Exhibitionistisch indian porn

4 years ago
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MelinaMelina lie? sich im weichen Leder der R?ckbank des Mercedes zur?cksinken. Sie hatte schlechte Laune und war ungl?cklich. Au?er ihr war nur noch der Chauffeur im Auto. Es ging Richtung Schottland, zum l?ndlichen Anwesen ihres Onkels. Sie trug einen fast knielangen rosafarbenen Rock, eine wei?e Bluse und Sandaletten, ebenfalls in rosa.Melina ist 1,76 m gro?, hat blonde, bis unter die Schultern reichende Haare und eine tolle Figur. Mit ihren Ma?en 88 – 58 – 90 ist sie ein echter Blickfang und ihre K...

4 years ago
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Unsere Besuche in einer frivolen Bar

Hallo, ich bin 38, sexuell aufgeschlossen und exhibitionistisch veranlangt. An Wochenenden kann man mich in Clubs oder einer frivolen Bar antreffen. Ich kleide mich dazu figurbetont, sexy, trage nie einen Slip und hoffe auf einen erotischen, lustigen Abend. Tanzen, sehen und gesehen werden,das macht mir wahnsinnig Spaß. Nette Gespräche an der Bar, eine lockere Stimmung und Sympathie, können dazu führen, das ich mit meinem Freund und einem Mann auf ein Zimmer gehe und der Spass dort zu dritt...

4 years ago
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Mit mehreren Spa szlig drinnen und drau szlig en

Mit mehreren Spaß drinnen und draußenDie Zeiten wo ich im Süden lebte, sind vorbei. Kein Sea Sun and Sex. Ausflüge und Abenteuer am Meer unter der Sonne des Südens sind Vergangenheit.Zwar ist der Sommer hier dieses Jahr ganz nett aber die Gelegenheiten nackt sich zu zeigen und auch zu spannen sind geringer. Der Job als Hausmeister einer Sporthalle bietet auch nicht gerade viel Freizeit und meistens sind nur Senioren Gruppen die Besucher, aber nach einigen Wochen fand ich doch auch attraktive...

4 years ago
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In der Hotelsauna

Mein Mann und ich hocken in der kleinen Sauna in unserem Urlaubshotel. Anheimelnd lausche ich dem Knacken der Holzscheite und spüre, wie die Hitze mich entspannt. Nach einem herrlichen Strandtag soll der abendliche Saunabesuch unserem Tag einen krönenden Abschluss geben. Nils heißt mein Ehemann. Er ist 27 Jahre alt, seine Haare sind kurz und schwarz. Nils besitzt eine sportliche Figur. Er weiß, dass es mich sehr reizt, wenn ich mitbekomme, dass er mit anderen Frauen flirtet. Ich bin mir der...

4 years ago
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Ein weiteres erotisches Erlebnis

Wir wohnten im 2ten OG eines Sechsparteienhauses. Also ganz oben. Wir, meine Freundin und ich, waren allein zuhause. Es war bereits abends und schon dunkel draußen. Ich lief öfters nackt in unserer Wohnung herum und auch an diesem Tag gefiel es mir mich nackt in der Wohnung zu bewegen. Trotzdem langweilte ich mich ein bisschen. Meine Freundin werkelte in der Küche. Ich hätte ihr helfen können. Wäre ja auch nicht verkehrt gewesen und bestimmt wäre ich dann auch nicht auf dumme Gedanken gekommen....

4 years ago
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Kerstin ist 32 und seit vier Jahren verheiratet. Glücklich verheiratet? Na ja, es könnte schlimmer sein, aber so richtig glücklich ist sie nicht. Sie hatte halt auch geheiratet als ihre Freundinnen geheiratet hatten. Frank war nett, sehr nett sogar, zuvorkommend. Sie hatten regelmäßig Sex, nicht oft aber regelmäßig, etwas alle zwei Wochen, nur: einen Orgasmus hatte Kerstin dabei nie. Es war ja auch nur meistens eine Angelegenheit von 5-10 Minuten, nicht viel Vorspiel und wenn es dann losging...

3 years ago
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The Big One V2

Nachdem ich in schon in jungem Alter bemerkt hatte, dass ich mit sehr viel grössere Genitalien als andere Jungs in meinem Alter gesegnet war, entwickelte ich langsam eine exhibitionistische Neugier anderen gegenüber. Dank meiner guten Bestückung hatte ich nie Skrupel meine sexuellen Fantasien aus zu leben. Obwohl ich mit dreizehn Jahren noch im Besitz meiner Jungfräulichkeit war, zögerte ich nie damit mein grosses Gehänge in engen Badehosen meiner Schwester und meiner Mutter zu präsentieren,...

3 years ago
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Nachdem ich in schon in jungem Alter bemerkt hatte, dass ich mit sehr viel grössere Genitalien als andere Jungs in meinem Alter gesegnet war, entwickelte ich langsam eine exhibitionistische Neugier anderen gegenüber. Dank meiner guten Bestückung hatte ich nie Skrupel meine sexuellen Fantasien aus zu leben. Obwohl ich mit dreizehn Jahren noch im Besitz meiner Jungfräulichkeit war, zögerte ich nie damit mein grosses Gehänge in engen Badehosen meiner Schwester und meiner Mutter zu präsentieren,...

3 years ago
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Havana Dreaming

Havana Dreaming   - ? 2009 by Metternich? -   TEIL 1   Kapitel 1   ?Der Kerl da dr?ben, mit dem wei?en Leinenhemd, der erinnert mich an Joe den Spieler.? ?Der sieht aber nicht so abgebrannt aus.? ?Dummkopf! Bevor er alles verspielte hatte, nat?rlich. Da war er noch eine stattliche Erscheinung, nicht so wie heute, wo man ihn am Rinnstein, voll wie eine Strandhaubitze, liegen sieht.? Die beiden M?nner, der eine dick, etwas untersetzt, kahlk?pfig und mit Dreitagebart, der andere lang und d?nn mit M...

