When I met my Master
- 1 year ago
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Chapter One:
I did not set out to become a slave. Before meeting Master, I led a quiet and fairly vanilla life. Typical of many young single women, my life consisted of work, evenings out with girlfriends and an endless round of awkward dates. To be fair, I was a bit bookish and shy in those days. I'm certain that my dates would have preferred someone a bit more vivacious but each time I met someone new, I felt like something special was missing. Occasionally I would date someone long enough to call him my boyfriend. We would do normal couple things; movies, dinner, weekend drives to the ocean and of course, sex. I was always a very passive girlfriend. I craved sex but at the same time was rarely satisfied. In those days, masturbation was my secret shame. I touched myself constantly. Almost every evening I relaxed myself for sleep by giving myself a powerful orgasm. I would fantasize about being a maid or a secretary or a student, always forced to service the man in charge. I would imagine myself bent over a desk and spanked or forced to kneel on a flight of stair while I was fucked from behind. I knew that I must be a complete pervert, twisted and sick for thinking like that but these fantasies sustained me. I was able to reach a state of arousal that I could never achieve with a partner. I had tried unsuccessfully over the years to get my boyfriends to initiate rougher sex, to dominate me but they either ignored my hints or acted like I was weird. By the time I met Master, I had resigned myself to a life of unsatisfying sex and secret masturbation.
I met Master Robert in local pub. I was there to meet a blind date. A good friend of mine was trying to set me up with her cousin and we had arranged to meet for a drink. Never much of a drinker, I was uncomfortable in bars, clearly out of my element. I would have preferred a coffee shop or bookstore. Anyway, I arrived a few minutes early and was just sitting alone at a table and anxiously watching the door. There was a large group of people congregating on one side of the room. Some sort of party I assumed. They had the look of co-workers out for an evening. I accidently made eye contact with one of the men in the group. I realized that I had been staring. Blushing, I quickly looked away then looked back to see if he was still looking at me. He was middle aged and looked confident but kind. He was looking right at me. As our eyes met again, he winked and gave me a very sweet smile. I shyly smiled back then looked down at the table. When was my date going to arrive? As I sat there, nursing a glass of ice water, two women came up and sat at my table. One of them had a decidedly masculine appearance; the other was dressed like a boy but clearly was not. "Hi" I said to them as they pulled up their chairs. The more masculine of the two spoke first. ?Hey there sweetie, How would you like to lick some pussy? You seem like the type." At the same time, the other women started to reach under my skirt. I was completely shocked! Who acts like that? I looked around to see if anyone had heard them but no one was paying attention to us. The bartender was occupied with a busy waitress and even the nice man was in conversation with others in his group. "Um, I don't what you mean. Please go away; I'm waiting for my date." They both ignored me and continued to make really lewd remarks. "Come on you little tease. You know you want some sweet pussy." This said as they both continued to try to reach under my skirt or touch my hair. They were both bigger and heavier than me. I am on the petite side and they looked like they both worked out and rarely missed a meal. I stood up abruptly and ran toward the ladies room. I was frightened but had no idea what to do. I knew what to do when bothered by a strange man but these were women! As I hurried to the restroom I realized that they could easily follow me so instead I ducked out the emergency exit into the alley behind the bar. I leaned against the brick wall, surrounded by empty boxes, dumpsters and recycling bins. I breathed deeply, trying to slow my rapidly beating heart, trying to calm myself. I was contemplating just leaving but did not want to be rude to my date. If he showed up and I wasn't here, he might get angry.
