My New Friend, My New Master free porn video

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©2018 Beth Wilde All characters are fictional and any resemblance to real people or businesses is entirely coincidental. Although written in the first person, it does not in any way reflect my actual life. This story contains elements of hypnosis/mind control/sex/smoking/drinking and other naughtiness. If you are easily offended then don't read it. If you hate smoking then don't read it..... It's that simple! I am still a very amateur author and welcome constructive criticism. But not anti- smoking sentiments! Synopsis I was 19 and was in my first year at university, moving 250 miles from home to study at my first choice. I had hated school and college as I had no friends at all and my parents didn't care what I did, I got the idea that they just wanted me gone.... Like I'd been a burden on them. Then after a night in a local pub, my life changed forever. Story After another crappy Friday shift at Save-a-Store (a local discount mini market I worked at some evenings for spending money), I was feeling down in the dumps and just needed a few drinks before heading back to my tiny room in the house I shared with 4 other students. I'd just had my usual grade 2 haircut (cheap and easy to manage) and I only had a tenner and some pocket change so I wasn't going to get drunk but just needed to take the edge off my misery. I'd never understood why I couldn't make friends, why getting on with people was so difficult, why I was still a virgin when so many other students and people from my school back home were having plenty of sex with girls. Ok, sometimes I could be aggressive. My temper flared up often over silly little things and it tended to put people off but I was sure if they got to know me properly then I could make friends. It was quiet in the Lion's Mane, just a mixed group of guys and girls round a big table and one other guy sat at the bar. The group looked like they were having a great night and the guy at the bar was laughing and chatting to the barman. I pulled up a stool and sat at the bar. When I caught the barman's attention I ordered a lager. ?3.40 later I had my drink and the barman went back to chat to the other guy leaving me to wallow in my misery. I sat and listened to the laughter bouncing round the room and worked my way through my 2nd and then 3rd and final pint. Just as I drained my last glass I heard the other guy order another drink and then asked, "Want another one mate?" "Sorry I'm skint so I can't join a round, thanks though," I said, standing and getting ready to leave. "No need to return the favour, I just saw thought that you looked like you could use a few more drinks. My treat, let's have a laugh." "I'm John." He reached out towards me. "Gaz," I said as we shook hands. I looked at him properly for the first time. He was a good-looking guy probably a couple of years older than me and at around 6ft 3in he was a good 6 inches taller than me. What really caught my attention was his eyes though, they were the most amazing Azure blue. I must have stared for longer than I thought because he grinned and again asked if I wanted a drink. "Oh sorry, yes please. I could really do with another one." When we had our drinks, he asked if I was alright and why I looked so down. I looked up at him again and into those eyes and just started spilling out my life story of loneliness and misery. It was cathartic and as I recounted my friendless years to him and the sympathetically nodding barman, I felt somehow lighter. Like a weight had been lifted. I actually smiled for what seemed like the first time in years. I really broke into a smile when he told me that I had a friend in him now. I also shook hands with Darren the barman who was happy to be my friend too. In a slightly drunken haze and glowing at finally making friends, I completely lost track of time until Darren rang the bell and called last orders. John bought us both a vodka and coke to finish the evening and we stood to leave. "I have a fridge full of drinks at my place if you fancy it, just a 10-minute walk," said John, looking at the with those penetrating blue eyes. More beers sounded good and I walked with him in a nearly straight line back to his house. We walked into the posh end of town and stopped in front of a huge house, you could have fitted 5 of my crappy house inside it with room to spare. I think my jaw must have dropped as he opened the door, invited me in and told me he'd explain inside. There was a guy in a suit inside who offered to take our coats, (this guy has a BUTLER!!!). I handed it over with thanks and we settled in the lounge. John ordered two beers from the butler and we settled on the sumptuous sofa. The butler delivered the drinks and asked "has Sir been fishing today?" John confirmed he had caught a live one earlier and the butler left with a smile. Not knowing anything about fishing other than thinking it looked dull, I wasn't going to ask. Instead we talked about my hopes for university and the future and then finally I asked about his life. "My parents ran Chillcore until a car accident in Italy killed both them and my sister 3 years ago. I'd just finished uni and suddenly I was the sole owner of an international cold food distribution company, plus this house, a flat in London, a holiday home in France and two other cars." I expressed my condolences and he thanked me before explaining that he'd never really got on with his parents, mainly because his father was trying to groom him for a managerial role he didn't want within the company. When they passed away, his first action was to hire someone to manage the booming company and become a man of leisure. The butler returned with regular refills and John and I talked about my parents too and I felt my resentfulness rise as I explained how they couldn't wait to get rid of me. By now I was pissed and gesticulating a lot. John calmed me down and said we should probably stop as it was gone 2am. I agreed and got up to leave, I was very woozy and nearly fell until he grabbed my arm and steadied me. "George," he yelled, summoning the butler who appeared in seconds. "Take Gaz up to my best guest room." I tried to wave him off but he wouldn't hear of me going home in that state so I soon found myself in a luxurious first floor room with a balcony and en-suite bathroom. I stripped to boxers and t- shirt and slipped into the four-poster bed. It was the most comfortable bed I'd ever laid on and I dropped into a drunken sleep. I woke in the morning with a hangover and stumbled to the bathroom. After the usual morning routine including a shower in the huge bathroom, I dressed and made my way downstairs. "Good morning Sir" called George, "What would you like for breakfast?" I tried to protest but John called from the dining room that I should join him and order whatever I liked. After asking George for sausage, bacon and eggs, I joined John in the dining room. "Do you have any headache tablets?" I asked as I had a real hangover. He gave me two tablets and poured a glass of water from the carafe on the table. "Hope you slept well," he said. I had to admit that it was my most comfortable deep sleep in a long time. He was pleased and turned on the big TV to the news channel. We watched in companionable silence as the usual woes were analysed and then George arrived with the food. It was absolutely delicious and far nicer than the usual budget sausages and crap bacon that I could afford. As we tucked in, John asked my plans for the day which were basically to sit in