2 years ago
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Ein Nachmittag im Lenz

Ein Nachmittag im Lenz- ? by Metternich 1773 - Der Fr?hling hatte Einzug gehalten und lie? die Natur in ?ppiger Pracht wieder auferstehen. Leuchtende Farben erfreuten das Auge und intensive s??e D?fte erf?llten die Luft. Victoria Adams war dies alles nur allzu bewusst und mehr noch, ihr Herr hatte sie in eine Lage gebracht, in der sie einerseits ihrer K?rper intensiv sp?rte, andererseits auch v?llig hilflos und seinem Willen ausgeliefert war. V?llig nackt lag sie festgebunden von dicken H...

3 years ago
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Evan und Joanne

Unser zuletzt Geschriebenes wurde abgelehnt, mit der Begründung: enthält echte Erlebnisse. Die Regeln haben wir nie im Detail gelesen, nur, was in der Überschrift steht, also keine Gewalt, nichts, was unter 18 betrifft und kein K9. Haben wir uns natürlich dran gehalten. Umso überraschender also die Ablehnung, da wir von dieser Regel bzgl. echter Erlebnisse nicht wussten, und wir eigentlich genau davon schreiben. Aber vielleicht lag es daran, dass es in Englisch war und dabei möglicherweise...

Group Sex
5 years ago
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Tagebuch einer Exhibitionistin

01.AugustLiebes Tagebuch,Mein Name ist Sabine. Ich sitze am Flughafen und warte auf meinen Flieger nach Mallorca. Nach einem Jahr mit sehr viel Arbeit und einer beendeten Beziehung habe ich mir mal eine längere Auszeit in der Sonne verdient. Ich beginne ein neues Tagebuch, weil es in meinem Leben Veränderungen gegeben hat und noch geben soll, die ich nicht einfach so Freunden oder Kollegen erzählen kann. Ich denke, dass ich bis jetzt zu brav war und das Leben nicht so ausgekostet habe, wie man...

2 years ago
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The Way BackChapter 17

Colin picked me up at eight. The others were already in the car. We had toyed with the idea of going into the pub for a drink, but Keith counselled against it. "If he leaves early it will be obvious if we all troop out after him. I suspect that if he thinks no one has seen him with us he'll be more likely to talk." We had to agree, and remained thirsty. At nine, out came Ted O'Malley. He had to come by our parked car on his walk home. The events that followed resembled a gangster film....

4 years ago
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Marina Brewster Tales Takes 1 S M in London

MARINA BREWER & STELLA MARIS HAVE HOLIDAYS IN EROTIC ENGLANDMarina Brewer has extraordinary teen years! Main man to blame is 'the General'. Her Dad is in fact a Colonel. We just call him General as an exaggeration, a standard 'Teen talk' tactic for sharing sexy secrets, like "How often did you hit fourth base?"Marina moves with him & her mom to the US, where he is appointed as First Military Secretary at the Netherlands Embassy - after being screened by both the CIA NATO Security...

4 years ago
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Flying High Part 1

"Tony's Cafe," he answered the phone. "Bruce, it's me Polly, when you have a minute walk over to the bar. I want to talk to you about this week-end." "Okay, Polly, I'll be over in a few." While waiting on a few customers, my mind kept wandering back to Bruce and myself. Wow, how lucky could I have been to stumble unto this wonderful friend/lover. We never made any demands on each other and remained best friends even after we became lovers. What a...

4 years ago
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Brian Thomas lived in the seaside suburb of Glenelg in Adelaide, South Australia and had been widowed about eighteen months ago when his loved and loving wife of twenty four years Betty had died from a heart attack brought on by a severe asthma attack. She had been an asthmatic since puberty. Brian was a pretty fit forty seven year old who owned and operated quite a large business which made printed circuit boards for all the Australian and New Zealand white goods manufacturers as well as...

3 years ago
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Where s the Glory in That Ch 2

The second person stood directly in front of the hole, blocking my sight and creating more frustration for me. What. The. Hell? My confidence diminished as I contemplated having to deal with two men at the same time. If it actually was another man, that is.I hadn't even had experience with one man so I didn’t think there was any possibility of taking them both on. But, right now, I had no idea what was going to happen. I was certainly even more nervous than before.Breathe. Calm. Down. You don't...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Things get dirty

After last week me and Jake, one of our cooks, started dating. While doing our nightly thing, His younger brother walked in. ‘OH GOD!!!!’ I screamed running for my clothes. ‘I’m so sorry!!!!I didn’t know!’ He started. I hadn’t put much on, just enough to keep my places covered. ‘Wow Sammy, you’re kinda hot. Good going Jake!’ He said walking over to me. I just stood there as tense as could be. But what he said next didn’t surprise me at all. ‘Hey, do you guys want to have a little extra fun? I...

3 years ago
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My Nephew Caught me Masturbating

I stretched out on the sofa in knickers and soft woolen top, enjoying the fabric as it brushed my nipples into a hardening that contrasted the warm softness of the material.I touched them and felt excited, a sort of eroticism swept through my being, as tried to imagine a stranger doing it and the feed-back from my hardening, made me ache deeper down as I shifted and felt for the ultimate relief.Closing my eyes and warming to my naughtiness as I touched myself, my thoughts drifting to my meeting...

2 years ago
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A Switch

A Switch by Meryl Davids "What the hell happened to you", said Mary. "Fell down the stairs, then walked into a door", replied Sue. Sue had her arm in a plaster, and a black eye, Mary was lying on the settee with a hot water bottle across her stomach. "Period pains bad again love"Said Sue, "Yeah, I take it that bastard Richard has clattered you again" said Mary. "Yes, its my own fault, I keep on shouting at him when I feel down", replied Sue. "Its not your fault, you can't...

