woman meeting the unexpected Master of her dreams. part 1 -- Marilyn was a student at a local university and had long held her secret fantasies within herself. Months before she'd discovered a website where she could play out the life of her dreams a few hours at a time in the campus computer lab. She often chose a corner table so others would not see over her shoulder. Only 20 at first, Marilyn still had the sweet baby face of a teenager which she...
This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! If you are not an adult, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content, if you proceed I will not be held responsible! I won't bore you with the little details, after all this story is rated XXX not X so there isn't much story beyond some hard and throbbing and soft and yielding body parts. My Landlord - My Master By Erica Wright Chapter 1 I rent a basement apartment...
Kelly was a complicated girl. On the outside she was a nice, kind, smart and intelligent girl. She was a good college student who followed the rules. Yet on the inside was a rebel, someone who wanted to be bound, tamed, whipped, and pleasured. And most of all, she yearned for the one she loved (who currently was on hiatus at the moment, unable to commit 100% and not able to just be friends either, very frustrating). Her interest in BDSM began a couple years ago. It started off of course...
Finding Her Master By: Ropetease ©2010 Chapter One Robin was on her way home from winning her court case. It was a hard fought battle in the court room, just right up her alley. She was a tough, demanding lawyer for her clients and Robin earned her status by fighting hard to win. Driving up the express way, listening to her favorite country singer, Jerrod Neiman when her five year old BMW started to make a slapping noise from under the hood, all her warning lights on the dash came on. ...
Finding Her Master By: Ropetease ©2010 Chapter One Robin was on her way home from winning her court case. It was a hard fought battle in the court room, just right up her alley. She was a tough, demanding lawyer for her clients and Robin earned her status by fighting hard to win. Driving up the express way, listening to her favorite country singer, Jerrod Neiman when her five year old BMW started to make a slapping noise from under the hood, all her warning lights on the dash came on. "Not...
BDSMBeing a cross dresser and serving a Master can sometimes be very rewarding and humiliating at the same time.This is one of those occasions. I had recently met a new Master and was learning the ropes on how to serve and please. I received a message from my Master informing me that he was coming to town and that I was to meet him for breakfast in the restaurant at his hotel at 8am. I was instructed that I was to arrive wearing the black corset with black fishnet stockings and black satin and lace...
This is a work of pure fiction. I am Rajesh and I have been into BDSM for the past 7 years. This is the continuation of the series ‘Journey Into The World Of Submissive Sex’. Start of Part -3 I was taught how to prepare my body for the Master. I was super hungry and my stomach was almost empty. I was given an enema just to show how I should be prepared for anal sex. I was instructed by Shivani to keep my body devoid of hair and asked to apply lotion at least 3 times a day. Moreover, I was...
by Honey West Life in a small town could be pretty dull. As a native Californian, Tom was completely out of synch with his new environment. His parents had shipped him off to a small "bible belt" college in the middle of a cow pasture, hoping against hope that the conservative atmosphere would reform his wild and wicked ways. What were those wild and wicked ways? Many and varied. By 18, he'd saved a tidy sum of money from mowing lawns, running weird errands for a local porn shop, and...
My Master, My Beautiful Black Master By Donna Karol You will have guessed the subject from the title. The story takes (took place) nearly 10 years ago, but as writing is new to me, i will write it as it happened and how it felt to me at the time. i have had a bad day, i suppose i should explain who i am first. i am 23, 5ft 9inches, dark brown hair, blue eyes, fit and tone but not a muscle freak, i workout most days and i had better say ,given the following story, i am straight....
THE SISSY-MASTER CHAPTER 1 I have read many tales and stories on this site over the years; some of them 'autobiographical' and some of them complete fantasy. It strikes me that most of the stories have been written by the, either real or wannabe sissy girl and therefore is 'her' fantasy from a sissy's perspective. So I have written my stories of my experiences, beliefs and methods from the perspective of the male. This is for the REAL MEN that read this site, a guide to the...
I had been to Mistress Elaine's and Master Johns several times but today's visit was different. Mistress Elaine had buzzed me in the gate but it was James their butler who waited for me at the door. I had not met the staff of the house properly but I had heard them moving around and cleaning. I had wondered if Mistress had more slaves but the people I had briefly come across seemed normal. "This way Davina," he stated. I followed him into the hall and upstairs. James was a tall thin...
