Birthday free porn video

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It was supposed to be the best day of my life...and maybe it was, but
definitely not in the way I planned.

My 21st first day as a man, as a true lord of the
first day as a Master. I was so nervous I threw up my lunch. Not very
manly, I know, but just the thought of having my very own sissy to play
with had me teetering between the giddy excitement of a k** right about to
open the biggest present under the tree, and the stark terror of officially
being a man in my step-father's could I measure up to him? I
felt destined to disappoint him...and I didn't even know why I cared so
much. He isn't my real father...he's isn't really my step-father when I
think about it. He's only been married to my mother for a year, so I was
already a full grown man when I met him...well, not according to him. But
that was all going to change today...the door to the study seemed
especially heavy as I pulled it open and stepped in to meet my fate...

I should have felt at ease in the study, after all, it was still the house
I grew up in, and as an heir to a vast fortune and a name with an
unquestionable pedigree, no door was closed to me. I was denied
nothing...not until HE came along. Darren Harrow, my step-father, had very
different ideas than my mother on what "privileges" I should be
allowed. That's what he called them...privileges. Up until then, I
considered them part and parcel of my birthright. It was so frustrating to
have the door to the study closed to have every door in the house
other than my own and the common areas closed to me. Especially after my
mother was checked into a "wellness clinic" for "exhaustion". I guess when
you're rich enough you don't get put away for pill addiction, you just take
a permanent vacation. And with her gone, my step-father wasted no time in
filling the house with his living trophies.

It had become something of a secret fad to take beautiful young men and
turn them into even more beautiful young women. Of course, they had to keep
their most telling trait, or what use would it be to have a sissy without
her shameful secret nestled in her panties as a permanent reminder of
everything she gave up for a taste of the sweet life. I'd longed for my
very own sissy for years, it was the first thing my mother ever denied
me...I was beside myself with dare she?! I was Byron
Templeton III I had fucking Roman Numerals after my name and she was
telling me I couldn't have a sissy?!

I have to admit, as much as I loved mommy, I was glad to see her go once I
saw the exotic creatures that took her place. But this too was only a
source of frustration, as Darren had very different ideas than I did on
what was mine and what was his. Apparently everything my mother owned was
his, and all I had was his name. I considered that a very poor
bargain...mine was much better than his, but he isn't the sort of man you
argue with. So I stood by in tantalized frustration watching as his two
older sons, Darius and Dirk, treated the sissies as their own personal
chattel. My only consolation was that Dale, the youngest son, was given the
same restrictions as me. And I'd show that arrogant little brat who the
real man was once I paraded my new sissy around the mansion while he was
stuck jerking off for another two years.

So when I stepped through the door to the study, I wasn't just entering a
room, I was stepping into a whole new world...a new life...maybe even a new
me. I noticed my step-father first, and since the room was littered with
the sexiest sissies money could buy, that is saying something. But he's the
kind of man that commands your attention. His eyes are the first thing you
notice, intense, blazing...with passion or madness I'm still not sure...but
once he has you in his gaze, you can't escape. His body seems sculpted to
contain such a powerful fire, a strong, brooding brow...a Roman nose, a
satyr's smile, and a chiseled jaw that seemed perpetually cocked so that he
could look down on you from his impressive six feet. His body was just as
awe inspiring, every immaculately tailored suit seemed barely able to
contain barely able to contain his frame. Even pushing 50, he exuded the
raw a****l magnetism of a man half his age, his perfectly coiffed hair
blazing like a fire with a few specks of ashen gray. So I wasn't surprised
when my gaze turned to him first, looking for the nod of approval to begin
selecting my sissy, just as I wasn't surprised to see his eyes travel
shortly across my meager five feet of soft slim features and find me
wanting. But I swore today was the day that I would prove myself to him and
in doing so, to me as well. Of course, before I found myself withering in
his gaze the first time, or squirming under the cruel smirks of my
step-brothers, I never felt the need to prove anything...but now it was all
I thought about.

So when I saw the three angels standing in the middle of the room, I knew I
had to pick wisely. A sissy says so much about a man. Looking at the middle
c***d, Dirk, I saw a voluptuous Latina named Lola curled in his lap,
sucking lazily on his fingers. Lola had breasts like ripe cantalopes and an
ass that you could set a beer on. I know because it was one of Dirk's
favorite party tricks. Dirk had inherited his father's frame, and chiseled
good looks, but not the brightness in his eyes. No his where dull and
clouded, either with lust or rage, the two emotions he seemed capable
of. His sissy was as simple and obvious as he was. And I knew I had to be
more than that. I could never be as powerful as Dirk, so I would have to be
wiser. That's part of being a man too I figured...

Looking at Darius chilled my blood, his sissy, Cunt, said more about him
than I ever wanted to know. He took a Master's right to brand or pierce a
sissy's body anyway he sees fit to an art form. Her entire body covered in
piercings and intricate barbed wire pattern tattoos trailing to her most
tender flesh from her shaved head down to her shaved namesake. One look at
the lovingly named Cunt, would tell you all you needed to know about
Darius. He didn't inherit the strength his younger brother did, but he
still cut an intimidating figure, standing at least six inches taller than
his father, with taught solid muscle covering his swimmer's build. His
features were more angular, sharp like a blade, and his eyes seemed to
stare right through didn't have to look at his sissy to know he
was completely without mercy.

I didn't have his capability to inflect horror upon the flesh of an
innocent sissy, but I hoped I could show my strength in dominating one
without the need for v******e. So when I looked over the remaining three, I
looked for one with a spark of vitality left, a little wildness I could
rein in. Some wild game I could bag and claim as my trophy...

On the right was Bambi, a doe eyed blond bombshell dressed in taffeta and
lace, a living porcelain doll with flawless skin, perfectly plump Clara Bow
lips, a kissably cute button nose, and lashes that seemed to wave you over,
perpetually fluttering over brilliant blue eyes...

She looked like she could be mischievous, maybe even bratty, but I could
tell it would only be a pretext to beg for a bare bottom spanking. No,
breaking this doll would have been too easy...

The sissy on the left was Sakura, an exotic ladyboy imported from Japan,
her sloe eyes always down cast, her ivory smooth cheeks always threatening
to break out in a blush, her slender nose leading your eyes to her soft,
tiny mouth. I imagined swallowing it in mine, ripping off her school
uniform and ravaging her petite, but pleasingly proportioned frame. But
that would be even easier than breaking Bambi. Sakura was a fragile
blossom, I was almost afraid to stare too intently, worried she might
shatter under the weight of my gaze. No, I needed someone stronger, someone
like Isabella.

Standing proudly in the middle of the room, Isabella virtually dared you to
tame her. A dark haired Italian with face of a Botticelli and body of a
tigress. She was at least half a foot taller than me, with soft supple skin
only just concealing the taut muscles underneath like snakes hiding under
silk sheets. A perfect hourglass shape telling me I'd be spending all my
time with her...her eyes blazing almost as brightly as my step-father's,
her full haughty lips wearing a similar smirk. I didn't understand how a
kept sissy could be so cocky...until I looked down and saw what she kept in
her black silk panties. Even soft she was bigger than wonder she
walked around in black lingerie while her sissyters hid their shame under
skirts. I looked at her and knew she was more woman than I'd ever dreamed
of...and maybe more man. I had to break her. My finger trembling, I pointed
her out to my step-father, who almost seemed begrudgingly impressed with my

As usual, his booming voice made me flinch, which was hardly the reaction I
wanted to have to his announcement "Byron has chosen a slave. Let all
present acknowledged that Isabella now belongs to Byron, for so long as he
shall have her. Every inch of her body belongs to him, and only he may
decide how it shall be used. Anyone that touches his slave without
permission will have to answer to me. Is it so agreed?"

A jarring "YES!" explodes from the crowd in unison, and I jumped a little
before I collected myself and walked up to my step-father. My hands shook
as I reached for the collar that would claim my prize. "Comport yourself,
Byron. You are a man now. Act like one." His words steeled my resolve, with
a staggering amount of effort, I managed to still my nerves and look him
right in the eyes as I took my collar. It was beautiful...jewel encrusted,
it caught the light magically, forming a halo around Isabella's neck as I
reached up to clasp it in place, sealing her fate as my slave...and as it
turns out, sealing my fate as her master.

There was perfunctory applause as I led her out of the room, first
attaching a leash to the golden ring on her collar, and then pulling her
out the door. Every step I felt a firm little tug. As if she was telling me
that I couldn't budge her if she didn't allow it. I pushed the thought out
of my mind. I was in charge here. I fucking OWNED her...and I planned on
proving it all night long. The walk to my room was a long, torturous
one. My anxious excitement seeming to swell inside me with every step. For
a second, I thought I might throw up again, but the sight of Dale's boyish
face scrunched up in a jealous pout calmed me down some. He was the runt of
the litter, about my height, maybe a little taller, but slender as a
reed. I tossed him a friendly shit eating grin, knowing he wouldn't dare
talk down to me again after this. With a spring of confidence propelling me
forward with each step, I finally reached my door. This was turning
back...I had to prove I was just as much a man as this new family that had
stolen my birthright.

I opened the door for Isabella and waited impatiently for her to step
inside. She just stared at he haughtily, as if she was just barely
supressing laughter. "wuh wuh cough Why aren't you going inside? You are my
slave. You have to do what I say." Even after my sputtering start, I'd
hoped to sound authorative, commanding. Instead I ended up sounding
plaintive and petulant, but Isabella responded as if she didn't notice.

"Forgive me, young Master, but a sissy is not permitted to enter the room
before a man. However, if you so order, I will dutifully breach this custom
for you." Her formal tone belied her bemusement at my ignorance.