4 years ago
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Was I Man Enough

Was I man enough? This is something that has been rattling around in my mind for several years ever since an old friend of mine told me how he’d been able to pull his imploding marriage back from the brink with the help of counselling and a sex surrogate. It got me wondering, what was the real story behind the use of surrogates, and not the tabloid press version, and how do friends and relatives react. I’ve been writing and rewriting various versions of this story for the last year, I hope...

2 years ago
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ManoJob Liz Jordan Paint Me Twice

Don’t let Liz Jordan fool you. Behind that innocent, college-girl look she’s got going, Liz is a true freak. A real cum slut. Here’s how it went down almost the very second she stepped on to Billy Watson’s set: “Billy! You know how much I love a big load on my face! Why only Mr. POV? Doesn’t he have some sort of friend he brings around from time to time?” Of course he does, my dear…so Billy made a couple calls, then started rolling camera. Liz has...

2 years ago
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My Brother My LoverChapter 5

Callie and Nathan drove mostly in silence. They were heading downtown to go eat at a nice cozy restaurant that Nathan had heard about. They served the best steaks, which he knew Callie loved. Nathan kept trying to keep his eyes on the road but Callie's long legs kept distracting him. Her dress rode up high as she sat in his mustang. He felt somewhat excited being out with such a beautiful girl like Callie, his gorgeous sister. "So like I was saying this place has some of the best steaks...

3 years ago
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Libbie darted through the porch door and into the sparkling sunshine. She raised her hand to block it out of her eyes and peered into the driveway. There he was, waiting for her as usual at the end of the drive, just out of sight of the house. She jumped the three steps down from the porch to the path and hurried toward the car. He smiled to himself as he saw her come through the door. He didn’t know what the hell he was doing with this girl, but he just could not resist her. He watched as she...

3 years ago
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EdenChapter 62

They traversed the passage in an easy silence. As Igwanda and Meiersdottir dressed in the building above, Joe spoke for the first time. "Amanda, what is the word 'cherish?' We hear that you mean it well, but we do not know the word." "Cherish means to place a high value on something," she answered. "A very high value. When I said that we cherish your friendship I meant it is very important, very valuable to us." "We understand," the alien said. "Then I will say that we cherish...

2 years ago
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roomies pt2

Amy gazed into Nick’s face, watching as the emotions swept over her beautiful features. Since day one, she thought her roommate was one of the most attractive women she’d ever seen. That was the reason she wondered at first why Nick never dated, or got out. In time, she learned of her utmost dedication and came to know her on many deeper levels. Why have we never thought about it? Maybe we have and it just didn’t register in our consciousness. We are perfect for each other, but what does that...

3 years ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 34 No Rest for the Wicked May 1814

HMS Clyde was lying at anchor in a balmy breeze, swaying gently in the minuscule waves. Around her were the other ships of the Mediterranean Fleet, all anchored securely in the Port of Toulon, the main port of the French marine. A few weeks ago, Clyde and her consorts would have faced red-hot shots being fired at them, but Toulon was now a city of King Louis XVIII of France.  All along the coast, merchantmen of all sizes poured out of the French ports where they had been blockaded,...

4 years ago
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Me and the Family Part 2

‘Holy shit Dani, your tits are amazing and your nipples are so thick, come here and let me suck on them’ Kay said. As Kay began to get fully into this I mouthed to Dani ‘Are you ok? Want this to stop?’ She nodded her head and a little part of me died, but then she took her sisters face in her hand, lifted her eye to eye and kissed her with new found vigor and abandonment. The lust returned and then I saw something that made my cock bolt up and harder than possible, Kay had her hand...

2 years ago
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Not Quite Done Yet

NOT QUITE DONE YET By Geneva Using a spell from an old book, a women's committee changes a blackmailer to a woman to stop his further activities. START Vera, in the chair, took a quick look over her committee, one by one. She thought, with some satisfaction, that she had done well in selecting them. All of the women were committed, innovative and energetic. "All right, with the 'Old Business' dealt with, let's now look at 'New Business', specifically, something that needs our...

3 years ago
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VeronicaChapter 31

On going home after a very embarrassing day, Veronica found a letter awaiting her. She opened it and saw that it was from Algernon, the director of the film. A piece of paper fluttered out and fell to the ground. She saw that it was a cheque, and one for quite a lot of money - two hundred thousand pounds, in fact! HOW MUCH!! But - she was getting used to surprises by now, and took this latest in a long line totally in her stride. She read the letter. "Dear Miss Harmsworth, "Owing to the...

4 years ago
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A Morning at the Beach

by yonekhadvash©It's been two years since my divorce. Life as a single man has taught me the importance of being good looking. I work in the gym three times a week, ride my bikes as often as I can and I pay close attention to the food I consume. After fifty years one's body is less forgiving for being abused. The change in my lifestyle has been good to me. My love handles shrunk and I've become full of energy all day long. My new lifestyle has also influenced my mind and I became more relaxed...

4 years ago
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The Apprentice

Michael glanced at the path that led to the gate. Sometimes, he looked at the babe he jiggled in his arms. Most of the time though, his attention was on the children running around the courtyard. On summer days like this, the young children and the dogs owned the middle courtyard of Castle Clavius. They raced around in circles, climbed the walls as far as they could, played hide- and-seek, tussled over the whole area, and chased each other. While he watched, his brother Enoch tagged a younger...

4 years ago
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Saucy Dinner With Neighbor

Hi readers of ISS! This is my very first story or rather a personal experience that i would appreciate sharing with everyone! Hope you people love it. Names here are changed due to privacy of individuals. Any women from mumbai who wish to have a no strings attached sexual relation with me can contact me at “Raj, your tiffin’s ready. Quick, stuff it in your bag” shouted mom. I was getting late for college. It is always the same. I wake up late, and mess up everything. My name is Raj, 20 year...