my room watching whatever was on my crap 20in TV. John offered instead to take me for a helicopter flight and having never flown before, I eagerly agreed. By this time my headache was gone and I was feeling really good. We left the house and he drove us to the airport in his big BMW. The flight was absolutely amazing and I had a huge grin on my face throughout. We spent 90 minutes flying around looking at local landmarks from the air and generally enjoying ourselves. After landing and handing the helicopter back to his engineer for servicing, we drove back to his place. By now I was feeling like I had outstayed my welcome but he insisted he was enjoying my company and so we went to his computer room for some gaming. There were 5 different PCs in the room and many had flight or driving attachments and big screens. After playing for a couple of hours, we started chatting while he set up a 3D spaceflight experience. He referred back to my anger issues we'd talked about and I'd demonstrated last night and told me he used to have the same issue but used this 3D headset with a special programme to relax and get rid of the issue. He was so chilled and friendly that I couldn't believe he had ever been angry but I was prepared to try it so 20 minutes later I was laid on a sofa with the headset on and headphones covering my ears. It's hard to explain the sensations that I went through while watching shapes forming and changing at random but it was completely fascinating and I just got happier and happier every minute I spent in there. It was around 90 minutes later when I felt the headset being pulled off me and John smiled down at me. "Enjoy that Gaz?" I couldn't stop myself raving about how amazing it felt and asking if I could go again. He laughed and said that I could play later but it was time for food. I hadn't noticed but it was nearly 6pm. After an amazing lasagne and to stop me begging, we went back to the computer room and I put the headset back on. He set a timer on the device and I went back to blissful nirvana while he played some shooting game. It was 9pm when the device switched off and I sat up in a state of utter joyfulness. I hadn't noticed but I had a huge rock- solid erection. John apparently didn't notice either but led me by the hand to the lounge and ordered beer for himself and a white wine for me. I'd never been much of a wine drinker but tonight it seemed the perfect choice. A few minutes later, John opened a box and took out a big cigar. He offered the box to me but I declined, I'd never smoked and never wanted to. He lit the cigar and the room soon filled with the most delicious scent I'd ever smelt. It was the same smell you always got from a cigar but to me it was like the finest cologne. I couldn't believe it, it made my mouth water. John looked at me with those beautiful eyes and told me that I'd like a cigar. "Of course I want one," I told myself reaching for the box, I'd never wanted anything more. John helped me light it and explained that I wasn't to breathe the smoke in, just enjoy it rolling around my mouth and blow it out. I spent the next hour enjoying that delicious smoke and was filled with regret when I had to put it out. By that time, we were several drinks in and both enjoying ourselves. An hour later we each had another cigar which helped me calm down. For some reason I was getting twitchy and nervy. As soon as I had it lit, I just chilled totally and felt amazing. We both finished them and a number of drinks before 2am rolled round again and we headed to bed. By now I'd been in my clothes since Friday afternoon and John asked George to put them in the wash tomorrow. I asked what I should wear and he said, "My stuff is too big for you, but the previous occupant of your room left loads of stuff, just choose something from the wardrobe or drawers." I went upstairs with him and had a look. "John this is all girl's stuff," I protested looking through drawers full of panties and lacy crap and a wardrobe full of dresses and tops. "It was my sister's stuff and she was about your height and build." "I can't wear this stuff," I protested. John just looked at me and said, "Pick something to wear to bed and put it on." I stared at him for a few seconds before choosing a pale blue top and some matching panties. I undressed, handed him my clothes, went to the loo and then to bed, dropping off to sleep in seconds. I woke up and took off my headset that I must have fallen asleep wearing. I didn't even remember bringing the laptop and headset to bed with me but I guess I must have. I felt astoundingly good, happier than I'd ever been in my life. As I hunted through the wardrobe to find something I could wear, George knocked and asked "Can I take your breakfast order, the master is waiting in the dining room." I ordered some lightly poached eggs as I needed to watch my figure and put on the least girly looking jeans and top I could find and went downstairs. John was in the dining room smoking a cigar and I was again struck by the delightful smell. I found there was a lighter and another cigar in front of my seat. Although it was smaller and much thinner than Johns, I still drooled at the thought of it and I lit up too, holding it up beside my head between puffs. Master....Erm I mean John asked if I'd slept well and I confirmed I had and felt fantastic. He asked if my hangover was bothering me and it was then I noticed I had a headache. He gave me 2 pills and some water and we finished our cigars just as breakfast arrived. As we ate, he asked my plans and I told him I didn't have any plans until Tuesday night when I had my next shift. He insisted I stay with him and I immediately agreed. We finished our meals and headed to the computer room for more gaming. After a while, the butler bought a handset and told John it was Mary from work and was urgent. He apologised to me and said he'd be a couple of hours and dashed out. I was left alone staring at the 3D headset which was almost calling out to me. 10 minutes later I was again engrossed in the mood programme. It was nearer 3 hours later when John came back and woke me up. "Are you ok" he asked as he removed the headset. "Yes Sir I feel fabulous," I answered, sitting up and stretching my muscles. John smiled as I stood and nearly fell over. My feet felt weird and he helped me back to my room. "Have a nice soak in the spa bath next door and you'll feel a lot better, George has filled it ready for you." I undressed and put on the silky pink robe hanging on the bedroom door and tottered to the bathroom still feeling distinctly off balance. The bath was huge and had spa jets making bubbles and giving a wonderful sensation as I lowered myself into the perfumed and wonderfully warm water. There was a huge flat screen on the wall and I turned it on with the remote. The screen was blank with some weird noises coming from the speakers mounted around the tub but just as I tried the remote again it came to life showing weird wiggly patterns like the headset did. I dropped the remote and stared and the screen unable and unwilling to move as I gazed in fascination at the patterns and listened to the sounds that were *almost* words echoing from all around me, my eyes closed and I relaxed completely. 