My wife rang me from her mobile phone to say she had promised herself to a stranger. He came on the phone, told me to call him Master and instructed me to phone my wife back in 2 hours.I said “OK Master”.I sat at home thinking about what the Master was doing with my wife. When I phoned my wife said “You have to ask the Master whether or not you can join us”. The Master gave his permission.The Master greeted me with “Strip naked, get a beer for me, a wine for your wife and bring them on a silver...
Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Chapter Eleven: Priestess's New Master By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Thirty-One: Diamond Implications Sven Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch Despite her armor, holding Nathalie to my side didn't feel awkward. She had her arm around my waist, her armor clinking as she trembled against me. She had a look of pale shock on her face, the exhilaration of battle fading...
We were both in the presence of a dom gentleman. You were dressed all sissy and in maid's uniform. Me dressed more 'slutty CD' with very short skirt, stockings, heels.Naturally, we were both locked in our chastity cages. Our keys were not with us. We were not getting out.First, our dom told us to 'say hello' to each other. We were a little confused. Oh. He wanted a 'show'. So we gently, cautiously started.... little butterfly kisses. Hands roaming softly. Standing so close, face-to-face, my...
Hello Darling, I'm Jessica.""Hi, Nice to meet you, I'm Bobbie.""Can I offer you a drink?" asked Jessica, noticing he was pretty nervous."Sure, that would be great," I responded as I watched her cute ass sway into the kitchen. We made small talk for a while than her congenial tone changed."Well, let's get to it. You ready to become my little slut bitch?" she asked."Yeah, I guess so," I replied. Before I could even finish she had slapped me in face."Is that the proper way to address me bitch?"...
Her master opened the hotel room door and Kate felt her heart beat faster…this was it….no going back, she watched her master look her over and smile at her as he pulled her inside…she had dressed simply…no one seeing her walk through the hotel would have ever guessed what she had planned that day, her hair was pinned up, her dress simple, with a belt round her waist, accentuating her curves, the ones her master was going to lick and suck and fuck for the rest of the day. Her master pushed her...
Her master opened the hotel room door and Kate felt her heart beat faster...this was going back, she watched her master look her over and smile at her as he pulled her inside...she had dressed one seeing her walk through the hotel would have ever guessed what she had planned that day, her hair was pinned up, her dress simple, with a belt round her waist, accentuating her curves, the ones her master was going to lick and suck and fuck for the rest of the day. Her master...
Straight SexMaster is coming round tonight and I have the flat to myself. He wants me dressed and ready for him. Good! I am aching for his meaty manhood and looking forward to tasting his cum. He has given me instructions as to what I must wear and I know exactly what will turn him on most. I have the requisite clothes and hope he will like what I have done. The only change I have made is that I have no tights – I hope he likes the pull ups I am wearing.I take my time getting ready. The first thing is an...
Suzee was in bed, hoping to get a good fuck from her ‘friend’. He was a friend that she was bedding for the first time. Hopefully it was the first of many times they would be together in this most intimate way. Suzee had lost her long time Master to a heart attack. She had lost her Master while she was on her belly, enjoying an afternoon ass fucking that both of them loved. Suzee knelt between her friend’s spread legs, her soft, wrinkled hands stroking his soft cock, fondling his gray-haired...
Suzee was in bed, hoping to get a good fuck from her 'friend'. He was a friend that she was bedding for the first time. Hopefully it was the first of many times they would be together in this most intimate way. Suzee had lost her long time Master to a heart attack. She had lost her Master while she was on her belly, enjoying an afternoon ass fucking that both of them loved.Suzee knelt between her friend's spread legs, her soft, wrinkled hands stroking his soft cock, fondling his gray-haired...
Imagine her, your wife of so many years, allowing this man to slide his cockmeat into her ass. You begged her for years to let you fuck her there but she never would so you stopped asking. Imagine her dressed in a black satin corset, charcoal stockings and black patent leather "fuck-me" pumps, on her knees, on a hotel bed, her French-tipped fingers digging into her fleshy ass as she pulls herself apart for this man. Imagine her moans as he powers the bulbous purple head of his tool beyond her...