4 years ago
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Abby and AmberChapter 4

We returned from Roger’s and all collapsed in the bed around 10:30 that evening. The girls were really excited, and all they could talk about was the children. It had been an exciting day and we were all tired. Eventually, they settled down, snuggled up to me, and we all managed to get to sleep. It was just after 2 AM that I got the first warning from the building security system. It stated that an unauthorized vehicle had entered the underground parking garage. All of the residents’...

4 years ago
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A Very Unexpected Meeting

I'd been going out with a girl called Angela for a year and a bit, and her parents John and Lyn had got used to me. Well that wasn't the whole story; John and I were both bisexual, I didn't know whether Lyn knew about John, but Angela knew nothing about my love of cock. Normally I just liked to suck or be sucked by other men, but when John and I were alone in their house I became his slave, his sex toy. He had fucked me in his daughter's bed, in his own bed, in the shower, lounge, garage and...

4 years ago
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My Journey Book 1 CollarsChapter 28

Thursday turned out to be another exceptional day as most days in August were. I rode my new bike to watch Becky play baseball, cheering her on and accepting some good-natured teasing directed at both of us from the other teammates. When the game was over, we rode back to the house and got ready to go meet Collie for lunch. If there was going to be one drawback to the new living arrangements, it was going to be the commute for Collie in the mornings. We’d have to make sure her car was up to...

2 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 7

We loaded our gear after a breakfast on Sunday morning. Will and I loaded up our weights first while Andy carried our bags out to Will's car. Ed brought his things over while we were trying to load everything. The car was full last year when it was only Will, Ed and me. This year we had to squeeze Andy and his stuff in too. We filled the trunk with the heavy stuff. Ed and Andy climbed in the back seats. Will and I gave them two duffle bags to hold on their laps. The last duffle bag went in...

3 years ago
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Secular Supplicants Of The Tentacle Cult

My uncle, a doctor, hoped I would be a minister. A strange thought. You see, he spent much of his life in the developing world on a religious mission to eradicate polio. He saved lives and brought happiness to the world. He also prayed for those who suffered.I’m different. I had given myself fully to the practical and not the spiritual. Ethics, after all, aren’t really all that metaphysical. You reduce pain. You increase happiness. It’s quite that simple. People ask if doctors must ever...

4 years ago
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Raping Ruby

I had just been out on a date with Ruby and, to be honest, it had not gone well. Even at the start of the evening Ruby seemed uninterested in what I had to say and got more bored over the course of a couple of hours. The only time she showed enthusiasm was when I asked about her music. She talked quite a lot about the band she was in and their up coming gigs but I didn't know enough about music to engage with her. It's not my type of thing. I'm more into sports but that wasn't Ruby's type...

3 years ago
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You are a space pirate. No, not that kind of space pirate that can be seen in the old books with exciting dogfights, lasers blazing, space boarding and stuff like that. Everything is much more boring. You are Mark Tanner. A hacker. And you make your living by intercepting long route automatic cargoships, hacking their AIs, bringing vessels to your very own base and then selling what you stole on a black market It is a lonely life, in your twenty years you haven't even had a girlfriend (if you...

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the best parts of sharing my wife Wanda pt 1

Part 1……………There are lots of things I enjoy about sharing my wife Wanda with all these other men. The prepping, shaving and lotion applied to her bbw body before her date arrives. The mental anticipation I experience leading up to her fucking. The numerous images I jack off too of hotwives being fucked and satisfied by their strong virile lovers. Their facial and bodily expressions and pure euphoria they feel while being penetrated by a satisfying huge cock. You can’t forget the initial deep...

4 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 52

"Here they come," Lorraine said, seeing the familiar figures distorted through the thick windows of the reception door. "Oh, god," Hope whispered, turning around, and the others stood up as well. Corrine laid a hand on Hope's shoulder whilst Shawna squeezed her hand. "Go on," Lorraine said pushing Tony forward. "You go first, we'll be here." Aiden wrapped his arms around her as Tony took a few hesitant steps, his hands pushed down deep in his pockets. He was halfway across the...

4 years ago
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A Funeral Home is a Place for Life

Introduction: Transgendered story where a man at a funeral home gains a strange power to be the dead A funeral home is a place for death, but in a small town outside Richmond, until one Friday night. The phone rang at a little past two and he knew what it meant. Someone was dead. He took the information and thanked god that he didnt have to go to a house tonight. He sat up and looked at his wife, got out of bed and slipped his suit on. He woke up once he got to the funeral home, brewed a cup of...

2 years ago
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Son Fucks Better 8211 Part I

Kusum was not aware that this is going to be a fateful night in her life. After finishing her work she was very tired. She went to sleep to her children room. She saw that on floor her daughter is sleeping with two co-brothers. Her eldest son was sleeping alone on the cot. Like other nights she pulled off her saree and lay on beside binod, eldest son of 14 yrs age. Other three children were born at a gap of 2-2 yrs. She was only 32 years old on that fateful night. She was having a very...

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 36 Senator Rebecca Arnold

Both Jack and Susan looked at the naked lady and knew that they should recognize her. She had lovely round breasts like Susan’s but just a bit bigger and rounder on account of the age difference. They also both noticed the nicely manicured patch of blonde pubic hair done in the shape of a heart over the woman’s vagina. Moments later it all suddenly clicked in Jack’s brain. He knew exactly who she was. He had seen her on TV many times but before he could say something the naked woman began to...