3 hours had passed when I finally opened my eyes and shook my head as the screen blanked and the sound cut off. I was pink and wrinkly and needed to get out of the bath. I stood up and towelled my hairless skin dry. I *so* loved being smooth and so I made sure I was always shaved for John. I stumbled back to my room and finished drying myself. I put on my hold ups and panties along with my favourite blue dress and some low heels and went to find Master erm I mean John. "Hope you enjoyed your bath" John asked as I entered the lounge. I agreed it had been wonderful and told him I felt so good. I did too, completely and utterly happy. My life felt perfect and I never wanted it to change. I loved being here and enjoyed everything I was told I would enjoy. John ordered beer for himself and wine for me and we relaxed, chatting about nothing in particular. Unusually though, I couldn't look away from John when he looked at me. His eyes captured my attention completely and I stared into them like they were the only thing in the room. Why hadn't I noticed how handsome John was? Why did I just want to stay here with him forever? He looked away and reached for the cigar box, breaking the connection and leaving me hot and horny. My cock standing erect in my panties. I folded my legs under me to hide it and reached into my handbag for my cigarettes. I lit one of the Superkings and relaxed back into the sofa. I gently inhaled a tiny amount of smoke and suppressed the urge to cough without noticing. As well as plenty of wine, I got through 8 smokes that evening before bed. It was 1am when John pecked me on the cheek and wished me goodnight. I stumbled up to bed and after putting on my red lacy nightie, I drifted off to sleep. I woke on Monday morning and removed my headset. After going for a pee and having a nice shower, I put on my bra, panties and hold ups and a nice black dress and headed downstairs. I ordered a few water biscuits for breakfast and joined master in the dining room. It smelled of his gorgeous cigar and I joined him with a cigarette, inhaling hungrily as I always did with my first of the day. I took the headache tablets master gave me and nibbled at my breakfast, feeling full soon after starting. I lit another smoke after the meal and chatted with Master John about his plans for the day. "We have that spa date and makeover this afternoon Honey, don't you remember?" Of course we did, he had kindly booked it for me when I complained about not being good at makeup. I thanked him profusely and went for a couple of hours on the headset as this was really helping me with my anger issues. I'd never felt calmer. In the afternoon we left for Bullingford Manor spa in Johns Porsche. I watched him as he drove and smiled as he showed off the acceleration along the dual carriageway. Arriving at the Spa we were greeted warmly by an attendant and given white robes before we left for our separate changing rooms. I walked out of the room and was led to a salon with a TV on the wall and shelves of makeup and sprays and lotions along with a machine I didn't recognise. I was introduced to Kelly who put the TV on and ear buds in my ears so I didn't have to listen to the machine and I heard those familiar and very welcome sounds last heard this morning at home. My eyes closed and...... I awoke in a state of bliss when Kelly removed the headphones and told me I was done. I turned to look in the mirror and gasped with pleasure. My makeup was perfect. I had beautiful red shiny lips and perfect mascara and eyeliner. Kelly confirmed it was permanent as I had requested and I thanked her profusely before leaving to find Master John. He was on his phone as I arrived back in reception, my long brown hair waving around my shoulders as I ran to show him how good I looked. "Yes, he had to go home due to a family emergency and won't be back but left 3 months rent. Yes, he asked me to tell you and pay the rent. No problem, thank you and good day," John said before cutting off the call. "You look gorgeous babe." Master John smiled at me and I felt weak at the knees hearing him compliment me. "Who was on the phone?" I asked as he studied my face. "Oh, just a guy who was a landlord for an old friend." "Let's take you shopping," he said. I beamed with delight as we left the spa in his car and headed for the big shopping centre nearby. "You've got 5 grand on your card so go have fun in the shops babe," Master John said as we parked up. I squealed with delight and nearly dragged him into the shops in my eagerness to buy new dresses and shoes. Shoes..... I knew I needed to go there first so soon I was trying on all sorts of low heeled footwear. No matter what I tried, I had trouble walking well and the salesman asked if maybe I should try some higher ones. I'd not had high heels before but the minute he put the 5inch court shoes on my feet I knew they were ideal. I got up and found I could walk perfectly, they were so right for me. I also bought several different pairs in various colours and styles and paid for them on the card. John watched with a smile as I clacked out of the store in the black court shoes not much shorter than he was now. We dropped the shoes with the mall delivery service and went clothes hunting. 2 hours later as the mall closed, we left carrying a couple of bags and the rest was all dropped with the delivery people to bring home later. I was in heaven and babbling about how kind he was to me. He just smiled and drove us home. We had dinner and relaxed afterwards in the lounge. As always, I had my wine and cigarettes while he had a cigar and his beer. This time was different as he sat much closer to me and around midnight he patted the seat next to him. I slid across beside him and looking into his eyes. "I think I'm falling for you Beth," he said as I gazed adoringly at him. This bought goose bumps and an overwhelming feeling of passion flew through my body as I said, "Likewise Master John." He leaned down and I knew he was going to kiss me. My heart pounded as our lips met and I was overtaken with a wave of desire. I needed him so much, so completely. I wanted him to own me and love me and do as he wished with me. All too soon the kiss ended and I collapsed back into the sofa a quivering mess of horniness. I needed more. I wanted more. I had to kiss him again. He saw the look in my eyes and leaned down to kiss me again. As we finished and he stood to go to bed, I shakily lit a last smoke and after he'd left I realised I had actually cum in my panties. 2 kisses from Master John had been enough to make me cum!! How I loved that man with all my heart, body and soul. I was so lucky that he wanted a special girl like me, I know many people wouldn't. Next morning, I woke in my headset as usual and after using the bathroom I dressed in my stockings and suspenders, lacy black mini skirt and halter top. After topping up my makeup with some extra mascara and brighter red lipstick, I went for breakfast. I ordered my usual lettuce from George and sat in the dining room with my morning smoke and wine. Master John walked in a few minutes later and kissed me good morning on the way past. We had breakfast and went for some computer time. After putting on the headset, I relaxed as always but this time I could hear Master John outside the headset. His words dropped into me like a stone into water and everything he said became true, became my desires, became my needs, became my addictions. "My name is Beth. I am Master Johns shemale lover. I need much bigger breasts. I need to remove my body hair permanently. I need to please Master John. I will obey him in all things. I am his for all eternity. I cannot disobey him. I exist to make him happy." Every word became the total truth. Of course it was how I felt. Of course I was his. Of course I needed bigger breasts (the fact that I didn't have any at the time seemed unimportant). I woke up a few hours later and went to find my Master. "Hi Beth, you ok babes?" he asked as I entered the lounge. "Great thank you Master," I replied as I lit a cigarette. He smiled at me and asked what I'd like to do today. I asked if he knew any clinics where I could get my body hair treated or my breasts enlarged. Master was ahead of me of course, he must have already known my dreams and had booked an appointment for electrolysis that very afternoon. 