I felt blood rush to my face at dizzying speed, managing to bluster, "I
knew that. I was just testing you!" I stormed inside and yanked on her
leash with all my might, feeling it go taut in my hand, almost pulling me
back. Then I felt it go slack as she decided to step forward. I stood
speechless as I stared at her, my mouth slack as I tried to imagine a
scenario in which I could tame her. Nothing came to mind, so I decided to
wing it and hope for the best, closing the door behind us and locking it
tight. Locking her in with me...or was I locking myself in with her? It was
all so confusing. I'd always considered myself powerful, because I could
get anything I wanted just by asking for it...but now, face to face with
desire itself...I felt powerless. She was so beautiful, so confident, so
wild...I knew I had to make the first move...but I didn't know what it
should be...finally I couldn't stand the tension any longer. I reached up,
taking her head in my hands, and pulled her forcefully down into a
passionate kiss.

Or at least, I tried too...I ended up pulling her nose down into my eye,
making me stumble back onto the floor, hearing her musical laughter fill
the room. It sounded like a champagne toast amongst the demons in Hell. I
was crestfallen, humiliated, and when crossed over to the room and sat on
my bed, her legs spread wide to reveal her silk encased hardness, I was
strangely hungry.

"Well, young Master, it appears we have a bit of a problem. It appears you
have a perfectly good sissy, and you don't know what to do with her. Or
maybe, you know exactly what you want to do with her..." she stood up, then
bent over to pull off her panties, slowly, one smooth curvaceous leg at a
time, her breasts hanging perilously low, threatening to spill out of her
bra any moment. She sat back, down her cock standing proudly at
attention. It had to be at least seven inches, twice the size of mine. I'd
always tried to tell myself I was "almost average" but looking at this
curvaceous concubine with a cock that dwarfed mine, I knew the truth...

"Strip" she said flatly. It wasn't a request. A blush caressed my cheeks as
I found myself obeying her without question. I tried to compose
myself. After all, I did have to take my clothes off to fuck it
wasn't really like I was letting her boss me around...or so I told
myself. But when she saw me naked, her laughter cut down any teetering
bravado I had left...

"Oh my...isn't that the cutest little thing? Now I know why you picked
me. You wanted to see what a real cock looked like, didn't you? Or
maybe...what it TASTES like?" She began openly stroking her cock with one
hand while holding her panties up in the other, a precious pearl of precum
formed on her cockhead. I licked my lips involuntarily, only noticing it
when I heard her cruel playful laughter. I buried my face in my hands,
wishing I was dead. How could things have gone so terribly wrong? I just
wanted to prove I was a real man...and I was proving was that I wasn't as
manly as my sissy slave...

"Oh no need to blush. I'm a kept sissy, your private plaything. You don't
have to pretend to be a man around me. You can be the delicate little fawn
you were born to be. And with a sissy, you never have to feel
ashamed. Unless, being degraded by your big dick sissy slave was what you
have in mind..." I hear a whimper escape my parted lips, and cup my hand to
my mouth to stifle it, but it's too late...

"Ooh looks like I hit the bullseye there. Is that it, would you like me to
hit your "bullseye", young Master? Or do you prefer young Mistress?" I
squirmed on the floor, feeling smaller and more vulnerable than I ever had
before. I couldn't understand it...I didn't want these things...I wanted
to be manly, strong...not the soft little fawn I looked like...but when she
talked to me like that, I felt something melt inside me, something sweet
and sticky and oh so was like she was putting these ideas in my
head, branding them onto my brain, so that they seemed like something I'd
wanted all along, but just couldn't admit...

"Tell you what? Why don't I show you how to put on your makeup so you can
see how beautiful you really are? And then you can smear your lipstick all
over my cock. And if you don't fill my panties with your sissy squirts,
I'll even show you how to fuck a sissy so you can feel all tough and

Every word dripped into my ear like poisoned honey, so sweet, so deadly...I
wanted to say no...even Hell no...but all I could manage was "buh buh
nuh..." And that didn't seem to convince her of my manliness...

"But I warn you. If you spill so much as a drop of your dirty boi cream
inside my silken soft panties, I'll give you the spanking a pampered brat
like you has been pining for all your life. And then I'll teach you how to
get fucked like a sissy." This was too much...I couldn't let her fuck
me...I was the man...the Master. I told myself to walk over there and slap
the smile off her face, but when I heard her say..."Ohh the crawling is a
nice touch." I knew I was lost...

Suddenly I was staring up at her, her cock looming before me like some
profane monument, a monument surrounded by the hills and valleys of
Paradise...her balls so smooth and hairless, everything about her seemed
soft and inviting, from her long, luscious legs, her torso danced like a
velvet python, her breasts swayed hypnotically...every inch of her soft and
demure, but hiding a strength that made me tremble and quiver and kneel...

A stinging pain brought tear to my eyes and I hear a loud thunderclap. "Bad
sissy! I told you make up first, cock second." I realized with a cringe
that my sissy had just slapped the smile off of MY face and that up until a
second ago, I had been absent mindedly stroking her cock...I felt so I didn't see the point in fighting it as she led me over
to my full length mirror and sat me in a chair. "Close your eyes, I want
you to see yourself for the first time, but only when I'm finished."

Her voice had a surprising tenderness to it now, so I meekly accepted her
commands, trusting I was in good hands. It seemed like an eternity that my
face was teased and tantalized, caressed and covered, my mind imagining
what I might look like. Certainly I would look ridiculous, I told
myself. Sure, I was short for a man, and I never could seem to grow much in
the way of facial hair, but I was still a man. My features weren't that
feminine, were they? My light blonde hair might make my down body hair seem
nonexistent...but it was there...surely I'd look silly in her clothing,
like a boy playing dress up. God, how I wished to look ridiculous..."You
can open your eyes now, precious..."

A half choked sob fell from my painted lips, pouty bee-stung lips, now
fetchingly glossy and pink. My cherubic cheeks blushing so brightly that
the rouge was almost unnecessary. My sea blue eyes wide and wet and
suddenly covered in come hither lashes. My scruffy Devil may care hair cut
now resembling a cutesy tom boy look, only accentuating what was already so
obviously feminine to begin with. Soft, strong hands pulled me up, holding
me as I stared in stunned silence as she beckoned me to slip into her soft
panties, the silk stirring my already throbbing erection, the lace rubbing
maddeningly against the top of my diminutive member. I felt so inadequate
standing next to her, and for reasons that were far more frightening. I
found my ass almost filled her panties up, and instead of being horrified
to learn I had a bubble butt, I was worried she's notice I didn't measure
up to her curves. When he bra cups hung empty against my chest, I couldn't
help feel insecure about my chest...worse still, what started as curious
inspection turned into me pawing myself as I panted in front of the

"That's enough of that, sissy. If you want to get off over how pretty you
look, do it on your own time. I want to see those pretty pink lips drooling
all over my cock, not all over your chin." I meekly nodded, embarrassed
that I made myself drool and yet also confusingly proud. She pushed lightly
but firmly on my shoulders, and I knew what was expected of me. I lowered
to my knees, her cock brushing up against my cheek. A slight hint of musk
mixing with her intoxicatingly sweet perfume, making me dizzy and hungry
and horny..."It's not a puppy, so don't just cuddle with it. Suck it!"

"I...I...I don't know how..." I stammered shamefully, both because I can't
please her and because I'm trying to be a good little cocksucker in the
first place. But before I can reconsider, she slaps her cock aside my face
making me yelp in surprise...

"It's not cocket science! Sigh...little rich bitch hasn't ever had to work
a day in her life. I guess it's no surprise you aren't good at
anything. Fine, forget it. Just take all of this off and I'll jerk you off
or something...Master." I couldn't believe it...I really was a failure at
everything...not good enough to be a man...or a sissy. Well, I didn't see
much hope in proving myself as a man from this position, and since I was
dressed for the part, I dove down to her feet, kissing and suckling her
toes, desperate to prove myself as a sissy at least...

"Please, Mistress! I beg you! Please teach me! I promise to listen and I'll
do whatever you say!" I looked up hopefully, my fear momentarily
overwhelming any fleeting feelings of dignity or self worth. And the answer
I saw practically dripping from her lustful look of condescension made it
all seem worthwhile.

"Very well. Since you asked so nicely. You can start by giving it a soft
kiss on the head and thanking me for letting you suck my beautiful cock..."
I stare at it for a second, my mouth watering at the sight of it. I didn't
know what to think, did this make me gay? It couldn't, not when it was
attached to such a vision of femininity. But I couldn't deny the allure of
it...and I had to know...

I closed my eyes and placed a gentle kiss on her cock head. I was surprised
at how smooth it was, almost spongy, not nearly as hard as the root
appeared to be. It felt so warm and virile against my lips, and before I
could even think about it, my tongue darted out of my mouth to slurp of the
pearl of precum I'd been coveting for what felt like an eternity. She
tasted of an almost pungent saltiness, like some rare cheese or other
exotic delicacy. I wondered what was in it that made my heart race and my
head swim. I felt almost drunk, but also keyed up beyond was
like I discovered the perfect d**g..."Thamph youph!" I mumbled around her
cock as I took her head in my mouth and began nursing like a greedy babe,
eager for more drops of her nutty nectar.

I whimpered as she pulled me off her cock by the hair, my tongue thrust out
for just one more lick. I looked up at her pleadingly, wondering why she
wouldn't let me have my treat..."I didn't tell you to suck it yet,
sissy. You have to romance it first. I should punish you for this, but I
like your enthusiasm, so I'll let you off with a warning. You are not to so
much as breathe on my cock without permission, is that clear?"

I felt so humiliated...but what could I do? Even if she was my sissy, I
couldn't exactly order her to let me suck her just didn't feel
right on my tongue. But her cock sure did...and at that moment, I would
have said anything to feel it again...."Yes, Mistress! Anything you say!"