2 years ago
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The VolunteerChapter 4

GRANNY SAL was in her usual position outside Walgreen’s Drug Store. If she hadn’t been there, people would be concerned. As far as G2 knew, she had been there every morning for years. She sold the local street paper for a dollar and always seemed to have a stack of them beside her little campstool. The publisher sold the papers to Sal for thirty-five cents, so G2 figured she made a pretty good profit and could buy food and wine anytime. She lived in a shelter where she paid $5 a night for a...

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Teacher s PastChapter 3B Punishment Can Be Severe

Cory and Gary bided their time waiting for the bodies to quiet, as they knew it would soon be their turn. Things had preceded much differently than the plan outlined by Sally but the boys were easily able to adapt. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what to do when sex was the lone subject. Their one-tracked minds were focused on self-gratification and Kerri would be the means to that end. With Kerri continuing to rob Sally of every bit of decency she had left, Cory moved in...

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Changing clothes hellip

“It all started out at my friends house, where we were having a bonfire with a large group of my friends. we were all drinking and getting high and just having a good time. I had been joking and laughing with my best guy friend Josh, who I’ve always secretly had a crush on, but while we were talking, two of my guy friends decided to pick me up and throw me in the pool! I was soaking wet and freezing, so I went upstairs to take a shower and change clothes. When I walked out of the bathroom I...

3 years ago
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Winning Team

Bukkake StoriesI was shocked when Christie asked me to be a center of a bukkake party. She had told me a little bit about it before and I admit I was really interested in it since I love cum. But I never actually thought I'd be a center. She gave me the details about what was going to happen and what was expected of me. And of course not to worry about a thing because Marl would be there. It was for their football team, if they won. Part of me wanted them to win and the other part wanted them...

4 years ago
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An Introduction to Adult Punishment

It was a month later when Catherine and I returned the favor, inviting Marlene and Ruth to our house for dinner. Catherine got everything prepared, had a nice fire burning in the grate as well as lighting the gas fire in the bedrooms. Knowing Marlene liked liqueur I picked up a bottle along with some Scotch, and a couple of bottles of wine for the dinner. As I still hadn't passed my driver’s test, Catherine went and picked them up. Marlene appreciated that as it permitted her to wear something...

3 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 17

LYCAVORE TWENTY-TWO KILOMETERS WEST OF SETTLEMENT Anja looked down the tunnel from where she squatted, the dimness of the work lighting in the tunnel not hindering her altered wolf eyes in any way. The tunnel was at least thirty meters wide and sixty meters high, the rock walls glistening with moisture in some spots. The entrance had been deserted when they arrived and it was a simple matter for her small team to move into the tunnel from the deep timber surrounding the entrance. They had...

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Gym Bob Part 2

The next day at the office took forever. Even though I was busy with work, all I wanted to do was to get to the gym and see my new friend. I had lots of work on and knew Bob would not be there until early evening. As I worked away in the office as usual, wishing the day away, I regularly checked the time. By 7.30pm I could hold off no longer. I locked up my office, saying goodnight to a few other staff still working away, and headed for the gym. As I walked through the gym, I saw Bob on a...

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Brother in laws wile 4

Hi, ISS friends this is Raj back with Part 4 of how I continued my fucking of Meera and Kiran. As I told in part, three of this true incident how I had fucked Kiran and deflowered her I will now continue with the rest of the story. As I lay on top of Kiran after having fucked and deflowered her, Meera who was looking at us with her finger in her choot said ‘ aap dono na to chood chood kar aapna maza la liya hai ab mujha kaun choda ga aur thanda karaga’ . I replied ‘bus dus minute arram karma do...

4 years ago
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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 10

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 10 It was the first time Nicole went to therapy dressed as Nicole. Dr. Dornan had requested it. She looked like a typical pre-teen. She wore faded jeans and a tank top, with the straps from her training bra occasionally showing. She also painted her nails and wore her butterfly earrings. "You look really nice," Andrea Dornan said. Nicole blushed. "Thank you." Andrea asked Nicole about her nightmares. She admitted she still had them, although...

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Black Gold

My wife and I had been married for three great years. We were high school sweathearts in the middle of small town USA. She is the only woman I have been with and I was the only man who she had had. I was a normal looking guy, dark hair, average height and weight. My wife was a cute little blonde. She had shoulder length hair and a nice little body. She was petite with a nice little rack. She looked alot like Christina Aguilera except she dressed much more conservative. Our sex life was good as...

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Mother Daughter Feast 12 of 12

Anna is shocked, because she knows that Sara isn't riding the spit, but gives her head a slight nod in acceptance. She keeps Sara on edge for several minutes and just when Sara is sure that she will flood Anna's mouth with more cum, Anna starts biting down on Sara's clit. Sara is shocked, but she gives Anna encouragement to keep going. "Yes! Bite my clit off slowly while I am right on the verge of filling your mouth with cum. It appears that none of us will ever have another orgasm."...

3 years ago
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Trained to be Daddy rsquo s girl 4

I tried to pretend I was happy sharing Daddy with his little whore but I couldn’t hide my sadness, or jealousy whenever he decided it was her turn to receive his load. He frowned as he saw tears drip down my cheeks as I watched him smile as he pulled out of her pussy after using us both in bed. He sent her off and led me into the bathroom as he showered.”What’s the matter baby?” He soothed as he held me as I towelled him dry.”I get jealous Daddy” I said looking up at him. His steel blue eyes...

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A Fresh StartChapter 97 The Rottingens

I made a few phone calls that afternoon to the security company we used. I needed an updated profile on Suzie’s situation. Brewster and John had spooked me about the possibility of Suzie being used against me. I also told Marilyn I was going to travel out to Rochester to see her and talk. Marilyn asked if she should go as well, and I simply said that it was better if I made the first visit alone. I didn’t want to overwhelm her. I just didn’t know enough. The report came back, the way it had...