10 weeks later I have the F cup boobs that I've always wanted and I'm hairless all over. My makeup looks much sluttier and my lips are huge and puffy. I finally have the perfect look I have dreamed of my whole life. I'm in a state of constant bliss. I haven't used the headset for the last week or so, my anger issues have gone and I have Master John to thank for that. I'm so glad we met in the pub that night. Tonight will be the first time we go to bed together and I can't wait. His cock is all that's on my mind. I'm relaxing with another glass of wine and a cigarette. I love my lipstick mark on the filter and the ashtray is full of similarly marked butts. Master john leaned forwards and asked if I was happy, I told him I had everything I'd ever wanted and he'd made my dreams come true. He leaned towards me, snapped his fingers and said, "Remember Gaz." I had a brief dizzy spell and then screamed with horror as I dropped the burning cigarette in the ashtray and the wine glass on the floor. "What the fuck is happening?" I yelled as he stared passively at me. "I was fishing in my favourite pub and I caught one he laughed." I looked down at my sexy miniskirt and stocking clad legs, at my (gulp) breasts, at the lipstick marked cigarette and spilled wine and asked in shock what he had done. He told me candidly as I picked up the cigarette which I really needed now. "What about my parents, what about uni, why me?" I asked as the tears flowed. "It was a shame about that accident in Italy he said, "You'll be cremated when your remains are repatriated and I doubt your parents will weep too much. You had no friends to miss you and uni goes on as always, they'll probably issue a statement lamenting the death of a 'keen and popular' student and reminding others of the need to drive carefully in poor weather. By now I was bereft. I stubbed out the cigarette and lit another without noticing. He handed me a tissue and I thanked him in a small miserable voice and dried the tears. My life was gone, I was trapped as this ridiculous male in a gorgeous feminised body. How could I live like this??? After watching me for a couple of minutes, John snapped his fingers and said, "Sleep Beth. Delete Gaz and restart." I opened my eyes a few minutes later to find Master John watching me. He held his hand out to me and lifted me from the sofa. "Go and have a bath and get ready for me Babe," he said as we separated on the landing. I lazed in the tub for an hour and then got into my sexiest lingerie before walking to his room. George was just coming out as I arrived and he held the door for me "See you soon Madam" as he closed it behind me. Master John was lying naked on the biggest bed I had ever seen and smoking a cigar. I stared at the cock I had craved since we met, it was a vision of perfection! I ran across the room in my heels and threw myself onto the bed beside him. I needed him so much and just a few seconds later I wrapped my red lips around his cock. It was perfect, velvety but firm, and just the right size for my mouth. I slid my mouth down as far as I could without choking and tried desperately to please him. He guided me and gave me tips and soon he was smiling as I gave him my best (and first ever) blow job. He told me I needed more practice and he wanted to try my other hole. I turned around and he lubed himself up and poked the bulbous head towards my virgin hole. I wanted him so much but was nervous. He suggested I have a smoke to calm down and I did. More relaxed after, he slid inch by inch inside me. As the pain became pleasure, the pleasure joy and the joy all out ecstasy, I heard myself begging him to fuck me harder but he simply said I needed something to do with my mouth before calling George. George entered the room and showed no surprise that I had my dress rolled up and Master Johns cock buried deep inside me. "Drop the suit and give her something to suck," said Master and George immediately took off his jacket and shirt and dropped the trousers. His bare legs looked so sexy in those hold ups and he pulled his cock out of his panties and stuck it into my very willing mouth. My big red dick sucking lips slid down his shaft and then I was being fucked both ends and in absolute heaven. They both came and then swapped places. As I was being fucked for the second time I came without touching myself at all. George came next and pulled out. As Master continued fucking my face, George was doing something with my cock but I didn't care. As Master came in my mouth delivering a load that was the tastiest thing I'd ever swallowed, I had another orgasm but this one felt different. More internal..... I licked the last drips from Masters cock and looked down at myself. My cock was inside a device of some kind. I asked Master what it was and he told me it was to prevent me having girly erections unless he wanted me to. I noticed the padlock and realised it wasn't coming off. I asked how I was going to get pleasure and he told me I would cum when I was being fucked or by using a dildo on myself. I was not allowed to play with my cock as it wasn't girly. Obviously he was right. He then snapped his fingers and told me that I would wake tomorrow desperately horny and unable to leave the bed until I had cum. With that we bade George goodnight and went to sleep, him with his arms wrapped around me and spooning me, me in heaven and feeling utterly loved. I woke the next morning feeling horny as fuck. Master John had got up already and gone. I needed to cum so much but couldn't play with my cock. Oh god I have never needed to cum so badly and I grabbed my handbag removing my dildo and lubing it up frantically. Soon I was on my knees desperately fucking my ass with the dildo and flicking my nipples with the other hand. I was gasping and panting as I repeatedly plunged the dildo inside myself. After an hour or so I came in a shuddering orgasm as cum dripped out of the end of my chastity cage. Finally, the desperate need had gone but I had been left with lube dripping from my hole and cum running from the cage. I was a mess as I laid back and lit a cigarette. 1 hot shower later and I had forgotten the desperate horny mess I had been, dressed sexy as always and gone down for breakfast. Master John and Darren were both in the dining room and I greeted them warmly. Darren told me I looked truly beautiful and I blushed. George served breakfast and we watched the news. Apparently, a student from the local uni had been killed in Italy and was repatriated today. I felt sorry for his parents, it's such a shame when their only child dies. While I was watching the news, Master and Darren had removed their trousers. Darren was wearing hold ups too, I'm amazed how many guys do that. Smiling to myself, I lifted my dress, dropped my panties and leaned over the table. I had to please Master John and my friend Darren..... Oh, and there's George too. While I was sucking him, Darren told me that the local rugby club and their visiting opponents have hired the pub tonight and Master and I are out for drinks there too. The new TV screens and speakers are up all around the pub and Master has promised me a great night out! The end.