"Mmm...Mistress...I like that. Very well, First off, show my adorable
little balls some love and suckle one and then the other. Then take your
tongue and run it from base to head. Then you may give it another kiss..."

I didn't wait a heartbeat before nuzzling my face between her soft thighs,
feeling them hug my face tighter as I took her left ball in my mouth first,
sucking it as I ran my tongue slavishly around it trying to taste every
inch, to suck up every bit of sweet salty musk..."nnh That's not bad, but
try rolling your tongue a little slower...that's better, now work it around
my testsissycles in a sloooow circle...ah the other one..." I
listened intently to every word, wanting to be the perfect cocksucker for
her. I wasn't sure why I needed her approval so badly, but I knew that it
was the first time I had to struggle for anything, and I didn't want to
fail. I could feel her cum surging in her sissy sack, I sucked harder, as
if I hoped I could drain it right from the source..."ooh Okay, enough of
that. Now give my cock a tongue bath..."

I ran my tongue across her scrotum, then up against that comely crevice
where her cock met her balls. I slooooowly ran my tongue across the bottom
of her prick, savoring every sizzling inch, forcing myself to go slow, to
follow instructions when all I wanted was to devour the delicacy that kept
tantalizing me with it's robust flavor. When I finally reached her cock, I
was rewarded with another drop of her pre-perfection, lapping it up in a
passionate french kiss, barely managing to pull myself off so that I could
receive my next instructions. "What do I do next, Mistress?"

" I have to explain every little thing to you? Alright, you stupid
little sissy. See this here?" She rubbed her cock across my lips drawing a
sickly moan, "This is a cock. And this..." she forced her cock past my soft
lips pushing a wet whimper back into my mouth, "is your cock hole. The
cock..." she pulled her cock out of my mouth, and rubbed it on my lips,
bringing me to the verge of tears, "goes in the cock hole..." she pushed in
again and I let out a contented sigh as I began sucking her spongy mushroom
head in earnest. Until..."And the wetter the cock is, the easier it will
slide in and out of the cock hole..." she pulled out one more time, this
time slapping my cheek with an embarrassing wet smack. "So slobber all over
my cock, you spoiled princess punk ass!"

I squirmed under her cruel insults, but it only made me more desperate to
please her. I ran my tongue up and down her cock, swooning at the taste and
texture, falling in love with every vein that throbbed against my tongue,
my lips clamped tightly to her flesh giving her horny wet hickeys, hoping
any moment she would say..."Hmmph. Well I guess that will have to do." Well
that wasn't exactly what I hoped she'd say, but it was close enough. And
when she leaned down bringing her lips kissably close to mine, my wildest
hopes were exceeded. I just knew lips would taste even better than her
cock...and that was saying something. So when she told me to open my mouth,
I closed my eyes and waited for my first kiss ever...

"Ptuii" a thick, wet glop of spit hit my tongue and slid down my throat
before I could even process what happened. Isabella's less than romantic
explanation "Lube." left me reeling. She really was treating me like
nothing more than a cockhole. Me, once an heir to a massive fortune, a man
no one ever dared say no to, now having his throat lubed by his own
personal sissy. So why did it feel like the spit sizzled against my brain?
Whirring a mile a minute and ready to blow, I was far too stimulated to
make sense of the sensations, much less why they felt so good. And when she
said "Now suck my cock, you fucking sissy bitch." I ceased thinking all

At first all I could do was fit as much of it in my mouth as possible and
suck as hard as I could, running my tongue along every scrumptious inch I
could reach. But I realized that she was expecting more than a sloppy
suck. I slowed down, moving my head in a corkscrew motion on her cock as I
ran my tongue across the head, flicking her pee hole to get at the gooey
goodness dripping off of it. I heard a slight moan and felt prouder than I
ever had in my life. I moved my tongue below her cock, undulating it
against her throbbing member as I took her deeper inside me. And when I
heard a full blown whimper, I could have died of happiness. I was starting
to work up a good rhythm, enjoying the many ways I could bring her pleasure
and draw out her imminent eruption.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror out of the corner of my eye. A
little flat chested, but breathtakingly beautiful, and with my skin shining
with a sheen of sweat and reddened with a fetching flush, I looked as
fuckable as any cocksucking succubus I ever dreamed up. I felt oddly
confident and self assured...that is until she grunted, "Deeper...NNH take
it all."

I was afraid she would want that...and I was sure I'd mess it up. I had the
worst gag reflex. I don't know what caused it, but even the slightest
tickle in my throat made it lurch...but I had to try. I focused all of my
attention to her blazing eyes, hoping to borrow the strength in them. I
felt her push against the back of my throat, and for a second I felt her
hardness slide past my tonsils...then I sputtered and coughed and squelched

" was barely even in. Spoiled little shit. You finally get me
all horned up with a passable blow job, and then you can't even finish me
off with your tight throat. Oh God...are you going to cry now? Don't you
know there's nothing more annoying than a crying sissy?"

It's funny, up until that moment, I really was going to cry. Weep even,
baby girl bawls were going to tear through my frail frame leaving me a
shaking, sobbing, snotty mess. But instead, I pulled myself together enough
to say. "No, Mistress. I can do it. See! It's all lubed up now." I cooed,
pointing out the sticky strands of snot and spittle coating her cock after
I gagged all over it. I didn't know how, and I was almost certain it would
kill me, but I had to try...

I gave her beautiful prick a long lingering kiss...for luck, and then I
pushed it past my throat, past every natural urge in my body, past every
instinct I ever had as a man, past every fear and insecurity and doubt I
ever had...and once I got it about halfway down my throat, reality kicked
in and I gagged even worse than before. My entire body seized up in
paralytic terror...painted tears streamed down my face, and I was sure I
was going to die a miserable failure until I heard "nnh Yessss sssooo

A shotgun blast of sissy spunk coated my battered throat, calming me
immediately as some infantile instinct kicked in and I milked the rest of
her cum from her cock with my throat. Through the tears, she shimmered,
looking like a living angel, the Goddess of Love. I could feel her orgasm
rocket through me, making every loving inch of me shiver and spasm in
response. I thought for a second that my throat actually came, and as she
pulled out and the oxygen returned to my brain I remembered that it was her
cum sliding down my throat, filling me up, pooling in my mouth...

It tasted so much better than the pre-confection, richer and stronger and
filled with the ecstatic joy of her release. I think I purred a little when
she wiped the last of it on my cheek. It felt like a perfect kiss, hot, wet
and lingering long after it's over. I stared up blissed out, blank and
still buzzing from the filthy fucked up excitement of it all. She finally
broke my reverie, "C minus. Too eager, to obvious, and too shallow. But I
can see potential in you. If you pay attention, I can teach you to be a
world class cocksucker." I shifted uncomfortably in a mix of shame and
pride. Both in only barely making my marks, and in wanting to in the first
place. As my cock high faded, all the shame and self recrimination started
to come crashing down on me. I had just sucked a cock! And I fucking loved
it! That made me a in forever. How was I ever going to look
a man in the face ever again? I was wrestling between never doing this ever
again and cursing myself for licking my lips to get one last
taste. Finally, Isabella broke through my cloud of confusion, lifting my
heads to hers, and giving me a soft kiss on the lips.

I felt that same spark hit my lips when her cock spread them wide, shorting
out my self loathing for a moment and leaving me open mouthed, lost in her
eyes. I could have sworn I even saw gentleness in them for a moment when
she said..."Now, are you ready to learn how to fuck a s*s-" and then the
gentleness was vaporized in a white hot blaze..."What the fuck?! Did you
cum in my panties?"

I was about to protest, but before I could protest my innocence, she
dragged me across the room by my hair, and through the pain and fear, I
noticed the stickiness between my legs and felt my gut lurch...

We finally reached a chair across the room. She let go of my hair long
enough to sit down, and the white hot needles stabbing at my scalp let up
for a moment. I looked up at her tearfully, hopeful for a sign of
reprieve...but she just looked at me expectantly. "Well, what are you
waiting for? Stand up and take those soiled panties off. It's time for your
spanking." I couldn't believe my all seemed so unreal. How had
things gone so wrong so fast? Couldn't I put a stop to this? Even if I was
a cocksucker, I was still a man. I was still her master, technically
anyway...wasn't I?

But I didn't feel like her Master...and I didn't feel like a man. I felt
like a naughty little boy...and that was being generous...Maybe it was
because she was so unflinching, maybe it was because she looked so
ravishing when she was furious, or maybe it was just because I had never
had a spanking in my life...and I really was due for one. Whatever the
reason, I bent over her lap meekly, my ass totally heart
racing a mile a minute, my cock threatening to stir against her soft creamy
skin...I shuddered and pushed the image out of my mind, not wanting to make
more trouble for myself.

"Now, there's nothing more annoying than a sissy that can't control herself
when she's being spanked and screams and sobs...but since this is your
first time, I'll let you cheat. Here, put this in your mouth..." She handed
me my cum stained panties, and with every ounce of me screaming not to, I
put it in my mouth. The taste wasn't as exciting tasted like shame
and failure.

I flinched when I felt her hand on my back, which drew a little giggle from
her. "A little advice, sweety" she said stroking my ass, making me squirm
against her hand..."try not to anticipate the blow too much. If you don't
think about..." THWACK!!!

I heard my muffled cry before I felt it, a thunderclap of pain striking my
soft sensitive skin. Before I could process this unique and novel sensation
of agony, another blow came crashing down. THWACK!!! I bit down on my
creamy panties, swallowing a scream sideways. I tried to fight back tears
as I feel the throbbing start to sink in from my skin down to my very
core...I couldn't imagine enduring another "I know it's your first time, so
we'll make it an easy ten..."