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On the Side of the Road

I didn’t want to go but then again I did want to. I was looking at myself in the mirror wondering why I was invited to this party. I grabbed my phone and looked at the text I got. It was from the most popular guy in school. When he came up to me that morning asking what I was doing later, I just couldn’t help but think something was up. He really seemed like he wanted me to go, so I gave him my number and he texted me the directions with a smiley face at the end. “Okay, don’t be a coward,” I...

Straight Sex
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Feels So Right It Can t Be Wrong Chapter 2

After a lot of poking, prodding, and teasing, the stepsiblings managed to disentangle and get off Jason’s bed. Before he could pull Kelly out of the room, however, she noticed the sheets. “Whoa. Halt. Stop. Sorry, but those sheets have got to go.” Jason protested but she remained adamant as only a somewhat fastidious big sister can be and began stripping the bed. Perhaps it was seeing her doing this basic household task in the nude that silenced Jason. And while he might have been tempted to...

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My Awakening

My Awakening I was lying in bed telling him about different fantasies I have had. Everynow and then he would ask a question about some small detail in the fantasy,like what I was wearing, where something came from, how something could happen,etc. I was intrigued that he was so curious as to the details of them, buthe seemed to ask more questions about one of the fantasies in particular. Atthe time I didn't really pay attention to it, it was only looking back on itlater that I was reminded of...

2 years ago
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My Dream

Oh how I wish I could go back, ‘I’m very young again when nentendo was fun and I was just starting to appreciate a womans naked body. I was first turned on by some dirty dick sucking whore magazines I found at the ballfield bathrooms some old perv left for a young boy or girl to discover. I would flip through the filthy pages rubbing my young hard cock to the smell of piss and poop looking at total hardcore smut. I used to get off but was unable to shoot the boy batter at those times. On the...

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Sex and Sex Again

Sex and Sex Again is a CYOA story written by Icarus Dragon. However, since 2016 he hasn't updated this story so I am going to try and pick up where he left off.

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Sex With Bhabi

Love is a powerful thing. It’s a combination of physical, emotional, mental and at times even spiritual connection between two people. It is an entity that overcomes all foes; age, culture, border, religion, race, and these days even genders. In a country like India, Racism between Hindus and Muslims is an ever present axe that hangs over all, especially over the younger generation, who have just begun to come into their own. Despite the looming threat of shame, fanaticism, and familial...

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She needs lots of spunk up her old cunt

Searching the web for sex contacts, Fiona a randy old cow, now nearing 65, was desperate for cock and a lot of cum since her hubby died six months ago. She knew full well that it was a long shot to find any bloke near her own age and felt depressed. That was until came across a granny fetish site. It seemed that it was set up for men who wanted to meet, date and fulfil their sexual fantasies with old ladies like her.Reading the ads, it was crystal clear that there were quite a lot of horny...

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Stacia s Rape

About 10 you decide it is Stacia time. The apartment is clean and you are very tired. You turn on the computer and go to your favorite private time site. It’s bookmarked and easy for you to get to. Today’s top daily category is BDSM not something you’ve been into in the pass, but today you want to look. You click the header “sweet blonde tied up”. The images load and you look at the hottest blonde you’ve seen in forever. She is hog tied lying on her stomach. A man and woman take turns spanking...

2 years ago
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A Bondage Story

I was at a rock'n'roll concert when I met them. I am 6'2" tall, and have been lifting weights for a few years. I think I'm in pretty good shape, and so did the two identical blonde beauties that had the seats in front of me. They were both 5'7" tall, about 120 lbs, with 35-22-33 figures. Both wore white jumpsuits, which really accentuated their wonderful figures. I passed them a joint and struck up a conversation. Before I knew it, we were on our way out together, and my buddies were very...

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The Neighborhood Chapter One This is us

We were four recent, white (and broke) college grads who met when we all started work as IT consultants in a middling-sized firm downtown. Josh, Paul, Randy and I (I’m Bill) saved money by finding a house to rent together. The place would never win any architectural awards, and we decided the plumbing was probably out of the 19 th century. Four bedrooms, three baths, a backyard with a patio, and, as they say, location, location, location. It came with a neighborhood to die for. The whole thing...

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JenniferChapter 16

Jennifer and Margaret lolled in hammocks on the front yard of the Lakehouse. It had been a little over a week since Jennifer had talked to her mother, and both expected her to show up sometime today. So, they had given themselves a day off and lazed the afternoon away. The manic sex drives they had felt had subsided to their normal horny levels, much to the relief of an exhausted Roger and Rocky. Margaret’s period had come and gone, and she told Jennifer that meant her mother’s had passed,...

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Domestic GoddessChapter 4

"I can't get off work tomorrow. Chuck has a funeral and Jim is still on light duty. I'm sorry, Honey." As I suspected, this was not what she wanted to hear. She did try to hide her disappointment, unlike Jake who did not take it well at all. I would not have been surprised had a dark cloud appeared over his head as he slowly made his way to his room. Lisa and I both looked at each other. Disappointing our son was never fun. "Maybe you should go try to cheer him up a little." She did...

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Lucky Nathan

Lucky NathanBy: Londebaaz Chohan Hanna, used to live not far from the house of Nathan’s parents. She was a divorced mother of a lovely daughter Julia who soon after school, got married to Nathan’s elder brother James and as the couple moved away, Hanna also sold the house and moved to a small town near the beach. Nathan’s mother always stayed in touch with Hanna and now came the time for Nathan’s 18th birthday. As she was speaking with Hanna and mentioned her younger son’s birthday, Hanna...

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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 8 Trail Ways

"Well, that is mighty helpful." Catherine says in a snippy tone as she faces off with me. With another inward sigh, I realize she is back to snapping at me. I shake my head in an attempt to shake away her feelings as they slide over me. "What I mean is," I give her a sharp look that stops her from cutting me off. "You could go, on your own. Maybe you will be stealthy enough to not get caught. But you are up against somethings that you do not understand. And will you be able to hold out...