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I'm an athletic and fun-loving guy in his mid-20's, average height and weight. Trim and good-looking, I'm a pro shoot wrestler, and it shows in my lean, muscular build. I've recently married the love of my life, a beautiful mixed martial artist. My wife is just a couple years younger than me, and a perfect blend of cute and sexy. Though she trains hard at the gym daily and is a fierce competitor in the cage, she's the sweetest woman in the world. She's curvy, but it's all muscle, her only fat...

2 years ago
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If you're like me, darling, you enjoy giving hawt, newd blow jobs in some dirty sweaty adult arcade video booth, using LOTS of tongue and saliva! HA HA HA! Naked Caucasian wimp, cowering at the feet of his negro mastah. A lewd and completely newd bareback blowjob! To be performed in the dayroom, In front of all the other inmates! Ha ha ha! Denewda! Little Caucasian sissy takes orders from his big Negro Bull! I love being with Negro men!! BORN THAT WAY! BORN SISSY! Ha ha ! I KNOW that I was born...

2 years ago
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Samnewali Divorced Lady Ki Chudai

Hello guys and girls, myself insomanicman 24/m from surat, Gujarat. Thank you guys for your compliment on the last story. Bohot time waste na karte huwe sidha story pe aate hai. To baat pichle mahine ki hai mere ghar k samne 1 family rehti hai usme hai uncle aunty or unki 2 ladkiyan. Unki dono ladkiyon ki shadi ho chuki thi. Par kuch prblm ki wajha se unki choti ladki ka divorce hogaya tha or wo apne husband ko chod kar uncle aunty ki sath rehne aagai thi. Wo ladki ka naam tha kusum, age hogi...

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neww bbw fwb

MWM, posted an ad on cl, iso a bbw. Was answered by a 52 year old married lady. We chatted awhile. She finally came over while the wife was out of town. Sitting on the couch having a beer and chatting she finally says"your a nice guy...where shall we doe this?" I told her the bedroom. She excused her self to go to restroom.She is about 30-35# overweight. Great big titties, short reddishbrown hair.I laid on the bed in my boxers. Sorry....I'm 42 6' 220.She came out in a loose top and shorts. I...

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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

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Samnewali Aunty Se Pyar Kiya

Hi dosto, mera naam raj hai me puna ke paas rehta hu aur jo story me batane ja raha hu wo meri pehli sex story hai, mai 26 saal ka hu aur akela hi rehta hu hamari ek colony hai jis me mera family house hai, par mere sare family members gaav me hi rehte hai aur kabhi kabar hi puna aate hai, ye story 6 mahine purani hai jab mere samne wale ghar me ek naya couple rehne aaya tha, wo teen hi log the uncle aunty aur unka 3 saal ka ladka, wo jab aaye tab aise laga tha ki ye log kabhi muzse baat hi...

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Author's note: This story is part of my continuing effort to expand the horizons of Fictionmania. It's a bit of an avant-garde piece that may not be everyone's cup of tea. The format is a tad different from most every story that you might read in that it has much more of a play-script type appearance. It is supposed to be a written transcript of the news magazine "Dateline: NBC." The story is based on the concept introduced in the now classic story "For A Girl" by O2bxx, and even...

2 years ago
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Samnewali Chachi Piyasi

Hii..Mera name raj aryan hai, me assam ke ek sote se gaon se hu, mera hight 5.7 hai,age 21,penis 8.5 hai, color dark hai, aaj me first time meri stories likh rha hu,agar koi galti ho to maaf krna,,aab jada bor na krte huye side stori pe aata hu,,yeh mera real stori hai….Prosh ki chachi ki stori hai chachi ka naam radhika hai,chachi ke ghor me unki 7years ka beti,sasuri,or unka pati ek sonar hai jada tor ghor se bahar rehta hai hafte me 2din ke liye aate hai ghor me or unka ek pao tuta huwa hai...

3 years ago
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Chudwanewali The First Fuck

Hi friends, this the first part of the series of sex experiments between 7 college friends i.e. Sana, Kajal, Sukeerti, Meena, Mayank, Siddhu and Ranjit (me). We guys used to hang out together and used to travel together to college and back home. Reviews and comments at Sana was my best friend and I knew her from my schooling days. Sana’s physique was on the heavier side but I would say she had flesh at the right place. Kajal was the sexiest in the group and used to dress accordingly with all...

2 years ago
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Newspapper Boy

Little Johnny is delivering newspapers. He knocks on a door and says to the lady, "I'm collecting today... that'll be five dollars."She says, "I'm a little short on cash, but I'll gladly give you some great sex instead."Little Johnny agrees, "All right."He walks in and the lady undoes his pants and pulls them down. To her surprise, she sees the biggest penis she's ever seen.Little Johnny then reaches into his shirt pocket, pulls out a handful of washers, and begins sliding them onto his...