I'd never faced such a daunting task, but something told me that if I had
to, that it was didn't matter that it didn't make sense, or
that I didn't really have a choice in the matter anyway. At that moment,
all I cared about was taking my spanking like a man. THWACK!!! THWACK!!!

Agony is just a word, nothing, nothing in my 21 years of pampered privilege
had come close to preparing me for pain on this nature. It was an epiphany
of torment. If a spanking hurt this much...what would it feel like if she
really decided to hurt me? I realized that I would be powerless to stop her
if she did...and somehow, that realization felt freeing somehow. If I was
so weak as to be completely outmatched by a sissy, why fight back at all?
Why struggle to be a real man when it was so clearly impossible. Why not
try to strive for a goal I might actually achieve? I knew that if only I
could endure the rest of the spankings, I would have atoned for my
transgressions, and I would have proven myself to Isabella...

THWACK!!! THWACK!!! THWACK!!!THWACK!!! Hell rained down a fiery vengeance
on my poor innocent ass. I sucked on my panties like a babe, finding some
comfort in the creamy taste. I writhed against Isabella's legs, trying to
feel some softness, hoping it would dampen the pain that seemed branded
permanently into my flesh. I could barely breathe...there wasn't an
untouched inch on my tortured tushy. It looked and felt like an overripe
tomato ready to burst. I didn't know how I could survive another strike...I
just knew I HAD to...


It exploded before my eyes, a constellation of brilliant colors danced
before me as my mind seized from trying to process the overwhelming rush of
sensations flooding it. I felt detached from myself, as if it where someone
else writhing on the lap of their sissy slave, begging her for forgiveness,
promising to be good from now on...

It was only when I felt her soft hands rubbing lotion onto my cheeks that I
started to become aware of my surroundings again. Every nerve was raw and
frazzled, making the slightest contact send shivers throughout my body. I
couldn't fathom why it felt so good. Was it the adrenaline and endorphins
pumping in my veins in response to my torment? Or was it merely the joyous
relief that it was over? Maybe I was just proud to have taken my
punishment. Whatever it was, I noticed with a blush how hard I was against
her soft legs, and then she noticed too, saying, "Ooh it looks like someone
needed that spanking more than she new? Have you been waiting for a big
strong mommy to make you behave?"

Of course I wasn't. The very idea was ridiculous...until I heard her
whisper it into my ear...and then it seemed so obvious. So...right. It
didn't even occur to me to object when she slid a well lubed finger up my
virgin asshole...

"EEP!" a mousy little squeal managed to work its way past my now clean
panties much to the delight of my 'mommy'. "Tee hee that's so cuuuuute. My
little gurl loves having her pussy fingered does she? She could have been
fucking me right now, but instead she was such a naughty slut she couldn't
even give a blowjob with out squirting. Or maybe, she wanted to get
spanked...maybe she wanted to get that it pretty gurl, do you
want to get fucked?"

As she teased me with her sing song voice, she did even worse with her
finger, sliding it inside me, moving it around causing sharp pangs to bite
into me as she strecthed my virgin hole. I wanted to tell her to stop, that
I didn't like this, but then she found a spot inside me that hit that same
spark her cock had hit on my lips, only inside me this time, and much much
stronger. Was she right? Did I love it? "NooOOoOooOOOhhhh!"

"Heh heh Well I'll take that as a yes. And if you love one finger, imagine
how TWO will feel?" Another finger slid inside me, sending an almost
welcome stab of pain. I wanted it to hurt, I'd rather it was agonizing than
the shamefully confusing jolts of pleasure. It should have hurt, nothing
was supposed to slide up my ass. I was a man, and I was glad that this felt
so unnatural, so wrong...but that was until her fingers found that spot
again, and doubled the voltage racing to my brain, tickling every inch of
my writhing body all the way up to my brain, overloading it, rewiring it,
until her fingers felt so right...

"Pleasssse muh muh muh more!" the words fell half formed from my lips,
along with my damp panties. I couldn't help myself. I didn't want to want
it...but I needed it...she was touching something inside me that I never
knew existed...something I knew shouldn't exist, something that filled me
with roiling waves of hot shame. But the more she tickled and teased it,
the more my asshole started to transform into the pussy she kept calling
it. Every nerve came alive, ignoring the pain and drowning the shame in an
ocean of boiling bliss. It was so confusing, the only way to escape the
shame and doubt was to allow myself to get beg for do
anything to feel more...

"Well since you asked so nicely..." she added a third finger, laughed as I
bucked my hips back to get her deeper inside me, to feel her fuck me
faster, harder...wincing past the pain and reveling in the chemical
cocktail that took me higher and higher the more I hurt myself to get at
the ooey gooey goodness buried inside me. In a way, the spanking had
helped, it had stripped me bare, beating down my inhibitions and
squeamishness and preparing me for the pain of penetration, planting the
pervasive seed that if I accepted my punishment, something beautiful would
happen. I felt like my trust was vindicated when she managed to write four
of her skilled little fingers inside me, opening me up, readying me for the
main course...and then I felt the profound emptiness of an unfilled asshole
when she pulled her fingers out and waited for me to beg. I must have held
out all of three seconds...

"Pluh pluh pleaaasssse...I want your cuh cuh cock!" I struggled to spit out
every word, a sloppy stuttering mess, begging to get fucked. So beaten down
and horned up that the degrading depravity of it only turned me on even
more. She smiled as she peeled me off her lap dragging me back over to the
mirror and pushing me down to my knees. She was going to make me watch
myself lose my virginity...I closed my eyes to block out the image of the
cum splattered sissy, make up ruined, face flush and panting like a bitch
in heat, but one glimpse was enough to forever burn the image on my

"Open your eyes, slut. I don't want you to miss a second of this." She
grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked it excruciatingly hard, forcing my
eyes wide open so I could watch as she rubbed her cock up and down my ass
crack, so I could see my ass as it wriggled hungrily against it, so I could
see the face of pure lust and total submission as I surrendered my asshole
to her cock. The pain was worse than the was punishing me
from the inside, where I was much more tender and vulnerable. But her
fingers had loosened me up...and once I stopped fighting it, she slid in
slowly but without resistance, my pussy wet and ready from her magic
fingers. I moaned as she slid further and further into me, never imagining
I could take this much inside me. Inch by inch, she opened me up, reshaping
my body to fit her cock. All massive seven inches, and at least an inch or
so thick. I guess that doesn't seem so big in retrospect, but it was a damn
sight bigger than mine, and to my inexperienced hole, it felt MASSIVE.

So when I finally felt her soft hips caressing my sore cheeks, I felt a
surge of relief and pride like I'd never experienced before. Starting with
that special spot inside me, traveling up my spine, melting it as the
electricty coursed up my body, kissing me all over, finally it reached the
puddle of bubbling gleeful goo that had replaced my brain, sending back the
signal throughout by body in the form of a euphoric birdlike wail, setting
my lungs ablaze and traveling to my quivering limbs, dropping me face down
on the floor as my body flopped like a dying fish, finally it reached my
clit, which blossomed into a flower of paradise, it's nectar coating my
legs in spurt after hot hedonistic spurt.

"Oh my, I haven't even started fucking you and you already came. Hee hee I
think I'm going to like being your slave..." she finished her taunts by
pulling out slowly, every vein and contour of her cock fucking me in
reverse, my pussy clamping down possessively to feel it tighter, harder
against me. She must have taken this as her cue, because she thrust back
into me, making me wail again, a scream that must have pierced the Heavens
and made the angels jealous of my hallelujah fuck earlier orgasm
stretched out to one long continuous throb, the pulse of her cock radiating
throughout by body, turning it into a sensitive overstimulated clit from
the inside out. I was incoherent, giddy, seeing myself for the first time
in the mirror and wishing I could fuck the depraved slut staring back at me
with glazed eyes and her mouth agape, drooling all over herself like the
little a****l she was...I realized it was me in the few flashes of sanity I
had, but that just made me want to fuck her harder...

I was going insane, my mind, body and soul fucked on a level I had never
dreamed possible. I was sputtering nonsense. "Please, fuck me harder,
Mommy. I'll be a good girl, just please spank me with your cock,
Mistress. Yessss! Mistress! Mommy! Mommy Mistress MommEEEEEEEE!" My Mommy
Mistress laughed at my gibberish and pulled me off her cock, giggling as I
sobbed for her to put it back in. I cooed like a babe when she sat down and
motioned me to sit in her lap, penetrating myself on her cock while she
enveloped me in her silky strong arms...

I felt so close to her like this, she was inside me, filling me with her
love, but also around me, smothering me in her softness. She kissed my
neck, my ears, and finally, when I turned my head to moan appreciatively,
full on my open lips. She shoved her tongue down my eager mouth, my own
tongue sliding against her as she penetrated my mouth again and again, even
as her cock plowed wet sticky spasm after hot throbbing burst
inside. Eventually I couldn't take anymore. It was more of a seizure than
an orgasm at this point, a true love heart attack, a stroke of luck, as I
heard my chest pounding harder and harder, my heart threatening to
burst..finally it did, erupting from my clit in a clear stringy explosion,
dying and being reborn with every breath as my pussy milked every last drop
of her cum from her cock. I collapsed back into her arms, feeling brain
dead and beautiful and praying I could hold on to the feeling as long as
possible. But even as I tried to drift off into merciful u*********sness in
her arms, I heard the pounding louder than ever. Only I realized I was
mistaken before. It wasn't my heart...IT WAS THE DOOR!


The door splintered as it was hurled step-father's massive frame
charged into the room, no doubt curious as to why he heard two sissies
moaning in my room instead of one. He stood there, his wide shoulders
shaking with rage, his face a death mask of hateful disgust. Waiting for me
to say something, anything to explain why I was made up like a sissy,
sitting on my sissy's cock, coated in her cum...