As I stood there trying to decide what to do, I heard the door to the bar open and someone come outside. I looked up expecting to see an employee or perhaps a patron stepping out to smoke. To my dismay, it was the two women from inside. I tried to duck behind a stack of crates but they had already seen me. I stood there, terrified, not knowing what to do. They hadn’t hurt me or anything, they were just so aggressive. My limited experience had not taught me how to deal with a situation like this. As I stood there like a frightened rabbit, the two women approached. ?Hello again? I said brightly as I tried to walk past them. ?It’s a nice night but I’m going back in now?. As I tried to walk past them, the larger of the two grabbed my arm and pushed me back against the wall, asking me ?Where are you going?? What was going on? I didn’t ask for this. ?Hey you guys, just leave me alone, I’m not into girls.? At this point I was pressed flat against the wall. The larger women was running her fingers through my hair, smelling it, and rubbing it between her fingers. The smaller woman was unbuttoning my jacket. I was getting ready to scream or run or panic, I’m not sure which when I heard someone else enter the alley. It was the man from the bar, the one with the sweet smile. He looked over at us and spoke to one of the women ?Tom, hey, thanks for finding my date!" Tom? He was clearly speaking to the larger woman but she seemed annoyed. The he shouted at me ?Hey Toy did you get lost? Get over here now!? I was still terrified but I immediately obeyed and sort of jog walked over to him, half expecting one of the women to try and stop me. As I neared him I said ?yes Sir? and hurried through the door he was holding open for me. As I walked back into the bar, I was still shaken by what had happened. The man took my arm and led me to his table. I tried to thank him but he just shook his head and gestured for me to be quiet. I sat there for a moment and tried to collect myself. Even though I was still surrounded by strangers, I felt very safe. There was just something about this man. I knew that nothing bad was going to happen to me as long as I stayed with him. He gestured to the server and ordered me a drink. I tried to decline and he responded in a way I never expected but changed my life forever. "First rule of submission, Master is never wrong"..."Drink". I will never know why, but I complied. I have no tolerance for alcohol so after one drink I was chatting away. Telling this complete stranger about how unsatisfying my personal life was, about my sexual fantasies. It was like he had turned off all of my internal filters. He told me all about himself as well. He explained that he was a Master of sex slaves. That he controlled these women. They offered him complete obedience in exchange for protection, gratification and fulfillment. He put his arm around me, looked me in the eye and asked me ?Are you looking for a master?? I don’t know what came over me but I said yes. He continued to look me directly in the eye "My dear, I am a sadist and would make you scream and beg. You would be a slave, not a sub, subject to my will and my will only. A slave of mine does exactly as I wish or she gets punished" "Punished Very Very Hard" As he spoke to I realized I was becoming aroused. ?What’s wrong"? "Isn't that what you want?" All I could was nod. I leaned over and whispered in his ear "I just got so wet my panties are soaked? He reached under my skirt and put one finger in my pussy. Pulling his hand out, he held a finger up to my mouth and said ?lick.? Without thinking, I closed my eyes, took his finger into my mouth and licked my juices off of it. I had never tasted myself before. He stood up and told me to stay where I was. He walked out of the bar and returned a few minutes later with a collar and a small padlock, leaning over he placed both items into my purse. ?You have two choices. I am going to walk out to my car. I will wait 10 minutes. If you want to live your dream, go to the ladies room, take off the panties, and throw them away. Remove your halter and zip up your jacket so you don't flash anyone in the bar. Put the collar on and lock it. If you are out in ten minutes I will take you home and give you your first lessons on being a slave and what is expected. If you don't come out, I will go home and you will wonder what you missed for the rest of your life. Choice is your bitch the ten minutes start when I go out the door.? He then got up and walked out of the bar.
I just sat there, stunned. I had never been so aroused in my life and by a complete stranger. A man who was almost old enough to be my father. My pussy was soaked. I had that nervous excited feeling you get before you do something dangerous or thrilling. Like jumping off a bridge into a lake or driving fast on a mountain road. Just at that moment, an attractive young man walked up to me. ?Are you Peri?? I nodded. ?Hi sorry I’m so late, I went to the wrong bar. I’m Chris, your blind date.? I just stared up at this attractive young man. He was wearing a suit and had a wide, open smile. ?Uh, nice to meet you Chris but I have to go. My ride is waiting?. I jumped up from the table and headed outside. I walked into the parking lot and saw him standing by a late model sedan. I walked over and pulled the collar and lock out of my purse. I awkwardly put on the collar and locked it. ?I’m sorry Sir; I didn’t have time to go to the ladies room?. He just stared at me. Then I realized what he was waiting for. I reached under my skirt, pulled off my panties and threw them on the ground. Then I took off my jacket and removed my top, tossing it next to my panties. I was standing there wearing only my bra and skirt. He smiled and reached for me. Giving me a hug and whispering in my ear ?I’ll punish you for that later.? I got into his car and we drove away. I didn’t know where we were going and I still didn’t know his name.