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OneWild Night

One Wild NightGawaine C. Ross People call me Buck. I’m an artist in oil colors, and a sculptor. I run in marathons, so I’m in good shape. Most women smile when I walk by; I think it’s because I’m 6’6” and wear tight clothing. I have hazel eyes and brown hair. My parents were immigrants from Poland, and our whole family is very close. I have my own apartment and my own studio. I’d known about The Primeval Woman, an annual arts festival that takes place every year out in the Nevada desert. It...

4 years ago
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NewJob Ch3

Chapter 3 When he awoke the next morning, Don realized the full potential of last evening's discipline. He thought that the pain of the beating on the soles of his feet would be the worst of it. Now his feet ached. Before he even got out of bed they were painful. When he got up, walking, even to get Mandy's coffee wearing his flat slippers, could only be done slowly and painfully. Later, when he had to get dressed in his uniform and put on those dreaded, hated heels, his pain was...

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Newtons Interrogation

NEWTON’S INTERROGATION BY PRATAARAKA ODYSSEY SPACE STATION ORBITING GANYMEDE, MOON OF JUPITER 11 MARCH 2311Odyssey Space Station, more commonly referred to either by its acronym (OSS) or simply Odyssey, was the largest scientific space station in the known galaxy, and the second-largest in the entire Sol System after the Cerberus Defense Platform in geosynchronous orbit over Central Asia. Odyssey Station itself was comprised of three large, spinning rings over four kilometres in circumference...

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Newhart The Made Maid

"Stephanie, I never said you weren't pretty. I just said that some men prefer, well, different types of women." Joanna grunted as she lifted a sack of potatoes from the car. "You can't expect every man to drool over you." Stephanie continued to sort through the brown grocery bags, searching for the one with lightest load. "And why not, Joanna? You don't really expect me to believe those boys were looking at you in THAT way, do you?" Joanna, a tall, slim woman of about 40, pushed a...

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Reddit GoneWildAudio, aka r/GoneWildAudio, aka GWA Reddit! Do you remember, back in the day, when the highlight of our porn life was either to buy a porn video, get some bootleg shit, or make one of those calls where you get to talk to an actual sex worker? Well, this subreddit is sort of like that, but not really. It is called GoneWildAudio and I think that pretty much explains what it has to offer… right?As for Reddit by itself, I think it is safe to assume that everyone knows and loves...

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Reddit GoneWildTube, aka r/GoneWildTube! When you think of the best porn that money has to buy what do you think of? Probably some of that high-quality professional studio type shit that you can see on many of the premium porn sites out there. Well, there are many people who actually don’t want to see that kind of content and instead want to see real and amateur content from real and authentic people. It’s not hard to see why there is such a high demand for such content and so there are...

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Reddit GoneWildPlus, aka r/GoneWildPlus! Ah, you gotta love the ‘gone wild’ category overall, because that means that there will be lots of lovely babes doing something naughty. Well, on you have a variety of categories that are seen as ‘gone wild,’ and this one in partial is dedicated to all the pretty plus sized chicks. I think you can get that from the title as well since I am talking about r/GoneWildPlus/ subreddit.So, if you are interested in the plus-sized chicks, and you...

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Reddit Gone Wild Curvy, aka r/GoneWildCurvy! I’m back again to talk about Reddit and one of its many beautiful subreddits. /r/gonewildcurvy/ is one of those unforgettable subreddits that cater to real men, or so to speak. So, if you are somebody who got excited with the thought of curvaceous amateurs getting naked and doing who knows what, I am sure that you will appreciate what /r/gonewildcurvy/ has to offer.As you might have already been able to guess, I like Reddit quite a lot. I think it...

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Reddit Gone Wild, aka r/GoneWild/, aka Reddit GW! Are you a fan of amateur sluts showing off their hot bodies for all of the internet to see? I mean, who the fuck isn’t? That shit is the best. Maybe you’re one of those babes who wants to show off the body they have worked so hard to achieve. Let the tiddies free, go spread eagle, bend over and show everyone your plump ass, or whatever other kinds of kinky photos you want to take. I’m talking about exhibitionism.We all have a bit of that drive...

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Some celebrities have given their career a kick in the backside by having their nudes or sex tapes leaked. Think Kim Kardashian. While you may not be able to sleep with these celebs (The Porn Dude is going, to be honest with you here), The Fappening is your chance to see them in all their glory. Celebrities are taking nude photos every day. Some may not find their way to the internet, but the ones that do are almost certainly going to make an appearance on And what better...

The Fappening
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Do you want the Newest XXX? Are you one of those people who prefer to have their pornographic shit downloaded to their PC? Well, is mostly about that, but there are some other privileges you get from visiting this site. For the most part, all the videos that can be downloaded can also be watched online, so you could say that this is also a porn site.Now, there are a couple of things I need to tell you about this site before you visit, and if you are interested in a place that...

Free Porn Download Sites
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Ready to join Newbie Nudes? One of the drawbacks of reviewing porn all day is that I can’t see regular women without picturing them naked. I want to check out the checkout girl’s hooters, I’d like to examine that jogging chick’s cunt, and I just have to watch my neighbor get stuffed by one of her boyfriends. Newbie Nudes specializes in exactly that kind of smut: amateur pics and videos of the real girls next has been on the Internet since 2002, making it a dinosaur in...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Reddit Asians Gone Wild, aka r/AsiansGoneWild! Is this your first time here? I highly doubt you have never heard about Reddit before, but in case you have not, I shall talk about this site a little bit. However, my main focus here is to talk about their section called ‘Asians Gone Wild’ and I think that that name speaks for itself. I mean, what else the fuck could you possibly expect, than a bunch of hot Asian chicks being… wild?Reddit is a wonderful place filled with many subsections, to...