"I...I...I fell?" Somehow, I don't think it was very convincing...

There I was, still impaled on a shemale's cock, one belonging to what was
supposed to be my sissy slave, wearing her bra, her cum on my cheek along
with my post-fuck smeared make-up, and my cum running down the full length
mirror. "I fell" wasn't the best explanation for what happened, but it was
all I could think of with my step-father's hulking frame looming over me. I
knew I was fucked...well more fucked than already, but I still hoped for
some miracle to save me.

"You...fell? I'm not even going to begin to catalog the many reasons that
is the most insultingly stupid lie I have ever heard. I'll give you one
more chance to tell me the truth, and then I'll ask Isabella. And, Byron,
you had better believe she will tell me the truth, so lie at your own

I didn't know what to tell him. I was so ashamed, every doubt and
reservation I had before my mind seemed to shut down came screaming back at
me. I just wanted to crawl in a hole and hide from his contemptuous eyes
forever. But I knew I couldn't hide from those blazing eyes, they'd scorch
the earth to find me, and when they did...I shuddered to think of the
countless ways he could hurt me, and my entire shameful story came spilling

I tried to explain it in a way that didn't paint me as a natural born
sissy, tried to explain that all I wanted to do was to prove I was a real
man, but it's hard to do when explaining how your personal sissy slut
seduced you, sissied you up. mouth fucked you, spanked you, fingered you,
and fucked the cum out of you. What I finally managed to stammer out as a
final flimsy explanation was "I'm sorry...she's just so much more
experienced than me. I shouldn't have let her trick me...but I swear, none
of this was my idea and I never would have done any of it if she hadn't
gotten me so mixed up."

As excuses go, it was pretty pathetic, and it didn't exactly make me a
candidate for man of the year, but at least it didn't paint me as the
sissiest sissy that ever sissied, and I hoped that might be enough. Even I
could believe it if I tried hard enough. All that was left to do was wait
and see if this immovable mass of malice would accept it. "Well, Isabella,
is this true? Was this your doing?"

She had already slipped out of me and crawled over to his feet, curled up
around his legs like a kitten. I wondered where this submissiveness was
when I needed it most, but mostly I wondered if she'd sell me out to save
her own downy soft skin..."Yes, Master. I seduced the confused little
virgin, and it was sooooo easy. I know it was bad, but please forgive me,
Master. He's just so cuuuuute."

I heaved a sigh of relief that quickly turned into a horrified gasp as my
step-father savagely kicked Isabella in the stomach, knocking the breath
out of her and making her curl up into a tight little ball of pain. I tried
to say something, to beg him to stop, to tell him it wasn't really her
fault, anything to stop him from hurting her. But I couldn't
breathe. Finally I saw her stirring again, looking up at him with a manic
smile, her eyes glazed over with lust..."Thank you for punishing this
worthless slave, Master. Please, hurt me some more...I deserve to be

It was so strange...this was the same sissy that had me completely twisted
around her little finger...and then shoved it up my ass. But around Darren,
she seemed to get off on being slapped around and put in her place. Is that
why she teased and toyed with me? Was she just fucking with me to get me to
push back? I started looking at her in a whole new light, and from the
perspective she wasn't quite so cute. Maybe it was just easier to blame her
than to accept what I let her do to me, but anger felt so much better than
guilt, so I nursed on it like a baby...

"Hmm...Normally I'd have both of you in stocks for a week with a fuck
machine pounding your ass the entire time. But perhaps you have a point,
Byron. Isabella was just being Isabella, and maybe I could have done more
to prepare you for the world of Men. So I'll let this pass this one time
and we shall never speak of it again. But I warn you Byron, by marriage or
blood, I will have no sissy carry my name. Do you understand?" His rage
seemed to have tempered, but that just left him rigid as cast steel. It was
all I could do to nod without shivering.

"Good, because you know I don't like to repeat myself. Now, I want you to
pay close attention, because I am about to teach you how to keep your sissy
in line." His tone iwas just as calm as if he were talking about changing
the oil, and with the same casual authority, he pulls Isabella up by her
hair until she has to stand on her tippy toes to avoid being lifted into
the air by her thick luxurious locks. He pulled her into a savage kiss,
practically swallowing her mouth with his. There was no affection to it, no
romance, he was merely claiming her mouth as his own personal hole. And for
her part, she seemed all too willing to surrender it, her eyes rolling back
in her head as she passively accepted him r****g her mouth...

I heard a pathetic little yelp as he dropped her to the ground, saw her
crumpled on the floor looking up at him with slavish devotion. I knew I
couldn't toss her around like Darren could, she was taller than me and
everything. But as I saw her running her tongue over his wingtips, sucking
on the tips, her eyes glued to his the entire time, I knew I wanted to make
her do the same to me. I wanted to make her pay...and I wasn't going to
miss a single second of this hands on demonstration on exactly how to do

"You're sucking the wrong tip, bitch." He pulls her up by her hair again,
twisting it in his hand so that she can't budge with out losing a fistful
of hair right from her sensitive scalp. With her lips right at the top of
his pants, he says, "your smart mouth got you into this trouble, let's see
if it's smart enough to get you out." I stared in perplexed nervousness
wondering how she could possibly free his cock just using her mouth. I
almost started feeling sorry for her, I know she probably would have been
giggling if our roles were reversed, but I just get squeamish when I see
someone in pain. Maybe because I can't help but imagine what it would feel
like. I held my breath, hoping for a miracle...

"The fuck..." I closed my hand over my mouth, not wanting to interupt with
another outburst. But I could barely contain myself. She was using her
teeth to bite the slack of his belt and moving her head ever so slightly to
work it out a little bit at a time. I couldn't stifle a gasp as she finally
got it loose, but my step-father seemed unimpressed...

"Today would be nice." he said with a yawn. I couldn't believe it, this was
the hottest, most submissive human pet trick I'd ever seen, and he was
treating it like it was chore to watch. Again I felt sorry for her against
my better judgment, hoping he'd acknowledge her skill as she bit down on
his pant's button and worked it through the eyelet by tilting her head. But
he just looked at her with frustrated boredom. Finally she took the zipper
in her teeth, whimpering as she tried to move her head down just a little
further, just far enough to free his cock, but he wouldn't give her an
inch...or twelve as the case may be.

She looked up in desperation, surrendering her pride once more as she
begged, "Please, Master, please move my stupid whore head down so I can get
to your cock. I'm too weak and pathetic to do it on my own." She had the
look of one who had to deliver this speech many times before. I wondered
how she still kept the fire in her eyes when my step-father doused her
flame with his callous games. I was remembering why I hated him, why I
feared him...why I'd do anything to prove myself to him. And when I saw him
move her head down with the zipper in her teeth as casual as if he were
just unzipping his pants, I understood the hopeless frustration Isabella
must have been feeling at that moment...

When she finally manage to unzip him, his cock sprang forth like a wild
b**st. I couldn't believe it...I never knew they could come that big...that
thick...I don't know how he could get a hard on that size and not pass out
from the loss of blood flow to his brain. Hell...I felt lightheaded just
looking at it. She seemed to be in a daze to, her mouth open so wide it
looked like her jaw had come unhinged. And then with out a moment's notice,
he crammed it in her throat, burying at least six inches down her gullet in
one ravaging thrust.

I held my hand to my throat, remembering how rough a few inches had felt,
unable to stop myself from imagining what it would be like in her
place...She gagged on his cock, even her well practiced throat unable to
take his full length dry. 'Luckily', her spit seemed to make the second
thrust a little easier, she managed to get two thirds of his massive member
before choking helplessly. This time he held her in place until her face
turned red, her eyes rolling back in her head...he snapped her out of it
with a hard cockslap to her face, and I couldn't help but imagine myself
moaning as I drooled all over myself just like she did...I shuddered as I
realized what I was imagining, and tried to force it from my mind...

Instead I tried to imagine myself as my step-father, now managing to bottom
out in her throat, and then yank her off me by her hair, holding her just
out of reach as she tried to get back on it, the veins in her neck looking
like they would burst any minute...and then slamming her right back onto
it. Before long it was a sloppy blur of spit and hair bobbing back and
forth on his prick. But try as I might, I couldn't see myself doing that to
anyone, even to the sissy that used and abused me. And even if I could
manage to keep her in line long enough to force her to suck my cock, even
if I ignored how much stronger she was than me, what would be the point? Is
forcing three and a half inches of hard meat really that demeaning?
Honestly I think it would just make her laugh...

But she wasn't laughing at Darren, she was too drunk off her own
humiliation. I didn't get it...even though I was the same way with her. Why
would anyone want to be treated that way? To be used like a cock sleeve? To
hear my step-father call me "A cock sucking sissy bitch, a cunt mouth
whore, that's it, fuck hole, get ready for my seed." I her
that...I got a little caught up in the moment. And when he finally pulled
her off and exploded in her face, coating her with a thick layer of white
mucousy shame, I had to bite my lower lip to prevent from whimpering along
with her.

My step-father looked right at me, but it felt more like he was looking
inside me, judging me silently. I opened my mouth to say something in my
defense, but I didn't even know what I had been accused of. Either way
nothing came out but a raspy breath. After an eternity of crushing silence,
he said. "So you see how you are supposed to get a blowjob from a
sissy. First and foremost, they should be the ones with a face full of
cum. And that's just the warm up..."

Isabella was hungrily sucking his balls as he gave me his lesson on
Master/sissy etiquette. She was clearly trying to get him hard again as
soon as possible, but I didn't see how that could be. If I sprayed that
much cum, I'd be dry for a week. Even with all the squirting I'd done
today, it wasn't half of his giant load. But to my everlasting horror, his
cock managed to rise in defiance of gravity and all that is
holy. Apparently, I was the only one surprised, as Isabella didn't blink
before turning around and hiking her ass in the air, wiggling it
invitingly...I imagined how lucky I would feel to be in his shoes right
now, to see someone as beautiful and confident as Isabella offering herself
to me so completely like that.