There I was riding in a car with a strange man, having no idea where he was taking or what was going to happen next. As we drove, a few other cars would honk and wave at us or really at me. I wasn’t wearing a shirt and my large breasts were quite exposed. It was dark outside so only cars that were right next to us could see me and even then, only if they were in an SUV or truck so it wasn’t too bad but I was still embarrassed. I was lifting my arms intending to cross them over my chest and provide a bit of cover when he suddenly pulled the car over to the side of the road. Turning in the driver’s seat to face me he reached out with one hand and firmly grabbed my wrist. ?No!? he stated quite firmly. ?You are not to hide yourself from me EVER!? He dropped my wrist and the slapped my face hard, then he slapped my tits two or three times. I don’t really remember. ?Now take off your bra.? I was crying at this point, confused about what was happening but it never occurred to me to say ?no? or to get out of the car. ?But people will see me I said quietly.? Even as I spoke, I was reaching behind me so undo the clasp of my bra. ?That’s right, they will see you.? He replied as he watched me remove my bra and place it on my lap. ?That’s a good girl?, reaching over he slapped each of my breasts several times. I put my hands in front of me protectively but he just grabbed them both in one hand and held them out of the way. ?Do you want me to take you home? We can end this right now. I’ll drive you home and leave you safely at the door. It’s you decision?. I looked him in the eye and said ?No Sir.? He smiled at me and let go of my wrists. ?By the way girl, you may call me Master Robert.
Master Robert pulled the car back into traffic and we continued on our way. I noticed several cars would pull up alongside of us. Many would adjust their speed to pace us. I knew they were looking at me but I just sat there. Finally my curiosity got the better of me. ?Where are we going Master Robert?? ?We are going home my pet? and as he said that he put a hand high up on my thigh and smiled that sweet smile that had grabbed my attention in the bar. I was nervous but also at peace. I could not wait to find out what would happen next.
This story was made possible with the help of Josette Du Pres, Ib12us, Nuuan, Sammi, Portia Bennett, Erin G, and Dawnfyre. All of you helped out in multiple ways with personal stories and recollections and pointed me in the right direction. It was a dreary day in mid-June as John Finn and his two elder sisters, Leslie Sylvester and Karen Smith, stood over an old, weathered grave marked only with a number in Forest Hills Cemetery in Roslindale, Massachusetts. They were alongside...
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Howie decided to go the southern route. He liked the drive through the Virginia mountains. And he wanted to show Brooke where the Cherokee lived before they were marched to Oklahoma. Howie put a cover over the truck bed. With a cover over the bed, he didn't worry about a place to sleep. The cover was level with the top of the truck cab. Brooke had never been to the University of Virginia or been through the Roanoke Valley. And she wanted to see Charlottesville, where Dorothy was going to...
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Introduction: This is my first story, so any constructive feedback would be great. I also want to state that this is a complete work of fiction and I in no way condone this type of stuff in rl. This story is based off a series of role play stories that a really good friend of mine and I did a while ago. I was the Amethyst character. If these type of themes offend you, dont read it, its that simple. In fact, if it offends you, what are you doing on this site in the first place, lol. I hope you...
Introduction: This is my first story, so any constructive feedback would be great. I also want to state that this is a complete work of fiction and I in no way condone this type of stuff in rl. This story is based off a series of role play stories that a really good friend of mine and I did a while ago. I was the Amethyst character. If these type of themes offend you, dont read it, its that simple. In fact, if it offends you, what are you doing on this site in the first place, lol. I hope you...
The supple redheaded beauty stirred at the sound of his voice and moaned softly under his expert caress, her emerald eyes darting behind fluttering eyelids. With the sharp pinch, Amethyst sat bolt upright in his lap, her back arching as her eyes flew open and she let out a startled cry of pain, music to her master's ears. She looked at him with a confused and hurt expression and found him smiling at her, a satisfied look on his face and his steel blue eyes practically gleaming with excitement...
The supple redheaded beauty stirred at the sound of his voice and moaned softly under his expert caress, her emerald eyes darting behind fluttering eyelids. With the sharp pinch, Amethyst sat bolt upright in his lap, her back arching as her eyes flew open and she let out a startled cry of pain, music to her master's ears. She looked at him with a confused and hurt expression and found him smiling at her, a satisfied look on his face and his steel blue eyes practically gleaming with...
Introduction: This is a follow up to my Council Retreat Day 1. I wrote this one before Day 2 because this is what was swimming around in my head. I may get to day 2 at some point. Again. this is a total work of fiction and if it offends you, dont read it. I would never wish this upon a real person. Amethyst is a virual character I once portrayed with a very good friend of mine playing my master. I hope you enjoy it. Erebus led an unbound Amethyst into the main hall. The amphitheatre was packed...
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SupernaturalMeeting Master I have always been submissive, and I lived in a town that wasn’t too big. I had sometimes found someone to take me, but never more than a night. I had dated some, but all the guys wanted a relationship, none wanted a slave. I worked at a Denny’s-like restaurant as a waiter. It didn’t give me lots of money, but I didn’t need much. And I got to serve men and call them ‘Sir’. I was a pretty good waiter, and my boss (married older woman) was happy with me. I worked the evening...