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NewGrounds Adult Games

Damn, NewGrounds 18+, that's a name that I haven't heard in a while. Don't get me wrong, this website is still popular today, but that popularity is nothing compared to the popularity the website had back in the why did this happen? Honestly, no one knows why the website isn't as half as popular as it was back then, but let me tell you one thing, the website still has some amazing pornographic video games, and I don't get it why people aren't talking about these more.I mean, they...

Free Sex Games
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Escort News! I love porn as much as the next guy, but I will also be the first one to tell you, sometimes it just does not cut it. Most days I can get by, sure, by fapping to a number of the best porn tubes and premium paysites on the web. But some days, I just need something more. You can find the hottest porno ever made, the sexiest girls getting fucked in all your favorite positions, it will never ever come close to the real thing.The way I see it, any sane person likely has a certain amount...

Escort Sites
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Reddit Streamers Gone Wild, aka r/StreamersGoneWild! I admit, I get a lot of mileage out of mocking Reddit users. Some of you make it so easy with the fedoras and neckbeards, not to mention that embarrassing incel and nofap bullshit. I admit you’ve been right about a few things, though, like hentai. Who would have thought I’d be jerking off to breast inflation cartoons on the regular? Reddit, that’s who. Lately, I’ve been hooked on r/StreamersGoneWild.StreamersGoneWild is a subreddit devoted...

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Reddit GoneWild18, aka r/GoneWild18! I spent all morning snorting crushed Viagra and jacking off to some perfectly ripe, beautiful teens. I’m always in awe of those perfect perky tits, never touched by the ravages of age. I love those pretty young faces and tight asses, not to mention their fun, sexy attitudes. I was about to bust my seventh nut of the day when security noticed me and I had to split before I ended up with a third strike. Hard as a rock and in need of more teen fap material, I...

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Reddit Petite GoneWild, aka r/PetiteGoneWild! Small girls tend to be very feisty and eager to please, at least in my experience. Luckily for all of us, Reddit is basically a site that has it all. Their subreddit called r/PetiteGoneWild/ really got my attention, and you are about to learn why. Although I am pretty fucking sure you can get the hang of what the site is all about, if you just visit it yourself, I am still here to provide lots of information for those who are interested.I mean,...

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Reddit GoneWild30Plus, aka r/GoneWild30Plus! If you know anything about my horny ass, you know that I get off to bitches of all walks of life. Fuck yeah, I’m like most horny bastards that get off to college teens showing off their pussies for the old perverts to get off to, and for sure, I enjoy getting off and getting off Asian sluts (see what I did there); few things make me harder.And that includes the kinds of horny bitches that are 30+ you can find on Yeah, teens...

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Reddit AltGoneWild, aka r/AltGoneWild! Do you love staring at those bad looking bitches? I’m not talking about when your mother strips out of her sweatpants showing you all the shit she shoplifted from the local big box store as you try to hide your mystery boner, either. I’m talking about the goddesses over at If you get off to the pieces of ass that have piercings all over their bodies and more ink than original skin cells, you’re going to love this subreddit!So if the...

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Reddit AssholeGoneWild, aka r/AssholeGoneWild! Ah, here we are again. With the wonderful world of and many of its beautiful subreddits… and today, we shall be exploring a subreddit called r/assholegonewild/. The main gist of this subreddit are assholes, in many shapes and forms, so if you like to see naughty girls spread their asshole wide open, you, my man, have come to the right place.Of course, the perfect description of r/assholegonewild/ would be Gone Wild – Asshole Style, or at...

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Reddit GifsGoneWild, aka /r/GifsGoneWild, or Bodies in Motion as the title says, is a subreddit dedicated to all amateur people who want to expose their bodies to the public. When you’re looking for a good time that involves watching people from all around the world show off their bodies for free, then /r/gifsgonewild is the place to go. If you ask me, gone wild content is something that we have seen a fair amount of on Reddit, but there is so much more to explore out there when it comes to all...

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Reddit WeddingsGoneWild, aka r/WeddingsGoneWild! Every subreddit with the ‘gone wild’ in its name is obviously a pornographic or at least a naughty one. I think that is a given, and that is why I am here to introduce r/WeddingsGoneWild/. Now, I know that this might sound odd, but at the same time, it is not that odd, really. You have loads of gorgeous brides who decided to get a bit naughty before or during the wedding. Quite simple.I am aware that the very sound of this subreddit might look a...

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Here we go with another ‘gone wild’ subreddit, and honestly, I can never have enough of these. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, when you see the words ‘gone wild’ in a subreddit name, you can expect a lot of porn basically. Well, on r/40plusGoneWild/you have lots of older muffs going crazy in a sense that they are taking their tits out, and riding massive cocks.Now, this is a place where all the older babes of are allowed to post their own naughty images or whatever the...

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Reddit GoneWildHairy, r/GoneWildHairy! So, you’re into hairy pussies? Never understood that myself, but who am I to judge? Listen, I’m always here for you guys, even if you do like weird hairy pussies. And when you like something, I make sure to find a place where you can enjoy it to the fullest extent. In the case of hairy pussies, there’s no better place to go to than /r/GoneWildHairy. This subreddit has some of the best pics that you’ll ever see of everything from trimmed hedges to overgrown...

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Dude in dresses, looking fine as heck, and being naughty as ever… I think that is the best way for me to describe what r/GoneWildCD/ is all about. Now, if you are interested, the name stands for ‘Gone Wild Crossdressers’, and that is exactly what you will see. There are hot crossdressers of all shapes and sizes doing all kinds of naughty things in their bedroom, in public, or wherever the fuck they want basically.To make this shit even better, is a free website with literally...

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Reddit PHGoneWild, aka r/PHGoneWild! So, are you ready for another juicy Gone Wild subreddit? Welcome to r/phgonewild/, aka Philippines Gone Wild, where you get to see just what you would expect. I think I have explained this on many occasions, but the ‘gone wild’ subreddits are basically all about sexual shit of something particular… such as this subreddit, where you have Philippine chicks getting dirty basically.First of all, I think it is safe to assume that you are into lovely Asian girls,...