I guess he didn't feel so lucky, as he kicked her hard in the ass, sending
her in a tumbled heap onto the floor, just barely managing to keep wet,
jagged sobs at bay. "Undress me, you vapid cunt." I would have killed him
if he did that to me...well, I would have wanted to. But Isabella just
looked up totally apologetic and wasted no time pulling his clothes off and
neatly folding them before setting them aside. I guess it's easier to feel
guilty than angry after all, especially if the man you'd feel angry at
could snuff you out like a candle. If anything, that impotent rage would
only make me angrier at myself for being too weak to stop him. No, I'd much
rather convince myself I was wrong and work tirelessly to make it up to
him...if I was her I mean.

When he was completely nude, I couldn't help but notice his physique. He
had the body of a man half his age, if that man had a great fucking body
anyway. He was tall and wide, but virtually every inch of it was covered in
taut, bulging muscle. The only exception was a little looseness here and
there, as time couldn't be beaten down entirely. If anything, these minor
imperfections merely added to his appeal, as it gave him a kind of august
authority of a elder statesman. He had nothing to prove, he had already
forgotten more conquests than I ever dreamed of having. Every little
detail, from the wry wrinkles around the corner of his eyes, to the salt
peppered in his lush mane of chest hair, all of it painted the portrait of
a living legend. Not that I notice those kinds of things, but when it
stared me in the face, I just called it like I saw it.

He lifted her into the air like she was weightless, and I realized with a
blush that he could lift me even easier. She squealed with girlish glee at
the gravity defying rush of total helplessness. And then he shattered her
illusion, showing her the full weight of gravity as he let her sink down
onto his cock, moaning incoherently all the way until she nestled at the
root. Her arms were flung around his neck, her legs wrapped around his
hips. She had more Real Man inside her ass than I had inside of my entire
body, and of the two of them, it only made sense to put myself in her
place. After all, I'd never been balls deep inside a sissy, but I had felt
my asshole stretch and surrender to a superior cock, enduring the pain,
then ignoring it, and finally worshiping it, knowing it brought the
exquisite explosions of pleasure along with it.

But this...this was a cock of a whole different breed. This was no sissy
cock like I had been so impressed with earlier, this was a Real Man's cock,
and I just knew it would kill me if I ever tried to slide up and down it in
a furious flurry of whimpers, moans, and wet smacking the way Isabella
was. Not that she had any choice, the way my step-father manhandled her,
she was little more than a cum-rag doll for him to play with. But even
though she was being used with no regard to her comfort or pleasure, I
could tell she wouldn't give it up for the world. Maybe it was because she
had no choice in the matter. If she really had just held me down and ****d
me, would I feel so stomach churningly guilty about it as I did right then?
Or would I feel freed from all guilt and responsibility by the powerful
arms of my step-father. Using me so savagely, forcing me to love it,
enslaving me in his embrace, freeing me from reason and dignity and
manhood, making me a thing, not even a sissy really, just a long continuous
screaming orgasm. My head was swimming, I couldn't stop 'sympathizing' with
her, but I knew I had to try. I had to think about fucking her
instead. "Ha, I can see you like this, boy. Alright, come over here and get
a closer look. I want you to see her face when she offers her soul to me."

He put her on the ground and flipped her over uncerem

Same as Birthday Videos

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He heard the clicking of the metal stiletto's she was wearing coming into the room. He shook.... ?looking into the mirror in her walk in closet... bathed in a pink light.On his knees, bottom up, he could see himself, purple hair with pig tails, smokey eyes, whitish face foundation,? plastic face harness that made his lips into a perfect circle... all shiny pink and swollen with with puffing permanent lipstick she had painted on them... a thin rubber tube and inflation bulb coming out....?The...

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By: Vapidvector I recieved a phone call at work the day before my birthday a couple of years ago and it was my wife, Joy, informing me that she had a surprise in store for my birthday and to be sure to hurry home after work so we could get started. When I got home she had several suitcases packed and sitting by the door, ready to go. "Hurry and take your shower and get dressed. Mike and Laura will be here any minute," she informed me. "What's going on? Where are we going?" I...

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It was Friday, February 1st. Harry’s birthday. My birthday. And I was spending it with Louis. I’m turning 18. Louis is already 20; his birthday was on December 24. We had a veryfun night. I was anxious for the same to happen tonight. God, I love him to death. His brunette colored hair, tight jeans showing his erection all the time, vans sneakers, and usually band shirts.I pass through a crowd of people in the hall at school, getting glares. They knew. They knew I liked Lou and they knew it was...

1 year ago
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IT all started the day before my girlfriend 28th birthday. I asked her, " Baby, what do you want to do for your birthday ?" She had an very interesting idea on what to do for… IT all started the day before my girlfriend 28th birthday. I asked her, " Baby, what do you want to do for your birthday ?" She had an very interesting idea on what to do for her birthday. She was watching 50 shades of grey when she answered me. She said I want you to be my sex slave for the whole day. I laughed and...

1 year ago
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My Birthday: My wife Elizabeth and I used to have regular conversations as we were getting dressed or undressed which went something like this: Elizabeth would say, "Have I ever told you that I think that you would make a beautiful girl, Jack?" "Yes, you have. Can't you change the subject?" I would reply. "Not until you try it, Jacky," she would tease me. "Try what? I do not think any of the other wives you know treat their husbands in this way." But last year the night...

3 years ago
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Ch 1 I could not pay any attention at work; somehow, commodity futures were not as interesting as my upcoming birthday present. Lynette, my live-in girlfriend, promised me something special for my birthday. ?Something special? always means some new way for me to enjoy her luscious young body; last year, it meant her tight ass which she had always been afraid to give me. I wondered, thrill with anticipation what would it be this time, why did she need a whole weekend, and why did she go to our...

4 years ago
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A Birthday to Remember - Wife dominates him like never before.Ray spent the day before his birthday doing all of the things that he wanted. He started his day with a hard workout at the gym and a long soak in the steam room, and then proceeded to have a hearty breakfast at his favorite restaurant. He spent the rest of his morning shopping around his favorite shops before relaxing at a local theater. His wife Amy came along for the ride, and also enjoyed everything her husband had planned out....

2 years ago
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Well it all started months before my wife's birthday when the discussion came up as to what she wanted for her birthday. She told me that all she wanted was to get away with me for an intimate sex filled weekend somewhere since I had been working out of town so much.She wanted some place that we could just stay in and stay naked for the entire weekend and just enjoy each other and relax. I looked at my current schedule and picked the only weekend I had available and started looking for...

1 year ago
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Charlie opened the door and reached for the light. Nothing happened grumbling she wondered where her roommate was at this time of night. Reaching for the lamp she turned it on. The light came on and Charlie screamed as Jodi and their friends jumped out screaming surprise. Charlie looked around laughing as they sang happy birthday.Pulling her toward the kitchen the room decorated with streamers and balloons. Jodi proudly showed her the cake covered in little cock candles all waiting to be lit....

2 years ago
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I've realized my husband, Dave is turned on by some bondage-type situations, but I've always shied away from the idea. However, when Dave's last birthday came around I thought again about the possibility of giving him a real dream-come-true night. I thought about the things he might ask me to do, and considered whether I could manage to stand it for one night. Finally I convinced myself that since he really loved me he would never injure me or put me in danger, and I could brace myself for...

2 years ago
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Rebirthday It was the beginning of my senior year of college, and our fraternity was throwing the annual fresh meat back-to-school party. It's easily the best party of the year because it's our first chance to check out the crop of incoming freshmen girls. They're always so sexy, all dressed up and unsure of themselves, awkward and embarrassed by their blossoming 18 year old bodies, and they're always so worried that they have to put out or they'll get a bad reputation. And as usual...

1 year ago
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I was sitting at my desk going over some students’ essays. For the most part, they were very boring and I found myself awarding dismal scores to students who felt they deserved better. There was a knock on the door. ‘Denise, how many times have I told you not to knock?’ I asked without looking up. ‘Come in.’ The door opened and my colleague Cheryl walked in. She was dressed to kill and I found myself swallowing unconsciously. ‘Hi,’ she said. ‘Hello Cheryl,’ I adjusted my glasses to...

2 years ago
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So recently it was my wifes birthday. She didn't want to do much so I suggested we just go out for maybe some appitizers and drinks. She said that would be nice so se sent the k**s to her mothers and went out. We went and grabbed something to eat and a pitcher then went to an old hangout we havent been to in a few years. We ran into an old friend of mine she hasn't met and we sat with him and started drinking. She was asking how long have we known eash other and stuff and next thing it was...

3 years ago
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I had just got home from work , and what to my wondering surprise my gf is naked and waiting for me on my lazy boy , with her legs spread , playing with her pussy.ON the couch are 3 shemales also naked and playing with there cocks , how she did this i have no idea , but its been my fantasy to have a shemale and my gf in a sexual frenzy ,now i had this and plus two more , wow what a girl.IM licking my lips as i watch all 4 of them playing , my gf tells me she has run a bath for me and has nikki...

2 years ago
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I was sitting at my desk going over some students' essays. For the most part, they were very boring and I found myself awarding dismal scores to students who felt they deserved better. There was a knock on the door. 'Denise, how many times have I told you not to knock?' I asked without looking up. 'Come in.' The door opened and my colleague Cheryl walked in. She was dressed to kill and I found myself swallowing unconsciously. 'Hi,' she said. 'Hello Cheryl,' I adjusted my glasses to...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Jenny laid back on me so I could see our bodies joined at the groin. She is so tiny that her head lay on my chest and I could look down and see everything - her ripe breast swaying in time to our thrusts, her firm tummy rippling with each contraction of her cunt, my slick cock pushing in and out of her distended labia crowned by her hard clit. Jenny's legs were thrown to either side of my bent knees and I kept my legs spread too so she could reach down and cup my balls while we fucked. I...