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Madison loves her daddy s cream Part 3

Becky rushed to the door to answer, knowing her best friend, Madison, was supposed to be coming over. Becky had needed to rush to get cleaned up and dressed before she arrived, as she had been getting throat fucked by her daddy only 15 minutes ago. She was wearing a pleated mini-skirt that barely covered her bubble butt, a spaghetti strap top, socks, and a pair of sneakers. She never wore panties if she could get away with it, because she liked to feel the breeze blow across her cunny lips...

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Alternate UniversesChapter 18

There was a tremendous explosion underneath Guppy. Suddenly, a whole segment of Auburn Space Port was engulfed in falling dust and dirt. Dammit, another attempt by The True Believers to wreck our space efforts! Guppy had been put in the idle storage area for holding while we decided what to do with her. From our point of view, Guppy was obsolete, but we had not yet decided how to dispose of her. I was even toying with the idea of selling her to NASA, but I had not come to a final...

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Code Forbidden Fruit

At Ashford Academy in Area 11 Lelouch groaned as he tightly gripped her two buns on each side of her pink hair in an almost painful way. One of her hands was on his base massaging it while the other was cupping and massaging his balls. “Oh God, Euphie” Lelouch gasped. His Half-sister Princess Euphemia li Britannia smirked with his cock inside her mouth as she kept sucking and bobbing. She just loved the taste of Lelouch’s cock, it has such an “exotic” manly taste, not like her personal Knight's...

2 years ago
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Success On Seducing Neighbor Aunty 8211 Part I

Hi friends My name is Akhil name change (25 years). I’m a regularly follow ISS site for a long time from last 5 years. I like to have sex with mature women like bhabi’s and aunties from age 30 to 45 years. Any women like to have sex with me please mail me to this ID. I’m from Hyderabad and right now am staying in Bangalore. I want to share a real story which is happened last year 2011 only. I will start my story from starting and when I was in 10 class (2002) at that time a newly married...

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Giselle A conquered wife Chapter V 2

In the meantime, having watched Giselle swallow every drop of his fertile semen out of the condom, Mobu was aroused and excited more than ever before. He pulled her towards him and kissed her passionately, pushing his tongue into her mouth and wrapping it round hers. Eventually, he pulled away and spoke eagerly to her. “Look, Giselle, maybe you think that I am a jerk and this is for me only a one-night stand. But you are wrong. Now, be honest with me, please. Has this just been a diversion for...

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Mom and daughter part 3

Mother and daughter part 3Over the next few days the only time I had was in the evening and I talked with Judy and Beck but didn’t see them until Friday. The conversations with Beck were what I had in store for her and Mom this coming weekend, which I kept to myself even as she was begging to hear my ideas for her and her Mom. The conversations with Judy were about how come she had not shared that she was into the lifestyle when we were just a couple. Judy shared that in some sense she was...

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Jaipur Me Bhabhi Ki Chut Ki Pyaas Bhujai Call Boy Bankar

Hi friends, I am ritesh from jaipur,mai jaipur me hi ek private company me job karta hu, I am call boy, I have sufficient size lund jo kisi bhi lady ko satisfy kar sakta hai.Aaj mai aapko ek real incidence batane ja raha jo mere sath last month happened hui thi.Ye story ek dum real hai es me mai koi mirch- masala nahi dal raha hu.Mujhe biswas hai ki aapko jarur pasand aayegi.Please es story ko padhkar comment jarur karna .Meri email id hai ha koi bhi female bhabhi, aunty or girl mujhse chat or...

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Sweet Love Making After Prom

‘God Danielle! My little girl is all grown up! You look so beautiful…i need to take some pictures when you’re done.’ ‘Mom, its just the prom. Relax…I havnt been your little girl for awhile I’m 18…just…relax ma.’ ‘Ok, Ok. God, you look so grown up.’ She did. She was 5’7′, her long straight black hair, was perfectly in place. Her dress revealed lots of cleavage, and it flowed as she walked. She looked gorgeous. She was stuck out front of the mirror, frantically putting on some strawberry lip...

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DaughterSwap Athena Rayne Miranda Miller Boot Camp Baddies Pt 1

Athena Rayne and Miranda Miller are two deviously sweet teens who never follow the rules. This is especially hard for them since both their fathers come from military backgrounds. After a long night of partying, the girls snuck upstairs to Athenas room to try and sleep off all the debauchery they had partaken in. Meanwhile, their dads were downstairs trying to figure out how to set them straight. They decided to use their military expertise to get them back on track GUNS BLAZIN?! They rushed...

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Хочу рассказать Вам реальный случай из моей жизни.Мне тогда было 17 лет и я заканчивал 11 класс.За 2 месяца до окончания учебы я сильно заболел и месяц провел в больнице.Пропустил очень много из школьной программы и экзамены мог сдать плохо.Поэтому родители решили заплатить моим учителям,что бы те со мной позанимались у меня дома.Ботаном я никогда не был,даже наоборот вечно встревал в драки и был хулиганом,но память у меня была,очень хорошая и мне было достаточно прочесть материал 1 раз и я уже...

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It was supposed to be the best day of my life...and maybe it was, butdefinitely not in the way I planned.My 21st birthday...my first day as a man, as a true lord of the Manor...myfirst day as a Master. I was so nervous I threw up my lunch. Not verymanly, I know, but just the thought of having my very own sissy to playwith had me teetering between the giddy excitement of a k** right about toopen the biggest present under the tree, and the stark terror of officiallybeing a man in my step-father's...

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A Dream Come True

Tracy could not believe how good it felt to feel Eric’s breath on her cheek, the rasp of his skin against her face, the smell of his masculinity enveloping her as he dipped his head and nuzzled her neck. She ran her hands up his bare, muscular arms as he held himself over her. The sense of the strength and power she felt coursing under the tan skin gave her a tingle deep inside. She had wished for this moment for months and as he lifted his face to hers, she kissed him hard on the mouth,...