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Well, well, well… here is yet another gone wild subreddit, and we all know what that means. You are about to see some hot British chicks do all kinds of naughty crap, and of course, the whole r/GonewildGBUK/ subreddit is free for everyone to explore and enjoy. So if you think British chicks are hot, well, you are in for a treat.Overall, the design is pretty slick, and you can even choose between the dark and the light layout, which makes everything so much easier for everyone. I am pretty sure...

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Here we are, with yet another ‘Gone Wild’ subreddit. We all know what that means, right? Every subreddit with the ‘gone wild’ beside the name is pornographic and erotic. This one is called r/GonewildAudible/, and that should already tell you what the fuck you can expect. Of course, for those who would like to know a bit more about r/GonewildAudible/ in general, I am here to make your life a lot brighter.First of all, if you are utterly confused, r/GonewildAudible/ is a subreddit, which is a...

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Reddit Scrubs Gone Wild! I don’t know about you mother fuckers, but nothing gets my cock hard and throbbing quite like seeing a woman in scrubs. Maybe it is because they are so easy to fucking get off that you know you can fuck their pussies in a split-second – if you can find time to sneak them into the bathroom of course! Or maybe there is something with the way they hang on their titties and asses.Whatever the reason may be, I know that I am not the only one that feels this way. Which is...

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Do you enjoy New Trans Nudes? I’m talking about beautiful women with their tits out and dicks bigger than your own, the kind of babes who are truly packing and well endowed. Trans porno is way more common than it's ever been, and it seems like every free tube has some chicks with dicks tucked away in the corner. Well, if you’re a big fan of the women and their penises, it’s usually a better bet to jack off to a site that focuses on them. That’s why you’re here, right?Just like it says on the...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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The story I am about to mention happened a few years ago. I had received this new offer which required me to relocate to an altogether new city to which I had to agree as the pay was good. The first day was pretty okay with lots of formalities and introduction rounds. The next few weeks were going to be of training. Initially I had trouble to look for a new house. But I soon found a two bedroom flat with an attached terrace. One month for me to settle down with all the gas and telephone...

3 years ago
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Meeting Master

Meeting Master I have always been submissive, and I lived in a town that wasn’t too big. I had sometimes found someone to take me, but never more than a night. I had dated some, but all the guys wanted a relationship, none wanted a slave. I worked at a Denny’s-like restaurant as a waiter. It didn’t give me lots of money, but I didn’t need much. And I got to serve men and call them ‘Sir’. I was a pretty good waiter, and my boss (married older woman) was happy with me. I worked the evening...

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Meeting Master

Meeting MasterI have always been submissive, and I lived in a town that wasn't too big. Ihad sometimes found someone to take me, but never more than a night. I haddated some, but all the guys wanted a relationship, none wanted a slave. Iworked at a Denny's-like restaurant as a waiter. It didn't give me lots ofmoney, but I didn't need much. And I got to serve men and call them "Sir".I was a pretty good waiter, and my boss (married older woman) was happy withme. I worked the evening shift, it had...

2 years ago
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Meeting Master

Meeting MasterI have always been submissive, and I lived in a town that wasn't too big. Ihad sometimes found someone to take me, but never more than a night. I haddated some, but all the guys wanted a relationship, none wanted a slave. Iworked at a Denny's-like restaurant as a waiter. It didn't give me lots ofmoney, but I didn't need much. And I got to serve men and call them "Sir".I was a pretty good waiter, and my boss (married older woman) was happy withme. I worked the evening shift, it had...

4 years ago
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Officially Owned by Master

Friday ? 6:00 p.m.?alexia runs through a mental checklist making sure she has completed everything and?that all is?in order for her to leave her?apartment unattended for the next two weeks as she is taking a trip to her new Master's house. she is very much looking forward to the trip because it will be her first trip to His house, with Him as her official Master. she met her Master several months previously on the internet, but it had quickly evolved past online into real life situations....

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Sissy gets a black master

Sissy Gets A Black MasterI got up wearily from my long and exhausting night being fucked andpunished by my new Black Master. As I awoke, I could scarcely believe thatall those depraved things had happened to me. One minute I had been merelyexchanging emails with a man, who could have been anywhere and the nextminute, that very man was at my door, in my home, and then inside mybody. Black Master, a man whose name I didn't even know, a man who lookedto be about ten years my junior, had taken me...

3 years ago
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A Kitten and Her Master

Megan struggled to make it to the end of the hallway while balancing the full breakfast tray. Not only had adding her captor’s desired amount of creamer brought the coffee’s level to the brim of the mug, the chain linking the leather cuffs on her ankles only allowed for about 18 inches of movement. It also would have been easier to hold the tray by the edges, but the chain binding her wrists was even shorter, forcing her to carry the whole thing palm-up in the middle. She stopped and took a...

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Girlfriends Bestfriend

True story about my girlfriends bestfriendSince her mouth was at just the right height anyway, she immediately bent over and pulled my dripping cock right into her mouth. Her mouth was working wonders on my cock so I decided to test her sucking ability as a true slave. I reached out with my hands and pulled her entire head down onto my cock as I stuffed my foot up her cunt. Her gasp for breath was overwhelmed by her grunt from my foot fucking her cunt. Her cunt was taking my foot deeper and...

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40 Dawns Sale to a tempory master

40 Dawns Sale to a tempory master Dawn had been sub to Ray now for a couple of years; her husband was still happy with the situation and had been wearing her chastity device for some time as well. One afternoon Dawn received a call from Ray saying he was coming round at 7 that evening. Duly they readied them-selves for his arrival expecting some form of sexual evening, Andy by removing all her clothing and placing her cuffs round her wrists and ankles, She, by settling herself...

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