2 years ago
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"I shouldn't be here," I tell myself. Standing outside the bar, garish neon lights blinking slowly in my face, I shiver and almost leave. It's loud inside; people are laughing and a blare of music tries to drown everyone out. I'm standing about fifteen feet away by a dead lamp post. Watching a somewhat steady stream of people in and out, in various states of dress. Various types. Nice, casual, punk, grimy. All kinds. I had just turned 21. I'm going. Fuck my parents. Fuck the Church and fuck...

First Time
4 years ago
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It was your birthday. Guests already pretty drunk, all talk, that your husband - then told them at the other end of the table. Place next to you empty, and I sat on it. After another toast, I put his hand under the table and put you on the hip. You sit tightly clenched legs, with his heart pounding furiously. At the same time, feeling like silk short dress glides over the skin, begin to be excited. Continuing to explore your legs under her dress, and occasionally throws jokes with your...

3 years ago
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Birthday Part 1Author’s note: This is labeled Part 1 but will probably be the ONLY part that is written.My name was Robin. My friend Jamie had just turned twenty one and we decided to go out to a night club and have some fun. We picked a place out of town so we would have a better pick of guys to dance with than in our local town. We arrived at the club around 10PM and sat at a table to ?scope? things out. At first we danced and talked to several guys but soon we had two sitting with us....

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Vanessa screamed her orgasm, her body squeezing around Tom in every sense. They held each other close as he pumped those streams of cum she so loved deep into her body. They rode the waves together, merging their unholy union. Then he groaned, and slowly pulled his length from his sister's soiled pussy. She raised her hips and stuck in two fingers, as if trying to push all that cum further inside her body, trying to make sure none of it was wasted. "I can feel it inside me," she said. "You're...

2 years ago
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After his unforgettable Fathers Day gift the previous night, Miles rises early the next morning as Elayna still slumbers. Careful not to wake her as he slips from the bed, clad only in boxer briefs, he steps quietly to the door. Before he departs he glances back at her—messy hair, mouth drooping open, arms and legs everywhere—and his love for her swells. She beautiful and funny and super smart, and now she's hotter in bed than ever. He can hardly believe how fortunate he is, and he turns to...

1 year ago
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She was very good at giving blow job. she had pulled her skirt up and was rubbing her pussy as she was sucking me, faster this time. "she must have been waiting to get laid for a while" I thought. She had nice black panties on and I could see she was wet. "Give it to me bitch" I thought to myself as she was sucking harder and harder. A knock on the door broke my concentration as I had to pause the porn movie and quickly put my dick away and go and answer the door. I hated being interrupted. "Is...

3 years ago
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Rimi 8211 The Santa In A Metro

Hey there, readers! I am back to share another page of our life with you. Thank you for all the comments and reactions to the previous stories. Obviously, there is more to come. If you haven’t read my previous stories, do go through them to help yourself get horny and dirty while pleasuring yourselves. Now onto the event. On 24 December 2018, I got on an afternoon metro for an approximately 20-25 minute ride to return home. It was crowded for the timeline we were in. Rimi and I got on the...

2 years ago
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Cum on Mom Part 3

Cum on Mom 3Billy smiled and laid back on the gymnasium bleacher as Sherry Huras, captain of the girls cheerleading squad sucked on his cock. He moaned softly and reached down, running his fingers through her lush brown hair as her full red lips moved up and down his hard shaft. Sherry was dressed in her cheerleading costume, a tiny flared skirt and tight yellow top with the school logo on. He could feel her big breasts brushing his thighs as her head bobbed over his lap, moving faster and...

4 years ago
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Part 3 All In

As I lay here after the most incredible sexual experience in my young life, savoring the feeling of Franks body against mine, His warm breath in my ear, the musky odor of his sweat and best of all the feeling of his thing going soft inside of me, I can’t help but think of how much my life has changed in the past 24 hrs. It started by being forced to were panties. Then Frank putting his thing in me. Then giving and receiving my first blowjob, and now this, has changed me from a normal boy to a...

2 years ago
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Quicky at the gym

The idea of this stranger pleasuring himself while looking at me in public turns me on a lot and with just that idea, my dick starts twitching after a minute or two of this going on. I feel my penis getting harder as I sense this stranger’s gaze on me and not long after, I'm fully erect. I haven't touched myself yet and I hear this man shuffling around; I open my eyes and suddenly realize someone else is walking in—just in time I grab my towel and cover myself. The other person coming in is...

4 years ago
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The Chauffeur 62 Jills Funeral

Unwatch ••• PABLO DIABLO PABLO DIABLO Well-Known Member ** Top Recruiter ** Jan 21, 2020 Add bookmark #1 The Chauffeur (#62) Jill’s Funeral By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 When we woke up the next morning, I found Dakota snuggled up to me in my bed. It took me nearly a half-hour to quietly get out of bed without waking my darling Dakota. I walked quietly to the bathroom to perform my morning duties. Once they were done, I stepped into the shower and turned on the hot...

1 year ago
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Incest Family 6 of 7

Incest Family Part 6 of 7 This is only a fictional story. Any resemblance's to anyone's real life is purely coincidental. As we ate Grandma said, “What was your childhood like? I said, “We had a great childhood. Mom & Dad was the best. They never missed any of our school plays. We played Baseball, Dad was our coach, & Mom ran the Concession Stand. Dad always said, “It was more important to have fun, than to worry about the score.” Our team won the Championship every year we played & Dad was the...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 13

They started out sometime after sunrise the next morning. It was now noon, and the overhead sun was hot. Flies were biting (which Béla didn’t mind, but Jake hated), and Jake had his foot caught in an old abandoned bear trap. “I told you it was a bad idea to follow a game trail,” Béla was saying. Jake grimaced in pain, only groaning in reply. Béla didn’t know how, nor was she strong enough, to release the trap. But she was glad it was Jake that had sprung the trap and not her. He was the...

2 years ago
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Crossdresser gets help from a stranger

A Good Relationship - Cross-dresser gets help from stranger.I had just moved into the country to a nice little cottage that my mother owned, she left it to me when she died. I had lived there for a couple of months, and began to feel at home and took to exploring the countryside. Across the lane from my house was a footpath lined on both sides by a tall hedge, it went past a large mansion house, which was the only other building for miles. The path led to a small wood which I thought I would...

3 years ago
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Hard snow pnp freak session pt2

Now here we are back upstairs, Mike has $ & alcohol, I have PLENTY of crack left. I took the brillo out of my pipe and replaced it with a new piece that i made another "crack burrito" with rocks on both ends of it then as I started heating my pipe up I started thinking about the basement my movies and the privacy to get all the way naked and all the way freaky nasty! I told Mike I wanted to go bk dowstairs so I could really enjoy myself, he asked why, i told him to get naked and watch the...

4 years ago
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Slutty Whore Fianceacutee Part 3

Slutty Whore Fiancée (Part 3)(see Parts 1-2 first) When I woke up in the early afternoon, she wasn't in bed with me. The blinds were pulled, making it look like twilight instead of broad daylight. I felt hung over and like I'd been beaten up. I didn't notice the light under the closed bathroom door until I'd staggered halfway across the bedroom. I slowed down and heard faint sounds coming from the other side of the door, too. Helen was in there. The noise was water sloshing and her moaning. My...

3 years ago
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The Cheating Wife Massage

This is a copy of an email I sent to the woman in my pictures. She loved the sensual when we first started seeing each other and over time got into the submissive, we did actually act this exact scenario out at the Marriott hotel just outside ManchesterYou have arrived at my house and this time you get undressed straight away, eager for me to start massaging you with warm oil. You are covered in towels and have left on your knickers which are very light and silky.I uncover your back and begin...

3 years ago
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Good Girl

.....stop.....stop fidgeting....He will be here soon so stop now....I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I inhale deeply as I feel His hand go through my hair. I blow out slowly as his hand slowly moves to my neck. My nipples harden as I feel His breath on my neck and then in my ear as He whispers "its so cute when you fidget like that cunt....mmmmm so damn cute...." I cant help but reach my hand down to my now wet and aching cunt and take 2 fingers and start to enter my tight, wet,...

3 years ago
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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 10 Second Timothy One Plus One Equals One

"Tim, you never did tell me when she is." "It's kind of strange," Tim admitted. "She's having to stay on the east side so she doesn't meet people who know she's on the west side. She's at both places and it's just a little unusual." "I'll bet," Wendy said. "We never tried to be in the same time together ... well, except for that time when we came back from Watching it on the lake. That was different ... we blended." "She's only got to be one and one for another couple of...

3 years ago
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Looking up my teacher dress

I was the only boy in detention, with Miss Meek. My music teacher. She instructed me to get with my homework, and sat at her desk, and began, marking our tests. I had purposely sat straight in front of her desk. With her glasses on, I knew, she couldn’t see me clearly, so I pretended to work, but stared right at her. I have had, so many; wet dreams about her, ever since I saw, up her dress, in grade one music. I got a massive stiffy, in my school pants. I un-zipped my pants, and pulled it out,...

3 years ago
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The Night to ComePart III

    Suddenly Patricia took on a role I was not expecting.  Perhaps she was merely becoming more and more comfortable in this situation, more okay with wanting a woman.  Whatever it was, she quickly assumed the more dominant role by ordering: ‘Lay on your stomach, Katelyn.’  When I looked at her in shock she grabbed a handful of my long dark hair and pulled so my ear was inches from her face.  ‘Lay on your stomach.  Now.’   I shuddered in pleasure.  Patricia knew I enjoyed a more submissive...