Love Stories
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The Evolution Of Me Part 2

Those few weeks that followed Sean and I having a mutual masturbation session were a blur. I went out on a few dates with girls, but I couldn’t get the sight of Sean stroking his hard cock out of my mind.During this same time period, my parents bought me a computer for my bedroom and, eventually, my college dorm. My heart skipped a beat when I discovered the world of online pornography. Thoughts of Sean jacking off in front of me led me to explore gay porn on the Internet. I quickly found...

Gay Male
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Call GirlsChapter 21

Janice looked around the apartment one last time. It was almost six o'clock and she was waiting for Bill, Ali and her new master. In the intervening few hours, using the Clifford money, Jan had not only prepared a magnificent dinner, she had redecorated the entire apartment. As instructed, she was nude except for the diamond ear studs Ali had given her that morning. She thought about the whips, which she had been oiling and which were now lying in the corner of the bedroom, and...

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Die Forschungsreise

Die Forschungsreise (Katrin *2013/ 2014) Teil 1 Einleitung Die Schule war vorbei und ich hatte mal wieder Semesterferien. Mein Studium besch?ftigte sich mit den Mythen und Sagen der verschollenen Mysterien, die sich um die Mayas rankten. Das hatte mich schon immer fasziniert und aus diesem Grunde, hatte ich an einem verregneten Sommertag einen Termin in der B?cherei unserer Hochschule. Die blonde Bibliothekarin kannte mich inzwischen als B?cherwurm und begr??te mich, wie immer, wenn ic...

3 years ago
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Inspecting the InspectorChapter 2

She led the way to the car and I took the opportunity to reach down inside my waistband, grab my cock and pull it straight up. It would be less visible that way. My eyes never left the undulating ass cheeks packed into that black leather as she walked. I saw she'd put on heels that had maybe two or three inch spikes. They accentuated the hip roll. I could have watched her walk for hours. She turned and tossed me the keys. "You drive. I drove all day. I'll navigate." A car rolled by,...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 6 Tactical Lessons

Victoria had watched with amazement as the army prepared to break camp. Everything was done with measured efficiency. She had expected to take half the day before moving but things were finished by the time she concluded her breakfast. It brought something to her mind that didn’t fit. She decided to approach Genrico for the answer. “Lord Larchman,” she said as Genrico supervised the disposition of the forces that would remain behind, “I have a question.” “Go ahead,” he offered. “King...

1 year ago
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Sally s Hedonistic Pleasures

Sally moaned as Brad’s body moved within her spread legs. Connected by only the thin, but now very hard, muscle that was his cock, they were so intent upon consummating their passion that they did not even notice me taking pictures. As I watched and photographed my slut wife being fucked by a man she hardly knew, I thought back to the chain of events that had brought us to this place. Both of us enjoy travel and, not long after we were married ten years ago, we had talked about places we wanted...

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The Security Guard Takes Charge Part2

“I told you Hailey that I would be back soon” I said as I reached down and pinched a nipple “did you miss me?” Hailey pouted at me and said “You were mean leaving me alone like that. But I forgive you.” “Well I have to do my job, after all that’s why I met you in the first place. But don’t worry, I plan on making it up to you.” I said. I undressed , just leaving on my socks. I reached between Hailey’s thighs and ran my fingertips along Hailey’s lips. They were still wet, even though I...

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Revenge of the Strong

John Strongburg pulled up to a stop at the top of the rise. Looking down into the valley a grim smile crossed his lips as he saw his target. Stepping down from the stirrup he looked at the signs around his target’s camp. Drawing closer he silently cursed when he saw that they had split up. From all he saw they were heading deeper into the badlands. Looking over the camp again he only saw about five of the ten that had drawn his quest for revenge. This was a quest that had the grim reaper...

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Reluctant Wife Gang Fucked with Hubby

Amsterdam in late May.  It's a beautiful city; evocative, cool, fun and the weather was glorious.  We had only been there for a day and had already reached saturation point for gorgeous babes on bikes...  it is a saddle sniffers paradise, that's for sure.'We' were a party of guys from Scotland, celebrating my nephew's 21st birthday.  He's not really my nephew, but I've been close to his dad since we were at school, and he's always called me 'Uncle Funghi'!  haha.  When he introduced me to his...

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No Time to GrieveChapter 3

Rick called me over. I got to my feet, painfully aware of the fresh load of cum that’s starting to drip from my still tingling pussy. I approached them, conscious of how my exposed skin is tingling like it might if I were receiving a low-grade shock all over my body. I can’t help feeling very self-conscious. Rick and the couple who have been sitting with him watching me with Lyn and Lee stood as I approached but I’m too embarrassed to look them in the eye. They appear to be in their early...

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Bride Spoiled at Sea

"You cannot be serious!" Lynette Olsen rolled her eyes & stared down her nose at the Nigerian waiter who had just handed her a tray. The haughty American newlywed easily managed that feat despite the man's being at least 18 inches taller. She pushed the oval plate aside, "I am not holding my plate. Follow me." She swept into the buffet, pointedly ignoring the man's grimace. He waved another waiter over to take his place, a Filipino woman who frowned but took the tray to follow the...

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Hairy RoadtripChapter 18

The men started bidding ... as a lot and as individuals. The women were NOT pleased. Finally Karen, as the “local” started to grin, chuckle and got in on the bidding. This turn of events shocked the guys. Then I started to laugh. I ALMOST considered complaining about the high prices for used merchandise ... and we all know where THAT would lead ... sleeping in the bunkhouse with the smelly cats. Once was enough ... a surfeit of skunks was two too many. I kept my mouth shut. From the looks...

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