Meeting MasterI have always been submissive, and I lived in a town that wasn't too big. Ihad sometimes found someone to take me, but never more than a night. I haddated some, but all the guys wanted a relationship, none wanted a slave. Iworked at a Denny's-like restaurant as a waiter. It didn't give me lots ofmoney, but I didn't need much. And I got to serve men and call them "Sir".I was a pretty good waiter, and my boss (married older woman) was happy withme. I worked the evening shift, it had...
Meeting MasterI have always been submissive, and I lived in a town that wasn't too big. Ihad sometimes found someone to take me, but never more than a night. I haddated some, but all the guys wanted a relationship, none wanted a slave. Iworked at a Denny's-like restaurant as a waiter. It didn't give me lots ofmoney, but I didn't need much. And I got to serve men and call them "Sir".I was a pretty good waiter, and my boss (married older woman) was happy withme. I worked the evening shift, it had...
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Sissy Gets A Black Master I got up wearily from my long and exhausting night being fucked and punished by my new Black Master. As I awoke, I could scarcely believe that all those depraved things had happened to me. One minute I had been merely exchanging emails with a man, who could have been anywhere and the next minute, that very man was at my door, in my home, and then inside my body. Black Master, a man whose name I didn't even know, a man who looked to be about ten years my junior, had...
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This story is certainly a sissy fantasy scenario come true. I realize that it's somewhat unrealistic, but a sissy can dream, can't she? My personal dreams are bolstered by my new Jailbird chastity and the key that I sent halfway across the country with the request that it not be sent back to me for at least two months. Anyway, I write this because I keep meeting men who claim to be Masters, but who are so worried about offending me by going too far so they don't push things hard...
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FetishLiving With Master: Part 1Hello, my name is Cum Girl. Earlier this year I embarked on a D/s relationship and two months ago I came to live with my Master. I am a collared submissive. My Master treats me with love and tenderness, He takes care of me and in return I show Him total obedience and devotion. Master has improved my life in every way imaginable and I am deliriously happy as Cum Girl.What follows are snapshots of my life with my Master.F Cup CookiesMust buy F Cup Cookies! Must buy...
They divorced when Don was forty-one, and Betty was thirty-nine. Their eighteen-year-old daughter, Judy, decided to stay with her father. She had no idea about her parents’ sexual proclivities, and they never spanked her as a child. One night, she came home after her curfew. After unlocking it, she opened the front door and heard her father’s voice in the living room. “Why are you late coming home?” “Daddy, I just lost track of time,” Judy replies, expecting to be grounded. “Judy, you know...
Belle Meets Master [part 1 of 2]By: Belleerotique ([email protected])Belle was raised as a good little girl in a small southern town. She had alwaysdone as she was told to do, always been the "good girl". She had always feltout of place though. She had always had dark thoughts about sex and about whatfelt good. She never realized exactly what though until she met her Master.Belle was a tall girl, 5'10" and weighed in at about 165. She looked likea tall curvy amazon, but she never felt...
“I’m home!” he announced as he walked through the front door.She heard the door shut as she rushed from the kitchen where she had been preparing dinner. It was early summer and comfortably warm. The see-thru negligee she was wearing allowed a nice breeze to blow over her body as she rushed to greet her Master. The breeze, coupled with the light fabric rubbed her nipples just enough to make the perky and erect. She slowed and knelt in front of her Master as was their custom for the last several...
Oral SexIntroduction: Young college student looks for her very first master. Her Very First Master Kelly was a complicated girl. On the outside she was a nice, kind, smart and intelligent girl. She was a good college student who followed the rules. Yet on the inside was a rebel, someone who wanted to be bound, tamed, whipped, and pleasured. And most of all, she yearned for the one she loved (who currently was on hiatus at the moment, unable to commit 100% and not able to just be friends either, very...
THE MASTER Lisa and I enjoy role-play and occasionally have had the opportunity to indulge ourselves, to turn fantasy into reality. Both of us enjoy bondage and discipline, and can take an active or passive role, individually or together. In addition we also had, for many years, the fantasy of getting it together with certain nationalities of dark skinned people. We were lucky when one of those rare events occurred where we were able to combine a number of fantasies into the one reality. At a...
"I will be home precisely at 6:00 tonight. Be ready," the text message on her phone read. She knew what that meant. She hurried to get dinner going and get herself ready for my homecoming. And she also knew what would happen if she wasn't ready in time. I guess I should start out with a little introduction. My name is Jonathan, and I am a D/s Master. Not one of those fantasy, chatroom, player-type Masters, but a real live full-time Master. I have one full-time live in slave, pet, who serves me...