1 year ago
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Trents Crush

Trent was 18, he was 6 '1, he had curly hair, bright green eyes, and a cute smile, and well...he was gay--but he did not want to admit it to himself. Everyday in gym class he would find himself looking forward to changing in the locker room with all the other sweaty guys after class. He also discovered that he had a crush on this one guy in his class named Chris. Everyday in the hall Trent would find himself looking through the crowds in the hall to get a glimpse of him. Chris was the...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Sex With Known Lady

Hi guys, thanks for the valuable reply from readers who read my earlier story “maid’s daughter”. Based on your replies and support i am giving another real life experience to you all. This incident happened in 2010 mid of year when i met my known lady who was living near my house earlier. She was 29 by that time and i was 24. She was dark in complexion and having a good structure. Even though she is not fair, but her assets will surely catch attention of any man who is crossing her. Let’s come...

2 years ago
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Benji and His Nightly Tongue Fucking 4

Everytime he licked my little pussy it would be in the privacy of my bedroom, morning, lunch break, when I was home alone and especially when my parents were fucking. That was my favourite! My bedtime attire would consist of panties and an oversized t-shirt, lately I had been wearing my step dad's as I like the feel of it and I could smell his aftershave on it. It was an early night for everyone as it was the summer so we were going on holiday the next day. My parents had agreed to let me...

2 years ago
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The Lonely Wife 5

Chapter 5 The next Saturday I was to meet my teen lover again and was looking forward to a good fuck session with that big cock. I went to the same hotel and checked in. I pulled my car around the backside of the hotel since I wanted to get my car out of sight. As I turned around the corner I got a big shock when I saw my husband’s car parked there.Son of bitch that bastard was already there probably fucking his lover!I moved my car about a block away and walked back to the hotel. I went to my...

2 years ago
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Job Interview To Life Partners

Hi, I am Rohit, 23-year-old computer engineering graduate from Karnataka. This is my fantasy story. After finishing my graduation I was desperately searching for a job. I have uploaded my resume in all the job portals but with little or no success I had to leave my hometown and left for Bangalore in search of a job. I did not have money for the longer duration of stay in Bangalore and pressure to find a job was brewing on me. I booked a paying guest in j p Nagar for 3000 rupees per month which...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Older Lover Part 2

Special thanks to Mara for editing for me!   Hope you all enjoy part 2! The next morning Martin awoke to my head on his chest and my arm wrapped around him holding him tight. He leaned down and kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me. We laid there with me in his strong arms for a few minutes listening to the early signs of morning. He untangled himself from me and pulled on his pajama bottoms and went into the bathroom. When he came back into the bedroom after his quick shower he...

1 year ago
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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 18

"Are you going -- pant -- to the dance -- puff --?" "Noooo," I drawled out sourly. "Why not?" "Nobody's asked me," I answered irritably, my sneakers chuff-chuff-chuffing on the sidewalk, the morning breeze taking its usual liberties with my unclothed state. The neighborhood was so used to seeing me this way I got friendly waves with only an occasional whistle. Missy, of course, was in her running finery. At least Missy's question was a good distraction from all my other worries,...

3 years ago
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Tissues Ticklish Mom Goes ShoppingChapter 2

I woke up with a start to the sheet being yanked off my naked body. I realized quickly that Ms. Connor was the one who pulled the sheet off and that I was still tied. My sleep had been deep because of how exhausted I was. Exhausted both mentally and physically. I felt like I’d been dreaming, but I couldn’t remember what I dreamed about. I didn’t have much time to think about it. SMACK!! SMACK!! Ms. Connor had a leather flogger in her hand and had slapped it across my belly twice in rapid...

1 year ago
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Sexy Sex Doll

Sexy Sex Doll! It’s hard to get tired of porno, but I know sometimes people want to ramp it up a little. That’s one of the reasons hookers are so popular, but even those lays come with some strings attached. Well, we’re living in the goddamn future, so you’ve got a growing number of options. For example, offers stunningly realistic sex dolls for your pleasure.These aren’t the inflatable bitches you can buy at the dank and dirty local porn shop. You know, like the one your...

Sex Doll Shops
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The UpgradeChapter 6a Janey Julie and Sir ndash The discussion and the aftermath

Janey, Julie, and Sir – The discussion and the aftermath – From The Upgrade [Reader beware: Intense sexual action.] After Natasha and Eddie left for home, Julie explains her love of Eddies bottom, with Janey’s assistance. Stroke, FFM, Incest, sisters, water sports, anal I was in the shower, relishing in the warm water, when I was joined by the sisters. I decided then to ask Julie about her infatuation with Eddie’s, and before that, Kitten’s, ass parts. I told her what I noticed when she was...

2 years ago
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The Man Who Has a Spare

This is a sequel of sorts to "Buying a Teenage Girl" by Angel. The author brought the story to a reasonable ending, but I was intrigued by some unexplored possibilities in it. This begins with a summary of it, with some details changed because I felt them superfluously complicating, and others altered to fit my own prejudices. I had started my own business and worked quite hard on it; hard enough that it probably accounts for my not marrying when I was in my twenties. At...

3 years ago
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Diana was lying on her bed panting softly as she stimulated her clitoris with her fingers while gripping her breast. The 22 year could feel her two fingers become soaked with her own wetness, she was becoming close to her breaking point. Her brown skin was slightly sticking to the sheets from the sweat. She then placed her other hand below to maximize the sensation, after one last moan she sighed with slight satisfaction. Her hands could only do so much and not owning any sex toys only made her...

2 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 55

As they exited the tunnel, Finn swept the area with the gun camera. There was no sign of the snowmobiles or their drivers. With palms sweating, Liv idled through the canyon, heading back toward the main road. For several minutes, the only sounds they heard were their breathing and the snow crunching under the treads. The tension built, as the mine faded in the rear camera view. Suddenly, the high-pitched sound of a powerful engine broke the silence. From a cave behind them, a snowmobile...

3 years ago
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Rohit Ki Wife Ko Choda

Mera harry hai . Meri pheli story app ko bhut achi lagi .Apke kafi saare mail aye . Thanks . Abh main apni dosri story ke sath hajar hoya hu .Ass karta ho je story v apko bhut achi lagegi . Je meri true story hai hai . Je baat do din phele ki hai . Mujhe ek mail ayi rohit naam ke ladke ki .Humne no . Exchange kiya aur osne mujhe call kiya osne mujhe apne aur apni wife ke bare main bataya . Osne bataya ke woh osse santust nai kar pata oska land chota hai . Oski marriage ko 2 saal ho chuke the ....

3 years ago
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How i not banged my mom for the first time

My family consists of my father Ravi, my mom Shradha, my sister Pooja and myself Harish.My father is 51 and my mother is 38. My age is 20.I was a normal guy until I started watching porn videos.My mind got corrupted and I started fantasizing about women around me – my teachers my aunties .Slowly I dived into the world of i****t taboo porn especially the mother-son genre.It simply blew my mind I started imagining myself and my mom.My mom was a hot lady she was fair in color with nice juicy boobs...

2 years ago
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My wife is a public prey

The story is challenging enough, that is, how the whole thing developed. Having not had meaningful sexual intercourse with my wife for some years now, well, I began thinking about HER needs. Perhaps toys and a variety of penises were the answer, however I further thought perhaps something deeper was involved here. What my wife REALLY needed was a man who would fuck her long and deeply…(forget the toys). And this wouldn’t be easy, as she was never with anyone other than myself since...

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My girlfriend made me a sissy part 2

For those who are reading my story for the first time make sure that you go through part 1I woke up, stretched out and smiled as I felt the familiar sensation of mygirlfriend's panties rubbing on my cock. The feeling instantly brought backmemories of the night before: I had gone to a party with my rather dominantgirlfriend; been coerced into her panties; sucked my very first cock andfound out my girlfriend had fucked another guy whilst I was doing it. Iloved every minute of it, my sissy-cock...

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The Inheritance ExWives 1

EX-WIVES 1 THE INHERITANCE by Richard Stryker Copyright. R. Stryker 2001. The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988. Provided with Permission of my publishers at: and all my mini novels can also be found at my officialwebsite at:     CHAPTER 1 It had been nearly four long years since they'd divorced and the...

4 years ago
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First Meeting

Thank you to the wonderful Morgan Hawke for the great advice she gives in the forum. I tried to use it here. Also a special thank you to my amazing geeky girl (you know who you are!!!), all those stories you make me tell encouraged me to write again…… Walking through the airport concourse, pushing the unwieldy trolley ahead of me, trying to stop it clipping the ankles of the people ahead of me I search the crowds for my first glimpse of her. Finally I see her, standing in from of Starbucks,...

2 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal New Neighbours Part One

"See honey," Emily said as she pushed open the door to their new home and guided her husband inside. "Isn't this going to be great?" Roger gasped as he took in the spacious living room. "Oh my goodness," he cried, his eyes going wide. "Look at how big it is." Emily nodded as she gently caressed her swollen belly. She had just gotten a promotion at her firm which included a massive bump in her paycheck, that meant that they could finally move out of their tiny apartment in the city...

3 years ago
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Jenny Detenny

Jenny was a loudmouth bonehead, and thats putting it nicely. She strutted around school just shrugging and talking in a fake americain accent. The boys didn't like her cus she always botherd thm in PE/sports or took the micky out of them. One day she was staying after school for a DT (detention). The teachers had decided that they'd teach her a lessn she'd never forget. She was taken to the gym and was told to strip off all her clothes. She refused so two big male teachers grabbed her and tied...

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