BDSM©2018 Beth Wilde All characters are fictional and any resemblance to real people or businesses is entirely coincidental. Although written in the first person, it does not in any way reflect my actual life. This story contains elements of hypnosis/mind control/sex/smoking/drinking and other naughtiness. If you are easily offended then don't read it. If you hate smoking then don't read it..... It's that simple! I am still a very amateur author and welcome constructive criticism. But...
a tale of a young woman meeting the unexpected Master of her dreams. part 1 -- Marilyn was a student at a local university and had long held her secret fantasies within herself. Months before she'd discovered a website where she could play out the life of her dreams a few hours at a time in the campus computer lab. She often chose a corner table so others would not see over her shoulder. Only 20 at first, Marilyn still had the sweet baby face of a teenager which she...
This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! If you are not an adult, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content, if you proceed I will not be held responsible! I won't bore you with the little details, after all this story is rated XXX not X so there isn't much story beyond some hard and throbbing and soft and yielding body parts. My Landlord - My Master By Erica Wright Chapter 1 I rent a basement apartment...
Kelly was a complicated girl. On the outside she was a nice, kind, smart and intelligent girl. She was a good college student who followed the rules. Yet on the inside was a rebel, someone who wanted to be bound, tamed, whipped, and pleasured. And most of all, she yearned for the one she loved (who currently was on hiatus at the moment, unable to commit 100% and not able to just be friends either, very frustrating). Her interest in BDSM began a couple years ago. It started off of course...
Finding Her Master By: Ropetease ©2010 Chapter One Robin was on her way home from winning her court case. It was a hard fought battle in the court room, just right up her alley. She was a tough, demanding lawyer for her clients and Robin earned her status by fighting hard to win. Driving up the express way, listening to her favorite country singer, Jerrod Neiman when her five year old BMW started to make a slapping noise from under the hood, all her warning lights on the dash came on. ...
Finding Her Master By: Ropetease ©2010 Chapter One Robin was on her way home from winning her court case. It was a hard fought battle in the court room, just right up her alley. She was a tough, demanding lawyer for her clients and Robin earned her status by fighting hard to win. Driving up the express way, listening to her favorite country singer, Jerrod Neiman when her five year old BMW started to make a slapping noise from under the hood, all her warning lights on the dash came on. "Not...
BDSMBeing a cross dresser and serving a Master can sometimes be very rewarding and humiliating at the same time.This is one of those occasions. I had recently met a new Master and was learning the ropes on how to serve and please. I received a message from my Master informing me that he was coming to town and that I was to meet him for breakfast in the restaurant at his hotel at 8am. I was instructed that I was to arrive wearing the black corset with black fishnet stockings and black satin and lace...
This is a work of pure fiction. I am Rajesh and I have been into BDSM for the past 7 years. This is the continuation of the series ‘Journey Into The World Of Submissive Sex’. Start of Part -3 I was taught how to prepare my body for the Master. I was super hungry and my stomach was almost empty. I was given an enema just to show how I should be prepared for anal sex. I was instructed by Shivani to keep my body devoid of hair and asked to apply lotion at least 3 times a day. Moreover, I was...
by Honey West Life in a small town could be pretty dull. As a native Californian, Tom was completely out of synch with his new environment. His parents had shipped him off to a small "bible belt" college in the middle of a cow pasture, hoping against hope that the conservative atmosphere would reform his wild and wicked ways. What were those wild and wicked ways? Many and varied. By 18, he'd saved a tidy sum of money from mowing lawns, running weird errands for a local porn shop, and...
My Master, My Beautiful Black Master By Donna Karol You will have guessed the subject from the title. The story takes (took place) nearly 10 years ago, but as writing is new to me, i will write it as it happened and how it felt to me at the time. i have had a bad day, i suppose i should explain who i am first. i am 23, 5ft 9inches, dark brown hair, blue eyes, fit and tone but not a muscle freak, i workout most days and i had better say ,given the following story, i am straight....
THE SISSY-MASTER CHAPTER 1 I have read many tales and stories on this site over the years; some of them 'autobiographical' and some of them complete fantasy. It strikes me that most of the stories have been written by the, either real or wannabe sissy girl and therefore is 'her' fantasy from a sissy's perspective. So I have written my stories of my experiences, beliefs and methods from the perspective of the male. This is for the REAL MEN that read this site, a guide to the...